The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, September 28, 1870, Image 2

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A •
• - , [For the Agituteal I
l'i l s said of iaertain reptile, that,
thoigh dead, ft, y't wriggles until, the
ic t
seal gof the sun. it. is not Unlike the
Di ocratie party,; it (lies hartl-pro
lon ng the delectable agony. _ Vena-
Ciotti of. life, this party Ands ft sort of
1 )
'semi-existence' in - i the - ciernory - 'of its
portentous greatness. I hopes for re
mscitation; .it asks to e restored to
power. ''' 'Overthrown; - r peatedly and
defeated, yet, with the
Most brazen hardihood, it struggles to
regain control of the government which
it•almost unitedly strove ,to destroy,—
_are its clainv? On what grounds
can Wadi for the ecinildence of the peo-
Pie T
The•D,emOeratic`paity lost power by
a degrading subserviency to an evil
which hadibecoMe accursed in the sight
of God . and'man._ And in the shadow
of that evil lurkedla Utiluerous progeny
—birds of evil omen, come home to
roost in n congenial atmosphere. These,
perforce,_ the party. had to father—and
eiiil l ancl champion went. 1 - 1 , the hoard
togethei., But though the present evil
be irretrievably. dead, ianinmerous pro
geny cling to the skirts of the Demo:
erotic party like barnacles to a ship's
bottom.. And not unnaturally. ' It
learns no lesson frOrn experience. For
twq decades it has been upon the wrong
side Of
r every national question. Its
strength was in disciplined ignorance._
Its appeals were to prejudice, paAion
and fear: It can utilearn nothing. One,
perhaps, here a 1 I' there,, might desire'
to 'thruge. tli burdens of the priE)t,
but the i. nk and fi le will not be jostled
from their old party traditions. APur
ty brqd,in such a school cannot be owe
suddenly intelligent and trustw rt by,
- i
Whaqs the record? .
Can It be denied that the DL i t iocratio
party, ut4 a party, wasp:lll4(.9l)s ertml
nis in all the counsels that pfunged the
Sauth into the madness of/eeession 7 7 -
For ten years prior, its eyery political
act was.a blow aimed at the i nstitutions
of freedom,—ii dagger iii the side of Li
berty. Its Northern lifanch, the crea
ture of purchase, l - :ringed with fawning,
%. t
sychophancy-at l Sie / feet of an insolent
oligarchy, ready, lice a whipped span
iel, to do its lintester's Wiling. And
wherillie-war of ( the rebellionarcvolt
"of tyrants for dominion and oppression.
--a conspirney against tile f.aered Rig titg
of Aran—fit% p ring of Democratic
apostricy,—iivhcli its guns thundered at
the gates/of the coontry's imperiled
capital; y here did It look for, and find
aid 'and sympathy, plotting ftn i l 'lute, to
aid it ./ infernal purposes? 'Who dis-
dour, enlistments and provoked re
vol.t.s? From whence proceeded that
memorable hegira to the Queen's do
initiions? Who siniteft, and smiled,
When disaster overtook the iational
arms? And when the armed I ebellion
wits crushed, by force of , arms, who in
stigated that meiiner rebellion of ma
lign motives, intrigue, bluster and mis
cellaneous assassination, Which spread
a reign rif terror over the SQuilh, and by
which trip wreck of the " LOA, Cause"
was hoOd to he preserved ? What or
ganization was it that placed its candi
dates on platforms of revolytion and to-,
putliatibti,--threatening, IdT uaaiu ey-•
gulf country in eivii—trife, Ittid
flood it , with an irredeenifeblti ctirey,
in pkyment
,tp those who had lent the
government their inmiey, a d'fought
ILe country's battles, in iliVhonr of its
ill inch i% theafiswer
p i Ow l - L • que,,tionn in the lecoitl 01 the
ieumerat re party.
The Reputilicim pat ty %%as e:d led Into
living to re;tre-s the thignint wirings
committed by this tatty of Erri.r. It
is sneered at, as the party " Imo at
lint its`- ideas have prevailed,
because Iltey are the ideas i 1 inip i n Hal
Justice andit fearless progres , i t _ Its' toy.
—i.„,---nutr - nrqtrar - VrntEtrifllCS , saved'
go% een men tfront the ino,t, 4401p0 1 - dons
danger that threatened its exist
ntiniked by a national con
f-cie,nce and high devotion to its princi
ples, it dared to take a straight
through, evils, wrongs and abuses, of
IN whatever character or magnitude. 'The
demands of an alprming national crisis
found it not wanting. Its services to
the'enn a try are immensurable. It a ca
reer forms the grandest chapter of our
polifie4l history. Finding our. much
boasted liberty but a hollow mockery—
ty. Icy legislation
but secured, the le-'
rent victories. It.
it 11R9 made it a reali
FiIICC the war, it has
gitimate fruits of its
has asserted and- ma n tallied the civil
.and politipl equality of all men before
• the /ow. By this wa signified simply
that there should
. h 'one law for 411
alike ; •that the fun 0 mental rights of
humanity should 11) possessed by_all
alike; that Xs:tit - 0- a ould defend and
punish all alike; that all- men should
have the right to use their natural pow
ers unrestricted and unhindered ; that
government should have no _favo ices;
that law shouli, be impartial H doing
justice to every 'citizen everywhere.—
linch * was Republican theory;—such
has been its practice ;—such is the law.
And the national settlements, by a Re
publican Congress since the war, have
secured just that result.
