The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, September 07, 1870, Image 4
le fartn.honse with-nthadows wide And "west with elover on eaoh , side; - A litiglit•ifih : beji *lto Yetillifistilitnt TbolicaVitiirqoiatiiiiitleCktliedis l3o .And whales this ono thought all day . "Oh I if I elWbut 11211rAY Prom t> 14 11 1 0' 4 7 4 How happy, happy, happy, How happy I should be!" 4 Amid the oity's eonelane am,- • A man, who round the world bae been, Who, Pmid the tumyklt a k a thropg, I,s thinking, tblngrtitilil 4 ii "Obi could I only trea d oncemore The field-path to the farm-house door, The 04,114 01 A ,959 1 idtliff;.1.; / I G W b a Pil(*PßYPi l l a iPP-1 4 ' Bow happyAebpuld i lle 1": nr - *slll_ • Rieuu,ilt. CAPITAL T.' Old Master BrOwn brought his ferule down Hie kali - 14i nitiry'raloredl - "Anthony Bluir go mt you there, Amotig ilegirlar s he said. • F. ; So Anthony plitelth emai,tilled air, , And his head h ng down on his breast, Went, right away nd sat all day. Sy the girl who loved him beat. - 1 , . Woman suiTrago4wavlOßqugops for it Ai.. , 7±-11.:1.1:1 ; v‘,.% . At the meeting - on olonday. rzaetc ton, of the New England Woman's Ai l - - so u I ati o n et) 2:3lr. , .'Wdi IA d c:. Lloyd Garrir. son gavelWivi reiLsObs why woman should v4§G;'.,.;_:; f- '7';`„" ..' .-,-" First—They have tile saide actual and inalienable rights, and the same coM. mon interests as men. „1 . -3 'l4.c. ,-, -- Second—They have as much concern in the estOlishmentofJustice; the in sntance of: donaeetig r tranquglity, in i f providing for the common well re, and in seearing_tha..4lf.ssinga.oe `i',A A. l ' ll3l-.: ty to' themseinitr l nml tilig,:m rity as, have men. 0 4;1 4 i 1.,,) - ' ',,... Third—They are tri,Fdly. capa bleti of understandint•al netts mining what laws will i liiiitinie f& ind `what: measures effective to these ends as ,'.-9:z, men. Fourth—glkey i have as streag a love of country, as exali,c4 .And puriZrp - iCtris: otisea as nlu-... , ,•-, ~ .„., , i...,,, Fifth—They_are. faxed ' wifliodi rep res en tat' o n,, ~a,n d. , i biyarfo r u_s - Iv a* s_ - 14 unjust 1eg11444111#;;,:,"! .. :_`. ;' 1, .- ~.';g. -.• • ei x th —olwoyt ,_ tire , idadf.;,,m4enatille;)..o il the laws etfdtczto•-.the , lextentJof enp cal' punishmiffi l .,'-Oh;kii . .: * l9llbh tile" aVii no part luteuaciing,,ainiCio4blob- heir consent hillitdever•beeht asked o - r ' ven.,.: SeventfiaVePilykilcsJhAWtot -14 , 0_ have no cquayniiekiarikT4Eacli9n:ir infiit; legal and judlclalibjugtice.; '.tr:rt. - .:• . , Eight—yith the ballot they ''w111" l ot possess a eviii - alidiaie - cl p;islltlc4l Power . ," euti thus Tito 0 0r,4 8 wi?Dgr• Ninth—Al etiste leglslatiOn is .oillin stye. Tenth -=A GovenimefttWitit•'exolu dea one-half the population from all partielpatioptin&iint4yrt ernment:of t tiaYpeoiile:' •. Eleventh—To make sex a ground of exclusion from the possessfon - ind exer cise of eqcuti rigpts, Jo as unjustifiable and tryarnifiiiraasitrbas bee h:: to make color of skin the , groinld.:.of .similar abuse. ' Twelfth—,To withold it frotn women is to assign them Co a . state guardianf, ship thrOgii' Uzistirpittion, and the stronforpl orbTu , te fared, and con eequentlyin,tenidsi injuriously ~to,-affect, the character, policy and destiny of •a , country and to make a more pure and just administrasiba of guv,nrnnent.' at terly impracticable. -About Journalism Harpei,s' Pagur gossipspleasantly about jotitual audlourpalistv, as flit lows: ; " The Tribune property. is estimated to be worth a million. dollars;.which,in eludes two of three hundred thousand dollars of real estate. It is the inten tion to take down-the)preseilt .buliding within a year or two, and * erect in its place a superb edifice, that will contain every convenlei}eflaTl4PPlialre known ''''' i to modern iie,ipa eroffices;',l'he pro fits of the paper 1 . 1869 were $163,000; which Is $1,630 on each share. There are one kunFlred s area in the compa ny, iif'whicilk M . inelair, thdpublish er, owns the lar t amount, ortwenty one ; .I.ry Circe.' y twelye; the-eeittte Of Mr.S.teplien I rk,:fts' late ineney editor, fesurteen l ;: Dr.. ! l: V. _Ayel..,"iti‘• Lowell triediciiie - man t siiteen ; thejatit Mr. Richardsoo qs . tate,,five; ,Bayijid Taylor, t4;#11"-.,ZI: ;Mocker; iorelidalf of , the compesisil 'deffirttnen,t, ilie;,Mr. Rdnkle, wlici - Luis -- juit :married Mrs. Callinunb i tylo'l:gliver„Johnson, 4 - .lf r.he Independent,one'litr Cle veland, bro. they-in-iaW (ofMr. -Greeley; . . One ; two other of r Oe pilniirs, one each; Mr: Smalley, the;;iplfndon ,correspondenti two; Solon Robinson, two; Solomon A. Cheney, three: l -John 'Hooper; two; and B. F. Cainp,' twb. Mr. Greeley' now receives $10,900 a year salary, and Mr. Sinciair; the Pnblisher, Eill'equal sum, while the Tts - of Mr. 