t i rrifpttikai)paili.e f t ) ~, -,,i4t,;44 - 4 \ r - , -..' *'l ', ~... A,. .._ . • TlLit o 0 s running *tier - dVste e tat routes from _......;:..,:.:_,. Welleboror.will depart and ..,. .... 1 -- lis .. i , iirrlre alt , fellows !Mal the t...',,,V.4 , -! . NOUIPArctr, OI I• , 44q6:• - ~ .• .: , isoirose a TlROL—Depart 6 *lO, a. m., arrive 1)4 , and.l orock paw.; ,-,.. - : L, - . . ,- - r.' -,:' • , ' " ;': 9 , f otiose k lifatarishennit 8 swin4 'arm° p:An e nt iaoso k Cotrosassone.—Dep. Mon. k Thur. 2 p.m " - mire A m t day itThursdayatl2m. • - ; illastozo kissslTBnonn , —Depart lion.knur. Pa in 4rtlyeTnegBo4BWlAP•in: -- I wallow *Btosr Now_De9.- "Zuw ,4k Irldfir sc. 3 P. M., in% turs, - &7ll4sy"kt 12 re: - :- ,-.,- ~.. tOGA COUNTY' - AGITATOR. • . ______ L9eal items. WEDNESDAY. rEi I tPT . : 7, :1670., New Advertisements. Agent Wanted—Pe 01;A ,Craiignter. Notice- Edgoom A litt,riburt., stoles—A. B. A. Briggs. Pailtion...-4. )3. Potter.. l iklisboro Onideg Soh?ols,, ti not Warted—Dlmotial&ifintt. THANKS. — Mr. Chas. Cloie, of. - the - Rend Top Chaos F . actory has our thanks for a ~,g , piece cfexcellent cheese, ;from the above Oetory. , -.. ._.., ___ -31 r. Chauncey 11,411,,0f _Oharleston c will also , g ept our thanks, tor a oludir of blue Pluitia, ~ , dining 75 plume on : a verrltruall 1411'114 7 - mug.) in sire, and Of eiaelleinnility: - ' I LITTLE BrTs.- I Chiaoh' , gaing,was frt bled in by eome , on Sunday last, land lying 114 by many more. -Harvest is ended and the summer passed; al still Wilson & Van Valkenbtirg contlntf to Sal opt goods to the satisfaction of their cuato-. 011, . , -.Emith & Bowen's brink bloCk, isknow going cp it a rapid tate, and will no dotal' bar complet 0, ere winter nets in. . _ • , . job s is Wellaboro Foundry is doing a nice job i: casting the iron fronts for Smith dc Bowen's 11)115. —Wellaboio i; putting oily • Wt s of letetrif to judge fro* the street broils itt4tllgad r" 4l- g 4, ;:l „ are igs from the street L.. t both by males and cranks. —The illelleboro,_lligh School opens. on She thing. The tints was postponed it, week nii:AF,.. tact of the County Fair and Terehers' Inititubzi, vtich occur the week. before. BEAT IT.—Mr. I. Co Thompson ; writes •... lif u follows : "The wife of,ll l :E. , litulford of lintfield, has a eon , who, hit, a! parentage of 13 ',mons now Hying, namely,: 2iptienkit; - 4 gran4i :irents, and 7 great grand parents. . _ • i BADLY HURT.—Fellx, a !Kann SOLI ;f Wm. Reiley was badly hurt on the let inst l 6 nig thrown from a bone while racing oa the Daring Park. The young lad was insensible for Ame Limo afterwArd,andle learn,,ie now slowly 7eosering. Boys should not allowed to , ride; fat horses. J. R. Barker is in New. York, after a all stock of goods. They will be open and roa for inspection Abe first of next week. Give am s cell, as you alwaye find in hie stools a good Ironton t of dosirsd?lo goods. . TEei. CITED& - bIEITicTUTE.—Ttie vs' Institute' fot this County will hold ,itis Apnsa 118 onion frittieTOurt THonsts,,Weibilioreoosii tensing Monday, 'Sept. 19th, 1870, at 2. P. M., Lid closing Friday noon of the same week.— Prominen t Lecturers and Instructori will be pres mt. and every arrangement has been made to no. ;;mmodato all who,attend, Let there be a large ...tend:ince of 'l'6.orira, Sohool Directors, and that tho coming session. may be ,one, of i'dt and pleasure aIL Much crodit is due Prf. E porton, the Co.:`,, Supt, for his energy and arnestnesa in the work of education. PERSONAL.—Rev. 0. L. Gibson goes •.to thin place to Towanda. Few men put forth Zre onorgy-in the cause of religion than Mr. ;ran. Ile faithfully ministers to the spiritual was of hie flop ; and what more any man :? We regret the, departure of A. Gibson; nla,i, an*) his rtninir'.r,;---r.-44-RA:A:!nr tw Nan,. Re is% D. D. Buck, Doctor of Divinity, was I.ll2gesa to tills place by the late Confatence : — : ip understand he is a man of high standing' in e ministry •—Professor:-A. C. Winters, the gentleman em 4:rel as Prinoipal of the Union Graded Sao° • 'hi! arrived - hi town with hie wife his -Prufelqur Horton, S, County Superintendent, 4! In town last week, Making arrangements for .z. Teachers' Institute, whieh is tp "be held at s place the week of the Fair. IV* }Joie 'our ple will do all they can to make the Institute iv,,t`esP. —Rev. P. Reynolds, of Allegan, Mich., xnado reef visit toiluie county last . wetk, calling on a:oe of his many friends in this vicinity. Sun. the 27th ult., ho preached a very able and Ittreffing discontso in the Bap list gall, Wells- ADMITTED TO THE BAR.—James H. , ard, Esq , was admitted to the Bar of Tioga 'inty last week. Ile read with'Al. F. RlHeti, El, of this place, and we, are inforina . that' he o Con tinue with him predeptor in the .practice. Bogard is a =young man of good parts, reputation as a student and a scholar is vbtablished in this county. Re makes a 11.+0 Of his time ; he,is g young man of good highly re.pected by all ;laud 'we Bope to Loa pros* in _Xhe honorable. profession be di"Setl. Wllqllll the profession honors, honor i•toteesion : we hope to' see Mr. Bogard rank curs. THE WEATIIER.—Froth-afloat of the • t duds of the county, we have reports which that a serious drouth was upon them down '4 st week. Pastures were dried up so that Atilt could scarcelrget enough to hie on off of to belt. Iu this section, what rains we have were of small account. In a day, the roads riald again be dusty. On the rivers the drouth to not been to severe; though we understand zi t the corn his not filled out as well as it . Early Saturday morning, a steady, general o tet in, which we think will be a great benefit %lb, whole county. It ie just En time 'to bring .1 wheat along. ALMOST A CENTENARIAN.—The Wi- Im..Elliott, mother of Julia Elliott,. of Law , 'awfillo, died a f'ew days ago, aged 93 years.— lived a great many years on the old Elliott t tettead, on the west side of the' Tkoga river. C'heat's flats, in alarge bend of [the ricer, wore ;:e Rene of many A ramble andl i dai's lort,• in t;r early boyhood. The wild cherry the choke `Fr!, butternut, ,biekfienut, •tbornpluni, the 'tired plum, all flourished there: conveniently tar the strimit;ink place; and it is raid that itet,flooes and watermelons were sometimes nd deep out in• the corn fields, Pumpkin 'tit, slim testify, supplied mob boy a "squaw k* for lerfkde along tliel green hank - Of the tih „rre Seri eras a lung life. Aimeet a century !- 141 eorlaeata tinee'abe wats.a ebild ! . 1. E. CONFERENCE.