FRANCO-PRVBSTAN WAR NEWS?: • The Tribune has the-following from London . under date of the 2144; hist; ; - -- " A telegram from Berlin, whichwas received at the Embassy bf - tiks 14,Orth German Confederation late lasV.eveni'g, announces that Marshal Bit:mine, at the' bead of the French troops, made a most -desperate ()fibril Just.-at- dayhrealt Able, morning, to' cut his way- through the Prussian investing line. lEfe was wet instantly by the Prussians, in great force, and, after three hours of deartt rate fighting, repulsed - Withn treraen dous loss• to the French: - Bazaine 'waa . driten to ,the insidesfortress,t-of Metz, -,114,th his. force greatly damagecmt , . 5,,, " .,The-. Tribune, correspondent- at the f -ptiwelatk . beadquatters giveitha follow ing- decent:lt of the battle of GraVi3lotte : '• ' " The battle fought to-day, he 18th, began at 10 iu the morning and lasted tillafter 9 thiaevening. -Until noon it vo t ,i,au, artillery duel. The French liPes being Areal:fed altelg ~thti' hills Cover,' • frig the two; roads leading from Metz, to , Verdun,' having on their right Sank a 1 - -ler& holies; known• as LaVitlette, -- with a wailed garden, held - in greatj- force .a sunkenroad that led straight from Gra velotte the center of - their position. i l , 6 . 4 0 n t e French left, the road wound o ver t the crest of a bill on which twelve earthivorke had been thrown up. Eight mitrailleuses, beside artillery, were pos ---ted to'command every approach to this strong position, and their: guns swept the valley reaching from 'Gravelottel .:., eastward, by which the Prussians bad I to advance. Behind this line of -strong ,defense lay the forts. St. Qtientin, mak— : trig tbknesition apparently ope of tin prznable etrenkth, and completely, pro --fte ng the French rear.' " - 2- , - , • "The.,position at first held by the - Prussianstwas to the east of the French facing toward Metz; occupying the sou thermitost road Verduu, and reach invtiver- the Chain of hills lying be . twtivoi Gravelotte and Rezonillie. - The result of the,. artillery contest was to compel- the French - to, abandon. their _remit advanced poaltione. and_ tbe -line by Which they hoped to cover both of -- tlitiroads *as Irk - weed and tiriVeli back. . '' "'At noon Prussians were able---to ,puah forward their artillery; the French _guns proving unable to resist the weight of. the Prussian Illre. The Prussia_ bat teries shortly after nopn Were in posi tion on eitheridde Of Gravelotte, so that -neither of,the roads, which at that point ;branch off' to-Verdun north and south westerly, were , any longer , open to the French army. I reached the Held'just' as this forward" movement' of the Prus sians,had been accomplished. • The -groud was-favorable for a good view of both positions, and it' was : apparent at a glance that - the French bad alrea "dy relinquished a line- of defense int .-nortant to them - tactically as well- as strategreally. k:,; 4 ! By ,2 - o'clock the French batteries . covering the Veidun road - from the north and east *ere silenced, and tha Prassigtis bad advanced so far from.the 'south of that road as to occupy the farm house at Malmaison, a little northwest .from-Gravelotte. Twenty minutes la ' .ter the French fire - so slackened -and wavered-'that,. t.he Prussian batteries were once more pusheCfOrward, and took up a new position in front of Gra velotte. At 3:20 the Plussitifi cavalry w ent into action. They , advanced un der a hot fire from the • kretich guns.