tioon "Dood•for•noosin 'little son, Papa tails me; jee fur fun, I'dness—=fur, ma, oo say, '1 cloud for eumsin all ee day," And so you are my precious one, Full of mischief, love, and fun ; Good to fill our hearts with joy, Our darling little blue-eyed boy ! Good to clutter up the room; Good to ride astride the broom; Good to tip my basket o'er , Rolling spools about the flair ; Good to pull the baby's hair, And make a horse of every chair; • .oood-4o tumble on the floor,- And sbut.lpoor Ensgarci in the fluor; ;. Good to-wear out little shoes, And nalrina's wax' and thltnble lose ; cited "dear dampa's specs to hide, And, on his foot to "take a vide ;" good, when let out doors to t play, To ape the gate and run awdxJ. Good to watch for "papa tum," • And clap we bands when ho gets home C Good to climb upon his knee, And laugh and shout with boyish glee; Good, when ,wearied out with play, Your head on mamma's lap to lay, Quito ready now to be undressed, And in her arms be lulled to rest By stories, which you like so well, Of "Jack and Gill,"and "Ding-dowbell;" llood, ore cuddling doWn to deep, To pray the Lord your soul to keep (food to wake up with the day, And fold your little hands and say; "Dear Dud do beta my dear mamma, 'My baby sister, and papa, . Awl 'ttle Willie, to:V,I pwny, And Jeep us safe froo•out ee day." Ah 1 good for many things thou art, Our bonny boy with blithesome heart, Our buy with many a winsome way, Mishap and prank and merry play; Oar "dood-for nossid 'Mile son," As papa sells ypu, "jeR fcr fun."' • - —(Hearth and If owei fr PATTING WIGS ON v A friend in a neighboring town, seems to have studied the geniis hog attentive ly. He has had long experience In fat tening them on corn, still 8100, and now is very successful on whey. He goes to the 'cattle yard. in Buffalo, and is care -1 11 to select hogs brought from Canada, i.ttiter than the West. He says he wants a rangy muscular shoat—not your short, 4 i tinapy, fatlpig to feed on whey. He se lects.from the 13erktiliire or its Cross If he-can. The small boned, fat breed get I liscised ou whey. But thelnuseular, bony Canada Berkshire, will fatten splebdidly, he says, on whey alone in three to four months. , - If a hog can be fattened exclusively on whey,(which seems in his case to be true,)then this certainly is the kind of hog to select. Having been raised on peas and milk, as is the custom in Can ada, its bone and muscular sygtem is al ready developed, and the office of whey only to lay on fat. - 1889 he fed five hogs on the whey frotn eighteen cows for four months, ,telling them the first of November rind' ele . aring $lOO over their cost delivered _at his farm. Ile fed more whey, during the same time,, to five calves, and al though the *yes were good, the gain did not exceed $5O. The present season lie is feeding, on whey alone, nine hogs, bought 10th of May averaging then one hundred and twenty pounds, and will now average three hundred pounds i;ach, live weight. Ho- estimates the whey from , a cow, in feeding this kind or hog, worth $8 t.f) $lO per -season. But this feeding wheY alon>t would not an :werifor hogs not already developed in frame and muscle. IZALSING YIDS AND CALVES ON WHEY. Calling on farmer we found some flue shoats, weighing about one hun dred poundi, that had been raised upon „hey, with an addition of one pound of yea meal to three gallons of whey. These 'shoats were a cross of Suffolk with com mon breed, and appeared as finely devel oped as any we ever saw, proving that pea meal, in small - quantity, suppli,s / ali thQ missing constituents of whey. L. , also showed us some fine calves, four months old, ralsed(after.t.w2/weeks) on