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',..i , ,,, , , ; , ,, :: ° i--_ . - . . 4 , I , ' - •% • _..• . /. ~„ , --, ~ ,• „.. -,• ~ • 4 -, ' --',-' ~' ~- i , :ii Ik4i3Cti - !, ', l q)'• V:t i, -.' ' ' IA- 3 Fiz Z: ~_..:.> . - '-- • :-, ~. , - .. , . .'f t, 36 b1 ~ I t ' ;77 : O `C ' 3 `• "••• ', _ '-`. . . - . , . .; ..• , „ . •,,... .. _ . • , .•••.-41 .xii 3, -- 4 , i , ei....--., •, 1 . i..,, ~ -• ...• • ..- • , •• 6 ' 1.1 , 0. 6. ,F - . 4 ,1.. - 3 6 . 5 ,, ,A, 3,1,1, ‘.O .3 6 , j,:, 6..„' r.,.. - H71.- , •:: ~.. . ' 1 : -"3 .• •-.: " ''' '•,•- , - . ~ ,•", ~ ,T - • -- ' • f , '.- ' •.• '‘. ' -- • '.'- -' ` :.. ' 3 : ' - : 4 : 6: ' ,. 1p•1'1i.i.,4•44tre:"... --1 / I :*d 4 • -,-,1-3 4 • )'; : 4 13 . .• ' -'• , • Z -4 6 CT: .:;'Ji.': :~': ^ ~'i.E~~fzz..L:'~'.~lK:y' l t `.:.;i. ` :: :tr u..~. ENE ..,- "."•:, ~ r ,i''' , '? n,ii. ,a. 4,1.,-,v'4 1 vi'i'l:,,.l . 1te.c...:;:6 I } , , s ,i ‘.7 . ,. , . k.7.c.- VOLVMELXYIL , ; y NETIOGAIOIIITTAITATI • 19 r uip.tsa9,9ll72sßriftnyl..or4tto,sly l AN GELDER' I, I4 'MITCHELL: p. C. Geldcr.;;Y' RIS OF SUBSCRIPTION 'INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE, r`. F. .............. - - ;- - RATES OE -AOVERTISitiO. TyN UHL.% AY:IMARION OR LFREI, *MR ORR BQOARR.; I Square, —. I $l,OO 114.00 I $2,50 I $5,00 I $7,00 I $12.00 2 Squarts, I:_8,00 I 4,00 I 8,00 112,00 I 18,00 ...... 11 - 0704:7115,00 - 1 17,06 . 1 ssoo sOOO r • 65 ; 00 Qel(Col , I - 16110125m j 30,00.11 - 6. 95 = 00 ISO 0.00,00 -- - . /4- I.4pectal Notice* 15 cents per line; Editorial dr Local 20 cents per_llLo., , ,'•• ' Transient adveattaing iti)ar be paid ter in advance.. -, rrelustleo Blanks, oo6stable Blanks, DeeddlPJudg , wet Notes, Marriage portificatee, itc., on hand; ;,; , ~ MIMEOS cAIXDS:-"'' Van Gelder & Mitchell, Book:,.Plain and Fancy Job Printers, . All wprk promptly and neatly executoti.—i-Jau. 1, 1870: William A. Stone. ' Attorney and Counselor at Law, lir t door Above Converse 1b Osgood's store,'on Main street: • Wellsboro, Juno 22,1870 y Smith & Morrici4 Attorneys &, Counselors 'Arr.-Insurance, Bounty and Pension AgersOy„ °Moe on ,Main Street, Wultsboro Pa,. oppordto Union Jan. 1.1870, , W. 11.,Sitztu, Seeley / CCiates & BANKERS, Knoxvillo, TiOga o County, Pa;— Receive money , 'on deposit, discount notes, and soli drafts on Now York City. 'Colleet iciis Ft§mptly mo.de'.—Deo. 16,1889=4y* Juo. IV. Adanis) ittorntiy and Counselor at La*, Mansfield, Tioga county, Pa. ColLeedom& promptly attended' to. Jan. 1, 1870. ' Juo. I. Mitchtl4 Attorney and OoonaelOr tit .Law; Otaiin, and Da oranco Agont. Office over Kfeas' Drug Store, adjoining Agitator Office, Welloboro,'Pa.". La. 1, 1870. ' Wilson &''Nlles) Attorneys and Counselors at taw: Will attend .promptly to business entrusted tp - tbefr dare to the counties of Tioga and Potter. Office on the Avenue. Jan. I, 1870. S. F. Wilms.] Johit W. Gitt9rnspy,-, . , Attorney and Counselor at Law. All basil:toss .3e. utru 8 t e d 't c! him Will ho promptly atteaded - to. ''Office 2d door south of liailott's, Hotel, Tfoga, Tiog,A tioukty, Fa.—Jan, 1; 1:870: ;• - Wmi"111. Smith, • en.ln, Bounty and Insuraneo Agont. Coto niunteations eent to the abeVO ,addresa will re ceive prompt ; attention. Tertuk , moderate, Knoxville, Vii:TP-.4an. 1, IS7O. Seymour '& -Horton, Attorneys unit Cou'nselors at law, Tioga P \ a. All business erilrusted to their °aro will recoliro protopt attention. Szyuoult FY. D. ierpell & Co., hoinsale Druggists, and dealers in Wall Paper, Kerosene Lumps, Window Wass, Pdrfumery, Oils, au., &e . ..—(!erning, N. Y. Jan. I'7o. Bacon, ysieian-and Surgeon. Will attend promptly to all calls: Ottich on Craftoti , Stfeot, in rear of Meat Market, Welleberti.—Jan. 1, 1870: E., 'Perkins, M. 0., „ Ros.pertfelly annCunces to tho citizens of East Charleston ancilvicinity, that ho would ho grate falfer their putronogo. . Jan. 1, 1870. .A. IC Ingfiam, , M. D., - lusoeupathift, (Mice ht his Itinsidonch, tin the Aienuo.—Jan. 1, 187(1. tieOrge WllgWri • it r. Shop lira. door north of Koberts Bail ey's liai d ware Store. Cutting, Fitting and lte piriog dune promptly and wolf.—Jan. 1, 187.0. John Etner,, . color anti Cutter; Shop opposite Ihirtt's,etir riaga Shop, Main St., whom he is prepared to do tv9rk promptly and neat.—Jun. 1, 1870. Thomas B, Brydellil • •• Sarveyor and Dmitri:Dan.. Orders jolo at hi* mum, Townsend House, Wellsboro, will meet with prompt attention.=—Jan. I, Iwo. E. Ou Jraler in ()lochs an d !I. nd demiilry, Sijvor and, Plated Wart.), Spectacles; Violin Strings, &c. Watch.. cs hull Jewelry - Wendy repaired. Engraving luau in plain EngMh and German.—Mansfluld, Va., Jan. 1, 1870. , Petroleum Iloilo, 'tfniuld, Pu., Gmo. er.oue, Prop 'clan s A new Itotei'conducted on dm prinoip of tivo'and let tiro, for thb accouioludatinta f tlap\pu.blio. Jan. 1, tS7U. - , , r . - li;ga, Tioga County, Pad Good stabling attaoh ed, and an atAentiefoinistler always in attend enc.°. a eoo , ll r . Hazlett, I'rori'r.- 7 -Jsn. 1, 1870 MN Hotel , e , tbeld Boreugb, Tioga. Co., lA. (1. fill, A new and commodious building with all the modern improveuicUts. Within cm y drive of the best' hunting-and fibbing ()rounds in Noithern Ponn'a. Conveyances famished. Terms'modorate.-,-.7in. I, 1870., ,t 1 Smith's Hotel". - 'toga, Pa., WM. Smith, Proprietor. Mute in good condition to ecooinmedsto the tnivoling public in a muperior niannor.Jan. 1, 1870. Jtotel. ? C _MONROE, Propriiitor. 'rids hinisa, occupied by E. Follows, ie conducted on tow pertnee' principles. Every' accetianadation for man and beast. Charges reasonable. March 30, 1870.—tf. - Union' Hotel. - Wte. If. Van Horn, Proprietor, Wellabor°. Pa. pleanntly located, and has all the evoceni aces for mart and boact. Charges modtrotettlay i rMitM .Q.MBLE! 11: M. SEARS, Pnoigtigroa. I=Mll WHERE ,delicious Ice Cream, French Con fectionary, all kinds of: fruits in their J4.,ue, a nice dish of Tea, Coffee, or Chocolate, 141 ')yeters in their season—eon be had .at all ! Are 'rved in the best slyly. Next door ho. I'v Robertsoberts Hardware Store, Mein lelfsb ? ro, Jan I "0. . PRIZE ETTROTTCAING " STALLION anJE 3 9LIMPL.: lIJUPI rEit Fanny 1;:sler. ill make the season of 1810, for a limited number of et the following placag, via : • WPT,NESIIAT EACII VIT 1 CE/C AT- ELEI.ASDa Tqw\st ur Ai I t O:FCCOLA• he balanre of the time at Wellsbure, ital. JUPITER is a dark Buy, 16./ hands Ligb, of it"( beauty, and unequaled powers of ardr,ce. 