The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, August 24, 1870, Image 1

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P. e. T an (elder.
Snbscription,(lser year)
Trs LUTES OP Jannosr on 1.288, MASK ,ONE, pQUARK
So. Strrs.... I.lln. I 31n5 4 Ins BMus I Olgoo } IYr:
;00 142.00 11 2 , 80 I $5,00 I $7,00 I $12.00
1 39nare,... 1 $,
2 Square", I 2,00 I 3,00 I 4,00 I 8,00 11.00 118,00
11:I1f Col ....... I10,001i5,01:1117,00 122,01 n 30,00 150,00
Oiio 001 -77 F -15.00 125,00 12 - W1) 45,00 1*30,00 1100,00
tail" Speolal Notices 15 cents per line( Rd itorlal 'or
Local /o,cents per Bne.
Transient advestislog muter be paid ror in advance.
a j eJastlce Blanks, Constable Blanks, Deeds, Judg
',wilt Noten, Ma i rriage Certylattea, &e., oh hand,
Van Golder iz Mitchell,
et,ok, Plaio and Fanoy Job Printcra:' All work
:4,romptlyrand neatly "executed.—Jsin. 1, 1870.
William A. Stonc., -
Attorney and Cd'unnolor at Lan, tlist .140 -above
Converne .t Oagood's store, on Main ni'cct I I
.Wellaboro, June 22,1870 y
Smith & Merrick,
Attorneys & Counselors at Law. Insurance,
Bounty and Ponsion Agency, - Wilco on Main
8(.413)4, Weilobar° Pa, oppositi , Union Book.
Jan. 1. 1870.. W. 11; 1311T11.
V. Manama.
Ueoleyy, Coates & Co:
BANKERS, Knos.Tlllo, Tioga, County,- Pa.—
Receive money on deposit, discount notes,
and sell drafts on - New York City. Collect
hin3 promptly made.—Deo. 15, 188914r'
Jno. W. dams, .
Attorney and Counselor at arr, Mansfield, Tioga
county, Pa. Collection promptly, attended .
to. Jon. 1, 1870.1 " .
Jno. I. Mitchell )
AtiOrney 11111 Counselor at Law, Claia4 and In
surance Agent. Office over Kress ' Dig Store,
adjoining Agitator Office,. Wencher°, !Pa. •
lan. l i ISTO. • ,
• I
"Wilson Sc Niles, ''
•. ; t -
Attoratycand' Connectors at Law. Will attend
iiionaptly to business entruetCA to their care in
the counties of Tioga and Potfer. i (Mee on
the Avenue.
Attorney and Counselor at., Law. All business
enteultad to him will bo promptly attended to.
Otlice‘23 door south of Ilazlett's Hotel, Tiosu,
rhsv, i. ouuty, Pa.—Jan, 1, 18.10.
Wm. B. Smith,
Pension, ,Bounty and Insurance Agent. Cele
tuunivations sent to the atove address will/re
ceive' prompt attention. Terms moderate,
lieuxettly, Pa.,lan, 1, 18711.
', t 1
Attorneys had CotOselo s at
: law; loge' Pa.
All business entrOited i o their carp trill receive
prompt attention' 1
v. 11. Ss - I-noun I,
•• • W. Tl,lTerboll.A: Co., - •
Whdlovnlo Druggis is, unit dealers h t Paper,
IC;rosone laitups Window Olaas, Perfumery,
Paints, Oils, ,te., kc.—Ctirnitig; N. Y. Jlll3. I 10.'
• •
liaCon, AL. '
Physiclun unit Surgeon: Will uttntl.'promptly
to all oat's. , Office on (3ruiton §trect; ip rear of
the Meat Market, Welltsbero.—Jiipi
Inglia111 ) 3t, :P , t , •
Ilotnoeopthjei, Officei' f at' ” 43
n 01
Avkinuel,—Jan; I, 187(1, , '
lieorgle..Xagner,, ; •
Tailor. Shup tirot dolor north of RobOrti , d Bail
ey's Ilardwaro Store. Cutting, Fitting and Re
pairing done promptly and we11.4-3a0.1,.1870.
U. E.
. •
to ati d 'Jr; w 9117, S 414 and Plated
Wart), ,Spootaulva, Violin 6tFings,' &a. : Watch. ,
ca and J4welry neatly. repaired.. Edgraviug
dant in plain English and Guratn.---fsrucseteld,
Pa., Jan. I, Is7o.
WeBttitlld, Pa , de
!lota outittueted
let live, fcer'the
Jan, 1 137.0.
Ting.t; County, . . tr ztdiriin ettaeh
. od, and an attentive hertie aiwaye in, nttond
anee. G eo. W. Hazlett, Prop'd..--Jan. IBM
8 Hotel,
Proptititoi, Ano •
with all the Ladd
drive of th
(i rituals lu
fare ieltea 'recut
r i foga Co Pp. F. 13. 1101,
and cotum.di nequildiag
n improy;iwentri. ; lithin
best hunting at i nphing
•ru Padn'a. Gogyancas
waterate.—Jan. 1, 870. '
I`R: Hotel;' . \
ith; Pro . prietor. More \in
accommodate the tritvelifig
manner:—Jan. 1,y370.
. .
Tioga, Pa., R. M. Sin
good condition to
public in a :uporio
11.' Al UN ROR, proprietor. benre, formerly
"erupted by E. Fellows, is conducted bn4to
per-tioe primlaptes. Every s:aeoemm'odation
ler man and 'Oast. Churgee reeeenelde.. -
%March 30, 1870.-0.
Union Hotel. i
Wril B: ran liorn,f Proprietor; , W_tllshero. Psi.
Thii house is pleasantly located, and has all
the conveniences for man and beast.• 4harges
toodesate,--May'l, 1870-iy• . i
9L -1 1300 GraMIWX
M. M. SEAILS. Pnorftin.rott,
WHERE delicious Tee Crones, Freneh'Con
feetionnry, ell kinds of finite in their
season, a nice dish of Tea. Coffee, or Chocolate,
and Oysters in their season—eon be ha& at all
hours, served in the best style. Neat do4r be-
low Roberta Bailey's ilardwa're Store.: Main
Street.' • " - •
Wellsborti; Jan. I, 1870,"
By J I pan. Dein, Ifunuy Emder., tilt trial e
the seat - tun of 1870, for a limited nuother,ol
'hares, at the following plabes, viz:
WEDNESDAY ov . EAcu IVr. e,x Ar Ettztatritt.
The balpnce of the •titue but
JUPITER is' 4 n 'larks Env, 1.51 hands higt, - id.
grout speed, beauty. and mnequaled
endurance.' Thi. grunt prumisopf his colts mikes,
him a twilit desirable Stallion for irise
gnat' Hares from a dirtvin o tortiGtie.i
With g. , 4,1 kimpitm: tiitd.woll cam - Alt, tteei
dents at owner's risks.
Tertan $lO to insure
II ty 4,,187trf
':WALL"PAPgit. 1
V. it.'s':i.C•i's
. t
-• ; 0,6: ti ,
111. — •
Tbo day 'of high piioei' 4 pist.'
First class work nt this fripOrink:lWei:-
Artincial tooth, very tick $2O to $25,
Cheaper Sete . 10 fo' 1 3
Part Bete per=loulti. . 5 - 00 t, () i
2L S.(I b :O
Solid gold', '
Sliver and other tillkngi ° 15e.f,t° $l 00, .:,.
