The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, November 16, 1870, Image 3

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iNg r AtUttl
- I
frAtattea runntrig 01/111"
the different routes from
ellsboro, will deart and
- • • I V ea Daiwa tit
;.. 46rolitok.
otioc l i ea Tioos.-11:ispart IS A 10, a. m., arrive I;k4
r ..tV f1 5 9 1 A19 "
o ho A Idaseriii.o.4--Depart Ba. M., arrive m
„ „ o no Couriassroar,_—kep. Ron. Thur. 2 p. m.
" i " goitre Afenday AThlifiday st , l2 m .
t0 ,„ 0 .7 JEStall Bitow—Depart Mon.& Thur. 9a m
arrges Fri.& 4.111_
tavola)* at a
p so., arr. am t lay a ~M.
a . s•
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 10, 1870.
* MtP eu Vii tJ `li
iiew Photograph willary.--D. U. Sara ore.
Auc tion—O. N. Brewster.
ilEuetous.--Eiervices will be held in
a , Episcopal Church, Walliboro, morning and
t uning, on the Sabbath, hereafter.
ihrti* *,..441. 1 410naNCiiit,, 043
N ok, Pa., post once has been chan g ed to that
—A black silk sash jar loaf 'abiltit , ' tiro' weeks
tines, between the residence of P. C. Van Gelder
and that of G. W. Mersiehon Main street, The
t s d•r will please leave the same at this office.
* —Mr. C. B. lltttirinet""
to hit resid'eue`i, iron s in s met': on e line
Noreen Mr. garsinn and Mr. Rioheide's iota.
coTimEth Of the ,llESex
mslo coon will be on WWII evivink l .,
Gr 2fi Abst P os k ,J4 4 k a t i s il l
Lois As Smith Bowen ; twi
? not be
quite reedy, the lecture will be et - the Methodist
ohlreh. Patiloulass next leek.
ADDRESS.—MajOr G. W . Merril* ad
dressed the students of the Wellabotough High
School Frid*, Otimpelt' of.; Wt. mankiiMbi rsw
mar were listened to :With buthientitt\ieteso
the pupils.
Busnass.—The - Wellsboro and Law
tencevills 111.404-4 0 04171 a4vV ° A ' t t4 - 4
s. 4 , 414 61 4 t4 7 1
111 iong.the line. They are to , •be six inches
dick, sem inches face, and nine feet long—
me oak, some chestnut, some tissalooh, .
; - " OTZ:1
ELK. —A correspondent writes us that
ID extensive religious ravival is_ in piogreis.
toltblitli, Oit s q l ,P li jAii444 , l l 4. l 44ll
Bee. Afettlt.: , Afetliiilai. I
listed by , ft person not named, • not to whonrol
but to God," says our correspondent, " be all the
ft ,c t
itoptered . hti his liote by • new coat of paint,
sod has put blinds on dui one occupied by Mr.
Bunnell. Both these . horsSeastrt....dohig s kApOtl
buiiness: We'Stiall'imisrer ag ain
sraylt for *gond
betel in Welleboro. " Opposition is the life of
DRESS 144..warzo w -Miv
. poq‘ § 0d -
derd aria len die:Bl-ittilittif6ilicoh
qualifies her to gild good setisfaotion to keit cus
tomer'', will do work in her line for any who
desire her service* at i s it*,own intipett, or - at the
bow of D W. Avery, on Main St, Wellsboro.
Rhe cuts, fits and make's after the latest and
most approved styles, at reasonable Otitis*.
Bice her a eAll
TilE R F:A.'ktiiii.- 2 E;t111 I.l.)e i r'”ll.l4or
eou ULM ee beautiful. Limit ulg s V the;
Fret flurry of snow fell - In - this toirn,iit6iiKtirelve
'''clock veapely spat, 41&12 vrqite
and in tin altriktiiirtho etitl alione out 4iglin as
briAhtly as, lei the emtnerilme. or! . hove
-1 319Ms,1101::4413:010!1.4114V. etrying.-Wpolli emitt Q 4 (
tura tOoti-oeurwilei ber;;Coei v rarv:vetle'.:orniilelifin;
think there had 1 liven
ally, eherilf tHiteitfingr -
November dap..
„ . .
PERSONAL.—A. W. Guernsey, form-_
tit; of Ole eouttlf,'-is Tanisl
City, lowa, whero he has tesidid • fief gotn oars,
put. JIG was iiiileallted Septecitiiii, and
out in the practierWitbilitteriniiiiiiiiii - iiti.
—E. R. Ifelgti r iflipiyk Creek,9Bl engaged
ia the sale of ilisitat hatselitniti.
—George W. Sears; better tci', - eotne as
" Bacchus," is yet in South America, testing his
Invention to eitaieriabVer: , :"coireiriiindan t
for the Catskill Recorder, from which we extract
letter publiehed-on oar drrt page. •
FARRIVELL TO WM. H. Surrat. - -:4li
Our lag ee meettoned that a banquet Wearglien
it the Cone Houle, Monday-atoning, -- November
7, ip honor, ?f, of,ifir,Oq t!Atif,'
Pbgib atiii , erittichir
family for their new
at' to,r4lOrk h City, N.
Cars. R.„.5`
Arriving at the 4.441 obsillY after 7 o'clock,
se found the halls and rpotop in -tbo, and
Lunt') atone, tolithantlj . .ra ) rl ; already
thronged withottng,,,inil ,Sitio had
Coma to pry iheir•ritiiieti'leihti'gttelttrot the
eveoirg And atilt ditty eti - lifti ? till 11, ,, w0.5, aseor
weed; when ; , - tbe. tulip ;'coi istip . 4;sarejlik she'
FttiPo..t L.lnUkt
brilliant and: highly TesitiotAbis' 16ja P 6121 "
bracing a •I ire iittrobaCoretti!
altlsens, %snit' islio L ui 114 9 6 # 1 ..:CW1PW) 0 0.
prefissioniff ):pr
01 4.7 )nose.. • 3. irb.l9
The entertainment It Jur 'Ai/40V:
4 complhaso . ,t - to AMY: V an* ,
atevi.iii t i)###N
eial ye : union of Ola'kftias,otanoes,j and 4mq:dad
t 'apparition) to postiolpatsolnAttor Anti Anitertatol
toot 'Olen et the aaire Binh.
+peak untie partinitteW4'ihtlii94l!tve4'if•
keen It - shill be rOltitilkhu'fil•
tutainky a tood'ei establishroptia, Dna, tn. , .
Tel far, and not find a hotel so elegautlYleilihMi'
zed furnished se this still be when - eioteOeet
Whitt the lotiar fotioh r ir die q
marched to (ye' A p h
band, who oiereprestO,lttsettgltOtal tbliAtitignel
sod added greatly to tho pleasures of the.Clthil'
748 dining room Is large and, very 4( 1 3.
punted &ad flnlabetl, and the eae,ne
nolt, kto tiilliakut.umnaoy.tock.thisit 1,4 44 *- at'
tbe table/ lades with all the dalatievablViAidiev
C4t3 one would expect to 'tee
It was euggeetd ioi.
Proulptu marriage ivot,tldl:4",al!alaiaalr PrPli!e
-4$ ehe 'herbal( eireatTf_allied in " Ilymen's
binds," we attribute the iouittidei, iiy;lietiiir)
elthelor frtend on the left.
Supper over, ,n. the midst of itho •telyens scene,
*urn was called to fileiigel and lion"
was der at edll r trbut
i i P 4 : ll ' llsi ""
!tpeaily of our,litle44lvAMYtektii'ali. ll, - - tunst 7 in a'
"lei and tei:eitsteit: siSceet4-kairaririg, bitn' r li . il/tette;,
004 vi:lien (tile c 4 etinty;•an'tl
Fredietiiig for him wi'
hie new field ut-enterpuitse-Av"'"'' . H" 4 '
The regular toanktiferi:ihttudYWltti." tittaf.respon.
;led (0:
1, "0 e e 'Corer. s. l o.; • - , • ,'...' : 1 , -- ri
Tho retairlie of far:_ainitillin.'7,#4olA.:l3;i!?l•l?..l-a•
all alior, 'ere . n;lo,soitguit for,' t6s eticalisMo •euldi
iaa ff Hl4.4 &gel/OPT/4d*, hie iistenlirt, :nit
wits their intemat- akid:elt9iatlly"in libittite•
hid. Allbll fifit Is'isWe l dtirPent in k , t tys,cflpt/ t ,
" 4 thatau_3tesiliLlsiaAsniest!tifsii •
the 4 4Y IhroreAsten.tiettn.Q-apent in- isli lOtiti6l-
titer sad - profeseionat entree:ln 'our own'totin.L- . 1
His soceeas bee beefs IsikeV ii.tu:antlaify,lt'ahlosfd .