whey and oat meal. They/were heifers, and would weigh three,lihndred paunch . . Ire has a high opinion of whey, but un ke our friend, thiiiks it should always be fed admixed/With nitrogenous food. Every thiyjabout L.'s premises eat .: hibited order, neatneas and economy. All his platire based upon knowledge and 7ffection. He thinks the farmer's success depends as much upon accurate _Vain work, as that of the engineer or /master builder. He seems instinctively to know the wants of his animals, and never tails to supply them. The conse . I l ueneo is, he never raises a poor animal, and is never trouble, in his herd, with "horn-ail," or "tail-ail." Lint there is his neighbor N., who told us, that he, had "tried the pesky whey for calveS andpigs," and ho beli eves it is" pizen to animals," as I,t kir three of, his calves and" near a'D3O Lilted his pigs; those that wanted to - pizen" their pigs and calves might have' He had tried" ilemeal" to ph the calves" mil their i nards Well, it isn't nateral to the 3 know 1.1.'s calves were "nice and slick," but he believed they had"n darn'd sight more than ile-meal and - whey." N.'s cows were spring poor . in,July. He didn't see why they should , buesupposerit was nateral for some cows to be thin when milkin'." Weeds and Canada thistles - wera going to seed on N.'s farm, he - had"no time to ent'enot But it was often \noticed that he could spend nearly all the forenoon go ing two miles - to the cheese factory. Ho ' had been beguiled into sowing a piece of corn for green fodder, bjat a day or two before we saw him, the ows had discovered its tempting greenness and luxuriance, and easily pushed through his false pretense ofa fence, and were enjoying it before their time. But good, easy soul ! he "did not believe sowed corn amounted to much, arter all. Cowa rrtay as well harvest their own corn. It's 'more nateral-to let the cow get her own Ilow, N. Is a representative man, and his constituents are very num erous.! E. n.tt,s, LIVING FOR 0/4E% EASE.-- Henry Ward Beecher says of those, men who haVe no care or thetUght for ethers, but are 'contented With looking after their own ease and enjoyment, that they ought to be put in a cotlin; for Their life's work is ended. When God wanted sponges and oysters He, made thew, and put one on the rock and the other In the mud. When He made man, He dfd not make hirn'to be a sponge or an oyster ; He made him with feet- and liands, and head and heart, and said to him : "Go to work !" - But I tell you if a man has come to that point where he Is content, heought to be put in acoflin, for a contented live man is a sh#m I If a man has come to that state in which he says, I don't want to know an more," he Is - in a state in which he ought to be changed into a mummy ! Of all hideous things mum intes are the most hideous; and of mum mies those are the most 'hideous that are running about the streets and talk ing. 1, Coitnty Agitator. Tiol riilllB o 1 ce Wall 'tooted Type, Presses, &0., JL. and bee every advantage fOi doing .„. JOB PktiISITINCI It In a suPfrlor manner, Plain:or ! dn Colors, from a wed ding enrd to a sheet poster. Any kind or style of work dono at this °Mee, aS lotto/at . ' • . MS Books, PauipMeta, 'lCardll,italtatlon Cards, Bill Bills Programm Drafts, DahlDs, Bill Roads, , Circulars,es, 1 Orders, Checks, Shipping Cards, Bugloss! Cards, Envelopes,' Tinted Plate Printing, Visiting Cards, Wedding ?' &c.