VTOL IIE XVII. INE TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR VI H 11,116 EVICI.T:WEDNEADAY MORNING DY Ik N GE,LPER & MITCHELL.. I ino. I. Mitchell. f.t ; van Gelder. (ills of SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY IN AIWANCE.,) k per year) ' $2,00. RATES OE ADVERTISING Lvas OF NIITIOS oni LESS, JUKE OWS4DAFIS I lin. 3lne 4 Ins I 3Moe r omo. 1 1 Yr $l,OO I $2.001 $2,50 I $5,00 _j $7,00 I $12.00 caror . 1 , 2,001 3,00 1 "4,00 I_ 8,00 1 12,00 I. 18,00 I 10705116,001 17,012,0 C -1- - W,00160,00 1757 - 0) —. PO - 1 - 30,00 45,00 I 60,001 100,f10 • J. . srrial Notices 1& cents pe Hui.; Editorial or Local'M ceun pogliao., Imugen t rolvestising 11178 T be 'pal d fork' advance. irJastica Blanks, Constable" flanks, Deedti;Judg-, N o tes, Marriage Certificates, dc.,on band. r' BUSINESS CARDS. `'an Gelder S;-Mitchell 8 .,g, Itain and Fancy Job Printers. All work ropily-and neatly executed.—Jan. 1, 1870. _NVllliam A. Stone. • Aauroey and Counselor at Law, first door above Covers() ‘4.• Osg on ood's store, ,Main atreet. IVellsboro, June 22,1870 y • Sm Merrick, Ittoneys ' Counselors -at Paw., Insurance, BQuaty and Pension Ag0n0y, 1 ,011166 6n Main Street, Wellsboro oppoiteNllnion •Block. La. I. 1970. W. s 11. Sum!: (I so. W. Munittett. Seeley, Coats & Co. EANIARS, linoivillo, Tiogai .)ounty, Pa.— Reai‘o. money on deposit, t 1 scount notes, sell drafts on New City. promptly instla.—Dee. 15,1813g-45 04 1 • Jno. W. Adams' I:.:ine) and Counselor at Law, Mansnold, Tioga Pa. Collections promfitly attended Jan I, 1870. .ino. I. Mitchell, Jil , c< y uu,l Counselor at Law, Claiui;add .In- 'ruranea :nt. Office over Kress' Drug Store, ,1 1 .,Ining gitlitor Office, Wellebore; Pa. ,111 I. H 7 , Wilson 1i; Niles, 2 1 f ... .' 2 wrneys aud Counselors at Law. Will atieli,l , promptly tt, business entrusted o their care in ' le ,i:entie.9l. of Tioga and P tier. Office on te Avenuq. , ..14n. I, 1870. entrusted o 1 • F Mr...eN j ' IJ. 13 NfLE3- 1 - I John W. Guernsey, !7orney arid_ Counselor at ',air. All business atrintod to him will be promptly attended to. ,l ,or Booth or. Ilazlett's Hotel, l'iogn, 110;4 C.,unty, Pa.—Jan, 1, I $7O. • Wm. B. Smith, ':1 , .(1, Bounty and Insurance Agent. Coin tuniqatiocvl sent to the atave address will ra mre pr.unpt attention. Torres moderato, .104.1 \ Pe..--=Jan. 1, 11,70. Soymour tic Horton, , .i . cleys Pottasalora at law, Tioga . Pa. 1 .11 lssine4A entrusted to their eare will receive •rotupt attention 11 S t.vaoutt W. D►. Teitoll Ai Co., :.esalo Druggists, and &Mora in Wall Papor i , e r --f• . , . , , „ 1 , . ... . .. , . • . - • . .. , . . • .i \ F I/ . : -,.) :-.,--.''' (:::'„ , ,i'Ll , 1 •,... .' • , i 4... , • ; ; . . . . .• * ••• • - •' • - N i4 "'- - 1 ' ' •- • ' - ''' 2 ?• 44 ' 44 4'>:44 ,4;4 1 4 i:rill4'*•: - . 4 .;Z*7-e- , , Z44Z•±44;;;,!:4.4;;;;.•4•4%.:1 4 4VAXVI:•'4 , "47RZTt-14r..•• , - , 1.4 . ZY-4 - •". 4i44-4u. - 41.7,44rtr.raat.titgihyl4t , 4ztr-t•rtger.d&-. 4 , •^V•.;: , ':; 44• 4 *•4 , 4;44;;A:A: ,V74l•Zpr • et • V • .•!.. • :::4-1: 4 7 4, 4 •44 74C:Ai - ',"•4:•:• , •: : :: =4 . ',4 4 1,:f4 • 41:41.4..••? 4 ' 4 4 '• •• • . ''''... i• • ..e. 4 4 -4' 1' , ...`... 4 ' . ••i ' i . 4 4 :' .' - -- F, • r*: - .'4' ... , t, • ' ~..'• , , •.,• i,../ • ~, .., LC:. -44."_'! 4 . , . =' ' ; - ...` _.. J . ;•__ •- • - „.. -.4 ",•c r ., • *". „ ... .-,.. , H .4 ;. ‘• ' . . r . `. :: r .' 4 ‘• ' 1 :, •'. ; : ~, f, q , , 3 ,:.! * 4 0. 4 e Ll' . _ :• _ • T • , , „. s ~ ..... , •„_.,i. A 4. il _. •,:, r• ;pr ; 4 ; '',i • • ik ' , ''§' • . ; te. . : .j1,..,1 .#k i '-—' ''''' l "" - ''''.- j ' . -.4.- '-- ' .:,.. •, e 1 le ,f1,,._: ,' .. 4". 1' .i, ,il. , i ‘,. .: ;,-.', rjegli k eif . 'kr --,,, - =l'4. - f i , . : '4 C . e ;"•; . , ~,e ..ke, , 1ek..e.,..k .• .1, .e , -,e..:,:r ; ; , . .:., • . .. . . ~ . . , a, . , S 5 I e. . , • .• , . • • ' .e... ; i mw i .i G1T . 1,„.,.,, ~,1.,,Q .D : :.. .,,,,1,, . T -... _ ®, , :. ~..„!..,.., ......,,,..,,, •, I ', ''' . —z—.- - ..,.; , ' :', : : : / - T. B. STONV., .