— The attack was made in considerable force by the Uhlaus, both curassiers and; hussars; but they were at first without infantry support, and could make no iterlous impression on a posi tion still naturally strong and still held in fore() by all arms of the French." • Another 'correspondent) telegraiihs from POD t-a-Mousson, onu nd tiy, 21st: "The French, in the baffle of Thurs-' day, were driven back to the forts of St. Quentin, ..where •from the Prussian front they are still visible._ The villa ges of Vionvllle, Flavigny, Rezonville and Gravelotte are much burned, and resemble slaughter houses. The fields are covered with dead Prussiabs. Their cavalry; • while, charging the -Frencli lines beyond Gravelotte, suffered much. "The vast numbers of dead Frehoh still (in the battle field' of Tuesday, show the battle of that day to have been as terrible for them as that of Thuriiday. "The Kirig arrived here last night. atrprt itrtragi ,tsiziai();VW;lt: • turne towar yltry. , " There are tiny rumors of .peacene goiatioris."' - King William's account of thiS battle says the French were cut otr from, Pa ris and driven back to Metz. • A telegram from Pout-a-tussog, of August 19, reports : " Yesterday the Prussians won 15 bill- Haut victory near Gravelotte._ The ' French were expelled from revery posi tion they held, thrown back lupon Metz, and confined to a narrow territory V around that fortress.' They are com pletely cut off from Paris. A Prussian army corps holds the .railways from Metz to Thionville. The Prussian loss es have been heavy," .... It is saidthe French loss during the week exceeds 80,000 killed, •wounded and missing. 'the French claim a vic tory at Gravelotte., • A•later account from King William, • concerning the battle at Gravelotte on the 18th instant; says: "About 8:80 'P. M. fighting ceased gradually. Without this I should have acted as at Koniggratz. The troops have performed miracles of valor against all enemy, equally brave, who withdraw by inches, resuming the offensive, to be again repulsed. I cannot foretell the enemy's fate. I shrink, from learn ing our 10880.. I had designed bivou acking here, but I find that rnin with out my luggage.t• In 'fain, I have not removed my clothing for' 9 hours." i f It is reported that the mpress is ur ging Napoleon to abdica e in favor of . his son. Gen. Trochu is in supreme command at Paris. The Committee of Defense,•of which he is the head, have . thafullest powers in all matters per taining to the defense of the city.—, Strasbourg is yet held in a state of siege by the Prussians. The general in eom-; tumid tias driven out all non combatants, to husband the supplies of the city as far as he can. The Tribune, speaking of the great' battles before Metz, which seem to be the decisive battles of the war thus far, remarks as folloWs : , . , ' '"'T, he tactics of Badowa Were repeat,- edfitGravelotte. The Pruisianabegan the engagement with . a divided army, or rather two armies moving from dif ferent directions, with orders to.form a jurietlon behind the enerny's - poSition. Bazaine covered the point which the Pins/dans had selected as that upon whlehtaconverge r and actually lay be twilam the two armies which .behad to fight. - it was not until after nightfall that the junction was effected and the victory won ; but it ,was then complete, and forced Bazaine into Met; where it had all along been the design of the grusatans to confine him. The battle was purely defensive on the part of the French. None ofl the several bloody repulses of Prince F rederica; Charles's ? attacks were sign I enough to enable. Bazaine to follow with an offensive movement to extricate hi s from his great danger. He held thong posi tions ,of the field. Thond line which he assumed was pronounced in vulnerable, and the direst attack of Prince Frederick Charles would doufit less have failed to dislodge Bazaine, had not Von .Steinmetz struck they, right flank of the Freucb soon after night fall. The Prussian attacks were in over whelming force, and persistent; at ev ery' hour, from morning until night, , reinforeemeAts fot' tliedi arrived upon • the field • and the French were out nu in ' boVerd at 'least two to one. The Kiang)) ter was horrible, the Prnt , sians lo,ing by far the greatest number- of men, in consequence of the desperation with which they attacked. "The attack of Von Steinmetzon the French right, was but the repetition of IPrince Frederick , Charles'a fatz t ious as sault on the Austrian right at &Wawa— of Blitcher'a grand charge at Waterloo. 