II 11 •*, •••%; '' : "TAOVE ujiA* -- iiiirl o t; TALE ? , orov t s to* a the Oppio trod, A most delightfel and cosy nook ; And ono afteinoon aboubball-past throe, I . Kitty sat these-reading a book. Iler fair head hare with no hat to 'oar, . Alcd her.dreql jail; showed.r.onniltiiiity t loi r ot Ato i lltio saw . her as ha sto lad Ad he cattle and stood at the ladder'd t4,ot. B Kitty half blushed, then 1 4 1 ilcd and said, • ,),"Woß't you, come,upi On sit hop) pf.T.?"i i Kitty's tiotber',n: boy'te Dread,_ Saw and determined to raise a row, So he crept softly under the tree, Listening - to all they, badto say, • Did the impish brother, and sly as could he; • Seized the ladder and bore it away, Then they saw him . ; and she, with a frown, Said "What will that awful boy do next?" And she called him the greatest scamp in town, Yet,Z don't befieva, plte-was very numb. vexed, For hotdipa smiled though her eyes cried, = _AS she saw,ths pooiticAs of matters now, And ha Mime over and sat by her side,. _ Leaving his on th — o opposite bough. What, could they do? They were caPtivesa; there, Held pc,if by an iror bands' ' Kitty toe red Lack her golden hair, - And reflectively leaned her cheek on her • hand. "If," raid ho, "tco for boip should call, They'd,laugh to ace us in such a plight, So we'd - hest stay hero till the shadows fall,' _Or till sumo one or.other comes in sight." And somo ono did COl3lO. It was Kitty's papa, Who passed the tree his footsteps traced, I And saw through the; leayes a lighted cigar, l • And a masoulino arm around a feminine waist. Kitty looked down and blushed at ono, And looked up and bloolied,at the , other; , Said her father, "These are nioo goings•on !" Said she, "It was all tho fait of my brother." What'was the end? I'll toll you that, Some months after, 'mid silks and lace, And ribbons andriches, some ladies sat, Who wero discussing the time and place As to when—so ran the debale An 4 Whore a certain wedding should ho; Then that impish brother was hoard to state, 'lit bad better • como off in tho - applo tree." ,:r-Boston Adverther, ADVENTURES OF tti PAST \ , Y,61.1Ng MAN.- 2 "Thank you, I don't 'care If :I do," said a fast young inan, with largo pressed brick in his hat, -as he surged up the other riight, to the In dian that stands in front. of. a tobacco store on .River street with ii, bunch of cast Aron pigars in his hand. ; take one; I minoke sometimes," 'and he i reaehed out to take the,prOfferred weed, but the Indian would tot gl it up—he hung on to the cigars_ like grim death. "Look here,' old, copperhond,"•;saifl the fast young man, "none of that; nb tricks upon, traveler, or there'll. be it muss;.youJand Pll4 till out; aomehody get a punch in the head." The Incline said never a word, 'Mt still hung on to the cast iron eicars. He was calm, dignified', unmoved, as an IndianAehoeht 40, looking his as sailant straight in the face, and ne muscle moving a single hair. • ""Os, yes. .poolt at me, old , feather 7 head ; I'm one of 'em ;• • I'm around I'm full weight, potato measure, , heap. ed up;" and he placed hiMself in' a po sition, threw back' his coat, and squared off for a fight. ' All the time the Indian never said a word, and -looked, without the least alarm, straight into the face of the fast, yours man, still holding out a cigar in if Mighty. friendly sort of 'a Why. The', young man was plucky and just in a condition to resent any insult, oi; up insult, at all. He was ready to `!go butthe calmness and impOtuirabilitY of the Indian rather cowed him, and he was disposed to 'reason the matter. "I'll take on," said ho,i "certainly, I said so before; I freeze toj a good cigar; one of the smokes, I am. One of Pu the old sort; and edition number two, revised and corrected, with notes; author's, writing on the title Page, and copyright secured. Yes, I'll take one: But the Indian said not a word, look all the time straight in the face of the fast young man, and holding on to the cigars. "Look here, old gimlet eye, I'm get ting riled, my back's coming up, and you and I will have a turn ; smell of that, Old copperhead," mul l he thrust his fist under the nose, of WI! cast-iron„ Indian, who said not a word,, moved not a muscle, but kept right On looking straight into the face of the fast young man, as if net caring a fig for his threats or taking in at all the odor Of his fist. 'Very well," said the hist young man, "Pin agreeable; I'm ti,rotimi; look out for your ugly mug, old puini*. kin head," and he let ga a right-hander square against the nose of the cast-iron Indian,_who never moved an inch noYr stirred a muscle, looking with a calm unchanged.' dignity, ias hefore, in the faceOf his enemy. "H ‘ allo I" cried the , fast, young man, In utter bewilderment, as \ he_reeled back half way across the sidnivalk, with the blood dripping from his skinned knuckles. "Hallo, here's a go, here's an eye-opener, here's.a thing to hunt for 'around the corner. I'm satisfied, old iron -face, I am. Enough said be tween gentlembn." Just thuncaught sight of ; the tem ahawk,.and-1114.