ti 11 LOVE IN A COTTAUE. ITualb Caleb and Ruth his Rife . t Gating little for outside weather, Fifty years of their wedded life Epentin tfiis tiny house together. Mosey the roof and gray the wall, Narrow the window, low the dour; s \ But love's own sunlight hallowed it all, \ Prom rafted ceiling to sanded flour. Silent to-day ; hui silver eweet Voices of children,hing ago, Keepbig time to their restless feet, Folloved the mother to and fro. SCatii c r`a filar r fr , m West, See 'kink fortnnedfar and wide; No one's ays in\klieel on nest, Where Stich lAntift,l memories hide. Stranger feet on the \ tbne-worn stair Wak'e the eohoes o6ther days ! Stranieiiroicee are IStkwheie Caleb once "turned the tune" of praise, Coln naught for thordesola pain Of the w i nd in the pine tree Rps. Caring naught for,the grievingra\ That so sadly over them drops: Heed jng as little thestinbeam's kiss Falling sweet from the summer sky; In a narrower bouso than this, Caleb and Ruth together lie,• Up where the many mansions watt, Is there, I , wonder, a cottage small— Nat to stately its pearly' gate; , Net too shiny its golden wall— Where these two. ay in peace abide? Heaven were none if these must part— Caleb , away from her gentle side, Ruth afar from his faithful heart ! Hand in hand from morning to night Tiaveled these two the long earth d ' :; Surely they walk through the ficlda of 1 gbf, Hand in hand on the shining way. Blessed love of husbandand wife, f ' Lovo that lestedthroagh cares andffdars, Filling this place with the chrism of life, Peace unclouded for fifty years. LA Most Right(lons Sentence 'On Thursday last, in the criminal' court, Philadelphia, Judge Paxon pass ed sentence upon ; Baldy and Duncan, convicted of rape and robbery of Miss- Jervis; about three weeks since in south Btoad street, and for assault, with In tent to kill, upon , her companion, Mr. Moorley, The facts proven on trial, which are unfit for publication, prove the outrage 'to have been . one of the most revolting and - horrible ever bro't to trial, and give ex idence of the exist ence in the city of Philadelphia of ail spirit of depre_f“ •1 .• , Vi l+ to be conceived, in any community, _l,t_must indeed rtie a tep rible, flightful condition of things, in 'Which a band of ruffians, in the early part• of- the evening and in a thickly' populated portion of the city, are per mitted to seize a respectable .woman, and, after beating her; companion and protector, who iehaved most heroical ly, into unconseiousuest!, ravished her almost on the scene of her seizure. The cause is of such a heinous, devilish cha racter, that it should not only awaken the utmost vigilance and determination on the part of the police, but evoke the united efibrts of every decent man in the community to rise up and rebuke this infernal spirit, crush out these monsters in iniquity, and raze to the ground the dens which foster and bar-, b 43 1. them. Futile attempts were made to impugnAhe character find weaken toe testimbny of the principal witness and sufferer; and although it was well knovill that these ruffians were the con stant frequenters of the foulest bagnois and low'est groggeries, a minister of the gospel was found to testify pot only to the good moral, but irreproachable reli gious character of at least one of them! MISS Jervis fully_ identified her ifssall ants, and maintained that Ave others, who aro yet at large,puVivho will hard ly'escape, were edually guilty. The prisoners were arraigue4 upon the counts of rape, assault and robbery, up on, each of which . they tvere sentenced to $l,OOO fine, and to iraprlsonmeut in the Eastern Penitentiary for the term of 32 years, this being the extent of the law. This is, indeed, a most righteous judgment; and it Judge Paxon had ne ver before performed a judicial act wor thy of public commendation, the com mission of the one in question should, as it doubtless will, exalt him in the re spect and admiration of every respect able man in the country.—Phila. Ex. SAL AND JAKE.--"Git eout, yew nasty puppy I Let me alone, or I'll tell your ma!" cried out - Sally to her lover Jake, sitting about ten feet from i her pulling dirt from the chimney jam. ' "I ain't touchin' on you Sal," re sponded - Jake. "Well, perhaps you don't mean to, riuther—do yer ?" "No, I don't." "Cause you're tarnal scary you long legged, lantern-jawed, slab-sided, pig eon-eyed, gangle owl, you! you havn't got a bit o' sense ! git along home with you." "Now, Sal, I love you, and can't help it, and if, you don't let me stay and court you my pap will sue your'n for that cow he sold him 'tother day. 13y jingo, he said he'd do it." "We,iYlook here„Jake, if you want to court me you'd bqtter do it'as a white man does that thing, and not set orf thar as if you thought I was pizen." "How on airth ls that, Sal,?" "Why ride right up here, and hug and kiss me, as if you had some bone and sinner of a man about you. Do you