1 It was as decisive of this battle as the others• were of the fates of Benedek and the First Napoleon. Bazaine could not • hope to resist it, _and retired to Metz._ Darkness was his ally ; else the attack ' of Von Steinmetz must have resulted in the rout, if-not the total destruction ' Of his army." . . IMI Vitt vnatAisasonp n. •-•, - `WEDNESDAY, 'ockuwr ;ll,' IS7O , BZPUBLVIAIf: CONVENTION. 'm .. , . At a meeting of hei Flogs County Repot:4lOn Com mittee, held at Wellsboro,.htay 81,1870, it wee Resolved, That ' n election he held by the Republican elecotra of Tioga aounty, - at the several places_ of bold- Sag election!, in their reimiletlth election districts, eh - f . Saturday, Sent.lo' 18711, between the hours of ,one and six n'oleck in the , iletrioon . or apid - _ day for"thelpur7 ipso of electing t a persons-from 'e,ach ' election dis• trict;tO represent pin dietticts in a Repriblican °Minty Oodvention-, to be held. l at Idanafield, OD Frida yobe that 'day of Septerober,.4B7,9, Pr the'pisrpoie of nominating thrldidates tip baetipported lit thaentuing islet:ooll.r The following jisamed gentlemen •wtre appotnted- Coramittees of Vigilance for their respective towushlpa and boroughs. Their duty la i to see that notice la given of the time of delegate meetings, and to open and con duct the elections 10r delegates at thatime uhnsed, _ Bloat,- A I Janfelf.'L .11, - Smith: . -• - ,' - j e:,, :, , . .. Brookileld.-L 0 Seeley, Nl3 Selick; ... s ' Chatham, F W 4 Ilinith,-L 0 Beach. , ''''''' "' ' • \ Charieston,Robert. Trull, livanLowbso t s t. -, ' , ' CZYMeri 0-0 Ackley, S Rowland. ' thringtoa;L It Walker, Edward Rita: '- Ctroington Borough, Thomas Jones, D 8 • Price. : Behan r, John D ic kinson . John Karr. ~ MerAckl,ll -- -W purple, F.liattiorton... . -,'. , • -Elk. Lorin Wetmore. John aynexd; - .. • . •- ! Eibland,joel 0-,Parkbung,;" liver Daticock. - , - .. • . Ihrtnifgion;Joi,oble ligghles,'h , ll•ol9sm - :-, ~.. • Ild2 Brook, A. f'VOCk. Al Stratton. ~ , - (Gaines,George Barkt : D.K 'Marsh . - - - • Jackson. Joseph Seteng ,J F Sim : levant-. . 'Liberty. Wm L Beagle , Narbor." ; •-' - • 7C " ilk, A Alba, Linden Case.' '-; •" . ' , - - , Zawreriectrak, Wm Politick, it P Radeker. - . - ' .Lawrence, - Joseph Gullet Nathan Grinnell. - ' itsiniburg, 0 D Main, Iraldwin Parkhurst. ". • • '. dfan Wm E Adam!, Wm Iloilande. • . 3/W/chary, Caleirillaupreond, Merrill Staples.' - - NOrris,Job Dthne Wm`'abl.s.- - -•- • ~ Nelson, Joseph Campbell, 0 B DaStlei. - ' , Oceola: Norman Streit., ,W T Thampbray, • ' • Richmond, Morrison Rose -21. Al Spencer , But/ancl; Elmer Backeri Rose, Frost: • •-•.„ -.- - • ' Shippcn, 0 D Leib, SerabelScrenton. S . , • &Swan, Russel B Rospdayette G ray . .. Roo, D L Aiken, CW. veiess. 21bga Bispugh,D (lame on, 0 B Farr. . • 1 Union, 13 F Irvine, J E Pleavelarid. . ! Ward, W Chase, llenrysiloilis. - . • - . lrearboroL_Joaort.Wiffleme , Andrew G Sturrock. WetWd, w N uriburf,'Job RoxfOrd. • .11"es*Id Bora', N W lirigauglitOn; Charlton Phillips -A. L. ENSWORTII,Chairman. A. - 34,:Bstutirr, Secretary. • - ' ' General Shopidon" vas appointed by tbe President to visit the seat of, arlek .Europe,. as a Cornmissioner for our gev ernipent, and he arrived op tbeground in time to be•an; observer of the great battles recently •feught. had,:peo inission from the King of Prussia to accompany Gen. Steinmetz to the front. He snuffs the battle. afar otr, - add . •Illies"to be in' at 'the-fight. We have no doubt his observations, will . 