*air began to rise. The Indian stded to'he malting' Op his mind to-us.it. , "Hold on I" ! cried the fast young man ask he dodged around the awning, post. "Hold ou I none of that; Ell apologize ; I squat; I knocked under. .Hold on, I say," he continued, as the Indian seem ed to. senwl; Withkwulitir "Hold on Very am off. I've business down strOet,, people at home Wiatitig for me, can't stay," and he Wilted like a quarter -horSe down - the street, and his cry, ; I !Hojd..oty,',' died aw a y as he vanished beyendlthe-,lamp lights.— Troy Tines. An elder of the IsiethOdistiCenierenee in Ohio, 7 wlio• 4as 131eSsed with large feet, related the: following at his .owl expense : 1 Aatopping one night at•thi3 house of a sister, •he overheard her in the morning before liyar9 , 4, l '.inkitractlng her : boy to blaCk the eldeeA b.oote. The 'boy urged as an,Objeetion•that it would n"take a day toget aittind 'em." Finally, yield ing to her, entkeaties,_ dOd taking one in each - hand,' he .hauled them across the floor, shpnting, !Who I gee around here I tan-y.Ol in ' "My deat• asked a husband, on 'ohtz s t erving ni?`'.i:itr . iped hose .. on his only heti, "wh -icive you made barber-poles of our Ernefit's legs?" "Because he is a little shaver," .vas the reply. A veteran *as relating his' ex ploi tilt> a crowd of boya, and mentlnned having been in • five 'engagements. , "That's nothing," brolte in , a little fellow, "My sister !Sarah's been engaged - eleven Alines." iTat c 4er,," said .0 eobblerif boy, ,Ju l he Wits iieggin4away-at an old *aloe. "they say that trout ..bne. like everything now." "Well, the old gen tleinan, tlieltu3t-, -and they won't bite you." ELM Tipia Coisnty Agitator. IS office is well stocked with Type, Vresscs, &0., au q musovery colvont4o for doing ,J•O~;_=•:PRI111TIT1YG in a superior manner, Plain!or In COlOlll, from a wad ding and to a shoot poster. Any kind or style of work Juno at thfe Oftlca, aa follows: Law Books, anipitlets, Cards, Invitation Cards, trend.rogrammes, Cheeks, Drafts, Dalgils„ l, Mil Heads' Circulars, t Orders, Shipping Cards, linsStems beads, Envelopes, Tinted Plato Printing, ~istttngCards, Wedding &c., &o. JustiCe Blanks, And all otberblardis constantly on hand and for *i i d s' 1 • Deeds, warrantee, , - . School Contract; , : 4; 1 Deeds, quit 7 elaim. : - St:kimono, Subpoenas, ;t I Statement and Confession, Warrants, Execution 4, Amicable Action, . Indent nifying Bonds, Bonds, Constable's Salo, Attachments, Judgment • Colloctor's Sate,Notre, Petition and Bond BlarriagoCertilcato, for App'meut of Guardian. And any other blanks not enumerated above will tie printed to order on short notice. . AUrPorsone 'sending orders for JOR WORK will got their work promptly clone and retiirned. We shall eparo no pains to please our customers in OM depart ment. - Those; eending, work,. please !Itato tho'sizo of job, kind or ink and paper desired. Fob. 1870 ,BEE -L HIVE EXCHANGE. I Surrender, BUT AT DISCRETION! YOUsee that half a column of space with half hn inch of reading matter don't help me after all. What,d'ye do" , ehat, for I' asked loss than a million of my custo*ors, when I appeared in blank. And, being tuckered out with trying to explain why I did it, I am forced to do it in print: JINN Therefore, Know yo, all good people, that I am doing a Land Offico Business, WHOLESALE k RETAIL SUGARS, ALL GIRADES, SYRUPS, MO • LASSES, •PORK, HAMS, SHOULDERS, MACKEREL, WHITE - FISH, .CISCOES, COD, HA LI- ' BUT, ANTI 90 FORTH, And I am selling cheap as I always do, and can savo country dealers their expenses to the little city of Elmira, or the big city of New York.— But; then, THE TEA TRADE • I is ono of my biggest, brightest, and beet things, You cannot got hotter OOLONG 011 GREEN TEAS, or cheaper;than I cnn nett you. l'otf'ma.y pa tronize the Great American 'Tea Ccntpany, and Then 1 can do you good. I have onaugh to eat Tioga County a TE HE ING for the next 25 years. Besides no man has a big ger or better lot of MOM 4 MipMOD bon I have, and am soiling them at a bargain. Everything In the Grocery Lino, CANNED FRDITS, , AND VEGETABLES, WOODEN CONFEC TIONERY, it not mixed no I mix them here, but in good order. I buy all the BUTTER AND CHEESE, hat I can, and almost ovoilttlng also IJ,ut tassels. Sign of tho BULL Sr, BEE-HPTE Welisboro, Doe. 15, 1869 WALL PAPER! WALE PAPER PAPER! -r ET it be distinctly understood to the inhab-. JUitantsland citizens of Wollsboro,. that we will sell WALL PAPER, and any other article in the ,ICorb - uLtg cheaper than oan bo oold by any other firm in Tioga County; further we do affirm that no man ean-undorsell ua unless they rocarivo goods by the • AIR LINE. We