-,..-,- .... --i‘ . -Losp. --77,- a.7„c.Thzs-r) - - • 4 .l.i.kiii 'it_, z. L Sitting lonely, ever lotiely, Waiting, waiting for ono ,, tys e fl Thus I mourn the weary mo nts passing by; And the heavy evening gloom VathessAntl,y in the room, -,; -. : ..:,- i And ilio (Al* lifnvember darinasa 0410414.4 y. Nsw.sountlees busy foot Cross tooh other in the street, , , And'. walbh the foots& flitting past the door; . Bikk it ":step:theiliniet:ed nlghtli, ": 1 ; - . •L; Arid di' bin:lA*ll4g rapp'd so lightly, • And th, eyes that beamed so brigltly; Come no morel • -;.• . By the flrolight'efittil gleaming lem dreaming ever dreaming, , • And the rain la dotal.) , falling all around; And yokes that are nearest; Of frionds . the best and dears t, . Appear no havo a strange and disfant sound. 4 Now .. the weary - wind is sighing, - A:nd the ;amity, is. 4 6 E ; [door . ; And thojiltberini,leavealie scatt e r ed,:roimd , my Brit flat voice lvisnso Set this heart so irildlihentink , At each fond and 'frequent mdating, ' Comes no more! Piitmere'ltriiree and Daughteks. Will you allOw one who has learned by experience and observation . the leas on he would teach, to speak a word'to husbands, brothers, aid. sons, of the over-worked women of our iAreeilcrui farm houses? Ido not speak of those who "toil wet, neither do they spin," but rd, for thoge who wash and clean, cook arimend, knit and sew—in a word, those who "keep house," and do both the thinking and Working- Incident thereto. I believe thnt, nino t out of ten' • of our farmers':, wives and daughters have far more ambition than strength.' 1 Their love of neatness and a desire to please lend them to unttertake many -things which exhaust their strength be fore the task is completed. I need not I p*ticularlae.`. The history of th' e things•is*ritted where we can . rend' t in sunken cheeks and languid eyes, , I . _forms prematurely shrunkeri and' hew- . ed, and on tombstones where the record tells of years sadly short of three. score and len. Are we of the sterner sex at all responsible for these . effects ? 'Op we help remove the Causes? I think we can. How ?_Where there's a will there's a way.—Don't think you, must' have 'a havvesier c bt4 that your wife can get it long withoUt aseWing rnaehine.:,_ Don't think a.-grain ; drill •or sulky. rake ne eessary for the farm, while washers and wringera'ake those :who' have More. money than you. If ,you have an in . convenlent ,dwelling,, especially •the kitchen, don't wait until, your barns ate made iargeT, and your, horaef( and cattle are provided with the most porn-, fortahle stables, before you consider how you Can imprOve the place where , youi wives and daughters spend most of their waiting hours. You believe in &lying your own work ; sea to it that, if necess ary; a feNVlaig , extra help for sOviog or cleaning ip provided at ,the proper thue. You need not cook; but yOu Can try to be iiathited with what you - get, and praise where it is called for:' You can be within ;3all, ready to lend a help ing band on extra occasions, where strength mi well as skills is requ\red. All this' will require ,Some- fithe • and money, butit will pay .even in' dollars and cents. - ri costs/ more for doctors' bills than for extrai help and conven bermes, and often tie skill Of the niedl4 cal man comes too late, and then you will find that you must needs go more miles for dot - nestles than you ever did in taking your wife to see her friends— that you wlll see enough wasted and :lestroyed to have purchased many things to make home pleasant. Very likely you will find your domestics harder to,please than ever your wife er sister was, and;worst of all, your' home is not, and can not be to you what it was, and your children Will feel if not say, "What is home without a mother ?" There are,lowever, far higher consider . - ations which should weigh with every true man. Duty and -pleasure both point the same way. Love and kind-, ness beget the same. Holy writ assures, us that "faith without works is t iend," and the same might truly be said of love. I would say to every man, help your wife,.mother or sist,ctr, as you have, opportunity, aria if no othett goed•retiOltS came, you would be prepared to appre ciate their labors. The.writer has prob ably, spent . mtre time in household ern ployments than the most or men, and • many of the pleasant recellections=of life are of hours passed in this way, while some of the keenest regrets ate for op portunites unimproved, and which can never return.