11e Of 'great value in-any fnture, war in *blob .we.e may bkSo'inifOrtunate - as to be en gaged: The publip debt of the United Statea is $2,389,314,476; that of Great Britain, $3,985,158,250; that of France, $5,833,-, 400,825. Under the faithful adrninistra'• lion of President Grant, our debt is di rniulahhig at the rate of more than 100 millions a year,, while those of the oth- er powiii named, are constantly increa sing. They are so great a " blessing," that those countries are making them greater from year to year. We can Well dispense with all such national com fort's. The 'difference is, that we live on a - peace footing, when at peace, while they live di) a war footing all the time, Our County Convention. will 'be held 'on the 16th of. September ; the election of deleo , tites thereto, on the 10th of the r e i ' same ?onth. We call the attention of -the Vigilance Committees to the' near ness of the day of caucus, and hope they will give notice of,the time and' place of holding it at an early day: A few notices posted in the vicinity, sta ting where.. and between what hours the election will be held, are all that is required. It is usually 'held at the place of holding the general election. .'We ti0.t.1.; . the .rsot.4..irs.‘ , . b..41.-0-...3..._ re..Air..t_takx..... tem than a mere caucus. They are so held in Most of the districts of the coun ty. All who desire to take Ipart in. the nominations, may not be able to 4ttelid just at the hour of the ,caucus ; ;and it is. better, on very 'nanny accoujots, to have the election open several hOurs." , So far as we hrve heard, therell i s very little excitement over our local nqrnina lions this fall. No doubt there will be more befOre the finalday of electioneer ing probation ' arrives. We heartily wish there were offices for all, so that • none of us should be dissatisfied ; but as there are fewer offices than aspirants, some of our-friends must be disappoin ted. We have no doubethe defeated *ill retreat gracefully mid in good or der, whan they fully learn that theynre conquered. i . The defeats are ordinarily better for , those who suffer, them, than victory would be. A man, who is kept out of .office, generally finds his opponents are his best friends, after. all; They save to liith his self respect, if they but make thetwielves heard before h concludes to boa candidate; but . ifelie hears so much from his friends, and so little from his enemies, as to enter the field as a candidate, under our system of electioneering, he'must ever thereafter feel that he has committed the un par donablsin. Hence, in the Interest of all aspi nts to office, we have .petition edla the eople to abolish this systensi, so [that those who come to fill our office6, - shall have enough self respect Itft to lie able to take the oath with some sort 4f 'appreciation of the obligation ,it imp> sea. Not that' the candidates are to blame: they only bow to a •cust m which commands them to do so, and says if they do, not, they shall not be burdened with the cares of official po sition. No ; thepeople are to blame ; and it is to them that we appeal for a correction of this evit-'• Were it not a custom, what more ridiculous and dis gusting picture could we behold, than that- of four and twenty officeseekers Marching over the hills and into. every corner where a voter can be found, pa rading themselves as strolling players, in search of the emoluments of office, which they' are ready to repeive and ap propriate-for the benefit of the people 2 And to think that so many of them are supernu4eraries! Truly it is a great 'waste of talent! . But the people seem bent on having just such a scene each year., Many of them feel slighted, if not visited-by the candidata. Now there are about forty thousand inhabitants in the connty.— Think of electioneering the Republican forces among all these . ! Of arguing clahns to five thousand voters, and play ing the agreeable' to twenty thousand not voters, but so related and connected, with the five thousand,cas to -make a' tavi)rahle talprre , biot(A left , upon their or, prominent importance! Of kitqAtig the praWag all the wives, and of chucking all the chubby buys and girls on their chubby chins i• Good people, : iet us have4ons all this waste of time and money and public conscience. Let. us qo away with \ officeseeking, and let the office seek the officer. When that da.Ntreomes, we shill have better men in office, and there will be more honor• in holding of It has come to pass, that men hol ding. office are looked upon as beggars, iraele importunitleti for abnit bave been ,- \ ' I fltat 0 I. ififili DELEGATE ELECTIONS. i. :~~=~ = answered,' to be quit of them,' by, some, and by otherkswith' expectaiian' of fa' I If a, man holds an taco,' he %ex: , peeted,t,O contilhute to • every • charity,' And to:subactiliallberally for every pub. lie eriterpiliei; and why Becausebe le'cOnsideri4l - 41ilibliii beneficiary him= atilt 1304V-wilt - tnr=;so•tking - -as looked'upon as 'a , charitable' bequest ; when it::4?