(formerly B. C. Wirk hmu's Nursery) T lIIS NUlifigia L OF F.RUIT.ANIpOA. lA_ NAM ENTA - 1.3 Vita g;S, :111 Vitii3 A J. C. lIOWroN MEM L. C. BENNETT MMI New Tobacoo)Stoml - , - - THE SUbseriber has fitted up' the Store first door east Thomas Harden's dry. goods. store, fOrjNehaanufacture and'sale'oc • ' C:NA#S,'(angrarie4:), Pane, and C I D 7II2 T)rt SMOKING Toßlce6,Aticliigankni Cut • CHB TOIN 0, and all kinds of P.LUQ 7'08A.000, • PIPES; and theehoi- cent Brand of CIGARS: 021" Call and see' for yourselves. Wellsbero, Jan. 1, 1870 7 -tf. ) ° . • New rTannery.., 111 HE undersigned has fitted up the old Pena. I. dry building, near the Brewery, Welisbor .; and is now prepared to turn it cowhide, and harness leather •in the best ma ner. Hides tanned on shares. Cash paid hides. , MARTIAL A. DIJRIF. - t, Welisbero Jan. 1,1870. ' - •;i We sborg .11 - 131111.014 . 'would say'to tho'cilfzons of Wiillshoro and, yicinity that ho is pre pared'to supply them with BREAD,. PIES:, AND.', CA.OS, : ," ,„ of the, best 1 quality: , We aleorsetvemealti ilia . end . rol;; CREAM to those whii wish: •Ciill'O the cid Stevens' E tend. .1 J. BFAGIN. '' June 1870-Iy. , T (IG( A ,-,-1)11:,V".0:e:,4$T1)..11K:1 , , _ ORDEN:::!kcepg ,Intiik-ktantli;:nit , . ir:7 h . 911: Pure Drugs,and Medicines, v. f -;;. .hetnieals, Paints and Oils, Lamm l':. Stationery, Yankee NiitionS &c. , PRWSekitipTIANS CA ktHPIILLY -601 1 1,1TUNI)1 , 13• _ . . . , ' .• , t'l.ts ci , i :-.'. il.tJ 44z,.. .16 . Tioga,Jll4l. 1,1870.71 y FOR 1.570. B y 4.; 870„ 60,000 Apple Trees, 10,000 Pear ,„., , A good supply of PLVM, I;PApH, CHERRY and ORNAMENTAL TREES & SHRUBBERY , 1. • . , 'rho Fruit trees are composed ia the choicest varieties, good, healthy, some 43f thein large and in bearing. 'Any ono wishing'. to) get a supply will do well to call and see my stock before pur chasing elpewhere.• .x/Yi - Deliveied at therdepot p Wensboro, Mansfield, LOu'renceville and Bless burg., free - ef.chargo All orders promptly filled, 1 'ti:d.ire9F, ' T B STONE, I \ t I ' . T iiig at, ri,-, No g , D., Hl >,y• , i i.‘ 1 , • ----, .._. ------ r - t PAtNiffe-) I' . c': I.— 9 011 IN INII 1111ISIIIK Fir the 3liillicn, at' "1' • ;‘lnrch It 3. IS7O-1f W. C. KRESS Holt's° and Lot for Sale. OITTII of Mons Geld, rtoliacoupty, Pa., initlic 0 in easy walking dittanee of the churellea, ,Stat:o: l , l ..rakal School, &c. Rouse in good order, good else, rind convenient. Excellent well and ciete . rn wator to the door. Lot contains about 11 acTe, and husjn 00014er:of choice fruit treom, F.rapo vines. 4e. _pleasant and. desirable . hoineya ‘ ii.d will hel•old at a low figure. .Add ~r inquire of J. N. Manvlleld, March 23, 1870 •tf Th . I )Itse Lot forT-',ssqle." • AGOOI . House and hard; on aiot. of two alltlwit.hin ten minutes walk .0 i t the Court IlOuse‘, Welleboro, is offered for s'ale. /To quirtl of JohnPL Mitchell, Esq., Wellsboro. J0n..26, 1.5,70—tf. M4NSFIELIJ -- IMI J:RAL. PAiI T, i , ? Poi sale by March 113, 1870-tr. 7 W. C 'KRESS 1 1 A'PE'S T CI, OTIAS '' WIRE.. pin: undersigned having secured the agency j_ for the Patent: htetalic••Whitel- Wire for Clothe.? Linea, due:, not rrAvt, and i 8 oheny er anduphe durable than :rny' other invention, and 'will! cold cheap iz - A4-01Siblre left - Ai t he l'oo Office will receive prompt aitanth - al L,,P. itr ?h - We, tu.. 4 .2Lituler , ,ig . ned, cheerfully recommend the ttbovused St fot a long tiroe'ami tArlll it to he all it is represented: , ' P.VO.•VAN 0 - ELDII.' • , W. T. MATHERS: ' ''' B. B. HOLIDAY, - A. M.,INOIIA NI, M. I), Munn fi, 1870-1 f. ..-D k /• , , , HOWA RD ',SAMNA R 1 AID AS SOCIATION, ' • • lfor tho Ilklief and Ct4u of Ulu Erriugand Unfortnuoto, un PlitiCiplo,B C4OlllOllll PliiialithruP3". ESSAY 4 ON TUE i'lltßOß'S O . OTOUTII 7 anj the Ful' ilea of Au: t i relation IorNIARRIAGF. find SOCIAL Evits with Sanita"r aid for IlMaßtleted. Sent free; in sPrileil envelopes: 414.1(lreaa, iIoWAHD SSOCIATICN, Nay 4, Im.- e 1 ). floN P. I illidelphin, Pa. . • _ LIFE ASSUR A Is it deltry the payment of a mere pi ' tanae:t4t - ,Forne Life Insurance Company, when by doing to a handsbnie competence Is secured to one's lemily in ease of premature death? In' making on insurance-two—things arw necessary tube considered : Kral, The security of the Cerispany. Second, Cheapness of the inen,nneo. The ratio of assets td liabilities in live companies some what, kni,wo in this viciaify:cicarly, dernatistratcss wbiels ut tbe five is most secure: •m i d ° o f .t B letA - Lo Linbilitice. • ; 'int velers,' . ... , . : . .$ 1 ,52,00. AEttia, . ' i ..:: 129;00. , Home, ' A .... 129,00.1 Equitable. ' . .... 