—At the 'recent E. Conference, held at. Elmira, N. Y., tho fol 141 / 4 appointments were made for the Troy lis. t 'lt: W. Cochran Presiding Elder: troy—w. S. Wentz. - r winda-0. L. Gibson. • !An Smithfield—W. Slather& 4. ringeld—B, J. Tracy. Bo rlington—C. V. Lowell. ,'"on—Nl. C.' Dean. r•L‘t Canton--4. J. Turtuo. • l l o croeton—%V. W. Runt. • ' LIb M7 Corners and Asylum—C. L. F. Howe. boshore—R• Hinman. Vandirk: :to rluville—E. G. lkl'Connell. ! L imburg—S. G. Rhinevault. Rolland and Columbia—Pant Smith, 4,tickson—Oharles to . oga and Lawrenceville—i. S. Rymer. !! is seSeld—W. D. Taylor. al:ell:mg—R. Lambkin. • Cla uleiton—D. S. Transie. ifiddlebuq—J. B. Chaco. firelltboro—D. A. Buck. o tr ehner—T o be supplied. • went and Manchester Farms-0. Compton. W estfield—O. B. Weaver. tr ookfteld—J. A. Blanchard. linottiile—lsaac Everitt. Chatham—E. Maclean. ritutin iti , a -, -W.l9r. Rummy. t • 4lggoi)AT - PitCiCEISDINGS:q-Cctill, 4tineli bti the 29th ultimo, his Honor, du Dams, presiding. ' There was mow) than nary ettenderaWi:lbe:boteltOutte.*7l. the 0* toonilaH,fei.iliertirit:444o::: 4aierlo'a 'i`eritineljury - luitOi - - : - Os49` hero was a fair Uttendande 'Of j ''''en. lial busineisa'faktilustO ilie -- ,-er k;',.' and number of oasts were diliosedlO ~,,, , Commonwealtkvo ? :lfor • „ojigtas I n dicted (or cutting timber on it „land' ' -til . ,:e. ' dOlik4i 1 ;:" - P 6 iii 111 ' . 0 ' VlKii4 libel:muse there - was no•plea Mae in the be heard at;ittilotiiiied cein't:,';' - CoMmonwealth vit. Jam Morgan. -Aoauitied. ‘ , :•-• , • Z.! ',` --, ' ', ..1 ,Barde vs, James )411 1 '.POrjitty. - . '.,tr Defendant gave bail to next.. Sessions.... , Same vs. .Mary -Ann _Phillips, , . Ass bettery4 John Payne prosecutor. i g no -prosecutor tiipliy twits.' .-- ' •:".-' • Same vs. DeweDyn,Hortlirnp. Mayli, 'rioted. Motion 'in arrest of judgMent, - hie to November Sessions. The bill', in Quarter Sessions, and.notpertitied., ' -Sam, vs.'Wiiliam D.,knox.. Assiull teSyf f and last term I . ,:Dat'eUdaut'eCin ientene d to pay a tine of .tisgaro cost - 'l3Um vs. John White. , Same as abo tc12 13 . 7m 4 v s F O s in e T n i h d d p s M s o tt o s s t : n ,H d e c e o fo ali ... T,i w ji b P r l e rri e _e .. , , Of the same charge against this 'defeur Untied to next Sessions.' 1 '• • • , Same vs. Nele l p M. Todd. - linrder. ;goosed; - Thillif the ease njentioned by the pres the mid dle of last'June,, wherein' the :dere dant: Was eliarged - tritli hanging pr,atiangling h son, who was about twelveyears of age. She was alone with tbo boy ',the, afternoon When he as found deed:: The Inquest.held.on the body cued -that the bOy was killed by a rope 'about h a neck; 'in some. manner, ;It seems so improb, le that` a sane parent'would peipbtritte snob an act, thut a , charge of! thiceharacter plhotild not b sustained' without evidence which , cannot lea i to a false corialueion. Tbere . stas So • much m tok y Omit - this case, that the publics good . requi l e d an.ex amination. I M Same vs. Jay C. Johnson. • Rape at True bills. Continued.' - ' , Same vs. Frank Hall Malicious True bill. Continua. .._ _ • •Same vs.hn Desinon. . Itefus* road.' • • Ign;ored , . , - Same vs. illiti ~ . m• Bonbon. Pe , — l-? ? bill: Continn a. ~ , „ ~Same Vs. A. Kinchello. Assault nd batter y , With intent to kill. Foundguilty ii d scOfenoed to two years in penitentiary. lie IS a Newlrork band, who came to work on 'Abe r ilroad being .built to this place. He wounded the complain. ant severely with a-reeer. „go.** 44(4 the : iti• fluence of liquor at the time.. Same Va. Gilbert Vincent. Larct County to pay costs. Same vs. 11. 11, Shaffer. Tii;pli Prosecuter to pay costs. • . -:,. -Smite vs. Henry . Good. t, Lam guilty. Seatenced to nine omit tiary. . Same vs. J. B. Wakely. • Assahlt Convicted and fined $5O. , Same vs. Prank Reltoy. Two 'et and battery. Settled by,,leave 100 moat of costs. Same Vs. Silas Allis. Cattitigi t Guilty., Fined $5O and colt's. Samo vs. John Payne Surety iondan't discharged. ` • " - '''---- - , The adjourned Court was fixed : eriday afternoob, all the jury beeh disposed of';\, the , Court adjo day. i ---....,_ . „ • l' ` - -------:. - WELLSBORO 801160 LS: It, was an nounced iiti the AGI I Tlerpll last wee , that the Un ion Grade Scho l ul_ .O'f . Wellsbcf would 'op e n about the ladle of September ., , iiare noty . i4- ; formed:that the Directors,,have , mployed Prof. A. C. Winters; 'of Dundee N. Y. as Principal.- Professor Winters is a g duate 1 the Univer sityit of ROcheeter, and ha _lilt -. experience in organizineind donduotinirgraded , schools, 1W has spent some years ig:lsti ( dy azi. travel in tier-- many, France and Italy) acid we i.tivei no doubt he will discharge ithe t rortanit duties of this responsiblepositton, t Z, „ ... e, ontir: Batlifailien of our people. The _ undertaking, h• ivexer, is great; and no man can Carry the; enterp lie forward to completelsuctess, withentithe hea ty co=operation r...... •--• LI - -Tr-- his ' been . na• V -01=1.11 . 4-441.k4 Vielleboito has had snow facilities for;tlA.-etidint tion of her youth as she should have, and the Work of building up the school will be all the greater. on this account. bade d, the schools have been so illy calculated t a. ewer tho needs of our community; 'that On pe.ple' have been conipelled to send their oh hire, away for in- I strnotion; long before their arri al at such age .as qualifies the young to underg. ttio hardships 'incident to separation from hoer. and honte in fluences. A largo number , of • ming peopleiin our own village have thus been •aken out of our schools, and so few advanced .p pile remained, that it was difficult to keep hp general inter lest. Parents have seemed to car but little abpat 'the character of the school s to hick they have sent their children , or, it may e, have thought they were of so trivial conseque ce that it' mat tered little whether their childre attended regu larly. Thpro can be,, no good 'school without punctuality and regularity in at ndence. • Noth ing so much promotes theati L esse tittle, as the' at tractiveness which is incident to a school conduc ted on the modern phin of grade schools. Each pupil stands and is advanced solely on merit, as certained, by periodical examina.ione, conducted under the supervision of the Board of D y....octors. Under this systeln, there is something or each ' pupil to strive for; and the emulation which it arouses, is a sufficient stimulus to induce all ii put forth their beak efforti. When a pupil is trade to understand that his or er 'advancement depends upon proficiency in the