The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, August 24, 1870, Image 2
PRATIMPRIII3SLik •itAlt, Yaws. . , The Prussians Were reported on the 12th instant to be, pepetratinig France in three great divisiens---eneV,4o. by ~,, bath, or Metz,' one,' , :by• Weiseenbutt; , and one by Mulliauseri„. f- They weieevp • idently strlkinVou l tdoracfaneyi*hich: place later :accounts y they have ocetw -pied. They,eatAhe.telegraph.elid „tore: _ pp the railroad between Srasbourg and , --:-S4verneat once, -_,The former lace is `reported In a state of siege; held by on ly soni9 7,000 men r and entirely cut off frominornintihjeation with the main F i rench army. It was reported that the ...German forces between •-Ittistadt...aud, :'• Cologne nuinhered 750,000 men. - - Parie '_* , isiti aeonditihn tate .easily defended. ' _Arms have,been placerl ; in the , hands of ..the peOPli., The resignation of the old = "MiniStry creates great eon futilon in pub. -lie affairs. Gen; Trechhe Was 'offered the. War< Ministry, -•iiiit refaseinci ac _-Cepty uniess - by the:Corps ..-Lagndaqfr ,T4e ruvox, th at , -tho,Count :di:Yetis was in,that el ~ia, dented.--± lie is i the]Prolitibili heir n,the throne, --/ in' Co& 'Napoleon ‘ - `l,i 'depesed; - ';' The' - ...„Avilereabouts' of the young' PrineWltti -y -;,, per' wereet uncertain. .. Seroktintes reported in London, ftee in :.; 'Peri ; and. atliiiit'at Mce etz, withoi-ar. - he 4 l "riry.' • - Marshal M'Mahcils eflibial,rePort ;of the-late battle saYs: . —' .. --..-,--: - " The' enethy, in g eatly Superior _, ;numbers, began the attack at 7 o'dock 1 .• ,on . Saturday merning.„lThe first attack. ::..haVing been repulsed, about , noon the enemy reepened the,' confeet threwing „, -Iforward numerous ..si4Pkalooterg, , Pro' - ' tected by:six gtinEi'li• • a domManding ' .posi t ion. . Masses of infantry werethen ~i , brought up, and,at 4 o'clock in the as... ternoon MlMahon was forced to order a. ' retreat, Whielf* geed or : 'der, the enehlyls.prirsui,theing without' •'-',Vigor,-and by no nieana troublesdr&i.-= r The Marshal was able''to send - only - a. • partial listof the killed:end wounded.t?, - ~•-, The London , correspondent of - the Tribuhe,'Abg 14;,says: • - '" " A.'Speciaidispatc.h from liaguenau, !Anted' to-day,' eityti ll'MaliOn'e army s'evacilatedWancy yesterday, on the ap preach of 'the Crown. :Trince l B army, ~and retreated ter! the Moselle 1 ,to• the " ortieseOf Teta., he;Frerch destroyed - he flno bridge of ,serep,,erehes - Whieh - Spannedthe riVer: - . --_c t"- ' ..:... . 4 '• The foicesof the erliWri Prince now` ' occupy-Nahoy and•Frouardi - at - a Juno lieu Op Upit i Paris and i Strasbourg -rail- 1 road. f I ~, .t, t -I , - • - • "The Prossians attaeked, Pont-11-• - .-Mousson, - drawing ova Ole 'French, but _='•subsequentlyfell back 'to the mainbo ,7,,dy. :,:`,,lthe ,headquarte re ::41 VI he 1 united . , .armies-of Frederick: Charles; and len. Steinmetz tire at Herm Within 'twenty - 'P ires'of - Metz, Large•,qtiantities' of stor were captured in the ntirons of , G". b M z. enrosSardi,s division lost'all t jt es.. l ~l suppliers.', : „ . - • , '"A special dispat ch from ,Carlsruhe, ;to-days says that Strasbourg was boni.- ,bardedwit t h :red hot,lshot , on Friday, ' .r. and that the boinbarchnent was rehmed ' l'on Sathiday." 'Thelesieged asked for a 'parley, arfd Were given. 48".lioahll to de ''- ade , whether they would 'surrender. _ . " -There, is increased 'dissatisfaction' t amopg the Frenot soldiers and dicer-- . ganizatien - hrthe efyice. -, ' -, •• - " . dispatch from Metz says there ' m ile ' - bci tam to rn a tic) n among• the , people yesterday. More than a thousand fam ilies of the neighboring - peasantry en-. , tered Metz, flying from the . .Vrtissians. The strpets, are tilled ,with carts, bed - 'ding furniture and military trains, all in. inextricable confusion. The Prefect • publishes a notice that' no stranger is • ,allowed to remain in Metz without for ty days!,provisione. •,I ~ , t . : "A. Prussian advance guard. 40 ,000 stfong, is 'approaching . the, _city. 'The enemy's movements are Completely co , • vered by woods, •whichthe French fail ,- ,ed to destroy,”. , ..,- .-• . • A.. battle was fought near Metz on the .1 , th, in which at first both parties laid • 'el ire to the victory. 'Tice hollowing is j l i, • VarioleoteC account of tbe affair i . "Longueville; August '14.-:-The army begun •to cross , to the left , bank. ,of the „Moselle this morning: Our advance guard had, no 'Knowledge of the pros •enee of any force of the enemy. When ' 'half of our army had crossed over, the ' -- r F ,..,,,,,,taaa-nuuucuty attacked in great . force. - After a fight of tour houra, th oy wee repulsed with great logs to Client." Abd this is King William's account: --." -- RittrQueru 'et - r rtit3SlWlo•Etity'receivett the folipwing dispatch, dated in thei:vi einity of Afet, Sunday evening: '' ' • " A v,ictorkins combat occurred near . - Nletz - to. day,. the troops 9.,f the first, and seventh corps participaVng. I.bastea to tha . seen confi e of tini . l t:". „ • . ; '' WiLLIAAt.?, : Before leaving Metz, the Emnereili sued the following proclamation to the soldiers ln.that city : . , :',.- 7 --., . " On quitting you to light the inva deis,'l'conflde to your, patriotism the defense , of this' great city.' You will never allow the enemy to take posses sion.of this,hulwark of Franee,land trust you wlli rival, the amay in, loyalts• and courage. t shall ever retnember with gratitude the' .reception I ± hate found within-; your Walls - , and 4, hope lhatiin more joyous - times I'may be able • to return to thank yoh for your, noble conduct" _ Reinforcements for the Prussian army are arriving fro Mall parts of Germany. A later aceiltin t „from King William is as follows : I- - ; " HERNY, Aug. . lia - ve just re turned from the battle field ueak:;Metz. The advance 'of the' seventh co/Vs - at-, tacked the enemy, who instantly rein ' forced from the fortress.' The thirteenth - division and part of the fourteenth sus ..tained the advance. ' • " ." The,contlict was desperate; involve , ing the entire line. The enemy was repulsed at all points, and pursued to tho glacis of the detached works near the fortress,which enabled we enemy • to give shelter to their wounded: Our -wounded were instantly-eared for. liy daybreak,the drat , troops• returned to their, rst bivouacs: All fought witb.itiered . able and I have gone 'among 'Mont 'and congratulated tbeni .with all my soul. ' • WlLLta*." Thertiwas'a report train Paris on the 16th' that'theEmpresa had packed- up' all her jewels and other .valuables find left Inv England. It, ia, said that the mperor was on his way , to this coun ty. Frieda Napoleon ,has lied to Italy with his family. -A series of great battles in the viciiii •tr of 'Metz has been fought, but theiri-1 , telligence concerning Ulm is 80 meager, ) this.writireg that it seems dopbtfu l Which triumphed. The Trunelsays • "Our latest dispatches p lNlleate mere clearly the completeness•of,these torsi and the nature of ibenoperations which have caused themi Theyl dissi pate nearly every hope.of the escape of the "French army, and reveal theliromi nent danger to Paris. 