Arrival anti : Depitrtare,il,4i- oil Nag& -' ,—, • _._-'_ 17,?i TStages running over A. the different routes from 41,„ • Wensbord, w3ll depart and arrive se • follows frpal the . Wettsbero Spat 614e0: _ r & VOA .—Depart 0 & 10, R. uf,, arrive 11( and 7 o!elock ff,. ' SILO sow g 31A9eyELD.—Depart Ba. rn. ) orries 6. „ t wos° A COODERSPOST.—Dep. MOD. & Thin'. 2 p.m. " arrivo Mcnaay Thunday,at 7.2 tn. - Ottenoao Ark zany Snoaso—Depart Mon. a T,hnr. 0 a m arrive Tuesdays Frt.& p.m & &rens Fosa--Dep. Wee. & y rbin , al la., arr. Tues. & Filday at-124u: ' - TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. q.Aocal WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 14,• 1870. • Now Advertinemente. to Partition -4. B. Potter. Distoption—Wilson & Van Vnikenbotrg. Adatioiatrator'n Notice—L. D Seeley; Penuyirania 4tltte Fair. '. LITTLE BrEs.—ln thirteen years up tc 1870, 2,717,717 for4igners have landed on Jmerican shores. S. Commissioner 'Raymond reports the fold and silverproduotion of the United States 1569, at $63,0 0 0,%00. • —lt is said the oyster — dealers in Netr .York city realize from the sale) ef oyster stews, V6,- ;0,000 annually. EGG Ili AN EGG.—Mr. L. Wetniord, tf Elk township, we titte . tol(l,, has a heti 'ptover tai in the variation of eggs wilioh she lays. A hart time since she layed a large sized egg, ,EA contained another egg. Su& an egg would to more profitable to sell than to set: THE LIVE ' .INTER4—Mr. John C. Juotis, we are gla to note, is making a gOod record for himself in this place, its a painter, piper banger, &o. Mr. Jaoobs does all his work tatly, expeditiously, and at prices that give en ;fr.: eadsTaction. Tluisevishieg first class work Ind a prompt man to do it, should leave their gdere at his residence, west en.. of Main street. DRESS MAKING.— % >:.: Flora Stod dird, of Groton, N. Y., has taken rooms at Mr. Parker's boaregawnwilare her services can trresured by Auso vrisiiin dress making done 3 . kuporior *tanner. Mi Stoddard is an ex— it aced worrroman, guarantees good fits, and *a rante her Cork to givo_ the' hest satisfaction. Gi a her a r ea. . , tiulczo .4; Mr . • Lyman Pritchard, of Clymer, comeritted suicide, by cutting Vs throat lith a razor, tho 31st of July last. Mr. P. en n gyed Artisan, much esteemed by neigh btre. aidl jusf previbus to his death eras thought be tornewat insane. Ho leaves a wife, aloes!, tbd.lren and a largo circle of frfends to mourn tit • CONCE '.--Professor Dartt is condue i.og a singin convention in this place, and will dose with al bblic concert Saturday svoning.— II Ile has a large and well trained olass,.and 11,111 no iiubt give ou poople a rare treat nt the concert. Te hope to !Fp II large attendance. • . • limn° N, PARK, .WILLIA4SPORT.— The horse fair 'iat the ilordie Park, on the 13th, :h1). 15th and 16th of September, promises to. I a great aktraotion. The best hoises in the U. States and thh Canadas lanee entered, among thorn a large number of the best running horses. ,The premiams , to be oentlpsted for amount to $35,- M. Exeunt!On tiokets3 be issued 'by the Heront railreads to Williamsport and return. l'EasoNAT e t—The Potter Journal says , r. Thomas K. Beecher, of Elmira. is to lecture .. _ tid!repoif Tuesday evening, Sept. 20. '=Hon. Johll - 8. Marin, of Potter county, wall - I.minated for itepresentativo by the Republi tin3 of that cu'un . Mr. Mann is able \and hon .., anti will do loom sultstintin) work (for the tozefit of the con tnunity than many 'who are popular than he at linrrishurg. Potter runt; claims one of the Representative.., and if wl.l in to have-one, Mr. Mann would be nocepta- L , e to , •tir ) enple. Our Convention must settle bit question. ~ —T. D. Stops, formerly ' of Tioga, is now Al Trempolenn, Wisconsin. Tom is an honest, in ;'Lotrimis boy, and we wish him wan: -William B. Bowen, formerly of this place, I..purchivicrl a farm at Salt River, , elibelirt co., .Nbignu. —►lon. A. G. Olmsted, our State Senator, was n loan lost week, attending court. '—iter. John A. Bowman Inoi been called to trAch near his old holuc, and left town lot vek to enter upon his new field of labor. His we unticrstana, will r«tn4in hero through hinter. —Capt. A. D. Wight is engaged on the Wells and Lawreneeviille railroad as Engineer.- He understands his !business thoroughly, and is le of the most deserving youn mpn of out * DRAM ATlC.—pie Wel . boro.Dramat k,ocialion will give three en ertainments du— 'mg the week of the Fair, commencing on Wed. tesday evening, Sept. 21, with entire change of programme each evening. The drama; in three Les, entitled "The Toadies," will be presented • a Wednesday evening ; and the eoncitiding farce will hen side-splitter, entitled 'I Trying it On." By request, " Michael Frio or the Maniac Lover" sad 0 A Regular Fix" will ,lae presented on Thursday evening A beautiful- drama of three 4:! , , entitled "Dot or the e F ioket on the Hearth," 'ill he played on r Feiday evOing. The Dramatic 4.ssociation have prepared en , -ety new scenery for the' above plays, painted w scenic artist, C. L. Stionmaa. They will ';are neither pains nor expense to make these utertainteents equal if notleurpass any of their `riner attempts. For east of chariseena: ; see rogrammes, which will ho distributed trr few GEM THE STATE appears to be tt, policy of the State Agricultural Society, that very portion of the State shall have a chance to thP Progress of a given 'geographical dis trict in agricultural, hortibultural and raechani— nt purruits: and in pur i .suanee of this well de lad plan, the society thi;i year has fixed on the thriving city of Soraiiton; Luzerno county" in 'he midst of mineral and:agricultural weali4, as "I place of exhibition. For this purpose, a carefully prepared and space of ground hal been enefoiod,'abuud utly supplied with water, easy of ncooss to any rant' of the city of Scranton and surrounding "RLS, sad epee which. has 'been erected two esretuily protected front the weather. 250 x iset each ; ( ono halt 175x45, several spacious 'eat4. 125 horse stables, 150 cattle sheds, an am ;..,:heater with 1,000 teats; and every other ar- Lzecieuto for the ec l itnfort of visitors or exhibit. ",, In every department usually s reprtsentibd at ,4 6, , borrs. 'Weativdse4lt especially thu , s, 'Co hare n.ver*, keen the operations in a great Nil and iron district, to visit Scranton and Ale tae Fair, which . copinences, on Tuesday, the is day of septeanta4, 1870. FAIlt NVEEK.