studies pursued, there ia.likely to bo no ]sic of arnest, persistent effort. The young mind ?cache out for expedi ents which shall promote the reatest progreas, _.2 and thee the pupil begins to tbi k for him or her self. There is never any . sub tatitial advance ment, without that systematic discipline which makes the pupil a thinker. I is idle to thik ~i , only through tho minds of oth ra. Memmrizi g ,the th`oughts lif others, 'makes u. mere copyis . Independent thinking inspires originality. o most make ourselves mediums en 'rapport wvi h the one source of all inspirati.n. Pupils mitt do this to become scholars. . holarship is the effect—it is the full fruition of tupilage. The labor of organizing thi. school will be very great, for a year or Iwo. lat of chaos must come order, system, graduated a ending of mem bers in the different classes - of t , e course adopt-, ed. All must conform to - one avr... There will be complaintsLnd disappointm • nes. It is like making an agny of rew reap to. The evolu tions will expose those who o oat train in the awkward squad. But drilling Arai - ping,: will wear off, the awkwardnearr;Yand n a year Cr: two, we shall see them ready for parat e andrevlew: This school will b 5 free to an i; Those residingju the adtlition.ol to the borough last winter, must by Delmar the present _school year we shall have the tai pis this mutt provide rot all - within its li add alaciutak i 0 the number in , the mean time, all outsideithu Ii borough ) desiring to attend '.sch charud - tuition: The rates' will 'We bay already heard of quite : ore cooling into the 100 l frorn2 country!. 'We shall ha e as man its we shall be able to provide for crease' chore. This is ,rig pupils fr. the start, heeause make the school what )it thptdd b Our people take, a pleat interest prise. It will greatly add to - th of . .our village. draw fru the _education of, children. the equiialent trr.tbat ofthe best acca child within thiliorongh can aeqt ucation free. The amount Of •tax compared to tho tuition which' wo abroad. If tie school succeed, no plain of taxes. It must succeed .tigs HANDS ORP - . - - - 7.-E4itora saw something in your papeT,of ago, which pleased me so much, tbi to respond to it, an'd give you some same kirid of thing, whiCh is need( knows. It was on thist subject; whic discussed. yet'whiosh is of such vital —girls, and their b belusvior in impiety , heading says, taken from some paper now escaped my mind, " Girls alts selves to be handled." I have so ofb what a great thing it would , be for bless their hearts—if the press of. ereuld *if n ?ilof'like* is . tbfr. iir4 olB 4 ;114 NIA' to say So 'numb zif ';‘shisp,i Vileli :ClO'''. taaiiiipirgma do.- Now; the girls, I'll lay a wager, do not want to ba had, and would do nothing which savors of ti‘ bad * it they weiaiold'ottene*.hlitf fit islirld.. i i b Rn i Y s py , ow to act rightly toward the bearded ones. Now, if girls.-and I mean young ladies, t0,.? , --ntill!knew bow sough more young men re spect them, if they never give theuran opportu nity Le he familiar, I am sure all the girls in the iand`wonid never allow any man to take their hatide,',unleas i forAlentleacanly.,leave-bagiag•—. ,They :need koitei rndish; 'Or' tiny thing Of :tip? sort; to man of Sense wants them to be c tlicit; fiat be'does want them to be thorough ladies, at all times and under all circumstances; never al lowing anYttliPSlDLe;familbrxitY ftPlat !IV oPir at any time. To W,lay,,,,,ipan nali.tellftel-by.len, minutes'. talk withiegirl=-Vzhather 'be 'deist auui ' to ` put his arm stoma Ihtz.. iNaiSt;i4. kiss hand her cheek, at the gate. Not ono, min in Bt6; fa going to offer to do' it, unless"he feels pretty sure beforehand that ho will not be repuls ed. Do not , think ! either • girls, beeapse A, man . asks to`" gels You, that be is in los%e' with you; --;fen ~ -to I One; - if." l :.he iron; his would not have the courage tonslk T tnr ! anything that would be hal ` f as s'weet`'to Min. . Ile weal.] kiss any girl with a rdais'oria"bliiiretty faae, 4 andi nice mouth, made up already for ono. After war,.4l be would say to the fellows: "I like to go home with Miss 86 and so, .1, telljrou,f.iishe lett. you kiss her whenever you want toi,p,nd,A is, kind o' tempting to the racist lidshful or us; titan;--' 'ding at OM gate on a moonlight night„; ipo l 1. 'never would marry any'it,irl that 1 thou ght had :allorted.balf a dozen fellowe io 'slobber eVerliir:" Now, ; Mr. Editor, don't scratch out' that word " slobber," for it is the only word that expresses 'exactly what I mean. Erri,to bp engaged, itym , excuse for acting'the fool; and 'girls 'should nev ,er allow a man too much r eedomj Just, because old saying, " There 'ismany a slip 'Wilt th cup and the lip," in therday's of, short engage ants, is ever proving hey arc engaged." Tb true; and Yorang ladles • • lonia alvialys 'dep. ,theinselies a kerndaelitly, th t in 'ease 'of a dip; em they need never blush to think of those bygone days. Oh, girls, all that we men say, we say be. cause we rimito . you so,inuchoind want you per fect in every way, because , we are imperfect in ao many ways; so don't get mad at what one of the'iiiiper'feat ones has Said, airier your good: . . ONE or THE •BEARDED ONESi ' I a Wit-. a ordt-. tOp aid 14' 44 0, 'end Crimt. ii !srlge ! &Ana. of Iwo iir4l94 °smith arcony ,a bill.— ult said ;;the CoiA- Tot➢ins - found and bat, oted and e. , See— Pleaded har easel; ant, oon- a adultery. mieoblef.=- g to open ',NORMAL SCHOOL) MALlirtir/ Fit*); P4I.4•FOCIgki : * Charles - .ll. — Vertill," ) .A. PrOfeisor ;of •Scientel and Arl,• of' Teilehine, 7 and - Mentil - andlforar Philosophy; 12ev "Ti, Wation,.4. Profess o r of Anelent kingudgea• and English Grammer ; • Ilimry jonei,-• IS. Professor of Mathematics- and 'Natural Thy ; Frances A. Cochran, Preceptress, In structor p( French, German and' BOtany Miss Spisatt:lt'. Preston, M. E., Instructor -of-Reading 'and Elocution ; Isaac G. Jloyt s Professor og I , : strumental and Vocal llPtihin;• Chlrl4lof - Theirtp,: • son, Professor of Drawing and Paintipg; Mary E. (Bradley, Instructor of Pentattnehip;' Miss 'Anne It Kelsey Assistant in , Etiglish'brari- , clies ; 'Vint) 'Pratt, reft'.l3., Trine ipal of .Model, SchoolT; •Miss Myra llortinv, Preeeptribei , Miss Liizie W: llainee, B. 8., Assistant. The szbool -year,' consisting •of throe terms eaoh, commences to-day, (Sept. I.) The e*pense per terra, (14 woeks,) for tuition add book.rent ; boarding, including room rent, fuel, oil and wash ingeis s62;dr sup pef,year. ' deduction