'Maellfthon his Probably ;escaped -to i ;Chaionas With the remnants of his once -powerful corps. . Theuiands of' 'his , troops.were left dead. and 'wounded in the Vosges, Many othe' thousands, . scattered for-'days in'the mount4ins, • finally escaped to the neighboring for= tresses, and are there 'besieged. ?I'lie 'rest, retreating in haste by - gaimiy, ar id- Comniercy, have been swallowed up . the mob-at -Chalons, and, beaten And : these ' veterans serve but to spread ifernoralization 'among the raw • 'recluite of the Garde -Mob*. Plusuin H 1 this remnant, of Maollahon's corps, the g , army". of the- Proislarr CroWW,Prinee, again itbandortipi4 all connection ; with the,right and center', has pushed stealth , ily and rapidrY..forwArd. The move - relents of his infantry, have.been.mask - fed by a strong column of horse, wbieh oti - .Sunday August , 14,; destroyed the railway, at BlesmeUwenty-eight miles ; . ,south-eaSt of ' Chalons. , 'The exact po-. sitien 6t the infiintry the Crown Prlriee is not' known- but it is 'evident is that'it much• neater' Parii than, the filiny,,ofLtßar.aine, and on a shorter Hoe,- * virtually unobStructed. Bazidne's struggle tog ,AWay irein 2e.teti has been that, of • a giant, but he had giant to wl4stle vas retained •itt 'tetioginde' - Mont While still'•erosslrig 'the 'Moselle which- runs. through tewi, on Sunday, Aug.l4, byGen.Von Stein ' ruetz's determined attack ; , Movingout • d ring the ritgbt, the 'Freeehinciati `found lilmgelf obotruobltd - on-Mot- I AP at day light at Loogueville, Air the -trtioot, the miter : corning. twirl Pe satittk an u d 'l4o4l9`°"emili °"tieler4 . - ME ~~: - ~x ; .. tX i":.. _ !, .II c g4 t 4 to, _ - 1870: • . itiPUBLICAU CONVENTIOIC 1 . Tiiiiiintielltitt oktheTiiitta &may TlepnbECM)" Corn inittee,heitt at Pfellsbero. May 31,1870, lt-W - 0. 8 : -. I,.'' Resolved' That an election he held by the EsPutman' , elet•otra of Vega teoPtf, - at the several places at bald ing elections, la their respective election .distrieta,'on ~ Satuda7ißept.lo, lB l o , between the hotire of one and , .ala.o'clock. la the afternoon , of said ..47,. fan the- put-, Pete of aleatiiig ttio ' persons from each felectieti di i‘. .triet, to,represent 'aid districts in a Republica:omi nty• 'Convention, t o'hti,beld at Mansfield, on Ertday,the lath, .day,of,Serpteniberil l 3 7o , for' the.purpoto a nominating .:,:andidiate to be aupportad at the emoting' election. - - r, -The-following named-gentlemen! were l i t k peri t reet flematitteee of Vigilance for their respective , townships and bortiughS4 ' Their duty is to see that noticisitigivett of the thud of delegate meetin gs, end to opoin and, con -duct the elehtiens for tielegates de the Ilnie,nainedp -;,.' -, • .'Moss, 'A T Jairies.L B Smith .." • . .', • - -, .13reektle14, IN D Seeley, Nl3 Bench. .:,.. ~--: - • ',. - i 'l, ,- Chatham, 1? ;IV,. Smith, I. 0 fteacli. , ,- ,; _ ‘'.; i••• ; i 4 . , auirlesteitilltrhert Trull, Evati,Lersii.' , " ; '- - 7 • •-,• eltim9. ,C 0 Ackley, $ RO Wla A d. --4;i; ~ .C. , .: ,i ' '7 '-atin9fon:l'lt Walker, Edward Klock/.-; ~_ --, ~ Caring= Bortiugh; Thothas &Idea, D V Price. -4- ' '' - „Definer, John Eickhgeon,, John Harr., ; „ --- :- -.•:. -,-,.: '• I .llc.cylikt;lf if Partite; Elias iforton _ •, ,•,, lilic.LorinVtetmore,Johnlleynardi• : ' - -.-•-',. - . ..i. -• ~ )jkland n ieel fl Parkhurst, Oliver Babcock .:., ... ; , . „.• ' ' ~ .Thrtaington;,te'rtirde Bottom, It ft Mese:* . -.' - - -b } : 4 - 2 . 1 rool•cr:A• P caltick 011 , Stratton, • .. • ' .. ,-. it 'lf t7Oinei,.oo9ro W, Barker, Li It Mardi.' : : .- , i_....-; . - - • - •J'aricson:Joieph &tenger, J P Stardtka at. - ' ' ' '-'• ' ;.,. Liberty, Wm:L. liesgle, W Nether. ,:-';' •: .- , .• :• ' - . Knoitale;A Alba, Linden Case. -- ' ' , - ZaLuirencem7Ze.,•Wm.Polloch, 11. P Redeker. ... ~ .:: „Earerence, Joseph Guile, Nathan Orinticil. ' • 'AVafatburp; 0 D Main; Baldalti Parklitita. .' -.: Mansjield,Wm B Adam', Wm tiollanchi. • " - .3fiddteintry, Calvin liammond, Morrill : Staples. .' Jferritilob•Doittie Win Rabb. , - . • • - - . : .h'elsort, Joseph -Campbell, Cr 11 Baxter.: • . Oteota, Norman Streit; W T IlumPhrey. •flitchmosid; Morrison Dose, A M Spencer '•,- '.• :li : , Rutland, Elmer.,Etacker, Seely Frosty .. • , ' '., _ ', :• ' ' Shippen`, 0 D Leib,Sainnol Scranton. , " •••,j Su/heart, Basset Ai Rale' Lafe,ybilci 0 ray: "Logo, D L Aiken, C.-W Loveless._ • 1 Tioga .ftirough;D Caineren, 0 V Farr., i ..• - ' - • , U'n (on,11.1? Irvine; .7 g.Cleavel44o. ; : , .. • ';Yard; W Chaie, llenrillollis Niasbero,Josepli Williams, Andrew fl Sturrock. -IT field,lV ZI liariburt, Job Rexford.. 'l, itileM Iforo','N -W 31'Nensthion,Charifon Phillips. • ~ • -.- A.-L., EMMA:MTH Cltalitnau. • • f ..„„ 151, Bmixerr, Secretary. ' • • - :The diffluities ,between the miners 4114 eoal:olieristers oft theantbrael . te re go4, ll'ave been, ndj usted nn, 4 ,Issislfto.- ;14 - etoiry to, the, pnrtien,: and‘,7alork has again begun. These wars between cap ital and labor coat • largeiy, Weate• of tine, , and we bepe'strikee - and disagree mentellnayfbe less .common in; future. DEA.TROF ADIILRAL tARIOAIYIU Death hai . again •come and.tattett tine of the great heroks : :of the litte war.— David G. Farragt# died at Por i temputh, , New Hampshire, on the X4ll:lnst. He was-. 70 yearitpf age. •AV h,en the war broke out he W i tte residing in Vir ginia ; but finlike most of the regular , armyand navy •oftioers, •he remained : true to tbe. country. lie camit.Northi just before the Notlelk Navy-Yard was bullied, and at once set about the Datil otlc work which. was , to place , him at the bead: of American IslaVy. He wits 'trained to the' sea front' i:loilitiod; having served iti the war of 1812; On' board the Essex. He took iiiart in an engagement in the harbor of yalparai which- made las Damp mentioned. with honor, at the early age of, thirteen.. •, All his log life, he served his country 80, in the late war,'• was.,tu acciomplisb those great achievements whleh were to make his name revered in his native land throughout all, time. -His exploits are too fresh in the•bilods 'of all to need mention. . • And thns,-One.liYone, they haVe fall en ! The great, boliore4:,herpes, of:the: war for the Union ! Very soon `none be kittowil . save in the .annals of hiSto o ry; 64 . , they N' ' trho know them now, iji linger yet a hitle While,.follow the lust hero:to the grave, and themselves all into: the• great eternity, which is li vast enough for all that ck, Eiheeir, and all that ever shall be! ' _ • ' „ . , „ . • ~ In the present' 'attention of affairs in France / the Succession . to the throne he comes a , matter of interest. A •general, opinion preyails that the end of the N:\lY polsonie dynasty . is hear. , . In 1849, Louis Napoleon 'declared' his' adhesion to,the doctrine of Republicat in 'the' following proclamation to the French people : - . . " I re-appear among you tis a warm and: trio' democrat and republican. - I take the shadow of the man of the century as the symbot.of.the,p F e.: ndsa which now' iolettinly make. 