Eli ME ootset - u) siatErr.' - , ,Tw9 tirelen little feed all day havel Aokoie tith parlor floors •. ' ' - Two tlny t dimpled bands have slyly plotted Mischief behind the door I Two_toigte, *be with Watch t '• their glance on all have dung ; Two roge•rad lips, their merry ob atterleg, teasing, In hird,likewntel hive anng... Nov, o'er those orbs the drowsy lido ar(oloeing, Biddi.iiglidiewto light; And lips vhile halide nlig feet lie atilt. reposing, Have - iiitipeved thetruGood•night." O plljawthour f when a _ ofd In inset! . aleop, : descend.ink, • An4 s glnsi! sweet repoiti• To toti-wonintortils.' all their 'tronbig ending, In sweet, oblltiona4onen:_ , ' a. • For lis•who guidetthe sunlight's totting, • And gently yells, the earth, That deep repose may brihg that seltfortettfq, Prehide to newer birth, Will ever guard tne tender infant's slumber, - „.":.! . .And salad Jaliangetbands, . . • I Tho Mldnighi 'Waft& and dawning hours to num ber - I I With star i till wands. • A Limn for Farmer Boys. THE first- and main step toward ob taming a competency of ten, twenty, or fifty thousand dollars, is the securing of : the chief difficulty • in getting the one thonsandiain obtiaitiing the hrithandred and keeping it. :tack neyed as this may appear, it is a fact that is ever . new, and - one that ever needs to be drummed into the - ears of the struggling millions who workhard and look. with stral4lng vison, but in vain, for the coming. of plentiful days. And especialy does this honieli_phil ! , Wealthneed to be emphasized at the present time, and impressed upon the young men of this generation, since the prevalent tend4hey, now more than ever befoiel, 1 for beginners in ma"riied or business - life to fritliopt such a scale of personal' and iiiinify! expenditure as must rendeyr thrift impassible;.: The youth of our.tirmi seem likely, to forget that'easY .eiroutustauttes in middle o mature age are, its' a rule, only to be pnrehased at the eo49f rigid seirdenial iri earlier ytiats,, The son and - daughter are ambitious to begi lite where their parents, left off—in other woith they wiah:tO reap' where- they hav6 not 43(1r or liefbre they have sown, antr the re sult is, lives of makeshift anxietyy-und failure. Most those who - art.,- reality. industrious, and 'et find theinselveslitt the noon of e itli only their daily efforts lie • eeu thelrfamilles and want, could hay been in more comfortable circiitostances, had they early learned the lesson that the key to a competency lies In the practice of rigid economy at the outset of life. He who dqes not begin to save when hec coramenbes life for himself will rarely begin at all, for where not even the nucleus of a modest fortune has been early acquired, family expenses will after a tlnie, grow as fast as the in: come, and ate ; 'two keep ,abietikt : 'ever afterward. 1 Some of the ways in which even a very small sum, aptualy saved and put aside in early life, served as a stepping stone to fdture competence are these i The saving gives the young man the reputatlen among his neighbors and business associates of being careful; frugal, and prosperous. 'lt gives him what: is called a good business credit, it is accepted as an index of his business character, and instead of his being forced to seek employment, opportunt. ties see)r. him. Besides, Lis little ready capitol enables him to take advantage .c-iburolurire7petttlgig "fitztpx- n , - - - 'Wf miry: empty-handed, he could not spire to.— It enables him' soon to become his own emPloyer--fa inot — it - Important, conSider ation. Mo r tey begets money. Capital has a man 1 tendency toincrease Itself; and a very little eepital in the hands of a judicious person, and combined wtth the labor of strong and skillful hands, is a vast help. The day laborer_ or the medhanic who beau few hundred dol lars in the bank, or' invested in a good interest-bearing security, is a capitalist as well as a working-man, 'and is pro patod to reap the advantages of his double capacity. But mainly, the saving and keeping of the first hundred or the first:thousand dollar's la the key to future succesii,froni the face that it , builds up business ,char acter; it compels the formation!of habits ofcconomy,and fixes them for tire ; • it, pule the young worker ou the• right A rofid ; accustoms him to keeping out of debt, drills hini,tu the lidinely scienta of ke_eping his financial matters Snug, t\ v. and builds:up a granite determi atlon to force expenses below income.