The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, September 14, 1870, Image 2

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    "";" 4 " 9°.
On the second of September, the trt7 ..
peror and the whole of Freneb,.,,,,.
my under lti'Malion was capti . , - re arl 4
the (frown Prince of Pruss,',. -.. r i f , Ara .
lion was dangerously wo.'..inded.
Th e Trifite'ne eerfeElOondent.AWnithe:
v.headquartt-rs of ing a Wilia, nar
"-Sedan, under date K
of: , ,StAit.,2; l sw : m r f L e " e ifs
follows : - - ',' ) -' -•-•• ' " - _ .. ' •
'' Tl_lo battle of Sedan began at 6 a.
tu., on the .Ist - oft: Septetnber. , Two
PruSsian corps were Je_posithm on 'the
wrest of Sedan - , having' got there 'by it
long forced . tharch;so - as to cut or the
French retret 'to MeziereH, -On the
Q9l l th of' Sella was the first. Bavarian
corps, and OP: to
IC east, across the Meuse,
the second Bavarian corps. , The';Sax
ons werty:oii:tti northeast, with the
Guards. .I;i i ,vasv
ith the King through
out the•daypn, the hill above the Mfusii,
commanding a splendid . view o the
valley of the riVer, and ,tha field. 1 ,
" After 'a tremchdoua battle, the Pen's
shins having completely surrounded Se
dan, and the Bavarians having actually
entered the -fortifications of the city,
thc•Etilperor capitulated at 5:15 p.m.—
His letter to the King of - Prussia said ;
11 ! its lout:not die at thq loud of my'
army, I lay my sword at thy feet of your
11ic j . ..
' Napoleon left Sedan for the Prus
sian headquarters at Yendresse, at 7 -a.
in., on the `2,nrl of S'eptem s ber.
bon's whole'-army, comprising 100,000
Alien, capitulated without - 'condi( loos.—
The Prussians Anyt L 40,000 troops en.
gaged. or in reserve, the. lereueli .120,-,
. -
The follow In' Proclarulathin was is
sued on the 4th instant, by'' tln French
UODOCiI of Ministeri:
"rib Me, li.c nelL People :: A great mis
fortune bits come upon the country.—
After three days•of heroic serugglesoius
taitted by the army of Marshal I‘l'l‘fa
lion, againstoo,oot)W the enemy, 40-
000 men have Mien made, prisouers,—
Gen. de WimplYen, who took command
of the army lit place of MarAial M'Ma
....hon, 'badly WOUGdell, has 'signed a Car
01,111:limit. 'Phil cruel reverHe `.% ill ,n ot
shake 'nit' courage; Paris ,i , i , , t tu
a coinplote btate'of defense.' The _in ill
taryl forces of the ,e(itto try wilt lie or
ganized in a few days. A -tia.l: : : army
will he under the walls ot l'aris. An
other army is forming on thlt honks Of
the. Loire. Your patriotism, your un
ion, ;our energy, will t: , 11-VW, Frittlee.—
The Emperor has le4n ina h prisoner,
in ilie, strugoe, ;lite Goverliment, in
accord with th e puhiie Powers, will
take all measures reqiiired by the grav
ity 01 eventti." '
The following graphic al:count of -the
great hattics before Sedan, wzo tele
grimed to the rribunc, anal published
on the stit instant, the hat tio having
taken plave on , the. bt.. We are only
itbie to give I pat tof Li t e aCCIAIOL to our
: "At seven Thursday morning iny,
servant came to wake me, Haying that
the IC ingh-i horses were harne,sitig,'and
that Ills I l daj - v&ly woold ...leave in half
an hour for th e battle field ; and EV, a
cannonade had already 'wen heard hear
Sedit'ii, l'jiittiped tilt, - , ,izi-fl crit- , 1-t of
b rev t . " iiip , o)Lraf.4 , ,\;....., ,ilid oiltutined
them ink) my huller, tiihnic my break:-
fits,. on tlit,!.hr , :t . .
•' .1(1.'4 V•. - 1 1.;‘,/ 1.,: /I,: yu , ht»-..-r, ICing
William 4rovetelt in an (o o a rri a ge
V; 011 fll
otlr'oi.e , for chevatwe, ahoitt
three and a hale mile', f :auth o f sedhu.
Vueli againbt ray will,, I was coot pelted
tfl allow the King's :-,itall uN pi VC011.! Me
10i1 { he rOlid in the liVetk/ ' • Of aeti(ll/, Where
I nriivid iny , elf soon after ti Welock,—
. It wits impossi ‘ ltle to ri'de fast: the roads
being blocked with artillery, al»mtini
lion it :WOWS, AMDUialiVt's, 6:0. A`3' I
niiii? , •11 I,) t h e cii•-.1 01 the hill, w !doh
i i-. 1- :•ivirply about '('l') or Tan feet a l,, t e e :
i h;• little hamlet of i lievarige nestled'
in a glove retort', 4
v: , .t05 , :r Gt.nittoiN , AN‘it:Ali A
illii-t on toy, view, .1,-. ( ten. Vor-;ytit,
ei 1 I le u nlte d ;.-,:t,,i.. , ,, ariny r,:marked to
ni- Liter in t;io day, It could have been
woi tit • owitily.:2 merely t , , !,,,, so
sp!ctoli(l,l.o.etie, withoht ' )'attics wag
ni licentll, - ,:o.i it lo iy ' In the lovely
v:,llev oi.dow 11,, iroqi tl.? knoll on
w ; 11 , ; I ^,l ,i,,,,1 '.t slit Rho; and
hi-,';', we could ,-,e,. Hilt Dart' the
whole valley Or the :Nretl..., but nisei,
hvywid I Ito gfeat wood. or ion, or I.onp
; m i l pi ;I rlorwcid int:, /1 , 21 , ,ii..?1 a:id :IS
t,ir u , Iht. hill', 1 . .C4' , 1 4° :""""' 't"
Miler ,Ilit• , i' ' the rronth.r, tuo l t at , oljr ,
f, , e l l a: , Litt' little town or zetin it , earmuff
for 11, foi•tiliatioos . by Vcwhali, and as
the birthplace of Turentie, the great
:\ I arnai. it izi tillOWli also a-; the place
\Viler& ,elan chairs originated. Asl we
wAire on IY about tWIP aDri a quartur 4 Iles
. 1.,)11) the t..wii, We could easily di. tin
guish It 4 prineipiff editicei Without' the
aid of our field glivze.•:;. Or the left. was
a pretty elktireli, its Gothic, spire of
sandstone offering a cem.picuous tat get'
for t he l'ros-ilatt guns, had Ceir. Moltke
I liought tit s to bombard the town. To
the tight, southeast of the' elittrei,4 it , VOtS
a largo barrack, with the ortiliclhins
of the citadel. 114ond it and - beyond,
to the southeast again, was the old cha
teau of sethut, with picturesque, round
1111 ; retcd towers of the sixteenth centu
ry; very useless even against four poun
deli. field pieces. This building, I be
lieve,.is pow - an'arsenal. Beyond this
was the citadel—the. heart of Sedan—
on a rising bill above the Meuse to the
;:out beast, but completely commanded
by the hills on hi)th :(2.ldes the river,
which rune in front of the citadel..