'tins teeth. ' Nopalnt—mi itatigern,"--1
Call and read teattmottlals'ilititli titu 4 s rel.;
please pct. A.B. EASTMAN, Dentist.
July 13,'70 tf , . 18, Main it, Wellaboro.
- _ . . . . ~ . , . - - -•"• "; - - : ~ , - . .
. • i • - t
' 1
kf . ; I. ' ' ' . ' ; '' , '; .. j
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N . - 0.. , 1 , ? i". 0:.• ..':', .... , 2 -, II
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4 : - _.:' -''
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. -" • - - i •.:. K,„. .i. , • i.ei: . . i •.•i - ,
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....____. • . .
I . Jae, 1. hiltcbalt.
(J. B.
Propriet.mi A new
rinoiplO of ktvo and
, datioa of the publio.
1, C. 11F,NNEtr't
~ , •
New Tobacco Stoke I 111 ..
TIP subscriber has fitted up tbe . Stare first
door oast Thomas Harden's dry goods store,
for the rnanufecture and sale of
. t A/ • • , 1
CIGARS, (all gtlades), Fancy a? 4 ni
Conion , l
Fide aid
- CHFO7NO, and all kinds of
PLUG TORLCCO, PIPES, an:a the choi-
cat, Brand of CIGARS.
Agf" Call and secifqr yourselves.
Weljsboro, Jan. 1870-7-tf.
• Ni tv Tannery.
pat undersigUed ;has fitted:up the old Fenn-
A dry building, near the Brewery, Wellaboro,
and is now prepared to turn out line calf, kip,
cowhide, and ho,nif , ss Ipatber in the best man
ner. Hides tanned en - Shires. Cash paid for
'hides. ' , •' MARTIAL - -d. DURIP.
' Wallet:sore, Jan. 1, 1810; '
T J. BURGIN would any to the%itizens of
Wellsboro and vioinity Oaf be 18 pre•
pared . to supply them with ' • •
. .
of the best quality. We also servo kneels and
and ICE CREAM to those who wish. Call at
the old Stevens' stand, - J. J. BERGIN.
June 8, 1870-Iy., • _ ._ 7,
• - BORDEN keeps con st antly on
. lit hand: Pure Drugs and ledleines,
Chemicals, Paints and Oils, Lamps,
• 0 1— .Stationery, Yankee gotioti s a &c.
PitgSolllF4lll , :49 C.l 1tE717 LLY COMPiaTNTIND
11. 11, ridliDEN
Ting°, Jan. 1, 1871/.-ly.
FOR SALE: '140113 4
, BY
60,000 Apple Trees,
0,000 Pear Trees.
A good supply_pf PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY
The Fruit trees aro composed of th choicest
vurieties, good, haalthy,,some of them large and
injbearing. Any one wishing to got anpply
wilt do wall to L cUlllßee my stock Wore pur
chasing olsewWera - r- - 110elivared at the depot,
yellsborop-Afanstiold, Lawianoovills and 13loss
hurg, froc of charigt,:' Al) brler , s erhmtirly Mod:
tAddreas, - STONE,
1 ,*' Tinge, Pe,
einge,' Poo'. S, 1.09-)yo:
OILS ottusiigs
For the Milltienolt,
March 16, IS7o—tf
HOOSe 'alg` o
AanoD Hou s e- and barn, on - a la of , two .
Holub, within ten tuinnteB wnfjjtr ciPthe .
Court House, W01181)00, is ot4redfpr sile. ID
quire Df John I:'l)lio,thelt,EBil:,,lt c!l"4,"•
:ND.' 25; ft TO t f .
• •
March 1Ei , 1870-tf. W. C
JIIE undeisignd balflnAttecured:thel agency
for Patent '
Melodic,' Wilite,„Wire for
Clothes Line`e';whiefiiliie's'nOt rust, and iliebeap."
er and'aere durable then any other Inientioni
add will be Reid cheap
. 'Order,;lett at the Post Office will.retieive
prompdattention. , L. P. I.IEAT/1.' , , ,
We, the undersignedpenterfully reecitamend,
the above`Patent Wire, having used it for si long
time and 111,41 it to be all it is represented': 1 .
, 4 = W. T.
A. M. iNotiam, ht. D.
Jlitio 1, IWO-if
-----------=--, -..------ ---fa4--" -- -::,:. - 4.
Pot the Relief and dure,of the Erringand Mao tunnto;l
- . •nn Principlea of Chrlsettit Philetuthrop • .
ESSAYS (al - Tlift ERRORS OF YOUTH, an t he 161'
lies of Age, in relation to MARRIAGE fintt-Soci Erna
with Sanitary aid for the afflicted. - Sent free, 'sealed'
envelope*. Addresa, 110 WARD ASSOCIATION,
May 4,1137 0-Iy. - . Box P. Philadelph(a, Pa.
V) I
1 ,I .li:i
, Tiolesale ',Jim!' Retail
I )I(U,,STORy.,!
BY W. C • • KRE SS. 4'
LOTS SP,RlNc3.,sp:Qop,§
HE subscriber - will Tusk on -. 9 Mid at all timei
A:Nrittick4K '
• . w. 4.1.
• t ;••
111% &AND 1111111e1N118--
,•: • • 11
Patent, MedicinEs
Flavoring • Extracts, PerfuntVim
Lumps, flicks, Dye Colors, While% 11 7 ,a - sh
Ka.diAth ai
Stub Brusher, Wfnduw. 030811; ;•-,,
• " l ah : sWei; Pa; ,a !! I ••-; •
• _kt.44
• • ,„ ; )1 •••12.•• • •c,•••
• s •p
'ivu;i'oliq • ,24(., ar , .cwitpletlgizs•
4 • SPriadlito ,
gloitiatopathi r MfOrt-o,iiia
- -; uirl a full stook 'of
• .1
yure Wines' .4.ut Lkuorsi
, A
eirp yeipiested:jo call and exautin4
k before pu re b asing,eitewb erA; t: ,
w• - e."
- r
coatiiN 6 7 : JEVEIIIII
--- .tt
A: ! 1Y DUDLEY; •
A l iargeritifo l rii44o: l ,:, l o l
.*4Eniravitig dohs liVia6l6W!'ff
Corning, Deo. 15, 1869. A. D. DUDLEY,
ly. No. 10, Market EL
WM. rt. AniaTht4a.
Armstkong 8t Linn,.
4;• 1869- 2 1 q. -'• • •
„ • , •
cc - 72 e l-, 11111
/ I° o
‘l ,O.
to - _
3k }
&e„ &e.
,Wtth , ltios l o
Repairing Bono neatly, and promptly, hnd on
short IMMO. . A. PQLRY,
:44.1:L44 1 y 5-, 181A-4,i -
' • '
Another attempt to Confiscate; - -• ,
A. Bear trying to Bull the Market ; -
Deep suils for Bonds;
;•814iodlc3ttiliatsihis " Pound of Flestk"--- •
Wants it "nominated in the Bond?'' '
Wants Damages-600.000,000- 7
Ad inilnitura, ad nauseam.
'rue "learned Court" couldn't '•see, it," egad
. Sid transit &rid ' ," '
inti Whole crew oferboarde . :
Too light for heavy business." -.•/
Another Tub to the Whale,
With the bottom knocked out.
But the,.ekir%Line " still lilies," _ '
" Rigfit i di l citiaP', with care,"— ;
Speed, Safety and Style combined.
