, [for !)_oAiltitor.) 1214111011.0—litife BY -.0 RIM SEERWOOD '‘,4451, littulau Any, —7, When uiftpla leaves sr* brownly - Beside the Dna Lb-dune's oheerfernY; .11V-tirtlllAer,6l4 b.:let4l.+l Ktn thinking Of tits olden flame, When life was lika a day in June; !hen youtik eiryiltiontited by fairy Aquila, And brooklet, sang a,silver tune. dreamkog er„.",rolley Gulp; -_ - Of . cep l den With pertuOtee:, Otereberds with their sinless balm, , Aod meadows starred with clover-blooms 1•7- V.. 111 IAT ;11 'n 21 41:1°) . 1T1197 "F , l atoood,the doer, Tfie 13*1*ii e tto4thip',,ifti? j daiudspot, , Tbe'B46;;is t intrivitico`we Of yore. ' I hear duel robin's plaintive Hues, The atrium 'that murmured to the main, .Tkrepiriti to the moahlng pines, The reapers in the golden grain. • 4 161 0••bitiE 1 7 llrsltthterSpiiog,l . - Dian where the merle and mavissing, Among the green things gruwiag. • live again thole deyel ween, When winds were bland and skies were blue, When ineadowwwors sr softer 'ahe' Atid4lOirdiesine'd di; s f atnir m 413 ron l gb, And thoughts of those bineath the sod, ,Coma gently. She stnmer , AhoF . lFA, 7 Vtio etii#4l44i biliiiy . f3el46 of . god 7 * *6ol:T44lktiiialuf4tivitrd , fur tbs.& weed; iny pipe for me again, And let me dreem,a;goldenfiream, Before reach t<itlisldaln, Beyond ibe dark and silent stream F;tilTENnifi 110118. . tiiiiTiest time to commence' fattening is in the inOytiißt 18,1>tetutier;',Q:clOber and November, and the worst in De cember, January And_ February. A certain amount of food is needful to treed the animal warm when the then miameter is at zero. All this is save when itstande between thirty and slat degreije,:''An addition to this; the abso lute linni,.lof food by freezei g - to , the spout Anil trough, and the. inevitable; mixing With snow and slush is never less (ordinarily) than five pe bent., not to say Anything about the tr üble and cost of continually thaw' g, frozen swill,snd bringing it to -the ?temPer aturAthat 'NM be the moat acceptable to tlioi., unposnfortable and semi-torpid animal;;,; . - ~ - • , • The eaitern method Is to coMmenee fattening by boiling potatoes, pump kink Ittiiples,, or other, vegetables, and mid alltt)e bran, shorts or iroVen.der with the cooked vegetables when hot, thus JboVouglOF cooking the meal.— It is.theti."Pladelt-livAlibe or vats, and allowed to slightly ferment, when it is ready for use. The amount of meat is gradually inereaseed until near killing time, when Meal well coo k ed, alone. • The meal Is compose.) of oats, buck wheat and Corn,,,or any other coarse grain, or of / any two of them, generally finishing witb corn meal aiou. Thus treated, they fatten much faster than on dry, corn and at much' less expense. It 'costs more lal)or, but at a season when Itßati be nell,spareJ, and it is will. recompensed. The English system is still more diversified. They use all kinds of veg etable4l4Jtatcee, turnips, carrots, beets - , peas, befoks,Variey,anir oat'i ;,The grains steamed or ti ,grond ; the , vegetables spoked and mixed wlthslop from „ the house, dairy, distillery, brewery, etc. Even grim:4nd ploV,er Is catitnd Mixed with the feed,' And tildaost‘ eVerk sub eubstanoe of light cost and any ,nutrl - le 7:44 1 Y prepared and Ands a readYintiiket in the tnaw of , the :, °kin"- verous hog. A celebrated English breeder giVes the following directions; give them a variety of meal, such as wheat, maize, barley,'arid Whatever is most cen'ven rtu lent lb nil' together. Ha e it ap wetted withtlint! Water,' an d spr aisle 'it with sale. What is talked on ' day is used the next, thus giving s cieut time to allow, the food Blighty to ferment, and coolaufficiently to feed - with, This iiFipur winter plan, but in summer • we mix all with cold water, and feed with cold food.. „ petiVem meals-al*, ;them i whole maiiiwiiiid ralangOld i r 46 itzel' or ewes& out small,, little coal and soil ocetudonally, and )low them plenty of clean water,. When pigs are put, up' for fattenlni *e find nothing better to feed them 'with than barley and maize me*, mixed together int 4 slops, water aIWaYS kept ky tklinct r itFitka little man gold cut for• l tifito:viietiikon'aily. lt is very beneftoial‘to Iva& and bihsillhem as Often as convenient. This is quickly n t ,do eby experienced hands, and will a ply re-pay the trouble, but through -th i o of.thwest, it is the practiT to feed ear rfkila a4rsii stat 4. 