The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, July 06, 1870, Image 4
II MARY LEN. 'The brool goes tinkling de k erntbe,,lo, Si nem etortitd ifie nen 1.. While briber 00de tbn I • • - Sfte 'Ono roiy I.ltecllt, ono dimpled hnnd ; A smile, and then a dream; Ceiba, sailor lever, seek Ibo lassie, - B!eeping by the's:dream • Tho byildr. the hill,' A slout ship plows.tlio sea; • The pallor boy is ei7fing hie°, For love of,:gary leo. No winds bl9wfailr . the coulee is clear, Tho ski i 9 eoft wahine; A maiden drenroff her lover sear, And wakes to find it true. • ;Tho brook goes tinkling•iiow•n lire hill,' And farmers bind their sheaves; • A cheek oft kissed is rosier still; Tho sun winks through the loavpq ; Now mountain brook and plashing surf Arp meeting at the sea; The wedding bolls sound o'er the hills, • Tho hridolsliary Lee. " • The Pint - American Mag. , ; At the last meeting of .theyeunsyl vania. Historical Society Mr. Witham J. Canby read a paper on "The First Star- Spangled Banner Mde inAmerica, , and Who Mai:ICAO . He discovered, in trac ing the history of this national emblem, that the first instances when were stars and stripes were unfurled , were at the siege of Fort Schuyler, August 17, 1777, and upon an occasion just about one year prior to that time. The brig.Nandy was chartered by the Cotinentat Con gress to procure 'unitary stores in the West Indies, during the latter , part of the year 1776. While at Porto Rico, in July of the ensuing year, the inform- . ation eame,that the colonies had declar ed their, independence, and with this infoimaion came the description of the flag that had been accepted zls the ilat. tonal banner. A young man,. Capt. •Thomas_Mandenville Set to work to make one, and successfully accompliSh; edit. The flag was unfurled and saluted with thirteen ,When' the . brig Nancy was upon hier return voyage she was hemmed in by 'British vessels off Cape May. Her ' officers succeeded in removing all the munitions to the shore, When the laskboat put off, aYounk man in John Hancock, 'jumped into the sea; 'swam to The vessel, ran up the shrouds of the mast, and _securing the hag, brought it triumphantly to shore; thAcugh a flat lire froip the British men of-war, , The first American flag - how= ever, according to the design_ and 'ap proval of Congress', was Entitle by Mr a. Elizabeth Ittiss e Three of her daughters still live In'ocur vicinity to confirm tiliS fact, founding their 'belief, not tipOn what they saw, for it was many years "before they were born, but, upon what -their Mother had often told them. A nieceof thfs lady, Mrs. Margaret Boggs, aged I ninely;flito• ye:Cr tit ne w' Ji ves .i n Geruffm t.0‘1;11:' and is conversant - with the, fact. Tlic'. fact is 'not . generally known that 'to Philadelphia not only. belongs the honor of flinging the first star spangled banner to the breeze, but to a Philadelphia lady belongs the 'hon or of having made it: The house in which it was made still stands—No. 239 Arch street (the old number being eighty-nine)—the last of an old row. It. is related_ that when Congress had decided upon the design, Colonel George Ross and General Wash ington-visited Mrs.-'Ross and asked her to make it. She said, "I don't know wetherilean, but try," and directly suggested to the gentlemen that the ttesign was wrong, in that the stars were 4x-cornered, and not flv&e.omer.ed, as they should he. This was ' : eor4cted, she made the flag, Congress accepted it, and fc, half adozen years this ady fur nished the government with: Ail its na tional flags, having, of course, a large sits tatg.e. This lady was also the wife of CI4pOIe, one of the lineal descend )l9ts of Opier promwell.—Phila.\Ex. , r i. 'glans where were you born ?" "On ' der Haidrbarraek." "WhatAdways?" s-Waw: - -ttfid before, too." "Hi* old are ' I you, theg. fli "Vi, when der old school lions is piltl vas two weeks more nor a . year, wlnitis painted red, as you go pe fore mit Asir pack penint you, on der k rife hanf'sid d S i- placksmit shop, what stands 4,dhe it VMS purnt don iieit year will* two weeks." Two gentlemen were once compli mentlfig*eh other on their habits of tempgianpe: "Did you ever see and Clth more than I could carry?" asked the one. '",No," repli d the, other, but I have Beet' you whei I thought you had bet ter have gone t vice after it," A little,gotin a Western town, after studying - for some time a picture of Mag. dalen reclining on'her face and weep ing, Suddenly turned to her mother and exclaimed , "Mamma, I know why Mrs. Magdalen is crying. It is because Mr. Magdalen does not buy .her clothes enough." An Irishman attending a;Qualcer meeting, heard a Frenehmafti make the following announcement: "Jlreth yen. and sister ,. l ath going to nufrry daughter of the Lord.". devil ye are" said Pat ; "faith an& 'be jabers and it will be a Jong time before ye'll see yer father-in law !" 