II VOLUME XVII. • THE TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR PUBLIHELHD EVERT WAVIEEIDAV MORNING IIY VAN CiELD ER & AIITHELL P. e. T an (elder. TERNS OF SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY IV Y ADVANCE. Snbscription,(lser year) RATES .OE ADVERTISING, Trs LUTES OP Jannosr on 1.288, MASK ,ONE, pQUARK So. Strrs.... I.lln. I 31n5 4 Ins BMus I Olgoo } IYr: ;00 142.00 11 2 , 80 I $5,00 I $7,00 I $12.00 1 39nare,... 1 $, 2 Square", I 2,00 I 3,00 I 4,00 I 8,00 11.00 118,00 11:I1f Col ....... I10,001i5,01:1117,00 122,01 n 30,00 150,00 Oiio 001 -77 F -15.00 125,00 12 - W1) 45,00 1*30,00 1100,00 tail" Speolal Notices 15 cents per line( Rd itorlal 'or Local /o,cents per Bne. Transient advestislog muter be paid ror in advance. a j eJastlce Blanks, Constable Blanks, Deeds, Judg ',wilt Noten, Ma i rriage Certylattea, &e., oh hand, • BUSINESS. CARDS. Van Golder iz Mitchell, et,ok, Plaio and Fanoy Job Printcra:' All work :4,romptlyrand neatly "executed.—Jsin. 1, 1870. William A. Stonc., - Attorney and Cd'unnolor at Lan, tlist .140 -above Converne .t Oagood's store, on Main ni'cct I I .Wellaboro, June 22,1870 y Smith & Merrick, Attorneys & Counselors at Law. Insurance, Bounty and Ponsion Agency, - Wilco on Main 8(.413)4, Weilobar° Pa, oppositi , Union Book. Jan. 1. 1870.. W. 11; 1311T11. V. Manama. Ueoleyy, Coates & Co: BANKERS, Knos.Tlllo, Tioga, County,- Pa.— Receive money on deposit, discount notes, and sell drafts on - New York City. Collect hin3 promptly made.—Deo. 15, 188914r' Jno. W. dams, . Attorney and Counselor at arr, Mansfield, Tioga county, Pa. Collection promptly, attended . to. Jon. 1, 1870.1 " . Jno. I. Mitchell ) AtiOrney 11111 Counselor at Law, Claia4 and In surance Agent. Office over Kress ' Dig Store, adjoining Agitator Office,. Wencher°, !Pa. • lan. l i ISTO. • , • I "Wilson Sc Niles, '' •. ; t - , Attoratycand' Connectors at Law. Will attend iiionaptly to business entruetCA to their care in the counties of Tioga and Potfer. i (Mee on the Avenue. S. F. WILSON Attorney and Counselor at., Law. All business enteultad to him will bo promptly attended to. Otlice‘23 door south of Ilazlett's Hotel, Tiosu, rhsv, i. ouuty, Pa.—Jan, 1, 18.10. E=MMEMiI Wm. B. Smith, Pension, ,Bounty and Insurance Agent. Cele tuunivations sent to the atove address will/re ceive' prompt attention. Terms moderate, lieuxettly, Pa.,lan, 1, 18711. ', t 1 Attorneys had CotOselo s at : law; loge' Pa. All business entrOited i o their carp trill receive prompt attention' 1 v. 11. Ss - I-noun I, • •• • W. Tl,lTerboll.A: Co., - • Whdlovnlo Druggis is, unit dealers h t Paper, IC;rosone laitups Window Olaas, Perfumery, Paints, Oils, ,te., kc.—Ctirnitig; N. Y. Jlll3. I 10.' • • liaCon, AL. ' Physiclun unit Surgeon: Will uttntl.'promptly to all oat's. , Office on (3ruiton §trect; ip rear of the Meat Market, Welltsbero.—Jiipi Inglia111 ) 3t, :P , t , • Ilotnoeopthjei, Officei' f at' ” 43 n 01 Avkinuel,—Jan; I, 187(1, , ' lieorgle..Xagner,, ; • Tailor. Shup tirot dolor north of RobOrti , d Bail ey's Ilardwaro Store. Cutting, Fitting and Re pairing done promptly and we11.4-3a0.1,.1870. U. E. . • to ati d 'Jr; w 9117, S 414 and Plated Wart), ,Spootaulva, Violin 6tFings,' &a. : Watch. , ca and J4welry neatly. repaired.. Edgraviug dant in plain English and Guratn.