4 t is ndt 'the boa ~ee(ticomikefid ye E coin is o kiatrilis produced, and it is so handy to feed, espcially in cold weather, and when the I hogs have been properly sum mered, and their teeth and health good, success is so certain, that it will., doubt less be a long )l time before it will be abandoned. It the corn was soaked, steatned t or iirtnindi It, Would give yout a likter return, I and if mixed with cooked vegetables, stlll better. From the Western system of feeding, ten bush elk of corn will inoreaae the weight eta good hog_about onilkindred pounds, and.sometinum more. So the compar • ative valwi s ot -pork and corn can be . readily estimated: •With the eastern - system, it *ill • 00104 mottiiitheri diet. Pigs eat the fciodinuclkbetter Wfien it is fresh. , The very common practice of leav ing a quantity of food before them con stantly, so as to he litre they have enough, Is very wasteful, and very bad' policy; so Is irregular feeding: fArlet regularity as to times of feeding,' qua)-; i t?' . .taViOttt -9 t4 . eids - 00 4 very. , , IF , 9i , r ,l l )44o,,:rekiding each day •is biotter thati thug) times ; but whatever the number of times adopted, ,they sbo)ild be every day alike, and at about tini same time each day, ,\Once:glving t 4 little—theti too niliati=4Virietltnes Omitting a meal, giving an extra ortc, or feeding ii,t irregular tirreir:-any pfth*tprOdeeil will &Aria mated ' ally fromthe vitae of the pork barrel.— 'Wonutiiefgeporter. CrtatitiaiSl4.Wihts..-!..Thp, sub *lied extriCut 'the will' trainties Dickens will be read with interest: "I desire that my name be inscribed in plain English letterton my tomb. I conjure my friends on no account to make me theeubject of any monument memorial, orlOtiotitaifil idijitiO4. I rest my alaini to the remembrance of my country on my published works, and:to their experience of(ms in addi tion thereto. I commit my ?QUI 00 _the mercy of= Chid, thronigh our Lore and Savior Jesus Christ; and I exhort my dear children humbly to try to guide themselves by the teaching of the New Testament lu ,its broad and-to . put no faith any man's narrow- Con struction of Its /otters here or there." • It . r r . 1 i .~n..~ ,_::AgltatOir. T . . , 11113 °Eats is wen stocked with Type, Ptltiisi, to., and has every advattylkfor doing ' c • JOIV•,11001111MINfe ,i-4'` :- :'',:', In a suporlor nutt*Wath;Or..liicolrits, trove al wed ding card to a eheiKpaita. 4gOtr,ind or idyl.) of w.ric done at this office ill folliiikin-,. , ' '''' ' Q_ taw Books, PaVphlets, 'Cards, Invitation Cards, I Band Blll.,Prograramta, 1 °litchi, Dr s, Dubin , ' Bill Asada , Vrcutars, Orders, shipping Cards, &Ways* Cards, Brerstopes, Tinted Plato Prlnting„ Vislttpgilini, WiVigig, : t -_ac„ 10:„, to. ..t. liiil 1111 Justice Blanks, And all other blanks constantly on band and for mils: beeds,warrantee; Scbooi Qoutract, Diode, gun-claim. !Summons, Subpoenas, Statement and Confelotion, Warrants, Raemitions. Amicable Allet c low, - twilePttittling Sonds,CisietabLe's Sale, Attactiments, Judgment. Colleetdr's Bela, Notes, Petition and Eland Uarriage(ler titleate, for App'ment ut Guardian. ind any otbeiblanbe not enumerated &bora will be printed to order on abort notice. oar Versooi sending order* for JOB WORK will get t sir work promptly done and returned. We .baU spare no pall° please our customers in this depart. merit.- Mosel. ending Work, please state - the star of Job, kind oils sad paper desired. : VAN fISLDEN k AIITOHELL. , Proprietors 1.b.1870... Canneir ROAi! Let lifti THE GOOD _NEWS ThKopghout the Laud .. , of the largoAsMtmeryt of •,` • MEW GOODS Which hae just been reoeiveil-,at the new Store of CHAS. C. HAMMERS. Qome and lee the New Goode! WE LIKE TO SHOW THEM. =EMI Iti the line of DOMESTIC DRY GOODS we are offering great bargains which cannot fai to please., We are also offarlug great bargaiostin DRESS MEI which cannot but pleama the ladle• Grocery Department. We have' an excellent line in this department, anti at prices that mud suit all. look at the Stuns: Suglcr f i rim 10 to 144 canto. Tea frox76 cts. to $1,60. .A." B. Deane Saleratue, 10 cents. Syrtip, 80 cents. Coffee 25 cents. Chewing Tobacco from 80 cts. toll. -- Ws also keep a large assortment of miseellan= eons goods, shah as Is usually found In dry goods ; , stores. Our assortment of , . Hat and Caps for Men and Boy and varied and complete. We koop in the • Boot & Shoo trade, the different styles to please all, and 0 the best manuthotare. fiept. 