!! 4 5. 11 Id ppp . )be ai l fietapekieosteAri: pepliing t i ; fur
14 „1,1ft 01141al. ~ .o, o9 ' l Pla b lu'': l4 ' aia4 Th al.
•" " a ' , it Itcoßfnil 4 Slikotit:4l) 11111 tea tfultri'
" : / : ; ( 4 0 .. 4, A,1411-f-Itt-, RI/V14401411190011Mt
1 11 4. "'* real mcfllqtkiAlltts dind'!a:)tavryerittbest,
..r. Smith", Attlimet easy to fill the place of
"eh a asan.;•ssa4.l lb° city is which, bli • ilialt
taste his (aura -botass--tessy—wellAw—eernitte •
stoat torten,., te iktkesitoquigitionA•no telmetill
end wortkit • edditipino. .c: , ..t, c '":11 --;" - s
l' ril° Plgilf #9llif•lti ilt ,' 0 ''ll SET .
l' 6• . eemarlap.cti 14 r.z,Popsiworat#l , tansi*lO'airlif!
that interest, and the enthotalistas meth which
the tease way receintd r - wen mosoptimentary - not
alone to the house but more so if ltaisibte to the
t t •Phator4 , abt4s4sos ul in k .,Merat i ty tw-erect-'•
af aileh. a hotel, so tench needed-1 ipllahrttrlllede;
win 14
l i o sts i 1..4114°6114 utr'fFo4,o4.launip, fee; ifok
.tscp' Ault stab . -'',. i s ,!:
1. T it lifirA -:, -:: !-., ...AI ...- .3.5.,,5...r. ~-,,=-,
tioa. id. V.! Witsen,•-es•nonnber , •eif 'fti'
itoot this district, responded 111101:4111 .1
prshenstat Apettd4Antlifili WI should
_lse /lad to
?sport isc t iss,vlN,lltd epees pernitaMiikjiteie,
thirty 5tt114414 A=r1.14340141. g .
nv---trut t
example before-him, it/Re bfkiiithat,O,u l ' late as'
sociate!akaloalaraliall ikakbrmata egollydaga t ,
0 4 6 : 0ai k i 1 0 P hi .4944 1 - 46 , ika $44 41 / 00' 1
foooriforieptmyr z irmitik#o : 4ll66o
'Esq., /register is Bankruptoy. They were nisi
=wee P 7,0 n6i dx , . l .11 , 4%;; , a-At 11 ft-
" Wiiiilinitt4 Atelier 2 ii;;ll3 . lkr4 cft I
' ollugh Young and , Othltezie - ore: MS ,
' favor is at hand. I -greatly nfeilk' nt 'akin! I
engagements in- ay &dant vase of- AIWA*, ,
w 11l render mj ai3tapluniii orycrut'i vitafiriCif I
i°4l3dl4ll4 :7 ll 2 )4o ;t 4rf " l lll o ,l l fifa i .V '
would , -,. • :.::;,-, e
I afford nie Pisasum,
~.....guyeAt- h lto,
expression' taSuy,regard for - 44.„Plasttb,...and,Any t
rellOt:anda ditersinsitiOn. to linTo ~010,0i,il lo y
and our. good old Commonwealth, to.try ; his \ prow
fits/ions' fortunsa fa avaistralEitstai.-41bProtnoval
will bolatt nit lotalljtat IWO flisi ono bps**
d i e t/F ie l d it:ftgeir.o.ra-4./ ,Ltweirs,:',. ...4r , , p. Jut
"W. can illy afford io pail is en ' -( 1fil,
nine" ith d 'tin- mutat, f froc
Sneti filialitiii lisitifieniaiiill ifi t r i e
useful, prosperous an oppected wherever he
A li
may go. Again exp 1.64% *Velvet at roy,,ina
blittylo peros,i rttlin • : VIP vilv7 # 414 ? 1
Y° 6tif • e ~ 1',;_fi:2 , .,1 2 ..-. - TiftwAra
,Ivi., via4444 , ,;ilotiV
f0iwit:9;4444:44151*T-409409111404.; , 911 , /
fargraitivitingioststo attend Abe , cosnpkisnental
barite* . ti:, beltiyan;:to-ont. l ilill6w hitlssfa,%Wita: ,
BMjty, Rive; onlyelortidforh*Jesislat Willis 'it
1244 1 , 4 1 111 4. i i : SWYPg,`•NTII I 4I42*„ . _ii.
thooftet-Pll4 prMni b 0 41til - 1 4 ilai rt - _ m ar
health of my family will not permit. _:, 4
tO, be Share invasion So,tinder my il l =
, tsifirs BEd MOM* bto isatiMilkhviegYi t ,
inlay liatistist thif X irlshAltinvisll leindif df slictis 1
coke ifid 'falititiliiiisie in`.11411. 3 len' Athhiii,l,7 .
thfi .*i!lU PPLIPIrk .)%ftli, iff , 4. ;IA _110. 6 k
doubt'. The same energy eadaimierprfutat
baa sharifateftdAsAllVSAMoiteNAidiM
inns success in any plan, sad part .•
a mita : 41:.4.14_,Lair9atmarbattziltisaANUEiff
have „bean to setae mitt* waxting, wan"
fi111,614.4401W11 rotr,
thins. W hile therefore regiettl6 'he 1 igo
r: sith. frog'. PlRA9.Sniblifi4A9r Mato
PritaktflOrAWAS filMOMitaitattpr—oUllintl ..
om..iisracmew Miarri,alle Mit Ilikji
) ! G bia a t.lo-ta annul 4,l:Atact nun 21 I.lxta
t'. 'd li lc .e f iiiii,' ; ; & ,, .',:ii:D.';-,;2.,:, t " : z' , : 4 !-,!....:
i i words which._wkik4i. , te.AVY../1451 , 44i•PRA4! slig%
and wor of Mr. Smith — and bid family. Fir
siany years i liaitiaiieiiiiiifi'lniddo gastor, and
. .
I f i i-i t t lt 2 3 : I ll i l i ki l i4ool * .z* t An t 7 t l ;4 ?: - ; ,
~ 194.114.10 it4A,, W Pfclll,4sithl . isPaiit4i,
1 torroftebe ld .i 8. , Church of 'Oa phis Wit tailed
I out anti**Ozob l yiry appr,oplater t t tiki" -1
I i .5! " ( YU Vidical ProfmicmY"' .
i. I' be absence of Dr. ti . ,_,,,,.Otter — iks — tcast wa s.
' fi -' - 'w r'W' .„ zitab., ~..-.
iespo a.h tti-b'Y r. ..,, ..3tlth, n' a concise
f i_
t speec , which wit 4ifitkitd - otb.iiithislatiftdStint - s'. 7
if' eSI hii nil: 11 ,TIni IddehligiktiiiiiididskeltffinOirAth.:
r: triiikh iii ; theOeParilleinetliAesiOdlelilleilif
art of %iv Ring instrditAffigilVf 'id#111 4 1)11t
erioitiliiiii' to beiOnle acgoainfadivitt
ersithrshbabitlf IhOvgbp L ipildllitiffetegt . •• , ~ :
tefitio le' iihttliVei iir uti'dertlir csi 0 1 , / :•g . ;:;:1_, ‘ , 2 ,.1 .
I esa
.e.. , ne lone ., „. t ~,,,,,,., „:, . % - Cf •-• 7.13 .: Z I i t fr ilra-;,.
i c Mn Vidtillik ti o l %*V l4ll W l4 !
OYIPg uotblagAbOsiti it; i
7. " The lioracknd the Soua: ; - -----
M. F. Elliott, Elct.olaintin . idjtthiiptaAtAtimeot,
iu a brief ..aliii4becl opeceb, Ely mueb to the
p,o \ rpore.
4 8. " The Aiq 7, 1 4 1 31,;;P'"" • .
Col. A., E. N '44 rerponntoti r in a •cigortlia .not
rpoech, eloping with a rfiforEnclAn,.
tha late Acinirotkikti!pit, tit hiolt c)icidc.4,spotAa
acoai citeeri from the •
9. " The tutelfirin'oftiSinith Afirwiek." ( •
Marricktdidtlatecif g!iatrerellit in
4 brief epeeett; 'oll'e'anfy in
P, List; bnt t nOt'leitit , camo :
9. " The Lactiel,'Mdililiitoiheini".-
TA Abe_absence oflCapiL .14111.:ShavvY who ac,
eimptinies Mr. SmitlyPtitilli;'iirid:Wllo_fildiesPee..