of $7, per torm, or s2l'itlin.4rear, is made to' those de-1 signing to teach; $l4 per term, or $42 per year/ to any who were wounded in St'ato or U. States service, or vihose fathers lost their—lives in said service. A deduction of, $5O additional to the above, to all who graduate and design-to - teach.; All young men and Women whh are'prepared to join the senior class, receive, it will thus be aeon, a deduction of-471,, or $92, from .the regular; charge for the All vtso.ternitin trio years, and , graduate, provided they intend:co- teack 'ecive a deduction Of 492, or sl3.l;rfeni the 'reset.' lar Otago: for two years. People who are interested: in , thl4 Inititutiat; ivilfsee, how much the- State in it.' "'Students can bo admitted at any time, up on application to the Principal. - _. • , -Students tAlliinglo remain'oe term onlY,•oarr Caine at any time and remain , -.14 weeks from date of entering, charged for ono term only. Cata logues are always furnished, on applioatioretothe. True , y. , Ignored • g. Agnoied i ny. Plaided 'a ln paniten— rand -I:iatorY• !see of assault' plart,, °Limy- mbei f peace. _ ye\ .r Ootobbr 21. awes ',haying iciod till Mon. NOTICE TO SOLDlkats:—./: are ptepareu to make applications fob artificial limbs or ap paratcs, (or' moucy":y'alne .of the sidni4 for'aall officers, soldiers, seamen enifinarinee, disUblettin the military or naval service of the United States," during.thc late war, that to officeriiMt ntaie 'the rank of Captain in the army, And Lieutenant_ in the navy-,ne poi alit of iCiirtirioiti, 7 iappiceved June 30thi 1870. lifkurpicK. 4 A4to--14.134.111—t... MUSICAL.—L. B. Powell, 116 Peon avenue, Scranten, Pa , . the - ,general, tigiiney 'for the Chicherlng keneiit.OAfesea' ! att Mira lin organs, in a largo portion of iii:e. 4 slatse 01 ! N. York iind Pennsylvania. Theit; celebrated in struments! are ,thti ,onlipihnoit and ,ornn:s2/3114144 factured, that are selling at low rates, strictly on the, '; one price system," Senate Mr. Powell for the now circulars and price' lists/ ; Aug _3 • DENTISTRY.' —C, delltret• office iri Wright i3iiiCk,whoro'hci tinder to make teeth with the neto Improvement which gives bytter satigliflikn: than any Ihilig• elso in use. To 1;,o hnd nt Dni:tt's only.—Ang.,42 1870.—tf. ' ' ,*.1••-- • NORMAL SCHOOL ACV The course of musical instruction at this institu tion, is identical withlliat of 'the most successful music selMois of the country. It opens the silos test.possible road to a SOLID musical education, saving-a 'Vast amount ortioni and _ Instruction is giyen on tho piano, organ, vio lin, and other orchestra.' instrmmMits On harmo ny and composition, cultivation of, thosoice,, no 'tation, and smging•at'sight.' The . Fegufor groxluating course., is divided into five grades; each - grade being - subdivided into three divisions. The, music comprised in .thp course, iy classified according to the divisions of the grade's, beginning at tho simplest and exten ditig,to, the tnost difficult, and includes the piano forte works of the ancient and modern -chibsie . composers. The ,preliminary - technical Studies afe"artanged in aectirdanee with the divisions and grades, mti: king a progressive series of studies from the be ginning to the end of the third :grade. , After that point has been reaohod,--the course is contin ued with the studies comprised in the course. _ RATES OF. Thirrox.—Per -term. of fourteen weekl payable - strictly in advance: Piano, two lessona per • week "$l4 00. Organ ' 14.00 Violin 12 00 Other orchestral instuments, each 12 00 Harmony and composition, two lessons 'a. week 14 00 Notation, elementary instructiortand singe lug at sight, 2 lessons a-week, (in classes) 5 00 The above rates correspond with the old rates at $l2 per term of twelve - weeks---use of piano and organ twoliours a day included,' - ' ' -Those wlio pursue the re - gular cantle, and can' sustain a britical examination in the same, are awarded u diploma, • No deckled , * will be inado for temporttryab-' settee from lessons, nor for lessons discontinued. The fall term begins Sept.. 7, 1871, .[lteo Over-. tisement in this paper.] - , jtifir*Teaehers of music and public" gene rally can be supplied with music, and instruction books of the most approyed methods. Persons about to rinrchase pianos or!,eriti;ti, 'find. I,t; greatly to, their interest to correspond Orders,will receive prompt attention, and should bo directed to' 7 - 1. - Qr FioYT, ' • • August 31, 1370. 2w •- • • illatitifieldrft. 'the borough, territory made be provided fof year. Another ext - anoloin; and KIRKENDALL--1141GINS--TAD.corfield, by N. STRAIT, Esv., Mr. H enry P. Kirkendall and Miss Evalino A. Riggin* bop!. pi' Lawrence, Pa. , - , . • PERTir—DAVEY—In s D aniiield, Atii. 31; 1E370, by liev. - (4. P. Watrons, Mr. Almeron' M. -Perry-and-Misv Jennie Davey, both of Richmond. ite.. This will ur sottoole.••• In tilts of the old ol here, will be .e reasoriablti.— numbeilsrho lie surrounding r, nndonbtedly, without an in- It. We. solicit need them to -- DEATHS. ' ''- jAnucrupcemente bf deaths priblisbad fraa, l aturall obituary notices scill bo charged at the rate of 10 ceitl;e `for ten Word] ..: DECOMSEY—In Union, Aug. 23, 1870, Mrs.t dnora, wife of Thos.: Deeomsey; agedl2 year..' RAIIBD4LL—In Arnot, Aug, 0th,.1870, zio, wife of J.-E. ItrAIf3DELL, agdd 88 ,years, 1 month, and 15 days. in the enter attractivennat 'Hies hero for ours° will be raies. l very ire a good ad 11'0II be email, Id be charged l ono 4, • will com— "And she.;afiwpp fts.passsd." .r, • A Aui.- 26, '1.870, Mr. John Maddison' t, aged7o_years. GILKt clie 14th of, t Xnpi l , 1870;"Mr. John . Gilkey, aged 42years. . , . . In Partition. - , , TN the mutter of the estate . f Divid Hplelitit .j. • ? der deceased. ' Ludy A. - Hulilitiller;:jolin 13.11u1slander, Susan' E. Freeman; Worthington Freeman, E. K. Hulnlander, Harriet M. Vanval calnear, Jobn Vanvalcalnesr, - Davicr.r.• HUtlßan der, Jtilia A. Lamont, Archibald Lamont, and Eunice Edgoton,'guardian of 'Luey del, Clara S.' Halsiender aria !MAW Itulsien; der, heirs at law of said decedent, you and each of you aro hereby notified that by virtue of a wilt of inquest issued out of the Orphans Court of Tioga County, inquisition for making parti tion Will be taken upon the leads of said dece dent at his late residence in Charleston town ship, in the County of Tioga, and State of Penn sylvania, on Tuesday the 25th day of October A. D.; 1870, at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sept. 7,1870.