- ' t i re-'f' vita Ayriyhi jual Ilep:it It ''• age. III: titligos rottulug ovfir il i.. 1%" ..--- T tropifferent tootaa horn . 4,... p ..7,..., ;1 7..i . , , ..A.z.. , -- -- ;,4: Wellaltro, , will depart drat ~,,``L'iri:'l4!.„- ; ;;:ii..,..a. atilt'' , ifil rollafitt auto 11,0` . . ....e.""tm ,,-,1 - 't, '. IVallalifir. , P, >I 1.11 l , , -..... i 11'i:0:ilium} &I'luo.t -- : ),lrpart fist - . 11.0,11. 111 , 411 tiA 0 ] A ' .''.l 111111 7 t''filt;ci, i'. ia. 1, WlLLbt.t:u es 51.utt,FEL».-1 1 1 . pai t 1, It- 111.041 11l elt 1) In W ELI-81101W .V. CoIIDEIINPORS Dtp. AI un. & Thu r•lt it. rya 3 rri v. , Afr 11.143 A I'lloreday,ttt 12111. w iA A 'won() .s. JCIIKEY SlWltlL—Depart hfou. & Than- 0, kg • _ itcrivol:tvasiltxxec Fri. Ca la.to Wl'll4llOEO & STONY FOIIK-llip. W01..t: Friday at 2 . ! f rj, p. tit.. arr. 14tut. & kriday lit 12 ni., TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR Local Items. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, - 1870 Now Advertioeinonte. • ' .Nnar Gooda—Parsons J 4 Co. Now Goods—John It. Barker. To Britlgo Builders—Cominissionors. ‘Pool Wanted—T. L. Baldwin. Sohool and Borough Taxes-11. IL Wel). Att'y at Law.--19. A. 1304 , ' • LIVPLE 131 TS.—Time Stops for no man. —Lively—At Truman & Dowses saw mill. —Free persoription—Apply faithfully to honest latter, and walk upright through the world. L. A pleasant person—Ono who'gets "mad" nt ing, and stays so,—over the left. Pleasant—A quiet hour°, happy family, anti rurrounded by good neighbors. MI ...—Unpleasant—Go to bed with a sick headache', hear the barking of dogs, squalling of cats, and the crowing of some neighbor's. Shanghai roos ter during the entire night. —A barking dog seldom bites, and a boasting man never fights. —Two Germans in GCrlllatlia had a drunken fight the other day—ono got badly out with a knife, and the other got locked up. —An Ice Cream and Strawberry festival, will be given by the hidies at the Court House, Friday evening June 25, 1870. —The best sewing Machine Thread extant, at Wilson & Van 'Vaikenburg's. —Kelley is pleased with his now system of sel ling goods for cash, as it is profitable {or both buyer and seller. He is constantly receiving new goods. POST OFFICE eHANCIE.—Weleitr t that Mr. Baldwin Parkhurst, of Mainsburg, has been appointed Postmaster at that place, in Wee of Mr. J 111) For, resigned. A young man eighteen years old and who was born blind, was operated upon for cat aract by Dr. UpDearaff, on tSrt.turchty:weok, and restored to vision.—Ekara Ado; rat PRINTERS,—A Lawer Job Press for sale or exchange for newspaper typo. Said press is in good condition, and will he sold cheap as we have purchased a larger ono to take its place, Five inside of,chnse, 13 xlB inches Ad dress this otrierli.-2m.. btrliOVEM .NT. —Dr. H. Shearer deserves considerable credit for the tarty hn prevenient made on his dwelling, by way of painting and ornamenting. The [Jr. has a tine residence, rubstalitially and tastefully built, and Mr. J. C, Jacobs, the painter, is now putting on the tinialling touch, which really makes it no rsf the most desirable homes ip this village. .;uc improvements do muchto b'eantily a tow o. Who'll nest? Tun ELEPIIANT.—On the day of the our meat vendor was tinging his hell in froh l t of tha residence of i Belay Sherwood, Es 9., when the (hone along ; slopping :itt the water-trough noir by to drink, oak feillitig his dignity somewhat intmlted at the noise of pal tilled his trunk with water and Llam! the , ententii all over our friend. We withhold the mute of this indiyiilual, as Wit under,tand he has expressed an utter ;Lhholenee to etioh a mado.of ••ept ink ling " Din 't ICRIAL FOR 6Ar.E.