suppose k-woman's only made to look at, you got you ?" "Well," said Jake drawing' a long breath, "If I must,. I 'spore must, for I love you sal!" and so Jake commenced sidling up 'to her. La i ying his arm gradefully upon Sal's / shoulder, and planing-himself in ,a theatrical attitude, we thought we hard Sal exclaim in aWeet silvery noteslike those of a dying L, l 4 "iiat's the ay to do it, old boss! thrit it. 0 ! Jerusalem a-n-d pan cakes!" Ja e drawing the back of his hand 'lora, his mouth replied : "Btlivheat cakes, slap-jacks and lasses in't no whar, long side o' you Sal Here their lips came together, and the report that followed was like pilling a horse's hoof out of the mire. r' Asemarkaiblyl"cheeky" indident of the war is recounted in a French paper. One day while the anxious citizens of Vitry were in timorous deliberation over the enemy's approach, a solitary Dllan 'suddenly galloped into,, the market place and' loudly proclaimed, "I am a. Prussian, and I declare, that this is a Prusan city," which having said, and b y efore the astounded burghers had re covered from their bewilderment, he wheeled his hor4 and galloped off as swiftly as he had come. Disraeli says in Lethair : "Threescore-and-ten, at the present - day, is the period ofl'Omantie passions." "You. know what the critics are? The Men who have failed in literattire" and art." "P ) here is uo - man, howeyer gifted, even however cobeeited, whO has any realeonftdence in himself till he has acted." Tioga County Agitator. 4 - 111111 S °Mee le well sleeked Willi "Type, Presses, *c., I and has oivery advantage for .. dolng • JOB PRINTING in a superior manner, Pialeor in Colors,- from a wed ding card to a sheet poster. Any kind or stylo of work dono at this Office, as follows: Law /look% rdmPhlets, - Cards, Invitation Cards, ljand Bills, Programmes, Cheeks, Drafts, Dubills, Bill Heads, Circulars, Orders, Shipping Cards, Business Cards, Envetopog, Tinted Plato Printidg;' Visiting Cards, Wedding '.tc.; &C., lie. •• Justice Illatikks; And nll other blinheoonetentiy On hind and forsalo Deede, warrantee, School Contract, eeds, quit-claim. , ' Summons, Subpoenas, Statement and Confession, Warrants, 11xecutions, Amicable Action, Indemnifying Bonds, Bonds, Constablo's,Sale, Attachments, Judgment Collector's Sale, ! Notes, Petition and Bond klarriageCer t Matte, for App'nient of Guardian. • And any other blanks not enumerated above will be printed to order on short notice, - Alfa-Persons sending orders for JOB WORK will get their work promptly done and returned. We shall spare no pains to please our customers in this depart ment. Those sending work, pase state ti of lob, kind of ink and paper desired. s . 0.0 0 VAN WILDER & MITCHELL. Proprietors. Feb. 1870 Let the Cannon Roar ! • bar just been received at the new Store oY CHAS. C. MATHERS. 09 1 2 1 9 -gad Lhe New Goods t WE LIKE TO SHOW THEM 1 1. n the line of DOMESTIC DRY GOODS wo aro offering great bargains which cannot fa to please. tE We aro olio offering great bargains Liu DRESS GOODS! which cannot but pietist) the ladle,. Grocery Department. Wo have an excellent line in this department, and at prices that must suit all. Look 'et the figures • Sugar froml.o % to 141 cents. Tea from 75 cts. to $1,60. • D. B. Deans Saleratus, 10 cents. Syrup, 80 dents. Coffee 25 cents. Chewing Tobacco from 80 ets. to $l. We also keep a large assortment of miscellan eous goods, such as is usually found in dry goods stores. Our assortment of Hats and Caps or Men and Boys, are varied and complete. We keep in the Boot & ° Shoe rado, the different styles to please all, and o r the best manufacture. Sept. 14, 1870. WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER ! WALL PAP-HI LET ; ) it be distinctly understood to the inbab itants and citizens of Wolleboro, that we will sell WALL PAPER, and any other article in the Drug 1 3L.313:1.0, 1 1 cheaper than can be sold by any other firm in Tioga County; further we do affirm that no man can undersell us unless they receive goods by the AIR LINE. We have just received from N. Y., 35,000 ROLLS of WALL PAPER bonghtlat the present Gold prices 41,11, which we will sell cheaper than any other firm west of N. Y. Call and exaudne, and we are certain that we can please in Price and quality, and if not suited wo will pay you for your time in specie. P. R. WILLIAMS A CO Wellsboro, April 8, 1370. Livery Stable: W ATKINS & LOUDEN re speetfully inform the pub- Ito that they have established a Livery for Hire, At their Stable on Pearl St.,opposite Wheeler's wagon, shop. Single or do able rigs famished to order. They aim to keep goothboreee and wa, gone, and intend to please. Prices reasonable. WATKINS & LOUDEN. Nov. 24:, 1889-2 y. Havingformed a partnership in the Tin, Stove and Hardware trade, the undersigned have the pleasure to announce that they have, at a great outlay, added to the usual stock of the old stand on Sc a. complete