112,00. Wasliktigtim, - , v .). 4... '112,00. THE TRAVELERS' Insurance Company Mid po votaE to cacti $lOO of liability to policy hot. dun. than 2iny.of the :above conipantes. •• - ricttvt.Etts' Insurance Co. :cargo 'from V) to 35 per cent taint insuring than any of the .tb"ve eutepauies Comps - re the annual piemimas chdrged by each`for an insurance on life at, Ilia age of $0 years, payable• at anat.)} Annual premium Ten annual for life Travelers' ..,.. $16,84 ,$-33,21 , )1 , 1 tEttia,: 2. 4 13 42,80 H ot n e , L ..... 23,30 50,00 ta We, • • • •:470 . 4 0,97 -. Washington, • • -1239. About the sante dinereneo running through all the different agfqs and—pbus of In.nrutt6e.--.. i THE' E RS. The other cow iinies",tird '„• All the p icies svo forfeltaltleot d they terms)he contract itr: tt2l,l,:lietween ttet intsored . -adjr this company, - ' . • The Mutual conipnitipt i clia4e,tifitherr policies' a large premium, butitinhe a verbel'preMifie,9o-,, side of the policy to return in the_ fuftirti some of theover charged premiums which they " call eividends. Upon this paw: - "lion. John E.:Sanford, (acknowledged author ity,) insurance Commissionnz, , fez ,.. th et tante of-I Masiachusette, says : "The plaritt;tit . ' fccurciS ' the dOsircti atuount of Insurance nt the..sinnllest annual premium is the best. The inetiMe produelito end inteltee'betiring, and neringe'ktank plan, and a dozen more of thd same PROMISING sort are well . enough. for those who - cun'aflctrd to go into life insurance as a spec- ulation, and throw ar_ay half their chances.' 1.••! , • • SMITH & MERRICK. .4.gents for Travelers: 14 . 11f ) 1870.8inr — : Am) leis 1,1 . 9 =1 ; ME Wit. R. +RUSTRONG. 4 SAMUEL LINN. ik Armstrong $t Inn,i . 1 •Mr 1 ; . 'WILLIAMSPORT, PRNIVA. • • iL "Aug. 4 0 1869-Iy. • t ' -- wt ; .77 4,IIDREW \ rox,Ev , , 1 ~ - • • a o has long been °stab -7.. 4,‘` lilbeck in.jko ; i l - ewelrybust-, '•,.. ~, e'•Jl wifti-. Ow , -SOO/_ .. varffra e` '' h _ ,:--::; lalifCaltd'priCVs of ::" C'" ." ik :k o . lAN ..WATCHFS, L - G01,1)30411 SILVER CLOCK S, JEWEL ", NS ) - ,KLEY Si , RINGS; PONS, ffIiiNCILS, CASIN;, GOLD -e. ' - - STEEL r:EO, TED Iy.,ARE;• U. 11. BORDEN Aithmast, other articles usually kept in suoli k3titatYlislthent which is sol L fl loiv for MI ~ , _ 7;1 - , Repairingiannes ' 11N111)r} tOnd in:ohiPtly, and on short , , NOTICIS. .." t , s ' FeELltt.'" anuar_y b 1870-Iy. • , • ,; . • [IAANK VE[6l: 1 . tr.74.,' .• • lier;o4tcnipttpAunflioate ; , & Pear trying to PriliAlio Ararilit'; suiteler.Bondiz'; ‘• Sityleek:trants big " P,o!and'pf Ple0.)"-7- •, Wants it 4 1•itoiliiiated in the Bond." Wants Dalhages- 1 500:000,600-2-L' - • 7, Ad infinitum, ad nauseam. > Tne "learned Court" couldn't “see it," egad ! transit gloria, "Old Line"— The whuie crew overboard: • ';„Too , fight fur heavy business.' Anothdrfrub to the Whale, . With. ttu hottoin knocked out. Bat the A.ir Line still lii'es;" " Right able up, with care,"— Speed; Safety and Style coFebined.• Lot the puhlic)lsuiditt . F. A. B..ct; avi Line—; '.•"/ • insinseparable,.. , ' 'Won, and rforetert! ifiiVebster).l....--- , s _.- 1.•, , Let the Whenlikapdle•mournv(bibleX ( ,• - F, • 17. 13tiNN - 1,,L.4:•cc,,,, , . :4 .Tune 29,14741! , .ti. 5 ,t; \01`4) • !THE undersigned aliens for salti in -Jacket:in township, on liammond's Creek; his Steam anti Farm. Said farm contains 65 aert.s, thee dwelling hou.t6s, store, & goad barn. Th'434llill has been built 2, sears, contains a 34100r,..0y Power engine circular Mill, Shingle Mill and Edger. Mill 40 by 75 feetvbeildes,boiler hotise, and in good condition. Good power n a nd plenty of stock for custom work. 'The farm is !under good cultivation, about 50 ' asries improved, well .watere,i,.!t good bearing orchard, and desirable for dairy purposes. The prnperty, peen to d b.lalppreedatedl For' terms, a &Iv* Q.; TT A.III.IITON, June 3, 18 . 04f.' tra, , . . . • Tioga:',Nakble Wokks. ‘i' , . .), d I ' 'l2 ;i' 4 'ed-t6"ie'' rriTIE undersi b nh s , o -pr ar e - 1 ,jj cute all orders,forAMb Stones 4:tii,Mottiti 1 merits of either . , .- , Av . -:., ,\- , 1 \ , , . • 7 , I •'I,T ALI AN Ok, A lni44'ltip" N e tt A. 13 IA k : ' of tile latest style la 0 (1 , 1 , akpfev,etllpritlappahlei at 4i with'dispateh . : ,` :„ '- ~ ?.. Ho keeps 6,olistantr3i-'4ll l littriill3 : oftt ; kinds -- of Marble and- - 4911 % 10 _able to eu.it., itilo3vlocttay.Sa. •i'oribitn with their ordOt s.,'ot as"reasfinablst,ll9, as an be obtained itt `tfietontitry. - " i •". rli'. •..