O r of • ito MI, MAXI on tsm lawn OP Whltsm=taulm=2:lm Er Special Notion Dui 90 mats per line. v in giat .dyeetisingbitlitaa,"/ 1 - 11 1 1411 tift. sylaittcl 3111131 L ;act Notes; Starrlige itisioth c.!: 1,, 'oil ai.idlz cants Rim ..} cr Van 001er & B opts 114171 and iiiiturs4o.o:loqui ygq qrquiptly and:10017.14401440/4•411X. 41.670; willblip - „ Av%stonelia Ili gen 31:1 Attorney Wad Councilor at Lsw, first door aloorie w.eattirxtaiorkesotti s“1 '4l4Friel Atto #, 1043 .04 : Do l t,yia mo fitrestJ wellAxao ,op•• u lo# pook i . Jan. 1. H. Santa: )4, f Seeley, Coates & Co, / tilt S 3 :''sl! mono o ,/ : A'Lmil l y tuft" l ,, s ,.._..ial-r"7 asps! quvaps, , drifts ot 'Voir Tor I t ' t• Meet. MOUS • e.—Dee. #94 . • BANICE Reset', ind ut twits I- Jag. W. Adams, r Attorney and'Ocritnealortaifillilittiflijd, . 4 Vb . oondty, fa. Collantritiff 3 Vroliiiitl fr i stliteded to. Jan. 1, 1870. • • r - • - ...714)At "7 111441 • L " Attorney and Oonneeloiat Law, Claim, and In et/ranee Agent—, ool PAtteßrel.reel..prut a4 011 008411146 1 1b Jan. 1, 1870. • - - ,'" 34 7 F.7 . 1;t1 - 11/lli n 1:3;' Attorneys 'end tonnsidors:uiyLOV.l 4 11 1 1411 1 4 ". Promptly to business entrusted to tbefr Oar* .0 Me counties, of Voss nod Potte . r,, QBtoe ) ott : its Avenue. Jin. 1, 1870. „ . • 3 V. V,. Wilsox.] J Ol /! 4 , 6 1Y% P.! l 9r—arYs. literney and Onsinsiadi-iii tavte ; :stLIC business entrusted to him will be promialy 'attended to. Office Sd door south of It asiettPs Hotel, Vogl, TOO County, Pa.-4ati.'l, 1876:' Win. B. Smith, . Pension, Bounty and Insurance Agent.Cont caqvieations sent to the shave address will re ' calve prompt attention. 'Terms moiiefate, Knoxville, Pa.—Jan. 1, 1870. Seym our. ii. Horton, Attorneys and Counselors at law, Tiogs Ps. All business entrusted to tbeir,care will receive prompt attention. ti. IL Banton... , •J. 0, HORTON. W. D. Toppll , 4ll Co., boissolo Atoab% as. &slut La Weil Pipit Emma* Ltente, ,W @lam Postaniary, dieregitildalr, Hi Tam.. I'7o. D. Baeon, • . 0., , Pbystafaa aqd durgeon. atiead •Promptly 40 all OfflosaltraftonBtriiit,ln•roar of the Meat Market, Wollaboro.—Jan. 1, 1870:- A. .' v lirighain;" it: D., Romoeopetbist, Office at his Residence on tie Accoue.—.lan. 1, 1870. George IVNruar, tailor: Shop titsi'detor north ortphilils 1 Bail ey's Ilarcierare•Bteis;:cN(ltikig, Ilttiosland Re pairing n d'nStt:-4 fl7O. R. E. Onley, Desler to Meeks end Jew,lry, Sileer.aad Plated Ware, 8045elielei,AtiolteiStitege,"&ef.' Watch. to an& Jeweled , neatlxlvaired. pagravltt i r d p7,1 1 , 2 1 . 1 t 4 1,0.11111. , • Petroltti,nl Uouse,l I • , Ws:afield, Pn:, eLosli, - Ptoptiebr: '4L nEmr Hotel conducted Qa. tAge kIi•MODP! of live and let live, for the aliftitidap , ditietipi , if the pubitO• hn. 1, 1870. _ ioga 06111)6111‘'-'.,A4k14.41dititi0iitttipb , ed, and, an attent inns. Oeo. W.-'.%lagO 1870, Si UN :r " wetteeta BaroggbpTiog tiC't 0:Hill, Proprietot 4.'tioir an :Innbmodionzbilitiliag. with ttii . 113gdtritrftlitia. ,-"Nith4 l easy 'jae l! flitting firounditti Vorthettl. Co , • furolshedAterMilifil , :11;44 1am..4,-;-,:-.3,..,' smith's Ho A y :- - i, tmv , , I t y Tioga, ph., i, A i d s m 1.13; Prlprlit,cq.,,,, , Mlll good conditloit,zier444ollllll(o4tititte tiii 3 Oltbig public In a stipSediiiiitistrii. 1,11979. - -.-- • 111 , B. N R r t . et . OUR 0,091 . qll oteapted P. I r a, notid pattaca',_plitaiple . 44,4332m11dtt i2ll lot man and beaat:C arieareiiionable: Marab 30, 1870,-;11. Union sotel, Wm. tr. Vad Horn, 'tits bolus!, pleusatlyloodtsa,' atilt' MO skl)- tb. Invasions's forzsanland beast. Charg es a'°d•raYll7-NtY Tixmca. `~; _ ~» M: e ~ g EA~~'°YROYRItI 'b~'~':`.3I~..E: • .: -7. , :77 - 7 • WHERB dettelous Ise Ordain': Friosit: ool- festlonuy, al) kinds of fruits in their / I klooya nice dish-of Tee, Coffee, or, Obeoolate, 'WO, stets jwtboir sisisiiiin-=ean be, bed "at all boars, served in the best style. Nest dhor be. low Roberta Bailey's Ilardware-Store, _Matti treot,-, T. - 9 4(1.bnr.), Jan. I, 18704 • BACON BAJLEY, DEAl t Elle. l 17 I prirge, - Medicines,'Ctiemicata, UTTY . : - TAINTS;' Ot LS, vARNisrEs, PYZ STUFFS eicnli rurp Vir k ee Bird' Pit Medical Purposes. r Nfctiatry, b:aps,j3zusbee, Artit lee, 40. 4 " h )*Jellitiglftefc iii,..ati -131.08813111, PA. I CY, 20, faro. y - Witt riPkt) 4 co s. v. • ORISALE THE Otero, Dweitjag Eagle praanfecio Ellosaburg, ?logs eounty, Ps-, formerly OC -49144 by Nut Idaerbeeh, Ea the meet Zs' Part of towtiouwe offeyed c r ir their tffii rue. Fiflit frieb;ertat r Ara* -th Elliott, Esq., of Wells oro Ittie t aheriber, .0. H. BEYB101:11t. I °S. /4 kBBo--44 i•. - TlOgs. Pats . DiVORCB.—.To Charles IL Webster r. 'you' are hereby nettled that.Antt Blisabeth WSW.' Iter b 7 her next friend, John Baker, has applied to the Vann of eetnision Pi4al of_Tioga• *entity for a dlveree'froirt lb. bads 'of instrimony, - and' k ti " Court has appointed Monday; Nellie "" fie, 1870, 0 at the Court Heine in Webber°, to the time and plaeater lteartng.sajd aßplipatt, 111141411iostt l?ts, lll o4"rdltntnlj OB e 4 told U yen %toll *WO. Oehler 26; 1117. 41,w ' , k‘'i.t = EEMMI =I a,1~.: i aro: / uli 01 - f New •xopaooo Store 1 Hi subsorlbor lias fitted up the Store first i s to w r i a n ar rie Thou tnrs T u ttl e an o 7 dry goods store, l arA 'EA (artiiiargritiiiciitint e r inn rn fits :MING T O OQO, ' higin - kne Out CHB If ,r _ kiii/of UUlfrost o la , 8, thechoi k cut d. 7 A . =, , I VII* Call and ass foryourselres. r, rr 4,. JOHN W. PIIRSEL. allsboro, Jan. 1,, 1870—tr. -4-,-.--4,-----------------7.-----,--------... New .Thnn3 i. RR undersigned has fitted by the old Youz dry buildlig;near the Brewery, Wellsboro, is now pre e , d a aced to turn out fine calf, kip, ibide, and m &rubled's, in the best man. . . Hides tanned on Aare.. Oash paid for . Ides. MARTIAL„-Al ,I Mini. ellsboro, ‘,/ • .0 6' • ' l,--- ellsboro Bakery. J. BURQIN would soy to the citizens of * Wellstooro and trtojnity, i that be is pre * red to supply them wit` v ii BREAD, PIES AND CAKES, H. 11, 'BORDEN. • Slop, 4+ Jal2 1, 1240: JT ly. 4 ,4i+1 4870 e FOR BALL , 11870. : T. 11.. 8 F.91 5 1E, ~ • ' i (formerly B. C. Wleitlial i ni Nursery) , l ii. ' ' T 1118 NURSERY OF FRUIT AND OR NAMENTAL TRBBB, IN TIM/A : 1-, 60,000 Apple Trees, t . i 10,000' Pear Trees. t --. 