'Reid; the managing editor, is $4,000, but will pro. bably soon be increased- t 0,58,50,01. T • . The' principal writers on the ,litokri r , are underitciod to , lie - Mr. Marble, the proprietor, Mr.phamb,er,laiti,, Mr. Hurl-_ burl, M. EVaiel,' ' Mr: ' Setitiyler, find several others. The managing editor is Mr. D. G. Croly, a very capable and ex perienced man." - : , A Rica.- 04WrOltICIAL CLIMAX.—The Toledo Bladfksayi; that good story is told of an aspiring .orator who held furth"on the - "t9"rth_af.lati\at one of the many celebrations in :the "rural dis tricts" of Ohio . t) , . • _ His maiden t . ,3peeoh duly . prepared, and the telling' portions OoMmitted to Memory, hetkind himself in a thrilling state of nervousness before 'the people. All went on..!well, and he had in a measure recp•Yered° ble . selfoommand; when he arrivedlit the great climax of his speech—that portion of it• n which he was to'dllude to the "American Ea gle." Prolidifhe began, and tossed off almost flippantly, "The American Ea gle, gentlemen; that proud bird I the emblem of oni4,hililast_aselie stands":- . when suddenly the rest of bis labored simile faded from bis memoryy. Terri fled at the discovery, he grasped—be nervonsly seized tumbler of, water, and turned it by intsbilte (kit vat, and took a fresh start WO a, ruTh of desperation which bade f# to burst the bonds of his 'fettered imaginfitien, and soar majestically away on the wings of the apostrophized bird. "The American Eagle; the 'American 'Et- GLE, gentle-MEN, that proud bird di ° our liberties, as she starlds4 4 -standing 7 - as she stands--etandi '(with great vigor) with one foot on the Alleghanee and,the other on the Rocky Mountains and stretebtdifibt, : rOadW , the Atlant i c gShe— . stretching her broad wings—with one foot on the.Anclw-Mountains_and...tlie. other one on the%Alicgbanies, shall HOWL, genifemen and refin w .- e f t , zeni, hi thavioriotar freedont of—he r NATIVE Ant.."" Editiare4:`outit Ole to live obeap—t hey gettAtbol'ad'? forn or h g. •; X 144 g l itator. . ~/ - • ; II 14 , 40 th 4 1 4 Prriei, .64 Seery . allynntage for doing • iOB PRINTING rt reat4t, Pl from ding card to aab t - di style Of ,rk done at o• A , few BookkiTatupb:s,Cards, Imitation Hand Bills,Tmgragnines; Cheeks, Omits, Dubin', Bill lisadii,toirealers, Orders, Shipping Cards, Business Cards, Envelopes, Tinted Plate Printing, Visiting Cards, Wedding dm,- &0., Se. Justice Blanks, EMS ; e • 0 • And all Otkl,er hicid itnd for WO • ... ueea s, warratwee,;• A•t IS SellWol Ciontre4t, att4 1 494, tbrtesniwo .8 mess Atoka t ui Warranty, • cautions, ..- Amicable Aiiitow,-- /'# Indestirdiyidtßoad*, 'Bonds, Oonstablett ale, Attachments. Judgment • Oollector's deg • Notes Petition and Bond. idarriageclortifieste, for App'nient utOuardion. nd any Ober blanks not 4 initucTherated atioYe will bb Anted to order on silents:o*r 'r* • • p c •:• 3, kr /lir Persons sending orders for lOU WORE will jet [tft work , promptly done and returned. We shall epee w i t gains to please our custom envin this depart- , ose sending work, pl _eale state tire deb or JOD. of Ink end paper desired. I - • i:•••• VAiVOJELDBIt. IfidtrOitgio rietore tt:' Prop. Bab. 1870, SHIM MUM NM El Edo ;tot pay spool; in making, change, y wis 46'011 gererthl frtim ;17.1: t°s t( 50 , per) than atty._ 4thgf 'store ini tbis vicinity,i wh oh, io better.Air,43 itsiv jtat rit44y.iia a 4 / • , 3LigaL e ggB ' t ' 7 :741 glillg ME and have iouijat th'em to $ll in order to d 6 this qtdokly_ have marked thJ at email &date, !A. G rp AT PAR AB A DABII3b. - ME Diay G-o_o_ds of-all kinds ato ithelsper than they bate been in Coup:aim, entirdalti. DRESS SILItS;11.10101I POPLINS, &d. >, 1;',7 1 elan lin!s stock, and at snob' lotv'prider that (wary lady,eap agora a new draw); tr • IN PAISLEY SHAWLS, we have n, oomplete aasortinent and careens nun ..EVER lISPOBA. Oar stook of IMI • Domestic Goods, Fancy Dress Goods, Woolen Cloths, • Yankee Notions, dec., AtC., = is as usual very large and varied, and we GUAtt- ANTEE Piucas to be as low as can bb found auy. whore within 100 miles. Our GROCERY DBPARTiIINT ii hill. of fresh Goods AT SPECIE PRICES, and 'every one can ncrw afford to hay'e everything they eat mAde pod. Wz CORDIALLY INVITE THE PEOPLE OF Tiocs COTINIY to call and examine our Stock and pri ces—being se.tistled that It willpay thorn to coma and hay their goods at • , =ll ~ The Regulator. _We always give customers trdin a distance the "nsiinn, rnecaP RWWELL 4k, 0W.E* 4 . 