14, 1810. 'V~tA Ll 4 PAPERr WALL PAPER: WALL PAPER! • 0 lI'ST It be alitiootly understood to the Inbab limits:awl citizens of Wellibbro, that; we wit cell : - •, PAPER, and any other article in the MOrlat.iw 111.adlxLek, cheaper than oan be sold by any other arm, In Tloga County; ,furthmwe do iffirm that no man . eaniundsrseU tic Weirs they rseeive good*-- by 'Alit LINE. tirro just rocsivod from N. Y., 35,000 ROLLS OF WALL PAPER boughtfat the present Gold pleas $l,ll, which w• pill lei cheaper than any other Arm west of F. Y. Call and alumina, and we are certain thal we can pleas* in Prit and quality, and if not stilted we will pay you for your time in 'apatite. P. R. WiLLLS.II3B &CIO: NV:ellsboro, April ".1870. - • 1, IFAI*Orr.:, ,; - *;_titi4 I, ATKIN' 8 et LOUDEN re yy ipaitftdly infest° pp Ito that they have established a •• !. • Livery :iror Mire; At their Stable“on Pearl 131., opposite 'Wheeler's wagon shop. Single or doable rigs furnished to corder. They aim to keep good horses and we goo', end intend -to please. Prime reasetuible. • _ - • ITATICINAI a 'MUM / 1 9•4415947.: . Thl Stovest: - Stov - tsn Having on hand a large stook of Tin, Stoves and Hardware, the undersigned takes pleasure to announce that be has at' a great outlay, ad ded to then •nal stook of the old stand on a complete sosortmaut of alma Hardware, of which be enumerate thifollowlagartlalis: NAILS, 13PIKES, CROWBARS, % CUT, MILL, BLAND Artp,,Buo4 84W$, BUTTS; STRAP BINGES, OARPENTER'S TOOLS, .`PU.MPC4XES, AUGERS, , . BITTS, BITT-STOOKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, < SHOVELS,-SPADES, FORKS, = BENCH-SCREWS, ~ SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES; HOOP, DAR, it BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE \ HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, C. C. MATIBREI, Bache's old stand. D II AWI MAIN sTiiitT,wiu,sßoßo, ViOOD SOREW,S, PAL1414 4 3E-BOLTS, `, BURPS; SIENItik-WA - SEIERSi. PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIP _ I g SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. Also,, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, PO*DER AND OAPS. PLUM'? lIMPIPROXi HAMM* a new thlng,lind made for use. These are but • few of the many ,artiolea composing the 'stook of Hardware. • I 'invite the public toell and examine for themselves. I -atm ,te k eep the best qua3ity of good/tin my line; and all word to ordei done promptly and wall. SASH, DOORp , BLINDS AT FACTORY PRIORS, Alwayion band or furniahod to order, nt ROBERTS '& BAILEYS Hardware Store, Welleboro. WILLIAM ROBERTS. Wellqoro, Oct. 1,1870-0. The Atlantic Cable! . • , fiIHOUGH'' transmitting its freight with very treat rapidity, bidding defiance to time, dis tance, Horse Power and Steam, is nevertheless decidedly a MIT LINE!! and in that Line most GROCERIES are to be lowid, (sooner or later.) The • PUBLIC will therefor* talwi notice that L A GARDINER continues to received and transmit to his am tomers DISPATCHES of every thing under the heavens, in th GROCERIES. & PROVISI 'with the most incredible dispatch. Wha , need of mentioning articles when the p assured that R I VERYTEING that ever o he kept in a GROCERY & PROVISION S is kept here and formals. The only t hing the subscriber promises to do as ati.attraction to oustoiners besides keeping the best 'assortment of Goods in the town, is to try to give every man btu money's worth. - , June, 8,1870. L. A. OARDINER. araeary and Providen Store; CORWIN°, N. Y. Cte , X)111 • lifiXwarmag I W4O.IIPAF AND ittqAlL DEALER 11 a a L I/ of GROMILIBS.,. PROVISIONS ,Wines, Liquors and Cigars, El FOREIGN' & DOMESTIC, GR 1.1- & DRIED •ERIJITiI, CANNED F.R171T 1 9 AND VEGBTABZEq, WOOD & WILLOW Wes, 040 1 CROCKERY 'WARE, 01111DRETO commas, CABS & I= FERAMBITLATORS, TOYS, &0., *O. d complete assortment of the abort mentioned koods of re best quality always ou band. Particular, attention paid to Pins Grocerldi Desists and Consumers will find It t their Au *wit to eXamine his Stook before