41. good supply of PLUM, REACH, CHERRY - 4 - sidORSAWENTAL TREBRA - SHRUBBERY --__ ~ ~. t i he if n 19,6411164 ibliipolisFeofithiPabolcest ya Wel, pod, healthy, some of them large and inlAaring. Any one wishing to get a supply will do well to call and see my stook before par abasing elsewhere. fib' Delivered at the depot, WSllsboro, Mansfield, Lawrenceville - end Blocs burg, ,frou'ofAlpsyge. AU orders promptly filled. ,' Addreer, - • T. B STONE, MP. Pt, if. 1 T logs, Dee. 8, 188.9-Iy*. v. ,---. : . -1.7. ApirAlN T fg e - 7; all ';',, - 4 - z: OILS AND BUSIES, L ; -: 1-(,>.' , :: For, gq+-)1111110tii-iit:i Mardi 16; 18704 E, House i t l,ot for Sale:. GOOD. oxr slot - 44.4 we adozate4l4 , 44, Ctorrt Ofif 0 fferefhtl quire of Esq.riirbitiob6r6. ' 1 San, 25, 1870—tf. , . _ • • - . , ••: - .Lio .; : MANSFIELP • MiNERAL eats March 169 C KB.M. HOWARD SA.,I\.IITARIC. AID AS -1 Poi 910110110 and Piga at the 4rrAulicotiO Pawrouit,qe; 67C0t)ityi, Plititifetteepf.., 021 - TES leitßOitiCorrotit ;arid of Ago, in relation to Magazine and Bactet , :fflettil with Sanitary-aid for-the afflicted. - eenefree-, envelopes. Addrent 1303NAAD ASBOCIATICN, . May 4,1870-17. - Box P. Pbll ~144 .. P5; • t 33 • 4 iWkoks4l.; j atide R U S r et! _... r t•- . F - 44 ~..;,-.smi-•'-7=••."1 ,1i • s i 0.: , ::-...,i,.. ~...i.:., i • --,-, 4',:e5..;:1 - 4 By W. C. jilt , tfitso, • ~,s y , , ,-.41. , . i .C...44g, :1•1 -IA , LOTS - SPELINCit-_ , . 11 a fag S r; A 4., T os A rt akt II G AIN AIN - • MIMESEM „ ~;,*F1193 4- OILS • 41041Hdlitesi' . . . • Fleitosirin'g `Eltraets, PoYaniery, isiqssasAi i'll f ant . ps,•-Fettwi lip Colors , White Wash - Liail ticr . /1 - ag..aizes. Tarnisrh; iv. rate ' kinds, Faiity'Seope;-' .. • , f; Hal C _ Hair at Tobth - firidlte4Pii fitir stook `ef raxik4 i Notions ; lortnient of iloinXlMOkihini - itteftbWiz f u lit liiii.i2-7 goLe-V.Y.7.-- :t•:,1.1:1, ,t. A 11, WA gi.Xl5l ik V • allyil :Sl,lOOleV , • .. 1. ..0 t "..; .., • "--- 4 idriii i r iiii'llitiiii4 l: ' T s " ',' ~,.... ' TrATcli Es. JEW rtia Y , sitypt iiiiiiir .:, - -W A R 43 , ;---0110 0 fif-41 , 4 6 •4444 0 P-OPOVEG L, . 7 • --'. ttigt. • ' fi1?,4 4 , ( n ".,iny, etjli. : . " - 4ft: TA 1341,A mg ,A , , i iiic. Ay _ „. :",•, - - " ~ P , ,": , ..7. .. Corattig. ItimA.lpifil 9, , A... , ' Ai.:. - D. - DUDVEIri , : , I .T. .At I,A - ; 5 ,.. _- -.., , : 1 1 1 No. , lo,4darkot. 8,, E~ • L;r4; Otta l t i lnkaker T ii ifittne, , , OA; _ ueelef, 41..0 7 ALE ROOM itud RAO -6 . - Ptinlito Dories Wogogilitiopagin gotiowtrturre• be is yri. pared fitr9lo abineto4.l our ot :. - iiingq*ad to 'tboto its itantio ogd.sotisesotiolgutran Fancy Turning dons to,osdorc,.:J otleburo - Jan. I, t870.° 'J. OTITH.L ' tfr Irf _ 4;;• • Ei ;;TTLFT,7777 _l3 .-juitq k • - z fir s a , o*, A ;7' '.P•b.2, IA P ( a -11A ,1 k • *- Cs3''.;'' TT* meals. and Call at WEIRGINfiT TORE T. Wi o r t r i An)raNitui3V lons *a. VOIINDED . BY C.Afires. MEI - z * fe I 1 I NN B. .1.11 I if&g .. , r i:TO_RNEYS'AT•LANi r ; WILLIAMSPORT, PRFitt'A. !Aug. 4, 1869-Iy. JEWELRY STORE: 4:1 tt.112 it 2.4 Vn1,41 W.F,LIASBOROI IPA of - 1 ,8!)/1'44 VOI i f.:ioTe, i4f:::::.i 'afiolt;, , , 4, fl-,i1.0.;).4-, GIi)LD OR SILVER CLOCKS, JEWEL RY, GOI,D elfititPklEW if e N4 l o, l. MicPs ,„ .9o*,99P:4. 4 gliwirßtrir , " , • STEEL PENS, " 4 SPOONS, RAZORS, PLA -1 TED W.aleCt'CLl rn.a• t.le.'t • F.l:;:tt SEWINg: 474§ : gioNktmi 04 , ,k k 1 ,44 : With most other articles usually kept In such establishment, which ti 804 lbw f 9T ; , 4 1 k A(1-64114.:1, I,u 141 pe . pairin g .ilon c e„;a lA fki ) Rikppp;tptlyiandlotti Noneite: leoLtrn 4 ;lanuary 6, 1870-17. . • • ... • • tate • Normal School s , j _ MANSFIELD, PA, FALL TEEM begins Sept. 7, 1870. WINTER TERM begins D 50.12, Ipp. s P rrisl.,4olo:ololo4otth:', , For Cat - log • CIIAS. H. VERRILL, A. M., Mansfield, Jtily 0; 1870. , Prinotfitk't 1' 'rHE 'orr. `PENNSYLVANIA -HMI"' .•._ LATELY firiciiv „ and for a; time occupied by - 1X ROW. • Tri day, has been Iboyenekly ng4ted, repair ed•ao d °polled byt v %Al! DANIEL MONROE, wl~o- will be hippj to . .Ceounoodate A* old fripads,of tbo boom of very rosaotsblo ratei&._ --imp 24,1870. - DANIEL MONROE,: Farm ir.toperty 13 . 1 FOR SALE.. • ri t, HE undereknallofferil tort.ittle'in itsekitli! r fl 1 township, on emiziend'aCreek; 154 :ble 11111 tin Mill and Farm. bald farm contains 06 acres, tbree dwelling houses, store, do good but.; The Mill bas been built 3 years, coritsdssOs 351borse Power engine pirpl t el Al . ll),, , leisluks Mkabine tads Mill.end:Edgit:„.2llll'4o 1176 felt, besldeslbeiler - bOute;bild lifgoOtriiiiidititia' Good power and plenty of stock for cugoin werk t This farm is under good. '4 , 0414110v 461"50" , acres inaprorti'd,' het waereje. jaiostbitarilit orobard, and desirably .forcdeitylPrifeNlFa,ei t, ,:441 Iprciperty t•bonid be teinttrbiidspptirl,4lTe,o6- ei deig,: Agrs, 4e.. address , 'i: :- )4 )1 , 131%1M - run; ~ lune 8, 187 . 0-tr. 8e,i.008, Abbirstkit. L. •.• • ..., 1 .-.., rt.r.,i.•. .. Tioga • - - ITIIIII undersigned is u.ow pregurektn" 4: cute all ordere'foi'l'omli Stones andltloWn-• rusitts of either ) v f :.;.^.AD UtALIAN OR RUTLiiNDAVISABIsici of the latest styleuarrd •appresed Nr:t . ,Kknotnif6 and with dispatch. keeps constantly on' Marble gild will be able to sule411: 1 :tlii4$10001.' vothlm with their orders ! oniamaseimilshrtsti* as /arc be obtained itt s theeckienl47, t ; l , 4 re /- - PftAttiE ADAMS", • • Tioga.Jan.l,lB7o—tt. - - • • • ' inst!rance insurance: A ND I MUTUAL LIFE R I 0T . 40 .1 1 -Cfra' • INSURANCE 'COMPAN ... • Office, No. 112 S. 4th ffl 6 fT p r t ottet - t'' Ineorportited artpg*a•C%ittefglffi 'Aosta over t-" • Si, , • alst 1.1 , 1 : _ . . .. . . . .. . , .-thaagtigii4;l.aaa4 5i4,441 - .4 •YrOfits. Suppose you, are alyemy. insured in a riit-elays krothigif.Yrida.ll.stilitif*stitr#4fi , Asier,isay after ten yearly paymesC) 7 4 difilsof or 4annot pay, leng,er,and die—your in unmet. go and Tani merrily wilted. Not so ln the 4i n nd-IN.HAND," all Policies are l'iort%P.On.:_ I Vil ADM le company' which ranks among the most .ipopWar and successful! Life Insurance Corn panles, grants polidlikil iiifNit Idislrit , 4l3 fit, both wi h and withhutipiblai Y.A.A.I, At- Traveling Priveleseslunreatrioted t ikl pollelis ilia i jncoriteetititir Or' 4/.llsl''7i, froth, ap,' Pli tt e ,- Y ra 191 0c 0 ; ! 6• ,4 ,- ,1,;,.., ; . •,„ Look to your 44 4 . 