" The number 6f tif . PrLIMSi4II troops
engaged AVZIS estimated by Gen. Moltke
at 210,000, and that of the French at
120,1100. We know that itl'Mahon had
w it,li him on Tuesday 120,000 men, that
' i , -:, four corps. lNl'Malion, altbo' woun
ded, eonlinanited in chief on the French
side. ,
I t is almost needless to say that the
real , commander in chief of the Prus
,:ians was Von Molt ke ; with the Crown
Prince and Prince Albert of Saxony
immediately next in command.
There were a few stray cannon shots
tired, merely to obtain the range, as
soon as it wtis light ; but the rear battle
did not begin until 6 o'clock, becoming
a sharp artillery fight at 9, when the
batteries had each got within an easy
range, andtile shells began to do seri
ous mischief. At ,11:55 the musketry
lire in the valley behind' Sedan, which
had opened about 11:25, became excee
dingly lively—being one continuous
rattle, only broken by the loud growl
ing of the mitrailleuses, which played
with deadly effect upon the Saxon and
Bavarian columns. (lon. Sheridan, by
Nybose side I was standing at the time,
told me that hediti not remember ever
to have heard such a Abell sustained tire
tif small arms. It made itself heard
above the - roar of the batteries at our
• feet.
"At 12 'clock precisely the Prussian
battery o six guns on the slope above
the broken 'ailway bridge over the riv
er Meuse, n 3 La Villette had silenced
two batterie*- 1 French guns at the foot
of the bare hi I already mentioned, near
the village -of Floing. At 12:10, the
\French infantry, no longer supported
by their artillery, were compelled to re
tire t o noing, and soon afterwardfe
junction between the Saxons and l'r is
shins behind Sedan was announce to
us by Gen. Von Boon, eagerly peer fig
through a large telescope,. as being safe
ly completed: , ~•
, THE FRENCH suit-mu:qui:D.
"From this moment tin resnlrbf the
battle could no longer be doubtful. The
French were eon surrounded
anti brought to bay.' At 12:25 .we wore
all astonished to see clouds of retreat
ing French infantry on the hill between
Prolog and Sedan, a Prussian battery
in front of Sf. Menges making accurate
practice with percussion shells among
" the'receding ranks. The whole hill for
a•quarter of an hour was literally t,OV
',ered with Frenchmen runninrapidly.
i diess_ than half an hour' afterivard, at
12:50, Gen. Von, Boon called our atten
tion to anothefFrench'colunin in full •
, retreat to the right of Sedan, on the
road leading from Bazeille to the La
43,lareno wood They never halted un
til the came "t a red on
the ou skirts l f Sedan *elf. AlMost
ati the same loon - lent Gen. Sheridan,
‘ i
who iis using my opera glass, - asked
• me to look ht a third French column
• movi g upe broad,,grass, covered road
throu , ti the. La Liarenno wood, Imme
diate y above Sedan, doubtleSs to Sup
port he troops defending the important'
loft. ,b J
Bazei [ i:4l 4 vine to • the northeast-+_)f the
toT -- 4 .6:j
. ,
"‘zAt; 1 0.!Olock the French hattei
on the edge of the wood ..(Oward Tures
and above it, opened as - vi‘goroliS tire Of
the adVancing Prussian coiuuniN of tin!
third Corps - ,..Whose CV - idetit intention it
was to storm the hilt northwe4 of La
Garenne, and so gain the keynf the po
sition ;on that side. 1:03 yet another
Frenclubattety . near the, wood opened
on thO' - -Pitissian - toluittrtS,:- which Were
compelled td keep shifting their ground
,till ready for*theirfinal rush at the hills,
in order to avoid ofFeringso good a mark
to the French shells. Shortly after
ward' we saw the *first Prussian skir- .
mishers on the crest of the La Garen ne
hills above Torcy. did not seem
to be in ,strength, an& Oen. Sheridan,
standing behind me, exclaimed :
" ! the beggars , are too weak ;
they can never hold thatpositien aga'st
all those French.'
" - The Genera's prophecy soon proved .
correct, for : the French advanced at
least six to one ; and the Prussians were
forced to retreat down thq hill; to seek .
reinforcements fro the columns that
were hurrying to,theirstipport. ' live
minutes they .came hack again, this
time in greater force, but, still terribly
inTerior to those huge French masses.
(`-kl Good heavens P The French . cui
rassiers are goh to charge them,' cried
Gen. Sheridan ;and sure enough, the
regiment's of cuirassiers„ their Helmets
- and breast plates, flashing in t ie Sere
tember sun, formed in sections f squa
drone, aftd dashed down on the seat
'tered Prussian skirmishers, without
deigning to form( a •line.- Squares are
never used. by the Prusiaus, Land the
infantry received the cuirassiers with a
erushinc ' quick lire,' at about a hun
dred yards distance, loading and firing
with extreme rapidity, and shooting
with unfailing precision into the dense
French squa4rous. The effect wasstart
ling. Over went horses and- men id
numbers, in masses, in hundridds; and
the regiment Of proud French cuiras
siers went hurriedly back hi .disorder ;°
went back faster than it, came; went.
'back scarcely a regiment in strength,
and not at all aregiment in form. Its
comely array was suddenly changed
Into shapeless and helpless crowds of
flying men.