—COuntrg Gentlemcin. The Keystone State. S. Hayden, of Athens, .131.1dford co., furnishes to the AthcnB Glcaqer the fol lowing explanation of the title " Key stone'State," as applied to Pennsylva T nia: "The designation of Pennsylvania as _tile ' Keystone State,' originated in.the city of Washinglon, near the close•of the last century, or early in the present. When the .seat of the federal govern (' ment was by act of Congress permit nently located on the Potomac, Com- Atiesioners were appointed ; to locate the 'site for a ne4 city there, who employedl \ a Frentali architect, by the Lame of L'- I-In rant, to dign and survey it out,— cosides the Ilultitude ofistreks Mapped t and designated by the A, B, Cs, and 1,2, 3s, ho . alao planned a number ofniagniticent, broad avenues, runnin, diagonally across them e The •three principal avenues run nearly parallel through the oily, from the east branch of the Potomac to Rock creek, near Georgetown., Of these, the central one was named Pennsylvania. Avenue, the ,one east of it Massachusetts Avenue, and 'that north of it Virginia 'Avert,* " Pennsylvania Avenue, as is well, known, became the great thotougbfar of the city, and, whose it was extended across Rock creek tw Georgetown, a stone bridge' with a single arch - was erected, with stones unused in building the walls of the capitol. In construct= log the etch of this, hrldge, thi r t een, ring, or ~ arch stow 3 were exposed' ii. v-item, on each side of which mi were , en graved the initlale of th e ' 'me of one of the thirteen briginal States. Those for/nit:l,ol,e nortliside of the 'arch, were N- 11 9 Mass, R. 1., Ct., N. Y. ara N. J. i e. - tid these on the south side, were Ga.,S. C., N. C., Va: ' Md. 'and' ttel:;' • whie upowthe thirteenth, or keystone of this arch, the initials of Pennsylva nia were engraved so conspicubusly Ws to be seen •by all who passed it. From this circumstance, Pennsylvania, . ob tained the name,, and has since-been'' widely known as the Keyabne State.— This bridge has since .been destroyed and replaced by Others. But it will be long before Pennsylvania ceases, to be known by the name she acquired, when the keystone of this'arch; in the city of Washingten,.bore her initials.), The happiest being is he Who thinks least of himself, and most of God his race. ' There Is no real use in riches, except it be in the distriinition the, rest is but conceit. Toga COOnttA"titiatiiii,:‘ ~ , i ~ 1 S, IS litlB oifice.is well stocked with ,Ty . pp, foTassos, spid %Ai owl stAilifitWor dbin ` JOIE • PRINTING f , } • ja a Superior manner, Plain!or in Colors, trom a . wed ding hard to a sheet poster. Any kinder style Ili work don*. this office, as follows: Lair looks, Pamphlets, Cards, Invitation Cards, and Bills, Prognunmes, Checks, Drafts, Bub,lie,' B LIM Heads, Circulars, Orders, Shipping Cards, Bust/less asxds,ltuvelopc . ii, Tinted Piste Printing, 1 VislUrg Cards, Wedding ' .t. 0., &0., Ac. 1' Jusiikep=AlAnktkiii i-' I , t , ~ t i And till other blanks a l l:infinity In hand lknd fiirtistek: t x I L, I Bendel warrantee, : : L-i 'ficillicii Ciontra6l, ) Doedlisdnit-clains. Summons, Subpoenas, BtateMent and Confession, Warrants, Executions, • Amicable Action, Indemnifying Bonds, Bondi, Constable's 8010, Attachments, Judgment Collector's Bale, Notes, Petition and Bond DiarrfageOer Meat°, for App'nunt of Ciurailian, :, .- I • -...., ~ ..t.'• t ~...., _Stud spy other blanks not imtirtierated'abovti will be printed to order on short notice. .., . 40,1Rersous sending orders fur JOB WORK will got their -Work promptly dono and returned. Wo shall aparo ao pains to please our customers in ' this depart ment.. Those sending work, please itat§ the size of Job, kind of Ink and paper desired. Hob. 1870 SPEC ?HUNT! = WRI do not pay specie In making change, i but we do eell goods from _ 21$ to 50 'peit7 Cent ) Legs than any other store in this vicinity, which hi - better.:, We hay just received a I 1M _ . maimzeme• Eirta•cas., • POR THE SPRING TRADE I , . . . and hai , e bought them. to sell in order to do this quickly, havo marked thorn at small profits, vrini.flor.,D AT PAR AS A BASIS. Dry Goods Of all kinds aro cheaper than they have been in ten years especially. DRESS SILKS, FRE.qi CH POPLINS, &43 l i aSull line in 'stook, and at ouch low prices that every lady can afford a new dress. • IN PAISLEY SHAWLS, wo have a complete assortment and OURAPER TIIAN EVER BEtORE. . Our stock of . . I,oinestic oods, Fancy Press 1 , GoOd , Woolen Cloths, Y 4; k6eNotions . • &c., azc., • is as usual very large and varied, and WE GUAR ANTI= PRICER to be as lOW as can be found any where within 100 miles. Our GROCHRY DEPIRTUNT Is full of fresh Goods AT SPECIE rnicEs, and every ono can now afford to have everything they eat made good. 