-=lllr. E. B. 13aiL ger, 11 , - :tog purchased the, itellfotito Mulunutl Printvfg c.frice, for the purpose et consolidating with the rlelifiwito lltpittattan,i.f [hut pturc, or tern fur Pap a complete out-tit for cenotty news paper Office; including 'one Liberty :fob Prr•Ss, d.e , do , all of which arc fiffeied ut leituirkulde tout priect• ton (anti or good paper. u Cleo, Iluzlett, will g.i,e,, public clanco at his lintel. in Tio,iza, Alon ()ay ..‘ ening, July 4, 187.0. —Ben. Potter advertises a danco at iii hotcl,ii Middlebury, Nlatolay evening, July 4 -- A Mligsurratle Ind I will he givtti nt the Fay wer:: h.irt.l, I.iheit3, MI 1116 01 viiing aftvr (hp 'rand eeiebrati ,, n 1.1 Ow ,Liy that PrnsoNit 1,,—.5,4r. A. A!: : 1:(11,o k, the Adv,raie,•• Eart,:tuni on WcahesaDy Jab?. 7h,•' ti.e alive li.iper If debt! I'VPS IL gclit-1(.0 : ulil,ut t Charles elute, 1% ho :Aahtlt °VIA ccvctn feet in his hoots, otol.is said to he our. of the las o,copet itor; in the t3late, gace us a call on Thyrtday last to route for the Irefil reo/113. We shall expect to hear next, that Charles ht,s tamed up a temperance lecturer, after visitillg 0.0 czystAi —Mr. Henry Smith, No, of theist, D. Smith) \dui is ingaged in the. rnereantile business in Kstuns, haq Lien spending a few days kith his Irl iu Ibis place.. - of Mr. Jatiii..s btu: ant 4..:301.i.rri will 1 , 13 pleased to leurii, LLut !io eon d. 1 , his Lrnlih improving. MlatluA L SOCIETY . te'Ti'ogtiCouii tv ou Medical Society met in this place on Wedncs ,da!, wto, \Neil represented. After sumo 1)ILC - being Spent in discussing the various topics ptrtaining to the interest of the faculty, the Id kaing amcntlauetit to their lu3-laws was unani tpeutly adopted: "ll,soired—That the members of this society U-13 attCl.d gratuitously such inint.:ters its have charges, and tire depelilleilt on their sal ary Mr support, but in no case shall they ido so 'lore minibttirs have means of living untihde of thao r poles:dun. ur in hey 'tiny counlemtneo likAwrit ,NI) ilomE Oak week Anvil June 23) contains the first of .a tivries of t.hetchrti entitled '• Jothr r 'iltruoWs Sight Thoughts," by John Thomas, ivb., is no 4..the t than l't troleum V. Nasby The great hu morist will tithe an honest country boy to the c"Y• cooluot him through the usual experience, and restore hit, to ft is lowa a sadder and ;wiser -atisticd that the peaceful, lioneat and tem• prate life of the fainier is the best and safc'A life that van be lived, This is a lesson greatly nuil”,l at this time, and Neatly is the man to (cad' it. A young man of lOtte, stood gazing at e• y heavens kith u t in 1 ,;"!.e . . , " and a of 1 , 1'1,11, in the oilier We endeaverl to initruet hh.ointion by .ins 3 a ,!; in a paper ce held in ur yrir - relating 2 a !deo. young man in that ;Loma in ii itS of do. 7, . 7 .itt - mcnt. He dropped the t C pistols Irani his j,Nrs with nn ! ni iol ithom 1 7 mid. I had chi 7: 4 r of u girl who hail 'relar,erl 2 list() 2 we, upou viutAltvr. hour the ion:ring a ‘ciii ! 2 rho god of lVe.‘6lll - rev1)114; 1,2 ??..f tiQ, tin tt,1, 4 ,. S ...Am.: here it!. j ;1 1;1:1..1, .2 fall I , llt ufl Al.dleV , !C.IICIIIIIOI in lol6lli lil),H r.H It 111 W churn, t ing pre, A , c.l nli Col; Go I '4 s au 'levant rit , r•ortunnl, A. return , 1! trry l rre: I ) lLc Air I.tne, a hirer la!ltt toter tYtun Bullool. (iON Tilt, 'Fidel A tallril T.etitn; of the 'nog.