`Ytt A N Ki‘A.D.A.ms , . c :. , . loga ,Jan. 1, tazo-y. ., ,k . • „ : , -- 1 - _-__•l_ ) , ...3 ~ I C., P. ei.r - I[l. ITIOIED 11", 11 . • L , .. .: [VERY ;AND ,„:Wl(.lOittfANG,E), fitATIL t '.' , Wellabora, Pa., (it Tick kali Sta i pWiza,4 Street, in rear of Ccratt- llouSa,"' heY:,vitif !4 ni3h horso . s, sing% of doubte i , 'ltitll•'7itiggie4;‘ Carriages, at short notice. Lpng picperienep,; ;, the)business enables the propr,letyrit to airooUn a with confidettgethey`eart tutiat any - 'reniohtt e . = aiands in their lini. Drivers Curntsbeti,jf,. e'stred nn4 passengers carried to anypart of the country. Thankful for past favors, they invi to coati uuance of custom. Terais reasonable. , i".140v.--2 , 1118119.- ty. . 1-- I'., -i- _' .. :• • - • " - . =I 'ER'S. PERIODICALS. Tlartms FOR 1870. At's MAGAZINE, Ono Year 00 ;14,'q EF:KLY,' One Year '4 00 BAZAR,. One Year....-,, ,4 00 , 's MAyAZII4.Ir.,,p4 147. WR NVTII4O. 'OM , . 8Az4.5, , t0 nne-Aildrem, for,-. 2 9ne ()Apar,. eevoyer '091 , . - 1 . z tza Copyeitelei . u. Batter; - , begupplieVirratitt rat r, of !Fi V 9 Sulpsorli.eers -cep 090.chisin: Ince ; or, -Six 'Copies for etFcc, 1 19 4 7.141- out extra copy, _ • ItiAuAzieter toritaitia rreatly , Dthlftlitc the Alcbtent of, Mattfer,for,nisleedlridbe.Galp'6, , The y Atlantic, LipPiricet, w It oeeds„, in about the same . reettre Engliph Man , of the same gensrAtAlais.`l,-, kr!' A New Story splendidly Illustrated, bYX4IIIO , Collins (Author of "The Woman in White," "No ,Natne." "Armadale," and "The Moonstone"), idilljho Cfchriineneed in riarpor's Weekly in No- 1 vember;lll3l). ' Persons „ &doting to renew their Subscriptions -- Iraqi - Der' Periodicals will much oblige the Pnblishors,byrsending in their Names as early as oony4ieptliercire the Expiration of their present Subtettiptions, This will dbielate the delay at-' tentlidit uton re-egteripginames and bac)f. Numbetis. , „Now Sukse i ribeYS'Wllll36 supplied. with t• either ftbtnithe presetit iitne to f l-, k , ik r 444 th,n, : pear ytct. for, Four .I),4llari. Ad t di-is:4 R PE4 4,0R0zuEnt3;iNex44 1 64... - ' trewigork; Oct. - 15,1,ticA, ; t0,...t? .1)43 me3its. MB OM IN ncco '7: FTRAY.—Caini" ihtc;Abel'e s t;closhrel oAie subscriber, irepailin .119110 - W;LonAtbel 20tbl ,iest/nt, a red yearling;steer s ,of The I oleo or will please, priptip . ,T6oerty; lifije.'ohar= wae-itik 4 4kok bite a wayi...l 4) It Jalfißti:Eht. "Ohaileeton, July 27, 1810. 41 2w .0 f •. EWELRIT - STORE . • . .„ _ v wELT,OS-80,p,0,,pA. MI . , 4'2 E hitr it i 4GIONt 1.1 t. tilts! I - &c., &c , CLEAR THE TRACK! 1870.1 . 4 1870' • n.no FOTtr •,-:.;;LCARPETS, :14n . • • AND MATTINGS, BM . 't4t(ltt' - • • 131 1 , 3 S• • k , ISCHEM r 1 ITION.—AII persons aro hereby forbid iiirboring.or.trusting Frank Myers on my 'luta,. as: I will pay no delas of his contract ) REUBEN T. 11A,1.L. artningitin Ilill:,..lulyglAV(i ) }he, 1 ; 1 ! 'Ai ;; y•-1 L. J•, WELLSBORO,: PA., DNESDA -31011,N1N04-. MTGUST 3, _ . ME MEM I- 111 lA\ iil MEI =MEE MIN i 1 THOS. HARDEN 6itizow SUMMER DAY. *Sunshine over the meadow lands, Kissing the crimson oloyer, And sunshine hat : lntng pus That the yellovt heti:hal§ tp , !'A And sunshine over' the 'hazy hilfe ,A,!Aoy'er!the dimpling rifer, wish that the sun and the sumtaer day Mightihine and last forever. *o . Wa'llted down by the meadow patio: 4 ,j 'The lir l Oid highway az:Saking, • For theiquitit of that lirvely spot Seemed better far our love malting. • And I was silent and she was 4. - As we walked down throoi o clover, But we thought it (holeq*'si r eimett t pas r;,. I i • t That eve , the srtn' t s 116'45vai."