hayeiut reettivedAtorn N. Y” • 35,000 ROLLS OF WALL PAPER boughtlat tho present Gold prieoa 41,11, which we will' sell cheaper than rely •othor•firm who tof Y. Call and mainline, 'and 'wo are certain that we can platten in Prim!) and quality, and if not inited we will pay you for your time in aped°. P. R. WILLIAMS k CO. Wellsboro; April 6, 1870. TO 0011 AGENTS WANTED FOR STRUG JO GLEES AND TRIUMPHS OF ' • • P T. BARNUM. WitirreN- tir HIMSELF IN ONE Lianz OOTATo VoLIIIIT NEATLY , 800 PAGES--PEINTED IN ENGLIsu AND GETMAN 83 ELEGANT RILL .PAGEENGILAMOSI, IrEmbracee Pour YELBS RECOLLTOTIONS of Lis Busy Life, as a Morchaht Manager, Banker, Lecturer and Showman, and - Ores accounts of his Imprisonment, hie failure, hie Successful - European Tours, and Im portant Historical and - ,Personal Iteminisconceo, ro pleto with Humor Anecdotes and Entertaining Narra tive, No beak published eo acceptable to all classes. Every ono wants It. Agents are selling from 80 to /00 a week - , -- We offer extra Alms. - Our 'lllustrated Cata logue and Terms to,Agente sent free- ' • J. ILBUftit & CO., Publi fliers, Hartford, Conn. FOR 811,-E•l' AHoule and hit Ten Pearl Street, 2d house South of dietrilst echoel house. Enquire on ;he premises, VAN GELDER & MITOUELL. Proprlotore MEI lIM W.., T. AIATELERS iStOves: Stoves * IP • a • AND lIARDWAREI Havingformed a partnership in the Tin, Stein( and Hardware trade, the undersigned have the pieasureito announce that. they have, at a goat .outlay,.a.Vded•to the usual stock of the old stand on • MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, a complete asportment, of Shelf Hardware, of lai' we oniimerato Cho fol‘owing rirtioloe: :• , NAILS,'SPIKES, CROWBARS, x.ctrT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS,„AXES, • AUGERS, BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS • iSHOULS, SPADES, FORKS, BENCH-SCR-OPS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOOS, RIIRRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIP- I . TIC SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, .!6 BAND IRON,, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED) Also, .PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER AND CAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR. HANGINGS a now thing, and made for use. ;These are but a few of tile many - artiOcs composing our stook of Hardviare. Wo invite the public to call and examine for themselves. We aim to koep the host quality of goods in pur lino ; and all work to order done promptlyiand well. AGENTS FOR THE Buckeye Mower & Reakk. SASH, DOORS. BLINDS. AT FACTORY PRICES Always oh hand or furnished to order, at ROBERTS r BAILEY'S Hardwure Store, Welleboro. ROBERTS da BAILEY. ROBERTS. R. C' BAILEY. ' Loth of New Goods ! II COME TO , I BALDWIN 8c CO'S • = TIOGA, PA and eeo a nice stock of Goods for the SPRING & SUMMER. ouch a 8 zikEzsmo mmazz sumo —all otylap,,, colors and, patterns— ALPACAS' POPLINS,' CAMBRICKS, FRENCH JACONETS, ORGANDIES, PEQIJAS, VERSAILES, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS,' &c„ &o. BEAUTIFUL Summer SHAWLS and a large assortment to select from. CLOAKS READY—MADE, AND CLOTH TO MARA-MORE, ALL KINDS OF LINING_S, FRINGES, TASSELS ' TO 'TRIM DRESSES OR' SACQUES.; • —Our stook of— YANKEE NOTIONS can't bo boat. It keeps up with everything the Yankees have thought , of so far. HOOP SKIRTS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, OORpETS, &O, MOZBISMECO too numerous to mention; but will say that you will seldom find so largo an assortment to select from in a country store, end clear down to the BOTTOM FIGURE. t;lV ! ,:ifiWo also keep a largo assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, in suits, and parts of suite. Ohould we fail to mitt and yon with ready-made; we ,Ihave Ones/pate " • A TAILOR TO OUT AND FIT Boots and Shoes, all stylei and islzpa. • HATS • AND. OAPS, STRAW, GOODS, AND GENT'S' FURNISHING GOODS, A COMPLETE LINE OF CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE ; HARD WARE, SHELF HARD WARE, NAILS, IRON, Locks, Latches, Carpenters' Tools. 'A GENERAL STOCK OF G.R 0.0 R E 5 • Fresh. TEAS are lower than at any time since the war. TO not go' to Cuba to buy sugar, and so have some_choap. We are agents, for the , E. HOWE SEWING MACHINE Farmers, if you wanttoolo to.work with drop in. SALT, LIME, PLASTER, PORK: FLOUR Lime, Cayuga Plaster; &o. ; Butter tubs, Pails. Firkins' and Ashton Salt to flavor with. All kinds of Farm Prpduoe want ed. ' Prices oan't be beat. • ' " , T. L. BALDWIN dr, CO. Tioga, Pa., May. 4,1870. , REniOIVAI,. Nelif:Sto,old',..:lsi . ew, - -.4C0:o(10' • • , ...