% troonly lit it t i't,Nta.l.l3 :oh ol Convention, lilt he held ''' t tit the haptibt eltureh, in It'cil,ho,o, .‘Vetines .thY, June '29, IS7O. at Itid o'elort. A. M. of exerei , et. : Clitt-ifidnert in the Sunday School lie% . W. Remington. to wake the Sanday Scheele power. Rev. Stone. Shall the doctrine.: of the (bevel in full be tr.ught in the Sunday School ? Rev, G. P. Wet thiclif,Thl.leaching in the Sunday School. `rah dlustratiens. Rev. N. 1, Reynalde. The he4efits of early religious training, as re ceived in the Sunday School. Rev. A. 11. Chase the benefit of tuuoic in the Suuday School. E. 1. Ileptloy. How to promote a revival of religion in the itunley School Rev. M. Rockwell. iAlt the Schools in the Aesoehlion,arn requested elleud delegates. a. p. w '1"It01.113, Pres't. , • T. Brainrr, :~.::> o~ . .. oon'Nnws.--Let the cannon rot Gl.. the good notes to all men, and eheer their hearts with .. the glad lid into, that l'arBona,&„.' tirti - eoneittereifthn_hinA:4.oigli pd. eettnnil brought goods down 'to it -lohiattidard. :See their double column advertisement io another 'dare iu Oda paper. . 'Ettiton.--In W. A. Stone's statement of inApritoce last week, the figurtB mitdo the'hge read 75 3ears, when it sliould lutte road 25. It is all right this week, and the error ehirged to the " priutoem coon 'V CIM;11111ATI9,N AT TIOOA.--41/0 0004.1 i'iollia, or eelerint tion, rippointe.l by the hut Quarterly Convention at Alanhlield, will take place at Tioga, Saturday, duly - 2, 1870, Every allot, in lining made hj• the lodge at Tiuga, to ninho it, very pleasant for, all s persons attending. 1 "t is doaircd that aid :lodges the county will make a special effort to be largely represented. •(loud speakers are engaged for thd 'lmounion, flood music and a general good time is in store for all. Members of. the order aro ei peeled to appear in regalia, andf urnish their own eatables.. Let.un have a grand. ; rally !",;,;lly 'ordbr of Committee. • • Nii i x VILLE-L-1 notice in y ott r issue (kr June 1, an article £o ta (3 m p orian co to our religious Mterests as a I}aptist denomination in this place. •The correspondent from; this place, "8.," Ages that," Elder Onions' Poirits mem bers of his church to hold communication with all other chrigtiamsects, especially if they ineist Upon it before joining." 1 was `not, : rityartz; Plat the privilege of communication was dcil s iotr . Or that they to insist upon it before join4L-- But then perhaps htr. B. is not 88 _Weil postfili On Baptist matters as he might be. Ho also• stated that "Elder Owans says to 01 whom he, desires to get into his flock, that their - beliefs are non essential." . e I have preached within three yours nine bun • drcd sermons, and if any mall can say lie over listened to ono of them, that differed from faith in Christ, actual regeneration or change of heart ; or that I ever suffered a candrilate to unite with out such evidence being satisfactorily given to the church ; also, the belief ill one God, ono faith, and one baptiSin ; then Mr. ll.'s statement may he true. But if not, It is before the minds of your readers as a false_ charge, designing in jury to the church over which 1 have the honor to preside; also a personal injury to myself. W. B. ()MANS. —Another•[inptist feels somewhat indignant over the thrust from our rurrespondent " 11 ," and nays ; " (filo would think that your correspondent 91' was nut us well posted as he might he, for he should know more of the Baptist and Chris tian ehuroh.os generally, and, attend ihoiruseet logs, before snaking such oroncous state 