But does the Democratic party acqui
esce in these settlements? It does not
pretend to acqpiesce—in fact, or by in
ference: The Democratic minority in
Congress has opposed, step by step,
w ith dogged persisteizey, every act look
ing to a settlement of the issues grow
ing out of the wti'r, on a basis of en
lightened advancement. s And that par
ty no enters the liSt with its usual art
and artilice,`to strengthen and increaQe
its Congressional minority.
Mr.'SlieTwooti, in this. Congrel-sionail
tli•trict, repttesents that, same Demoern-
IV, it few points in whose history' we
have briefly above referred to. He is a
rePresentative mn—an out-and-out
. Democrat ; true to tis party, and there
fore pleasing to De noerats. ) We haie t iil
to deal with his p oideal op)nion, not
his personal qt4lit es. Affability is a
Sieial clifality. Thesuariter in mode
of IChefiterlield4oul :Wolin a parlor no
-.a., doubt, but might pr
\ l4k)
ye XII' altogether
. lineertain criterion of political opinions.
' Measures, not men ; frinciles, not po
liteness„are the subjects of our com
ment. Aspirants for office .y,tand a ex
ponents of their party. ',What peculiar
tenets does Mr. Sherwood repvesent ?
Has the party changed ? Has it advan
ced ? Has it relinquished any of its
dead issues, or id-time corruption?—
Does"it cease to shuffle and evade ? No
it cannot cast ofl the hood of 'its politi
cal blindness. And does 111 r. Sher Wood
occupy a mare advanced position than
the-party ? In the past, he has reflect-
ed his party like a mirror. To-day', he
says, " !gy political sentiments renlai_#
,The whole story, in 'one
brief sentence. Wbat44# has been in
the past, politically, that he is to-day.
Democrats_may.ask no better recom
mendation,-but every Republican Will
scan such a record with merciless seVe
rity, and reject the man whoao political
unsoundness it portrays.
Wellsboro,SP-pt. 23, 1870.
Of a man who recently died,it is said,
Hii name will be remembered where
ver his deeds and mortgages are known.'
,r7ra..83301 0, •
of - Morning County.
.1, B. STRANG',
• • B. ,B. - ELLIOTT,
(ehltice l t to choice of Conference )
Fon C 651111SSION •
Von Annum:,
'• I Fon _JURY COSIMISSIciS tit.
VOTE. ,'
ire have assurances wh e
ielvconoine r
i thatt the Democrats and a, foe fall
publicans intend to carry t is ,dist?
for Sherwciod, by shameless ritliaB.
large number of tickets, we ar'e inforn4
havel Real, printed in the,ollice of the 4
zetto i , & Bulletin , at ' William.silort, 7d,
' the 2 1 Tgular Republican/ ieket of •t, f
coon(./, but telyr the - name of Hen,
Sherwood' for/Congress, histead of tha
- r. ArMStrong. It is likely, howetlfr,
th cl the Democratic candlilato for Shrr-
iJJ will also be upon (hens—that is Mr.
Power, who is announced as an in-
dependent eamlidafr, la Me inteeedi of
the Democratic pearly,.
The Gazette* Bulletin has lien a tte
ptiblieau paper; tint if thiv is true, o
courseit is secretly working in the
terest of the Democrats. S;mo of the
editors blames Mr. Arnistioog becati:,eA
he was not apSointeri postwaste
Williamsport ; and this nisy e., ,lulu
the whole thing.
Leading Democrats in tyts county
claim to have "imsuranc.)4" that they
shall get enough help ' doin, the llepub,
/ - r
lican party to elect zienry l-3herwood to
Congress. Mr. ,M. F. Elliott said as
much in their/ount s y Convention a few
days ago. othing do this but the
( IS can
grossest weld and-font plag In our ova
ranks It will all (Anne out in good time,
,gey emen. 11 7 e shall learn who are true
frl who false; and the day' will soon
be at hand when the,shameleis men who
are striving' IQ ::ell out the Republietiii
party Will be creeritted by oil, -ereno by
decent Democrats
A large number of Heim blivans voted
against the regular now i npes•forieonnty
last fall ; only about anIL vo-
ed a'gainst Governor (ieary. We Le•
ieve and have always said that nniny
of those men were hone , ,t, in their ni
lion ; they believed theneivlves•Wrong
ed; and it does not matte . r as• to the
truth, inasmuch as some honest Fteptin
lICLIIIH J( IWM 1.1 .-- 1 ; j11 . -! "►iot -thiing
wrong when they voted thus tint full.
We knew many such Repuldieans.—
They would never intentionally wrong
the Republican party, and go over to
the party of. infamy
derstand that there is a et of men in
league with liernoeratt3 to betray the
party, they: will not : keep such coal-
We are on the very eve ;of another.,
election. But one more issue of the
Agitator before it will talie place.—
From the stateinf the political canvass,
one would suppose months were 'Yet to
intervene. Ab there are no keneral offi
cers to be elected, there has been but
very little political discussion. People
have grown tired of the constant ex
citement and waste of a sharply contes
ted campaign each recurring election,
and we have becOme too free to fall in
with this popular inclination -to allow
the elections to go by default.
All this may he natural enough, but
it is not safe. We have the stun° ene
my to fight: Democrats never sleep on
their arms; or, if theyido, they, are sure
to arouse at the first fire in the front.—
We may learn lessonsfrom them. They
aro vigilant and .untiring in a tlhcl cause.
They will allbe on hand the second
Tuesday of October, and they will vote.
all their strength. They intend to win
this - battle While we sleep, if it be possi'-
ble for them-to win at all. We do not
believe it possible. 'We have no reason
to' think so. We cannot blame them
for their efforts to carry this election.—
They stand greatly in need of success,
having submitted to total defeat so long.