- -!L tiVari the birds inthe waving grass, ) A4.tiier-twiterea to each other, ./kbcipVtliev:nests they had hidden away— ' Al44hilt,coo of each glad birol-To4her... And ito thoilight as we walked' that 'summa day Through tbe.Olover blossoms . together, That at last `.the world was in perfect tune, In the glad, :bright summer weather. • I cannot tell what I said rqiir, 1(11 As we walked knee-de*mtlover t fijf t NV know !hat the robins merrily sung ( Their svie test of sweet'songs over. ind49Wiihrmy heart love's own bird sang A i6ng that was gladder, sweeter, 'Antt its'ebicjoined with (ho world's sweet hymn, • Am:Heal the day completer. Auifirben we same up the'incittdowitaihi 4 OurlioartS sang over and over: 11 0;itreet'i glad day for blossoms and bird, fdrlvery blythe young lover!" ItliLtr not the words she said, ..wliettir she spoke rktittrp:l l 4 ::.C t ii - fltitof all sheet days:that - suninter.aay I count the best of all. litiOptlattrolio grading. ' V 4 -Vitt [nit. the Agitator.] i ir,t{! .. e,Ahcusand Miles .over the Rocks of Tioga County. .11:Y l i ANDREW SHERWOOD, „10111trp:NT OEOLOGIST ON Tun OHIO HIJAVFI'. - '' CHAPTER VIII. THE COAL MEA.§I.I4Ek . IWTIN.TiF i I Wa OA • . 11. :" " Eaythquakes have raised to heaven the hnmble vale, N. • " NS . And gulls the Mountains' mighty mays'entombed, And where' the Atlantic rolls, wide sontieents have bloomed." • ,;1..1 - t;., , , • „•Th . FA al Measures of Tioga county ,iite'siniNy, the northern outliers of the Agreh.e AMUtlachian Coal, Wield ; whiebi • beginsonehr thelNreaf 'Y e Etilt'lAtitiii'lliie .and stretches away to Alabama. These :hilier4bads occupy depressions in the 'facks;' Which run across the county in a northeast and southwesterly direction. Vier, tire three of these ••,depre,ssions,l the Brat otl•which crosses'the'Tloga'ify= er near Lawrenceville ; tlic second, at Atilt creeki above Tioga • and the third, - atßlos.,bidg.' I think it Would be in vain to look. for coal in the 'first of these basins, as tlie r ttepietaldiMilbut,Slight,' and the hills are of low altitude. There is a mountain, however, north of Knox ville, which may possibly Contain' the lowest i bed br coal. H. D. llogpref-who was he Geologist otaPennsylva i2ol.4.l4B•o4-in his valuable report :' ” Up . Sin thfilaghest-knob of 'mountain land,< 10 thBVOttfl, A,A,Mitlltin. sight of Knox vjlre, ttere .t`,,,7,,elsidatfoxnr of whitish is.:l-sifetfir2.,i o.vrtrinz fLholit fifty acmes, .andlrbrwten. lo fifteen feet thick.- Tills' • p . iatteriroroba bl y conceals - and has pro •teete4 the 4 0 .1Ntest beck of, coal.'{„ in in .the second litisio•, '0; synclinalnyall y,, which crOsses)theTitiga at Mill ;ere t there is coneiderable%scoal. ' ll 'la' e ,gerieral .opinion, hoWever, that no oal 'cad be. found mirth., of lilossburg ..an..oPinion gained froila giebarti C f .,,T ylor's report ti i on the coal .region in at vicinity, .made in the year 1832.. Mr. Taylor, seems to havO had•ri'good 'knowledge of geology, eOlisidaring..tha' eartSrAaay_ ih which he wrote:, h.ut,he, waa at fault t in regard to thiaop4ltkOi” of 'the Mae ..iii" ~ .this, county; VilnehNriaEr'ilbtibiresi `title ro the, with tof 4norp, ~ e . ,stentled investi-, gallon. .: His ertior,was in the t aupposi. tion that 'ttr strata dip' to the south all the •way ,fro ni. Ihe E4tate ••line,lp , Gloss-' burg, ro , says i t .:..g3eyond', . 13 .4 - 03Eibbila :towar ,the north, it would begin yarn 'to aeti ekfor these cotili - catrata'••:'.• fOrOil deptitidebt . p.f..the geological chtir&ter, of) ' 04ttcgt(4try being dissimilar.troin.'ithe' carbonaceohirxiation tot.l* south, ' therela rib' ' na lOfty'4CitigTOtti On lain, 41.1eth i i . i-lhati direPticqui :" 'ride& ,Miles :nod 9tf,. , 13 10 4 1 41ibr(444ber4 I§ ft fkg"' , 13r. clipi;at the' -iafe of, 260:„..feek, to, 'the .11f4 stifki,traii'r,a, ) ivtiiar tub t rbagq, l t' itil'etlibVeeteen miles BviliCh w'onild ha' . atTingalsie is.,abput= l soo.feet in..„,p, ..mike. - This,calrplation' is entered "into into ,wlth,a yleiit of ShOWiltg the fittilit,),•: ' Of thfilieut.:. ' 'PectatiOh, not • tin ' iiialy e r xi s freisect; 4 of traelii4 thege;coE6 PO A5.,11l fkrACltherlyl Arecgopj beyohchw ere, ,*ey tire at \ p i dse9f,o,oloein.hie.' :Again he says i ' vWd eeeti grit •-liere.•iipologizii4orth'e . .thiroduellop of these .details,) whentit -,wll,l;heAdplitted that;#4 atteo:on to, th I e inclination askttdiz 4 eqtion.'oftdeks, '.f.s. Of 638dr:tied 'Thifiotitandeqelivarcrlmr-aOttl rate knoWledge and developmeht;o , the geologlcal struetpre o gf,anyjnineral • t, gion."l 'rhis.ia.st. is, very ,true ; , and. if. Mr. Taylor had Observed 'nicire„chisely, , he would have found the rocks titil,ping to the nortft- fvottiV.Malabfielli . kto‘.vlifi i creek, and so; of.4,he,way gt,t ; tllo rate, ,of 500 feet tO eqn*.. Thisglyea . oe.