Arrival aud Departure ~of Stages. • - TfinStagi,‘, tko diftcreut routes from IlleibibtirC, will dep‘trt nud atq 11.1 lows 11111 i till) WOllOlOl-11 I'unt slake: &Tt ill., arrivo I owl 7 O'clock p. to. if ciasuoto) d 141.1:4,14:1.1).—1htput t 811. 1)/,, nrrira c, m • 1N,f3.14411c1it0 & ColubLithroka.—Dep. 310 u. A: 71ati.2 t !s o 14 , 9841ity Thurnday At 12 1 1 1. WaLbuotto Se Jedtaxy Ssioxe.—liepart Mon. a Thur. 9 zu r el vo Tu ofiday , b IVELLsbotio & Storm Foal—P4lL Welt. & Friday at 214 p. m., arr. Wad. & Friday at 12 tn. TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. Loe - al Items. NV:EItiNESDA, JUNE 15, 1870 New Advertisements. New Store—C. 0. Mathers. • Notice—R. O. Cox. Notice—Clarinda & Maned Schopnover Coneort—Prof. I. G. Hoyt.. • i ) 'Wool Wanted—D. P. Roberta. LITTLE Burs,--Who'n decide when doctors disagree? _mewing—The( street gossip. —We've bad a terrible wet rain lately —The crops aro looking finely hereabouts. —Good pre3criptron—Lagerßeerfor broken jars, to be taken by both physician and patient. . —Rather brash—A bad woman - encamping with her liege lord; and driving a family out of door, Tough—That person's nose, that's always pok. ing into other people's business. '—iVellsboro is how favored with three steam whistles and a tow . —Two petition signers for license wore seen on the street the other day—one had a "brick in his hat," the other was "piled-up" beside the walk, without either brick or hat—hog drunk. —lmproving—Our streets; under the personal direction of the Burgess. —The right man for office—One who has a clean record and pays the printer. , —Nothing—A hole in the• heel of a stocking, without either font or leg. .=-Crowded out—Several communications 'this week. NEW GOODS AT TlOGA.—Having just returned from the city, (Wickhttni Farr, Tioga, Pa.,) are again pupped with a nice selection of goods which they are disposing of at the loWest figures. Call' and buy goods •of what they are worth.-2w. CONCERT.—Prof. 1.0. Iloyt and Class ill give a concert of vocal and instrumental music. in the Musical Department of the State 'Normal 1 . 3 chool, Mans4d, Tuesday evening, June 21, , 1870. We bespeak i for this coheert a large at temiance us a rich treat is promised. See adv. AGENTS WANTED.—The second \'o/- ume of Alexander H. Stevens' great work on the Veal will soon bo issued by the Philadelphia Na tional Publishing Company. This work is sold by subscription only, and therefore must be,se cured through agents. This is a valtOblo work, and no do#t will meet with a ready s4le. Agents wanted fur this locality. Address the above company, 21) South Seventh St., Philadelphia: STonE.- 7 Mr. C. C. Mothers, our eaterprisingy)oung friend, has just opened the store recently oconPied by Mr. Laugher Bache; with an excellent assortment of Merchandise, and prop:mu to keep a good variety of every salable article to suit his cus \ tomero. We commend the new FIOTO and its proprietor to a generous public, tice;ad vertiselinot in another column. )FAST Durvusw.--The Burgess of Wells borp, requests us to state, that last driving thro' our streets is a violation of the borough 'oidij nonce, :and in all such eveal\ereader, tho law will he strictly enforced. trust that 'alt per sous'whe are in the habit of speeding their lion bcs through the streets will bear in mind, that the Wellsboro Driiing Park was purchased by our citizens for that purpose. I Not long since a lady wfis killed in Lock Haven from the effect of fast driving in the Lifted. at that place. 'A word to the wise is sufliaioni. • :Maim ABOUT 'ltloqs.—Capt. Shaw,' of Canton, Pa., nriles as follows: "A few days ago, while in the office of Dr. Cleve land, OgdenShurg, C 0.,) was shown a hen's egg laid 19 : oneif ,r,„w yen, dying - it was laboring ander tho haltunibation that AO leas a goose. 'rho Rehm . ' measurement. of this egg is as follows ; Greatest eireumference.