It - might be an act of charity to grant
them this boon ; but we cannot afliqd
to be charitable in that direction. There
is too much at stake; The election is
really very important. It is the old.
contest in a new shape. We have the
same men to contend with, and - the
liiciples to-combat.—
or Republicanism.—
It is
!yr mean ? What has
. acy come to mean In
dill more degenerate
an now what: it did
this w ,
ditys '
When was a !Democrat, or
when pas? Is it the same to
day that it was when David Wilmot
was a leader in his lold district, and
when the people of this county nearly
all believed in the doctrines ho advoca
ted? We know it is not, and therefore
the same men who were then Demo
crats in this county, are now Republi
cans. The party degenerated till it ab-j ,
sorbed all the corruption' and injustice
which grevo mighty in the land, a n d
the people repudiated It at the ballot
bog, at the first equal opportunity. It
came to be the advocate. of" oppression
and wrong, of crime and ppen disre
gard of the'etjual laws of the Divine
Ruler. Confing in co'nfliet with such
laws, it could noestand. It must fall,
as fail all things, sooner or later, when
in conflict with the flat which is Truth.
Tcuth never fails, or falls. She rises up-
Prmost, alway. She is triumphant in
the end over all things. So great is her
power, OTOI thus rulghty'all •
ding her conquestail \ The ! Ample
lion of all is, that/ tli ‘ e Ft
A..eiln par
ty adopted ber,:eause; . and was fi"t4 iu
strumentef het' 'triumph. That inkiy
did not make the law—it Inul . e;Nii•tel,
from the beginning, and )) ! :13 attly atINI 7
ted and declared.
Here _was behel9ol4y . egi illions of - hu
man beings; whonMelaw of God de-'
dared as free as ourselyeS, and of equal
right with us' in all things-of nature,
held in bondage. under a:constitntiOn of
goVerriment — which purported to have
been founded upon that law .of equali
ty.. In pndict with that law, the Con
stitution which perMittedsuch a crime,
was of no binding validity, and with
out force and effect, save as they were
given to-it by the 'power
, of might. A
few men saw and deClared the truth.—
It was but the declaration of a print+.
ple In human nature, under God ; and
the sublime truth which e bad been:so
. long covered up by the_ prejudices and
_selfishness of men, began, for this sim
ple reason, to radiate- the sguls of the
great multitude, till the might was with
the right, and Democracy fell to the
ground, a terrible, - hideous monstrosi
ty—a deformed and frightful ghost of
What it once was. '-‘lt had done, not
suffered wrong, and it met the inevita
ble penalty.
Perhaps no era in all .the history of
man, ever witnessed a contest at once
so sublime and grand ! The conflict
gave birth to the Republican party.-
-That party is not a creature made at .
will: it is the natural growth of al.
times which developed it into life; // It
grew. It Was organic from .its birth—
it. Pi a thing of life. Founded pon a
Principle, it must overeomo a d survive
all powers which war agait St that prin
ciple.' .
This is, in brief, and, • 1 general terms,
all there was in the . truggle that etil-
Minate4 in the " • repressible conflict,"
which gave ris and Power to the Re
publican part, , and ended in the down
fall of slav/y and Dlamocracy together.
It is we9/at times to pause and review
the pat. We know the attitude of par
ties.. All the phases of this struggle
ar now history, and jilstory so fresh in
,the minds of all, that it seems a work
91 supererogation to even pass it in ro.
view. The times have developed Omen,
as well as parties ; for parties are made
up of men ; and the character of par
ties is the reflection of the principles of
the men. in the aggregate - composing
them. Who have made up the Demo
cratic party for the last fifteen yearq—
The old 'doughfacps—men who would
do anything to satisfy the demands of
slaVery and the dictation of the haugh
ty South—the leaders of the rebellion,
who had been plotting treason for thir
ty Years, and the men at the North ‘'vlio
gave them aid and comfort in their mad
attempt ;to tear down the Temple of
Liberty which our forefathers had cau
sed to spring forth from the fiery ordeal
of the Revolution. Thesehre they who
made up the great mass of this sham-
DeMocratic party; and the surviVors of
them give it character to-day. If there
were or are exceptions, (and there were
and are honorable exceptions,) they did
riot and do not shape the policy of that
party. Daniel S. Dickinson, Stephen
A. Douglass, John A. Dix,, Edwards
Pierpont, and it host of patriots, living
and dead, were Democrats; but their
counsel was repudiated by the party,
and they could not fellowship with
traitors. They the party till --
to Flo so was to array themselves against
their countrv—than tiww -.tont] lxy the
Country, ignoring a party which was
the'organized bower in the North upon
the success of which the holy hope of
the South depended. The men who
give that party character, if a hlacken
ed fame may be so called, were Jeffer
son Davis, Robert Toombs, Alexander .
11. Stephens, John C. Breckenridge,
James Buchanan, Jeremiah S. Black,
who declared that thegovernment could
not make war to save the country ; Geo.