-, , , ipression of!, Ipre tlian '2;009 . fpet,.,and. renders Waltogether probalble that sothe s flthe,h ißs are capp eil • ; .W.lttfAthe ioVzer. . •ds: - Of thei true CloalgetutnrCs e „, , ,jp , -, 6010 haVelseen some' rema,rkable veins . •Otl coallktiiisibiisini , 7) CirilAnd§bf•ltuifit:' selAurd,,lo Gainealq*nship,lllereara 'el lc; Ai &ten t operingalritbri,if, RS ,' roany• IditieieliVkeams., One seam. is .twenty .inlaes [Malt, -, with ' blalge stet ti'fblq he ,floor,tkrid Pre tbinytfoethe'-idOri , Under) the black . ,..sli.ere is Atiotttercetaaro,lfoure teenincheal,hick, with fire clay/W.ow; ti T.t Aloa - .while; on the other side of the hill, there-is asetim thirtrinchestfilek, With t' our, inchWskflotstok.-,lstate ati' , ther' -btlitorn,"'•iii3d, inlyn,edlately,; , nud,er-Atie‘ slate, a scant of cannel' coal, three feet thick-L i making,' ;111 0 'iiilNiqifedt'- aii a 'a:' half of coal! •11'n'Altielserrtitindirig tifiis; there are indications.of- fliadiaitne , min4. eral beds, and they doubtless extend farther4.o the diat'VtilosieertaikaereCW. In my judgirniritk,.thrlik' OP' '-Veltit ''df' coal and iron -north' , of WeilsbOtay bald ,ripe fa'nfrorh Iliddleburytenter, , whichi in view.or y the near _prespeCt ,of a, ra4- kot4 thrOngli lilt& iegititiVnlighlli.'e pro:. fltablY Worked - . -- In s tikidrt; of this idert;. 7..L.hi1l- gild& foarn:Profos.okrltOkers;whP discoyered s some.-.of theAe.lvaine,-.•Whiloi hastily: . pa t ssing through . that se s etion With WO georo t Tlc4l VrPS; rga!l n YeLti , ao-o..;:ltelsay l s , :.r...c , -.,.. 1 :li .)1 . :( ' . ;II 1 . 0 " We found:Alai on a fcc4 , kn - 6.4 Upon' the north side of the mountain,' twh' miles up the, unrakhgagekr t pf.Pißplcs4 creek, above lt4 ##9r s@@,. from'WellsbOrb. • H e m s to cola' bed overlaid by ; tiverkW.YorrithEtyLfeet iot sandstorie, its outcrop describingailiride cheleabout half a. mile in diameter., Its ttackinebs leqiiikiVo*n.'''WelltWards of this, \ between Long•Kutt and gllaishs creek, the top .o.f~ th,p , tilotth tan d& cap ped in many places.pith,p 3101,i ‘ or t •col• about two feet in thickness." ' North of Xeffi l liitiins, till `Pi there are also unmistakable evideriiteg Dfc,Vial.k 4 f9. s .; tkx..lll;,agaitli • rg)rt4lWelA % of. Venni yttit'l3,' near tbeAtitteT . , eputy. 11_12.e. ' c , '„N, - i tip( tbe'Tioga river, in. Tioga dy rt p,(i townships, many Oflhe ( pi) st E illii tet avereolVmAtn Coal 1 1 :U4f:sire , 'Auldstobia,' belonging to the cohglomp- Wile or millstone grit: At a plane Aupwri ; as ." the quarry, "• on A. S s .' Turner's 'Rnd 4 S.eongloinSrate' is' 't'wenty feet; bir. 1 t)k la d i presentara 'wild and pictur esque 4, a ipearance:; ;Large iblocks strew the ground, , weighing many hundred tons, and'resetubling the ruins of seine ancient and . forgotten city. - It is the same conglomerate as ithat which di rectly underlies, the cetil-at :Blossbnrg; p,nd these is p late_d beds, preserved from Ottinetionllllhia Synclinal .valley, are all that nockraulaltiotthe ;Coal forma tion,' , whieh . once.eovered;ltho entire northern half of the-county. • , ~ , The most impOrtanCee•al beds now ex isting in the' couritY'',' ate' found in the Blossburg tbasin. .These• veins have been opened, 'and .mere or less exten sively worked, at Morris ' - i 'Bless -burg, Fall Brook, Arnot, and % • On" Creek—places which' hav: • ecou , 1 .- ted on Real:matt:of their , ,mineal .w •41i '4. On eriteringltlija i basin, tne,atten * t Of .tkiftgeolotist Is at one() attradted s'y b 'vast num West bbruldets Vettlbli i; -. at& tered over the'ground; and whit' ; I ave been for the most part derived from,becis of sandstrine and conglomerate dlrectly underlyinglhe Coal; andlnown as the Millstone Grit—a term which comes to us froth England.. The,se b e ulders. are. generally of. a,whitisb color, and coin posed of quartzoge,' sand •and 'pebbles, cemented tegetliert With very'few ex ceptions, tikey nrefound In all countries • 1 underlaid by„coalkand I wili, say, for I ,the benefit of the affiateur; that ho time hdr money need be' ekperided *ltilseareh of this mineral; cif the above conglome rate does not exio.