The Prussians, after the FrJnch in
fantry fell back, advanced rapidly—so
rapidly, that the retreating squadrons
of French cavalry, being too I closely
pressed, ttillifed suddenly round and
-charged deslierately or ce again. But It
was_all bl no use. The days of break
\ing squares are over. The thin blue
One soon stopped the Gallic onset.
"When - Once this last effort of the
French horse had been made and had
failed—failed, thoughomshed gallantly,
so far , as men and horaela couhl go—the
French infantry fell swiftly 'back to
ward Sedan. It fell back because it
saw that the chance of its carrying that
fiercely contested hill was gone, and'
saw also that the Prussians holding the
hill were crowning it with guns, so that
theirown line could not much longer
be 110(1f:icing it. In an instant, as the
French retired, the whole slope of the
ground was covered by-swarms of Prus
sian tirailluers, who seemed to rise out
of the iground, and push forward by
help- - of every slight' roughness or de
pres fon in - the surface of the hill. AS
fast( s the French went baek„these ae,-
tive nemies followed. After the last
desPerate charge of the French cavalry,
Gen. Sheridan remarked to me that he
never saw anything so reckless, so nt
terly fo lisb, as that last eharge. 'lt
was sheer murder.' .
About b o'clock' there was again a
sudden suspension of the cannonade
along the whole line. Many were the
speculatiOns as to the cause, but nobody
seemed to divine the truth. You must
judge of our surprise when, five minu
tes later ' , we saw a Freneh oilicsr escor
ted by two Üblans, coming at a hand
some trot up the steep bridle-path from
Sedan to our post, one of the Uhlans
carrying a white duster on a faggot
stick as a flag of truce. • The me •Senger
turned out to be a French colon 1, come
to ask for terms of surrender. fter
very short consultation betwe ‘ll the
King mid Gen. Von Moltke, t► e Ines
?JCL, SCrt -vv.*
a matter so important as the St rrender
of at least 80,000 men, and 'an impor
tant fortres, it was itry to scud
an officer of high •rank. " ou are
therefore," said the General, " ) return
to Sedan and tell the Governo of the
town Ito report himself immediltely , to
the King of Prussia. If he nes not
arrive within an hour, our g n: , 3 will
againlopen fire. You may tell the coin
mahiclant that there is no use f his try
ing to obtain any other terms than un
conditional surrender,' The arlemen
taire rode back with this. message.,
Whenhe was fairly out of ea -shot his'
mission was most eagerly cai vassed.
At 6:30 there arose a s idden
among the members of the 'itg's s
—" Der Kaiser 4st da !", t
came a loud hurrah.' Soon ve bega
look anxiously forstlie arriv it of the
cond flag of truce. In ten' t inutes,ni
Gen. Reilly rode np with a,letter for
King of Prussia.
As soon as the French General vaa
in sight, the slender escort of cuiras•lers
and dragoons we had with us was drawn
up in line, two deep. Behind the Kling,
in frout of them again, Stood'
His Illla
jesLy, King William of Prussic', ready
to receive Gem Reily. That otlker,
as we soon learned, was the bearer of
an autograph letter from the Em3eror
Napoleon to King William. The Em
peror of the French wrote : "As I can
not die at the head of my army, Ti lay
my sword at the feet of your Majesty."
P.Ne pautant pas mourir a la tetb de
mon ar2nee„ie viens m'ettre 2non. .cpee
aux :piedB de vette Rajeste."l
Why Napoleon Could not die, as
did thousands of his soldiers, sword in
hand, with his face to the foe, is nit. SO
On receipt of this most astsunding let
-ter, there was a brief consultation' be
tween the King, the CroWn Prince,
who balledin,e over from bis hill on
the arrival of the flag of tr ice, Count
Bismarck, Gen. Von Moltk , and Gen.
Von Boon. After a few nri . utes' con
versation, the King sat dow lon a rush
bottomed chair, and wrote', note (on
another chair held as a table by two
aides-de-camp) to the lEmper e r, asking
him to cgine next morning to the King
of Prifssia'speadquarters at Vendresse•
f For the Agitator.]
The war i usEur h ope really staggers the
imagination. Ills bulletins read like
romances. Popular sympathy sided
strongly with Prussia, because she
fought In self defense, against an un
just and unprovoked attack. But-pop
ular Prussian Sympathy could not over
come the general belief that victory, at
least at first, would follow the conquer
ing eagles of France. 'France, the ar
biter of Europe, martial in spirit, re
nowned for her Military Rower and the
splendor of ler'lletkievernents, her mili
tary compleinent augmented and armed
With the improved wapons of modern
warfare,---what/single power should
stay befdetermined onset ? Who sho'd
pluck victory from, her brilliant ban
Ala, poor France, the man of the "Se
cond of December" had you in his toils!
The' "sick man" hri ? d. infused poison
into your reins, and shorn you of your
strength ! , "his was his war, not yours ;
and declare for no other hope limn to
save a tottering throne, and place there
on another a ck scion of the Family of
Fate: • c' , _ .
And behold the result : The'armies
of France 'afiread along an extended
frontlei, are attacked, broken, divided,
—beaten in detail,—citt off by •superior
strategy—driVe - f — i from point to point
-100,000 hemmed in It -Metz-100,000 sur
reiidered—the remainder placed hors du
combat„,o,r, scattered in dis Organized
ban'ds= 4 and the Nephew of ,his
(he tvlto ; iias to have out-Oseared cm
sarya-prisonsr in a Geriki'aii,dp noon ;---
all the work' of one shOif month !