Lot the public remain `-aerene." : ,
F. D. B. dr, Co. and the Air Line— •-•••'
t 0 tie-dhji inseparable, ;.
N Woniland forever l (Webster). ,
Let the Whangdooaloprourrt.:olt4).
- F. Li. BUNNIi;LL a, CO': •?,
- •
W. C. 10'1.F:85
'Jute - 29; IST
44 • „.
,a 111.4 ll ' i .PrOpPrit*
rip HE under 6firera or ea l ein , Jackson
.11,,, , Ownihiketafaininoati's °tick, his Steam
Saw Mill
,and learnt, Eaid farm, anntainp . 66
•airei, three a'ivelling homes, etore,-gob& bait),
The Mill bee been built 2 rears)'; eontaintr,fix
34liare0 Power, engine...'oireulan :Sltingle
IldsielAino, 1;00 g l dger:,• 30)7 14
lioller'Voite - o, and in good eqn - qt,ion„
.Gfoosi ppper;and,plentyvf stock for eusteititepilt:
Ttto farm it ,ulle.r,Aood, About
'welltitirts %Catered, a good bearing/
deollard c and -,tiesirairo ftnitlairj , pnrposes.. The
j . .pFßki.efty ehoUld,lika to,i/e appreciated: Ye r
A'ddroPs - 0. 11A.litILT011y-;;,...
1 , 'r,Auna,o,•,lB2o-tf.. ,'1•-•?Bdx,8138,;iighnira,j437,
1, i
Ticiga Marble Work .1 - -
rfpy Wier, 4l gX, l4 ;d2- 121 01:1 0 w , .PreP ed te
' ' fo all Oidorslor:7,:tiuti,ptones and goau.;
meats of -Olthei. " `/ " I , tfi
of blei s aiest style and tilproved worinuanship
pke_fl •
He ift3eP4,,o,eusteptlzon„ ban b otk iflda of
'bfiti•bla ayt4 will able / 4 suit wh o may.fa
vor hinfWith their`orOori,'Mi - aereaschibletertei
as can bo obtained. t ?r'kbo- s o.ottotry. • •
" „ PRA g. AD AMS..
Tioga 411. '—` , • f•
„=-P, sc ,•••• •
, oftice, ;11213:4th' St.; p
l -).
Ilicorpiiraed.ket6 . 2 . 3,` ; ig7t '
:431kart'd Vaidtat 14.0P,04.0.
-;tesefs overt_ - . "‘" , •••iiWod in 00
" . . t..,,
‘ , I
L • p.ock,an4",?4,44loh ? ,opmbirting `Seouritj .liritti
rroffes. - .,:tupposa,
,ypti,urc,i4trip . ady insured iin •a•
first-lailt company, and - from any cause I what.
vv, (spy, at.q39l)lYeArtrlsAnderit)-tyou ;do not
. or cannot P a,y iopg?taatt.dia—zaat.tasarance iii
''g out, t intl. yo4V `money wasted. got so in : tIW
"Il1tnd1ItIlIIA241), AU %Policies , 'art; "i1•5?4.F0n
FR1TA11 i L1 , ,, r. .,..... ,, , .
' iiiti. coi n Paziy '4l,lc . tr. ranks , am ong the 'Moat"
Poini at ' 'an d 'apiiiissfall'llAfd - Inspravide :Coin- .
panics,. gratits:paltolts son -, all 'deisitabliii 0 Mit,
bulb se' h and 'fiitlbtkpiofitks ,'.'a.'.::_s. i , ::'
, .
Traveling RfivelegeAnnrestriet,ek
.... ~....,.., •
ce . .
ri;, , .
'AMllrica iire, , R9P4es 44 6 .01% 4 5 or -lett
' 6 i swi NY•°,(t t `e 74 ?igki? .r Y'kl a 'i l '. ° !'• - • L.l, $'- ' i
1.;%k fn . jouitito s I eurance. Please oannii.zni`
the , GlilowitelvesErt4 tird , tifislle.. it is s glad-.
Liars jo4eapd= l2 l4lo•so 0.0004 ConVntitets`tVrit'
tho'Compaaylhc3r. reprefcrt4.safer,thart , others,
Wididitis' utiheiltatingly'aisert Curl:4llld in' , ,the
soupiness itnActtolAlitilefsstiLlootorianies, lo ili..
Oro Aso, pse,Jten t,th,o fo)l97lrg ff l Oo . inpktoto4,4 , f,
:these,' dpsiiing. t o jiisurel, ,
,' - , ,
-, ..taboVellbsviiii,Actinii3iitiei; CMl,Pain the - apiinat
PlOalitilly,. abariad. ,by elielabr enqnsiiitincli fnik ;
life at tho,age of 300TarS,,payable at death
\::', '4 l -r " Ng ''lpatial.p - `r.laiiis ' ,.. fpna,,,anual -1'
:r. .1... •*, A . t'v- • fai)iitd. , -" i 'f ' 'payments...
• Travier‘! , .. ~ i ~ - i . - $16;84 ,, -1 - -\ %Jilt' ~..-,..
ttlla.b.."• - • -17-. ,, 1,,'2247.3 ,, , 1 4 ' '. 42030 . -...
91no, • ... ..... 23,30 •, ... 50,00 `.. •.1
. 413,Vi
' , t - Washinktow ,:
, 4270 i ' , n ;' '40;97 1 ...' , '1'-`1
1 . klapci l itt -114 Ltd i. 1., 40,50) "t:: v;A3260 ! :.'
• If not alreidyjnadied, ttikeke:;:policivait4 - -qi . 'p'
t'HAD 4 / 5 - 1 1 - 44i 0 :40
aii4 7 :Zii eif 6t141-i jnip I C
U 43ol,iiolAg(toh
,t ,l ! PA:L'hiOxltoc,iiii"W j iilsi:bio.
;inaiAviiiiink l l)lllll,6l4A -Cs •
1 r '
Aug. 11, 1137;1.4,V AI - 1 - I .`; w' s ' ,ll ".': l- .. --, . i 41,,,•';
.1P,,,,,.. T;;; ---;
4. - I TSV.: ; :cil'7 " : l 7: iT , ' i ‘T - - 4, 1 7t 1 7 - - -- -.-- t , -'-> • •
:NIV4f Mg9,I4FADjiatiNSEBI:k- OM ,
u .. „ 4, , ",, •... 1 ,t ti
,:f.plii std Iti Ott ~.:-... ') %''• V, ,/i''''‘ , .
.Atg or ILL - Mtn:Of.
, ,
' ‘P -, - - .1 -( . ,". 'V.V`kIA i'. I -
Mi sale aff4ei,tbiiii,..itt in, clibP - F, 'TP4, 1 , 11 .4/00 . "
in 'hogs oonnt.f. tit'''-- ''—- s ' ' .j'' : F
~ it n } !• , 41M ,11 _4410 1 0` 4 00 F.:::
. ..
di s •,... liffdazyntiller,-.• ; - I ,
CASH P 4 t W l PFQI4I 4* .. 1
Wellsboro June, Up iBro . ,
, ,
„ t •
;,1 =rl,
`iIII.,S3E3OR ' O, FA:
who bas long Veen estal},-
liiihed in tho JeWelry•bnel- -
noss in Wellsboro, lias -al-
Ways on fittlq 'yariouß
kinds and prices of
Eekt,l l ool;l4 B ,paily kep : t. in
t, which is sold low 'for '
. ?f,-
(VittoP gorntr.