---fsrucseteld, Pa., Jan. I, Is7o. Petr WeBttitlld, Pa , de !lota outittueted let live, fcer'the Jan, 1 137.0. Ting.t;Tt..ga County, . . tr ztdiriin ettaeh . od, and an attentive hertie aiwaye in, nttond anee. G eo. W. Hazlett, Prop'd..--Jan. IBM 8 Hotel, Jiill tforough,' Proptititoi, Ano • with all the Ladd drive of th (i rituals lu fare ieltea 'recut r i foga Co Pp. F. 13. 1101, and cotum.di nequildiag n improy;iwentri. ; lithin best hunting at i nphing •ru Padn'a. Gogyancas waterate.—Jan. 1, 870. ' I`R: Hotel;' . \ ith; Pro . prietor. More \in accommodate the tritvelifig manner:—Jan. 1,y370. . . Tioga, Pa., R. M. Sin good condition to public in a :uporio Parniers'illotel. 11.' Al UN ROR, proprietor. benre, formerly "erupted by E. Fellows, is conducted bn4to per-tioe primlaptes. Every s:aeoemm'odation ler man and 'Oast. Churgee reeeenelde.. - , %March 30, 1870.-0. • Union Hotel. i Wril B: ran liorn,f Proprietor; , W_tllshero. Psi. Thii house is pleasantly located, and has all the conveniences for man and beast.• 4harges toodesate,--May'l, 1870-iy• . i 9L -1 1300 GraMIWX M. M. SEAILS. Pnorftin.rott, WHERE delicious Tee Crones, Freneh'Con feetionnry, ell kinds of finite in their season, a nice dish of Tea. Coffee, or Chocolate, and Oysters in their season—eon be ha& at all hours, served in the best style. Neat do4r be- low Roberta Bailey's ilardwa're Store.: Main Street.' • " - • Wellsborti; Jan. I, 1870," PRIZ E ICTr 3 TROTTING STALLION eT,viCrit°l333El..,l By J I pan. Dein, Ifunuy Emder., tilt trial e the seat - tun of 1870, for a limited nuother,ol 'hares, at the following plabes, viz: WEDNESDAY ov . EAcu IVr. e,x Ar Ettztatritt. THURSDAY " " •• OSCEOLiA- • The balpnce of the •titue but JUPITER is' 4 n 'larks Env, 1.51 hands higt, - id. grout speed, beauty. and mnequaled endurance.' Thi. grunt prumisopf his colts mikes, him a twilit desirable Stallion for irise gnat' Hares from a dirtvin o tortiGtie.i With g. , 4,1 kimpitm: tiitd.woll cam - Alt, tteei dents at owner's risks. Tertan $lO to insure II ty 4,,187trf ':WALL"PAPgit. 1 .:, AT COST. 4t V. it. Niitir..f.im's':i.C•i's . t CLOUT . 111DUCTION- - -• ; 0,6: ti , 'INIDRNTAL -PEES: • 111. — • Tbo day 'of high piioei' 4 pist.' First class work nt this fripOrink:lWei:- Artincial tooth, very tick $2O to $25, Cheaper Sete . 10 fo' 1 3 5 Part Bete per=loulti. . 5 - 00 t, () i 2L S.(I b :O Solid gold', ' Sliver and other tillkngi ° 15e.f,t° $l 00, .:,. 'tins teeth. ' Nopalnt—mi itatigern,"--1 Call and read teattmottlals'ilititli titu 4 s rel.; please pct. A.B. EASTMAN, Dentist. July 13,'70 tf , . 18, Main it, Wellaboro. - _ . . . . ~ . , . - - -•"• "; - - : ~ , - . . . • i • - t ' 1 kf . ; I. ' ' ' . ' ; '' , '; .. j :. .4.. :. Z "-:' . ''', .. ' ~ V 1 ' I ' - '1:. 1 : .I' ; ' ' '' ' • '. ' ' . . . i N . - 0.. , 1 , ? i". 0:.• ..':', .... , 2 -, II 4: ; ' • -•i '' 1 '. 4 : - _.:' -'' 4 ,' • - - ..• . , ' . • ' •.