-04ii; a duty, only upon` those' vibe - are oho; Sell foi their reflect honor upon the holder: ' • , - Lewis D. ,Campbelf,has been uoniina ted for Congresslit the db3trint, of °bin, by the Democrats. :Pen. Schenck; eve areigladie knew i •is the Republican `candidate, e , .11-Vvia lekiiticted -that ITSV. landinghara' 'wotild''be put - forward again; le be beaten by the old war horse; lint; hnia . ;= . 4 . .te' Temperance Arty* hav e nonli, na4l l Clark, for pevernOr, in the:State of New York, and Wendell, .Puillipf in hiassachusotte. : It is poor policy for RepOblicaos;, most: men who will support that ticket, belong to the Republican party.: In Maine they -have done, the same thing. Parties can not now be divided merely on: the tem perance question ; the UM° has not other questions are 'of mere hi mediatel,y vital CenkeidincO, Sobriety and temperance are high reCommends= tions for candidates for offi cial posltions;- , ,„ but we fear many-would he left valiant, ' , were such a standard adopted and en forced. - . •Horace Greeley is mentioned as 'a candidate for Governor in .'New. York.' The standard 2 of public Morals is 00' IOW; in NOW - York, to permit the - elec tion- 'of 'so fearless au•adirocate of justice and good' Morals, as' Honicb Greeley, to any such oiliee in that. State. The re ward of 'such men,does not come from the emolinnents 'of Office: " , ' ' Poorl.W the man who :was turned o ut of Congress Jaet, winter for sepinzmaAetehips, is Said. to have given •iip in. despair.' . —The Republicans are having a stor- . my ;time. In the Erie district ''of this' State, - over the nomination' for Presi dent; Judge'. -Erie county,: which has over 8;000 -Republican Voteiiy claims Elia:She Should have as many votes in. the ewerence as both EMI and War ren counties, which togetheti cast 3,588 Republican vote's. The delegatei from the latter counties rOliis to, accede, to this deinand ; when a bitter, contest fol low's, in which more than . 800 ballots are had, without a nomination. An Adjournment brings the parties toge ther again, and, after much contention, the Erie delegates withdraw, when Mr. L. D. Wetmore, of Warren, is nomina ted. It is Suppoied that Erie will in sist,. Parties should reskect the wishes of the mass of voters composing them, if they would maintain- their - strength. 7 -Hon. John A.. Bingham is again nomilated to Congress froth, Ohio. -The Legislature passed a law laSt win ter, a copi --- of which we give below,' and call the attention of persons subpoe naed as witnesses to it particularly. It is a law made necessary by. the preva lence of a tendency on the part of ma ny citizens to disregard the Mandates of courts in such 'matters. The law is as follows : • " That if any perion shill have been required, by virtue of any writ of . suliprettit; or other pro cows) Vend 2,xl.ttpAtily,iumixairgiatAkl u ffg, offal tribunal in this Commonwealth, or who may have• been recognized or held to bail to attend as a witness on behalf of the Commonwealth orfie fendant, before any court having jurisdiction; to testify in any prosecution; as aforesaid, shall Un— lawfully and wilfully, from this Commonwealth, or from the jurisdiction of sqolt court, and with intent to defeat the ends of public justice, elope, abscond or conceal himself, and refuse to appear as required by said subpoena or other legal pia cess or recognizance of bail, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, being thereof convicted, shall be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, or undergo an imprisonment not oteesding two years, or both, or eithpr, at the discretion of the court. \ A month or two ago the Democratic editors of- , rural PennsylVania assem bled in convention at Altoona, to coun eel together as to their course in the coming campaign. The result of their deliberations was to make it " blister ~ ing, burning, scorching;" to demand a, " white man's party," and the " resto ration of the. Constitution as it was."