-1-711 1 e-annuttl Fair pro %.e. I to bC a great sueeess.,, Our people seem Co 'ale a very great interest Slreld the wen- , !ter prove favorable, we have nn cllint it very '"?,s aurriber of people will be in inivn.4 The Fair was so unexpeotedly.ri success lan Year, tbat ti)e enthusias ts of the people is ardent in the 4 14 Ilan. S. P. Wits(n, President of the Society, recent and positive assurance that Hon. Har i? White, obit( is to deliver the annual address,. •ill be here en the 23d, which 19 the last day of ti. Pair. We expect to hear a good address from It Will be delivered on the 'gr‘ounds, at 11 o'clock, forenoon. The Executive Committee nre now completing tr reogements for the comfort of stock, and for the convenience of ahibildts and visitors. The Crestest want is a proper building for . tt floral tali. The Society in is expended'over $3,000 in buildings, fences Nand improvements on the Ronis farm, which aro now ortavaliabk iovr we eau afford to put up with the buildings we' hese for use on the Park grounds , until the Srl eiety is permanently establishdd. The Welleboro Park Association will fdllow the, Pai r by races, on the afternoon of tilt het and both forenoon and'a(ternoon of Saturday.— IMP Magma an offersd, mid gm/ itliik ,l 7 1 9 I 1 1cOsif:.!Ite 744 O RiTi !dent the Pali. ' The Teachers' Institute corarnenaes the arst,e4, the week-, rul epptinues,:tivP 4am , 43loslng krtdivi: Thegtato'Suppriete:o4eV'et4;:ikth . ;#l - :1114 - ,',10ki educitti4ill men 'lilt hitre.?.'=#e hepolovee-i - - .Ivgo attaudant r o of teacheie; arittlhay.-shOtila by an band promptly the filet tlay k so'astnuoh work lie possible can be 300 beforelhe - Fair 'Opetl.=—: The sessions of the Institute Itill: c he'ttiVot ‘ tr u p4 i at proper intervals, to 131 the taaOhere;opportit,:: iiitY to the Tel ro The lectures / end ,tlisous. - 'sloita at the evening 'for visitorirat:the Palr,•eaolt evening. We eigaliir request our citizens' to Open-their'hoeseti liberally to the teaohera—partieularly the lemaTes: - . • • . _ . tlint the great attraction for !title who. wish to make the Fair a heliday.* - 4k,f_tifi be,theienter; tainmonte which will be given,lbyTtbe.-.,Drarniitio thothreo evenings of the Fair. This Association bas airway acquired a high ; reputa tion, and justly so; for it has presented ouveiti tens the best entettainments,, in the Jaeger 'of theatricals, that have ever been given in Wells-, o. The great difficulty will bo to make roont for the"; audience. Our, evati"teilinSppotlia, have heretofore filled the Court Heine at each exhibi. Lion given, and the crowd, in attendance at the Fair will undoubtedly overfiewit. • . 'Altogether, Fair week will be an • ovation in Wellaboro. jt will be a good opportunity for our friends in distant parts of tho county' to ovine up to : the county seat and see what is doiag and what has been done in Wellsboro tbo past year.-- 7 .Let us lay aside all local jealousies, and see how Interesting Tioga county can make her county, • , SCHOOL NOTiCE.—AII puqq. 8 'under the age of 14 years, who will aVend t. e Borough il o Schelde! the coming term, areinetitled . be prev ant at the school house, Friday morn g Of this week at 9 o'clock. It is very importsi that .all such fiupils ':are requested to buy no books at preseri t. • .A. C.: W,llivan§, Fritioipai. , • IRON I CASTINGEI.--BlearB. SEARS & Aviirtri Proprietors of the Welleboro Foundry, are doing dome very creditable -work in the way of heavy iron castings. They are doing all the work for the iron front of Messrs.. Smith 14 BoW eirs block of stores, and the specimens we have seen reflect great credit upon their establishment. Their patterns are symmetrical and the castings are. Vcry• smooth and; pretty. They have in curred large expenses' to prepare themselves for, this kind of work, and are now fully, able to oompele with the best establishment elsewhere. They make iron columns, window cups iron fences be., del They make patterns and oast anything needed in lids section in their line. Such enterprise deserves encouragement, and . cire hope our people will pattonize thentin preforeueo to going eisewherb. , , CORNING.—QtI Re a numbcr•glitherea at the base /MD grounds.last Friday, to witness the exciting-gamebetween the Star"; of 'Bop; and the Kearsages, - et , this place. It was the .best contested game thrit hay been played iu this county the ,prisent year. Therelras extraordi- nary good playing in both clubs, and but fothe tu ungentleanlx.interforence of outsiders, I think the Stars would have carried home the lakelit. The score stood — tin follows : Koarsages , 21; ztO, 24. Blinders: Stare, 5; /Unmet', 1. , • During the playing, a peddler's .horse Ucawo frightened at a looomotiveiand• ran away. The driver succeeded in checking the horse, by turn— ing him in among this players, and he stopped near the second luts'e. Some thought he would make a home run, LAWkNCIEVILLE.—On Friday, Aug, 20, the ICoinkerboekera, of this place, and the S'eartr, of Tioga ‘ played a match game of ba6o ball, ‘ s vhiohretinkl in the defeat of the former. Seem: 14; Stare r 48. • Nathan-Elston,. ah \ employm of E. F. Branch; was badly injured on tlie,29th ultimo, by falling from the pile driver at the \ sawnisill. One of the guy ropes to the ladder gaveway, and ho jump. od, striking on a pile of edging,ibroaking his an. - - , kle . and otherwiso injuring 'MM. Dr. Darling was promptly on hand to render ; inedicnbaid, and at last accounts Mr. Elston Was'pitti \ ng along as • well as &paid be expected. 0. Bows: al RENE SULLIVAN.—I Bee by a late Agitator, that Repeater Imet.ikett to heart what I saidCen cerning the Sylvania picnie, , atid his excuse for not giving a more pytieixod description, was te".. \ cause ho had no tact to amplify or embellish, and ho thobght I might have said so and so. In re• ply, I will say that the etateurint I made was not exaggerated, nor written fur the purpose of extolling the Itakerburg school over that of the State Road ; but merely to glue a more full ac count of the picnic. Perhaps I could have said more, and, Bke Repenter, could have said less I might haio said that Sabbath schools, to the number of ten from Sullivan and elsewhere; held a picnic at Sylvania, and-'.Above all others the Bakerburg. school took the first premium ; which would have bean a very interesting account of tt Neale, indeed. Don't you think so? I wonder if' the reader would have thought, I did it to boast of one particular school over all others,— If Repeater'will take the trenble, to look at my statement; he Will find that I-said, "except one six horse team and their flag." I gave their flag the preference. But ho is excited, and says I' might have sai'd therßakerharg flag was tho poor. ost. I wonder who told him. It must be ho has been * swinging "round the circle," of late. It's a pity some friend could not have: sent -him this information elfin_ earlier day. ,It might have savothirn much excitement', and helped him in his no "tact to amplify." Without saying for 'Mar, I will repeat what I said Wore—that with the extlption of ono 'six horse team and their flag, there was no school that excelled, if equalled that of Bakorshurg. SHANDY. TIOGA.