4a,rAneo..,:,Kietailll4 l4 / 1 1/111• .'tbe following Comparative Table. It is yomW times alleged by Agents of other Compardes that the Company th ey rePreserd 4...1,741 1 a o i rlt• While wa unhiwitatinglya,Wo#4._ of tili '' soundness and stability of ill'ldirapa les, wi de .Aire:to present the following fur thtios ' c utup of bose desiring tot nite r , v. ,—'• The followingliontaiiinhviieotrits2all isnitual f"thi o u".,, c b-VndA b Tl? 'OPT l 41 1 gilePßa. :4 6 f' t the ;,.fr, c l mPl er e!ilv a r t tl"tt .. ~ i t'r•-27„. a : ', `t ° PAll'rr tu ft ; .:..m le-.4 I 'gr.t. 7 2„,* 'rravelerar , l.i.../1/8,84 ''.s •i-lf: ,2.l'xilYit. ''" .16tua,r—Al, k:, P •:. SadS . re. . « 8. t.:O ... Home, - ..... 23,80 56,00 Equitable, 22,70 46,97 - R ashington, •• • 22,70 • 46,97 -- , - :l4and-iti-liaud, 16,60 32,30 It ant already tamed talso e policy with the e'I3AND-IN-111051D." beat Mutual Cow Pin, in Op United States. 7›,c trti Or` tits4V: - :•f:*. ci:4l tri TEO- Att4o4TASOß.4l4l.ll l l 4 .rgii; . I, l tof obeitosi:thitti 10 0 4 - 66 . 4 ittllibaitt WTtogit clone/ at q. P. R.IWILMAM.: 44:704Fk4 T ouse —•d,, Lot 4 :dill§ix c t M ies c l pf 4 `i'S 4 ' 1-' /Mild YoeS t irti 1 ,1. t'''Cr , 41 ' t I T i 't ~ rUk 0,4 c o i,.f . fltß MS,' Wl LLMllilil'ors#lloff4altiolts! ' hones and lot on Malwi:isliaiiif i t 11 0 :4414 - 41* iti Mr actsa - of laird/44114114taitinat - Itiftl in . of Joseph Wlllianta at Vita Walloboro Anus :4Frt .0D T.& 6:408 air*. lasit u . II - ,Kt'iri ..-.4.1111141.0 ANDREW - lo Las long been *stab ibed in the Jewelry bull ies in Welleboro, her" at= Aye on sale, various 'rids and prices of PIN% ,~_,t~'. ,;:•:-. , :q.:1-• z, ;i , x„-, , :;!;;:-. t tr, ,••i' ..1: ,t).f .z:..:1 , --; , - , V , ltf_ T .6. o . 4.lNaia-a A SIGH. BY 84.81L13 . T ral[ooo/7 SYOIYORD. Since tears will never bring thee back, , Why should I weep? — T — Would not any moan of mine Should break thy sleep. Thou dial bring bearers roilud thee here, ode 4611bgrigdfilitit - e s - 5 , 114rv:th.;1 Qrl Of tby dear fee°, ' 4 aooi) 89330. sleep, my derlieljantbs4ll4ll ;00.11 I wllt not stir. ,ez.orfom ?Joie than the bird that broods and dreams Deep In the dr— The bird that dreams of flitting ;i.oy Full soon her own, —:--Nortees the ebadow at her feet Whine joy has flown. tOtts BY NATHANIEL /IAWTIIORDIE. ..gegitoo4o, WO !gala* tber of Fa ther-Ephraim, who had been forty years imitt444#44F,TlN-AviololiT os-. ffoirtentise —wansi there was an assem blage of several of the chief men from ,i;t l -bad come frOm r!& '• ~ •Ilt at Lebanon, from Canterbury, _Harvey and Alfred, - andlfrdotall ,l thiteatriettloesilW“'Nfiere r*OtatiWila th e . 1 I Alilisom d by their ttYirtel. OfftrAifigg 4,l k l a t kii,ig i tr„ l'unigiS4,** ) ffrilifrom a village of. :fsithltit doftittlic : 104,ftelfiltyliff the ~/1 " ,a1 4 e0 APItAP , f4( Eat: ;partaken ' - oktiii4omelratiabdkileetief their ta -I,hlitft Vid t had joined in the; 'aaored 449.01Tet, enKVINAVa Akilteved - to alienate the enthusiast from earth, iandibear 14tiVmpwalid Mktg 4he 'l 4 `dithluid - ne*Ciiiteeuiliiiivited him to be present on an occasion when the concurrence of every eminent member of their community was peculiarly de-‘ The venerable Father Ephraim at In his easy chair, not only hoary head ed and infirm with age, but worn down hyagotingnlng dlsmes&Vikoh:lt:Lyigut-tv -1401#3”54 verYilitM-AktAtiltbfiepa ercarcli al staff to .otber hands.- At his footstool„stood r a nouppili r symitw t .,,yoth ;0,4A1,t1i#4400010.-4. a •,' M 444 * l ather Ephraim, =to tiieysriiitifd ' tfditlg'e~ders, feebly exert `log himself to _utter these few words, larfaidraiiijiaud daughter to whom r would commit the trust of which IPrbiYideage db6t tto lfghteii i raYWea- Villitiahleri:'teed their faces,l pray 7°R)r55,34. 1 1i17 iillW.Bnithre ment of the spirit bath guided aright wy choke," •=4;,„ • . . . , Ao 4 Ordliiii.Y, each elder looked atthe .tlrck.Asudldatet with a Meet sertltinto iii:g gaze; "The man, whOse naintlivas Adam Colburn, had a face sunburnt spith labor.in,the fields, yet .inteligeit, ilboug for a — whale Vet-l.kpitgef ine, ;ttb*, "hgh CO though. is had barely.pa9,hed Tiddlst lin,„Thspre .. I' l l I ‘Oil L l ' Sool,*iitiii )1 4 ) 04_0,1)S - el, and a rigid ty througliout bis pereen,phar ittfteristleiettatVititeillaidi 664i* to I:4;teatetrairalletafeliihister ; which vo• ‘etitiati ) 4tflitiStOhe. had formerly ezer 961.1e4Rfbr. aever4 .years. The woman, *ell } IP A l e • itP,R , I. A ? " , 89 19 4 1 1 P t.i*Pre 0 41, . it AttA,C4lo4e, as a hiker Ms -O,F .! • .kVilepably is, andnot entire -I.y tie• 4! qv st•tigaOrPerd4lial aprieblauce f ir Whiohltie garb. of the sisterhood Is so Wall bitleullAtfitltiviiiiiefin' 1 T.A.F I . .A ., o , rtiiirsk r , are still in the summer of 0 1 4. 1 Falefee„ ) :AblATPcb t*faide r ,ltorn ..gmakihaftlire,w4Rld man. " I would , 114109tpilr;,,,„tR see the hoarfrest•of au tumn pti.their heads; pithtulis, also, 'ttlifi-ofatt4i4likiiivo):peolpittemP ligfajOil ad iliiiiit.‘,ibe ktarii desires ` .14 iaaWil l eg3oo446n - ibilited km ' 11 1 e:I -,M) II CY 4 . ~, , mvi- 1 ..n. • 4 'lli .ta , i. :a 6 ,. 1 Mk . 7, pr i , r ,Lpid the elder from Citatiiitury •w tlie boatfrost and the 'hlackfrost.. hath done its work on Bro. tiferlidiiM Mid Bitter Martha, even as we sometimes discern its traces in our • n-fields while they are l`et green.— , ••.41 wimlinqhkitictiestion the wig , oft4glo4olllMiblellether's purpose, -although this gair in Geer early youth •liiiialoWillitzdifOilitit as the world's r.,RINtitYP . -V lilt Mrt4 0 0, 1 4 1 03' bro sere, t a ' ~.! ..' . 4, e l 7. l3 in g 'l ;:e ' 111 . w c•o h rt ,yet, have Batt itr.,:ht 1 • ...ftlid their hearts pu , , I • 44,7EQ449.41!1PA1Rgiffr_99.0 0 ) 2 ?" ," hewer een t othe early loves of Ad ' 'kW ibid t jillirthi, Wad rendered it Inespe- Afiltititatt , thoyalhottidiciew . preside` to gether °vets Sbekeralliggejt was per-, lAdilytihapp r illaklanhaillWihdia4 '_____ be lr e .. ll ;Thir 9 4l. 9 , l ..W. , :Mr ta lgod *l . _'' pagpae, ; Cul I a ren of WO boring families, their affectionwalf,Ailer even than their school days. it iifemed an innate-principle, Interfused among all their sentiments and feelings, and not .so much a distinct remembrance, as ."' or vvviAbe otiotume of re ~e ianc . tit, Jus ,as {{they had reacheda t reAgr aft? tbr , t l l l 4-Puitool *1• 1 0.4i,44 1 .:, SidiatieatiaaViiimt both, ;and zoltateatl. n eteassark Vise:the yOho u Id cifft#.o*tiiii ilibbiYord ' l btiiii sub etStabee:"tVeu under these circum• rtiktizz,,,riNt°ll,7ould proba. kto'f. " Vtr , eti e:'11-. to 'unite her fate with Adam Colburn's, and, secure of the bliss of mutual love, would patient. ly