4 :: Olorningi Api:1113;18T0. W2LL PAPER! EMI WALL PAPER WALL PAPYRI 'ET it be distil:idly u nderstood to the inhab itants and, aipeene of Welleboro, that we vr I sett . ,- .1 ;.„ , :, • . , t ! 11 0.4 - 1 *ALL - PAPER, and any other artioie in the ?pani.ig oheaperthan, eau be sold by any,other firm in pop County ;' further vie do affirm that no man can undersell ne unless they Teethe goods by the ! k 1. AIR LA N We have Just received from N. Y., 35,000 ROLLS OF W L PAPER bogght'at the present field priros st,ll, which we will sell cheaper than any other firm west of Call and examine, mad we are certain that ws can please in Price and quality, and if not suited we will pay - u for your thee in gpecip. • P. 4.-V 1.144,M8 48 CO. Wellsboso, April d, 1840. Livery Stable: „ . . . I . , , .... • ATKINS A LOUDEN re ..,,,,.:,, W speetfally inform the put* - '4i"..11.110 Ito that they are estarshed a , . . : : Livery fp liir, : . _At their Stable on Pearl Si), oppoBl tWheeler's wagon sbop. Single or double rigs Turnised to order.. _.They aim , to keep good hoiscs and wa gons, and intend to please. Prioesi reasonable, WATKINS ,k LOUDEN. -.2lf , kv. 24, 18694. t. CALLAND SEE-tbetiorge stock of wall Tilt per, sitting off et cost. at W . ollsberp • '*- • . WILLTA kAIS. P. 11111111118 J;7r4 , -- - " 7,- 4% - ;i:s''' 1' -:-~~- WM t, 0 . ,1 =I ,ti . \ •:: '.;o" , :::.''' MAIN STRE a aomylate sesorria of, ithioh,wa enuatir. NAILS; SPIKES CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, ----'`BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, • •- CARPENTBR'S TOOLS, ,„ ,1114,1 1 S, AKE • • . - e GERisf • BITT-STOCKS, SHOVELS IRE WOW SORE" ~; , BURRS, S, PIPE! SPRINt S, HD 85 HAND ' HA MEE SAUSAGE 0 OOMBIN PIST ME PATENT! B a non thlng t en fo'w. of the men of Hardware;. We inlitethf Ammtevett. We iroodsin crpribm , promptly and lEffickeye SASH, ES Always on h: nd or furnished to ordir, ROBERT'S • BAILEY'S Hardware %%gm Wet Nero. • ROBERTS & DOLBY.: Wu. ItLinn/3 R. - Wellsboro,Ji LOts T. L. Ind see SiRI ZIALD)U, El colors and patterns— ALPACAS' PRENC : PEQII i A 1j BEAUTI and t a F-. ge assortment to select from CLOAKS TO MA 1,1144 &0.. • EADY-MADE, AND £LOTH E MORE,,ALL EINDS OF GS, FRINGES, TASSE.I 4 B TO TRIM DRESSES OR SACQUES. —Our atock of— KEE • NOTIONS YA mitt WO°. Ya It keeps up withi3VarYthing the keel; have thought of so far. ' HOOP B IRTS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, `:-40RECRT.q., M0Z1102200 to met:Mon; but will say that, you find so large an assortment to select entry store, and - clear down to the Arlo numproj will seldom' from in a al • We 'also keep a large aseorttheat'of REARPMAD — R-OLOTHIN% is euite, and parts of_ Balta. Should we fail to knit you with ready.ma4e, we have Cassinzere and • e 4 A TA1,,f,.91VT,Q CUT AND FIT Boots and Shoes, all styles Anil - HATS AND 434t.Pc4, - ST,RAW' GOODS, AND GENTS' FURNISHING !‘GOODS; A COMPLETE LINE OF OROCRERY, WOODEN . WARE, - HARD WARE, SHELF HARD W ARE, NAILS, IRON, Looks, LatchesiOarpentey Toole , - A GENERAL STOOK OP G. It 0 GERI/ES, Froth. TEAS are lower thast at anytime Blue the war. Did not go to Cuba to bay sugar, and i A so have some ()heap. •We ire•agonts for the. E. HOWE -SE -ING MACHINE. / Atools to warliwlth drain. o=2 SALT Buttoriubs, Pails. Firkins, and Aihton Salt to flavo with. AU kinds of Farm Producewant ed. Prices can't be beat.' • - ' • - T. L. SALDW & 00. Tinmi, Pa. 'Tito,. 4 . . 1'970 ~--;'.;•::. T, ii-ELLSBORO, ant a Shelf Hardware, to ttorfolidwing driblet !VITTS, ITATOILETS, CHISELS, 'SPADES, FOR4f3; ,C1114011;EWS, t" ' 0 , , :04.11RIA:GE , BOLTS; EINS, WASH.EItPi 1: ORES, ,alXllt- : _,.. EBB, ELLIP- , ' 1 TIO ... . , z .13110E841011PalAX ,RON, GRINDSTONE !POPPERS , CORN !POPPERS, 1 'TEM AND STAFFERS D 1 • Also, PISTOLS, L CARTRIDGES, *DER AND . . OAP& . . RNDOOR HANGINGS vied° for. bite. These are but a ficiitie • ci mit(' sin g citir !abet pablioto call and cixalnino for aim '0 kooti thb bbat.iltiallty of rj;_ipd all *nth bo 4fdtly done .. • .gNTS • FOR TllE' Mower& Reaper. OORS. BLINDS I AMORY PRIORS, lIMI n. 1;1870-tr. f New Goods I= OMB TO IBALDWIAT Sr. 