'Meiati Soult, once showing ti4e pie tureg he stole In Spain, stopped before oneand remarked : "I value that picture very much ; it saved the lives of two Very estimable' persons." An aid de camp whispered in the listener's ear: "HO threatened to havlktem both shot immediately unless they gave if , "''The fact is," said an elderly wife, "a man. does not know how to straighten up things. .11ndoes not knew where to commence. I don't wonder," she - con tinued, "that when God made 4dam ho went right to work and mink a woman to tell him what to do.'" • A YOUNG man, who has tried until he knows, tells us that if you go to call on a young lady, and she crochets gently all thenvening, and only,. says "yes" and "no," you can go away about nine or a quarter past, withouthreaking tuifof the rules of etiquette. "Were you ever at Cork, Mr. loots?" said an Irishman to the: cotrtedian:— " No, I never was at Cork," replied the wit, "but I have seen A great Many drawings of it." Bald a distinguished politician to his • son: "Loot at me ! I began as an alder. man, and`here I am at the top of the tree ; and what is my reward ? Why, wheii. I die my son will be the greatest •Ta- rascal in the, United States." To WO the young hopeful replied : "Yes, when . you die, but not till then. 3,7 "When a great luau. says Quil t ; I "the first thitfg- Berle Is to resolve t.,!. t build - a mouument to_his memory and second is—not to build it.". Never put a flee Into. a gossitipikig pe*. El n'a ear. You do not know what a buzz' i may create around your own. ,' Tiog4 : tointy . .,Agitaiiit. _, 4NL.~. ip bfllcßia wqll stocke d 'fi nd lias exory_ll. tnutalocor • . lOW -PRINILINO ~., "-• , - - , „, --- • • in a superior nualner,-11)uriatoAr ip Colors, Jrtoßn' well • ding card to a abget (biller. Any kli4ersty , l - O:ofwolt done at.tbiti °Med, as 1'01611 , 10: ' "- '" '. . •",'''' '.., ?.• r- ,5_ LawDoOko, Painplflotei ' Cards,lnvitation Oafds, 'land Bills,Programmes . , Mean, Drafts, Dubills,. Bill lloadir,Direniars, , Orders, Shipping Cards, En:4m Cards, Envelopes, Tinted Plato Printing, Zolsiting Cards, Wedding ' 4:e., &c., AC. i • . .. , =Justice Blanks, • \ . And all oth r or blanks constantly ou band and for sale: Deeds, warrantee; School Contract, - - dkeedS,quit•elaim. Stnnmone;Eubpoenas, 'Statement and Confession, Warrants, Executions; Amicable Action, -. Indernntrylegllonds, l ,, Bonds, Constable's Sale, ' Attacbrdents, J'ndgment Collector's Sale;' ' . ' Nokeerreetition and bond litarriage Certificate, , tor Agenient erOnardiau. And any other blanks not entimenited above will he printed to order on short notice: , AO- kersdns sending orders for JOB WORK will get. their Work promptly done nod returned. We, shall !pare no pains to please our castomeru in this depart- Snout: 'Those sending work, pleas° state thi size of Job; kind of ink and paper desired. VAN CI ELDER A MITOHEGt. Prop rietore. F0b.18741 BEE.- HIVE .EXCHANGE. IL Surrender, BUT AT DISCRETION! YOU ace that half a column of apace with half an inch of reading matter don't help mo aft; all. What d'ye do'that for ?" asked leas th million of my customers, when I appeared In blank. • And, being tuckered out with trying to explain why I did it, I am forced i to do it in print: .- Theiefore, gnow yo, all good peoplo, that I am doing a Land Office Bnsinose, WHOLESALE & RETAIL . , • . SUGARS,` ALL GRADES, SYWTJPS, MO LASSES, PORK, lIAMS, SHOULDERS, MACKEREL, WHITE . FISH, CISCOES, COD, HALT- . BUT, AND EYFORTI!, 1. + .1, 8 11 And I am selling cheap as lal.wayty, o, and can save country dealers their expens to the little 1 city of Elmira, or the hip city of cur Yoric.,--: , But then; I f . . 5 THE TEA TRADE is ono of my biggest, brigh toot, and best things, Yon cannot get bettor OOLONG OR GREEN TEAS, . or choapor, than I can sell you. You may, pa. tronize tbo Great American Tea Company, and limn I can do you good. I havo enough to set Tioga County a TE - HE - ING for the next 25 years. Besides no man has a big ger or better lot of maw Its mono bin I have, and am selling them at a bargain Everything in the Grocery Line, CANNED FRIIITS,.em) VEGETABLES WOODEN WARE, CONFEC- 1 TIONERY, notraixed se I in\l alhem hero, hut in good order I buy all tho BUTTER AND CHEESE, bat I can, and almost everything else but teasels Sign of the BULL do BEE-HIVE. Wellsbciro, Deo. 15, 1869 WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER WALL PAPER' . . 'l6(' . . . T El , it be distinctly; understood to tho inbab. 