-6 t. J. B. POTTER, 'Sheriff. titatcri:l week or two t am going (more of that 1,6 sadly, God ;11 le se little importance • or, dB your which has wing them- n thought r girlit— country ARTtiA.GEE3: I Wittisboro Union Graded: , ' SCHOOL. A. d;'t"Ato.!EA...gaßrps „ E or GRADED SozcooLs„ And Principal of Rig){ School. T is the determination of the Direstors to make Alio OpF •In ie of 410 1 ,940 .tho/91,1141, and. syaternattii afroari tie' it i n Hui `anima ohm H with the priMary department, as papinn fit master every year's allotted work, be fore being'adMitted to the next higher. • ' The best of 'teat:lke:a wiltbe 01:N451;40d in every , department, the Most.'44s43oethttdef,9l ,qtruc . tinpused ri andi;-,ther IlaVcuip.• , ,e,!rexthep over timprip4lP*Vol IVRIr Man' Botroiir. offers theta aavaritages: ,The Principal is a graduate 'of the Rochester ;University, New York, a gentlenian of large ex perience in the beat conducted 16611°01a lof the country, who has spent two yesirs in' Burope, and speaks German. French and Pafian. „He is qualified to give superior instruction in .ilistory, Fine 4sta and the Aneien't Lang ogee. Instruct ! lion in BlOir .14114fenaiice, kevfpg aud'AfgerC, hiLeyial49 that of the ti ed med e d deelp „ '; The Board.imPfe`to.;soon jiivAblii)ti scour° 14.!L etruction in Painting and Dra(oing, by a 144 . who has had several years' insfruction by the beat masters In Germany, and who has practised in the Galleries of Berlin, Dresdeb. Munich and i ltforeuce. , Tire &ad school is the cheaper/4400]. Tho .Board intend to obviate all objeotions .to this class of po pular schools, as far as possible. A suffietent corps of teachers will be employed, that full justice may, be .tione t te,every„ pug „I-- Tuition is i feeito riltwithlnilreeld borough lhn.; its. Pupils,kcm, abroad, are ( 4l4,trd,_BortriLin Private faMillef froM $ 313 84 per,.*eek.-, Tuition, Cionimikitßl4ll4;(plYtiinatr.:' - if Higher Englis4lB - iyhmtatica; 4 . 53 44. cv, ORDEn Or 'BOARD. Septep4er 7,1870. tf WA TED At tit ; Niles • alley Steam Flour. , y r ' , leg It'll, 1. 0, OOP ‘ , B - 14 1- l i tt n et, C e of which We vii 1 pay the.hi heat market price.. .E. 41 K 0 4t, 4 BEMT. ppt. 7,;1M0 aw __. . .. _ • ' .:. , -, Stolen.., %- .. ~. - ROM- the anbscribetorOthe night9fdit -8411; 1 1 X /MM. 99e pld{..cusbfpns t o•n„A dome" t,7;t l . )goef.r. /laid L einiblorietras-neVnred -Orltli' - ' town 'cassimer'e, bedtichlbg titittotis,' and 'Winn with silver cord..,,,As.neyeraMbinga : loi been. kilo atvationti Ulnas from 'my ' premises; t to ' .thla . 'method - 9f giving snob iblifiit4libitreefalr aide; Atuit if such depredations do not cease they must stand tho consequences hereafter. ss' will be paid forth° apprehension of the thief 'who stole the alov.e items. : A. B. A. BRIGGS. . Middlebury. Sept. 7,1870-3 t.. . All ; Agent Wanted. ,Wll4gairtllt ' 'NG IbIAOWItMI3 Vioga 'Wagons :foriii AO, attd:fhe'llett"Tii*)pt , ei? to' Agerits. Sept. 5, igzol.y. :13Ox C. B. KELLY4 - ‘'• '‘, MI BAS JUST RECEIVED LOTS Or. New Goods 1 1 1 - ‘ -4 ra. EMI Milli . brnr in - 44 1 1 nook ' v''s• i . :;slZ*!., 's , ~ : s::• . ''':, .. 11111,011611 .1 1' lillteli '''- • 9 ..,,, • , ~ • .. iiii.il'are4iii try and convi I en you, ttint we not only - Vtivei : 1; , GOODN 9 . . .A. , ~\ • t biat tbat ? mio , otctdoAlltyfribtsbq c L Rr aovj tottbst bottom mil t3,Z1A1ia.6.0; '''Woatai 3 O. VOM)pteto sit 4. 71;. : 4 V, i;•^_, .Clik - Dttg"!!DltEoB . ' 0F1.9 4 ) a1 14 ,1-PrkeP4 • I= MEI -li-ivA= *.f CAPS, BCOTS AND SHOM • CRCORERY, GLASS-WARE, •„" COEEEE, SPICES, '•• 34 ; ' ETC., ETC. 1 " r• r do not propose to mention all the items in attire, as vie muoliprefer showing goods. NpAence-forab i ow.ing Gooda.-c dal and lee ua . I 1, ; , Sept. 7, 413 - 70, 2 `• 12jSTItAt—Ciano to tiler eloatire Alle sub scriber nbont ittetlest Of Anglia Spotted (red and w hite) steer, abrit4fOiar "yeargold. ' The owner is reques6eto prove. property,- pay elm, gas and take hith away. ' DANIEL FIELD. F. Delmar; Aug 31, 1t371V,357 • • •:,• ••Straye(l - • • • •" :Elitomitfk§ enolOsuro,O,f_tho aubsciiher, the II th a reCyearlihk =heifer,: ihort neon and horns tarnodlptirAny InformatiOn of :.the , abhvb heifer will ho . diberally rewarded& ,* • • =- • -- DAVID E. - BOWEN: • •,3.:trzr:L! . ' %,; EAemßlAlki & , VAN , ,HOTtIig, ....- - -7 , - : PICR4iTINEAR# 1p301141 1 / I C4F• ! I 1 I': il a a ' elllt:a OS l a a . A nen -, and eup rior :bale for, artifioial teeth—, having three titn a the strength of the ouloorate. Iwoff_tred with th assurance that ft romnos 0 , - 64 objection Ina e by the patlent.• Teeth filled; cleaned and extr oted in the most asproved man ner. All work r gistored and warranted., Office No 13 Main et,, ellsboro. Aug. 31, 1870. - , Mil .: TX, - 013i-Ai;M.A.,, Dealer In' - - - • - • .-ot att iFiudeVt ' A GRICIXT Walt At D;IIgIiONANIOAL OE 1 • Aiding Material, Iron Nails; Cutlery, Stoves, Tin-Ware, &c. lifirYiSTOCK' OF STOVES embrace!, Forty 'ln different kinde,_ :14j Jim prepared to uarantee • O.JA2 Bottoli Prices to Oat& %Iry I have also on hand a large atookof Electric X Cut ,Saws, and , Moor's Donble.Braoed Arch Frame Wood Saws. These are the best saws in the world, and are fully warranted. • •-• ' • '!' ' The best stook of Oil • and Kerosene' LAN TERNS la the county. • • 's • • I have many articles not kept bioth/r deal. era which 1 would be . sled to, show, and give prices that will defy compotitithi. Anal, 1870 : ; 4 1 , J. BOHIMPPILIN' Jr. •J'\ :, ^~~ .. ~4~ ' l. ,'~.5~~'.i ~d':~.~ ~ =III NEM SPECIAL NOltidEW. • GOOD YOOD , AND PLENTY - 0, IT. , Produces th e same end ;Om It Person Who has been starred that the Peruvian f 4 I 7 V, _ 11 ,14-lion. T e l doer •frpon the ,Wialtrand RebilSteeMt Ainakail strong end ,' v4 l . ono, atoning weeltlfmt and an g intd, irtrea&L And health. 1 • ••• -: —' :- ~ . er- ..--;., . How, te tool- ining—!§ixteexi. , Dows.panti 4 . ,•;*ritol - wiiiti - •44o*o; . blie, 8 004 e m r usgmea MagnOila 'Satin ' Upon' "Your • Aie, neck and and bang% mei U l 5O /iyon's 4atharion upon your hair. The g4ut Malt"? yourl komPjeziOn soarlii , :eigt Std. natural, and Yee can!ktell It itet -4 1 4.;ik : Iie rePleT._ : ee. f rec kles, tail, sallowiiiii; "rlng=n4rjkliz jiie00.4440,. e- Peet etc.; and ie.Plece Of a red, 'ratio' Mob yon' hav the marble p . n rlAy of an,ex Waite betto r , At Ow „to .told-,, dlo . age ,i,be , 1 1 .4 19111 '.4. ..pOtpStnal, south .. Add '`• alit* . g t ,sheets total "s p lendid h '4 'or heir irpifiiio 4:i 40., • ... jki3O, two a lady hae done ~ her _ be etln, way of gulOrilment.