'cols T± 60A, PA. nice stook of Goods for the do SUMMER ouch as EDBIMOZ ZOOSA POPLINS, CAMBRIOKS, JACONETS, ORGANDIES, S, VERSAILES,BLA.OK, D COLORED SILKS, &a., &o. UL Summer SHAWLS OTTOM FIGURE. ASTER, p.conc,FLopß tyaga Plaster,Av. ILIBILOYAra; t;:; 7 1.1q • 77. . New _ ' I'o:, t-,-,0w7., .0„„„ - St.A,RS' :Ba' - I:1E11W' ;14:4i 1 1: in - fyireti 0 , 1, my' *ilea th_a'hew tithe*. - r . T ":- • BOoTt3, ~,-B LIAMORALEV ak i rtßii BOOTEES; ',.l3jaoll o lil):,' - - wii'ranted to lfsiiy ' f ll;" 13.; i ‘- ohtsire. si9or NitsbOON, - 7110 bait - '=THIRTY: YEARS'. EXPERIENON* „ . bnelgees, and to the beet cnd'falleetlii.the country, gur,stcrelt,of , - .. i; FRENCH CALI*, PUNCH 11P . PER), 150/E,, COMMON Cllti•Tp, LXNINGR, BINDING, MO; s '"' ' ROM% ' - - • will bi kepi , befiitotote. On Findings ws,shall• be ;found , 4t ,- Isoinesim waye, and' wa•atiell - endssitri tb <Ali ist'pilifort satisfactory Se-pis tFalt . r. ;)rf;:lis:51 , 11 bslntid6r told. " • • PER ;. Coi the . Ddir*et, for WOOL,. But our beat held will be on - CUSTOM': - WORir t d.'An a _4 • • Thbfels Ooterori. Wwell madeutistem• boot, That tits the some witheat too much somPresatnt Por everr3lmay kwevrewwitabby , „footi ~ Cannot be oqmpremised by ermireseing. • And ono meyweas egran linal-with Mat' Of finest oloth, hat there ; laelluessing• Will make attain with shabbily dressed feet, took likti a gentleman upon the *A*. IdoWAL Bay idur boob afyi . ' ;Or oiler .man. trtintex:s Voila Nelleiforo, Ja7l. 1, 186P-tf.. - Fa't • Me.• • y 1011 4GENr for-'Kinney 4 co.i , celebrated platform String Wagons, all , styleai,, also, for their , light;- CarSiages and - - Agga. Wagons, all made In:goed 'Vie, and from , Jorsey timber, arid• warranted;' in every respeot, eine! to, any made. Carl', furnish. tiq-Of - the above et •.tbe lowest fkiannfaidaSere WelleborOiJanel, = HOUB9 - ti t or '•-• ' 11001/OUBIt and Lot, anCvtlottial - lit_4l, gale otteap. — Loostion wetjaipr!iqi;!4 dellral#o! Inquire at the dieittititr , • Jan.l,lB7o—tL, . . . TO: TIME FARNIUERS OF, • Tit5 4 34. - : l .ibeitri4TY.• • • Itr.s= s . 4 " d i 7g r, *° .,.-.l 4 , ° , f •PA, l • l t,fi r ! PANNING MILL: • Witithp Oddtistei the follintinginfranWieatoYerttliefher -1. It separates I'm oats ratlifter sftidpOiteeds,alo ehessand cochiemom wheat, • - • 2. It oleansilax seed,tatresentrittrwseedi and an. 4>ther seeds-,perfectly„ • • , • 8, It clean tittpiethy tketal. .• „ ' , • 4. - It does 611 oilier scitinitiftihiged 1 . 5( ofthe bkirt add r tagik chirstilktirdr lyir.ingoodsiVeiand iiioldithirei4o4lo l l dr zirtil j duce. ' - - • I will ft t' • patent sieve, for ssparstitis 'Oats tram wheat i to othermille,onreamtebleterms. • ,Dairienotilile444l,.,l./80 1 .11 , •, , IR,Oti bV0:11KS! I=l= FOUNDRY As . IVEACIiiNIi . SHOP I iVELLSBORO, PA. SEARS & AVERY,,, PROPRIETORS. PLOWS, HORSE'mins, OULTIVA TORS, nut) ROLLERS, BET TLES, v ise, SAP . PANS, FARMING ; UTENSILS, ALL Kurps, WOOD*AOKINES Yon. SAWING WOOD; Brick Machines, CHURN POWER; THE TOHPRINS COUNTY, HORSE POWER - EIGHT AND TEN'HORSE, CONSTANTLY ON HAND, , And also, t;veryt - •thedOly fotind in a first °lairs Shosp. We call particular, attention to our MA CHINE .SHOP, whloh bas been re-built with new, and flretSelatte , MICH NE L 1 Till • Iron PLANER, DRILL, &0.-We employ none bat first-olataDitbrlnien, and" are, therefore,'pre. pared to do mar work in the. beat, style, and rat. abort notice. We hale recently added new MACHINERY, , for Planing and Nateldrig boards. " Call and me ne. du * , 5,187124 y- - HAIMai J‘,II,IIRY. in . V Of, Il i . ' '• i . 4: . -- . W . "., . ' ''''' •ty. .. .: 4 .i. tt 4 ' - e• 4-1 ~ - ,-- - - p.m__ -t, til i - /11 Li ;-..,/ • A /g ) 0 g.. ttikTi' Pt bid -Air , x. ° • 1- P . t'4 ?* . li4 ,••• •: .: .: ~A . s lir - ' FS • '*. - , S , • ' - 8 I o I / I . i • . . - # n N 4 . . . . •. ' ' 1 7 ." :1: . 1 4 .. _ ' 157 , i i ill - I , , I' 1 , I ". I - I I . I 1 :- I 7 -...-/ ' ' 1 4 . . . .._, a . r .• a- .. a O. Ir. . ~., A O•.. •• . . . . . • C" - .. . , . • , Cr I ' _i I I I. -.. •I • -I • ZI3 _ . . oF-+ Cri 1- 4 1-I IJ INV • 0 , 1-4.4 -czon tn. ts. 7 . 4 go t.D 41. GO esl., CA Ch tb 1.4 Cg) pc co, fitib ,Crr egi C. 4 7 :trt,- • trif7l3; ft t, . • ' ("; P 10 1. 7..„, • +fi - ' ;IFro . ;-1.24 • .C 1 % . 1 . .1•7T1,1 r .) Oklsoitten6to44uchirteavoti f:{ it; ; , 1 , -•••• • I . I" 0 , t's =MI • , 1.). _ .• 77 08.*;4: Voir odor' ° i4'ttt . matte, the& ii(teittl4 raid - - analci.: ,lotts • ; • i 4 l : • • : t.. i,;- MEArdit 1 0 .110PERTIES AN..O USES:—TBO,A,,t4s:cO4I eiSt, get tly atimulatti, poptsUar le* dentj to the - tfriiitsrpi Orgqns' Tho i qrp comp.lafijis, of,* UrkiorVOrgogq,- -, ittah , ci4 . ohronid Oxtgrh otehtßPjaiir,‘M 6 K bid .2701fatibta Ofthelitiaddei and . Vero, thra, biseam - ottitt Gland; emdretintion. of Incontintitee brUrilte, from a idose of tonelit,the patio eon cemed hag, .4:14 , ;bean,reelmftitinded itt.l4;: 6Via,Chronic Rheit4el6ol;:citlitalit? 4 1 1) 4000; ant Nip*: • 7 '7 ' '..7t!!"; HEINII:OLOS kr4 r I7aCT BU H ic.4sea- Lby. *riots ,fitoti cf 18 02p, #ndfroto 86:66 , 55 , or in ghi*Ol66l:o;444ngt,tfri! 