have awaited the lets important gifts of fortune. But Adam, beingof 4 calm and cautious character, was loth i to re linquish the advantages which a single man possesses for raising himself in the world. Year after year, therefo're, their marriatti_ 4 , A0 tileTti thireKtedia idadlim Colburn jileafq: . itiredVanyqViientians, had traxelet 41,10044 had sett triWilof the world stint % it l l4artliatfguleato ed her bread ectikflormaasatestmettess, sometimes as help to a farmer's wife, sonistimiii es schoolmistress of the vil lage ehtiVren, sometimes ass nurse or a skisterbiPot the sick : thus acquiring a vailed s 4perlence, the ultimate use of wisloblibkil ttle anticipated. But noth. 14 hiiiiiwrie prosperously with either of thilltetrauo. At no subsequent mo ment/44111d matrimony have been• so pitidtititq measure as when they had ei rt igitW, %IRV OPRRIA IRtilfe., to 40494 to eiteX Arial:led - ABM they duel held fast their futtittlietaitikVlUltnira j *gl it i* e reN4 4 o i gulikku . t V ~ ‘0.4149,R1L at. Sual9OF. Plaillainalize ..,sta,tesientioAldiettxlol • , 4 0A° terati l lt l li r 4 lePar s .T: e a ow l : But Itati*T—Sti4lal9 eldasii) gpliggigespowagi . W,A , *.4!'...4.;,'.a , z ,,, l„ . . ,- 2 1 :f.k. ,, i: : ;.q.‘,1,,,zWi,,;,..t. , ,,1,;.-. .-,. „.-..,, - . •. _... .—. / ?.. ~ ,•. j• U . ‘ ... , • - i A', + “, - I,ii4, ,! ~: • . Itl ,•#1 +1•! 't `.ol•' ' 'S,I., v' '. ij , . ,I:- • ~ „ ~ ' .' , , ' • .. . • ~ • o rrit - - 14) - 1 .. , 1 . - ut it: '' ho ~ i ;) i(.0.,,1 ,, 0, , ft•.:• , . I kill,' 3 . 1 , " , , , , , • / • ,tp . i. i ,—ficiitir, Insts,) i„ opi,l -,,iy-3vi , t ,I. ::,, .1-I=..if,t ~ kW - - . . .v-4, .-;....? ,t, !roii,latis 11,4 - t.,V,r,‘t . ~!f %,,,!, :j 1,„.-u, , , J.. f r . /- ; 1 , ~,.. . ....,,,,,,....„,,,.. _,, . stlll` • ~.,G, ...., z• Adar::: TI - • .. ....A.rt.„..,,„,.., 18fitillE .11 (1 0r303.i, i•k afAti'vr . . ~' - y Ii -L i 0 l/{-# Y 7 +'!t 'o' l 1;') • ,-I ~ . _z e zio,) , Lv i i trili L . ,,,• , 4 , 1 Froltt9 Cl.i,,lst .i t to pi v il t i it i , i 416 ,,, ri , SDAilc IatORA 1 ....,_, lut,, k .„,, m py imp Ackcy. ?., !.:., 1 ~,t,„_,6-, 3.;,.1 , i-,-...,i10rmi, 1,,,,i,.., 3 „:,,, "r . ~,„:‘,“ j ' 4 ,l). Id t i,i 4 ,.._,;;1i . 1 3 b r eetlONiihr*Yeltateiltivithllfelothol:r”.3- *littlfr,liSthottitit3-leallxv,ifiestlateNtthlehl 1 4ategistordpfixtrtstrunthudi tattniewhit It* . 0:41173 Vbaniatuviaraditleildivt* no , hißix.*4..94.n - - 91 ItOpitmettividow4ogai 40 1 ,,E5P1 , P1ic43 . . tihienfrisqqatifo le a Pt u NcYl e #M.o44o4 4 l , l l4 42Pl??PwC4' 1 90 }l e y' 4 11?*. 4: 1 48--fliteitilPgfa Pf! Iqu i ft e TFP,TAPPRXertR Ry-IVR piPt_ OA i Vtiveti wjth i .in :i *spitabl.e. 16 1 41 ._ "ifioritilifiiist utle, ' VII' it it' , idrairii4k:lther hy faniititiiii'Weiiiii` 'r - eivi i rittibitepiiiiiiiffloi*ft l iiii3ir 1 Aide $t • Iti, , ift,tiaf till,j T, L a y lititattliii ligitirti OM l iii'44 l i itilier; i Ida - itieftliiiieA t lifiWV , tw . iftitiltiii . 1 l itintWilltiri thiAfiittiiiiiiiiipaiiitY et,' elielk o t itiltifititeif dlitidtetaligtheritid ' by' thou t li fliclititttli.:df ifibit"pfekfiblii 'lives, , ha . sorteingiiitif 41441 "thf:ltePOrtariV hi dmthetteciety;lowthbeelltieinbilati regesterallychelo*3thelmligifyilitend.l 411 ordlitellfgenesitthtilielp fidth !eta,: M. IWO 80.01.degfeebecome u 4. .0 1 043 , g6.440141t471 Aheiglifellovit mot", ^ We" t 441M.G.AbliM-SFs4llll,llifitt , i n) quired reputation, not otilY.),/,4 the.., 1 :41:?1, itgeotelituoiltholemporaEnthdurectttreri oFP i 9lf *X14A1:94i614t4,PA i e t f 1 ff 4•A.t4isluglit , atp r * a l 4 0r, tiSA iI9PSMN &PU*' l_toltlis.taCngtilaheik mithe.dutlei rchsteers leittepy„fet%-ihelti ,euildr ' e lo*o,g.t4 4ii! onis hVils P t4 - *filiggirx fp bis ffi: Atc*ll, 1 - 41 3 01ggerzeuepiiiposed to renewiin: , eir - personii-the-Trimittliefern'r - of'' f ts, ha/04:04 111 mM, as .iitabifibieby Ai ,fer.,34442,:intY.lMltkiierrtimiriK, 2 herlinClAleiberg9flatite ' vi1140, 1 : 1 11a, O tt * e t io *§TtAttAiff*P.,to „ :o,hit , (i . '. tPtPithel 3 4'iti* l- was now to s beiPrfor: ~ , 3 " Soii•VdraWillidiftiiiitaftlekta," , T said the.veuerable - Fatber Eplireina:llx,,- lu 'itt4o -i ,i;A 1 1 . i ... 0 01 4 ,,,g1i,..i*ik . ,. 6 t . 4ff1i*, : 16 if .. ,ca q '6e., , ,..,`81,, , um vrtalie thiencharge, lapesk; i ithate 3 the'brethrPtt 13ity "net:4oll4 of yt,34i 1 r f1gt10,4:1):.!'.., , " 1 ::';; - ' 1 -. , , ,Aittioti!"! , roktipij• 'Ailii•Asi34l,ziag.l with the esiiiknettilvof Aids lottergeterp ft I! iameT to4oort itilliilft l 4 tV i iVl3lh,td i ti , t i ., 1 1ttr,1 .4. 4 4t 47a :1ti-Piii.A4itif:kOkkoPu:' ..71-%!PP.p.s.:mnat3teumbleceifeltftig33citilyr IC 'Oaf/ trligili4 tikeNirrOitttp:e Op! 0:4 .g i isi-, L lO ` :-T4 1 0.4440 - ufw A*Ello, l ifettlialnitimatioB,distitizr•! nahtti,i I. &the bttlairt WO thiih ittiklit ohie to is &iiitc*llliiikiii'lli,'-itikki, ii:' ttutipeu3, and ealdn,eseaor, thosakaiof Iti,4)eace and quieV•ahem *vita), 4 i r ob: etirtiilyse l lteetiOnA;W j liti4iit',.." - 80* 00.400 f *Jiiiefiwo nw,y,outi ; 11 that lives, satisfied -Wining Mardis to II 9-411 rolgOt; 1:: ,10rOil f 'l?W,AJOtte);lttei; 414i - libliifiiir•'4iiirilaar - ,",thii:::-:3vciuid , L, - tiavoit , :eakeMl,#f•ri 4 1-1 4 in 'gat -PO.Pme 141'111!leite'rhaV'er602#0 i1if.444410 . 1,0' .9k4titr i tli4. t r i,41444:3 ,I:3:*ililStilve, • tvitli my 134titirengtiii for the dpirittuir ' onA.psl3* - rottele.4**,pili:46.lxlll34tt l i, t. , w.4,40410 . 0;18: net, doubtful in this , fitter: / tint ready toreeeivetho trnst." i -Ix T4 ll o; l4 lAtilfftliYffg/(o'i o Pliiii'i l ,' 1 eakfitgliVettitir , ' *934'etilliSlitti thee`, tiAbitiffit4whieh: I. ate:M*4 to re. ---etr t.::•-,-;; f:,..3? . .,:;::.-3 , ;- ; t •:: 7 .• i,;, , ,, ,•:• ~- :•., .1 tii*:ft*,p,'Atiigiritit*:4liiii TAt ,i. p Zlatb_sheastglkewise' ; - ii iftitti'deolitrecher keittlin*lti?" 4 ',? , i f ` Al i ~F,,t oqie.4 ** * - i 449*ecui ~lips,. as encWOuld have wide is Iforittal te'-' p1y,14:1 - tti is appeat..--436t0 he'd siteottiiiiiii 7 ; ted #„ fiFOorif•ib,9, 1 44:::'s - ecif4/00t4O134). thelontiepressed „feelings orehildhood;' youth and , : woinaniatio - d,' - tnightdhlive gushed frotp her heart'fn W,Ords'''_that, it wf'44 l o44vi,:tt.eki it:rat - motion; to titter there.. •:f. 3: ;,, , • _.,;_ ~,,,.:, , •,, „,, p ' "-A d 4 tn.. 'htia'AOli eiti 'i, Aid. she t liu.r.,' iltll4i:-,:!**=.4 1 :40n1 - ePti 3 are . 1040 c-fie, unne. l -1• ; 1 „1_,..1.3,7:, .. -' ..- . : -1,-1a...