• trottists:Arilt• - k hsvp : -nq spiaster ilisterSi ills n‘ these ankles ire ni (mud. -- - - „ filet n's Viairaisia Ranzirmi how ataxia' among thd first, and at the bead of all artklea fora similar purpose, The testimony of our physitituut is _ coneinsive fe valaki and we, Me' , personally( ao- ' quaint ed with Deana DLCapea Wlterp. t has beSii-Used with the belt , of teenifb• - • It will refiner • grays 'hair' W. , Ito original color, and leavei it gitrabY; and In a healthy% . co twk - or, ; while. for beads troubled with dandru ff , or ati dicgope of the scalp, It ante like a chitin . lh Means. ;t o liem. Try It, and you will not be disappointed. , -141. Churls, jilay..2rlB6ll.li Al aasi+~ PLAPill.. , Waare.laTorinad that llitimOst per.' Ablaut end nylehliag of, the p,rivate, citizens vibe 2110: 1 olaime VO. OevernmeeS are,W.J.O.Ayei & co., of Lowell: Mass., the manufacturers of medi-' a r m, They will Consent to nothing imp than that their demand for medicines deployed "by, tlke - - Britfah pirates shall be patdrin gold and in dollars to last r ear. They are embeldeaod- by.the fact that& Asir traction of Abell- &wept. the anoint , lna and ° withers (for where are not the thoublesome nation trampling upon somebodY f)1 1 1 , 0 'hitherto brou'lildd you,. and they now eay that they shall be, They how ever propose this compromise :-Jkllve,ae caeadaand Ne Will Call 'it even, because we curftheuleto our rem- Meg hero without duty. [Washington News. • it 1870. Win4lr g!tper.&ClotliShadea. Srarrio Orem lORlB7o.—llugh Young. At Co. have just received their first installment of Wall Paper, Wi t `adow - Papery and "Cloth • Shades, for Spring trade, whlcli4,lll,be- gold cheaper • tban ever. Borden, Window, Fixtures, .'Cords,-' Tau els, Gilt Cornice,, Pioture natie, and :everything else that belongs 'to the, tEade. -Oomo and: pries ,our goods, and examine them before purchasing ,eisewbere. Specimens and prices-sent- by mall •to anY Veit of the'county, s• • • ,-N; B. O ur , stook is the largest ever .brought ,ipto the county, endive don't intend to be under sold. ' ' 11.17GH YOUNG k Co. ,:, Walther°, Mardi 6; OM ."7.10. 2 .a1e 21 225350meM27."..2.7thr Buesaaam-&. -Basra pf A1.1t7.C:17.1 U::ivc city, nro mating wonderful clan 17 of . Cancers, Tumours oral 'Ulcers' by their . • 11019 , dispary. A painleas ireatroentow' • linifo,' no plcoiters,rdo canstio burning.. Tbnmost • remark: • ableplroct CAN ♦ or this • ,tratitment is, it sopa ▪ fetes the chemical elements of i'sneerons ••71' growths; so that theY shrige4 WO" and - • appear and will not' return. L'44.11 :those' nh flitted can,ealion thaProfessont Buchanan & nj University; or address, No. 614 PinoStreet,-Philada. - ' ANZIO oEttIENTs. , Mr. Allen Deggett Liiirenceiillo, announ ced f a' cen did& e for the billed' of Sheriff - the ennons: election. Mr: 4. L. Baldwin. 'of Tioga, announces himself a gnadmabiror divotBo of Shertti; - subject - to ibk,dept: •eion of-thelleplitlilioatsiponvehtlob.'l ; " , • Mr. 4. - A: Fish, of Ague buot, ;announces hhiself a catididatblor the ottictiotlitborlf4;eubJect to the -decf lipAto!,,the Republican, Convention. Mr. Joe. iiiried,in.34 Deerfield, offers himself as a candidate for the oßlccrof Sheriff, aubJect to ttio . deet. Dion of theitcpublicanConvantion. "'I Mr. AL oillitokville.; offers himself ae a candidate for Sheriff, rubjeot to the decision of the Republican:- Party.* - fI Mr. J. M. Phelpio o f gomsll,4l, announce!, himself a candidate tbr itice of Sheriff, subject to the decis ion of the Ifroptik , Convention. - • Geo. P. Gard of OlterltisAa, (Hill's Greek) offeti Urn; palf a candidate for the office of sheriff,'Stiblect to, pie dectaloll'of the Republic - lin Contention.; " ~; bioisell n'caddidate ter the office or Sheriff; enbject to the dois s ion of theppoil .c A t i ! ,,,,.., . -,•••• • - • • •1 _. 04,110.—Having,beetv Iblitiited—by ll many of My Mends; in different townships, to offer mypelf see, canitkilite . • for Representative, / take - this lauthed of •InfOrtning them that I accede to their request. Wish iitglt tribe distinctly understood that adhere to my. previously expressed opiniod,)',ageinsttersonally catr 'sassing for ' delegateesotii, td_ secure a nomination, I shall therefore refralufronithe'usual practice. Should. theßepublioans of this county do me the honor of choosing sae to represent and servelhem in the State Legislature. I will endeavor. by acfaithful discharge of my duty, to repaythem for the trust confided In me. Moss, tiny 91,1870. lERNW4 lIOLLANDS. Mr. L. D. Seely of Brookfield, announces tGinself a candidate for the office of Gotemissloner, Anbjpet to the decision of the Republican Genfention.-- A fr,, E. 11:Stebbina, of ffebttilville, , offers himself a eaudida.o for the'oflice of Ootitity Auditor:lnbijSiot, the decided of the Republican Qmiuty Clohvfiqtlon: r. 41,U Baster,' of 41;eliel(o , cAthlidit,"o for the offleetitOotiotr 3 CkilMilisliTher" "'9ib 1)4=1 , 2101: - •17 . 1.1 1 P 45 "`5t 4 9 ;4, AletOttiljel Deiv4y,'gf i ii4sirci., Offers hilia . Selt :Oitate'for the Wilco of Commissioner, ahhloet the de leibifotthe Republican county Convention , , ih , CF. Lovolikod, of Slkland, Otfora himself a can. didato for the Miles of Commissioner, subject to the de. Ofeien Of the Republican County Constritidii. ti; Mli itfoses Lee, of Chatham. PaWannonnces himself a csudidate for tho Office,of Commiseloner, aubjeCtsto the decileithtbf ti 4 Rppnbytatt County Convention. , - 1 Guardian's Sale. NOTICE is beret& given, that the'didersigtl-' od, guardian of En A. Millard a minor child of William Millard, sate of- Jack'son town ship decesse4 will In pursuance of an order of the 0 Tamps Court of Tioga county, on the Bth day o: October, 1870, at 2 o'clock P. M. on the Ries, expose to publio nab:tall of ther interest minor in the_ following described • tract of landt' Jackson -Tioga_ ootinty, - Pa., bowl ed north.by lands ;_of W. J. Hazen' and lienry . P. Wells, east by lands of James Friends, ithith by 'lands Of, Jas. W. Tubbs and Henry F., Walla, and west by lands Of "George Wnstrake s and .Parins Insehty containing eighty-ieven• and • one.balf acres ofdand, be 'the same more or less, and being lot Ico. 12.0 f lands deeded by H. H. Dont to H. C. Spalding. Terms, one half cash on - confirmation of the shed, and the-balance in one' year with interest) scoured by judgment on the, property P. VAN GELDER, •" Sot. 7,1870.