MEE =I WINREI , ...,i,:i 4— ' - ' , Arrival mid l ie,iiiirt t - -- r c. ~, : a Iro u otztv.::. , ..:. ~ . . ,•; : „.• ~ v.,--7,- •,,,-,,,,, , rftillnltngen' ritutliiik al, 41 g . i.. - --,- .- -1 1 -- Mu Ilitrol-nit , rolitem 111; 4 l i r t o..p r i t c,,. _-',...52 -NY9ll.atatu, 3clll &part uillil qApid.l.,,.,,air./.4. arrive , rui folltims front tim y. r?1`"7:-=-,-..-„l'iolltilioro Polt. WU 0: ; ' ." WELL,tionn A; TiooA.-I),,part trei in . 3 . In., firriv4l 1 1 / mud/ Ocinekp.m:' , - ' ' 2. c , IS'Cttsmutto MA TI mretp.--bopitr t 8 th tn.; nrrivii 0 - ti. iu Watspo it arrivo Ateno bion. I.'lntr: 2 titty-Z: t 12 w r aspaaa sz4illB6l" Snoas.--Dapart k TIT% Q/I tn atnivoTuttfulay_a Pri,s p aw , watnaao & :vroNY'raita•—•llto. Tata: & .Friday 'at 2, p. m., at r. Tuae..& Pliday at 121 a. TINA COMITY AGITATOR. Loo i' .'I eItS. v,l. i: t IV.I4',Di%.,TESDAY, ,6, , 1876. New Advertisements.. liottco to Builders-:-.Toeopti Datiing. M o proal . lnotrutnonts—A • IL A. Briggs.. Normal SobOol—Tchas4.44 Rank Ro L. Robirtetit.: Eqrny—M. D. Rico. ' .Atim'es Fotico—Rnchael Partridge., J. HAAT. LITTLI;I BiTs.-- - --The lightning struck a large tree on Weiplemlny one tnilo• east- of t.ttia'ti iiilago. _-Acceptnhln—The recent mins —Dad poliey—ltun in debt and hover try to pay. property,—Att old lame, watch, doglSrid dun.. „i , —Unprolitablo bui inrFB. 7 l'n buy an nristocrtittlt his own eAinalte; and Fell Min, at his worth. .-The harower is nlways n slate to au) lender. --I)isagreegbin—A squalling-I)mi. ' • ' —Best nrtielo ;•.:cinnt for •luisiticss Imen-L-Pritt . ter: , ' ink . , 1 . - —The particulars of the doings of the Ith will 1;45 --- girce next week. -, —Dead bent—An olit soaker, knees weak, head Leary, heaves-upi and syr t \ ,tever,'atill lies: down on the contents to repose. —The Timm Co. Baptist Sunday School Con ,. union tact in this placcon Irednesday fast—the erercisos were very interesting, but slimly atten ded, —Mr. A. W. Wilson, of Il.irlininnd„ died very !uldenly on Sunday trn3 l "24li : ult. Mr; rtes stout fU years of age, a'nd a i'alriable FATA 4. A coniENT.A little fiOn of 111".. J. Ilurain of this 'place, Irbil° playing with his little brother in the Bakery on Friday the 2.10 fell into a Inh Of . hot. Nvator, and was SO badly ,raped that he.tiied on Friday mornin., Jnly ist• Ist lid , Ito a warning lesson to all , td, pla - c4'no hot water within thn iebeh rd 0111144 tt. Trr PicrNTENS.----A limver Job l'rehs 4.r exiiliarige fur tovrpaper• type. Said vte, ,, lc in good condition, rind will be Pohl (diem) is it,: hare poyeluised. 'a larger olio to tithe ils plt..e. SIM) insi:ie o ciins.e, IS ineltos dre• do, oolee.-2m. . PH, I.: wen er 1/ wi lry a intensely hot of Lao, though oceAs ional !bowers. in some ricetions, hay.- alfeirclerl some relief. The crops aro growing rapidly. indeed, ae never the country look more luxuriantly 1115 woods, the fields; tholarulscapc.3, aro 'magni ficent. ' AtletvirfiTuttAL.—There will he a cpyli s g id tilt Extetitivo icimekiitt,t of tho comi ty Agricultural Society, at the office of John , -1. Mihhetl in AWellshero, Bal inlay afternoon, .July 'i, it feo o'clock, for the perpose of ninhing ar tanguteents for the AntiturnVoir. I ,-+--- T. -7. 7 -4 " --- - , IfitlVl`A ' R l . Ait h ittlil 1 li'l.c -- 0 I l r ifEWPsitiati ) ! , , i Mr, S. WAl44‘l"P,thil.A, iriValtal, and• prrjattrell 'a. tatent for, ini ing . eniolls machine for mixing ;nor 'it. Ile itimle a. tirq trial of it last week. We , te resent, and row it tried by 141 r. IVetmore A ethere. They all pronounetni the mortar of kiery hest quality. It was made by hoise 1 ., .tor, without the east hand work, Sure the put. or t ,in of Pniul, Hie arnfi ft waler, as needed for tcmg.. It i , . , a sin ith• litaelkittd, aild seems to (10 , c.all, welt There vita a/large quantify of i'r m flu. ',deb i ntel et thit, mortar way `0 0, dl 01(41 by Iliommehinn, th:10 un noticed )l.ltl I,', ..nrall hunch of Iniir, in three large 11°6 et a 4 Nrlar, (lint 0 0 sate pilt on--the li rat that was nod. in emirse the I,Tial has not yet been sit 11/r/41'h as to rumble Al r. Weanbri, hn give the ~ ttkitar.olo, , I'llE4 by this ninehilie, ‘vitlil the old lin al wising by hand. It takes I we men to 'outs(" zuel ll 1 I n WI ono 111111Kfill : lIIIV 1111111, hfir.;o. WI nmehine eau temper thst, Ineugli with :fitii r, tar .weans, we 'phonhAthink, at least.' At. al I-. writ., the an:whine will he a. great Paver of la.: . r; .tad if it work s as well m 4 there is gmal reil ,11,10 believe it irtut, in tiine, it will tuttterially ~ ,,,,p,..1, Ik e e „..q. of mason work. Wit hrlOlY of ,curb ilit'alflim. Suet( a vast amount, of mor a i, It, ‘I, that the value of this in:whine colt ally he t-limatetl, if it prove to he praetieable. i'o mph r.,tand the inventor' has liven (1 - fered ( .100 1 for the right, Ordinarily. we reserve OW' Afj.jellye in qtich iiiverainnB till 11010 and use ill , illt iitcstii») : in this ease, we have no ,d,t ,it its utility. 'The inachine is very simple, yet it would. take ~ ..,..011,11 ppnee to,present (ow readers a vatic:l ir do ,-. Hutien. The bed is an ordinary, circular 'Sr. .1(11 5 rim built in seetion , , Si, as to be let ;1 ; moved, ithi.ut t Wviit:l, - reel in diameter, tt hal lt , l'• A shaft; with teeth Pet cloc.e: to the hot. 111, I,irnB on a - eentral axi,,propelluil fly a horse I 01. tothide of tho rim.' TIM limo, sand rind 6 , , thrown into the Led, lire rapidly mixed by 'i I , l,volvitog, rake, in which the Coetlf, on either le, Scl' , so adjusted as to stir up every portion th. '1.1..) tar in the bed. ft is said obit mortar .:all Ira rapidly mixed, while - 1110 - bine is'--yet the triction of slankitig, If it is to he' (if s, I . , o,rpr.ility \ . , flog machine mixes roomy., \p. „ thormbea y mixed, the mortay lief.; a few' , i , htirtte it it , tit to Lo tempered for itse:' 'l'hen , 5 r.,1,c tonlltione'l is takve en t, and ii) i i t a phiCti l'.l a Atilt, hung 160 ;t•nlielit2ll in the tune ;1!0..A t 0. the miler, Isllll whieb 1110 bung seven by 4 iron It heels, uhol,t two fi.ct iu d inino t,aL,l two and a half to titre/; inches tiro sur ‘', MI :COL!, abmit three incites apait.