4 nts. Elder Omans is hot very particular; for w 6 nli have rho great privilege to communicate with all other Christian sects, at oar pleasure; and we do uef hate to insist or even ask for it, either; and any others wishing to join, can have the Aunts privilege. But ' beliefs' are essential, 111 r: 13. to the cond'ary notwithstanding. '• I believe .it is generally understood that Baptists are very par ticular in regard to their ' belief;' and they deem it so casential, that they are very often called close-1;1,1;6, and tight Bop'; and' they even be peso in one Lord, one faifh, and one baptism ;-- and if we hate got a member whmis not willing to sabscsibe to the as tieles of faith of tho Bap tint t`busch, 111 r. 11 can have 11116,, l ye. want no thing but t; lode ~ o ttled, out-14-01a Baptist'. Al'" • t. 0 of (1. T. hi st:aka 6111COls for !Ito tioarter end ing July :11, 1470 WC T, Jame , B. Tubbs; . (+1 Lottie King; W T, Jrdin Kiier; W PS, 0 W Edgownh ; W T, Mrs. Eihbra; 1V c, 1. K. timbre ; W M, 11, E. Leak; W 1) M, 'Mitt King ; W 1 11 Mtnnin I.74gennilt; W 0 (1, Emonds Ab bey: w E S, Eleanor Tubbs: W Emma Kruven ; 1, I), Fsank Buck Temperance affairs; Ih urish hart We are to report no licensed house in Wentlial., 110 on POIPLAR. , • • L 1 13 EIiTY. I find by look ing river the c;filions ,If die .I,p - toter, tbrt my old ri i.Auf J. i*.i'fity tor, Pa,tmastcy,at itio. , slititg, howl , '‘ an; lit If) i"cpty i.e my eoto iii owe., i fee t opp,:oi tog ill Ate, .rojtoi. , e, May :!.:,,,'in relation to the tato changes liiii;lo in the mail servioeat Liberty. 1 ilis severe critisi-t„ 41..1 . .. To:, Ming is ith lot shot is admi rably well done, and lltt,litled to 11111,1(0 a deep itn pres,ion on the twitoli , of the riders of the Aot'-. toter' As ; a eoicespondent „ t the Aoihrroe, it does not itipire my b (dings in Ilie least ; for it is loy a gr., citiont with t he!editm a -of t lin paper, to send them, weekly. it pos!ohle, all the Meat news I t:•11, gather in oilt,toati4tilp. Ido not profess intallibility, and nioy pillow-I ~ e tne.tiine, , at ga t het big items 01 none from persons in our emtn hiiin 0 ~, 014 nm a \%.1111) , l Int-i/11 61 111(' &tailed c.- , et1.4111,t.11,t , ti C.OllllOl, .1 51 . 1111 010 5113.1'. 1 Will net, l'iltkilV , ti to review the main points ofgrity- aoco it, no bread ., article ot 1110 ;Mitt ultimo.,— Rill of clinrc,os I.gaitivt the old Serilot is as rl• lows:, Filst, he says I have 11111,10 111111 It , per sonate the principal character ill the conspiracy. 11'..11, tlt• A ill AA:. I : tatted in my communica tion 01. a the , iiseontionanee ot the mail route front Liberty to Trout Run, line done at the in stance of a Certain PoTninasterr not living a thou sand miles from Blossburg. What' of that P Why shouldsthe Postmaster at. Blossburg think ho was the persok . i _meant, any more than the P. M. at Ogdensburg, - and. at Roaring Branch ? Friend Taylor should not, it not guilty, become so sensitive about an indefinite assertion? Sea ond, Be finds fault with my stating that the first intimation we had of the fact that the mail route front Liberty to Trout Run was discontinued, VMS by the news our Postmaster received direct from the Post Office Department at Washington.