'WIC. CORDIALLY INVITE TUE PEOPLE OP TIOOA COMPIY to call and examine our Stock and pri ces—boing satisfied that it will pay \ thom to come and buy their goods at . The Regulator. We always give customers from a distance the 'mien TRACK." NEWELL & OVEN Corning, April 6, 1870. - ' - ALL PAPER! WALL PAPER ! WALL PAPER T ET it bo distinetlyunderstood to the inhab itants.and citizens of Wellsbore, that we Will sell , WA .41, - PAPER, - and ny other article Sin the IZlTrti.ig 3L,IxL•a, cheaper . than can be sold by any other firm ,14 Toga County; farther we do affirm that no man gam-undersell-us unless they reoeive goods by the AM MINE. We have }act received from N. Y., 35,000 ROLLS OF WALL PAPER. i• . boughttat the p mient Ciold prices AIM, which wo will sell cheaper than any . other, firm west of N. Y. Call and aka:nine, and we are cortain that we can please in Price and quality, and if not suited we will pay you for , ,your time in specie. • P. R. WILLIAIi! CO. lliboro, April 8, 1870. Livery Stail44e! W ATKINS & LOUDEN re • spectfully inform the pub 7'l btAhMilli?.. f Ile that they . have established a At their Stable on Pearl St., opposite Wheeler's wagon whop. Single or double riga furnished to order. Ahoy aim to keep„good home and wa. gone, and intend to pleasti, Prices reasonable : WATJTINS A WIDEN. .1 Nov. It, A noose and let on Pearl Street, 2d hoes • .444, South of district 'oboe' bonze. Enquire on be premises. VAN GELDER & MITCHELL. Proprictora I= lif emery for Ith.e; 889-Iy. FOR SALE. mtovess mtov vs s• AND HARDWARE! ‘;, i , Hifivingformed a partnership in the Tin, Stove and Hardware trade, the undersigned have the pleasure to announce that they have, at a great outlay, addee - to th - e'usual stook of the old stand on MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, coMiiinfe lessortment of Shelf Hardware, enumerate to following articles: NAiLS;SPHIES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, lI4NWANXY k BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STROP' HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, POM?St ATXES , AUGERS, BITTS, • ME EN •RITT-STOCKa, HATCHETS, SIIOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, BENOH-SCREWS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIP- • TIC • SPRINGS, HORS SHOES, HOOP, BAR, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, SAUSAGE OUTTERS.AND STUPPERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOI PARTBIDGES,, - . POWDER AND' OAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS a new think and mado for use. Theso are but a few of the many artioles composing our stook of Hardware. - We invite the public hp call and. examine for themselves. We -aim to kberi the Vest' quality of goods in outline; and all work to order done promptly and well. AGENTS YOE. TEE • , t Buckeye Mower & Reaper. SASH, DOORS. BLINDS • - AT •FACTORY PRICES, Always on hand or furniehed,to order, at ROBERTS & BAILEY'S Hardware Store - , Wencher°. - . • ROBERTS & Wm: RODEIZTR. R. O• BAILP.Y. _Wollaboro,Jan. I,lB7o—tr. . Lots of' New Goods 1' CaIVit%TAD T. L BALDWIN & 00'S TIOGA, PA. and see a nice stook of Goods for the SPRINd SUMMER. such as UMW MEM 01600292 —all atylos, colors and patteins— - ALPACAS, POPLINS, CAMBRICKS, FRENCH JACONE I PS, ORGANDIES, PEQUAS, VERSAILES, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS; &c., &o. BEAUTIFUL Summer SHAWLS and a large assortment to select from. CLOAKS ,READY—MADE, ,AND,OLOTIFI TO MAKE MORE, ALL KINDS OF LININGS, FRINGES, TASSELS &0., TO TRIM DRESSES --Our stock of— YANKEE NOTIONS can't be beat. .It keeps up with everything the Yankees have'thought of Bo far. . HOOP SKIRTS, BA : MORAL SKIRTS, , • CORSETS, &O, 0011111321102 too numerous to mention; but will may that you will seldom find so large an assortment to select from in . a country` store, and clear down to the BOTTOM FIGURE. dfialikWe also keep a large assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, in suits, and parts of suite. Should we fail to Mit you with ready-made, we have 04881MOTO and A TAILOIt TO OUT Al4l/ PIT. Boots and Shoes, all styles and sizes. HATS AND CAPS, STRAW GOODS, AND GENTS'. FURNISHING • 4:i001)0,i -A. COMPLETE LINE OF CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, _ HARP WARE, SELF HARD • WARE, NAILS, IRON, Looks, atOlies, Corpoz?tero' Tools. A !GENERA.L STOCK OF 'akocEtiEts, ' • • Fresh. TEAS are lower than at any time since the , Did not go to CAM to 'bhp sugar, and so bare some cheap. -We are rigentrfor the E. HOWE SEWING MACHINE • Farmers, if you wanttools to work with atop is SALT,LIME, PLASTER, PORR,FLOIiR . - Lime, c'crlyugcs,P4aster,:&o. Batter tabs, Pails. Firkins, and Aehton Bait to flavor with. MI kinds of Firm produc e want ed. Prim can't be beat. , • ' • Tiogs, Pa., May. 4,1140. WWI RUM T. L. BALDWIN it 00 ,tFa~:~~a~rw,{.:c;~ ~:c% , x"'_ ~".t3~'..,"`~.'F.'"