-:4 in ebes; smallest eireuederezine 7i ineheti; weight s ()eases. If any hen can beat this and live, die will bring a 8100 readily• in this market for beef. As it' is necessary to have a responsible name to this story, I nill sign my name. A GREAT lioux.:---The various sub scriptions gloat in our sheets, bagging for some one.' rut your Paolo on ono paper, and {you aro elixted sure for fevcral nails a day in tIM same direction. It - is hardly possible f7£, a business man to pass along tho street without being "niet by some one with paper in hang, saying : "Can't you flue 'something, as I‘l,r. so and so has with an accident—lost a cow, pig, hounbunt• or horse run away 'and' done some damage, ete., eta, etc., ate., tho,caso way he. Those claims must be "heard," and'. prossed as tcorthy, for hf coarse, were it not under Very peculiar circum stances THEY would'nt circulate such 1 paper.— Olt, no, of course not. lint our very expens.ioe experience has taught us, after taking a grellt many bait risks, to invest ih that kluttof experi ment hereafter with both eyes open, 'ltiviirg, only to known worthy objects Beware of pickpock eta. lE= tiOllBE IN A €II.tocERY47---Dtyipgille lime when W. A. Nichols, Esrv p was a c'esitlent 4f Wclishoro, we Jffevei al times saw „ . but never before heard., of a.horite,e.nloying groecry sb - ,re . The fitory runs thtfi3: week, a horselCtlonging to the SMith boys ofthis place, while being reined up in front. of W. Mothers lcroaor.Y, made a tlatdiinto the front door, the wheels of the vehicle breaking out tho largo front glass, the horse breaking:loose from his rig, and passing' tlirouclo.the grocery and sterehousd, landed in the lack alley. We venture to say, that another eirciviistance of this kind is be eel the recAllectjop alpy ono. It insaid, that tOt, hone is noteddlic:feats Ibis hind having retentlxasetuded a flight of stairs, and finding his passage stopped, was compelled to retrace • steps. We shall egpeet to hear next, that title horse has taken passage on the Air riirie. l'ElisoriAr..-11in . jor W. A. Nichols is at Austin, Noodl) county. Racsns, Otigageil in the pilctice of law, UH.I Iho Ea le and exchange or lie 'in.l Ii cawils are wick' phase auL Illy —lion F H ;:treeter, Judge ,•r fht, 13th Jud I t d;-triet, I hritiltitrd nod Sitqueltan na etm- 1 ties). t. - twt't CotW. fin heard the :Jr= enuluel in the p u d ge et. al . en a u ~hot. to rt move the same to the tatet. - Court tor trial. Ile is csvecied 'to hold a Nita here )213i111` tilill• In the fall. jar the 4'41 eases in which the Judges of Olin flis - ttiet are disqualified to sit. --lion. John W. Maynard, W illia me port, attended Court in this paeo -lost creek: lie u" engaged in the case of vs Stoicii, on the .part of the plaintiff. Mr. Maynard, in addrece- Inc the jury. made anion allusions to his former ; connection with the liar of this county, which .ero listened, to with interest. He tens the last to address a jury in the old, And the first in the , new Court I.l.uuse4. in 'this County. 'Our Court house wan built iri 1835, at ditioh time Mr. May- , nerd inu.t lim:cherrn quite young Agoluts done. tointtiiing for him but yeal a, culture, travel, far wore Few indeed equal him in tho Itapityl lution of %inflow in law, without (D'art. 31n nort.r reetoo to thief. (or arts object, but ho tartly bails inkhe the 'duel of ,the eitec in 11;illti 'lop euutit) hao luipisheti soveral.littinguirit- Ld lawyero to the Stut e ,) litu i among thetn all, per- Lit,: none has oueceetlid more eutinentty thtn Judge Maynard, 1 —Mr. William 011iistnat j :who was recently em ployed 'in this office, left on Friday morning !net for Catskill, y., ashore ho takes a "sit" on Joe Hall's Peinocra‘. Williatn itas our best wiebes fernhis'fUtlite success, trusting however, that he 4, 4 not become corrupt from Joseph's teacilingg. 5 Our correspondent " Bacchus," (George W. Setirs) recently paid Catskill a' flying visit, on his ar nay . to the Atnutou, from whence be will•regu e eurrevontl with the Vecorder. This ur— rani3otnent trill add much to tho interest of our Paper, and will, we trpon, be duly appreOlat9d by its readere.—,oagekfil .fiecor I --E. W. Ross, long a resident of our villakh 40neilil well being be has token an native and effective interest; bits replayed, to Pittsfield, Warren eolni . t , y, Pa., whore he ties:a large lowlier , interest', -whieli - ,4leniUnds his constant , COURT "Piio'c'Et!tirilos.