• &c.r—&c• Justice Blanks, • Atr all other blanks constantly on hand and for We: Deeds, warrantee, School Contract, , Deeds, quitclaim. ' Srimmons, Subpoenas, Statement and Confession, Warrants, 'Executions, . Amicable' ction, I ndemnifying Bonds, Bonds, Constable's Sale, Attachments, Jndgmeu Collector's Sale, , Notes, Petition and Bo d MarriageCer t M i esta, for App'ment of Guard' n. . And any other blanks not enumerated above writ be printed to order On shor a t notice. _ 1 - - - I AV-Persons sling or ders for JOB WORK will et t their work promptly don \ and returned. We eball spare no pains to please on Customers in this depart ment. Those sending woi, please state the size of Joli, kind of ink and paper disked. VAN ELDER & MITCHELL. Proprietors. Feb. 1870 Cannon Roar! Let the THE GOOD NEWS Throughout the Land of the largo assortment of MEW GOODS Which has just boon received at the new Store o C. *ItIA.TipEItS. Oome and See the New Goods! WE LIKE TO SHOW THEM, In the line of DOMESTIC DRY GOODS sre are offering gre t bargaire which cannot fa , o please. We are alio offeritt great bargains' iu DRI I SS 6 / h cannot but I ies. Grocery D partment. , t, .2,, which cannot but plenee the itt9 (xcellent line in this department, list must suit all, Look at the figures: , We have an and at prices 'Sugar from 10 to 14* cents.° Tea from 75 cts. to $1,50. D. B. Deans Saleratus, 10 cents. Syrup, 80 cents. Coffee 25 cents:- Chewing Tobacco from 80 eta. to $l. We Cleo keep a large assortment of miscellan eous gpods, such as is usually found in dry goods stores. Ou assortment of. Hats and Caps' • for Men and Boys, we varied and complete. We Veep in the Boot & Shoe MI trade, the different styles to please all, and of the best manufacture. Sept. 14,1870. WALL PAPER! > WAI4 PACER I WALL PAPER! T ET it be distinctly understood to tho inbab jj itants:and citizens of `Wellsboro, that wo will sell WALL PAPER, . 1 and y 1 other article in the EP r . jig ►T.-.llles, . =I cheaper than can be sold by any other firm in Tioga County; further we 4o affirm that no man can undersell ue unless they receive goods by the ' AIR LINE. We have just received from N. Y., 35,000 ROLLS OF WALL ;PAPER boughttat the present Gold prices which we will sell cheaper than any other firm west of N. Y. Call and examine, and wo are certain that we can please in Price and quality, and if not :milted we will pay you for your time in specie. , • P. It. WILLIAMS ,t co. , Wellsboro, April 6, 11370. Livery Staide: W ATKINS it 'LOUDEN re. , speetfully inform the pub % er.arese.f Ho that they k have established a Livery for Hire, At their Stable on Pearl St., opposite Meelees wagon shop. Single or donble rigs farnisbed to order. They aim to keep good horses and 'ori sons, and intend to,please. Pikes reasonable. WATKINS & LOUDEN. limn, 186971 y. Stoves: Stoves.: . : • Havingformed a partnership in the Tin, Stove and Hardware trade, the undersigned have the pleasure to announce that they have, at a great outlay, added to the usual stock of the old stand on a complete assortment of Shelf Hardware, of which we enumerate the following articles: NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGES) • CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS, BITTS, •- BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, BENCH-SCREWS, WOOD' SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE- - - TREES, ELLIP TIC =I SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS ' COMBINED. Mao, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER AND CAPS. C. C. MATHERB, Bache's old stand AND HARDWARE! MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, SASH, DOORS. BLINDS AT FACTORY PRICES, Always on band or furnished to ordor, at ROBERTS & BAILEY'S Hardwire Store, Wellsboro. ROBERTS JG BAILEY. WY. ROBERTS. 