'after Ccinfinement, or taborpaeno; 64. Wettin4 in ehltdritt.7,7! Fiz; CM 1- ':':.4:41) affeetiona peatdicir to fentata, the 'Eztact Buchu is , ukequalcd by any I- OillS;•,-riinedy, as in atlorosis or .1,4- tendon,;lrregularity, Painfulness or Suppression of Custom ary tions, ,Ulcerated or iSchirrous State of the Mend, Letoeorrhecti or TrAit* :DISEASES OP THE BZAD DER, GWYEA !AND. 'AROPB2.C4L SWELL. 2 - 28,055:;----7 medicine- itteveiLtp? //A Poloeto/Pigeadan, and*mita the A - sortienta Into tifeatihy action; ,to widieh Water 'or 'Calcareous depose and :a/2 Unnatural enlargement"' tirt reducer; as well as pain and infifnt- ,HErilifßOLD'S ExrßA. • It UCHU has cured every ease of Di. abetes in which A has been given.— Irritation :of _the' neck Of tht Bladder and Inflammation of SF Kidneys M. ,ceration Of* Kidneys . and Bladder, Retention of Urine, Diseases' of the 'Prostate Gland,' Stone in the Bladder, 'Calculus, Gravel, Brick-DuA. De. posit, and Mucus, or lifilkY Di& charg. es, and for enfeebled and delicate i cow stitutions, of both sexes,- altendad with the following indisposition 'to exertion, . Doss of Power, Loss .of Memory,' Difficul _ ty ,Weak .Nerves,Trembling, .horror of 'Disease; Waefulness, Dlinnesi of Vision, Pain in the Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of - the - Bodgc Dryneas...of the Skin, Eruption on , the fa.ce,‘ Pallid, [Countinanee, ,Virivereal ,lidentitude the louse System, System, ■ • • BELMB OLD'S EXTRACT BUCK U is Diitiretie and BloodA Pi tylifftA 'and cure o 4ldis t eates..iria from, habits ofdissi ea imprudences in life, intintritiit of the Blood, (N., - cesitions for tohlith as „Go`morrluza„ Mots' qf?q,o4(':;l1 7 , cow Sphilitio mass, used in sonnee*C4itkitelik: hold's Rose N 1 - i l .r . 0 .1 O f ' 0 , qold by an Druois'iit - gral .ileafers everywhere. Beware of cOantifyleiilt; Ask for' Helmbold'.o., ;; Take no: rice—A.2s per bottle; or 6 bottles for $6.50. Delivered to any address; Deeerihe sympfom ? - ip .- # 1 7:P0rt,n 1 t4 714 .." =6. 9 m:4 1 = ME= ' ,Addi 494 El a -- ,(1 cf::; " :,. : OE MN= 1111 v: : , 1, 1'1., ‘,-‘-*7-!' - , r, 1.„ , 11=1 ( EMI H. T.' HELAIBOLA , 1 1 :21k - • IN ;TN - siesten aiinik of my %0 . fr0.: .7? WOLi. . , .. co FIEMKS i 17 , 7 1 : .._) ;: tlitg i a 8 BIEDAOIN*3, - .PAINTS , 44rANplini s •• ••• • •, , l '-' II 6 6'•: , ".'4 ,1 i ' l 1 : 1,, 7 4.h .,, 1 , '..4.'.,; , ; -,, '“ i .-•,'- ; - '..7:; * •, 5;;.,,, , . 1 ,) , TIfkIIDEITAVIDS'iI:NtS; S I:EIII'III43 •'' '.', L' or ....• q n+ 13" f , *__ r .:s I ' , CON .1:34,T1C MEMOIR S • -Rs• , FLITIDi . - - - .IIIX--- • . ~ -.1%.• z* . i• :- i .•.i ~ • fn --• ••• ~- • ' , .-•,-., ?., ' . ' - TRAOTS • - MIES URN T' s 3OOO4 t TNE, FLAVORING EXTBA.O TB, ICEROSEN4 74.111Nt-ligl#ol4lo, ROO:: MU ..; ESTER:PRRNIMSRX iiIii*OEING - EXTR4O I I`B, VALI, PA Oi:***** o 4.4 l3 g;, 'f* „ ' WITITEIi I V,ABII LIME I.k .atlfD. DYE; CoLpas; ME AGENT • O4 - ,,* • 4* . i,14‘'& C9'B.'itE giolditlYitgoage'Priceo otorecit,toeted to Dail in# g et iiitOtattotto _pefsito going Fittltit! • sit. iNit alai; f Potent t -Roofing___ ~ : : ~-:-, •„ .• ......_....,_,..... , • T SAME bovelli, the right. to nee , Ott. Pater!, ;,i, Blest% Roo4pr, in TlOgit. County ] end -Atn _now. preperid, te-,pnt on roofs ohdap and in good. traritmenitkit . - reanw. . Thu roofing! is fire and; weter-proet .. I-refer to' Ideirere. Wright a Bei: ley, Mobbe a ',Barker, and , ff. L.:Willcox, Otte liduridecoitibe seen and, roofs ii nee, _• - . ; , , , , . - zosAs w.Te - ai*. • it e ilisigrot 3in. 1,18 '7 0-if. , , . , • , : -- i •, '. ' 4 4 - -;-. _ • Vireilleboro Mote l. . : . . - "B. 110 tlADAY;Propiletor;Y:i lai l SeAnfif fp - ennttandions llotße t losated. la the liptue- V Ito vialnity.ori sill, the,Pettaty bnildinvi,,wltb ii* 4l ind cPsaulefigalibittimo att4tolted t ,• ~ .-1/11rJelied Ifaelettante. dB , hoellet o and, will *dwarf be tonnd,on hatd, attentive to btudnete. , a.lets., - .15, tt170.1-1, f... I -..-... - OM • • ' ,1 • '• • -• . 1 Furiture 7,:tFlintittliil B. • T. 'VAN' 11 . 00,• 1 " ilivrire Pout lOcid. bitnew Cplileet. tinudeilla etteili;.!iff s li))or6, b ed I wiih targe i ind jinpettep aiperted 'p ME FITRNITURE.I Iptiunbii; Suitt, WalAtit.,,Ash, aple i .144 4114 ME from SISO, down, and as cheap se the same goods can be be% in the aides. freight added., Parlor Salta, 'Walnut, Cherry, and Mahogany, Reps or Hair Cloth, SOFA'S, TETE4. A-TETES, H with . trptiolaisii-to Coattor TablOo, Wabiut or Marble Tope, Lesoking 0181(50c itreekete, ,Pa-, p - igr Ratkn, Rocking Cbalre, all Itlndb, Wholesale) and. Retail. I am mittitfaaturing as anal, and intend to keep tifull steak of Wart', home and city made it intim... My Warefioome arc spade - tie and neat ) and new Contain tiie iargeet, 6ostlieitt and test nook of larnittqe ever brought Into the Platting and Matching," SOROLL SAWING k.2d61.11.D1NG, • ' dote to order at the Factory. • Jan: .1869Ltf. WALE= & LATUROP., RARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, STOVES, TtN-WARE, BELTINGSACS, CETLBRY WATER LIME, AoriacnrrraußAL IMPLEMENTS, CtaiiTiag, aad lianatits Trimmthgr, _ HARNESSES, SADDLES, `'ho. Cori:Ling, N.Y., Jan. 2, 1870-ty. Ingliam'g Woolen Mills! DmE RIMEL D , PA:. ritHEgabitriliers ppi Ofi fUII-6,10i11p Oaleitne'ree; Flannels, o;„ 10,0;a01'.. W s ofil.t-T Theis niannfare „ • . I •.1 ; . 