„ tkirk t iken:''iho now otoro • one door above where they are on tioa with itlttStettiolt'ot' ": '`•''' ' - BOOTEES; , BROGANS - AND ‘" I '.II4I4LIGAi3ItII4B warranted to At any Coot from No. 0, to •13 In clusive. The stoclr''ms been selected by 'one who has.thnadvantage of TMR`X`i*EARS' EX PERINOE: ia : 4o boat and fullest in. the cOuntry t f - lOW' k 0011 of - CALF, FRENCH'. RIP, UP :PER,. SOLE, , COMMON CALF, • LININGS; BINDING, MO . .. . . „ ROOOO, &0., will be kept up as heretofore. ' On Bindings We shall Lib - found at hoino and we shall 'endeavor to sell at prices satiefnOtnry to , the trade. • Wo 'won't be undor. sold. , • CASH PAID FOR . HIDES, SKINS,: FURS & PELTS. Aloo i W holOp of thO'iforket for 0 0% 13ut our boat bold will bo do . GUSTO IVI , W014,1K, I There's comfort in a weltmade custom boot, 'gtaat woo Porno without too much compressing: ‘t . averybpdy known a ehnbby foot Oa not be compromised by overdressing. And One May wear clean linen with a suit Of finest uloth, but there is no finessing Wilt make•a Man'ilthlillabbili ilieised feet, Look like a gentleman upon the street, Monet: Buy your boots of , %; :,• •• - ':" ,; =• '''• : "EIL I ABB A 'DiRBY, •Or any other man. [Printer's Devil.] Wellaboro, Jan..l, 18E19-tf. For Sale. AAM C ENT for Kinney & Co., celebrated 1„ platform Spring Wagons, all styles, also ter their light Carriages and Buggy Wagons, all made in good style, and from JOrey and warranted in eVerylospeot, equal, to shy made. Can fainlali any of the above at the lowest hianufactalers price's. L. 0. BENNET: Weillaboro, Jan. I t 1870-tf. House and Lot for Sale. Ty 0 USIA' and Lot, 'and vacant lot for 'Nalco j7_' cheap. Location Wolleboro, and desirablo. Inquire at the Agitator Offioo. •Inu:l,lB7o—tf. • •• • • TO TRH FARMERS 'or TIOGA COUNTY. , . *Am now building at My Manufactory,in Lawrence villo.a auporior FANNING KILL whichpossessestho following advantagesoverollother mills: I.lt overate° ryo,oatsbrat litter.nndfoulsoods,and ches s and cockle, from wheat. 2. It cleans flax Bead, takeeont yellow aced, and all other seeds, perfectly. 3, It Clean,' timothy need. 4. It does all otherseparatingrequired of o mill . .This mill is built oftho boat and moat durable tim bar,in good style,and is sold cheap for cash, or pro. duce. /will fit a patent sieve, for separating oats from wheat,to othormills,onreasonabletorms. J .II RATHER. Lawroncoville,Jan. 1,1870-4 f IRON WORKS! FOUNDRY 4 MACHINE SHOP ! WELLSBORO, PA. SEARS & AVERT, PROPRIETORS. PLOWS, HORSE HOSES, CULTIVA TORS, FIELD ROLLERS, KET TLES, ALL SIZES, SAP PANS, FARMING . UTENSILS; ALL KINDS; WOOD MACHINES FOR SAWING WOOD; Brick Machines, CHURN POWER; THE TOMPKINS COUNTY, HORSE POWER- EIGHT AND, TEN 'HORSE, CONSTANTLY ON HAND, And also, everything usually found in a first;l class Shop. Wo call particular attention to our MA CHINE SHOP, which hae been re-built with new, and firet•claqs , . MICHINOH,LITHO Jr Iron PLANER, DRILL; 'lie. WO employ none but first-claes•Workmon, and; aro, therefore, pro.: pered to do our work in the beat styleianct at short notice. 'We have recently added new MACHINERY, for Planing and Matching boards. Call and ace us. JQtj~ ,1870-Iy. m i-3 pi it !xi h:1 w-il go v-. , . 11 V t IREN).q i e+ - 0 E-1 ri p.m .. vp - 0 • 0 0 • E.- P- pl ;., , ,- 41 ~.,1 c .g VI , .• $ 6. , r „7 4 , - ,...., s , . i I, I sa e I et / ID I : ' '.,, . . „ , , „ Ii . , 4 . ~, . .i , , ~ a l , i• , , II 1 - g cr 0 , I I I f , 4 •,"' 4V) A 'F.+ Slx F- 4 1-4 1 1 , 0 IP s pt C1i••••1 CAD Itso )4 • Ft.. CA cA V V W uP V .1 ::) C 0 CO titO Op ISD Cert. li d 0 0 14 •••1 CA PP.P.6-$) ci co 03 "cr t cp P .• • c,o, CD 0.7 CAI CA IP 1.4 • • • • • • or 4E':Tiik,lNittlY"stAitEs: , : Chartered. under the Jaws of Now York., Cash Assets $12,000 . ,000.• Apimiattiiiitneto3••: • i 352,000,900. IrNOlDtNDSl'nyitdird to Trani° 041, &ea 141 •all . .tiiinseitarni.: ropititor, ot!.ta ,likorpare; um atiwnut: of ilia 01 Oy,„i.pivi,donds, &Y, from 10 to "20 or , Ju aeAt'ibe yo&r, rindt ormiso each Year . tiforero. - • !kiln, qu'italge.,4ld business to the 4 Attirci'Unt ofllM99,996 z rgore' L las year (1869) than any other • eiltiniany- • —all cash. Purely martial. and non.forteitahlsi. , trti other e inpartyean show abettor record; larger &Wen e, or sllfer::r cu. enritlea . ., — All the profits ISIS {Sim actual expenses 'Ortlie,po,rupany, ern ydti hied ' among the policy, iloblora as dividends' °sob' y Oar. a oy, orko dole- Wig of haying' a 116 jaeured, if hp, will examine the figures of thalquitable;rillhocome convinced that it is to his advantage to insure in this com pany in prerorene to any other. • 'W.' A. STONE, Agent ' Oitioe with Wilson 44' Niles.] for Tioga Co. April #8;1870-6m SIM ALE ROOM and FACTORY opposite Dartt'a PoTgit'aie~ C Cab net Wale of m any kind ; to those in Want. • Orders r...unntly Ailed and eatiefaetionguaran. teed. Fancy Turning au.... Wencher°, Jan. 1,1870. J. STIOkLIN. THE subscriber will keop on nand at all times .a . full stock of •111111131NDIIHDICINIIS t3EAREIA AVERY. CI ,r 1 EqUITABLE NiDE socrPTY EAssim4' Grocery and Provision Store; CORNING, N. Y. CZi. D. 