The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, October 26, 1870, Image 2
iTHE CiTY PARts.-7- 4 1'he ekty of Paris, sltinited between the confluents of the Marne, the oiBo, 11,9(1' the .Seitie, in the midst of a wide plain, is divided into two unequal parts) by the 'river, frommeoo feet, to 3001 feet breadth, which runs from east to wek; forming an arc-eFn eirple.. On the right bank, of the -Seine, the height of which Is - abouVeiglity feet above the level of the sea, rise the hills of Montmartre, 394 feet in lielkht; of Belleville, 311 feeyn heiglit;' of Menlimontont and of Char- Gime: On the left bank are the heights of Mont Yalerlen,4Bs feet; of St. Cloud, 300 feet; ; SeNireas„ mendon and Issy. The northern kportion of Paris - is' the largest. "Twetuty-one bridges keep up the communications. .The forr,n of the t. 37 may be cofnpured. to• stn ellipse, .4u:rewindflattened on the right side, the longer totieofoybieli is about nine miles. Iteqording. to the census of 1866, Paris 'bas 1,825,274 inhabitants, and about 95,000 houses, • It seehe that Mr. Knox's name was not line-on the Democratic ticket in Potter, county, as a yandidate for As sembly;,! The Demo . .ats made it a rule throughout the St te, to sacrifice all local interests, t t they might unite nit oppOitiOn or their candidates for Congress : Kno 's mime wag printed on their tickets in this county, simply because they could nit get arty disap pointed candidate to run upon It. They would have been very glad t 9 !put the name of Mr. Elliott on ; but 'Att.. Elliott cannot be induced to sacrifice his polit ical sentiments in the interest of the Democratic : party.. The Return' -,Judge for this county gives us the following figures on tine result in the district Strang, in Tioga county, 6,320 .in Potter county. 1,385 l‘f an Or in Tioga county, in Potter county, 'loyal, 5,393 Knox, in this county, • 1,997 navel° wits put upon the Democratic ticket in both comities: this aceimnts in part for his excess over Mr. liltuto.' \ There was a local dif ficulty in Potterl county, which came near defeating the whole Republican ticket ,The Republican- candidate for Treaguretrin that county, wra elected by only three majority, god Conimial-. local ecite B t , ho* - Over, the means of getting out a full vote, and gives Potter county (lie banuer.,,in this contest. Mr. ikl'itun's vote W'afi somewhat reduced by -the di vibiou iu his own county. In Biiclks comity, a Reptiblicon coun ty Com misioner was elected at the late election ; and in Wayne, a coon tY Trea- I smer awl Kheriff. The usual Demo cratic majority in Wayne has been AWN!, 1100, and in Bucks front 600 to SM. , ' 41 laltertte, the Bond old Demo eral ie majority of :3,00) has gone to the shades, and the Itepublienns !lave ear )•iell the county by over '2,0110 agalltit ,1 adze Woodward for Judge of 1 hat I . is ‘tri-O. ‘tounnenting on the result in She eas ter ‘l, part of the State, the Prcsa st4ti: " Tlte Republicans of eastern Penn sylvania did nobly in the contest ,(111 TtleMillY last. Formes ly, the Democra-, he maloritieseante front tli4sieetion of the ,`it ate ; lint the revofttlion which be gan in Istsn, \ has kept on increasing, until to-day what but a ifew years ago was the stronghold of . l'eunsy Ivania Democracy, has become decisively Re publican. Not to sit'ealt of the glorious results ,in Luzerne and Lehigh, the changes wrought in Wayne, Monroe and other counties in the\cleventh dis trict, 'have been wonderful. The re markable growth of the Republican Party in these counties, is especially gratifying. The seat of the great min ing industry: . it is an 'indication that those engaged in developing our Mine ral wealth, are being' educated up 'to the advantage of protection. They see its material benefits, and appreciate the wise policy of the Republican party which dictates it." Gen. Robert FL Lee, the old coalman-, iler of the Army of Northern Virginia, in the late war, is - dead. lie died last week, at his home in Virginia, of braiit fever. " •. C4 - en. Lee fought wPII. He was re vered by the people of the South as the greatest leader of their army ; and on all Ocasions shOwed- by - his skin and bra Very that their ennfidenfe was not misplace& hisLarmy capitula ted and he was a Prisoner, the rebellion was at an, end. ; There. ve . ps no , men , to till his place, had there been an .organ ized army left in I the field to contend against the Victorious forces of Grant and hie )lieutenants. When Gen. Leo gae•hls parole, men felt that he was a true solker, though lighting In a bad „Ouse; and he kept it well. The crime of his life was committed when he for'- got his , oath of allegiance to his coun-\ try, and placed that to his State above all. It wag the crime of the Democra, which had so long taught