1 R. C• BAILEY, Wellaboro,pn. I,lB7o—tf. =I 4 The Atlantic Cable THOUGH transmitting its freight with very great rapidity, bidding defiance to time, dis tance, Horse Power and Steam, is 'nevertheless decidedly a UT UNE!! and in that Lino moot GROCERIES are to be found, (sooner or later.) The PUBLIC will therefore take notice that L Ai GARDINER continues•to rec .1 ved and transmit to Ms cue tomera DISPATCHES Of every thing udder the heavens, in the line GROCERIES & PROVISIONS withlhe most incredible dispatch. What is the need of mentioning articles when the public is assured that EVtRYTHING 'that ever ought to be kept in a GROCERY & PROVISION STORE is kept here and for sale. The only thing the subscriber promises to do as an attraction to customers besides keeping the best assortment of Goods in the town, is to try to give every man his money's worth. June, 8, 1870. C. B. KELLY HAS JITST RECEIVED LOTS OF New Goods ! I=l Drop in and look THOEGII Till STOCK, and we will try and convince you, that we no only have GOOD GOODS, but tbat wcoiro nailing tbem clear down to the bottom of the market. We have a complete as. aortment of LADIES' DRESS ,GOODS, All styles and prises. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, ' CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, • TEA, COEEEE, SPICES, ETC., ETC. Wo do not propose to mention all the items In store, as we much prefer showinigoods. IMP No ohargo for showing Goods. Coll and SOO U. Sept. 10870. New Stock! New Goods 'SEARS. & DERBY la AVE taken the new store one door above JUL. - Wright h Dailey, where they ere on band with anew stock of BOOTS, BATAORALS, OAATERS, warranted to tit any foot from No. p, to 13 In clusive. The stook bee been seleoted by one who bay the advantage of in the , business, and is the best and fullest in the country, • Oar stock of FRENCH CALF, FRENCH KIP; UP PER, SOLE, COMMON CALF, LININGS, BINDING, MO ROCCO, &C., On Findlngs we shall be found at home al ways, and we shall endeavor to sell •st prices satisfactory to the trade. We won't be under sold. CASH PAID FOR HIDES, SKINS, FURS & PELTS There's comfort in dwell made custom boot, That fits the corns without too much compressing For everybody knows a shabby foot Cannot be compromised by overdressing. And ono may wear clean linen with a nit Of finest cloth, but there is no finessing Will make a man with shabbily droned feet, Look like a gentleman upon the street.' Money : Buy your boots of SEARS tt DERBY, Or any other man. [Printer's Devil.] Wellsboro, Yen. 1, 1889—tt • To THE FARTILERS 0 TIO . GA COUNTY T Ald now building at my manufactory, Lawrence- I. villa .a superior FANNING whichpossesses the following vantagesover allother mille: • 1./t separatesrmosts, tlitter.endfonlseeds,and oheseand cockle, from eat. 2. It oleane flax see ,takes out yellow aced, and all othereseds, perfeo 8, It demist! hy seed. 4. It does all her separatingrequired of a mill . This mill f rah ofthe beet and moat durable Um bar, iu goo styleland is sold cheap for cash, or pro duce. I wi) At a patent sieve, for separating oatefrom wheat,to o thermille,onreasonableterm a. .7 ITATHER • Lawrencevillejan.l,l.B7o-4 f =I L. A. GARDINER C. B. KELLEY REMOVAL. BOOTEES, BROGANS, AND GALL IGASKIN THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENOE will be kept up as heretgfore. e Also the top of the Market for WOOL. But our boat hold will bo on CUSTOM WORK I its usual. IRON WORKsr FOUNDRY MACHINE • SHOP WELLSBORO, PA. BEARS & AVERY, PROPRIETORS. PLOWS, HORSE HOSES, CULTIVA TORS, FIELD ROLLERS, KET TLES, ALL BIM, SAP PANS,' FARMING UTENSILS, ALL KINDS, WOOD MACHINES son SAWING WOOD; Brick Machines, CHURN POWER; THE TOMPKINS COUNTY, HORSE POWER- EIGHT AND TEN HORSE, CONSTANTLY ON HAND, And also, everything usually found in a firs - class Shop. We call particular attention to our MA CHINE SHOP, which has been re-built with new, and liret-olaei MICHINORY,LiTiIB Iron PLANER, DRILL, - dco. We employ none but first-class workmen, and are, therefore, pre pared to do 'our work in the best style, and at short notice. We have recently added new /) MACHINERY, f r Planing and Matching boards. Call and see us. Jan. 5, 11170-17.: SEARS A. AVERY. • I hP o po l pBl 131 g 6 .