8AL1.., li - ILTHIThEBALE AND RETAIL PEALE* VV fit nii kinds of e:.;1; GROORRIBS, HIOTISIONS, Willies, Liquors and Cigars, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC, GREEN & DRIED FRUITS, CANNED .FEUITS AND VEGETABLES, 1 , WOOD & WILLOW WARP, GLASS & CROCKERY WARE, 1 CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, CABS & VERAIMULATORS, TOYS, &0., A fall oomploto assortment of the above mentioned goods of the beet quality always on hand. ' Particular attention paid to Fine Groceries Dealerki and Consumers will find it to their In terest to examine hieptook before baying. Corning, N. Y., p 4 1, 1870. CORNING JEWELRY STORE I A. D. DUDLEY, lL " . • 16: Watchmaker and Jeweler. A largo assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER PLATED WARE, CLOCKS AND FANCY GOODS. Engraving dono in any style. Corning, Deo. 15, 1860. A. D. DUDLEY, ly. No. 10, Market Et: * J. STICKLIN, Ohairmuker, Turner, and , Furniture Dealer. Valuable Farm for Sate. Afarm of three hundred acres, with two bun, Bred and twenty -Ave acres improved. Sit uated two miles north of Tioga Village, on the Tioga River and Raihood. Well watttered, nn=' der a good state of cultivation', and good build lags. ' Also four houses and lots for sale in Tioga village. - • T. L. BALDWIN. Tioga, Jan I, 1810-tf. Dr. H. R. Phillips, (c; MON INIENINIZir 1 ' . . TEE undersignedrespectfully ann entices to tl4 citizens of Westfield and surrounding Conn. try that' he is perrnanoptly located MA's place. Bo IS fully prepared to do all kinds of DENTISTRY,' in the - highest style..of t h e art. lartisfactien guarranteed. Office over Soovill's Drug,Storc.; Pine Photog r aphs can be bad over the Drdg Store: 11 . li . PIIILLIPI3. Westfield, Pa., June 80,1869-Iy. Wholesale and Retail DRUG STORE ! By W. C. KRESS. LOTS SPRING GOODS i PAINTS, OILS, Patent Medicines, Flavoring Extracts, Perfumery, Kerosene; Lamps, Wicks, Dye Colors, White Wash Lime and Brushes, Varnish and ' Sash Brushes, Window Glass all sixes, Varnish of all ”skinds Fancy Soaps, Hair Oils, SPECTACLES, • Hair and Tooth Brushes, a full stock of Yankee Notions also ,a complete as sortment of Momeeppatkie Medicines, and a fall stook of Pure "Wines and Liquors. Buyers are requested to call and examine pri cos befOre purchasing elsewhere. Apr. 20, 1810. . Planing & Matching. . -AboBING, CEILING, WAINSCOT ING, TONGUED & GROOVED, ,• , • with rapidity and exaotnece, with our new Ma oldness Try it and see. B. T. VANHORN. Wencher°, Jan. 1,1870. NILES' VALLEY Stearn Flouring Mill. WILL do custom work on hondays, Thurs days 'and eattirdaya of eaoh week ? as i will accommodate our business better.' l'Highest market price paid for Wheat and Oats. ' DIMON .4)3ENNETT. Hiles Valley May 18, 1810.-8 t: w,ll9l4‘_.its',l4i - othi•Sit9lo.: TARIM& AND MEDICINES, PAINTS AO! AND OILS, • • THADDEUS ,DAVIDW, wpm's CONCENTRATED MEDICINES; . IREDELL'S 'FLUID, EX , • TRACTS, BURNETT'S CJOCOAINE; FLAVORING EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDICINE,S, ROCH ESTER PERFUMERY , AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL AGENTS FOR MARVIN & CO'S RE FINED'OXL. Sold at Wholesale Prices. Buyers areroquested to call and get quotations before going further EU 9ornling,• N. Y., Jan. 1,1870-1 y HAVE bought., the right to nse; the Paton I Elastio Roofing in Tioga County, and am now proparad to put on roofs cheap and in good workmanlike manner. This roofing is fire and water proof. I rofer to Messrs. Wright Ar, Bai ley, Toles & Barker, and C. L. Willcox, -where samples can bo seen and roofs in use. MOSES WINGA.TE, Wollsboro, Jan . I, 1810-tf. . Wellsboro Ui tel. BB.IIOLLIDAt, Proprietor. A large and . commodious House, located in the imme diate vicinity of all the County buildings, with large and commodious barns attached. Arr - Jainea Hazlett acts as hostler, and wil always be found on hand, attentive to business. Jan. 6,1870.-1 y TAFAITIbiG completed his new Cabinet Ware VI, house on Main street, Wellsboro, has stock ed it with a large and superior assorted stoek,o 0 hafaber Suits, Walnut, Ash, Maple from $l5O down, and as cheap as the same goods can be bo't in the cities, freight added. ' . . il Parlor Suits, Walnut, Cherry, an Mahogany, Reps or Hair Cloth, from $125 down. Also, SOFAS, LOUNGES, COUCHES, TETE A-TETES, with llnhnlaientig suit. Center Tables, Walnut or Marble Tops Looking Glasses, Brackets Pa per Racks, Rocking Chairs, all kinds, Wholesale and Retail. am manufacturing as Usual, and intend to koop a full kook of ware, home and city made at all times. My Ware Rooms are spacious and neat, and now contain the largest, costliest and best stook of Furniture over brought into the county. - Planing and Matching, SCROLL SAWING . A:MOULDING, done to order at the Factory. Jan. 1, 1889-tf. B. T. VAN HORN HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, N BBLTINU, SAWS, CUTLERY. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Carriage and aarness Trimniings, HARNESSES, SADDLES, &o. Corning, N. Y., Jan. 2,1870-Iy. . .. C. F. & 0. Moore, ILIVERY AND EXCHANGE - ; STABLES Wellaboro, Pa. Office and Stables on Water IL in roar of 'Court House: They will fur nish horses, single or double, with Buggies, or Cargages, at short notice. Long experience in the business enables the proprietors .to annonnde with confidence they can meet any reasonable de mands in their line. Drivers furnished, if desired and passengers carried to any part of the country. Thankful for,paat favors, they invite continuance of custom. Terms reasonable. ' ' Nov. 24,1889.—1 y. Great Improvement in Denalstry - HAVING purchased tho in sive right of Dr. Folsom's Im . " 4 4 proved patent Atmospheric Dental Plates for Tioga Deuaty. I now take pleasure in offering it to the public as the greatest DIB. COVBRIF yet made in By the use of which, ive can overcome any , any and all difficulties which have heretofore baffled the skill of the nest practical Dentist in the world. _ Plates constructed upon this plan re. main perfectly firm under all circurnstanoos or condition of the mouth, as no air, or particles of food can, possibly get under them. Those having old styles, Gold or Rubber Plates, can, at half the cost, have the Improvement applied to them answering in every respect the same purpose as de a new set: Perfect satisfaction guaranteed in every case. . C. X. DARTT, Dentist. irelleboro; Jan. 1, HU. • This ia,to 'certify tkat we are now using tppo Improv ed Dental Plates with perfect elitist - kap . 'Having mod the old style ofplates for years al th all t e troubles and inconveniences known in the use of such plates, we cheerfully recommend the improved Plates as far superior to anything yet known. E. R. KIMBALL, ORA% WILLIAMS. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS AND MATTINGS, just received at . May 4;187A. THOS. HARDEN. W. C. KRESS. rPHIS weltknown STOOK HORSE will stand the ensuing season es follows : At the kettle of the 'subscriber in Mainsburg, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, of each week, and at D. D,. Holiday's, Wellsboro, the three Met days of Court,afeaah week. 'Torres, $lO tOensuret Pasture furnished for mares from a distance. All accidents at the risk of owners. Owners dis posing of mares before foaling; will be held re sponsible fer the insurance money. • , May 18, 18 1 /0-Bm. • ", E. A. FISH. CjOBNIN6, PAPER; WINDOW GLASS, WHITEWASH LIME & AND DYE COLORS,' MI - TIIRBELL & CO. Patent Roofing. Furniture 1 Furniture ! B. T. VAN HORN, FURNITURE. 440., &a., &c!, WALSER & LATHROP DEALERS STOVES, TIN- WARE, WATER LIME, BlechaniCal Dentistry. YOUNG BERTRAND. _ ,,l ERIE RAILWAY. ON and after MONDAY, May 24, 1870, Trains will lea regoraing, at Dit,following beers, via; (101M0 15,5 Q a. in., NIMIT 'P.XLIIkSS, daily for Itoch• ester Buffalo, Dunkirk, Cloveland and Mein watt, making dtruct conmectiou with train's of tho Grand Trunk and' Lako !Thor° ltallwayo at 'Buffalo, Dunkirk and Cleveland for all Iwints West, uud at Cincinnattl with the Ohio and lillasiazippi and Louis villo Short Lino Itnitnteyn for the South and Routh ' west. 6,18 a ta, H.ICIVItB43B MAIL, Sundays excepted, for iluiTalop Dunkirk and. Clovoland , c,pnnecting with trains for tha West_ A tiled:plug Coach is attached to thin train running Won& to Buffalo. 1022 m., MAIL TRAIN, BtintlayB excetited,for Duman and Dunkirk. L 45 p.m., BALTHIORICII.X.PRESS,Sundayboxcept ed, for RochoOtor and Buffalo, yin Avon. 7,39 p. m., DAY EXPRESS, Sundays oxcopted, for Rochester, Buffalo ' Dunkirk, Cleveland , Cincinnati, and Ma Bauth Stops at dirlaclpal stntiona and cow._ netts points on main Run. New and Improved Drawing Room Coaches accompany this train from New York to Iluffalo,and Sleeping Coacpes attached at Ilornollsville, running through to Cleveland and Gallon without change. 11,25 P. tn., EXPRESS MAIL, IR undays excepted, for Dunelu, Cleveland, connecting 'why traino fur tho Neat. 12,05 P. m., WAY FREIGHT, Sundaysexcepted. 6,45 p. m., EMIGRANT TRAIN, daily, for thoyeet 11,40 p. m., NIGHT EXPRESS. Sundays excepted, connecting at Now York with afternoon, trains and Steamers for Boston and Now England &Mies. :Retying Coaches accompany this train to NOW York 4,35 a. tn., CINCINNATI EXPRESS, Mondays ex cepted, connecting at Elmira for Ilaillanisport, Harrisburg and tho South; also at Elmira for Canon. daigna; at Waverly with train of Lehigh valley hall way; at Owego for Ithaca; at Binghamton for Coci porstOtin and Albany; and at; Now York with stoat:l2- .ore and afternoon Express trains for New England cities. 