• • • , •• ' ' . , !: • ; ' . , ' •,' . . . ~ .. . . - .... . , . . , , , . , . 1 A I 1 ' ~_'• : • GITA . - • .• ~..._ ' I 8 , - I • G ,,,,_ .. ~.. . . .... , ...:,, „i„ 4 r •. ' ' :..' • , ' . • - •il •• . , r•• ' , - 1 4 t! . 11 „I. , ..." „ ~.: -.. r ,:• - - 4 . . . . ; - .. .., •. , .. , ~,•,.• , ~....., ~ ' . ..',• ' •- - • . r.. . , ; " . , 1 . , . 4 1 • , ' - r , -,..• .. . -" • - - i •.:. K,„. .i. , • i.ei: . . i •.•i - , .•, . , ....____. • . . I . Jae, 1. hiltcbalt. 11111 (J. B. Nn.ss J. C. HO ItTO N • Propriet.mi A new rinoiplO of ktvo and , datioa of the publio. MEM V 1, C. 11F,NNEtr't ----- ~ , • New Tobacco Stoke I 111 .. TIP subscriber has fitted up tbe . Stare first door oast Thomas Harden's dry goods store, for the rnanufecture and sale of ~ . t A/ • • , 1 CIGARS, (all gtlades), Fancy a? 4 ni Conion , l SMORINQ TOBACCO,Michig ci n Fide aid - CHFO7NO, and all kinds of PLUG TORLCCO, PIPES, an:a the choi- cat, Brand of CIGARS. Agf" Call and secifqr yourselves. JOHN W. PURSEL. Weljsboro, Jan. 1870-7-tf. • Ni tv Tannery. pat undersigUed ;has fitted:up the old Fenn- A dry building, near the Brewery, Wellaboro, and is now prepared to turn out line calf, kip, cowhide, and ho,nif , ss Ipatber in the best man ner. Hides tanned en - Shires. Cash paid for 'hides. ' , •' MARTIAL - -d. DURIP. ' Wallet:sore, Jan. 1, 1810; ' ,IF•Oery. T J. BURGIN would any to the%itizens of J Wellsboro and vioinity Oaf be 18 pre• pared . to supply them with ' • • " BREAD, PIES AND CAKES, . . of the best quality. We also servo kneels and and ICE CREAM to those who wish. Call at the old Stevens' stand, - J. J. BERGIN. June 8, 1870-Iy., • _ ._ 7, TIUGA 11RUG STORE I • - BORDEN keeps con st antly on . lit hand: Pure Drugs and ledleines, Chemicals, Paints and Oils, Lamps, • 0 1— .Stationery, Yankee gotioti s a &c. PitgSolllF4lll , :49 C.l 1tE717 LLY COMPiaTNTIND 11. 11, ridliDEN Ting°, Jan. 1, 1871/.-ly. 1870 FOR SALE: '140113 4 , BY (ForneAy A T lIIS NURSERY OF FRUIT ANL OR NAMENTAL TREES, IN TIOqA:- 60,000 Apple Trees, 0,000 Pear Trees. A good supply_pf PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY and ORNAMENTAL TREES dc SHRUBBERY The Fruit trees aro composed of th choicest vurieties, good, haalthy,,some of them large and injbearing. Any one wishing to got anpply wilt do wall to L cUlllßee my stock Wore pur chasing olsewWera - r- - 110elivared at the depot, yellsborop-Afanstiold, Lawianoovills and 13loss hurg, froc of charigt,:' Al) brler , s erhmtirly Mod: tAddreas, - STONE, 1 ,*' Tinge, Pe, einge,' Poo'. S, 1.09-)yo: --% PAINTS, OILS ottusiigs For the Milltienolt, March 16, IS7o—tf HOOSe 'alg` o AanoD Hou s e- and barn, on - a la of , two . Holub, within ten tuinnteB wnfjjtr ciPthe . Court House, W01181)00, is ot4redfpr sile. ID quire Df John I:'l)lio,thelt,EBil:,,lt c!l"4,"• :ND.' 25; ft TO t f . M A N SFI ELD PAINT*, • • March 1Ei , 1870-tf. W. C PATENT CLOTHES VVIRE:n JIIE undeisignd balflnAttecured:thel agency for Patent ' Melodic,' Wilite,„Wire for Clothes Line`e';whiefiiliie's'nOt rust, and iliebeap." er and'aere durable then any other Inientioni add will be Reid cheap . 