14 Sell citizens of Welleboro, that we will Sell ... WALL- -PAPER., and any other article in tie I 11xe1iaLig Llzio, cheap - Or than can be sold by any other firm in , Tioga County; further we do affirm that no man oaa undersell us unless They receive goods by the, Ant LINE. We have just received from N. Y., 35,000 ROi.LS OF WALL PAPER boughtlat - the present Gold prices isl,ll, which we will Bell cheaper Man any otheifiim west of b ; Y. Call and examine, and we are certain 'We can please in Price and quality, and if not suited we will pay you "for your time in specie. P. R. WILLIAMS it •WelMoro, April 6, 1870. , DOOR AGENTS WANTED FOR STRUG GLERS AND TRIUMPHS OF F. T. BARNUM. WEIT'PEN Dr HIMSELF' IN ONII Lesa i OOTATo VoLume-- Numur 800 PAGES--ritINTED ENGukl Amp Osmium -33 ELEGANT FULL PAGE BM/a/MOM: It: Embraces Pour Y Luis Bxcetaxesteris of his Busy Life, as a Merchant, Manager, Banker, Lecturer and BbeWursn; and gives accounts of his Imprisonment, bis !failure, his hnccessful European Tours, and portant glatOldal and Personal Reminiscences, re plete with ilcunor Anecdotes and Entertaining Narra tive, No book published so 'acceptable to all classes. Every one wants tt. Agents aro selling from SO to 100, a week, We offer extra terms. Our Illustrated Cain•, legve andTerrns to Agents sent free. J. B.IIIIBR & 00., Publishers, llartford, Oonn. • -FOR BALE• A Rouse and lot on Pearl Street, '2d house XL' South of district sohool house. Enquire on Ae promisee. ' „• ifavingformed a partnerahip,ln the Tin, Stove and - HardWare:trado; , :tlie - rinlersigned" have the tlestariteto announce that - they have; at - a great outlay, added to the usual stook of the old stand a complete aleortment of Shelf Hardware, of which wo enumerate , tho following artiolee: NAILS, SPARS, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILIAND. AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS lUNGES, • CARPENVER'S TOOLS, PUMPS,' AXES, AUGERS, KITTS; BITT-SOCKS, HATCHETS, oHISELS, SHOVELS,' SPADES, FORKS, BENOHrSOREWS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, ' PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIP TIC SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE BHA GIN S, CORN RS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. A 150,.. PISTOLS, , PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER ;AND ; CAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR.HANGINGS • a now thing, and ma a for use. These aro but a few of the many articles composing our stook of Hardware. We invito the publio to °all and examine for themselves. We aim to koep,the hest quality of goods in our line ; and all work to order .done promptly and well. • AGENTS POyt, - TRH • • Buckeye 11114Asr . ‘ & Reaper. SASI-I, DOORS. BLINDS. ROBERTS & BAILEY'S Hardware Store, Well,3boro. ROBERTS h BAILEY. WE. ROBERTS, 1 It. C• BeiLux. Wenaboro,Jan. 1,1870-tf. I EILDRIEZ Wain 60011:4 ALPACAS, POPLINS, CAMBRIOKS, FRENCH JACONETS, ORGANDIES, PEQUAS, VERSAILES, BLACK ' AND COLORED SILKS, . - &c., &o. - .317: T, MATHER% Stoves: Stoves:: MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, OE AT FACTORY. PRICES, Always on hand or furnished to order, at t Lots of New Goods ! ' COMP., TO T. L. BALDWIN Et 001 S TIOGA, PA. and see a nice stook of Goods for the SPRING. 6:, SUMMER. each as —all styles ) sobers and patterns— BEAUTIFUL Summer SHAWLS and a large assortment to select from CLOAKS READY—MADE, AND CLOTH TO MARE MORE; ALL KINDS OF LININGS, FRINGES, TASSELS ~ &a., TO TRIM DRESSES .OR MOMS. —Our stook of— YANKEE NOTIONS can't he beat. It keeps up with evetything the Yankees have thought of Oo; far. HOOP SKIRTS, BALMQRAI4 SKIRTS, CORSETS, &15, I' ' EICEMZEIteg too numerous to montion; but will say that you will seldom find so large an assortment to select from in a country fitore; and clear down- to the BOTTOM FMB& d mapWe oleo keop a large aosortrappt of READY-MADE CLOTHING, in suits, and parts, of snits.' Should we failto suit you with ready-made, we have. 01188iMOV) and A TAILOR TO CUT AND FIT. BootS and Shoes, all styles and sizes. HATS A 11 3 It e"' ND S, ST AW GOODS, AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS,' A COMPLETE LINE OF , CROCKERY, WOODEN-WARE,, HARD WARE, SHELF HARD WARE, NAILS, IRON,. Lode, ccattebes, Carpenters' Tools. A GENERAT, STOCK G'BOOERIES, Fresh. TEAS are lower than at any time since the,war. Did not go to Cuba to buy sugar, and so, have some cheap. We are agents for the E. lictiVE SEWING ZAOHME. Farmers, if yon watitto Ohl to work with drop in SALT, LIME, PLASTER, PORK, FLOUR Lithe, Cayuga Fluster, c&a. Buttertnbs, Pails, Firkins, and Ashton Salt to flavor with. All kinds of Farm Produce want ad.. Prices can't be - beat. - - T; L. BALDWIN & CO. Ties*, Pa. ) May. 4,1870. itEmpvicG. - New:: Stocky:. ' - Nevr—Goods I prE4R).33r - ET A, taheig =the tieW - stora `orio'door &wire JUL Wi:ll44t do Balloy, whero they aro on ,hand with a now e!oek of . -„ • , BOOTS, BATAIQBAIS,: 4 6IA4ERSt'' BOOTEES, BROGANS AND' GALLIGASRINE warrantod to St any foot froM No. 6,• to 13 In. olusive.', Tho stook has boon selected by one who has the advantage of • , f THIRTY YEARIV:. EXPERIENCE 2,1 , . in