— .B. - Home:stead: God Pity Them. Twelve o'clock at night! Allisquiet without, as we peer into the darkue l s from our office. window. How 'many of our fellow beings ate groping their way out there in • the darkness? And 4 how suggestive it is of the dreary daricuess l •of- life—where there is no ray of.:right to guide the weary, .eareworn traveler, as he journeys toward the great here after. And how many there are who are thus journeying! Humaii beings, withouthopel: Itudderlestualips, drift : ing on in unknown km I ' Women and little children "wlth no one to, love, none: carese—with no hoMe—no friende--and :no star to guide them—are plodding their i viay,up the steep hill of adversity, nneared for and, unthought of by . the great, moving, busy World: 1 - God pity them! son,” said a l gentleman the other , morning to a six-year old Urchin, "I wish you to go of an errand to your grand-mother', house to•day." "It is lmiamaible," was the reply, "I belong to the , Hlghilyer and Tiger ball ( clubs, and both play a match to-day, the one ;In'thb morning and the other in the I afternoon. Glve me forty cents for a i ball. ' . . t four-year-old bey :In 'ping called to go to bed at an in' than suited his Inclination, nllowlng poserto his -mother : !Moon. the little Stars'. main c A brl; Metro% eikrlidr dt ttie th ?), "Yes, my child," was the answer. "Well, mamma, then why-,Aoes she them stay up all night ? Don't you ink +qv) knows what'S right?" A clergyman once took for hie-text these words: ".The World,, the r lesh, and' the Devil,'.! •and comMencsd, his sermon In OAS manner: " I shalt pass over the flesh; touoh \lightly upon the world; and hasten ofi as fast as I can to tVe devll.ll Miele Yea, up in thes.country, doll% belliiVelitranyur - thy, new inventions: - He doril see "Whet on - error there sari be bfaueileitil at l6 4t a Weed sewing tnti-, chine? Be is pestered enough with the plaguy things without sowing them; The rigliti of woman--if she cannot be captain of a ship, may .she always , conintand snack. 0 ME OE =:=En===Zi Tioga, -010ty Affitatori • . 7 I ~ - = .t I ii , ' ' 'lciit if office ... well sine wit.. Typo, Presses, .to,,- \" has every advantage for doing ' •'' -, JO .:} PRINTiAriaTh: ' '-' • ti 6 \ .---- -L ', , A I- , in stitierier iiattlierkilain'or in Cu!a' ,s irorde 4EI- ; din g rd'OD'is Sheer tate, ' Any kinder styTe of work - A lt done' t this office, se folkiwat _s, • . - lAwßooke,Pamphlets, _ &rill, Invitation Cards, ,-: , Eland Blue , Programmed , Checks, Dra ft s, 'Rubins, -*-- , Bill Heads, Circulars, Orders,Belpping . Cant, Buidlawa bards,.linvolopes, Tinted Plate Printing; Nolan (lards, Wedding &0., & C. , ke.. , • ',JusticelEilnultsi. f , 's f... - 3 . ' • L: )."? -:3 ',i - ,' ' ' ' %. • ' •:- -- - - -.z• ',. `l . And an'olbet blianiniconstanqy on bind and Ibr'eshis: , i ••,- i!' .J 'f, ' • - '' ; '."- Deedl;wiFttlntiti, 4 ? ' -.- Bibool Contracts-. :,`, : . ~"- Deeds, gaittotaint. e : Summons, Subpoenas; i p statement and Conicibion, Warrants, ,Exelmtions, Amicable Action, , Indemnifying Bonds, Bonds,Constable's Sale, Attentnnedsta,Utpionent Collector's Pale, " Notes, Petition and Bond IderriageOertlanate, ' - far Appitnent Of guardian. And any other-blanks - ent eeumensted allovi will.tie printed to order on sbert notice. i . - , air Persons sending orders for JOB WOci.K will-get their -work promptly done and renamed. We alien spare no pains to pleats our customers in Ibis depart ment. "Those, totting work, plea_ieLstafth themlie s i',of job,lkind ofightied , paner desired ::' - .." ''IL -; ' -';'" - VAN OBLDBR & MITCLIELL. 'Proprietors. „,, web. 1870 NPICIII PitYMBNI! vira do not pay "peek in making change, but we de self Reeds from _ .• 111 25 to 50 per Cent Less IBM than atty other 'store in this vieinity,.,whiet is better, We hay fast received a I idAviraige) .-fincoFaac., FOR and have bought them to tell in order to do this quickly, have marked „them at email WOMB) WITLI GOLD AT PAR 'AEI A. RAM. Dpy &opds of all \ kinds are oheaier than they hive. been in ten years especially. DRESS SILKS, FRENOII POPLINS, &o. a full lino in stook, and, at sue4' low prioee that every lady can afford a new drew!. IN ,r.A.mgy spwLs„ ■ we have a complete assortment and °REAPER nun EVER B.ErtoRS. Our stock of , , I =I Poinestic hoods, Fancy Dress Goods, Woolen Cloths, . Yankee Notions, is as usual very large and varied, and WE wren- LNTEa PitIOES to be as low as can be 'found any where within 100 miles. Ott GROCERY DBP/RTMENT is fall of fresh Goode AT OVULE PRIM, and every one can now atfOrd to batre everything they oat made good.. WE