'l' will be) ns always was, a child of France: In'every FieneW.' mop will (me see a brother., The..democratio "republio is :the .objeek.of my admiration, and. I will be her minister. Never will I try to olothe myself in imperial robes. My heart 'ceases'-to boat on the day, when I forget what T owe to you• -what I owe to France. May my lips ever be cloaca, if I say a Word against the republican sovereignty -of the French people. May I' be cursed, if. I suffer doctrines to bo taught in my. name contrary to demooratie principles and, the 'goveinment of the republic. May Ibe condeihn ed, I lay a treasonable hand upon ttni rights of the people, either with their consent or against their will, btforce. And' now trust me, as I trust you, and may this call be liko a prayer to Hea ven. Vivb la Ilepublkee !" • , In four years he'beetune] Emperor' of the' French, 'and hail' totally forgotten the pledges, and abandoned the theory, he madennittleelared in 1849. - 71 1 10 b; 'solute tiOvere' ignky centered •in son: - :Libeity Nina 'Clend . and buried in France, or, if it struggled to assert,it 7 , self,' immediately it was siriot„herekhY Imperial depre'e. Absolutism , grew, to such an extent, .that for a man ,to shout rive fa Repubtique,'! l ,• the Tery,wprds Napoleon had first inserlbed upon hiti banner, wits &signal for his arrest and punishment': There was no liberty of speech Or of, the Press k in France.` All her great Liberals werellriveri • into`*- Ile. -•- But'the spirit of liberty did not fully die out. It burned'brightly, though in secret; in the hearth of many:' It,fonnd expressiop. lately in,the of which pladed a large portion of the army and, a majority of: the city of Paris. in, hes., tility to ,the pcdlcy-of the Emperor.— That election taught him a lesson. It told him thaksomething must be done to nriite the French people, or his house must fall. A successful , war with the greatest military poWer in Europe wolld' accomplish this object, by giving •dancy to the 'Empire on the, .contibent. `'That war is breught on; regardless of the'inikery it will entail, and withont any:reasonableexeuse, The Ant great battles make the nephew of the, First Con i Sul tremble on his throne. Should he fall, who will succeed, him ?_ The Prospect foreshadows the restoration of the House of Orleans. , • • ,The present' head of the Orleans' branch of the Bourbons, is the Count of Paris, eldest son of the Duke Of.Or leana, who was a son of• Louis vrhilllp 7 ', pe, late King of Frei:ice; `The Duke let Orleans was popular with the FrenC,h, but he Was killed' by being thrown frebo is carriage duthig the :Of his ia then • The 'Count of - Paris is flow 38. years'Old, highly accompsbed by Study ant(trayel, and has of,late resided hi. England. .Ete -married his, .copsin; a daughter of the, bake of Moutpepeleiv 'ho. was a .SCRI of the late 'Ring-Phil and,who bas long been tnentiori-' ed as a 'candidate for the Spanish thtone'... The, Count has a younger brother, the Duke of Chartme, with whom he servea hz the campaign On: the Pentium - 1k on • :): . EL = 7 :'‘.li•=-(-,.:i• li'llE - 1401ISE OF ORiEANS. - 1 , , M,'Clellan'a atatl;',ln our late_ war. =The y* both tendered-their tiervloeti blapolO7 on lathe pmaeoi war, but iveztorehred; tin! obvious reasObs; lAailiPhllilppe!efk"foUryoutigaraocui, ate aurvi`vijig: But tba c ilght orilise sons is Cut off:by CanOiCcif ileateut, - : :which= casts . 0 0 in-ultak 0e.0011t.g04 and,. his Ae ieen'atinta;lii_tirifereaCe to ail othe'rs.' P*etit;,'-40 1 4e-'.# therefore,'ltla'rnbritbanjikeiiiiiiit the' Bourboba will Itfitorrq , Bu 7 POO() poweritc - loraue' , unless, We t 'genera - la:trite,' the:'#kelibh 'l)4 adopt .-a= gotrerumeite, '2114 fokneli l 44 l o l2-1 . 8 0. not submit the , batabliabnceut of any i gclyuriunenk:in Ftanee.'whlah *.°oo,,OORY:tbelifootrine of the ,divine right of kings, sloptEß,, , In thepreie'nti situation oetheeennty !Winces, Chia Otefliis the One Which' Is' of :Mere immediatn l an& quence 'to. the' - people than• Any Other cohnty Office; 1t must ,continue to , be 'so henceforth:; - -,Large sums, are raisediby ta3ies each year, . and ; tha. Commissioners : largely control - the ap plication ,andiSis of it. They Are the stovereigiitY. of thecounty, in all ness Matter-5i,, and the ,hushiess *fit county 2111100/1440*Q1011abittint8 ie of great moment., • • •-; We need, lthls !Aoe some Of4the -best men- the bounty .affords.'lei ,shamethat the people think so little of the importance of county, affairstia"te tie the office down to the• trivial thrice of $3 a day; For any inhn to*ke this office who is fit for 'seerlftee In dollars -'andrcisttts ; 'for ,Iliero 'man' who 'la competent' to 4t,, A s. it should _be _filled, wild', l 4intidt z mi - ke. more than will pay , over and above expenses:', We • Wafit, ''gbod men; we, must pay a price ample eneu,gh to re - muneyate thern,,,te.r• their •time. foolish to say there are plenty of good; irtenmho will be 'glad to take thenillte at the present wages: There are enough = men ;' but loOlt , ',over , fthe'erouhty' - iddi out three of thebeSt business men in it, and then Say whether , 'Oneh' pay will, Make theni a fait remuneration for their time. Go to any 'of them,• and,,See if • youpan hire -them for $3 n'day., • ' ' Ah,d iyhy, d'uw Nqit'SUch thehusiness of one man -Is of eiinseqUence eriough'te absorb 'all the ability of the beat !mildness man iii ; our Midst; of hovi much greater importance Is that of_ 40,000 citizens I,= We want Men.of character,--men who will , never swerve from :the right 7 -men who can got be influenc r ed by -rich land owners or their attorneys. • I We say • nothing against attorneys : 4 they•represent their elients, .and• it ',U4 their. duty •to do = so • faithfully. • Bat here are large quantities of val. .uable timber lends in the county ,ixiiiny of them owned •by, rich non-residents. Many of -these lands are worth $lOO pet acre—some • of,- them greatly amiire:-= Farming lands are•aeseesed now at hato i their value : timber lands are not put in for more than one-tenth their vains,in many - Cases: This we hold to be wrong. Our present - hoard of, Comniissionere hive 'done all they could do Coasistent, ly; to equalize the valuation ;.,but much more remains to be dend. ,They deserve credit for all this, and they will receive it. 1 1 0 us have more,of the sarde kind , of 11 "mmtalonsini'._ office. reovoniy-,is it needed ; to.estualise - ttree' Value of timber and farming landi; but , it -is needed to enforce the asiessrent pf property.atiteractual value: :litte.4` hap, been done in • this -direction 'alscii but much' mbre rern Skis td iieboiiiof4 ll: o(l. 'Wto Vent' Men' Of toed judgment' and experience; 'but thore'than WI; inaddi.- tion'thereto, we want Men Vilho Cannot be influence 4 In •7:l9tatke'r. . Put in Oen of Charaiiter;' 'Snifthei cannot-be InfineWeed. No one will dare approach Such men.' ' ' , THE PM:NSW APYANCE. fainee \ i the • French, defeat at Worth; great. battles, have • •fiAlowed• In snCh quick succession that it would many times - the space we are• able fa' give the . subjaet t,o make -any account' intelligible, even were we in polfsession of sufficient -'knowledge- to 'stets 'the facts with • any considerable precision.