--= running mortar, crush tv , n mom pert . cctly than it 'is dohs by band 9. 11:.• smi, n, ,‘I t tVetillote ut . Tho whccts •ruti ,i:fv, cit*A• to the rim, (tic mortar dra„n filit nedcr Ihenl , at will , 1.0) . a Fyii irt3ti antitigril as to ho lid hire Ile, mi.' tar out. NV 1,4 tiestilivr ia l attarlieil, the hon.° !mil the u,on , ilr tie, in ItiMP fit for \.•r, %,.r3 hr i, f and (14.serip ' 1 0 lio v,ilitto it yAdl he tit:whine can %.,rit tt, heeded extent If is nitemion "'• Ito era having eel t reelr , 111811 or X1;1,1 h,41 mixo(l 1,3 11,ht machine, 0..;:s used. lo, l iri ;fig IJa.viti 1:.01,ert,',.. him:Tv, of) ' T i 'lreet. 0. - oV taarly completed, ?lr Wet 'l' Ll. 11,, j,, \,t OA:4111N; C , llit. ' S 111110, in 51-,rough, to t‘ltiell he till loIV.• to 1 . 1 ` , % 500 '''l 10 11:ii, ithal tliere It will have 101 - tip '\l Laity in ea t tau meobino. , 'A - i• !tope to eh rtr . il• owol ~ Imo S, hlilf:ltie t )If.Pll - A NS' 8011k)01,•—jril1S `t4,lion, at 1 1 1minfieltl. hi our comity, i: under ' , toir; , A ; of Professor V. A 'Allen, formerly 6 01 M . the Normal School 06, flint platm..---- ', ff. Pratt is Drinoipal. lin 19 ,itasieteil by ,4 Herten :mai Shopon, aid At r. Greet), an *.ni are efficient teaelierP, aiml eetfry way ' rr ir' to till their rerpormitite stations.. • ''''l- iiiitel ttio svhnor tho morning - or e!otn- . l 'n't 7 )l Day, mid writneeed flip chapel v.:Nor: P r . .Ctltivi A ilin i..;;roc.• it very s:itishivtor'y !Amt 01 the erudition itnil progreFs or, Lilo' in '41:1911• Ile is inlailiraftly adapted to the great 6rre "" 12 11 I , upilz., &II in gotta he'alth. They iti lin if ,, r+h--tho: girls ih pink, the boys' in ,F'an's Ill,e n t 'ether) : 1 - • ~1 . , . • • i t 1, ~i. ar4 re, ,, n li s i n, L •t t , i ,e .et chihlr e il n s 4.11n , 1&, fettrt3 anYwhere. most 1•••tlect sistem and order are nuiintain• i and these who -f rluittlit know, say they'are ling co unnendahli.\ progress. Not all the or, 17r the Stalk ea iiind plimes - yet," in these ; 6 . 4 \ the holm not another , . winter l ..lje ~::- crolte.llo pus, without. matting ring& pr oN: i. Inastnnr•l its my artiele has been •denounced as h`? i '''' A ll- Tho years ore passitig,• and the ' op- a "lie" f:intii the pulpit, and published rui - " a q u'ini• to foster this great charity is passing false eber g t, e , de,tiguitig tujitry," Villti 1!33 " crrone -4 them ,tlee s ty t e ,,,, man and wolint t b i r d the 0114 ontemente," it, perhaps incumbent upon, 41. i n , . . , 0 - list 11,•• w A 1 . 1tr , ;( ,y; l i n _ t h e ene i mr . me tr i give s ome Lusts upon which those a licgn ''?'."`rl4:'-' It Alli. I: -.6'"...-.,... We', are 6ort) were linsetl. ' - . • ' :,, 'll4 , fr ik , r T Cos i y at , _ . .. ~ _-, !., .. , i .i s.c d • ... At :slate eo'venant. meeting,: to applic . unt i tbr • . -P. P.: WILLIAMS. & 00'6,7 .1- nli:slot , to the blipliOnterrlhat he could not t I . , ticle concerning "close commun. , mt, juin, unless pernaitted -ls at his plea , . . . . .. . . AND , FANCY °CODS. NIM SPRING HILLINIIIIY , - 1/11*, SOFIELP has returned froin tho City - with an assortment of Now Goodeto which oho invites th&'attention of the ladioeof Walls boro and vicinity. lier stack comprises a choice solection of . . STRAW COODS L LACES,. RIBBONS, FLOWERS, RID GLOVES, JUMP-. . , —`::1:11011 1 1NO NACIIINIt s ,, v .S:' ..'. :, ,-----, . . . lieltel foir,Sale. . KERCHIEF'S, COLLARS, FANS, EMBROIDERIES, and a vari ety of WRITE GOODS. . irlLß:ExceLsitirfs :decidedly the best Mid 'most ,--- '• • tkurn)Ao• ": ' ' ' •' ' - ' %": , ITIIE HOTEL at Osceola, is offered for 'sal; ,' -ii, ; • hidWitcf - 140AM ':: ' ' ''. '' ii d . , _ on,reasenablo tomff. ' This stand ~ts K. sumo, Bonn/its tt gluts repaired to order. • eVeihrought into 'nowt. county. For sale by .1. atroblb one, boo two barns Upon the irendeoe, . Wortcnclyke, Millsboro ; A. kibuttrt, Mansfield ; three wells ofgood water, and a lot of fruit trees. s r 3 7 o l o r rs . t . h t A e r and by P. Wortendyke, East Charleston, who is The lot contains 11 acres of land. Address, or pa T st h , a s ik he rtil lio f? ?e r s ili to e gmeenrietriamscoPntaiter=gce° of the t t h h e o 1 -, ' ' .• -.- I;Se , W j i . l I s e o ox pi A• E G L i D b . ba' . • general agent for Tioga county. coll'on JAMES J. MARTIN, i ' , East Charleston, Jane 22, 1870 tf , °moots, Juno 1, 18704na. Tho' Pro .rictor. 4_, J 1111e1 iJ it. ... . , • . . . • , ~ I . . , , 27::Cji-Vwl:l;lablioneromehilia3np::ll:oe,nlt } <<. _ ETRE INT . , . ,-•-- • Wilding tho Nofulat-o4orci„scui,',y,ore 'pr„osupil:2l3l,l4: pp,cehel. were, - iti'it i aiii4 -- .l,itiWar - if,':', 41 ti0.:14, :ppro 4.': . i and Pot Cor.• -l'ite'elliltliOn thai ti - cirt 444 ii - •"pVi;-• filet order 'mat accurato • titho)-j. iialieuing• 'Dubow; . 111 the 11 ) 4,tinto in'.nteu)oryn -.'l hvy goc i tcl. ta3te;.utillor the iitstfuetion of 111iiis/ Ifortaii. ,-• • . _. , text, , Itwant to say'ayword to the- Cloth;•- Aa rule, I bolitwie'ilf,iltem; what yr/set:pie they dress on---preaching. w i th• theornor eury. it; the nintieS f:"qhod mica' swrot, to, he effeetke;. butmust thoy,,theire fore; preach in • 4•beaver.i6Voresont through r the Minimor solstice? " deliver. iv? /"•••.": 'Why,. 'psi thinker it! Tercund-a:hulf p!oloi 31 t? -gunday:tworning t ;llog - Et t a in ,tho-mteendant ti hcavon'S 411ew, -unit. earth :fellowing:stlitt!"•Nws• Oro effervescing like popsditer, therultacyr slug ovih; nod things; ; ehtirch;;llMik. .about , you, ..!Do • yen seeitv cengregatiou in wraps and mufflers? 'Net much but, sis n, ripci'Ve rted , Lis tato, in light, cool and airy garinontsi ;fanning:a' little briliath of Weirdo tholf. - bodies. • • Cut look in the' pulpit..., how thp'• Domino? there -stands the Rev. gentleman, ar-• :rayett,:fe l oni bead , to foot; in - a heavy Ault of Coil's his chil dren ;--hut inwardly ireprcailfing t sonio:Af,their fashi q si , . A sea of rolling. lava on "A'fric'a bur,- nirAlietatis ? " -We' a Tory tlniii, figure for nr Should babe - blamed, under 'Allah :circuit - 1 7; lot preaching holl-firo• and lirimetono ?