OORDIA.LLY INVITE THE PEOPLE OP TIOCIA. NUM T to call and examine our, Stook and pri oes—being satisfied that it will pay them to oome j and buy their goods at Nme Regulator. • We always give onstomers from a distance the 44.11NSID.ILIVACK." NEWELL & OWEN. Oorniug, April 8, 1870. • WALL . P PEA.! WALL; PAPER WALL PAPER.' be distinetly understood to the inhabj I_4 itants and °Mims of WeMawr°, that we will soil WALL PAPER, and any other sale° in the IZOrriza Zal32.e, 41, cheaper than can be eold by any othe4 find in Ticks County; farther we do affirm thal,no man pan undenell us unless they reoeidts goodi 'by the • AIR. LINE. We have Suet received from N. Y., 35,000 ROLLS OF WALLPAPER bOught;at the present Gold prices $l,ll, .which we Will sell cheaper than any, pther.arm west of N.Y. Call and examine, and we are certain. that we can please in• Price and quality, and'if not suited we Trill pay you for our time in specie. J , P. R. I WILLIAMS; CO. Welleboro, April 6, 1870. Llvery Stable: • ATICIIiB & tOUDI3IN re be,a E , .:-,_ W ipentfally lafortit the pub %a:lZ*. f lio that they ve etlitabliehed a Livery for Hire, At their Stable en Pearl St., opposite Wheeler's Wagon ebop. Single or double rigs; furnished to order. They aim to keep good horses and wa gons, and intend to please. 'Prices reasonable. ' 1 WATKINS A LOUDEN. Nov. $4, 186p—ly! CApt, AND 888 that largo stook or wall pa per, Wittig off at cost, at ' p ,P:'R WILLIAMS A:IL CO' Wallsboro,' May 25,1870. IN OE ED MI =1 t I IMEMEa - 1111, HARDWARE! . . Hamingformed a partnership in the 'l'in, Stove and Hardware trade, the undersigned have the ideaitart.ttiannoundo that .they hitt% at a great anti - ay,IOMM to, th:kusuarstook . Of the old stand 'on MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, coMplete assortment dr" Itardirare, of whloh - we enumerate the telloirtintattleles NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP. -HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPO,'-AXES, AUGERS, BUTS, - • „ BITIiSI i OCICS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS,' • • _"i .' BENOILSCREWS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE 410.1.313, BURRS, SKEINS,. WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, -AXLE TIC ' - SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, ec BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AN,P STUPFERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRDGES, , -POWDER AND • OAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS a new thing, and made for use. These are but a few , of the many article's oanspOsistig our stOsk of Hardware. . We invite the public to call and examine for theineelves. We aim to keep the beet quality of goods in oarline; and all work Po Oder 'dote promptly and well. AGENTS FOE TILE Ilitelkeyellower . 01ir, Reaper. sA:gry,a)6DRS. IBT.arins AT FACTORY PRlbleB, Always on band or farnishtid to ordor,at ROBERTS & BAILEY'S Hardware S%;lre, Wellaboro. • ROBERTS LI, BAILRY. Wu. Ron .78. R. 0; BA ILEY. Wollabor Jin .1, 1 8 70:-tf.' DOME TO T; L. BALDWIN fk 001 - TIOGA, PA. " ind:see snloe stook of ,Goodi for the SPRING &, SIMMER. IMil each as 11111130 111311ZZ (24024 —all styles, aoloxa and pati.erna-- ALPACAS, POPLINS, CAMBRICKS, FRENCH JACONETS, ORGANDIES, PEQUAS, VERSAILES, BLACK • AND COLORED SILKS, &o. BEAUTIPUL" Summer SHAWLS, and - a laTa asaortment to seloolfrqn. LOAKS -OA.DY—MADE, AND 420TH TO MAKE MORE,`ALL KlNps'or , FRINGES, TASSELS• Sw., TO TRIM DRESSES OR MOUES. —Our stook of— "Ir4NT:t:gE .'I•QTIONS can't be betit. - If keep, up with everything. the , 1 Yankees have thought of so far. HOOI SKIRTS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, CORSETS, ZOICIVIVUM too numerous to,mantion; .but w ill say that you will seldom and so large an assortment to select ffom in a country store, and clear down to the , BOTTOM FICi We also keep a large assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING., in snits, and parts of snits. Should wa fail to an snit yon , with ready - made , we have Cashmere d I • • A TAILOR - 0 OUT AND FIT. Boots and Shoes, • • :141 00 , 1eis iiik4 shop. HATS - , Arm.' CAPS, STRAW GOODS, .AND'GENTS' FURNISHING' GOODS, A COMPLETE LINE OF CROCKERY,-WOODEN •WARE, HARDW.AA.RE, SHELF HARD - - WARE; NAILS; IRON, - : • Look!, !latches, Parpentrs!Tooli. •.•• 4 • / A GENERAL STOOK OF GROCEAIES, Fresh.