The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, August 17, 1870, Image 2

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    ' i'IPINCO.PIIIIBB I AN WO s' 0 ' Wp t 7.i" .
. • /-:, .
A dispatch from, Beril n.4i veil ; th'eie
paetteulart, concerning the_
,battle of
Weissenhurg 1 , . . .
"We have Wou a brilliant hilt blOody
vietory.-_:. l l' he lest:wing was then tt n ek .
Mg body,and consisted of• the fifth aud
eleveoth Pluselan corps, - With fhe 'sec
ond (Ba.'sistriani) i"Thie force ',carried by ,
an assault, under the eyesof the Prince ,
VeS.Val, the fortrees.ef Weleseahukg_od.
the heights betideen 'Weisitenburg 'nail .
Gelebergi 4 ,- . r• - •i' :" ." ':- • ' - -
!la: 1 / 4 1114ns division of Marshal MTh,la
.hOn.7o.7c,_ errs .viols splendidly, defeatedy
-., being .d riven . from .Be camp. ' , Gerietal-,
1 requay%lMselflvts killed: "Five 'hen , - '
' dred ' krifioners wieie taken ;- , none. of
\ them +were. wounded:•. - The, Prussian
• Gen. It..irchbook was slightly wounded.
The.P,Oyal Grenadiers and the 50th reg
iment eif thialihe suffered hea'trsP losses."
. .liitte,r riecounfs give the following par
tleiditre of the taking of' Saarbruck: •
:'l.The,Ftenela made some prisoners,'
but captured no cannon: They lost 40
killed and 60 Wetintled. . The, French
force inithe battle was-estimated at 30,-
000 men, 'and the Prussians at • Only' 6,-
- 000; The artillery.wou the flght.„There.
was but, little infantry and - no cavalry
_ eagaged. l ' Three companies held their
-ground'ageinst the Freud" until tie
, latterie : force 'bad frilly developed Its
strength; Theaniall force of the Pins-'
sians , then Tetired."•-:
The following official diepateh(Frili)
-was published coliterning thcgreat,bat- ,
'tie at.Weissenburg Ang:fl : ...•: ....., , .
- "General Readquiliters, Meth, Aug.
7, B:3o,Cia.—The concentration 'of the
•troopstontilineiiiWithout obstacle.: All
active horitilitleSaeern to have: ceased ;
The 3rd corps WilE engaged at: ForbaCh,
supported by, Indy two idivhdons from
other corps, 'e i. ..• .. . .
The combat begun et one °Week; and
at first appeared teilbo. - .of -little Unfair--
tance;. but soon) large IntlBSe9 - 1)C , V 0 013
/hidden in . tbe woods
our position. 4( five O'clock the - Prui-,
Mans appeared es - if they had been •re
• pulsed and had given up the attack;
butnfreeliehrns,aviving to the aesis
tance of the P us inns from \V i eille'',
General Frossa d was ,obliged taretire.
To-day the tro ps which got separated
i r
•Sesterday 'ate concentrating around
Matt: ' • •!'s - ' -
"in the 4 battle near Fretehmelier,
'MarshalM'Mahon,had the suppert.of
five divisions'. of ,Gen; Fal I ly'e corriii.—
The detallAefhis battle lire still 'very
vague: After t e battle these divlsione
were unable to eta their • corps.: lt is.
said that man ,cavalry charges .were.
made. -. The Pr issians had mitrailleuses
which did us uch harm." - - . '
Hitig ,Williana Sends 'the feline - tug .
dispatelhlo - the Queen':
- Gond•new . ' A great victory has
been ivfm•byo r Fritz. God be praised
for hiti'mereY...Mineaptured 4,000 Pris
onere.l3o guns, two, standards and sir
mitratileeses. , `l,'lliatteire (hiring' the
fight•l was•lfea ily reinforced from the
main artay. 1" e contest was very se
ver,, anti lasted from 11 In the, Morning
Until 9at night, when the French re
treated, 'leaving the Held to tts. ' Our
loSse's - were heavy," I I • .
- The &peering. lethe proclamation of
the Empreal of the \French, It• e led af- •
ter the defeat at. Weissenburg:
l!riesishinen ; 'rho opeisiag, of the'
cull has not been, favorable ; to us. We
have•suffered a check. Let us: be firm
under thkeieverse, and lei , tai hieltely to
repair it., Let there be but one perty i ln
..the land, that of-France; a single flag,
that' of national lamer. I come among
you faithful to my mlesien aid dirty.—
You will see me the \ firet indanger to
defend the flag of Ffance. Lelitiro'all
good citizens to, maintain briler. 1.1.'0
agitate, gull be to conspire with t in:
enemies. I 1 EtroiiiNic.'
Great epfoitethent 'reigned Sri Piiris,'
and the city was immediately put in a
state, of siege.
' The Poias says: "The German left
wing, under the Crew', Prince, Frede
rick William, far, Nom being eripPled
by the' hisses of theft first victory at
°Welisenhurg, as reported in the French
bulletins, pressed-forWardsto meet M.'.
Aleben's -- advaueltig, line. A eoellict
took plielie ou Saturday .at Worth, 12
miles sonfltreet of Weissenburg,resul
ting in •a- decided .Victory to the O'er
mans, the French retiring from the field
In it very demoralized condition, to
!Melee. •
"Orr Friday, the German r i ig,litrt,4 ;lig
beg:ti: forward movement frolti rilef , vcs
and S,monis, capforing k..zb-ii*-4... t.‘,' ti l e
Meselh lust optioeite do ;mill. eill. „ewner
ta lviso
orthoprovhwe'A tixtensueg,etsliMe
. extreme itortheill pi,illt ..t' till ''ofianl4lll
frontier of the belligerent. piiwei:-:,,' be,
, yond which territory of u•sittal pawerS
is unavailable lilt military i.peiss.ion+
Stiarbrua wits retake', et" :es turila3 ,
after having been destroyed by ?the re
tiring Preneli-:--an act of sitanieful van.
dalism,,which may provetke fearful re.
Wetter' upon French property in the
coming Prussian 'lnvasion, roihaeh
.was also the scene of a heavy engage
ment, resulting in. the. defeat, of the
French; on Saturday. Meanwhile, the
German left. 'Wing pushed M'Sletton
with-heavy loss through- HagSienate—'
'ils Fieuch corpis is also reported as
having, , been cut , Infr from' the: ham) of
eoneOttration of i he Fi•ei,e4 ailii.•,•'itt
Metz,. The .retirement of tie French.
has,46 several instatieet , , been seeoin
panted' by serious. deinoralizatiim, the
Soldiers throwing away. heir ,trots and
equipm nts, in orderito expedite their
escape:' '
, • ,
' I.ln 2 Ware of the Sat; blatant, says
the e, Gen. Steinmetz telegraphs
the follos.iing in 'regard to the contest
between on Goebel' and the -Frenc h tinder Gen. Froesard :
". The fight was opened on our side
by the - 14th division, which was subse
quently reinforced by artillery and cav
alry. "A fibrce and bloody struggle ra
ged alongthe line between Saarbruck
and Forbach lasting,uutil night.
" Theeights of Spieheren were car
- rted at t e point of the bayonet, and
li ,
Op enema thrown back on Voripach.—
ti eatictEht ie, our flfteeath divisio n had
advanced from Voohingen, '
tali Ros
eel, and reached Forbach tit ti i httall,
When the broken divisions of the Freud'
,army ; were, being driven pron that
point: Here 'the baggage and camp
6 eguipager 4 pf twe divisions, :ma many i
prisepere,l*ere taken."
