BEIM , _ . . • -L 4 " ' „ ' = 41 .trri% anu, 'Nepal - I.llre , Istagt*.. • rpllll Stages run uin g over the inttbvilut routes from -4 , WellfrilX)ro; Will as - followti = front , tl46 IL W• 111 Welleboto Post Office: 030 so &A.—Defset O A ' 10'; is; aitive au p. 116.." 3" & NiANtirmf.7l.)eliarg, B R . in . • nrivt, 6 1., TIM • Cot:outer o & Thur. t p. arrive Alcud4 &Thursday 0412 p. , IT i[l.oolo &J11.151.T13H0 1,11 . - _4 l trililiiti l ti ' .iTilili, l l3 a OrriVeTll6ll4//41; 114/51).11:1 trill.7:u R 0 1 I & et 3 f.. r.u., err: Tges& Yrtaay at 12 a. TIOGAC . (iII,III ; T:diT Local Itc3mA.l . - WEDNESIDAY, NOV. 9', 48to. New Advertisementa l Sheriff Sales—,L B. "Olaii . er. A Strayed—Robert Simpson. For Sala—Jos. wiliiatna. ,?. A TradeL-Chas. Kinney. Farm Wanted—Spear Bro 3. . Notice -Leroy Tabor. ilarness Shop—W. A. Fewoomb. Millinery—Mrs ; J. REMOVAL.—Mr. W. A. Newcomb has Tamoved his harsgsisobop the : rooms over Tru. man Brothers' grooe)ry store, moody used as a barber shop. %).:Orenl4,W, #O. Tt , iell at pnbliti ?ala s Ctiarreitorei Nov. 11, at 10 AM, olio pair of oxen, a calf, far ming utensils, household goods, &c. THE CoNE trOUSE.—Thia new hotel sill beiopened to tho 'public in time for the next term of Cowl. A large zt,ynbet of Irardogiltrave already taken rooine thee ' . _ MILLINERY.—Aire. Smith' invitee the ladies of Walther° and iicinifylo take a Inok at her new stock of fancy goods, millinefy and furs. She has just received alarge variety of the above, gal proposes to sell them very low. See adver— tissiiiient in another eolumPs". . - SAL • OF Cows.—Mesers. J. W. Bal lo), and D \ e \t. Stowell sold one hundred cows in this placvkinkday list Week. ' The prides ranged from $4O to $6O. They were isolki at auction, on time. It is a g(:14*1 rule,-Y•Never buy anything becaioe it is cheap': an equally good rule is it, Never buy anything because you can get time to a Tor it. BVPIBT ASSOCI\PION.—The first q uarterly meeting of the 'Dews Eaptjat Awela non will be held with the Pire s tqaoksort__Clutrch on Wednesday, November 113, 1870, at 10a_A. Rev, E. L. Reinolde will preach tie Opejling s(or mon. Centributione for the Education Booiety. G. P. WATROUS, Clerk. Mansfield, Nov. I, 1870. FIRE IN Tnbir.—'Ballard's block, in Troy, Pa., was entirety consumed by tire, Friday night of lust week. The whole row from .Red— clington's atom t 9` the Troy House, was burned to rho ground. It as feared the 'hotel, would burn. alto, and considerable damage was done to the furniture to getting it out. Tho loss must be heavy, . - , We suppose ttio_qa.zoc escaped the Ore,. hi the ertabliskment 'tragic) bo removed to another pert of the town lest week. lent it about 6112.4 that Troy Lad an efficient Bre company ? BAN UET AT THE CONE HOUSE.- --Iti6re wai a banquet given at the Cone House, in tiis village, Monday evening, 7th instant, in honor of William H. Smith, Esq., who was about to leave his native county, with his family, to reside permanently in Elisabeth City, North Car olina. It wasetogether a very pleasant affair; and the oecasion , vtill,long lie vertiembired, not only as a proper recognition of the high estima tion in which ,tbe guest of the evening . and bia family are held in this community, but also as the first entertainment given at the Cone House. Mr. Cone kindp; consented to open his house for this purpose, before its full Completion, and at no little sacrifice of his individual interests • Mayes, tbe landlord, deserves niuch _credit fur the menner.:in n 44 thIS kraDatlttiketts fer • the evening were carried out. Wellsbero now has a hots which would be a credit to any city inithe tate outside of Philadelphia and Pitts burg. . , As we go to press early Tuesday morning Of etch week„ we must defer the full report of the binge of 'the oi;.;ningtili our next Issue. There were tons?, and speeches in respouse, a supper which 'Nefirild do 'honor to the Lord Mayor, , . wasid, Promenading. and a gond " time gen aridly. And all this without any - wine, ehttrer- - pip, or other liquors. The ladies glowed with beauty, the gentlatnen recostit#o ;OE4' :charms with becoming attentions, 'and, the bourn flew, iwhy a_pdpuni t itot:t i tlie,isula soda' pleitepre4. Oren: tho ; od, ,41 - I(lrtplente or the house seemed to smile a Welcome to every guest II ERMAIC SOCIETY.:—.LuSt week we. Allelic.' a list of lectures, Willa:l. l, Al , eomprise it, ,:..erse fur the. coming season,in, thyploce‘ Th;; S:.tioty ie a live institothlO, _rind our .lieeple ihoulil (olio 2 . lit -ly interest iu this, its first aurae of paid ILO ren. We have no doubt they hill It furnished weekly lectures, by residents %1' our own eountjr,lttet 'tvlutt.r, irit.li4. - It low „ I I reposes to furnisl 'Us with es go'od a course as to giveti any here even in' the lirge cities. lse,course embra ce s the names of many of the stet Itelutr,rz in th country. The expenses will to large, and we should sec to it that the Society rhall not be the loser by its liberal action in thus mauling the responsibility of furnishing such , , ontertainmeut to our people -The* popular 'lOO. tura it ode u the best weans of awakening thott . act oultivatig a fi ne discrimination in literary i u.ottra, tha t can can be brought into 'requisition.