..i:>.ST~ia,~`,i.~€:.= ;:~=7:tit:.~~..~~ea:~,c~ ,mMsoolgsi ` - , c t :I{ . e, A s}l. ) . NO ,-Stock!' - 'Neratsods t .l Ek4Ttt i3 ( - ) IV PRift l3 : - F'‘ .::•4 41 , -). d li...ie. ;,,, i.) , ..11, .• -Alb -.LA i 5 L. t ANthatien the nee store one door above jj Wright A Dailey, where they are on band WI h a new stook of i BOOTS, BALMORALS, GAIT ERS, i BOOTEES, BROGANS AND G f AW.jI6IAiWNS, # . lO warranted to fit any foot T) No. °' to /3 11). oluidve. Tho stook has eon eeleotod by one whO has the advantage of. i • • fL) 10 , THLRTY YEARS' fEXPERIENCV • in ih baeiaeae, art s thf MO . grid fßl)contho coma ry, OuistoOit :Ut`f , • - • FRENCH CALF, FRENCH KIP, UP ! PEI 4 SOLE, COMMON CALF, LININGS, BINDING, MO. . ROOOO, &0., , ; • OA Flntliniplro ehalF baL found it twine al stays, and we shall endeavor to sell at prioos satisfactory to the trade. Wo won't be under sold. CASH PAID FOR RIDES, SKINS, FURS & PELTS 1 1 . Also' the,toti the:A(44qt fort WOO L . Bat our beet - hold *in be on CUSTOM WORK! -" As Tbeiti's oomfort'in a well made ouetom boot, That fib the corns without tea much compressing For everybody knows a shabby foist Oanhot be compromised by overdressing. Ang one may wear clean linen with a suit Of nest cloth, but there is no hamming Will make a man with Shabbily dressed foot, Look like a gentlenie t h upon the street. rdonet.: Buy your hoots of, lE9MilliV NI/EDDY, , • any other twirl. - [ P'rinter'e Devil.] Wellsboro, Jan. 41869-4. ' --• For Sale: . AM AGENT for Kidney &Mo., celebrated I platform Spring Wagons, all styles, also for their light Carriages and Buggy Wagons, all made in good style, and, teem Jorooy timber, and 'warranted in 'everyreipoot, equal to any )oati furnish any of the above at the lowebt Manufacturers price's. L.O. BENNET. Wellaboro, Jan. 1, 1870-tf. , , Souse and licdfor Sale.. • . TX OMR and :Lot, and vacant lot for sale Til, cheap. Location Wellsboro, and desirable. InqUiriat the ..igicator Office. Jah. 1, ' TO TUE ritumons o TIOGA COUNTY: , • lAR now huilding a t iny manufactary,in Lawrence ville.a superior FANNING wllichpoesosses the following advantagosover allothor millet I I.lt separatearyo,oatd,rat llfter.andfouleeeds,and amend cockle, from Wheat. 2.4 cleans flax seed,takesont yoLow a sod, and aL other needs, perfectly. 8, It cleans titaothy seed.- • " ' 4. "Odeon all otkereeparafingrequired of a mill Vile mill is built oftho best and .most dui - 010219P ber,iggoodstyle,and is Bold cheatrfOr 'doh, or pro duce.-- I will 8t a patent sieve, for separating oatsfro l i m wheat,to othermills,onreasonableterme.• • ' . : • • " • ' J.R Lawroncevllie,Jan.l,lB7o•-t.f ; . FOUNDRY & M49HINR SHOP WELLSBORO, P/y. SEARS. it, AVERY, PROPRIETORS. PLOWS, HORSE HOSES, OULTIVA TOES, FIELD ROLLERS, KET TLES„ ALL SIZES, • SAP PANS, FARMING ' lITEN'aiLS, ' ALL KINDS, WOOD MACHINES on • , SAWING ; r . 10140. k. .:Nitithi es, CHURN "POWER; THE TOMPKINS COUNTY, MORSE POWER-- EIGHT AND TEN MORSE, CONSTANTLY' ON RAND, And also, everything usually found in a firs • - • class Shop. I . . . . . . We call iurtioular attention to our MA CHINE SHOP, which has been re-built with new, and first-blase MACHINBRY,LITHiI Iron PLANAR, DRILL, &o. We employ none but Bret-class workmen, and,are; therefore, pre.. pared to do our work in the beet style, and at short notice. We have recently added new MACHINERY, for • Planing and Matching boards. Call and oect.us. Jan. 5,1670-Iy. SEARS & AVERY. , 1)V ri s: 1:1g 4 .4 1 1" 1 4 0, 111-, 14 g, . .104 . Pt -- . 0. IP. 1 (-) 0 2,,..1..,......6 044 0 onz ho h:( wci A o • o‘o - ti , ....? tt.t.. . ~.ti , 0 NI 1 1 I txl 10 I i 1 ~... ,• , :. .:' t. e_ et , , •' ' • 0 ) j , „ , . V I I . H 'l ' I I I 0, 8 , tt Nt OLi 7" 8 . .8t I 1 to ~ ~ iv) P 1 4 "....cA5-71 t-4 (Ira CA CA to 0 )4 •••If ItN2 Crt Cn PP en co CO CV C.O CV tso 00 cc) O 11=6 •••1 C.7t It%D ••••1 ' C4 CA CA2 O+V VT is"is 2 6!" 1-" 1. 4 CA 00.9 (;) • • • • • • • I'4 L— i.„1; s t TEM E : 14t1 - 1 4 1 WASgvitAXot 045Ortitt UNITEi) STATFS. Ohartetekund,or the Laws of trot" Wile. • Cash 45044 3 2 , :•:;•.:1 OA.'; 6 i$12‘000,000: Afinual ;,.$02,000,000. ;Jo, t,; riiVID DO , applied. , thedune 2d ititd"iit If iluliO,' Otiiitriliii i kie• L 'o r tlo''lntr:orii6' the' T amount* t 0 001 eyi,.:pvidends are "froM,lo to 20 Por cent the_2. _iilart,And increase each year therefore. The r4pitabla did t pukineast• to thl• aranunt of $1.114019PC614 6 h Wit ye9rf(lB6ooltin any other, company--ail !gutahii,, Purely. .mutual and non.