Geo. Colson, ti'Mahon's ebleforstaff,
was tthot In the battle of the 6th. Metz
was itnebediatei:tut iu shape for''''vig
orouadefense. The Prussians were en
route for Metz the next day ,after the
battles. ,
' Onlthe Bth, the - French Ministry is
sued the following address:
"Frebehmen : • We have told the
isehole truth. for you - now to do
your l ,duty. Let one shout come from
all, from one end of the land to the oth
er! "Let the people vie with each Other
in sustaining the great cause. ---
" Some of our regiments have fallen
before overivbeiming numbers. The
arcti. has not been defeated; sustain it.
To the fortunate-audacity of the mo
mint let us oppose tenacity. Let. the
inhabitants of all parts of France not
sub jected, to the burden of - the war. rush
, to the assistance of their brothers in the
"east..- Let France be united, Heaven
bless our anus P'
Efow the Dermicrac3f. carry elections
In.the State of New York,,bas all along
.been apparent to intelligent observers;
but :now that the census returns are
_, ocoming in, the enormity of eleetion
frauds in the: chief city of the country
A must be apparent, even to tile blindest
partisans. Can any.honest man vote
with a party which resorts to such o . llfll-:
trial Means , to carry elections.? We
think not, if be knows it. ft
Iti,ette district the Priaune *proeniti
• the facts as follows:
Ile At last we bate the census 1 retain fur the
. lbtb election (linnet et the Bth wart/ We - culled
• o enor
t at e nmtioous q,
vote g soon after the ' ven In cid*May t , ieetion, to the
i aiktriot. under the
i tnanagatuent of the Tammany it;„ I Tho „ to
)wee; Rapublicanr,lo; Darnr, a ,c,,, t ,, , Ki 00 .
1,022. Now comes the reuses, and 114, 6 ,, 3 1 4,, d i
trice shows 1,710 peop le ; oi edialf ere W O - ril.;11 - f: -- fi
Orlin half the mrsoelina portion ere ttotsl: l
and a quarter of th ose old enough to 4.1140ret,
aliens. There may possibly be 1 74 real yote u to
the district, certainly not 200 by goy t A ti,,„„ Lt
thorny; pa, it, gore (under the liherat heehaws
, tweet of Senator I.oll°o 200 inure Vt , te, theft it
• had male ridonto, bOys inaltmed, r - We arid welt ,
log for two or three other dittriete that show site
flat Ifturaf, 41 ditty us. in Ow ath'patd. That
• ~
twits will Prp , valt,fraudultint iriceeittio of tram by
DOnootaoy quit° cam %11 to ecarty thti,titilte
and neoure
the Court of A i , wa h l ,.„ t „ have fie.
1413 , 4
debit nf, doubt. Nor do ITO doubt that ther.t.,Ald
hay* counted up 20,900 niuttr in this cily, if-it
b a d boon necessary t o accomplish their purpth‘c:
Whatido honest voi cti dank of over II ILIOIMItid
TOM 11? a popalati nrilturcir sevatite:-n huacircd I.'"
ght agitattr.
WEDNESDAY, - A lIGIIST 17, 1870.
• . •
' -
A a meeting of the i
Tioga Oduhty Republican CUM:"
mite, held at Piellsboro, May 31,1870, itwas -
Resolved, That an eleCtion be held by the P,epnblican
eletotris of Ttoga county, at the several pieces of bold
ing election., in their reepective electiou. districts, on
Saturday, Sept. 10, 1870, between the hours of ono and
six-o'clock in the. afternoon of said day, for the put.
pose of electing two persons :from each • election dis
trict, to represent said districts in °Republican - County
'Conveatton, to he held at Mantlieia, on Friday,the 10th
day of September, 1870, for the purpose of atiminating , 1
candidates to bo supported at the ensuing election.
' The following -named gentlemen were - am:anted
Oonimittoes of Vigilance for their respective townships
and boroughs. Their duty Is to ace that notice is given 1
of the time of delegate meetings, and to open and con.
duct the elections for delegates at the time named. ; '
Moss, •A TJamee. - L B Smith.
Brookfield, L B Seeley, N B Selick,7 • ' -•, -,
Chatham, ,F W Smith, L 13. Beach. - 4 • • ,
Charkston,Robort Trull; Evan Lewis. - :;. , _
C7ymer.o 0 Ackley, B. Rowland.
Cbrington, L K Walker, Edward Block. - -
• Cbvington Moron h, Thomas Jones, D F Price.
Delmar, John Dickinson, John Karr.
Deerfield, Id V Purple, Ellett Horton.
,B7k. Lorin Wetmore, John Ma,yrard. .
.81flernd, Joel 0 Parkhurst, Oliver Babcock, •
' .Flarmington,Jereme Bottom, It if Clore.
Fall Brook., A Pollock, 1%1 Stratton. . . •
Gaines,`George W Barker, D li. Marsh,
Jackson. Joseph Setonger, J F Sturcleva nt.
Liberty. Wm L - Beaglo, W - Navhor. '
Knoxville, A Alba, Linden Case. .. .
Latureneevilk Wm Pollock, K P Redeker. -
Lawrence; Joseph Guile, Nathan Grinnell.' ..
Naintburg, 0 D Main, Baldwin Parkhurst.
Mansfield, Wm E Adams,-Vut floilands. .
Middlebury, Calvin llammond, Merrill Staples.
Morris, Job Doane Wm Babb.
Nation, Joseph Campbell, o'll Baxter.
°cola, Norman Streit,,W T lfumphrey. ,
itirhmenth Morrison Rose, A 3I Spencer
' Rutland, Elmer Backer, Seely Froar.- - ' .
Shippen, 0 D Leib, Samuel Scranton.,
,suitteen, Russel B Rose Lafayette Gray,
Tioga, D L Aiken; 0 W Loveless.. .. .
Veva Borough, D Cameron, 011 Farr. -.
Unton,ll F Irvine, J If, Cleaveland.
Ward, W Chase, Usury Rollie. , •
e.lsboro, Joseph Willia, Andrew 0 Sim - rock •
' Weatileid,TV N linribert. Job Rexford.
Wes fiad Bore', N3l' 31'Naughton, Chariton Phillips.
• A. L. ENSWOIIT II ,Chairman .
' A. Bt. BEN NErr, Secretary. ,
' Hon.• Glenn' W. Schdfleld .was re
nominated for Congress in tbel9th dis
,trlet conference, Ivithout.
Mr. Schofield is one of the ablest Rep
resentatives in Congress, and we are
'glad he is to go back The country can
not new afford to,lose licit then.
, Hon. William H. Seward seems to
:have reached', the epd of his political
ambition, and given himself up in •his
declining age to the ' delightful pastime
and instruction of travel. His progresS
through Mexico was one continual re
cognition of his high chinueter . as an
American statesman .' He now sets out
on a trip to China and Japan.
The election:ln North Carolina 'resul
ted in a Democratic gain of four Con
gresstnetyand one United Mates Sena
tor.. The Republicans , of That State
have been too much engaged in dissen
sions among Abertiiselves, to maintain
the party strengths Of course the smotil-:
Bering embers of the rebellion had their
influence. The terrible Kin ,Kinx oi
ganization was in full operation in some
parts of the State, and every means was
resorted to carry the election by threats
and intimidation. Still, the defeat is
Clue more to the apathY of the Republi-..
Calls than to gains in Democratic
A law was p;44ed it the late session
of . Congress; and approved hithe 'Pres.
laent, olobriteing the following provi
sions, for the henetit of disabled sol
diers: ••
"That every solace:. who watt disabled during
the late war for the Fuppression :ol the rebellion,
and who was furnished by the , War Department
with an artificial limb, or appartaas fonrcsT-1—
tion, shall ho entitled to receive a now' limb or
apparatus, as soon atter: the passage of this net
as the same can ho prEteticahlrfurnithed, and at
the expiration of eyery . fivo years thereafter, un—
der such regulations as may be prescribed by the
Sirrgeon General of the armY; Provided that the
soldier mhy, if be so elect,,' receive, instead of ,ft
limb or apparatus, the money value thereof, at
the following rates, viz : for artificial logs, $75 ;
for arms, $5O; for feet, $5O ; for apparatus for
resection, $50."