—Mcs. : Rum has claimed another victim.' ' On Saturday last, Sep tember 3,'an elderly Inhering man, working on the railroad, and a stranger in the place, in a' state of intoxication, fell from the Crooked crook bridge below Tioga, literally driving his head into his body. On Tuesday following be was consigned to the grave; and that is all that a large portion of the people care to know about it. Bat many thoughts intrude themselves upon my mind. I think of the poor wife ana l fatniV, who have now reveled the last remittance; but, in all probability, they got but ti:ereall portion 'of, his earnings: for the greater portion doubtless went into the pocket of the licensed whiskey dealer, who will also be a mourner—for rum has done its perfect work in this as in millions of other cases—toed he Will get no more money from this poor victim. These teen are in good com pany for, what think ,you, Messrs. Editors-- leading members of all, the ohristian ? churches in Tioga county are backing them up by their influence, directly and indirectly, in opposing re Monstrance, and in some cases, as I am credi bly hammed, themselves signing ,a petition for license. Think' of it - ! A Nati—begging to be licensed to kill And that is not all: to dcfraua the wife and family OT - the s pooninebriate of bread. To the Good Teniplare—anll--I._know there are many good ohristians among them—l say: Per severe. Send up a good, well signed remon strance against iiceritte:' Do not tire of 'the'goell work. lie instant, in season and opt of season,-- far .) o'er helper is Ho who went abont doing good, and for so doing Suffered perfocution, end who 144 s toid.u. that we Must fight if we would reign ;• 4d Wilt.. thanks be to . Crod, will give us thesic tory. COS-31prOITF:, WHITNEY'S MUSICAL 01.1138T.--71iia excellent musical monthly is a, welcome tine., to every household where it has ever gained ndmis sion, and it is al mystery to us bun; tiny ono would think or doing without it. The Septoul: ber uninher,contains the following music, which is also published in sheet form : Minnie Moytte, lituAing at tho' bate, and Tulip Sohottisoh. :31 por year. Specimen copies ton cents. Address W. W. Whitney, Toledo, 0. EVERY . SATURDAY for September 10 is one of the handiomest illustrated papers ever issued. It contains European war pictures: the Baden Prisoners taken at Niederbreun, French Soldiers Bathing at Nancy, ho. Its literary con tents comprise able and very interesting editori als on the valance of Power, An Empire's Bull Run, .40. it has a fall summary of home and foreign news, two .additional- chapters of The Mystery of Edwin Droodi - __ether' fresh and readable articles. Si a year. Address icicle, Osgood & Co., Roston. DENTp4II.ItY. Ci , N. Dartt, dentist office in Wright & Ballo b it Itiockywheiii he -Con tinues to make teeth wit Uwireio -- /nyareßviiefic which given. better satisfaction : than any thing else in use. 'To bd had at Dartt's only..—Ang. 42 .3.llllgttt. ',-,- • ' . . - 1.4.P. 14 E injtar. W 2 t*" '- 71 1 4 8 148i au egrioultni4 kier;;;Ablishelif P,T i hkra44lifki4l by Pasohah Merris,:who is also editor.: It ie valuitiAe paper for farmers', and WO hope, -t4 ai more generally eirottiate4 . l4 - . ptlf,4l l 4y itionit no* ie. It is gotten up i 4 the same a tylo as the American Auriga/lyrist, for $1 AO a year. Address.. Paschen . Morrie, 18 North Thirteenth etreet,'Philadelphia: B; Powell, 110 Penn avenue, Scranton,, Pa, has the general agency. PON& Chlokering - pianos'and Mason - a , lin organi, in a large portion of the States of if. York'` and Pennsylvania. These celebrated in , squtnents are tlio only pianos and organsmanu factureat that i are ,sulling, at low rates, strictly ,on the "one price eystem."` Send to 'Mr. Poweli for U ' eUr *pular!' and price lists. Ow . , Aug 3 ' ,T,li - Arrigs.,Mr. Orrin - Moore will lao= Ceptour thanks for it very nice piece,' of :venison. Gonerak-Election Proclamation. AIrIIEREAS; by nitne'eof tho General. Adieradaly of' • the CommTaph of _Pennsylvania, entitled, act to regulate tho Osineral.Eleitiens of this COM. monwealth," enacts on the 24 day of July, 1839, it is enjoined on me to SIT 'NMI° notice What officers are to, he, elected—therefore JEROME B. POTTER, - High Sheriff of Tioga County, o "hereby make known . ,and give this public notice to he .Electors of Tioga County, •that a General Election tv I be held throughout. tho c minty on the 2d Tuesday o October next,, befog the eleventh day thereof,at the s yet al districts within said, county, natnely: , • • • • • - ; Moss, Union schoolhouse. , Brookfield, South Road aehoo °use. - • Charleston, Dartt Settlements 00l !mime. Clymer, Sabinsville school hour Chatham, at the Chatham Center shoot house. • • • Covington, hotel of Samuel Hitt. Covington Borough, hotel of.,Eautuo Kiff. • •- Delmar, at the Court House ' 1 'Deerfield, Cowanesqne House, Ira Wn per Elkiand Borough, Sandy Stinson. Elk, at the Smith school honso. Fall Brook Borough, Fallow school house. , - -, ' a• Farmington, bonse of Peter MoWry, deceased. Gaines, 11.0. Tormilyea's. -Jackson; house of 0. Hamilton. . .11;noXvIlle Borough,Eaglo House. . Lawrence, Elosson'is Hotel. • Lawronco Borough, Blosson's Hotel. . Liberty, Sheffer', a Hotel. - Borough, Model school house, - MainsburgDorongb, P.Doud's Hotel. liollidaytown school hones. ' " Morris, house of Goo. Critic Nelson. house of Charles Goodrich, Oceola, Hotel. ,Richmond, Methodist Church.. - Rutland, house of Elmer Backer. Sullivan, I'. Doud'a Hotel... Shippon, Big Meadow school bduse. • Tioga, 0. W. lluziett's Hotel. • _ Tiogn Borough; O. W. llaziott's Hotel. Wolisboro, at t lio Court Hour. Westfield, E.G. 11111's Hotel. I,Vestiloid Borough, 11, 0, lIIII's Hotel. ' Ward, house of William L . Thomas. Union, house of John Irvine. ' At which time and places tiro following _named Dii trlct and,CouutY officers are to do elected r • I Perkin' for itepi enentatire Congrese.r 2 Persons to 'Pa. lirmio of Represontritivr • • ' 1 Person for Sheriff. 1 Dotson-for .Co.Connuissiotter. 