-4 t • Guardian, Ac. • , ---- • Notie6. , . • .JAL PERSOI 4 IB' having acecinnt - inisiftled - with the undersigned at Cownnenque Val lon are Tequestod to come forward it (Mee and settle the Ammo, and save casts. EDGCCCMB do liIIRLI3I3,RT. . Comenesque Valley, Sept:s, 15 - 70-4 V . - • Town lots for Sale. HIRTY;good building lots, situated on both X. sides of statelstreet, in Welleboro. These lots beiSold on reasonable terms. Apply to W. Sherwood, at Henry Sherwood's law office in Wellsboro Pa o • Welleboro,'Ang. 29th, .1.8.70-4 t; " EUREKA '' ' . Sniding lards Tobacco. , Ie an excellent article" oilgrataidated Virginia; whip. over introduced lt le nbirOraally admit'ed. It It put up in bandeome muelin bags, in *bleb orders for . Mearechaum Pikes arcitlaily packed. • LORIL- S LA ROI; YACHT :CLUB. TOBACCO Gassed by all who contmmels as the t uflnest of all op it frond° of the choicest leaf grown ;It id anti. In Its effeots.• as the Nicotine bas been oxtraogedi I. i leates•no disagreeable to to aftqr eno'klitg; it Is Veity ut t ild,illibt in color and efght,', hence one pirtind will last aslong as 3of ordin y tobacco. ;In this buil! we aleo,..paqk orders every da for tint qtralitylle4rec nm I s lpini. Try it and convi ago youraelvell it t ft °lianas to lA, fctirs 71111:011 . Ple exa,.r. . • . -'...' • k- \- . It— „I.GRILZ : CHEWING LAHR'S :CENTURY . . TOBACCO ..•„, .. •,• Mill and oitlttt Chewing Tobacco has no equal or superior anywhere. It is without doubt the best chew= inetobticlo in the country. ' ' Snutlb Have now beirtin genetalnse in the United ates over 110 yiart;';und still acknowledged 'the wherever need If your storelteiper doea not have these articles Bar tale, ask him titint them; they aro eold by respectable jobbers almost everywhere, Oiroular and Prfees forwarded on application. P. LORI ARP & 00., New York. March 10, 1870-3 m •-• 1 , , , • • • In Bankruptcy. , , . .piettlct Court of chi United Mateo, for the , Wee - kin Pfstrict of Pianoyeeania. Western District of Pennsylvania, es; A wai•- 'rfiukint B,ankftigtoihas been issued by said Court ‘ga,instibe estate of Da3. it H. G. Irelan, of the eatrty otTiaga; and 'State of Pennsylvania in saiti.Distriet, who '• have been duly adjudged Bankrupts upon pititien of their creditors, and the payment o4any .debts l and the delivery of any property"` longing to said Bankrupts to them or to Uri& use, And the transfer of any property bY Wei:tare forbidden by, law. ,A meet ing of the creditor of said Bankrupts to prove 4 theifdebts and to choose one or more Assignees of their estate will beheld at a Court of Bank. nifty, to be heiden s at - fiigga:Boro in' said die triet,Km,the ittti day of September, A. D. 1870, at 10 o'elock ton., - at the office of F. E. Smith, one of the Registers in Bankruptcy of said die- I trict. T • e:••,;,' ALEX. 15111RDOOH, y. S. Marshal West. Dis.i Pa. By D. CAXEIRoIi, Dept'y. Aug. 31,1870-3 t Firm for Safe. IN:one mile of Wellsboro, containing fifty aorta, about linty Improved; with a good frame house and barn, an - apple orchard, containing abont'one hundred bearing treesi and other trait trees thereon. Ie well watered. For farther particulars, enquire of - ' • WM. H. shorn, Aug 10, '7O tf ' Of Wellaboro, Pa. ...,.• -,•:;-, ~, c . .. 7? I:, '-:.,:' ,:,-.... - , ;—'....1i ', • i . j .. .. - i . 1 2 .•,;-;••;:. ~-.;- ..,:,., ,• ,_.•,-;•; - . ,• N..- . • Js : : 4?,;..;..,•1 -: : :-..;,_.•,,••,-.,F , . • - •.• - ; . : J ..; t. ,:1 - !,..;•• .: .- , ,...,,, f ,••••„)•-•...;,: ,-.;.- - : ~, - . 7 ~-..:::•_ . .1- = • SINGCL S :"‘ V • .%;•:..1 . • 37: 5 : :F • • g , , = :;'•' , ~ , , 111 1/111 OM OE Sllll ...._ ...... ._ rrimer Shawls !-- ..t,„,....,., ._..; l ~• , , , , S Mil I= EOM 'Arti asols, BEM • "I 4 7. ' 1 - j^ • . :'" of our' Summer stock we desire to elose out daring tike next , r and shall sell cheap in order k td do so. • ' _ • •,) The balance 2 or 3.weell: ,/ i*j.J ete= P =I • We are stookilig up rit4. c_.404 fOitho early-Tall traae,,:iu Prints; Sheeting.; Shirtings ; blue, sea let; grey, and lanqy Flannels; Carpet Warps ; Cotton Yarns ; Battings ; Cassimeree ; Boots, and Shoop, and in tend to have on hand a etill more attractive stock than daring the petit season, both, as to prices and assorkment. Quite a large share of our,Goods we will be able to - sell :from thie date at even lower prices i than during the Spring. ' I. - J. A. PARSONS 'de CO. ;: - C9riting, Aug. 3, 1870. MI 11 A LI-9S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR:::R-:ENEWER . . Is the cinlS , perfeeted,hpd scientifically prepared preparation of its isind ever offered to the public, 'and has no competitor in merit. By its use GRA't HAIR is" "soon' . restored to its original youthful color and wiAch *,so much admired by all. Persons whose hair is thin orfalling l out will, by the usq of ,our Icenewer,soon se,its good [effects, as, by its ionic and stimulating properties the hairglauds will be itleited and the ,Lair grow thick'l, and strong again. In eases of Baldness it will create a neW growth unless the follicles are destroyed, ' 'is cooling, and 'allays 'all_ itching and irritation of the Scalp : It does not stain "tlio - skiniii - ilis'464;,bnt nialteS the scalp white aid Olean. As a DRESSING it is the best and' most economical preparation , ia the world, 'as its.' effe cts last se much.longer. Send for our Treatise' oil 'the' hair, free to all, by mail. RESTORES GRAY HAIR TO, - IT S MGM COLOR, pIOIOTES IT4 tOROWTH! • AND . ISA SPLENDID DRESSING, TRY ONE AND UP .111 E THIN 'LOCKS! Sold byiall Druggists' and Dealers in Medicine. Pirko one Dollar Per Bottle ! R. P. HALL & CO:, Proprieto TABOICATOM NAEGEWA, It; H. ODHULL AGADEMI Wogncrutt, STEVDEN CO N. Y. D. II: Copra; ' Prinoip! MistM. M. L. Cobb, Preoeptre Pro A. Brown, pi. BE k,8p,1 •) • • .Assists Mies - Mary Simmons, TooOkor. of instruna/ 'Musio,'Thorougb" Prof. Lewis Mead, -Teaoher of Plain; and Or namental Pennmenehip. ' . : • ,_: . '_ ._ .- -. A competent Teacher will be procured for the 'Pri m ar:v. I I I . • _CALE.NDAR. — i l l Torii& vi4ti'coinnince August 24, and Icon. r?t tin 13 weeks. 'Whiter Term - will commence vember 30th, and continue 13 weeks. Spring ri will commence March Bth, 1871. :- . EXPENSES PER TERM. 1 nigher Mathematics and Languages,... 