We are indebt , edtO Mr. Edw. Young
Cliief of Bureuu - of St4fstics, 'for sy
uopsis Onuonthly •eport.
For the eleven months endi,ng May
31, 1870, the imports eXceeded the ex
ports by $8,225,520, presenting a very
favorable contrast with the same period
of 1869, when the excess was $85,055,-
497. The value of commoditieeremain
log in warehouse, May 3' 187000'4
$54',029,462, against something oyeiss6,-
000,000 in 869. There *wmported
during thelevel). months f 6 which the
figures are 'iiven, of gold and silver
coin and bu ion, $20,610,034; living an
imals, $5,834, • eadstuffs, $7,792,-
. 528 ; coffee, $22,079,218 . ; cotton and man
ufactures of cotton, $22,421,592; flax and
anufactureg thereof, $15,793,980; furs
and hides, $13,826,291; iron and manu
factures thereof, $26,128,580; silk and
manufactures thereof, $26,128,580; su
' gars and molasses, $60;087,100; tea, $13,-
157,992. . ,
The Prineipal exports were : bread
stuffs, $98,071,186 ; raw cotton, $216,498,-11
206; cotton manufactures, $3,292,202-
bold and silver coin and bullion, $38,-
194,999 ; petroleum oil, $28,099,939; prow
visions, $26;971,685;' tobacco, i . e., 420„-
Vessels engaged ini foreign trade du
ring same term Atnerleau entered, 9,-
428; tuunage; 3,076,993; cleared; 9,438;
tunnage, 3,163,274 ; foreign, tered,
250; tunnage, 5,156,861; cleare , 17,225 ;
tannage, 5,157,853.,
At an exposition of textile fabrics
held *lndiana not long since, resolu
tions were adopted endorsing the doc
trine of Protection to home industry:—
We are glad to see such signs of the
growth of this sentiment in the West.
SO long as the Gieat Weilt continues, as_
heretofore, to send her grain and raw
material to the old• world for those
things which might be manufactured
at her own doors, so long will she re
main tributary to other countries, and
other portions of our own country,
whose manufactured articles she buys.
When she favors and encourages the
establishment of workshops and' man
ufactories within her own litnitse,• she
will save much of the waste of trans
portation, andle este for her producing
population a hom market, whiCh - will
save much of th profit that now goes
to einicli rniddl men and foreigners at'
her expense. , . ,
Among the reap ttione are the follow
ing :
" Resolved, That 'we, recognize the
free trade moVemeht as a struggle on
the part of our BrltiWi competitors fot
the control and possession of our mar
kohl', by breaking dawn our new indus
tries, which control would be disastrous
to our industry and finances.
Resolved, That we ask the free ire-
Iltro to take open ground for •free trade
:V low wages—the latter being the ln
10;it_t")Ift rciiult of their Theory—and no
of iv: whim Or pretend to be the friends
: w oiktogmon, when in fact they
r , • - ~'-,:,, ------ - -7----- ' - T
are Mal enetiites i itikd their success will 1.
reduce him to the pauper pay ,0f,1.-lritisli'',
factor Werktneni.or-,deprtve him wind. , J
_..- •
• itßepolvedi , That SV . ill ilitk, the manure°, 1
' titreis of England finis Europe to t.orno ',
I hero. ith theli_capitai t 'slcill,_worktpettl
•and ic achinery, to help pay - our times,
I be fed i froin.our farms, pay _their_ work,-
i men Aniericari wages, - and. _abate the
1 benef i ts . - of 'our free' , institutloini; - tiii(r
we weloruothana te's full and ',fair en,-
joynint of the r benefits •Whieh• ;they
claim We enjoy, by reasOn of our protec,;
ttve policy, and eonaider Such falr,ctina l ,
petition far more lionorable than the
effortjte - reduce our people to - national
ruin, by the spread of free' sopli
lams' among Us t ?',- , --.--: - ,i -., . .• .
_ .
- , TOWARD PAM.. _
I '
Last week we rderel.S,r_inentioned that
a great battle had been fought on - the
Moselle, ,which the_ Prussians ; were
victorious. It was a erigs
,of engage
ment, lasting * 411446 three days, and
resulted' in such a defeat of the French
as new seems irreparable. • We,,have
not, at this writingwiuch particularize
count of these great battles: as , enables'
us to : lay before our readers any intelli
gent description of the conflict ;'fora it
must'' be that -the 'tieWs _
have;is that Only whieh the - telegraph
brings. And here we' wish to express;
our adrniratifin:for the enterprise and
liberality of the New.VOrk Tribune in
laying before its readers ; bitch full teier
grapOo accounts of, tlie ; War, ,aB,- appear.'
in its columns from, day to day,
It seems' that - the .MOvement of the
PrusSis,nis under PeltiCe Frederick Wit.'
of the.' Prussian King, and
heirapparen t to *throne, against the
French 'at Weitisenburg, was entirely
une4ected. No 'patrols brought' the
news' of their appreaeh; but the &it
warning of 'the presence of any coils*
erabie ferce, was 14 , the opening of the
Prussian artillery on':, the unsuspecting
French. So sudden i iwas the surprise,
that the utmost, pontuslan prevailed at
first, a a din the eud ;the French were
obliged theplace. This they.
did not do, I,owevOr,- till the- hattlabad
been long yd earnestly' contested.--
Then lolloWed - a tit 'and Hegelian,-
inthe last of which itti - • : d the French'
loss in killed, wounded an , Irlsoners Is
over ten . thonsand. 'All these letaries
'ha*e,nothean achleVed without heavy
'Prussian loss. Indeed, wiiirnor; than
pr4bahle that the Prussians hay , lost,
nearly as manylilled and wounded as :
thaFrench. The field was desperately.
contested at.every point. , The French.
crown hung,cit might be, upon the event
of these :first' 'great conflicts. Victory
vies needed to make,' Napoleon an Ob.
'Ject, - of worship , not for his name alone,
but for the genius of. a Bonaparte. He
bad taken 'the tieldliiiperion,-though
in poor health dnd aan -adv( k need. age.
Se had his son,'and 'heir 'apparent, to
,the throne Of France, With him , The
field Where the first blood was"_
The war was to' perpetnate the dynasty
of 'Napoleon 111,
, ati i d :why, should he
not demonstrate to t, world, that:there
was 3 St successor in th,e person of,4he,'
"Prinpalmpeiial ? He Writes the Em
press Regent of the tranquility" of
the. Prince amidst a shotier
,of bullets,
'one of',w , hielf the future Emperor pick--
NI - up, asa - first trophy of the war which
was to make him Einperor in, fact; and
of the weeping bf the heroes of many'
a 'hard 'fought battle, at' the- so great'
eoottiezi. of their flOarl3l3oVElye3lsl3
Three days' lighting, and this young
hero- b is heard of in Paris, where the
en4eute is so imminent, and the disgust
of Itho people so great, that he betakes
"to London, i as a place where
the demand'for '`,tranquility" is iiietnt
the present time so great. •
Well, all this . is nothing; but the sit
uatiOn at Paris is far another thing.—
Instead of crossing the Rhine and car
rying the war into Getlmany, Napoleon
finds his aimy, under the, venerable
Dl'MahOn, bent in the center, and bro
ken on the right, himself a fugitive, out
of communication , with his greatest
General for some terrible hours, at last
to establish himself la. Chalons a the
headquarters of his defeated army, net
more than 100 mileS frcim Paris. And
Paris I?i What is Paris but "sleeping
yolapO liable to emit a flame at any
npreent,which shall glow throUghout
France, and call for the abdicatiOn of a
monarch who leads the Frene:h 'armies,
to defeat'? No matter who the ',man:
the Preneh cannot (brook defeat—they
are fit) full of elan, :that they suffer ter
.painc) under the travail of invd
sion and conquest by their enemies.—
Thisis the unreason of all peoples, un
der the madness which war engenders.