44. Sleeping coaches accompany this train to Now York. 11,28, a. in., DAY EXPRESS, Sundays oxCe ted, connecting at JersenCity with' midnight ex roes train of Now Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia. Also stops at 'principal atatsona and connecting points on main lino. Now and improved Drawing Room Coaches accompany this train to Now York. 12.15 p. m., ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, daily for. • Susquehanna. 1, 2,20 P. an., ELMIRA MAIL, Sundays excepted. 430 p. M.I NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE MAIL, Sundays excepted, connecting at Elmira for the Routh. 7,57 p.m., LIGIITNINO EXPRESS, Bally, connect ing at Jersey City with morning Express train of - New Jersey Railroad for Baltimore and Washington; and at Now York with morning Express train 'for Boston and Now England Cities. Ala stops at all prin cipal stations and connecting points on main line. . Sleeping Coaches accompany this.tra; through to New Nork. 11,33 a. rn., .WAY FREIGHT, Sundays excepted BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH Af gr. A revised and completo"Pocket Time , Tablo"of Passenger Trains on the Erie Railway and connecting Lines,bas recently been publisbodond can be prucur. ad onnpplicaUen tojthe Ticket Agent of the Company WM. R. BARR, L. D. RUCKER , Cion'l Pass . Agent . 0011'1 Snp't. Blooobtirg tic Corning, & Tioga R. R Tialnewillenn ailfolloweuntilturiber notice: Accommodation—Leareelliossburg at 0,60 a. to.,Mans Sold at 7,40 Tioga at 8,22, Lawrenceville at 907 arriving at Corning at 10,10 a.m. Mall—Leaveaßlossburg at 2,30 p. m.,Manatield Vega at 3,96, Lawrenceville at 4,29—arriving at Corning at 6.30 p. m. Mail—LeavosOoraing at 7,60 a.m., Lawronceyilleat B,9l,Tioga at 9.28, Ilaneflold at 10,05—arriving at Blocs-burg at 11,96 a. m . Accommodation—Leaves Corning at 2,55 p. roncevillo at 4,04 Tioga at ,4.65, Manailold at 6,38—. arriving at illoceburg at 6,20 p. m I, .11 .SHATTUCK ,Sup't Northern Con i tral R . R. TRAINS 'OR THE NORTH. Trainsforeanandawilaleave Elmira as follows: Accomodation at 706 pm Expross[fastest train on road] t 12 20 a m Mail 10 00 p m WayFrelght,[passonger coachattached] ...... 20 a m Onand after Nov. 10, 1860, trains will arrive and depart from Troy, as follows; LEAVE NORTHWARD. 846 p. w. Dally (exceptSundays) for Elmira and Buffalooln Edo Railway from Elmira. 10 30 a. m.—paily(except Sundays) for Elm ira,Bufra— lo,Canamlaigna, Rochester, Soap.Rrich;oandtho midas. LEAVE .OIITIIWA RD. 728 A. (oxes'pt Sundays) for Baltimore, Waallington,PbDadelphia,d:c . 968 P. m.—Daily (excspt Sundays) for Baltimore, ;Washington and Philadelphia. ALFRED It. FISKE . ED. S. YOUNG Gelel Sup tllarrniburk,, Gon'i Pass. Ag't Baltimore, hid. 10,000 Agent Wanted. Lv-Euvßiliw'S L A WYER BOOK OF FORMS, BY FRANK CROSBY,• F. Member of the Philidelphia Bar. Enlarged and Troroughly Revised, BI- S. T. VANDERSLOQT, ESQ., Member of the Philadelphia Bar 608 I>P. 12 'MO. LAW STYLM. $2,00. THIS UNEQUALLED BOOK concerns the property, business, individual rights, and so cial privileges of every one, and, affords a fund of legal knowledge that to many will make it worth its weight in gold. The simplicity df its instructions, the comprehensiveness of itafsub jeot, the accuracy of its details, the facilities af forded in its perfect arrangement, and the con sisenoss and attractiveness of its Style, as well us its cheapness, make it the most desirable of the legal hand-book. No effort or expense had been spared in adapting it thoroughly to the times, and affording in it the most recent and useful information. Constitution of the United States, - With Amendments; General Bankrupt Laws, With Amendments: Pension Laws,l77ith Necessary Forms ; Internal Revenue Laws, With Stamp Duties ; Post Office Regulations, ' With Postage Rates, &c., &e. Laws of all thel States : - IN ItEGAIID TO I ._.- 1 ri Acknowledgments, Credits, Naturalization, Administrators, Debts, Notes, Affidavits.. Dsods„ Obligations. Agents, Divorce, t Partnerships, Agreements, Dower, Patents, Alimony, Exchange, Penalties, Appeals, Executors, , Petitions, Apprentices, ExempCon, ; Powers, Arbitrations, OnanliWns, Pro emptions, Assignees, II otels t c Receipts, Assignments, Landlords, Releases, Awards, Libel. 1 nights. Bills, Liens, Slander. Boarding, Limitations, Tenants. Bonds, Marriage, Vessels, Carriers, Masters, Wards. , • Codicils, Minors, Wills. Opoyrights, Mortgages, &c , Lc. Plain and Simple Instructions to Everybody for Trantiaoting their Business According to Law; the legal forms required for Draw ing up the Various Necessary Papers; and useful Information in Regard to the Government of the Uni ted Staten, and the 'Various State Governments, etc., etc. Agents Wanted. LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS aro offered to agents everywhere. This work iti the most corn. pieta of its kind ever published, and presents ex cellencies that commend it to all engaged in the affairs of everyday life, Every farmer, business -man, Tradesman, Laboring Man, Politician, Property