—The second wek of CourVelosed'up im Friday ? , Tli z ere Were i nnlimportatit causes tried,' unless it be that of Bush vs. Stowell, in stltich a very !Roo question lof jaw is involved. It is a suit upon , a pronds• sory note, payable in instalmeno;',witli annual interest., 'The questiOnd!, "Whether - the Stntito of limitations begins to rue' frotu • the. maturity of eachltistalment, or Whether thenote alma be oon sidered as ono instrument, upon which the stat ute does not begin to run till the maturity of -last instrument: 'Titer() BOOMS to be no precedent in our State—a singular fuet.„ rho point NIS re served by tho• Court, with directions .to the jury to find a special verdict. The jury, after, re indning out ionic ten hours, Were - unable to agree, anti were discharged,bi the Court. So it must be tried again.. . • : , Several of the most important cacaos on the list *ore continued. ' There wore 'few witnesses in ( attendance, so . the hotels were not crowded, save on the day of the circus. A:" Side,. show," on the adjacent green, furnished forth a continu ous stream of music, ground out by shine good natured, lusty' chitp, Whose' motto must he, "Never say die." It no doubt enlivened the seriiies•iif the blind goddess. The crier and tipataves fa vored clearing away the tables for, an old fash ioned dance, but the less susceptible few, within the bar, r objeeted, and the Court refused to enter tain the motion. Ono, more wicked thin , the rest, moved for an innuest to snake it out a nu'. Nance, but thought better of it when reminded of his boyhood; so the n'gripder" did tiotceasOun,. til long after nightfall.. The next morning, a few faint reverberations still °avil about tho corners of the-Court House, till silence was com manded by the crier , took their depar ture, fearing commitment fol7ecintempt. -.....„„ , STATE NORMAL SOROOL.'---WO b4i7o received the annual catalogue of this i . nitßution for 1870. The calendar of annual exerciseszls ns ollows "Juno a 3 and 14, Monday and Tuesday,: Anal examination of the senior elass. "Juno 19, Sunday evening, annual sermon be fore the students. , , ' "Juno 20, 21 and 22, ' Monday, ,Tuesday and Wednesday, examination of Classes. . .. . "June 21, Tuesday evening,.concert. " June - 22, Wednesday evening, oration and ent before the literary societies. i "June 23, Thursday, Commencement. Alam. • 3 meeting." ?Tha i Oration before the eoeietiea will be deliv ered by Han. It. 11. Strang; the iireni, by . N. IL Cobb, Esq. We are sure none of our readers who can arrange to be'preseut.• will forego the pleasure. blanEfield is a very pleasant place in which to spend a few; days during these annual exercises, particularly in the lovely niontlii of June; A rifle across the country through the fragrant tields'and the luxuriant woods, is most refreshing. " The foliating ate the officers and 'Trustees ti Orrictlits.—iloti. Simon B. Elliott, Prtisi dent ; Joseph I'. Morris, M. D., lst.Vico Presi• dent; Lyman Beach, Jr., 2d Vico President; Eu gene L. Sperry, Ittifiording Secretary; Frank M. Shaw, Corresponding Secretary; P. Q. Clafk, Assistant Corresponding Secretary; Andrew , J. Roes, Treasurer. , . " Tra. - .sTEEs.—.Leman Beach, Jr., Luther II Brewster, Rev. Wesley Cochran, A. M., Phingas V. Clark, Ben. Shaun 12. Elliott,. Wm. Hollancis, Jo:reph P Morris, M. D., Frank M. Fhaw, Alonzo M. Spencer, Eugene L. Sperry, Rev. William D. Taylor,4l. DI., John Voorhees, Rev, U. P. Wa trous, Al M., Hon. henry W. Williams, Philip 111111 P," • ' The Board of Examiners end,races th Stato Superintendent, the Principals of the other State Normal Schools, in part, and the Superintend ents of adjacent counties. I Professor Verrill is assisted by able instructors in all the brancheS taught, several of whom ara graduates of We School. Vina-lt. Pratt iq,Prin. eipal of this Modal Sehodl. The first nips - graduated in 1866, and nurtibtir od 15. Thu 'bin of 1667'-humbered 21; 1868 , 3n; 1869, 19; and the iiresent ulass, 19. The Juniors number :17. The nummary of pupil low's Gen I lumen Itatlien Whole number registor Students in instrunienti Students in druiviiig ar Tho first. Term for her 7 ; the stcortd, Deo. 1671. 3. H. SHAW." ARNOT.