'141 3 10 pay his cOMpllTlO;goLAitit a iiiismottlite
Acesion, Ilugh.Yotyipg:Erq., rettione_ik
dtkrt ti hja
gliatimeoh . . 4 kAitiotious ranants:-.AMeisiOviiir,
iiketltitaimbjdttAfery much ; and we do not tines.'
; .4,
Is interesting, met& beautiful wlletit rilOrKbg
art, charming' (re iti‘ bwn
fruitful, and thereforonumerous t Such a subject
:id inspiring, dot r;rWit 6 il at the elo
quence of those who ate called to speak to snobs
theme The theinelltatif ib "el6qtreeiee - Portrait-
the,ntsreoliisin at $ 40)e,filitto opts
did rigalh tub jettestie- bdtOt& L 'igitioeori'ell 'refits
apartments above, tome in social grog s, some
ptonienadint ; thl long
int thiuts sens,b) aolifk l 'iiittr,
seim tho.
music keeps the time; 0 not attorda .a. phisianCr&
lidf to the convorsationtscdrivingtlWiliilfehil.
oti COD rentiobalitieS atlaltorrns:- - • - • ••
The night was irestAtjukvirhsrliew-froprigi
-o t . sseseterS„. , -11WPIrtiThe sleeping village,
'lefoquinf Of happy boon a, 0,u4, contented families
Alb enjoymenta,unbrttJt . en by quel fortnis k aiti
and iei prhe4(lY, tint sus% Oasts of itar,, Tr:styli&
sweet pease autibp , thh tit IhriAtbteh:sttiottijkli
giardiant of the night set to keeirtilitie n air3'
ward over a Kenn hf pruilii - nT 4 benuty e nneSAVe4 t
At 4qu ' ef - ;; I !' V l F l( 4 . 4lll l fftsaltagMhaslYdall•
dePetiear thitiset,n4iemi.3.werer:slaidjtratsiTtbil
tertaininecte logs vl9sech
,bared tt.a t ppppt rpiessant,itoidents of the year,
the history of Witisboro.
_ _
~ •• __
- ,11. D 4 Bohn:WO-III el and the I)lio 10
ir I « , 4 i
green. on Saturday aim t, at /- p. Al.. 4 cows, lusg.
134 wagospl timings,: double bittagi;l,ll44l.
lo;robes. :,,, % ::_ _ z , . ac. .:Jr.o7is . :•1 asu. 'a
, . .
VlOGA..—EllEthaayif khing a
f 11 9)
pilsr house Ob 'Willl l ft itiWt. -
- 3 th t ere;spts .fr•RVgicW4tie.#7. o ititatlatiitslowst thel
It, er day preiwlnstrwasaupposintasslbilifatierifil
of fire . A whistle at one of our business mita
'll42lnento( *OW Id hlotilti4litsi ik4a - acieltal i ilia
tan nnieaionable bora, and it blow so harden.
yaigolint the denisetiVerqxt 3-1)Itt'S)4140 1 1
srfseklairititlit i riaVASra . 6"t eta", 17
~ iiiir n eggitt4 so i.VVit t. aq , lig Ill'a l p
eq ipillikAr4ey,%iitilon! ' % l ir, ark-, , ,1144 , art
,getald Iskilif4ft ft ; lids pri 4 ii - e t re, Ilea sigreat
4goin motion titßia Said!' ° tieiybody whrited 'to
. 4 knbw where iho fire WAN and no one could till:
t fit the whiitle icepi t upits,lmrcid, 1, reign. , At. ,,
fat the "stitlifwiidisoatefed-, tabd:oredid kin.:
a ausof oldermanie pro_p_ortions, who had run
go ' ertd.far-,Abat !WOWS. all Mif..431 bretith,
s , -,
%sent to ilia nearest Justice to get out a warrant
for th braaali of, the peutgeta it. id 3 i.,-.,', 1 , a. , I•
t. 6 ie to w -12. 0 "oikers,thisbraln!" 'ehtil'iliticky
. V 7111" is to be tested - again, They
I lsYo at I3FFIr
,tqms mp.pio Mit It—Kids 44 fiti - ha tokr eisy
ofte-rience• . .1., ,li /`l , / 3 4.t) t 3 9153 ab A c . ..1 - It, .
There were...fig heptilmit sst•l'ditatelt ‘'NatitlPsi t
l ii
atb Afr's ee k . A largenuniberbflienfildivit;
nele a the' , it 4 140441 ri -11 4h T er t A -lot 'of rowdies
',' on 1 t o other bide' lie tbe , ' r riler disgraced them.:
Jeli'es by ooutiiig and twakiAg: b. igifiat'dettE 4 of j
noise. I . .-- --
, Partrez• from Elmira ereiiressingi wtAtett 7i
*VII Creek. somea.rgieanNi y. 1..,* ~.: .: - -t ,,, ,••
•• ~
. 4. I'. B hi ifshiett; a - Mitchell Creek, raised a nice
- 7kl'eco of emu ibis year. It-eialt on greensward
ziohnd. Ile fleuStlrefil llote,_,MilliNte acre, and
:thid 17(STAtelli W 'Thhirs. ere was no
- Poe, ''. itilttigvactuis conigUiftlliAli pti
ills, I ,, or_fas,LAFitttl r levitt MI
foot. If.eAal -Inning Vt ..dreavre - whieh mes
a/re fr..ti1,,1?*A44 / ,inctiestret, harbLtnntohenifibt;
! rags r -a . '1. 11 .1..• Pgt., ift:AKivitterts tr-.4::3 ir!.l , 1 .r.i
Isi 644 , gifi e ,64l/ -7,D
1. -,.: ~,,.,.:,, , 1 ~- -ds tor
fk • ..!, 5v , ,,: - .‘ t. , r;.11-0
' 'L tVY ;,01)1,-,- Tile , .weatterl Iftidrtrifelie
, , iii, 4 tit, I)3Nfinituntil the brae reflrof,titalrit,',* ' a !
.we , ik ere visited by a trind4t44l, , Isinteh'l 01Z1.
Leeverril hours. We were on the roidlaq'alf'
' ,ittehlt at the time, and Ate -4-411 pp
iVrougt; l the tin; tops E as ter grand, white
44.1 2/
the fall' g limbs a 444 ' 4 tiofilightfally
:dangerous. ' ilatithe ground been fillettwAtam
", there 411111‘ 11 / 1 1 1411 140 131/6Mllsreel?
•I :ll'_.bWrik:_donlis. ,- A,. :,;:: •, ~ , ..",• ~,,,,‘„r,..,T v•gf)
• :.61r. ‘ ,4 1 , Spark s h mho Hada itt ithe south= Paste
the tOcgthip,./ped, with Malibu ' qv teryl $3 roil"
essapo449.lxtifillitilgdinthcr, .:, IliarbdUartfeseilitb
:she *with If heilusit tics Eta vow tiefikp-um
Ving,b 4 /1! fis dow as viptib 'W4 I' •
latir4ineAti twdreyantirtliftrUfti Wilms 9• . ,
_parikt,K 4aAtitleaMieNthidkittlkitt nisei . it
a giant maple * , ItiOk kttlial militatiatt,Tilt ,
it fri.m tbisNateatictitireabith think-fail, before'
*fell; apCatirlwas ditEcult,to tell whiet way
it would fa t t2aws ense„wig • ,
feartut — f inbifforp - wliegis et t, a win.
pm, crue..iliwatill) itiqprititta4B4l9o4,
Nty.e, 1,1. F. el . rti . rum En, that - they did' not move.
est Frtday, the yonaigept egipt fly R. , VIII. I , ton
Union, aged•tirelktri,` while - WV if with
itis bretkez t ,fak,,V; ra- wak,,pattingTao“ . ,,m*C
1 1 " 11 Ii. CP.9, e4l rillia-:APP-SRAtonoio W.Ftt
-_ °ill° 115!Aki.:31 , 2" 7 1:4 e 4. !, < r .B.•Pattstlltutt',t
--Lr.N 0,11 :Alt ..t
'-r-rr'f 'f 3 , —, '.,,: ' 4', )
)' MAlNsßtrno.—Mr. E. A. - nib - tai
?phi hilt tm. awl, 10 t, r 1r4igop AM?? 1)44 ,
fleeter' . Ott Ago. IR Mehra.* , t3t, Pi,Vont.
ay, OE , 011., About kba. orw ()Arm Tiro
ex pa t - 14,14 - 110,.10*. 4 14t 0n p i fp alio. c
g a l ° rofistelti'oiii,lou Ifni be e *or i re,
.., n ,fi, %.....n NOA a , e • ~ " •••11, • -ie
M ,1.!.;:u:1;.,11..,;,!
w ,/..r ~.. ....,. , ,
sbreet sixteen, having been inaspeoted of taking a i
far cape, without any knotrled.4,47,suer.
chant, from Abe ew e , i. jet was
followed toThelniMni c riMwhere s a was ne-
gotlating for,a bat., The cape was easily discov=
eed on the lady's shoulders, under tar shawl,
itlthough shamus positivo she had not taken one.
pon this she was conducted-to a room over Mr.
lark's store,
where a couple of ladles, upon ax- ,
amination of her underclothing, discovered vat!,
Ous articles of goodi, amountingis all to 'about
:01111%10 - 11amlf. I:). , ',f ,
Clark and Mr. B. if,f Dond, an = • .S. 1 n
sold,sold, that they kris* of. The lady who 'given
her freedom, without the property.