—• 'Lot us bb charit4,l6,;Lin 'fancy, willing to', an iceberg, in . A ritarettic pain fact, • swelter lag In tlie,invaddling oloth& of a senseless - Cori •ventithiality! , .• • inthe nanic of 'all the gods at 000 c, what 'scn FC is there in this . ? thOkitto K z Does it prodder) `g fervency ?!'i- :,Then a little loss -- fervency; gentlemen. ' Doe'S the - public Mato de..; , mandlit ?" Try it, and see,: It limo hackliiitio (nor. physical backbone, to stand up in their attire, but Moral backbone, to thrtvw, it din might not,eolitio-amiss. • The Cloth- ought ,to be, anti is, in most respects, surcharged with moral - Towage; but a .gentle .shaking up, now and then. may dislodge from its folds a little grain of moral co_wardice. A 'foolish ',slavery to foplish custom, is a teolish thing, if it be sla. vory,l'anrl not:Mieleeeq ' Let us not be umiersiond as advocating a total return to the utter simplicity of Adam's original ensmtno; . hut throw 'iviiolen to the dogs, when it tirueifies:tho flesh, ands don a more comfortable texture;' and any (rig, ri , g with a speck of otainion4lentat feet, will, respond amen. We lay it d o wn a s no asiora in lash, that a , whito:lietit i n a Man suit, (ineteiii:y at 10 l), it a eiMfratlie- Lion of terms, Perverts a high standard of taste, and violates the eternal fitness of' things. Mr, Editor,,l've \.;.'elr into h high state of imi!pirathat ;* but I have aver rhi in :,hirt sktuv ets. A LitvmA-s.: 11 Los:it:m;(l. 7 -1 wiNli to cOffetl, one small error in '• 141 ihe's" la tit loyal. - In my de.. 1 - 1-Iwe ol' what (OlOSlllolt,ll I, very ungentlemanly and sla oderons at taut. q*,ibe 011 nie, I stated, that " Mr. Serill9 and aIPT - his relations are well :mare that raid route was discontinued licTore said yeti/ion Istc , signed." fly Fill;litlailg the word " wore" Tor "are," Scribe has so completely cludiga .1 the significance ef, , the charge, thaOna is , enabled boldly to pronounce it false. My state merit was a true one, n's the route am; changed two daYsliefore the petition was signed: Ineyer imagined they Nverr. aware .4 . tho (-hang& when they rigued the petition, As Scribe is inelitical to he homt fal of his stan ding ittr.truth, ,t:: e , in*biA la.,t letter, I must of course Vtesnme that IA toisquOta,*atol by so 4,14i1ig fa h•ify, onelt ;-tatetnents„ , i le elder to, make up a strung " hioal," is: a license allowed to OOrre4ii,ii ihnith who 'are enipMyed, •.c. , 'lleMliteinent; f Ill:till ill ralliOl Ili OW r.,irc a - I'ilt,llln‘”r a report from Itooil Authority that the tiamer hail lo mvp laved on another petition, /...•C , nos in no nay II lllillteEktOSVlltltilorVij th e ,ti t kt; thu sante Moo , t%:,. Itpatte.l to 11...,}lerrilid, by set JP;il in Liberty, some; dars 'after it Was toll OW. g , . I have fi t ertledls!tbl niody gotten op 'pe tition ~,to Serilie. Imilt4il h. 1 he gutting up of said j;etiiirot, [wilt retie. tomy former I...ttter, to . the tiuth of a hich 1 am l't illing at any time tu kkr,i's 111:11 . 01 . 13 :lily Unnrt.. LAM n's' C lz EI'AZ. ---1 111 V i og - been It eon itun L Hader of your valuabb , paper, I wati9iing 'liir a emitrdintiou from the pen of " 6bsorver," 'Mid out ;l•IOIII I 4 any, I thoayila I woul,l Ilgflill Of fla you a hit .4* pit,siiii . .. ,A,,,0, impro rent ell t 5; (CO filo -till MOVIIIg along. Among the flirt it the improvement maile by the Fralie la others. They kive ele,ire , i a t‘:,y the ruhhb!ll in front of - thi , ir dtvellim , a and sot ports for-a piclet fencl.;. ulso Mho:, down (*heir fl.ll , 01 i 11, t4tich wait damaged by the spring flood, so as to - noeesSilate Hui re'- moral to a new foundation, whielt, they found a row rods: down the river, where they have the huiliting all up, and other arrtlngements for a steam mill,Twhich will eclipse anything along this line, tor - they are business, men, and believe, :what is wrolh doing at all, is worth doing well. We hive it 'Union, Sunday' School started, ' which, SO tar, is a perfeet. success, under. tlf2 SO pi,rintendenco of D. 1, Fralia. The river 1418 e ba,c• L. on repaired Ly .ao that it is 11CtillY,01: quite as safe' NS ll.40tO; and the lumbermen can haut,thvir lumber over with safety: _ - The crops look good, and fruit never better: r The.roads have been repaired, and look better than ever before, and the only thing lacking now is the sidewalk we were to have had last fall. Boaz. Mournit.ood n ar I;as been called the' " life of masonry," and much has been said and written upon its eoMpoSition and the manner of making. But still there are , many reasons -that do nut mix it properly, so as to make good Cement. Good uniterials;of course, are ne cessary Co make good mortar; good fresh burned. limo and good sand aro both necessary ; good bank sand, not too fine, of a flat grain, is the best—Much better than wash sand'or beach sand. It will make a harder cement, if properly Wiwi, and require much less lirnefin its composition.— If not Properly mixed:the cement will be poor, with the hest material. There is as much in the tray materials are worked, by slacking and mix ing, as there is in the materials. Geed lime, it slacked quick with tratcr, creates considerable heat, caused by friction, induced by its rapid de: Sempositiou. If allowed to slack dry, it burns in slacking, and will he full of little, hard, dry lumps, that cannot lie worked Out. Bid, H . kept well saturated with water, and well stirred, it will he soft, like cream, and very white. 'When plastering mortar is made, the hair should be thoroughly mixed with the mad limo, before the sand is mixed in, at the rate of about ono bushel of hair to six bushels of lime. Then the quicker and more thoroughly the sand can ho worked into the lime, while it is ,hot, the better will be the mortar. By being mixed together while the lime is het, or warm, it seems to cook and cure, and make a great deal better cement, than if mixed together whenc4lll. , S. 11. W. KNOX VA Ll.E.