'rho great promise of Lis colts makes l 'uta nah,t desirable StAllion for those wishing f'"Jd stack. :51.:iies from a ilibtanca furnished .I,iras at owner n 4 Pdudkeepin l g And well earn& fur.' • Atl aeet- 4 's Lech, $4O to iosuro ' 4 l 4 , 1870—tf El. WALL PAPER • AT COST, At • 11. R. IV ILLIAAIS .1. CO'S Rouse and Lot, for Sale. - Tit E subscriber olfois for sale his house and lot on Street, opposite flint's 9on alltoh ho p; Etiquirewn the promises of .'7o -gm, JOHN ETNER. .c ` ORO ITRltl i thitit'S :o(4ov4tlElttgits* .ti NM MI NE EWING-MkqH!N -,. 594 BROADWAY NEW YORK. • !Points or' Ex/0116nm." • ' "'Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch. , P 911.4 gop saketSIMPUFiIIYO totamkryi • 11,0 talr'tbri 41rost m•the koolle't No fastening O Bettina by hand and no waste of throid. -. • Widi p{ingo'ofitcppiioatlon withttikt 91' adjtiettata: • s 1 - ‘si-‘•• smith' ioMipaiti; fiepinesV ; # 7 , ter tronhig. ' ' air 00s of ; work dope y,p 1343 w 6g Maabinoi s , theso oxicctite" the most boavitiful,m4 ptiromnont Embroidory.and, o a.. AThii; thiS ands eillibitidna Of, the - United ihateY' and Eurepe, have been awardedOm (drover & Baker 614 Bowing Machines, theVarkdolia by them, Wheovor exhibited in competition. El ~gtEr•The very, highest • prize %lig; PBASS, QV LEUIQN (Kg 4 1194 014 wile ooßfprrd. ' on the. reimitfentlitive` 6rthi) Grover 4 Biker Bent . ing l hinehines,'et this 11.rioilitiori Patin, 1867, thus attesting r• their greet ‘2 en 6etiorJ ity over ali other Sewing Maehinen. Jan. f,1879,-if. _ . New' o:_b:a,Qp9,,Otv,e, HE •subaoii4liaii!' I:filed - rep did 'ttoiotiirat 'A door oast Thomaa Ilardon dry goods adore, for tholnanuraoturo and aale4d. :•' CIGARS, (all 9.r.,ad s ff),44ficyca#4.,Covamon .g.211 - 6KING TGRACCO,Alich'igankne Cut ' • , CITE WYIWQ, afid All kinds bf P. .TOBACCO',.''PIis'ES,. cent Brand 0 r CIGARS: ; 70- Call awl aro far youraalroaw•, , i , " . .t" •-t -• JOHN - {3I , .>PURgE Wellsboro, Jan-1, 1370—tf.. ;•", • • • , , New _Tannery. pun uttdoisigne'd hail tatted up the Old i nik4 4, dry building, near the 11reweiy,tireltslloi.o . , 'end is now prepared to turn out fine qakf, kip, cowhide, and harniii tenthi3t 4 'in the fiat man ner. tunuod: on shares.( : Cash , paid, for, hides. • ~MAftTLAIs 41.,DURIP: Wellsbero, A ran. 1., 187(Y.z.,:' • .... • •t- [T. 11. Nun Wellsboro Btliktry., _ DURUM would say to the ;gitizeuit of JWpdlitioro and vicinity, that, ho, ,prv, pared tiisupply them with , • ;. •., • : BREAD; '' -- PIES."` AND „ "CAKES , of the best quality. Wu also serve meals End rind ICE CREAM to those who wish. Call at tho old fileN4Tosf:E.t4nd. ,r„1 t .Tuao 8. U§td,:iy.-_ '4. 'AI- : J. 0. HORTON TIDGA DIlilt; STORE r . . , T ......60 / nortnEig koeps constantly on ~..14(f)tpt: Ptiris-rtrugf gad .Mptiliinv, - :,..- • l elieniietils; CiiniS . and 'Oils, ritinps; : li , Stationery, Yankeo Notions *c. 1 1870. • - .7 7; " Ti• 1 1 : 014 , 1 4, s Vormerly B. C. Wieltharu's Nursery? I TIZ , FRUIToAND OR NAbiFI~ • ' 4;0,000 Apple Trees; ' • 10,000 Pear Trees. , lii;gcod supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY stiId'ORNAMENTAL TREES & SHRUBBERY T_lto Fruit trees sro oosoposod of thr:choloest, varieties, good, healthy, some of thou largo and la hearing. Any one wishing to got a supply gilf dwell to call and soo my stock before per qattideg elsewhere Ara'-DOlivereo Onelap . 01,1 alsboria 15%480 . W On is ov d in'd T 133 ir 4reie of chatoi. l lllardors . ddress, l 13 6104,1 i, * • "' toga, Pa, ' ', t.Ftog, hionse and Lot for Salo. op,wrn of Miinsfiold, Tioga county, Pa , with 10' in:easy, walking distanco, of the chnrehee, State Normal School, dp, .11ouse.id,good,order, good size, and convenient. Excellent well and cistdrw watt . ; closo to the door. Lot contains about lf acre, and has a number of choice fruit treed, g,tapo vines, Ac. A pleasant and desirable homd, and will be sold at a low figure. Address of inquire of' .Mansfield, Mnrch 23, 1870' tf." - I3olcsei A .t • - tt .1 . Lot: for -Sale. . AGOOD House , 0,,,a tarn, on a lot of-two acres, with ten minutes walls of the Coati Donee, Wellhboru, ie offered for !ale. In quiro of John I. Mitchell, Eaq.,Wellsboro: Jan. 25, 1870—tf. , P \TENT. CLOTHES WIRE. tintlertigi.t.l hnring zecurcd tho itgency for the Patent Ntetutie White Wire fur Lines, nbich deeetootrust, and leibettli .: mum' more durable atitif fin d Kiil ha said cheap _ 4m-oithrs kit at the Putt Office Kill receive pruniia sttuntiun. L. P. IIEATIL tre, the underrig eta, cbeerfully . recommend the to w vt , Potent SC ire , bevit,g, need it for a long time undlind it to be all it in represented:• s P C. VAN GELDER. . , W. T. MAULERS. B. B. HOLIDAY, A. M. INGHAM, M. D. L. DEN'NETT CCALM,MiII SEE that large stook of wail pa. , per : eolliog off-sit coat, at -' • • P. R WILLI/0118i* CO'S. :! *Wisher°, May'25,1870. HOWARD SANITARY 41D ABr SOCIAW/ON,, .• Fur ihe 'Relief and Cure of the Erringand Utter, ate, on Principles of Chrietiaa Philanthropy. ESSAYS ON THE ERRORS (lIP YOUTH, and the Poi lice of-Age, in relation to'Bi.tnelAClE and Boast. Evrta with Sanitary aid for the afflicted. 'Seat free, In healed envelopes. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, May 4,1870-Iy. Box P. Philadelphia, Pa, MMIMMI ,u,t4 - •'; I ;; ;4 ELA..ST.IO 'iSrrITCYFI FAMILY' PrtnsortiPrioNs Cenrter . vi,Ly COMPOUNDED. , 11. H. BORDEN. Tioisa,lan. 1, 1/310.-1y FOB, SALE. 1570. BY a, Doe. 8, 1.889-Iy* PAINTS, ' f r\_ MILS AND -zittISIIIIS , I - For the Million, at Mirch. 10,11570-,tf.- St . '„v C. KRESS.. M A NSFI ELD MiNERAL - ''PAiNT, • Far eaN,by ; mnrei, 16, kRu-sm 181V-tf fa' ; „ „ „, • " es 4 • 4 •• lt IW , -. ,• 1 •• 4, 4 •?.‘" • ; • (10 • 4 -," s *ea* 1 . 81:0.4t wEttsßono- I A • , •06 , . • •'- - 2: • " • , s 4 • . 1.: , j AIVNIO44A-ltirq ., ett)' l4 ' t 20 't • t‘i WEEtStiblt6 - =EI ' . . . 66 F',:3 SILVER •„°!l99 l c.qt, Y.Fi%. 'I t 1 , , 0,4443 0 4AINA. liKVAlAiNsis,,, ` l r „ i iNg,kgElloit.':4, dit'sE§', - - - GoikiL - t-s‘ • I - ' - iideig,''`ii:it.ciWg-.‘"i.y . :4-,: . '.'