— , Well, as far as that part of it. is concerned, I as sert the same thing again, on the authority of the Postmaster at our place. I can certify, If neces sary, that he told me he knew nothing about the cutting off of the snail route from Liberty to Trout Run, until he was apprised of the fact by the Post Office Department. Third, Ile takes otieeption to my statement in regard to the get ting up and sending-to our place a petition for' a daily, mail service tretiyeen Blossburg and Liber ty. If my friend J. P. T. wishes any explana tion on that point, I will freely give it to him, in the following language : I can certify upon oath, it Necessary, that Mr. Samuel Richter, of Bless burg, brought said petition to our place, request ing me and others to sign it; that it was a re• quest for the Post Office Department to grant a daily mail service between Bid - ssbuig and Liber ty ; and he further stated to me, - that Jim Taylor had sent it by him,, and desired we should sign it, and return it as•soon as possible, so it could be forwardiA to the Post Office Department. Mr. Richter also toltlhne that after the petition Was signed 'at Liberty, ho carried it to Blossburg, but too I . te to be of any consequence, for the news had (ready arrived there from the Depart ment that the daily mail service had been estab lished between Blossburg and Liberty. Fourth, M. J. P. Taylor states in his able defence that be has learned from a gentlethan of Liberty, that Mr. Good Authority has reported that the names on the petition that was sent to Blossburg, were attached to a petition for a discontinuance of the route from Liberty to Trout.ltun. ' All I have to -,ay about the information that friend Taylor re ceived from the gentleman from Liberty, is as follows: The st'atements are a tniirepresentation 01 the facts in the case, and it, is a malicious at tempt to impeach the YeiliLd& of itiy friend Good Authority. Friend Taylor also states that Mll'. Scribe and all of his relations were well nivare that said route was discontinued before said peti tion was signed. Scribe and his relations aro able to Bute that the foregoing allegation i's false; for the petition was signed.and sent to BP/sr-burg, before we knew anyiliing of the dis continuance of the route from Liberty to Trout Run. 1 no X In conclusion, Mr. J. P. Taylor si4s : " I do not feel disposed to say much about Scribe's vo racity." I think ho came.to a very wise conolti sion, for should he have attempt4:d it, it would not have injured too very roach in.tln eqiniation of the raadori of the Agitabw. liut it it should be deemed necessary, in the future, willing to cdturare notes of our past history. and hare a; nommunity at large decide which of us excels in veracity. morality and good behavior. I would fdrlher elute to friend Taylor, that if the forego ing explanations that have given 'are not soils -I.ipivryt and 1, 1 will please oall,-nrowid, I will, with the greatest pleasure, show him some letteris that I received from Hon. W. H. Armstrong and J. L. French, 2ntA Assistant : Postmaster General, which will perhaps satisfy him in full. ME , l; e PtlotoLAo4- 7 11% 110411reY., of this place, assisted by Dr. Woy, of Elmira, successfully removed a largo uterine tumor, of fibrous character, from, tho piker (W. E. Nor thrup' i;,f Woodhull; N. Y. At last accounts, the paticntiwas rapidly recovering. Tublfi 3; Broadhead have recently opened a groce4 store in Kimball's concrete block. They are howbver erecting a now building, near Om river, tJ be occupied fur store and office as soon, as completed. • „ Since Got'. Geary Ihitideerocd • that' !