A We see not., know not ; all our way
Is tii - gliG:-with Theo alone is day;
From out the torrent's troubled drift,
Above the storm °Ur prayers_wo lift,
,Thy will be'done !
Tho flesh may fail, the heart may faint,
Dui who are we to make complaint,
- Or darn to plead in times like these
The weakness of oar love of ease ?
Thy will be done !
We take with apitnin,tlinnkfainese
- •
Our btirtl4l2ll,por ask It ave,„ ,
30 that even ":w6
May stiffer; serve, or wait for Thep
_dim as yet in tint" nd line,
Vie trace Thy picture's- Wise design,
And thank The'e that our age supplies
The dark relief of - sacrifice..
' Thy will be ] done !
And if, in our unworthiness, '
Thy 'saorifioial , vito we press,
! If from Thy ordeal's heated bars
Onr feet are seamed with orimion Sears,
Thy will he done
It:,.for.thl age to come, this hour.
'tit trial hath vicarious power, - _ ,
'And, bless'd by Thee, our present pain
Be Liherty'S eternal gain, I .
Thy rrcll be done ! , ,
Strike, •Thou, the Master, wo Thy keys,
The anthem of the destinies
The taint:lr of Thy loftier stfaitl,
Our hearts shalt breathe the old refrain,
will be &mot • •
.. [From the Nationnl Sttintlard.]
• ,
•. , -We welcome everyman of every'race,
tetair soil' the, proteBtion of our
Weiwelcome every' wartCO the
best, opportunities of improving,,him-,
self and making money, that our social
and . Prditical systems afford. Let 'every
: oppressed man come. - Let every 'poor
man come. Let everyman-who wishes.
tq Chtmge his residence : We wel
„corne.all'; frankly' acknowledging the
: principle that every • baman being has
,the right' to ,choose his reSidence just.
where:he pleases on the planet. Our,
faith'in otir pelitiCal•institution4 and'in
0ur.1 30 00 &Y:s(elrt, that hoth can. en-:
! duke - all the strain' which such immi-,
grationwill produce. 'More. `than this
we believe thitt,our civilization will be/
perfected only by gathering into itself
the patient toil, the- content with mod
erate Avagta, the, cfmniughand,
venti brairi the taste and aspirations,
the deep 4gligiotis sentiment, ?humor
'and 'vivid inaitgination, the profound,
insight and far reah,hiug sagacity which
mark the different race. ,ach contrib
uting :btie`' SPecial. 'trait :tile great,
JBiit such immigration, safe and
:hetkiiji. roust- 13 0 BPorkir i r.s" l " 4 4 4 . t u na
ttt Ye 4 ,ult, nar,w,oneying
laws of industryiand the tendencies
' of the ttse. , (4.4rnilltrittietilif labtr is an
TI )lis bripgens to the qUeStiOn ,of im
Chinese laborers. J The Chinese
are a painstaklngi industrious, thrifty,
inventive, self respeCtfel and law abl-,
,ding:Yace. They.haVe some pretensions'
institutionts - and Moral,
, duiture-L-are aiittletoO achirtes;
hal a( `h th r t
. Q. 43 ,fs servility
ptit,Ot: them. Their comingf,iwili:be
Velctime" and valuabia addition' to . the
Mosaic. of 'our natiOnalitar.,'
der' to do that, they must 'come 'sponta-..
neously, of their own:free Will and-ino` , .
,as, the ; • 44l:3; j'o quilt* and En
glish Have done... if the capital:of the
'piukttrygets` to ' by system. and
'WhDie6-operrition, teimpOrt diem in
Masses, to, disgorge them upon. us' With
, unnatural rapidity,• then their coming
,Will b,e, Japrit : bp our political system
and a disastrous pheek to our social pro
, ,
" We .14y . it doWn as a fundadiental
principle-:-never,tobe lost sight ot-that
every lmmigrant ef.eyery 'race:must be
admitted to cltlFenship e ' if 'he •asks it.—
Vhe:4.oit- to.a, be naturalized must not be 1
I Ilinited by race; 'creed'ii' Air' ' birthplace. 77 •
V§ecendly, , everY adult' here, 'native' Or ,
' .- nataralizild,r rhuStlVOuis: . •l, in spite ,iif
'this, 'givens time; with only, a :natural
;mount' of ' iminigratiOn;; 'and . ',,wtt oat.). 1
"trust the edUbatiOn and numbers of,, Our
• .native - voters to safel4ab' orb and make
over the foreign' eletue t., - Irish' and
i s
Gerinan' immigration 'th been only 11 .
: ripple on , our,Tecean's 'breadth. Gene
rally speaking, it h 4 I#en only'aillealt..
thy ',Stir. ' But_ it - is - ealdly, peasiblelor
.4Sodiateli capital. to hurry -the 001414
of the Chinege in such masseitts Will •
enahle th'ese'incineylorda to centrol the,
ballot, bex-,by their bond servants. Axi.
kortertded' Werth!' Adams' :ban ;.04 more
;Pifi l l. ' Aoo ll : B _4o - o,4 l ,ieee .wag e . .'. , witif
nneAnpopend such Sameops-,1 enesoci- - .
.atedleapitalpf itiassiiehnsetteUrt over
't Oittlid the' t i nfti,tot,'bii#: - Of.-that'.kitete...-- .
.:*e ileidit ie . :be:clearly within the pri?
vince i hnq is:clearly the'doty,yof - ieg!s
-y4ibli*ii4e4tt',Oili'„4l.44go.l-_'Capitai' is
lilaiistiuk4, '`ilow,.. , The pUblio welfare
:demands , that' its,' political„ peifer - be
.. -icrlppled,' '''l7filVersal,stiffrage is: adrola
iible <lntY4*.eentlition of:an eduCated .
people.,i , ,We cannot -undertake to ledu
zoate Whole world” it : - 0::ip.: liide
','taoll,lnent,s,', Inillinnbyinilllon, we can,
Aligest-the -whole, humansfaee. ' ; I:'''
•-. '
Tfieik it'slciilid'inli4enee of.'atich iixi.=.
icirtatiOn on the)aboring , clasdeLa.: - s : ii , i4e
Chinaman; will 11144 shoes foise:ooll6%-
lf i c e4 Aolite*(ii‘Si':-:!Ilie -7ageO'foT. .0Ali?
WOlr4,iiisSachtisetia:is- two 4iellars; ,
4ithatiwill - beconae of-the' natiSti*ork
, litmktr under sUbti':noMPetitilOnT He
440 , OtnilOr competition 'from the.l'ilsb
=immigrants - an& the - - , -Gerriniii:sl.' 134t,i't
i n ( Vb'f -, tieiiiicifile: l !'l44:ciktilein such
' i n'attiod and moderatenuixibere, ns tabo r
easily absorbed, without producing any
_oh' is,r
oefi,,;',.'lll*,':beii i tlitueil
iiii444 - 77t4 - 44ince; .166mi1l it i v lct in the
; . case ,of the 'Chinese,- tp'ke .. .be'l'Oft't.o;
, 4 ?i l l4' l l4 l 4 ll ll.f,;. l 'blet ; i*liV.lrtii4 . met - .