- •TBAB areSirer .thair at *ay time siege the war. , not go to Cuba to buy sugar, avid so hire [Mine aheep. We are agents for the SE.ItO . , Rarno4 4 ; y+pattoole to rj9il4wlthdrop 1q: SALT, LIME, PLAiT.E.Ii, PORK, FLOUR Lithe; Cayuga Plastek, cEo Butter tribe, Palle. P i irkite 'and Ashton Salt•tO Savor with. All kinds of !arm Produce want. ed. Prices caret be boat. • ' • ".' f•,•1 • -B.w T. L. iT iiWUT. do CO. %logs, Pa., May. 4,1870. • • Ell iiMI WING idAidIEINN: niemov New Stockl- = ew Dods 1 & -DS16111:- taken thtk o nnyt, eta* lupe. ea Wright it Ballet - , wbeoe Oa" hand wfth a nelr stook of BOOTS, :BALI4GRAI4q t GAtIOBB, BOOTBES, BROGANS'Anii% GALLIGAB.IOI3 - : 'warranted to At any tone frOntißo. itAii IA 'in. olhiree: Tbs. stock ban been l'elented'AY. .One ;,w!leliisf the advantage of - TII:IRTY YEARS' EXPBRIBNOB: In ale business, and is the bistind falleatin the canary, Oar stook of. v • ` titENOR GAIY,ATIIIi/5011 .OP2. PER4:80LB;!TOOMMONIOAIN; - • 'LININGS; BINDING; MO • ' --= • . • : - • wllll4ketietCp r fiiiiirattore_. '- " - ' 04111ruiliit8wi shill' lii:ltosil 'sit - licsosi isl , . ways, wad wa NIA ;•fralliiiWoro tp . 01 jot Triads satistogoillt . ct, tlftritli.,,'Fi,,Tion'Alqillad7 ,0 511 ' '_ . AWEE V.A.ID ~- ,..1 . .''' - 1.16414 ii PELTS. ; FOR HI ES, SKI 4 ma,. Attie the Epp of the - W 0., 0 14- • - , • But our be et hoid trip be op', Thaiato tno, crO.To Othout toy ntoob ootortooings , Fos Oboribe44 !Knows a shabby foot : .•? Cannot bo c0mfit:5:.44 1 0434 9TOrdrooologifr And ana may wOIR Olaott lit/OW*lth a suit' • • `•;,'; °finest olojtil, but Ooze- is „nodogmas% o trwyoltb. thabbgrdriettol foot, 1* took Ipco iistotleigoa, apt tbo.rfroot.''.. _ltoaaa"; pay your boots , of • • ••'• • - A'I>BRBY, ' • 'ot anf i otbot mons /Rolufeerifervil4 WoUiboto, Jon, i;iB44f. Por , . T. AM AGENT for ' , Kinney sti'o6.,A` .phtirdtm - SprineVragoili; , iill:,l* alpd for their light, Otteriages%and Wago ns, all made in goedityley sand -trent. - Serseyilniber, and 'warranted in every respeot,.equal to o any made. _Can- furnish Soy of the ahos - ,4 at the lowest hianufaetarerOricelt;l:d - WellsbvreiJarraiaB7o.4f.- and House Lot for Sale. • H01:184 and Lbt,' and iraeani lot - tor sale cheap. Loudon Welleboro, and &WWI. Inquire at the Agitator 91110 e. ' -:*.•• -, • , 'Jan. 1, 1870--tt. ' ' ' - TO' Fa.unuEltg. OF lAM iiewbufbilve st mi tottenibeforyitei4iswesnee: 'Me.% superior , i, • ' FANNING' . MILL , which pegmatite the fellehrhigettettelettier milli: • • • • I.lt seisiitee rye, oat d lett leeeitii4l Obeesand cotikle, beam wheat. • 2 '. it otealliellx- gie14A41.0 1012 1706* lieed, and all ether diede,Votibbtir:, .1 • 'B, It eleonstitatifityiteett. * , . 4. It demo i ll alb Milt . This mill bullfoftlte beet molt' thimble Own bee, in good ityle,eati is sold obiriip ictichi,e,b, or vett. duce. ; • ' ' twill at • patent aleeekfoi e,epitieting. pats from- Wield to ethermilliOtieeBPoitsbiebitinl. • . ,J IiATII3I/. • TLwPliessvilie. 34l3 4,/ 11 ) 11 -t• t , . . OM .:.1.8 WORKS! FOHNDP.X it. MikalliWß SHOP .. ! ' WELLSBOIIO, PA.. SEARS & i'lloPAratoßs. PLOWS, HORSE HOSES, CULTIVA TORS, FIELD ROLLERS, EET- - TLES, ALL erszo,,SAP PANS, FARtfING UntlBll,l3, ain awls, WOOD MAOHINES ros SAWING WOOD; Brick Machhies, 'CHURN POWER ; THE TOMPKINS COUNTY, HORSE POWER-XIGHT AND TEN HORSE, CONSTANTLY ON HAND,. . . Elnd'aloo, everything usnallyfound in a, Sint ' - Wass Shop. We call particular attention to our CIA= CHINE SHOP, which' hal - been re-bnlit with new, and first-clan ' MIGHINBRY,LITHO 3 • Iron PLANER, DRILL, do.' We employ none but drat-oleos workmen, and are, thereforsvpra pared to do our work in the beet style, asiCat short notice. We -have recently added , new MACHINERY, for Planing: end Matching boards. 'Call and see as. Jan. b,1870-1y: mice d ,AVBRIt. gi vgligiczl'ili ta /18. ri ,-.1 : ~..., . .•.,:... :5 FP 111 / - ,:,.... I. it.:,:...../: :!, -,. s 7 hio.cliPTl ~ _,....... 4,,... , : . • . •. .- • ; ', :i 4 .4, ..:- .4 - .. :H i f 0, ;• , - ,Pi. ,g. . , . ~,,,- ,:k ~2,-,''.,:-,‘-.;=,::',... •P' ' „.: . , , 8 I i 0 . ... 7. • : ... ... 4.. .- .." . ... ~-.p r, !P"' I I II I . 111 ri . • • .1 CA cO bo 14... co c,„7, acn ..PPZ *II .P 2 P,E;) eP CO eiZ eel CA: tNO 00 CO I li 0 Cop. -4 CA ts., 410 , ...1 4 : : '1" 2 OClDC4 c ~ ocnc ott-tzeipl4, co P • Vit" MEE $„. BM= , i:` , =I a cos I i 1 1 F , ' r - ;.$ ^r ~ .' 7 37 t s — . Ist of the United States." rrom , Dlspeusti - - in L-` --A• • - 7.-71111CQU'Le8V8S1 Diosma Crea ,IDS,. Their: odor is toinewhai aro s bilistisk and analp. PR OPAR Wrong intatie f th,eir taa' *.ti,s Mint , OPE.R TIES —43 u, chit Le'ates- are pecuNpr. Prinary o,rgq#4,_ ; , 111,EDIC' AIiTD USE' Otttl:y stimuli rttet4 to the I Mil s • • en in complaints of the tts;- ;such,. as Gravel, . hqf Ok.73lgdso, - 2aor the Bladder and: Tire: thel .Nostace: Gland Incontinenceo l f Urine, eche,' ,theparts' een-' fieiiatcon. • The i':emedy wear n inencied in Do liheurnatiam, alum. aruf Draisy. .