— A young lad or a young man may easily save though . , by curtailing ~4selest! ' e , xpertses_ id: pay for' a sewn, ticket:l il.ultitier "siiitlalef 'inal Ley can ben ado. It ennobles, it elevates, it lays 'l , in slonr fir the Intuits::: :41.4 tt : fuud acciimu laling throug . life. There will b e t hi rtceu l ec tUres, , Single, tickets r.r_ fuer: ed seats ere sixty c4it's a night. , Sea es tickete, with a choice of 's'eats ii. ' those who come firm, aro $5. Many ,of our eitlions hero 'Arcady procured season tie eta. They may ho purchosed at the bookstore, r by thdae whe' re— tide at a distance, by lettd iieldres'ep.,d to: J. 0: W. Bailey, Secretary of the Society, . - . • Miss Olive Logan is to lecture on the 28th. of Dtearaber: A fine photograph 'Of this lady may t' ODD at the post °IND:. GRAICF.D SCHOOL.—' lyti,:ftbard.Ct Of monthly report, publis . bcd, lasi week by Professor Winters, shows that tho WeMahar° Graded School It working admirably. There'itt' something fiita -I,,t:c end impressi4e about a welt - adjusted ma chine. It seems nitot,st a liying ibat•is 't to pa T , as you look - upop it. The gra•i is''n machine. Protease? I, l iiiteris low to put it teettier, and how (-,) run it iiier it lb 14t:t up. llia educated vettst4 deka-rho. q jar. acrd he puts Wogs .to rights utattee..'S We have beeri in the soltoofr, and ire areirighy' ll Pleased with thkii‘ - Greiti•eredit:.fOlue` the larger pupils fur their tillit»fiost" ipiereef r iri %it :access of the seisCool, aril the parents for the attendance. arid good behavior of the JwnHer shildrep..iNo tceeher can alone make a school what it phoOlti he. Paretiti and T.upil mart co Aperate. The ,etteeetS of this F 9.4901, inan.ih e b eg i nn i ng . tr owing to the .existenee It's proper conditions for its permanent Simms: The average attendatee thls yea, is 215 for , the fire month, to 112 for the sauce titne.last ) !ar. This, doe's litil::iniiiarle i the'(44iitiantown " 1 : 1,, " I- The fiercenivige * 4 Attidlol4l l ! :14 . r.:001-9%., 4 r , thisJour..44.l44Alest4eisr,if:assa,but. - . • , II 'm mu \4, there i 3 iptpest,i,tioret ! .._:-RheY show act only het the if,si6it`el i ll diek:tis itlctoci r but ' riCige.scitiourelso: The average - c s oet per piipif . oi the, , ,ayerosis ettenflowee rife lifeilroeill not eX. , ted that of fyinter 'vier& 3 The first month lie' u.oettrates 'this t In the end, when the •ebool 4411 be fully esfabilehed, and the expenses kept down Is thy may be, the tsprgs t 9 lieep,uptble " h° o-will PrO)1 04 19 kot OP:Sktlittd9...9.LALUitti. I#ers. Already we begin to 'eee r ,the offeote of ftYlog e iood !elstiol here. flp4rpl housep and I°lt In tolve 6aie,beyti . 9) , 1" 'lz.i'lf , if!" l 'er ,ilia' tud!'eettii'ti, 'Ttß+Miqii 3 O peoperty ,V , 411,h0 en;. taeotd 1;3, lit, eatlettpltttl IsilL-hfrA dim, beres -14 - c‘hieequenao. - Thfaitable plintrtY4ll/ tilturb:6 il wreisseil, and the'rete- ef taxed wkept tletiti '56 ' that none - will H ive reason fiCeomplalu." 4 .: , ' 2l • , tu , ~. " 5 hppll our citizens wlil vislt the solielAsi 'end tee for themselves. : ~~ Y, q' The concert Ivill consiettnra''grecit—va' sacred and se - cuter muele,•brOnghOcut- in, artiatic'niannci. r 'vihietr,qogither with fh , and explanations by Profeasor 'Jewett, mti . spry; interesting to all ' thb, n a Se s ZlOairing ;to I vancement in their owh citnifY. Books furnish ed during - the entire Con free of ebarge.,f , ''' ' ''',' ",','"'" , ' •"Tioltetalor trill, d'oiirs'ditiv,o4etha ) :ll'. "" 4 ' *:' '' '. ' ' ‘ ., " •4 3 - "I' glOO k 3Tr" . .SiPkeifilfillfekt;OCtrx 4„ .;I in Xfk: .4.$ -d , ' ..". V ~4.‘(.4.4. 1 43e- X.% e. A T -• 4.a. ~ IMANBREELDL-s•CoIfEteRIOS,LE ' --il.The'tirst lebtdfir kita pies= Witte' Ibli ''', . sato:6oi of 'thif = f3titto','li7ciriiiti4 '` Efeho6l a. field, Was' gifilii, Frid4 iti , ,e'ruili,'.',Qptlie ' Revi - . / 4 ; L. . Resnoldoi ot mouburg.. ~ jeet, ,". Bow- tn -Thiok,ni Ile aommetced4 ; ling, ' 0 When we cry we shed tears, whery . 1 we shed thoullhts: .Whirls , the't tesra,to, , , wycan , tellkwher 'tho thoughts mune .11:. :cabtell P' l ' 'After A' tittrilluht6Xv; he 0 tit , 'thinking' dipend' bii`thllialtirigs'f hint, and will., The oleiect e ure was:listens, much attention, nd waa frequently tap , The second lecture.of thu course will Friday evening, November 11, by Profs 11. Hutton, Principal of Troy ',Graded - B Stihjeot : !','feats of. acholarship i ani . Step !ceilence.", The pn4.le, areruf Ited.,, t • I ~:esi~ Li;).. BLoasßußa.77Froin ;corrfistottdeA-ii,i#liSa#Ttiej44ll 2 l74i47°!' . :summer, Old awnings and itidevrilklf-tia, removed, and Vetll The buildings are mesa? , plain and buill ratherlban'ornaine'nf:.' 'Vet liit 4 p . ortfo ;town the west. , side of the 'known as f ( Manada.Side,"_ presents, n .1 pearatiee r and to the lobkevolits.hthitel refinetnenf. • - • MEI • , AL_UBicAL CONVENTION.—. Jewett is happy to announce to oil T ioktt 4.pdlittly*ll44.l? if aboril P hi g e tiittr i gr?Pilit A 4f,iix venuiii: . .itiatiti;- am 28, to continue noll,t Ailaturdsty ;planing, I coetu tier 10, with three sossiopi pfg. day„ when when it will elbee'with kpublia enteitelnuientik 14 ' ' q, Profissor Jewett hislot4 -ti t ian' iiilo - . in' li t and - many other States - as- onlY of 'the in st Oc otissful &inductors , itt•the'llourittW awl . pate li ir dejsiting 'to`ltiaprolp-in mUSlcal:,paidifesf,' shtZatd not port,i. tival/' „ tliPmOsiCAtettP„' i fivo '1 11 k " Ali °PPOrtuflit, 41 ',ILIPPW:cdtlfgaAk0,114 a Y. .496gy years of .experience,' not. Only / as:.too , ohm; of conventions, but as supervisor or etw3:o( ; enteet successful musioaltiniversities in the St 439 V - lii 9 enableditheTrofeesor tiiireduCe bliroetl or tor.l etivetteri to kperfebt ky sw etem,itieli hi ' , ; telt:tad by all who have hiCititt .40 , itti4ify,to;, t tit, to be superior to an-y . ottier. Farticuier . tendon will be given the' /kit 'Week r- tilielement , it?