1 Vernon tor Co. Auditor. 2 Forgone for Jury Commissioners. ' • township - and Ai d borough - elites for, ho several - townships and boroughivorriegapouuty.,• , - It is further directed that the meeting of thellottirn • Judges at the Court House, Wellahoro, to mak° out the general retlune, shell he on the first Friday ancceedipg. the said election, that being the 14th day of October, a, ' lam by said act further directed to give puttee that' every person, except Jettlecs of the Peaco; li l a shall hold office or appointments of trust or profit u der the government of the United States, or of this ,State„ or of any city or incorporated district, whether nleommis. stoned officer or otherwise, a Subordinate officer 'elegem' ' , whoja or who shall be employed under tho executive or Judiciary departments of this State, or of any incorporated district; and also that every member of Congress, end of the select or common council of any_city, commissioners of any ;incorporated_ district,.fa by, leiv.incapablo of holdingor exercisingattheatimo timo the'office or appointment ofJudgo, inspector, or clerk of soy °Mellon of this Commonwealth, and that do itispector,Judgo, o any other °facia of any such election shall bo o blo to any office then to bo voted for. . In accordance th the 'eel of Assail/Iy, - of March: 1810, regulating 0 manlier of voting at all elections, r furth,,r state tor the information of rotors that ail State officers will be voted furon a single slip of paper, labeled "State ;" and all county otticsrti, including membet aof Assembly, willbe voted for on a separate ballot, end•labeled "County;" and all township and borough officers will 1,,e voted for on a separate ballot, labeled "Township" or "Borough," each class to he do- I posited in separate ballot boxes. For instructions in regard to• the organization Of hoards of election, etc , see act of Assembly of 2ir July, I pamphlet laws, page 219; likewise contained ins practical digest of the election kgl'l.s of this CoMmon weal th, furnished at every place f holding general elec. dons, pavane . etc. Attention in called to the following amend ment to the . Constitution of the Uitnod Stator, and tho layve enacted to enforce its provision,: The Fitteenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United Sta.tes is as follows: "Section 1. The right of citizens of the United Status to vote shall nut denied or abridged, by the United, States, or by any State, on account of raco,rolor, or previouii eticidition of servitude."- , "Section 2. The Congress have power to ouforeo this article by appropriate legislation." The Congress of the United States, on the 31st day of March, 18,70, passed an net,, entitled "an 'Act to enforce the right of citizens of tho United t.tlei to vote in the several States of this Union, and for other purposes," the first and second zoo, 1117 ts, of Nlll3Ol :ITU Rs follows; Section I. Be it enacted by the Senate and liou \ se . of Itopresontatlves Of tho United states of America In Congress assembled That all -citi zens of the •United States, who are, or shall be otherwiett qualified by law to Vuto at any election by the peoPle, in any, State,• Territory, district, county, eity,\ parish, township, school district, municipality , or other territorial subdivision, shall be entitled and allowed to vote at all such elections, withoul*stinction of race, color, 'or previous condition Of servitude; any Constitution, law, custom, usage, Or regulation of any State'or TerritOry i or by, Or undor its authority; to thO contrary notwithstanding." "Section 2. Anti be.t further enacted, That,,if by or under the authority 011ie Constitution or laws of any State, or tho laws ‘ of any Territory, sin act is or shall be . roquircd 'to bo done as a prerequisite or qualification for 'voting, and. by• such eonktitution, person , or officers are or shell bo charged with the performance of du. - ties in furnishing to citizens an opportunity to perform snob prerequisite, or to becomn \ qualified to vote, it shall be the duty of every such ppr eon end - officer to, give • to all citizens of the Unttta Steles, the same and equal opportunity to po form such prereqtisito, and to beoente qualified to cote-without distinction'of race, col or, or previous condition ,of servitude; and if, tiny such person or officer shall refuse or know ingly omit to give full offect to tht's 'section, he shall,for evorysuch offence, forfeit and pay , tho sum iii ftvo itutoll'od dollars', to the person aggrieved - thereby . , to he recovered by au action' ,on o.caso,, with full posts ; and such allowance tor oicuniel foes as the court shall deem just, and shall:den, for every such offence, be deemed guilty "f a misdemeanor, and shall on conviction thereof, bu fined no less than five hundred dollara,, or ho imprisoned not less than one month and not more than one year, or both, at the discretion of the court." SOMEBODI TheLegitiature of this Commonwealth on, the tlih day of April, A. D. 1870, passed an act; entitled farther supplement to the act. rela..' ling to elections in thil Copimonwertlth,'?ithei tenth seetien,of which provides as follosis: "tiec►ien 10. That to nowt of every aat , -,el Assembly as provides that, only white freemen, shall be entitled to vale or be registered as Vo— ter, Or es claiming to vote at any general/ or special - election of this Commonwealth, be and the same-i s hereby repealed ; and that • hereafter all freemen,• withoutAistinetion of, puler: shall be ourolled and registered according, to, the, prov isions of the first section of the act approved goventeenth April, 1870, entitled "An Act fur ther supplemental to,tbe act relating to. theeleo tions of this Commonwealth," and when other- . also qualified utaler existing laws, bit entitled to vote at all general and special elections in this Conitaunwealth." Olvon under my hand at WellsborQugh, this day orSopteinbor, 1870. B. POTTER, Sheriff. IIAWLEY—MEAD—On Sept. I, by Roy. W. P.' Qinaue, Mr. Homer C. Hawley and Mies/3010 Alefiti, bolt of elywer. %IDE county bridge whore the road crosses •Phonix creek, (on the Pine creek road to Coudereport,) in the township of Gaines, will bo let by the Commitsioners of Tioga county, ,for the building of the same, to the ,; lowest tuld.e,st bidder, on the preutsses, as by 'plan to be exhib ited on Thursdny, tho 29th day of September, 1874, at ono o'clock p. tn. JOB REXFORD, • _ M, W. WETIIERBEE, P. V. VAN NESS, • , Sept 14, 1870. 