the doctrine of State Sovereignty, wider and •by ihfluence of which teaching, wary a3an who would otherwise have .been aTrUe patriot, became a traitor to his country. Lying back of it all, Is the Cline of elyfery, for protection of which„, agltinst the moral sense of an era about to dawn, the menstious doo t r ine of Stele Sovereignty. was invented add advociatbd. Ideas clashed, the con flict came, 'the falsehood fell. -General Lee fell with it, and acknowledged, with the true manliness of a soldier, the ..ttiutliph, of the 'Onion. With a feeling of sadness that such :a - man should -13 e ',false to his country, let us hope that none of our countrymen 'will followAkis fifsi number of A new paper pub iished lifirrispiirg, laily and weekly, • - appearqd ‘ol;1' It 1 , 3' called tho . ,:fennWvanic.tglate Journal.. In its prospectus it says : ' " It will bo doroted to independent journalism.; will defend aud)advocate the rights and interests of the people, assist 'every effort 'to ad vance the'religious; educational; moral and social conditions of humanity.. 8o long as the Repub. lican party continues to be, as it,'now is, more than any other political organisation, the enactor and defender of liberal and impartial laws, the protector of American labor, the promoter oft American mannfantures, and the leader to all greet reforms, the JOareal will solvotate its prin. oiplei and defend its policies." It is well, ranted aod exbibits ability in its editorials. We hope this paper may survive, and become a worthy ad vocate of tb,e great in teres ts of ou r Watt). ; rWeekly ; $2. Address Slate Journal, Barris burg, Pa. - , HENKAIO Lscrroass.—Hon.: Charles Sunnier is axpected to,arssif. dist lecture - course of the_ IlsrmsisSilststrsf .Wollsitgro, on Them day ovening,, .Ifost. 10. ficasjeat c I ,' Kronoo . issid rrussis. Z . piltlvossftlesAt.d fall Hit of 4414rea win 6or teenen Week. . . Mkt csitatot: The President has ,procla mation, designating Thursday, the2.4th day _of Novemiaer, as _a day, of 'general thanksgiving throughout die IJ.-States. A.ahock of eartiniutilte was felt thro'- out New York, NOW England, Olehr axid Camida, On the \ l 2.oth hist. A good : many people were ) frightened, but not serious damage was done. .41. was also' felt at Scranton, in this State, where, the wails of Eevera.l buildings were . Cracked, and the pemile. considerably, alarmed.- At Albany it lasted about: oneminute. The BIUTIO shock was felt in •Wellsbo ro, very sensibly, by several persone.--': A. Map in our office visibly trembled on the wall. The Warrc Mail has been enlarged to a thirty-six column paper, and pre sents a really fine appearance. It. is One of the best country papers on our list, and we are glad to note this im provement, as an evidence of its pros perity and of the appreciation its pa trons have of the effort required to [vac) a good country paper. The editor, Mr. E. Cowan, was formerly con nected with the Janzeslown Journal. On the 12th instant, the President is 7 sued a proclamation to prevent the or ganization of armed forces in. the Uni ted States the purpose of , carrying on thiiitary Opbrittions against friendly poWers. He enjoins the dlity of prose cuting all (anises, upon the ofricers w of the United States, and gives assurance that no one convicted'of such an offense will receive clemency at his hands, to saye them from the penalty of the law. 7,705 4,427 060 ' The triumphant Democracy Of this county had a good • time in Wellsboro over the election of Mr. Sherwood, on Wednesday evening last. There wits a bonfire, music, speaking, a supper, and free - abd easy fun of all sorts. We did not hear the speeches, Wit we understand that they were Mild and' conciliatory. We are informed that Mr. Sherwood does not claim Lip elec tion as a Democratic victory.; Ile as serts the truth, when he says he owes his election to Reput,ylicaus; yet we tail to see wherein it is 11 triumph fUr the Republican party ; and the political complexion of the men -, who celebrated his good luck, makes it appear to us ve;; - ry like a good, old fashioned Democra tic victory. We doubt not 'that every Democrat in the county who 'opposed the right of soldiers to vote, who voted' in 1864 that the war was 'a failure, and in 1868 for the reinstatement of rebels to power, and for the replidiatiott of the naiional debt, Was present to celebrate the victory ; and we do not blame them ; for Mr. Sherwood was with them all through the dark history of their party, and now declares that his political sen timents remaiu unchanged. . It is a mere streak of good hick fur Mr. Sherwisid, t but he is ele'eted. We cbuld Mule 11101'0 than one man in this district:who could beat him 2,1100 vetes in a now electiOn. We w s ish Mr. Shy.