•,. i .Suit -31vhile - epoSkingthese fe,W, Woids; gaitO9cit,o7 , Por iNgEt. teat . '444 ;109k • t i t, a ifek to' VA ; latii -al i.tter7 xotlinc thetv. ' stand: in 3 the:Tyres.? do' tif i TO kier d yt '1.,. rain4fid:',;the;eldtirt.,,c,' 4#.. 4/iii , ,‘,O - .04i Alio* a, g*rii, VP?. A'atoethins etwf4l 1 or horrildeli aLb et situatiOn and ( lieetinii,:[ IttrettiArM;iiidie4,.,iiiiioo:ttia'n`444;. , ntni?,3, 4 441A4' .90'3 1 .PFVe ,to-elietaikt the. Aseaeobserviance of- , then povialted - and , faiubus I throb ghoti r t the T B,t. ~I.3iS,, , th,Sie'. *qv! - -T4 1 4544/ B *C4Pie, - thiiilhatu , rel. ey thpatby .with!htinian,frailties and afrectiOtuti l 2.' 4 ol,7,3tithen . ' - he'i o o l :4,,P4fi, e f fa1it4:1.4 1 4 8 0,_,44 4 41 - .4i4l3li',wiie and 04,1.101 , 0451tuUt uever;t 'fro* ;that hour, had voken a fond,,lyord. t0...' the f00141,1 . 46f'`.,t45ii AliKbesklive'd 4'ciilld: 4 6 4..tifikt40;:Veiotherfivlose - iircitly., refused 3to , follow . lb tin „r''''. be d--' bleu . ‘dtta! - , bled -4 *- 1 / 11 klihi'ikife*-.4tili,:fOrti.i itiiigi4.l4,Jitiovlbeitt Co ikie tneicyof•the. , , World. sJlthe yOungest, !tie theeldereile . , IPliti'.otlib i b,4t igtY , :i 1 4 15 001ir.i40,94. lAt:AO'AY:ti'tt;; gthOof.viliettei ::auct-ertai• Said - never. to•have3mtasped' tr W.4iiman'fr iiiihdli fics'ifirefetitt'd lo":l***,io4y; (wig*, itfii. clos er . A gi - , the Quid fra ternal one of , the Iseet:-.- 5 : 014. Father, Epliraltir Was the - ztioSt oii WIA tit:ad:fit °fill; ` 'lii 1i.4* 1 0414 , ,t 1 44 1 3 P34: , .a.diii snlute'linertne, but was- converte d. by Mother'Ann Theme if,: an'dliatf;;Ptirttke 'i- cififk:*ltSif,giiatt,,Olltkiiiii4,:efirii lit}-. /cora. 146,d4len,wlatiPeredi Tat the.fire.. sideeoftheoviliirge. :.;,.1 that - Iltioghe'r-Ahn 44 4 1 :*_, W j X, . 6 40 1 004 .V4'44, Ili-11ii34( cii- t rlqiii**l[4 . l4,4o ,,, hot-irorti 6efote , it owl& btrpti rifled itemarthly' iiiisralonk / ', i i IpiVeyey, ttllit':inightiiii; ..i.)d . 0 . '11 - eir 7 thi.);44,vio,thith's ,liesitv a and. tender one,:•iin di it qualledAvithin ' her; as-'..ehts, lOokei . royntf,a4hObe Striinge ', oftt ineh; atiti f le4:tiketh 0 . thit'.9o34., features- of A.illuirtaibUZll:, Buts' perceiving: ttra'!, , the °Witt Vethe r qoptiltpAyt.l, Oho itir 7 Pitk01#044 ,4 ,,,gi1;i4 ,1 444ii i ~w4th•what atrength - 11 w left inertly 3314, troubles," Bahl iihti;7!"iraitfreedY to th44orttikellife l cb4 go, and to' Rio soy., bOaitiiiot.4 ',,,-;:., ,,,,,- , , , - - ''-.- •i • i s lityabildrOu :join lop! halide, "bald i l !AlitqA ll 4fal, , :-.Lr? -; , -, , , ,..1 - I __ _., . :Lamy' did; , 50,, , Then elders' stood 'up arsrnd, • stud the gethei, feebly - raiiied /4/0 5 1tAiiy!'41, 6 ?4,,erf40,4ft*tio0', ,bizt ooßtlztheitoshithein histreaSsheir; •.,' . " 4 3.1•31utVe Ailddet you 'ld ;1131i:lotir ha l 4 o #l.l.# l • l F .1-04,1444 1 #44.4.00q.': stpo' ;_taf IPPR . , VuigiuttnoW itiviAnd : fail' ever, ctru t , as , brottier'ettd ifistinq ti- ep! r* ' Pei t le ;'""F li :P44l:o -11 00 . . !1 P i Pel - 4 , yog.4l,o**4o: l ,,;.ro t *iiili ,unto. others tie Lab whichVihaveele ' iited.7opeir wldeiptteesgilitleilkqi :eApelteye v t'4 4 #10710t*4, -:9 ,1 1 . 61 ., : . 0.„• 111 1 :*.ho sv i iii, giveiup the iniquitleit of the woriciv aetimomebitkietkolead,levdt . eflOity a# . 1 1,4413#0, :',: -/ ,5,*,1V477:04.'444 , 5k0i),14 wxte illim4kiiPlia:the i 4 veoty ()Uttar th , --. receive : the t little .5 OMI dreh i thatlt M I nlay .iii 4 iiiit:4o:tii:tbie,:thijexOliiii*th), , And ,'s. c ,tile*Oll-'he Ori,-Y r -inhere ;; So, that' the iimernay hasten , oti . when - th e ir t iEsi °9 Pc _;g9theZ AR„),3411444, : wri.44/oitt OP :;i4Netti-• - .01e.0 ilitkireiv shill noptorethe horWatid die, and the liest surritfor oVruhitialiiietir:entne l . OK . ; otlWea,LCiii__4l4' . *4ait . 1 44 1 2..thii B 4 tit4O . 3 IMPUI., lievermoie,tctr.lii , io tql . 11. ~worldof. 4klo4,l4;mskiv4t , , . ~ .bi', ! ' ' •. ' . -: . iTlAffittiiir iiiiiiiiitstittichaustv • 1 EMI CM 7l•tty/:li- ! Milli edyitSitheourreundiniehlers)4,ooo4A W ( 1t. 00 d,'er. 4 444 10 . Di Wfithik 494. 1 1 ,C 9,1444 IF4FI I .iitAR.P I /.7.111P 1 14; Pf AA Vll ,1 1 4C11 1 -411 0 0.C9u4SiFilfi rr ifgr , ec.,, eßatpktiPprit to f f 'rain, heir el Ithio torUed tiOru7rPt:... ;thit i nCracti, *ll6 utiitOti&W 161;Iiiii§ea" Midi 11010 !tit& arm& Nifth &Whits of SO.' Itted Ntrabilidui fluor and , pa* , grew , -Martha by his tad* - 4114 like- , it , corpsits its clothe*. id's - mauls 4 0wti , 40 the feet of, her ettrlylover for,. AfiN41.. 1 0.WY,,trh1e. , 144 3 4 1 .Y. INN% her beast- RPOPtr , RIP 170514. AA dr40,1.09 aggFiY,A,lmPoßiott,..R. : , , '!•e r it',"4 n lD: ll 4 - . 1.14 I 11104 b innocptt. . n it,ditTNo/3 Wit*. " kola ; , near 'ilan-ittaltor4:lolan anfitA" ' 1 1 - ...i :) )'2 itnnieglitunnztt. (' i I',i-i'''" t • i , i ~ ~ ,- ,1,, , --,--- • ~ i ..--o:,c . "Pe.tia, dept. 18, pS76. t. it Is a little ; strange, that 'the liii4iii' precinct' 'of Ibis, treat Valley hhuid l lia,Vetretel 4 ad'ed"little 'at:tendon frobileiteirtilVtraiitieriii and - iiiiiiiiiiiiti: 1 tt , 12160 1 eeete itv , thcitigh' i that! `chilli 6i, lautnitr bblugstfelitheratelVes lAiblidtri lonistw e auytbinliraotle tit 4 atlgtbing !I/atheists star.ket , valne-olienetith , their posicizt.,,,•••: :. - , :.,,hvil i • 1•• , ,,.,„,1 ,: ,gs4f?ganl;34albc , ltit,A9A4gapsit , we :are reateVP.4l 6 l4tiodilaa, , tOlvaguelbeotiet, itt4 e ,Lokt.l',, .half, lAttgiliclhie:,sort lot Te•Oitgg .9,; 1 , 1 4; Ma9l 3 ,i rev soleuee, .loiti ivouJd be better, r deseribed, as epojett• aril plilli*P4',-. GAl?4,ll9urco7' San,, tll.lit ttie' eitr/#lse ' i t* ; #usPlialsit ?9 at al that. 'I • reeelleCt,' ' Herndon. saw the' `tieHitgeree l it'WerienbarZfrdive, end gaiee‘-a •sgoAriecolint - of tbe inuirking Proceski,4hWh , its mainly correct. Eid4 der Bawl and illustrated' the protess ; Fletcher, I think never. Saw it .at all. iiitiena, , Stnythe (Itzakily.liat Smith) and , CaStelenau pass it over as lethal, pract iefs.l thing, scarcely worth the mention. , ..:kgeasi?,,in t spealgug of the products Of thla l yalley v saya it is the "greatest. of O'Y..' :4 ' o ; et.SPß9kfind .4 3 4. 1 ; 1 0 15 .nowfi anything of making „it :.,thongh be easuOs, us . tlip.., aka ~ aeTlP L ltaOrte .! a -Vince, belonging:to ~tke !lama class as otii . eo - Mtridzi ' 971. 40i4d0t• Wile 4 I tell Ye i ttihat ItiOelneiiineed'aeringe. 