- ' 1 ~, ,:4 1 ,,in‘.._•! :...0 . • ',..N. ~i \, .'.,,i -,,.,5,,•:.':!, , t.—, , , A , -I,' s i EIVINC:'\IIAse - 111N.g"'"- i ) I=ll With most other articles usually kept in such estatillehnient, which is sold low for ‘ll ~•' v‘ky Repairing clone neatijo, ditioniPili; itpd en' ishoq NOTICE. . ‘A.,wOLEV:=':‘• January 6, 1870-Iy. • • bLEAR THE TRACK! .• • ,• 187 s• .011. lIIM Ju0tk..29 1 :,1470 tf l aiid" , , SALE_ HE undersigned offers for sale in Jackson T township, on Hammond's Creek, hie Steam Saw Mill and Farm. Said farm contains 65 tierbs, three dwelling houses ' store, dr, good barn. The Mill has been built 2 years, contains a 35 hOrso Power engine.. circular. Mill, Shingle blachno, Lath Mill and Edger. Mill 40 by . 75 feet, besides boiler own+, and in good condition. .opoilipower and plenty of stook for custom work. ''Hid farm is under good cultivation, about 50 aereOmproved, well watered, 4 , gopti l lieating, orchard; and _clearable/or purboßb.' - lie propoity should be seen to be aPPreeilVd‘ l t tormsj .o.?ndAlirtisa' 'O. IIiA.MfL OH,_.• Junoß oz. 888; Eltnirn, Y: =I =I IRE , ... 'Toga Diarble• Works,, ~ ' , . 3. _ Tito upitenuted, la „noanlprapareil to eke „i, cilia, all ordera for ToNnbl , 3ttip4 and hT, tpau monti Of either ` ITAI kJ ' r h LIAN A #iiitAL' ii4i3l4* of th.dlia s eet at3 , l4)%and • e'ppioved vforMnapplilp 1 and w3tlvAlatiatoll ‘' A ill , • ' la it e 41 , 0 ,ep5, offwtatkny in Ilticias i lathl kings 'of. rblts and ivlll be able to suit allovlio , may fa' o blin tvlilt tbelt otddia,'4)n at reagonableterxoa an!be obtained in the conneryr ! t ' Y ' i N. FAANK IA DAMS. Tioga,Jan:l,l§76-tt. • , V. A 04 , F. , 'ivk 0:111*#0,7 .., LlViiiy AND - g.x444 1'. . li•i*, , vv .,, ~ , \ ~„ ~ P , J0W413 . •ellsboro, Pa. ' Mee an kkablos.on,W,atisr, Street,' it:iotti' , of ;Dtinrillgoniet. 4 `Thei itill'fin 4 2 nish 'hhr,see,,single or,double, iithjoigoooor A iCatriat6i, atM.( notice i , Lon experi en ce ,p. the be pihosabinibleti the priniihStotis;to anhainlc ." with confidence they can meet anYldtisetiable . de mandsiin their line. Drivers furnished, if desired and patsonge re carried to any part of the country. Thank ul for past favors, they invite continuance '4l.f43Uffeem. Terms reasonable. - 'Novi 24, 1869.—1 y. HA PER'S PERIODICALS. Timms FOR 1870. • HARPER'S MAOAZINS, One Year $4 00. HARPER'S WEEKLY,, One Year , 4 ,clO • . rt Ilarateisalezhn,f One .....' Year,. 4 Ea n We t MARAS:MaI 4 , Asill'A ',: I F kda' MAnezh's' Risen, to one address, for,,ona , ,,year s , slo'ool aniotivo for $7 4 . • •An extra 3 Copy:Val 0104 3 Thor" magazine, We - ekly,Bilra,4';VillAbejisupplted:. gratis for ieVery Club; 'of F,ive - Suhscrsbers at $4,.00 each, At . oste'restittance•;`;4,93ix Coikioller $9O - 00;w11 out oxtra - copY. l . • •., Ls kis HARPER'S Mmte k zizitt,eoptaina rientlY Drinb`le the Amount of Matter furnished,, in the galaxy, The Atlantic, l'aitnistai;or LippinbOt: in about the same ratio any. English, of the same general classi. , - ;i A NeW Story. splendidly Illustrated, by Wilkie Collins (Author of "The Woman in White," "No Name." "Armadalo," abd "The Moonstone"), will be commenced ip Hatpor's Weekly in No vember, 1869. Persoes desiring to renew their Subscriptions to Harper's Periodicals will much oblige the -Publishers by sending in their Names as early as convenient before the Expiration of their present Subscrippons, ,This will ohviale,,t,lke \delay otr tendant .re-entinitig..naties end maiHek. bacit.Nuisabers.'; • sli+: , o ; '"' 3 - - , 3 • • New Subtoritierti'wlit be Supplied with` either of the aboye'Periodicals frona,thia.Present,titaii tb the end of the pear 1870 for Four, Dollars. 4r: Addreis HARPER tt BROTHERS New York. New York, Oct. 15, 1869. ME PUB third term will commence April Bd, 1871). Thoiough instruction. Terms liberal. Phi. loaophic apparatus. , , • • , Tuition, a •balf term 'itriatlfir in advance': For full partirlars call on or addre&l • 11. M. BELLES, March 23.1870. If Tioga, Pa. =EI May 4, 1874. AuwagoiNG. BAXIIZI4 VIAL 1,210#1 11 004 111 .?± 4 01 3 002 . TTORNEYS-AT-LAW; PENNA. nig. 4,1869-Iy.' WELRY . STORE: ANDREW FOLEY, in has long ,keon ..ostah. in th‘a ,I •Xeikt4 ti t q4i'lilWellaborti; ‘a iiO4 , ,And:prides ; • WATCHES, &0., &o„ &o. ! F't Ns '‘ " ; rz • •f stg • User ' Other'alieinp s •. -, 1 • A.-Bear:trying Bpavy,stlits fop Baticlel,', , .1 hyleek wants his a Pound of 'Flesh"— Wants it l4 ‘nominited in the'Botid." Wants Damages-500.000,000 Ad infinitum, ad nauseum. Tue "learne d couldn't "zee it," egad I Sic transit gloria, "Old Lintel— ) o Whole, crew overboard: 't Too light.for heavy business." Another Tub to the Whale, With the bottom knocked out. But the Air Line " still lives," Ri i ght aide up, with care,"— .§Pees"G Safety add. pityle odnibine .r bet thq publioAergain spropa:','o,l tt: aim Ono 'eta inaparablei t - Won, and foreverl (Webstel). - Let Ille . WPFkliipta t ' Mournna:4o4 • D:ltiMiktE A lit 4s Tioga High School.; Academic and Commercial Courses. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS' ~ } 1 r' ~~ _.~ l juef received tit Ilin THOR. HARDER. ' "-- s# , t rut ;ail 13.0 . :1,..e4A.•il n i, 4, , ,3,„i lt#4( 4 4 -': , ,'-+ 3 , :*, ? .g 1 ,t II .'6 0 tilt r. • - -,=',.:.' 'i . oi; . , , 1;4, • . \ Jr . . ;+ ., "'4. - tat ., :-:,::- ' , A ;;L I. o - lI.FO (MIL7VItEii4 4Llut , - , -; - 4'i4 i t /,;,.ail-',i f,..i3w4.4-....,fmi ~ 1 ra 3/4 ',....1' ',e . ..4.W, ' . - • try: cIIAWAS DlCRltrit;. i..i.;tl. I; )/...