'Order,;lett at the Post Office will.retieive prompdattention. , L. P. I.IEAT/1.' , , , We, the undersignedpenterfully reecitamend, the above`Patent Wire, having used it for si long time and 111,41 it to be all it is represented': 1 . •6. VANTALDSR,, , 4 = W. T. 13.13;110LIDAY, A. M. iNotiam, ht. D. Jlitio 1, IWO-if -----------=--, -..------ ---fa4--" -- -::,:. - 4. HOWA RD' SANITARY AID: AS \ SOCIATI-ON, i • Pot the Relief and dure,of the Erringand Mao tunnto;l - . •nn Principlea of Chrlsettit Philetuthrop • . ESSAYS (al - Tlift ERRORS OF YOUTH, an t he 161' lies of Age, in relation to MARRIAGE fintt-Soci Erna with Sanitary aid for the afflicted. - Sent free, 'sealed' envelope*. Addresa, 110 WARD ASSOCIATION, May 4,1137 0-Iy. - . Box P. Philadelph(a, Pa. V) I 1 ,I .li:i , Tiolesale ',Jim!' Retail • I )I(U,,STORy.,! BY W. C • • KRE SS. 4' LOTS SP,RlNc3.,sp:Qop,§ HE subscriber - will Tusk on -. 9 Mid at all timei A:Nrittick4K ' • . w. 4.1. • t ;•• 111% &AND 1111111e1N118-- ,•: • • 11 PAINTS, -OILS; Patent, MedicinEs Flavoring • Extracts, PerfuntVim Lumps, flicks, Dye Colors, While% 11 7 ,a - sh Ka.diAth ai Stub Brusher, Wfnduw. 030811; ;•-,, • " l ah : sWei; Pa; ,a !! I ••-; • • • _kt.44 • • ,„ ; )1 •••12.•• • •c,••• • s •p 'lLiir-+►►id 'ivu;i'oliq • ,24(., ar , .cwitpletlgizs• 4 • SPriadlito , gloitiatopathi r MfOrt-o,iiia =II - -; uirl a full stook 'of • .1 yure Wines' .4.ut Lkuorsi , A eirp yeipiested:jo call and exautin4 k before pu re b asing,eitewb erA; t: , w• - e." - r coatiiN 6 7 : JEVEIIIII --- .tt A: ! 1Y DUDLEY; • ItA'lo44lel4 A l iargeritifo l rii44o: l ,:, l o l AV A TWINE, EL RY,!. - :PLAT'a WARII,I OLOCKR , AND FANCY GO€ls. .*4Eniravitig dohs liVia6l6W!'ff Corning, Deo. 15, 1869. A. D. DUDLEY, ly. No. 10, Market EL IM I 1 , WM. rt. AniaTht4a. Armstkong 8t Linn,. 4;• 1869- 2 1 q. -'• • • JEWELRY-STORE: „ • , • r cc - 72 e l-, 11111 / I° o ‘l ,O. to - _ AMMEIUCAN WATCHES, 3k } GOLD OR SILVER CLOCKS, 4EIVEL RY, GOLD CHAINS, KEYS, RINGS, ' PINF PENCILS, CASES, GOLD (C.. . STEEL PENS, THIMBLES, SPOONS, RAZORS, PLAN (SEWING 911 CHINES t &e„ &e. ,Wtth , ltios l o A establishme; I Repairing Bono neatly, and promptly, hnd on short IMMO. . A. PQLRY, :44.1:L44 1 y 5-, 181A-4,i - CLEAR THE TRACK! ' • ' • ,S7O . _ Another attempt to Confiscate; - -• , A. Bear trying to Bull the Market ; - Deep suils for Bonds; ;•814iodlc3ttiliatsihis " Pound of Flestk"--- • Wants it "nominated in the Bond?'' ' Wants Damages-600.000,000- 7 Ad inilnitura, ad nauseam. 'rue "learned Court" couldn't '•see, it," egad . Sid transit &rid ' ," ' inti Whole crew oferboarde . : Too light for heavy business." -.•/ Another Tub to the Whale, With the bottom knocked out. But the,.ekir%Line " still lilies," _ ' " Rigfit i di l citiaP', with care,"— ; Speed, Safety and Style combined. Lot the public remain `-aerene." : , F. D. B. dr, Co. and the Air Line— •-•••' t 0 tie-dhji inseparable, ;. N Woniland forever l (Webster). , Let the Whangdooaloprourrt.:olt4). - F. Li. BUNNIi;LL a, CO': •?, - • W. C. 10'1.F:85 'Jute - 29; IST 44 • „. ,a 111.4 ll ' i .PrOpPrit* ."'' rip HE under 6firera or ea l ein , Jackson .11,,, , Ownihiketafaininoati's °tick, his Steam Saw Mill ,and learnt, Eaid farm, anntainp . 