the badness, and lathe beat andTulleet eountry,; Our stook of , • FRENOFI • *ALP,' FRENOH• It IP,r UP= PER, SOLE, OOMAION'OALP, - LININGS; EINDING MO• .1;', • • • R 0000; 1,111 be kept up - ee heretofore. Oa Findings ire shall be, found at heti, al ways, and we shall endeavor to sell at pricos satisfactory to the trade. We won't be under sold. '4:jAf3ll. t PAID FOR RIDES, SKINS, FURS 80 PELTS; Mao the top of the Market for WOO L . But our best hold *ill be on CUSTOM - WORK ! At; usual. • • ;: There's citiinfortin will ina4nOnsioni bout," pat fits thi Corns without too much compressing: For everybody knoiNera'ohabby foot ' . • Cannot lie compromised by . overdremeing. " • " And one may wear clean linen with a "snit Of finest sloth, but there is no finessing , WM make a man with shabbily dressed feet, Look like a gentleman upon the Meet. Moues; : Buy your boots of . REARS , DERBY, •Or tiny other man. [Printer's Devil.] Wellsbcro, Jan. 1, 1869-tf. "r• - "" • or Sale` ' AM AGENT for Kinney dt Co., celebrated platform Spring Wagon's, styles; also for their light Carriages and ; Buggy Wagons, all made in good style, and from Jersey, timber, and warranted in every respect, equal, 'to any made. Can furnish any of the • above 'at the lowest Manufacturers price's. L. C. BENNET. Welleboro, Jan. I, 1870-tf. House and Lot for Sale. . I LA cheap . and Lot, and vacant lot for sale cheap. Location Wellebore, and deekahle. n quire at the ApitatOr Office.- Jan.1,1876--tC . . - - - TO - THE FARRIERS OF TIOGA ' COUNTY. , lAM ['owl:nal:ling at mannfactory,in Lawrence villo.a superior ,- FANNING M IL L, whichpossesses the followingadvantagesover another mills: . ~. eeparatesrye,oate,rat litter.andfoulseods,artd chess and cockle,Trom wheat. . 2. It cleans ihut seod,takee out yellow seed, and all other seeds, perfectly. . 8, It cletinstimothy seed. 4. It does an othorseperatingrequired of a mill . This mill is built ofthe best and most durable tin:- ber,ln goodstyle,and.ll4 sold cheap for Cash, or pro- duce. , , . I will A a patent sieve, for separating oatafrom wheat,to o hermills,onreasonableterms." I , ii J .11 MATnEII , Lawrencierile e Tan. 418704 f ; 4 _ IRON WORKS! .- - ‘1 FqIINDRY & MACHINE SHOP WEI,,LSBORO, PA. SEARS & AVERY, PROPRIETORS. PLOWS, HORSE HOSES, OULTIVA TORS, FIELD ROLLERS,- KET TLES, ALL slns, SAP PANS, FARMING UTENSILS) ALL iINDS, WOOD MACHINES FOR SAWING WOOD; Brick Maelitnes, CHURN POWER; - THE TOMPKINS • COUNTY; HORSEPOWER- EIGHT AND TEN HORSE, CONSTANTLY ON HAND, -`• And also, everything usually found in a Sts 01000 Chop. We, call particular attention to our MA CHINE SHOP, which hao bean re-hullt with new, and firot-class MICIIINLItt LATH Iron PLANER, DRILL, &v. We employ none but first-elan workmen, and are, therefore, pre. pared to 'do our worktn the beat ' o tyle, and at short notice. We have recently added new MAOHINERY, for Planing, and Matching t n i bo c. Call and Bee nc. . .... - . 5,18704 Y. - SEARS A AVERY. NI 1-3 pri it wt 045 4 4 Iv. wv 4 'qiNrd,9t. l rbOCT 1 2 1 , 11 N 0 ...... 0 910,2, " " 4 u )••tr "8 7 „ 6 , , (P) ' jV " • ' "1 , I li3 • •• I= I I 1 • 439 A - 04 , -'‘.r51 , 21 , 2e-snc ,, y (z . Z:r3 cz en cz bD ;-• .1 CA -4 CD t• 2 W. CO - 4 CA 01 sP I s 9 .5 0 .9 * .1 5l ,S 4 ,Po 0 CA CID CID Co.) Ces , C.* tso ccl 1 1 1 IP. -4 CA tsD - 4 C 4 Cn 1-4 001 Citt e , ± Fa I -4 CA QID * l4 ,p p . C,C) ig.7 0 CP 02 ifQ Na• • - • • • • - jEtitiIICABLE , OF TIE UNITED STATES Charforod of New York,. - 001 i • • e;' • $ 41X)0,00.41 =I 1 '' 1 I E • 2;000;000: DIViDENDS , applied to. reduce; 2d and suliistulut)6l,promlumo4 , to. - „teer t eme. the amount of the policy. • Pividerids are froMl4)„ 20 per cent. the 2d year, andlnoresol6 baoh' therefore. • TIM 'Equitable 'die bneliiees.l.6 d' amount 4f 02,000,060 more last year (1860) than any other i _company—itil cash.,-,gpvely -,snutual _ and noulforcoliahls. No other'iainpauy.can mho* a bottor record, larger dividarads fo or.safei.roou,, caiities.R All the profits leis the actual expcusos of the company are divided among the policy, .holders as dividends each year. Any one ticeir lug of haviag insured, if )2o will elainini the figures of the Equltiible, wilibecome convinced that it is to,his advantage to insure in this com pany in preferene to anq other. W.- A. STONE, Agodt Office with Minion A Niles,.] rfor Tioga Co. , Grocery and Provision Store, CORAI . INCt, N. Y. Vw 1;!.