10 1 ORDER,,,OR ON SHARBS; to Alt euetemeri. All 'work' 'warranted as rep resented. They layite partionlar attention to 'their 'later .rroof ff " A:`; , tf . . • , • ' CAS SIAIE-RES *blob ars warreatedin.every respect. Partin leratterat!on given to `Mitt • CARDING -,. :‘!,CLIITII. tiillgiSlNO; iNGltAidll large stook of Cassimeree, Ate., 15 iiiiircent less, than any competitors, and warrant. -ndae represented", , -3316HA518 manufacture to order, and do all - kinds of-Roll-Carding and' Cloth Dressing, and defy competition., • — INGRAMB have as good an assortment of ra Olathe, iitintmereo, :1 ft • • i luta give more for Wool in exchange than sty Other establishment. , Try them and satieftyour. salvo.. MOMS wholesale,and, retail at the Con* enesqtie 2 miles below . Knoxville. Onr Cloths are warranted, and sold by the folleWirig persona: ... • - , . . ..,. • , f_ 0. B. MILLET, Wellaboro, Pa ', • Tat. itALIiWIN 4* 90 :, Vega; , pa. . • J. O. BitliffiATT, Oovintoni-Ps. 100,9020'oliiids of Woo jetitio the "daolet k on of the -Repuhtloso County OontratitioO,_ • ti;‘,44'tti " I 'i fr.i ', ,, --, A l i* c- ,-(.1 :; ,. .11:!,, r ..0...,1,;,•.,4, ~271 11, ..,, . .= , . z. , ,,n T ..-yii. "0.-.: ~c, ? ,'.;i•st.-e'? i;:f;, NINA.`` N. Y:=, :-,„.., et . -,:yzif 0411 iii "I,:{ - f:',4',..1 ..!'''''C I fi' tr 74' zir..-it •::11 •.""rr7ntri • - .It::: 5.1. r .;.- = ISM BM FINED OIL =I W. TERBELL 86:00.: Aild 7 o-43: • Roan $135 down,,. Also, ~:'1'. VAN HORN. aaarmlts. ix UZI 'A • ,4 Wanted. YNA ri ro 13Tovr11S.'., nP. , 1 7 ) , 7 ;,i rf""J-' „Linty/Allan tamisio. MEM Oleg: m., - fij;'lltintirli,.MlevipAtter rind, t" ,01.0010 r, ,natti,sardring, dirtmt corn ascii° u with triiins ptfibe Gravid ,Trunk 'and .14kitticita at BnffalO;' 'Dunkirk. and eleventh d rata YTesti and st One innatti trl th The Ohio and ki alatiPPl finiLituri 13601; t yips lMkiltraie ffer, loutifatid t • - 848 is itiPREMI MATL, Sundays excepted, for B 0 0 5 10! Dunkirk and. Clecrelaud k •Coune6ting 701 lib trailutfor the itreet,' , A sleeping poach le attached to . 11 ' ibis train running throtigh ttlltdr elm = r, " 10,22 . a. v.ri MAIL. ,Aur, - trdayi:' exeptited • (or' Brtgodo and Dunkirk. , -yr I,l4ssAvrillops ItliPlCESll,Bundaysegeept7 ttoCh•Mor and linniticoria IiZPItESS, Min/Mire' ego - kited to'r • mow?. min kirk; CUT'elandteluebumtir and the South, drincippi etatibne and mi . ., mhista *points on main line. 'Nevi diid improved Dravrint Itoom'CiniCheti ticcOmPanY . Able train Mini Vew iror to' lig9nld,and , Bleeptriy. ,tidatipes attaChildatMorneilartgto nu td t,h IP: to 01Afe7ind n'ud ik on 140610 change. ErpitElM Butidiird'aicaPie4, tor. Duffolo, eCntiecti w tut trains for the bloat, la;011p. ~ WAY 1/B:Rialtir, Stmdaysome•Oid amp.Elkiivilikier tat*, dalij," tor tile Week MEE '.. Vin , .:GOING'BAB*. • , ..„ .1148 P.M., NIGHT EXPRESS, Sundays• excepted, : ePunectitif at , NOw York withaiterncion trains and Steamers tVir Batt% and NO* England &Weir. • SieeplogiOdathell ieoomp+by this train tb New York 4,55,ae.M40tR0/NtIATI EXpRESS, , Zortn•kting at. Elmira far liarrisbark and thafitinthi alia at 'Bitola" fox Canary/ 46104 tit Waverly with train of .I.obigh Talley lOW ;way; at Owego for /Maga; at Dinghaniten for Cob' p e rapSwa Albany and at New York with attain eraand altUrndothExpreas thins „for Newt •Soitiaba Aar. Sitio& g i nglativit , tier - 1110 11 V Mis train to New York.` .. • ' :l e git a, ro.; VAT' EXPRESS, Sundays• exCepted; cOnnifirtleg ataeney,Pity with pidoight;expreas train tif NO* Jersey Railroad (r PhitadelPhia. ' atop at ,printripal stattioniCrind eiintrectinefoliite on • main line. , _ New and improved Drawing liootii,Coaolies a ,company thla tral 2 to New York. I 4 .15 p to:;'ACtOiligODATlON' , daily for 2,20 P. ra.t-ELMIIRAMA/ 1 41 3 aUOIXO OlC;ePted.. 