— They are already engaged in this Quix otic crusade against accomplished facts, and_are exhausting the classic vocabu lary of !their model , the Rev. Petrole um busby, in their warfare. Demo cratic city papers, which were not rep resented at the convention e have eager ly followed the example of those who were, and the whole party press in the State is now fighting " under the ban ner under which all the substantial vic tories of the Democracy -since the war have been won." = Elsewhere, North and Sotith, their colleagues have taken higher ground, and are denouncing the course of these Bourbons of America: The Memphis Avaianche thus rebukes them': " The party in the IsTorth clinging to the belief that the results of thawar will ever be reversed, is too small to take into account. It scarcely equalia corporal's guard in any one State. It is not repreiented by a single journal or politician of influence. Its repre sentatives are the Brick Pomereys and the Henry Clay Deans—leaders without followers, representatives • without con stituencies. • Henry Clay Dean still talks of the divine right and re-estab lishment of slavery, threatens another revolution, and 'denounces all other platforms as radical. His test of De m.ocraoy is eternal warfare against the fourteenth and fifteenth amendments. to _be enforced' *more bloodshed, if necessary. He is in perfect accord with the Southern Radical Democracy."— Press. The notorious desperado, Mickey Boyle, who was convicted of assault and battery with intent to kill, at the October session of our Oistriet court for 1868, and who broke jail before he v•lis taken to the penitentiary, was captured on Tuesday, in East Mauch Chunk, by Mr. Charleil Miller,- after a desperatel struggle, is now in jail: It will bare membered that on the night of the 4th of July, another rough, known as Slip pery Harkins, was beaten .nearly to death, near the bridge-on the east side, and his statement was to the effect that Boyle li / ad committed the assault; and "'Slippery," much to the snrprise cif those %Nilo Vitnetsed - the extent of hit 'injurie , i, and the disappointment of Oth- Ors; recovered. Co Tuesday, 40wever; Bdyle mysteriously re-appea red,"aud after jumpingthrough a win.; dow and perforiting - sundry other gy rations, pitched upon his ancient ene my, Slippery, who unfortunately came upon the scene at this moment, and in- Meted another, but; compared with the, former, a svery slight" drubbing.' At this juncture Mr. Miller put - in au affil pearance, and after a snuggle' succeed:: _~ _ ed in 'security tying *Yin". dkoonvor , log him to jail. If beidan, break out, ' he valiv,Jore:;:em,in , 'Ott -court, *hen sentence .tie reviV4l, and 114 taviattnp poitunity to visit the Eastern IYenitOn tlin*:—.3.lanert-C4toiic,Tinop, . :—Thlejictliool o Owl, we tti441.31, of flop )4ll4bl'r The DireitOrg spare on; eltPeff' makeit *ll;stolsis J.. 001 out attqt.t , ..7„) faint d'at rottooffio • Tife. language • 1 • 'l 4 Elf g ll ,°N,fairM tithe " matins will bit tatight. By - Otdif'OiltlEti:boara. • MARRI,AGEtt r puraxr—Bminr,, Paizieeil:,olo6' nib Birker,R'sq., ,IctrAlpat Pre:sit to bliteMaiiiline-RebY Gliftanity - :•• • 'MOORS-41ARVil1—Aii ISico*lii 8n di''e tad init.; - `by Rev. 6. - P". l lViiittingeMrikWit.'ll: Moore 4n(ls.llise,Phebe Marybt t bothrOf Riebeketul. • t OiGOOTl—R4RE—At'tsatlPbirleitt‘lb,Apg , 22d, by Rev. 0. W. StoneY_Mr.'49.lK.,osgedel. of Charteat4p, 4b1:116 of 'Mid,i dlehttrY. • • • • • • • • - • - ; Itio - P110,E;.43T 1 4,N5-4'n - ' , Odoiliilir;' the 7 14th inat., by 3d. Shaft, MaPhee to ; Mies guest' 6koveto, • • D,BAnga3. l ' OLARK-4n Oharleetoii, Aug:l444ly 1870,3fr5. Woks Clark, wife of leteiitAler4 l :44,s4 11 . y*. . • The d'eceased v/ashorr( tt Pittitteld,'Vt.;and moved to this place 88; years, ago. *DWI wait a member of tlieWesleyea Church, and 1 was highly esteemedhy all who knee' her.