Implajs, mains, Ir.,Atig-17,111t0. , „ New Stockt New Goods 1011 Avg taken the new store one doer above :=1 . Wright 1 Bailey, where they are on band with • now stook of 5i51,3!a0%48.41,W, E R s, BOOT) S, 8R4:0:31.4Ner AND • GALLIGASKINB — • -- warrWANI to SlAny toot fromlgo.lS •in olisiVo, Vtle Wok Mks been selected .by one whbbu,the of e u 2 1a w th jA• 4j.m.hill is the buidnens, &ails the boat and kilastiu the aouutry, Our at9ok of iiIENCit CALF, FRENCH S4P , UR PER, SOLE, COMMON CALF, LININGS,-BINDINO, MO . ' ROCCO,-- &C., - On Findings we shall be found at home al ways, and we shall endeavor to sell at prices satisfactory to the tr ade . We won't be under sold. ~ . - - • . , . ,e CASH 'PAID FOR HIDES, S3IKINS, FURS & PELTS But our hart bold wlll 14 on ;..CUSTOM -WORM! • - • - - -." There's °orator% in • well made custom boot, That titian cOrniimittiont too mnbii tioutpreselnip Nor everybody knows a shabby font Cannot be compromised by overdressing. And one may wear clean linen with it milt Of Suit cloth, but there is ad finessing' Will make a man with shabbily dressed feet, Look Eke a gentleman upon the street. Moan .: Buy your boots of BEARS & DERBY, v 0161,1 other mil. [Printer's Devil.] Whiter*l Jan. ,1 1889-M To 'Ail Akita** OF ir AU nor building at ray IXtll/14.444 ckFry 14 . Law.renee x- Ttne.s superior ; : 4 FANNING Ml) . . whirlpool/meths following adiantagnorer allother I.lt separates rye,oate,rat lit tor.an dfo n e d s,and chi s and cockle, trona wheat. , 2. Itoleanslisz seed i takasont yellow mead, *ad all other seedy perfectly. r . • 8, It clear:Min:loth, seed. 4. It does all otharssmatingrequired of a call srdll Is halt ofthe but and , roost. durable tim• bar, in good style.and is sold cheap toe cash, or pro. duce. I will'fit a patent sieve, for separating oats froze wheat,to other mills,oureasonabl stenos. • El Lawroacovillejan.LlMO-If FOUNDRY & ,%1 ACHINR ' SHOP WELLSBOHO ; PA. k . ' SEARS & AVERY, PROPRIRTOBI. PLOWS, HORSE SOBER, OULTIVA - TORS; FIBLD.. ROLL/326; MIT= TLES, ALL urn, SAP RANS, FARMING UTENSILS, ILL Km% WOODMAOHINEB ros SAWING WOOD; CHURN : TOWER ; THE TOMPKINS COUNTY, HORSE POWER- EIGHT AND TEN HOREE,,,CONSTANTLY - -4:01" HAND, And also, everything cruelly fowl in a Ant elass shop.. ' I V• --calt;thiticul94- attaittion on: liii- ClinntattuPp which.hits *a re-ballt with new, and lirat•ohwa 111811 MY ? LITHR Iron PLANER, DRILL, 40. We employ none but Ant-dare workmen, and are, therefore, pre pared to do our work in the beet style, and at abort notice. We have recently added new MACULINERY, for Planing and Matching boards. Call and see us. Jan. 5,1870-Iy. SEARS AVERT. line NS 1 1"1111151. 1 - 1 iP.S. AI I 13 1 VI :z:: :ss , 2 ;-. :11' Et l ' 1 4 71 . PO* t %g V 01 ° P \ ,'4 0 Pn.91.24;n1w,,f5,0 rPrIPPt.4 - - -. 1 g is 0 1 I I i 8 g _ . 4 to the bile Is ght to ORE ES .p„. 1 I ~..._ I Isl 1 Ir.. , , .1" . : -,,:: ,„ ~ ... i. ' . , ,„„: Rio tt O rsn 1-1-1„.?05.91 4 .c = - 4 to '4216" 40.90.-.450 cecer. DDT. 8 tig;N:ggpr. -8-o)4l.4*t.Ltg;! Rouse and Lot for Sale.' THE undersigned offers for sal* a villap lot with house end bun on it, Wasted in Row , qouniz i _Pa. • 111. 11); UfOrtt p litiAdleberyi 1116— vAit,. , SEARS ' & DERBY will be kept up ee heretofore. Also the top of the Market for W 0,0 L,* TIOGA COUNTY. IRON WORKS! Brick Machines, Q I 4 I N. i a a ~ , CARPETS ? OIL CLOTHS AND IbIA . jut swatted at : May 4,170. ' t 103; *ARDEN. EINE Diutffia.ropata77llo,chu.koqqi' PROPERTINS.--Pheir odor is * o * azi4 - . 9P27462 vhai :Oro , 4ast.e bitter i sh, an d analo; giaus mint • * ' .4106(0 4 W,1is OPAIEWSE! AMYWRIIB..- - 411imhu Lam are gm* stimulant, with a peculiar ten i(leney to the 'Urinary Organs, They are yiVeh' in iontitconis of tie Urinary Organs, ° such, as Gravel, ;Chronic Catarrh of the Bladder, ,a)r pid Irritation of the Bladder and Ure thra, Disease of the Aroskile Gland, and retention gfirmienitkunce of Urine, =p&p -pi' i li ftwo u iccon . Vl4B 871 , ti.-IWeikkgy ihas also been, recommended in As pepsia, Chronic Ithium.ation, Man e Affections, and Dropsy. ' ) - • , .LIELMBOLIY EITBACT BITCHIJ is used by persons from the ages of 18 to' 25, and front 15 to bEs or , in . the decline or change of . 