Ent the spell labroke* - 4 , 1143 Empire
betrayeiand li'inaciOiernically
overtlirna the -EmPire,--and-prociaim's
-the Repubile,l,-,:: Yive Republique !--'
'hcenis=like;'siie'risie:“L'onf her . ashes: -
She shakes fromher 4eati ti co LAI in I.) like
hated chains of tyraniky. , Prand A)'011 7
thole: to Bee this noble tition. long .
cursed Withildureon end - pestini , men,
„gloriously. ,the .third , t.iirie; tortiret
I le
claim the Repuid ! Khdai- her head
she places men 11 -erli'avre, - Ganabetta.
and Simon:--ria es familiar :,to the
world. America Bilked Napoleon ism,
and sternly withheld their sympathy;
but every heart mill go out in warm and
friendly sympathy, to free, - regenerated
France. We hail the pew-born Riphh
But what of Prussia? She has Said
she did not light the people oYFraiice,
—bfit , l'apoleon and his government.—
What mean, then, her' onward march
ing armies, and the otninpus silenee of
her igng ? France should not be hum
bled.: she, is beaten, hat not humiliated
—she bears her wounds in front.. _ But
she cannot resist, alone the military sci
*ince and disCipline of the armies of
Prussia. , She has no organized force.—
Numbers, without organizttition, disci
pline and armament inake only " rood
for•pewder." France has thrown off
the,lneubus, that made her a terror to
her neighbors, and stands arrayed in
the beauteous garments of'Liberty.—
Let not Prussia lend herself to the mon
strous injustice of crushing out the ef
forts of a people toward individual and
national freedom. Let King William
remember that he " wars not against
the people of France."‘ Hands elf.
Wencher°, Sept. 9, 1870.
flu agitatot
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 14, 1870:
Hon. Stewart L. Woogford was nom
inateld for Governor* the Republicans
of New York, at Saratoga, on the 7th
instant. Horace Greeley was urged by
many, but he refused to use means free
ly offered, which must have secured his
nomination, and heartily endorses that
of Gen. Woodford. N better, nolntha.
tiort could be made.
Henry Sherwood, Esti., of this place,
is the nominee of the Democracy,in the
district f42 - Congress. Mr. SherwoOd is
well known among our people ass, law
yer of many years' successful praceiclp,
anti a gentleman of lh social stand
ing...We shall only have to do with his
political record.
Oul l candidate is Hon. Wm. H. Arm
strong, an able, honest, faithful Repre
sentative, for whose re-election we shall
earnestly labor. He is a true Republi
can, highly worthy of our suffrages.
Min. James S. Negley is the Repub
lican, candidate for Congress 'in the
Pittsburg district. - He is deservedly
popular with the'party in his district.
—Hon. 11. Q. Mercur will be the Re
publican candidate for Congress in the
Bradford district.. Judge Mercur is an
able Representative, and we hope to see
him elected by a large majority.
—Hon. James H. Webb, and P, H.
Mick, Esq., .were nominated for the
Assembly in Bradford county Mr._
--Nverrn -nas- atreauy -servetr-ro t ur - years in
Mae Legislature, and has the reputation
of being a faithful and capable mem
ber. • I
—Oliver P._Dickey, the old law part
ner of Thaddeus Stevens, was re-nomi
nrted for - Congress in Lancaster coun
ty, by a large majority over J. P. Wick
ersham, State Superintendent of Com- -
mon Schools. There was an animated
contest, and the result reflects great cre-•
dit on Mr. Dickey, who has always ta
ken a high'stand in Congress.
—Hon. W. ti. Arnistrong addressed
a large and enthusiastic meeting in
tellefonte on the 24th of August, on
he political questions of the day. From
the Republican, which by the way is
doing good service in the campaign 1)e
-low the mountains, we extract a synop
sis of his remarks on a single topic, re
lating to the tariff, as follows:
"No then entered into tho discussion of the
tariff questibn, and showed conclusively that he
was master of , that subject. It was the relation
of the tariff taNthe great question of American
labor, that made this subject so important to the.
American people. Ho demonstrated that every
dollar that-enteredinto the manufacture of a ton
of iron over.and above the intrinsic value of the
same, was labor—Ametiesin labor. If we bought
a ton of English iron for $3O, $2B of that amount
was paid for Engliih labor, while our own labor.
ore, under the-Democratic 13 ‘ r free trade system,
would be out of employment, er compelled to
work for, and compete with, the ruinous law wa
ges of England, France, rind other manufacturing
countries. Carry out, said Mr. Armstrong, this
ruinous British free trade policy, so warmly and
strenuously, advocated by the Democratic party,
and you close at once all the furnaces, forges,
rolling mills, woolen and other manufactories in
the United States, and throw out of employment
thousands and tens of thousands of our sturdy
sons of toil.
Il ea
i to
" His speech throughout - ea strong, argumen
tative and powerful, and was repeatedly greeted
with rounds of applause, by the intelligent and
appreciative audience. We think we can, safely
say, that there was not a Republican in that
large assembly who did not feel proud of Mr.
Armstrong, our faithful and able member of Con.
Governor Geary has issued a procla
mation, calling attention to the fact,
" thi4 sundry assessors and registers of
voters have refused And are refusing to
assess and ;register divers 'colored male
citizens, of lawful age and otherwise
qualified electors," so that they may
vote at the coming election, and direct
ing the Sheriffs of the several counties
to fusee, the Fifteenth Amendment
and the laws intendedrtq enforce it, in
thelection proclamations. They will
be fund in another column.
It was to be expected, of course, that
the jiarty which, in New York, coun
tenanced the burning of negro orphan
asylums, and which even pow eeeks to
re-enslave the freedmen,, by declaring
the amendment which secures them
th'eir rights, a nullity; should encour
age a disregard of the laws intended to
enfora r that amendment. All these
things must come to pass :• the leopard
cannot change its spots. The present
generation must die out, before the Cop
perheads will fully appreciate the situ
ation, and admit the accomplishment
of this great work of Emancipation by
the Republiban party. Had Democra
cy done so much for Liberty and Equa
lity, the two great, fundamental prin
ciples, of that parts , in the days when
Demeeracy meant." the greatest hood
to the greatest number," we should hear
one universal shout: of- amen and amen,
going. up all along the ranks of that
party.' They would' read the heavens
with huzzas.