- Her lait. eh:knees, though short, 3fits borzwxviti.k, true cbrirr ties,. fortitude, like Stephen , her laitlyords 'were I g ayer to the Lord; then tardy sank to sleep in HAVDNS 7 4a 2*;lB7o,'Mr. Royal T:, Havens, .afterru lop&ilinetss '44 menthe, aged : 7.2. years. • , .MITOI • r n Midd ebery,,Auirolftth„ lack. ing but a far days of 77 years of ag -. the well known and much beloved Mr. Edsellifitchell. •Deitttit 'did-=not surprise , hini.7. Noi,More that _hilt a score of yeartrhe bad been!oweitlee with girded loins and burning lamp .for tl4 poling of the bridegroom—waiting for '" -to dawn, and - theshadotra to•ileitaway." = ;Theelatich has lost a pillar, society a -good : home a,goodhusband,'a loving father,and a.true. Mend. The first white. Ohild born iarTiogacouu.' - ty;—his life was almdst coeval With the' nation's. He had sden oar population:bare:4e frdm four to forty millions f, and , thenation ; thrlop,emerge from the "bapttsm of Die the. Mood,, • - To his friends.wholoame in to' ecohim die, he ' -said, "I'll look around this chyle to see how, many will try to meat me in,heaveo.". 1 2.0145 children who came to receive his'dying blessing;ho - said, ' l 'l have prayed for you all; 191 pray the prayer of niy,Savionr, tudd-your. .Saviottrt,-.".kather, give them; and as Stephen prayed-=Lord Jesus receive my spirit. .1 1 m going hopie - -,to heaven. I Shall soon know what the angels ire doing there. Don't weep for me: yon'bulibtro rejoice. I am going home to glory." • , "And ,I heard a voice from beavels saying, blessed are thediad that die in the Lord; from henceforth,' yea, smith the spirit; for they rest ire= their labors, and their, works do follow them. ItAMSDEL-7-Lissel, wife Ratnsdell, aged 28:yeare, 1 month awl 15 days. ' And she to heaven has passed.,:, • NORMAL SCHOOL AT MANSP.I.ELD.. I -- The course of xi:melee! instruatienAt inetitti tiony is identical withlhat of the Most luceessful nineio schools Of the country. 3 opens the shor test possible road to a nom!) musical education, saving a vast amount of ti no and labor. • ' Instruction is given on the piano, organ, vio lin, and other orchestral instruments; in harmo ny and composition, cultivation ofAhe voice,-no tation, and singing at sight. The regulay, graduating course is divided into five grades; eaoh grade being*Telbdtvided into three divislons The mule comprised in the course, is classified according to,the divisions of the grades, beginning at the simplest and. exten ding to the trios and includes the piano forte.worke of t einoient: and :itiandern • ciefindo composers. The prelimin4xy technical sindlia arerarringad in accordance with the division - it:and grades; ma king a progressive series of etUdies'froni the to the ; end of the third' grade. After that,point has been reaehod, the Come is oontlnA ued with the sbidieseemnprised intbie course. Rens oft Tuttiox.=Per term_ of fourteen weeks, payable stiletfy in 'advence.:, ,•• Piano, two lessons per ;week 'sl4. 00 Organ it • lt I • 114 00 Violin - , " . _ _ 'l2 00 Othetieroltestral instumente,eioh - 12 00 Harmony and.eomposition, twa lessons-a` - • -week.- • - ffir'ie Nyeek,'On‘elesses) 5 00 The above rates eOrrespondivith &a old ratei at.sl2 per term ,of twelve weeks-.-use offplano and organ two hours a. day inoladed. - Those who purstie'the regular;ooarse 'and can sustain a critical examination' lethe 2 sinte, 'era award(' a Olplonia. - No deduotion will be made for temporary sense from lessons, nor for lessons.