-iit.l etructiou, as \taught only hi - Mr:3W- . - 111 e second , trielst* , lll Tbeidetitfd'ti,delinettinettii system of contltfeth'lT'eboiii indlnusicat asSo6l- allons;'Nthi6b tat prpvect; . o l etthp'e t!fpl . iii , ivai 1 .1 diirePrit Atßke.l.l . 4 hopingto eve many of lila :old. , filca, different, ppnions of the oppt4y,tl:Lailaqopi 'hells antloipatieg mot only a pleasantl4l piefitable time; ,___ ~,-, ;_ ,•..,, /,, ,- ,1 ~ li, ' s. "`Of`the buildings erected' during this'p son, I may mention the Odd Fellows' Hal is creditable not only to IthO" ()Misr, b builder,Mr. S. H. Gaylord. It is forty feet, ad is a prorninent.lentarallf•the ‘P , it stands at the head of - the business po the street. -There is alito"ti OW Wsila C tional church,' jukt cotriploter ' 21. - tiew4 has also been 'built, and ItleSsis. - Snyder have nearly completed Aeir pew-hotel, -pfebably,do a thriving business, as uated - and near the depot. .' • t' A. great many private' rmldincss As. ;built during the season ';- amentfheat'an 'pal parsonage. Laski:44pol. Itql,si; is go bOrg`Acadeitfy Air Pifinio,' built by,-,Afess "A Keeney. This building is 35 by 80 'l9 feet from floor la, ceiling. The floor. niaple, oiled. Ihel hall will be most!. with chairs, now, being manufactured, Horn; of Wellshortv, It Wilt . comforta 4 a out 300 pepons. It will be opened, i t reo weeks. 'T,wo.nights of each . „tvesk evoted to diamatio'etifeVtaintnents ; .an ! anoing., Thebe priett will be condu e ch manner as not to offend the most p; so at least the managers promise. No r drinking of lig6or will btu permitts bout the building. i A large number o I ckets have been sold, and thoro scents isposition to patronise this institution. " Ex] [lf tho " Aeadeuty of‘ltfusie'is drunkenness from Illossbnri;ive I ed to have a'similav reform nesopiation - e: ed Wellsboro. After all, tbcre is 'so In the assertion that amusements haves cy to prevent crime!, and inn:tmidity: 2 1 lures to destruCtion; we should seek to i !tome greater- attri i ,ction. Fight the gr . with the weapons. w i hich give them str. But we fear tha t tbe enbstitutesere_Aft than the principals we seek to depo t 4bould slily spqou irr ra l keficalthfil an rtikia ment;,..lEili '. I LIBERTY.The reason for tai appearance of tocaf, item; from Libert.7 7 .l time past; is that-Till - ad I:tenting or idea l to communicate. For the past six weeks, bad remarkably fine weather. The faun had a very *lie epthittotay:stat , ,gathert t imps; and to do their Plowing and fall i The corn crop in our township has been needingly good one. , The , potato crop been as abundaht as it was last wean, buckwheat crdp has turned out to'llo; l al bly—short one, Fruit Of all kindils ' a iti our township; also'•gaiden vegetable, ng all things into Consideration, flio 'i our section have but very little to comp!' The spirit of imProv.cmint seems atilt lade the minds al - OE villagira. - 'llf Moore lais.reiently-reruddeled his dwellir io thatm it has become an ornament to on Ir. J. J. Sh 3fler la . eiy • •ppreitsee ding lot, I's at work putlin 4p thst-w,alis 4 atorehobSe ulion". 11e to end s „Nue to roof before winter, 'st:ts 'ir : Mr. qcori Lardthew, haying purchased a_ ,) , _on Water Lard at wort. puttihg.up,_, neat kiteb, be designs to li3Oli, dorm (IA; ,winter,„ spring he intends Icroitin‘ a ~ larg.ari, Iliailding. VI., Jam, s ,i9f •ar has tyltlO the last fewmontliF, prit up on Wale /the and edmmodioWhfwelling and man which improves tire ir.r.lis of the anew itilloh. Mr. J W,lChilds has openel a store inhis,stnrotulu . l,e op Main street" him PtleCt•Pg in I,l4Viniderinking. - 'Gene Cox was lately at home with his family, a l .fter their temporll atfairs. , , , (214 1 1?,EK.—NOtWitlisi the "late " onplhe ihtnieler, of? coini citizgang bere, , MeAsilt - :13:11f.t M. It fin their; steam aa'w to ll in full operatioß, etkin'have their Rook of 1og.1" Jar aired. They-out sixittt . 8,000 feet L. L. Flour bailljust completed dwelling liense,iutklhe.areekonoiti Abe g Mr. Angle and W.IC. Ripley are iropro , Houses, by the addition The earryin4,:ertlie frowttie l pe I the'depor, by;Mips j. #l ,m per year, and 'Plieildese s tren inoch:cre , of the duty, ,„ z , Mir. has just finished . Hoy. - Mr. Tii, tor' has lately been. con 4, 1 sfries of meet" ug4 :here, 4D - Ittle roll() which so far hit% ' brit ll'eeii calticeiss efforts merit... One moo Cannot do all a)unc, ; for it will rieod'etto Combiriiid f. Obtistitips to awaken the spirit of ea' tbie community. I,— Thank's to Itiply-Latrib-for -thoid p tho mudholes. , ...1 ~. The route 'are 111 IL /cry ' bud tot where the water washed thete f lik: sp, sbduld be seen to at once. ' I TioGA..—s. 1. Alford has soft 16.cteery ,store= tot jot n Jiiek. John Ins fitted up his store so as to bore ,an , In his billiard room. Philo T4ller has plete.d a nett new limed in froriNuf his Welleboro o strati.: 11lk:',Xigtaninr - 6, l ipite -hhs left firo'cii:n - niiigole to Wellaboro, -4,011 continue his biisinestrof 'taking pl , zill who d ll esito to pFrpettiqleth_eit heAu ir,w,„ ,111 , r$ by me a:: of his ttrt . ... ! The tioo4l:Tenijilii'varli e4;iiirishi hilve miunit,l(ii . ),npambeteo, .r.