‘,.', pi , - , hen the lessons told taps are,all ' Dade + ~,-. • 5 A4llo,satiopL i il t1191441*-4184teM411( nd the liftlirbbes gather arena me, ~, - ~.,` .1 To bid mo u Fopsl ?sight andlitl,himedjl . ..,,,+, „.. Oh, tea ifttfe, white iiimi that enotroii '` • '-`,..., I My PioiglA.o Ofldeliishil'iiiM6 f t ,il-t_ 4- I',.:TIT , r ;Ol! ) thentailes t that , are halos,of he ; aret 0 ~ i, %AN I . T 1.114 6 14 11 ;Pi04!!! of; 1::*C. 4 Pngq: race,!,;,' , ridimwh they litto gone ` I 40a ml igi„ ! , ,e,;i Of my children too lovely to last ; 1 • . , F level:hat my heart Will rerhomber ' - : : 1 When it wakes to the pulse of the pas ; 11-:- i ...... RIT Ere the world and its triokednese made me - - ' ' A partner , lsti e rrette and sib; -• '• .' -;' -'--' '`} ty hail - the 'Cilery:?f,tled i vliiis , about, bie;:',' I,_ i 4 ' 44 . ' o9::g l ilki.'i GC:0 1 00A Nifita4,; O - :!:' , ; , , P..is-' ,ii,i ~ ,o,b, my heart grows yftliarc . a.l alyoßipti'a, s . :3 :L. .i And the fountains or feeling will flow, - ' • When ItAiNf•aftll.4 pitAigOttleit act itiftetyrj, t Where the feet of the dear ones must go; OT the mountains of sin hanging o're them, . ' ' ' , Of the tempest effete blowing wild; O'h 1 tkewis . pgttlinpap;mtrth-lialfst#Bll' : v i lAinbaltifiAmitioaletra (still r ' ' Ttkbyirtro idols athearts and:rif.Litsitseholcii,i f ' , 1 iTheji hici'en'gels'of God in'disgUisii . ; - ,:',', ;', 1 ,-, v , lAis sunlight still sleeps in their treises, Ilis.glol7 still gl i cams,ip tkcir eyes ;,-, - i .." f x ' 'Oil! ilielli 4faniti Tiobs ifemianct-an i% 3 i They have made reamer° manly aml mild ! : ,- ; And I know n0w41,34 Seitis 6oilid f liketi; , : 1 IThe kingdom of God to a child. fns. ', * ire ' t h e d ear one ' s?, "' - ' ' ' '' / tot al for ~.. ~ : , . :All radiant as others have done ? ' ,• , 2tht tha4life may,havolust , enenglti- sha* , de ' .. 1 .r, 'To temper the glare of the sus; , - I 'would prayi God, to guard tb4 frail ovil r i J.But my prayer would bound baok to myself; At, ! a seraph may pray,„(bytt,sinner, • I nut.a sinner must pray for himself. Tfie . , tPkg is t4,eaelii beaded„ ' '. :, ;; „ , •, , ,-.. iI have banished the rule and:the' ted : ;- a -"-' I Yitt4 . o . taught them the goodness of knowledge, - LThe.i iiii , e i 'tiinght m# the goodness of God: 1.‘,114 beam is dungeon Of darkness, , ,_ . via > i_ben I shut theta friini 'breaking a rulo;. : , , , ,K. frown Is sufficient . corrootion, • , , a . ilotieiS'tite friw Of xh`o'iottool: ' A” F r .. 0 1 , , I- ' O s . A J i . ..' , .3 ° 'll ‘ i ,' .: %.... ,•N 4 . .. S ~... , i C ' . . ' Ftl than leave the,oxd, house in.the autumn, ~A - ?To traverse its threshold no m'orep ....- . ,' . Aii I hew Tithyl , sigh for the Usßri!line . ~, : pii,t , roo, me oftcli, irtOtt, at the deor , i , 7 chill miss the lood nights" and the kiises, ?Ind the gush of their innocent glee) a ). ~ „ . Tilegrehp' ein' th a grelen, , undLthti L thiiverii` T hat die brought 'everynuAing to me," I ithdil my thOM 4 niorivand * at eve, , , . Thechthng in ehe'icitikii";:iiid 1111`stiiel; .2 1 21 r shall miss thelow hum of rhea. rbicee,% l' 1, -,-, And the tramp.vt.their,dolioato.feet; ' ,''., 'I .. , ,:;cytiol,. the lessons and tasks are all ondf4,. ..v,. nd i 4titliiPV'El, 41ii, Sehft i ef d 4 is missed I' '' 'OO the'littfii`oriii's gather around Me; ' * "To' bid. ine good bight and bo'itissed.. „ , , , • . , . ire is dead hrolz..!, , • • 4ow much doii he owe?' • t Ono'weekle , niciriaw,•der • saAdithe•olerk,'oxankining 'thp ledger, r 1 ,14 7 1114i' whistled the landlord. ' 4 .l3fitS Plepky of_lriends; no ~but let thin* 1 - Indiot4 that he is h;pk.e.tilin4 they'll, be oltlflie u covey of, . t • ~t l!must see him;' and lb° hotel pro brieoir,-;Walking put- upon, the;, approac,bed a young man who. wllB leon-1 lug itgainst, one of the front pillars...., • MOM 'Mr,. Watson; Your bill, - I - see, :a is„,in arrears' one Week' over, the i ettleinenti day; Why is it ?' , Tile young man flushed ' fat' dist, as if. in anger; then a " -smile "overspread. his handsnme face. '.l k nonT'l am V ,delin- Anent, Major Snow,.but - I "can't pay at , a prsttnt.' . ,-. ~ -• , ‘ A •,,, :, ' % ~ ‘,,..:, , 1 ‘. , • i i , o you expect inoneysec)n ?',l'''' ` ' ~, `,N ell, really, Idqn't know .wht) will , 17 iiell In'etin 'thing from their , ,surfelt et 1)*1 4' i ii:ti, I am to understand that you ; , hie ot*iksi linable t:#.. PaA'''l4 do llot, 1 ..efp dt i ti) be, abler ' -. f, `, 1 . ,!1 nilonlatediy,Major.F , „.• ~ ', , • :,„,' Sorry, Watson, for you have been a favoriteVof Abe season, and II don't'like; • to ; (nrn‘ yen _Out 'before ibe'' bret-n . P,L- - : :bier will I. i'•lf . you ' eat trl).l .uP your, anti , of, rooms andtake up With one snit ` ' ,in yeur, circamstaneeSi rwill'let yOn ' &win the season' out, ' trusting you' `to kr mednthe,future, :,,, .- ~,,, ~, •, Iv 1 ' , l ,11,, t , , 11 , out ; aro „very,- good, Maj.4r, "and' I'i gigues I'lljfavo, to conselit2 , ~,;. ‘, '- . , .{ ,Ao itbo baggage - ,of,,Robert Wabionwas'd difteci a s nd borne frorn the , elegant snite , knn_ine 'O ' gee,nd iioor, te e• 11 .4 10 , .1 3 Pien. by - .lopAttent,idaa on the fifth fleor„ 11.0 W ' 'iniehri it becOnlist,.4nOwn that the change had .been ntadeLßVery servant, in tf?' ehense het'ray,edtheknowr. ledge 'the absenee'Vjhe„,urinal defer-, ence paid ie . the peSse'ssors . I, parlors. , .. At dinner, the boy who had ,been nlly, too eager''.l)3 .3 attticijp , ate Mt:„Waisconts want, isUddenly becanie' obliVionS to those wants; andenlYi ansWered the& after repeated orders. '"'Pile 'Cashier iiwil i registt ,Rierk,,, always ~ so obsequious] 1 .-9 W i ignilled:. 4E4 indlifer t'.' 2 OnlY the"-urbane-,Major ..preserve ndly greeting for,the.-guest. too poi) ;le 'pay c i piti 1 'hiS",bill, and' remaining by, sufferance. '' -'. l 4upii:;° theiight the' hotel proprle-, iist.::,'„'' ; lle certainly had nic.ntily 'enough, 'when he: Milne,' for he depited, a cool liVe‘thensand In the safe, , 'll _hasn't been Afast, I am certain ; and his habits have\ been so geodo' that • the ' Ynurie bloodsihave rather played off, from him. But lid has been a favorite. Nota belle in the i room, but would luiaye dropped, her best friend-'for his litaintgnee.: 2 - Hang ine,,:if„ I can. understand it' i k Watson, hailineroin Baltiliiire, had been a:season guest at' the , Cascade.— Friends he bad in Plenty. •'. 'He was courteous, wellired, good, lopiting 4 lil 7 . telligent, and,' ' lqiparehtly; :11 . 1W—what,' inerele§tildbe' asked?'';Aidpg',„thdl4-, I dlesfr had inoVed qUite'l4 `Prince; and inatly u'Orethe gossamer webawoven as tailti,l4 - 3, capture hush`;', but ko alt. 'he Proved a Very , hie:o44g! kf t let 're eu s ii 4 (.. be : „47. would pot be anyone ' s prize... e ex:. quisite charm of , voice;manner etol'sen= 1 timen t, the beauty; Of, per,Sen, : the lag- 1 genie of 'a - tare—all were agreeable to him, deeply so f Mello Seemed . to enjoy , thcfm all initpenseyy; but not' the bril liant poeteSS;llles. laeurti,joy, trior , the coy. and artless- Miss Datnain; not the rattle headed Yoring Allis I,4o:inert, nek the', bauaitY,T, ;elegant,. and t exclusive a Miss Percy, nor the , rich, Miss pr.' etnaiaes appeereg. ,t# eoyi9x!Ogliina.