— There seems to have 'been 'no delay In 'the onset of the Prnsilaiis, and no pres r, pelt of the Fireh being tibia to stay ' great battles\follow • I th frequently *aa the days aue*fed i eaffia other, and the merning, witnesses yet another advance into the heart of France. Theltaciics of. the war ef 1886 are, repeated ;;and, the igrench seem to helpiessqn the hands of,the ed cle - rmans as were -the Austriani that war.; The =shock of battle Is terrl rible, and the less of human life: fear ful, beyond ali precedent in, histori, - Yet the Prussians falter not aflay, and there would seem' to beino serious breaking up of their forces tO delay their progre . sa for repairs. They•'mar& isst great fortified city 'and subsist :their armies upon the enuntry, orthe eneniy ; leirying ) tontribatione as they_go:* I?attle at Metz, another al, Longuevilie, atilt an. Othefat Graislotte, and then at Mars la Toni, where thearmy of Bazaine is der. leitted, two, and a la*, portion of, it drive back into Metz lot security, behind its fortified walls. Asindled f,ront in a series , of conflicts from which they .84m-to have gained nothing; and lost,. in each, still 'they. are preiscitVon 'toward - the Frenoh . , And, ',the Crown Prince 'of, Prussia making - life way to their rear; end (again eninef3lhe intelligence of a great Prussian? '0004; at Chalons—the latest' news Even wittiOut par - mutat:a, secni to hazard nothing,in 444% 4 that - I,6re htua, yet been no enktlifki)leAt *hich the French have been the g a in era Whatever may be the . Prussian _ loss, „still they , press onward never , yielding a point r and never seeming• to impair their, comparative strength. ,It-ti stated that the French army un ,der Xtazaine is'Oornpletely out - off from • the Prussians holding the raft road between Metz and.Thionville. All sorts of rumors' afibacirt - Parle,and the . - wildest excitenient prevails; ' At erlin they itingra idlipaeli announcing, the Idefeatof Eataineyriareceiv4with the greatest erithniiiasea. ' The'`very 'latest" nevfs say§' tlin Croivh: Prince has on anothey ireat victory, near. Cha10n5...7,- The defeat of ,tl4‘,,B`roneti is complete. 'Af ;ISO .. then indeed ; the French; 4(111 Y Is I A //30011!5qu'g'ntr!rii of beißg. totally Crushed ,before it can reach the fortressei Chalons 10 abeut,Bo. tollea; time French' . Capital. .Thg 'Tate defeateettlie force's' under Biliaine, are' sever.i: l 'evident 'that" other tittles speedil y '• 1.1.7) '2,711 ' • • ..5 . , - ;.t.O) ME , greg ' L. 0 NUE ;f.7 /wit Tan i pi iii:Yr e-Mk - tire , ii+as a okowd_ of people o 'tlie Pali; ground flaturdayi `to' witoaria the trot between " 4411,10 otai, 4(4 Davie. The reeeple at : the gate ; Weio °tier ;Itl. FTke r 4ey t h 4 f l i 4 ; 4td the tr#...Vizi_iiiAa iA4itionithottgk i Mai *lnit.). fa:o6mm z iitl(wg. 7eff .. took; llie-friet two beat! i..iilpitei.` , l4;3ditttir49 2 - S!ih piteiibroke badly on the . 4th, keel; 'Wtifl the kmlo - declared it net Won ; libel( ijsr tkifid to vowel° . 'time, and the race waif given' to ,rtiplter. Then? -Wei a good ifiiii'of feeling e`fei- the",efidtest, and ' nniclk grove ~wd.,7l u t &AO. 0, t)lo • fitr oettllll late 16111°-12101- ( n it '; i. ...; ',i' ~11—$' s 3 iA/lit/AGEIi. • COOL.T.baI3-; , GGAISTOOK- I ;,ltilirellaboro, on _ the 10th Inetiet# byzßOr 04: : (11114013, Mr. Geo. We. Coollagoi;. f.Da. l .oitiri / 1 /Ylif E TOg ene PoO 3 BPl: l c,'l?.f • L ) ert.t* ' • • Pitarieeton, on_ the Mr. I. It. Chialektori; D. eolith; of g.00108117;-.',--; . , • DVAINTHS 'r: tangetumeraeute of deaths' 11;1)1146d free, and el' obituary notices wi ll charged at tbe Tate ot 10 cents for letrattill i. 4 r, 1 ; o.lllso--Ivi 1t04n1y:27; • Binh MargareA inithi.'iticatili !,T, - re.. •-,, .: 1 ‘`.:',: ~ , . . , -: iiii - :4leeitii44l wike ri . )aiiil4 i)k North Ireland; Ad tail reeliledifFleeli diiiiibie `et 20 y earth— She' come to ber-d th by tqall. She was a mem ber of, tie Preaby rlarLdhurek, and wooed away - Ili the full, bellef . 6f:the,ebriellan faltli. , :_, '(}BAND Aims OR UQUBT TEBAr: Onviogten- s :l4ac Proat., ,phattarn'; ; Eli-chard-. E-1/0141loseeLap{ Aetmpt !rhos Orr, OhalHerrfagien. •"? Elk r john Mayaard, A Hien. VDeerfield:' , Sullivan; ~TtiOIXIMI, Ames, H Knowt. 'Morrie B Black well:. Westfield : Justus reon„ Barton Hunt.: Albin Pizinentet;'" Richmond : liege ,Lohnsburyi FranklinJ4oulibury. Brook- Jegee - MattiOn!!:Weillibm - , 1 George Navin. "ManetieldPitts * Abram Simar t . Lawrence hero r " R'Wheiler. ' Rntizvilla 'Sumner White. • ,i' m se v ans un ' nons, ire na ve. ':Ciiiiier',: Wti ASisoiatt: - ,Ctiaileidin, : Julius 'M Baily,-.7 Dentilibti. D'elitissei l I' M Bodine Sas P,Calkins; Jae Cole;Johti Woos, Is A f3tow ell Coy/peon and Covington boro': .T, 0 Bennett, D dfeavelifik,li 11 Gillett, -. .X.ittyritmee : H B Col grov'e,,Peter itileii. - 1- Bdtiand : J' 1V Colby, Aaron Squid.. Urdion rPhiliplConifilretinklin, L.,8, Rit.44 2l kigharjaft - Beraditllol , _ - Lynnin / Spencer.' Mainsburg : Millor'Chirk.-. Sullivan :.John Dew ey,' Leiria Boblyet. Brooktield'S-4 NV Pito'', Samuel '. Tubbs:. , Tiogs And ' , Tiro bore : S M • Geer,M, It MOUS. • Middlebury s --V-B Holiday, 'Wnr,rdtcholl. Mansfield 111 Husit. -Shippen : 17 Liipsoe.' 'lVallabiir6 : BB kimbill:. :Bios : B Murray, Joinit-J , ,Williams.Jdherty. - i 3oe Morris, I :Bead ' M iii4,Bheffer.„ - ",garmington : J ' W MeColluni. :Knox:vitt° : Charlie Phillips, 0 H Wood:- 'Westfield ' brae i Wm' Potter,, Oharltdri - Philips:Kolar loset...:,Ohathani r'ißenoni Short, It Toles. - !Ells :-.Loraln,Weitniore;,7Deerfield • W Wagner: ' • - - '.. ' B., io tnmid :AlBilso n. , ;' '''Siccin k". ( -Rutland': , John Artsingo. ' Jacki o • n , - : Thos Arnotd;Jaildiller, jr;Albert'hittrihell. *Westfield' born, : MAI Bowman. • Middlebury ..:,B A Briggs, 'Geo Steven& Knoxville: JD Biles. • Covington : Chester - OlarkP Ciiiirigto u boro 1 :T ~ Putnam. Delmar. :"Gen 'Green;.ll "W '':rifler. ' ; •;Union : Wm Ditebbnrn, Whop Stull,:Thinryßtsm."loSis :: Wm Durismore, Alex Hutchinson , Lawrence . bore , : .Charleit Potit Richmond.::WM Day, lif , Gillett, Warren Walla, Wm PRlutobinsore. - Brookfield ;,W. Griffin, !A keyssr.i r ; Farmington t , 8, , 'W'' Ma' Elklan : 3 i l„HammOnd", : Liberty: Iris;Vart... Welleb iii :'47alvin B Kelly ; Prank Sears. -.West field : ha Little. , Charleston': '`• N'Leeter, Ira Wheele . Chathairs': - •}3. Merriek...lllainisbing : B Park drat, Suillysim,.plen,lto,vnolds. Tiagat B Tab . ' * - ' • z . 'f. ..i-. . THE O.LEty_ I,TENNSYLVANIK..HOUSE LATELY:din : Oa:ll'as thaffowneend Home, land for time oeotipied by D. D. Holi r day, bar been, thoroughly refitted, repair ed, and opened - . , ~ • • iitilty Ati accommodate the. old friends of the hone. at very reasonable - rata. , ' Aug:244'lBM * =DANIEL MONOB. „ .- Bushels 01_ _LIME'. • ;.„-; • " . • ',W. ' OH: 10/Signiatit i l l ‘. °FDIC'S 81,9. 811001111) rimes y. ,Between 18th antll9th,Streete,' , ' ' ,attEWf.. YORK OITY. : , :TM •CAN - B/3 CONEBT.T D. Dll. hag ditcovered the mint certain, ' speedy end only effectual remedy , in the world for weakness in the baCk or limbs, etrictures, affections of the kidneys or.blidder, involuntary discharges: imp°. talle7. general -debility, nervousness, dyspepsia,-lan guor, low midrib, confusion of Weak, palpitation of the heart, timidity, frombUrig.tlimitemit. of idght, giddiness; , disease of the head, throatOr shin , . attack ens the lungs, liver, stomach, or bOwels,those terrible - Milord. era' arising front aolituy habits ilyouth..—secret and solitary practices, More fatal to 'victims than the -songs of 'irons to the mariners- of Viyuesblightning their moat brilliant tropes and anticipations, Ondering. Marriagealol., Impostible.