-forreitablo., ; lso other.eompanymon ahem a better record, ; larger, dividends, _or safer SOCA. ; ouri4s. ~40 the props less Ate eetnal expencos of 114 iionapany 4;9%4,11440 Among the policy, holders as". dtvidenda eawyear., Any on q , aPatrr• ing of having i ilk itutrod," : if, be will examine the flgureettfthaViptitailb e will!pii#otact`oativii2ao that it 1( tO hisitilvatit4g6,,tilniure ln•thil corn. pally' in preforerie to `any 'other " - " " ' ' •• '', -' '''''. - VV. AlllTO.tgliti Agent ' OillcaidthVitscin -A Niles:ll' for ' 'Tipipi CO. . April 13,1870-8 m ' I 1 • . EMI WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in all kinds of glittAllißg,' PROVIgIONS, !Virtues, Liqu o rs and. Cigars, FOItEIGN & bOMESTiO, tigtEEl3 CANNED FRUITS AND WOOD & WILL OW WA,. OLASS OROOK(ERY CIIILDREN'S CARRIAGES, CABS 410 A full and donaplote aqaortruOnt of the above mentioned goode l of the best quality ,always on hand. Particular attention paid to Fine Groceries Dealers and Consumers will find It to their in torost to eramiwo'hispitook beforo buying. Corning, N. T., pp 1, 1870. • A. D. DUDLEY, 4 4 .• 41FX Watchmaker and Jeweler. WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER PLATED WARE, CLOCKS AND FANCY 'GOODS. Engraving dono in any etylo. Corning, Deo. 15, 1860. A. D. DUDLEY, ly. No. 10, Idarkot St. Imo Ohairinaiceri, Turner, and Furniture Dealer, SAFE ROOM and FACTORY oppoatte Dartt'e Wagon Shop Main street, where he le pre. pared to furnish Cabinet Waro of any kind to , aeon in want. • - • Orders promptly filled and entlefaetfonguaran. teed. Fanoy Turning donate order. Wellaboro, Jan. 1,1870. J. STIOIKLIN. Valuable Farm for Sale. A _fizrm of three hundred lams; with two hun dred and twenty-five acres improved. Sit uated two miles north of Tioga Village, on the Tioga - Rive; and Railroad. Well ;Towered, un der a good state of cultivation ' and good build ings. Also four houses and lots for sale in Tioga village. T. L . BALDWIN. Tioga, Jan. 1, 1870-t f. LOTS SPRING GOOIDS lIE subscriber will keep on amid at all times a fall stock of 'DRUGS ANDMERCIABS, Patent Medicines, Flavoring Extracts, Per Kerosene, Lamps, Wicks, Dye Colors, While Wash 'Lime and Brushes, Varnish and Sash Brushes, Window Glass • all sizes,. Varnish of all kinds, Fancy Soaps, Hair 0i15,., SPECTACLES, Hair anti, , Tooth Brushes, .a full stock of Yanko Notions ; also a oomplele as sortment of , , I 1 )-I 1 CI \ Tod ... Grocery and: Pr(Whim* Store, Obi - iciisi . :4,.."il'..'i::, , •• 1 I 30:: • lent.a3C-ig DRIED FRUITS, VEGETABLES, PERAMBULATORS, TOYS, &43;, CORNING JEWELRY STORE! A large aosortraon of J. STICKLIN, Wholesale and Retail DRUG STORE,I By W. C. KRIISS. PAINTS, OILS, Monueo l pathic Medicines, and a full stook of Pure Wines and Liquors. Boyers are requested to call and examine pr oes before purchasing elsewhere Apr. 20, 1870. HAND IN HAND MUTUAL 'LIFE, INSURAN9, COMPANY Mee, No. 112 B. 4 h St., Philadelphia. Cliart'd Capital $504,000. Assets, - - - $1,000,000 000 Valuation of. Policies, Iss. _ 893,600 00 Annual Income, - • - 67,910 96 Ratio of Meets to Llabilities---$155,00 of an ' seta to ovary $lOO,OO of liabilitiea. firirThis Company,'which ranks amongst the most popular and successful Life LisuranceCom panics, grants policies on all desirable plans, both with and without profits. ALL POLL CIO ARE NON-FOREIVAELE. ' NIOROLAq RITfiENHOUBI; Preet- ROBERt M. FAUST, Seo'r • . A. L. MONROE, igent, Wellaboid. Otllce with Jno. I. Mitchell. IikTOTION.—We hereby forbid anyperson trus ting or harboring one father, Jacob Ora on our account, as We shall pay no debts of his contracting after this date. 'JOSEPH GRAHAM, ' HENRY GRAHAM, lOHABOD GRAHAM. • Sackson,%May 27, 1870. 8m MEMM====MM = t vuousurnuolToßt ill 40Atios ANp MEDIC' INES, PAINTS 'AND • TIIADDEUS DAVIDS' IN-KS, KEITH'S CONOiNTRATRI) MEDICINES, IREDELL'S EX- . TRACTS, BURNETT'S 0000AIIIE, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDICINE S , ROOK -1 . ESTER •PERFUMERY ANI) FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL AGENTS FOR MARVIN & 00'S RE Bold at Wholesale Prices. Buyers arerequested to call and get quotations: before going further 129 Cial4g, N.Y., Jan. 1,1870-45 'RAVE bought the right to use' the Paten I ftlastio Roofing in Tinge County, and am now prepared to put on roots cheap and in good workmanlike manner. This roofing is fire and water proof. I rotor to Mews. Wright & Bal ley,•Toles .Barker, and O. L. Willcox, where eansploa ban be aeon and roofs in use. MOSES WINGATE. Wellaboro, Jan .1, 1870-tf. ) 3 , o . . HOLLIDAY, Proprietor. A large ang • ommodlous How, located in the Immo:4. lat.!) ioir4y of all ,the County buildings,Nrith I large nd Commodious barns attached. 