- wooe good luck in all things bnt poll tics : in this, his good luck is our ha luck, and had luck to the country ;I hence we oppose him and his party, now and ever. - • SHE RWOOD ELECTED. . The following are the official, pnijori tiesiior Congress in this district nter, for Sherwood, Clinton, Lycoming, Tioga, for Armstrong, l'Ottery 14 7 wood's majority,. o- Ljority in Lycoming and Cen _ yes is unexpectedly large. Ly ,gvas put down by the Demo crats at 600, and we did rot suppose it could reach 'those figures; There was 'opposition to 'Mr. Armstrong at home, in our own Party, whioh has resulted in his defeat. There can be no Patti cation, for the defeat\o \ f a great party, in a contest involving prl so vast importance, .on: personal grounds. A - party should be ,cautioils in making choiceof,candidates; but there can he no sufficient reason gOien for action . _ of any prominent member oNhe Re , pliblican party,. who was instrumental the defeat of Mr. Armstrong.\His ri <ability, i tegrity and fitness are \ao knowledg d by all parties. Scarcely ,any distil, t in this State is more ably" or faithfay represented In Congress, than thiri 4 .iy Mr. Armstrong. He has ever stood firmly by the - principles of the party'Whioh elected him. We have repeatedly expressed all these opinions, and now that he is defeated, we have no occasion to renounce them. But Mr. Armstrong was not enough of a politician, in the gross senseof that word, to unite all elements in his own behalf. It Is the great danger which threatens our 'system of government, that men, to be successful' in party Pol. itios, must become politicians pure and simple—that is, they must learn to be subservient to all interests, even at the expense of manhood and the purer qualities which all men in places of power should possess. We see this pro position exemplified on all sides; - The vault is, that the best men do not get into °Mee. Availability Is of more ac . count than fitness.' When a great par ty looks about for a candidate for 13,resi dent, the ,question is not, - Whi4 - the man - best qualified by education an ex perience to fill the place with lion r to himself and the country, but ra her, Who will unite the, most elements of popularity.? Who has done the least with 'ivhicli any fault can be found ? Who has no politica( or public record to stare him in the face? ;Good men May be selected in this way, by chance ; and sq very bad and IA usultable, men may hi chosen, . , - ... • I • Of course there are men who are u fortunate in _their manner of getting along with other men 7. The principal difficulty has been, that tbe patty bus -grown so large. that ten men in its ranks wanted office, • where there was an office 'for only one: When the one man' gets the one ;office, the nine, or moat of the nine,' with all their uncles and aunts, and brothers and sisters, and cousins and grandfathers and grandrun , them, git once set about, denouncing the unfortunatuwho happens to be clothed .witb "-n Utile brief auttiority," as.. the I Most. Ungrateful,. the most unfit, the -inost illiberal .and 'despicably mean scalawag that overdrew breath in of-- I lice. At once ho becomes. in their eyes, the most unpopular Man in ail the eon:I- I try round., _,IIe _is rich, he is', aristoera s tic, he is penuriOns ; and it will not dig to nominate town a ;van, or he w ill , bps beaten. Such is the hue and cry - of the disconsolate., Thnwisli is. father totho thought . in many eases. ' Sa With Mil. Armstrong In . this di§- ' tract :;offices grew short, and candidates multiplied.' The ,disappointed at' once set 'about their work of detraction.— i Such things lititi - beati'before, but they , ' probably had rarely been so'bad at atiy other time. They were considered coin paratiVelY of little account, and the re , stilt is that there are many towns in the district, where enough Republicans re-, mained at home to have elected Mr. Armstrong, under the belief that be was as , goOd as elected already. This comes close home;—we should learn a lesson by it. Weturged the importance of work and vigilance, before the elec tion, in as strong language as we could con:man - 4 -:-,We nowt' rge every Repub lican to reme4er the election* of 12.70, by whi - ch a confirmed Democrat of the most radical stamp is sent to Congress • from'tbis district, by a few Republicans -__ who neglected to vote, And a few ethers who Voted -for Mr. Sherwood " outof compliment.'" . Tioga county should have' done bet ter, We ought to have made Mr. Arm strong's majority 2000. We tiever placed it over that amount, for we knew of the causes at work to produce the effects which. followed. _We cannot ,h a .te‘ e strength , without union:. we cannot - , have ;union 'without giving plate to res.; son and judgMent, instead of passion and prejudice. These latter have pro duced their legitimate consequences.