assortment of Shelf Hardware, of which we enumerate the following articles: NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP , HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS, BITTS, BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, . BENCH-SCREWS, WOOD eSOREWS, CARRIAGII BOLTS BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIP-: TIC SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN • POPPERS, SA.USK(IIIITTERS AND STUFFERS COMB' EP. Also, PISTOLS, _-_, PIS T CARTRIDGES, PO DER AND CAPS. PATENT HARNHOOR HANGINGS C. C. MATIIERS, Ilacho's old stand Stoves i - ' Stove S . t AND. HARDWARE! MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, a new thing, and made for me. These are but a few of .the many articles oomposing our stook of Hardware. We invite the publioto call and examine for themselves. We aim to keep the hest quality of goods in onrline; and all work to order done promptly and well. ' AGENTS FOR THE Buckeye & Reaper. SASH, DOORS. BLINDS. ,AT FACTORY PRICES, Always on hand or furnished to order, at „ROBERTS & BAILEY'S Hardware • Store, Wellsboro. ROBERTS BAILEY. Wm. ROBERTS. R. 0' BAILEY. Wellsboro,Jan. I,lB7o—ff. Lots of \New Goods ! COME TO T. L. IiALDWIN D. CO'S TIOGA, PA. and see a nice stock of Goods for the SPRING & SUMMER. such as 'autaunto mitamoo eocoms —all atyloa, colors and patterns— ALPACAS, POPLINS, CAMBRICKS, FRENCH JACONETS, ORGANDIES, PEQUAS, lERSAILES, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, &c., &o. BEAUTI9L Summer SHAWLS • and a large assortment to select from: CLOAKS READY-MADE, AND CLOTH TO MAKE MORE, ALL KINDS OF LININGS, FRINGES, TASSELS, 6%, TO • TRIM DRESSES OR SACQUES. —Our stock of— YANKEE NOTIONS can't be beat. It keeps up with everything the — ankees have thought of se far. RTS, BALCORAL SKIRTS, CORSETS, &C, ,IDOESI22IIOO too numerous to mention; but will say that you will seldom find so large an assortment to select from in a country store, and clear down to the BOTTOM FIGURE. We also keep a largo assortment of READY-MADE - CLOTHINp , in suits, and parte of suits. Should we fail to suit you with ready-made, we have Caseirnere and A TAILOR TO OUT AND FIT. • - Boots and. Shr,s, all atylos and sizes. } iIATS - AND CAPS, STRAW 1400DS, AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, A COMPLETE LINE OF OROOKERY, WOODEN WARE, HARD WARE, SHELF HARD WARE, NAILS, IRON, • Locks, Latches, Carpenters' Tools. A GENERAL 'STOOK OF GROCERIES, Fresh. TEAS are lower than at any time since the war. Did not go to Cabal° buy sugar, and' so have some Cheap. Wo are agents for the E. HOWE SEWING MACHINE. l'armera, if you wan tto 010 to work with drop in SALI';LINE, PLASTER, PORK, FLOUR Lime, Cayuga Plaster, &a. Butter tabs, Pails. Pirkine 7 and Ashton Bait to flavor with. All kinds of Farm Producewant• ed. Prides can't be beat. T. L. BALDWIN a 00. Tiogs, Pa., May. 4, 1870. *SRODVAL; ME Now Stock! New. Gooil 1. SEARS 84 DERBY is AVE talon the new store Ono door abeile 1:1, Wright do Bailey, where they are on haal with a now atook of ' BOOTS, BALMORALS, GAITIRRS, BOOTEES,' BROGANS AND GALLIGASKINS' warranted to fit any foot from No. 0, to 1: Fin, elusive: The stook baa lean sp)sStedl by;one who baa the advantage of THIRTY YEARS' EXPERtENOt. in the business, and is the best and fullest* the country, Our stock of FRENCH CALF, FRENCH KW UP PER, SOLE, COMMON CALF, LININGS, BINDING, MO . ROCCO, &C., will be kept up as heretofore. On Findings we.ehall _be , found: at h9ine al ways, and we shall endeavor to soli at prices satisfactory to the trade.' We won't bo under sold. GASH PAID • FOR HIDES, SKINS, FURS ,As REINS Also the tciii of the Matketfor WOOL. But our bast hold will be on CUSTOM , WORK I .Ae nonal. Thete's comfort in a well made custom boot, .Thpt Ate the corns without too much compressing: For everybody knows a shabby foot Cannot be comprombsidlY overdressing. And ono may wear clean linen with a suit Of finest cloth, but there is no finessing Will make a man with shabbily dressed feet, Look like a gentleman upon the etreet. Mon/a, : Buy your boots of ' SEARS A DERBY, Or any other man. [Printer's Devil.] Welleboro; Jan. 1,1889-tf. TO THE FARRIERS OF TIOGA COUNTY; lAM now building at my manufactory,in LaWrence ville.a superior iANNING MILL, iiltichpossesseetbe followlugadvantagesover another mills - -" Lit separates rye, oats ,ratlittei.andfon Iseeds,and cheesand cockle, from wheat. 2.1 t cleans flazeeed,takesont yellow seed, and all other seeds, perfectly. 