`i'itroisola tion from railroads shall ho longer 'eontinued,''tho citizens of this - place and adjoining neighbor-' hoods are taking steps to facilitato our communi-' cations with our nearest depot, at Addison, N.Y. Whim they propose to do•brtho emistrnotiorl ' , of a now highway.frinn t his .place direct. to Addison,' over brrouto'ilmiter fn'ilistatice anil 'buts' steep in grailmthan the pno-now trayolod. ! The now route rubs up Camp brook, attainining' the summit near Lunger's, and / front Ahenco down Elk run to the Tuscarora. It thus occupies parts of roads already in use; in this way very much diminish ing the distance to be newly constructed. If we Must of necessity.romain .tributary.; to/the aslniv York ,towns ale kg the Erie road, every effort to niakii o'neshacklbs Cuero cbmfortabliii moots with general approbation. Atiethei now road 'from' this Placo, along the course of Wiritlfalltbrook,, ,throtigh the towns of beerfiold and Chatham, to Crooked crook, is now nearly completed. It is claimed that this new highway will render our communications with the . eounty. , teat' trioto•tady;ilucuren ciwinalio it convenient for. tho ennununities through which it passes to triinsocit thoir bilaittess affairs in our town. ITEM. MAI correspondent from this pinto saYs : " Mr. roilhas retirad from the dry goods business, and Mr. Clark, his partner, runs the machine alone.- Mr. Fox has been citizen of this place thirty-eight years, and has beetvengaged in,themorcantile business' during that time. lie retires with a nice proPerty, and a rePutaition of an honest man. " The crops of all kinds are looking promising hereabout. REPEATER." EquITA73LI ,V S. NATIONAL.^The fol lowing calculations of dividends made froin the EriUttable, are less than its polloy holders residing in this vicinity haire received for the past five years, as any of them are ready to . veri fy. I have compared it with the National, be couso I regard the National' as ono of the hest stock companies in the United States. my ob ject is to show the difference between tho'ruutual and stock systems. Endounneut.pltfm. „Tqn annual payments on $lOOO, payable to assured. in ten years, or to hiN rtpre eentatirce, in ease previous Agel 25 Ella lIQUITABLE..NATIONAL. $lO3 4/1 .$B7 no' , J 1 56. 87 3) , 86 25 87 30 SO 02 87 30 71 82 87 30 67 55 87 30 63 39 87 30 . 55 08 . 87.30 ~ ?t 00: k 7 30 47 81 87 30' $726 39 $873 40 G'l'Llt VENT : EQUITABLE:. NATIONAL int't 10 years, $62 31 $52 33 2d I " .II " 51 06 47 07 " 8 -" 41 40 41 84 4th 7 33 001 36 61 sth 2 , fi " 26 93 31 38 6th -4" ~ 5 ,4 20 26 26 15 7th I ,• 15,21 21) 92 Bth ."' " ; " =I tvpu 15 GU 9th " 6 36 10 46 10th " 44 286 523 : Ist premium, 2d • " 9 per cent. oil; 3d •' 17 " 4th '' 23 " " 28 " 11th '• 7th '• " tith "47 " 9th " 149 4 " 70th Premiums , Interrst, In the National, the policy holler pays $l6O 70 more than Ito gets, and then only gets six per cent. for the use of his money—simple interest. The companies compound it at train eight td ton per cent., and realize mitelt ,mere. The Equita ble compounds its interest at ten per cent., semi annually, and realizes more irf, this way. then the one thousand dollars; but not, so much as the National, A's you will see by the above talk; for all money revolved as premiums, over and above the actual expenses of the Equipthle,,,is 'declared dividend to the policy holder.;• firii.‘t - Alititfike. , in lost week's slatement correct, eel this neck. W. A'. STONE it; CO., ' (Mien ht lit ofAr (that'll 1 Ag'ts. Equitable: eon VerSo 4,0.4g00d'5, J Woll.boro, Jnne'lli,"3l%, .1.. t INFtutt.A..orcrt:---304/1. 1 / 1 *.A.13/.11 NATIONAL —Eiliii»ir Lf the Ayitntor : With some 11111CIIIIII:e; I wi,ll to call attention to do state ment in your last issue under the oho vo heading. do• &too to the National rompany, 1. 