— Let the good men of the, party remem ber the lessons of '68.9. On all sides, a disposition to do so is _manifest.' If we have lost by a defeat, we have also gain ed by it ;—and now for the.union of all true Republicans on principle, and tri umph in the campaign of '72. We can bear reiSrepresentatiou for two years: if we ;suffer it thereafter, we shall, be to blame. ' H . , . Potter county did nobly. All praise to the Land of Leaks. She is not so leaky as she might be. Let" her take the banner. FIRTONTH AMENDMENT. For the first time in many years, the enfranchised colored citizens of Penn sylvania haw) taken_part in a general Heleetion. Many of them have grown I gray with age, deprived of this privi lege. The race so latel3A slaves now .stands not only free before I the law, but equal with all others in the scale o r 01. vil rights and political privileges. !Op pressed and down-trodden, hated, des pised and persecuted for no other rea son than distinction of race, it is .not straage that they have fallen behind, as a class, in the unequal struggle. Born with the same sign of the incompre hensible Creator upon them, it was the law of might only which placed them Under ban, and the infamous wicked peas of beings created in the likeness of the same Father, which imposed this bondage upon them. For generations multiplied into centuries, they have .borne the infliction of so great a wrong patiently, until the glad day came, and they were free as other men. The dark ness grew deeper : yesterday, slaves; to day.. rs Fvra e5.1.4...ei al 41. zees I flow great the fact! The na tions stood -amazed at such a siglit,!— The Great Law commanded, and it was done ! Men trembled at the exhibition of.such power; and the common dis cretion of all who were, not blinded by passion oeprejudice, led them to seek shelter from the threatening penalty.— The decree went forth in blood—the _blood of the oppressors ;, but when the final cohsuMMation• was delayed, the oppressed vindicated their claim to manhood on the field of battle. Many a dusky face put on the livery of death in the cause of that country by the laws of which they were enslaved. 'The North had bersharein the wrong, and she suffered for It : `the South had a greater, and she suffered more. In a day, it cannot be fully realized : in the fullness of time it must be. 788 767 853 20.20 1,691 Y 703 °,3f18 It remains to be seen how' well these newly made citizens will/discharge the duties citizenship: ^iTO man is qual ified to vote, unless Possessed of Burn dent intelligence au q independence to decide for 'himself upon the merits of , men RV measures. Voting by proxy, whesrthe proxy has all to say, and the voter nothing, is the substance of a plu ral franchise, in which noon d not stand upon equal footing, as Ingle \ units, but upon unequal footing, in ra tikwith their power and influence:— Thus it is that unprincipled men be l come \ dangerous in a republic where universal suffrage prevails, and wherein all are not sufficiently intelligent to act wisely. 'or a man to induce another to vote ashe'wants him to, no matter by what means, is equivalent to giving such a man two votes ; and herein lies the great danger. 'Too many men mean nothing when they deposit their bal lots, and permit others to give thein such expression as they, see fit. If a vote be bought with money, this places a price upon the ballot of every other voter: it is not the man but the money that votes. It Is capital which reigns. And it does pot matter what the indoce merit may be.• If a poor man be In debt •to a rich :nian, and, through threats or fear of Persecution; he is induced to vote as 'another wishes, this destroys the , equilibriurn,, duplicates the power of' one, while it abrogates that of the other, and may make the false, appear to - be the true result. It is said two heads are wiser than 'one': the aggre gate., judgment and common sense of many should be better than that of the few. 'But this, depends: If' the, few-be wise and the mafly ignorant, the judg ment of . all united would be more like ly to mislead than if, all .were wise. In h republic, the theory is that: all are wise enough to,act the; part of citizens. The:„;trolible thatiktials ;ma eo in fact. -Then follows the necessity oted ucation , and the propriett of argument. It is proper to argue and explain theo ries and party principles. This is gne way to educate: But the unscrupulous distort the facts, misapply theories, and mislead the ignorant, by cunning eo- PhistrY• With all the multiplied means of eorrupting elections put in 'practice and clearly before our eyes, we are .al most led to say, The ballot G 3 a farce, a fraud, a cheat; a, snare sto catch-good men in the tolls of the wicked: •; • *ale negraPO are'. ltelyippat, some ignorant. So wink:white in4n. Some are mete! and upitig ht, Itoneit and pure; some low, deployed; entirely devoid of moral principle, and unfit to exercise even the most unimportant political privilege. But it will uot t do .to except a class or a race. There is no morerea sou, for excluding the negro ,than the liishmim, the Frenchman; thetihina man, on the _ground of ,ignorauce or Want of moral principle; for ihere is ignorance and immorality qtr Lacey. Thep tie are not to • condemn all be cause some offend. If som e negroes get drunk and Vote the Democrat() ticket; or if Seine white man get,thein drunk, that they may do So; it 1s not the negro so much to blame; as the man who sellS the whisky in the one case, or gets him drunk in the other. A negro, to vote the Democratic tieketiethisage, sho'ld be soundly drunk' very soon thereafter, that he might sustain his self'respect, When come to his senses, by passing the whole transaction 'off as a delusion of the brain. This proposition does not admit of argumen • We do not think' it desirable that all of any class or race should vote blindly for any party, regardless of principles, no matter what that party may have done for such class or race. No favor should incline a man to vote either one way or the other; and no act should be done, merely , as an inducement for any race or class to vote for any party, The Republican party gave the ballot to the colored citizen, not as a bribe for his vote, but rather because it is right that all men should be equal before the law. For aegro to vote the Republican tic kethecause that party accord(' him the privilege of -voting, is no"Attfer thdp for a laborer tti 48i,e' for hie 'employiir cause he may have done him" it Gratitude should not influence any man to vote against his principles : mknhood will itlWays impel a man to vote for a benefactor, if he,can do so without'corn promise oK his principles. It may be well for the Freedmen, that some of their race have been induced to vote the' Democratic ticket. When a'party asks a man to vote, it cannot well gainsay his right, to vote thereaf ter. it may be the height of impudence for that pay to say to the colored men in one breath, " We are opposed to con ferring the right' to vote upon you," and in the next, - ".We want you to vote with us ;" but this is one way In which the wrath of man is made to praise God, It is a dismce, under all the" circum stances, for any negro to vote the Dem ocratic ticket; but there are low, drun ken and worthless fellows among them, who are not degraded by doingso. For our own part, we prefer such men sho'ld not vote the Republican ticket : we cheerfully surrender all such to the De mocracy, inasmuch as we desire to Bee no war of classes or races. If these ne groes can thus gain a place in the Dem ocratic family affections, it will be all the better in the end. There is no dis tinction of color in the law of affinity. The better class of colored citizens will not vote the Democratic ticket, so long as the Republican party remains true to its principles. In TBGf► the Democratic party of Penn sylvania embodied the following reso lution in their platform : - "That the Democratic - fatty of Pennsylvania is opposed to conferring upon the nogro the right to vote ; end we do emphatically deny that there is any right or power in Congress, or elsewhere, to impose negro suffrago upon the people of this State, in opposition to thew will." This was after our Legislature had passed the.resolution ratifying the 15th an,.... , ..rimara • 43.,41 133 Eh. , mmat platform, the Democracy declared that " the res olution making such ratification should be promptly repealed." Here, then, is a party which stands pledged in its last declaration of prin ciples, to take away the right of the ne gro to vote, now asking negroes to vote for its candidates ! . That party will seize the first opportunity which pre sents itself, to rescind the amendments and laws intended to secure the freed men their civil and political Fikhts in the Southern States. Such is; its de clared intention. But it cannot suc ceed. The work is done, past thei power to undo it. The people - do not go backward. I However reat deal of trouble can be made, a g eat amount of suffering can be inflicte . upon the freedmen of the South, by a repeal of the 'laws of Congress passed to enforce the amend ments and to prevent the substantial re-enslavement of the race. This is the policy of the Democratic party, it we may' jthlge from their past history and the expression of sentiment iii. the De mocratic . press of the country: Time will settle it all as it should be. Demo cracy wants strength : negroes' votes count ; and the color does , not appear in the result. .- WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD Manama', published by S. 0. Wood, Newburg; N. Y., $l,OO per annum, single copies lOots. It is high toned, interesting and thoroughly household in chara cter. 'ivory number of Vols. VII and 'III will contain a $lOO prise story complete: Also eaoh number will contain about twenty-five pages of other matter designed to entertain and instrnot all olasses. Executor's Notice. LWHIRRS TESTAMENTARY baying been Swinted on the estate of Edsel Mitchell, late of Middlebury, deceased, all persona Indebt ed to said estate will make immedlite payment, and those having claims against will present them to JOHN . I. MITCHELL, - Oct 26, 1870 13w Executor. Notice. . . ,"t LL persons Indebted to Sears d: - Derby, .aL, whose aoaoUntif are due; Arai reqested to call and, settle without delay, or coati will be made. SEARS & DERBY. -,. . October 20, 1870 2m TN DIVORCE.--To Betsey Ousterhout: You aro hereby notified that James T.• Caster bout bee applied to the Court of Common Plass Of Tioga county for a' divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and that said • Court 'has appointed Monday, November 38,1870, at the Court House_ Wolleboro, as the time, and place' of hearing said applicant in the premises; on which occa sionymean attend if you think proper. J. B. POTTEIR, Sheriff. Oot 26,187.0 4w IN TIMM:IE.—To Mica Borden: rein are hereby notified that Hairy N. Borden has spilled to the Court of Conti:con Pleas of Tioga county for a divorce froth the bonds of matrimo ny, iind , that said Court has appointed Monday, November 28, 1870, at. the Court Housein Wells boro, as the time and place of hearing said ap plicant in the premises; on whioh occasion you can attend If you think proper. • - Or o . ot 28,1870 4w J. B. POTTER, Sheriff. DIVOROB.=—To Oberlin li. Webster: •ou • .are hereby notified 04 Ann Mud, Web. - ter., by,b,er nev, eedi ;aro Staitezrbee 'ODA otlie ye* of Conitooti Plain • 00 Minty or *giro:roe from the britide toetrimony, said At said Mutt has appo d Niondiy i Noma .er 28,1870, at the O. rt Bowe, in Wellabore, the time and a for hearing said applicant "n the pren2is , P on which °cation you can at - if .yo ink proper. d. D. POTTER, Ooto .r 28,1870 4w Sheriff. AUCTION.' WE will sell, on Tuesday; the . -first day of November. at "Welleboro; 100' Bret Abu mulch owe, from three to seven years old.—all aeleoted from drat plan dairies. Bale to tom s:mania at 10.6..15. Tezi mti4tbi "pine Oyez!, with approved eeetrrity, and 'a liberal'. &mount lor p ail• • fi • s h • a - n , d — . • • D. .A W . , B FT AI W E IF Y> I 7 , ,WnOrlOß • 11370. New: A PARSONS & CO'S, g The subscriber, are now fully prepared to show a larger and mote attractive stock then in any psovious yoai. , We have now in stook, ilanoknits to all our papaUMW., Viz DRESS GOODS; FLANNELS, • NOTIONS, DRESS • t Shawl and Deep Skirt Departments. We shall keep a very large stook of Glocids in earth of the above Departments, and sell them states that will satisfy the elosest buyers. In 3131.isicals. A..11.-rotai3lgniaip We bare our regular make at a rednotlon of 10 per cent, from Spring rates, rill Oni - 41$ cont. Alpases, now s37k cents; 560 far dbe ; b6e for 60o; 62e for His; The for 68e. .We are also keeping a fall Bps of our DOUBLSNABED HIGH LIPSTBRIID MOHAIHS at 62k, I'S, an et., Si., A BIAS, and we warrant them to be equal to the best makes in the umaket, and at much less rates. VIILVETNENS—In heavy stud light weight, in•Bleolt, Blue, Brown, Green, Garnet, Ae., at very reasonable prtees. • RIOI/ PLAIDS-4n high colors, for 87} cents. • SIIITINGH—In all the new styles from 2b to VI cents. PLAIN ALPAOAB, 26 cents • WASH POPLINS, new oolers, 26 cents. SIMONS-26 °eats, - Brilliants n cents, Arnsures, 22 cents Luster', Am, 35 cents. Holmes CilethsoiS colors, 62e, French Merinos, all colors, irbo. All-Wool Septet Fields 35e, Double Pold Alpaca Poplins, 36c. .PROOF CLOTHS, is Solid 'and Fanoy,Colors. HOOP SKIRTS are very cheap; A!good 6 Tape 20 Spriag Sitirt. l 511 cents. A good wide tape 20 flprityit Skirt, 60 cents. &OWLS in all the newest Styles, to salt about every one, at the lowest market rates. • ' v N Mat It itr(t ~ i GOOD BROWS TABU! plum 59 Gents pot yard. GOOD WRITE TABLE LINEN; 25 cents per yard. • TOWELLING.IO, 12/1, 15 and 18 cents per yard. Cheap LINEN lIDIVIM, 8, 10, 193,18, 20, 25 and 40 cants. 3E3saixxi t cormlisi A good hoary Balmoral at $l. A good heavy Balmoral, high colored $1 1 23. Balm qualities Balmoral, at $lO to $41,00. mosiERY, very cheap. 