.0. e u fitiliA ll'
jewet li t i Niffifea= 2 4ll4lteiVoi
T toga and 7 slut% fly 4 lieitakolt Act VA their
place once more, and will open a Musical Con
vention In their placttatilitraaay evening, Nov.
28, to continuo until Saturday evpriing, Dacron
tier 10, with three unionsi
er day, when it will
olosoivithapublio onto °lnept, 9
iltobtfroviltwott blla4 kteatokiicifibli:tilli
rratrletvetaz °Liles=
mole "ti to tiri
floityset7 t. d
desi ri a g 94 i.o , _ Atop roil iiiiis, , ' spirl
tiot fail to avail - theltitelfes 6to io aan
Opportunity tmlit. - .1 WM tionpre, 0, mea l y
Years of experience, not Only as co dnotor pf
Conventions, but cut supervisor of one of ',the atc4t
successful musical universities in the Ago!, Ku
Auittlea: ile,PfitekagiaideitiMiiiiictiati4 .
struetton to aperfeetliystemor_hich is admitted
by ill whoitilife.hiditiintiliMtniffid darn it,
tp be superior to any other. ' Particular attention
Will be givolOWYnd hiiiitkVitaaVilitiatary in
struction, as taught 011, 1 Y i a t il!, Jewett. The
second week WM krotihuio delinisting his
system of conducting choirs and musical associ
ations, which has proved so successful in many
different States.
WAN" 4 1 .)fileVIV
t pot on o e bounty t h e lemon wee
e is anticipating an ati* s4lfeigent but a very
profitable time.
The concert will consist of a great variety of
timed and secular music, brought out in a most
agistio rummer, w
lnit itiott i to thy;Aeitata
end' iiVianationa Profegsdi Teiete;filust ptefe
• elf thbikti•deibilieto c site Ittri
iancement in thetiown'eometnity. ' •
Books furnished during the entity Convention,.
fres Ahr
_l4 "
Tiiok4ltS rimas , two wwitak $1 50.
!melted, *1 00.
Tiokets for conileit; tboi
_ 37 ..ito-itiliti4l-1
' SPEC/Ataitigraii—MAQUerlber
tiespsdi tlifut 1rp ., ..41
. ow- el II
•-• " Ik_ e
" el •,;,;.
W teli qpro a la 4fe i
.stmwt nnta o
1011404 & 'A,r
eterkit/ ,
i h*ts
Rousokeepera woultr&
G alook-of -table- linen 9i-carpets; oil eloths j intattlitger ,
c. Nov. 9, XB7O. r I fitottAe /Kinn%
• l •
DRY - DllOOD4.= he unaets plea has
opened a Dry Goode and • Yankee NotkMa Job
ling House, next dooreraMthe lifultbY 8r0th
,454'1, Market street, Contimiliy. h. wkelp he will
bo able to 0' dint to lib 014
s . titd he hopes many new ones.
' L AM, ltry4W,Pric4rl39' JAM
rr• • 4
its bought for eash, or on 3D days, as reasonable
all can be barsteirtliftrfleilitlladition
of freight:" =4 "11:1611..
';Ootober 10, 1870, to
,tssLsklT JUNE lodate
INGencE.—All,perscitut iudebted to the
64ta of A. Humphrey at Co. pegs, ICre nested
k ds #,...& v l r6 Fi ci #l 4‘ lkf b ) l * Ok i
ember wt," 7 ve,, ,11,3FK: 1 19, 11 :11 1 .'
h 4--
October 12, 1870 .2m
• I • •
.10EDILtY• at,tiagiatAt
office irt ) Wrig Valle?e 'MOO, , *tired. eon=
tinuee to make
,t 540.4 Nri,W,gholiwaskyrovement
,rhich gives bettor satisfaction than any thing
T.9i4lttltititt s a4i6ritiAttC4A;lo 4 2
FANNING jib:4e roar
ilkilagilresisPitalto=. ft Tiuskc
mills erearimpartaGla are
the best in gliWuVarblitti= ll 34§l42VB7o,
, Dee. ,e.l:a g tt 13-4
IJlSOVelkt '' dltigiutFolui
• • ,
;ce)!It.P.P iFf° 4 I.7.•,I,DAPI.'A•9VSt7IL4k , 4).
piyukawattlesoboaeoserAarrobiliti. 4" i
ilatasairoMaraeLitiagnr.f. al.l Al v , 9 j
Itakusbrdtdrk•Johil Camptiolt.
Gaines H Barnhart, W W Tate.
;Laws nee Radiker.
,Bia '411)140,1165 , ..i.V1Z3
H Baxter. 13 Ilasiett.' .
fit ie h R
v. 4 1.1-.4;
. .Ttogja .7 ..phaL/eO - „UntilniJ H Waittgllpk.
gram°. • '
Y ILiaUitiiaz=rlTreaiiiiirra. ' i ''...."."-
rr ,"- iVeetti`pldliMece4l4l)l4), HilatifirolW
' tWellsboro—Jobn Gibson William ; Wilson, H
Ximball. - r.: e-:',•,:,:t.t4
. r
• Ir ' P f LEI .f_ . 1.
.-.5 Tc.'" — irc . Qrai -5 . 7.g.Gril
" L.. viravntist itraonar---Inttar Wilsx.
41:rwkneetAtaNtAktl14. MAO
1 de. ' ' •
I Blutneop j7sotilizbs Wthriln
lero e' boultn;i ll' f i 1 tii `i,ii • 1 . 1i
••'. ' iii.i.-}ls ey itt - d/ rrEqrss lir I, x liet-
Vsird J Pridi3,-*4lo,Hpusmi - * - 4 ri
Chatham—Pbfllrtrole,Riittil G Tiiiit.
iC"ingeoPq 4 lloPlri Bitdifitifell:l 4 :7.ll*: ,
'T :Co v ington Born l —C S Videa__,n Horace Dort.
IClytalm;sHittitAllity4 Zs= .c,tanzz.
;Delmar-Vine BaldWitl ki °lo 9#9,rP9,* Job
Bymonas. `., .= '• ,•': 1 • 1 - •- • • -
!Deerfield—John Aol,4mil. r , 4„. ~31 :! , ai 3 Z 'ir
' ilk—William Pdattilbri. 1
'Farmington—Myron J abal= 1
,Osineir-r,QA Smith., - 1
t li "tt o n VlCFf , l 6 1 "itils4 1) ft
I wran ' d
murales Borough—Henry J Wheeler.
betty -Augustus Ma1).41 - aa-rr' _ir 1 1
'i i
iddlebury--totin•Fbitdret, - Mllo L Giiadwin.
orris—Robert Wilson.
icbmond—Whitney-Beach; -- Wm Crittenden,
Mmes Hueted ., I
,_ -- ------
AtUtirnirrfilitkftliPlkiDs bbneadtliXii3TO4l ,
8 1 1 *W..4„...,t - ~_' , „, Y. ...1,5 An z.ll . ,icelT:altt ., .r.)
hiPPea -.- Lt Or") iniagighW4K , PI- A Va.:. F.y. (.3.1a - t
nlitlan—Creorge Oryis. 1
. iogv,—.B B. Adorns. . r ,
i ttPit i-4 1 4 0 14 441111 4 1i 1 (
01 It tin 13 eitt ', 1 *
Knion—William Sponcer, Thomas Blaney.
V 3 ,
30 11
.-rYstexi Bush', .0 lAA: -1 - 4,,a. - ..),
*...04.-AtorotAhr,N9ll24lo4Bidisint ;-
ellpboro--ht ml.coirtelOottrWaidars.