W. Woodward, who said if the Union
- Was to be dissolved, our own State
should id - with the South; Horatio
Seymour, the "friend" of the rebel
-mobs in New York ; yallandingham,
wlio`was_banished by the good Lincoln
'for his treason, in time of War; George
H. Pendleton, who declared in Con
gress that he would never vote a dollar
or,' a man to carry on the "unholy"
war, and who said to the Southern
States: Depart in peace; Jesse Bright,
who was expelled from the U. States
Senate, in war-time, for Aiding and
.abetting the South ; Fernando Wood,
who, as Mayor of New York refused
to stop the shipment of aims South,
and favored the annexation of N. York
city to the Confederacy; and a host of
infamous men, who, in any other enun
try but free America, would long since
have been hung for their inAdelity to
the government.- -
Such have been the men who have
given law to the Democratic party ; and
they today shape its policy, so far as it
has any. HENRY SHERWOOD, the De
mocratic candidate for Congress,• has
been with them from thAeginning.—
It is vain to talk about his nor record.
He was not a War Democrat: he was
a Peace,Dernocrat; for he advocated the
electionof M'Clellan i ll) numerous spec
ches throughout this county, in 1864,
on a peace platform. We nil know
what the " Chicago Surrender" plat
form was. It declared in favor of a peg
cation of lystilities, 'on the ground that
the war had been a "failure.?' HENRY
SHERWOOD stood 'upon that platform
then, and in his speech at the Demo . ..„
cratic Convention which met in .this
village on the 17th instant, he state 4
that his principles were well known,
that be bad not changed, .and should
'not change them, and that be bhd been'
-chosen for his advocacy of them. He
stands upon his record : by the record
let him:be tried. In 1864, in a speech
at •Nelson; in a Joint discussion with
others, he defended the Chicago plat
form; and declared that the Southotould
never . be conquered. He said such a
hing was never known in history. He
taunted Republicans with anenumeras
tion of the defeats, of our armies, and
argued that It was folly to continue the
war. He denounced the Greenbacks,
which the government had issued to
save its life, as a worthless . currency.—
And why was it, pray, that Greenbacks
their wer e so far below par? It was be
cause of the'unpatriotic etlbrts of just
such men to bring the government of
the country into disrepute. It was be
cause there were so many just such
men giving aid and 'comfort to the Reb
els, by keeping up division, and tur
moil, and contention, at the North.—
And HENRY SHERWOOD now boasts
that he is' the candidate of the Demdc
_.. N
When they tin-
racy in the 18th 4listrlet t ,
principles are
are well_known-- - and un
changed, no doubt. He was too bitter
al I_ through the Wail to foiget, It . n,l so
\ Yes friends, he .Is. the saline to, day
-K- t
that he was then. He attended-An
drev\ Johnson's Converitioni';of•Rebels
and Copperheads, and weak-kneed Rea
Publieani, which met in Phik - delphla
in lBB6_, fOr \ thia avowed purpose of brea
king up the‘Republicatt party. ' He has
sought, by every means ho , could - em ,
ploy, to ere.atelealousies and eonten
lion in "the BePubliean Party of this
county. Ho is a smooth, telly, genteel
sophist in polities—eunning,intriguing;
-and dangerous. He, is not - a safe - man
to trust with power. Where, would he
be, should he be elected to Congress?—
We all know he would be w4th„the ex
treme pemOcracy on all queethMs ; fe
has he not been ; -and does lie not;‘ , :ay
That his principles are unehanl . d .' 7 -
What aid ho do when Grant' w:,.: a ean-
didate for President
,in MO, We-all
know he stood with Seymciiir and Blair,
and Wade Hampton, awl all the Reb
els who then stilVp4iPeci something
would .happen to fiut them again in
power. Prank #lr was for overturn
ing the work of/Congress in the recon
struction of pie South, at• the point of
the bayou t', and Sherwood was with
him. s arguments,_ all through that
camp gn, were against the legalitof
i o
rec Rstruction. What would have be
e md . of the country, had Seymour and
lair been elected ? We know' that
good men, even in the Democrati par
ty, trembled for the result ! They feared
the unrepentant South, which they
knew must come into power again if
they weije elected. hart SirErtwoen al
so advocated the payment of IL State - a
bonds in greenbacks, in 1868. The par
ty declared for its; and it was entirely
consonant with his patty°. He knew
good men who had paid gold to the gov
ernment in its hour of great peril tfvo!lil
suffer by it; yet he advticated the issue
of greenbacks to pay the bonds; He is
not such a fool as to consider that that
meant any payment: it meant repudi••
ation. He hated the conquests for right
which-had been made by and "during
the war; and he hates the debt •%•7111e.h
represeints those triumphs. , That is na
tural and consistent with his past course
in politics.
Can such a man be trusted to ~mpres
ent the people in Congress ? ,Ihrucli
1e;32 can any Republican trust.,him?—
For ourselves, we would as soon vote
for Vallandingham as for him. It is
true, that if there were nothing i prin
ciple—if there were nothing la,' 11 the
'history of the Republican party , hich
makes it dear to those who hel
win the victories of the past,'
Republicans were willing to put,
selves in the hands of their eni
then it would be consistent for tl
vote for SHERWOOD. . But this
be. That party has ever been rue to
the interests of the people;, it Wu?) failed
in nothing ;.in spite of all oppol3itron,
it elected Grant President, and hels
true to the great principles upon bleb
he was elected. The government is
prospering; taxes are greatly reluced,
yet the .debt Is being constantly dimin
ished; the currency which SHEWOOD
stigmatized as, worthless has apprecia
ted, till all the people see that it is the
best currency the government ever put
forth as, a medium of exchange. Prices
and business are approaching a
Pu ran naenc
stored. All things testify of t
dom and faithfulneus of Presid't
Now how woul4 it appear for I
Congressional djstrict to send
man as Snuw
E i 4on to a COng ess to
which Presi i den tk pran c and the epub
lican party Must ! look for the egisla
tion'needed to carry out the pri eiples
upon which he was elected? , id not
Sherwood oppose those prints' les?—
Would he favor them in Congress?—
He says he has not changed hisiprinei
pies, and we know what to expect. No
Republican can consistently vote for Mr.