- YOUNd especially, Who have hail:Una the vletinninfitolitat7rice,, that dreadful and de s tructive habit. whloh annually' sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men. of the moat exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might other:rise have entranced listsninglionatesWith the thrindetingi 'of - eloquence, or waked to ecstasy the, living lyre, martial! with'fall confidence: • • MARUIAGE: , liarried,Personsi or young , men and ladles content. plating marriage, being aware of, physical ,weakiess, organic debility, detormitles;especLiiy cured, t: lie who places himself tinder -the care' of Dr. Reli. Matt, may religiously confide in his honor as gentle= - man, and Confidently rely oa his skill . 043 a p,y09149 1 . Organic Weakness • • • immOlatelY cured: and full eigor teetered. ••t • • • -' This &straining afilictionorldch'rendere life mile:car ; ble and marriage imponsible, , is thirsltylioldbrefe viathe - 6f improper , indulgence. , ailing persons art too. ark to comtnit- eiceises 'from n t being awareof the dreadful consequences that may:ensue. No*, whir that ituderetands' theitnidect will pretend to.deny_that the polt4tof prooreseoWle bait sooner•by Meat. falling into impropos halite than by, the prudent t .Beede • laing deprived - of the pleasure of healthy, offilMitit the,inost serious and - deetructive symptoms of hot body & mind arise.. The system becomes deranged, the physical and mental functions weakened; loss of pra creative power; nervous irritability, dysdemda, pidpita. - tion Of the heart, indigestion, constitutional debility,. Mad wasting of the frame; cough, consumption, decay, and early death.- • - - • 'Dr. Pisliblat t graduated trom one of'the most en& ;neet.Colleges thelJnited I States; hat effected some, of the moat astonishing mires that were ever known; Many troubled with ringing in the head endears retie n Asleep, greet nervoupues a; being alarmed at sudden tiotinds bashfialpiesii:i!ith deraegement ,of mind; were coed innmediately . = - - „ ;. TARE' PAATIOUriAII NOTICE. Fleliblattaddreshesi ail those who have injured themselvesk by improper indulgences and Poll terilith its; which ruin both,body 'atid Mind. unfitting them for, either blastnees;illidy. society orinarriagk •1 • ' Thee. are some of the sad and melancholy, effectifPro' duced by early hablle Pr youth, via: -Weakness of the back and limbs, pain in the breast, dimness of `lore Of itiuscnlix power,__palpitation 9g th e heart. dye. PCP* nervous irritabliutYslrimPtoms ofeonumption, derangement of the dlgettive function' arr. • :-. - IitRNTALLY.,—The eftbote on the mind are mach to be dreaded.. Loa* of melnefy. Confusion of Ideas, de. pression'of spirits, evil forebodings, aversion p:r society: . seltdistrnst; lota df dolitadeAlmidlty,lkili are' dome of , the evils produced.. , • ' 'Mensal:dß of pereins 6(811 ages can ;now judge what is the yause_uf their declining health, losing their yip, or,:becomlng weak, pale, nervous andemaclated, hew lifg 8 eingtlar appearance, about the dyes, cell" and symptom; ofponingoptlon. - : • Young: liteti; . „ - *to bave 'Wined t he m selve se by „ a Certain Otctlea, in , niged in whinvelope, a habit frequently learned from 11 companions, or at school, the effects of which are -nightly felt; Oven When adult, and If not cured renders marriage Impossible, and:deetroys both body and , mind, should apply immediauli. What a pity tnat's youniinan, the hope - Of the Conn. try, the pride of his parents, should be snatched froth . 1111 prospects and enjoynients of life by, the consequen• ces of deviating:tom thepath of nature, and indillginit, ip a certain secret 'habit. glitch persons must , before contentplating • „ • •ItAliatAGE r - • 'reflect that a sem& Mind and body are the most neo• eaeary reqnlaitee to promOte,connubial happiness.- In- - deed. without !these the jonr,ney through life becomes' a weary pilgrimage • - the prospects' hourly'derken to the view, the mind becomes, shadowed with dispairiand filled with the metal:Aptly :_retlietica that the liappl—, nem of another becomeiblighted with Oar own. ...- DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE:` .When the Inispdded asulliripindenfvotarr phew• tiro' finds that he has, imbibed the seeds of this painful disease,lt toe oftenlappenet that 111-tinitid Immo of thane ar dread' of discovery,diterehint from'applYieg to,tbrose who, from- respectabilit, Cap- alone befriemt 'him.' Efe i lklis into' the' hands 'of designing2p fenders, -who, incapable of nude 111th his nee,' keep him trifling month after, month, i as the neediest fie cain ebtaleedikod in `didadrilea JOH' with rallied iiraltite,Agh over his galling dieeti•i Pointment; or; by the ' use of that deadly potion, mar? 'Cittl, hasten the cottititutlonal symptoms: of this Able disease; meh as.affeetione of the heart, head, thrnatirioto, akin; .to., PrOgressing with a frightful ra pidity; till deathputa &period to thiadresdftel Offering , - by sending him to that Undlecoverefl a:4141 1 7' , 11. 9 0 Whose holm* e no traveler YnartA. , ” „ •-- ; • P. 8..41t0we wiiiiretida'a r ticdistatiteind estiinel, will yftelaopm,mpt,attantlon kr - writing, stating_syrolr: torn/sift: - • ' WIBIIBLATIVIIV.'D. 4 ' Aug.N.M.f . -13N ' ffilMilLeporittlAya., : fferw_Yerfe: \ 1 , • 2 4 • , , ~,;, r. . • 5,•. , • r; :tit4rl,- ; 4ND• •• - • Bit undersigned, , propraiktor of • ••A' :thii)ine takes this „inethedA, Of W orming theqnblie that the aboie - Stage tuns daily (Sandlot eneepted,) between the tist,pli• oes as• - %1 4eives:Wilisheio - Wi. 8 ' a - asajiiriveg Mani - field at 10.80,a. mu ' " • ~Leayes fdariedekat - 2.39, p. 1324 anitairless at 'Wellsborkat p. /32. Or Fare $l,OO. •- _ .! 1 ~Aug 24i 18./0„-T-44 • W-t4.;VAN:#44.11; Expe'4 0 . 3 -. Noi:iqgp ETTEIt T.eatimentarybaiTat basil gianted on,the tistafa of 41frisd da1:4146d; late 'Of dnokion:tOirifilkip; Voss, Pa., all those ludebtad aro requested to. make payment/ and those having claims to present s them,to Aug. 17,413741;6*;e LEWIS SEBLiBYdIa ,4 • 7 Voir...SO.le or - Rpnt. 4"09D :dairy tarmin Tioga totrnship;ll. ..M. .oga coins", Pa., abatit'2* miles west of the Borcnigh ol'''Xiogge.'sibent 100 'soros. Improved. , anoV4o :unimproved. 'Rat on it three,batut,, three dwelling,bouses t azi apple and peach orch ard, andotherfmit trees. .Terms eaey. Also Ad :On Arm - and timber lands, ; from 4_0,t0 ;ao, acres as daelrad, with 80 acres' 11 #ProiTe, *4 Is go od,h,ara, a good - house and iipPle . orolitird.:' 'Good fora dairying fs :. j dng, I t,ldro=te: O. It.-1311YMI ,i, l ili t I be : 8 on ( . 1 - I I K:'''''''FOR .- ISALE 4111 ~titera,,Dvelit i ns /tense and Premised in Bloseburg, Tina county,. : . Pa., fermerly oii;' copied by - Nast-A ' Atterbitob, 4 in the: mosttual., nese part ',cif this towns are offered fol sale much below their value. For price, terms: &U., Confer ,withlf. , F. Elliott ( Esq., of - WellabOre, 'er the subscriber, :to -.1,1 %-,-'.''' --.0: H: BEY:WM E i . ' Aug. 17, 18,88-tf. D ', . 