• No, workable coal has ever beim fourid.helow the triirlstone grit, with' tire 'solitary exception off ti, seam knoWn , ns the " Sharon .vein;" - which exists; at certain places in this I State, and whiejllmmediately underlies. .the mill 6tdife' grit.' "PO' reader will, bear in• mindlhat 'I do MA' include in this-assertion, those' heams which'occur far down In the subearboniferoas:rockS, below the red „snake ; furmaticmr. :The : Sharon Veit( IA represented at_ Oldss %tug, by alsdam Of'fintlarlf i eaalie 'Coal,' nine inches thick, which has la een•zpem6; ed in Coallßun. lam aware -that the sandstone andicongloxnerate which over lie this coal, are pot regarded by_ some of the Blossbnut, mifte4s asi the, mill stone grit—this" rra ,b,euig ; applied. by . theta to a bed,kif, oars.e sandstone, ahont ;10' feet thick, a d', lying .410,10e,t,higher 1‘ up in the serif' , or Just beneath the " Bear Creek Ve n:" This is a great error, and 'one which has led, to many absurd spepulations. ,A short paragra,ph from Dana's Manual of,Geology--7the best authority, - ,win serve to corrccrthis impression :•• , ",The ,Carboniferoits pe riod opened witii.ta: .marked ohatige..--- ,The SubearhOniferonS shale4-'peenine loered witlfe - xfinSive, gravel ,or Pehble beds, or depoSits'•:Of 'sand ; the; hoda:of that epoch; hardened into ar,,r ttY rock, - ) 1 make uptbe' Millstone" grit, a d sand stone wilichandatielthe Coaa ensures. Similar conglomerates - ,and. - ..sa dstottes were formed afterward In the- ourse of the Coal Measures; .bur thia,rock ,is nrcninent',fOr its extent, ,atidlort mark ' lilt the t 60112 titelieeMO t• 0 flthe Coal era." BeloW, will be, found(tsection, of the rocks at Morris:Bun, which waglandly, presented to,me by ray:agedSriend,ll.r. John Young . , of,Blossbutg, and which may be relledon as ;correct., •The Coat Measures at ether, places in the oomAY, will -be found, taimessentlally the same., Mr. Youn g , 3,seetioct. extends :down to the milistonagelt ;-;but..for , the • b.eneflt of those interested, I will carry itdown to the loWest reeks found in the county : . , C0 , .A.1. MEASURES. . • . ... ' . . • ' 1 '.:. ' "; . ' .Fet... Inch, 1. Shale, top of4mourttaini 12 . .' 2. Brown sandstone; f:r i :' • 8 .• . • ' 3. Coal, , ~.- ‘ -.', ',• ' .. --' 3 - ••'" 4. Shale and•mtld Took; - ' 44'• :' ' : 5. coal, . , -, , ... , t, - - - -.7 v,-4. , k0;...--,..,, , 4, , ,'" ~" , 4 "‘": 6. N 6 ', t-examined?r,,C : , : , •).7.l - : - 112 • ,- - .,LTE, 7. Sandstrine, -1 , -, ,, ;!•i;.- -.1.2 '. I -,"4, '.:)4 .8....C.' 1 0a,1, , 4,-. 2.:::,,. 4 .. -;•••. u. 3• - • . - .42 . 'v:trire ditty; • ' ', • - . ~:-•,4-'• i• 10. 'Coal, 4 ' • ' ''. . lii U. ,Fire clay, , •' . - . : 4.. C 9 4 1,- • • • • 'l3. Sandstcine and shale, 'l4. .Coal, 15. 'Shale, 16. Coal, ; 17; Sbale and Mud reek, 18. Coal,,i, ..-. • • 19. Sandstone, 20. "Ctiar, 2L - .lSandstone; ' .12. Coal,—Bear Creek Vein, . 3- 23.':Coarse sauostkonfett 4 - - 30. '24; Cdal-'--Morri 134 It ii ti ve - iii', - !, - 5 23. Shale, with itliff 'bang; ' '4O , 20. Coal, , -4 ' 27- Millstonegrit,' -- • • .• • 80 i 4 ‘•,.. ' Total, , , . ; • - .. , 273 • ..s UI3CARBONIFEROUS• R OCHS '''f. iu Ceal, Sharon, Vein 2: ' 3 131)4A1t slate, 7 \ ...'"Dark liandstone, , r 4, Cannel OM, - . ; -r • • • C), .060 d-fire clay, , - a. Tron ore, . , . ~ i i., ' ll,ed.'slnile and greenish 4,..,:, , ;11.audstone, ' • • 160 ~-B.,, , AVlietatone slate, 10 '9. Coal-thicknesh'imknown - ? 10, i•ftay sandstone & shale, 700 • :,, •';‘',• ' • . • 1 • • ; ; Total ; •' 909 1 9 . : ... . carrsatl.l,.4 ROCKS.' ' ' . 'l: Ited - hale & sandstone, 400 'ciumtu NO: ROCKS.. ) iit Soft shale, • ' '" ,„ 100 is 2 4.NRISOeId iron ore,' . , _ 3. Shale and sandstone, 0 4. -Ttort ore, Isrls.‘, Soft gray shale, _, . 1 ...6. 1 ,...Tr0ti ore, ..-- , 4 .7...131p15h• sandstone, , . L ii -'• ',Total', i.e -I(.lrp, t0ta1,',... .2.835 9 , 4 the übo Asection, theMorrle Ruh . I Vein !O the ectuiVa entolof- the•Mamitoth veid,l worked; at. , Ike;sbarre, %and 'ot Alto •Blo§s•Veini at: Bidsburt ru „.,.1./toing the - present nlont ' the no't er..:,c0,k11 al'en away each day ` om. the threelprlncipalnalues in the: cop' t IP 5, dB',l`ollows : 1 Morris-Run,,, ,300, to ; ~.'zill•Brook.tri,soo.tons,;,and, Arntit, 550 , tons.. ,Total, 4,3543 tons per day. 18,efore closing, I would call the atten: tion of the reader to a very enperioroal,' •for.dorneiticnse, which -is 'owned and Avo,r4erihy. Dir. Thotnap Wilson, aen- Hkp!ui of - .raire'attninments in geology.' is wine is . lobated ' sOuth of Sullivan township) on the ‘road to,Alorris Alan, and yichtands - contain alt ; that lies. be tvieen,tbaßear Creek vein and the mill steine gritof the-ahove sectidn. , I-have eKtittlined his noali, and , can reconimend Atas...being,'eNcellent for both stoves and \ grates. - ..,,:, : ' - .:-; ' 1 - aulY 1870.' • , . [Vox the. Agitator.] , • ": Editor,4-Whilst on a- visit in .Taakson, n May last, the question was a'4lred me by a pious' friend, " Where all) the -plouS dead ?" Believing that' ! theyiwere in 'Heaven,.l gave the ques tirt iota Ude Attention( at the time.