0081 Domes - ti We Intend to keep this stook full of I all desirable goody, and to sell them at 'very close rates, expecting to Inoresso our trade largely. >We are now selling in PRINTS, a good onnnoton Print at 6 1.4 cents. A g'ood fast colored PiLint at 8 cants- Ordimarg styles of best Int at 10 cents. • Extra patterns, sweat Prints at 12 1-2 cents. SHEETINGS, • a good heavy yard wide Medi ,10 ots. - Extra /malty yardlavide Sheeting, 11 cis. A'xtra Asa* better geradd Aiding, 121.2 cts. - Shestingo, yard wide extra, 121.2 cents. BLEACHED .NUBLINS, a good yard wide Muslin, , l2 1-2 Boiler prates Muslin, 16,18, and 20 cents . • TIOXINOS, common Ticking" 18 to 22 cents. . . • Heisby Rather licking, 28 cents. Extra wide, emtra heavy Tiekinye, 81 1-4 cents ! . DENIMS, STRIPBD SaIRTINGS ecc:, qua/1Y cAecw- r COTTON BATTING, good, 20 oasts per pound. • COTTON BATTING BXTRA, '26 mite per pound. , COTTON YARN, bead 37 1-2 comb per pained. ' CARPET WARP. beat, 40 ma per pound. • SHIRTING GINGHAMS, extra quality, 20 cent". Flannel `Deportment. 14 have more bargains in dim Stook than over before. Searlet'Twilled Flannels, 26, 31}, Grey Twilled Flannel s, , 14 ' 811, 117*. ' Blue Twilled Flannals, all prieel, Plain White Scarlet and Orange Flannels, all pr ass. Plaid and Fancy Shirting Flannels, all prices, - Oas satire *Wok will average lb per mt. lea. thaw laat year. ' I All *6Ol & Union; Cloths & Cassimeres. A largo stock of stabstesitlal Goodi;stiltablo for Volum wad Itlecattintos' wear, itt low ' rates, even less thaw last Fall. BOOT AND 81101 DEPARTMENT. lye make Ode stook au leading Department, koeping an Sairsally large 'variety of s'nelicen *ado wok, and salting it lower prides than say one in be litobSrade alonOsaitaiford te - sell4 II • largest portion of OUT stook is mada , ..vortedally • for ne a lisulyriltiLlgikAßT ill "Fork that us sill •for castors work. Wilke."4 • STOOK OF & SUOMAZINCIigoIt - • Boys' Tap 8016 4, Calf Boots.l Boys! 24 . spielrifse Rip Boob. Boyer' t.j2-0. ids FYRe Sip Boots. Bo • a" 2 icier:BoPa Sip Book. Youth' in some stika. • t -fikikktesee ~f f r Wallotts t e MAW • Ohadrods Wow:We Clitdria'a , „ . . . This suttee lino of work la °filo , motto; and "bat bean' teptlY'aa hi 'a ',fa r ad lain" • • yearis'and has boon tiled and adtPtod by large portion ofoor Giatotaor* *their tor- ' .- Auss of avlstaritlal etaitoin rtotk; .D I . ' 7 _ - • ' „ 1 Ws also keep full Ilium of Somal i Work.' in Ladle?. Mime and ehildnin'a slots, In Balmoral, Half Pollak, Pall. Polish, and Batton style, made of Calt•Pobblo Goat, Ma; rodeo, Kid and Sort. f illailo and'Dotiblo Solo. W. Invite a ll slot. bayou to look at • • out stook 'of Rua Work, bafo4 Valli, ea ire hairs tli BIG? C1L.19111 .01 WORK ' ' MAD* • IN= Me MAT% ANDS,_IM , At mr LOW IIATIS; , , -, .We Beata Oahu!. tbta gap ~ ,,.141, Oa nee«, of oir linstaeso'ln tido liaalrar. (Clit is ur, l6 l?Ot:: l a 1870.41ii ' '' ' • We i ..., . • -,:, Ti - G 6d. A T 11111 OGRNIIW t ' !MI Ell 3' 1 I SHAW LEI, I OASSIMERES, 'HOOP SHIRTS, GOODS ' DEPARTMENT. ETA 76 cta. .11TO PIONS, all kinds, cheap MO Dsepartna.'t. UZ2 ikiai Women's Mims' lEl'7O. ( DOMESTICS, LINEN STOCK, BOOTS & SHOES. WOMM. In kW. 2 sore Btoga Boots In Ken's 1-2 D. Rite Kip Boots. Mas 2 sole dnd Tap F. Kip Boots. Ads 1,2 D. O. A. H. Calf Boots. Saes Ibp *AA. H. Calf Boots. , Men's rap sole /Nem& Calf Book. Men's 1.2 D. 8 14.4aat CalfsernaL Calfitainsiratand Fots.h Boots: Osif Balmoral and Milk Boo* Oalf Balinerni and ALIA BMW Zip Balmoral and lbUa leafs: Yip 4talroora; sad Potisi RoOts. Hip Balmoral and Poliele Boots. Goat Balmoral and Pala 'Book. Goat Balmoral and Midi Roots, Gast Baknoral , and Polish Roots. B All Cutter, who are a) I, Ora .doribera, in the manufacture of the_ P/1 4 XV l ONME) that tr.l egel at prices LOG Oot. EllE I= I LLARS a policy of • __., 0 Thousand Dollars, ,1 \, /. mg i f , proportion,) and a email pro rata is rstpalred only when a death occurs lass and division in wilieh _a policy is d. 20 essntiai points, such as medical ex iibn, pr t into payments, and absolute pol io Asseciatiten does not vary from any Ideal companies; but in greater Sitoplie• 'omy4and Accommodation of Pay ants, It Algot.. matertellY. . .. AUDIIiC BIZi 11l CAPITAL I - $ 250, Her patioulai t !send to the Agent ioi Pamphlet. Gaon.. Frost Gaon. 8. P. IIIINTZBI;MAN; U. H. ~ i i MAO ROttIiMPELD, Jr., Vice. President. Wm. )*: fildlni; Ag't,KnOxville, Pa. (larger pottier,. In the rottater , neo• amlnati toles, th, et our o Ity, 800, INDBDT Sept EUE ED !CM T 3 I= Pure ME RE I . i; J Cra +Y '& gitojOto - Nt, BTORE Cli, STU.' , 11111 N kyers Amer:, ;You ' I ,hereby"riotlied Th at Hannah libies, ber next friend, ITitomaa liollidaz, his applied to the Court of *Quintets Ness of Tttlga ccenty,.for a divorce !Tote the'hoido inattitneny, and'that i id Court , tias aopoluted Monday, the 213th day of IfOroatbek,` 18f 0 for th e b6iring - : of said Grp ilitaokt in the premises ;..oe which occasion Vie cab atteisil f you think proper. • • • Oet 26,1 T0,.41!, PATlTRl,l3l,teilfm MEE Bee! Call aud see! H. BikKOR it SOS, Westfield, Pa ALE. earl Street, 2d house pol house. linquiteon an Mutual GVARANTY fife A 70040 07 . No. 98 BROADWAY, N. Y. Ce Palides and Original Syetem. went of , - • L PERSONS D TO TRUMAN BROTHERS 2.6.14TTLE AT ONCE, AN.BROTHERS, not-propose to be ERSOLD IN AND SEE before asing Ersewhere, and we will NTINOII YOU teat we Jive. tap to B MOTTO: all Profits and iek Sides. Wo. keep filing' roma* Kept, in first-Blass F. - VRXIMAN. •A. d. TRUMAN. Is '1 LORMO ; E BROS.