—Your correspondent has raised quite a breeie among his friends—the Baptists in this place. First, anathema; male dictions and dire threats werciinsldtl at the lien= true:tome "B," from the sacred desk, by, the ire ful, occupant ; then came the astieles in your is sue of Juno 22, from "W. P. Otnans and "flap;" to all qt . which, 1 hnvo ody the reply to make, that; as your eorrespon - dent, I vrFitti ; such titin,gs as come to my own knowledge, or ore Well au thenticated, and for their trutlifulriessl libld My rielf responsible. Ile if any errors urci cointnit- • nigated by me, I Omit be more than,glad to car:. rect them, as soon As they come to my knowledge; and I bet Thy utterly. disclaint any Intention to injure any person, or any people; at any' time, or iwany manner whatsoever. _ Tho word "communicate" will be seen at a glance to be a mistake, either of the printer or writer, fur "eolumsno,". which I feel certain I used. The , last quothiiim in, she Elder's article wasinserted in my couttuanic4tion by . the edifor, in Hen of what, was Written, will' the intention, no doubt, of mollifying the asperity; of it; rind as I only fuel wilting to bear and answer for what I write, I ivotild requeiCas . a favor the :iertion of the article as written. =MEE MEM 1::i...i.:2',:, !,.'!,'- sl,i. 1 , ;1: . i • = .tVi,%,`.11,141 • , 1-41 3 • two 'Deacons aildttlliii3httans,' 6ll el4 - ..1 cexpsopsell themselves as _novtt*,' , 'Agai Niig that'do4rine, and that thoY . communion; and upon it thtlig• itated," that if q l . ll , 4 l ll(l ','Pr e OPen rer' -ilurfplegtiori of epcu or'cloN.#omutilon' should be silbinitted to a vote of alt*, :Itterabora,of this; church, is decided ,majoriWt*uttid'fayer .open "botninunion b Bider Olnatutstatlitto !thought that WaB 80 . , "• rho Ezimo !Undidate stat4uf :that co 4 uld, !ni t . 'assent te the doctrine of "fetidieSs punislnont;". `that ,he tiincerely bdtiovod thet:',when the sinner was suflioiontly punishodlor4lte:dotids done hisre in the luLlY,'4l4irti,eld be iVAiii6ll.te Plo,(CMCor , 101: , - God ,and, endlesshappirte4 - 4';,! Pmees, re,ply, - pthted - that - that holleit4as '" 1141.‘ellirldttl anbidato was, ad in i 4,444 1 1- ,1 .; Rno,of * the present DoneettS„ before admission Ite '.te't.lte,.church, publicly andetvately claimed to luelieyo that the iremortal tfetilwas given .to- the christiark upon convrsiert,;. „ `,a9 to the tiimouyert ted; hay, in kn o's4l. orim'aferal tA/I, t (teßtlOwlis IP;st,!'l l lPnY", Tikis ,- 49 13 410,140(P1i.Ni0,Y tint port sistentlyadrodated,and tOgitt:at,al, l .,eppvCyliont 'ga t e cif 4:o4itiais iloting I tteule i Aticaelin t up to the pieseiOttleiit:lnr,Oinlidthe tihurch soon after its orgOation. eft the lost communioni,oilo of the Deacons, s pi; ng Trent ' o 9,aatic.** ll Jb`, - feltPitV:lWAtilk -1 covenant', Meeting allmictiAO . ,::that -" middhl wall of Partition tie's . offered the bread and winri49 - emberal qyxor 'ehurelles who lucre iyesertt t ,' ' 3:ha t.the abovo is sula e',driekit,4 think nd otr Will seriously ntteoo to refute; and such heing the case, if all the - Members of this church are :1 w 1 iu I e-s?ui let] ~eut -ort!1 el : 4 - , 1 310 i tfil! thetr ]Fir. B. is not, yosibtl` matters", as he ought to :C . Li:41:1 r it. ‘-- ' f i r 5 • [.% t e opknowledge I(ltylhi4(zukde -some 'changes ,i...ijk . ,:i.Jicylilter of `/ B," refOr , ed. to., We thought R ot the - eha4cs euroulate4 ( '' liskti-ottt coutroverSy.,, Jo 'jitit,M o ' . : tt , ' " dll''' 'dfilT 2- 1 : t 4 51 - ( V4: : U.' kni'Cit • :mil' nomtittihiaticiir; laillieg I) ' 4 lilke.rW'm 113•Viiil iiVio —Foq ! k .' —AT ATur Iggk nu -aorres i)4.ae4' seems sdnewhat dilatory in fientling i4.e aro almost inclined 'to, think that this ckcessivelY warm weather exhausted the source of his mental foupt, cb c tCe should heard frtip him , heron; this ; but as the town it-, sof . stirViyes druhth,' ire will eiippoeo that a„tew , l this sgetion not provo void of ipterext, .:.! - ' W4ll ilsi•Timo rolls , titijts eeitseiCS3 course, no ting no ifeitt changtitt,and' , ~ .nbthing, 'or iinor• tanco 000nrs to relieyeiWongtony; exeetit', it 'ina,y be, lodge meetings on Saturday evenings,. And, by the way, it gives beggistes Mills, Job'a Cor ners, and vicinity, quito a lively . appearance,-. The O. T.'s meet thell':r?th . and' 'exeblingo' stilit-, tat ions, going to an I tetttrninAfrorp Cites?, \vee!tM meetings.; It is ,oto mid:lima, that ,if tbo, , mons-, hers err, it',s devoted th;theca - use of temperance,as to these gatherings, then may we intlentUosayots did your ;crirresponi ent ' of •Wrtstfr?ld,'"Tentimazr anceittraira flGitrisli linie. '" ' ' ' Tiny G installed aro following officers' for the iportikr ending August, r : C'l', William Stilt (levant.; W 7, Enlirn W M. Rockwell : W ',S.: • inh tiCarlos;W Barnhart', 1? S, W oakley; W M, Minor Car fey ; W M, Maggio Oakley ;W[ 0, Minerva Baker; \V 0 U, Donlon Protein:in; W Elnora qtrderant,; W 74 rt , Mrs. BFgess t Their &ape of ineetihg )sin the hall'of M. Carley, Ilenjantia Wolfs has commenced oporations in 11 is limckiln, poli; lie with brig pinstiziring porpciscs., DII`I,IIDENOS:. thypp daya l lAigurels - , a gm:axe/kJ* to ono e - onfined'even to 'The' Firoets of a country town: two or three weeks would bo much better ;, lr Mirk ono • clink& liffOra -the time, There is a way to malic nji by,erowiling the how full of active spoil,. beirtiro is listless ne2.4 lucre ease, conifer t, quiet : 'Add to all these, physilal activity slime outdoor 'pleasure, aka" 'ven'lpve 'tangible left When the night ,carne:', 1,, marl; each moment, and give them all a Oar,: in, ommory,, 'width lit with always be .a pleasure for us It is toe wonder that those who arc Vitriol up in the brick and mortar, the heat, tho din, confu sion, soil constant excitement of a great city, long so mod; to ' , reach T ully into I hn'oimn -fields; rand quaff! r, purr, free, regalitiir titri`trk - from the springs of nature; nor that draught should almost irrj_‘:=iqil)ll)! draW ono away totalto !ill 0 t her 011 . every fitting mieasion.,,Verily, made the ;,,outt try and .0.116. Tnituro,- where is 1 4 01 ind none!of, 4 thaCtlefoitnityi which Civ ilization CO too often iMposes, ht'fri hi with the beneficent (liver, e o freely yields up all infinity to our rues and`enjoYmentii 'without : restraint; other th:in the mild rules intended far our ood. Not loqg since ire spent two clay . 