; ~ I
t— 1 .
i SECOND ;W ... sLlfacirli r jitA P . p? 13
Illoss—Step &add Yi ti , i,... 9
'A hattam— S idney Beach, (loom Was", ---...
bigititoP — W4 l l l, tatealiltalklSlD) -r. ,, ....i
Oeiiwton BorouArrkripiikk paint.
oviogton—B Walker.
. li t i l Y o r rfk Int r Wey,Xl l o4rOli '''
pdike, S a Woodford, Wm Sturdieent, Jae
toouto. ... ,• .
Inoaville—Leroy Love, (Mee Roberts.
,Lawrenctr4m t atUaimitivi limb IN
Thomas, FM* ? 1) II . lick II
. Rutland—Harlan Baker, Jobn D Longwell.
Sullivan—Levi K Smith James Cudwortbv •
'tido Vorciat,lPATisiicithfolitireliii!'" ''''','"'H
Uni6314.7.w 3 / 4 41M4111114351fiiir Vigifjeliiol
Winn. ' '
ilittiethlf-rPoiettEVoit t rAVAIROPIAPZ
!-..t,. 24 .
\ eatfield Boroug h—Thonme betntr-- f I "44
-- '--
(et : ZNeta
.x 3 is rfk.l
'll l .V . Y l 377:4upititazipianlyt - roittlyl3 . n , fte,
,voo, and R. Shearer ° , t- of Harr i istaWi
0 1 q.SueetriszttOott jai% tro t1T,4f141k411,,
=lady. It giveliii'llfessiie'Ocipip pPT &peg
&Mel& tat& ikYi WvtiMitael viN3dOiltifl : '
ago.he ivent to the Wesh" 0,9 1 1141, 14
the *lssissimititgiUglisadsji 'i, Ant
If willinglihgr a — y -
n" in is
-1 • • ,r,
vernment surveying party, and now, at the age
tit 26, he occupies thaofieecol-eounty-surveyor,
~tit,y,engineer, superintendent of the Platte the
- it * pla i tt IV #O l lll7llll w 4 ice
iOitives in Wellsboro . 4n4 t_loinity, a , , then re
I!* to his home in tlieMalt'' a.
e v.
T' -- ti
t Dimpit4Hriviogria itettpritrimionte riles
which ildiitlrthict - flikM, and contki 11 WI ee
peracm, a large amount of /ititi4;Witiah WM*
40 the 1210 4. Me Pextielelartist evindie•thehlb I
with this ilia' elemetitowl xecptrugklstild 'rigor
hi whole system .W 43 , frw za6"'
L. 4-1
$ ilk . tai A3ei3P, -
Aro OW
4 ,, !- 1, , ... , :-.••' 0 .:
. ''''
4 ' :I' ... ii stilt V' 4 ' 0 24 1:70; tMtit
HE Vogt on? ~. :trig gmittwt, of th e
444 C 11 °. 28 f li a nali e d4ial l s of .l i irov a o6E L
_ tir ' T OA" !
Arvid.Weldby Chief. wemplarl3.-0-. -wis l liqii t '
'filill‘stgaitritod.tbe.nui Willi Morris Run*
Is diolltrookthimvatiO;W. BAlL'itYi . 4
• No v .` t 1.1%, Secretary.
.1r).14:w, 3 t
rif t ! 11-4 c
, gl- 8 8' tz S' '4 8 8-S i
cis ..r ..: a.l- a sr 4.p.,__._.
c: ' H ..- 1 -2 10U - n*
la 0
.. -•a eV c:. : gs
_ • •
is 0 • • #."
a SI cl 3 0 cy t k-•
4 344 S Sr& Otftt,tsik '464151)
1 • t ih .... 7 6 1
,ft t t ti fil Tr cd 0
Z 41 0 440 ° CI
0 S a 8 8 44 . 1 ,1 -
...... 0
l a 4 .
I =P o 0 Z o o'b72 ci ct
'z' v'' t-
.2: 6,.
8 4 4: 1 4 iq e A
43 ei f: n i 8 A .7 e: r?
5 1 ti ' - .4, 1 : 3 E P •• E "ri; : 4 4 (13 ct ""
I el , li k 14 fLAt' tVS'44O4
1 1 ., , , 50 tlaltetr,g arj a i 1.32§,....tal
li t ..* 1 0
1 .1 aoeßg
A 0 G
A O O 0 1.:
443 ,l eltAt .'.
4 ,
140,000 BRICK
OR SALE, of the best material, by
Wellstlor9aeltt. aitUett-SlOrre:,) (‘
FAI-avAn P.. 4 •1
d RS. R. R. Kimball, over 'roues d: Co.'s
bookstore - , lute jest received - lots of .' - I
l i ,
FallAsiMititm l / 4 1/111iiterii
~., ~ , • ) 1\ sm , L, , : R , - 1., Mt, v WI,.
114 ,11 • , 1 • ,11 Itt ..
i . IS: , 4 :r" t 4 'r e tl.),,, ,n• , *.___ tict t . :l i r ZWA X 1 :frl" . 3 q - •
&.4 all rt4l 41 Cl4lWatiliVi
1 4 1! 'I , tiM BeWrAll 7.117
4 11 ,13. svii , iskeinrssnri.: mvS cf..i;_74.t,*,'-....-
-gal* v ralligmat tlaterKo e i.L-7,;-1
T. L. BALDWIN k 00,8
AtAblp A l to , r omp I ti f
r M I ,
A r
Stet .4'744' , Y44 4 .') 4 4 %! tAi.l 4 ,
41L311112. MEMOS ZOOMS
1 _ _-all styles, colors and i
COLORED 51LK5 , 47.,&
' ' 11
# 4 4 (' ' ' Wiiiiio 41414
, i
I,o4,,AttumeMalmoi ':
- 11 C-8 417 r 1 ' M 0 . 4 110 - . D . TI N LOr l
\1141"68"1"1)Z- 147Etzr_. - 1
, c ,, ax y TO M()
i - OR . S ACQUES• i
—Our stock of—
4aU't be beat. It keeps up with everything . lbe
4 . Yankees have thought of so far. '
i 1
liP o PAßNMitatigaialifilino4
' A l 4. iisio s IawMAW - 1i : - ,ATic
4h l ittiottip ,
... .. .
4.; v. ?„W,NA ff, ~.,,; ,-31. '
lb° tati2o44loaiiiititairlmif44 l 6 . lltii. I:' i ii --
101.'9111.eroliba-ptitifill7o *1411t1:01330tat:,. 1 41,311111Mto
"Itilln 111 SyCpolltlr attire,. NA, 4 , 17 as .dowa, fiCrAtio.
,;:, ; 4 , 7„;‘,-.4. 5 ,,, L ...A,:5., 4.4. ~ 1,-1, 1 -, , J !!, t , >
a - 1 , ,, AIOTTOM` - oFerattgi -s 1- , 1 , ` ;. .
~ , ,: r.,14.. Irm i4` „- + ex) ),/!-.,..; , ens . ) r,- :;
i We also keep a large assortment of ~-' :,,
t ''''
in nits, and parts of snits. Should we fail to
au t
you with ready-made, we have Cassin l lere
-1 -, - 1.1 \c), -- .. - 4574 Q,q, - m tik - -1.1. - . ' - z,ll:k `3 Y -
g 1 •-al i llzil-A 1:°,:?..: - .: 11 ". - 9 1 P, 5 4 : .: :- :
t t 4 1 C3 AViiiiklYbkiadi Oti4x4; ,- . , r,'...'s zf.:4_ ~r:
I , 3: w . mi onropr_ . siniat;iir.-.:•-
' 4910ft4A"... ttmliik 4.4,-;
.1 -0109MAXAWODIANAVARE s '1 , . ,,--
i ..ITAMCLIONitartiatLEARD. - .. i ,‘',,,.
k .
i - Slip WitriNirgiMi ir:A . A - 3
i AS t 9 ta 6tsakykr.7iTolls. „i t ,
' i 1 . , - ,.:ll,lllKlitßAlLitiT4)ollk OP . ~-,.'-'l, -
' 1 t., 1 6 , - -, 31_ ~,.',.--., ,, F •=ik., 7_ , „.....): ' ;,.,...'i ,'.. , ,...1
1 '1, , .) - ;:iia. - 76r - lan '', - •v2:\ 1_44 ' 4 :, 'i.- - .1; ,--_-,
. .
• • I . si-v , ,
[ 1 grkOieg vn ilftii*s .s .bttitgE '• - .