I c t tion',.'iz ttnnorted 3.r,
in eVerivhelmipirditi ,
~ es, b ttlfeconcerted 'it - Caen : of:o4l)itcllii'
1 'he •:. - wil l --. crtialilhO,aber of_ ,Anierica
:#4*4o) - -4.P?:tyilei:teiel, for.many . 'yeare
„to:come: r , i%' -', - i. , . - : . ' l'".. '•- '- '.. i . ' .-
'PuitfUg' ao'de , illtheeriee, 1
every av 13
. . ,
'of:pa/rem; must.seeilwith•profourf4 re=
`iteNithe - iintrOchtetion of, ele
.upevrhfc,lll/*l4llefieeri ii'tigeki. The
1-1014 138 PiiigQilourtpmrceil&:litigh
gee—wages at such a level that the wor
kingman can spare hie - wife to preside
over a - "home," can command leisure,
Whose will bo done I
go to leettires, take -_a newspaper, and
lift himself from the deadening routine
if Nnere,toll. ' That dollar left after all
thnbilki - are paid on" SaturdaY . night,.
means 'education, independence,' Self
_respect; 'manhood ; it increases the val
ue of every acre near by, fills the town
with dwellings, opens public libraries,
and crowds them; dots the continent
with cities, and cobwebs it with rail
ways. The one remaining dollar in
sures progiess, and guarantees Astor's
millions 'to their owner better than a
score of statutes. It is worth meritban
a thousand colleges, and makes reties
5 a
and police superfluous.
- The' importatiof
, of Chinese labor
seeks to take that llar from our work
ingmen. Thntru , statesman must re
gard such u' poliCY las Madness: .The
philanthropist Must consider it cruel
and mad tee, ' Even so much of such a
result as will inevitably be wrought by
the natural -immigration of the Chi
nese, Is to be deplored. Every aggra-,'
vation of it is to be resisted, for the sake
of republicanism and civilization. If
we cannot . find' in the 'armory oi the
law some effectual weapon to prevent
it, our . political and social future, for
some fifty !years; is dark, indeed, and
such a fate as• swallowed up Roman ci
vilization is by no means impossible.
'Every one cries out for cheap labor to
develope the , country. Even if mate
rial, or • recripiary, gain, Were the only
repisite for social or- national progreis
- , -which, of is far from being
—still it •Is true ,that unsettled lands
may be Opened up -too fitst`forprofit ;
much more for real progriigii.;" ( lndeed,
'this random and llibughtieL cry for
cheap labor, Is one.of the great mistakes
Qf heartless'and superfleiel economists.
Seldomhas there been - graver mis
take. 'We assort unhes tatingly that
cheap products are an u mixed goad :-
cheap labor is an . unmitigated evil.—
Human progress shows' itself in a fall
Of pices and, a rise of, wages. Aitho'
labor makes one-half of - the cost of pro
duction, still it is true' that the werld
gains just so fast as prices fall and wa
ges ri e. To insure progress, the cost of
everything but • - •hurnan muscle • and
brains ratistilall. :,The remuneration of
these two elementsin production must
rise. In William - Penn's time it took
1.37'd y's buy a ton. ,of flour. In,
700,,125 days' would t buy it. In 1885,
80 days' work sufficed. Now, 1870, pro
bably , 10 or'so days' wages would buy a,
ton, of flonr. That 'ffict_gteasures and
explains. the sothal, industrial, moral
and political progress of Pennsylvania.
view of such a rule, we claim the
right Of government to check any forced
and unnatural Importation of labor.—
:Against such a claini; th9ad vacate of a.
protective tariff cannot consistently
open his mouth: . If government may
and-shoufd protect a nation against pau
per -labor in other lands, this, surely=
'Oat immigration, of- pauper labor is
tpe: inost threatening danger. If Yiszfu
would be consistent, Mr.-Protectionist,
„join with us in devising effectual meth;
9dsiolavert it., 'Tribe Free Tr4ler as
sails us with his objection, " has not
the lahorer a rigOt to y hist-suat-or
'hout bricife'ckiespe - silEarket T not
the capitalist the same right to get his
stock.or labor in the,cheapest market?"
we answer,-" Y-es, under certain reatric
..ti_oup.' 2 4 7 , .:ro purchase the prod'uct's of
toe earth;mandfacCiireif, or other Wise,
wherever you can get Mem cheapest, is
good; 'gOod'for the seller .and good for
the purchaser, Mit - this Is' only prOvi-
ded there is ~ n o artificial combination,
no plot of powerful men, or •classei, to
flood t,he,rnarket, of 'one land - With the
surplus of another.f
~ A yery competition
,that; Comes attiialeurrents, from in
, n
, •
dividual enterprise;; is,' 'healthy ten
oienek to aierage.- • Secondly;' the re
strictiini is to lad • MA, strligently
enforced in the purchase' of Inirmian. la
borr; since the,artificial and forced, an
tagonism of that deranges soniety,
dermines goyernment, obstructs
crushes: itidividutd • cfrert, and
cirSgS, the highest 'type of human at , 7
4inmcnta downl,4 the murky, 'level
the lowest and idleSt barbarism. Against
any thing which threatens such results,
government-has the-right to defend so
ciety by appropriate rates. — '
The crate of =wages is said to depend oh
supply n and demand. Theinle Is sound,
but soAquivccal thatittis.,•iworth 'little.
Rite wages really dCpends on what
the ‘ wstrkman•Oinke will .uir
necessities ofiffe. There-are Men in
England yzfioie," bigheei , Idea '•
o'f : life Is
,to work sixteesaheure,e'Aey, go nalr.ed,-
eat peat or.ce a year, herd, both sexes &
allages, with cattle under one reof, arid
need only two bUrldred words to express
all their itieris4 Sneb . men Will wet*
for . enough to f supply '. these ' natural
,wants. When :wages , fall below• that,
they steal, starve, or vialielci 'aik' iritel
lectual- 13ifort, t better thenaselVes.
Theiridea:Of necessaries "floes 'mach AO
fix the rate or wages. ~ , A. Yankee faith;
er rhust, have geed clothes, schooling;
an4llo food, and[soraething over, These
are his neleassities. , 'When wage will
notAUY:them;'ile,Oitiiiiikei;to belong to tlf
ranks n,e," suprikyr• 'and:, carves'out , a
new', career, ',',Theis is good food Mid
hih. Wagesin . i thehltchens_o: f,ll'. Xork';,
ni re ihan , many trades afford . , A ireat
" errand " there ; ier American girls.--
Ne " supply!! ue7itertlaelesS,, We. know
Wig only a sentiment that prevents,—
Bat that:sentiment ; is .. 001. as Aron and
inexorable sis.late.f , `,.Supply and„de-,
miand,'! therefoie; tO s tOA:te: understood
With a qualification, The "'ideas" of
the .”,supplyll-araa most important el.
enient in ; tile eacuiation... What are' the'
ideas a pie " aupply?' These' reku
late his wakes.•.(The Chinamtkr_i w ( irs•
cheap bedause - he , is ' a barbarian; and
seeks grathleationn,""Only ,the loweat,
the inott luevitable *eats: ' The Amer.'
fear ceinands Mire, hecatise theages—
because Homer - Anil Plato, "'Egypt and
Aortae, Luther and . Maakespeare, Crom
well. ancl , Washington, , the- printing
press and,•the-telegraph, 'the -hallot box
and, thia7kible,havecuadelliM ten, times
'as 'much a41 1 . 1 ` 4 ` : ''".', - ';''''' ' r : •
',.. Bringliiii Chinetie-bi% us , slowly—ha-
AnrollY-774 1 .0. , ,waisbalrioon: lift; him to
the level of.lhe same artificial , and ciy
iiwq,7.4ll!E4 t.,1.11:p;;',1f0.3.06,1:1;', ,fen , Orli
- talist Lind laboreewill ,- be 'both equally'
lielPt l ;-' ' Vilreni:Jaidinifilat Clianriela'
!v i h intP"te.d.`,P4llio",o ll d'YPllkik s i
:tbei*;'oool;slY.. :,TheY ' kvii4 'seeiC.l4s
flood Us,"mtlilpitillY; with barbarkaiy la:.