The Prussians are said to be massed
a ound Metz, intent on giving battle.
ey do not halt to make repairs, or
make shoes, as M'Clellan did at Antie
tam. They March to battle. Think of
800,000 Prussians in arms and giving
battle to the French on their Own soil,
within a month I And this Is the war
that Was :needed, unite the French
people to the Empire under Napoleon!
'The hour looks dark, for France ; and
fOi the France which Hugo in exile for
his liberalism represents, we have sym
pathy,: for.. the Einpelor who sole a
throne under the! disguise of a _great
name, pretendedly; devoted to Republi
canistb, we have a supreme contempt.
He has done many great, some good
deeds-Hthat is, the , man, Louis Napole
on. But he represents a power which
crushes Liberty out and grinds dow o n
the poor for personal and aristocraticl
a scendancy., -
. .
/ The French people are rising—have
risen. fight
may dr ve apoleon from the Empire:
she cannot conquer France. More than
this: she should pot.-- . 1 10 n to Paris" la
l i r
easier said than done. The Prussian
are tr e and tried ; but
. they
who lead, the ad ante are , young. and
ardent, compared to those of the French;
The French army is again in position.
N 6 doubt other great battles will soon
be fought; and it 'Should seem • that
Prutisia must be victorious and dictate
ter m of peace. ' ,
- -
tt , .
AN CT Relative to Changes of Venue,
- . SRO 1: Bo it enacted by - the Legislature of
Penns ivania, That in any case where a snit 48
now pending, or" may hereafter be brought in
any el:it'd of this Commonwealth, in whiolt there
is a controversy between a citizen of this State
and a 'citizen of another State ; and the matter in
dispute - exceeds the,sum of live hundred dollars.
exclusive of costs, such citizen of another State,
whether he be a plaintiff or defendant, Who will
make and`file in such State court an affidavit
setting forth that he has reason to believe, and
does believe, that froth loctil, Prejudice 'against
himielf, or by reason - of the , local influence of
the other party to such snit, he will notwbe able
to obtain justice on such State court, may at any
tittle before tho trial of the suit, file a itetition in
thci Stitte court in which said cense is depend
trig,' praying the removal of said °QUO into any
adjoining county if the same jai:Deis) district,
.or into"any county
. of any adjoining district;,
and thereupon it shah be the duty of the court
in which such acal-nie pending, to 'Proceed no
,Jurther.with the case;. and tt shall be the duty
Or iba liiiithonotary of the court in which - Stich
i 1 ,
i i ,,iii i ii iii v i n idtp g , 0, iiiiiitrit . re tbe ...tiotb ob eta*
ry ot,the,Otirf of tiro czolknts , to . Old, 6 0 0 ), rt ,,,
inoratirt: prayed, eeitificd copfee of all docket
outtles,"precess, pleadings, deprfeltions and otbl.'
er papers pertaining:to such Suit; ate the said
'erriwelareing enteted as aforesaid, in .the :court'
to which said case is so removed, the,tanso shall
'then proceed in the -same manner ea: if' it b a d
Menl tli brought there by. original
,p ocess against
tlle defendant dr .derendants ; -an any .ettaoh
went of the, geed! or' estate of OM a ad au t l iit. ,
the original pfacess, 'shill bold'the . goods o r °s
note so attached to answer the final
In tins same sonnner'snithouglf' Sitkeh Jitney j o g ..
went had been rendered hy the court , from which
suohlorigtual Process .issueil ; all abides filed in
the court to Which- such suit sball , he" removed,;
shalt have the same force' and efect in every, col.
spect,_and for every purpose, no tiyi•oogiaalc
woidd bitvoibad lit the. court frond ~ vr:dich such"
sultsballhavis been removed. ".. ' ' • -.-
113r.c..2i...Ttstit - Slitaltand map he' 'lawfut for
party, in.nny euit.or, olden, 'real or per
legal, now .pending or - that: . may hereafter be
bienght iwany - of the courts; of thfs COinmon:
wealth, by or against any incorporated company,
to remove the same into the court -of any-other
adj6ent county indloatedby the President Judge
of the court `in which the suit was originally
brought; 'which suits so reinotcd shall be pro
ceeded in by the proper , court, in Atka marine r
and subjeet tq like rules and proceedings as if it
had remained in the hourtlit tibia it was origi
nally aornmenced, and Upon• final judgment tee
tanun,e*eentione :may , in other oases ;
Provided, That Ale . party go removing shall' first
take and subsaribe an oath or "affirulation, to be
filed of reboil With the cause, that Snell - removal
iinot-made for the purpose of ; delay, because
he firmly believes ft, fair and -impartial trial can
not be had in the bounty in Which' such salt is
brought or originated.
Approved Apr 1128,1870.
:Editor .agitator. Above I , enclose
you a copy of a law passed ley the -last
Legishiture. It is jvell known that the
large vOlume published anniiall under
the title of " Acts; .of .AssefilblY,7- is
mainly composed of laws lutended for
the.personal.beheflt of some individual
citizen. But this transcends all others
in abridging, not only the righta of the
individual 'citizen inten• ed to Pe aillie
tedebut of all,eitiZens,
,faVOr of and
fog the heneitt of, a' non , residents." it
gives to a citizen ()fano.). er State aright
to elect his Own foru before which he
will be tried.. If he, 9 1 .mrtige a trespass
in Tioga county, (an the plaintiff Wolld
be bound to sue in he county where it
was committed, t , e
action peing what
is .known as locaV' one,), yet, be
banse,the defendant and trespasser is a
_non res.ident,, h e . may °house any ad
folping-connty, and compekthe plaintiff
to go there, to try ',it, probably ,or.possi
bly to his utter rui`e, even if he suc
ceeds. I With all honor .and reepect to
and for the " Profession," I must say
that if "lawyers" will pass, laws mere
ly, to favor theintereptsof.elipfee, again t
the interest of individual cionstitpente
,and the public , at large, It is about tide
we were represented in the Legislature
'by men who are not.subject to the in
fluence of elimts:
It is true that Congress passed a sot
of a, somewhat similar ,character in *-
88,•and I suppose that that is to bet
up as -a justification of thip. But o re
wrong and unconstitutional law is h
poor justification for another., So fax
as my _individual rights are affeoted,
they , are' not of much' consoquenee.—
But as the law-is general,. every citizen
_is affected, who dares tp, sue moneyed
non residents or corporations, because
every one would come under its ban.
" God,. save us from our friends,"
deems to be even More, true politically
than otherwise. Respectfully yours.
Insurance , : • Insurance:
mp-i - ip - A.T„.14FE,,. •
oice,'iQ: ill 4Efi-t:;'liilaile
Incorporatf:d Feb'y 23, 1867
Chart'd Capital . $5OO,
Assets over
Stock and Mutual, colabining Securit • with
Profits: Sappho() you are already insure, • in a
first-class company,' and from any cause what
ever, (say after ten yearly payment)ly,pu do not
or cannot pay longor and die—your,ineu t ame is
gone and your money wasted, Not so in the
"Hand-IN-NAND," all PoHalos are Non-Fon
This company which ranksiinong the most
popular and snooesefull .Lilo neuranee Com
panies, grants policies on nit 'desirable plane,
both with and without profits. it • • i
Traveling Priveleges unrestricted
All polloicis ere itioonteetible'! after, oneir you
from any of the ordinary oanties.