4ol,a, tmp, , in eompany with some friends, upPinocreek;hunt ing pigoona.-: kride of sixteen Miles brougb t us to Vermilyea l s; about ssefen - OPeloelf;'!lnlittiiated with the lA , rtuty of the luxuriant trees, and the sublimity: of the grand old nruntaillrt ? ,,toweritg aloft op every side,with that imposing presence whieb'nothing else affords. They' speak to each other, so near and, : confidential tiro they ; but their words arc f net'br audible to human ears;-- and then, agairl, - when you look' at then), They seem to; put on a new grandeur of demeanor, which forbids lapproach fur fear they will fall npim and' crush! y 1 • " - 4 ' A ride : l ot' sic:tcen miles, over a 'rough, wild country wayOlY the ft;lv'flittlYing lhrmt thl'Ough a long, shaded roint, , along - the brow of, a high bilk front which you leak iinmolfttt6ly I , 4itricv and see the tors 9,1,100 trees,ava,WlttuytHer down, a brook in a 4eisoin9 with a beintiful view bejlo'nfl ; the liiStatnt hills fruiting away into tiui lque,'httetti seen; hut little thought Of, fallst'gradually awakas we pal-s('Ti onll put a, etryo effiqes!,hetwepi3.- 7 . Atoong the giCu ' n by the stile of the , way, , ,anti:awl off on the MD, .53,1" : the beautifu'l honey:met:lo , i, (rhodoftenedemi), fragrant not alone of the most delicious odors, tut touchingly, ten— derly, sally sweet—eeetacd recollections of the - , 01.b4n days, on ly 't int:wait i•etl.7 . , thisrate we Ann I rkever . get enr Supper `4l pigeon 4, 6rcelk • eel?, trout; , the lest of tea, pirlll of :ell sorts, including pickled trout--in feJt. everything that could. be desired, and all cooked ns net to °trend the taste' of the dainticq epicure. , Such wliestess 'is Mrs'. Vet— milyea ; and We are rerttitii:al:o *Must hove felt complimented by the attentien we' paid .thp good thiligS on her table. Ono. never goes amiss- of • Insu t -ions ]nOil at Vennilyeren; and •no•fonc'bver goo there Otter without, repeating, as oftim as cirtattuslatices permit. are confident that a vast deal :if . happiness is going to waste abopt , these times, and in this section. We have many aniong(us,•young anffold, who can spend a week or less 'or,, eeursine,' wittitnit knowing thedifferecee yet j:t tlie Multitude put, it, off,. oY never think of ; or, if they, think of 'it, feel too much al:Sorbed in the active duties, oriteolcruich 'engrossed in follon log out the hopes of life, 'to grant Ind take thi,; ,All CaO; 1311011/(1. ft is one way of makini life bettor. The genies become to little impressible,Ay ; ri, saint streidli of the I tql9W heroro'tlirto, little kivon, bring's' li4ek mucL. Vattirc alsvnys pays hack lnianyfolly,l, hut,,,shooloPo not bring, everything to our doors.. She sometimcs•crowas • months in ilays—years in inonth i s.. ' ; • • ' • The gentleman' from MaVsitelniscits''waS iiir •lighted ; the gentleman from Cant- . mored ; the' Philaile:lphiari ixits in ocstasios„and wept for joy; all regretted the swift flight of time and the calls of duty, while' tho 'looked' ahead to ttiO coining hour of lireadarrst ) ‘vith, a longing no other prosPect ceuldeniendor.:,.(This last has rui personitdreferon'eo to the writer.) We lqave;ttin story of the lu - ULM:O4i' ftio,pik eenst7 to the imaginations of sportsmen ? . They nest inithe woods hinti l 'iniles from Verinilyca's, in millions, The -woods aro full of them;'and if ono baS a nunscienco united, ,to,tho'ocettsjon, ha t Itias:shoot, them as fast its he can lOnit and fire; or nearly-, so. Only the prospect of a meal ahead could-tempt us; So wo wo - olcereful,to' keep out of reach of the nesting place, till the intervening time was too short to permit our reaching the field of struggle between the conscience and the ttitln'ttle. 'There are , those, however, who leak ahead fnaller ; so there is no lack of game for tho table. The worst of it, is the coming back. - So wo ray, Try it., t: • • ."-, 1 •1,1 '-; • TICE NURSERY .—dais lil4le.plputlils, ; for 3tay, is at hand. Itistho';bekinptpg .‘ 9l . 'Of?. eighth TOlhme. There arc 32 p l ages„ of coarso, print, very ple a s‘tntlitilp.tAotAis; ",;,Iv,y!th g9po Morals, for ell fi It 7 is ziety i lllitstratod,:and c,liogether is one of th6;best periodicals kir - very' , ontig ebildrin thnt coA know-of.-` 'Term's; $i n' year. Athlreis The A r itretrij,"llo.'lll ton street, baited - . - • ' ": • - ' • : TILL QOBSIIONJBETTI.I , III.';—••Thone eminent' inbni Pr. Jas. (Bail; Pleynician to (bonen Victoria, and Pr o Itughen Bennett, nay that consumption can be cured Dr. Witter knew the 'I when he 'Uncovered bin now widely known BALSAM ON WILD 011ElltItY, and experience Las primed the correctness of,bls opinion. ; - ?•="4 VI • ',/ • I, cox e. THO 3 P:111k.:-41 Il`LR ho sold - donee of tho father; , pn..tho ;OthAjano; :Itov. OnikinoPM. - Obarrea O. Tho - tripson,, of Stat,o tidtintaldlMl,olllansflold,. an& Clark.A., Arohor, 4a,ngl i g,tprof , 349ry l3, Aro* !,,.psq,„cot, Wollaborn. t Tho prinbnivora - not , sforgottenit , ,Of ootirso" , i' , Who all 13*t 8,6 1 60 . 1)041/ m ha' otto'ff Trlth • ‘'t ,o iWo wink 4 , 414 hiippinVes,J4iiligiiioni,rOnioin bor that tomorrords not.ours.i C REKVORD VI SWETVAND:AUIO r Dajl . tiat• • Chureh in'illatrhi'on;'!Po'ttOX' Co:" on ' tho unoloy tho' It i,V; P, DrintphOm !is; 14.'1% 'X • /lei- . ford, of IV i oiltIleld; 'P;it.. • did' ii i ~~itrUt+ ;laud of rfij " " intitEli/ 1 / 7 0X , BRr-_,-In . “ union . 4 Townshii,i Floyd Cot.,, lowa, Ant Om. IPA., Pg4J414.,3)3rt)th0 Rev. B. 80r11044 rhiQrroctxii 4000pite.,and...1111ea, Angelind Minor. 