8, It cleans timothy seed. 4. It does all other separatingrequ trod of a mill . This mill Is built oftho beet and most durable We ber, in good style.and is sold cheap for cash, or pro duce. I will fit a patent slave, for separating oatsfrom wheat,to othermllls,onreasonableterme. J.ll HAM ER Lawrenceville,Jan.l,lB7o-t f • IRON WORKS! FOUNDRY do MACHINE SHOP WELLSBORO, PA. SEARS' & AVERY, PROPRIWORO. PLOWS, HORSE HOSES, OULTIVA TORS, FIELD ROLLERS, KET TLES, ALL SIZES, SAP PANS, FARMING UTENSILS, Au. • KINDS, WOOD MACHINES ion SAWING WOOD; Brick Machhies, CHURN POWER; THE TOMPKINS COUNTY, HORSE POWER- EIGHT AND TEN• HORSE, CONSTANTLY ON HAND, And also , everything visually found in a firs class Shop. We call particular attention to our MA CHINE BHOP, whieh hatr been re-built with new, and first-close MICHINIIRLLITH Iron'PLANER, DRILL, &c. We employ none but first-class workmen, and are, therefore,,,pre pared to do onr work in the beat style, and at short notice. We have recently added new MACHINERY, for Planing and Matching boards. Call and 'see us. Jan. 5,1870-11 y. H pri It whz:t wtt:ci t7l VI r 4 g I gi f'd Ef g "c`; 4 P )-11 4 - 0 0 _ m t 4 13 1 r E 0 gi a foi „ t tl n 0 2 ki 0 ~. L i t 7 ' ,r 1 Ab W - ) c) Zit it 1 Ao• oo• E , ••?..ir' ..: . :. ..: • - , 1 .44 I N a I i i I ) g ' i . 174 ,s I g , ' 4 in I " A I I l:r.1 4 , - I g 0 i III:1 ' ' 0 L- A'".P l 1.9 1 . " 9 1 4 SA CA V P.+ cA crzz In CO tso CA "1 tO ts 3 IA CD 1.3• CA CA C? 2 O:3 0 CA CD CD G3O tG C 3 is• CG 03 C 3 C 33 .PP , P4 4 .2i s* .P.: l ,r" e,l Cad 02 F.+ t•L CA OD p c=ot to G 3 0 GO G 3 Ht.. tra CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS AND MATTINGS; juirt received at May 4, ISTO. THOS. HARDEN. House and Lot for Sale. THE underaigned offer! for sale a village lot a with house and barn on it, situated in Rou e, Tioga Count 7, Pa. Address - , ' ' - Mn. ID. I: STEVENS, ' ' Aug. Ifi, 100-tf, Middlebury, Pa. ( 11 h Diosma Cre a a-- llc u eave;, 146Z.B.T.LES.—their strong; difusive; l 42id somewha make, their taste bitterish, and gous mint. „ : • .MEDICA4 4 PROPER TIESAND USE I S: . --Buchit"Leal?es are, gent& stiitiular}t;-, teak a veitliar *Ol9 the , Urinary Organs,' They, are given in complaints of the Urinary . Organs, such as Gravel, Chionic:Catarrli of the Bladder, Moe- bid Irritation of the Bladder and Ure thra, Disease of the Prostate Gland, and retention of Incontinence of Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts con cerned in its evacuation. The remedy has also been recommended in Dys pepsia,' Cheonie Rheutizatism, Cutan eous Affections, and Dropsy. SEARS A AVERY 6 7 h. - , KW -2- li Pe C A El IMII BtCfflL From Dlop3neatory of Mel:hated States.) - • H LMBO D'S,' EXTRACT RUOHU is used` by persons from the ages of 18 to 25, andfrom 85 to 55, or) in Me decline or, change of life 'after Confinement, or labor pa fns; Bed- Wetting in' children. In afections peculiar to females, the Extract, Buchu is unequaled by any, other remedy, as in Chlorosis, or-Re tention, Irregularity, Painfulness or Suppression of Customary . Evacua tions, Ulcerated or Schirrous State of the Uterus, Leucorrhwa, or . Whites. DISEASES OF THE BLAD DER, KIDNEYS, GBAVEL, AND DROPSICAL SWELL INGS.--This medicine increases the pOwer of Digestion, and excites the Ab sorbents into healthy action; by which the Watery or Calcareous depositions, and all Unnatural enlargements are reduced, as well as pain and Inflam mation. lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU has cured every case of Di abetes in which it has been given.— Irritation of the neck of the Bladder and Inflammation of the Kidneys, Ul ceration of the Kidneys and Bla dder, Retention of UrineoDiseases , of the Prostate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, ,Brick-Dust, De posit, and Mucus, or Milky .Discharg es, and for enfeebled and delicate con stitutions, of both sexes, attended with the following symptoms : Indisposition to exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of I _Breathing, Weak' _Nerves, Trembling,) Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Bac, Hot _Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Eruption on the face, Pallid Countenanee, Universal Lassitude of - thelliv,scurar System, fe. HELIMBOLD'S EXTRACT U is Diuretic and,Blood,4*- and:citres all diseaSee arising from. habits of excesses and imprudences in life, impurities of the Blood, J'c., superseding Copaiba in affections for which it is used, such as Gonorrhoea, (Meets of long standing, and Syphilitic Affictions+in these dis easss,,used in connection' with Helm bold' s Rose Wash. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. Beware of Ask for Ilelmbolers. Price-4.25 per bottle, for $6.50: :• Delivered to' j Describe symptoms in cations. Address H..T. H 494 Broadway, H. Y NONE A.R.6` GENUI.N DONE UP I INteel-en graved wrapper, with fae-si . 1 H e of my Chemical ,Warehomse. and T..E(4141$ July 18, 1870.-4 y. • WHOLBSILB DREG STORE. lib I=l lIIM TAWICIS AND MEDICINES, PAINS Ai AND 0;118, THADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, KEITH'S CONCENTRATED: MEDICINES, IREDELL'S FLUID, EX TRACTS, 'ir :Is . ao. nafo- ME MI and dealers ; % Counterfeits. ,ake no other. or Pi .4kottles any address. 'ii communi- d LDIB OLD, 1 MEE 045RNING, N. Y. 