SHERWOOD : a vote for him is a vote
against his party and against the Pres
ident cif his choice.
SOLDIERS : while you were
to protect the liberty and pro
Henry Sherwood, he wa. goin
making copperhead Pf - eches
Clellan, on the platforna hich
the war a "failure. 4 ou he
cheers of the Rebels - at Pet
when they heard Ithat
nominated on a platform whi
Posed an armistice in the midst of war
and when they knew they could no
hold out much longer if the war con
tinned ! Their GREAT HOPE hen was
in tho election of M'Clellan 1 Henry
Sherwood knew this, or ho is not - ilt to
represent Urlion soldiers in ongress.
Henry Sher Wood represent 'l3 . ion sol
diers in Congress l How w
have felt in 1864, had he beet
on the " Chicago Surrender"
George H. Pendleton, his cam
Vice President at that,' tune
that he had never i'oted a mai
lar to carry on the war. Hen
wood voted for him,. and he
principles remain unchangel
will such a man represent sf
Congress ? He would fairly
the Men on the other side; wl
ed, but not the men on this /
heard those cheers. with indid,
think that a once great party
attempt to betray them into
of their enemies.
The record is unimpeach
cannot escape it. He cannot!
enough' to wear it out. It
him as that of the Tories and,
of the 'Revolution followe'
Wherev,er - they sought to esc ;
famous story followed : wher;
ry Sherwood may go, the g
infidelity to the cause of his 6
her most trying hour, will f.
It is right it should. We sa
spirit of menace or revenge
is not ours—it is, the Lord's.
principles of Tfuth and; Just'
will repay.
" A wan can't help what I
hind his back," as the scamn
he was kicked out of doors. I
S. I. Pewer announce
independent candidate
print his card as-we .pt
but 4 , e deny that, he is
candidate. We 'all Imo
independent'. He lit - jd:
Democratic._ candidate
nominated by the berm
Lien. That Convention
is "tiiini prithEiri" - - to' •
dictate for Sheriff; d
every. Democrat k wth
S. I. Power was appe ,
vatic tioket,', st as wet ,
had, he bee 7 formally n
aU(i had een perfecti
month . The very ne
county paper contained
iouncement that Pow,
ate. Mr. Paiver diet
the Democratic paper
issue which contained
their other nominations
of course, with the kno l
sent of Mr. rower. It s done to defeat
Mi=:, Armstrong fur Congress,- and to
breakup the Republidn party in this
, Mr. Power is to be in fa
vor,of Hem Sherwoo for Congress.
No dqubt he is. We b , lieNT it is apart
Of the bargain: The Democrats are to
vote for Power; and he is to betray as,
many Republicans into voting for Sher-
Wood as ho can, in return for it. He
was in Welisboro last week, and was
keen frequently in private conversation
with leading Democrats. If he were
ruly an independent candidate, it
7rong to vote for him
really the Demo Ora•
we wish every Re
;stand how it is. lie
!ction, save by the De
will get that vote, for
that they adopt himag
;night not be so
as such ; but he i
tic candidate, an
publican to unde
has no hope of el+
nzocratie vote.
he simple reason
heir candidate.,
What shameles
ion on the part o
een. elected to an
party he now seek
eratic votes! He
ion for Sheriff
this county in , lBl
defeated by Lero
not forget it. HI
'thing for the R
!so far us we knoli
lukewarm ever a
been counted as
crat than a Re
wish .to be unjus
any man ; but t
of. this matter.
deceived • we dol
can to nndersta
that none may bi:
simple truth :
date in the intr l
party. By supp
crats hope to ke
Republican ran .
to mislead any o
will vote for Mr
ery man has his
remember prin
count than men
Fish, the Repu
ry way a better
is not worth a•
ed it
p s nd If
i em to
PoweF ; but he i t s . an honest arid capable
nlan—a man of good habits and reputa
titn ; and there can beino valid reason
forltny Republiean to vote against him.
Rev. J. F. Calkins,
bore, to Miss Mary
. —Our otßeo is fr. l
and sweottheats, re ..
ply of !h. lo.f. week
every day was fit t i
guess from:the rep.
wedding for each.
ponied a - largo box
wore in good taste .
latill olognent of thel
lago, wo might ind
ment; but we forb !
sweet contentment, /
is r 4.
le wis
e 18th
Omens, Sept. 15, N
Miss Flora A. .Mor
MORSE—WASS—On the 131 h inst., by the Rev.
W.l'. Omans, Mr. Benjamin' Morse, to Miss
Elinor Wass, both of Chatham.
—A very choiceot of wedding eale was re
ceived with the boy() notices, for which the
1 1
happy pairs will a cent the best wishes, of the
. ,
G. D. Keeney 1
A. A. Stewart, botl
bY Q.D. Keeney E
M iss Ida V. Devre:
SepL 11,.by Roy C,
glish of Welisboro,
of Morris.
etty of
for M'
OARR—WYAT —ln Knoxville by the Rey
W. P. Omans, Mr. lexander D. Carr of Troupe
burgh N. Y., to Mi s Mary J. Wyatt of Ter
Tioga Co. Pa. •
I MILLER—POD —By the Rev. W. P. Omani,
, Mr. Hiram J. Mill r, to Miss Matilda Pouf, both
of Troupaburgh N. .
and the
an waS
eh pro-
JDY virtue of an order issued out of the Or
phaneCourt .f Tioga county. the under
signed, Eliza. signed, guardian o Mary Heylman and Eliza.
bath Heylman, wil expose to public sale, at the
Court House in IV llsboro, in said county of Ti
oga, on Saturday, the 22d day of October next;
at 0 o'clock A M,l an undivided one hundred
sixty-second-part of certain lots of woodland,
situate in the tdivn l rhip of Union, in the county
of Tioga aforesaid, and State of Pennsylvania,
to wit: 1 • ' '
Lot No 8
_Jot .. of wartarr, 0 1, William Wilson
warrantee, containing 132 acres and 154 pershes.