41,z••, HATI4AWAY--,NOtD.4At thorlreeideneo of tlo i k , riiices father, byititotnev:lbano EVlnitt; - .Toronto' W. llatlinmay, of Woodlitill'N'on,. tb Sallie J. Wood, of Knoxvillo Pa. • STONt-ItEDDWITSI+I-lit tho Tipp% Ilotoi, 4Turto 30th, bitho ItevA:t!' •Chhio, D.G. , Stone .h., of Port Alloghally, to Miss Mary Reddington of Ifolllday town. , . DEATHS. cAloilhuitcornentm of deaths pubMbed"froo, and rd ob tuary notices set it bo charged at the rate of 10 cents for ton wqr(l.l —_—_._ _ _ _ _ _ Sarilrilay,' Juno 21f; 1870, ,D)lniel P. Dewey, aged 31 years.' 110 leairos a wife and child. ---- SPFACIAI.4' NOTICES. CLAIMA. We are inforra,;(llliat tho most per sistaat _MAI tiny ield lug, of the private citizens who hilVe obtilps Vtl,l the British °Prominent aroDr:J. 17. Ayer ,tc C 0.,. of. Loy e ,'lltacturfir - tiofr, cinrs.obtr leas .44 tifikt their dei»and• firribg yfd the pirates 04°1 he paid in gold and in dollars to the last epic'. tallb o y are emboldened by the fact that the des trudidow,o) their goods by, the English in China and - iilseWhUro! (for Artier.) are not the tboublcsome nation tramplimfliopen somebody 1) have hitherto been paid in full, and th.N? uoier„saytinitlpy.oo.ll,lp, ,:mv,hoch, over propos this elitaprOthibei , :tilfo &ads. and 'we will'cnlllt oven, because we candheivsoulrediz. reme dies there witlinut duty. [WailtinglinilNeWit. May 18 1870. " -1- — o — Confessions oriii -timoullLTSll Eli (or tho benefit of youth men and others who, nriffored front Nervourpohility,ect,puPPYlug IMitneaus of self-cure. Writtonl hyTonelswhon cured hitaselq Lod *eat free on receiving a posbpaid directed qckyolope,. ?iddress, NATHAN fkli, MAYFAIR, ' .The Rice Divorce Suit for .frand In ago, is causing great rx,. (demert in ' Iton'ton. It stioniil warn young men, not to marry In hake. Rice is init:22; britlo 37. Ile swears that sho mad° Mot believe olio %vas but his ,own ago, by uairig Balm upoil her tiew, ,Poor yonth: lie' probably found her elbows 'weren't (Jilin) so Mgt null protty. Ought Ragan to! indicted 7! Ito ; leridw of mug rim tmes. 'Thin Balm en a most n ander fol penrl)yuid natural climplexion, to which wo don't objaot. We liko pcekty,wontilp. „To finial' the picnircl, ttboy afloat lasi Lyon's Katludrou upon tho hair. 'ittitMly aim rosy elleekki and -soft, lux,ncioun tresses, • , they beempo .ruper &Alit 4,1! 4 ;34 it 0,1`41N0, frock Ton B.7o.—lfugh Yonng ,S 5 Co. have just received their first installment of Wall Paper, Window**l 3 .npor.,s and :Cloth -Shades., for Spring Undo, which Wilk be.•dold ',cheaper Atthattl ever. Borders, Window" Fixturei, -Colds, • %%M -oms, Gilt Cornices, Pioturo nails, kind 'everything else that belongs to the trade. Come and price our goods, and examine them betel.° .purchasing elsowh9rd. pi,to l uc mptui(voi4,',?, iby torritiy:pmYt of the county. NAIX- qur stock is the largest, over brought ihtollio•oonpty, end wo ddn't intend to ho under sold. ; Y-413iNg•41•CP* atc IS7 'ar+7WOUNCEDIENTS:"t • • • • a ' ' 'T,: (.1 , i Mr. Abon 'Daggett ofLow rencovi lio, announcer; himself a candidate for 11(n office irf ShotilT, the onriuing electiop t i , A .15 , • .19i1..t* Italttwio„, , o Tiaga,announceß ititngolf 456.1410044) Ihr the oilier) of Sheriff, tothjoct to the (led. njOti of the . itVpubrieati 901M41409-,' •• bin R. A. Risl,, of 11faiixsialr,, ,, , announces himself a canFlidato for the ()Rico of 61kurity, subloo t t, to the, doc(- btl trio Itepubliciin - Convtation.i ' 0 =='oo.' .1 .1 am, ; ELS a candidate for the hfliro ~ , 11,41t, imidoef to t h e aed filon of thoTtcpublicAnConvontio4, • • f i . Mr. M. Ti.. randiaatt , far Shoiitr,"satijeca to tim theta(, a• Of Itio Itabubltenn 111r..1. 71L Pbelpa of Mangli,elil, nonooncca, binaseif‘f, .. candidate for thh , ollira'ofEtbc , riff;s'obleq to - the lou 01 tlio Republican Con9mitbin. : A CAnt).-7-11nyitt'g lketf solioitcd by :many of my'fritets, in ilifivrent tow caldps, to offer niyaolf nti candidate for Itepresonnitlveirl Jake tle method tp forming for Vita I noted° to flApir rorplost.; Winh ing it to lel distinctly ‘iiitle'rettnul adhere) to ley previoisly i ciprosmoit - ,opi Dian againet porsonnlly Can vaßain for , lekgatca',votct4,lo.nccoro a.riominallon, eltai . ltlicrefero •c)fraiu feeteAlke papal practice. , j Fhonl4 the Itepublletyn'e er,this Cop qty do, me; We honor of elioeving inole'riire'Rehtr and'fierve: theta in - the P,tato Letlifaature,S, on;lo,tvoriliy 'dfitehiirge or ,IttY•dnfyi to t epnY eoniltird in inn. •/1101.+, May a 1,1870. 11EN1tY,1110LLAN1K • • .31n.'sical, , ; iitastritiments I , 'f '' ' ;`,(/••• •• !, -, r'7...0 •:: 10 . .. ;):,, ..:: • • rii. , ' 1 152 . ;: .1 #P .f. 13 3 i !..) .... Li r : 1;1 +i :I ,; ,. Llt:7; 1 ....* 4 4-4 Y : . ::: 4 -1 ,* 44.1 -- ; r:11 il !. '' = 1 1 Y 1.5 . :.-...., ~,,, , p.e 4, 44.- -- F_-.'tt-,.10 t.l: If l'a ~..b a 1 ir.q, (~., i : . 1 . r z••••.--,-, •*.r..7",W ,2 ',.1 . .'4, - I r 'il:, 1 . ;; b ,Ef t f,p : If •,L , . t ... .1 fl 1 .: ' .1 . , STIN , B 11 ' 1 :0,11(1.11B • • • 1 - -) ' - •:-, •.? i 1 ~..„ tF,Tp ..,0 Ito A 2 1 / 4 r . -- - I :: ):. k.. ;;. 7.t' ~. r.- . 41 .• • •••.i•••'''..•• A ...i .1. , ; : 1 , - ,- , I l ;, : .„,',l. 1 4•.ki,t , ,1.T., .4 1 --- -- • - - --- - -- 4;-- - Ipki&vt..34 ! ,±., •1••,• 1 .• _ i. ..,...„..- .-t .....,.r.,-f- : 6: : • t; •4 --•--.;-•-- -1f .L ~2._ t :4 • i -.. . b 1 f• , ' -'• :iii q . rh: • l * - V•idil7-13sL , - , -.:_ _ ._ , „. __ -. A THE sabsaribbi into my tho •Public thaf htr has constantly on hand a largo assortment 'O - IIG'ANS, ITELODEONS, , - " I:3Pi.4lStiljtt.C, fu Oted ,to ~qt4AQI.% • .V• • `.PLD INSTRUMENTS 'I`AKEN , IN kM.CITANGTI, , of Mu same:nye. Land to bes6l4l cheap: . r , • 'et lie will be found at his residence near Ppttore , 11044 in lilicidlebury, - Tioka 'eoulkir,l'a. i diess A. B. A.llll,l"CitiS, Crooked CrCeli, PA. T • 1111-flohohl 'Moder.% of Shim - ten township will roceivo proposals for tho coneiruction of a school luituse, nt Manchosteryarms, Saturday J fly tt; 1810, between the hours of ono and two u'cloolc P.'fif. The plan and speci fi cations will ho made known on the ground, Thooontroctors aro to , furnish ! 