-discontinued: • The fell term begins Sept. 7,'1870; 'time adver.. tisement in this paper.] . 1 • ! OlifirbTeaoherii.of mimic and the put;ixugene rally can be supplied with inueic`,qiudi otlon books of tho most 'approved 'matted . Portions abotit to-purehase pianos or organs, - will find' it greatly to thew interest tyl,oorrespotrd with us.- Orders will receive promptatteatton, andtshould be directed to ' I L G. Rory, August 31, I=7o. five 1 Manafield, Pa. • ES RAY.—Came to the enclosure of the sub scriber,- about the firs* ef August, a spotted (red and wittt_e) steer, - atio4t four yearS old. The owner is t ,requested to prove property, pay char ges and takwhim away. DANIEL FIELD. Delmar, Anz 31,1870 aw Strapid •, , • , • . OM the eolosnre'of khe sibserlber, on the 11th Inst., red yearli ng heifer, short neck orns turned in. Any Information of the e heifer will be liberally rewarded. • ' E. BOWEN; arlestou; Aug. 31, 187 p-awe and abo • _ Irs.urrn EASTMAN & VAN rtORNE, oPERATxvii AND mitimuclAL (94111.61 A new and sapeilor bate for artificial teeth— having three times the strength pf the vtiloonite. Is offered with 'the 1185131114100 that it removes.ev. ery objection made by the patient. Teeth filled, cleated and extracted in the most asproied man ner.' Altworkreglstered and Warranted. Office No fit Main at., Wellsborc, Atig.,lll, 1870. , • - __ ,__ TIOGA, PA. Dealer in HARDIN' 1. p ' ' of all kinds, ' "-- AGRIOCIIT URAL AND MEORAI4IO.4IL -11,IPISENTS, Building Material; Iron Nails; Cutlery, Stoves, TinoWare,•4lb.' ANY 'STOCE OF STOVES embraces Forty. different -kinds, and ‘..1.. inn prepared to guarantee . • Bottom - Piices - to Coolyßuyets. '- , I have also ou band a largei stook of •, '-': • : • .Electric. X Cut . Saws, . _ land • Moor'e''Dontka•Bnieed Arch.' Frame Wijod Svgs. 'These are the' best Biwa in t fi e'world, and 7.. :are fully warranted~, ' The best stook, of 911) d Ramona LAN. ',TBEINt3 in the count _._ • • • I have-ttatny articles not kept by other 4eal era whieh i would be glad to bOw, end give '.prloes that will defroompetitian. - Aug. 81 s 1870. J. 8011111172141 N. Jr. MEE , ,EasOu.6- ' to' TAGE ~_ ..., S I ..:-....;;;:. ,— :: :: THZ - : a*, . 1 11 this lino. ea' 't - . 112‘' - ' , orating . a..publlo thatlAti dailly-(llFtikilipritacep,* Yb , oetrae toilotett-,L,± i , e, - , -, r Leaves' Weitelera, at ii . " . a..,!; Maietilittlitlo:3o4:aa - I- --- '-' ,l l Leaves Mansfield :art i 0 -11VedlgbintrAblf.m. - t' > '-41111:-24;1870.:•-tf. .-± • •-_ ' . , ET,TE4sTestanteat Jl4 on the estate of • •late eof•Jaekson- towns, • those IndehtidAse 'soot • and khoiaiskting Aug. 17, 15174:0741w; it i . - or a or en . - • F . , 5 . 14 4 -• i t , .., t t, , ; . • r ~. , A GOOD dairy - far - 'in galowaship, iI- L . 0 8e DoPart,•2o.,. a • out * tnike weld of the Borough of. %loge. about 1 0 sores: improved, - arid 46 unimproved. gas on it throe barns, three.dwelling houses, an apple and peach etch-, erd, and other fruit trees. ,Terme easy. Alio ad joining on the 'west, e Lash timber Londe from,4o t0,200' 'strait% deowd, with tut acres improved, with a good We, a good heel. gala 'apple orchard. > flood f. ra • rping farm. :' • Aug. 17, 1670.4 f... 7 0. ): • egYIKOITR, Tiotny Pa. -.. FOR , ' LE; •• ':‘ 111 HE Store, Pwellin,.Uolmo and irambses in c l , I Bloseburg;lloga un , Pa., ormerly *a oupied by Nast A A se ,' in tho moat but. nen part of the town, • ffered for sale much below their value. For pri e, terme,Ao., confer with M. P. Elliott, E ~ * . o Wellebaro, or the pubsoriber, 0 H. 8BY8101111t; ° Aug. 17,18804 f. ' TIN* Pa. l , and to I ) !1 , 0 I 1 , . . House, of for Sajle. THE undersigned offers .r.ssle a r -village lot with house and bark o . it, situated in nose. ,ills; County'', Pe. - &heel „ Ittril 8.1 . STEVENS; , - Aug. 17,4870-tf, - - Middlebury, Pa. .. , . , FOR. 14: E-I.!' ''' - ' Real 'Estate-an 'Si re - of - Goods!' / • r. . i ~ , .._ ryas subsoribir Offer tai, isle a' beige and lot, J. at East Charleston' Mega C0 . .,'-'Pif.. With lc Store