1 .10- ~ : ent here, Qe..lllS to require it. The figures of that Lth uuait, en far as the Equitable eoini.any is ittk!ined, aro'se absurdly intorrqt, that they would deceivo no onnfamitiar With' life insuranco;; hut persons who are not acquilinted with the eye tl.lll, Wight Ito misled by them. Tho in or the uh6tibi«l (Vividende, should he, in earth east), Iron' the amount of he prvailttn," the only way in which the company wakes any de duction. • . • ,• To test the value of Mr. Stone's figures, ksqe gebt that you; Messrs. Editors, or one of youy friends, or "any other man," shall . ,nek him, on beton of the Equitable company, to write a pol icy, on a good life, nut iJ years old, as his 81.10 - I111 ut line It, hut. say 21 years, on the precise termi of. that. btatemel4 the annual pre inlaid, on ad " einteelMent" policy for $01:000, to h. just the matter of dollars which he has set I ICI I tie the rate of the Equitable, owl no more. 'lids is a simple and fair test, to which no objec tion can reasonably be made. If the proposition lie accepted, and made general with the company, I o ill readily-o,lunit that in this instance "figures do not lie." Butt, it the proposition he declined, evadial,,we may fairly, in (hie ease, apply the otherll../VIA) " hall, it,!/, ie ;10, e 141 C than Jig,- tiree." It e on't do to talk of probable dividends, which may or may not be realized. These divi dends are entirely in the control of the company; if they aro so certain, and We amount of them so well determined, why should not. the compa4 lake the risk of them ) in .ho nrigival ttnittrut, and nutlput rialceu'ih r e hlked? .!` its large paid up capital, and its unprece dented niteeess.k in, business, the stability of thb National company is fully assured. It desires to inalm na attach on 'other good companies, by pa:- railing inYwenrate or, imperfect comparisons of rates, or otherwise. But it offers a simple con tract, easily understood—a cortairi•aniount of in surance for a fixed sum of money, tqlkillei , to no con tingelicies ha t vqr. Carelni and intelligent comparison is invited and fait information will he promptly furnisher on appiication; by agent's and solicitors-- R. C. litni.sus, Agent .• National Insnranrn Wellsloro, Jana lti , 1870. 2w A friend, who is quite familiar with to 'ingu ranee, has overhauled these "figures thnt canna lie," With the following result: • EQUITATILTI. NATIONAL. Annual prtnniuin tat year, $163 .01 $B7 30 " 211 year, h percent. off, 98 . 71 ' 87 31) " 3d " 10 9 . 3 '52• B'7 30 " 4th " 11 "'" ' Sit 30 ' 87 4 blb " 10 87 ?es s 7 30 " " 6th " IS 85 21 87 30 if ",7th " , 20 53 13 S7 30 ' " Bth " 2t' “• • '?7 'o3' ' 87 30 " " tub ..28 71 82 in 30 , " 10th " 33 // 09 02 - 87 30 TOO amount of pretiiiiiine3M 4 . 14 011 INTEREST AT li 1 4 E11 EQUJTABLR. NATIONAL, On Ist premium 19 years, i $62, 35 $52 38 • 21‘• - 9 " .53 31 47 07 s 11 531 .41 81 • :„r37 fib ';3O fl 31 42 31 38 5 " • 25-56' ; '26 . 15 4 " .19 95 • 29 92 14 02 15 69 8- 91 10 40 4 17 5 23 4th 11 1 fith 7th I , ,th ' 11111 61' 10th 4/ Total iAtereet, Premintni, A difference of $4 88 in favor of. ttio 'National company. This statement gives the' Xtitdthble company the benefit of imiintuil dividends, at th'e average rate of 17 per cent. per annum; _rate about 50 per cent. greater than their actual cash dividends or two years past: And - the chancefo‘i a reduction of the rate of dividend, is much grou ter than, for an increase. So the "figures'are in Aiii,or of the National : the "facts !' for ton