'treoa Oatl l ifi' feet : An ' circumfe'r'ence, and eighty-five feet biglii 'that the bark and 'Wood rutii" be fairly compared to thostitif a large; thrifty besob tree; that the leaf:and tWigs 'may' be likened to { ,ut harthwooded,•deeiduous trees,''with a smootheltiurel-like leaf—l have- told you what I know of the seringa tree.: and you may have your opinion, atu I have. Aulte,• of a .soleuee, that classes ilial.i,e, tree as a • inilk ! week., • . [When Prot .Agassiz, was here on ;his faMous "scion tide tour'!-whatever that may he=—there was a young, , man with him, named C. i. Hart. o He was, a' gehrulhe Yankee; 'fel of pluck and' ed - - 91.6, well educated, sharp; and self-re: ilia; 'and he staid-here long aftet ,th 4 expedition left, poking- about the (tendity,on I lac "personal curve" , 'hunting ferialVePtureeauti knowledge , 'Gaming ttile. lauliga&ft - }phlghttlei 4Pealtefllke a native—and making hituaelf,,genetally busy, like a true Yanke e, as _be Is. As "Cornell is a member of the ornell tiniveF ,Elty," it may not suriirlie'y6ti to learn tbet,he is heresgaiu—es the leacierlot a '''Elcientifle eaploring pipeclition,". smut out by sai d !Pulyerslty,", for. Its Own' , 'glory, au d, the immense satbeastion of r 4elgeilil sohoplbeys who • belong to, ',id ,Uniyersity.'' , ,Tlicsl 6 4 young.gentisp34.4! ' bil?';'B.t°Pui ,`!./ 1 rfiV4 11 )41 ,8 ," ofWiltim,; i t 4 u l 4•Pfft"l 7 lF4Pg;;Parf!nta haTP•tPienr , .ty - 61,m0tier.,.. ;Rif eqyAne of them OM 'tne;'Ji l / 2 0ia:4ulf r ally..,tbat his '. mother, 11,40 t i n' incOme &I 860 : 000 ' -perannum." Itls, a gbbdibliii, AO ii ;71004iti4i i oisitliiieg, ...tO have' stiii"a"ninthbf, w and b ' an ,' only stilas Whin' I , 'lisle - that:l'4f ' hey had seed Bc/hiloa intido; and lie ' in, fcitinedi theruseiveirei tee tit e, 3 thairt 'auction of the , Aitaion.. Valfey told me, in patrol:l.l2ldg tones that Is' doruraiseratiou, for Any iguorauctevi the,ebleotc of PleßxPiKlitlOri,'Werea" 1 9 - BotentificAq, 00a. _help, theta. , • is science ? Ts there no science 111 ieaperjtua InoNyer ? , t4e cottou in the eteatc. engine ? Are un l yigl and thu l tuuj CatirOi i iix . bie unscientific? 1 1, 1 K,he,0 -I asked Prof. ' Xiitrt., if , iie 4 PurAi'cirrqoPF l *4e he ' 4ll clif!! ..itittlid,be c had , tioir;, hut ,deciare. ,fucit'xitj,4i,ylli3 . „ooking itii9 ih9 tilt : fore he, laft theA.Maz4 ;Valley. itvio Odektiafterivard I' Met 'hied he to ld me - Lbe 'llad eximhied al 'leading OixitliOttheir:rlidp,Matt - ,4itt ln:this fine;,Oinzitwks ittapress , , , „thervalue of= my. , plena for !rapt. , the process, 44 !,' . pv. 4EO . pro 'Spent stirite Ore am ong the cstrad ,the river, and-had seen the work? -on In air ita t 'phasee, froth taPpiii - trgeS to',,the iinatc qtting of .1.1;40 f 1 ,Oho:from-the rude moulds on 14 . 411 is smoked? Well, no. The' r Wal!t OFeskatlci,-wkich be Visited .not, Just; therr, lit "Operation-; b I:iad a cenipetent 'scringero for , whio'itk#l,llflT over the estroda 4 t plidnakalr, ihe, Operations a ivit clearness., • When I offered to e one or two points wiiloh . triigh ,escaped ihe:ohservation of iine w absolutely seen no ßorrucha, ma tiaateded to ., assure ine'that the'ill :tionp of 'the iter l inge'rO:' had ,been clear and simple; his esplanatior inest lucid. -- Thought, liel-he! the entire, procesS its Well,e.s. tho 4 kad Watched the natives at their] Tor days; As ths, professor, cohtemplei9i ', ha* the world will be collglaiened g . 4 aoina, ',,distatit day, on the raannfaCture o :pit-,, ruches, or raW,robher. .. Andi out print my rough notes on the subject, b cause some' unisolentlfie cues may w tto kilo* itoinetrig atiotit it-who ea . .t, iif... :14 , ;ford totiit or the ktifik:" I hi* seise' little knowledge. Of' the sabjeot I year' ,r—Ss is roan'shouldhave whi) e ttas Made i 'tWor 'voyages toi(the A.tnazon alien kI E itl 3 , VAtlihr)biaf i4adingi 014 . •I, ' llB, Va,b/541 thi3 lierltiga treee. with , 14,Ch... et., auger and tapping gouge;.od. I. il,a-V. Ought- the gum in tattle ,elay cup"; alep, in tin oups of fweiei . 14 411, .fer,eig.SOWN ii.t/Paing Itegatal ./beet i l ru form by—actual ,es,peri meat. ".' s.- have'' -•'aesisted" at the PankinB ;ef, II cliv, or 'clay 1194 le, moulds, ._ on -, yud ~ laste, J i and, c.l .tli! - ,olay,ed,paddles• - ,N0A94 *wit t . t. iii,! . 46foots,!giciikeA ; 1 114,4 inO, made it oh a y fOuriuch model t .l9 - i ded for depot& on Elie she vett, o a,,. !deo °dice: LlkeWise, I' Vi.'Va mad' it'im 1 jheitititne Model'oat dad iiii'iO ' 'erkiiii ,Sizeicand.lnitiking :sheens•six. - fe4l"•binle , by- ', tNt*ve tdotitmc isidiialtaidl ;'elpiiiir terfeot :cin ' , the' largo matiamill 5 thodeti , ' Also, I have made lt byanatherliproono (ler') better:than ialtharv,bat ma Lys esi M 41;. , MEM Ji. . . bad &d' , 1 . 5 I k i e t. and 1. the fact.- ' with ving ably as up I. the ortur Bch it s bber Was t• ide, great slain have I . L u o a e, he netr*- • yc,ry e• the toiid la be work lill EMI ~ f G _. =MB =MEM lIMMM MEI secret: and I am ready-toeisoltdva with the irreverentiiyouttglitleirtess who ;17anted out of church in the middle of ' htliiiriten t e•Orm'oti; tiipYPOdir-Aq Oftilti'ihililiiitdi*fi . hai‘alti. 44 j ' '' ' l i *;:tiiiiiijetao titoiifer *hie I reddil these !Mites miderittlind - that i l biii chill4ei 'lit iiittitat4lll n'oi, depend eiftbe Willie' of 411aPinitention. ` lii' nia, - 'that pant pi,ight be apt tb militate Against $110103,9 ill Many cases; ' -' I' - - j - pioi•can , / leant of i‘ siugle man who, on sap - inventidirtitatt' Is stioh ' i n' ) the ) Atnerlcan, Bins'', or the word ! , hes eve; Made . his eXilliilkii4oi reason exPlatoe in a previous letter; Brazil lias 'been % very, liberal tai scientific . exPitlitiOns, i especially it some popular solentiet wes at the head, who was expected toile book whi*raight give_ their! , q ~ C c at c a t;, t i a g t, li t i rk ei 'li s p or t:l . ,re . ts . tildin . ; and : apt : l7 / e::' • T ilt , ;,9°°9 l Autent 4 ieta/lied 1 il;_ inr c9iit rip (best Ode ink the ennteen, ) 0 "watt on Prof. Agassiz and make the • roadSinooth7—such being the iidajoriti !ni , triictioral. It.elso ,furrtlahed h*. Stesineri with"their ereive, a f c, heavy e_39ense. Apd, a part of the' Cornell ur x rdit*" B llo'9P . I'S' 21 ,npu Rive r op, a Government steamer , at this time,. 1 The young gentiletneti who exposed the party are not 'bad fellows at heart ; the) , rootuea next to me liefor i ct leaving, and tO?Pled ii I . o 'a gond, .ludgee of wine and eigarS. could no learn learn - that anyone Or the party cep.l4,eltia and staff a bird properly, analfFeageological specimen, T name ,and .cleesify a plant, or leaf.