--41ke. lag ofriii4 - 144 - h'inVie , . -;k 4 - ii Zliiiii)le be r,,,.r. 1 •, c ,C,t the t,esti ; irk .. I Imt••riunt . ,,y. - .. 7 a aiii 11 ~ I, 1:,. 494. 4„ . ,i,r, iho, tioilifer,:iiii;Ot :I'F"rY ',' - VPF 3 , :fitip.< ...:•. Tthilr, - are a dtv ~.' Pe PM 'd EiViar on ',the' ,Vfiril,ticV oft:Tio t i I'4. N deb ell, of Al,itii ij ell iCrook,.! R ticer,.vol,:ol,iug'24;.;,l4s„,. ~,tg , i , ,da y ,,,u t it , . g t ve f , o t- unly, ignoring embellisliinet position.' • 8" - i WEST .e.A.RIf ii.ZG'for4.— f rbin - ing you would hhe to heft fiiiie our - A . t -ft,.;;l tlf:t o torn, -I .pola ray itoprorteiCnt is tile order .1 the tiny xvith , our farmers I:erit. _ The -past A. tamer, the, foliosittii 4 tiainrkt farmers .have -, tittilt..ood, sub, '' Stearin, b liossa t and hay hermit and, Ili hippy nitilus ~ f ..ur milrs: t, Robtri. Ca• .eer, 'Jahn' s tu l t h t tv . . , ly. Weigh, A. J—Doane,-1 , nryKlkiiinv4 re 2 Yi 11 7 Prxiii4) 4 1 4..9: il". nice: :Bu (31-. - t}-Bee. lay .ii.s7,outklorie t,tiqui all,as behas.b • • t -tit niitc. -and stilistant inl a horfte ,ihrtti asagpn 'lila, eitota 134311d;,a#A , 4p : beLtottna ittarietirikipun • '; .1" Iletar, gyaded tip ilffitutO_ E it- 2 voljtnigel,toisild fAlitsl ft,i v .in colors,whieb-giysti itcc:very/nine': ptiettritnlte..! larmtie, go ypp and da likewise. 'Job Bronion has built a nice fram housp, Ma plime-of- theroldlorlteinsc; - -ivßlEWltilig TBre an d • `, btirned do,,tyyLialt spytng,.., ( lt is ..,u, , , bi.,, C - Peltittnr'wbrticrititp-rorti - 401,5amice , gory much. -- John Smith. him tno've.l iiiii`- - -iiiiiiias .riqa east 91 _where it furaietty.otoudf , he, iiillittipth;re his firrrit fur years to, bw. sail - FRAilii/lPer ~ , ' i • - i65. - ptrcßy litil 144i1t 4 ifoit likqe.:4 'me i r.gih!ch imiiroves thi3 rook of tier. Vigoh, ondiriureases its valuo a third' ._:. tiiMrir.isrt. about (16110'1%4th thelr,,, It bas been fine an 1111lUIDD thq fanners here ffitro;n:goodAenro ing dolt; ffoliihilotelison of the yiir. CLAIM I.—L. C. Bennet beat stallion, Andrew .Atherton 2d beet, C. W. Robinson best threoyear old colt, F. D. Bunnell best single horse, Charles fr.Tsteltirk 2d best single horse, 0. B. Lowell best 'matched horses, C. B. Whittler 2d best matched :horses, L. Whit ehall best pair draft horses, E. !Blackwell 2d best „ tl'HoYtaibit nicire&arid'iii6ll,l4 ;Tubbs 2d best do, 0 11 Wood , best-three:War 6 .colt, F D Bunnell 2d best do, N G Ray best two year old stallion,H Fulkerson'2ol best do, ; E. Blackwell bestwo year old gelding, hire. B ot t i ti'A t!'t t?v op irsAi l . ar 014 tkrAl44l7,lbeirmicyrkri, ohrigito k G Baiter - bee't one year of or bull of any kind, G Hi/erten, b emit* 0 OttlieCilt; G Sobrrance :2d best bull. °Less 4.—P -TWA! beitilyoke of oxen, also best two year old steers. CLess s,,—John Starner beet yard of sheep, also. best common wool hook. • , ~- - -t .1 . 4fLi..iitt-6!-&A' a qui9dr§baebti, t; i bAaVtil iie best., Tube - be , Oi - eitilr- 2 p - lil , ar ' Moses Lee besA ohgese z•- 4 .1_,: - ,1-, ;I.) aIA i -.-^ r.t. -.1 CLASS 9.— ` Luke- Strait. beet vari ety of fruit, .James Tubbs BeittaiiiiiitiVhf, frbit,ilatarner best wheat and oats, also beet Born, G H Baxter beet ;beets and potatoes, E Brown bst aquas% and beat !beans, E Aikins beet .P. 1 .11 090 4 1 1 61- ... - • Idaitilll44ll44iiiwiri btfitibelliti i Ake, l iiiiiiti-N Strait best drag,..! II Mtythq„best longing mill. !CLAssriti':-.-10/tAidetUititkirk i lliiiizPiatform spring wagon, Jl)nortiw 24 kipkAq tr also best ' lumber wagb4il:%.MlSitutiftabnilliettigle bar inest, 0 S liarmplil„ beg„ , 10 1 3 ,-hp WWI. 1 CLASS 12.44.finseirimnos est rag-•oarpot, Mrs. !Moses Lee beat eoverlid, B Seeley best bedquilt, 'James Tubbs best loaf of bread, J 11 Dean beat iafghaf bedspread, superior to any ever brought trito:t4hts&llyitrlz ej i ifgA Y. 4, ~ii - It”' ff';k '..liti.j “CLess /B.—(Diearetronary.) 7 -Afre. A Feeley :best butterfly wraiil)o ahnitaloilasting wreath, !also display of flowers ' C B Hoyt beet straw and 'stalk cutter, 13iles and Gleason best land roller, ;A D Left best sample•of brooms, Beeman & Lin- ITTTL l tislibeTTVlTllllti‘,4Rwrill' Os i iit: s'ne 11113 eX Anti by , erinmgs A. ster /7 - 1110fitioiin'tmlunbler.” EveP y amtll - 111 it illiiio onL J W M'lntosh beat org , Mies Anna Ben lediet best toilet set, also best mbroidering, Miss, Ellen, Tubbs hest cake...tidy, 8.,R T Wood bat Seatherwhatbil-Mtlirll4l Ffl di best wreath of o z ekt lwax, Mrs. Etta Calve" best rioultural wreath. 1 The stook andicriher i artiori of .tresindriChiirld's Buokley,-of Deerfleldi-were—exhibitiow during ).he Fair, but.putfeorpokipg .1441gkisim, add. jog largely' tailitilVlllllltlon. heirstbek eon - kisted of th 9 lallt Moir P.P.Flrililthinffit iYiOni•fo47,fil"l l /4il fer,Prilk RIA . Rx 43 :0 013 $ Ibio-tkiii:gisilti9 of tbi-t`r°- netfArir.fi1ia,, 1 9',,, , tk,,,,, ,, :.,,,,„1 , „,..I:„,v:vp - . , . .„„,_1 r t.--t-, '.l ,•;t--ft,-wt P. ‘trt .91 1 '41‘-r-'. l -9 , -“6k 8 41.1t.4 s'i , 4 4!. k!- 4 "..".W4P5T c 1 P4 . .6-1 ,;- ',...;1 • , i ') ..:._. ,' -' ..f.i... .-1;:i..-.- ~ ,--. ..„ . ~., ......, ..