• - :5 :ID : , - - g . tA , pg_ . 14 ._ e . : 0 m A . 0 0 0 0- 4 1 1 p 0. n 4 0•c - p(- il:i tiz PrT A,o• , c 2 o i.- ?" t 4 ?" ,_. - - ••• •• V 1 ki r "o'l c ij - g . . . , c , I l i i Al I I .1 I ' et I • NI a I - i I 1 $1 i , a , 0 a , a I , 4 0, , , ' IF% • , gt' ill - t Of I 1 I I I . 1 0 # t A 1-4 0 - i I-a - -•i1N915.9 41• Sh 01 V -A e•-• MCA csa OA 04'6 c› ';-., 4 Ch ...1 CD b. 2 gan 0 .0 "4 gz. CA on 2P.: 4 1" ° ,Pt ° Z 4 5 4 .P4C , Itto C.ll CA CO 03 CO CA t.D co - cr , c• c:s 14. -4 crt 4•2 -4 ct 3 ca e* 1:11 c, cz, cb coo 1-. •-, •-... o t c o .... 1 PPP• • • . P. 2 : 14 *1'-i • IMI CARPETS , OIL OLOTIS AND MATTINGS, just received at May 4, 1870. THOS. HARDEN. • House and Lot for Sale. THE undersigned offers for sale a village lo with house and barn on it, situated in Rose villa, Tioga'County, Pa. Address Mn. R. I. STEVENS, Aug. 17, 1870-tf, „ Middlebury, Pa. Biy : ciaur aH L [From Diepepeatory of the Vetted Eitatesa Diosma Crenata--Buchu leaves, PROPERTIES.—Their odor 'is' strong,: dilusivei and somewhat !aro matic., their , faste bitterish, and anato galls _ MEDICAL PROE 4.ND USES. -Buck _ heniceof be, from a loss of tone in the parts con cerned in its evacuation. The remedy has also -been recommended in As pepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Cutan eous Affections, and Dropsy.. .' .HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT B UCHU is used by persons prom the ages of - 18 to 25, and from 85 to 55, or an the decline or change of life; after Confinement, or labor painS; Bed- Wetting in. children., In a f fections peculiar to females, the Extract Buchu is unequaled by any other remedy, as in ChlOrosia, or Re tention, Irregularly, Painfulness or Suppression of 'Customary Evacua tions, Ulcerated or Schirrous State of the Uterus; Leucorrhscea, or Whites. DISEASES OF THE BLAD DER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, AN,D DROPSICAL SWELL INGS.—This medicine increases the power of D igestion, and excites the Ab sorbents IntQ healthy action; by which the Watery or Calcareous depositions, and all Unnatural enlargements are reduced, as well as pain and Inflam mation. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT B UCHU has cured every case of 'Di abetes in which it has been given.— irritation of the neck of the Bladder and Inflammation of the Kidneys, Ul ceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, Retention of Urine, Diseases of the Prostate Gland, Stone in the 8141 er, Calculus, Gravel,_ Brick-Dust, De posit, and Mucus, or Milky Discharg es, and for enfeebled and delicate con stitutions, of both sexes, attended with the following symptoms: Indisposition to exertion; Loss of Power, Loss of .Memory, poem* of Breathing, Weak IVerVes, Trembling; _Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back, Hot gands, Flushing of the Body, _Dryness bf the Skin, _Eruption on the face, Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassitude of the .Muscular System, fte• ;. e e El 111 HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT B U CHIT is Diuretic and Blood-Pu rifying, and cures' all diseaSes arising from habits of dissipatioizi excesses and imprudences in 'life, impurities of the Blood, ic., superseding