— Ot they toolo3 .ZioTten along, and will oubiless make the objeets of the LSI pedition !'purely scientific.", . ,The man who Conies here with Inver.- I,ions or naneWnes, no matter how val. noble to the commerce of the country, will look in vain for the steamer and guide that these people will furnish to take i hito and his machines about' the country ; and this not because they care really anything about sale:nee; but they are a s.oung, seusitive;, thin-skinned nation, and vanity has cione for , them w4al, sighing and grief did for honest Jack Falstaff. There- : ydo have more Solid i , truthful, plain information on the incipient stages of the'lndia Rubber trade,tban ypn can find ,in print in the 'United states. These last: three letters are really worth saving for the practical know ledge they tentain—thougii I aay it, as I shouldn't.—Recorder and ffim °oral, 13 ACCIlre. Sam Lawson on the Hokum kamily. BY MRS. F. B. STMVE. They had a putty had name them Hokuins. How they got a Ilvln nobo dy knew, fOr they did'nt seem o pay no attention to raisin' notbin' tin chil dren—but, the deuce • known thete 'was plenty of them. Their Old hut waallke a - rabhit pen—there Wat3' a tow head to every crack ad cranny. 'Member *hat old Cie.sa `= said: once, when the Word come to th *tore that old Hokum ' had got tattoo.• l''Spose de Lord know ii , hest," says Met,'" but /thought dete watkl-fokuins en ngli afore." Wal, even poOr . workin f, industrious folks like' me i finds it's hard gettin' along When there ban many moo ths . to feed. . jordy mos ey, -there don't never • seOlz ;II: , ut no end'ou't,.and so it ain't Wonderfu , to think on% if fOlks . like them iliolt:utos gets tempted to help along In ways that ain't quite right. Anyhow folki did, usel6 think 'that old Hokum xv..4* too sort ; o"taiulliar with, thelewipod piles "poi gin thellight, though they conld'ut 'never prove it ton him; and, When mai. ther 13Okum cothe to 'henees round to waiik, folks need sotnetiMei: to Mita*. ' ce!s, Imre OA W 09,4130411 ;tiny:D*9or could 'find, tem en , ,her; then they was aller's a gettin' in debt here and a get the. in debt •there:' 'Why, they got to Owl n' two dpliars to - Joe' Cliilger," for butcher's m e at. , joe was sort , o' good natured, and letlern•have meat, 'cause Hokum he promised so fair to pay, but he eould'fit never get it out of him.-- 'member once Joe walked clear up 'to the cranberry Po'nOrt,c4 , that two dol. lays; bit Mother .13Okum she see him a corn t ui Ju'at as he cote past the juniper bush on the corner. She says to Ho kum, "Vet into bed , old man, . 4i1013, and let trie . teli ih*sio,ry," ova she. ero slie‘O l f!ek.e r d Ilitu'OP,,ent wheu.Gidger come in she come up to him and says s h e, ~ , :w.by,,Mr. Gidger, I'M Eishmed to see yei• why Mr: Hokum! • WaS j'unt'a' comitil down to pay that are money last week, blitye see he was took down with,the . stnali.po'k:," -, , El, Joe did'ut hear no; more' t be just turned round ern& he atieaked it' out that ate door' with ',hie' coat tails flyitt' ont'straight ahind hlm,,and old mother .11Ointn she just stood at the window, holdin' her sides and laughiti!. tit to split, to see him sruti.• That are , e just a Sample of the 'ways them liokutos , cut up. l, , • ~..--- ..,_ . i Old mother Hokum was'a sort of en -terprieto' old crlttur—fact'was As bad to be, 'caw% the :young Hokums vas juet ,like 'beg .worms : the more they growed thernoretbey eat,.and I expect sh o e found it pretty bard to fill Their big moutbs.—.Atlantio Mputhly. A WARNTNCf TO T i liOSE Wirg go ..i.v tt rt,EL CETNUi'S, ON:LINDAY.TA cer tain 'bootmaker in Springfteld, Massa chusetts, took his -wife, . datighter and, another young Miss,, and it 'boil* and wagon • and some baskets and things, and started after chestnuts on Sunday. "As they approached the town - of Wil braham," says the Springfield Repub- Itcan..'t they came 'to , a small stream, ,and paterfamilles thought be would Wa ter his horse. So, he got out to unhitch :the' check 'rein, . and for his pay was knocked_over by the horse, flat into the water. Near by was a deep place, and 'for this the,borse made, and then lay down,' eating the grass on. the edge.r-- .Thi won:ten:item' up on the wagon seat with water up`hs their knees, ticream- I oft for hel p', , while paterfamilias was in ft ! pechof trouble.' The lunch basket tioatett away; while the girls' hits, one of them anew oue,.were a perfect fright when recovered. Finally the three in the wagon jumped. out, where the wa-. ter was only waist deep, and got to.the tibii're ; and help 'then cowing from a 'boti not far away, the horse was dreg• reed out. But a more sorry set never Caine into town than did that party on their retitiro. This is what people get ttvlio'go after chestnuts on Sunday. ~It Is "tb be , regretted; of course, that:po lives , were lost-ri-the force or the foots ,Might haveheen'greater ;—b.nt let the , i l moralists reflect that we cannot tell a e, eveo t9.l;4o l ze.an important prinol. ;c l ,-"•:.;.1 k.iii I. : t., --,:t!, tT , ' . ' . ii'OtirOifit To tal abitioon'oeMli all fhatititoltiiitee,l ~~ `. IBM it .1 IM=MEI , ,-. . ~ , 64m l i . ...•,,•••. , . , • • , ' ~J oshß illingslectured at the 'Made% my of MOM, Phgadelibill o rlidskyotte niAtAbelttlili r..Thociorionposottwr. Ceti MIS "the '' ' Oef StinUlikik &resit ar the Star u 4, ' Ae To h I 001414 to Wellaboro ta lecture h, cleating 'Winter, we stall mach h ' peratehelatiais with the' ~) , • wore int est: ; Wee ( 7 y from the 'Prop : • 1 1-As 4 slued, 1 for dyepepsia or ,s, at, of the blues, t he o reporter of **We% who last evealft visited , the'Aeadetay of Miro, (though hats nob f 6 pbyitotan by proftsion,) reoommends a doee DI Josh' Billing& xt the prat, epplioation, Ocala • prove maligning, a second One will be sure to work a radiations... ./ f • ! •' • - t - /"4.n immense auditing,' Aliedtha Andssalt It , an early hour, who welted impatiently for tliellP• r pumas of the gifted hatundlit; thftla thatiale ' was,enlieerted by tins bewitoblug *iieflak, eiojdisontrsed by the °Magna, • ~ . i ' The reception gtveu to the quithit` ; • - attreativelfigure of the !Waxer, on MC , 1 • •.' peanut°. • on thaorta, was ' • + • , • Mx . r.,, Pugh la sea ming his eerricse l a d dm • .