Look to you} Life Insurance. Please examine
the following Comparative Table. It is Nom,-
times alleged by Agents of other Companies that
the Company they reptesent is Wer t than others.
While we nnhititatingly assert our belief in the
sonnOpeas and stability of all companies, we, de
sire to present the following of theinspeotion of
those desiring to Insure: ,) "
The, following companies, Compare the annual
premiums charged by eaphfor an insurance eh
life at the age Cf3o.yeare, payable at death:
Annual premium . Ton annual
for life. payments.
Travelers' - -$16,84 • $88,21
tha, . 22,78.' 42,80
Hbatte, ..... 211,30 , 50,00
gguitible, 22,70 46,97
Washington, —.22,70 ' 46,97 -
Sand-in-Hand, 18,50 ' 32,60
If-itot already insured takes, polioy with' the
the boat Mutual Company in aril United States.
A. L.• MONROE, Agent, Wellaboro.
Othoo with I. Mitchell. ;
Aug. 170870.-Iy.
Giocary. and Proviiiion' Store,
ci. . s.aX.a
mall kinds of
WinquOrs and
• C4ggiri
A full and complete assortment of the above
mentioned goods of the best, quality always on
Particular attention paid to Pine Groceries:
Dealers and Conepmers will find it to their In.
tercet to examine his 'Stock before buying.
Corning, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1870.
'Farm for Safe. -
I' ITHIN one mile of Wellsboro, containing
fifty 'acres, about forty improved, with a
good fraMe hemp and barn; an •apPle orchard,
containing about one hundred bearing trees, and
other 'hitt trees thereon: Is well' watered. Por
further particulars, enquire of • .• • '
WTI, 11 SMITH, •
Aug 10,'7'0 tf • Ot Welleboro, Pa.
- i:. 7 ''_ , :.: : . ',' - ,*tilootiioits - .:-. - ,
COMES4HOTON—Iiiiiown townithip, Aug
7,1870, by; `Albar,t Tomes and
Miss, Al tae =T3rvtsn. - ' •• 7 •- ? ,
. BIIGES-=HARES.:-In'ManStield, Aug.
by. Her. ,P., Platroug, .fittePbcn Mll4/1
and Miss Hattio E. Hattes',botitt of Rioetnond. "
DR IVlSTAR'iiiltdifiAhi OP Willi:Cif
toxiblnition audit firm indeed) , fdr healing and caring
diseases echo throat, lungs and' chest. , It cures a,
cough by loosuing'axid cleansing the - inngs, and allay+
Jog Irritation '; tbus: temovinP the cause; Instead:or dry+
ing up cough and leaving tizo diseaselphind. , „ ;
Executor's Ndoc6.
1 - 2 ,ETTERS Testamentary bartng been granted
JU on the; estate of Alfred , See ey, - deceased,
late 'of *Yaokson , townablp.. UGH, ~,all
thoie lidebted are ; aka paym ent,
slid there having olalmii to ;meson them - to ,
Antr. 17, 1870-61r.' LEWIS' LEVEY, EVr.
. .
- .- For Sale - it
Ore t: • • -
A GOOD dairy farm in, Tioga.towaship, Ti
"2l oga county, Pa., about 2 miles west of the
Borough of Tioga. about •100 - acres improved,
and 46 unimproved, fins - o it three barns;
three dwelling houses, antap and peach °roll
ord, and other fruit trees; Te s easy:, Also ad
joining on the west ' s a. fruit ` and timber lands
from 40 to NO 'aoies as dealtid, with - 80 - acres
improved, with,a good barn, a good house and
apple orchard. 'Good for a dairying . farm. ,
- Aug.-17, 1870-tf.' '- 0. 11. szymovn; /
- •- •. • Tioga, Piti..
THE 1 gtore,Dwellieg llonao and prandas.iti
- Bldssburg, Tioga, county, Pa., formerly co.
(stapled by Nast dc 'Auerbach,. in' thc-most busi.
ness part of the town, are 'offered for sale much
below theirsvalue. Por price, tents, ho., confer
with M. F. Elliott, Esq., of' Wellsboro, ()utile
subscriber,, 9. I I:SEYMOUR.
Aug. 17, 1880-0.- ' ' ' Tiogn, Pa
House and Lot , for. Sule..
Tun undersigned o ff ers for sale - a' village lot
with house and•born on it, situated in Rose
ville; Vega County, Pa. - Address .
' Aug. 17, 1870—ti, , Middlebury,
Real Estate and. Store of Geode,
MSE subscriber offers - for Sale a house end fot
1. at Beet Charleston; Tioga C 0... Pa., with; a
Store and Goods. Also a house nod lot in Cov
ington Borough, Tioga Coui4y.
The house and 'premises in. Bast Charleston.
are well caloulated for" the accommodation of
tho traveling ptgblip. 'Desiring teEve more qui
etly, I will sell thit property at a bafgaln, and
on -easy terms. Addressor call on me at Bast
Ohirleston, Tloga Co., Pa: ".
Aug. 17, 1870-4tc • ELIAS TIPPLE.
W 00,14 'WANTED
Willlabor°, June, 8,1870-Bm.
Select School.
r tJ IRS. M. BART, sill' open a Select Solkaol
1111., for Young Ladies of this villago,, Sept. &,
1870. Term to oontkonel3 weeks.
Vultlort—Pcir comrdon Eng. Branobes, $6,00..,
Higher E g. with French or German, 800.
Aug.-17, 1870.-3 w. ' • •
Sheriff's Sales.
BY VIRTUE OF sundry writs of Fieri Fo
am,. LevariFacias, and Venditioni,Exponas, is
sued oat of the CoUrt of Common Pleas of !P
-oo county, and to one directed, I will expose to
public sale, to the highest and best bidder, at
the Court House in Wellsboro. on Blondest, the
29th day of -August, 1870, at I o'clock, P. M.,
the following described property, As :
A lot of hind in Farmington an Middlebury
townships, bounded on the north biHenry Saw
yer, oast by Anson Fisk and B. C. Wickham,
south by Jerome Prutzman; and west by A:.l.
Colegrove ,and, Henry Sawyer containing 85
acres, more or lees, - about t
'4o', ores improved,
with a framo house, frame *bar and apple or
chard 'thereon. To be sold as the peoperty of
A. J. APKinney; suit of A. J. Colegrove. t
ALSO—A lot, of land in Osceola township,
bounded on the north by Andy . Howland, east
and south by highway, and west by the widow
Phelps; 50 feet front by 100 feet deep; with' a
frame dwelling hours and frame storehouse
thereon. • .
maw—Another lot situated in th e ' township of
.17•1•••••., lo..nalchaq _north- lbs. ClGUraTtaligtte river,
east by Elizabeth a. Ryon: and south and west
- by Perry, Dailey; Containing 50 acres. more or
lees, 40; acres improved, with a frame house,
frame barn, frame corn house apple orchard and
other fruit trees thereon. T6'be sold as the pro
perty of 0. P. Calver, suit of John Tubs. &o.
ALSO - A lot- of land in 'Clymer township;
bounded north by R. Gee, east by B. Eldridge,
south by T. Rowland and J. T. Labar, tted , west
by Charles Labar; containing 06 acres, more or
less, about 40 stores improved. with a frame house,
frame barn and an apple 'orchard thereon, To
be sold as 'the property ot John D.::Watrous, suit
of 3. J. Parkhurst: f '
' ALSO—A lot' of land in Deerfield township,
bounded on the north by ' J. S. and Henry Ing
ham. oast, by Samuel Price and 'Emily Knot,-
south by the Cowanesque river, and west by Ed
dy-Howland and James Knox; containing 100
scree, moro'br lead, about' 50 oozes improYed,
with one frame house, two frame barns, frame
oornhouse and other outbuildings, and an-apple
orchard and other fruit trees thereon, To bo
sold , as the property of Reuben E. Howland,Sult
of Dodge, Stevenson it. Co.