1 ON - James Hazlett acts as hostler, and will always be tound on hand, attentive to business: Jan. 5 ! 1870.-1 y TIAVING oompleted Me new Cabinet Ware -■IJUL. house on Main street, WeWhom has stock edit with a largo and superior assorted stock o Chamber Suits, Walnut, Ash, maple • ' 1 from $l5O down, and as cheap as tho same goods can bo bo't in the cities, freight added. Parlor Suits, Walnut, Cherry, and Mahogany, Reps or Hair Cloth, SOFAS, LOUNGES, COUCHES, TETE Center Tables, Walnut or Marble Tops Looking Glasses, Brackets Pa per Racks, Rocking Chairs, • all kinds, I am martufaeturing as usual,• and intend to keep a full stock of ware, homo and city made at all times. My Ware Rooms are spacious and neat, and now contain tho largest, costliest and best stook of Furniture ever brought into the county. , , Jan. 1, 1869-tf. - WALSEIR & LATHROP. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, . STOVES, TIIV- WARE, • BiILTING, SAWS, CUTLERY, WATER LIME, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Carriage and Harness Trimmings, HARNESSES, SADDLES,- &o. Corning, N. Y., Jan. 2,1870-12 q. EMI THE subscribers will pay Cub, Full-Clotb, Oassimeres, Flannels, &0., &e., for Wool.— They also manufacture as usual—. TO ORDER, OR ON SHIRES to snit customers. All work warranted as rep resented. They invite particular attention to which aro warrantod in every respect. Pardon lar attention given to W. C. KRESS. ING/lAhtl3 largo stook of Casaimeres, 25 per cent loss than any competitors, and warrant. ed as represented. • INGilAhle manufacture to order, and do all kinds of Roll-Carding and Cloth Dressing, and defy conipetition- INGHAM have as good an assortment of and give more for Wool in exchange than any other establishment. Try them and satisfy your selves. INGHAMS wholesale and retail at the Cow anesqueMills, 2 miles below Knoxville. Our Clothe are warranted, and sold by the following persona:. ' 0. B. KELLEY, Wellaboro, Pa. T. L. BALDWIN & 00., Ttoga, Pa. J. C. BENNETT, Covington, Pa. 100,000, Pounds of Woo jeot to the decision of the Republican County Convention. (301tN114C4 . , y. IN= ME MEM PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, WHITEWASH LIME & AND DYE COLORS, FINED OIL. W. D. iERBELL & CO. Patent' Roofing. Wellsboro Hotel. Furniture I Furnittire I B. T. VAN HORN, FURNITURE. &0., &0., &0., from sin down. Also, A-TE TES, with Upholstery to suit. Wholesale avid Retail. Planing and Matching, SCROLL SAWING d.",;I.I9ULDING, done to order at the Factory. B. T. VAN HORN Ingham's Woolen Mills , IMIERFIELD, thoir Water Proof CASSIMERES, ROLL • CARDING AND CLOTH URRSSING. Full Olathe, Oassimeres, &c., Wanted. INGHAM BROTHERS ,Deerlieo, June 1, ISTO-tf. ,-,':::1;7;T:J;;.- ':-.c;-,4,,.,-,-:,e,4,,,,..,,,.- MUM RAILWAY TIME TABLES. f== BRIE RAILWAY. dud atter MONDAY,•May 2d;,18701 Trains, NJ, sell) ionveoorning,, at thd foliring hotarsor is _Gomm Wan. 5,46 and 6,06 a. M., 1 , 11.011 T EXP., daily foivr Boob - • letter 'Buffalo Dunkirk , 'Cleveland and. Cincin• . .natti.maklng i .dtrect nommectlon with trains of the • (hand Trunk and La)to Shore 'Railways at Buffalo, Dunkirk and Clovoltend for all points West, and at ,Cincinnatti with the Ohio and IdississlPM and Lo villa 81101't LW; hallitrays for tbo soutnund South.' 'west, • , ' 6,18 m, EXPRESS MAIL, Sundays excepted; for Buffalo, Dunkirk ana[Clevoland, connecting with, trains for the West. Arileeping Coach to attached to ' this train running through to Buffalo. , .. ici i 22 a. m. !JAIL TIiAIN, Sundays excepted,for Buffalo and'Dunkirk. 1•45 p.m., BALTIMORVIX.PRESS.Sundaysarcopt• ad, for Rochetiterand B ifnio, via Avon. 7,25 p, in., DAY EXPBESS,, Sundays excepted, for Boohestor, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Cleveland, Cincinnati, and (ho South Stops at 4rlncipal stations and con nects points on main lino. New and improved Drawing Room Coaches accompany this train front Nets 'York to Buffalo, and Sleeping Coacpes attached at Unraellsville, running through to Oloveland and (halitirt without change. • 11,25 p. m., EXPRESS MAIL, Sundays excepted, tur Iluffolo, Cleveland, connecting wilt( trains fur the West. 12,05 F. In., WAY FREIGHT, Suntlaysexcepted. 