—It, is Wry interesting to hear the news from the various parts of the county,,and sometituos from localities outside of the county,. I' judgeit might perhaps ho inter esting to some of your readers to hems from Ar not. The outside world seems', by tins Agitator, to be all astir—building, foncipz, and improving generally. Well, Arnnt is not behind in general improvements. The primitive forest is' , being swept away by the sturdy axkunn. The steam s‘i Mill is kept running with unremitting vigor, ripping up those stately-monarchs of the forest into all sorts and sizes of timber, lumber, lath and shingles. Tho hark is also carefully peeled and sent to the'new tannery at Blosshurg. The company are hurrying up with a number 'of Ile , houses, to accommodate their workmen, and en larging their evorkf, with a view to considera hle increase of their business.' 'Another' vein of ,coal has been opened this spring, and an inclined plane constructed up to it, for the purpose, of run ning the coal down to the level of the Mho' vein by gravitation. This is 'a vein of beautirul,liure hituinineue coal, and is known its the Seymour vein. ft takes its name from ex-Governor Sey mour. or the State of New York. With a view to tetmomy mitt busine.l3, the company liave • one of the small engines constructed' by Smith & Porter, of Pittsburg, tanning front the mouth of No. 2 (Ilia, hauling the neat from there to tlie chutes. This engine only weighs live tons, and has been in successful operation for saidtVweek i . The design,etentually, is to use her fur hauling coal out of the mines, instead Of by mule power, 118 at mt.:Ant. 'This is tile first of thiS class of engines over need tor this purpose in this, part of the country, and inattgoates a new step development of the mine'al resources of old 1.- vg,-u. county. .This engine will do the ivork of ten moles, and with greater dispatch. • " (;AN . ToN .--- A few,days ago I was unr rg-ait.g.,ayhisgical epeintiov in a barber shop,in chin ILL foliuning 1 dialogue tool. ',late 40,(en 1110 It tiinteiLtis knight of tlip toyseli: , " YOU ill ibis toun, 1 reckon 7? 3/, •• It giNcs toe grua i.ain to so, that I d/ Ile AinS• [;uk c%liero 3ou '• V (.!1 B.' ,' (heti?' N. ", . " r.N.I ": •• It i> hot inot (1 a town, fa it.?" 11. '• It is hs Lig a town of its ..Aze ne I ever /b.' It (10ii't stil,puit n iliiiber,4nes it P' Now thih is 111 of that conversation thtit•r?3'ou will get, and it is enough. It roiled mo up. get roiled when I think of it, The idea ,Of 'mg rue ir caw., was big enough to, support a barber shop. I felt about as I suppose that guide . did, when asked if that three thousand-yeay.old mummy was' dead. I' beats all how little pobplol know of places ahnost in their - midst. It is (Me., of tbe littln leculieritie of our,. American pea 11;4= % toiaigrt ci.untiire, 'before we .visit. our loon: , man has got u low hundred dollars,' which he purposes to devote to traveling; - su be rtarte fur Europe, tribes the night train for Noy Yolk, at a time when there is no moim, and con ectitiontly. aces nothing of our own beautiful scenery ; and when be umets with soma inquisi tive foreigner en his own soil, ho is forced to con fess that he has timer seen our eon lofty tnohn'-' taus, our beautiful and wonderful cataracts, or our majustie prairies . ; has to admit that honever has been outside of his county, except "%Oren he Caine throught.o New I'4lc tbo eight.' Now, ladies and gentlemen, , (ucuso me, I have got on my hifalutipg so, that I forgcd, for a moment, arid thoaght 4 was addressing a Sabbath school iu attpulauc? -..- ...., • lltiritiril --- ir)S girl; al music ......... ,paintingul 70 , will begin Septeni -2; the (bird, March 1 bat's up on the Northern ;IyAt.,,tho‘ruth Is, tip ) lano,rattoo : pf Mot ( pp.ytierian4l3,sll,ptho,tfoi,; ,. tithaotivra too dolor , Mitidittiin; is sitaft§'ani - diing ; it reflects seriously on the intelligence of the community; and I am,glad I don't UV'S wher I would havoto, patrbnizelhat barber: '''Wo till take' prldo in our respective villages; and that is right, and agrees with.the constitution, in the third person, singu-= tar or plural number, and either gender, tomer& ing to the rule which says, "If any man at tempts to haul down the American flag, spot him on the instant," 'You may not see suddenlybOW, , that Tale applies, bid if ytu will itUdY,5ll l care?, fully, for a week or two, it will be' bloat' a lt mud. I don't'want your readers to think-I brag on lds' town being tho 'waviest. 