66 •airei, three a'ivelling homes, etore,-gob& bait), The Mill bee been built 2 rears)'; eontaintr,fix 34liare0 Power, engine...'oireulan :Sltingle IldsielAino, 1;00 g l dger:,• 30)7 14 lioller'Voite - o, and in good eqn - qt,ion„ .Gfoosi ppper;and,plentyvf stock for eusteititepilt: Ttto farm it ,ulle.r,Aood, About . 'welltitirts %Catered, a good bearing/ deollard c and -,tiesirairo ftnitlairj , pnrposes.. The j . .pFßki.efty ehoUld,lika to,i/e appreciated: Ye r A'ddroPs - 0. 11A.litILT011y-;;,... 1 , 'r,Auna,o,•,lB2o-tf.. ,'1•-•?Bdx,8138,;iighnira,j437, 1, i t 1 Mail Ticiga Marble Work .1 - - rfpy Wier, 4l gX, l4 ;d2- 121 01:1 0 w , .PreP ed te ' ' fo all Oidorslor:7,:tiuti,ptones and goau.; meats of -Olthei. " `/ " I , tfi IYAId AN 'OB R MA.R.I4 of blei s aiest style and tilproved worinuanship pke_fl • He ift3eP4,,o,eusteptlzon„ ban b otk iflda of 'bfiti•bla ayt4 will able / 4 suit wh o may.fa vor hinfWith their`orOori,'Mi - aereaschibletertei as can bo obtained. t ?r'kbo- s o.ottotry. • • " „ PRA g. AD AMS.. Tioga 411. '—` , • f• linatiratice „=-P, sc ,•••• • AND ?MANI) -LIFE INSURANCE :eompANY , oftice, ;11213:4th' St.; p 'PAII4dea l -). Ilicorpiiraed.ket6 . 2 . 3,` ; ig7t ' :431kart'd Vaidtat 14.0P,04.0. -;tesefs overt_ - . "‘" , •••iiWod in 00 " . . t..,, ‘ , I L • p.ock,an4",?4,44loh ? ,opmbirting `Seouritj .liritti rroffes. - .,:tupposa, ,ypti,urc,i4trip . ady insured iin •a• first-lailt company, and - from any cause I what. vv, (spy, at.q39l)lYeArtrlsAnderit)-tyou ;do not . or cannot P a,y iopg?taatt.dia—zaat.tasarance iii ''g out, t intl. yo4V `money wasted. got so in : tIW "Il1tnd1ItIlIIA241), AU %Policies , 'art; "i1•5?4.F0n FR1TA11 i L1 , ,, r. .,..... ,, , . ' iiiti. coi n Paziy '4l,lc . tr. ranks , am ong the 'Moat" Poini at ' 'an d 'apiiiissfall'llAfd - Inspravide :Coin- . panics,. gratits:paltolts son -, all 'deisitabliii 0 Mit, bulb se' h and 'fiitlbtkpiofitks ,'.'a.'.::_s. i , ::' , . Traveling RfivelegeAnnrestriet,ek .. .... ~....,.., • t. ce . . ri;, , . 'AMllrica iire, , R9P4es 44 6 .01% 4 5 or -lett ' 6 i swi NY•°,(t t `e 74 ?igki? .r Y'kl a 'i l '. ° !'• - • L.l, $'- ' i 1.;%k fn . jouitito s I eurance. Please oannii.zni` I the , GlilowitelvesErt4 tird , tifislle.. it is s glad-. Liars jo4eapd= l2 l4lo•so 0.0004 ConVntitets`tVrit' tho'Compaaylhc3r. reprefcrt4.safer,thart , others, Wididitis' utiheiltatingly'aisert Curl:4llld in' , ,the soupiness itnActtolAlitilefsstiLlootorianies, lo ili.. Oro Aso, pse,Jten t,th,o fo)l97lrg ff l Oo . inpktoto4,4 , f, :these,' dpsiiing. t o jiisurel, , ,' - , , -, ..taboVellbsviiii,Actinii3iitiei; CMl,Pain the - apiinat PlOalitilly,. abariad. ,by elielabr enqnsiiitincli fnik ; life at tho,age of 300TarS,,payable at death \::', '4 l -r " Ng ''lpatial.p - `r.laiiis ' ,.. fpna,,,anual -1' :r. .1... •*, A . t'v- • fai)iitd. , -" i 'f ' 'payments... • Travier‘! , .. ~ i ~ - i . - $16;84 ,, -1 - -\ %Jilt' ~..-,.. ttlla.b.."• - • -17-. ,, 1,,'2247.3 ,, , 1 4 ' '. 42030 . -... 91no, • ... ..... 23,30 •, ... 50,00 `.. •.1 . 