- & CO. •;.1 w 1 P riv,s A ' EE .. ~i:- . ... :,;• ,!:.. !! . ..„ . ..)-0 . -.... i: . 1 ,- :4 _, :: ....„...,, te, : '''' -c f - . 1, 1 112- 1 P ,"l: 62 `''- .11 . • - Z - r d 'M ; ' 7. - t4 l : '... A . ' ; 4 4', ~., :_- ~.,---, - zA ,'..-1 ffi„.,. I . . r...,,,. . ,-• ~,..,,..., h. ,t 1 .. .. : . z . i. 1 . 111 1 .„, _,..„.••._..i pi ....:,.,..,„.,,,„,..„.. ~. r.. .... • ~-, • ! . - . . , . •:. •• . • t . , • ...„,... ..,_, ~,, r•• . ~ ..,_ , _ , . .„ ,. , . , . ........t,- . . e4i.- ~ .„..,..f c.•,.„.,,, .........777 , • , ...,........:: „,... .. .. .... . .. LottUonE, T. J. g,ozolorm, L. CALDWELL PitOPRIE TORS OF STEAM COfFEE & SPICE MILLI T ORM° ' E BROS. CO., would can the at° . 1-11 ten Hob of the'Trado in the counties of the Southern Tier of New York and Northern Penn sylvania, to the largo and full at.eorttnem of GROCEpES&PROVISTOS oonstantly : onhond at their extensive Wlitehoure and Sterns, No, 37 • qad 3U Ottrroll Street, N. y., and offered for sale "ori the most liberal terms, satisfaction in all cases'gutqanteed,' Our Stai,tutlll.l,llls for the Roasting of Coffee and the Grinding et Cvffe6;fttici Spices, , are of the most recent im. proved construction,. and not (Act:W by any in the country. , - , We have a fall stock of *holt° Teas. We buy tlireot from Importers in kfew Xorlt f ur o tio h, a); ,d sell as cheap as say liouso in the trade. Sugars, - Nlolasses -,Sc Syrups from ttio beet Refiners, and sold' at 4ate6l and lowdst New York quotations. • I J, FOREIGN DRIED FRUIT, AND ALA I KINDS-. OE. NUTS, Fish—q Dry & Pickled . Wo buy from tlret hands in the .13aM, and can afford a better article at a Weer price then any Arm in Western Now York. WOODEN WARE, 'Cordage,, and \ full line of goods. LIQUORS. We oall the attention 'of the Trade to oqr largo stock of liltioa arid Liquort, which for purityand tint:moats are ut.eurpaftod. IMPORTED ALES—Sootob, Isb• and En glish, and or the beet brotids Co est ntly on hand. , . l, PORN ON AND I 1 DOMESITO' LIQUOItti T We sped ily invite pttrehasere to call and ex amine o r stook of •'Foreign e l d D4aneacto i [Atom.. before buying elsewhere. E )It?INAL WU EY-IWe put up forthe especial herifiCof the sick, a piths article of Old Bourb t tintV,isliikey for the Druggist Trade., Sole AgeditHlo Elmira, of the Urbana CV ne we invite a close scrutiny of our goods and th it pew, ttelve hole ameortroont being too Inunier6as to mention in dotnil. LORIIORE BROS. & CO., • No. 37 & 39 Oarroil St, Elmira, N. 12, Sept. 21, 1870.-ly. TIOCi-A, HARDWARES AGRICULTURAL ANTS MECHANICAL Bull "ing Material, Iron Nails; Cutlery, Stoves, Tin-Ware, &c. :M STOOK OF STOVES cult:lmes Forty different kinde, and I nu prepared to guarttritoo Bottom-Friooo to Oash Buyers, I hava Mao on hand a larl i o stook of - Electric X Cut / saws, and Moor's Double-Braced Aroh Frame Wood Sawa. These are the best saws in the world, and are fully warranted. The best stook of Oil and Kerosene LAN TERNS In the county. I have many articles not kept by other deal. ere'whtoh I would be glad to show, and give price* that Will dof'y competition. Aug. 31, 1870. • ~In Partition. 4 • ESTATE of .V. Welty, decease 1n: the Or phone Court - Of Tioga coati 4, No, FL, Nov. Terra, 1860. And now September 7, 1870, on. applioatlea of the petitioner for inquest i t partition; the Court grant n rule on the heirs of said decedent to appear inlaid Court, on the ‘ ti s it Monday of November, 1870, to accept or 0, to take the real estate of said decedent at the viduation, or, in case of refasal so to take bY'ell parties inter ested,,to show cause why the same shall not be sold. Notice of this rule p,ttl?lishod in the Tioga Agitator, as provided bY statute. By the Court. ' D. L. DEANE:, Clerk. Oct 5, 1870 6w • HARNESS .SHOP. MEE .UNDERSIGNED •would say. to the chi.' min of Wellaboro and vicinity that be hes • -1" •" • . rII foil operation on Crofton Street, between Main and Water eta., where he is prepared to manu facture all *lnds of ' • • Double k, Single Harnesses, In-tbe-beat atyle,-end of the beet material . REPAIIti (3t:' ICON. on ebtilt notiiln 'find . X 01004 . , 4 8 ,1 workmen, and nao none .bnt tbe'beet andrim therefore _ prepare4„M. pla4 ll ll lin 1 , 1 ,up Japipm., s. • zawootps;;,, Jftly TEAS. of all kinds, J. SOIIIKETELIN, 'Jr