tiOr : , AM Aingging • downy the:Areergan
home to the jeirel,Of thellniuselp`as atieet
herds of China. , ;If thn-workingthen
- baN'e - tatit'cOinhined, Co, Preient,thia,' it IS
, time they should:td- Wherrrich talen Oat'
;!W 1 ;4% IlArLi4eri ilikitild *Coliabine . :,,
i "'ln Bubb ebniiiinatioris-liireiltable and
indispensable in the circumstances—the
best minds- and hearts of the land are
with them. Only let them be sure not
UST 24, 1870.
to copy the tyranny which makes . thilir
opponents weak._ Their only strength
ie an admitted principle.,-all, men are
etzpird--equally free to carve, , each his
own career, find entitled to all'the aid
his fellows can give. ' Stand on that,
unflinchingly. Rebuke every threat.—
Avoid ali'violence. 'Appeal only to dis
cussion and the ballot. You" outnum
ber the - Capitalists, at any rate. The
ballot was given for Just such crisis as
these. Use it,'and you oblige the pie*
to discuss your claims. Use it remorse«
lessly, and Legislatures will soon find
a remedy. " Compel attention by fideli
ty to each other. 'lnscribe ot,your bal
lot boxes, " Here we never forg c ive."
"Ocilla to the barn with me; sir!
learnyott to lie to me ! • I'll tan your
jacket for you, 'sit I" -
These words were spokenj in my hear
ing by an angry father to his boy, Jim
Thorne,-who had told him 4. He.
- The boy follo,wed his ather, who
'Stopped on his way and eu la. whip the
s i lze of an ox goad, and soon file sound
cff stinging blows was heard, ,mingled
ivith shrieks and terles' which pierced
me like arrows, bu t t which the mother
of the child did not heed, nor indeed
seem t 6 heat. `- 11
"Good_ Heaven!" I, cried,'" Nancy
'.Thorne, how can you hear such blows
and such Cries, and not stop them Or go
„ ,
He must learn not to He to his frith=
Cr,";<She replied. He 'has got to be
uch'a liar,' that we can place no depen
dence oil a word he says. It has got to
he•whipped out 'of him'."
Now, reader, don't hold up both yibur,
panda and say, " horrible !. what cruel,
unnatural parents they•were!"
They were no such thing; they were
!pleasant, agreeable' people enough; hon;
est and upright as he world goes; and
meant to bring up their children right,
and wouhl'have been angrYsindeed, had
any due said they Were harsh and un
kind in the treatment oFtheir children,
or that they taught, them to)ie.
When the heating was finisb,ed„when
Deacon Thorne
,had' demonstrated his
power, when he; as 'an earthly father,
had thine toward his child as he imag
ined I'ls Heavenly jrather would do to
ward him, the law pf 'revenge was sat
isfied, and he thre* down the rod and
bent his steps hot4ward.
I fett that- if I met hini, there must
surely be a collision, and I fled to my
chamber and threW myself into a, chair
at' the window that overkioked . t
porch,. where Jimaiy's mother was at
I watched the father as lie walked ra
pidly down the path. There was no
sign of pity 9,r sorrow on his face, but
instead, an expression of satisfaction of
living done a good thing, vindicated
his authority, punished the boy. for m s,
sin, and : set hisfieetl in - the path of rec
As he came near to his wife, he. said :
" I guess I've given him a trouncing
tirreLaratt. - What
in the world makes that'boy 'lie so ? I
am sure I don'it know."-
I.listetied•with strained ears :for dome
,words of condemnation from the moth
er, bot listened vainly, • She only war
ked over, her butter thamore busily. •
I, tob, wonder : what made the boY
tell lies • lie 'came of good,,honest stock;
'as far i ,back as could be remembered,
none of his race bad been imprisoned,
or hanged,; nonent them - % had been re
markpnle as liars. Jim would lie ;
there as no question of that, and I re
solved to know/why.
, ; Deacon Thorne shaved, washed and
combed himself, and I heard him ask
his wife•for Mean •shirt. It was not
Sunday, and I Wondered Where he was
going, and, Yankee like, guessed•it out.
He ,belonged to the Baptist church, and
to-day.was CoOnant meeting" day.
Prettysoon I heard• him come out Upon
the steps and say to his wife: • - -
" Nancy, itseems to me you might
get your work done up, so .as••to go to
covenant mecting sometimes. It don't
look . Well for you, a cl it plagues me ;to
',have the brothers and`sisters l ask Where
sister What:shall I tell'em,
N'anCY '?" '
'it You' ea ine ifiem," replied,
in rather ';a tart"tone, "'that I've 'no
elp aboutnly iverk, and itia as much
s Cati.o to get ready for, Sunday,"
Deacon:Thorne-got a flea in his ear
Helm& told • his wife.. that he thought
se!e.otild get along Without a girl, now
•t at the summer's work was done' 4nd
Mle weather. VfftB• cool. She had reluc
tantly consentedlo try it, for she, too,.
Was--as Peggotty observed' of Earkieh
-49 petty near," and bad an eye to: the
" Imain chances." -
' 1
.iWhen 1-. Saw the olil piebald horse
bl i telied' to the i;Ild green Wagon" and the,
detteen . seated therein , and all 'together,
I,.?viog'ihroUgh ,the' gate,' I hurried
Ft own staiii and through, the wbodshed,_
and ti . )Ok my way to' the barn', PaSh
intOpen the doer, and
,foilp,wing 'the
$o ads of:suppressed:sobs, I feufid Jlm- , ,
my Criachifigin' the 'corner- with his
heed half Kidd ii i a tuitOf ' hay, gully
`ering. with' exci em fit and pain.
- . When" I put y afid'upon him, he
.shank .from 0; deb; and when 1
spoke'his narn , he ooked 'up with the
look, of a dog tha i ras been beaten ;
aud, when I , lif d ; is head and pilloW
od iton,nair lap, floods of..tears.:gushed
r forth. I let him have, a good' cry,, soo
thing him, and passing ply
,hand over
his‘darep hair., , .
~ .
When he grew 'calmer, I, looseitedhis
sliiit hand and iOoked at his back, and
es l l ,did 1315; ' bit 'my' lipa to Suppress a
'sere t txd. It was' litei'ally covered with
'livi' welts, and in some places the blood
catti through the akin.- - i'' ':1 ,
-'Jefravring his shirt band Op;'.faSteping
It atteund his fieck; t afideottimafiding as
'Wel , asltould my trerribling voice l T
proused to him' to - -go with his
l i
•roona and'rest awhile:, -.,,,,, ' ' • ,'f',
-He roso sloWly , to his feet, and 'put= , '
:Ong hisltiands in,rn toe, .: we, proceeded
txTOrd the house and galued.thfchatri
bers lin the same manner,. - , 1 let; them
-uns.een, by Mrs. Thorne. , .. ~ , ,
I. persuaded him to ,undress, and lie
carry 1 44 . thie,k0Yr
; and .lillqi bathed'
'Win hing, head . and . bruised back, .lie'
lad . iiie:What the Offeise Wie fOr , Which -
'his fatlier'had' tietiteni film; ',,i'll give
theitOiiitl'lllswo ll i'wor4 ', 1 ... ' ~ ::'
-•-• ' '' ' . 'lO '' ' r - fe
4 , I.,ke,t,,,:wec le -,-- e rung o isrfa.