• hit' of hit 'Stir Course! ' -• "'f The, way in *bleb'• e Lecturer moaned the audience, es if select the ticklish point a etre erjr ihdividual in it, w greeted with uproarious it laughter, and when h slowly and dellbscatety ' walked to a small 'tan o f the reading desk, and poured out a glass of the • 'timid known it this locality as 'milk," the shottte of merriment made the Academy , sin and yet .IJosh' bad. not uttered a 'word in,the oaring of the large 4'- 6=f:deg% ' 'With he glistan'fiis hand, the ° pre reitdal philosopher' opined • hie lecture se fel lowa : "A A great many good cape have been written on a;dlk, bat the beet thing; ever sew on ft was the aria. [ haughter,j From the tubjent Au• noncom:l for my lecture, it pasha be supposed that I was about to descant upon tome goat sad abstruse Science; to , give the leap of the cam , hopper, in feet end Indies; analyse the chum* on colors on a horneee back; measure the great Air pyramids; or ta]to a Tipp to the moon in isielliS °fn age".• .[ Laughter .] But I paporet_L i e speakof a few 0 the, everyday event. of , ap s ' and ehfortie othi those! . with 'a this testsrks on proverbial iphilolophy.• The IntooeSs of a hanior let depends upon his audience, for the beams always know what tickles them most; and the hardest work a humorist had to do, , mist to pause and;telt his hearers when to laugh, or to be OM god to atop and explain a joke. "Re descanted upon Happiness, w oh herald was like the wandering tea; [lan h it when you went to him he weent there, (Uusa• ter.] The best way_to" be happy w slim to want anything—until you got it; an then' be saving of it. After describing many that tended toward happiness, be said pu ding and milk was a good thing to get happy o ; but too much pudding and milk., even, was calculated to worry a man. [Laughter.] 4 , Honest men were said to be the noblest work of c Ciod ; , but his impression was that honest men were so sane at the present dap, that: a lug* pOportion of the first edition must still be laths 'inthor's bands. [Applause.] " The saying of Talleyrand that a blunder was worse than a crime, reoeived a new mini= 4e the hands of the 'philosopher,' who'. stated the difference between a mistake and a h loader AP follows : Where a man put down an Old umbrel la and took up a new, one, it Was ,a mistake; bat where a new one wad, put down and en old one taken up, it was a blunder. - 4 "It may not be dangerous to pull a t l era out of a mule's leg, provided you can dodge the kick. 'Laughter.] . , i "A man that starts, on the day Of his mar— riage, as a first lieutenantin his flintily, need as• ver expect to be promoted. • (Laughter.) • " A man who can draw Nen Orleans molasses through a half inch anger hole in January, and. slug ' Home, Sweet Home, while the molasses is running, may have a clear conscience, but be ainjt iudcism enough for th year 18T0. [Ap plause.] A. /ivy man in a village is ike a case of itch in a Moffitt school--it sets everybody ip it to ooratoh tug." t, Editorially, the Praia says: " The leottue at the Academy hull night, mast be'eet atiwn) as the funniest event of the season. Billings is irresistible ; and the way in which*. vast audience tapped his should be con vincing evidence that his re-appearance at an early day will be bailed with genuine delight by th e multitude of Star Lecture goers." rethalZBG/V/NO 11/004./C827.04 In continuance ' of an honored 8 and national Custom; and In devoa, acknowledgment of human dependence upon Almighty favor, I do hereby ,ap. point Thursday, the twenty-tenth' day of-November next, as a'day of Speusral Thanksgiving and praise, tieing the' same day, and for the same vide and uses, set forth by his Exoelhinigy, the President of the United Eitateai in biz proclamation of the twenty-firsttlistent. Pennsylvania, unsurpassed in bless ings, should not be , surpassed by any in acknowledging her gratitude to God. Let us, then, as citizens of. the Com monwealth, abstoin, as far as possible, from our usual avocatione or that day, and assemble at our reipertive places of worship, and let us there, and in the festivities ofour assembled fathilles at our cherished home, rejoice in the goodness of God, and render thanks to , Him, for Ills lovelog kindness and His abundant mercy towards us. Let our thanksgiving and praise' finds'exprses. ion in dedicating the day, to deeds of benevolence and charity, and in min istering to, and alleviating the wants of the poor, the needy, and- the suffer lug; so that all may "rejoice said be exceeding glad." "To do goett and to distribute, forget not; for with anal saorlOces God is.well pleased." Let us invoke Divine favor upon our beloved State atid nation, and pray that all who are called to administer 1 their governments ma' be actuated by the "spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge, and the fear of the Lord." Given under my hand and the great seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this twenty-eighth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy, and of the •Com monwealth the ninety-ilfth. JNO. W. GEARY. By the Gov'eruor P. JORDAN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. THE NEW AEPUBLlO.—Mattinique, where the inhabitants have rebelled against 'rance and proclaimed a repub. lio, is forty-live inlies long, and from twelve, t 0 thirteen - miles broad. In. 1858. its export and' ituport trade with France was valued at about eight -mil- Ilona of dollars. The interior Is'moun tainous, rising into peaks 4,600 feet abo+e , the level of the sea. It has" two 'town—Fort Royal,, With 'a! population lot 11,000, and fit. Pierre, of 21000; where !the ex-Empress Josephine wai bore. The entire population of. thio, Wand 'amounts to 140,000, meetly negroes.. Is very probably tbat Frangiv a lU , sap lose her other West Indialalapahf 90. slating of Quadalouco, Mari 1 901a1414, Igesi3aintes and Pespada...riP,, 11314111 TY OF Porra...aTtott.-a-The Oen su gives the .comparative density of population of some of the Wog, thtokly populated States, as follows:. 180 s 110. Masseohnsette, per square mile 166 11 31 180 Rhode Island, per quer° mile 167 200 Rhode Island is the. mot propulotta State in the Union, NVere all New En gland equally dense she would hive 780,000 ; and = were the whole Ilnij;ed States equally populous -with „Rhode Island she would have 618,000,000 of people, making an allowance for waste lands of 800,000 square saileci t I .141 Honor thy fattier and thy 'anther.