'flogs, Pa. NM Hciuse an ' for Sale. , THE und ersigned offers gar sale a :Nriliega lo `l. with 'bailie aridlmitit On it, Wasted in Rose ville, Mop- tloantk, '•Addrese • , • - L STEVENS, '„ „ ' . FOR I aSALE I ; • „ , Real Estate - ,and , lOtoxe of Goods T" * .littleiriber offers fpr sole a houseand`let `itt ESA Olisileeton,, , Pioge,, Op., Ps.. with a bhors and'Alsolktionle and lot in Cov— ington Borotigh,l'ingteCiannty. • The house and jpremisee in East Qharleston aro- well'ottlonlated,for the. accommodation of the traveling public. , Distring to live more qui:. " 1 74 mil sell this ProPertz-;4t'a bargain,. and on easy, terms. :Address or on Me at 'Bast - Charleston, Tiogi 00., P. • Aug. 17, 167040', • EfillitS -TIPPLE. , _ WOOL, -WAN TED PAID'PORWOOL AT - - •, - 7 r : SEARS -& DERBY'S: Well orp;, ;nue, 8;1870-3m. I. • Select` School._ .U.•ll4iliTc mat opals. 4,l3eletet School for Young T.edicgker tide ,Till e ge, Sept. 6, 70. 'fell:trio •Taition- , -INit eon:lewd BD gg. Brattohbe, I Higher,ifing. with Fremih,o, Gernian, 000, 414. 17, 1.870.4w.t ‘r • • Serifftales: „ . . BE VIRTUE OP sundry write 'fit rieri Lend goalie, and Venditioni Espouse, is- Stied out of the Courtuf Common Pleas of Tl ogs,county,-, and to, me (1480101; ImiliNorposa to, publio sale, to the highnst . and best biddei, at the Odurt , Hotilein WellsboroiOn 'Monday, the .29th day. of: August, 1870;' at ' o!olciok, M., the following deeeribed property; vie'; - ".4 loecif land in Pariningttln townships, bounded otithee nortyiby Henry Flaw \ yer; east* by , Anson /hide and Ca liViokbam, , potith .by,Jerome Prat/man; and West by A. J. Colegt.ove end. Ilenry)Sawyeri,,ponpilning 85 soles, niore ?or leoi, sheaf, ;40, sores improved; with a' frante honks, frame barn and apple or chard thereon. _ To ,be sold as the . peoperty of A. J. MlCinney, nit of A. J. Colegrove. ”. - ALt3o=--A' lot of land in Osceola township, teunded on the north 'by Andy 'Maitland, east and south bY,highway, west. by. the widow Phelps; 50 foot fro* by. 100 feet :deep, with a fran"' dwelling bowie and frame., storehouse 4sBO-tanotherlot situated In the tovmship of Nelson, bounded north, bp , Coiyanesoue river, east by Elisabeth 'O. Ryon. and seutk and west by Perry Dailey, oonUtining 50 atirei. 'more or less, 40 'scree improved, -With n' frame' honk', frame barn ;frame-corn house, apple orchard and otrimlnnnttrvoo-snereon.- VO um pro petty of O.*P.: Culver, suit of John Tubbs. iso. , • ALE3O4:-.4: lot • of land in •Clymer lOwnshift, .beunded,noith by R. Gee,. east by - Di, Rldridge, south by T. Rowland mid J. T. Labar, mid Avoot bj Chlrles titbit; containing 66 items Morn'oi iesitAthout delisted inkiltai4G-With iitiatio house, frame born and an apple ,orehard, thereon. ,TO be Sold as theproperty of john B. .Watrou, Edit of J. J. Parkhurst. , . 1 • r ' 't - • - ALSOI-A lot. of land In .Deerfield` -township, ,bOnnded on the north by 3. 8, and , Henry leg-, ham. emit by' Samitel Price and Bmily Knox; !south by iliel'Oolianekne rider; and'west by 'dy Howland and, James Knox; 'containing 100' 44,111, Moro or less, ,about .60 ecren.improved; with <die frau* house, two frame bane, bathe Corn house= and other outbuildings, end an apple :Orchard and , other fruit• trade thereon. ; To be 'fold es the property pf /Weber. E. Newland, suit of Pelee, SterensonA , Co. , „ • „ , 'ALSO—A lot of land' in Definer towneftlii, :bounded on the north, east and west by landf of :William.T. Allen, end, south by. Jesse • Wolcott; containing one acre, more or less, improved, with - iihmeahltigle Mill and the apiirtenances ;thereunto belonging. - thereon;.2 To' be-tol as the proPerty of .AMps Tremble, salt; of J. 4101410: ALSO--A hat of land * Farmington tewnship, bounded on the north by' &rem° ItottOw.east, by J. hf, White, south. by APColliim; and ,west by. Charles Bottom, containing• 40,aires, [mire or foss, with about It} adios improved. eitneiteit as aforelaid; boon-` ,)led on the north' by. latide"Of 'ltem:ill; Owens, east by 3.. M. White, south by. Albert Kemp., and west by Charles Bottom; containing thirty 'aerie; more rer lase, with abotit 26 stereo, improied, altanto hone% log barn and apple orchard thareon. -,To be sold at.the Trope:4'ol . -Imm., B. - Owenosuit of T. B. Howe ' use of 11. , `W. Phelps. ALSO-:-A lot Of laid InClytrter ,twp., -hounded north and west, by Highway, 'quiet by'S. Goodell an sonthby, Orrin, tebbins, containingcif an; .ttpre *ore of less, ith a tWoet§ry Ammo tavern" 'house aiid frank) 'bird thereon. ,To be - tiold as the property Of- D. , A. `Tooker le Wesley Burn side, suit -of S. Hutchinson ft Co. - ' A.T..BQ—AJot„ Of land in ? SOOT= ,toWnship, ouhded on'the north by Cyrus Davenpprt, 'east by highway, 'Braille by R. Piflaker and Hosea Squires, and west by Thomas Smithi'_oontaining 20, acres, all improved, with two frame hOtises. thereon: To be sold' as the property of ; Charity Smith; suit ofllenry B. Card. ALSO -- A lot of land in Tioga township, banti-' .ded on the north and west by lands of A: S. If nr iter, east brllodney_Hiles, and south by Dennis Kingsley, containing 88 acres, More or less, with 80 acres improved; frame house, 2 log houses and log barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. Td be sold`as the prolioerty, df Edward Palk:ter, nit of. Hunt. ' , ' ALSO-.-A lot of land in JacksOwtownship, be ginning in !the center of the read neat the barn, thence along. the road'weet 160 84 0th ' perches to I ,2forittytai thence along bald lifeintyre's line north 39 perbheti to Wm. H. Smith's south-west eorneratumoe along ,said Smith's south tine east 1834101,h,parches to the road, thenoicalinig the road eorith 80, dagrees east 28 6-10th perches to the lower corner of the John Stuiford. lot,, thenee. north 64 degrees east 18 54.0 th perehee, thence south 27• perches to the place of beginning, containing 37 acres and 81 ;perchei,he the• same mere or tea, with about 85 acres improved, a two story &anis dvrellinghouse and other Out buildings and afm : fralt trees thereon. To be sold as the prop erty , , of Ellen Searle, et al, suit of LK H. Tattle. 'ALSO- 7 A, tract_ of land in Shippag- township; bounded on the north by highway, ea# by T Woodraikand south and west by, , P ate creek; containing 00 Sores ; more or less, about 40 ' im provedorith a-frame house, two frame - barns, 'a. shed. saw mill and a few fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the propertyof jOhn Noisy enit of L', W. Eighmey. t - . AL - 80—bertain tracts of land in-Chatham township, %undid as follows; beginning at a chestnut tree, the southwest corner herinii; thence north,.l* degrees east; 124.8 perches to ,n post; thence southy 89 degrees pia, 201.1-perches to a `past thence north, Vi degrees ea5t,,,114.1 per.; °his to a post; thence 89 degrees east, 894.8 perches 'hemlook; thence,, south, 17i degrees east,. 251.4 perches a post; thence - d north, 881 egrees 'welt, 526.6 perches ; 46 the plaeo of beginning ; - eontaining629gd 187-160 aeresorith allowance, being known dee Alrram Orfindell warrant.; , . : , also —4 tract of land le_ l i lsidleburi town shiP„ -beginning at a *bite pine,- the northeast , elonier.or lot NO. lltof 'Bingham landeitisaid) -,township:, thence - west 158 perches to a: post; e p ith 10 rods to a post; , thence west. 264- reds`tira Whitine • :thence south 106 rode'l6 . *post in the Neuth Ike otOliVei Briggs's lot; thence soutb,./QH. deg. east, 88.7 rods tors nriph4 etrimp, the nottheast qerrAer of, Mad, lot thence degrees east, 284.6 tedito a hemlock ;. .thence south 26.3'indeto'1 'post; thenie'titortb, .3- degree east, 63.8 rods to the place) othegin-_ ping; containing 189.1', acre*, and., Allowance, being lots Noe: 116;115' and 117' or Bingham lands in said township. To - be'ettid ae - the prop erty. ,of , S,olornou'XiinpOtt et , al, : enit , of)Tracjr Peadto, guardian, , • - Ji111.01411'P; P . STWSS 4 i Welleborijaitig -10; 4870.,` Sheriff. • I , r; .0 . . • ,-,,,., -1 ft , fzia - r -) .:' 41- --' ; '• ,i ~,.,.,....,;:..