'quartered ono in tlfo State, for that would he mattifostly Dbilridelphia is bigger tbnu :"tWo l of it; add hes tweomus, hare, ,I ant glplit. ignt ;snob a tromen-' dons large place, for if it was, I wouldn't ara l nunt to ninih—wilereas, now, I tim qtltire a chap, "YOtt know "it is to' a king among oats, ti l ifin a eat among kings." And now, for the benefit of the rising generation, and their fathers, mothers, oral other relations, 1,. propose •to lievoto a!few ,brief drops of ink, ,for the pampas; of demonstra ting i thatDanion add Bungtown 'aid very differ ent places. Inmyforinor taionted -communica tion, I told you where Canton is located, together with littlo'Ofits Uncloni history; but to conto down to facts and figures Tho oldest man in town, or the most talented, (that's sue), can't be to tell holv s many popitlations Wo i beiVe In the borough. Tho only, wity,.wottttouipt to got at it, accurately, is something on the system they v4igh hogs out West. (Did you over hiar it tioseribod?) They tako a long plank and balance it across_ a log, put the pork' on ono end, and some stones On' tho other end, (of tho plank, I moan), until there is an equipoise, and then guess at the weight of tho,stones. Welli our way of getting at.the cor rect amount of people bore, is similar to that in this only : wo guess at it.' 'Canton borough, then, contains somewhere from 1,000 to 1,500 people ;: and a more honest, temperate, industrious race or .critters, you can't find int the United Statei, of New Jersey.: Our villageis built .on laud gently sloping (give the long sound to the "o") to !the south. The streets all run at right angles With the . other, exept , when they run parallel. In the "buildings, Ivo have not tho extremes of arch itecture and style that is forind in largo places; wo have no brown stone fronts, and no-huts of poverty; and, the retuayt , of , strangers who have visited our village, that We have the tensest . ooor houses of any,toivn ofits size anywhere.— We have' some dice resideneep, nut most Of the dwellings,prOlhOse white cottages' pluisei" white ness and neatness aro, suggestive of that purity of dOmestio enjoyment, which makes' those ot, us who have known the sweets of connubial happi ness, so contented to stay in this , world of sun shine and iutdows; and, without murmuring, bide our time. In regard to our business houies; wo have four4ry gobd4tores, Six -'groceries, two hardware stores, one drugstore, ono clothing Store; turbo boot and shoe stores and 'shop's, one harness, ,two jowelry,. two tailoring, an . d . thlree millinery 'shops ; beside the usual number of other shops—blacksmith and wagon shops. And hit it be knOwn we have onaharber shop,' run .by' tiro sections of the Fifteenth Amendment. 'As for manufactories in the borough, we have of steam: .one woolen factory, ono sash and blind and plan ing ' Ono agricultural implomeni 'manufacto ry, ono grist mill, and one saw mill ; and we have two water power cabinet factories. Then wo have three hotels and four churches; but what we brag on in oar pliblie buildings, is our now and beautiful brick schoolhouse, now nearly com pleted, at a cost of alma $15,000. We are going to put at the head of our wheal; a thorough, c'opetent man, give him a gbod'ialary, and then have a placc; to cducato our children, without 'lrving to send them away from home. I must notlcirgdi, f i'vbile-ivriting,'• to mention the fact that we have a - now banking house, run, under the _nape of Strait, , Clark • - Mr. Clark, the managing bead of (ho concern is, a well known business man hero, a gentlemancwith out ostentation, dna wo boliovo they will beld ronized by all in this section having .tieedip do business with such establishMents. Our butter shipments are heavy, ono fires last year handling about $lOO O OOO worth of the greasy stuff; and their shipments this year will overrun flint ailment. The tiame of this firm is Burk, Thom as A; Co., and it is composed,of three young men, and beside their heavy ehipmenb• or'bntcor, tier other things in proporticin, they have a . direct re tail trade of more than any, two stores in hr;ro—faet, and no blowing. Tho character or Our businarg —.a ...sq. oou . ig -,tai, - arttl'eorpmand a good trade., tTho profess ions' are well filled, in nurnbel•Fr;.