43t NOTICE is hereby given that - a special Court vtlll be holden at Wollabor°, Nov. 1.4„,1870, :fur the trial of the fallowing causes: Bache, et al vs. 11. A. Guernsey. M. M. Converse vs. H. Colton. - got:delta Smyth vs. 0: W. Bailey at al. -J. F. DONALDSON, Proth'y. i September lit, 1870. • ° . . . . Notice. .- . : Id; 3'iUISONS having account unsettled With the undersigned at Cownnesquo V;til -4 ley, aro 'requested to come •forward • nt once and settle the mac, and save costa. •. • ' ED•013031B 4: 111.11tI413:URT.' ITOwanesquo Volley,-Sept.,s, 1870-9 t _• THE copartner:4llp lieretOraci existing nn -der the tirm name of Wilson & Van 17alken e , burg WLI }P,FI;oIVeiI Stint. ins 4 i'by mutual consent.' Persons Auto - firm, are hereby notified that prompt payment must Ue made. WILLIAM WILSON, HENRY VAN VALKENIIITAG. • The above business Rill hereafter itegenducted by Mr. Witham Witeonlitrletly on the cash aas tetn. poodamill ba-sold at the very lowest pri. eon, ancleatlsfaotton guarrautood -to all. Tdpril 34,1870-Bw. Wri44olW/149.1i. NIARRIAGES. INEME=lri==l=lllll To Bridge Ppilde,rs. Dissolution. W - 7'7 --. ------.-- V -- ;77E — .1", -- .' Wollshtro Uttion Graded ~ ' ' , SCHOOL • A. C. WINTEry, A. It. STAPED.INTEND I '' '' ' ENT o} l7 GiaDED - --: " 5 ' . . , And Principal. of High Schoot -, ( !,'•, ,- - 1 1 TT is the 'determination [of the Directors' to 1, make the coarse of\instruetion asthorough andityateniatio;as eatthefoutd in the: State.!--'.. 1 :Ootpmegcing wikkh the primary department, the Palasirpst master every year's allotted work, be fore being a.dirii ted to the neat higher. ' • . The beat of teadhers will be employed in every department, the most approved methods of in- Atructiori. naed,,,and tbe beat . Of care, exorcised 'titer' tbnParfialkObbol,;ind i n - .i: ; !':-; -: - . , The ittou 'Eiiaooe' °WS - thOse adliaatagbit: The Principal •is it 'graduate of the ltoohoster I illniversliY, New York, a gentleman of large wr.- &Acme° in the best conducted schools of the country, who has spent two years, in Europe, -and speaks German. French and - Dalian. Ho, is qualified to give superior instruction in History, Piac Arta and the Ancient Lan g uages. /flamer :glen itulltgher Itathematies,the4'cfences, .ifookT. ,koc . pinry arid'Medidovill'be equal to-Ahat if the • .best aladerafoo:l ',. , • : • , •-- ' - -:- • . The Board belie to soon be able to, tirleure la . structi on in 'Ptifilling . and DratiihY, by a lady who has had seVeral years' instruction by the beet 'Eudora In Germany, and who has practised in the Galleries of Berlin, Dresden. Munich and 3 Fiore do. , 1 . , I , , :Thei best school is the cheapest school. The Boar intend ta obviate all objections to this class of papularl schools, as far as possible.• A sufficient 'corps of teachers will be employed, Mit full justiceinlay be done to every pupil.— Tuition, is•freo td all .within the. old boraugh lim its. Pupils froth abroad are invited.; Tioardin Privato,laroilies "rom's3 to $4 pbroweelr. -.• ' • - Tuitibn; Com on Englieb,tper, term, sb ,' .... ,- High • F r English. Mathematids, &c., $8: • -' Br'Ottokie 'or Doem.' . • September 7,1870. tf .ANTED • - :a Valley Steam . Flour- ing DIM, BUSHELS -of white and tod wiater..itnd *ring, whoa!, for, y the highest market price. DIMON , di '4BENNET. - 3nr- - • - - - Stolen:. . • W At; the Nil 4, 0 1 000 w Vi we win if, 84t. 7,1870.1 ROM, auk 18700) 9 ' l:U p,en. Said 3 4 1 oaisitnerep 11 silver gold.' at , vicious timed l4etho4 of giving that if suoh dept stand ithci eons' paid fprthio apps the tihdvo Rotutt, Middlebury. I.oscriber on , the night of the 30th,, lair cushions to a a democrat wit= I,hions, was covered -- with brown wiling bottoms, and ; bound with ctseveral things have been stolen em .my premises; I take this ph thief or thieves fairpotice,. redd ions do not Cease they must ?clue ces - hereafter. $5 will be rehons'on of the thief who stole ' A. B. A. BRIGGS. :opt. 7,870-3 t. AU Agent ;anted. TO 0E1.74 WHEELER/ ' ILSON'S SEW ING 'MACHINES in': Ti. Cotity,_ Pa. Wagons furnished, and the, best Terms given to Agents. Address , PETERSON; CAR' ENTER, Sept, 3, 1810-tf. • DQZ.II3O Willis , . BOW, Pa. C. H. IfiCELLY, S riAs JUST RECEIVED LOTS OF New 4Groods ! =I Drop in anti look' TIIROEGII TIM STOII, and wo will try and convince you, that wo not only have GOOD GOODS, but that we are taping, thopi clear down to bottom or the Yo have o eotataeto at. eortmont of- • ' • • _ , • •.• • LADIEW,IMESS GOODS, 'All plyles' and -pricer HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, TEA, COEEEE, SPICES, ETO., ETC. We - do not proposs to mention all the items in store, as wo much prefer showing goods. lA,- No chars() for showing Goode. Call and see us. . 1 Sept. 7, 18794, ESTRAY,—Came to the enclosuie of the sub scriber, about the first of .August, a spotted (red and white) steer, about four years old. The owner is raid ostod to'prove property;••pity char ges and take him away. .• DANIEL FIELD. Delmar, Aug.3l, 1870 3w Strayed FROM thd enelosuri; of the subscriber,. o n the 1 I tb, inst., a red•yearling.,heifer, short nook and home turned In.• Any information of the above heifer will ha liberally rewarded.' DAVID 110.1V,E14. ':1:114P. 31. 1810-3 . ti 4 DZIEriAt Wilrainva 2. El ' = ' \ E,ftisMAN aif,' VAN HORNE, - aiikICATIbE AIVOIECTIANI I CAL tsal " dai earrtlerta. Anew and auptifior base foi artifloial teeth— having three times the strength of the vnbionite. Is offered with•the emir:ince that it removes ay. cry objection made by tbo patient._ . Teeth filled, cleaned and extracted in the mostlisProved man nor. All work registered and warranted. Office ago 13 Main st., Wellsboro. Aug. 3), 1870 :nemel in HARDvirAiE, of, all AGRICULTURAL',AND 'MECHANICAL IMPLMNTS, Building Material,.lron ;Nails; Cutlery Stoves, Tin-Ware / &c . MY STOCK Or STOVES embraces Forty different kinds, and I am' prepared to guaya9oe Bottota Pricift to Oath -Buypia; I have also on hand 4 large stock of Electric X Cut Saws, • and Moor's Double-Braced Anti Frame Wood Saws. T hose are the best saws in the world, and are fully warranted. The best etook of 'VII' end kerosene ' LAN TERNS in the,connty:. I hair) Many ,artiolea not kept by otlir deal. or which tvould‘be • glad to, ehotv, and glie prices that will defy•aatopetitipq. ; - 4n. 34 j.' I 3O.WATECW, Jr. ■ tgaEmITAME IS LEGION,' , may, bo ems lid to those who, die annually (if - Consum_ptiok although science has of -late year sensibly dimi bed their number. It to gratlfyingt ; to know.that - enoral, use of Dr.Wister's.MisoM of Vad:', Cherry:* arkely instrumental In attending this end. • • !„, How to' bok Youn4.