--;.,,.------- _ I ~;~ yet kit f.." 1 JUR, )ga, Pa. HMI ME THE - • ---- iiiiiit,:tßO- , liSti*; ~ ~ -;,,-,x- -llot ~ p..-,fopok,p- , . p ,i c , ;, imie-:%;;.- iti', ..,,...,,,,,_, . , I1N1)iR-&,OLD! WE Pars.' : -::_t: , ;-•,7:',-,1 ,- ;!: t CALL,; IN ,APID SEE*. - ; ' before MIMI .. _ _. Purchasing Elsewiteire' =MI ME ME -; -.." 4 d i?. 3v • _ 3 'I CONVINCE YOE, El - '%'S 111 Y. =I : ~ : (,r:, AO 78,11yfi::: , , t1p to ''', kin ME PuR go7NP lii Small; I= Stiks. W keep Vsuallt Kept in n First-Class, GROERY & IRovisioN . STORE I • • .. , • • L.P. TRUMAN. s • . A. A. TRUMAN. July 24 1870. - anyptour break within six fThot, Megteili . - -reiairedfile of charge at thir hopp .440 mapufactory of, A. B. Heine, - Corning,N;Y. ; , ' —4Queen Oizabeth :Ruches and Ruffs. in nice patterns at the fan,* isiore bf A. B. Heine .-m-The celebrated Velocipede•Skirtifor only one doUar at A t , . B. Hanes, Corning, Y: —A nice assortment of new styles of la diesitoWa and Tiea verylow;at A, B. lleinea Grood twenty-fins spring skirts for 50 cent* at the: Hoop Skirt; niamsfaciorg. . , -Rah and Satsne for-tranonsngo In all colors at.:ll4e fancy, store of A. E. Heine.. klunsnier' Underwear. Gauze, '',Underp. skirts,. et c., %i ladieO,and :genii at 'B. Heinea,Vorning, —The,lmit Hose in town for 10, 1Z and 15cents at 4..8. Reines, .oorningt 7 . , „ --.Embroideries on Cambric and Blasi Musiipl, aisci"gflipers "and Otioninns of ex- Heine , largo' thoie faeltibuable green and blue Kid ewe, cheaper ° than ever, just opened at A. B. Reines, Corning, N. Y. r — Pf.:4 9 .A.CfsPeif anfOnasg bthutiful Para in &ton, at d. B. Heine's, Corning. ;§:-441.1iceiantored ve or .only '75, cents *1 ai 4. 11 --. ifei!seal Corning, N. r fiats for ladies and children, 'cheaper' than 'fled 'fairy 'dlfire e ' , • , --IPopyee Parasols; in nice variety, good ad sun umbrellas for only $1,25 at A. . B. Seines Corning N. Y - , , ~ .-4 fug' asisortn!ent of therekbratid'Ain cess,Empress, Main and Alexandre Kid gloves in all shades, color,- and . size, at A. B. Seine's, Corning, N. Y. 1 --The largest stock of Kid gloves in ! town at A. A Hti4es; iTortaing,N. X _. . - 4 • . "." 43 17 .4 , COti e fis , Zineth Ivory avid. San s "' dallwood fani;'Tahn Le*ei, in great ti ceridy, "at ihe fea .store A. •.B. . Heim. ttlli g of , —Another new ' pply of those ( nice hair, Chignons, Braide,' n Switches, for, .A which our store 41 MI a,juaireceived at A. B. ot i Heines, Corning, 1. . Y.' -• ,- , -- I ~.... 7. wi m ps , - Buttons, - F ringes , Co tton Fringes, and Mariteille Trinni,einyein altun, , dance, at A. 8.. 'Reines, Corning, N. ;Y. . . --The .Hugenieanct Saratoga Basset, neat, light elastic, durable - and graceful, at Me favorite fancy /gore etf.A;./i. Heine., ' —American and French • woven 'corsets, also Mactico lb,. ;Cored and skirt supporter at .the corset store iend,hoep 064 maintrao , .ory off. B. Heine Corning, •,.M. —Our Ireoprfik!rii are ilkiccule by hand of the best matenal% therefore eicar out one half dozen of those bought 1 -at other stores,' Hoop skirt maneff/ctory of A. B. Heine. Ladiu voter 4.ffentiMs is invited to our Mired and beal assortment of French Jewelry of at/ • 'athitopricat, at A. B. Heine's, :Corning,'N. Y. -our Batton d partmeitt lathe most corn - 1 -4! .f4 61' f('*M. Corning. —Lace do: I f/ars and Handkerchief,/ in profusion at A. B geines. --ePor new frames fob the, iitai,iitacture - ofthe Ade/ style hoop' skirts jwitrruitud. Lad* Oring your orders to the: hoop Skirl maamfackwy qf LiffimTortsing- ' Marge. poriment ,res 4 ides — C'ollar'S; at' At. keine ' _ • • • Old-' Aids, , alte - 44 and repaired,- latest etyla tna&to - ordeT, at short - notice_; at th e' hooP,AkirtMagtittory. J . • \--Linen Irandkerchiffeland natio/Or onlif,„/O-cf4t*, I A p Weiht4lii; hie 5.“+ •. IMIS ONE EIN v I , - i MEI . ME twill', ' rFt ~, Profits 1 1 The Atlantic Cable :I, ; rtir riraisVa tiatialttlag, its] ffeligd JL-greitripldity, Iddlncticteee• t P o ttide, tenets; Iforew Poiret: nJ a m, neve r olose decidedly !;'.. ' "" c ' •.l . . 11 1 11 ir --it' Line suadlit that n wet; GROCHRIEB are to j e found, (eooner or later.) The Ott thernforiiike notice ihlt; MEM vs. I i,oikilnues to reat3l)44 grit; tratiani ttoIA • " . • • ^, ns• s O , • 0. ; ••••,; !-• • • • ' ' • ". BISPATCEIIES I t ' , - ' BEM of every tbliiiiinder - the bentkiiiio;' in the line of - , • , VROGERIES kTROVISIONR EMI 7.1 ft.: • , f 1 11!:tithoi,Taast Ipared,lmpdiettatob..„.ribat4a, ha when isauTad'ilial.,;EVAßYTll:WQolo%evor .1 ) 00t!! . ;t1" ; be hitt in a *iiiioi,A:f*t.iiiii,Viiiiiil_:stolii ta 1141, lapTe:aid t ror •ftnly ,thirig the subSoriber promiaes Jo . dp;aa •an , attreotion to customers besides keeping the beat assortment of Gotidi ID die tarfrit, le; to try- to give every man hie inotleyte Worth "June, 8,1870, NEW GOODS. STRICTLYTEAMS CASH. • ffl - - Come ;Edia . .:Befi, the Netit Goode! EIMER' , . AVING taken ilia store rooeutly ocelipiod ~01. by Mr. Laugber Paolo, and fined in with new and eiNant stook of all gmdeit;of DOMESTIC ,DRY GOODS 1 . • IWHINEI 4146ti'eautiot halo please tha itlosest buyers, we invite all to take a look through the Fame. EIII We are 'ofterffig' 004 ikargein a to; ihe'• ladies in MIMI DRESS GOODS! Which we give below Light Alapaeas & Malaita, 22 t 0,25 cts. Lawns, latest paterns, from 22 to 25 di. Black Alapacas from 40 to 76 cents: , _ Grocey Department. 'We have : iin;excellent line In this 'department, and at pricee that mug suit all. Look at the Aimee: Sugar _from 10 to 13i cents. 1 Tea, from 76 cts. t 0,51,50. • D. B. Deans•Saieratus, 10 dents. , . Syrup, 80 cents. " . Coffee 14 cents. Chewing Tobacco from 80 cts. to $l. We also keep a large aasortthant of ‘oliaoellan eotts goods, aneli . ag is nanally'fonnd in.dry,geoda storuii. : Our seeortmpnt of Hats and Capi 111 for Men and Boys, are varied And complete. We . ; • keep in the OEM Boot & Shoe trade, the different :styles' to please all, 'and ci the best manufacture. =I MEI MEI {;i 1 ~:' I In opening our stock to tbO public, wo propose to sell our goods at the lowest prices, and by strict attention to business to receive a liberal stuirirof patronage. Our Ott- is extended to all. N. B.—The Goode purchased of Mr. Bide, wilt be,sold at cost until closed C ont. 10, 10ta. CARPETS •;- OIL OLOTHS AND MATTINGS . ;, I I ,• just received at , • May 4, I 870.".. • THOBI HARDEN. - ;C. RS & ' 0. Moores ir AMERY AND, - EXCHAN6E STABLES jj Wellsborii„ Pa.' Office and Stables on Water Street,in seism of, Court Rouse. i • They will fur nieh horses, single or double, with Buggies, or arriages, at short notice. Long experience in, e business enables the proprietors ; to announce ith ooOdence they can meet any'reasonabll,de mandsiu their line. , Drivers furnished, if desired and passengers Carried to any part ,ofibelionntry. Thankfo for past favo*tliey inv I te Continnance Of custom. Terms rilsonible. i ; ! , ' N0v.24,1889.47.