- in fact, 31;0 dnift want any morn prollissionai Men we 'have quite enough, for the health, voqnith and linipinese ;of' the people, •And now,. Messrs:-.l3ditois, I have hltd my_saY, and fool much easier; in fact, I am gottinNite t "good natured, and feel as if .tho people will, future appreciate us; and, not stick up their noses at Canton. .1 am is mind toliave 1,000 ottraleC pies'of the Agitator strode:off for grtulto l us cit' - culation among outside barbarians, so that When I-cNance e to register ruw i namo from paw* they won't get it mixed with itungtown ; and so teat I Can step into a barber shop without being alli— ed whether we support such a sweet 'soon toil in stitution ourselves. If anybody thinks I arn "blowing" in this letter, lot him eorne'and We welcome with clean hands, to hospitable' homes, all who will add to_ the real strength tif our villago. It is no placeicithathiners and loaf ers; but is a good place for men of capital, whi ther that 'capital consists )I:if:money,• tiurselo,i or,, brains. lours truly, ,8,3r . 4 . 649u5.—Rev t J. B Giltputul,Wt 123 ...• . 128 • - 123 .v!?Pfl 4117:Pr9A0 in • Pr , 0 1 day nest, at 2 1 I'. M., the.. 1,901 inst. EQUITAItI,V. vs. NATTOrI - kt.,'-;--The fol lowing calculations of dividends mado.,frorn tli •tquithfile, are rauchleslf - thari Its 1)01'0' 'Welders residing in - this 'vicinity has-4 "1-oiteiried for-the past five years, as any of them are ready, to veri fy. I have campared it with the - National; ber:l cause I regard the National as one of the best stock companies in the United ) 51ates, iity eV" ject,i•toiff hovi; the difFtfrenep',,betwe,pn this mutual and sibelc sYsferns. inleantcafplua. :Tett donuts? paynteribi OYsl9o(k, payable to as in tf tyears ' .or to his 1.1.fir4' . ..: runtatited, in case 'of previous denth . .l • './1941 75 r.• • • ' - • Ist erctuiuni,•, . . . . 2d ;,. " 5 per' cent. 011; - 1 98'92 ' 87 '3O 3d , "i 10 . •" . f • •-, 80 05 •1k 87 30' .:, 4th, "tl4' " . .).•,• • 76 , 45u' '87 : 30' 7 , htlt • " 16 "•: 1 ,-,- 0l 10' ' • 'B7-'3t) ' oth " 18 "• t '-• '. • ' . 52,6 y " - " : 87,'30 • ?, 7th " 20 , ', l 42 SO --• 87 - 30 Sib " 23 - ... 31 58 87 31) 4 , titii " 28 ..24 25 87 afl ‘ ; ,10,t11:i" '33 • 7 :" ' • • "Vt 2 r ' 1 8 I" 811 1 $6OO, 10 „ $873 •00 ' INTERT:ST•6 pun CI:NT. • 110 1 / 1 TA.11,1,E. NAtlqel44 18(.11i - claim:II, hal 10 yenrs, $6231 $52 - .lg -, 2d • 4, ," 0 ‘,.... 53 371 .47.07 :til ; " ~ • 0,. ~, , •_42.04 41 8C 4th t. " 7 " .32.16., - 736 61 , sth " 1 , 4'' , 2:3 o t ' .31 :38 i; 6th .: '' ., t. , ", :. '6 ;,,,, —; ,• :lb - 7,5' _ i :16 15 7th ~ it ,e " t 10 00 20 02 •.), SEiv " -•-•"• 3• " '• 5 67.' , 15 60 - oth ". I- 2i ,` , • 2' 00' ' 'lO 4'o . * - 10th ;‘, . 'A. ,4. •Al : - q 0:3: , ;•-'5 23 , , LigalN 1, • . • • •I * $248 81 ••$281"73' „„ , • ' • EQUITAISLE: . ATIO'NA L. Prinniunis, ' 's6oo s ; $873 00 'lnterest, • ' 248 84 ' .‘• • • ' • ''''; • '? ' $B4O 03 s'lloo '73—5311,10i • • In the National, the policy hOlder , payi"sl6o more thriWbo gets', and thou only , gati Per. cent. for the use of lila Money—Lsimple interest; The companies compound it at from eight to ton per cent:, and renlizo much', Tho 1300 compolinds its interest at.t . ,on sper'cant., annually, and realizes more in this Ivey than the' ono thousand dollars; ,but not so mach as the'. National, as you will see by tho above table ;' for all Money received as premiums, over and above° the actual expenses of the Equitable, is dcolarcd' a dividend to the policy holder. Pioures will Hai lie. • 4 - A'if STONE, Wollsboro, JU'nO lb, 2iv Ag't Equitable: OAIITIOIs. Tha rcharers of tbo Pernitan Syrup (a: proteet&i Soitition of the protoxlde of Iron) aro call -'s t loved ngelust being deeinVed by nuy 01 the prepura-:: tfontt of Peruvian Bark, or Hark and Iron, which may: be offered them. Every bottle of genuine lute rznuvtArt; SYSIIP (not,Peruvlan hark) blown In the glans: ExAm. l INS lIIE BOTTLE SEFORE PUKCIISS/NO• IWCONNELL—JIAVENS--,ln ,qpvington,,op , Rio stli 'instant, i;,li,Roi. G. l'..)Vatrqus, is M'Conooll, of Charl6ston, and _ Miss Erne) nn Ravens. of Covington. , IV9l l s, ori_,o 224 tiltiino, by 4ov:Chialosilloolefi, Mr. Vrarilir lin linisandor, of Jackson, and'llias Susio 14, eas, of Rutland. ' SPNNCER—SP.ENCBR—In Jaokson, on- the Bth Instant, by the samo,'Mr.