'inatorials, and c omplete the house by the 25th of October next. JOSEPH. A. DARLd Ng, Shipper, July 6, 1870.-It.. Seey, • fq • • ; STATE NORIA 'SCOOTS, ,) Pa.,- For admission,, VERRrrz, A. M., Mansfield, July 0,1070 i. WOOL: biLlir ie rED " i t h; vASII PAID FOR VdCii; A T 1.6.13ARS & 4 DERI37',S: - si)orp, Jupe, - 13, 1870-,43m.. ' 4, EMMEMI AND Hnstriietioni'" UooJzs, ':Not UM 12 E I =EOM PALL TERM beginp §opt. 7, 1870. WINTER i firltlNG TERM• begins March 27, 1871. The ~ ;Subscriber; :WOULD resbdotfiLlii , " ontl thO tifteitidi aif : 1 19 60 :1)-Uroholtera to Ms now owl ex totudie t t g- ERCHANDISA _ - - Efial MEM liiiii s ,11RY GOODS. ~1 DOMESTICS, or 'Alt . .OARPVI'S, 1011, ,CLOTHS,-.LOOT CON MATTINOS;,,,iniux COLORED, .TABLE]! - BED-Srlly,Aps,t SE Win4°7•P,19.9.r.7, and .nn °P.o l o B .l4:varii3ty of , HOSIERY, GLOVES, RIIPQNS,, PAR ASOLS. OF ALTY ifiTit AND. /18.10E8. V Clothing 03;apluent will ho ,f(lunil full and aotaplato,, itpp titling lfMnillpilitilca,a .010, Pp up, and in ilto •pleE6'. onA - examine. Alsck an Onale4ifrirlety - ; • MEI very choap at : tIIOIO A . ; VrelisVpro, Juno 1, 1870. 100,000 - POUNDS;_WOOL -„vvANTgt:' ~ ALSO, 110,000 pot.tiA yorvirn OP, , GOOd, To bo sold at the lowest break down prices. at • • •'' • ACADEMY CORNERS, PA. • Juno, (I, '7o4f. • • :PDRPLE A DEMEAUX. ri:lTiß HARTPORD 'LIP . P.' AND • ANNUITY . 11f31.11tANCE COMPANY-mints good mon, as Jigo nts in this County. Tho Interest Bearing Plan, exclusively used by this company, enables egonts to do a large fittoptsss•-•lind,obtainluaur anco wlt ere•no - other pima ii•ill t Ciii account of its thoroughly equitahlw features; providing ao It does, income during life, and giving exact jus tice to, all,, old . pr. young, ; Agents con, secure iinitsiflly good contracts by addressing, • • 'li'lNtitillllltY & icr,LLouG, Ocrel - Agts, • '623 Waltine6t.rl'hiiadclPhia, Pa. Juno, f;, 1870-d.t. . . . The, McFarland Trial Ended and so in thoTligli Prico of GOoile at • & Valkenburglsk IMIIMI - Geld Down; Goods Dourp l ind Specie Payment Resumed !. ~-,... ,-. of Almost ovary quality,' otyld and' prico j 'and an Antillpfissarioty. Drop in'arialetake a look through , buctutia - ,a,-.1.: 0... a. trer-x.•vi/.`vrer6War:7" - " ' ' 1. ‘ „ : 't I, • , . • - • GOodS, ff • ` • Lon.utifta'l(t'rga rtilsortment and bhoap CLOTHS &CASSIAIERES • t '— o f f eviit . * ; description, and clothing made to order 'lritlio'vnry best titxle• and warranted, Also • ' CUTTING-DONE 11l 'RHIN MAA R CLOTHING Itvaygon hand tejfit aorißtoutor at once, " . , • , 7---r— -, • ( ' IrtVeaa 0146 4 fillik't c.01!'4,-Itat 1.,114,1.1, /7 '4,7- 5•7104.›..,\ '7 3 • ! 4 , \ •''' - 'qiIPCI ei ~ , i % m rr•'`, l. " N \ .. ' N433* I . VI , Is . J. ':.; t‘ 1. %) - -- • -c*- OW ithF ,tro l (1 \,-/- Tft) '-• 0 , ._ e Q44 goo e , Ir, rip N ‘ 1 4 1 11:$11).NO ''i mmeo;EAlsr-AND DAREgi• ~. ..‘,l, N. 1O 20, and 2i, containing 400 yds. 100. 30 1:3 6 . and 40, " 000 yds. 15e. " 50;,(10,;(1,, ° i4oo y l l3;gsc. ; We aro alsaitkeate fbt tbO calblyrt4ed l ilOW.t Sr, CO'S Improved Sowing Machines. • WILSON .1c VAN VALE:EIsI4LRG. Wollsboro, iTuno.l6, t 869. • iIIiIMPURF:I4 & co ., OPPOBIThI the the Hazlett illouse, T.IIOOA, Pa., keep constantly en hand a largo assort ment of Fitmily Groceries and Provisions, PLOUR'FREp, AND MEAL, PORK, BuTTErt, LARD, WIEESE, PricesAOwn to tho bottom figuros. May i4745. 7 41r0. CO. ,whe PICe to Buy Groceries, EDI TTAVINCi taken tho Storo formerly occupied Jlll by John.% Bowen for dry goods; and-,con verted it into a- GROCERY' & 'PROVISION !,FiaTAPPLIgirI4IENT, .(pvOltlang fresit , and good b . o forma here, nd itf,prion it i 3 O lease. • '• • • • ' 001 ;ES, SUGARS, MO- - , &e., &C., PIEJ Call and se& Us, that we may eonvince you of the fact tliqC:our- motto is,- f Cheap, Quick SIMI Profits." 1 • L. P. TRUMAN. Wellsboro, Mr. 23,1.870;4f, • tf , . ;;;',l+ :,' - 'l',',V . ,: i-4- 'just roooivod, such al MI > ii. =I MEM The, MEM , I -7-♦, MEI ; •.1i ;t,A .••SHOES, • .. ;, ~ ~ ~ ! , in any style desired. L. E. TRUMAN* to slit all. Lots of - New .Groods! M ME MEI ME MEM 1•111 lEEE El • • 00 Pc? Gent* Loess than Bull' Linen Suitings, good yard wide, " Chinese Grass Ciotti " " . . New Style Printed Saeonets, . . , • " Striped Swiss, . . . . French Prints, Extra Wide, . . Parasols 4. San" Vna,brella, . . Parasols, fine qualitSr,'"o Cents . to $1,130 Less than last Season " „ low good,, 2.5 pouts . . 50 Cts. " " it Sun Umbrellas, beSt4gbods, 50 to 75 Cents '", AI NeW Styles at $2,75 „. - . 3,00 '. . . . . . Paisley Shawls at an equally great reduction_ A. T. STEWART'S STYLES. . .• At a stal ,fluthor reductionin prices, beiu abw 12.1 cents on he low goods, 'and 25 cents an the fine goods less than last fall. PERCALES EXTRA 'WIDE, NEWEST PATTERNS, 25 CENTS. I= The Josephine Seamless, the best fitting gloves in the market, in all shades and sins, at ;all White Pique, Nainsooks, Plaid and Striped, '&0, na great variety Cheap.- Prints, Gingham:4, Sheeting, Shirting]," and all _other Demotic Goods received almost daily, and sold nt prices that eanndt fail to snit. An extra assortment at. less than over before,. CORSETS in seven different styles, all num hers always on hand at the lowest prices in market, Tho moat handsome stock of all Wool Onssimers for $l,OO and $1,25 por paid over before offered. I,SIIMEIVETTS. Tho Trenton Plaids in groaL-yariety, , very cheap, the best goods for chil dren's swear. WO Wave tidded largely to our.former immense stock, and think we have? the most ooze loto sortmont ever kept hero at any timo. Wo have full lines of, -,at \ sl,so, In most of the above makes we hallo Mitises and Millions', making variety'of styles oque to the kirgost city stores, /1414 wo make our pricos, much lower than rogtitar Shoo Stores can afford to soWthem. We also guarantee our Work to lie of the best:malms, and •nearly all our stock is bought direct front the manufacturer. • ' - • , .gfAMIRA. This 'stock wo keep in ptill larger anfortinont, and guar° ifi,no work that can come in Competition with it at the prices we aro soiling it. There is no bettor work of the class to bo had anywhere. We warrant it to bo equal to the best, and make our prices very low. Corning MEE MIZE IMiIIIEM A;:PARSpNS &CO'S DOIJBLE COLUMN. ::~- :. ~. _., .., J.: A. L3rxNrc, rq. ; =I Mil MEM 131AA_C(IC $1,50, cheap at $2,00 1,75 " 2,25 ; _ " 2,50 /r . Dre,ss G9ods in Eireat variety ' shawls Q Shawls BLADE ALPACA'S, PURE riVIOHAIRS - Ali Otitifoli now Make nt lower price.l'than any in inatkot. ,THE CHEAPEST IN. THE COUNTRY. 