ALSO—A lot of land -in Debar township,
bounded on the north, east 'and we* by lands of
William-J. Allen, and South by Mee Wolcott;
containing ono I,cire, more or less, all:lmproved,
with a frame.shingle mill and the appurtenances
thereunto. belonging, thereon. To bo sold as the
property of Amos Trimble, suit' of J. Hoadley.
ALSO -- A lot 'of hind in Farmington tetrxiship,
boundedo on the north .by Jerome Bottom s , east
by J.,-M. White, south by Wm. H. ht'Colium, and
west by Charles Bottom,, containing 40 stereo,
Lucite or loss, with about 10 acres improved. •
meo-Another i lot situated as aforesaid, boun
ded on the north by lan,di .of Irmo B. Owens,
east by .7. M. White, sottth by Albert Kemp,
and west by. Charles Bott'nap Containing thirty
acres, more orless, with a out 25 acres improved.
-with a frame house, log b rn and apple orchard
thereon. To be sold ae t e property of Isaac D.
Owen, suit of 'J. B. Howe', use of G. W. Phelit;
ALSO—A lot of imid iniClymer twp., bounded
north and west, by Highway, east by S. Goodell
and south bY' Oirin Stebbins, containing lof an
acre More or less, with a two story frame tavern
house and frame barn thereon. To be sold as
the pioperty of D. A. Tooker & Wesley Burn
side, Suit of S. Hutchinson & Co.
'ALSO—AIot -of land in Sullivan township,
bounded on the north. by Cyrus Davenport, east
by , highway, south by R. F. Baker,and Hosea
Squires, and west by Thomas Smith, containing
20 acres, all improved, with two frame houses
„thereon. To be sold as the - property of Charity
Smith. suit &Henry B. Card.
ALSO -A lot of land in Tiogit township, boun
ded on the north and west by lands of A. S. Mi..
ner, eaet by Rodney Niles, and south by Dennis
Kingsley, containing 88 acres, more or less, with
20'aores Improved; frame, house, 2 log houses and
log barn,.and a few fruit, trees thereon. To be
sold as the property di Edward Falkner, suit of
Isaao Hunt. •
ALSO—A lot of land in Jackson township, be
ginning in the center of th - e road near the barn,
thence along the - road west 180 8-10th perches to
Waterman Mclntyre's line, thence along said
Molntyre's line reorth 39 1-10th - perches to Wm.
H. Smith'e south -,west corner, thence along , said
Smith's south thy:resat 133 7-10th perches to the
road, thence along the road south 30 degrees east
23 6.10 th perches to the lower corner of the John
Stufford lot; thence north 64 degrees east 18
5-10th perches, thence south 27 perchescc the
place of beginning, containing 37 acres ait d 31
perches, bethe less,
same more or with a bo ut 85
acres improved, a two story framedwellingonse
and other out buildings and a few that trees
thereon. To be sold as the property of Ellen
Searle, et al, snit of D..H. Tuttle.
ALSO—Aact of land in Shipped to' ship,
1,1 11
bounded.ox: ti e north by highway, east by T L
Woodruff o lansouth and west by Pine creek;
containing Baores,,moio' or less, about 40 im
proved, with a frame heuso, two: frame 'b c t.rno, a
shed. saw mill and a few fruit trees there n. To
be sold as the property of John
,Foote, snit of L.
W. Eighmey.
ALSO—Certain tracts of land, in Chatham
township, bounded as follows: beginning at a
chestnut tree, the southwest corner hereof; thence
north,l/ degrees east,l244 perches to a post;
thence south, 89 degrees east,. 201.1 perches to a
post; thence north, li degrees east, 114.1 per
ches to a post; thence —, 89 degrees east,
394.8 perches to a hemlock; thence south, 17*
degrees east, 251.4 perches to a post; thence
north, 88k, degrees west, 528.8 :porches to the
place of beginning; containing 629 and 137-180
aores,with allowance, being known as the Abram
'Crandall warrant.
4140---A tract of land in. Middlebury. town•
ship, beginning at a white pine, the northeast
corner of lot No. 114 of Bingham lands in said
township thence west 58 perches to a post;
th.nce north 70 rods to a post; thence west 284
rods to a white pine; thence south 105 rods to
a post in the south line of Oliver Briggs'a,lot;
thence south, 88i deg. east, 88.7 rods to a maple
stump, the'northeast corner Of said • lot; thence
south, 89. i degrees east, 284.6 rods to a hemlock;
thence south 25.3 rods to a post; thence north,
degree baist, 63.3'rode to the place, of begin
ning; containing , 189.1 - acres and sillowaitee,
being lots Nee: 118,, 115 and 117 of. Bingham
lands in said township. To be sold as the prop
erty of Solomon Bennett et' al, snit of Tracy
Beadle; gnitrdian.
,• • •
Welleboro, u 10, 1870. • 8
Do not, propose to,be
'CALF 'IN , ' , 'AN(V SEE
before '
! -:',P,pioa,sing
and. We will
that we live up to
all .frofits
Quick Sales.
We kciap.
EirerYthimg Up lly Kept
in a First:Class
TORE 1 ,
July 27,-1870. ,
, .
—{lf any our skirts bieak within six
months, they will be repaired free of charge
at the hoop skirt manufactory of A. B.
Seine, Corning, N. Y. , . .
7 —Queen Elizabeth Ruches:and,Ruffs in
nice Patterns at the fancy ~ s tory of A, 14
Reins. , -
' 1
he.celebrated Veloeipeele Bkirtjor only
one , ollar at A. B. ileine s,,Corning, N. T.
c r
_ - --;. / d. nice assortment Of new styles of /a,'
dies Row: and rip very low at A. B. Rein's
=Good twenty five spring skii•ts for 5.0
ante at Me Hoop Skirt nianufactary.
—Silk and , Saline for trimmings in all.
eoloi's at the fancy gore of 4. B. Bsine.
_...ißtontner Underwear.' Gauze Under.
etc., ele., for ladies and
,genie at A.
.tf. Seine's, Corning, N. F.
—The bed Hose in knob for, 10, 12, sand
15 bents at J. B. Heine's, Corning, N. Y.
—Embroiderky on Cambria and Swist
Muslin, also Miners and Ottomans of ea`
quisite designs at ß. Arsine's.
i • t
—A large line of those fashionable green
arid blue Kid Gloves, cheaper than ster,just
opened at A: B. Heine*, Corning, N. Y.
—The cheapest and most beautiful ; Para
;di in town , at 4. B. Heine's, Corning.
-.-A nice colored Kid glove for only T 5
cents at A. B. Heine's, Corning, N. Y. '
—Sun Hats for ladies and children,
cheaper than - at of r stores at the fancy
store of A. B. Hein .
—.Pongee Pares ,in nice variety; good
silk sun umbrellas or only $1,25 at A. B:
Heine's, Corning, .7:
—Aftal.aasortme l ' of the celebrated AWin
oess, Empress, Jou in and Alceundre Sid
glives iu all shades, color, and -
size, at 41..
B. Haines I Coming, N. l''. ..,,
—The lurgeat stock of Kid gloves in town
' ftt A. B. Heine's, Corning, N. Y.
—Silk, Linen, _ ivor.4, and San
dallwood fans, also Palm Leafs, in great
variety; at the fancy store of A. 8., Heine.