„.. - , , Pefi Very fotY4f e: lnaiotf lectute .t p hilt% see- At" ention, ertik I MEM k f II • o 23;,;' ty btLitub ei_Top A • • nre*ho e,,(1 quit lauded. For H. boo to .tx. l • ,„,•• r • 11.1 lkst Pail I to' I t. - • foy u o, of - t er, a d eat op 4to-unizt SPEZII.A.I7 N.O.VICE.—The subscriber would respectfully inibtmthii,publiti. thnitkiersis now reepiving :grpat.. Ataok of tuerchandize, bought since the great dooline in whinlf_ unabid him to olltir i tmiyiy..fieat bargginSt 1, `.3hisiit 3 aSt Elf3a7 , which" ,t to the y sixty ace', as i t g io re n gs o f ~ st office Phelps ell cit. . Tim ladies are invited to examine his stock of shawls and dress goods, which contain many new styles and fabrics not before- introduced in this market. Ilousekeema--nould to ezmino hie stock of table Vedas; 'barirets, bil fothattings, 40. Nov. 9, 1870, THOMAS HARDEN. DRY:spoua.+r-The, .Ull 'Aligned iris opened a Ltestilloods,and>qartirthi4irotlone.ildb bing House, next door east of the Muitby Broth ers, Markebkfrekt, eirl#4o44l siifilflY-41iitipii0o will be able to'rhilrelfiniiielrul oldlriend , and ho hopes many now ones. d mores, shawls, dlntbill,*ll,lelliling domestic good , hosiery and Yankee notion!,' any of which oa tottbt oesh., 3 6"etli'Sirdiiya; Nt - 477 lot freight. 3s 3 . Gorr. !October 19, 1870. tf t .t'.' 4s`" e tigah t 4114(1tEla1. Cove, at, and hard iiintod y Van ly seat abotit one to Aed in Itieular ('selling •‘l;F:.iik ;1,7:411S NPPPI4. 4- 41Ail l ere°0,14iiiiitelbtiegld firm of A. Humphrey dr, Co., Tioga;are requested to don their accounts bdftire - dap of De cember next. & C 9. 7 - • 3 * 4 • IT 2 1 in or semen o be a EMI MEI bun ish e pleas tablish- ' DENTIBTR,Y:..r-c.C,I; , .N4.VBIti f . dentist oillee'in Wright ,it• Baileylt)3losif, cqn tiniicsYd :•Wftti ilieTheitt'jt;Mrp c vcAph?... which giv . e : i bdt4P:eitififftg4):nlqwNnt:}iiing etpo in use. TObe lii - aci! . 4itit 4 tAonti.—Ati l g. 4Z " 17*0 a force} I(6istledn , lipiot terposo 0 evils ngth.— .nono ,Wo Arivta!:t. FANN ING MILLS.—We have four Ir . latketitg' it" k , 13' . ri1344 4' 1 :4 o t . i11f=4...:441.14gii4i/iSkilpie e;0)04 41;41` OP MO Lttati aitteTtiePti 0 4 tVi t eo at: 44.4 es non or fezl e me inttt'est we have !era have, I fan 'seeding. an ex tat 'not nip! the, emerrkh •battilopt L to ger . 0. M. g house, 1 village. ,e pink itittidet e cMen. treat, is LYON-- , .l3ARTLE—:Ataliii: - .pasidenatt.tiif . the bride's parents, in Etelmar,,Atig, 200 1870, by Rev. J. F. Calkina;6o. 4. P:"(l:NLynti,'Fital Aliso Ilenriettn IL Bartle, both of 4 ,, • 8.QN,11.A.3.1 = -BOS A ji.D_—At .tha_Proallyiariaii 7Cbureli at Osceola, on tho 2nd , ,inqt, Ja_t,hp„,Rev. Btiniut&;•4lY 4 llliss -Susie A. Bosard, daughter c of. A. Bosard, all of -Osceola. 39th of Oct. hy Roy. Jo . ,,ttfi Cairv, —ll A.. J. rv ay of It ti fo tteY,Letil,kio l.rl, .I i 8 e Martha Bowman of Brookfield Tioga ; .- I ---- ;,7 - Imil - 3J - I “ 1 SPECI A 1„ N • '.,4',1:‘,) 1 "A WO:11/1F:p.,OF MED L. I,CA sClatief,-.V map well 44 a>4.llNitafi s Baliati 1 0)W ila , Oitir y 1114 nearly half a century sl 'ma this remarkable,rent-' 4 , 4 venallitrAtlnCiWto" titte4Mblh:34.l44 l th2tibiliitid/-. k,, it rid enviable reputation which is gajned by its m w dettel cures o'4 aliiihi. , . to jaiii:;.. liinumwliifi iseough, s,l ro throat, Eilltienza, consumption, and all bronchial, c/tisplaintd, 16 to thiMarftqty tinetailied:: "",.. ,G:.„.-,, . Vibiett •Pfhtkellt. yßional 9 treet a et shop, ity very clothing ',o n• Tc Lyon's lf.atlialron, made,- ; my hair -titift4 lin‘xurl tileft, Itagnplitak Dalin changed that sallow complexion Into tho Merble bitantY yon now beO. .9141 1 ,104applatIcally tho Ann gnage ot all wltA c tl thAte` head of hair and a ratted complexion are the greatest attrac (Igoe n nomon can possess. Tote Kathrtiron and Mag nolia Balm arejnat what will glvo them tg you—and nOthingelas will. Tito flayg If, Min gf•jolitti: It F 4 :lady , jiiimax 3 4p . tsvnlty: Bah aitielue ate eutirely They-elionld he In every lady's posveselon. looking ianding H of tho lie has o anti. will tt fac -1 I ry , linty 'earn mitt. . lug their 4 fli7l;w", - 1 . 71itp -- - v, - f: a., 'it s ,10 laib' tried 10.9 it Deb iiiiiteita httuyfeidin 'nf'tli'Spiqratnelt zonslilailiave "iclSlnis vs. the British Government are Dr. J. 0. Ayer Co vflowell..,M.W.4l!fk. , ,lnAilliftio.tvrerekt: , meek halm . 1 . ey wilt cipinitit, co,nothttlf , lessithaoLthi t t , tliefedgmietiti flit meiffelliek deittaybil ily the Brillati pirates shall lie paid In edld'afitliii iticiliirs to the last cont. They aro emboldened by the Wet that the des trUction of theii. quoi 0 4 1:(11 , 71.41:14 . in fildnit and elsewhere tier %dere Are' ciY nApreant3 nation trampling npobitAtiteibef lit, hi 'tittibd n paid in -,Full, and they now nay that they shall be. They twit , -ev!eryropotis this comprotniips; 7 4llyo ue,Citrnla end eel . will Ear "ft liven,'Deiensoise gon ; thotrisiad our roma alee there without duly. - DiliesilititionNAss. May IS. IUo. , '' 0 ~ 1. "_ b - `,l_ ' _ism'. otiiaat9 for 470 t for thik d w el link' I ucling 1, I as his the wf:rtic rob of an '‘ation in rink oc or • '1 or r ! lye in #,„ and ,1: - .3 dr.-11::-....4 I. lic7.:: of Clio Ani, ' • ...r ~., 1..• " -. .7: , r.r, n - -;.!:: - .9r, , winslurful cures --- : 7 it • 1 t-- - •- -- : , ; :11--aouva old: 1.(1::.