2 FN . ; ly.) 1 .: :,:.., ', ,? -.:, ..•
'i'i t VIVI nA t IA Iva s -- i , 0!.1 i', 4 A.t..{ s --
PaNterfA 4 , 0 twoljolvink v f ithatßAß.,
rit il, . 0
'" 4 " ' ""' ~_ -IR. ~,,,,,,%., c -411...vv,, •
vl , E
aim LIMB, Plittliß PO R K . PtOIIR
i 1 1 ,
1 1 Lune, Cayuga I'laster, &e.
ter tube, Palle. Firkin, and Ashton Bait to
Yen 4
tlatlor with. MI kinds of ' Farm Produce want
ed.' Prices can't be beat
4 w lliois. Pa.. Oct. 12,1070
• . .
witioa .-i k er 1 e.,,.5;6 4 91f. ,
1 ' *''‘ Ell* ' ~*- i i
.. ' .4 , , ,i ~ ~.-, , . isat64o,fulvi lea'
theme itfrotOrp. RegifflaltroP \ for , Tickil,'.
cokfr titthitt hinaild'accoun a ~vrlll•bet tyray„
senteldloirthlLOWletkeiCrtiletiVitatt 'eolltitt XV
a "pla n li'- le : Qitr be
,d * tWellabortw:
on Oda ~, i s - i,.f, i.., ber,,1870i 1 14
2 o ioltihk , S*4 - W otitillritisifai tl 801ot/title/I:
Ae97o.l l lrOttisirr;l rt.! thE
i m a i ti tays _ wept og., Olt ke.) l !lr,;;htte f- ! ,
Ahab ialclttl 4 36. fal• - • 1
4 1 ' , A,e0SktlarIP- 61 141 Itiidiiit'Aik
ilitiliteA a 491#, ,1ata t 441190413,7, teys l 4 l ll4
1 Anent,* Wei Itt'Tiildi i t ; tiarataTairt ,
diak,l.Adminietratorm of the estiti-lits lifitclOrtly-'
I ,ltfq late of Osceola, deceased.
t ceount of Isaac M. Clark, Executor of the
lass will and testament. of William Clark, late of
Br °Wield, deceased.
Account of William M. Newell, Administrator
of the estat a of Jared Newell, late of Union,
d4ebased. D. L. DEANE, Rater.
`a. , ' ellsborq. ov 2; 1:70 4w t t ,
... . ,
..-....... m
1 11474 H1C1. 4 -"k - g4..'% - t
o , — . lit fig PEAR SPS\
ft glans' •
, i • 1 ily e ti a.,9 • ..., 1 , • six. C 444.
1. • , . ti,4 oasat tnikpp,"lliaat,b
Tr Vilklaffir Pwlat riiisiitoVnyoeff ofnit.'
the for east:, Whores?, or, other property. - Nriti,'
instimnent is nearly new, and cost $195. Ob
jector, sale: no one in the house understands
music. Address CHARLES FUNNEL
LNpv 9, 1870. Bloaeburg, Pa.
t . o,TRAMS . oo,4•4iPiu c tir
1 Peace near Wellsboro; thiktetteUriklre l e i
'ea yes, one yokes-¢f oxen, one span of horses,
one bolt, one vattiable breeding sow, fotir pigs,
Anewagous sleighs. farming utensils, Au:
Terms: On the live stock, nine months'; time,
- with: approved security,, will be given; on the
rest, one year's time, with same security. , A die.
mutof five pet t.. yklil.lo„mptittle; o*th, z „
r r 1 11\3 m
',3 srlivap. .vvlicwsnix , /
t, ..,,yeyembpr 16, la* /1/ -I- ,-t.- -oc t ? z'
~...;e4 4-t• —4-----
t3lmrp t gAiroi .IF,itelAtoK
41.1 E , .0.,, wo_Armai i 4 :
rolto anteiadai-' - whire , Wirtoot ndid
wilt i tetintaithrt i r rilikannaer is
paste. o pay o pi 011 . 1',4411914 ! .
November 9,18T0
abooo V 1 4K
Are Aigi4riliad
osovds 194,1) 0a44?4.11
14171 P, CYLI
Of almost every grade
'look throdelptolti eftfa
....a.i. l'isv - i;:y..., ~- 1 „..1,4 Si tl. Lila ta1,1;f,.:;! 2,..2.4 •.,;
We, aka p easure 10. ilayiug to.tha.,Ladles of nags colnty , that we have 1111
endless variety of very deslrabbespaeternseg te mt , ...1, -N a 4 = C
- i.l .ii a ki3i . ...a7tii ,i.j44.. :/ ilOrs,,vi'l
11110114:: if:
t 1AC)III* '‘'f'
a ig a el• 400 - 0100 s:;;:
• i ,
4 ; , ,From Qaltoo wrapper, to pie gostlj! Bilks. _
~. _ s•-. 44 t.., . 0 . ~..0 t ... :.
. )
-r4 c;' , ` , l ;..3 1. , ;41—i ,st.J as,ll 4w ri;,i.',.;,a1.„ ;L;L____,,l_,,,l ca .tl : ,, ! „, c , , 1 ,.. t „ u ,i Iki ,j, C;, :::C!
ss':!i4 ;..- :.'¢.z. u - 1 t.,4'.zeit:.l t,40:, .vPi bait "a.- a:. ."..1 , ii,- if 1:. J:,-:*14115.,t,5 ,
PI avi•
-'''"-' "ILINEN""ItiND Vir.. =ITE GOODS
. 4 .11 L..% viiiiitirkiVoteortmont, and at verilinitkrleini..;-' '
P . 1 , , , ,:t .12. 'i, -.:. 71.. i. t. 4. i .P. - 14.12.1:1 tf,s-.2:EF.11
. -,,•,:„„.r. 4,:.-. ~.„...1,...., „..,1,. .
, , 1
~. ;..3
•1:,. , 4 - , '', ..,' • , :-."! -,: , :.•' ,'
' We bave a verylarqfeAk_of_Carpete, ' vernal . ; fe r lity`audOk. i " Pet
sbakiddlbliplaithi kiNittibiewobld de well tb lia914117.01) VOIINIVPirrit4oFt.Y2` 4
_4 , , •
• .
•i'lo, - . - 1 5- :. P•'l-1 ;:i`,.;6 inv
' Mr_ _'Agebta forlibetrt:A Q .: Dukes ;, .. ~., 7ii
.% l i kria Pritatathitirldiredfl l4lll4 MIAMI. ,
S. - ipkVeAK .av . i • :. 4 1 i tWir.
' ) s: ,, t 1-4, 0a a 5w,51,14 4; , a-.1 t t..z.;1•0 A',
km g L , L ia.,_.; - • .:- z.__:zriat •
I t i.,. -1 1YzAil iftittII4O4IOIOII•4.I*DiCIASSII , LERES VElti l Lbw:
„ I , 4poitAtit ii ivii w
, i ,
,:.I..raiNIEN ~. ? TORS, CORNING, N. I'. ' •
r • -
, ; corn i x i f irisaeltitacira:itclk'oz.l:l i.: , ...-1 i
~,Alatt a i.,3•_,
,i .. ,5.2 - 0 - ii i i .- iiiimie , 700 . 4 - . m .. 1r... .. , ,
1 .• 11••••=-7. tuz-z t•-"'i. "&f,-•••••TI ' il'z'''' , Zi.... - 1. ...7` . ',4.......i a r . .. ,‘1,•,r,.... — irf.".4'f , •:',
, , . .-....• ... ...., •'.
, .
........ .
-It -MI ~ a::', - I-
t4 . L. ' 1 - •
d •-• 9 .., 4
4.0 . -, i„.,e'r ileallwi7ll34',2 (4. ,)
1 vi.i) .411, il . - 1 -1!• .-- i 4 ' , 3Lq613.P..i..1•1 - t aziaza gli_auF
- ~4 •••• r ~ I<.' eilj ~.) r) A fatt. li• ..f1 ‘.., - 31,..L)U. ,Cs .c.‘o , 1. .. s. Lq.
k.) ......... 0..... A.._
iir, ;A o.
X?* tz
r:1--; - , - , -1.: co
1 . .
, , 1
. 1 .1
.T:: :) ",f - . 1 ,r,, 4 . ..,, •,,1
- _,„.....,'-• - 1-4., . • - "Ill ~. ~,,- ,-- 7 - , -
ItE I -1.