'BURNETT'S COCOAINE, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, . PATENT MEDICINES, ROOK , ESTER PERFUMERY AND FLAVORING{ EXTRAOTS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, • WHITEWASH LIME& AND DYE COLORS, AGENTS FOR IitAR4IN & CO'S RE- FINE I) OIL. soldat Whelan!. Prices. Buyers arerequested to call and get quotations before going further EMI W. D. TERBELL & CO. ,Corning, N.Y.,Jan. 1,1870-ly k Patent ReiAing. „ . T HAVE bOught,•the right to nse the Paten Elastics Hoofing in Tioga County, and am noir.ptepatad top on roofs ,oheap and in gocid workmanlike Manner. This roofing ie Ore and water proof. I refer to Menrs. Wright /a Bai ley, Toles Barker, and 0. L. Wilcox, where samples can be seen and roofs in use. MOSES WINGATE, Wellsboro, Jana, 1870-tf. Furniture I Furniture! B. T. VAIN HORN, HAVING completed his mew l Cabinet Ware - house on hiainstreet, Wallah oro, has stook ed it with a large and superior eseorted stock o FU,RNITUItE. Ohamber Suits, Walnut, Ash, maple &cr., ita., &cr.; from $l5O down, and as cheap as the same goods can be bo't in the cities, freight added. Parlor Suits, Walnut, Cherry, and Mahogany, Reps or Hair Cloth, from $125 down. Also, SOFAS, LOUNGES, COUOiIES,itTE A-TETE S, with Upholstery to suit. Center Tables, Walnut or Marble Tops, Looking Glasses, Brackets Pa per Racks, Rocking Chairs, all kinds, Wholesale and Retail. I am manufacturing as ward, and intend to keep i full stook of ware, home and city made at &names. My Ware Rooms are spacious and neat, and now contain the largest, costliest and beat stock of Furniture • ever brought into the county. Planing and Matching, SCROLL SAWING .4:MOULDING, done to order at the 'Factory. B. T. VAN HORN. J i an. 1, 1869-tf. WALIMEIR & LATEIROP, DEALUBS. 111 HARDWARR, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, - ' STO VES, TIIV-W - 411E, . BELTING, SAWS, CUTLERY, WTER LIME, AGRICJLTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Clatidago and diarnala Trimmings, . IHARM SES, SADDLES, do. "/" • Corning, N. ~ Jan. 2, l i 7o-1 7. - - Ingham's DRE THE subscribers will pay Cash, F 11-Cloth, Oassimeres, Flannels, &0., ho., fo Wool.— They also manufacture as usual— TO °MIRA OR ON MIMS to ;mit customcrs. All 'work warranted as rep resented. They Invite particular attention to their Water Proof ROL I L • CARDING CLOTH DRESSING, INGHAM'S large stock of Cassimeres, do., 26 per cent less than any competitors, and warrant, *dad represented. • INGHAM manufacture to order, and do all kinds of Roll-Carding and Cloth Dresaing, and defy competition. INGHAM have as good an assortment of Full Cloths, Oassimeres, ke. and give more for Wool in exchange than 'any other establishment. Try them and satisfy your selves. INGHAM wholesale and retail at the Cow antique Mills, 2 miles below Knoxville; Our Cloths 'are warranted, and sold by the following perilous : 0. B. KELLEY, Wellsboro, Pa. T. L. BALDWIN & CO., Tioga, J. C. BENNETT, Covington, Pa. 100*() Pounds of Woo ‘' Wanted. jeot to the decision of the Republican County Convention. • INGRAMBROTHERS Desrfteld, June 1.1870-tf. High- School. TEE Subscriber will open Ti fiehool• in the village of Osceola, on Monday, March 7th, 1870, and continue twelve weeks. RATES OP TUITION : Primary; •••••• $3 00 Common English, $5,00. Risher,' $O,OO. . , Rely. 9 ,- tf. , • 0.0. WARD, Principal. Woolen Mills FIELD, PA. Ell AND RAILWAY: TIME TABLEM • .ERIE RAILWAY. • ON and atter MONDAY, May 2d, 1870, ,Tralna will leav,ooorEdni, at tho following houro,olz aCING WEST. .. , , Mt; NIG TIT XP; daily for Rosh • unitirk, , Cloveland and - at/tit:t ea Ooming4tiou with trains of the, Lao ci t Shore Railways at Buffalo, - :vela d for all notate 'West, and at be hio and Mississippi and Louis anways for the South and South • . 6,46 and 6,06 a. war Buffalo; II milli, making 41; (hand Trunk an Dunkirk' and Cl Cluclunattl with villa Short Line West. !LEM MAIL, Bundays excepted, for and Cleveland, connecting with !,st. A. sleeping Coach is attached to g through to Buffalo. L TRAIN, Sundays excePted,for irk, 6,18 in, Lae Buffalo, Drinkir trains for tho . this train rutin' 10,22 a. in. , MA Butrillo and pun [MORE EXPRESS,Sundayeexcept• and Buffalo, via Avon. EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, for o, Dunkirk, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Stage at drincipal stations and con. • 'ala line. • Drawing Room Coaches accompany ow York to BuLfalo,and Sleeping at Hornell:Mlle, running through d Callon without change. XPRESS NAIL, Sundays excepted, volaud, connecting wilt( trains for 145 p.m., B ed, for Roohielto 7,25 p.m., DAY Rochester, Buffed and the South netts Points on' New and improvei this train from, Ilium attache to Cleveland a 11;25 P. ra.;to Butfolo, Clc the West. 12,05 P. W Y FREIGHT, Etindaywoxcepted. GRANT TRAIN, dally,lor tbsilVest 6,45 P • al., En GOING BAST. I 0111" EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, No* York with afternoon trains and 'stork and Now England Sr.ities. , . es accompany this train to Now York IMEAT' EXPRESS, Mondays ex tang at Elmira • for Williamsport, the South; also at Elmira for Ca min• erly with train of Lehigh valley Rail for Ithaca; at Binghamton for Coo. . lbany; and at Now York with steam. .n. Express trains for Now England .:.eping coaches accompany'this train 11,48 -p.m., connecting at Steamers for B . Sleeping Coact 4,35 a. m. 4011 copied, ear Hartishur an daigna; at a way; at Ott , eg perstown i f t ild era and a rn cities. S • to New York. 11,20 a. m. connecting' a train of New stops at princ main line. New and impro this train to -12.15_pim., tittsquenanna 220 p. m., EMMA MAIL, Sundays excepted. 