413,Vi ' , t - Washinktow ,: , 4270 i ' , n ;' '40;97 1 ...' , '1'-`1 1 . klapci l itt -114 Ltd i. 1., 40,50) "t:: v;A3260 ! :.' • If not alreidyjnadied, ttikeke:;:policivait4 - -qi . 'p' t'HAD 4 / 5 - 1 1 - 44i 0 :40 `the aii4 7 :Zii eif 6t141-i jnip I C U 43ol,iiolAg(toh ,t ,l ! PA:L'hiOxltoc,iiii"W j iilsi:bio. ;inaiAviiiiink l l)lllll,6l4A -Cs • 1 r ' Aug. 11, 1137;1.4,V AI - 1 - I .`; w' s ' ,ll ".': l- .. --, . i 41,,,•'; .1P,,,,,.. T;;; ---; 4. - I TSV.: ; :cil'7 " : l 7: iT , ' i ‘T - - 4, 1 7t 1 7 - - -- -.-- t , -'-> • • :NIV4f Mg9,I4FADjiatiNSEBI:k- OM , u .. „ 4, , ",, •... 1 ,t ti ,:f.plii std Iti Ott ~.:-... ') %''• V, ,/i''''‘ , . "7`". , PAINVEHIP .Atg or ILL - Mtn:Of. , , " ' ‘P -, - - .1 -( . ,". 'V.V`kIA i'. I - Mi sale aff4ei,tbiiii,..itt in, clibP - F, 'TP4, 1 , 11 .4/00 . " in 'hogs oonnt.f. tit'''-- ''—- s ' ' .j'' : F ~ it n } !• , 41M ,11 _4410 1 0` 4 00 F.::: BEM \ I: . .. di s •,... liffdazyntiller,-.• ; - I , ‘..' CASH P 4 t W l PFQI4I 4* .. 1 •: D. P. ROBERTS. Wellsboro June, Up iBro . , , , , LLSBOIIO,. PA" WEDisTES •, „ t • ;,1 =rl, ESE I `iIII.,S3E3OR ' O, FA: ;1•C: ANDRiaW :FOLEY, who bas long Veen estal},- liiihed in tho JeWelry•bnel- - noss in Wellsboro, lias -al- Ways on fittlq 'yariouß kinds and prices of M U TED-WARE, Eekt,l l ool;l4 B ,paily kep : t. in _Bitch t, which is sold low 'for ' A S IHN,„ VErSE.] IMetol=l OM . ?f,- (VittoP gorntr. INE TREY WILL BE DONE A We see not., know not ; all our way Is tii - gliG:-with Theo alone is day; From out the torrent's troubled drift, Above the storm °Ur prayers_wo lift, ,Thy will be'done ! Tho flesh may fail, the heart may faint, Dui who are we to make complaint, - Or darn to plead in times like these The weakness of oar love of ease ? Thy will be done ! We take with apitnin,tlinnkfainese - • Our btirtl4l2ll,por ask It ave,„ , 30 that even ":w6 May stiffer; serve, or wait for Thep Though _dim as yet in tint" nd line, Vie trace Thy picture's- Wise design, And thank The'e that our age supplies The dark relief of - sacrifice.. ' Thy will be ] done ! And if, in our unworthiness, ' Thy 'saorifioial , vito we press, ! If from Thy ordeal's heated bars Onr feet are seamed with orimion Sears, Thy will he done It:,.for.thl age to come, this hour. 'tit trial hath vicarious power, - _ , 'And, bless'd by Thee, our present pain Be Liherty'S eternal gain, I . Thy rrcll be done ! , , Strike, •Thou, the Master, wo Thy keys, The anthem of the destinies The taint:lr of Thy loftier stfaitl, Our hearts shalt breathe the old refrain, will be &mot • • =II ''Wiacalantotio .. [From the Nationnl Sttintlard.] THE CHINESE: 'BY WENDELL, PHILLIPS,. • , •. , -We welcome everyman of every'race, tetair soil'apd.to the, proteBtion of our Weiwelcome every' wartCO the best, opportunities of improving,,him-, self and making money, that our social and . Prditical systems afford. Let 'every : oppressed man come. - Let every 'poor man come. Let everyman-who wishes. tq Chtmge his residence : We wel „corne.all'; frankly' acknowledging the : principle that every • baman being has ,the right' to ,choose his reSidence just. where:he pleases on the planet. Our, faith'in otir pelitiCal•institution4 and'in 0ur.1 30 00 &Y:s(elrt, that hoth can. en-: ! duke - all the strain' which such immi-, grationwill produce. 