-, They are .q.l Urinary 00 , `Chronic Catar bid Irritation. 0" Ara, Disease ,eind retention o from' 0,_,I0s: I • 6 eirited in its it, ;has also been' pepsia, Chron iota Affsetion.i ' E i ir.R4-67 Bed ;by ‘. 4)e;f802.1.3: from. -andiron?, 35 to line Or chifige, of - We; . d, pr kibor . I par " - .11:EL31.4t `BEICHU is the ages of "1: ; the , affer Confinem Wetting in sla Inajeetn. 'Extract Buck &her remedy, tettlion, Irr SuPrregqieli 0 dons, Mem , Me Uterus, I peFu t as l in tars *1 EilEl 1 blsEl. ' OF THE .73LAD PEA: RID wrs, 'GRAVEL, lAND DAOr'SI,CAL SWELL iOtoenof Dios ' , ancl.evitesike,46- korbents into hea thy action, ,by whoh the: Watery or Calcareoul end aft Un'naturaie'itlargententt are reduced, as well pain and /VIM- i HELMBOL # S 4. EXPRACT BUCHU has cued every case of Di abete,sin which it , f.a.s been' given.— ; 8 „Irritation ,of the, i 7i#k o, the Bladder and Init'ammatzon of the. Oros, Ul eeratie% of the Kidneys a dßladder, .etenticm. of Urine, Dis es , _ _Of th e Prostate Gland, s tone in he Bladder,. 'Calculus, Grave , Bricle•Duit, De posit, and ;Alums or _Milky Discharg es, and for enfeeb ed andzdelicate con stitutions, of both, sexes; attended with thefollozoing symptons: .Indisposition to. exertion, „LoSs of Pow -, r, Lass of .?lemory,. 1470i.dt. of - :reathing, 1 Weak .Nerves,/Tre ' bling, Horror of Disease/ 'TVahfulti ss, limness of `.Vision,. Pain in the ac if of Hands, r, ./081 'of tie 1164,- I i ) 1 ' €BB of the Skin,`:,Eruption ';)13 t the 'lce, .Pallid. Cbuntenanee, Universal , ssituck of the . , Mussulcw Roitens, ste. ESN ' LMBO 1Y EXTRACT :13' UCH U is Diuretic and Bload-Pu rifyinr; and cures' all disedges arising . trOn „habits qfdia4palion, MIMS and unprza . kneig in liye,l impurities . of the illood; to., upgrading • gg ba; in adecti:ms for wmith , w Gonarrhma, Meets •of kng atandkV, argil Syphilitic 4geetcons- 7 4n1lig8g as eaiss, wed in.cpnneption toith ..11ekn. bold's Roe Wash. ' • Sold , by al l„Priuggists and dealers everywhere. Beware of counterfeit.,. Aek , for , Efelmbold!s. Take no. other; _ liige—.l.2s per bottle, or 6 bottles for $6,50. .Delivered to any address. .Describe symptoT in communi cations.' Address H. 494 Broadway, NONE ABE GENUINE - LESS • DONE] er:p IN ateel-en :grated wrapper, with, fae-simile'cf my . Chemical Wareh e. and' itigned R. T. R .N.LIELBOLD. lE3' • El 'jar to females, th e • unequaled by any Chtorosis, or .Re- , Painfulneei or itomary Zama achirrous State of irilitea or 'PAM. I . ELMBOLD, l , WIMLNI .•-• • QOR ffilllllll DRIJOS A AND. cOIL D MEDICINES, PAINTS KlDlTtlit! — i1;011) . TR4c3INSt:::: TROD,EII,B: 64:iitaii4 '. , ' , 't IRED% Inifil 9 00 41 NE , FLAVORING RRiCOSiNE LAMPS, ILEDwitin, 140011- R PERFUMERY , BURNETT'S EXTRACT' PATENT EST AI4I)FLAM:)' LwoiExplAcxl3,.WALL 'IIPARE.I4iriItiDOWG7ASSi ' L l' fir,tiOU LIME (fr, DYE COLORS" • i AN) 1 :/to M ARV/IST & CO ' S RR . FINED ' F Sold at Wholeti a Prices. Buyer tt) °ail and got • l quotations befor 1:1211 7. D. TERBELL Jsin. 1, 1810-ly Corning, IT; • rata; Roofing. = y HAVE bonl l t the•right to use the P ten Alfietto. Ro ofi ng Toga County; anal am, nos preparat t" - put .011 roofs_oheap and in good . workmanlike'lanner , :. • Thls iooling Is lire and water proof. • I refer to Messrs. Wright Bai ley, Toles do Darker, and •0. L. Willcox, where dimples can be iieen and roof. in use. 1 - MORES wnigaTz. Welisboro, n.I, I.Bio—tf„ . . . .- J , Wellaboro . Hotel. . , !To B. HOLL DAY, Proprietor. ' A large and 1.),, oorrunodi us House, located in the lame !Mate vicinity o all the Count* buildings, with , i li_oe and ppm odious barns attached. I -,games aslett actg . as hostler, and will Always be lona on handy attentive to busineei. Jan. 5,1570. 7 1 y , .Finnit re ! Fur I' , B. .. VAN HORN, 'STAYING , completed bis new Cabinet Ware .