-Sixtqdn ! Jl o n't vatic or tem vile flair Re storers, but idUlpip apply LtagaO's anollallalm upon ,yourrfaeonech and hamde. a 0 useiLyon's Hathation upon you hair. rip Balm mak a,lbur ,00mpleaton Peary ? , sett and natural, mid y , n 6%111101: What' i•Ortoyea freckles,'tap, /towns* rlni.Marke::MOth.pptchea.' etc.; and in pla cot a rod, ruatte4ace marble purity of an eaquialto belle. :It glyeti to mid dto the bloom of perpotuaU-youth, • t addi these! efforts bee: aplendid head of hair produced by the' yitoation, and a lady lantil done ,her !mat 4ray of miciremeit. • Itrothora wi 1 _have no spluator !elatore when theft) articles aro at. ALABAMA Oteuss. We arq infotmisd that the nidat Der alst an t and unyielding of the private °Miens villo hay° -claims Ts. the British Cloyernment are Dr. J. 0. Ayer ,ts Co., of Lowell. Mass., the rumunfaCtureri of medi cines. They Will consent to nettling , lens than .that their demand for medicines destroyed 'by, the' Dritish Outgo shall be paid in - geld and in ' , Oilers to tho last oent. ^ They are emboldened by the luc that the dole. unction of - their goods by the English lb China and e ig e wbero where era not tho'• thoublosomelnation trampling upon somebody f),havo hitherto Wen Paid in full, and. they now say that they shall ho. Thdy hew. ever propels° this compromise s-tiivo us Canada ond We will call it oven, because we can then send *nil t Fotust. dies there witliout'dtity. -DVashington May IS, ISTO. „' , • • , Wall Paper, Windoii, PapeikelotliSliadese SPOING Brock lea 170.—liugh Xoung Co. have just rtuiefved'thei Bret installment of Wall Paper, Window Paper, and, Cloth Shades, for Spring trade, Which will be. gold cheaPer than ever. Borders, Window Fixtures,, Cords, I Toss. Cornices, Piottire nails, and- everything oleo that belongs to the t trado, ; Come andl price our goods, and extunin thorn 'before pardoning elsewhere. Specimens and prices sent by mail to any part of the county. • V N. B. Our stock is the largest over brought Into the county, and we don't intend to be under sold. " MUGS YOUNOVoIItf. - Wender% March Op -18 7Q.-4f:. . IMO val i -new di3cin;cry. A 'painl*it? irtaini;•ni , :i e g hails, 71C , 1 1 1Witerth! , 111) - 011.itiq IAI/1/01.," The mo!,:t —-- - . - .— - ; fomarlci' able cilect : cAltcp,Rs; of th 1 a 4 tregment ...... .. ..... ~ ... is, it gepaj j rates tho chemical they of cancerous If growths, so, that they shrivel, die and' dls, `-' appear and :will not return. All thaw at idea can call on the Professors Ilnchanan t Down, University; or address, No. 61.4 Pino Street, Philati. Mr: Allen Daggett of 'Lawrenceville, ann , uncee himself , a candidate for the- aloe , Of -Sheriff, the ensuing election. • Mr. M.D. Willbelm, of)t uoxvillo. offers himself na a candidate for Sheriff, euhlect to the (*felon of the Republican Party! Mr. Samuel F. Ripley, of • Richmond township, offers htmeelt a candidate for t • e oiticerof ,Bherig,,filihJect to the decision of the people - ' - ( Guardian's NOTIC E is hereby i3iven; that the undersign. N'ed, Guardian of E ff a A. Millard a minor child of William Millard, late of, Jabitson town. ship dePAMsed, will in Ipursuaned of an order of the Orphans CoUrt of Tioga aunty, on the 6th day of October, 1870, at 2 o'clock P. M., on the premises, expose to public soli all of the interest, of said minor it t the following, described_ tract of land in Jackson tow ship, Tioga county, Pa., bounded-north by lads of W. J. Hazen and Henry F. Wells, east by lands,: of James Friends, south , by lands.ef Jai; W, Tubbs -and Henry P. Wells, aud lands'of-George Westlako and Daritis 'nacho,- containing eighty.soven and one-half acres of land, be the same more or less, and being let bi0..12 of lands doodad' by H. H. Dent to H. 0. Spalding.. Terms, ono half cash. on' confirmation of the' deed, and the balance in' one year with inreres secured by judgment on, the property P C. YAW GELDER, Sept. 7, 1870.—At Guardian, dm • • Town lo,ts tior Sale. THIR:TY good building hots, situated on both .sides of state streak, in Wollsboro. Those lots will be sold on reasonablo torms. Apply to WI Sherwood, at Henry IShorwood's law pfllee in Wellsboro Pa. I Wollsboro, Aug. 29th, 1870-4 t. Illvil " “ EUßEKA ill ” - S(Milg lFd's = . Tobacoe. Li 6n excellent article f granulated Virginia; whin.- ever introduced it is nuiversally admited. It Is put up in handsome muslin bags, in which orders for 34eorschatint Pipes aro daily packed.: I , ° ,ARIL'- SMOKIOG VACItt CI_ uB .....r 05 .,„0_,..... ..,....... - Classed by all who con umeis as the' , finest otall;a It istnade - of the choicest deaf grown; it is anti:novel" In its Wools, as the Niootino has been extrac tEdts it loaves no disagreeable taidot altar smoking; it is very mile, twit In color and weight, benne ono pound wil last as long as 3of ordinary tot acco. In this brand we f also pack orders every day for rst quality Neer wham Pipes. Try it and convince yo rsolvos it is all itclaims to be, ' , 2116 FINEST OP AILM 1.---. L- LORIL- QJ~ I IL®A 'c"K'N° LARD'S T O B A CCO • ; This brand of Cut Chewing kfobacco has no eqUal or superior anywhord..; ItAwithont doubt the boat chew ing tobacco in the'country. orinard's Snuff's Have now p.cefit in general use in the United 4: tea over 110 years, ant still neknowledged "the Mat" wherever used. If your storekeep does not. have these articles ibr sale, oak him to gat tberit;' they, aro sold by respectable jobbers almost everywhere. • • Circular and priceit forwarded on application. P. LOR.LLL,I.RTh'& 00., New York. March 16,1970-8 m . - C, B. KELLEY: ; An Bankruptcy. District Court of the Unite States, fur the Wes tern District of Penney/violin. Western District of Pennsylvania, es: A war rant in Bankruptcy has been issued by said Court against the estate of D. S.l.k 11. G. Irelan, of the county of Tioga, and State of Pennsylvania in said District,'_ who have! been duly adjudged Bankrupts - upon petition'of their creditors, and the payment of any debts and the delivery of any property belonging to said• Bankrupts to them or to their UFO, and jtho transfer of any property by them are forbidden by law.. A meet ing of the eredicer of said Bankrupts to prove their debts and to choose ono or more Assignees of their estate will be bald ata Court of, Bank ruptcy, to be holden at Tioga Boru in said dis trict, on the 17th day of September,'A. D. 