But now the - case is different. The
greatest events of our time were accom
plished by the Republican party: be
side it, all other parties are inbignill
.ca ut. The Perucerati ovartrOf-,thelss
ten years has peen ja total tf,ailure.:-f 1
has accompliedied nothing. , grOt - p i,
good : it bus grumbled and found faiil
with every Wing:
,whisk has been' prO,
posed or _d ene f o r.,the general, welfare;
when, by so doing, any populaepieju4'
diee - Ootild lie: Weals d: te ;'tO -increasal 0,,
strength.' !Chas' no* moral - prinefpl4'
In -its,_ranka. will be found, ; tlie:gres,
.P?its4- - of inilik94 l l,. -IntemP9roe . : a 4
'worthless °libel:lain the country, ' q.. i
is because the • leaders. have : sought - o.
build it upon the - prejudices,,, not ,t 1 e
reason and cornmonT sense,- of:nl,etf.•
And so it is,not at all strangc.that m
find Democratic assessors • refusing'
register colored citizens aii:voters, ...It
will all react in good time. : r ~ '.l
'Asa than two inofitheago,q.louls -
poleon was Emperor of the
,Frenc :
on the second of September , instant, o
was a prisoner in the hands :bf the v c
torious King of -Prussia, on 'the soil er
his own Empire; and td•day he Isla
captive in exile! One of the iargeat,
and most heroic armies ever seat to bit
tie by the French people, has been dri
ven from defeat to defeat, at last to f l
to pieces in a total rout at the blo y
battle of Sedan, which ended all ' t e
glory of the Empire of France, bef e
sundown on the fi rst of September, 8-
70! Thousands and many thousands
of as brave men as ever battled for hole
and country, - lave fallen, in the vain
attempt to perpetuate an Etnpite•which
had gone down in ruin before they had
yet \parched forth to battle; and many
tensiDf thousands others, 'just as br ve
and just as true, have, Su ff ered un ld
hardship under the false pretense a
potentate who s!ty.7 his powercrumbrpg
away, and who sought, by appealino to
the martial spirit of
: France, to naq.n-_
fain his personal privernment and au
thority, by sacrifice of the national iio.
nor and the best blood of ,his own coup.
'trymen. i France had no cause of war—
she had no war. Napoleon had a war;
and he'l4 failed. . • ', -1
Standog utioil•the verge of stiCh ire
cipltous-, and momentous ,b events, this
Septenibsr day, how futile and infthi
tesimal Seems the poWer of 'any mau t to
stand against Omnipotent deorree I The
Empire would have fallen, but it wolld
not fall in God's good time ; and it has
been crushed, because it came in con.'
tact with the ONE LAW which no,hu
man power can subyert, and none gain
say 1 In the 'person of Napoleon 111
was, time being, all the power of France.
He used it to perpetuate himself ; and
yet he is to-day - an exile—" a - man with
out a country l" 1 And the patriots who,
under the Empire, could not
the air of France, their own country,
because they spake, and wrote, and ac
ted, in and for the cause of liberty reg
ulated by law, and the freedom of man,
as God wills all men free, to-day stand
with unshackled limbs on, the soil of
Frande, and reign supreme 'lathe hearts
of her people. Napoleon a prisoner in
Germany : Liberty set free in France;
Rochefort, the friend of Victor Noir,
who dared speak of a brutal assassina
tion as the act deserved, released from
the imprisonment which the Empire
inflicted, by the Goddess of Liberty,
whom the Republic has unchained to
set the captive free ! Aud this same
RochefOrt, who was so lately a c' imi
..-,,,i_. , T...Ant.-011--ithil _nf_tho onle.l . T
reason: ,He has felt what try have
suffered ;—the power of absolute gov
ernment. Hugo, a name whicheans
wherever it is known,
gray in banishment from his ative
country, for delaring the equal law
which God established from the hegiu
:ling, has lived to see his persecu or de
posed, and - himself made free to, lye in
France, by decree of the Repub ie.
It has been declared the faul of the
French ptple, and not of the Empe
rer, that all this is so. If, inde I, this
hi) true,' the' Republic must I.e 'short
lived ; for it must full , unless .he peo
ple abrogate the doctrine of the Divine
right of kings, and themselves train -'
Win ' the sovereignty and exrcise the
t i
power. Who will, may be laves: if
the people will, they may be ree. The
Great Powers may forbid th existence
of the Repiiblic on the contient ; they
may delay it; but it must foi ow in the
end, if the people are ripe fo it.
In Paris, the revolution . as 'accom
plished In tl) eace on Sunday, the third
day after the battle of Sedan. Through
out Prance it seems to be accepted with
great enthusiasm. The last organized
army of the Empire destroyed, or held
at the mercy of the conquer6r, it is fol
ly for the Republic to eontin le the war.
Without an army, what e n the em
bryo Republic do against the irresistible
power of united Germany! The spirit
of the conquerors seems to e magnan
imous. Let us hope no , umiliating
teems will be demanded ;I aid that, out
of all this` ordeal of blood, may come
largeriperty, not only i • ranee, but
throughout Europe.
The Gazette (Troy, l'a. ,f 1 ;, ors a new
county, to be made up of a 8 fficient ex
tent of territory taken frothe wes
tern part of Bradford count. The ed
itor thinks Herdic will succeed in pit
ting his-new county sche4e through,
the Legislature, the coming winter, un-
lass he is checked by some stch move
ment .as the Gdzette prop+e)§. The
good people of Troy at* no doubt anx
ions to have a new county provided
they may have the county st at that
place; and fol. this we do iot blame
them: Indeed, we think thre would
be much greater propriety in having
the county seat at Troy than at Mine
qua, if a uew county were to he erected.
Troy is ,a staid, enterprising; thriving
town, the growth of many !years' in
dustry : Minequa is a fraud a trap, a
snare to catch a fortune for aan whose
game of life is to live by intrigue, at
the sacrifice of others' interests. If
there is to be a new county, l t troy sho'd
be the county seat. .
' But there Is to be no new co 3ty with
our consent, if it is to take a y portion
of Tioga county. It is very atural for
some of the people of Union nd other
adjacent parts of our county, o favor a
new county—we do not 'blam them for
it. It is a matter 'of some i conveni
ence to thllm to come to Wellaboro for
the transaction of business w ich has
to be done at the county slat; but this
might be , said, as truly ,. \ cif other por
tions of the county. It is itn ossible,
in the nature of things, that al shOuld
be equally well accommodated in this
respect. We feel all this for t e good
people of Union, but no more f r them
than for Jackson and Brookfiel . 'Un
ion is, undoubtedly the most unfortu
nate in her location of all the town-
ships; but that la a:differenciln degree
only ;, and- :we must stop seinewhere;
else we should the end havenocoun
ty left. To secure the people of the
)several counties thieright, a wise pro
v Won* of. the Constitution prohibits the
taking oil' of more than one-tenth the
population , Of: , aC:courity,',, without
tdi the,
Consent of her people. ccesisive Leg
islatures, however, may talLe,AViese
park from year to year ; so we are con
stantly in dangerof declination bi this
process; provided the Legislature_ can' .
be persuaded to consent.
is said that Herdic intends ,to force
hbi project through the coming winter.