4,3014. m., N • W YORK AND BALTIMORE: MAIL, Sundays excepted, connecting at Elmira for the South. F, 7,57 p.m., L 011TNING EXPRESS,Dally,connect. log at Jaren City With morning Express train ot New Jam," I allroad for Baltimore and Washington; and at Now ' ork with morning Express train for Boston and Ne • England Cities. Alsr stops at all prin cipal stations a • d connecting points on mait. line. Sleeping Coach s accompany thiatrall through to New ' Nork. • 22,33 a. PHEIGHT, Sundays excepted. BAG t AGE CHECKED Tlfb.olloll. Sir A revise and complote"Pocket Time Table , 'of Passenger Trio no on the Erie Railway and connecting Lines,haerece • tly been-publisbed,and can be procnr, ed on applicati • n to.t)ze Ticket Agent of the Company WH.R. BAR , L. D. RUCKER , Gang pa s. Agent. Genii Supt. e 7.! DAY. 'EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, Jersey • Oity with midnight express, ersey Railroad for Philadelphia. Also !parttatsons and connecting points on ed Drawing Room Coaches accompan ew 'York. CCOMMODATION TRAIN, dafiy fo & Corning, & Tiogn li. n 1 _..... n au follows untilfttithefr notice: —Leavgaßloosburg at qptio a. nal.,Blans Voss at 8,0. Lawranavlik , at 9 07— ;orning at 10,10 a.m. . ' ; Olossbur Tasinawillr Aceommodatiol Held at 7,40 arriving at Vail—Leaves Tioga at 8,4 Oorning at Mail—Lea. es 8,44, Tioga B loss-burg Aceommodati, renceville a arriving at losaburg at 2,80 p p m . ,51a,aafield at.B,lo j • , Lawrenceville at 4,2tritving , at .30 p. m. •.',l orning at 7,50 a .m., Laittencerlll4 at 9,28, Manaflottl at 10,05= 4 1irriving at t 11,45 a. m .n—Leavea Corning at 2,65 p. m.,Law 4,04 Tioga at 4.65, Mansfield at 6,38 lossburg at 8,20 p.m. :Ahern Central fl U. RAINS FOR TUE NORTII nandagnialuaye Elirdra as follow s at -• at train orirtiad]. Trainefore Accoluodatio Express [fast Mall I' n , ~....0 15 p to . rJuno 12, 1870,, train a will arrivo and l'roy, as follows; • I IHAVE NORTHWARD. Daily (except Sendayo) for Elmira and 1- la .Erio Railway from Elmira. It ailKaxrept Sundays) for Elmira,Buffa 1, daigna, Rochester, Susp.Brldge and the Accommoda On and aft depart from 846 p. m Buffalo 10 06 a. m. ko, Cana' Canada; ILEAVR SOUTHWARD. Dally(oxoopt fitandaye) for Iltptimoret ton,PbilodolphioAo ;Daily (eiceopt Sundays) for Baltintere, _ton and Philadelphia. 723 A. m. Washhi 9'68 P. m. Waehi ALFRED I A Gen'l3l FISKE, t.ilarrialm rs-, ANO 1 I HER -TUMBLE cash: 1870 ! I VitAT,BRLLING FOR CASIII , SEE Ou Prices Ton Day. BeetWhit} " Re - d• " XX S; Bnokwhel Bed Pee! Bran and! Meal Wheat Flours 7 Nr bb1.1,75 pr. sack itnter ' $6,50 " 1,62 " ring Wheat, 6,00 " 140 " t Flour, 3,00 per 100 lbs. • • 2,00 " " Shorts 1,50 4, t , 2,25, " rices only FOR CASH. ° WRIGHT & Thane All pa not blam notes left , give due ;eons not baring settled with us, can to us now if they find their accounts avid t, with an attorney for - collection. We inetiee. a W. a'. B. BAGS. with our once, co We have We want all personshaving any bags mark on theta, to return the same at -e shall take steps to secure them.- 600 bags scattered ameng the people. I 0 A LAND AGENCY. i nbscriber would inform tho public tba as the agency.of a quanta) of . • lOWA LANK r• will sell for cash, or exchange for Tea al property, on reasonable terms. I AT BARGAINS OFFERED. T" he which h or vireo OR Ald say that he has' ezamitied t e prop-; titles for himself, and 1 , believe he can ; or the interest of periaile goi West, im a call before purchasing e °where, oulare, inquire of B. 13. GOOD LL, ,'7O ly, Babinsville, Tioga 0., Pa. . . ARKNESS &RILE , _....... lie wo erty and make it to give For partl May 1 BOOT AND IMozart Block formerly ocicupled by . H. Rice as a Grocery Store. Shop in oo JUI ► or , REP • c iS A or and in the lIIIINGof all kinds donopro live us seal'. JOHN HAMMES PM BRILEY. 4.0, July 13,1870.—1 y. Wells = ,;• 3Filierri 4 M . j ... EASTMAN 454 VAN HORNE OPERATIVE AND NECIIANICAL 61 " I,o4lol:tlartieL and superior baVe - for - artificial teeth— three times the strength of the vulconito. d with the assurance that it removes ev otion made by the patient. teeth filled, and extraetedin the most asproved man -1 work registered and warranted. 9ffico sin at., Wellaboro. 