Lot No 2of warrant No 2, William Wilson
warrantee, containing 133 acres and 55 perches.
Lot No '2. of warrant No 3, William Wilson
warrantee, containing 181 acres and 125perehes.
I Lot No e'of warrant No 4, William Wilson
warrantee, containing 129 acres and 26 perches.
Lot No 4 of warrant NO 5, William Wilson
,warrantee, containing 145 acres and 62 perches.
Lot No 2 of warrant No 6, William Wilson
'warrantee, containing 127 acres andls2 perches.
Being in all 849 acres and 154 perches. Ref
erence bo ing bad to a writ of partition in the
Court of Com Mon Pleas of Tioga county, No 7,
May 'Term, 1852.
Terms cash on confirmation of sale.
'uld ydu
1 atform ?
or dol-
'ry Sher
says his
. How
Idlers in
Sept 21,1870 4t
o cheer
BY virtue of an. order issued out of t,e Or
phone' Court of Tioga county, the nder
signed, guardian of Isabella B White, g lary L
White and Josephine A White, will erposo to
public, sale, at the Court lions° in IVellsbtiro,. in
saidicounty of Tioga, on Saturday, the 22d day
of October next, at 10 o'clock A If, an Undivi
ded one 'forty-second part of certain, lots of
woodland dating° in the township of Union, in
the - count, of Tioga aforesaid,. and State of
Pennsylvat a, to wit s
Lot No 8 of warrant No 1, Williant i Wilson
warrantee, containing 132 acres and 15.4 perches.
Lot No 2of warrant No 2, Williaml Wilson
warrantee, containing 133 acres and 55 perohes.
Lot No 2 of warrant . No 3, William Wilson
warrantee, containing 181 acres and 1251 perches.
Lot No 6 of warrant No 4, Williant Wilson
warrantee, containing 129 acres and 26 perches.
Lot No 4 of warrant No 5, William Wilson
warrantee, containing 145 acres and 62, perches.
Lot No 2 of warrant No 6, William Wilson
warrantee, containing 127 acres and 52 perches.
Being in all 849 acres and 154 porches.. Ref.
evince being had to a writ of partition in the
Court of Common Pleas of Tioga • county, No 7.
May Term. 1852.
[de, who
nation, to
ould thus
ho hands
able. He
live tong
ill follow
,Pe, the in
ost of his
ountry In
low ilim
it in no
Terms cash on confirmation bf sale.
11EblIty WIIITE, iluardien,
Sept 21, 1870 4t '
The great
STRAYED.—Catne into the enclosure et B.
Demeaux, Sept Bth, 1870. one two year old
heifer, a star in her•faco, a white spot on loft hip,
a white spot back of right shoulder; and all white
legs. The owner is notified tolaPpear and pay
charges, or the aid stray will Gab sold according
to law. D. DRAIEAUX.
Sept. 21', 1870-2 w.
done be
aid when
himself as an
r Sheriff. We
nt for others •
i n independ i,
that he i me: .
t as in the'
1 1 : if he ad been
lera 0 Confzen
, • :olved that it
• ominate a NM
tohm-ie, ictfd 80,
I t the name of
: 2' on the Demo
r as thiy avoutd,
amed. It was,
understood . for
t issue of their
an: pariconTAL
-r was a eandi
not say so; but
d, in the
the report Of
This was done,
ledge and con-
and disgraceful ae
a man who has once
(important Office by the
?: to defeat with Demo
:,sought a re-nomina
the Itepublicani of
If 4, and was so badly
Tabor, that he can
has not done any
publican party since,
. Ho has been very
nee, and lately he has
uoh or i npre a Demo
lublieah. We do not
to Mr. Powell nor to
is is the view we have
e want no one to be
want every j - Republl-
1 d how the 'matter
misled. Here is the'
r. Power is a candl-'
rest of the Democratic,
rting him, the Demo
p up division in the
s. It seems too plain
ie. Some Republicans
Power, of course—ev
friends ; but we should
, Iples are of more ac-
But ELS to men: Mr:
nom candidate, is eve.;
man for the office. .He
,much money as 'Mr.
Ea 3
OT—On the 14th inst.,' by
fr. John Domains of Wells
rene Root, of Delmar..
!grata with' odors ' of
aining of the bountilful sup-
A. beautiful September week,
.be a bridal day, and we
.rts of marriages there was a
A beautiful bouquet ittocom
of cake in this case and if it
.long side of snob delicaoies,
scene they decorated an hour
Ige some fancy of the mo
lar, wishing thorn a, life of
and n•full measure ofi happy
;lORSE—By the Rev. , W. P
r. Palmineo G. Hurlbutt, to
-e, both of Chatham, Tioga Co.
T—ln Keeneyville, Sept. 2nd,
sq., Mr. C. li. Loop, to Mies
of Ne lson. -
Y—ln Keeneyvilte Sept. 17th,
-q., Mr. Frank B. Catlin to
both of Charleston.