- I ham on Main street, Welloboro, has stook. ed it with a tar e and superior assorted stook of, i it . FU NITURE. Ohamber Sr ts, Walnut, Ash, 11 ke., from $l5O down, and ea °heap *1 the same goods can be bo't in the freight adipd. Walnut, Cherry, !mid ' Reps or Hair Cloth, m in 1112 b down. Moo, Parlor Sui itahogan SOFAS, LO t 'NOES, COUCHES, TETE A—TETEs • witt Ilpholetbry to atilt. • Center Table!, Walnut or Marble Topa, 'LooklnglalaSseß,'Brackets, Pa ' per Ranks, Hooking Chars, all kinds, Wholesale and Retail. lam mann • tnring as usual, and Intend to keep • full stb4k of ware, home and city made St all times. y Ware Rooms are epaelons and neat, and now ontain the largest, costliest and Ifur beat stook of niture ever brought Intb the county. • . . • . • ' Pla • ning and Matching/ soAox, ' SAWING it:3lOl3lAM°, done o order at the Fabtory. Jan. 1, 188 tt. , -, WALZER & LATHROP, - • DEALERS tR lIARDWAR'S, IRON; STEEL, NAILS, `STOTTS, TrIV-WARE, UIILTING, 811 VS, CETLIIRY, WATER LIME, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Carriage and Etarness• Trish minim HARNESSES, SADDLES, Ao. Corning, N. in, :in. 2,1870-Iy. 1 Ingham's Woolen. Mills! DRER,PIELD, . Sll oulosorlbers will piy Cash, 1011-sloth, Ourimorer, Flannel., Ito" MI., for Wool.— T spare atariuboture as usual— ri, ~ . _ _ II -.OIIDBIL OR ON SHIRRS, to snit elastomers. All• work warranted as rep resented. They invite partiordar attention to , • their Water -Proof CASSIMERES, which are warranted in every respect. Partin ter attention given to ROLL • CARDING GLOM DRESSING. INGITAM'S large stook of Casidmeres, Lc., 26 per cent less than any competitors, and warrant. ed as represented. INGHADIS msnufacture to order, kind do all kinds of Roll-Carding and. Cloth Dressing, avd defy_oompetition. INGSAMSAave as good an assortment of Fall Olothe, Oassimeres. and give more for Wool in exohange thin any Atha? establishment. Try them and satisfy your selves. • INGHAMEI wholerale and retell at the Cow. eneeque Mills, 8 toile" below Knoxville. Our Cloths are warranted, and sold by. the following person.: I O. B. KELLEY, Welhboro, Pa. T. L. BALDWIN A 00., Tipp, Pa. J. 0. BENNSTT, Covington, Pa. ' 100,600 Pounds of Wool Wanted. • 'eat to the ditoKon .of the County Convention. • INGHAM BROTHBREI. Dowgeld, Jane 1, 15114-14 ME IMI „ r,r MS =I MEI • \ • areregaeat4 going ftuitiek l iture! B. T: VAN PORN. AIM % i RE • • *A 4 i * --• • - • - AriOro l -• , , 'BRITURAILVaIti. J. bie.and 'attar BlONOki,'idtt' id, 181 0 ,' Trains willialtarellorning.stt , h o fo oWing Itourierlar - • Golan Witt. 8,415 and 6,064. nit EXP., dallyfor Retch. alter Buffalo, Dan irks , Cleveland and Cittein• „ nattionstking directoommicitou With Inking Of the lirend' Trunk and TAU Shore Rallstays at Bun's% „BunkirriandCleveland for allpointslfest, and at 5 0inelnuttl With the Ohio and Allialsaltipi and Unto rine Short Line Rollways for .thit'Soctband South-, 4t • „ , , •' Cl:m PREi.-EXSS MAIL, Sundais excepted, for lola, Dunkirk' and; Cloveland, connecting' kith Bahia for the Wert. A sleeping Coach Is tittsebed to shin traln,ranning through to Bnifslo. 10,4 n 111 . 132. $ MAIL 7 .1 4/N, Eundays *adopted, for littpaukand .* Dunkirk._ .ns. BALTIMORE IXP.IIII ii,Elandaysere• t ,for notibititor and Buffalo,vla Avo .828 p.tii., DAT RICPIIIIBB, ,Sundoys excepted, for .uohoster, BUralo Pinkiric,Cloreland, Oinolunati, ' and, rho Battik S h ope at drinepal Stations and ton : itoistopoluts do mainline. - ' ,• Remand improved Drawitt4EoOta Coaches acco m pany thisinain from. New Ko to Bufalo,and Sleeping Gdaajaas attached at llottiellsrille, running - through to Cleveland and Gallon 'without change. 31415 P. m., EXPRESS MAIL Sundays excepted, or Dunol3,,Clevoland, connecting ?Flirt trains for 1_2418p. m4WAYWßElOUT,SiludayoexcaPtad. • 1124' EMIGILINT TRAIN, daily,• for the West; t i er _ *tuts Emsi. , 11,4 .m.,, NIG UT EXPRESS, Soadays _ excepted • chub ing•at New York with afternoon inane BO • Stamina for Boston and Now ,England dines. ~ aloeplog.Coachea actompany this train to few York 435 a. nal, OINOINNATI EXPRESS, Mondays Oir.• ' capted, , Connecting Ist Elmira for Williamsport, , flarrishtirg and the South; also at Elmira for Canon datigua; et Waverlyvith train of Lehigh valley Rail way; at Owego for Ithaca; at Binghamton for Coo ,perstown and Albany and at New York, ith steam era and afternoon Exprerrintins for Now England " *IP* Steeping dachas acconipany this train , 106 W York.. ' 11,28 a. na.,. DAY EXPRESS, Sundays oxcepted, connecting at Jersey „City with midnight express train of 'Now lankly Railroad for Pbiladolphia. Aiso atop, at principal statdons and connecting points on Mil° line, Now and improved Drawing Room Coaches accompany this train to New York. . 