4fe; after 41,0nement t or labor,a(ns; „Bed- Wetting in children: In a f fections peculiar to females, the Extraot Buckle is vauqualtd by any other remedy, aa in Qhkrosis, 0r , 4-ler caution, IrnOttariV, Paitifuluesi vor Acuppratheion of Customary Evaqua tions, Ulcerated or Arohirrous State of the Uterus, Leucorrhon, or Whites. DISEASES OF THE BLAD DER, - =REY% ORAVEZ, AND . DIOMEEICAL - SWELL INGS,Thig *affirm: Ingram. the power 0/Digestion, and MOO the AO - *O4l 400 1 by WWI 'the Watery or adeargoatedv °alone, and all Unnatural adargenumts are reduced, as ivelllas pain and Infra:- - _; • *4M*. HELM.BarOff • ZarT ) It UCHU has eared y ease abstes in which it h a s bun irritation of the neck of the and .Infitwonaticnagf the, KO esratton of the Kidneys and Ts Of zuw, .Retention" of - Urine; :Meng • the Prostate fiknd, Stone in the ladder, aticulus, Gravel, .Etriek.Dust, .De posit, and Mucus, or Araiqi Discharg. es, and for enfeelilecl and delicate con stitutions, of both sexes, attended. with thefollotsing symptoms; Indisposition to exertion, sa of Power Loss qt Memory, Diftrulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves,. 'Pronlaig iiforror of i Dinally Walcefulness 'Dimness of t r Vision, Pain in the Ba; Sot Baas, faliapmeliodsf, of the at,' ArytiOn en this ace, Pallid qoadntenance, Uniograal. Maio o/ the Muscular System, to. .. o 0 I 1 111 NEM . ,' rs 7? 41- =I - [From Dispeuitatm of thi yotad states:] . - - • s , :,‘ HBLXBOI 4 P'S , XXT.RACT IiUCIM 493 Pitiraifelad,lllood4Pit rOkff, and sures all diseases ariatag fromhabitsaidissipatioa,skiesiss and i42prilCklUflt in' Are; Ifraptiiiiii s of the ilio nt od„ i ts.,- eiOeseding Cbpaiba to ci atkonsfor whioh kis NM lug as orrhosa, 01684 gr long a*id, d 4040 A t lestiaas4avorga,. wss, tzud inloomwetion with Helm had's Bose Wash. ' • • firold op oil ,pitta and cleideri Oerseedurt. - IVitsitre of 'eoulterisits. Ask for .Heltakold's. 21skeno other. r•o:s be atiloi• mai; or,. 0 kottlss i Daiwa to qv addreis. smptoms .fn all carnmuni -44 • • , . I ICALMBOZ.V, 494:1Yreadiscj, N. r. MC ter ARE GENUINE - UN ' i 8 DONN VP IN steeten pima war, withiao4,l7* of my IL T.. _:114:14 . 111T000** , • wapiti 11101 STOlt ~__~ ~. Tvtues AND, BIEDWitIES, PAINTS -sir AND oiLo. • • ~ =II THADDEUS DAVIDS'iNKS, KEITH'S • CONCENTRATED MEDICINES BURNETT'S 000DAINE, FLAVORIN EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT. MEDICINES, ROCH ESTER PERFUMERY ANT) FLAVORINO , EXTRAOTS, , WALL ,P4oEit, WINDOW' 13L4's9, , LIME & ' .gitytirte :OOLOBO, AGRNTB 808 MARVIN. a 00 , 8 RE -'„ rINED Sold et Wholesale Prices. Buyers aret eqUeeted 04 4 :1 1 ,114pa get quotations before going further OM I= ACT of Di . ladder p N. Y. :IREDEOIS - FLUID, EX-, TRACTS, 1 = W: TEEBELL & .Copil;4l,, N n .*., Jan. 1,1870-1 : " - . l rikt.tht 109 "W. T Bog iiouttif tl, stikt 'tolto Patiti ghuittb . Oonatj, in and a now to put oat 'rhea chefs; mut bi'good workmanlike manner. This roofing' le ire and Water proof. ' t refer to , Mena. Wright a Bei ley, Tam I Barker, and O. L. Willcox, where Sampler can be'seen and rcol to Imo. . MOSES WINOATE. Wellahoro, den.l, 1670-tf. • ' Furniture t Furniture! B. T. VAN HORN, 4tiAVMEI completed his new Cabinet Ware it nu pn MalnatrastiWellsb Oro ' basstock with • 14 %. and suPeslor assorted stook of FURNITURE* Obi/Ember Snits, Walaut, Ash, Maple, ao., , aa., mi., - - illill - from 1614 Q down, and at cheap as tba same goods can be bo't , . In the elites, freight added. Parlor Suite, Walaut, Cherry, and • Mahogany, Reps or Hair Cloth, from $ll5 down. Also, ,SOEAS, LOUNGES, COUCHES, TETE ' A-TETES, with UphoWary to frith. Ouster Tablas, Walnut or Marble Tops Lookigg Wanes, Brackets, Pa per Backs Rocking all , lands, Wholesale and Retail. t./ sea asustalhottutog es anal, and Intend to , Vtl• Ml stook of trap, home eta arty mad, lihses. M 7 Wate Seem ae 014 10 :11 sad a o itidrairio eaatatia the largest, amnia sad %* steel of Itiatuttuse ova brought late the oeuuty. Planing and Matching, SCROLL SAWING A:MOULDING, dole to order at the Faatoty. Jan. 1, 1,110-tf. & LATEIIIIOP, DZALDIta L RANMAIM, IRON, BTDEL , NAILS, I STOVILY, TLIALWABE, BLTiN $lO, CIRLBRY, " : 41i.TElt LIME, ActanT'LTlMfa c IMPLIfifitEN TB, osier. and 11+ms Trimmings, EARNIBBES, ?ADDLED, to. Donaus, N. Y., Jail. 2, 1870-17. Ingham's DEERFIELD, Pa. Itiltil sublatibirts will pay Cash, Pall-Cloth, Osartaarrdr, Maine% dm., dso., for Wdol._ , wilt. mannfaatare as areal— • . , to 0110111, OR ON SNARLS to inn, onotOmen. All work warranted ae rep resented: TL lathe prtionlar attention to ey their Water Proof CASSIMIRNS, are warranted la ovary reapeat. Ratan lar attention given to ROLL • CARDING AND CLOTH DRESSING. 