Copaiba in a f fections for which itis used, such as Gonorrhoea, Gleets of long standing, and Syphilitic A f fections—in these dis easss, used in connection with Helm bold's Rd i se Wash. Sold b l y all Druggists and dealers everywhere. Beware of counterfeits. Ask for Ilelmbold's. Take no other. Price-2.25, per bottle, or 6 bottles for $6.60. Delivered to any address. Describe symptonis in all communi cations. Address H. . HE BOLD 494 Broadway, . Y. NONE ARE GENUINE UN SS DONE UP IN steel-en graved wrapper, with fac-simile of my Chemical Warehomse. and signed H. T. RELMBOLD. July 18, 187.0.=1y. . WHOLBSO-PUG',.40.1111. 00RNING,..N. DRUGS AND PODIOINES, PAINTS AND OILS, THADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, KEITIPS CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, IREDELL'S FLUID,. - TRACTS, BURNETT'S COCOAINE,I AVORING EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDI INES, BOOR I ESTER RPIIMERY AND FLA R TIES WRITEWASH. LIME & AND DYE COLORS, AGENTS FOR MARVIN & CO'S RE • FINED OIL. Sold at Wholesale Prices. Buyers arerequested tireall and get quotations before going further EMI Corning, N: Y., jsn:l,lB7o-•ly Patent Roofing. IHAVE bought the right to use the Paten Elastio Roofing in Tioga County, and am now prepared to, put on roofs cheap and in good workmanlike manner. This roofing is fire and water proof. I refer to Messrs. Wright ac Bai ley, Toles do Barker, and C. L. Wilcox, where samples can be seen and reofs in use. DOSES WINGATE. Wellsboro, Tana, 1870-Bt.. Furniture I Furniture! HAVING completed his now Cabinet Ware house on Main street, Wellsboro, hasstook ed it with a large a d superior assorted stook of FURNITURE. Ohamber Snits, iiiraln E tit, Ash, maple; from $l5O down, and as cheap as the same goods can be 60'1 in the cities, freight added. Parlor Suite, Walnut, Cherry, and Mahogany, Reps br Hair Cloth, SOFAS, LOUNGES, COUCHES, TETE- A-TETES, Center Tables, Walnut or Marble Tops, Looking Glasses, Brackets Pa per Racks, Rocking Chairs, all kinds, Wholesale and Retail. lam Manufacturing as usual, and intend to keep a lull stock of ware, home and city made at all times. My Ware Rooms are spacious and neat, and now contain the largest, costliest and best stock of Furniture ever brought into the county. Planing 'and Matching, SCROLL SAWING It:MOULDING, done to order ai the Faotory. Jan. 1, 1889-tf. • WALKER & LATHROP, DEA..IREI IN HARDWARE, IRON,, STEEL, NAILS, STOVES, .TIN- WARE, BOLTING, SiWS, CIITLERY, ✓ WATER LIME, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Carriage and Harness Trininiinga, HARNESSES, SADDLES, ao. Corning, N. Y., Jan. 2,1570-Iy. Ingham's Woolen Ills! THE subscribers will pay Cash, Fall-Cloth, Cassimeres, Flannels, &a., dm, for They also manufacture as usual— TO ORDBR, OICON SHARES, to suit oustoimers. All work warranted ay rep resented. They invite particular attention to their Water Proof CASSIMERES, whtoh are warranted in every respect. Pardon lar attention given to ROLL - CARDING CLOTH DRESSING. INGHAM'S lags stook of Case!mares, aco., 2 per cent less than any competitors, and warrant. ed as repreeesite& INGHAM manufacture to order, and do all kinds of Roll-Carding and Cloth Dresaing, and defy competition. INGHAMB have as good an assortment of Full Clotha l 'Oassimeres, &c., and give more for Wool in exchange than any other establishment. Try them and satisfy your selves. , =CRAMS wholesale and retail at the Cow entwine Mille, 2 miles below Knoxville. Our Cloths are warranted, and sold by the following persona C.N. KELLEY, Welleboro, Pa. T. L. BALDWIN & CO., Tioga, Pa. J. C. BENNETT, Covington, Pa. 100,000 Pounds of Wool jeot to the decision of the Republican County Convention. INOTIAM .10T1111RS. Deerfield, June 1, 1870—tf. . THU Subscriber will open a School in - the village of Osceola, on Monday, March 7th, 1870, and continue twelve weeks.. Primary, .