41,1870. • A ne haying re offer. ery obj cleaned ner. No 13 Aug. ; Guardian's Sale. NO LICE is hereby given, that the uncle sign e'.,lA Guardian of Effa A. Millard a 1.. inor child o William Millard„ late of Jackson town ship de eased; will in pursuance of an or. er of the Otans Court of Tioga county, on the Bth day of ctober, 1870, at 2 o'clock P. M. on the premix 1 / 13 s, expose to public sale all of the i nterest of said inor in 'the following described tract of land i Jackson township, Tioga county, Pa., bound d north by lands of W. J. Hazen and Henry P. Wells, east by lands of James Friends, south y lands of Jas. W. Tubbs and Henry F. Wells, and west by Jandrof George Westlake and 1 kus Inscho,..containing eighty-seven and one-ha f acres of land, be the same more or less, and, being lot No. 12 of lands deeded by 11. H. Dent th-11. C. Spalding. Terms, one half cash On confirmation of the deed, and the balanCe in one ye , r with interest secured by judgment on the p ,perty P. C. VAN GELDER, 1 Sep 7,1870.--4 t ' Guardian, he Notice. Az PERSONS, baying account unsettlad ith the undersigned at, Oowanesque Val ,t requested to come forward at once and he same, an& save costs. EDGOOMBI &, RIIRTBI3I7RT. num Valley, Sept. 6,7870-4 t lay, a settle Co 'Spring MMinery, 18701 11l L .11.51LiT'iIICK,Sup't ..7 12 p ID 1205 a rn 10 00 p ni ED , S . YOUNO tictiqPnee.Ag't , Baltimore,llld WRIGHT ,4 VAILEY SHOE MAKERS S of allkinda mad 6 to MIII3. SMITH , on Main Street, bee just °paled a very large assortment of ~ • MILLINERy'_,GOODS, each as, l'" - lIAnrS,BONNETS, ST/11,A*'GOODS, 14AC.11S, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, COLLARk IPDKERCIPFS, - &C., " &O.; all' of whiofifi will bo volt' vouch itelotv fort,,tr pfl cm (All work done; promptly, tint! to pleaEor / MRS.' CAROLINE,. :73111:11 Wollaboro, May 11, .1570-tt. I MILLINERY. AIRS. E. E. Kimball will be found hero - alltr in bcr new quarters,,over Young and Co.'d bookstore. Sbe.bas Just reenivcd,lote • SPRIN i MILLINERY to which sbe invites the. attention of the LAN!, of Wolisburo titv viothity. I • , Ally. E. E. RIAIDALL. April 13, 1870,1 y.. • To l 'm; iots,fbr Sale. THIRTY gdod building lots, situated on both aides of state street, in Wellsboro. These lets will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to W. Sherwood, at gentle Sherwood's law office in Wellsboro Pa.. Wellaboro, Aug. 29th, 1870-4 t. DissolUtion; TUE copartnership biretefore existing un der the firm name of Wilson Van Valk eu . burg was disiolved on .the let of &pt. inst. by mutual consent. Persona owing the late firm, are hereby notified that prompt payment must be milli. WILLIAM WILSON, 11NItY VAN A'A LK ENBlrilli. The abeive business will hereafter be conducted by Mr. Hum Wilson strictly on the cash sae: tem. Goods will bo sold . at the very lowed pi oes;and saliifaction guai•ranteed td Sept..l4, 870-3 w. WILLIAM WILSON, DR. FISHBLITT OFFICE;.3I9 SECOND AVENUE, Between 18th and 19th Streets, e ' NEW YORK city, WHERE RE CAN BE CONSULTED 'TAR. FULIBLATT, has discovered the most certain, J.J speedy and only effectual remedy in the world for weakness in the back or limbs, strictures, affections of the kidneys or bladder, involuntary disdharges. tency, general pebility, nervousness, cly,pepsis, Isn grim., low spirits confusion of ideas, palpitation of Me bear; timidity, trembling, dimness, of eight, giddiness, disease of the hhad, throat or skin, affections of the lungs, liver, stotimcb, or bowels, those terrible dlsord• are arising from solitary habits of youth—secret and solitary practices, more fatal to victims Than the songs of sirens to the mariners of Ulysses, blightning thbir most brilliant hopes and anticipations, rendering marriage, st:c., YOUN- MEN, especially, who have beeeime the victims of solitary vire, that dreadful and destrudtivo habit ü bieb acacia)) sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the sr' oet exalted talentS end brilliant intellect, oho might ntberwisehave entranced listening .Senates unit the thunderings of eloquence, or waked to etstasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. , MARRIAGE. r, . • Married persona, or young men and indict contem plating marriage, being aware oil physical fetaknas„ organic debility, doforinities, especially cured. Ile who places himself under the cetro - of De. Fish. Matt. may religiously confide) in bihonor at a patio. man, and confidently rely on his 8 -ill as a physician. 