SON-JAt East Charleston,
I A. Stone, Mr. James S. En
and Miss Nancy, E. Wilson
dian': Sale.
Guardian's Sale.
"' •'.
Mansfield, TOursday vet. 6. , .
Mainsbnrg, 'Wednesday Eve. Oct 6.1
Roseville, MOuda.y Eve., Oct: Si
Daggets Mills, Tuesday Eve. Oct. 4.
Svininp Cliurcli, I, Union, Monday
Eve. Oct. a.
~Bl4palc HeuseilueS. Eve., Oct 4.
Btqkb'sechool bowie, Wed. ev., Oct. 6 .
Stony Fork ged e: b., Mon. ev. Ott. 10.
Galnes, FrldaY
_Eve., , Oct. 7.
Sabinsvllle, ThurSday Eve., Oct. 6,
. _
Westfield, Saturday evening, Oct. 8.
Troop's Creek Baptist church, Friday
evening, 04 7.
Knoxville, Wendesday, Oct. 0.
Nelson, Tuesday evening, Oct. 4. -
Lawrenceville, M ond . evening, Oc. 8.
Close s. house, Friday evening, Oc. 7.
Keeneyville, Thui . s. evening, ad. II
E. Charleston, Monday eve., Oct. 10.
Middle Ridge, Friday eve., Oct. 7.
HollidaytOwn, Sa l t. evening, Oct. S.
Wellsboro, Tuesdy Eve., Sept. 27.
The above meetings ;will be p.‘,. a d with
Speakers. Lot all the necessary ar, wt.i.ts bp
made at tho respectlsoo laces. •
TO reduce my stock, I will sell at very low,
figures for tho mixt thirty days, a few
choice birds of .the foll wing breeds. Bramab,
Black Spanish, Games,l and "Golden Seabright
Bantams, also' 1 pair PC Fowls.
Wellsboro S , pt, 17. 1870-tf.
April 6,1870.-Iy.
I , a
TUNDERSILI4I4IS would' say to the &I-
A. zone of Wellsbord, and vicinity that he hes a
Hariol less Shop
In full operation on drafton Street, between Main
and Water ate., where he is prepared to mann
faeture all kinds of
i)outsle tt Si
In tho best etylo
Ind of the best material.
good: I employ the best
ono but the best mateclal,
spared to please all who
i line.
ri shalt notice and
workmen, and Ul3O , 33,
and ern therefore pr
want anything in 7'31
July 20, 1130.
1 1
Sept. 28,
g Elsewhere,
dwe 11
e liN•re tip to
g -I
li t.l
k Stdes.
o keep
g 'Usually Kept
in a First-Class '
July 27, 1870.
C. F. it O. Moore,
Wellsboro, Pa. place and Stabes on Water
Street, in rear of Court House. They will fur
nish hors es, single or double, with Buggies, or
CarriageS, at short notice. Long experience in
the bnainess enables the proprietors to announce
with conddence they can meet any , reasonable de
mands initheir line. Drivers furnished, if desired
and passetigers carried to any part, of the counktry,
Thankful fp/ pas t favors, they brit° continudvice
of mato* TOMB reasonable.
Nov. 2. ,111160.—1 y.
I p 2
.1 "
n ,e•
4. • 'L,
' f
~' 1•
-• . 4
• t
gie Harnesses,
roposo to I be
Cannon Roar !
Which has just been received at the now Store of
Oomee - and See thetTew Coeds!
In the litre of
we aru offering groat bar Mai whiclt cannot foil
,to pi as°.
AVe are alao °troth; g great,bargaies in
which carsm;illut please the ladieA
Grocery Department.
We have sin excellent lino in Oils department,
and at prices that must suit all. Look at the
Sugar from 10 to 14i cents.
Tea from 75 cts. to $1,60.
D. B.eans Saleratus,•lo cents.
Syrup, 80 cents.
Coffee 25 cents.'
Chewing Tobacco from acts. to $1
I -
We also keep a largo assortment of aliscollan
sous goods, such as is usually found in dry goods
stores. Our assortment of
Hats and Caps
for Men and Bays, are varied and coznplete. Wel
keep in the
Boot & Shoe,
trade, tho
4ifferent stylei to please all : and of
the best manufacture.
, 1870. Doehe's old stood.
old Heine's
No. 4 Arcade Block, Corning, N
Bargains for Everybody.
A raro ohnnoo for close Buyers!
WE i h 111 sell from this date until Sept.
our entire stock of
Hoop Skirts,
Corsets, Kid Gloves, Whi,'
Goods, Ribbons,, Hand-I
Iterchiefs; Trimthingss
and Laces, Hos
iery, Gloves,
and a large acaortmont of
'.. • 14.
to make room for our large arrivals o
Fall and Winter' Good
Aug. 81, 1870:
Oprning, N
HAS , ' NIES 61F.
olrete Goods
on sale, fresh tromp the city
Step in and: see Them!
, .r•
We keep all hinds ZlMilf lia)itiCS to . ideate
until} and of the
i 111 ar:y q
Iternetoer the place,
Well6llo i ro, Sept. 21, 187
y ORMORE BIROS. & CO., would call the•iit•
J tention of the Trade in the counties of t;.t3
Souilirrn Tier or / New York and N6rthern Penn
s)lt-inia, to the largo and fall ns:ortai(out of
constantly on hand at their extensiye Warditaite
and Stores, No. :IT nd 3t Carroll Street: , N. 1".,
and offered for salo on the most terms,
satisfaction in all eases guaranteed.