;...., ,re'; ~...., . IA--4 2 ,1p;‘-1.4q.,, r a .... ''..• --- -- -- - ,, -- ;,--- . ~) - - ••; -) - - •
~. Elm ~ ... , v ..,101.1.C; ~... '1..)1.. ,:s;: . / r ' ...„,-;
{ ,
-”. t-'
','' t/: - .t„ A 4 - i. i3l)l.bilta.'lo/111it' 1 ,V;` ' -- V.44 1e" 40= 4 .31 t/i .1. : auovetnfiap, v,...-... I u..):) , .{.4.-:.
' PA' L. - ZOOTCWIt ! - ' MANUP*O„,I I 9
• . , ..,,, .1 ..,_ .7.-0 - it, y
-A-v- 1
• L W 1 4i4ARONDWAILpgpirtillat Dille Depot,) CONNIrSIG, N. Y.
.1; . ..) 6,-4.;r1;, .tLa -,,, -.3-... es... to.) ; . J Sij.. 1
i - - ,,`,. , ,s siG , t iat.r. - 7,r051 , 00ik - .. L.-1, ,, %.1 bria,4l‘.lz :;.:,;.a rsa,a.,l '• '
1 , ,•v' snr4 . 1% .. ,54- TV't - Ti. " . i i' , ' t ' i ' C .L " 1
1 P.A:ifltzli lia;V , tslitt 7 , ,1 ~ , - ' , . .1:14 t0t....t.p . 4 zid ii...„, , , ''' ^- , '-'-' - '-- ~- - .... ,-- -: --, •
trZittlyjriMlG4,l.D . tat,„%flitell . .:ll , 3 .t,44:16 4 , * ,5.10. i. tl4 1 -IL. .zraY 1 d )i, C . >
1 I *OW' titteitiffiiwgr'
1 - „littorals litenben Counti; ilia Ili Mist Allod itlth • •
•., , • ...-__ ~ 1 . ,_ . .._ .____. SaleunauftelLotett !Out neveltSes 114!;•:
~,, „%;-!-, 7; ...--, ;
~ L
1v ~
"nj t
if3 0 ,0 1111 : 1 1 -sfi e j r " e ice, 7 : 6 :1; ' :3; ,L -"i n; .. l4 d i' v i la jl f 7C ul °li k i l -d asso ' i 4 iti.r„ : : :. , - e. ' ii tt ik. : l n p (l t rro : of e ti ver ,s y ur fl p e as :i s rab an le y e: o ; t l b e e o ra f
I t ..l;tl . lZ`V , `2
sir.Oul., : ,,,Pall' 00041 t
-,:„,:.,... - 4.. , .1-1 t..:"L..., a' t t ltAti3 alt I fr, 1
e,sv'S /71 Lal c...:6 1 t
n DRESS GOODS, we have Prints!frepo,the pheappap to th e-he st.
.4.44,p -
NfiAl 5,t001 . 0% ALrACA49;: I : .'r ; , EMPRESS CL
0,1 6 ' i t ', A 4:''. f; . fr . a4'A P. PLAID POPLIN, ALL QIIALIT ,
IN/ 4
, ‘ ,it_ci,il c lLlV,:i.,-1 FRENCII42:IIIIEiRP9PI.II43;°'
ihoyettle the bialketiltrontormtlight,ifiblet pi,i, ilral) . Rhy. 4 Wo hav e an almost
. C o.f%' - . s xf, .... r c: ' '.. sV" Adillles0111(1ety •
of '
I:fiL , lAl Ml N e ti gliiill- BOU tellr Bli 4 F1 4;i 11A 111)1 101 .11111 b n ig gi ll11 1.9 / 1 '
lint}4 l4
. 7 j l li la ,,
afhatrottiflYbifdy'y!iiific - itreittitieitTrieE less than last season. Also a full line of
b* xza gftil lll 4 *PRY 811 AW LB, at reduced prices. In ,
.fit tts , (.411 , •ff tit , ...,'.l r: :4,Zr. 0 ..i:,.. ~ -1 ~ ,.D. i , la' ,
..,cozziesitio C:icott - -431eiar
ii4 , citil 0 =toe LI. "'V 'lTtli)Rle. iti - v:J atirck .
.ol *se •hastrtitcloit , tbarealatiVitultitiviig t our Allege Fmde stir lest mark) kex ,
kvoliesohad Mao cseasetf; semi artrt vsllllall'llk of CIS' al riptotil , K, t Pp.* 41) ;,1c
have to bny now. WI, are otlbiltigirpletedlrb ridirre lb e'er" poi ent * '
... i t
f . Ofitlifil Giot -4 iligiti i Booist-thoer Crockery
, t Shoes ,
.. ll '
lil .;, - 4,-,,,vi1,f Ow ~ 1 1 , , 't , i ~."0 (10116'0 I , r f
' t ' 1: ` % • lf ' ir ' ' 'l7 I" . ';'' 'tls / e.,1 , ../ - t z 1.3 ~.T
ligoe,.sl l o 104.1.14 ell to, taw sea iratavat-ThEa4laattoketendersold. Ilan/ (MODS, i
" oh, sure to go Mete; somptailearly and save money. , • : -i„
I t y,..yillGeti 6., 1137 P-1 II , i
' 'z id itil. , i ; l4
ti I.
[ y 1 }~
~ J `n
I- ~, -
1, . S
,i. 1 .
W guld
_t ~.~
:.:1 - w
I LAMinteraiMnery
:.:141 , ,migis.N“.„9.qcips. L CA .;-4
§. if/FIELD ? L eap o,tfull.ll,an.wsincep. .to
°4l r a i ld • 411 1 1 /11 . Pri , r 5 t:i r le.,0 i/ Nr. - .:P
tv le
ri • rc. fr.
11, - ,an4 Winter .
!apption u_ invited to tor.„&asorisocutii
tal 4244 1 Y - Aptfitii6Wst
e VV
p 0 yrs an er rrnantown
AClEgeilaWlo. IttAldit . r.
I erne in Znlliniiiir4iiividitititioitainiag
trade. KID 0141)VSELoPhe beet brand - .
to thl
rA istwid ittialigial
147 M 9 VStlagel44 ba.n
,i 4111131'°-
fru*liHilll4'llrillir"'"l iti El, -
It Eatta,, r ; g lif ei :s i i i n ti f il irtil ta bi t as ) just
irttiNal t4 I: ? (r ' (3) MN.
i rt
1 . oPtswiter Jai ; :::
.4, , 1 i Aioo n
\ ; in A -zot t().,1 i 4 i.e
AND,,,,, i f LADLES' , 1.111R8,,,n •
~,,.. 1 ,511,..,..,:...1f, 5t , it'e 1 . ..- , tp,il Vrtc 4.; , 'lt , i • :
aTP, .1 .'
t.. 4 8: ! v COLLAREIi•II'DKfftI3I I III, 7.)1 ?
, y•: - . tf .7. , 51001m5.C,V;0 ~.1,. .:.:., .I'+',`l'
-` Iv , ~.iz l ( .1 .10.1 1 pt{: 1 "b 4 ~1 :13 1: .•c• :11_ , I
' i'iral ot*lfieV 4111 1 bli , Vol4 *Rah beloirliiiiktefiki l
mu.' taa woitoootiitabrux , eia ireputicki. ,
.tacm ors % v:
MRS. veßdigilsWitr,
Willsboto, Not: 7, 11110-tf.
0 ‘: ,J 1 1 .:;.1 ,
1 , 7,; . .
Ik. " entemSeaso , . _
...w p„.
- •
of every kind, and in fa9t,voiY thing kepruenatly - Ptind in
• i '
1 „A
.13 you wills, ave money do huying_goode (you eatitiiii - gibtiFirt'Yoni vie 32-
' " •iiPtheillANOY STORE
:1 7 4)- by Obit
10 N. Y., Oot, 15,1810.
. - Zt - -1 • .R
• •
• ( f13 1,- .:r O ';fiIi4WWANTS TOlitll ° lN4
• •
• -
61147 V• kti • L'a'
LONrgadgAdmory other 4.1gcl 9tAtcl;. ,
krb • - !f• t
lets, Charms & Chain
[near the Depot] CORNING, N. '
0 0:D S 9
;;; 11 t u NEWZLL & (OVEN::
• - 11 4 ..TW7'.7!
New 'Roods
L. 147
4iT; / 7 3 "-;,,
Nllll l 1111112 i oRy O n D
4 4.'s • ;;;
tkr raAssrs.