Our peopje'are utterly opposed to this,
and we shall reflect their wlehes on the
subject. A vast majority of theni 011
demand that our member, whoever ihe
may be, !shall oppose this scheme from
begiunitig to end. There is no safety
in any other course.
The Minority Convention.
The ROading Times says of the Mino
rity Convention,' which met in that
city on the 31st ultimo :
" The glectoral Reform;
• pr Minority
Convention, as it is called, held in this
city yesterday, was a complete success.
About eighty delegates were in atten
dance, representing the minority party
in all the strong Democratic countiss in
the eastern part of the State. A few
Democrats , from Republican counties
were present. Hon. G. W. ' Lear, of
Bucks, who presided, delivered an elo•
(pent opening speech on taking the
chair, but the address of the day was
by es-Senator Buckalew, of Columbia,
in 'illustration and elucidation of the
plan of cumulative, or "free voting,"
aS he prefers to call it. Mr. Buckalew
has given much of his attention of late
y' ars to this sublect„and .it is mainly
his efforts. as we understand, that
t e plan of free or cumulative voting
t f.
as adopted in Illinois.
" This Convention will have 41,3 ef
feet of arousing public attention to this
great reform, and will hastenithe eriod
of its adoption , in this State'. I fact,
1 1
it has '
already been adopted fo local
elections ' in several northern wns,
and wherever tried has been fo , fo und to
work well."' -, —
!From the monthly report of E s ward
Young; Chief of the Bureau of tatiss.
tics, we give our readers the foil 'wing:
For the fiscal year ending June 80,
1870, the importations of , mer
chandise were .........$438
Exports 392
Excess of imports over exports $4B;
. ,
Exports of g01d... ' $6B 163,926,
Imports of gold , 26 1 848,988
Bacon of exporto
EXOODB of total imports over exports
in 1810 • $11,408,974
EX.3866 do in 1869
1 " ~. 86,215,198
• --
Showingian apparer4 ,isitoroveniont
in 1870 of ..... $74,808,224
A statement of the Merehandize in
warehouse for 1869-70, shows the actual
improvement over 1869 to be rising ,of
54 millions:
Cannon Roar . !
Let the
Oome and See the New Goods!
In the line of
we aro offering great bargains which cannot fai
to please.
We are alga offering great bargains in
which cannot bat please the ladles.
Grocery Dep
We have an excellent line
and at prices that 'moat suit
figures :
. .
Sugar from 10 t 0143 cents.
Tea frolic 7b cts. $1,50. ,
i °
D. B. Deans Sal ratus, 10 cents.
Syrup, 80 cents,.
Coffee 25 cents.
• Chewing Tobacco from 80 cts. to $l.
We alio keep a large assortment of miscellan
eous goods, such aw is usually found in dry goods
stores. Our assortment of
Hats and Caps ,
for Men and Boye, are varied and complete. We
keep in the '
& Shoe
trade, the dii:rent
the b
styles to please all, and of
st manufacture.
Sept. 14, 1870.
- S:1- ct School.
MRS. M. HAIR ,will open a Select Schjol
for Young Ladies of this village Sept; 6,
1870. Term-to continuo 13 weeks.
Tuition—For common Eng. Branches, $6,00.
Higher Eng.'with French or German, 800.
Aug. 17, 1870.-31 r.
n this department,
I tll. Look at the
0. 0. MATHERS,
• Bubo's old stand.
- - „
Do' not propose to be
1 , before
Purchasing Elsewhere,
arid NVO will
Ithat:we live up to
Snudl Profits
Quick Sides:
We keep-
„Everything Usually Kept
in a Firat-Class
' Betst.een 18th and 19th Streets,
DR. FISHELATT,, has discovered the moat certain,
speedy and-only effectual remedy in the world for
weakness in the back - or limbs, strictures, affections of
the kidneys or bladder, involuntary discharges. impo
tency, general debility, nervousness, dyspepsia, •lan
goer, low spirits, confusion of ideas, palpitation oldie
heart, timidity, trembling, dimness. of eight, giddiness,
distiase of the head, throat or. akin, affection's of the
lungs, liver, stomach, or bowels, those terrible disard
ere arising , solitary habits of youtli—secret and
solitary practices, more.fatal to victimethan the bongo
of citrons to the darinere of Ulysses, blightning their,
most brilliant hopes and anticipations, rendering
marriage, &0., impossible.)
especially who hive become the victims of solitaryvice,
that dreaAlhl anti destructive habit which annually
sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men
of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, ITN,
might otberwleehave entranced listening Senates with
ther thunderings of eloquence, or waked to ecstasy the
living lyre, may call with full confidence.
•• M E.
Married persons, df yonng men and ladles contem
plating marriage, being aware of physical weakness,
organic debility, deformities, especially cured.
He who places himself under the care of Dr. Fish.
Blatt. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentle.
man, and continently rely thi his skill as a physician.
rganie' Weakness
immediate y citron. and frill vigor restored.
This distressing affliction, which renders life mfsora
ble and marriage impossible, is the penalty paid by the
victim 'of Amproper fndalgence, Young persons are
too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of
the dreadful consequences that may ensue. Now who
that understands the subject will pretend to den
t i that
the power of procreation is lost sooner by those 'ling
into improper habits than by the prudent f Besides
being deprlyeil of the pleasure of healthy offspring,
the most serious and destructive symptoms of both
body &Mind Arise. The system becomes deranged, the
physical and mental functions weakened, loss of pro-
creative power, nervous irritability, dysdepala , palpita-
Win of the hea rt indigestion,. constitutional debility,
and wasting of the frame, cough, consumption, decay,
and early death. •
' Dr. Biabblatt graduated from one of the most emi
tient Colleges in the United States; has effected some
of the most astonishing cures that were ever known;
many : tumbled with ringing In the head endears when
=; gresirmairoustites, being alarmed at sudden
I, bastMalness, With derangement of mind, were
cured immediately.