12.18 P. m, .ACCOMMODA.TION TRAIN, daily for sittoottehanua. $..20 P. m., BLMutA MAIL, Sundays excepted. • 0.11.111., NEW YORE AND BALTIMORE MAIL, Sundays exdopted, connecting at Elmira for tilt So n g • 7,87 p.m, LIOUTNING EXRRESS,DaIIy, connect ng at Jersey City with morning Express train of Kew Jersog Railroad for Baltimore and Washington; and,at Now York with morning Express train for Bostod and New England Cities. Alsr stops at all prin. eipal stations and connecting points on mair. line, Sleeping Coaoles aocompany this tray through to New Rork. 11,33 a. m.; WAY FREIGHT, Sundays excepted. Ell BAGGAGE ()WILED TllllOOOll : - Oik- &revised and comploto"Pockot Tinto Table'of Peseenger Train. on the Erie Railway and connecting Lbieb,hadreeently been published, and can be procur. edottapplioation to.the Ticitet"Agent of the Company . WIC% BARR,. . 1... D. RIIORER , Gen'l24ba.Agent. :- Gleti'l Sup't. . • • sabing & Corning, & Tioga R. Itt TAlnswillrun as follows untllfurtber notice: Spoomtnodailon—Leavef Blossbdrg at 6,50 a. m „Mane field at 7,40 Tioga at 8,82. Ljavtrenf,eville at 9 01— ng at Corning at 10,104. m. Mall*—Leave's Bloasbarg at 2,80 p . „Mansfield a t B,IG, Tioga at 0,48, fatarrencaville at 4,29—arriving at Coraini at 6.80 P. m. Maill—DeavOsOosning at 7,50' a .M., Lawrencevlili at 8,45, Vela at 9,28, Mansfield at 10,06—arriving at BlOss-burg at 11,46 a.m. ' ACOOmmodation—Leaves Clouting at 2,66 p. m „Law. reaceville at 4,04 'logs at 4.66, Mansfield at 5,88.• g at Blatribtrg at 6,20 p. m. L .11.811ATTUCH,flup't • Northors Central R.B. • ' ISAIN3 fOR THE NORTH. Train stOrOanandsgulalease Elm:dress follows: ItScoModation 7 12 p m Express [fastest train on road] 12 05 a m Mall' 10 00 p m Aocommodatton —.B lb p Orland after 3nno 12, 18T0, tratns will arrive at/ depart from Troy, as follows; LEAVE NORTHWARD. $45 p. m.—Dally (except Sundays) for Elmira an • litiffalo,Tia Erie Italluay from Elmira.- 10 85' a. in.-:•Daily (0= 11 7: Sunday's) for El mire, B uffa4 • lo,Oanandafgros, heater, Susp:Dridgo and th • Canada.. • r • • LHATR • SOUTH WA RD. 723 A. m.—Dally(except Sundays) for_ Baltimore, Walblngion,Pbiladelpbin,&o. 968 P. m.—Dally (except Sundays) for Baltimore, Washington and Philadelphia. • , 'ALTBES R. PISEE, ED. S. YOUNG lien') trop t Ifurrisburg, lou'l Pass. Ag' t Bilttmore,3ld: ANOTHER - TUMBLE!. _ Cash! 1870 ! • 1 . SHE WHAT SELLING FOR CASH! • Our Prices To-Day. Beit'White Wheat Flour $7 pr bb1.1,75 pr. snok: " Red witnter • $0.50 " 1,82 " "XX Spiing Wheat, 8,00 " 1.50 " Buckwheat Flour, )••• 3,00 per 100 Ms. Best Feed, 2;00, " " Bran and Shorts • 1;50 " • Meal 2,25 " " These prices only FOR CASH. i WRIGHT & BAILEY. All persons not having settled with us,- can not blame us now if they tind their accounts and notes left with an attorne for collection. We give due notice. .• W. dz. B. • BAOS.—We want all per c i s baring any bags with our mark on them, to return the same at once, as we shall take, steps to secure them.— ,We have 600 bags scattered among the people. &'BAILEY. FOR SALE, . BY the undera(gned,. a. span of horses, ffye years old; a. good farm or-road team, Cau - ba seen ardthe premilea of Prj. Date, in Delmar. D. L. DEANE'. Wellabor°, July v ia, 1870. 2m- A. 11111t1PHREY & CO., OPPOSITE the the Hazlett Koine, TIOGA, Pa.; keep constantly on hand a large aseort meat of Yawll3, Groceries) and Provisions, FLOUR FEED, AND MEAL, PORK, BUTTER, LARD, CHEESE, &C. "Er. Prieee down to the bottom figurer. 70.4 m. May 18, 1 lOW rIIHR sub I. be bail A LAND AGENCY. oriber wutTlTllTuform the priblto the tho agency of a qaantit, of OWA LANDS, which'hi will.tell for cash, or exchange for rea - or Personal property, on reasonable terme. GREAT BARGAINS OFFERED. He would 'say that he has examined the prop erty and titles for himself, and believes he can make it for the interest of persons going West, to glie him a call before purchasing elsewhere. Por particulars, inquire of B. D. GOODELL, May 11,'70 ly Babinsvllle, Tioga Co., Pa. !Hotel for Sale. THE, HOTEL at Osco'ola is offered for sale on reasonable ferule. All stand is a de airable,one, - has two barns upon the promisee, three wells of good water; and a lot of fruit trees. The lot contains acres of land. Address, or call-on - - JAMES ARTIN, OsCeola, June-1, 1870-11 m. The Proprietor. HARK.NESS ez. RILEY, BOOT AND SHOE NAKEA'S. Shop in Mozart Blook fornierly ooOnpind by A H. Rice as a Grocery Stop). BOOTS AND SHOES •of all kinds made to 1.11 order atid-tit the beat manner. REPAIRINGof all kinds donapromptlyand well s ' Give tte a call. JOHN HARRNES • WM. 'BEXLEY. Wellabore, July 13, Valuable Farm for Sale. , A farm 'of three hundred sores, with two Mtn ill liked and tweitty-five scrim improved. Sit. lasted two miles north of • Tioga Village; on the Tiogiativer and Railroad. Well witttored, nu. der. ginfa atu;e, of cultivation, and good build ing.. Alto four house, and iota for male in Tioo' village. ? " T. L BALDWIN. A. ITUMPHRBY dr. CO ME= Spring lent. _,:,, i ,•..,,,,,Ji.,.,-.,-.,-4.,,,_,.