11C411A1411 large stook of Oasslmeres,-do ~26 parent less than any pempstitors, and warrant. gol as rajtvesited. nntnafaotnre to order, and do all kinds./ Nall4lardlng and °loth Drosaing, and seapetulos, - EllkapAMl t have as good an assortment of Full 0104 Vassimerea, &oil aid sits more for Wool in exchange than and' otter imatblislutiant. Try them and satisfy your. 11. 041.A2111wholesalend retail at the Cow subaqua Mills, 2 miles below Knoxville. Our *Sa l wasranted, and Sold by the figlowingpersens 0. B. IL.ELLBY, Wellaboro, Pa. T. L. BALDWIN & 00., Tioga, Pa. ,I. C. 21L121211TT; 'Covington, Pa. 1.00,0()) Founds of W i po Wanted* jeet to the deeldou of the Republleati County Ciouvoftitlos., INGHAM BROTHERS. — Deerfield, J i ritte 1, 1910-1/. High' School. iciElll Subscriber I'M open s School Ilk the rvillage of Osceola. on Monday, March Tth i , 18 0, acid continhelleleW weeks. RAT/hi OP TUITION : Primary, $S 00 Common EngHab , $B,OO. Higliars "+.l. 0,00. 404 /44. C. Q. waab, piutopail B. T. VAN HORN. oolen Mills =S will lea±teglorning, at t i be tot owing hourii,vlz • - • GOING *CM., ; • 5A54/Id 505 a, In. NIOU EXP., daily for Roch ester. Buffalo . Dunkirk', ,(11eveland end Cfuciw natti, making direct commection with traine,of the "Grritid - 100. ind 'Lake Shore Railways at Buffalo,' DOnkirk 'and 'Cleielandi for all points Walt, lead at 01 nci anon! With the Ohio and Mississippi and Louis , erne Short Line Rallwayisfor" the Southend South west. 6,. a to, EXPRESS MAIL, Bundayaexcepied, for buffalo ' Dunkirk rind Cleveland, connecting with trains fur the West. A sleePhot Coach is attached to th[strain • through titd Buffalo. - • 1249 a , m„ MAIL 'TRAIN, 'Bundsiye exeepted,for, a s trend Dunkirk. - . 1,55 p.tn., ItILTIHORER.iPREBS,Sttnd ay se xcept ed, to r Roared te r a trd affal9, via Avon, 7,25 p. DAY EXPRESS, Sundays eicepted, for Rochester, Biaffelo Dunkirk, Cleveland, Cincinnati, and the South St'ops at drin Opal stations and con. netts points on main line. New and improved brawl 4 Room Conchae accompany this train frank New York to iluffelo,and Sleeping Coupes attached at Ilorneilsville, running through' toVieveland and Callon wtthout change. , 11,25 p. i CExeamsaelan MAIL El• d _n_sys excetrd, lo t liunolo, levd, Cti onnecting' .wrq trains p for the West. I • 12,00 p. in.; WAY PROCily,Bundayseicepted. 6,559 - . In., EMIGRAWFTRAIN; daily, for the test; • • 001 S EAST.' 11,48 p • to., II i ORT X PRESS, flundays.excrpted, ' connecting-at ow To k with afternoon traitr o and Steamers fa * Boston an New England &Mee. Sleeping Coaches acco y this tralßto New York 455 a. m., CINOINN I EXPRESS, itiondaYs ex crypts* • Ceasecting at .for Williamsport, ''llaritiltn94lll4-thatt 419 at Eltuira for Cernen-/ daigna; at &yetis wit train of Lehigh valley way; at Onego for Ith.dcal at Ringharnton for Coo= .perstown an Albany; tiJ at New leek with steam • emend a ft ermath gip trains ' fort New England Sir Sleeping hes accompany this trait to Nair York.. I'll,as, 20'. m., DAY B I cAttiecting at Jersey i 1 , trainer New Jortay R I stopsat principal s t main line. New and improved Draw .) this train to New York 12.151- In., ACCO ' blisqueuanna. ' • , 2,a0 P. m. ELMIRA MAIL, Sunder' excepted. 420 P.m, NEW YOB: AND ,BALTIMORE MAIL, bwidayo excepted,' Co. erecting at .ifindra for the Boob. `7,57 p.m.; LIM:I2Ni fl EXPRESS, Datly,coutiect lug at Jersey City wit • , morning Express train 01 New Jersey Railroad f , r - Ilsitimore and Washington; 'end at Now York with morning• Express train- for Roston and New England Cities. Om etopa at all prin sips% stations and con u4iing points ou malt. line. Bleeping Coaches acoompauy tuls.trai_throttgli to New Nork • ' 11,55 fa. in., WAY Eli/ENACT, Sundays excepted.. MEN. eondays a:Copied lily with toldolght expreoi [road for Phihulelphia. alto oats and Lou nectlog potato oo SCKED Aplete"Poek et Time Table"of 'Erie Railway end 'c on ueoUng publietted,aulcen be prom , =kat Agent ofthe Company L. D.. RIICSSR, Gen'lSutOt. BAGGAGE 0 air A revised and co Passenger Trains on $h Llnes,has tjecently been *Con a pplifoatto n vo.t MLA. BARR, Gen'l Pass g IMO fling, &Vioga U. Et alosubuig & do Taal:awlMau aefoo ♦ocommodation—Leave r ' AI 14 at 7,40 Tioga al arriving at Corot ag.a 10111—Leaveselotaburg 'nags at 0,45, Lawra °orator at E.. 80 p. m . 