‘ OSX3L4La, VHOL ESAL R AND RETAIL DEALER in all kiwis of GROORIOS, PROVISIONS, =1 Wines, Liquors and lames; FOREIGN & DOMESTIC, GREEN '& DRIED FRUITS, CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, WOOD & WILLOW WARE, GLASS & °ROOKERY WARE, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, CABS & PERAMBULATORS, TOYS, &0., &o. A fall and oomplete assortment of the above mentioned goods of the best• quolity always on hand. Partial'lar attention paid , to . . t .Pine Dracula& Dealers and Consumers will find it. to • their in tarok to examine AtilStock Wort buying. Corning,,N. Y., f 1870. . CORNING JEWELRY STORE I , A. D. DUDLEY, } Watchmaker and Jeweler. A large assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER PLATED WARE, CLOCKS AND FANCY GOODS. "ger' Engraving done in any style. Corning, Dec. 15, 1889. A. D. DUDLEY, ly. . No. 10, Market St. 47J. STICKLIN, Oh '. air make r , Turner, and , • Furniture Dealer. SALB ROOM and FACTORY opposite Dartt's au" • Dia.atf, tructo no' 78 prof pared to furnish Cabinet Ware of any kind to !bolo in want. Orderepromptly filled and eatlefaottonguaran. teed: Pane; Turning done to order. Wellabor°, Jan. 1,1870. J. STIOKLIN. Valuable .Farnifor Sale. A farm of three' hundred 'notes, with two him- j -1. dyed and twenty-five awn improved. Sit. rutted two miles north of TiogatViUage, on tho Tioga River and Railroad. • Well watttered, un der a good State of cultivation,and good build ings. Also four houses and loa for sale in Toga village._ T. L: BALDWIN. Tioga,.l - an. I, 1870-tf. Dr. H. R. Phillips, cumszenT mminium. rpHE undersigned respectfully announces to the 1_ citizens of Westfield and surrounding coun try that he is permanently located at this place. He is fully prepared to do all kinds of DEATTISTRY, • lu the highest style of the art. Srtisfaotioa guarrantoed. Office over Soovill'e Drug Store. Fine Photographs eau be bad over the Drug Store. H. H. PHILLIPS. Westfield, Pa., Julie 80,1889-Iy. Wholesale and Retail DRUG STORE! By W. C. KRESS. LOTS SPRII•TG GOODS; MHE onbeoribor will lloep on nand at all time a full Rock of ' 7 1 DUGS IND MEDICINII S PAINTS, OILS, Patent ,Medicines, Flavoring Ezitracts, Perfumery, Kerosene, Lamps, ;Wicks, Dye Colors, White Wash Lime and Brushes Varnish and Sash Brushes, Window Olass - all sixes; . 1 7 arnish of all kinds, Fancy Socips, Hair Oils, SPECTACLES; Hair and Tooth Brushes, a full stock of Yankee Notions; also a complete as sortment of Homeopathic .Hedicincs, and a full stook of Pure Wines and 'Liquors. Buyers are requested to call add examine pr cos before purchasing elsewhere. Apr. 20, 1870. W. C. KIM. Planing do Matching. • FLOORING, CEILING, WAINSCOT ING, TONGUED (fs GROOVED, with rapidity and exaotneea, with our new Ma admit Try it snd see. B. T. VANMORIT. Wellaboro, Jan. 1,1870. Livery Stable: ATKIV3 & LOUDEN re P. apeotinlry inform the pub lio that they_ have established a Livery for, Mire, At their Stable on Pearl St:, OPpoilte Wheeler's wagon shop. Single or double rigs famished to order: they aim to keep good homer:and wa gons, and intend to please, , Prices reasonable. WATEMS LOUDEN.' 14 1880-Iy. • , , ,5Y),.1.,P5.4i - kip,4,11:.:,,g9•,41 Tk.- TAMS AND, MEDIOINES, PAINTS AO AND - ri.HADDEUS KEITIPS - 00I4,0ENTAATED IV, • IEDXCiINES, IItriDELL'S FLUID, EL TRACTS; BURNETT'S COCOAINE, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDICINES, ROCH ESTER PERFUMERY AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAfilt, WINDOW GLASS, *IHTEWASEE LIME Sc ';AND DYE COLORS, AGENTS FOR &ARVIN & 00'S RE FINED OIL. 0014 at Wholesale Prices. Buyers arerequeeted tb ositand get quotations .before going further `East. W. D. TEEBELL & ,CO. Corning, N.Y., Jan. 1,1870-1 Y Patent Roofing. TH.S.VB bought the right to use! the Paton Elitistla Roofing in Tioga County, and' am now prePaiad to put on roofs cheap and in good workmanlike manner. This roofing is fire and water proof.. I refer to. Messrs. Wright Ao Bai ley, Toles /a Barker, and G. L. Willcox, where samples eon be seen and - roofs in uee. MOSES WINGATE. Wellsboro, Jan.!, 1870—tf. Wellsboro Motel. BD. HOLLIDAY, Proprietor: A largo and 41 commodious House, located in the imme diate vicinity of ail tbo; County buildings, with large and commodious" barns attached. AfPlemes Hazlett acts as hostler, and will touniton hand, attentive to business. Jan. fo, 4870.7-ly Furniture ! Furniture! B. T. VAN HORN, AVING completed hie new Cabinet Ware house on Main street, Wellsboro, has stock ed it with a large and superior assorted stock o FURNITURE. Chamber Suits, Walnut, Ash, Naple &0., &0., from $1.50 down, and as cheap as the same goods can bo bo't .11fOrin the cities - , freight added. Parloi• Suits, Walnut, Cherry, and Mahogany, Reps or Hair Cloth, from•'sl26 down. Also, SOFAS, LOUNGES, COUCHES, TETE A-TETES, with Upholstery to suit. Center Tables, Walnut or Marble Tops A 'Looking Glasses, Brackets Pa pbr,,Raclits, Rocking Chairs, all kinds, Wholesale and Retail. I am manufacturing as usual, and intend to keep a'full stock of ware, homo and city made at all times. My Ware Rooms are spacious and neat, rid; now contain the largest, costliest and beet s tock of Furniture ever brought into the conity. Planing and Matching, SCROLL SAWING A:MOULDING, done to - order at the Factory. Jan. 1, 