Dr. Yishblatt addrelsseiii all those who have injured
themselves by improper indulgences and solitary hab
its, which ruin both body and mind. unfitting them
for either business, study, society or marriage.
These are some of the tad end melancholy eTects pro
deiced by early habitd of youth,,vis : Weakness 'of the
back and limbs, pain in the breast,' dimness of sight,
loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, dys
pepsia, nervous irritabillity, symptoms ofconsumption,
derangement of the digestive &motions, &o.
effects on tho mind are much to
be dreaded. Loss of memory, contheion of ideas. de.
preeslon ofipirits, evil forebodings aversion tosoelety.
selidistrust, love of solitude, timidity, &c., are dome of
the evils produced.
• Thousands of persons of all altos can now judge what
Is the cause of their declining health, lodag their vhp ,
or, becoming weak, pale, nervous and Mandated, bay
ing a elagular appearance, about the eyes, cough, and
symptoms of consumption.
Young Men,
who have injuied themselves by a certain practice, in
dulged in when alone,
a habit frequently learned from
evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are
nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders
marriage impossible and destroys both body and mind,
should apply immediately. -
What a pity that a young man, the hope of the coun
try, the pride,of hit parents. should be snatched from
all prospects fttid enjoyments of life by the consequen
cos of deviating from thepatb of nature, and indulging
in a certain secret habit. Such persons must, before
reflect that a sound mind and body are the most nec-
essary requisites topromote connubial happiness. In
deed. without thee the journey through life becomes
a weary pilgrimage • the prospects hourly darken to
the view, the mind becomes shadowed with dispair, and
filled With the melancholy :Miceli= that the happi—
ness of another becomes blighted with our own./
- When the misguided and Imprudent votary of plea* ,
ure finds that ho has imbibed the seeds of this painful
disease, it too often happens that an ill•timed sense of
Blume or dread of-discovery deters him from applying
to those who, from respectability, can alone befriend
him. Ho falls intd the hands of designing pretenders.
who, incapable of curing, filch his pecuniary substance,
keep him trifling month after month, years -long as
the smallest fee can be obtained, and In diepair leave
him with ruined health, to sigh over his galling disap-
pointment; or, by the use of that deadly poison, mer-
Our', hasten the constitutional symptoms of th is ter-
rible disease, such as affections.of the heart, head,'
throat, nose, skin, &e., progrcesing with a frightful ra-•
pidity, till death puts a period to this dreadful suffering
by sending him to that undiscovered country from
whose bourne no traveler return's.
P. S.—Those wbo reside at a distance and cannotcall,
will receive prompt attention by writing. , stating syroP•
toms, 20. 71811BLATT, Bt. D.,
Atm 211, 1870.4 y. 819 Dimond AT.Q.Wsnor York. '
The A:041101c fa.
nrl.llooolCtransnalttlag its freight w
-1„ grestrapidity, bidding dam:4TO t
tans*, Hossa•Posser and tiltentn, it nay ,
deioidedly • -
and fu that,Lino most..OROOBRIES sal
foundi . (sooner - of
• -,
to received and tranripit to
• •
• •
of every thing under the heavens, In ti
with the most incredible dispatch. ti I
need of mentioning articles when the
assured tl u EVERYTHING that eve
be kept is .
is kept here and for 'sale. The only thing the
subsoriberlgomises to do as an attraction to
customers beside; keeping the beet assortment
of Goods in the t wn, is to try to give every
man his monenetrorth. ,
June, 8, 1870.1 ' 1... A. GARDINER.
Arnold R. Helne's
p 1
Bargains 'for, r Everybody.
WE shall sell from this dote until Sept. 20,
our entire stook of '. °
Corsets, kid Gloves, White
- :Goods,'• Ribbons, Hand
- kerciefs, Trimmings
and 'Laces, Hos- I 4
C. F. ti• 0. Moore,
Wellsboro,Ta. .oftice and . Btables on Water
Btreet, in rear of Cdurt House. They will fur
nish horses, single or double, with Buggies, or
Carriages, at short notice. Long experience in
the business enables the proprietors to announce
tfrith aonfldenoe they can meet any reasonable do-
Mazla hi their line. Drivers furnished, if desired
and pissengers carried to any part of the country.
Thankful for past favors, they invite continuance
of custom. Terms reasonable.
Nov. 24,18139.—1 y.
THE undersigned have this day formed a
copartnership under the name and style of
Eastman Van : Horn for the purpose of carrying
on the Profession of Dentistry at Wellsboro, Pa.
Wellaboro', Pa., Aug. E. VAN BORNE.
10, 18t0-3w.
WITHIN one mile o( Wellsboro, containing
fifty urea, about forty improved, with a
good frame bones and barn, an, apple orchard,
containing about otie hundred bearing trees, and
other fruit trees thereon'. IS well watered. For
further partionlare, enquire of
Aug 10,'70 tf
X AL SOOIETY.—The exhibition of this So
ciety for 1870 will be held at Scranton, on Tues
day, Sept.' 27, Wedneatlay Sept. 28, Thuraday
Sept. 29, Friday Sept. 80. The grounds are spa
cious, the buildings and accommodations ample,
and the premium list liberal.. There is no °barge
for entries except Horses entered for speed. En
try,Booka open Tuesday. Sept. 8. For eata.
-loom j
s or information, address at Scranton,
JOHN C. MORRIS, President.
D.W. SEILER,,Reo. Secretary.
• ilept.l4, 1870.-2 w: • '
will ther4ore Nilo notice tba
3 E -e cocriP.lrart
No. 4 Arcade Block, Corning, N. Y.
A rare chance for close Buyers!
Hoop Skirts,
[ I !
itnd a largamortmant df
i to make room for our large arrival,/ of
Fall and Winter Goods.
Cornbag, N. Y
Aug. 81; 1810.
juat received at
May 4, 1870
Farm for Safe.
11illNfand w rit
- 26;inl , Sewing et
0101* Machine In the Ilarkot. Agents wanted
:407, Volon„ Liberal coramtlilon allowed., Poe terms
and droller, Wa a ge, 8:11AMILTolt, Oen. Agent No .
Ohetitnnt s t., Pldladeldhla.
th very
um db.