-o-s by thcir ' 1 1 . n ro c-i 0 11:. , .? (.. r. - ‘- - :cr:;. A s plitdetts tr. -414 -4 . i ' Tito:Alt • tlf - '... - • - 1 1- " ,- •-* 1 ' it "' l ''''"- , CLl.74lC.Fir•ts. of this i' i( - 11.:, -- .-nt ~-„,... ~,..,...,t,„,„ i 9, 3 , t sepa l-) r•!...t t:e clo trteal e votent; o f Cal.COrnll9 . i ; 2 •'311 , .^.. rt 3 11111 , 111d)SitriVel, (Ito and dig- 1 , s -,,' 4 :....7, Z'.15q,11,.,3" .2%, - . , tiF t l„ / .4lb i lhotoil i i h ts . cttillnirpik,s , orz.i:taln4nure XtolY;tv ‘l'li,verait , , , t bi FeritTiCr.:-Nii,'lll=l.llq , i Sl#4r, • ta :TV i, out his Iran Q3ten `tbeetabla jueticorn -o,6•Aunetayi where he eturee for y or ugli- .__,.....,,,.._, Vid :1;1 Gam': stiff ... , : -..... - s ,-- . 9" . ".-.t."*. 1. ± • • li ir, /.;, r j.ll7:ar f' iin tha-Citizens , of Amsned) i , 1 ...!- ritinYlizergrrr, -4 L '" a t Ytiltitiggiii,Vanjiiot Of I iA)A1 4 2: -i k, I di, I tit* on "and ii pargo'al splendid Airy 'tor t 91eut „of , E , , .r - -r, - — tcAlgor ~, : . ... t.,:11 SR U.31,:`,1 a.kft .“.A.-4,14 45- , .. . ,:iii7P. atl7 '' , 1.7.!,c er , 1:7:. frit 2.,trt11,-, gar..-4z 1 - 1 1 4 1 E4 '-' Cfl, it will, diti~bnaEl Fa ft' ftrk, it•;rl • digit iip t tif l 64fri. FLY", PA,IIIILOR AILND , COOK) 3 , ..7:•:"3.1,13 , z. =: , • 1 • • hat‘ usgul..an4 orn aytent al, sthieh T; ppm pffetlng oUrPrittlalYVevA tat o. t to n art l nfture *it $2ll. I keep in etook P. P. Peckham's pop -thtr Conk. This Lusii[litikka q tltiVest Stove tle in the Unhiaill 'lnto keep the 03 el t s U.oh i:- t , :••-2kti tire fastest enttingSalv th9.,v(PrAft• WI man ufacturers °rails Oass , ibajletigejbe A svarlii udder fprfeit of $5OO tbtiti l tiat4bie irthif-'fatetit put:, rw.., 01 149 1 -4.. , . • “,• - aIP T "itiy • '.OO . past, and hoping Efllt tillialiiiihtliqav4E era as ever, gratefutPls -I() AMA fl fly ri!l*Tikt oi*l'AVY !#1 133 111 1 7 'll'‘ 2 itlii i :t e .r. k l. I v lie- , Fißos.,iffr [i t" , .pi,.9.7.11/4—t, L . 1 t; 10 ..., .;-, ;.,.. :. , ... . .. ~ ~ O. . 4:..:: - 1 : 10:t 'enniloy!'gp air ar..u a 'ai pr,. ;he. histv 'llre4lo lfir:.pby ili 'Ble cheap ail, 4,p,, - J. Vir.4l4dWriicifix4tog'' 08. it. ' Blope4eld, - Nov. 2,1870.-3 m. I..Jostf. d:lMEmai - E.O k I 4I. B O I VV' S ` M!M 140,000 -', 1 BRICK I F OR BALE, of the,,bettmAterit,l4 - IrdE l / 4 52)t114.1gT1... 1 , - , ! Kiln opposite the new Cemetery.; .. Wt l laboto, Sept;-23,1570-3m". , l' i ' FALL AND WINTER ' "'''' ' 43l l4llTJTXYll ' i ri' ' .' . • i 1 l ivir RS; E. E. Kimball, over Young L Co;.'s AV" bookiitere 4 has ust re eivedlfts of ri , „ Fiitit Al t l' i ltiltlM W i l l Li to which she invites the attention of the ladles of Welleboro and vicinity. _, 1 MRS. E. E. KIMBALL ) April 13, 1870.1 y - 1 • ' a . livotuie l tiii,-' l -' ) rt int lit lita l tiiakulueisii' iiliilie.3iikokief's",4 4the,TtagailailrcutdlWduzilitijY, "foe the , tIW. Hon of * President, Directors, Sectre,tawy. ,t t ft4, Treasurer, will be held at the office of the Com pany in Corning, N. Y., on the 7th day of Nov. 1870, at 10 o'clock A. M. The election to cheese at 12 o'clock, M. A. C. STEARNS, 0ct.19, 1870. ~ Secretary. , FALL AND WINTER i i t '. -4 f, rittrittliVrAtt#o4-4111a' t , i3V.: 'Naz.,-;..) 4 , 1.-'4 11 111,3:ei Xis:duffat ',,L . ,1`,.in'...11 1 a1q.1 , 7 - .+IVAI t.. 1 ` ' C. H. KELLY I - 0 ° I HAS JUST OPENED ,LOTS OF 1 NOS faiikll ~,JItY il.0„00$1 \=.:1:• : ; - :,,2z - t, ' #B - I :e g i iig • rle . •.i i i i ) ...,•,,::... ..1 ~,.A..,,,:ac.•..,..5m.i,i,) 3\•••.....,-,,:,_:_) ',,,w•%i , ,,..,,, • _.,-,,:s ii: ,•;....;, ''j - ; . '''."*.WR-b7;i4H, .i . ) P,'-',- :3 li''' . ‘`il, 1 ,", '' I: i:t. , :i f. ,C3' .Y . ;,',",:1'i........i, A't ''',.:-) ~,al".:'' i , • - ..,:':1 : ,' i ,',\ ,WI ii 3 ''‘: ,. .., , vattysitt4oniii,4ls .r.+" :;P., 7,V' . 5' ' ,1.1+• - , i ' " • , ' ' ').', - ; ~..„( ~*: 1 . 4;1. . 011.01 1 12,1/ 41014C ' lill I I ri- . .)- - 4. S ':, , 1- i,:. i-Z,cci. i, 4' ..; .•;, , 31:)m - .1;t:;".;.Y.y . . - ; . ,. i..'4:.).•4 t - a r isv ii , a4iv,eivjil try SI? 1D4,0 1-5 ? 1-9PillNit . vete. Ikclt, only have ' 2 r ~.- t-. ..,,.. ' - :,..". 1 / 4 „.t.. ~,,;•• a .v...• Z. ,, ,i,',,,"-2 \i/.',... {,,V.. - :, ' G001)GOODS,, but that we are eel ng i theni clear d wn to the bottom Of the market. We have aoo pieta as. siortment of „ r - . , ~., , .-• A. • ' ....Y r '. .1 —1 - ,` IJADOg! ,D.RkIS t 4tIODS , - el - . A s . 7., 4 5f t,.; . 1 ~,i. 4 , ;,t. i ~„.ekliAtysest u situ..Proei. 'lf. , , ' .",, V ..= • ‘ i ~, , , A PATA - VC:4l' EPOTS ~" 1611)! 811,0 ES!, -.v ` C \ ROCIitRY . 4 4iliii ' kli. ':‘ ' . '...:‘ ...,..5. , 2 ,+. ,!. 4 1 TEA, COEEEE, SPICES, ' ' ETC., ETC. We do not propose to mention all the' items in etdre, as we much prefer ehowing.goods. t hr• No charge for showing Goods. Call and see . , , ; SePt. - 4; 4 1870.t, ,, ;; 11;:' , ,!. - .0, B", , Litig LEY . , „.., ~,..,..,•„, _,.. 'A , ` ....,, tr ... " '-; ,• ' ' ', •.. ' ' , . VOA 2-47 A l l 1 •\i A: Z - J ' - :'. -•• ... f ' + : - 1; ,k ' i COME TO T. L. BALDWIN Et CO'S :.• , TIOGA, PA; -f ,• A 1 1 and see a nice stock of Goode for the ; -".A11..';,,' :.k 't ' -', • ''',::' '', , N., " • - '", i , ,ALVI 4 , I ? , .--we T f rE ,, .....,,...„......„, . ...,,,,......,,,,,. .$,..,..„„.. L. i , ,.. ,. .. ' ,,,„5 . A.A -, .. - :, ' i i , t, , : -, 11 - 3 1 c,Z.iP kit - C I .. - , -,' : ';'ll'`-; i ',;',. ss. -4 i':,_ ! - ;.tc'n - -I'''- -- -:,:'.. „- .4,1. - fT , ,4 , 4- a : . ,:ri , c;;.‘.- -, Z , :';‘3 , •''':Y" o - I ' , ' ZiaZgatitillKEllßSK44474l 1 , ;'e ,l*-3, ;': ', ) , •:: , t't. , :-e ., ','- ,i '; , :‘,''.3 i tiP t i: «..'