Mier; it waa l Furloilti to Se
~,how,-*e avoll
cied speaking ,the , *or , fkither-,: 4 ,' told
'ine if, i r wnolddikall t a,;',Oiters in, the
south pateh l s - :, qi,itt,ht %o,,,,elleettptipg .
the nexl s- day ; at'il - When I 'Aced him
the nest day e said he, id not prom-,
day a
me, but- stuck to-ithe did, and told
him righlwhere he was when hi said
. ,
it. Then he said ho didn't ctn.() it he
(lid say so, I couldn't go, . for
. 4
-mus t Pick up( older applei, and If 'd be a
good boy and work right smart, Tinight
go tO-day ; but '1 knewhe. w nld not
. keep his word, itnd Silas Bruce. Was gor
ing today, and I•, go' too;- fer
the squirrels were carrying - oil' the nuts
as fast as they could ;, and Silo „Brace
and all the boys have 'ot as many as ,I
have; and, when I askOd'him if-I might
go-out, he said no I shimldrilt, and told,
me to go over in 'the back lot, and get
the sheep ; and I pretended to goi and
went off with the other boys to hunt
chestnuts; and he come throngh the
woods hunting the old mare, and saw
iii there, .and asked me what I was
there — VA-rand_ o,old ' him I couldn't
find the sheep in theret; - and_was look
ing for them irithe woods; and lie-said
the sheep were i , n the lot, he had seen
'em when he' was coming I.hrOugh it,
and told, me I had lied and he would
lick me"; but stuck to it I did not lie,
ifor I knew , anyhow he has, and I:hate
(h im; and I'll run away ; I'd rather live
like Robinson Crusoe, and have Friday
live with me, than live' her and be
- licked every day.!' -
" What could I say ? I said nothing; -
hut I sang hlin fast to sleep, and left
hirer sleeping and went down stairs,
thinking to • talk 'to his mother about
him ; , bnt I found her up to her, 'elbows.
iu flour, and ber ‘ head full of baking for
tomorrow, and a pursed up expression
of tier month warned me to keep shady.
And so I wandered off to the orchard,
and 'sat down among the yellow apples,
and held my tongue; but in my heart
I thanked God I was an' old maid and
had no boys to biling up. .-, .."
'At night the deacon came hOme, tur
ned out his horse, ate his supper, and
then inquired where Jinimy Was. Mrs.
Thorneid id not know: He looked sur
prised, hot to say alarmed, took down
his hat, and went at a quick pace for
ward the barn. ••
..• Soon he came back, and—l'll confess
it—l chuckled to see that he looked pale
and scared' I had a good mind to keep
still, and let him get' wh,at Theodore
Winthrop calls "prickly spare," but
he came direct ()me and asked me if I
kbew.whcre be was. I reluctantly an
swered '
'Up stairs-in bed, and asleep," and
added, maliciously, "Sick; tot ; and I
shouldn't wonder if he has: to have a
doctor before he gets through with it."
The deacon shot an inquiryfrOm be
neath his shaggy,hrows, and I went up
stairs. 4 would. have , given 01 the ap
pies in the orchard, to have se'.lA
n ` lt
ho bent over his beaten boy. ~
He came down with a slow and hesi
tating step, and witti a look on his face
that I 'thought bo4d initcWgood for
r_itratige;that Jim told lies!
Who taught him? • I '
One .day Denton Frisbie came to Dea
con Theme to buya'good cowl Their
repressible Jim was on hand te drive up
the cows, with instructions ito leiive
three of the best ones in the feld.
They were driven into thel milking
yar,fl, duly. insimeted-bv...Deaeoa Fria.
bie, praised or depreciated by Deacon
Thorn'e,"ns his anxiety •to keep or sell
particular one lay ipthe Scale. At
'last, by
. skilful maneuvering, Frisble
Was induced to choose the poorest one
lucthe lot—not only in'fiesh, but every
way. *Piiicl what, think yOu 'depided
him to take ter? I •
• i
Deacon Thorne 'said to Jim : '
`l` What do you think mother will say
i.vkieti-he` finds dig I've sold 'i Old Fill
Pain e• ?' " 1 ' • : ' • . .
' 'F ; 011, she'll tear,'!lreplied , Jiin.
• Dill she tear? Not at all ; she bore It
vvi b most elicistlan meeknSas t ;,ruerely
kiay og to Deacon Thorne, when' he and
Deacon Friable• cameln to finish bust
-nem+, by transferring fifty dollars from
. 1 f
one pocket to another :
" YOU always manage to selOhe best
cows and keep the poorest.- I gueSs you
Will find some difference in the butter,-
now 'pld Fill Pail' is koing.'f
which.flin 'snickered •behind Ibis'
bat, ►u was ordered to , go and Deed the
paws. , • • ' I
) Strange that~Jith told lie;3 l I. '
'Who taught him ?• ' ' ; •
_ , •
Deaeon .11'r1s1.?le was invited to stay to
dinner. He graciowdy...aslienteti, and
the two eacons settled theni
heir es emu
fOrtably n eft. chairs and.jhati a4oed
time talling. over Church matters.: , : 6.
Wlien'kh9 dinner"
.Was. readY,we all
sat. do,wnittigether,s, and beeeen',Frisbie
asked a blessing, in, WhiCh he i praised
Deacon Theme, 'and *rs..Thornei and
Jim; and " the stranger within their
gates,'" (meaning me,) and 1 really ex
peeted to hear hint 'give thanks forth()
old spotted cow, thut he' stopped short
of it. ' .‘
, .
. ,
Dinner done, he Oook hattds with all
in a friendly manner, and depaked.
when he was, -safely in the road, Dee
con Thorne chuckled audibly, and ob
served to I*i 7lie r wit4 a eltglgt poke in
her side.:. : •
"014 inthe but 7
ter, eh ?"
To which Mrs. Thorne ; replied with a
cunning *Ole. 11 •
• - ilelth'er 'poke; ehUckle or were
lost on the-mice
Strange , ,thaOltu•told)les!
Who taught him?
The, following comprehensive address
was deliy,ered pC m - emorial -services in
Brooklyn, on.. tbe occasion of decora
ting :soldier»! grayes, by Col. k. ,Cl-. H.
Duganne : il
' "Comrades,: We
,encaMri this day
among one dead. ''ltiuitere I ow all' the
battlefiehis, and'in ail th g aveyards
of our country, the GraudAreilY Of the
'Republic answerS' to iti- ' listall : the,
present, by their tritniteb flowera—the
departed ,-like that grenad er of:Fratice,,
whose enbalmed heart as preserved
by his request, and Whoa comrades re
sponded when,, his name: was , called—
dead, upon th9.,fleid, of, honor! Here,
to•tinv and - everywhere in the • .k.Tnion
our ranks,..are,..full! Here, to-day; -we
are all present::, "AO castra ad astray—
' (min °snip t.ii 'the stars'- , -was said in
._fifscllit ' times. of ,thti bet'Oes who fell in
battleY- But no ~
heathen, soldier,,lould
, - feelt . hese boiler nspiratinS
,Which lift
'a - Christian patriot's `faith 'in Sto commu
biOn. with 'sain'tif and angels.'"Aii the
innoiliinery of ponipoui, paganlinn was
'baSed upon human prejudices and link
ed With burnan,iweaknesa. • To , ,the n
lus(rlous 1 end ers' isv ere Promised distinc--
tions of heaven IY,plaee andPrefeTlMent;
,but fop, tbecyanirand''fileo , tbeir priests
and teachers -had fewAneouragementa.