TIIE UNDERSIGNF§D wonid the chi•
zone of Wellsboro end vioittitythat Le has a
Harness -cS op
In fullopersiii9
between Wirth'
and, Water ate., where, ho Is prepared to moo
*titre all kinds of -
- „ . ,
a to be
Ibis one-.
o line of
at la the
public i 8
ought to
i t
Of Welleboro, Pa.
DOublet Siligle.ll4r4esses,
In the best style, and of t!iolwao akaCerifel..
On Anit notice and good. 1 employ the hest
workmen, and .uso none 1.4 t the best latterial,
and am therefore pfepared to please all who
want'anythlogAs ,
July 20, 1570
MO AMER hitt, just returned with hie second
JD stock of
New & Desirable Goods,
His entire stock ho offers at a lower price thou
known for years.. Please call and look them
over. You will find
bottotmfigures. Produoo
WeHewn", prune 22, IS7O tf
• 1
.: Cleanse the Bioca
IIiWITH corruptor tainted Blood you
aro sick ull over. it posy burst out
in Pimples/ 'or SoreS, ler in rne i/c•
tiro disease', or it may merely keep
c you ,listless, depressed and good for
• nothing, But you cannot have good
health while your blood is impure.—
' Ayer's Sarsaparilla purges out these
,itripuritieei it expels disease and stimulates the organs
o il lif e i nto v i go r o us action, lione'e it rapidly cures
a variety of complaints which aro caused by impurity
of tho blood, such ps Scrofula, or King's Evil, Tumors,
Ulcers, Sores,-Erup ions, Pimples, Blotches, Brills, Bt.
Anthony's hire, Bose or Erysipelas, Teller or Felt
Rheum, Scald Head, Bing Worm, Cancer or Cancerous'
Tumors, Sore Eyes, FemeleDieleases, such as Retentiou,
Irregularity, Suppression, Whites, Sterility, also ily •
Allis orVeneral Diseases, Liver Complaints, and Hart
Diseases. , Try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and see for 3 our•
self the surprising activity with which it cleanses the
blood and cures these disorders. .
During late years the public have been misled IT
Large bottles pretending to give a quart"of Extract of
Sarsaparilla for ono dollar. Most of 'these have been
frauds uponlbe sick, fur they nut only contain little,
if any, Sarsapar,illa, but oftun no curitive ingredient
whatever. nonce, bitter disappointments has followed
the nee of the Various extracts of b'aisap lia shiet
flood the market, until the name itsel I s become
synonymousvith imposition and cheat. b ill we call
this compound, " Sarsaparilla " and lutsu supply
such a remedy as about retinue the 71/11110 fr the lead
of obloqay which recta upuu it. We thi k tic hate
ground for believing It has virtues which are irreahat
blo by the elate of diseases it is inteded to curs „Ile
can assure the sick, that we offer them the bust ..tteri•
tive we know- how to produce, anti we have remain to
ballet e. it is by "far the most effectual purifier of the
blood yet discovered.
Ayer's Cherry Pectotal is so universally known to
surpass every other moiiklne for the cure of Coughs,
()olds, Int:Inoue:I, Hoarseness, Qr_oup. Bronehittis, In
cipient, Consumption, and for 'Re relief of Constaup•
tivo Patients In advanei3d stages of the disease, that it
!sassiest hero to reoonnt the evidebso of its virtuot
'The world knows them.
Prepared by Dr. 3: C. AYER fi CO., Lowsll, Mass.;
and sold 'by all Druggists and (loaders in Inetlitit.vs
cvery,where. 2 May, 18. ltiTo-2tn
Mt, purillas the blood and cures &Toth's'
Syphilis, Skin Diseases, Rheuinntlatu, Diseases of
11 omen, and Fill Chronic affections of the blood,
Liver and liiduoys. itecoinufeuded by_ the Sit,ii•
cal Faculty and many thousands of nor beat vitti
Road the tointiniony of Yhysicittos and patlonti
who hay° used Immuring fiend for our llosadtifias
Guido to health kook, or Aimunno for this 3 oar,
which we publish for gratuitous distribution; It
u 111 giro you much valable _information.
lir. It. \V. C.trr of Baltimore, _
telt, pleasure In recommending your Re - itianxx.—
ut nea very powerful alterative. I have sten It
used in ter o eases a ith hnppy results—one in
ease of secondary syphilis, iu which the patient
pronounced lannsolt cured alter Mixing talitn tire
bottles of your medicine. The other is, a cake of
scrofula of long standing, which is rapidly un•
proving under its use, awl the laditvitioue -me
that the patient will soon recover. I have clue
fully examined the f)rmula by which Suet
your Itosadalls is made, and find it an excellent
compound of alterative ingredients.
l eparlis of isiicholast Mu, lky., says he has
used itosatialis in chaos of Scrofula and Seconds•
ry kt.yPhilis' with satisfactory multi. As it cleine
er e r .t tlie blood I k y now no bettor remedy.
Shensi 0, UcFuten, Muritersboro, Ten n., ta.)
Mt 11,0 SeVell bottles of 10)810101s, and hie:
entirely cured of „lillalktualinnt ; Sobel me tout bot
tles, as I wish it fur illy brother; who has acrefu•
lens sore eyes.
Benjamin lieciAtol,rof Obi°, Iv; lies, 'Awe
suffered for twcnty !years m ith au linveterele
eruption over my; whole body; a short t t . iure
I purchased a bottle of Itointdalle and It
u perfect cure.
' Howantis in bold by P. H. IYillinms dc Co .nod
W. C. 'crofts, Wullsboro; Philo T,unor, Th•gn ;
M. I..Socon, Blossbutrg : and Druggists genernily.
March 0,1870.—1 y.
Apiil 8, 1870.-1 y.
Granary' and Proviiion Store,
iC.. 130. 15XX.2.1,
in all kinds of
W4ntei, Li4giuoirs and
/ ,Cigalrs,l
&TORS, TOYS, &0., to. 1
.. late aesortment'of the above
of the best quality always on
A full and, co!
mentioned geed]
Particular at •
Dealers and Con.
terest to examin
Corning, N. Ti
.ntion paid to .Fine Groceries.
inners will dad it, to their io
his Stookbefore buying.
, Aug. 17, 1870.
ot on Pearl Street, 2d house
trlqt 81;1401km*. Epqnire on
A Hone and
11, South of di
the premise",
ken in exchange. . A