'lB7O, at 10 o'clock in., at the office of F. E. Smith, one of the Registers in Bankruptcy of said dis trict. , 1 ALEX. MURDOCH, U: S. Marshal West. Die. Pa. By'D. Centauri, Dept'y. . Aug. 31,:2870-3t IN the Mattel Of the estate of David liulelan= der deemed, 'To LtiCY A. Itulslander, John S. Iluislander, Susan E. Freeman, Worthington' Freeman, E. K. Ifulslandcf,- Harriet M. Vanval ealnear, 3Chn Vanvalcalnear, David J. iluislan= dor, Julia , A. Lamont, - ArChibald Lamont, and Eunice Edgeton, guardian of Lucy P. Bulslan'- der, Clara S. lluisiander and Thomai Hulslan der,heirs at law of said decedent, youand each of you are hereby notified that by virtue of a writ of inquest issued out of the Orphans Court 'of Tioga County, inquisition fog making parti tion Will be taken upon the lands of said deco dent at his late residence in Charleston town ship, its the County of Tina, and State of Penn- Sylvania, on Tuesday the 25th day of October A. D. 140, at 2 o'clock, P. N. 'Sept; 7,1870.-6 t. _ • 3. B. POTTER, Sheriff. !, In Partition. , IN the eState of Allen Dewey t late of Sullivan townsh p, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, do ceased. To Orson Smith, William W. Dewey, George Dewey, Dolly Ann Fowler, Samuel Fow ler, Albert, Dewey, Lovisa Sperry, Ashman Sper ry, Lymati Dewey, Mary Fuller, Jonathan Fel. ler, Ruth Johnson, Frederick Johnson, Fanny Snow, William L. Snow. .:and Walter Dewey : You - and each of you are hereby notified that by virtue of a writ of inquest for making parti tion of thl i ral estate of said 'decedent in Sullivan township, loge Co. .Pa. Inquisition will-be taken up; said real estate on the 27th yof October, :D.1870, at 2 o'clock P. M., when ,and where yen can attend if you think proper. Sept, 187 . 0-6 t. ,J. J 3. POTTER, Sheriff. Administrator's Notice. TaTERS ;of !Administration having been lj granted fo.the undersigned upon the estate of Ethan P. Eddy, deed of Brookfield, all per sons indebted 'and all claiming against the said estate will settle with L. D. SEELEY, 1 - B. A. SEELEY, Addieks - Administrators. Knoxville, -Pe. cum testament° annex°. Sept. 143,1870-6 w. • OLD "P NNSYLVANIA. HOUSE" LATELY known with° Townsend House, ; 11 ltd for a time °coupled by D. D. Roll.- " de* has been thoroughly refitted, repair.: esl.'aud opened; by • -" MONT/OE4 who be happy to accommodate the' old friends ofhouse nt- , very reasennbliixatoti. ' • Aug. 24, 1 18T0. 14014R0D.- - . SP~C~zAL~ N,~'~'~~~~~ • • N ; 4:46, kr=-5- of co ANNODIsiCEMENTS. In Partition. •;: -•.:. ,- - • .. , •.- - a •-•—, ~ , - - - ---.1. I f,. -..• , , -N4.,. ,-..,:',. ~ -T' '-'. . • 'r",‘ , , I.. 1:: A ,: . ... ~..,,,,_ , ~,:,,,,,,,,,,„„._.: ..... :, . . .. • , r , .. . , ° \,. 0 I= CLOSING i a, SUMMER Sia.mmer Shawls ! Sun Vmbrellas, The balance, pf onr'Sammer stock we desire to Giese "out during the next 2 or„3 weeks, and shall sell cheap in order tor, do so. Mete Pall Goods. We are 'stocking up with New Goods for the early Fall rade, in Prints ; Sheeting Shirtings ; blue, scarlet, grey and fancy ~ i annels ; ' Carßet Warps ' • Cotton Yarns ; Battings ; Cassixneres ; Boots a d Shoes, and in tend to have regularly on hand a still more l ettractive stock than t during the past season, both as to prices and assortment. - Quite a large share of our Goods we will be able to Sell from this date at even lower prices than during the Spring.- ' i i Corning, Aug. 3, 1870. - - ITALL,'S VEGETABLE gICILiAN HAIR RENEWER 11" :630k e Is the only 'perfected and scientifically, prepared preparation of its kind ever offered to the public, l and has no - competitor in merit. By its use 'GRAY IT AIR is soon , restored to its original youthful color ' and brit- Nancy, which is so much , adinired by, 'all. ;Persons whose hair i's thin orfalling out will, by the use of our Renower,soon see its good effects; as, by its tonic and stimulating' properties tho , ) lair glands will be incited and the bnir V grOw thick 1. and sfrong a._ am. - In cases of Berldless ii, will create, a new gro)%th unless the ifollicles re Destroyed. It lis cooling; and allays all, 'itching and irritation of , the scalp. it does not stain - the _skiajas__d o... Ayes—but _ makes the s alp white and clean. As a l DRESSING: it is thet' bet and Most economical 'preparation in the world, as its effects last so much longer. Send for our ~Treatise on- the . hair, free to all, by ,mail. RESTORES GRAY lIAIR - TO I T 3- ORIGINAL COLOR, .PROMOTES ITS GROWTH! AND I S- A SPLENDID DRESSING, TRY ONE BOTTLE_ AND. THICKEN UP THE THIN LOCKS! Sold by all Druggists and 'Dealers in Medicine, ' • Price one Dollar I'er Dottie. R. P. HALL & Proprietors. LABORATORY, NASHUA, N. H. WOODHULL • ACADEMY. WOODBUT.T.., STEOBETT CO., Y. Y. , D. lI.'CODB, PrinCipal. Miss M. M. L. Cobb, ' Preceptress. ' Prof. A. Brown, N. BEEBE, J Assistants. Miss lithry SimMons,.Tertcher of Instrnmental Music, Thqvugh.Bass. • Prof. Loomis Mead," Teaubor of Plain, and Or namental Pennmanihip. ,A competent Teacher nrill , bo • proonrod for the Priml97-'- CALENDAR. Fall Term will emernence August 24, and'oon tinue 1:3 weeks. 'Winter Term will oonitnence November 30t and - contione 18 weeks. Spring Term will COM once March Bth, 1871. EXP NSF. g FEB TERM. Higher Mathematics and Languages,— $7,50 ‘Common English, . 't ' . 6.00 Primary, , 4,00 Rent per Scholar, Academy $2.: Boarding.nouse,-3,00 Penn:mug:tip, plain, _ 5,00 ' Instrumentals, - ,25 ' Instrumental sluslo, 10,00 ' • Use oft ristrument 2,00 /Mind la Private Families, I • 2,50 to 3,00 A boarding club will be formed to accommo date the's(' who wish to jein.' Any one. wishing ;t0 settle the club bill at :tiro ,eoriimeneement of thO , terra, can_ do so by-paYing, the Principal $2 per rook. E , All,bills mast bo - satisfaotorily artbAgedin ad- vance. No bills arradged for lose than , a half term. No dedudtions,except in cin4 of pro. traoted sickness.l Stuents ' ptending to leave at the middle of the term, mast make their in tentions known it the commencement, or no de ductions will be !ninths. 1 , 1 The Trustees having purchased the boarding house and secured other buildings dote by, feel confident that all will be acoommodated with rooms. A teaohors' class is expooted for the fall term, giving tuition free to all members of the clam Thoso wishing rooms, can address the Princi pal, or 0. B. Baxter, J. Buchanan, or 11. Mar latt, and obtain a prompt reply. Aug 10, '7O, at H. Harris' CELEBRATED BAKING POWDERS for sale Ly Fob. 2, 1870. P. R, *ILLIAISIS & • CO. • RICK FOIL SALE—St the new works near the academy. Road• to the kiln, opposite Blisha Brown's, on Main street.' A few thousand nbwion hand, made of the bed material, and well burned. ED,. WETMORE. • Well sboro, JulylB. MO. 6 • , , . ' , IM UN ACAIIEMY ICNOXVILI ! P t TJ9OA CO., PA. r MRS. E. MORTON, PRINCIPAL., 1 '• ; ' The f rill Term for 1370 will commence Aulruet, 80. . Tl.M'lVinter -' " id . November 29. Thu Spring " ' It February 28. Saud for ciroular. ' , July 27,1870.1 y - 7 . • State Normal' Sc 001, . MA*SETELD;' PA'. ' , . FALL TERM , train's Sept. 7; 1 SIO • 'WINTER TERM,begips Dee. q, 1870. SPRING TERM b'etiiie Mar0k270.871; For Catalogue or admieeloa apply • • • CHAS; EL irpituu, A. M., ;„ Mansfield, July 8,4810. \ 7 Ps4ioißt4.,,.. RI 0 F lIMI Eil IBM „ , ESS GOODS, MEI OUT EMI IME • 1 J. 