104-7-Laa.esearAialsji, winntilfurtter notice: Blosiburg at. 8,60 8,V2. Lawrencev lite at fi 07- 10,10 a.m. lit 2,80 p trt „Mansfield atB,lo l , I.tevills at 4,29—arriving at !t• 7,60 a.za t ., Losyroncovillest auedeld a t 10 05 , --artivlng at 1r T!oga at . 0,18, firbis-btrrg atird, 6 S. ocommodatios—Leirvi ranceville at 4,04 Tioi arrivingatßlossburo 'Carotin . at 2,66 p. az.itilw at 4.65, Mansfield at 5,88 'at 6,20 p.m. L.R.SHATTUCICAtip't Norther , Central R.U. , TRAINS :OR TRH NORTH. Trainsforeanandagnialeave 'Elmira as follows: Actomodation at s) i r, 712 p m hitspressVastost train o'n road ' ;1208 a ro No 10 00 p m Accommodation .6 16 p n, 'Onandeftor Juno 12, 1870, trains will arrive and depart from Troy, as follows; L.HAVR NORTHWARD." 846 p, la.—Dilly (se apt Sundays) for Elmira and Buffalo,viis Erie aiTway from Elmira. 10 86 a. m.—Dally(ei opt Sundays)for El intro ,B uffa- L lo,Oanandaigua, Gel:leiter, Snap .Bridge and the Oanadae. LRAV :`. SOUTHWARD. 728 A. in.—Dally(e •copt. Sundays) for Baltim'orsi Walibington,Pid delphia Sic . 968 P. in.—flatly (a ceps Sundays) for Baltimore, Washington and l'hiladelphia. ALFRED B. hum, ,ED.B.YOUNG Gou'lßupt.llarru•urg, Gen , JPass. A g't it.. . i Baltimore,fild. TUAIT3LEI ANOTHE Cali I .1870 SEE WEATLillie FOR attSlll Our Pr oes To D ay. • , uleurs7 pr bb1.1,15 pr. sack. $6.50 " 1,62 • " eat, 6,00 " 1.50 " 3,00 per 100 My. 2,00 " " . 1,60 " 4 " 2,26 " " Boat White Wheat I " Rid wituter. "' XX Spring W Buokw eat Flour, Bast read, Bran and Shorts.. Meal y kFGR CASH. WRIGHT a BAILEY. These prices on All persona no not blame ue now notes left with an give duo notice. haring settled with tis, can if they find their acoonnts and attorney for collection. We W. dp, B. BAOB.—Wo wt. with our amok on once, as we shall We have 000. bag t all persons tiering any bags them, to return the same at ake steps to oseeure th em.— mitered among the people. lOWA AND AGENCY. Tfl subscribe be has Ow would inform the public that onoy of a quantity of IO A LANDS, which he will eel or personal prope for cash, or exehange for real ty, on reasonable terms. GREAT B R9AINS OFFERED. He 'would eay arty and titles fo make it for the to give him a oil For partionlare, May 11,'70 1 hat he has examined the pr op: himself, and believes he can !terest of persons going West, before purchasing elsewhere. quire of 0. B. 000 DELL, Babinscille, Tioga Co., Pa. 'EthS tk RILEY, SHOE MAKERS. HARK BOOT AN Shop In Moat Block formerly occupied by oa as a Grocery Store, J. H. R BOOTB AND order And SHOES of all kinds made to the beat manner. f all kinds donepromptlyand loan. REPAIRING well. Give us a JOHN LIARILNEB WM. RETIAY. p 13,1870.-Iy. , I Wellsboro, At ive• & 'VAN HOWNE, O,IOIRATin AND MICCEWIICAL In* exttl.aststs. ' parlor hate for artificial teeth— ! as the strength of the vnloonite. • assurance that It removes ev. debylbe patient. Teeth filled, i eta la the most aeproved man c petered and warranted. Offlos 1; alleboro. / -A flaw end an having three ti Ls offered with t , ery objection in cleaned and ex nee•. AN work No la Main et., Aug. 81, 1.870, r 7 611 or Rent. Y/ farm in Tioga townehip, Ti , a. about - 211 miles west of the :a, ;bout 100 Bores improved, oied. ilea on it three barns, oases, an apple and pcfiteh *rob it tree*. Term easy. /Woad. west, ai farm and timber lands acres aa, desired. with 80 cores harn, a good house and Good fora dafiying tarn. tI. 0. il.EsErmorik, Tioga, Pa. AGOOD di oga 401111 t) ough of TIo and 48 nni tor three dwelling orti, arkdotber f joining on the from 40 to 200 Improved, with apple orchard. Aug. 17, 18? RO AND MOTIIIIILD WELLBB~ GE LINE. Elg ,:n. or, undersigned, proprietor of le line takes tbib method of in lie that the above Stage rims roepted,) between the two phb. forming the pu dell" (Sundays mat followe: Loaves Wells • oro at,B a. zit., aad arrivals at Mansliald at 10.80 a. m. Leave* liandeld at 2.80 p. m., and salvia at Wellitsoro at bp. m. j222•Yare $l,OO. Aug. 24 18r0. , .