1869-tf. WALKER & LATHROP, ' DUAL& R 8 IN HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, STOVES, TIALWARE, BELTpG,OIITLBRY, WATER LIME, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Carriage and Harness Trimmings, HARNESSES, SADDLES, Ac. Cornirg, N. Y., Jan. 2,1870-13 • • C. F. & O. Moore, 'VARY AND EXCHANGE STABLES Welliboro, Pa. Office and Stables on Water Street, in rear of Court Douse. They will fur nish horses, single or double, with Buggies, or Carriagesiat abort notice. • Long experience in the business enables the proprietors to announce with confidence they can meet any reasonable do mande in their lino. Drivers furnished, if desired and passengers earried to any part of the country. Thankful for past favors, they invite continuance of custom.' Terms reasonable. Nov. 2441869.-Iy. Great Improvement in Densistry. HAVING purehased the exclu -14 g of' Dr. Folsom's Im ato a is' pro ved r patent Atmospheric Dental Plates for Tioga County. I now take pleasure in offering it to the pallier as the greatest DIO (*VERY yet made in Mechanical Dentistry. By the use of which, we can overcome any)any and all difficulties which have heretofore baffled the skill of the 'most practical Dentist in the world. Plates constructed upon this plan re main perfectly ilrm under all circumstances or coiditien of the mouth, as no air, or particles of foodoan possiblygetunderthem. Those having old styles, Gold or Rubber Plates, can, at half the cost, have the Improvement applied to them answering in every respect the same purpose as as a new sot. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed in every ease. 0. N. DARTT, Dentist. Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 1869. Minis to certify that wo aro now neingitho Improv ed Dental Plates with perfect satisfaction. having need the old style of plates for yearswl th all the troubles and Inconveniences known in tho nee ofench'plates, we cheerfully recommend the improved Plates as far superior o anything yet known. E. It. KENDALL OMB. WILLIAMS. • CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS AND MATTINOS, just receliod at May 4, 1870. THOS. IfARDEpT. YOUNG BERTRAND. YPHD3 well known STOdK HORSE will stand tho ensuing seeqou as follows : _ At the stablb of the subsorlher in Blainsburg, Thursday, Friday arra Saturday of each week, and, at D. D. Holiday's, Wellsboreitbe three first days of Court,ofeach week. Terms,slo to ensure Pas*, furnished for mares from a distance. MI itooldeuoC the risk of owners.. Owners die posing of. mares before foaling, will bo held re sponsible for the Insurance money. , May /if, 1 . 8104 m. - D.A. risH. MEE= co And alter MON)AY, bin 2d, .1.870 t Ins V,wlllloavooorning,nt tho following liouro,Viz : . , 001NG WEB?. 6345 and 6,06 a. tn., M R DT EXP., daily for och• 'ester__Butfalty Dunkirk; Cleveland and Cincin nati', making dived Commotion With trains of the Brand Trunk and Luko Shore Railways at Buffalo, Dunkirk and Cleveland for all points West, and at Cincinnati" With the Ohio and Illississippi and:Louis ville Short Mlle ltailways.for the Southend South. West. .• 6,18 - a .EXPltgt% MAIL, Sundays excepted, for Buffalo, Dunkirk' and Moreland, connecting with trains for the Weft. A sleeping Coach is attached to this train running through to llittrale. 10,221 a. m.; MAIL TRAIN, Sundays oxcopted,for Butfalo and Dunkirk. 145 p.m„ BALTIMORE EXPRESS ,flundtiyaexcept• od, for Rochootor and Buffalo, via Avon. • , 7_25 pun., DAY EXPRESS, Blandon.' excepted, Tor Rochater, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Cloveltifid - , Cincinnati, and the Routh Stops at drincipal stations and con ,necte points on main lino. . , Now and Improved Drawing Room Coaches accompany Ibis train from Now York to fitiffalo, and Sleeping Oodcpes attached at WorneltsVille, running through to Cleveland and Gallon without change. 11,25 p. m., EXPRESS WAIL' micepted, tor ltuffolo, Cleveland, connecting 'vritit trains for the West. 12,05 p• vra., WAY FREW UT, sundayaoxcopted. 1 6,45 v. In, EMIGRANT TRAIN, flatly, tor the We et 11.145 p.m., NIGHT EXPRESS, Sundays excepted,' connecting at New 'York with afternoon trains and steamers fur Boston and New England &Ries. Pl6ePing Coaches Iwo:n(41%11Y this train to Now York 4,35 a. ra., OINOINNATI EXPRESS, Idondays 'ox• rented, connecting at Elmira fir WiLlisumport, Harrisburg and the South; also at Elmira for Cumin daigutu at Waverly with train of Lehigh valley Rail , way ;at Owego for Ithaca; at Binghamton for Coo• perstotta and Albany; and at Now York with gleam.. ers and afternoon Express trains for Now England cities. 4 Sleeping coaches riccompirny this train • to New York. 11,28 a. M., DAY EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, connecting at Jersey ;City with midnight express train of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia. Also stops at principal statsons and connecting points on math line. New and improved Arming Room Coaches accompany this train to New York. 12.15 p. In., ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, daily for nnsquehanno. 2,20 p• in., ELMIRA MAIL, Sundays excepted.. 4,30 p.m., NEW YORK 'AND BALTIMORE MAIL, Sundays excepted,, connecting at Elmira for the South. , 7,57 p.m., LIGHTNING EXPRESS, Daily', connect ing at Jersey City with morning Express train of Now Jersey Railroad for Baltimore and Washington; and at Now York with morning Express train for Boston and New England Cities. Ater stops at all prin olpyl stations and connecting points on main line. Bleeping Coaches accompany this.tral; through to New Nork. 11,33 a. in., WAY PREIGHT, Sundays excepted. Jra- A revised and complete“ Pocket Time Table"of Passenger Trains on the Brie Railway and connecting* Lines, has recently been published, and can be procur ed on application to,the Ticket Agent of the Ompany WM. it. BARR, L. D. RUOR.P.R , Genii Pass. Agent .. Gang Sup't Acoommodation—Leavoaßlosebarg at o,po a. ra.,Man gold at 7,40 Tloga at 8,22, Lawrence - Ville at oM— antling at 0.511101 g at 10,10 Mall—Leavealtlosaburg at 2,30 p. m.,Mairatleld a t 3,1 C, Tioga at 1,45, hawronc walla at 4,2 o—arriving at Corning at 5.30 p. m. Mall—LerivonCorning at 7,50 a .m., Lawroncovllli at 8,44, Tloga at 0,28, Winnfield at 10,05 7 -arriving at Blom-burg at 11,45 a.m. Accommodation—Loaves Corning at 2,55 p. nr.ZLaw reneevillo at 4,64 Vega at 4.56, Mansfield at. 5;38 arriving at Blosabarg at 6,20 p. m. I..II.BIIATTUOK,Sup't 'TRAINS FOIL THE NORTH. Wain s fo rOanandagn fa loavo Elmira as follows : 11Cootrtodation at 712 p Express [fastest train on road] ! 12 Of, a m Mall 10 00 p in Accositoodation . 0 15 p B. T. VAN HORN RAILWAYJTIME TABLES. GOING EAST. BAGGAGi OIIECKED THROUGII 13loosburg & Corning, & Tiogn R. 11 TJalaswillrun as follows until fainter notice,: Northern Central R.R. OnandafterJurio 12, 1870, traiu'a will arrive and depart from Troy, as follows; LEAVE NORTHWARD. 846 46 p. m.—Dally(except Sandttya) for &bairn" and Bnifalo,via Er46Rallway from Elmira. - 1085 a. m.—Dally(axcopt Sundaya)for , Elmira ,Buffa 10,Canandaigna, Itochemter, Juep.Rridgoandtho Oanadaa. LEAVE SOUTHWARD 723 A. m.—Dally(oxcept Sundays) for Baltimore, WaShington t l'biladelphlapice. 958 P. m.—Dally (except Sundays) for Baltimore, Washington and Philadelphia. ALFRED R. FISKE, ED _S. FOUND Clen'laup t.llarrisburg, tlen Pass. Ag't Baltimors,ltld. 10,000 Agents Wanted. EYERYBODY'S LAWYER AND BOOK OF FORMS, BY FRANK CROSBY, EsQ., Member of tho Philidelphia Bar. Enlarged and Troronghly Revised, BY S. J. VANDERSLOOT, ESQ., Member of th'o Philadelphia Bar. ,1 608 PP. 12 310. LAW STYLE. $2,00. /THIS UNBQUALED 1300 K concerns the property, business, individual rights, and so cial privileges of every ono, and affords a fund of legal knowledge that to many will make it worth its weight in gold. The simplicity of its instructions, tits comprehensiveness of its sub ject, the accuracy of its details, the facilities af forded in its perfect arrangement, and the \ eon siseness and attractiveness of its style, ns well as its cheapness, make it the most desirable of the legal hand-book. No effort or expense had been spared ha adapting it thoroughly to the times, and affording in it the most recent and useful information. IT CIONTAIiiS RAE Constitution of the United States, With Amendments; General Bankrupt Laws, With Amendments Pension Laws, ith Necessary Forms ; Internal Revenue Laws, With Stamp .Thities ; Post Office Regulations, With Postage Rates, &e., &c. TOGETHER WITH THE Laws of all the States IN REGARD TO Acknowiedgmente, Credits, Naturalization Admin tetra tors , 'Debts, Notes. • Affidavits. Dseds ; Obligations. Agents, Divorce, Partnerships, Agreements, ~ Dower, Patents, Alimony, - Exchange, Penalties, Appeals, Executors, - Petitions. Apprentices, Exemption, Powers, Arbitrations, Guardians, Pre•emptions, Assignees, , Hotels, Receipts, Assignments, , * Landlords, Releases, Awards, Libel. • Rights. . MIN, Liens, Slander. /Warding, , Limitations, Tenants. Bonds, . Marr lege, 1. Vessels, _ Carriers, Masters, Wards. Codicils, Minors, Wills. Opoyrighte, Mortgagee, , 4:e , &c. IMM Plain and Simplo Instructions to Everybody for Transacting their Business According to Law; the legal forms required for Draw ing up the Various Necessary Papers; and useful Information in. Regard to the Government of the Uni- ' ted States, and the various . State Governments, • etc., etc. • Agents Wanted. .LIBERAL INDUORMENTS taro offered to agents everywhere. This work is the most com plete of its kind over published, and presents ex cellencies that commend it to all engaged in the affairs of everyday-life. Every farmer, business man. Tradesman, Laboring Man, - Property Holder, Bankrupt, Professional