—.. l . He was 't.o altalike—tliegigreeelile corn iquriA, the candid friend, 'the 'shrewd" repietioi of all arta *pa, lei : him into love!s • labyrinthine Mazes. - 1 -k =I lElow, would all - these beauties of the salon receive the announceinent sure,to be made of his ' altered circumstances,' as the Major expressed it? i <, -..',, :, .-',5 i~~~caXX~~r;~.4~4~.,.'~~e~~~trg. ` \UAD BROKE". t r i ittu,- , ft. btu tAia- . 0 ..,.44,,te", E, AlleASYtiVt'l WititftajWiWnatinitift' 63.°13 tt . 4100 Mill freciA9ol4 tbet DUMP an d . ri r W r ift(*v,inf,9Y'FYE 1 1 1€ !ndiAn4 /9 s t it L 6il. Al e , nille,tmmirrltYikt),Nri I,hl4 l "litithilic9 It e r i P 3 ' 19, S' l S t 1 17, gai 6 gety glue 1 Vila t fit 6 daW)lat: lia to'nete - ilielliiitgrla' of %la Isle Ai '6: • ilof iii 4 Wt. i'd Whigoli 'ilk iiiiii' in iitiMiltritetd ViiiiiiiiVeiirin'lifOligiti an ottkiltWitutair. txlegiiiie'lhOck' 0,43%1' a saarlfihe'drienielial dritiftY and 'itgli reliat4e). Btitliaht la; •altlie‘bielbe"dii ellne,,becatnete bin). 'it acirttivfietact: „SortvWful, didAveSitylt , ATliatii,,hilli-' ing byi 1 the Insual sttitidattds=est Inman follottY 94 inlaerys.! To Mae one's friends; to Pg494 l )l 4 B l 4'olWiiitieninooelety grad 7 IT il ytflopiugrAlVitY•49 realize, ,diet no uger •Yr aro heatlA 99v.ete/190field eridlen y a ‘ efio'seufevv, , Ike f OriIIIIROJY, ia source of ,Soiiiw. ttat falk it t isor e q witzt letati dinadujt in deterrane,how keen ly he'linite cut to tiie (fur& Of ids pen sibilltfes ; tot While eVerylicijuaintanc wa & e en full frieihtlesibr the disakrile ab; ' office of giving 'Zino' ' 6614 shouli de ' the Baltiniorean appeared like art `uninterested spectator and wits 'as utt moved, when gasscd, ' ,,by,, a Blippizs es l , friend w'ithinitlhe . filliliCeat notice, as if, Ile Were,A)nowsPaPer reportcre anx ious to see the act and, note the fact. Into the parlors during the evening I l e particularlY pressed his way. , If a lievy ,iif i ga,y ,s fellows surrounded, Miss Molintjoy, he 'vveirk t ed life. way to the circle, and, 'ae'lpst, r ' ectived'from that ladt of Sappho -like lIP his' dliicharge. She did gineefullY and crusiiinglY turiii•her back upon dim, nottliree days after lais removal from the:second floor. IvOSs, DiiinabAilae sought, ,confident that one po l artlesa certai,nly would lie aboVe the hollow hearted crowd • and !dill give him her kindly, greeting : — Arida conception! Tbe artles.a girl was, edy' indeed; and 'alien at length he epr4ered her, it was tofiftli discomfiture. She eudderay t tuil i ne'd Ad ' forced her • way past him, withdut tove'ri One of het doWneast glancea. ~ On the' contrary, , her leyes wer fixed fully on hiseface, and' plainly. said, ' Sir,•we are strarigerB.fi Next he tried the rattle headed Miss Lambert, and, she rattled on, quite as usuak; but Watson, soon discovered that the ,rattle was not ter khrk. . I , %Strangely enough, t tbe proud and ex clutiliie Miss Foray' unbent some What fron l 3 far lofty`,,curriage,and gaVe'llim a weleonie ;" but nver'it'allWas a shadow —a kidt, appaieiltly, Which made Mis 4 Pe'rey shy rather 1 than naught and Watson began to catch , glimpses• of a' 1 charactez beneath all'that cOnventional veil:which lie had not expected to iind. °t n'ALEBOI I a WoaritlaY MASPrOnaanes wourd tarn pis farther, friendly k rela tion er rooms were near his own secOnd floor apartments; she, daily, all the Seastoti l bad encountered - him in his walks through the Icing, Corridor, and niustliiMi been One of the first to learn of his fallen forttines, 'lndeed, ho half Barraged , that' her dressing maid had made, special inquiry into his case, see ing her In confidential confab with the ilooti stewardess and room girls.' So Watson, with a reserve or pride not 7en rirZe,lZlOrgilQUA',lStil, t — i V a Y t f- ,f,r.nm an this third, evening of his changed, fortunes, when tie Sappho, of the ,Cas- 1 oadee annihilated him, greatly to the pleasure of the young bloods around her,,Vvattion lwartd4red away 'at'length. upon the piazzas;'then, up through the long; deserted halls, restless, thought ful, digesting the notes which he had been , taking of human nature, and try ing to fix the rela.tive, 'value of a man without money, It was the crystalline truth ho was learning--not the truth In I mere solution, sometimes clear, some times opaque, but always thin—but the precipitated, hard,' angular, clear-cut bryst'tdS of experience, mined it . nnex , - pected plikes. Had he remain d upon ' the second floor; teci'i/6r' woUl'd lie • ha4e obtai v ned the getkis ; the mete solution only, Would have repaid '1114,' keenest search. But that rnigratien fo'the uP per Elpaces' bad given him Wl:An:lrons lens; hia horizOn vita So linmeaSurably extended that, barring the fact that his 1 bill was unpaith , he was the'happier', , beeatise wiser for the upward'reverae. Sudilenlyy in his solitary iromenade, he clMfronted , the heiresa.' She was walking arm in arm with young Ev ans; of her ' set,' in Conirdential corn rnuninatiort, it would appear, elite Why -,should ihey have beentin that Mpg hail alene,? asked Watson, as,•witli it Mance, lie took in the Situation'. "The meeting Was al surprise' to both parties, and the inclination of both men was' 'to`pass without =recognition: 'Evans, , indeed, frodriled ; Watson flushed Inanger, and ,with head erect bore down and , passed his miemies, like a saapended or 'cash leied 6:officer of ithellne, conscious of his' sold ierly qualities dant equally bon Boleti a of his t ialtered clicumstaneesl'' ''' ` Too l high he held his tread, in fact, for he caifght no soft glance frcim the lady's eye, and trdd So iirnily rqxm-the trail Of her elegant evening dress, as to canal!, a perceptiblel cracking of seams at the skirt‘plaita: Evans• termed with' a sud den anger. •.-i , , „.. ,-I I "9lt !I•he hteo..l • 01. 11•1 OE IMO Do4Rha i,„ \ Watsompassedbw, staying to 'make no apOlo'gy, but, he heardt.the lady Say : Fie, :Ras:nothing andhe wtig con. sdions,t too, 'that she was looking ataiitti ,wcanleringly.. An lour later Watson was. doivri On the piqzza again,:evidently'on the'quest . inta,Sorihe person, and he *tun& his'iaan ere long. a:Evans' was the genilenlan: 4 N9nrl.