4,301410, • NEW YORE. AND BALTIMORE •MAIL, tiOndaYa eXeopeed,:conneating nt ,for the • 7.57 p. LIGRINING EXPRESS, Daily, c:o =lett lug at JetasY City With morning • Express' train of, New Jersey Railroad for Baltimore and Wilshington; , and at Now York with morning Express train for lioston and NerWEngland (Welt. A tar atop, t all prin cipal stations and don netting points on maiti l line. Bleepidgecholies Scootopany this,trat; throu h to New Nark. s••• • s , 1 s ••- 11133 WAY R'RE/Girr.Putithqs - • ' liAtitaGE OUEOKED TEIROIMI so= A recited and NAntiple Timedbwr a t Pasaenger Paine On the Erie Railway rind c nnecting Lines,haateoently_been pablishosLand Oitu indent ed onspplication gt,:ttio Tibket Agebt of the Company WIE. R. BAUR, L. D.'DGIER , Cien , lpAss,Agent. Ge '1 Snp't MI I 13 losisbire 0 o ruing,' & Wog - Tastaawfltrun as follows antilftirtber no Atattritlilidattoti*Lsavasillottbrarg at 0,60 a ' geld at TAO, Tioga at 8,22. ,14wroncevill 1 - arriving ittorning at 10,1ro 0 a.. 1 Idall—Laavtaßlogsbar g at 2,80 p.m „hung& Ttoga ,at ; 8,46, Lawrivaaville, at •.,glartittig at 6.60 - p. m. - . Malt-4bares Corning. af 7,60 a.m., Lawr 8,44'1'144 at %IL. Mu:Wield at • Blorr•burg at 11,461.4 m Mcounnadatibn' , -+Leaves Coining' at 2:65 ref:waving at 4,94 logs at 4.65, Manage] I striidug t MpOild'arg at o,2(p.ut, , • L .ft bilATTti t Northern Central It. II are stook- ' eek'Of ,TUAINSSOR TUB NORTH. Tratnstotea)mactagala Nava 711a#rii se Col lodolgto4ttel4st- X2lossEc9o.l6st ."117:1 11641..0•d 'Attab ... unodation.... - ME On andraftar Yana U, 1810, trains will depart frbm Tioy, as follows; LEAVE NOIITIIVARD. 845 p. na:—Dally(Steept Sunday's) for Butfalb ;via:Ertl Railway from Elmira 10 85 O. Oh-, 1)4'14(4:m00p; Sunday's) for El 10,9anandalgua„ Roc:beater, anap.Brl Canadair.. ' LEAvE SOUTHWA RD. 7 28 W All ashington . m.—Dol.PbO ly,fex ndo cep lph t Bia, 1nAloyo) for .10. 68 P. in.—Dally (except anndai , o) "for Waithington and Phlladolphise . ALPREDit.VISEB. S.:YO I oon'lBtipt.listryleburg, 0 on'l as • ' bat ANOTHER fiBEIFFIAT SELLING FOR C PriCes To. liest . Whiteßrhsiai Flour pr Rod filtnte'r,4 " • „.$6.60 1,6; X.X.Spritig Wheai, :8,00 4 f 1.6( littakwheat Pieta, 8,00 per 100 ,1 Best ',2,00 Bt . ? ind Bherth • 1 1 50 " m I• - • • •., 7- * ?,25 •‘, Those prices only FOR_ CASH. WRTGIUT & BkILEY - All persons not haling settled with us, can not blame us now if they find their accounts and noteg j left with an' attorney for collection. We give d.ue notice. • '• • • W. 4t. B. BAGS.-We want all persons having any bags with on?. maik on them, to ietuin the same at once, ae elan take steps to. 6cour,6 them.— We have .500 bags aolittered ainong the people. • 'WRIGHT di BAILEY. Y the undersigned, 41 span of horses, five 71D years old; a good farm or road team. Can be seen ttriltie premises of 'B. P. Deane, t irt Delmar. , D. L. D r EANE.' Wencher°, July 13, 1810. 2m • I • A. , tanqpnicirftdr 'co., - 1 - I PPOSITE - the tho House, TIOGA, 1J Pa., keep constantly chi 'hand a large assort ment of Pi ainily" ° Grocenes :and ,'Pronsions FLOUR FEED, AND MEAL, PORK, • BIPTTER,-LARD, OMAN, &c. ofir- POses down to the bottom figures. M4•18,.1870.-3m. A,. EVAIPEREY A CO: •r • - • lOWA LAND AGENCY. THI enbearthr would inforidthe' public4bat be has ‘the agency of a quantity of lOWA LANDS, whitili be will sell for cask! or eiohange for real oTtisidoital property, on reasonable terms. ' GREAT RARGAIXR OFFERED. , He would say that be has examined the prop crtyraii titles fur b 1 iself, and' billares be can make it for the interest of , persons. going West, to eve bite, a call before , purchasing elsewhere A For partioUlars, inquire of, 8. D. GOODELL, , May , '7O ly 1351)4001e, Tioga Co., P. MHO Hotel for Sale. "' MOTEL at Osceola, is offered' for sale T nn reasonable terms. ,Thia stand is a de sirable one, ban two barns upon the premises, throb wells of good water, and a lot Of fruit trees. The lot contains li acres of land, :Address or call on • . , JAMES - .Y.'MARTIii, Oseetila A- Jane 1,18711-Bm. , ,The Proprietor. HARKNESS .fIOOT - ANY) SHOE NAKVBS. Shop In rldonrt Block 'formerly oaonpled by J. H. Moe as a Grooery Store. 1)00TS AND SHOES Ora!Minds made to order'and La the beet manner. ILEPAIBINGof all kinds donepromptlyand well.i.Give us &call, JOHN HAMMES WM. HEMET.' - Welleboro, july - ' Valuable Farm for Sale; - - • A time throe hundred koteei With two bun 11,„ dred and. twenty • five sores improved . • Sit . tuned tun miler north' of Tioge Villegm ;on 'the. P 13 ogaltiver end itoprpod: Well. ,watti. red, tin. der* good steel , .if ~ , n )ti va 0 int.; ear_',.{ 10 btli)1 1 . 4 1 1;6 .^ lkittO ((Mr Iji,u ' !( , :..r.t St.f . 1. 1 . — , -:,,,).. ; rc rill, i :t. • `• ' ''' ' • ' :. 1 .: I ,', '..tip?.. 1 7.•-• •; 'Ol lo .:-.- • , - I , -.. ~• I T UM - 11 1 8 1 .70 ° FOR, SALE, ,-. . .:f4:: - - . , , .- sprin 14111inery, , 1070!, , ~,:1i,,.‘ .. - , :i , t!,.....:'i5:„r0u-,,,, , , ii"-ir ~ , , ,,,, ,, •:-I z ;.7..,•_f., :;^, ivrasr,i_igum , , , lnl7l,Wain-' l. Btreet.,:t je• ju st _ i 141;-90 0 04, !OW,* Pkiiiiiiisolt ( tt',iat,ot ;- - ".,,,,,,,,--;:.:,,, ,: , 11 • . 