•A. JL Spencer and Mee Hattie Spencer. QUIT'AIII:E. NATIONAL: - - $lO3 '9l skr. 39 • .~~'R'~'ltlQ~i~ll I .1(1_ tifkAZlrg ntiin tier 6f:Dem ores rfi lkierititlY'llegavinctlal an unu s_ually,largo awl elegant display of ,the ; Bummer inehlorld,' with oral' sixty illustratiens'and two steel engrayings,..tegother wlth.. its entertaining aitUraryi matter, TioPulaYmUsiOrinil iitherheantim ful features, and so elegantly and artistically got up as to make it jemphatiOally the medal Maga • . DotOrotit hits also outdone all others in, * his filiEral offer of valuable Premitinisl •• A' now and extraordinary list is given in the., ,July ,numbef, which is very attractive,' among which . a fine !and-Valuable parlor'ehrorno, 'pentad in eighteen 'coloth and worth sfr,oo, to bilgiven ai a premium to each subscritr i or. -- Yearly, s3'. 'Address, ! • ' " DElifOßßEirtil ,MONTHLY, ' - 838 Broadway, llottc 'York. BRAINATID'S' MilfireAL Worii.n for .Tunb Is at hand,filledWith boatitiful' now ramie and tutor 'fisting reading. The beardithl son 4 and chorus Leiq, - tontained' in this number; in 'Alone 'worth the vino or tho This number also 'Oontains.,a splendid' k new la:larch IT' W. P. Wyman, and ritherehoieo nruhlo. *Certainly no 'person interested in mole oan afford to bn `with out Brainard's Mnsieal World. The tornis are only $l,OO per annuM.Specimen copics.will bo `sent tb any addrois on receipt of ton cents. Ad dress, S. Brainard Setts, publishers, Cleve land, Ohio. -r. tionnY's BoOK for Jatio bi on our' ta ble. The embellishments in this number consist of the following : "Waiting at the Perry," a stool pinto; a Six flgurh colorod` fashion plate; a bandsomo slosign for Patchwork,printed in blue; The Unoxpoctod Lotter; an oxtonsion shoot, con taining 33 designs of dresses, lingerie, bonnets, and articles for children's wear • a plate for head drosses., bitts f ifito.', The eorio3 wear; articles in this number are all splendid. Tho reputation of this magazine is of the highest order, and , no coonnont from us can add to its worth. send $3 to L. A. Godey, Philadolphin; - Ph., And Secure II copy. Pcik,#%. Calk/ ,luilisltA Mr. Allon Daggett of Laurfoneavilk), announces himaelr h 444d.kdato far th,q„ ifiee'rit flhorlff, the hh3otfoii. i 4 * '• t Mr. T. L. Baldwin. of Tioaa, announces himself a candidate for tho office of Sheriff, subject to the deed. elon of the Ropublisan Convention. Mr. B. A. Fivh, of filainsburg, announces himself a cfadjilato.for vricptor: itil,riff,.cibbjey, ; to the deed- Sion of tho Robbliottn Clobvention. • ' . Mr. .Too -El.llothjim . , of. Deetiflold, offers himself as a candidate for the ofilco`of Merin; subject to the deo'. Mon of the Republican Clonvontion. Mr. M. D. Willholm, of Knoxville. offers himself ap a candidate for. Sheriff s subject to the i , .deels(on• k of the Repbblican party .e ' • Mr. J. M. Phelps of Mansfield, announces himself n candidate for the ollice of Sherlit-eubJect to the decis ion of tho Republican Coniention. Mr. A, John Smith, of Middlebury, announces him self non candidate for thooilko of Sherlif,sub t ect to the decision of the. linpublican Convention.* - .A CAnD.—having been solicited by inany ) .of itT ' friends, In different townships, to offer myself as a c ndidato for Reprosentativo, I take this method of i fortning them that I accede to their roquest. Wish. , t; it to ho distinctly understood that I adhere to my mievionsly exprened opinion against personally can vassing for delegates' votes, to, seduro a nomination, I shall therefore refrain from the usual practice. Should the Republielins of this county do me the honor of choosing mo to represent and servo , them in the State Legishittire;l will endeavor. by a faithful ilischargo; of my duty, to repay them for the trust confided in nte. - Bluss, litay 31,1870. HENRY HOLLANDS. ,CONCERT Vocal &. Instrumental Music By l[. G. Hoyt ! IL- Class. The Musical Department, STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Mansfield, Pa,' en • Tneaday Evening, J4to, 21, 1870. Single Tichet, 50 ecntr. Family; Tickets .in packages of not less than fear tickets, each - - - - - 35 cents, -for 'sale at th'a 'Rails of thallormaPlluilding: PRO,GRAMDIE 1-ovorture.