yearswould undoubtedly be still more favorable. IiENNEDY-14AVIIINE11 2 In Shippen, on tho 1;:th ititt.lnt, by kW.. A. Dodge, lily. Ethan Eennedy and Miss Su annit E:lVarriner: HAVEN—ISAIINIIART—In Jauhson, 6n tho 1211, ingtant, by Hey. pbarles Wachs, Mr. Nahaan Haven, of Columbia, dud Mu.'s Laura Barnhart. iIEIMER—PURPLE—In East Charloston, on this 2d ultimo, by Roe. C. A. Stone, Mr. Augustus Ileitner, of Troy, and Mrs: E. Purple, of East Troy. • 4 , it ,r LENT 2 -1413131---In Charleston, on the 11th Instant, I).y Ito tlumo r . Mr. Edwin J.ortt, of Chasles toll, nod Miss Iltallhla. BAP, of riorris. , DROWN—RlLBOURN 7 —biposeburg,.on thp lst,instont ; L. Roy,n`olds IVlr., SOL lirowu, of.,llrociford oounty,-aptiolgies Antoinotto ICitbourn, of thoseborg. „. BOGER—SMITH—In Blossliurg, on the 31st ultimo, by the same, Mr. Henry Boger and Miss Jennie Smith, both'of-BlossbUrg. • • • SCOTT—DITCHE—In Bloselmi, on tb,o Bth instant, by the earn°, Mr. Wingfield Scott and Mhto Carrie Ditobe, both qt Nostiburg. SCRIBE. "v<::.~Scl~r"~..o` , r: _ ?a:.~t,r.~:~::iy.iu „"'v.~ , ..~:_~_~:+~.~s' ..,..it..ros~'-,'-= `.. ,:r =~';:ii $'26(.1 93 $287 73 NATIONAT $721; 39 :i873 00 .20 9:1 2.57 5096 22 Sll6O 73-51,64 41 4 - 44 f , 44 gl it =I $302 12 $287 73 863'49 -873'00 $1;105 61 $1,160 73, MAJIRLACLES r ‘, .4 ' •1 ft 14 s - PEsoiAr: 40TICE . TO 0 NStItI,PThrEO.,. TIU4 AdYnrtisor,ktaling been rnstoted teilmaith In a few woeket, by a wiry pimple remedy, after having sof forad sevoral years with a some lung affoction, and that dread gliseaso,Conenmption—le anxious to mato ;known tolls fellowreufforore tho means atom% • To all who detiro it, ho will send a copy of the pro scriptiou need Moo of chargo,) with the directions foe preparing and using the name, which they will find a B unn cans you Gorroustprms, Amnia/ BliftNem7lo./ etc. 'rho obloct of the advertiser ip trending the Prescrip tion to to, benefit tho afflicted, and 'spretd information 'which lie coticeilrely to be invaluables:' and ho halloo every sufferer will try, hie reniody, ne' it will coat thom ;nothing, and may to oVe A blessing. ; ; ;,` ; .' • Parties wishing the proetcription, will pleasoaddress ; ,Roy.NDIVARD A. 3V4LSON, A111(4111 ftlnirga Kings Comity, N . Y '''May 20;1809 7 1*. ' ' MUM "AtimorA. OrA9IS WO are Infoinital that the Most' mr /I IMAM t rind.tinyieldingi of the private eitizone who have elatutecas.- the Bridals', Government are Dr. 3. 0. Ayer (3, p „ of, Lowell. Mass., the Anantifucturers of recall cine. They, VII coneent, to nothing- lose then that thbtOloatitiol for tneiticincs tleAfroyed by the British pliatoe MIMI ho paid in Old end'in *dollar's to the last cent. They are embodened by'the fact that the des. traction of 1 heir' goo f tft hi, the English In China and ilsowlii , r6t wlivKal Are not OW .thenblesomo nation trampling upon tonneboch phew:) hitherto n tieen paid In fall, and they now saffiihat they shall be. They how ever propose this compainil9e:4llvo 119 Canada and we will call it oven, hecansa we can then send our reme• disk thore 'ditty: gttpii News, May 18, 1870. Pr 1l AN EnTAIII.I6IIZII yAcr, thlPerionmption CAN be cured; but Wio far 'batter to pie ent the cruel disease from fastening itself on theAyoteni, by the timely me of a remedy like Dr. WitiTAloB BALSAM OP WILD CIII:111LT• This standard preparattun will speedily cure a cough or cold, and even Consaliption °nen yields to its great power. A COUGH, COLD OR SORE THROAT r an, Requires imniedlato attention, as nog loct °fun' results in an incurabla Ling e kONG H IA L "a". •