6,45 p. In., EMIGRANT TRAIN, daily, for the Weet 0 OIN 0 -RAVI. 11,48 p.m,NICHT EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, connecting at New York with afternoon trains and Steamers for Boston and Now Englund &Ries. Sleeping Coaches accompany this train to New Ynrk 4,35 a. m., CINCINNATI EXPRESS, Mondays ex cepted, connecting at Elmira for Williamsport, Harrisburg and the Smith; also at Elmira for Canan daigua; at Waverly with train of Lehigh valley Rail way; at Owego for Ithaca; at Binghamton for Coo eerstown and noon, Albany ; and at Now York with steam rs and afteoon, Express trains for New England cities. W Sleeping coaches accompany this train, to Now York, 11,28 a. in., DAY EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, connecting at Jersey ,City with midnight express train of Now Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia. Also steps at principal stateons and connecting points on main line. New ausl Improved Drawing Room Coacher* accompany this train to New York. 1245 p, in., ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, daily for Susquehanna. 2,20 P. m., ELMIRA MAIL, Sundays excepted. 4 - 30 P.m., NEW YORK. AND BALTIMORE MAIL, Sundays excepted, connecting at Elmira for the South. , , 7,57 p. m., LIGLITNING EXPRESS, Daily, connect ing at Jersey City with morning Express train of - New Jersey Railroad for Baltimore and Washington; and at Now York with morning .Express train for Dostim and Now England Cities. Aler stops at nit prin cipal stations and connecting points on Mali. line. Sleeping Co dies accompany thistra - p through t Nork . 11,33 a. WAY FREIGHT, Sundays excepted. D °GAGE CHECKED THROUCIII. Sit- A re. sad and completo "Pocket Thai) Tliblo"of Passenger rains on Clank:rid Railway and co netting Lines,bas recently been published,and can be procur ed onappllcation Lo a the 'ticket Agent of the 0 mpany Wif.R• DARR, _ L. D. RIICKEtt , Gong Pass. Agen t . Gong Snp't , Bloosburg & Corning, & Tioga R. II T.utintivilltrun astollowsuntilfurthor notice /LcCommodatlon—Leavea Dloasbnrg at 0,60 a. m ~Man Hold at 7,40 Tloga at 8,22. Lawrenceville at 9 07— arriving at Corning at 10,10 a.m. • Idall—teavosElossburg at 2,30 p.m „Mansfield a t 8,1 G, Vega at 8,45, Lawrenceville at 4,29--arriving at Corning at FM p.m. ►fall—LeavesCorning at 7,60 .m., Lawrencovill, at 8,41, Tioga at 9,28, Mansfield a t 10,03—arriving at Dloae•bnrght 11,45 a. m. , odatiou—Leaves Corp!i2g . at 2,6.5 ,Law, ccommodatiou---.. . z,65 p. ranceville at 4,04 Tina at 4.66, Mansflold at 5,88 arriving at Blosebarg at 6,20 p.m., Northern Central • TRAINS POR TIIE NORTH. Train a forOanandagula leave: 'Elmira as follow e Accomodation at F.:prima [faatoet train on road] Mail Accommodation On andaitorluao 12, 1870, trains will arrive a L d depart from Troy, as follows; • LEAVE N,,ORTIIWARD. 846 •p. m.—Dally (except Sundays) for. Elmira and Bnffalo,vla Erieltallway from Elmira. 10 85 a. m.—Dany(except Sundays) fur El tiara, Bilffa,— lo,Canandaigua, Rochester, Stop. Bridge and the Oa nadas. LEAVE SO UTFIVA RD 723 A. m.—Dally(excopt Sundays) for Baltimore, Washington,Ptilladelphla,&c 958 P. m.—Daily (except Sundays) for Baltimore, Washington and Philadelphia. ALFRED R. PISKE, ED.S. YOUNG tlen'lSup t liarrisburg, Oen'l Pass. Ag't ANOTHER TUMBLE! Cash! 1870 ! BEE WIIAT BELLING FOR cASIII Our Prices To-Day. , . Best White Wheat Flour $7 pr b ,l 1.1,75 pr. sack " Red witnter ..... —.. $6.50 ‘ 1,62 " " X.•:,X, Spring Wheat, 6 1 00 " 1.60 " Buoktvheat Flour, 3,00 por 100 lbs. Best Feed, 2,00 " " Bran and Shorts 1,60 " " Meal 2,25 " " These prices only FOR CASH. WRIGHT & BAILEY All. persons not having settlod with us, can not, blame us now if they find their accounts and notes left with an attorney for collection. We give duo none°. W. Jt. B. BAGS.—We want all persona having any bags with our mark on them, to return the Baum at once, as we shall tako stops to secure them.— We gave 500 bags scattered among the people. WRIGHT d it AILEY. • STATE NORMAL SOOLS, Mansfield, Pai. PALL TERM begins Sept. 7, 1870. WINTER TERM begins Dee. 12, 1870. SPRING TERM begins March 27, 1871 For admission apply to. CHAS. 11. VERRILL. A. M., Mansfield, July 6, 1870. Principal MOWING MICHINfiI ! irlIR Excelsior is decidedly the best and most durablo MOWING MACHINE ever brought into Tioga county. For sate by J, Wortendyke, IVellsboro; A. hhuart, Mansfield; and by P. Wortendyko, East Charleston, who is general agent for Tioga county. • East Charleston, Juno 22, 1870 tf FOR SALE, BY the undersigned, a open of horses, ffve years old; a good farm or road team. Can be seen on tho premises of E. P. Doane, in Dolmar. D. L. DEANE. Welleh , ,ro, July 13, 1870. 2m A. HUMPHREY & CO., OP r f a oS ic l a T e E p c t o b n e e t t a h n e ny ll s o z n i e i t i a t Li o a u Hs, I n O s 3 0 0 rt. ment of Family Groceries and Provisions, FLOUR FEED, AND MEAL, PORK, BUTTER, LARD, CHEESE, &c. "Ar• Prices, down to the bottom figures. key 18, 1870.