„...,,,,,,..-__.--„,, . : 7:, eet ,- O: SiiiTti, lit on , ain 13tr • ' b ' ' 1 " gait opened .s very large automat of „ i :.11ILLINERI - GOODS -;;: _z..,_„ H T' ;: - .::,:.'“ - : ,. : - :ilrr.;,; ':,—'• ,::: • , I•k•I' , 1 , -•insehair• .1 - y.,-•-•, - 7 - *ri 261,:- - 4014N!ki13; 1 8 1 .1141V 2 . 13 601)3', ' , LACES, FLOWERSI-RIBBONS, , - T i to • , all of will be polti m,ueb below iontiet coo. 'All 'woe* dauelyromptly, Dud -to ph ase , canciiYanz -sum. . winbboroe May lb' 18/0-iti MILLINERY. . MRS. E. E. Kimball will.be foitnd hereaftu hi her new qatekterp o clot Young and 0 0 , , ,‘ boa:stint,. She hae,itle!rec o lied lots of , SPRING IiIILLINERy to , Mob ebe in l ifit.• tit; itttention of the Met Lr to I Welfetero and v cinity. , I pril 13, iBYO MBB. E. E. KIMBALL. N 1 .11 1 ;:SPRINGt_ lILLINhuI .:-- '• , - AND - FANCY GOODS,. AsirsoFTELI) hub returned f 5 6m the City lyilwith an assortment of New Geode to which she invites the attention of the 1' dies of Wells _ il4O and vicinity. Tier stook " v rists a choke selecition of - —• . , u p , thRAW rOOODS, - 14,0 S, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, KID GLOM ITAIR KERCHIEF'S.CQI.LAIM FANS, EMBROIDERIEk 4 . and a rani. • 'ayof W ITE ' 000DS.. Thankful for the generous, putronage,of th e past,' she hopes t merit a eontinuaneo of the Bahia. Bonnets kliats repaired to order, • . Ifitei- I am also agiot for the Willeox k, Bowing Machina. Mrs. A. J. POPIELD: i'Vellaboro / Apr4 200870, tf . - lIGN . OFIB7I I . • , 4 1 I -:. --- ': 7:-. : -- ; :!•,, ,:,.....;•;•,•,-,:::::..,..... 4 ' ';-7'----..%.,--:-4-‘-'.- .. *...3 A', i1.) ; ,.5•"'"! ' --) - - . • , t- '"A r . ."---- • , 2 _____::4- , -... - 7- ' ety Spring Goods PLES' STE trit tsTocK IB NOICV VERY COMPLETE in all ite brill:whet!, and Prieett down to •Ae niforrl of Gold ete par. Our STOCK OP CLOTS • very large, and we noalte Clothes 'to order en desired. Our CARPET STOCK the I✓lrgeet in Me 'motion of the State, and Imes 10 to 20 per cent lower than laet year. inen and White Goods oas low as before the war. We keep the Bd. oßrand Black Alpaca, which Madam Demor. t, Frank Leslie and Harpers' Bazaar unite in l onouncing the best, Alpaca in market; also l e Beaver Brand pure Mohairit, a splendid sr. 4e, and full atsortment. 111 e • Ell • I uNiTED,siAIrEs TEA COMPANY, ':.l - 7: -.:. :'": send us with the last invoke 1 ; gig . . 1.2 1 j u u e s e t . rec ,, e xv iv e ed p , r t o h p ulo o l a le f u ter ial li n i a l i (LI 1 Ist, 18'O, toltack a certificate i x..--,....- $ ...- --•;-!... I for an elegant Silver Plated ' - ." Tea Service, daily, in OA, pound rickagn. The certificate when found, will be fowarded to us through ---- ' will deli t sier the service to 'arty. 1 i • f4t'e aq the agents for Oa, can assure - our customers, tf T • cheaper than they can ea the (thanes of getting . . i - .1 . • , ' l ,O solioit a call from all the citizens of Vogl, rutty and vicinity, visiting Corning, midi's re t , em that,they shall he Madly and fair , treat d, and ire will do them good. • • SMITH orning, pril 20, 1870. ' HARNESS SHOP. • W. NAVLI3,• would say - to •bis Mean II • that bls Harness shop is now in full blast, d thiathe, prepared to furnish heavy or light 76C Eia . .l3..eiSiii; MP short nett e, in a good and substantial man and at p ems that can't (ail to suit: • he best wrk men are employed, and no bat ebest, mat rtal used. Call and see. tee. 9,186 ' : ly. Ci. NIS 8., XL rb aa, 33, o 0 MR. A. . MONROE; is the authorised Agent for Tioga aud Potter Counties, lei off et insurance in the Wi iiir . , yoming Insurance C ompany. Royal,. ,000,000 1 - Capitol $5,00 0 , 000 Ll:mdon, Live pool & Globe, Capitol, $1 I . l He y will canvas the county during t. eek ex cept Saturday , when he will be fours at the Othise of John; . Mitchell, to attend to all who may give him it call. A. L. MONROB. Sept. 22, 1566-3m.* . tO , gh•School. -' MBE Subsoriber will open a School .in the' .2. village of paceola, on Monday, Mar& 7th , 1870, and continue twelvwwceka. . , - . - RATES OP TUIT.TOKi - . Primary, , $3 00 Common Eng1iab,.....,.. ..... ' $3,00. KM Higber,.. I Bob. 9,—t.f. 0. 0. WARD, Principal. tt Matching. FLOORING CEILING; W4INSCO ING, TONGUED & GROOVED , %li• • b, rapidity •nd exaotn° ss, with onr new Id oh nes. Try it •ud see. B. T. UNBORN* " ellaboroj i n. 1, 1870.. =I T TUE .=:--~- d RO