Caste, station rnd privilege were to be
inatntained'in the'realms of shadow, as
of sabstance. Kings i were to be Mtge,
and slaves ,continue , , be !slaves.
was left for Chrietianity to preach an
all alike a gospel of compensation.
the roll of Christian hiroes, there to no
recognition of rank or ststion. The
(mess of a private's knapsack Is as lion
orab!o as the press of hie officer's sa*
The gates of 'leaven open as: broagy
for the Sergeant, with his squad, as for
the . General, :with his 'staff; ands no
guard opposes either, if htLadvanne
with the countersign of a--good 4401
and' w th the record of a worthy sets
vice.. And at i great muster of iitst- .
nal li re la no difference hi' the
ahining uniforms of corps or regiment.
All are ' soldiers in the army of 'the;
Lord !' So then , dear comrAdes„ on thia ,
memorial day, ins reverential acknoWl- . 1.
edgrnent that there is no 'distinction in
-- -,rtd army%of martyrs, we lay our
leora (ti
_me all
_ upon, the dust of a
alike. Throughatthiereselred land of
ours—the restored union of abromork
wealths—under the flags of establishlit
reedora, which are to=day .planted lba
heir proper pedestals , the graves of
'hose who died that freedom might stir-
vive, we, comrades of the Grand Army,
with our loyal friends and tlielriendsof
lib4ty' elsewhere, unite„to deposit our
offerings of pure, sweet flowers `upon
the graves that have become altars, the ,
ground that is consecrated soil forever.
Without note or distinction of rank, or
race, or color, or religion, we kneel to
gether beside our dead comrades, and in
the beautiful words of Abraham Lin.
coin, our latest martyr, we here' highly.
resplie that they shall not have died in
vain ; that the nation shalloinder Gbd,
have a new birth of freedom; and that
government of the people,
by the pSo.
pie,, and for the people, shall not perish
from the earth.' "
Josh Billings on "Jersey Lightning.
Who it waz that invented alecihol
am unable tew tell without tieing; but
it would hay bin a fust Mass blessing
for , thereat of us if he and the 'Joker
had both ov them been spilt on the
ground and never been lopped up since.
The Devil himself, with all hie gen-.
lus for a ten"strike, could not have roll
ed a ball more Servioable for his bisnessi
on earth ; one more certin to quarter on.'
the head pin, and sweep the alley eVerr
time. Rum is the DIV-Ils stool-toigeon,
his "right
,bower, his ;high, low, jack, ,
and the game. 1 ' .
A grate wormy, with dispeptic mor
als, argy that liokor is indispensible for
manufactufilg and doctor purposes,
and also for mekanikal uses: and they 1
i. n
hold that you ko dat raise a barn that
would stand with ut entry good old Ja
maka rum, and s say that pudding L
sash without enn speeilts in •.it is no`,. health' r than co mon goose grease. - •
, But m% are furnished
free o cost by th Devil himself, and
cab man who advances them is (with
out-knowing it, perhaps) lies that wilt—
weigh, at a ruff estimate, at least a
pound apiece. But my ol3jeot in these
fu prell^minwa rountritz lz, voirr -•good
.haripe to tell what I know about "Jer-,.
:ey lightning" (one ov alcohol's imps)
• a manntaktrixst anti an4 Azmatatalysi..
al agent!
Jersey llghtuing lz older brandy,
hree hou old, 801 - both , and quicker
hrri flash This Juice 14 drunk raw by
411 the old spolts, as it winds down the
thru ! t, lk an old she goose sitting
on eggs, o a hot iron' stuck into lee
water. Three horns a day . 4 of this lick
er will take a mans int.9rlor in, six -
months so that he o,an switp.Ovi a live
six-footed krab, feet fust-,_Odnot•waste
a wink. '• -
It don't fat a man cider brandy d4looo
like whiskee duz,l b t puckers "him tip ,
like fried g,tatoze. If a man ken sur
vive the: lust thr 1 years ,of Jersey
lightning he iz safe then• for tne next
-75 years to cum, and keeps looking .
every day more like a three-yeai-old
? I
peper-pod, hotter and' hotter. A. old
eider brandy ruiter i will steam, n a
sudden show r oi rain, like a 1 ile of
stable manure, am/ hie breath smells
like the bunghole of :a rum cask lately' ,
emptied. 4
When Jere" lightning is 'first b4r ,
it tastes like ping turpentine and loa
yenne, half-a d-half, and will raise a
blood blister on a pair of old cowhide
brogans in fifteen minutes ; and applied
externally will cunithe rhumatism, or
kill the patient, I forget which. The
first horn a an takes of this holier, i
will make him think the has swalloWed
a gas light; and. he will go behind the
barn and try to die, but karat. ' The eyes .
of an old eiderbrandyist look 'like deep
gashes cut into a ripe tomato, his nose
Is the complexion of a half baled lob=
ater, and the gizzie in his gullet sticks
out like an elbow In a tin leader.
The more. villinous the drink, the
more inveterate are those who drink it.
I leant tell ye whether older brandy
will shorten an old sucker's dais or not;
for they geherally outlipenll th, rest of
the ashore, and die just afi soon as 't e
old tavern stand changes i hands and is
opened on temperance Prinelplei. 0 e
bettleof,eassaperrllla or ginger po lit
as fatal to these fellers as a rifle. ball is
to a bed bug,' '' I
liwould do almost enny thing butm r
der, to save a young . man , from . Je ey
lightning,; but trying, to
,save an 1d
One, is like trying to put the fire ou of
a holler log.' You might as well 1 t it
burn up, for the ashes is worth ore
ban the loger-N. Y. :Weekly. -f
!Iwo young misses, dismissing the
qualities, of some young gentlemen,
were overheard thus t "Weli, I like
Charley, but he is a little girlish ;
hasn't got the least bit "of beard." "I •
Say Charley has got a beard ; ;but he
shaves it off." ."No he ha,eoit, either ;
any More than I have." 1. .1 say he*,
too, and I know it ;' for :it pricked
cheek.' That's how'she knew; , 1, I
The laday principal of a school, in her
advertisement, mentioned her felnale
-assistant, and - the,"repneation for teach!
ing whieh El 1441:bOtte," ; Nit' the printer ,
left out "whiah,i,', so the adirertisementi
went forth coynending thelady's
putation for teaching she bears. ,) -11
Ail: old bachelor,says that we are safe
fiom everpaizing a woman Presidout,
becauce not one Of.the sex' would ever
confess ,to being over thirty-five, which
is the age.prescribed by the Constitution
as as the Youtigast pantat 'Which any °
man is eligible tntbat office.
4 . 4 Dricither i i i said It little girl rho'was
'engaged :in making her 'au apron,
"IholleTie I Shall be a dubliess when' I
grow up."-"J ow . do you ever expect to
become a duchess, my daughter, VA ) her
mother asked. "Why, Eby marrying a
Dutchman, to be sure,' thegirl replied.