-4f. W. B. VAN PORN. g Boom Coachos accompany ODAT/ON TRAIN, daily fc: WRIGHT' do BAILEY 3F , lr'.irL ii! 1870 ! Spring Mil BMITB, on 'Main Strq.at, Las just In °lamed a very.larga aaapyjmant of MILLINERY '.GOODS, ons;h u HATS, BONNETS;, I STRAW , GOODS, LACES, 'FLOWERS, .1011130 N S, COLLARS, 'POKER CH'FS, &C.; 'id:: all of which will be sold mush below flank tr prS co. All work dope promptly, tied to pleste . . Mtg. CAROLINE. gMl'l'll Wellaboro, May 11, 1870-11. - - . '. 86 r.HELD *BIS -91 OM TO MAKE. MONEY, .18 SAVE IT! sa~tx~~Fe. HAS PILES OP .iroto -,- Goods on Salo, tesh from the oily. Step in 'land see\ Them! We lEcep all kinds and qualities -to , please FRESH GROCERIES! In any quantity and of the boat kinds Reniember the phice, • • • 3. R. BARRER. WellBboro, Sept. 21, 1870 tf WICKHAM Tioga, Invite the attention of the pleto and well selectfld stock Pall - Goods which they have just reeeived. More earnest efforts than ever before will toe put forth to, please and further enlarge their steadily increasing trade. An attempt to name the VARIOUS AIITHIAN kept would , be Useless, but suffice it say, the stecit embraces Goods to • Suit ell clangs of trade CALL A, EEE 'FOR YOURBELYES Sept. 21, 1820-1 y . . ARNESS SHOP I . NAVLE, would say to his friends G• list LIS Harness Shop is now in fullbla . et, and at the is prepared tofurnish heavy or light 1 - 3CasearrLetsgsels, on abort notice, in; a good and silbetivi Hai man ner, and at prices that can't fail to snit. The best workmen are employed, and none hi t the beet material need. Call and boo. Deo. 9, 1888-Iy4 ' G. W. NA %'LE. UNION ACADEMY. • KNOXVILLE, TIOGA CO., PA. MRS. E. NORTON, PRINCIPAL The Pea Term for 1870 will commence August 30. The Winter, " November 29 The Spring " Send for circular Wellsboro Uuion Graded SCHOOL. A. C. WINTERS, A. M. SUPERINTEND ENT OF GRADED SCHOOLS, And Principal of High School. TT is the determination of 'the Directors to make . the course of instruction as thorough and systematio as can be found In the State Commencing with the primary department, the pupil must master ev ; ery year's allotted work, be fore being admittedlto the nisei higher. The best of teach Ors will be employed in every department, the most approved methods of in struction used, and the best of care exercised over th"puPils in school and out. • The boa &moat offers these advantages The Principal, is.,a:graduate l of the Rochester Universiiy,'Ver, York, a gintleman of large ex perience in the best conducted schools of the country, who has speotl two 'piers in Europe, and speaks Germa - n',: - Frenelt. and /Wien. He is qualified to give superior Pthstruetioa in History, Fina Arts and the Ancient Lav:guages. Inattuo lion in Higher Afa(henttoica, the &faces', Book.. keeping and Music, will bo equal to that of the best aeademies.. The Board hope to owl be able to secure in struction in P ainting and Drawing, by a Jacky who hne had Overal years' inetruction by the best masteie In Germany, at who bee practised in the ,Gaileriea of Berlin, Breeden. 'Efunickand Florence. The beat school is the 'cheapest school. The Board intend to obviate all objections to tbit class of popular schools, as far as posiible. A sufficient corps of tesoberi will be employed, that full justice Ray be done tc every\ pupil Tuition is free to all within the old borough lim• its. Pupils from abroad ate invited. Board in private families from SS to $4 per week... _ Tuition, Common English, (per term, $5. „ " /fisher Eoglish. blath'smattes, t Br ORM. Ow BOARD• lombar r,1870. tt Executors! Notice. T ETtERS TESTAMENTARY baying been Ja granted on the estate of Conrad Bentettr, late'of Oalnee,,Tioga eounty,ideetased, apps' sons indebted to said estate will call and setae With, and those baying olaimeingainst it pivot them to W, . TATE, a. A. 8711TH, Gaines; Oot r 4, 1870 =6O . Executor.- School Notic. . . , . PRE Delmar Scbo, Directors will meet at 1. the pbeese Facto thhool ',Douse, on the Stony FAA 'road, on to sth day of November float at 9 o'olock, A. M. to hire School Teachers for the next:winter term. Teachers are 'squatt ed to bring their , certifloabt with them. By or der of tbo Board., . ROB'T CAMPBELL, Oil. U XB4'o-St % ' Seep FARR LE üblic to tbc cora- WICICHAII dr. BARR MIME July 27,1610E1