„I r =.'.; ~,' ,' , ::•i i, , i i.>, c) ~ . 1., —4l ' il:iliilitf; ; 416i8 iiiii i: ' 4tiiii'D; . — - • ': ' : _•-• ~.-. .N._ POPLINS, •-. _ • ..: • - ; . ,L',_.:. ALPACAS, BLACK AND + COLORED SILKS, &c., &o. - 4 DHAUTIFUL Winter SHAWLS, and a large assortment to select from. C.OAKS READY-MADE, AND CLOTH TO MAKE MORE; ALL KINDS OF !.1 1 _ LININGS, FRING, TASSELS ~. T4' i;). &di ' s , : it6.-4RIVAI F* ifigSSkS).• A r -!.(,-'3. 'V.>-.;.+llltk;‘,"S'AdQUEft"; , A 1 11r..;‘-N l ' .0,1,4., —, , , , ,W - .:1 iif.w .:A e.p ''.., t; !'k.):4;•.): ii.; ~ - M A. ' , i ' Z t-„,1 - _ , 14~4' „.31 ' 4l.lAr stock of-t ..,, ,,,. „ ,- ,,,i .. .\ - 1: - "; , ...- ''' ... . ‘• I ; VANAiIIt , E 4 A t 1 4 1 0 1 14 . 9 " -NA ;I =' 1 1.:-.Unl ' ar4.1i,'NIV71.3.e2 l•-, -- ,:•• el t'lliellat ,, ,,ipwel l 4 °T M' ( KR!. it 111: i , ... Rksee,,atL ..., o , lth ff , e ‘ ?•fer. „ , ,_., „, A1f ,,," ; , ... , :3! , -.Z. ,- , ?... 1 3 4,1 33 - ,, , ,/ , :_fd, ,:- ,, ,,4 , ...3._0 , ',, ...0. , )!t,-..i .. WM. . 53 , 1 PITAzlikLq.Q.1 1- 44 8 1i11VX.9i +PAPP. I '.S 0.,v, - 1.1* , -;.,1 7, "'X t. 0)) tinlkeeenkfAtiArlbn Li iiii`sk lifit'il)l' attitilliiti 'gem wilkiPlAikull'ukficklalVani4 o kgme.noo - 1 1 91P.0t fremln e. ./OotuitryC ... et - ore, ind, elear-:dowu '4 l _to the P.Y- s• T • V WILT•iWilp..,%- • 0 ~. _ ) ''' 1 I .'n ' iltilWriClitiErt ItEi; '; -, ` ,1.' .% '+''. -:: ; \ r"4 9. 1 '.;,t - a . =',' ! CS. -',•;;:•'-0,5.:_':•;f 1. ;'( , f ,- ': 1 f :4-'tl' ° l72M7Vt 4 .???rfi , I, f ‘,.' fliltEAlfi k itAnt 4 ,`..(71iU.308 - lii , ~. - -.i4,, -,.. , rA11 -, AA‘ ,,,, . , ;.4 , ' , '-.Y - :' - . ...}3.) ...-.4. ~ . .e ; N,.„ , ‘,,,,,.. , . t'' tikaitsaato'ct partioeleultt.": . thottlA.atatillte . Ault you with readyssuaduen,hatt;',cf,a, o 4l4P l ), , , liii4d , A TAILOR TO CUB' AND FIT.. I , BoOts and Shoes; 1 i , all kyles and sizes. WATS , AND_ GAPS,. sTRAN, ,GOODS I . '. '-Atitt:GiNl'S' left N i fgHtNG '1 - '''-:. GOO.DSi+'4. bOMPLETt LINE i bis -3 '', •,,,,GRO.OK..E.H6Y;VOODENVARE4I';AA, l' ',:;iI4I I PRAVARBASHBLY . HABIt ~1 p, , , , . - ... ~!, - . 117 :4.. 1 4E)., 1 1 , A z -v ' ''- ' '.. 1 ' );= r ... V .. *. • ;A / 1 .., ~. , - - - •• 4 *.. ' ....‹ N A- - - a , - , 3 4, — i.. . .9 ---,,,••..Z. 44 ____-- e 1... ) , A itA et i " . 41 4 0 As A. AA A, 4' 4s ~.,' AZT Art . ;,:i T ) .4 -7 44 e; i .:, Ir', Li 1 ...., i. 5...... ' AND HOOP SKIRT MA_NITFACttoRY 9 1 , 71' . .71.72 -- -772r :7; :1,- , •,• . -.. :... t _,, - -..--zik , h.-_,-.;• - .., -, ..-... 0 ., ,,- , : -•*./%10.4, - ;AROADEllisLOOlt.', l3 (l:tear Erie Depot s ) CORNING, N. Y. i5 .,...3... ...f..t. I nab, - V:: —• ~ L'y t : -.. ' .7.: ti : ':: , “:X' , ;. - ,:it..,..1-‘•=l-‘-, • -•:•'.,' i.r - I 1. ‘-‘l ' :-' ' 1 t:" ... '?. --- .„ ... , .. ~ . , 'This is.the larAibiat i Vinci fliiiiiiin ( kesteuben County, awfii; 341:1741;44 with ----- - ~ • : ---- liimeniiiTilook ' f the latest novelties fol.' ' ' .. ...- '_f i . - 0,4 m. 4- - p, - - .'.. - , 4 g 7 • ' ..f 2 . :- :t,s y., : .e gkt v .;-, voi k ! , , - 1 0 1 C 1 ' . - - IFriattei c Setesoas „...: .„.„..,. i • . ..„4„. 0 , ~, ~... -,:k .. 1 • 4 1, ) Great bafgOpt ikt! s alias*" KID GLOVEgS i tind eviil "Ail. ; kinti `nrGIOV ) Vi l / 4 44: 4 g i 4•... 1 4.V. , 1- 4 ZEPEcx-#4,44 ‘ ,„..;Y';• „.4 , ..--- „ , - , 5-A. .. '4 srbitic , , , , i t , ,Ti .y. if,ri. v ,..,_ - ' - '- - - , - f. - ': .---, HAIII,_ 1 1 ,1j;zt:t 1:. ~.-,. , .iyi ,41ititeettoll, 1 Strini :6; :,/,,, ,'.1 . : 'Ott rs,lloo-ii,:, *.4. , ..-4 -• .- --,, ', , v ;:.___ : , , '--'''.. , :t•-=';:4r..,•••:.= . .`;,=ci.r,.: - .' , :„Lk:.=4 , 4, ,-7, ....:. - ,. tw 1 Fili6 "'le - eiii' Bracelets 1 ....___ 1 , , , :.;:. t i I 2 ,;, ..i :•_i i • ..! I- - • . 1 .r" CO 'FA'S of every, kind, and in faetlieVery thing kant usually found in a 1 • ..-' , ___, 1, .: _:., ga . l23w. - '.Ti • 1 - I ,LadigB...T9ll.lqlll. s47 l e,money iri InVitig goods (you cannot get in your vic ' ' ity) tip going to the BANCY ,E.TOFE. . . . A. 13; i HEINE, Corning, N. Y., Oot, &, 1870. • • -- [near the Depot] CORNING, N. .' .A • - :' 7 .-..--, -0 Co t tp,.. ,... l l lloi ii firi , : ii . ! ' Es • '-, I ;',...1 . . ~. ; ...., -„; N .:710G-A, „.....„• „..i.d.5.,,.c.....,.....,...., ~, -,,..., .. , : ..:• .. ~..::: .„.,...! . , „lc, -.,---,-,- ._-.1 i.,. 117 . 4-, • • , ~...,.,.. .., :4: ... .., WUO WANTS TO, BUY ANY . . 7,. . k , l li [ 1 4 11:)i a •-. fah' Vi . 4 3 .1 ji.3 1 ...%13. ,:.f. ;f:!.. cilk),;.' I , 'C. - .; fi1ith11',..55..,,C1141;e:22-Y, Tai„ e l 7lloMial , lintell 9 ' Corning,/ NC - Yip ‘......--: ; - = . -.13 , aFvrttiereatittymatklititttalall.isiortment of evoyy ... oetirlible style. of ..1.- • • , 11 . a .s-a ':, ~:.....“.;- 1 ae; ;:',...;',1 - .'.7'n - E i .s ir - 1 . Ip DRESS (..lOOD', Ark,hvoie Prints! from the,oheap . est to the best. , ' ".. ' ' l'. IC 0' r t ( ki i ?. ! Iti 4, , 414 i 4 #: 13) , , tv mats,v c, 7, iutPARLeLA: ••=', '• EMPRESS - CLOTH, , . . MERINOS, r •tr 1 PLAID POPLIN, ALL QUALITY ,' • . JAPANESE SILKS ..& 7 . ROBEtti C: ii -.- 1 FRENCH:IOIIISL( ponixs, ._ ~ ii ,,,, , ...,,, , ,';'''..-, , 5; ',;tl; ri; Z.;`,. -- ;`, 1;.: ; . • I'.• 1•7;•:.4 1 Tiii.ckur.ll3ltA.OK (A.LPACAS:VIIIEtcAPITOL surpass any others i 7 ,Z.; iietkoWn itvihemtarkat, initolikiiiliglll,7lhtiN and Durability.. .Wechave an tihnost..•.: ,Irr -.3 tr: .s: i'Lehdless Vanity of • • , .7, 311' . ' -.