~:. v
~u ~„~; .:
a : ;
Dror hand
'4 1 1#11014 Tllll MCI
121 ire will try and 00071.90 k yon„ ,kkat, we not
tinlyihave s!'l2; 401...1 ' -
; GOOD= '4:4OODK;
but that we are si neve e own to the
bottom of the market,. Wa bays a complete as
sortment ol
— LADIES' : BRES.-8-..111,4
All styles and prices._
4114, 7 010 teitdiuzi
- , • N Ogg;
CRORKERY r G1,4/3/4.WARE,..
trii I. wr:: A E
o'*TO., FOTC9 ' ;
10 512 pl‘ propojkktk.gocAloneOt Ott items,t9
Olvtilelil ll ..ugh Mfg! Ph9WhigitoOdth ! •
l el
No °biro tor lipiithr4c44igctiviiiallit
ua. •
Sept. 7, 1870. • C. B. /kELLEY.
~.: ~:
L .1 S•
A . it
• a 9.
- -4.
• r...*
: Ipent(lNot - f - altrrender
, 4111;MA fit dig
Teas,„ Sugars; Syrups,
gOLASSEs,,, ,Z4,1d,9 ,
'and all aorta of
'teNirthiabilAtE Awn RETAIL;
Z 4. - 2 $, 1Y ,
T.. Mt
And sea what a SWARM OP THINGS in his
line ,an botiglit for a little money. ,
evil not be Undersold!
e ., :, . SUct*ltS.- -- •- -- - - :
er.',1,1, :•,'
_,ii "". "i: - - --.:
~ r.
00ba'srOani Sugar -" ' - 10 conga. '
Soli Y. R. Sugar, ..»..... 12 6
4 :9°lrlvi , BataTe44.oft.ot--1—t......:451 7 ." - 1:...-. :-
Cnial,Vondared k ihratuilayod 15 ' "
" ,- ... 4 '
TAEL..4. 1 ..
G ll ood Young lya o .
n — Tea, -
b $0,76.
eat 1,50.
olong 391 , ,, r1 ......1.7"."*4i1 0 1,90. , upon Via,'
Aio i tcjd artiolo ........ 16 ;m it
"I Oat. &hide ' '26
50 4t . 4
ti t
r rol.k3A.o C O.
Cavendish, •• $0,75
Shokts 86
Smoking, 80
Deland's best, ..—......
, Soda, 'I .
.-..t.z.-7 . 4 If."*.f.•tYllf . t P" •t•..".....
.. ,
-. .
A Verr 14sitge stock
Constantly on band, bought low and molt! cheap
For "cash.
I bare also alarge stook of
11001 ft Azzosso
Which I rill seell cheap enough te plasm) out
' tontine, no matter it the feet are 'me large as all
, out doom" and the family,!'too numerous to
. mention "
Sign of tho BULL ,ic BEE-RIVE
leVallaboto, lidy 20, 1810.
R. isda.riAs-mix gs-
' L &8., purifies the blood and cares Scrofula .
Syphilis, Skin Diseases, Rheumatism, Diseases o
Womep, and all Chronic affections of the blood,
peer and Kidneys. Recommended by the Medi
nallaculty and many thousands of . our best citi.
sena; , . - •
Read the tot timbny of Physicians and patients
who bare lased Rosadalis; send for our Rosadallas
°nide to Health Book, or Almanac for thlsyear,
'which we publish for gratuitous distribution; It
will Oft you much salable information.
j Dr. B. W. Carr of Baltimore, say.:
itakepleasnreirs reectinrnendlng yortflosensLe
pas a very powerful alterative. I have seen It
used fa two cases with happy results—ono in a
'salient isedondary syphilis, in which, the patient
pronesinctat binsselt eared after hiving taken five
bottles of your medicine. The Otherte a case of
seroftila of long standing, which is rapidly
proving nuderiterise, and the indications are
that • the patient t will book recover._ have care
fully exaralßeE • the* nrroula which your
your Rosadalls is made, and And it en excellent
Rompound ofalteratid• ingredients.
Or.l3perks of- Nicholasville, Sy., Baia he has
*sap Itosadalis in cases of tcrofula and Beconda
'ty Syphilis with satin for results. As a cleans
4r or the, blood I knots no Otter remedy.
'Reintled.o ? lEc*ddess, Aturftersboro, Tenn.,says
riiktreilisted seven - bottles of Rosadalls, and am:
'entirely cured of Rheumatism; stllnd me fOur bot-'
ties, as I wish it for my brother, who has scrota
lens sore eyes.
Benjamin Bechtol, of irm'isNbio, writes, I have
suffered for twenty years with an inveterate
eruption over my whole body; a short timesinee
I purchased a bottle of Rosadalis and It et:waled,
a-perfec; cure.'•
. _ •
ItoiOdalis id sold b y P. R. l &
W. 0. fires., Wellebore; Philo Teller, Tloke
U. L. Bacon, Bloghsburg,aud Dram/Jets generaßy.
March ,t),
,--21' s 1 ,,--1.,"- 4.- d d.
0. 0 ,,,.1;_43 tLe Guy, pet ecte au
_l/ Ave.. t i sci en tifi ca 11 y, prepared
fli.i.l. Air preparation- of its kind
evererecho the public,
and „ as no competitor
in naril. By its use,
GRA HAIR -is soon'
restord to its original
youtl4l4„ color- and bril- :4
litintA Which is so rattql
admired hy all. Pirsons
whose hair is thin orfalling
out will, by the use of our
Renewer,sobn see its good
efiects,---asi-by it\s-tonictmd
stimulating properties-the :
;hiiii glands will be incited
and 'the hair - grow thick
andstrongagnin., In oaks 1
of Bo ' it' will create 21
a pew:-=growth unless ,the
follicles are destroyed. It
[is '449)ipesnicl '4,ll,l*jr. ill : 1
itching- ttinl •-irritaliori of
the,sealp.., . It doeS n IA stain
the Skin - as do dyes, but
WOO' the,. tailp - wTaiftliiiir
cleiti. \ '. Aga DRESSING"
it is the' best - and 'most
eionerutcsiroparstiou in
the,:workl, as. its effects
'sit Soinuch Jouger. Send .
for ourvTreatise on the
1. 1 4,4 *4P to 44110 y mail, -
I S. A
AB ;
-`.'', BOTTLE
Sold by
Per 1114ne..
B. P. Mk:A PO9 • Proprietm. ,
lABOitiTORt, NASEUIr t N. R.
-r• •
Farm ~for t-Satei
IN Farmington, Sinai `linrilthe miles
trona Netiononalaining - ea acres, 50 itapree
for• $1,3 ) 1 1 3.
-MALL AND. z Eatbartargioitolc - dr
kJ, per, selling o i • it's:4,llot
P. B. WILLIAIII34 . 0013.
i•Welliborct. May 25; tato.
Vor Sale.
HOUSE AND LOT- 7 11 , 4 oOntalne $ aore—
'"„M ou Nieltolv,St. Also o ne S yens old
'Mouton COlt 4 View bu,ggits; one inilky and
horning. R. V. BAILEY.
Ootolzior 14, 1340.—tr
10 oti.
, 13 ct
io tt ,
the ,Subierilker
W OULD respo othaiy ths
stook of
i s pOtoltsiss to bit am all *MOO
Jot r•osind, mach as
DRY #oons,-,
COL O / 120 E , Tott
u rt •
BD -Brag' , •
Dgaperi, sail as oodiets midi of
HOSIERY, xdoyE,,, -
ABMS ow AiL 11,11.11 *WA 1141011:
Department will be. found fell Vat complete,
tuoludlng many riot! styles or Ana Ahab, =silt
up, ant in the Ogee. AtIE aye Wilted to sail
enamtne. Mee animates* WOO of
'1437 'beep air
Wd 11170.
Musical Instruments
/ l e
e subscribesinforms the ptllio that ke
OTI tau tly on hand a larg. astotttant
. ;
, ,/
litistruction Books,
for sale or rat.
fumithed to crder.
E CHANGE , aad some of the sema on hand to
be sold cheap.
• •
Be will be found at his resideope ear Bettets'
Hotel in Xiddlebury, Tina calm y t ,Pa. Ad
dress, A. B. A. BIGGS,
Ju]y 0,1870.-U
1 25 000
9 _
Iftishels - of LIME
Bala by
`Aug. 24; IFOO.-tt.
The Cheap Cash
Wiiliam Wilson
Mairked them Dew"i
Cash Prices:
To eannierata the mttelaa and give a diaerip
doh of the "arlet:l ; and - quality of podsollawa
be labor thrown away, I tberefbre Ivrtte all to
aa4 lee for themselves and tako a look through
the mammoth stock "tied cohvtimo *maim
that • • :
se thetwo great inducements for people to boy
iionembsi the plan, Wilton* Van Valkau
burgh's stand.
' '
Segt as,
Crooked Creak, Ps.
w. C.
WILLIAM wnsox.