- E oing up '"ikontsoin, whnt Was the Weld you ,u4d;:tit the time I= trod oit the frail of * miss Oiinnifineies . dieSs?' ' I sad dote,- sir and . T . say It again:— We have hitherto sUppoied you to` he ti i l 'gentletilani and it owlearn that you 'can not" kaY yeutobilhil' , and be , half .. ,iii!stx)ru s and half in hutnor tittho` fact sd pppOrtunely:ihhin hirn to crush •anoiher.! w. ..•L hot, blood flow id Mr" . ats'oti s n'fac' ; his hands . were clenched as if to strike - bat, by - a strong effort he' - mastered' hiss paissiow ! , . : EVabs,— no . . gentle Man ever 'would haVe 'Uttered: that -sentence. 'Only in •coward, would fling aubther's pci*erty Misk Oromaries, educated' as she bag heew to , give Virtue t;tl Weal th might find: in 'thy inability , pay -my hcAel It ibstification for 'dropping: acquaintance;to but I doubt if ever she would havecountenanced'ir I owe beilux iitioleaST seeming, rnAnesS, . 1 / 4 17111 it teller ; 1 you; I t holdsia too 13 uprdm , e : to (lieu Ofehange . more• Winds with you.--=- Hereafter do notepeak ine, for if you do 1.40111 slap your-, face,' even ; in • the presence of the ladles;) And the spea ker went his way to his attic room. 111 f6olk=',V;Z, , 44 ' 4. .P fJ,9411101 PYOthetoLO•XlYfOverpi - geni" -4.1 e alsp l owd, Mies, Aeon. was the-talk of, th4 rß a t , l;AMl.V 3 4. 4l Pgio , ,Fee•Okni , Zed . '*.! l ! 3 Fof 4 1 117.a k . 1 PV. 6 fitItliPirelg.49 4 10, Roniersed citneriolt t, the Anew was, ere icpg, spinmekci4, - . t9 e, iipforaeil r that Clear outAak, preaLEVatis efferibg to 'Pity the' delid- Ventls Aad the neWS dew tbrelighoti,t . the peVors andpronaenadei that Maj. Sheii glye Mr. Robert Watson,Ofl36l-' tiln9re, his walking papers in .the mor- Plag o , „1 •tt Osgriir the Beene between the - tw geOP,olo,o PI3 t. 49 &Inch•,Was.Mb3s OrOmPpes- Wired; to hal! loom repa • pail, the accident to her skirt; the' donned another dress, ,and,, to 'enjoy half hour Undisturbed, stole'oPt 'illicit' • the' pleaaantWeather . promenade. *She bails Was a Withei3s'ef what transpliect.l She too, 'retired; IP' evidentexciternent; to her rooms - 'and . when,r her n maid;: halt an • 'hour, later,: Ili t oilght the houseineWs that the Majtif wai to .clear Watson out in thOniorni ingi the heiress, with .perfect. delibera. tion, bat_with_brightened cqlor,. in her cheeks, and a clear sparklitr her beau tiful oyes, sat down,to her desk and in-' dited the folloWing 'note; . Major Snow will please take no action in the matter of the different.) between Mr. 'Watson and Mr. Evans. •I overheard - every word that passed AietWeen the gentlemen, and I (oily justify Mr. Nero it not an insult to him, I would .oifer!to become responsible for any, amount which - he may'yet now t'y be able' to pay; but I know that }befitgentlemen, and would, equally scorn to wrong-yon or to leavo your house' at the dietition of others.' I am,- sir, yours,' ' ; 'll t , • ' • ig HELENE OREMANES." This Mel:paid was instructed to place in the IVlajox.'o, Ambits at once. The maid diad.pet.far to go, for; she met the pro prietor advancing up the stairway. He glanced at the) biilet and laughed; then ~ paused aPd said: ' • - 'NO use 'of my trip UP five pair of Stairs: Mi. Robert Watson has the free dom of this house for the next' five-sea- sons.' And doWn stairs 'he , wept' again ;••-• 'while the openieared maid,having lost 'not a.word, returned to her mistress to 'find her. absorbed in. penning another note. This was written:with great care .and 'many pauses., It ,wasi finally firk= idled, and read as follows : ' • Mr : liTtitso . o will please e:Fausojiick boldness ef this polo; „hut, having been:a witness to the mooting between yourself Mr.. Evans on the filtyiza; Ikeel'it l itiedinbent s intiln say thei. I !fully justify your proceeding an YOtir Words. I ask;tie apology from, you; indeed, I 'shall be ,pained to receive,it. Believe me, I am Weed ingly; pained at itlio inference you have drawn, namely: that I could Andjustiftiation drop ping your acquaintance from — the fact of your 'temporary embarrasAment: ' Alas for tray riches, if they .compel me to boar suoh imputations on imy.sonse and motives! I am, sir, yours very sincerely. HELENE • OROMANEB." This Missive the maid bore to the fifth story. It found the romanticlrtobert in ,bed ; but theletter * was flun g in over the' doer ventilatoi. ' ' `, A letter Air Monsieur Watson frorn my:lady,''sidd.a Voice at the deOr; and Wateort spran uP'as e envelope lloa .t W .tect Owil to h ti feet. A. note - rr ~ 3 . , — 5—a,,..v...what, ilyi' earth did, : thai i mean 2,-Another , turd pus brewing, of course I Turtling on the. gas he read—astonished, , pleased, delighted, as the rich color mounting to his temples testifkedl And then, foo lish ?mu, he kissed the note. ' _ So very preposterous or one in his circiimstances ! ' `Many were the guest's . who turned out fully two hours ;before their usual ten o'clock , breakfast the next Morning, in order to see Mr. Robert Watson de part., ,To their surprise, there was Wat son, ttbeerfnl and content, arm in arm with!Miss.,Oromanes, and,Major Snow looking on admiringly. To Evans and 4is.set it was a declaration o i f war ; but who would dare take up . arms against the spirited heireiS to a Million? They all retired,' resolved to let events take theitethirse: ' " , Apkl they did' take their course, of col. , In .threeMays' time a magnill centt quipage drove to the stand, and `Watson , soon appeared .7itit the beauti 'ful Pilise Oyornanes foil his companion In thi) ippyningilrive. 1-. 1 - . ,-` Whose equipage is,that?' demanded EVans of the Major, •Nnyho had escorted his r gitesis to the carriage. '''Oh,' that's Watson's, to be afire,' 'area 'die reply: ' : 'Watson's, be hanged !' Say, Major, .14 helmid his bill?' asked Evans, biz lielOtiely., i ' . ' 'Paid. his Lorti bless you, lie IS ficliAough to buy out this whole con cern; find to hire •you and me for call . 