1r.,X7:1# 4M-T-AC,V IEIS. 3EXc:›c•Jp E gassimers ! Cassimers ! Cassimers ! BOOT & ,SHOE DEPARTMETT. , Ladie:F> s IMO t 4,00, f 1,75, $1,50, ). . Ladies' Serge Rix Polish, Ladies' Serge Fox Button. Ladies' Serge Plain Button Ladies' Pebble Grain, SeWed, High Cut, $2,50. Ladies' Pobble'Goat, Sowed, High Cut, .$2,75. Ladies' Goat Moroee?, Sewed, Higir Cat, $2175. RICIHIARDSOrOS IUI junci 22. 1870. liii ME GEO A rii PARSOAS & CO'S„ . ~, s, 'I.. ; ,r IMMENSE STOCK,' { ARABS. 1 timos Ili Ladies' Serge ,Polish, $2,00, gurge Congress, $2,00, $2,25, " $3,60, BEIM =I MEM $2,25 chcjip 2,50 a 4,06 3,011 " i . Neweststyles at 1)a II — .'-? - -ity . . •-- • 0' ' a t Seasons .._,J. to 50 Cents. • 27.kt0 3 - 1 " 2.5 . Cents. 31i- ~ ' 18 to 25-Ccnts. Worth S 3, I co " ) 4;oq. M. LANDENBERGEWS ' STYLES. $3,00, 52,50, $3,00 MAKE; J.. A. PARSONS & CO. = ME NEW SPRING ;GOODS. I& NEW and dosfrablo kook of. Gonda Can again bo found* WICKUAM :& PARRS, . 1\ :. ; • -1" : • . . • ii , i. • . ~ • • Wei do not boast tho largekt; .at a stock well and carefully' selected, and bought strietly for Cash,. saving all interest and - discounts which purchasers will at one° perceive they have in their favor, Most - urtieles in' the' I:)3M'Te" fQr.OOCI3DoSS WOODEN WARE ; AND CROCKERY can co found at priboa which always guarantee their solo. CALL & SEE .1•011 YOURSELVES. May 4, ISIO-tf. , A. B. EASTMAN, • DENTIST •-- . No 13 MAIN STI REET, • A B. EASTMAN has the hirgest stock of 5 , teeth over kept in Tioga Oeunty. lAlsok NNW IMPROVEMENT, never beforo offered to tho public, with which be can give more perfect seta of teeth than can made on any other plan yet known. [See testimonial akt the (ace.] Nitrous oxide gas administered with 'remarka ble - effect rendering the extraction of' t6oth pain less, and even pleasant. Two now and complete ". gasometers in operitien, furnishing a full sup ply of fresh gas nt ail times. ' Special attention paid to filling and preserv.a tion of tbo natural teeth. Prices to suit all. rob V7O tf —Loril lard's Is ad excellent artiele of granulated Virg : lulu; wher ever Introduced IL fn nttiversally admired, It is put np In handmmo mn lin bogy, in which orders for Meerschaum Pipes aro daily packed.- LORIL- YACHT CLUB ""' LARD'S 'TOBACCO Classed by all whin consul - nets amtlio"finest °tall:" It is made of tho choicest leaf grown; it is antbnervons in its affects, as the Nicotine bas been extracted; it leaves no disagreeable taste after smoking; it is very mild, light in color and weight, hence one pound will last as long as 3of ordinary tobacco. In this brand W 9 MHO pack orders every day for first quail tyibleerechaum Pipes. Try it and convince yourselves it is all it claims to be, "vnu FINEST OP ALLZ! LLA°Rrs - ( CENTURY CHEWING TOBACCO This brand of Cnt Chewing Tobacco has no &od or superior nnywhcro. It is without doubt the best chew. ' ing tobacco In tho country. Have now hero is general:es:a' in the 'United States over 119 years, and :Mil - acknowledged "the host" wherever used. If your storekeeper does not have theso articles Tar 'sale, ask hint'to get them; th. 4 are sold by respectable jobbers almost everywhere. ,Ciriralar anti prices forwarded on application. r..LoicILLAAD & CO4 Now York. March 16,1570 7m ANOTHER TUMBLE)" SEJ WHAT SELLING FOR PASR! Our Prices To-Day. Best White Whea.t Flour $7 pr bh1.1,75 pr. sack " Rod. witntor $6,50 " 1,62 " -". XX Spring Wheat, 0,00 " 1.50 " Buckwheat Flour, • 2,00 per 100 Ihs, Best Food, i 2,00 "- " Bran and Shorts 1,50 1: 4f Ideal i t,! . • 2•25 id =I Theso pripes only Mitt CASH. BAILEY All persons neom.3ing settled with us, can not blame us now if they find tbeiraccounts and notes left with an attorney for•eolieetion. We give duo nctlee. B. BAG S.--Nyo want all yersops baying any bags with our Mark on them, to return the KRUM at once, as we shall take steps to secure thete.=- We hare 601) bags scattered among the people. El S'2 l ooo A YEAH AND 79XPENSES To Agentq to sell the celulita tea WILSON SP.W-• I„NG MACHINES. The hest machine m in the 'AYtitek alike taz bath side.. ONF: Mecums Wll 11011 T MoNcY. Fbr farther particulars. ad dresm 2 N. tith SL, PlitacM, Pa. Apr. 73tit IV OT . bcreby forbid anyperson trcts -11 nog •or harboring our father, Jacob gra ham, on our account, as we shall pay no debts of his contracting after ibis dais. ,"•% :JOSEPH GRAHAM, .TIENRY GRAHAM, - . ienAnon GRAHAM. Jackson, May 27, 18Th. 3m ItAtHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, y Y - - and PAINTERS' MATERIALS or ALL Rtsrlir for Salo , cheaper than at any other establishment, in Tioga county. at P. R. WILLIAMS 4t - CO'S': • lOWA LAND AGENCY. , • , 'TIRE subscriber would inform the public that ho has tho agen4 of a quantity of lOWA LANDS, which which ho will sat for cash, or exchan l gi for real or personal property, on reasonable' terms. GREAT BARGAINS OTTE no.would say the't ho has examined the prop erty and titles for himself, and ,believes ho can make it for the interest of persons going West, to give him a dull before purchasing -elsewhere. For particulars,'inquiro of S. IL 000 DELL, ' May 11, '7O ly Sabinsvillo, Tioga Co., Pa. IN $3,50. CASH PAID FOR WOOL f3Y \ $3,50 ' IS. P. ROBERTS Wellsboro Juno, 15, 1870_„_____ .C 4 Tiogz4 4 Grocerjes, , LINE, MI WICKHAM & FARR. IV.ELLgBO4IO, PA. Special Notioe, "EUREK - A " Tomkcng Lorain:Ws Simi& Cash IS7O WRIGHT .1 BA I'L-P.Y WOOL WANTBD.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers