The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, September 28, 1870, Image 3

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trrna,l and Departure 'or Stages.
MUD Stages r armlets -. over
1. the different routes from
Willaboro. will depart and
r 1 _
I;itraiiirl3i, arrive arA follow; froui the
Wellsbera Post Office:
illttsroao k Treas.—
and 7 Depart 0& 1
m O, a. 01., BrriV s el%
o'clock p. .
icatsnottok MAttsvitn.--Depart Ba. m.,"arrivae p. m
vivo Monday &Thur p sday a 12 m
WELLsOII. Counr.asront.—De•hian t . & Thur .2 p. tn.
n .
Iv/woos°JEßArrlETSivo Tu esday ioas.—De 14 part 1.8 p.m Mon.* Thur. 9a in
& Sroar Foalc--Dop. Tuts. & Friday, at 3
p, tn., arr. TueS. 8 Friday at 12 m.
Local Items.
WEDNESDAY, i3EPT.: 28, 1670.1
Neer Acivertisementi.
Dm for sale--L W. Tubb?.
Brick for sale. 7 -F. Wiargratl.
idairs Notice-O.H. Seymour. &c.
cew Goods- 7 . Wm. Nilson. .
E%amination of Teachers—E. Horton.
5 Guardian Sales; ,
FANNING MILLS.—We tauvp four
of J. 11. Mather's make for ealq These
Mills are admitted by the fa,rmersienerally'to be
tLe Let in use. Call at this office.—Sept2B, 1870,
1,r6 of the Sermaie tioeiety of Welisbora aro re
puted to opt at tbo office of Smith & Herrick,
on Wedoesthiy evening, 28th Inst., at 8 o'clock.
J. 0. W. BAILEY, See'y.
TIIANKS.—Robert Trull, of Clitarles
ton, liaa the thanks of this ofilhe for a eßoiee lot
-,t• rating apples from,his orchard; II
--Mr. L. B. Reynolds, of, Knoxville,also
oept our thanks-for a box of 'delicious ) grapes
riind from his own culture.
—Mr. Hiram Freeborn, of Knoxville, /e •at this
office a box of grapes, containing nine ifferent
sarictieF, of- his own raising. These 4tro the
nest f.pecnnens,,wo have seen, raised in thisioun
CiohnEN . cl. The Golden
Wedding of DTteon''lthel 14:41 was celebi.ated at
ho residence in Deorde d, on the 14th inst.
Cerein.wy by his 'Pastor Rev J. Cairnes. A large
nu mber of relatives and friends were present from
, ',hum ' , Arts of the eonrdry, and many valuable
eots were presented. The occasion was tine that
viii truly be reinembered in this region of court
- el on.aceount of its rareness, and also on :le r
t -ant , I the prominent' position which he lois
iwi i m'the church and community for nearly
MUSICAL L:-Ptlir. G. F. Milslandor,'
...,mitmte of Datna's Musical Institute, and
f.rilrrly a stodentnf Abe Allegheny Academy of
no co, r i,hts to'atanount , o' himself to the pub
,k• a , a competent instrutlor of thorough Lave,
browny, composition,' voice culturo, —
Plano, and a very successful conductor
ncal convention
Choirs musical association, and othOrs
Ir'g to obtain my servico can q o so by add
me at Sylvania, Bradford Co. Pa.
BOOK AOENCY.—Mr. H. Hage, bath
has th e Agcncy for the sale of a book 6 titled,
the Life of Chas. Dickens, a valuable work, which
thouhl he in the hands of every person. Mr. H.
31F0 has, Alexander Stephen's, work, in two vol
hto, on the war. Orders sent to Blessburg Pa.
rill he promptly attended to: lie proposes soon
tvisit Knoxville, Tioga
. and. Mansfield, on a
ranvac,Qing tour., 'Several copies of Dickens work
left at this office t for those who wish to purchase
ai2 per copy. I
; on 11. Johnson of Elmira; N. Y. had' in oper-
Iti..n during the Fair, tho above manhince,
Which attracted the attention of the crowd. This
atehine has many advantages over others, and
• therefore the ladies, favorite. It, simplicity of
•ffistruction, regulating of tension on both uppers
,id lower threads, ease of management,. and
!reat range of work on all materials, p laces it
Ahead nf other machines la all exhibitions.—
Thoootho witnessed its,oporation at our County
Fair wwl- , perfectly delighted with it in every
particular, rind of course, it NA' the premium.
1 , 4 q-u Ternurn F 4 ltnira, aro the general
I.:ontg, and Mr. E. Jennings is the traveling
a:,nt fur this county, and Mr. A Foley agent for
'Washer° and vicinity.
BABE BALL,Tho Actives, of Wells
,ro, and the Stare, et, Vega, had a friendly tilt
Wrdnesday afternoon, Stridetnher 21, on the,
f rAnds of the forun;r, re, , ulting in a -victory for
etives, bS- a score of 26 to 26. The Stare
.: - .ltee here with a " furious" pitcher, (a " profess
)nal ' we should judle,) whose swift halls both,
'red .ur boys somewhat for a few innings, hut
01,4, 1 they got used to them it was "easy en
.q.t " The Stars were quite sure of success till
;he end of the seventh inning, when it became
( , ‘l.lnt that the Aclfves were "too many" for
!toga. The following is the score : Actives, o,
r., - Stars, 0., 27 r r., 26.
by innings : Stars-0, 7, J, 2,0, 0,3, t,
1—::1; Actives -0,2, 2,11, 4,0, 0,8, 0-36.
rh-t e:ln g ht : Stars, 2; Actives 6. • S.
DuXmArw.—The Wellsboro Dramat
AFsociation gave four entertainments in their
sew t' opera house," erected on the green for the
, •eitiun. They did expect to occupy the Court
Muse, but the Teachers' Institute was to be hold
there, and refused-to give way. It was an un•
fatunato f , ituation, which compelled the Associ
lion to go to large expense in the erection of a
\ %
as there was no other place which would
vothuno(ate such a crowd as was anticipated.
They flail advertised and they intended to
The building, which is 40:60, was com
toji ce,l Saturday and completed in good timo for
'he first entertainment, Wednesday evening. It
well arranged inside for tho comfort of the au
•Lerxe, and seats about 800 persons, we large.
'iuelt enterprise will scarcely be excelled in
'fiy town the size of Wellsboro. Many of our
eitimis took interest In it, and gave Attract
ier to the entermainments by their presence.
" Toodles" and the farce " Trying it On" were'
pili.rmed 'Wednesday eluting. Toodles, by A.
A Truman, lint done very accurately after, na
14re. Mrs. Toodles, by Libbie Truman, was ad.
s,.rably personated. Mr. Jacobs always person—
well. In this play, George Actirn was too
much after the tragic style of Michael Erie. In
Trying \V. Potts, by L. F. Truman, was
9 1tly itoititted. Ile ui:ybr flocs anything but he
1 , ,,‘ it well.
31whael Erie and I4gular Fix were again pro
r ntedThursday evening, And very favorably .re
c'"ed. Mr. Jinni - elt does better in his character
Nbehael Erie tlian in any other we' have seen
.n Andrew A‘lze was as fit as could be,
;!,Ir,t settled hereeif t LIII , I Julia Sprig played
~,‘ belle very - creditably. In Regular Fix,
l~Gi girt on,lbo I , haracter_of Dc Brtu,s, well,and
fltidus was Well eicr.c y W. C. 'Kress.
rnday evening, ‘• Dot ok the Cricket on the
lif•Arth" was played, and ' , ,Teittiles repeated.—
Tl , ty were both 'Well reprusenteil. NVe have not
t - • , r particular mention 'Saturday evening
. wag It berlez•que on til tho plays.
•t raerttlirttorthts added greatly to tilt: ch.
"" , lit of the large erttttd of psmple in WellAo•
die Fair. '1114) Nit re' IhrgulY attemi
ib hot.ue qs tall tath All
itritount.itt ottme :rano.
VI I.I,SiIO I IGO it ACES. —T h e Fa' r
woo, 23d iro.t. There was to he sarong
Ibe :dti !moo, awl a large raiiiilar or I.‘ Li,le :
petchn•ed ticket, as they etairo.d, tor
wed ii:clititd to ictilaiu to see the/m
-kt:. „ t h;,,t,t th ew I:ire :MOP who were ion
people, btiew that , the
hie !it'd 1.1 ocu . tri: two politely, ditterent things.
htit had hero advertised to be held J the
M t, 27,1 and 2:41 dnyie of September, and the
ir"tl it , g, Aeeogiation had advertised raesClTlthe
ap , ri.o., a of the last day. The addrers at the .
1 . 1, was adrerti:ed and delivered at 11 o'clock,
dull ILI 14 riera ipany, pito believe,' they had a
tidit to stay the day'ent on the grouride, and the
`My solution was to open- the grounds freely to
This nits done; and from 111.: ereird, which
Pas really very large, there were setae ,S5O real- •
1!,,1 that afternoon ? 1.7 Volpntary tpt peription.
4it the timo these rapes were ft*efl, n i thteti9n
"".a wade to the plan of dividing the deiy; but
the Areociation thought, it would accommodate
' 1145 9 people attending the Fair,, to devote the
afternoon of the last day to trotting, and it rAs
done under protest. That. *de One Mistake,
among others whieh‘bave; been ;offered' s in defer
ence to the wishes of the Association. The' two
things should be entirely seperate„or all one,
will not do to divide a day emthe, some groin:ids.
As it is, however, theyeeple right .to,
-complain; and we hope' there will never again bo
any possible reason fer it.
The races Friday afternoon were the best we .
have seen ,on this trick.: The double:trotting
and the running race Were. fine. Jupiter and
Fred Denier's went together,: andmon in., three
straight heats: ,In the"green",tretting, Sol. - Bun-.
nell', which he keeps for livery, took the ,
mon oy, deseried Ile gee off sharp when
you pull up. Saturday forenoon, Jupiter won'
against Fred Douglastr•and some other, in a clean
trot. Those who stivrit, say'it i Was ft very pretty
race, - tbeugh'tho time was not-rriuch%nder three
minutes. In the afternoon, U. S...Alastings's.
gray won in one of the races, and Fred Douglass
took the other s - against Herdic's bons°, Andrew ,,
Jackson, and Jupiter. Jupiter broke badly, and
fell far behind. There,seemed to be an impres
sion that it wonii have been an easy matter for
Herdic's horse to udititad it been neeessary.—,
The crowd was not large Stftnrday, and -the As
sociation fall behind considerably. Tho dust
was almost thibearablo.
TEACHERS' INsTiTuTE.—Before noon
on Monday, largo loads of teachers from all see.
tions of the county began* arrive, and it was
evident that the Institute would be a success if
numbers could make it so. Superintendent Ilor
ton was early on the ground, and had his bands
more than full to make- arrangempts for the
boarding of teachers. It was difficult to get ma
ny places at private hises for them, 'owing to
the fact, prtncipally, l the: nearly every family
were expecting friends to stop with them thro'
the Fair. Many of our citizens opened - their
houses liberally, however, and l the betels reduced
their charges, so that all were aceornmoda'eed, in
the end. •
Our engagements elsewhere were such that it
was not prticticable for us to be in during the ex
ercises in the daytime; but we had frequent re
ports that the session was interesting and profit
The teachers of Tinge. county will never have
better linstruction . in Elocution, than was given
them from day to day by Mrs. A. T. Randall, of
Oswego, New Yolk. She is one of the very best
elocutionists in the United States, and not ex
celled, perhaps, by any.'=his was the best fea
ture of the Inscitate. Monday evening she lec
tured on the subject to a full house, — and read
several pieces' with exquisite taste. Every one
of those present, we think, felt under personal
obligations for the gratuitous feast to whiett they
wore treated
AVednesday evening, lion. J P. Wiidtershatu,
State Superintendent, delivered o lt - ctuee, to a
crowded house, on the subject of Or oled Schools,
now so peculiarly interesting and important to
the people of Welishoro. We ha% 13 licit her space
nor time to do justice to this address'. We have
heard many ief our citizens speak of it in the
highest terms, and we think it will do mach to
aid in the building up of our school. This is
now really the !mkt great need (..f Wellsboro,
sincO we have a railroad coming to us next year;
and we think our people will hold out to the end
and make it a success. Professor Wickersham
does not favor boarding sohools for boys and
girls whose characters are not yet fully estate.
'fished. The - I.!ldress was eloquent in many parts
enthusiastic and effective in all.
If ma
Tuesday evening, Professor 11. S. Jones, of
Erie, Pa, delivered a pointed discourse on school
government. It was sharp anti effective. We
hope our teachers, ',kill bear in mind the essence
of it, and put it in practice. Want of good gov
ernment is the great waste common in our schools.
The efforts of Professor Jonesatilled much to the
general interest of the Institute, and we put him
down as an effective worker in the great cau'e of
Thursday evening, Mrs. Randall read several
excellent selections to a crowded house. This
was a henefit,'and we,are glad to know that our
hitizens appreciated her efforts. There was not
a vacant seat in the Court house Listening to
her in her hest characters, ono i,alaul to exclaim:
What may not human gollthiS OCCOMplibil ! WO
tnay toter see her again, but the creations chich
she placed before our mind, will he 'ever present
to keep her in Memory.
Processors Verrill, Winter Ite3nolds, Watson,
and others, went pres'ent mild> ttf the time, and
groittly added to tho interesl of the exercises.—
We should not forget to say that our friend Dr.
W o w ) tv a i on hand at the proper timo to zand-
T , th hi-i erer I'a:it:Milt: songs. The Farm
Yard song by J. T. Trowlonigl , w.ts peculiarly
approprkto to follow Airs Randall's lo:oiing of
Darin f s preen and his Flying AI tehine, by the
'same author.
. . . .
Fishler's band volunteercViusb• two evenings,
and added much to the cu inert quictit of tho aut4-
en`dos. Altogether wo think it the best Institute
over held in Tiogn. county. Mr. Horton deserves
great credit for his etTortf, in making it what it
THE FAIR.—The annual Fail. of the
Tioga County Agricultural Society was hold nt
Wel!short), on the grounds of the Park A , !soein
tion, Wrdn eßti ay, Thursday and Friday of list
week. Morning broke bright and beautiful,
All6duesday, nap all through the Pair the weather
was tine. But oh how do , t3 ! Never in all our
experience at fairs, and tr.iin ings, and edam—
(ions, and marches over dusty roads, had weever
experienced anything like it ! Dust upon the
hills, on the fields, the streces, the houses, all
over the green trees and the wiihering leaves, in
clouds along the highways and byways, upon the
late flowers and the pgrched grass—everywhere,
like social callers, who intrude themselves un
wanted, it insinuated itself. In England, old
time, there uas a perambulating court, estab—
lished to . do justice on the spot at country fairs,
which was called curia palls pulveriiha, court of
'usty feet: Hero wo had the dusty feet, and we
did justice as expeditiously and well as we could
under the circumstances.
Tho Executive Committee had Made additions
to the ball, and other improvements, which atoo't
to $lOO, or more. Great crcyllt is duo those mem
bers of the committee who took these matters in
di:largo. There was so much - going on about
town, that it was extremely difficult to secure as
sistance, and it was only by tbe efforts of these
gentlemen that the necessary arrangements were
made in time. Vol. A. E. Nile• wee Marshal,
and was on thelground throughout the Fair.—
Wednesday was'consumcd in making, entries,—
The Secretary was not able to complete the list
that evening, and a number of entries wore made
Thursday morning., Over 800 entries were made
in all—more than twice as many as last ,year.—
There were not so mans fancy articles, but more
substantial anti useful. Tim number of cattle
and ikorscs exhibit(ll Ives large; and those who
had opportunity to speak hi.thly of the
quality of stock. - Mit ti,olar mention should be
made of a yard of Ayreshire f..attlo, entered by
F. P. Cornell, of RNA ford county.
The greatest 1111111)011.1 , 1 was the geological cab•
inct of Andrew Sheri d, of 'Mansfield. At
considerable , e and It ouble, he brenglit a
very largo and valuable colltetion of specimens,
numbering inany Illin.lreq, :14,1 gatlitr,il front all
port.; a the Wc.rl.l. 11411".* 441 . diem tiere preset' •
ted by Pcorefsot .kg i:Fiz, t,tol ,rune JIM i.tro and
valunkle. lie hart -peittn n- of all the ror o in
this 1.44.111413, li.l to 114 y MI:On ! them very line,
l' 11 , 1, - ;‘,111 in, .1,41r41-. 11, 1111‘1141alltpleli of lila.
"Y ' 1 " . "F.11 li:itiv4: ‘v1.111, , , niol it kkag matter al
note HI see bile in nel, , niim•-ity_tin 10 nag about
than '-'inong 111 14. it', lit log It 14 re tidy vast
tour , Lad.,tt s ne I, Tv: a a Duce of pine bark
taken frme :, to.. uf 1.,i01f- Creek, .1!t inchcr.
thilk 'l 61, ~ , ,t, 0 t t ‘ ,• %I .1 :,..f..4.11 cite table all
the lime, and lilt :Mo. 1.....1 1;111. prreent to im
p:lit 1.41o1u.:1114411 10 all. 1 . 114,41, hi: (.1..14;e1 in
ptseit.g his C44.111r0g 4.11 , 4X:.41,14 Of., tills to 111311'0a
Ole pl9lthe io 11., !-, n ote 10! has chip:en to follow
as II prermii. t., lII I Ii to :k 1\ Alien t general interest
in it. He is flu atithor rut the artleleson the ge
u.),,,g3 of , i,„g, c.,iii,ly, , 11 1 1..5.1125. .11 the 4.y.,atfAr
tho present
r it ar. titi,ier lie title, "Ono Thoußand
Milts over iEt• Iti , ...t:e I I Tioi. , ;:t eutinty." These
1 ; ; i ; 1 ,,
all:ides 11 - tra quite 4 Nirnfit eV cipied, and do
credit to , Ilte eta hot, lfe is an /4 ttlent lover of
~.the science, and ire Lupo vet to see him take high
rank 'among the naturalists of 111 S 1111113. '
There nag a very large crowd in attendance en
Thursdai, and Friday forenoon. Probitbly no
larger cytr ns. l 4l,i f 4 in the copnty., with the ex
ce.ptien of OW Ilptlev mass meeting at
' dais place
in IApS. v
There Iv I. re 51+2 anpual tickets sold. The tolf4
ree l cipM "I re $Bl3 15. Annual ticket's admit
iyhole fawilic t end some families nrp very.large.
The'perfpwiums and expenses will cpostme thOT
(find, oc , yery nearly
— The premiums Were 1f) o'clock Friday
forenoon, and the Fair closed Friday noon,
as Wren; by How:Barg Whits, Speaker of the
gate Senate. lie -14 an orator of diskinition,
and 313 addre e e "tc e "
ro Pell
paid far Willi attention: fall is realtitklittle
too much like a piOnie, to have, an address com
mand the attention it Should, espeuially whore
,the crowd is targo:':' The addresi Wal 4 abler, and
presented a'variety of statistical information on
the general snbje4 which is valuable. A large
number of people listened to it, while a yet lar
ger number busied themselves in the merlons pas.
times 'Common on such occasions.
The Fair was over. The people seemed pleased
with and we, certainly, think itwas :.creditable
to the county. These annual gatherings are'
wholesome incentives to improvement. The
county - Fair is henceforth a permanent success, if
rightly managed. Our columns aro so crowded
that' a litatienlar account ettithoi be laid'beibro
our readers. - Thopromiums awarded will be pub
lished next week.
KNOXNULLE.—This has been a rather
.wot season here, but crops were never better or
earlier; the truth of l .yrbich I have bad tangible
proof in a fine basket of peaches from the gar
den of Mr. L. B. Roy wilds, of this village. It
not being practicable to send them to your sanc
tum, they were . handed to mo as your represen
tative; and while discussing their merits, I sent
my thoughts to you.ward b in hopes that in some
unaccountable manner you might be made par
taker of my enjoyment. Many of the peaches
were nine inches around them, and one measured ,
nine and one-fourth inches. B. '
MAnisnuno.---Thinking you would
like to-hear how the political pulse is beating in
old Sullivan, allow me to give the opinion of ono
who knows but little of the political chicanery of
parties. We the Republicans have had quite an
interesting time in canvassing and caucusing for
the county Convention; which resulted in placing
before the people a ticket worthy of the support
of the party that nominated it. The question
arises, Shall that ticket, from Congressman down,
be elected, or shall a Democrat, or Dogifs-Inde
pendent-Catch-Voters ticket b% elected; to tho
shame and mortification of every.lover of that
praty, which has steed a severer ordeal than any
party ever yet stood, and triumphed over all, be
cause in the right? May. the heart of every Re
publican answer 140.
The policy of our Democratic friends in this
section, is the same as it has been for the last
ten years--"anything, black or:oldie,: that will
beat tho Republican patty. They count much
on the personal popularity of their candidate for
'Congress. In 'this I think tfiey tro deceived.—
The Republican voters of Stillivan aro too' intel
ligent to veto fOr so good a Democrat as Mr.
Sherwood to have a scat' in Congress, that ho
might oppose the great measures which ho has so
ably, though unsuccessfully, opposed while here
at haute. We think hero we understand their
game. They will yoto for any or all of our can
didates, to cateh,votes for. - Mr. kihetwrobtl, This
won't take, gcaticmen, just now.
Although we had quito a warm time hero over
the 'Sheriff question, till eould- not have their
Choice. *
It inigit „ etihanee 'the chances of Mr: Sher
wood'a eleetiqn, to have him repeat on the eve of
election his 4.ainabtirg Mackey speech.
LETTERS of Administration having been
granted on the estate of W. K. blitehell,
deceased, late of Tioga Township. Tioga 0o; Pfl,
all persons indebted to the estate or owing the
game, IntLst . settle
_with C.. 11. SEYALOUR,4 .
Sept. 28, 1370-6 w.
Exantination of Teachers:
Examination of Tenehets will be held at •
Brookfield. Seeley S 11, Mondavi, Oct. 3d, 1870
‘Vestfield Bore, Tuestlay, " 4th, "
Clymer, (Sahinsville)...Wednesday," sth, "
Chatham, Close S 11...Thirsday, • " 6th, "
Middlebury, (Keeneyville) Friday, " 7th, "
Nelson, Monday, " 10th, "
Lawrenceville ' Tuesday, " 11th, "
Jackson, ( Millertown) Wednesday, " 12th, "
Rutland, Rosevillo,.....Thursdriy, ." 13th, "
Mainsiirg,Frildny, " 14th, "
Mansfield, (Stabs Normal) Saturday" 15th, "
Covington Monday " 17th, "
Illosshurg TuOsday " 18th, "
Liberty, (Block House) Wednesday " 19th, "
Delmar. (Stony Fork) Vriday"-: " 21st, "
WeMoto, Saturday " 22d, "
Charleston hitneyvillo) Monday" 24th, "
Tioga Bon', - Tuesday " 25th, "
Farmington,-VatapbelPe S 11, Wed. 26th. "
... Thursday " 27th, "
Gainoe, (Verwilyca's) Saturday " 29th, "
And fur three following Saturdays at Union
Examinations will commence at 9 et. in. Tea
chers will provide themselves with pun, ink, and
at least five sheets of fools-cap paper. All Who
expect to tench during the year will attend these
examinations. There will be no private exam.
inationA. School Directors are earnestly invited
to attend. E MORTON, Jr., Co. Sup't.
The Cheap Cash Store.
, William Wilson
Marked them Do*n
0 VE W
fi Cash Prices.
To eoutaerato the articles and give a diserip
lion of tho variety and quality of 'goods - , would
be labor thrown away, I therefore invtto all to
an,ivee for theinFpives and take a leak through
the maturn t tt,cl; and convince themeelVes
Low Prices
Are the two great inducements for people to buy
RomeoAber tho pincp , Wpsnp Vvin 'Valken
liliitgh's old otnn4.
6 1 94.28,1870-17 •
. ' w.'
STRY. —C. N. Dartt, 2 dentist
::qtrtoo in Wright t Bailey's Block, where he con
'imos to make teeth with the new Improvement
which gives better satisfaction than any thing
else in ass. To be had at Dartt'a only,—Aug.42
181 . 0.—tf. I 4„ - _
A TRUE BALSAM.—Da, Wiarsa's Dataisat or WILD
unzany is tardy a balsam. It contains tho balsamic
principles of the Wild Cherry, the balsamic properties
oftar and of pine. Its ingredients aresill balsamic.
Cough, Colds, Sore Throat,ltronchl Us, an Consumption
klmedily disappear under its balsamic influence. '
How to Look YoAng--Sixteen.
Don't paint or use vile Hair Ilestorers, but simply
apply liagats Magnolia Balut upon your
, face, neck
and hattids.andittsppotathirion upon your hair.
The Bilittp alt 40
i pai4htileileir pearly,' 1,96'440
natural, and you can't tell What did it. It removes
freckles, tan, sallowness; ring•marks. , moth-patches,
etc.; and in place of a red; rustic face you have the
marble purity of an exquisite; belle. It gives to mid—
dle, ago the bloom of perpetual youth. Add them
effects to at splendid head of hair produced by the
Hathafron and a lady has done her best in way of
. I
adornMentr Brothers will hove no spinster sisters
whelk thee • articles aro around. - •
Wail Pa oI ;.
r, Window Paper Cloth shades.
Splllik STOCK ion I.B7o.—Hugh Young .5c Co.
have just eoelvod their Gist installment of Wall
Paper, Window Paper, and Cloth Shades, for
Spring trade,rilach will , be sold cheaper than
over. Boiders Window Fixtures, Cords, Tass
els; Gilt dornices, picture nails, and everything
else that belongs td the trade. Como and price
our goods, and examine them before purchasing
elsewhere. Specimens arid prices sent by mail
to any part of the oonnty.
N. B. Our stook is tho u largest ever brought
into Om county, and we don't intend to be under
sold. • HUGH YOUNG Co.l i c
Wollsboro, March 6,1870.-d.
1i 1i , .,,,,
-- E . - _ - ,t„^k , :w . . r4.---nrnerrxn. "Z. 3 ettltritiVigraLSEN..K.,..' ,
Pr 0..., :..,:3 1;;;C:It.::,..71 ;.:. .1..k.W., of tho .t.:nc!km'i
L1 , ...:vcri1.; - (, r.: o making ‘.von lertui cl!.7e.t i"....-
„ tsi of Cate.:. - .r.t, Tin - nom-a ami Liccra by their ;
I o,now tliEcovery. A paittle.::i trcatment, Izo p
hair,, no piasters, do caustic burning,.
A Th o most rom ark- ;
1g• nbiocfrect CANCERS. or this
treatment -
rates tho chemical elemeuta of cancerous '
E 4 criArths, co that they shrivel, dio and die. : •
7 zcax,._ appear and will not return: Ad thoso of- .....
dieted can call on thoProfeSsors Buchanan S. Down,
'University; or address, no. Ll 4 Plno Stroet, Philada.
rt. .
ill 4 1 / 4 I*-1310 =p%
1 •
lilt. Allan Dagg ett'of Lawrenceville, announces
himself a candidute•for the, office of Sheriff,' the
ensuing eleotion..• . . . . . .
Sr. M. D. Willbelm, of Kndxville. offers, himself as
a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the decision of tho
Republican party.*
Mr. Samuel F. Ripley, Of Richmond township, offers
himself ticandidato for the office ofi . Sheriff, subject to
the decision of the people. !
I hereby itnnduuce myself as a working mans carol!•
date for Representative, subjeet to the decision of the
free and independent votes of Tioga County, on the
second Tuesday, of October next, free from all parties,
rings, cliquei, and monopolies, of whatever naturo,
name or hind, and favoring a law, that will allow no
man, or company of men to own morn than ono hun-
dred acres of laud, within the bounds of the !Comity,
and.that tho owner must reside upon. Also a system
of free - railroading. And a law to secure to labour its
pay from the real-estate upon which it hours. Thome
aro my views based upon an equal dest button of real
estate in a Republic, ae against a landed aristocracy in
the same, which time, wttli the 'press .t eysteni - vrill
build up.• ALBSRT f. LANDIS.
DelmafSept. Z 111,1870.. •
To the Voters of Tioga C
. ,
.I hereby Offer myself as an Indepon
fur the office of Sheriff of Tioga Count •
support of my friends for that office.
dept. 24, 1870. 8
r—l & 02 4a
~, 1 ,
~. 1 =
••-• 74 lj 0 • ,-1 pa l cd
~ o
R 4 . a
. P ' En 4 PCI ~-, 4 )--. P ,
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' ?:, 3,. Pq
0 ,
.1) fa ,'
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0 . ct, ---4 o / 0 r e-, ~.1
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Sj • "
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e-s 4- , r :- - ) ,cl al E-1 ~_?,
'-'' ' '''' zi ' ul"
rZ cp rn U . ; .‘
7 6
0 V' . ' '''. P :. : . = ‘ C : i 1 )
gV, 4. : .
0 e . [ V 4 1 Cl' t 24 f.l ' ".
. Z Z "
/- , 4- , 1.-,
i 4 C.) . " C.) C) ° t" Ui
pr 1 1.: ` 1 : , ~C, PCI P •
110,000 BRICK
F OR S i ALE, of the lost material, by
Etln-oppOsito the new Cemetery.
WeHnboro, Sept. 23, 1870-3ine.
Tioga, Pa.,
Invite tho attention of the public to the corn
ploto and well eelectoil '
stock of
which they h
Moro earnest efforts
put forth to please
steadily iticreasing tra y
kept would be useless )
stock embraces .1
Goods to Suit
all elasies of trade
Sept. 21,1870-1 y
To Bridge Builders.
riPflE county bridge where .the road crosses
Phenix crook, (on the .Pine creek road, to
Coudersport,)• in the township of Gaines, wilrho
let by'the Commissioners of Tioga county, for
the building of the same, to the lowest and best
bidder, on the promisees, as by plan to be exhib
ited, on Thursday, trio ! 29th day of September,
.1870, at onote , Moolp p. m.
• •P. V. VAN NESS,
Sept 14, 1570. 3t Commiers.
Gtiardian's Sale.
817 virtue of an order ifsued out of the Ori
phone' Court of Tiogn county, the under
signed, guardian of Cynthia Eason, Sarah Ea
son and Jennetta Eason, will expos° to public
sole, at the Court House in Wellsboro, in said
cc;unty of Tioga, on Saturday, tho 22d day of
OcioLer next, ut 10 o'clock A M, nn undivided
one thirtieth port Ci lain lots, of woodland,
situlto in the towl;hhiP .
thu county
of Tioga aferopoiti, I:VSWe nt Pennsylvania,
to wit:
, .
Lot 11 - O - Tfi of weir ant No 1, 'William, Wilson
warranteo; container • 132 ace and 154 perches.
' Lot No 3 of warn nt No 2, 'William, Wilson
warrantee, containin • 133 acres and 55 porches.
Lot No 2 'of 'warrant No 3, William Wilson
warrantee, ecntainio'g 181 acres and 125 perches.
Lot No 6 of warrant• No 4, William Wilson
warrantee, containing 129 acres and 26 perches.
Lot No 4 of mantra No 5, William Wilson
warrantoe, con ta ining'l4s nerds and 62 perches.
Let No 2 of warrant No 6, William Wilson
wurrantee, containing 127 acres and 52 perches.
Poing in all 849 acres and 151 perches. Ref
crenco•being had to a writ c 4 partition in the
Court of Common Pleas of 'flop county, No 7,
May Term, 184 , -
Tema cash on confirmation of Ealo.
SETA •EASON, Guardian
Sept 21, 1370 9t
Farm for Sale.
IN Farmington, near the Limo Kilm -3 miles
from Nelson, containing 65 tierce, 50 improv
, for $1,300.
-/ ' • J. W. TU8133,
&pt. 28, 1870-3na Lawrenceville.
A Houseund lot on Pearl Street, 2d house
Bouth'of difittOteohool house. Enquire on
the premises.
out candidate
, and ask the
ve just received
than ever befordwill Le
:nd further enlarge their
An attempt to name
but suffice IC to say, tho
Gropers? and Provision Store,
ifiiX34X 7 ll),
W ll in o/.. a pat t AND .T.!il[l, pEA.TIER
- • - k
Wines, Liquoni a
. .
l I OW
A full and complete assortment of the ab
mentioned 'goods of the beat quality always
Particular attention paid to Pino Grooe
Dealers and Consumers will find it 'to their
terest to examine his Stock before bnying.
Corning, N. 7., Aug. 17, 1870. .
- -
Spking. Good
in 01 ite branches, an&Prisis down to
standard of Gold at par. Our
is very large, tied we
when desired. Our I
is the •largest in this /too
prices 10 to 20 per cent I.
Linen and
nre as low as before the 'w
ale Brand Black Alpaca,
es t, Frank Leslie and Ila
pronounclng the host Al
the Beaver Brand pure 11i
ticlo, and full atsortnient.
send us
~..--, ~..t.7..- -7 ;.:-..._ . ..
.L . 7,3E, i just
in - -' 4 4 I (ice.
I la_ 1 Ist, 1871
1 for an
- " :- • - Tea Ser .
package. The certificate!
forwarded to us through
will deliver the service to
We no the agents for
can assure our customers,
11'4': 3- )
aro cheaper than they cal
sides the chance of getti
We solicit a call from
Oounty and vicinity, vi.
assure them that they eh
ly treated, and we will (.1
Corning, April 20, 18
Stoves, Tt l n-Ware, iSr.e.
MY ST(CE: OF STOVES embraces
different binds; end I am prepare'
Bottom Prices to Cash Bilyer
I huva also on band a largo stock of
Electric X Cut Saus
and Aloor'o Doul;le Braced .Arch Fiaine
Saws .These arc the, he:lt Elms in the world
aro fully warranted, 'L
The best stock of Oil and licrosene
TERNS in the county.
1. have many articles not kept by ?flier
era which 1 would be glad to show, and
prices that will defy competition.
Aug. 81, 1870,
I ako Clothes to o
lion of the State,
wer than last year
bite Goo
r. We keep the D
which Madam Do
pers' Bazaar unit ,
Baca in market;
,obairs, n splendid,
with tho
'red, tho
Vo proposo a.
1, to paok a
elegant Silt
ieo,:daily, in
whoa founi
our agents,
the fortunai
t inv•ioo
•wing no
(tor A aril
ortifl ato
r Plated
no pound
will be
and they
o party."
and we
the Company
that their
bo seld at retail, be
g a Tea Sett.
all the eigzene of Tioga
iting Cohing, and we
11 be kindly sind fair
to them good.
c o.
t or ty
d to
Summer Shawls !
Parasols, Sun enthrello, &e.
The balance o our &miner stook we desire to lose out during the next
2 or 3 weeks, ind shall sell cheap in order to do, so. •
*Vete Fail Gopds.
ia ..
We are stocking up with New, Goods for thatt , Arly, Fall trade, in Prints;
Sheeting ; Shirtings ;,blue, scarlet, grey . and 'Taney , Flannels,"; Carpet
Warps ; Cotton Yarns ; Battings ; Caskimeres ; Boots and Shoes, and in,
tend to have regularly on hand a still more_ attractive stock than Aiming
the past season, both as to prices and assortment.. "Quite a largo_ share
of our Goods we will be able to sell from this date at even lower prices
than during the Spring. ,
Corning, Aug. 3, 1870. J., A. PARSONS' &: co.
,P/14 1 4
Is the only , perfected and
Sc! en - tine:illy prepared
preparation of its kind
QV& ofrero a l to the public,
and has no competitor
in merit:: By 'its use
GRAY HAIR is soon.
restored to. its original _
youthful color "and 1)61.-
1i:111u, MI iAt is - so-much ,
admired try iiii. -Persons'
whose hair is thin or falling -
l out will, 1)3 the use of our
Renewer;soon see its good
effects, as, by its tonic and
stimulating properties then
c hairi glands will beincited
land the hair grow thick
and strong ap-ain. In cases
of ffeildne,is it will create
a new 'growth unless the
- follielfs are de:troyed 7 It
is colling, and allays, all
itchin , and, irritation of
the sc lip. „Rd( es not stain
the s) in' as d dyes, but;
make; the scalp white and
i ele:m: Asa DRESSING
it is the .best and most
economical preparation in
the world, as its effects
last so much longer. Send
for , cot. Tr6atise on the
ihair, free to all, by mail.
Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine.
Price one Dollar Per Bottle.
R. P. HALt.. & co., Proprietors.
In Paijition.
IN the matter a the estate of David Ilulslan
der deceased. To Lucy A. Buislander, John
S. Ilulslander, Susan.: E. Freeman, Worthington
Fro. man, E. R. Ilulliander, Harriet M. Vanval
calnenr,rJohn Vanvalcalnenr, David J. Ilulslan
der, Julia A. Lamont,, Archibald Lamont, and
Eunice Edgetou, guardian of Lucy P. Ilulslan
der, Clara S. Ifulsiander and Thomas Ilulslan
der, heirs at law of said decedent, you and each
of you aro hereby notified that by virtue of. a
writ of inquest issued out of the Orphans Coyrt
of Tioga County, Inquisition for making .parti
tion will bo taken upon the lands of said deco.
dont at his Into residenco in Charleston town
ship, in the County of Tioga, and State of Penn
sylvania, on Tuesday the 25th day of Octobor A.
D. 1870, at 2 o'clock, P. M. • -
, • •
Sept. 7, IS - 70.-6t. J. B. POTTER, Sheriff.
Town lots for Sale. '
1111IIRTY good building lots, situated On both
j_ sides of state street, in Wollsboro. These lots
will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to W.
Sherwood, at Henry Sberwood's law office in
Wollsboro Pa. •
Wellsboro, Aug. 29th, 1879-4 t.
is hereby given. that' a special Court
will be holden at Wel!shore, Nov. 14, 1810,
for the trial of the following. causes :
William Bache, of al vs. 11. A, Guernsey..
M. M. Converse vs. H. Colton.
. Cornelia Smyth vs. 0. W. Bailey of al.
J. F. DONALDSON, Proth'y.
September 14, 1870.
PRE copartnership heretofore existing un
der the firm name of Wilson•& Van Valken
burg was dissolved on 'the Ist of Sept. Inst. by
mutual consent. Persons owing the late firm,
are hereby notified that prompt payment must
be made.- - WILLIAM WILSON,
- The.abovo business will hereafter be conducted
by Mr. William Wilson strictly on tho cash sae
tern. Goods will be sold' at the very lowest &I
ces, and satisfaction guarranteed to all.
Sept. 14, 1870-Bw. ° WILLIAM WILSON.
R '
h:11, p a dded Chu blued laid emelt Setolula
Syphilll, tilde Ilisvnt , re, It heuenttime, Diseases of
NV mart., and all Cliraniu alley:Aloha of the blood,
Liver awl Itecojangta;ail by the Medl
vul and inatly tliousailtla . ot our beat cal
Read the tobti tawny of No siCidUR (111(1 patiOntS
who harp tustilltonadalin; send for our Hoglundlan
Guido to Book, or Airfrilltitle for this year,
'which we pubilhh for gratuitous dintritnition; it.
ulll giro yon much volublo Demotion.
Dr. 12. W, Carr of Baltimore, says:
I tak, pleasure In recommending yOUTBOSADAL•
IS as at very poweriul alteratixe. I have seen it
tonal ha to. o cases with happy results—ono in a
case of secondary a.)philis, in which the patient
'pronounced Weibel( cut ed alter having tallen five
bottles of yoor naedicioe, The other is a case of
scrofula of lung standing, which is rapidly ism
,proving under Its use, and tho indications are
that the pittiont will soon recover. I have care-
fully examined the 14nitila by which ,%our
your Rosadalis is made, and find It an esdllent
tompounti °reiterative ingrodiettte,
Or..,Sparks of Nicholasville, Hy., says ha has
used Itosadelis in cases of t 4 crofula and Seconds
'ry Syphilis with satisfactory results. As it clean,-
er of the blood I know no bettor remedy.
Samuel 0; 711cFadden, s idurftersboro, Tenn.,says
I have used seven bottles of Rosndalls, and am;
entirely cured of Itbetirnatistu ; send mo fourbot•
ties, as I wish it for my brother, who has 'scrota
lcus nom eyes.
Benjamin Rechtol, of Llma,Ohlo, writes, I hove
Buffeted for twenty years with an inveterate
eraipi ion over my whole body; a short timesince
I pwchaisval it bottle of Bendel's and it °Rotted
a perfect cam,.
Floaodalla ly snit! by P. It. Wllllafms k Co., and
W. C. Kreas, Wellaboro; Philo ,Tuner, Tioga;
M. L. Bacon, Illonaburg,and Druggists generally.
March 9,1870.—1 y.
I will Not Surrender
,1 ,
but I rub up the baner for
Teas; Sugars, Syrups,
Come to
W. T. Mather''
And see what a SIirARM OP THINGS in his
• line can bo bought for a littlo money.
I will not be Undersold!
Good Brown. Sugar 10 coots
Dal P. R. Sugar, 12 ‘•
A (,01Teo Sugar, 131 "
Crust, PowdeTod Orraoulated 15 "
Good Young Byson Ten, SO,TS.
Bost `• ~ ..' . 1,50.
Oolong Tea, • $0,75 to 1,00.
Japan Tea, SO to 1,00.
ttio, goad article
" heat article
" beat,
Doland's boat, .
Rico, • •
A Very Large Stock
Constantly on hand, bought low and sold cheap
30011% .ct ZE4IOIIOO
Wlilelt I will seell oheap enough to please ens
tomArs, no matter if the feet are "•as large as all
out doors," and tho family "too numerous to
Sign of tho BULL & DEB-HIVE
Wellshoro, July 20,070.
State Normal, School,
FALL TERM Loving Sept.
WINTER TERM begins Dee. 12,1870.
SPRING TERM beginkMareh 27,1871.
For Catalogue or admissi i ti apply to
Mansfield, July 6,1870. Principal.
LATELY knoWn as tho Townsend iIqUEO,
;pi and tar a time occupied h? L. D. Pon
' " day, has been'thorott!.hly refitted, repair
ed and opened by
who will ho happy to aicommOdato the,
friend:4 of the 'tense et very ressen'tible rotes.
An; 21
In Part ition..
IN the state of Allen Dewey, late‘of Sullivan
totsn.l 1p Tioga County, Pennsylvania, do
ceaserli TO Orson Smith„ William W. `Dewey,
i i
George harey, Dolly Ann Fowler, Samuel`Foir
ler, Albert Dewey, Lorin Sperry, Ashman S'per
r.Y. Lyman Ceirey, Mary Fuller, Jonathan Fah,
ler,' Ruth Johnson, Frederick Johnson, Fanny
Snow, William L. Snow. 'and Walter Dewey:—
You and each of you are hereby notified that
by virtue of a writ of inquest for making parti
tion of the regal estate of said decedent in Sullivan
township, Tioga Co. Pa. Inquisition will bo
taken upon said real estato on the 27th day of
Center, A. D. 1870, at 2 o'clock P. M., when
and wher{o you can attend if you think proper.' •
Sept. 14, 1870-13 t: 3. IL POTTER, Sheriff,
T j ETTERS -of Administration having been
I grantedl to the undersigned upon the estate
of Ethan P. Eddy, deed of Brookfield, all per.
sons indebted and all einOming against the said
es tate will settle with L. U. SEELEY,
Knoxville, Pa.
Sept. 14, 187041 w.
dad all sorts of
~. 16 cents
25 41
30 "
3 5 ri
For Csh;
I have also a lazige•stoek of
Administrator's Notice.
it. A: SEELEY, ,
cum testament° annexo.
The , Subseriblr
ArrotlLD roe °Orally (tall the fdtaittitai of
V, • clop) pure an tra:to hfo now and oftonalm
stook of 1
just received, enett'ne'
- - '
SHAWLS, DOMESTICS,':. ov Au. icitiasi:
coionso, TABLE. LINEN,
.1 . .
Window Drapery, and an endless variety of
Clothig '
Department will bo found full and aoraSete,
Inolnding many now styles of fine Goode, Oade
up, and in the piece. All are invited to call
eammlne. Also an endless varlet, of/
Tory cheap at
Wel4boro, Juno 1,:1870.
,Musical Instruments 1-
THE subscriber informs tho 'public that ,he
has constantly on band a largo assortment
EXCHANGE, and some of the same on band to
be sold cheap . . -
Ho will bo found . at his residence near Potters'
Hotel in Middlebury, Tioga county, Va. Ad,
dress, A. B. A. BRIGGS,
July G.,187(1.-tf. . Crooked Creek, Pa.
Fire and• Life Ineuritriee.
IirNDEPRNDENT Fire insurance company of
Boston, Mass.! Capital, $300,000; assets,
L Equitable Life insurance company of tbstlLl..
Sates. Assets, ,SI3 i 000,000; normal - business.
$52,000,000. • .W. A. STONE, Agent.
Wellsboro„ August 10, 1870 tf
Bushels of LIME -:
• ,
for sale by
Aug. 24, 1870.t—It. W. O. KANS.
X 91,) THE undersigned, proprsotor of
t.l4'itiV .;?- 4 this line takes this method of in
forming the public that the above Stage runs,
daily (Sandays excepted,),between tho two pla•
ees as follows:,
Leaves Wellsboro at 8 a. m., aad arrives at
Mansfield at 10.30 a. m.
Leaves Mansfield at 2.30 p. tn. and arrives t
Wellshoro at 5 p.
.211`Fare el,OO.
Ang. 24, 1870.--•tf. W. B. VAN HORN.
10 ots.
8 if
10 "
For Sale or Rent.
A GOOD * dairy farm in Tioga township, Ti
-21., oga county, Pa, 'about 2i, miles west of the,
Borough of Tioga. nbout 'lOO acres improved,
and 46 :unimproved. Bas. on it three barns,
three dwelling houses, an apple, add peach orch
ard, and other fruit trees. Terms easy. Also ad
joining om the west,' a farm and.timber Fends
from 40 to 200 acres as desired, with 80 acres
improved, with a good barn, a good house and
apple orchard. Good fora dairying farm.
Aug. 17,:1870—tf. C. 11. SEYMOUR,'
New Go* Os
and wo will try and convince yon, that we not
only havo
but that we are selling thorn clear down o the
bottom of the marliet. WQ have n compl to as
sortment of
We do not proposs to mention all the items in
storq, as wornuolk prefer showing goods.
AO- I , Tcr
800 , US.
Sept. 7, 1870.
An Agent\Wanted.
T -
ING MACHINES in Vega Counts, Pa.
Wagons furnished, and the best ' , Terms given to
Agent's. Address 1 . -
Sept. 5, 1870—tf. -Box 1139'Willietn‘sport,Pa.
for sale or reirk
furnished to order
• Tioga, Pa.
_ _ o____
Drop in and look
All styloe and prides.
e for showing' Goods. Call and