—Another new supply of those nic k hair
Chignons, Braids an Switches, for which,
our store is renotoued,just received, at A. B.
Heine'S, Corning, N. Y.
7 -Buttons, Fringes, Gimps, cotton
Pringee, sand Marseille Trimmings in abun
dance, at 4. B. Heine's, Corning,
—Ttte Erenie and Saratogaliussel neat,
light elasti , durable and graceful, at the
favorite fancy store of A. B. Heine.
-4merican and • French woven . corsets,
'also Madam Foes Corset and skirtsuPporter ,
at the cariet store and hoop skirt manufac-i
ory ofIA. B. Heine, Corning, N. Y.
—oor Hoop Skirts are all made hand
of the best material, therefore wear out one
half dozen of those bought' at other stores.
Hoop skirt Manufactory of A. B. s v Helne..
—Ladies your attention is invited to our
large and b eautiful assortment of .blrench
Jewelry of all kinds at low prices, at - A. B.
Heine's, Corning,.N. r.
Ottr Ribbon deparitnent is the mosleom—
Ate iri town.,A. B. Heine,'Corning, IN. P.
—Lace Collars and .Handkerc4iefs in
profusion at. 4. B. Reines. _ 1•\ -
—Our new frames for the manufacture
of the late* style hoop 'skirts just received.
Ladies bring'your orders to,,the hoop' skirl
manufactory of A. B. Heine, Corning. '
A i arge assortment of real point tact
R:" Seine's I "7
Old skirts altered and repaired, I latest
styles made to order, at short notice . ;; at the
,tiopp - skirt marladory. 1
' 7 l • —Linen . Handkerchiefs and Zncels , for
only,lo cents. r _'
Wolieboro, Jane 8,1870-Iy.
r , i
, • ' lg. kepk bete owl for gale.. T4o only ,thiogibe
- ottbrOrkki'ptotaleeir to ild.tse rip attroottod, to
. etuto9zeig begidog'keepine - lbe _beet aggortment
of Moods Ili tbe 'town, le, to 'try, • - t.o give every
mop ble toot3Wit.wortp.j _ ' ' •
-. t •
.. .
Jupo, 8, 1.810.- - Ta. o it. CI Altlnli Ett.
„. . ,
TheAtllintie :464iblet
figfto_ GA transmitting ;Yte r Yer
• j.....f!grist rapidity, - biddltig'dol44prfra,tirtie,
tanotOlorea Power_ And. Stetigk,
11 1 .4 1 1 -
. . . ,
Wit? IONE!!
addia 7 that - Ltao4eatit - , ROCEIi tEtl are ta - be
found; (sooner or.; The ,
will the4fore;talie
f .
continue■ to' received and iranimit to 'his out
ofevery'thing`undor ibir he4ien a, injhelinO Of
Glio.o " ißTiB;4,T : ioliisio ' N . §
irith‘the most incredible dispatch. . Whet ie the
neetroftneutiozing articles When the..publio le
ieetirod that EVERYTIIINGI that ever ought to
be kept - in a
NEW GO ops. -
Come and See the New Goode!
- .
LTAVING t*ken the store receotly occupied
JUL by Mr. Laugher Itaehe v and filled in with
now end elegant etook of all grailes,pf
••. • .
which 'cannot all'tti - pleaie the - close/it buyers ) we
Invite all' to.take a look through the ea,tue. •
WO are offering great kalgaina to the ladies in
a fevi - prieee of whioli we give beloir :
Light Al papas & Mohairs, 22 to 25 de.
Lawns, fatest paterns, from 22 to-25 ete.
Black Alapacaa froin 40 to 75 cents.
Grocery Departmett
, .
. 1 . .
iVe havi an excellent line-in this department,
and at prices that must, suit all. Leek at the
i 1 figures
- Sugar from 10,to 13i cents. ,
from 75 cts, to $1,50.
D.B. Deans Baleratus, 10 cents. .
Byrno, 80 cents!.
Coffee 14 cents., . •
_ . Cbewing Tobacco from 80 cts. to $l.
t ' .
Wo also keep a largo assortment of miscolla
own goods, such a 4 Is usually found in dry
stores.• Our omortroent of
Caps : Hats' Caps'
for Mina nye, are varied and emnple.te. We
keop In the
Boot & Shoe
trade, the different atylei to plena() all, and o
the beat manufacture.
In opening our stook to the public, we propose
to eell - our goods at the' lovrest priees,, and by
strict attention to business to receive a liberal
sharo of patronage. Odr pa* is extended to all.
N. B.—The Goods -.purchased of Mr. Bache,
will be sold at ooet until elOsed out.
Aug. 10, 11370.
just received at
May 4, 1870. THOS. HARDEN.
C. , F. & 0. Moore,
Welishoro, Mee and Stables on Water
Street, in roar of Court House. They will fur
nish horses, single or double, with, Buggies, or
Carriage., at short notice. Long experience in
the business enables the proprietors to announce
with confidence they can meet any reasonable do.
mends in,their line. Drivers furnished, if desired
and passengers carried to any part of the coun try.
Thanicful for past fevers, Hwy invite continuance
of custom: Terme' reasonable.
Nov. 24,1889.- y.
Ontario Feinale Seminary.
CO3IMENCEB'its 46th year on Wednesday,
September 14, 1870.
For information, address '
E. 0. HOVEY, A. M. ;
*August 3, 1870 4w , • Principals,
, • •
Ohairmaker, Turner, and
Furniture. Dealer, I
•. i, S ALE ROOM,
Shop'and PACTrVoppoirite D itt's
Wagon Shop ' Main Str t, where he is pre
pared to furnish' Cabinet Ware of any kind to
those in want.
Ordeis pro:Oily filled and sitisfaetion gamin*
teed:- Fancy Tinning done to, order. ' ..• '
lirellaboro,Jan.l,lB7o: I 1 7. 81101114 'c .
rbk. og, h1„0 o.ln rib° Itarket. Agents . uantiel tn .
i t okljnotta Llteetat opinntleslon Por tem '
and tryenler, addetite;ilo.S. AAbttrna, Oen. Agent, No,
700 °lies tont
B'irtu of in order of, tiro Orphans' court
in an for the county of Tioga, the under
signed, - Ad - inititrators - ofAhe estate of theat er
Partridge; de asedplateOf Oharlestim 6.,xnehip,
on the first day of August next, on th e 11e „
, : utfs'es herein toperlherlyexpose•to sale, at publi c
auction, the following described tract of land,
belonging to ALI alitatevyp',ling . ,
4i,a.that lot •)•I•Aittfd'Atyhtetri two torinehip .or
OharleritOn;Titiga county; Pa , beginning a e
post standing in the giro dividing Muds of, s t Ad
•decOdent's eittittrifrom ' lauds. lof Thos. E. biltelti.
ell, where the same Intersects the Webster road;
thetice;atopi '604 ;road 'tenth; $7 degrees east,
20"e -rods rthenee, log lands 'of said decedent' s
estate,• soptb o ,4o degrees West, 10.7 rude ; Abe eee
month, 10: degree's Treat, 20 rode; thence, norib,
84 degrees woat,-20-rods;
t3enee north, Stli d e .
r ? 0,..t0 the, place of beginning;
nontalilltig'Ancreerof April: 28,
1870, by Mtvld
1 , ,
B,aoho's old stand
Adpiijpistr,o.oi7s,' Sale.
`arms of oalo mado Ituovon'at pineo of gnd on
,1011$ 'I{OJULER;
ilarleptiMSTuly 6;167,0 - AdmMiatia're,
IJE t114DMOION.}.11); Weald say tq. the eiti.