-. ....... ....—...... $3- 00 Common English, S6,QO. . Eighei„ - $0,00.` Eeb. 9,—t2f. ' C. C. WARD, Prinalpnl. RING EXTRACTS, -WALL PER, WINDOW GLASS, W. D. TERBELL tt CO. B. T. VAN HORN, &a., &a., &0., from $125 down. Also, with Upholstery to snit. B. T. VAN HORN. DEERFIELD, PA. 1., AND Wanted. High School. i RATES OF TUITION RAILWAY TIME .TABLES, ig, at ii, 001E{ WEST. 74( NIGHT EXP., dolly for Boob - D Mark; Cleve and . and einein.. i ect columectio with trains of . tho lid Lake Shore It ilways or Buffalo. .Cleveland for all points {Vett, and th the Ohio and Mississippi and Louis , e Railways for tho flouthand South. 0,40 and 6 O ester. tinlo until, malang, Wand Trun , - Dunkirk and Cineinnattrw ville74la I,t.Lij west. • 15,1 •E i n , r" IS, tfulo, Dun • ~t'ruius tar ther, PRESS MAIL, Sunda excepted; for kirk and, Cleveland, • connecting with Wese A sleeping 'Vona is attacked to niakihrougb to Buffalo. • - r this train ru i i '10,22 a• titidaio and 1,45 P.m.. B. ad, for Roche 7,25 P. tu., '1 Itochester, B and the Sou Insets, points Now and impr • this train fr Coaopee atta • to Oliiselao 11,25 P. fur the West. lAIII TRAIN, Sundays oxcepted,for atikirk, LTIMORE EXPRESS,Bunday sexcept• ter and Buffalo, via Avon. I A? EXPILESS, Sundays eitcepted,fer Me, Dunkirk,Oleveland, elncitffatl, h Stops at drincipal stations and con n main line. yeti Drawing Room Coaches Accompany 'in ;New York to linifolo x itud Bleeping hCci at Iloruellevillo, running through antlClalion without change. XPRESS MAIL, Sumlays excepted, Cievelaud, connecting witq trains for WAY I ' VAEICIIIT, Sunday i.oxcop te d. 22 1 05 v m 6,45 P.m., Ilia RANT TIiAIN, for the West 1148, p.m , NIGHT EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, connecting it New York with afternoon trains and Steamers to Boston aud New England kite. ' Sleeping 0 thus accompany this train to New York, in4OINOINNATI EXPRES Mondays ex cepted, connecting at Elmira fo Williamsport, Harrisburg 4nd the South; also at Intim for Canan daigua; at Waverly with train of Le 110 valley Rail way; at OWego for Ithaca; at Bing amton, for Coo perstown-at! Albany; and at New ork with steam ' - ersand afte noon Express trains fo New England cities. .IMri Sleeping coaches acco ipony this train to New Ydrr. 11,28 a. rr., DAY EXPRESS, Su days excepted, cenuecting at Jersey ,City with idnight 'express train of N reV Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia. Also stopsat principal statsons and connecting points on main line.; New and improved Drawing Room Coaehet accompany this train I L )New York. 12.15 p.ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, daily for susquehan a. 2,20 . P. TT4 ELMIRA MAIL, Sundays excepted. 430 P.M., YORE AND ' BALTIMORE MAIL, , Sundays eSScccepted, connecting at Elmira for the Binith. I - 7,57 p.m.,. LIGHTNING EXPRESS, Daily, conneCt. tug at Jertiey City with morning 'Ex pross train of New Jersey Railroad for Baltimore and Washington: and at No* York wltlf.morning Express 'train for Boston and New England Cities. Alm , stops at All prin• cipal stations and connecting points on malt. line. I Bleeping Coaches accompany thfiktrap throdgh to Ni3IN Nork. 11,33 a. ak., {PAX .FREIOHT, Sundays ,excepted BAGGAGE CUEEKED THROUEII i 7 A revised and cOmplete"Pocket Time Table"of Passenger Trains on the Erie Railway and connecting Line a , lies recently been published ,and can bo procur ed ousialleation to.the Ticket Agent of tbe Company Wl