'More. `than this we believe thitt,our civilization will be/ perfected only by gathering into itself the patient toil, the- content with mod erate Avagta, the, cfmniughand, venti brairi the taste and aspirations, the deep 4gligiotis sentiment, ?humor 'and 'vivid inaitgination, the profound, insight and far reah,hiug sagacity which mark the different race. ,ach contrib uting :btie`' SPecial. 'trait :tile great, , JBiit such immigration,to.ne- safe and :hetkiiji. roust- 13 0 BPorkir i r.s" l " 4 4 4 . t u na ttt Ye 4 ,ult, nar,w,oneying laws of industryiand the tendencies ' of the ttse. , (4.4rnilltrittietilif labtr is an uman Itigaied TI )lis bripgens to the qUeStiOn ,of im porting Chinese laborers. J The Chinese are a painstaklngi industrious, thrifty, inventive, self respeCtfel and law abl-, ,ding:Yace. They.haVe some pretensions' institutionts - and Moral, , duiture-L-are aiittletoO achirtes; hal a( `h th r t . Q. 43 ,fs servility ptit,Ot: them. Their comingf,iwili:be Velctime" and valuabia addition' to . the Mosaic. of 'our natiOnalitar.,' der' to do that, they must 'come 'sponta-.. . neously, of their own:free Will and-ino` , . ,as, the ; • 44l:3; j'o quilt* and En glish Have done... if the capital:of the 'piukttrygets` to ' by system. and 'WhDie6-operrition, teimpOrt diem in Masses, to, disgorge them upon. us' With , unnatural rapidity,• then their coming ,Will b,e, Japrit : bp our political system and a disastrous pheek to our social pro .. , , " We .14y . it doWn as a fundadiental principle-:-never,tobe lost sight ot-that every lmmigrant ef.eyery 'race:must be admitted to cltlFenship e ' if 'he •asks it.— Vhe:4.oit- to.a, be naturalized must not be 1 I Ilinited by race; 'creed'ii' Air' ' birthplace. 77 • V§ecendly, , everY adult' here, 'native' Or , ' .- nataralizild,r rhuStlVOuis: . •l, in spite ,iif 'this, 'givens time; with only, a :natural ;mount' of ' iminigratiOn;; 'and . ',,wtt oat.). 1 "trust the edUbatiOn and numbers of,, Our • .native - voters to safel4ab' orb and make over the foreign' eletue t., - Irish' and i s Gerinan' immigration 'th been only 11 . : ripple on , our,Tecean's 'breadth. Gene rally speaking, it h 4 I#en only'aillealt.. thy ',Stir. ' But_ it - is - ealdly, peasiblelor .4Sodiateli capital. to hurry -the 001414 of the Chinege in such masseitts Will • enahle th'ese'incineylorda to centrol the, ballot, bex-,by their bond servants. Axi. kortertded' Werth!' Adams' :ban ;.04 more ;Pifi l l. ' Aoo ll : B _4o - o,4 l ,ieee .wag e . .'. , witif ,,, nneAnpopend such Sameops-,1 enesoci- - . .atedleapitalpf itiassiiehnsetteUrt over 't Oittlid the' t i nfti,tot,'bii#: - Of.-that'.kitete...-- . .:*e ileidit ie . :be:clearly within the pri? vince i hnq is:clearly the'doty,yof - ieg!s -y4ibli*ii4e4tt',Oili'„4l.44go.l-_'Capitai' is lilaiistiuk4, '`ilow,.. , The pUblio welfare :demands , that' its,' political„ peifer - be .. -icrlppled,' '''l7filVersal,stiffrage is: adrola iible