I aatut.eo4VOliablio:9tid vicinity, '
tfiatbe his a
Harißess Shop
unoperation on Oration Street, boneen Maio
W a t e r Dime wh'ero'he is prepared to onp u .
iar° itipda 0f,, . ,
ouble &Single -Harnesses
• ,
iln the best style, ,und,of tho,bebt4eatitist
.-11,11,,PA11U501•.,DQN,2 0
eheit•notice 'and . good:- I employ the btu
rkmen, and .1180 .1101.10: Lut tigi ben material,
d therefore prepared alt who
nt anything, ku my,line,,
.90131 20, 1870
AXIKER has just retnrnc bitisetond
8 stock. of •'
-& =De Ira le Goads'
Oniiri stook" he ere at a lower price dm
Anown • for years. lam call Wand look thorn
over. You will Sad l • '
lat bottom figures., Produce taken in eiehaage
Wellbboro, Juno 22,. IMO tf , . i
. Cleange the- Blood. I
WITII corrupt ortainted Blood you
are sick all over. 'lt may burst oat
in Pimples;' Or Bores or in some ac•
ti - .'e disease, or it' in y merely keel,-
you - listless, &preset aid good for
uollang,, flint you Ca uo have good
health vrlillo your blood f idpure,
`Ayer's Sarsaparilla purt s cut thus
Lrnirtnitieei , it expels disease and stimulate the ergots
oft life into vigorous action. hence it rapidly cures
a variety of complaints which are caused by impurity
of the blood, such as Scrofula, or King's EVII, Tumors,
Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, Pimples,- Blotches, Boils, Et.
Anthony's lire, Rose or Erysipelas, Totter or Fait
Ahem, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Cancer organceroas
Tutadrui Sore Eyes, Fomalo Diseases, such asUtentiet,
Irregularity, Suppression, Whites, Sterility. also By
or YeneralDineases, Liver Complaints,und Mort
Diseases. Try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and see for your•
self the surprising activity Ivith Wkii6h It cleanses Its
' blood anti cures these disorders.
During lute years dui public have been . misled it
large bottles pretending to give a quart of Extract of
Sarnaparilla fur' ono dollar. Most of these buys bets
frairde upon the sick, for they not only contain little,
If any; Sarsaparilla, but often no curitivo ingredient
whatever. hence, bitter disappointments has followed
the use of the various 'extracts of Sarsaparilla allot
flood the market; until the name' itself has become
synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we cell
thls.compound, " Sarsaparilla," andintend to supply
such a remedy as shall rescue the mune from the load
of obloquy which rests upcin it. We .„think we hate
ground for believing it has virtues which are irrealsti•
ble by the dais Of diseases it is intoded to curd. We
can assure the sick, that we MTer them the beet alters•
dye we know how to produce, tend we have reason to
belie, e, it is by far the most effectual purifier of the
blood yet discovered.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is so.nuiversally known to
snrpaes every other medicine for the cure of Coughs,
Colds, Influenza, Iloarsenese,"Croup. Bronchltt is, In.
cip lent Conehmid lon, and for the relief of Coneump•
tire Patients in advancell stages of the disease, that It
is useless here to recoupit the evidence of Its
The world knows them'
Prepared by Dr. AYER 4 CO., Lowell, Mass,
and sold by all Drag fete and dealertt In medkines
everywhere. iMay,18,1874--2m •
ocre s.
ER, purifies dm blood and Cures scrofula•
Syphilis, ;Ain DISEIISCIi, Rhcuwvtlem, Diassee of
Women, and all Chronic 'affections of tbu blood.
Liver and Kidneys. llccommOndcd by "tbo Medi.
cal Faculty and many thousands of our beet Ott.
Road the tottimOny of Phyoichin& and patinae
who liavo used Rondalib; t‘ttstl Corfu' litieuthtlitt
'Guide to Ileatth Book, or Almon' for Obi lear ,
which we publich for gratuitous Istributicb;
will' give )oti much valohlo Information.
Dr. it. W. curt' of Baltimore, says: 1 •
I take plealuro in rec ommon din t ; y eivt Rersett
-15 as a ctry yioreerful elterutive. I bare too it
used lu two cases a ith hal+)
case of secondary syphilis, in which the pat eat
pronounced himself cured after haling takes ITS
nottlee'or your The other in a cats at
scrofula or longstanding, which to rapidly im•
proving. under its' use, and the ludicatioua are
that tIo pationt rein soon recover. .1 here care
fully xatnitied the f.l nada by %Illicit. Isla
yotir Mandalie is made, autl find it en esreliest
compound of alterative ingredients.
Or..sparks_ Of Zdlcholaavillo , Ky., and n be Inc
used ittneutalls in casts of Scrofula and Byroads•
ry Syphilis with satisfactory rezone. As a clean•
or pf the blood I know no butter remedy.
&rand 0, McFadden, Nurftersboro,
/ havo used seven bottles 041tosadalia, sad ids:
entirely cured of lthenmatisth ; send me Muria&
ties, as I wish it for my treater, who bus War•
loos sore oyes.
Br Dochtol- • " 'ail bet
clogjamiti Bocbtol, of Lima,Obio, writes, -
alit:feted for ta - cuti . ,cure alai au inveterate
eruption over roY whole body; a short titnemc.
purrbaned n bottle df 4oaadulia and it effecto l
a erect cure,
itokiodails is, sold by P. R. Williams & ; 1116
W. O. Kress, Wellsboro; Philo Tulkr, Th
N.J.,. Bacon, Blossburg,abd Drugglets_geomill•
March 0,1870.-Iy.
To:act as Salesmenand general Superintend/3dr
01 Salesln this County, leo one in each utthe tiejoire.
log, Counties, for Steel Plate Engravings, iibueo bi!
the National Art Assuclutioh, sold by subset ptien to
•supetior in design and _exechtion that their sales ON
great during all seasons and fimel3. Moll putt do hue
looks exclusivol) for us, not:only teeetvog and filling
orders,' throughout portionS of theCuanty, tut tun
TOY and superintend the said , of A nurshet ~/. salvo
men: A few who do not uish to ;issunte the I.lo llo '
Unity of a Superintendency:' will .also be aee c pti 4 to
merely act as salesmen. Sniffle Engravirgo at e earn' .
ed lb a Vatanl Roller Case . Frames arc not generally
used or sold by our Salesnion . To stranger< we 0"
%fowl:Pinions on sales for tin first slat; or nine's data ,
when, frOnilthe business - ft kut aril energy manifested
au equltablesslary can ho Agreed upon, should toe) ..
ho preferred to rernUilel ii tin 4 It . conliniebion. , ertwil
Teachers, Farmers, A ants, Nfe •tatnieSO:ral i,tb kr butt
nesi and professional men cut t engage with grrat Prd i t
It by letter, state ag,e;""prov us and present bninneisp
oi pro (Ilona! pursuits, ex ?licits stating whoh"
Superintendency, or alertly a situation n 8 SHfsfinan i 6 .
desired—what territory is Neferzed—t he earliest lily •,.
the; engagement could eantnienee • 111711 if furless or lon.
ger terpt than one year, its'exort or probable durialut ,
&0. 1 , tre.. It. 11, CURE AN :CO.,
i-Publishers, Main & Water Sta., Itocheater, N. Y•
Ifq t rch 801870-3ro .
April (1, 187 0,-1 y
ILIORSE FOUND—Came to the preniises of
de artbseriber. in Charleston,- about tbo
2fr l th of June, n large bay more, with a edit ,
spot in the foieher.d, a email htirer on, the right
side, and a soar on the left hip. Tha (inner it
reivekedloproye property, pny the charges,
and take ler Away; Zdrom racKELL.
July 20, 1870.'8w
t' • .
•F.. :f
`.%.2 .
'PO •
O s •
117 1 ,- . , f