4 • `Explain yourself, then, sir P denim sled Evans, irately. ' Did• you not in ''form the, guests that henouldts't pay his bill' 'and tliatyou'hadsent him up stairs out l bf his second floor suit?' ' !Not 13Oristi' Of the ,clerks may have, said sornething, to which other's added more, but I really thought too mdch of `the gentleman to mention' the 'mutter to any one. Now it 'turns out tinifit was all a little gameof his own.' Littlolgacue? What object could he baVe n had,in, playing such ,hide and seek ?', demanded Evans again, in tones peidiriptory. . , , i Well,.ln pSrt, I suppose, to test ,the value of friendshißtn general, and the pOVer of money In particular—both of iVlifeh I have no doubt l t e has dOne to iii, 'enthe satlSfaction. Hsi, lia, hat— What do You'think abut It,'Mr. Ey- . ani?° '-.•, " - . 3 ' -'' ' '‘,Thfrkk'about it? Why, that' it was 4i.. . `Airliy, a very artful dodge-,nothing . •,`,Capital dodge, that's a fact, seeing that, as avoof inAn, he won - Miss Oro- T ripe, •. • • • what •ineari ?' fairly shouted Evans, In Lis excitement.' - • q - ean?'Thift befotis 'ten o'clock on morning of the day when - he 'was 1 - 'have had his' walking'' 13apers;' by nt ordets; he was-dead In:love`vi:ith , tie heiress; and—' • ' tAild what, sir?''' • , ' `And:she dead in love with hini!' , . , , • • ' It',El false,'l kildwi' 'dried' thd man, now white in the Tice frotri somdinex plieabid emotion. . 1 False, 'eh ? Going off'lia that carriage togethei to the preacher's; look's like it; don't it?' • ' Gland heavens , ' The ,Major's conjecture hilt the Shaft 'htid Struck Evans to the hearti;' and he fairly Istaggered to a seat; Evans had 'played a long and •a deep game; to win' the heiress. He bad long been her re cognized suitor—holtad discounted her MMMM= 21:31 t * j s.ii= i': - poSs4silions'ih,hlE4 gay life; .atid the re sult ,wits-,-hemaa dead broke! Itelhft iitiviNottterbig place that day. • • • 4 : liarPer& Weekilb * ; " 1 ; qtrAtliitGE Yti Marriage is a { fair , trOiSactioh. on the fa'ec of it. . :But there is quite toP Often put-tip jobs in it. -.:11 is an old institution, older than the pyramids, ands full of hieroglyphic s that nobody ea parse. _ , .-- ,lElistpry hold its tongue who, tfiepair i was that first put on the silken harness, and prorulsed to work kind in,it," thro' iblek and thin, up hill and down, and on the level rain or "sblue, eilivive or perish, sinker swim; drawn or float. -• But whoever they was, they must have made a good thing out of it, or so many of their Posterity, would nothave ,harnessed up sinew and drove out, . ' .. ? there is a great l moral grip to mar riage ; it is the mortar that holds. the social brick together. ' ~, But there ain't but few -f,piks who put tlieir - rrioncy in.ixiatriniony, who could set dovin and give a good written opin ion-why - on earth they cum to do it. This.is a great proof that it is-one of them, natural-, kind of accidents that must happen, lusCas birds fly out of the nest when they have feathers enough, without being abltjo tell why. . . i i3uhryniarry fOillTanty; ;and never dis cover their toiSialie: Thhi is lucky, ' Sutra inarry for Money,.and don't Bee it • Sum marry for 'pedigree, and feel big for six months, and ticum very sensibly come to the conclusion that 'pedigree ain't no better than skim milk. • ' ' Sum marry because they have' been highsted sumwhere else; this is a cross match, a bay. and. a sorrel ;;Apride may make it endurable, t.. . . Sim merry for to e, without a cent in,. their pocket, nor a tilend lin the world, nor a drop 'of Pedigre4 This looks desperate, buK it is the strength of the game.. ' ' If marrying for 'Jove ain't .a success, then mtrimony is a dead beat. Sum arry because they think women will b -scarce next year, aryi ltve to E wonderf bow the crop holds out. Sum marry to get rid of themselves, and `discoverthat the game Ni l lasons two could play at, and neither, iiffla Sumparry the, second • tithe to get even, and find it a gambllngittme—the more they put down the less j they take up. • , Stun marry to he happy, an t tl not find ing it, wonder where all the I l i nippiQess ,goesito when it dies.. Sum marry, they can't tell why, anti live, they can't tell how.. 1 . " Almost everybody gets niarrled, and it ISA good joke. Sum marry - in haste, and then set dowit and think it earefullroVir. - . Bum think' it carefully over first, and marry and set down. Both ways are Tight, if they hit the ' Sum marry rakes, to convert them.— is a little risky, and takes a' Smart .mss on ary to 44 it_ • - Sum marry coquettes. This is like ,buying a poqr farm„heavilymortgaged, and working the balance of your days to clear off the mortgages. Married life, has,its chances, and this is just what gives it its flavor. EverY= body loves to foOl with the chapees, be cause everybody expects to win: But / am authorised to state that everybody don't win. But,,after all, married life is full as certain as the dry goods business. _ No man can sw r exactly where he will 'fetch up whet he touches calico. Nd man can tell just what calico has mad up its mind odo next. Calico don't know even herself. • Dry goods of all kinds is the child of circutustances. , . Sum never marry, but this is just as risky; the disease, is the same with ano ther name to it. • The man who 'stands on the banks shivering and, i'dassent,' is more apt to catch cold than him-who pitches hip head 'fust into the river. . There'are but few who never - marry because they , ivon't—they al #' hanker, and most of them starvo with bread be fore them i sprea7fen both sides, just foi• the lack of, grit. Murry VO,Ung, Is my motto,., • . haVe,,triedlt, and I know what -I am talk iiigsbent. tF - If inYbOy ,askg you, f wity "you got married; : (if needs be), toll him'-you • . don't recollect. Marringe is a'safe way to gOtrible=if you,Win, you win a' pile antl•lf•you lose, 'ou,dontl lose•anything, .only the privilege of living,dismally oleney and 'soaking your own feet . , I repeat it, marry young . There Is but one good excuse for a marriage late in life, and that is—a see ond.marriage. Nellie—Father, do you remember that mother asked you for two dollars this morning? Father--Yes, my child, what of it? Nellie,—Do you remember,that_moth er didn't get the'two dollars? Father—Yes. And I remember what little girls'don't think about. Nellie—What is that, father'? _ Father—l rentembeithat we are not rich. But you•seem in a brown study. What is my daughter thinking about? Nellie—l was thinking how much one Cigar costs, Father- 4 \Vby it costs ten costs-,not Wo'clollars, by a long shot. 