47,50 Common English, i 600 Primary,. • ' • - " .....41,00 Rent per Scholar, Adderoy $2: Iloardind..Hopse,l..3,oo Penmanship, plain, - ' 5, 00 1 Inatramentals, , 0 ,,,ii Instrumental Music, -- - - 40,00 Use of instrument - i 2,00 Board in Private Families, - 2,50 to 3,00 A boarding club will be formed to, accinimo date those who wise.to join. , Any one wishing to settle the club bill at. the commenoement of the term, can do so by paying the Principal $2 per week. . H . • . , All bills muse be satisfnotorily arranged : i ad vance..vn No bills arranged for letithan ' a lhalf torn/. No deductions, except in cases_of pro traoted sickness. Studenti intending _, to..ieuve. at the middle of the term, must make their in tentions known at - the commencement, or no nor (ructions will be made. ~' . ' • • •1. The , Trustees having purchased -the boarding house`end secured other buildings close by, feel confident that all will be' Eiccorumodated l with rooms. - ; ' , A ttiaohere olase *expected for the full term, giving tuition free to all members , of the 'class. Those wishing can address the Princi pal, or,O. B..lllt.T.tar, J. - 11,uohnnan, or H. Afar. /act, rind obtain a prompt reply. Aug 10,'70, 3t •.,„ .1 E. IL Harris' CELEBRATED BAKING POSIDERS for rale by EMI Feb:'*, 1870 P. R, WILLIAMS A B • ~ -• 1 RIM FOR SALE— r At the new worka near the academy- _,-' Road to the kiln, opposite Elisim.Brown's, onllain street.' A few thousand now on'hand, made: of. die lest material; and well burned. - • -. BD. WI3IIIdORE Welfiber°, July 18. 1810. et 'UNION 11,CAliElilY, KNOXVILLE, TIOGA. CO., PA t -I" - - R .....,-.... :.a4RS. H. HORTON, PRINCIPAL The Fell Term for 18TO will commence August 30 The Winter . " The spring 's Elora for circular. , State Normal I School , MANSFIELD, PA. . FALL TERM begina Slit. 7, 1870. WINTER TERM begluelho.l2,lB7o. SPRING TERM befOne Maroh 27,1871, For Catalogue or admilielon app l y to IS . CHAS: i vEllarn, A. M., Mansfield, July 0, lir . Pldnoipal. Mil ,~; ,_.,~~~: El 1 EMIONII ME *ten Umbrellas, NEI all Goods._ , 121 te. ' [:ntal November 29. " 'February 28. July 27,1870.1 y MEI „ , # _ ~..• " • • $.4 •,;•: vo' ' 'er: -• • • j GODDS = ME BEE''- HIVE EXCHANGE. _r I will Not Surretier i I ' I ASK NO SUSPENSION OP HOILITIE13“ - I L but I run up the banner 44 Teas, Sugars, Syrups, MOXASSES, PORK, • HAMS, • .. , , , i sz ; and ai I torte of GROOERIES A t , D PRO'VIkoNS, -MriIDLESAL - AND IiETATL, corms: to : , • W l . T. lathers' Aril see what' a SWARM or THINGS In Me 'lino oan bo bought for cilittheiaoney. - v I will not be Undersold!. LOOK AT TUIB ! OABli - PRICES AT TIIL A BET-HIVE SPGARA. Good Brow Sugar ....... i r ....4....10 coats. Beat P. R. Sugar, 12 ry, ,,-4 :. A Co ff ee Sugar, 18T / 4=q t Cruet, Powdered ..t arrant'lured I'6 TE.6l,$. Good Young Upson Tea, Best . it Oolong Tea, :Tepee Tea, COFFEE. Rio, good article !f. boot arttolo blot, TOBACCO. tht'vendish, Shorts .1 smoking; 'S ALERATUS, - Deland's best, Soda, Rico, !I cry Iltrge -Stock f. iy on . hand, bouOt Jaw ; and sold ob ,a Lonetaul For Citsh. have also a large_stook of 30 7 /0 it =OUR will soell ok t ettp enough to .please eu .mutter if the feet are "As large aela and the. :family :•itee,nrerona of .ho BULL Which I touters, n out doors, mention." Wollabo ; o, July 20, 1870. L w SPRING ' GOODS • r and desirable atock of Goods can be found at A NE' agai MEM WIC HAS & pARRis TiOffa v ot`br We do . and care Cash,• BR • purohaser: favor. t th 4 coast Ae largest, but a stink wok,. illy selected, and bought stria* Sir tug all interest and discounts which will at once perceive they bare* met )94 articles in the • , . t • TZPIR:V P. 181' 4 CO COX) Groceries, WOODEN OROOKEFICi. can co found at.pricaa which always gnaranteel their dale. \ - , .. ... \ . ' 'CALL it .EIEB, FOB YOURSELVES. May 4iIBTO-tf. IMIS ME BEM =II =1 l ; T.'fi:'!ii:Y. r'f''. - 1 t'j '],';; nip El , t • :i $0,75. .... 1,60. $0;76 to 1,00;1 80 to 1,00.1 16 cents .... 25 rr .... 30 . .... 85 - . so,agl7. . ; .. ottii .••-• s rr 10" W. T.-MATHERS. El LINE, WICKHAM t i►RR. :', nr.4o.:Silhiteitiibit.iiiP ,Arqin‘rk rontotfalls,-04 l aw' 'otott puroUttra told** . ttook of • 04 *Omar. „ ;: toßeit***loi* net reoeirod; eacth Ell .DRY '61)411,5. 'WU DOMESTIOS,:pi sun% • . ~ , OARPETII,I ;OIL - OL0F . H0 ? • • TON - lIAFTINGS; 'PLAIN . 1 1 4 : 11 ;;;" . r _ • TAlivig BBD.131'14110.1I117':, adow Drapery, and an 'en.dl•ea easielry at SiSRY, GLOW'S, RIBBONS, PAR , AWLS a Ari, mat AND mow The Clothing partmept will be foind fall and eompl e ete, r oludlngluany new styles of Ilne,Goods, *de , and in the pieta. An are invited to tall , eatimine. Aloe as endless varfety of sr~a~s, NM THOMAS KARDIIIVEI. =lll Welleboic;,June 1, 1870. 100,000 ?OM WOOL WANTED. ' SM)°, $lO,OOO DOLLARS WORTH OR floods, To be sold' at the lowest break_ down pricer, at ACADEMY CORNERS, 1 , 4. Jane, 0, '7O-tf. PURPLE A DEMEMIX. RARTBORD LIFE AND 'ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY waitslgood men as agents in this County. The IntereSt Bearing Plan, exclusively used by this company, enables agents to do a Large business and anoe where no otherptaa witbon account of Its thoroughly equitable features; providing as IS does, income during life, and, giving lexaetjula. tice . to all,' old or young. • Agents can Prue unusually godd contracts by kddressini, - ' KINGSBURY dr KELLOGG, Gana Agb!-, 623 Walnut St., Philagelplaa,Pa. June 8, 187041. '1 The McFarland Trial • and ao is the High Pritin of Goode • cl 111 • .- • • . 11Viigai Arc lratai*Frilli: • ,• . . Gold Dawn Goods Down, and SOHO Payment Resumed NEW GOOO S of almost evermuility, style and , prise' and an audio' variety: Diop in and tab) a idoklbrongta our now 'nook and be convinced. • , Ladles , Drees Goodsi, beautiful styles, large assortment and eimap. CLOTHS & CASSIMERES , • of evi-fl &saltation, and clothing wadi to order in e".very best style, and warranted. Also, CUTTING - DONE in any Alla desired YREDY MIMI CLOTHING always on hand to fit a customer at mat I • o SE/chi:Juin IMOD. Noe. 18, 20, .and 27, containing 400 yds. 100. '3'o, 38. and 40, . 800 yds. 150. " 50, 80, 70, and 90 " too yds. 950. We aro also Agents for the celebrated HOWE & CO'S Improvo4k Sowing Ma4ines. WILSON & VAN V ' LKENIII72.G. Wellaboro, June. 15. _lBB9 Musical Instruments THE subscriber informs tho pnblio that be has conotatitly on band a largo assortment ORGANS, MELODEONS, Instruction l Book* for oats or rept roloaricHas furnished to order: OLD =STAUB:IE244B TAICHN IN EXOHANGII4 and some of tho same on hand to be sold cheap. He will be found table residence n.eexPottere Hotel in Middlebury, Vega county, Pa. Ad. dress, , . -A:B. A. BRIGGS;,, Crooked Creek, Pa. • July 6,1870.-tf. Fire and Life Insurance. lEDEPENDENT Fire insurance company; of Boston, Mau. Capital, $300,000; meta, $800,000.' , -Equitable Life insurance company 'ore. V. Bates. ' Assets, $13,000,000; annual tram,. $52,000,000. s '. W. A. STONI ! , Agent,: Weßabes% August 1870 tf 1 M =MEE OM IES nded I I c AND