-- Swe then," I have given the subject In `diethnught. That they are in Hades, ,the.unseen world, there can be no doubt. ,Jkit,are,they in- Ileaveh, br in some, in. turnieaiate; g place ? Many good peoide `..stfContelo( that the ;most pure,uff ou:r 4 66titrfeir ends - qui:Li - lifted at i lletkthifor- the glotionSiffesence of Christi IA-34V4vcAjr", consequently . 14 twined itit in tnbir ernieilia.te abode, un thelesurreetiolipf their ipdies, tin 4 then the - x.233,0'34, adinitted - intbiTea yen. This unwhbie-Whie r iheofy onrY,l finds support fioin f , tradition, not from :the `'l3lvfne.'Wbfd. The_ hypothesis of .ackijnterritediate, place fur the departed; ii iforMs,the founsiatiOnAf, the Roman Ca-. 1 tlioliC dogtha of,.purgatory i for which , Anw , e WOilid be no - ;grosuntt, but for the fhlseintdillmtation of. the word ' !Jades.' ' This vi sppellative is not used to desig tuit h fli44 place, as distinct from ilea ' 4IR , but rathee. the t lvtirld, 2 the.'World to come, the World of .Alpirite-,eternity;'lhe.sseripittee . I,x preFented to slidtain,fliOloctrine.of,a, ,ehoyOkkltie3 is lsti:lieteT--,451 and 19t14, , , ihNtilbh Christ lamad - to hieve gone and- MEM 1` preac le( ti the spirits spirits in prison' are 'dead -imprisoned , in plaeiN into which the went at deatii,,that Ii them the gospel. But less. ~The Apostle gi stand — that the• same enc,4l and raised the b the dead, moved No 'l.ighteausness,tto proc God to the antedllu hope. Thus the spi with that rebellious p ark was being prepari this long suffering w twenty, years. The were not in Hade,e bi , ;Again, it is siypo "paradise'". Indic tee place. is.argu d't ie-to be uuderstoo the penitent thief wi cioseiPCTo-day shalt ita'aradise." Jetithk . before he took upon servant; herice,it wa tiifil to be detained I ilace'until the resurr re he could enter He iti.whnt sense this- WI subsequently used if merit.. • In MiCorinthians, Apostle speaks of the Paradise es . the foe he heard unspeakabln occurs again. inßevell "To him that overes to eat of the Tree o the midst of the Par hot Jesus the Tice 'of itiso with his glorifiel there to reinain thro ture ? The Apostle . 24th„" For Christ is the holy place mad:, into' Heavenitself; the presehce of God , sus is _ there in Real reCeivethe spirits of diately after" Ste hen it Is sild,• "1 Holy Ghost, loolreskti lieaven, and saw the l Jesus standing on t God:" v , He"certainly find a:lotlgincht in place, but an : immedt thaglorimisipresence Accordingly he said; ceive my:spirit." Th jeer must have been Paul, "We are confide. 'ling rather to be absen and to be,present witl i had a . : desire to dep Christ. Does not the slang, 3d, 15th,„ Iles church 'of God as be Heavdnand on ' earth to the View of certain great botly,oftkre clam Heaven ,nor IN earth, Itteillajteilacd. rn He we-are told that it\ th itt Gisa,' , oo.n g t on the. Judge of 411, and .1 l e tot' Coven:aflitit hlhierable . ompany o the: spirits ' f,just men 'dv:ielting,lo ether in tl happy place. • Thus the, pious dead' With the angels and th t : , , v SYI.VA 1 " ' Soliiierl ;Home, Ohio, The prett narrAted, s by Frederik: vouch - es for its trnthfult In the 'University of. , 4. 4) : Unig -B aka ft . e %bout , ,thepa paeans for '• watEr:Pa4; / ivitlio an ne studied, ming ty, but 'keeping 'a che: trying 'to, look at the flit ,ed,so grim ?at and,. excellent qualities 'loved by his comrades.,, Standing _on the ssquar them, prattling away a -VOeti the attention of became arrested by a ye $ - -who, by the side was e owly,walking ov • was tee daughter of t Upsal ',living in the ci was her,geyerness. , known for) er goodnes of 'character, and looke ration by a i l! the: studen men stood gazing at he r on like a gracefuVvisio , sucidenly'exelahned be worth something to such a mouth." 1, a 17 1 : 6 16 .3 9