'A. PARSONS Si CO, BEE - HIVE EXCHANGE. _ a k , '111•10 If vows • %Igor izie a I rrill Not Surrender, I ASK NO•SUSPENBIOid OF HOSTIIfITIE • blot I run up the banner for Teas, Sugars, Syrups, MOLA,E3IIB, PORK, '14148, and all aorta of 01i00ERIES AND PROVISIONS,' WITOtP,SALE AND RETAIL, Come to %V. T. Mathers' And see what a 81IARM OF THINCI:9 in I lino can be bought for a little money I will 'not be -Undergo]. LOOK AT THIS! CASH:PRICES AT THE BEE-HIVE SUGARS. Good Brown Sugar 10 cents Bek P. R. Sugar, 12 A Coffee Sugar, " Cruet, Powdered h Grranuinted t ls . ' TEAS. . Good Young llyann Tea, ' $0,7 , . Ba t ,ti , n it 1,56 r Oolong Ten, $0,78 to 1,00. Japan Tea, - 80 to 1,00. COFFEE. • Rio, good article 16cants " best article , " Java, ' 1 , if " best, . 35 " . • TOBACCO. • , I Cavendish, ' 80,7 Shorts . • .. ..,. ........... 3 ' Smoking, ' 4... 3 I SALER TITS. —7: Deland's beat, Bode, Rice, -A 'Very Large Stock Constantly on hanrught low and sold oh .a . . For Cash. I have lso a large stock of 300'21 among Which I will seell cheap enough to please ens touters, no matter if the feet are 'ma large as 101 l out doors," and; the; family "too numorousl to mention." Sign'of tfio BULL' do BEE-HIVE. W. T. MATHEW, Wellsifero, July 20, 11370. NEW SPRING GOO I A NEW and desirabl 1 - 1 again he found at . , WICKIIAM• St FAIVR'g ~.,1 y lloia l ' • , We 00 not boast the largest, but a stook Wtl and carefully seleoted, and height skied! liar 'Cash, saving all interest .and discount% which purehasers will at once perceive they have 1p the* favor. Most artioleiin the , 3iO3E=L'lr r4or‹,cirogs lil Ot:Ooe - rk.s ; I= WOODEN WARE, AND 0800 ; - r • r J.. LINE, I can ea foun4,4t.prfces wjaloh'sigrayBguaraiiteii their sale. CALL a. SICEyOR-YOURSELVES. . , . i ....•)- • i l . ~WIQICE,IAitt 4 AfißO,i May 4 4 182441. : •' . ''' `. • The Subspriber • e • . • !. Trrourop upee tfully 4.1411-,th4 pttft off, : Vt. elose purahoirs to Lis new. and.e/q 14 4 ,11 '- ' stook of ME 111 Anstruction Books, .1 10 °to 8 10 " '' 3 3. ' stook• of Goode 'NERCHANoINE, pet received, not% as, DRY G001)8. SHAWLS, DOMESTICS, 'Oir" At, sues, CARPETS, OIL 'CLOTHS, COT . TON MATTING % PLAth AND 6.61u1D, TABLE' LINEN, BED-SPREADS, Window Drapeiy, and an enclloo, vatisty of HOSIERY, GLOVES, RIBBONS, PA." ( ASOTA OF AIL RITYLN AND rptize7 The Clothing Depaitment will be found full and ootitplete, Including many new etylea of fine Goody, mad* np, and in the pieced All ate invited to eon °amino. Alp an endleis vavietypf SLIOES I .) THOMAS• KASHMIR'S. very cheap at Welleboro, June 1, 1870. 100,000 PORN WOOL WANTED. A"°' $1:0,000 DOLLARf3 WORTH OF Goods, To be sold at the lowest break down prices, at , ACADEMY 00101 M till, PA. June, 6 , '7O-tf. PURPLE a DEMEAUX. Musical Instruments ! 111.121R , subaoriber informs the public that be, has aonstantly ,on hand a large assortment of OR:GINS, MELODEONS, I= AND for sale or rent. Plstiic furnished toCorder OLD INSTRUMENT& TAKEN IN EiCTANOE and porno of the same on band to be sold cheap. , • \ He will be found at bis residence near Potters' Hotel in Middlebury, Tioga .county, Pa.- Ad dress,7 A. IC A. BRIGGS, Juy 6,1870* Crooked Creek, Pa. Fire and Life Insurance. INDEPENDENT Fire insurance company of Boston, 'Mass. Capital, $300 , 000; assets , $600,000. . Equitable Life insurance company of the 11. Sates. Assets, $13,000,000; annual business. $52,Q00,000. W. A: ITONE, Agent. `We!labor°, August 10,1870 if 25,00 111 Bushels. of LIME for sato by 24, 1870.-4 t; ti.U;.. ELLSBOR 0 AND ,MANSFELD , , STAGE 'LINE. •Jr l, l'.-g— . ., THE undersigned, proprsotor of 3 . ric•:' , ..ja.. -- this lino takes this .method of In- • forming the public that the above Stage runs daily (Sandays eacepted,) between' the two gYa - 000 as f0110w5: ... • • ' ' . • . Leaves Wellsboro - at 0 -a. In., aad arrives' at Mansfiold at 10.30 ai-ar7 ------- .. • Loaves :danallohl t 2.30 p, tn., and arrives at Wellibaro at 5 p.m. .TOY-Fare $l,OO. 11 Ani. 24, 1870.—t 'W. B. VAN HORN. t i _ I . Executor's. Notice. • • lETTEIRS Testamentary haring . been granted 4 on the estate of Alfred, .Seeley, deoeased, bf Jaejtson township. %Togs Co., Pa., all rladelit„ ed are requested to- make payment, :hose having claims to present them to lg. 17, 187047. LEWIS BF, LEY, liter. late thoaa and t An _ For Sale or it:eat.. (lbOil dairy farm in ficiga township, Ti: o'ga county, Pa., about .2,} miles west of the ngh of Tioga. about 100 acres improved, ,t K unimproved. Has on it three barns divelling houses, an apple and peach orob-. rul Other frutt,trees. Terms easy. Also ad .g on ' the west, a \ farm and timber. lands 40i 10'100 cores. as desired, _with 80, acres .ved, with a good barn, a good house and , • orchard.. Good for a dairying farm. r g 17 ; 1870-tf. C. 11. SEXMOW,t, ! : Tioga, Pa. i • ,_, ' . FOR . SALE. . ', THE Store, Dwelling House and premises in Blosaburg, Tioga county, Pa, formerly 00. cupied by Nast & Auerbach, in the most buel • mei pest of the town, are offered for Dale muoli below their value. For price, terms, so., confer with M. F. Elliott, EN., of Weßator°, or tho' enbaoriber, - - O. H. SEYMOUR. ' Aug. 17,1880—tf.' Tloga, Pa. • . , -, House andliot. for Sale. T undersigned of ors fur sale a village lot j_ with house and liarn, on it, situated in Rose- Ville, Tioga County, Pa: Address • • • i . 1 Mrst. E. 1. - STF,VEN6, ' Aug.l7, 1.870-tf, Middlebury, Se. „.._ . . t - FOR.',: ; SALE • j Real Estate s and Store' 'of Goods THE subscriber o ff ers for sale a house and lot '• at East Charleaton; Tioga Co., Pa.. .with al Store and goods. Also a house ant lot itt tev—' ington Borough, Tioga County. ,'• - The house and premises in- Bast Cbaastou are well malculated for- the accommodation of the traveling pnbile.-,, Bearing i.o live'more qui etly, I 'Frill sell this'prOpe,ily ,at a bargain and • on easy terms. 'Addroluror call' on meat - Eas Charleston, .Tioga Co.,' Aug.l7 1.870-4ta „ ; ELIAIii TIPPLE. • 'WOOLAIITTED CASH PAID 808, AT: , 'BIIAM &DEWS; Wellaboro, Juno, 13; 1810-3 m. • - , EBB. I _W. 0. KR