4: 5, ,:.1. 1 . 7, .ift: , .. g.rii i ; ,, ,i,,, !: :„,, , , 2 .: '' ' LLINERt - 11 OBS ~....,, .. 3 V1. , :',/ , ' -,! .• - nattal:4 ' .q . t' . !...,' ', - ~, , ' ~,. , .' ,. : if;'' 4 ervlr. , .:,-0 7, , ;•:- , _. ~ ~ IjAtEf n i-t k cit 14 i l it;s4TßAiii- GboDs,'' -", 4. ,t4ortkruAlyElls,7.l.4lßßONs) !--- j , ; „- ; ,,OciLLARS; WriitEßCaliEff,' ' ! ~/1,,, , '. i h . ,:.,•,1,, , A, i ,-, ~, --:,-,- d• ia •, ,' i - , - 10 ~" --.-• ', b ' - ••-- - ,t : _ ,- , _ a lfoi-vid o b i1)1 •*nlm:geb beikirloybier pri' ' ter- All *ork , dofidtainitly, end to'plese. . r .,,„,; 'M L thiitOLlll l E SMITH. •• WollOorn, May \,11,,T-11110-ip.;, MI * Irfilt; f 'dl . RB..E. E. If.babe w. , e onn 'neater , ' in.ber new qinitiiti, - oviirlding and Co.'e b Aside; She bee Joe reeefied Mao! •• • - . f • 'I SPRING ILL' ERY,', . . ‘• , I .• . • • . t I • . ' to wivioh stio ftivites theVaftenifofif of tbe'llidies' of Welleborolind Y,lo!nitYi 1 ~ ;, : •; , , k L MRB..g. EjsKIMBAII,. .:.April P,1870.1y, , - NW llNliLlNillit. - , - ,, Aiip-vOpy tip ps.• lkirits.}BoFLELD has returned from the City .I.U.With an itseortment of New Goods to which ebb ityiltesAte Attention of. the.ladies of Wells: 'bore arOivteinity. Her stock comprises& choice seleetiotof ! 'STRAW GOODS, ,LACES; RIBBONS, ' Ttowkils, GLOVES, , HAND. REROHIEr'S, COLLARS, FANS, • EMBROIDERIES, ;antlii ' of 'W -1111'.E: GOOD S: 1 ; Thtinkful for tho generous itatronsze of the' past, _abet hopes to tnetita dotitinuanco of the - same.' BOnnets hats repaired to order. •, Ilan also agent for theNilleoz & Gibbs' Sismin4 J:-HOPIELD: Nyelfebatio ipi:11.20;.1870: If" - • • • EiMPANN 0 copied ~_ , . IL R I ice: m.,llau• at 907- • Id 51.8,16, gg NeW Syr ,ndailll tat 'rrlving at I m ~LaVe• a t 6,88. r ;li,Sup't PEOPLE =I .:,712pZp . 1208 am 1.1000 pm ;;;-...615 pm arrive and !mire and nIIR STOCK IS NOW VERY' COMPLETE NJ in , all Ito branches, and Niess down to, the standard of Gold at pare Our tra,Butra dgo and the Baltimore/ STOW Or Baltimore, NG ,•14tet imore,gd is very large,-and we rg when dpaired, Our , I, LE T. OA-RPET SH! is the laigest in Luis seetil prices 10 to - 2:0 poi' cent lo ay. pr. arta Lino and 1 , 1 ha are as IoW as before, ho w ale Brand Black Alpaca, est, Frank Leslie and He pronouncing ilia test Al the Beaver Brand pare NI tick, and full atsortment! UNITED STATES 1 _ _ ".-- -,. aend US J i .....'. f:i.Lbelil '.......- 1 jUBt reek ~,,.t: I ciao; 4 , i• i._ (~ ~ [ ; let, 187 , „__,.. i •., : for an Tea Sur paokage.. The oertifionto forwarded to ue throng, will delitiai the bervlde ' We ae the agents for can assure our customers .1M are cheaper than they c aides the chance of,getti Tte solicit a call fro.. all the aithens of Tioga County and vicinity; v siting , Corning, and we assure them thatthey kindly and fair. ly treatld, and; we will ho them good. • SMITH 0; WAITE. Corning, April 20, 18i 0. I a r HARNESS - SHOP! /IS9. ITAVLS,'sr& aay to bis Manch NJ. that•bitf Harness bop is now in full blast, and that he )e prepared iofurnielt heavy or Belt MlEtor4 4 s4;teseEl . " on short notieti f in("a goad and enbetantial m!in , nor, and at:prioes dimcan't fail to snit. The heist workmen are thakelit material used. Di. 9,1888-Iy. X XL iSIILIL IL; .• i. 11YOBIRd a M ii Agent for Tioga effect insurance in the Wyoming_ Inuit,: Royal ' London, Liverpool & Glol He will canvas!, the count oept Saturdays, when hi office or John. I. Mitchell may give him a call. • Sept. 22, 140-41m.* - Haigh Scilool. THE Submiriber 1 , 111 open a School in the , Village of Om*, on'Slonday, March 70; 1870; aniteontinno tw olvo' eoks. ' RATES OF T I ITION : Primary,' . Is 00 •... %%%%% ••••••••• •• • Common EngUsh, ' • 5,00. Ilighor, -- , MO. nob. 9,—if. C. C. ' ARD, Prinoivil: plate, Planing - (te, ate, ing. F r t. 0 01?1WG Rll lit' r, IV A I NSC T i TwEßy l . 1870, >l'fr = Goods , sToRt [CLOTH I ke clothes to order TOOK n of . the etate, : and er than hit sear. bite Goods r. We keep the Buff 'which Madam D 613102- Rereyaenar_ unite in pack in market; also ohairs, a splendid la.- Tho TEA COMPANY, the last invoice hived, the following no. We propoin after April 0, to pack a certificate elegant Silver Plated vice, daily, in one pound when fuuud, will bo our agent!. and tbn , 0 ; the fortunate patty. the Company, and we that their dL fig U be sold at retail, be .g a Tea Sett. employed, and none bu t Can and coo. G. W. ITAVLE. Et 312. o e le the authorised nd Potter Counties, tO .nce Company. Capitol $5,000,00 0 ' be t Ci+Pitol,s l6 , ooo , ooo by during the week ex. 1 \ will be found at the 1 to' attend to all the A. I L. MONR9B. . I II E