-!„ i:: i..!..-.-..7. 71.1T, 1 1,E,.. ~ - . .):7 , , •II I .C , Zi 4 ' - ,cj , 8 - INGLX -- AN - fi filtlJo - - - ,11 tivOoh - EN- 811AWLS'i .., - body -- ~.- ~..,_ c.:- ....., ~.--, i s A t. s„,, Just what ota Ivan - is:4kt I obi h less than last Beason.. Also a full line :... ) ' So w vAltri, , ,DovltAix luraL suAyil..s, at redttood prieos, In . r; • . iJ •-•• ..< • s• • -.; ' •' •" " •r - I it/ ;V• •'::,; ‘t• ••••s; 1 ..' ; s. • ' - ir • 0;r ;.f.1:.1 .).;: .' ' :1: Zr : ' ' 4.5:1••• - ; I ';'-' ' : ' ".• 'il :41 L'7, •••• ' it, diafitt j ill!'" 4211113Leigilti C 3 ttt:Orii. ' Or', r ,,. L il''"r l ,-: ~,. ' devi l' : ... . we him a muoll larger stook than usual; and , ha.v n bpasbt%BBll„gooda at i t4e-lowesimazk,,. '• itik,e reacted this BoasOn, we can au ...4 NO It 40V.4i lolr 4alWilr4llkiianist Pity - it'. E..--. 4 h av,sf to bay now Ww are offering sp en id bargains in every department ' 4, • -,,.- 1 " , ' Dtt:?'Goods, Groceries, Boots o .dShims r ,-Ctodk ~,1 4 ,,,,, ~.. , ~.„ ...,,, , .,...,, i a. anti invite all to come and see us itsi i iih #antitetcilicundersolilz , DRY' GOODS kk.t.iv ' - are sure to go higher,fgo oftinctearly and save money. •' ' • ' '''o • -t, j ekfing,..Y. Oct. 5, 1870. , 5 , -, 1 I , '"- -''NEWELL & OWE i ci'• , ._ ~, ' . \ I - , , . iz - , • . tziP;;) :; Ca"; L i 41HE anderscgred,iAnditiii, appninted ,by.the tiAtmhans'lThurt of •Tioga,conlity, to'distiO ~.•tite Ottr;moheyn - in the hands of the Administral 'ter oliDestate of Ira Graves, 'deceased, will %H oe "dzi t wit o &dies ! Of his 'appointment; at his ' , Au. Ili is: elisboro, o'it the 10th day of Novedi 'boy, ,0, at aii o'clock P. M. - 4, fa d 1370'4t M. F. ELLIOTT.. And';. I 1 -_., la & Winter Millinery AND FANCY 'GOODS. cdm ' EL . SOF.WL WARM rOU. tit° 0- CR. MAIII : .ST. W% AVENUE, KZ.ttt V- 1 44 °R°1 Ltir SOL.-13-U.N*ET, 1 1 4oVR. % A. , • 't . • : 1.3 r Llat, Thiica popnlntillatelalatelY:kaPlAY Hal 11011 day. The PeMie)er spems ragnale make it a VISTAIMadte,(I24, ,*lr„ the stages at.- rivis imilicomtteo4lillils house. .114dialihitle In attend osaffi Alit`Livery attached. Oct. 12, 1870-Iy. GERMANTOWN YARN; SASHES AND BOWS, OUIGNONS; , OURLS„ =LACES TRIMMINGS, 'BUTTONS; BUTTONS,. Charms & Chain ~ t~ ~ ~✓, G.`~ V x:l.o' ERE I '- F •. I , ' 14)1egni ibe 810bd. ,, 'V" 05/ e. i . ~t I A cia l r i na ob iih s o . r , tainted s,ukai, 11 , 1 ti o live disease, or it may merol 4 you listless, depressed and g.• nothing, Bret you cannot ha health while your blood Is im , i i . . •Ayer'e Rarsaparilla purges on intinriti al ditasuelaliseasifbtid still:Mates the Of ifo / inta vigorous action._ Hence it rapid' a v inty of complaints which are caused by i,. • f e blood, such as Scrofula, or King's Evil, T I cerhgoraswEruptiOns, Pimples, Blotshep, TO • uthony's Fire, Rose of Erys'ipe'las, Tetts • " bourn, Scald Read, Ring Worm, CbbCdr 'dr Ca , Tutors, Sore Eyes r Female Diseases, such as Re , rrigularity, Suppression, Whites, Sterility, • .hills or l yeieresiDislOvpiCottiPte,intil , I istases.,. ii.lAytirrel IL alilla,,alo lidaS o" self:Omni Ilainkatt vit with which itolCati , lo and cures these disorders. If ring late years the public have boon mi Jar fro tilesipretendingte.givailluart of 41 . • pAinbroi one" dblliiW V6Stfrof-tiaeleth alas upon the sick, for theynot_onfreontal I apy, Sarsaparilla brOlitett"lth'brirettlYe ing believer. Hence, bitter - disappointment has f • he hie of the various extracts of Sarsaparill • ooi the market, until the name itself has Synpnymouy,Bith imposition and cheat. Still this cdopetettetircSorsaparilla;l!•ared ibtend ~• Such a remedy as shall rescue the name from` eitAbloquy which resta_npon it. iyo. oink , • ropnd for believing,leWitylitnis ittddlikrn I le by the class of diseases it is in teded to c It .: nfassure the afok, that WO offer them the hes tirvdwe know how to produce, and we hive re heirevet.itiliby Ted theinottlelleo."tual pdritle hlond yet discovered. Ayer's Cherry Peck2ral la. so iipirersOl t y. k' ateroass every otheF rtiollc s ktg.iqktt.epr or; . alol/s, Influenza, ITSalioness, Croup. Bronchi Opt nt Consumption, and for the relief of C Live-Patients in advaturd stems ofjhadisems I , llo 4 lll BB KiikitifecoUffilto AT i den CA ilikiard The worldk nows them. P 71', INBEEMIE " William IMM HEM= , r • tij:, !" . •v JtriSfIVEOEIVED •OR _!. IMII •' ' y .. 0 I ,NIT 1111 i.ih :: 4 . 1 - : T ..... 1 I + t Mop ANa , HAS , ' ' =II 1 It; ;1. t.„ ' . +l7 armed them Down I I ' l 4 Y f ICRIY fIOW • - .!t fft . /: 1 . , o iieumeiete the' artioles end give 4. 074): Of the v a riet y ' 'lntl' 441ility of 'geilli o 0 a. , bor throwttagray,a4WeNe invite all to ;.'„ i1.,1 ~ .:1:1 '...:din .q,--A!, ,I, !I , ••t,,- ; / O s ' t i } •.: • t4t 4 "f If } 10110:111110 ' . .1..1;4,t) ' " • •-" and eiti for 4'141%4'0 4 , thaT, caaa‘moth 'atlfrk 'and , tnernandvas' that -- 7:"Cf. • fl 1 1:44A. Olintoonr- • ;;;; „-. 1 , 1 1 • 11 - 1.,;.! 4-;rit •-• 110 T El= An tit; twit great in r.t„ . noomouts f ox Pm?* = ( fl.i +lit'. MEE • : • • • ",i- • ...:410Inklanbaz thoipliqe, tVilsott Vati - *lkiit l ' - ' butgle*Pld lit r , , t. 28 1870-1 li MEM • MEE MEC • '; I I : ,1 • 4 EMI =I !MEM =I asit Store. ' eL• ° MI e I. A • IJ';2?,,f; 1 . " Wilt° E; •; • V -- I • - EEM 17.11 ~)~ IKE . , Mail . ~, ~. . H I ' , .., I d. 1; ... "ft N ' 1 ; =I i Sfi NE a t•' ~.. .~ :_~ ... WILLIAM wiLioN.