'lVellieL-But ten cents tliree times a day Is thirty cents.' Futher—That'S as true as. the. 'null plleation table. • Anil there are seven' days Ina week Pathfr—That's cio by the ahnanae Ne,llie—And seven times thirty cents are two hundred and ten cents. Father—l-lold on ; I'll surrender.— Here, take the two dollars to your mo ther, etid tell her I'll do.without cigars for a week . . Nellie 7 T auk you, father; but if you i 1 would onl ,atLy a year. It would save mete than' hundred dollars. We w'ld -all have sh es and dresses, anti mother a nice bonnet and lots of pretty things. . Father—Well, to make my Tittle girl happy, I will say a year. . Nellie-0, that will be. so nice; but wouldn't it be about as easy to say a/- ways; then we would have, the money I every :Year, and,your lips, would be so much sweater When you kiss us. A. ship should übt ho made to depend on ono anchor, or likon one hope. OOZE OM =II MEM The Ready Reckoner. ,„ Tai:.=''aY.aiw.:':.a- 'T r`~.` MEM 'fr EMI - V - 4111ER - .;29: ..:;:' BEAT STICB nIX WAR. ; In:a recent address before ono of thd pogabf tlio Grand Army of the Repub.. lie; In. Washington, Gent P. 0. Shanks Presented a, masa of statistics relative to the military arm of the service timing ,the rebellion. These were carefully compiled from the records of the War Department, or frem other equally tulle able sources,' and present. many facts never before • published. ,We 'do' - not purpose to Copy this table in detail, thotigh'it all 'posSesses interest, but to gather, ,some of the most important items: • s rusfazu 01 OFBIOEDS AND zruSTEit HEN IN brat- - • TICE DIIRTHQ THE WAR. Commissioned officers, white; Commissioned officers,colored, Enlisted men, white , Enlisted mon, colored, • • Total, - KILLED IN ACTION OftlCore of white troops, White officer colored troops, Officers regular army, General Moore, Total officers, White volunteers, Colored rolunteore, Regular army, Grand total, DIED OS WOUNDS RECEIVED IN ACTION Commissioned officers, Regular army offfe4rs, •. General officers, - Commissioned officers, prisoners of. war, Total offlOers, Volunteers, • Regitlar army, Prisoners of war, Grattd total, DIED Or 11188A.8.E. Volunteer - officers, Officers regular army, - General officers, Officers, prisoners of war, Total officers, . White volunteers, Colored volunteers, - Misted men, regular army, Prisoners of war, Grapd total, DIED FROM OTEIER KNOWN CAUSES. Volunteer officers, Officers regular army, General officers, Total officers, Volunteers, Enlisted men, regular army, Grand total, DIED neon 'UNKNOWN CAUSES Volunteer officers, Commissioned officers, prisoners of - war, Total ate" White volunteers, Colored volunteers, Enlisted men, regular army, Prisoners of war,-. Grand total, THOSE WHO DIED 7 CAPTIVITY. A_ • Commissioned officers, white, ' 118' , Commissioned officers, colored, 1 7 •• Enlisted men, white, Enlisted men, colored, Citizens, As the last means of avoiding death by exposure or starvation', some I:if the Union Soldiers joined the enemy ; but their number was very small—only 9 : eomiaddssionedoffleers, and 3,16 r enlist ed m'e,n-3,179 in - all. Compare this number with the 36,401 who did not yield up their principles,' and the won der is that there were not more, when, by so doing, they could ,pscape the hor rible sufferings endured rit Libby, An dersonville, and other Southern pHs ons.—Meadville Repribn. A Model Ju p. iy. Some of our readers ay have been compelled to sit.on a Coroner's jury,.— If such is the case, they will appreciate • the following report of, a Coroner's in quest on the body of a man who was found drowned: Cor.—Wid you- know the defunct?' -- - Witness--Who's he ?' Cor.—'Why,lhe dead man.' ' Wit.—'Yes.' Cor.—'lntimately?' Wit.—'Werry.' ' - Cor.—'}low often have you beim in company with him?' Wit.—'Only once.' .• , 'Cor.—'Do you call that intimate?' •: Wit.—'Yes; for he was drunk, and i . was very drunk, and that made us like two brothers.' • _ • Cor.—'Who recognized the body,?' Wit.—`Jack Adams. ) ' Cor.--'llow did he know hint?' Wit.—'By his plush jacket.' Cor.—:'Anything else?' Wit.—'No ; his face- was so swelled his mother wouldn't have known him.' • Cor.—'Then how did you know him?' Wit.—''Cause I wasn't his mother.' Cor=-'Do you know what was the cause of his death?' • Wit.--`Drowning, of course.' Cor.---`Did any one make an attempt to - resuscitate him?' Cor.—'How ?' Wlt.—'We searched ,h is pockets.' Cor.—'l mean, did you try to bring him to?' 1 • yirit•—'Yes,lo the public image.' r • Cor.—'rold you ever puspect the de ceased of mental , alienation ?' Wit ! —'Yes, the whole village suspec ted him.' Cor.--'Why ?' Wit.—" Cause he alienated one of the squire's pigs.' Cyr.—'You misunderstand me: I al lude to mental aberration.' • Cor.--`Some think he was.' Cor.—'On what grounds?' Wit.—'l believe they belonged to Es quire Warren.' . mean, was he mad ?' Wit.--13artinly he were.' Qor.—Wo you mean he was devoid of reason ?' had no reason to' drown 'That wilt do, sir.' COT.- To the Jury.—'Gentlemen, you have heard the evidence, and will consider your verdict.' Foreman.—'We are all of one Cor.-- l And what is that?' Foreman.—'We don't mind what; - We're agreeable to anything you please.' gentlemen ; I have no right'to dictate. You had better. con sult together.' `We ire all unanimous.' Foreman— Cor.—'l am happy to hear it, gentle men.' To the Cleit, take the verdict.' Foreman.—'Why, then, it's justl4- ble suicide; but we begs to recommend to mercy; and hopes We'll be allowed our ex ;151Se8.3—Ex. By suffering we may aipid sinning; but by sinning we can not avoidsuffer ing. • MEM In II El II 111 83,935 R 2,079,11 i 178,895 2,33b,951. 3,696 91 93 61 3,931. 37,531 1,514 1,282 40,307 44.233 1,989 89 32 21 2,0209/ 30,885 • , „ 794 74b 81,924 34,005 1,4.01 /12 121. 23 • 1,723 106,930- . • . 20,201 2,316 • 12,813 147,320 149,043 ill ED 11,265 192 11,457 11,845 1,154 49 1,20 S 37,860 4,562 28 11,854 54,0-94 1. 5,297 38,015 . zs 78 189 -35,282 112111
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