-3 m. A. 11UMPIIREIr & CO. lOWA LAND AGENCY. Tsubscriber would inform the public that I_ be has the agency of a quantity of lOWA LANJIS,, which he will sell for cash, or exchange for real or personal property, on reasonable terms. GREAT BARGAINS OFFERED. lie would say that he has examined the prop erty and titles for himself, and believes he can make it for the interest of persons going West, to give him ri call before purchasing elsewhere. For particulars, inquire of S. B. GOODELL, 'May 11, '7O ly Snbinagille, Tioga CO., Pa. HOtel for Sale, THE HOTEL at Osceola, is offered for sale on reasonable terms. This stand' is a de sirable one, has two barns upon the premises, three wells of good water, and a lot °Mutt trees. The kit contains emit of land. Address. or call on JAMES J. MARTIN, Osceola', June 1,1870-3 m. Tht4 Proprietor. H --:.rte..,.,,.. L .11, SHATTUCK ,§np't -1%12 p !1205am .10 00. p In —Ol5 p Spring Millinery, 1870! MILS.SMITH, on Main Street, bee justopened a very large assortment of MILI I AINEILY GOODS, such as . . HATS, f OISINETS, STRAW GOODS LACES, 'FLOWER'S, RIBBONS, " COLLARS, ;IPDKERCHTS, ' &C., • ; - 0.11 . of tv'hiCh will be Is ld much below foruer p t i. coo. Alt wort done romptly, and to pleaae. • MB '. CAROLINE Wellobools,l , lay 11, 1870-tf, MILLINERY. MRS. Rt R. Kimball will bo found hereafter , in her hew quarters, over Young and Co, bookstore. .:Sita has jest received lots 01 SPRING MILLINERY to abich.clie invitcli the attentio l ot the ladle!! of Wellsboro and vicinity. MRS. E, E. KIII,IBALI. April 13, 1870, ly MN SPRING MILLINBRY AND FANCY GOODS MRS. SOFIELD bas returned from th e Ci ty with an assortment of Now Goods to which oho invites the attention of the ladies of - IVellt. boro and vicinity. Ilex stock comprises :I choice soleetion of STRAW GOODS, LACES, RIBBONS. FLOWERS, KID GLOVES, HANI) KERCHIEF'S, COLLARS, FANS, EMBROIDERIES, and a vari ety of WHITE GOODS. Thankful for the generims patronage of the past s she ,hopos to merit a continuance of the mama. Bennots A; Hats repaired to order, g& - • I am also agont for tho Willcox ,S; Sewing Machine. Mrs. A. J. SOFIELD. WelMoro April 20, 1870. if eiNIIGN OV 1870. 1 4. - k - New Spi/ing Goods AT TITEI REPUS ST:I OER STO E IS NOW VERY COMPLETE in nil ito branches, and Prrecv (I(acri otandard of Gold at par. -Our STOCK OF CLOTHS is very lnrge, rind' ice make Clothe 4 to order desired. Our CARPET STOCK is the laggest in this section of the State, oat prices 10 to 20 per cent lower then last year. Linen and White Goods aro as low as beforo the war. We keep the Buff alo Brand Black Alpaca, which Madam Demur est, Frank Leslie and ilarpers' Baniar unite In pronouncing)tho best Alpaca in market; also the Beaver Brand pure Mohairs, a splendid ar ticle, and full atsortment. The UNITED STATES TEA COMPANY, • 7_1171 send us with the last invoice -..1 ' .... b - '?"-a . " --- / just received, the fi.llowing rie 1,,. , tico. "We propose after April , St y 1 Ist, 1870, to pack a certificate ' —.. i for an elegant Silver Plated Tea Service, (laity, in one pound package. The certiftcato when found, will Ibe forwarded to us through our agents, and they will deliver the service to the fortunate party• We ao the agents for the Company, and we can assure our customers, that their art 30. aro cheaper than they can be sold at retail, Ve sides tho chance 1f getting a Tea Sett. We solicit a call from all the citizens of Tioga Oounty and vicinity, visiting . Corning, anttive assure them that they shall be .'.kindly and fitir• ly treated, and we will do thenr.good. • SMITH ;E:, Corning, April 20, 1870, HARNESS SHOP GIV• NAVLE, would say to his friend?. . that his Harness Shop is now in fullbiast. and that ho is prepared to furnish heavy or 110? XsCarma_essßisi - c3si, on short notice, in a good and substantial ma nor, and at prices that chn't fail to snit. The best workiuen are employed, and nono but the host tnaterial used. Call and seo. Deo. 9, 1868-Iy. G. W. NAVLE. I 32k. ss 1.11. EC Xi c 3 e! ltirn. A. L. MONROE, is ttip:fiuthorized Agent for Tioga and Potter :Counties, to effect insurance in the Wyoinin Insurance Company , Royal Capitol $5,000,00 0 London, Liverpool it, Globe, Capitol, $111,000,0 00 Ho will canvass the county dining the weeli C. sept Saturdays, when be will be found at the office bf John.l litehdll, to attend to all tsko may give him a call. A. L. MONROE. it • Sept. 22,1869-3m.* • High School. FIE Subscriber will open a School in the T village of oilleeola, on Monday, March 7lbp 1870, and continuo twelve weeks. RATES OF TUITION : Primary Common Higher,... Bab. 9,-tf. • Plaiiing & Matching. FLOORING, CEILING, WAINSCO - T .- ING, TONGUED & GROOVED, with rapidity and exactness, with our new Ms ohinos. Try it and see. 4. T. MANHORN. Weliaboro, Jan. 1,1874.1' 1 EMI $3 C ) 4 4 5, 0 * Y.... ..... sg,oo. O. C. WARD, Principal