Man, and every one having a Family,'will hind it in teresting, instructive, valuable, and full of infor mation. SEND FOR .OUR LARGE AND HAND_ SOME SIXTY-FOUR PAGE CATALOGUE of neaoP One Thousand standard and choice work. Its' character throughout is such us to command the confidence of all experienced can vassers, and the approval of the public. SINGLE COPIES of Everybody's Law yer sent to any address, postage paid, on recept of price. For terms to Agents, and other Information, address, John E, , Potter & Co., • PUBLISHERS, 61,4 and 617 Saafloat STREET, MolEBo, 1870.4 m, Ps.HILAD4Ligile. juswranec WEqSBORO, PA. °ash Capital over , $ 20,000,000. EIRS'I-OLASEIOO' ONE BETT E R. , _ • RATEB AB LOW as ny good tompanies will take. Policies n dwellings and farm property written at this o ce, and delivered en payment. of premium. • Are You Insured -T It Costs but littlo, partie - ularly :to insure dwell. Inge, farm property, and contents. Detached dwellings and farm property insured for 3 pears for one ,per centum nod- expense of policy, & c , kbouso; - detached 100 or more insured for $lOOO for 3 years, at ; an expense of sii,6o. Only . $3,83A a year! 'fax—goo thin 9 'in case of fire. 'Furniture, piovisions, bedding dcc. , at the same rates: There is no excuse, Everyone Should be Insured. If noc with me, Smith a Merrick win do it just an olighp, and Just as well. (Gratis, gentleme n .) , I should ho glad however, to befriend enough in this manner to pay for advertising. JNO. I. MITCHELL Wellsboro; lan. 'I, 1870—tf. Spring Millinery, 1870 ! RS. .SMITIti on Main Street, .has jubt In. opened a very large aisot talent of • MILLINERY GOODS, wadi to HATS, BONNEVS, STRAW GOODS, rr LACES, FLOWERS, RIBBONS; COLLARS lI'DKERCHTS, &c., all of which will be sold much below former pri. aes. All Work done,promptly, and' to please. ,MRS. CAROLINE SMITA. ' Wellsboro, May 11, 1870—tf: MILMEXY. MRS. E. E. Kimball will Ile found hereafter In her new quartate, over Young and Co.'s bookstore. She has just received lots of SPRUNG MILLINERY to whieliehe invites the attention of the ladies of Wellabor° and,vicinity. MRS. E. E. KIMBALL April 13, 1870.1 y CAMPAIGN OF 1870. 1,, , , , - 1 * * * * 1. 1 _ ..•__ _ V._,, New Spring Goods AT THE Pl'OPLit,S# OUR STOCK 'IS NOW VERY COMPLETE in all ito branoholt, and Prices down to the standard of Gold at par. Our STOCK OF CLOTHS is very largo, and we Lesko Clothes to order when desired. Our CARPET STOCK is the largest in this /action of the State, and prices 10 to 20 per cent lower than last year. Linen, and White Good aro as low as before the war. We keep the Buff alo Brand Black Alpaca, which Madam Bumpi est, Frank Leslie and harpers' Bazaar unite in pronouncing the best Alpaca in market ; also the Beaver Brand pure Mohairs, a splendid sr hole, and Aril atsortment. The UNITED STATES TEA COMPANY, • . 1 ' . ...7 .-- . send us with the last invoice ---1 '..r• - qta.7 .4.- "'i just received, the following no -1 rr-:,:.?-t I flee. "We propose after April , Ist, 1870, to pack a certificate '--"''' r . for an elegant Silver :Plated - ' - Tea Serviee,:dai/y, in one pound package. l The certificate when fonnti t will be fortvardettto us thrdugh our agents, and they will deliver the service to the fortunt4 party.' We no the agents for the OompanyA and we oan nesure our ruetoruers, that their ) 30 A. SS are cheaper than they can be field at retail, he. aides the chance of getting a Tea Sett. . We suliait a call from all the citizens of Tioga oourity anti vicinity, visiting Corning, and we assure thorn that they shall bo kindly and fair ly treated, and we will do them good. SMITH & WAITE. Corning, April 20, 1870. lIMINESS SHOP I GW. NAVLE, would say to his frlond3 • that hii-llarnes• Shop is now in full blast, and that ho is prepared tofurnish heavy or light liristanaeissweev, on short notice, inn good-and -Substantial man iier, and at prices that can't fail to sult. Tho bast workmorr are employed, and none lint the boat material used. Call and see. Dec. 9, 186S-Iy. 6. W. NAVLE. In.ssttra3aoo! MR. A. •L. MONROE, is the. authorized Agent for Tioga and Potter Counties, to effoctineuroneo in tho Wy l ominglnsurance Company. Royhl , Capitol $5,000,00 0 London, Liverpool do Olobo, Capitol, $16,000,000 He will canvass the county during the week ex cept Saturdays, When ho will be found at the office of Sohd. I. Mitchell, to attend to all who may give him a call. A. L. MONROE. Sept. 22, 1869-3m.* I . High School. THE eubseriber will open a School in the village of' Osceola, on Monday, March 7th, 1870, and continue twelve weeks. BiTES OP TUITION _' ~. ..,noolo • Primar:y; l ....sed . , all persona N. Common English,... l 4 o 'requested to make Nigher, , Tanajthaeo having claims Fly , sir,orbsent the finiq - t; . ~ DyEll. INSCIIO. : - Juno 8, 1870.-81v*. B 1 0. MADISON, Adnafte.