holder, Bankrupt, Professional Man, and every one having a Family, will find it in. teresting, instructive, valuable, and full of infor mation. SEND FOR OUR LARGE AND HAND SOME SIXTY-FOUR PAGE CATALOGUE of nearly One. Thousand standard and choice works. Its character throughout is such 'tts to command the confidence of all experienced can vassers, and the approval of the publip. SINGLE COPIES of Everybody's Lawyer sent to any address, postage paid, on receipt of prioe. For terms to ,, Agents, and other information, address, t John E, Potter & Co., • • PUBLISHERS, 614 and 617 SAssou 87niRT, Etch 30, 1870,8 m. PHILADELPHIA. GOING EABi. Eiji EMI IT CONTAINS ME TOGETHER 'WITH THE EBEI , Insuraftee Agency. wELLSBORO, PA. Oash• papas,' - over $140,000,000, FIRST-OLAgd CO'S—NODIE ATEIVAW , LO)V.: as any i ,good Cerupstie, 111,1 rvilltake. 'Pt:Melee on dwellings and foli property Written at thia office, and dclivated payrarnrof premium. Are You Insured 11 It costs but little, particularly to insure dirpo propOrty, and contents. Detached dwellings and farm property insured for 3 yu :i for 'One per centum and expense of policy, l r A Donut, detached 100 or room insure! fq $lOOO fur 3 years, at 'an °spew() of MAO. 0 1 . 1 $3,83} a yciar Eaton eix—fluoi/ thi rd ;a t „ lt fire. Furniture, provisions, heddin ß &c., at it, same rates. There is no excuse, Everyone Should lie Insured. If not with nto, Smith 6. Merrick will do it j asl as cboaii; and just as Iva. (Gratis, gentletet I should be glad however, to befriena eboughit ) this manner to pay .for advertising. JNO. I. MITCHELL. Wellsboro, Jan 1, 1570-tf. Sprin Millinery, 1870! Air RS: SEMI", on Maio Street, has jai: .IVl..opened a very large ttesorttneta of . • *MILLINERY GOODS, • • such'as lIATS, BONNETS, STRAW 0001) LACES, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, COLLARS, lI'DKERCIPFS, &0,, all of which will be sold much below former Fr!. ces All work done promptly, 'and to pletß. 113.1011ebl MRS. CAROLINE SMITH ro, May 11, 1870-tf. . MILLINERY. MRS. im E. Kbell:will be found bereaftt: it her new quarters, over Young and Co.'! bookstore. She has 'just received lot. of SPRING MILLINERY to which she invites the attention of the India of Wellsboro MRS. E. E. KIMBALL April 13, 1879.1 y 1111IPAIGN (IF 1870. c;:r ) p- 4 \ 3 y!,;,3,7" ~r ~. New Spring Goods AT THE PEOPLES' STO3~ Ank UR STOCK IS NOW VERY COMPLETE 1...5 in all Ito branches, and Prices (loon le tit standard of Gold at par. .onr STOCK OP CLOTHS is very largo, and wo make Clothes to order when desired. Our CARPET STOCK is the largo in this section of the State, and prices 10,to 20 per cent lower than last'year. Linen and White Goods fte as low as before the ivar. We keep thq Buit. alo Brand Black Alpaca, which Madam Demur est, Frank Leslie and harpers' urine in pronouncing the best Alpaca in market; also the Beaver Brand .pure Mehairs, a el,lendidM. tide; and full atsortment. The UNITED STATES . TEA COMPANY, send us with the last invoice tni; : itl: - : t I ''"'i just received, the following no fc'_?:,-I`±! I lice. "We propose after Aril 1 r • i 1 _L ! lit, 1870, to pack a certificate "----- i for an elegant Silver Plated ~ - Tea Service l. 'daily II trope pound package. The cortificate'vvilen found, will be forwarded to us through our agents, and they . will deliver Om service to the fortunate patty: We ao the agonts for_ the Company, and We can assure our customers, that their, T M' A ISt aro eb apor than t . , they can be sold at retail, be sides t o chance of getting a Toa Sett. I We polidit a call from all the citizens of Tioga County and vicinity, visiting Corning, and ye assure them that they shall be kindly and bir ly treated, and we will do them good. SMITH & WAY,PE _ t Cornibi, April 20, 1870. IIAR ,NESS SHOP W. NA LE, would say to Ids friends G • that his farness Shop is now in fullblast, and that he is prepared to furnish heavy or light 1-3Eviiertemises, on abort notice, in a good and substantial man nor, and at prices that can't fail to suit. Tho boat workmen aro muployediand none but the best material used. Call and rico. - Deo. 9, 1868-Iy. 0: W. NAVLE. ' z .ssu r c, ! MR. A. L. MONRoE, is the nutbnrized Agent for Tioga and Potter Countiei, to effect insurance in tho .Wyoming Insuranc.ii PompanY. • Royal, ' Capitol i,a,000;0 00 London, Liverpool & Globe, Capitol, $18,0 11 .V" Ho will canvass the county during the week ex cept Saturday's, when ho will ho found at the came of John. E Mitchell, to 'attend to a ll at° may givo Lim a oall. A: L. MONROE , Sept. 22, 1860 7 3m. 0 _ . • High School. Tll Subscriber will open a School 11.1 the 1 villugo of Osceola, on Monday, March 70, Ib7o, apd continue twelve weeks. RATES OF TUITION Primary,.4 Oil ......... ••• • Common English,' - 4:5 00. ......... - ) ;Hight:li;o,oo- Enb. 9,—tf. O. 0. WARD, Principal. • [TI . 4 07:sra r eg —4" NI CM