®kip• Steam Mills
for the Bonstiog of Cotiee and the tirioliing of
Cuffce and Spices, era of the rnoq rocrro csi
proved, construction, and not excelled by at.s
to the country.
Ita.vo a. full ,tuck tif (Amino Tens. We buy
direct from Importers in NOW YoYIS for ensh,•aint
sell as elms tr as' any hout-o in tho trade.
Saigarm, Molassem & Syrups
from tho port Itofamrs, and iml.l at, and
lowest Now York (rotations.
Fiishou.Dr7 & Pickled
Wo buy from first monde in the l.rat , and sin
lIPOTEI a better artiolo at r. lesser ,price than naj
firisi in Western New Tivh.
WOODEN WARE, Cordago und Ilrounir: A
011 lino of gooflH.
lion irf tho Trade to ~itr large
Liqur i irs, which b,r
,i ur;r) and
Wo call tho allot
stock of Wines and
fineness are 1111811 r
Id of 4he'
ES—scotch, Irish and Eu•
.raids corietnntly
•o pungtasers to call es-
We specially nvii
f Foreign and Dvinoac
g c tya‘vhcro.
amino our s( ck
Liquors bofor bu
e t
benfit of t
Bour n Whiskey
.So AgentA in 1
IS KEY— We b ut up falba
Si.k, a pure article of Old
IfSr t o Druggist Trade:
Urnir of the' Urbana Wing Co.
to a close scrutiny of our Ode
to whole assortment lwing'oe
on int detail
In brief, Re inv
and their prices, t
numerous to iuent
No, 378( 39 0
Sept. 21, 1870.-
Guardquis! Sale.
Y virtue et an order issued out of the Or.
piton's Court of "iogn, ebtifity, the, under
signed, guardians ,of Martha Anthony and
Catharine d. A ntlion , and of Nary M.,Antho
ny, respectively, will expose to publi,e sale, at
the Court 'louse in IV •ilsborii, in said county of 4
Tioga, on Saturday, the 22d day of October
ne ( f.t, at 10 o'clock A 11t,..,cn Auld ividut fnrly
se and part of certai w.t oodhiol actuate
i n th e tgmns.hip of ET ion , cal:.l,l:‘ of TiO •
ga aloreFa id. and Stn o of Pen tti..)lnini,t, to ',tat
Lot .1110 8 of oat alit No.l, I`.. Whin Wilon
warrantee, containin lag acres imd perebt.l.
Lot No 2 of witrr t No 'S Williauo Wilson
warrantee, containin *1%3 Lei( ai,tl ;,:+ perches.
Lot No 2 f f wain nt 3, William Wilson
181 :wire. :u ,,1 I :51,crollee.
not No 4. Willi.m Wil2(7
12, 1 nere,,nn,l 26 percbcs.
I ' 4 N.) ';, Williqui irihoi
g 14,.5 ileres and 62 porcb" l
nt Ni. f), Wiiiintil il'ilryo
g 127 ht 71 S and :2 perchei.
.res. and 154. perches, Eel
a %., rit of partition in the
ilcns of l'ioga ,00nty, No 7,
warrantee, eentninin
L , .t lio ,', of IN arr
warrantee, eeplajnin
Lot No 4 id »at;
knorrantee, cent:Only
Lot No 2 of nitrra
‘v rrantee, conlaibir
sing in all 8411 a
er upl3 tieing had to
Co rtoaf Common P
May Tetm, 1352.
Terms cash on co'
f l ifinpation of sale
Sept 21, 1870 4t
inn's Sale.
erder itrueli Alt of the Oro
If Tiara calmly . , the under
' Robert Broobs, and 'William
to public talc, 'at the Court
in said county. of Tioga, on
clay of October ,next, at ten
undit)ded ono forty-second
Idividut one hundred tyro .
. thin fot.; (,11,,.odtInd, situ
of Ilion, in the Crranty a
11 ,,
nil St to of Prnnoylvania, to
!rant 4 . 0, I, 'William AVilrola
, ing li2 Boras and 151 per
BY virtno of an , 1
phans' Court or
signed, guardian o
Pettes, will expose
House in Wellsboro
Saturday, the 22d'
o'plock A. M., an
part, and Wu° an u
ry.sixth part of ea
ato in the township
~Tiogn aforesaid, a
Lot No. 8 2 of war,
frarrantee, centa il
re hes.
Lot No. 2 of wa rant INo.' 2, William Wilson
warrantee, nontaip IT 1 '',f acres and 55 perches.
Lot N 0.12 of wa ,ant !No. :i, lVii-lialci V, ill'"
warrantee, containing 141 acres and 125 perehri'•
Lot No. 1 of wa rant No 4, William 1 1 Ilsell
warrantee, contain ng I 9 aercs and 28 perchCe!
Lot No. 4 of wa rant{ No. 5, William Wilson
warrantee, contain nt.; Ivy acres and 82 perchers.
Lot No. 2 of warrant No. a, wini n al vnisou
warrantee, contain ift:' 1:7 DCICP and 1511 perches•
being in all 819 2 c:res and 154 porches. Ref
erence being had t a writ oi l partition in the
Court Of Comnion! 'I (as of Tic 'll county, No. 7,
Map Term, 18,42. ,1 ~ I
Tatum cash on eentirtnation f sale.
it- P': PET RS, Guardian. '
Sept. ;i t 1 570 fi'' I" i"
.!‘ ' II ' ' - '
Z 4-1:1
. ....t-z_
I BROS. cv Co.,
11 St, t , Elmira, N.Y,