- 1 . l' , , Oiitrio teiusile senainaa;y. CANANDAIGUA, N, Ir nOMBIENCREI its 46th year * ,on Wednesday, glepteinber44, , 1870. For inforatation, i address B. RICHARDS, A. Id', or ' •. • • 'O. - HUFFY, A: N., ,August 3, jB7O 4w , : ' • - •• Principals, „.... )16 . ~.., _J: . STIOXLIN, ' • ” Oliiiiinakei ''Tttriiiit and ..!-, • , Farnituri Dealer. : QUM ROM an cl, 140 TOB.Xfoppootio Dariri , aliritkon Shop bfign'Stieet,'where hi, to pie• pared.topqn4 ctatijnot . , Ware of any Iciad. to those In want: '' ` • • , • I .Ordarapratnptly filled and satiefaottongnarikai:. Mad. Bantry Tabling done t'oorder:'; • 1 ''''• Wallaktrovran 1 1870 ' 4 SHOIELIN • :, „!, , • ' MU . ' - Z --- 2, Ir. A. GARDINER'. EMI I= 111111 Thl El C. 0. MATIIEKS, Baoho'a old stand. VOLS olll . 4ll P ll,ol TEUTerealpr e f ea , i . 44 25 —Trun latianally fhlwinil Machine. The el 1 chimee*sobloo leilt , heo,l4l4rkpt. vam p: "Libeltd o.mintestoti allowed: For tem thi d drone*, euldoess i '.4.; 13.11 mi Ofli, Agen t g' f . " l 4DhOtsis Bs4l',blll4,Chllits. a. SHOP, eI4V4V , ' 1 : ) • - • . . • fl jr#Dilil3ll:2l,N ‘ ED ._ ivaa!d sap to tbo e i tt zoncorWellaboro ;tad:vicinity that be N I ~,..1, ~• t .,. •,,, ~,', ,-. , • - I i ?' . - ::: 1 , ' 4 : Hittielto SS =Shop ,ip 10119pgrA, 044,44 1 ,P0§49 11 trool, liotwoonik. sairWittaftnio;;"ivberW Wig pteparod to m at ; 04 0 1 1 41 1 1 !ii111 41 ; : q ! i •": -,-, i • , , ft, . it; , , • Double & Sitgl ' Harness ,; es, Iu the boats_t7lo,...ano,o the beat tomeritl. DONE itott notice, apd , gpqd. employ t h INorkuent,,sinCulo tique but the ben mater and am Itot'eforo,,propared to pleats ill .ivant; angthing- r ittludy Hner..l „ .Tuly 20, 1870. , OM (Zig GREAT BARGAI yfitl,j, ;,:pr iA443 . 1e-of y. • Ne.4.B4,:_Desitahlo_GOOd s . MS Obi .entire flock ,fie ottani at a lower price Ito known for..,yeara: Plena° call and look It o over:' - _— • • . 9 bityAlKitoXiter , NOTIONS, BATS a, •'CAPS, I 'BOOTS AND 8110 E, OROOKERY44. A SPLEN DID, SSOBTMENT OP . _ I.\COROOBRIES„ NM at bottom , fiiirea.. , Produce taken hi esettitte , R. BARKER, iValka;orN „Inc) if- --Cipanse:tne Blood. corrypc!qi tainted ,are slek all .Over. "It may bout ' • fis 76r Sorker in some " tive disease, or it maymerely you listless, depressed and good , nothing/ But 3ou cannot hoof ,tmaltis while your blood is , r LA, LA .os • • JU P , I Ayer 6 arsaparslos porges'ont :impnriUoa.Llt e xpels disease and Atli:outwit s the a oa We itst,o'vjgeroue lietlenV Renee It' rapidl y a variety 45; 'co in-plaintb which are caused by 5, 1 of 'the blood, such as'Ettelbla, Ring's )3 vii, fur Ulcers, Bores,BroptioneirimPless.Bloicb 400 Anthony's; Fire ~Rose or Erysipelas, Tenn -Rheum, Acedd 'BMW, Ring Wor , Cancer or ou Tumors, Barb Eyed, Female Die see, ouch as lister Irregrolarlty,,Burreaelen, Wb tee, Sterility, sh 'Pills or Veneta' iseases; Liv, Complaints, and 1 erVilansaparilla, and see for self the surprising activity Willa which It cling blood and cures these disorders - During hate years tbo public bare bees adds large bottles pretending - t • o glie a quart of, lino Sarsaparilla for tine' dollar. ' , Most of these ban 'hinds unim the sick, for they not only coma's I If, any, thireawill a, , but often no curl tive totre whatever: Bence, bitter disappointments boa fol the flee of the various extracts of • Sarsaparilla flood the morket,, until the name itself Ins be eynonYnionts vntlt ImpOsltlon and cheat. Snare „thin compound, !' Sarsaparilla, and Intend tom suck.alrentody,as /hall rescue; *tic, name , from dr of obloqity which rests ntion it: We think vs ground for believing it has virtues which Anita ble bv,the Class of diseases It. Is Inteded to cure. can assure the sick, that :ere offer them the Wash live we know bow to produce, and wo bare mum belles e.l It la by far the most effectual pnri &for blood yet discovered. , Ayer's' CberryVectoral is Iso 'univbrsally tser :surpass's - very abets. medicine for too cure of Coot Colds, indueesa, )lo.vrsenees, Croup. bronchittis,l cipionOonenmption, .ash for the relief of Conan tive Patients In advanced stages of the disea,st, the melees here to recount the evidence of Its limy The world knows them.. Prepared by Dr. J. 0. &Alm& CO., Lowe and mild by all Diuggiate 'and dealers la eterywpiro. • ' • May,18,1870-2m SA THE GREAT ADIRRIOAN REALM RE& BR, purities the blood and cures Snot Syphilis, Skin Diseases,itheumatiem,Diseue 'Women, and all Chronic affections of the Id pier and Kidneys. Recommended by the) cal Faculty'and many thodeands of one bat • Read the testimony of Physicians gap who' have,used Rosadalis; Send for our Rom 'Guide to health Book, or Almanac for Biel which we plildieh for gratuitous distribullot tdtlYgive yori..muckvalable information. • Dr. R. W.:Carr of Baltimore:, says: / take pleasure in recommending yenta( is as a very, powiorenl alterative. I ben . used in two CABIN) with - , happy ,results-1", case of secondary sypllriie, lumhtch the pit pronounced himself cured alter having tabs tmttlen of your medicine, The other in a at 'strofula of long standing ; which is rapidly proving under Its rise, and the Indiestiot hat the patient will soon recoVor.' I Las 'ully examined • the'4orsrliild by sbith Vour Rosadalis is made, and find•lt an anti ,ompound of al terative. ugred len te. Or. Sparks, of Nicholanville, Ky., melt used Rosadalis in cases of Scrofula and BMII ry Syphilis with satisfactory results. As k cif or of thniolood I know no better remedy. , Samuel a; llic#adden, Alnrftersboro, recto I, have used seven bottles of Rosedalls, and entirely cured of Rheumatism; send me foitl ties, as I Wish it for my brother, who has NI lens eore eyes. BenjaMln 13echtocof Lima,Ohlo, wri,tte,lb suffered for . twenty yeara with- an thrum eruption'oror my Yrhole.body; a shorttimeee I purchased a bottle. of Itosadatis and It ef.o a perfect cure. Roeodalls le sold by P. 1 & Co , W.Q. Gress, Welleboro; Philo Tulkr, Tefi St. r ß.Bacon, Blesiburg. and Druggists geoad • March 9,1870,1 y, -;" The PER.-____.__ __ _ -lakes the We! and pAete supplying the fu,. , 4rtrims'OwN' Vint,tzplo Ann:. —I - ROX , o:surf-mi.—Be surerion get. Peru lan gintlC Pamphlets free.. J. P. DINSMO proprietor, :.^ , " Soled36l:ley St, Nsw X, rif, , . sold py D.ragglats ge tiallY. k. • Apra 6, 187 1 0.-Iy.' '•'- i _ '%• • ----"..- „. G' °eery Awl ', Pr visto Store, A , ' _l'; ' - : •,- . , y'-''. r ' • 'il ' ' CORN! (4 1 ' isi: /1* I. , , , a 'l + ' gialriLlll.l9 • I 11:' :"'" • Nr OLMS LE ANL RETAIL', DEAD \in ayithi'ds - of . "1 - `, • s . - . • MEM , GROe RIBS, PROVISION f nes thinors a tl gars lON. & DO7STIO, OREM% 1 u\ DRIED F U \ M, .1-7 D FR TS AMY' \ _ VEGETABLT, & WILLOW WARE, iLASS ESE FOR M WOO CROCKERY WARE, • . • EISEN'S CARRIAGES, GfABS CHI I r PgitAIIiBULA.TOS, TOYS, tic A full and oomplete aesortment of.the sho uteuttOtked gouda of .tbe best quality 1 1 1 10 hand.l - Partiottlar: attentlua paid to FitiO drotteo Dealers and cousuraere will rind. ft to their it. tetiat to eirizilnit hie Shook before bn3irig. ilYorningi N. T.', - Aug, 17, 1870. FOR • i litoiise in lot ,on or4ietriot 8' • P,Fre°3!i,`'.:';, ,rt MEI . I I W. A. NEW OMB 3 AL SALE... - Pearl Street, 2d hoof boot bongo. Savings 1112