1 Organic • Wealiness imni ed (WO y,cured. and full v Igor restoi ed. This A lotressi tig affliction,which retitle? a liir,i Literaf ble and 'marriage impossible, id the penalty paid 1..) the victim ;of improper indulgence. Young pereoll sere too apt ko commit excesses from not being name ‘,l the dreadful consequences that may ennui. Tun; who that understands the nuldect will pretend to d my that the power of procreation is'iont sooner by thus , Islllny, Into improper habits than by the prudent ? Unehlte being deprived of tbo 'pleasure of healthy 'oll - t-pring, the most serious and destructive sy niptoms Of both body k. mind urine. The system becomes deranged, the physical and mental functions weakened, lose of pro. creative power, nervous irritability, dyadepsia, pulpits lieu of the heart, indigestion, constitutional debility, and wasting of the frame, cough, consumption. decay, and early death. , Dr. lishbintt graduated from ono of the meat dud vent Colleges in the United states; has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever ) known, many troubled with ringing in the head endears when asleep, great nervousnes a, being alninted lit sudden so ride, bashfulness, with Tlerangentent of mind, were c. eel immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICJ it r. Field)latt addressees all those who have injured tl metres by improper : lndulgences:lnd vasty hub- Lt which ruin both body and mind. , unfitting theis fo: either business, 'Andy, society or marriage. a 'hese are some of the sad and Melancholy effects pro d •ed by early habits of youth, tiz : Weakness 01 the hi k and limbs, pain in the breast, dimness of sight, lo.s of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, dj,e pepsin, nervonsirritabillltyoymptoms of consnmpileu, derangement of the digestive functions, &c. IitENTALLY.—The effects on the mind are mueli to be dreaded. Loss of memory, confusion of ideas, do. pression of spirits, evil forebodiuge. aversion to society. seltdistrust, love of solitude, timidity, &c., are souse of the evils produced. Thoui.ands of persons of all ages can now Judge abet is the cause of their declining health, losing their rie or, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, has. log a singular appearance, about the eyes, cough, Rai symptoms of consumption. Young 1! en, who base injured themselves by it certain practice, in• dulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or nt school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if nut cured tendon marriage impossible, and destroys both, body and mind, should apply immediately. 4 , What a pity tnat a young man, (de hope of the coon try, the pride of his parents. should ice snatched irom all prospects and enjoyments of life bythe-eunsequem ces of deviating from thopath of naturo,and indulging in a certain secret habit. Fuch persona must, bolos contemplating , MARRIAGE . , reflect that a Bound mind and body are the moot Der' eatery requisites to promote connlibial happinees. la• deed. without these the journey through life becoops a °Weary pilgrimage; the prospects hourly darken Ito the view, the wind becomes shadowed with dispairond filled with the melabeholy reilLotion that the happi ness of auotherbecomeo blighted with our oau. DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE ‘When the misguided and imprudent rotary of plea.- ure finds that be ham .imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that an ill tuned sense of shame or dread of drscovery deters him from apgdying to those who, from .respectability, can alone befriend him. Ile falls into the hands of designing pretenders. who, incapabio of curing, filch Ids pecuniary substance, keep him trifling month after month, years—long as the smallest feetan bce obtained, and in dispair kart him with rsttnedralth; to sighs over his galling dissp• pointment; or, b the use of that deadly poison, 1 13 er cury, h‘nsten tho'constitutional symptoms of this ter rible disease, such as affections of the heart, head , throat, nose, skin, &e., progressing with a frightful ra• bitty, till death puts aperiod to this dreadfullmffenng by sedattrg—ltim to that undiscovercd,Couutry from whose bourne noe - trave eturns. p. S —Those who reside at a didtance 41111 will receive prompt attention by writing, gtatingelm tome, &e. FISIIBLATT,, M. D, Aug. 24, 1870.-Iy. , 318 Second Ave.;' New York, HARNESS SHOP! GW. NAVLE, would any to his friend' . that his Harness Shop is now in fullblast , and that he is prepared to fftruisb heavy or liglo I-3Cistanae,e; s, on abort nntieo, in a good and substantial OD ner, and at prices that can't fail to suit. [ Tho, ; best workmen arc em ployed, an d none bdt the best material used. Call and see. Deo. 9, 1883—]y, G. W. NAVIN! Ixi a; r ark, e! MR. A. L. MONROE, fa the authorized Agent for Tioga and Potter Countiebt ° effect insurance in the ( Wyoming Insurance OompanY , Rbyat,....i Capitol $5,0 00,000 , Lyndon; Liverpool ,t Globe, Capitol, $16,000, 000 fl will canvass tbe i connty during the week 0' ct Saturdays when be will be found at the ogee of John. I. Mitchell, to attend to nil wbe may give him a call. A. L. MONROE , Sept. 22,1809-3M.* . UNION ACADEMY. KNOZVILLE, TIOOA CO., PA. j ' • \ MRS. E. lIORTON, PRINCIPAL. I . - ! i The Pill Term for 1870 will commence August 30. The Winter " November 29. 1 4l ' ' 1 T h e l:luring " ; February 28. Pend for circular. i "July 2f,1870.11