--"Siogo do Corinth" Rossini, For tho Piano, ` [eight hands] by, Missos Hunt, Waldo Beach and Hill. 2-Song--"I'M Queen *of the Fairy Band,". 3• Knight. by Miss A. Ryan. • Solo--"La Foto W 4 Foos," Warren. fly Miss M. 'E. iChapmftil. ,l 4-Trio—From "Don Givvanni," , Mozart. For violin, Orggn . atid•Plano, Apnea Hunt, Waldo and I. ,q, Hoyt. 5-" Fan-Tour Gallop." For piano, [four handsi] By Hose Vincent and Fannie Elliott. a-Mit: r ev it "CS claiming," Linwood: By Alitisoa Ryan it, Horton, and Mopore. Edwardl - and, Hoyt.. ' - 7-Piano Sol o—g"l`lke nit- by, M i . . . 8-qtoffming's Strohion Waltz," Lannor. For Piano, [four hands] by Mittsos Shattuck. i 9-Vocal Daott---"Ah Con'id I tench tho nightin- gale, Koller. By Misses Ryan & Horton. 10-Piano Solo—"Munio on the Wathr," ' A. .P. Wyman. By Miss B. J. Shattuck. 11.--"D'un Ponsioro,"from La So l inamhula, , ficlini. -Trannerlhodlor Cabiriet Organ, Violin and Piano; by I. G. Hoyt. By litiascui Hunt, Waldo, and I. G. Hoyt. 12-"Avo Marin," Ilauptmanti. By Mine A. Ityan. 'l<.,; i ,', PART 2. 4-"f3infotfia and Choral" John , 50b.,.. )"_Por 'two Pianos. and'. Organ,. .Planos, Miesds Beech and Hunt ; Organ, Miss Waldo. • 14-Vocal Quartette—"Serenade," Baker. Misses Ryan and Horton, and Messrs Edwards and Hoy L. • '' • • I 16-Piano Solo—"Titannia," "as - performed - )4 'Miss ABU- Welly 'Bo By Miss p'.ll. _Rah!. 16-Vocal Hint—AiSister Else's," •' Glover. By Missotilllan;aud Ilerrcint . st - ; 17-Piano Solo—"Fantasio Drama By Miss Fannielpoechv 18-" Hymn de l'oparn a Model .. ... • - Hamann. - For the Violin, - Organ and 3? i• • 'anci..l'ltHisos Hunt and Waldo 4(6 I. G. Hoyt.. 19-Song andQuartette—"DrearnrOn,"...Stowart. Missos Ryan & 'Horton, and Mossr.l...Edwardp 1 3 A • •' • ;;'., 20—Inotnti Solo—"Vo1i Mozart. Transcribed for Piano by Sidney Smith. By Miss Stella Waldo. IV-"Paidon do Tioarmel-Meditation," Moy. Organ A: Violin. Hy:MHOS Hunt and Waldo and I. G. Hoyt. /IV - Doors open of 7, Overture Our course in music is identical with that of the ,most stfccessful mu schools in this country. It opens thO . shortest possible road to solid musi-, en( education, saving a vast amount of time and lobo;.; , *, A Correct use of the fingers is acquired previ. One to their being used upon the keys of the piano, 'Li the preliminary exercises only" such mato4 rial is used as will host scours a thorough train-l i ing,and development of the ,tßuscloa of, the fia- 'gent aridilrffn 1114 ',togotlinr: with :.'.,flpi Hill! fd , :ill Old. wrists ktotiling'srachstnaferial ' its tvotad have' a tendeney to begot stiffness of the fingers and bands. The most diligent and faithful practice, of siudouts is required, and cannot under any circumstances ,be neglected for the practice of, pieces. , - , , . There,.'seemi to bo.'a ..provifilitig•ti tuleney to hurry over the preliminary technical xoroiscs in careless superficial manner, or to n gloct them' entirely for compositions' so . far' biwond their powers, that:their labors amount to no l tmoro.lhhan an unsuceossfal attempt, ens to,stiffe the hands and fingers to such an extent that they will re main stiff aiol clumsy over afterward: I ' The study of the piano should he' made as in teresting as possihjo, hy intraduciug as soon as, practicable, such pkeees as aro composed _px pressly for beginners, which should by studied in connection with other exorcises., Juno 15,1870.- 2 -Iw., ' • I. Q. HOYT. HAND IN. HAND MUTUAL LIFE, INtURANCE COMPANY Office, No. 112 S. 4th St., Philadelphia C bait' s & C4l)iial :$500;000. Assets,. ' q $1,000,000 000 Valdation - of • 693,600 00 Annual Income, - 67,010 06 Ratio of Assets to Liabilities-4155,00 of as sots to every $lOO,OO of liabilities. MI ^This Company ; which ranks amongst the most popular and - racccessful Llfosinau'ranbe Com panies, grants policies on : all desirablo plans, 11014 ',AAA ,EIC4fr#I CIE9'AItE glitr-roIitTATAIILTI; IpCll6l,Afi RITTENAOtrE4E; lioßß`s 11t.-FAUST, Sang ' "'A.•ii.'4l9l4lo:?E, Agent, WellstOig OilioWwitli - Jio. I, gitottell. • TO OONSUNPTIVES, TIIA Advortiser,baving been restored to health in a taw ,weeks, by a vary gimp le remody s eaftets haying RUC* 'fdrod4iieral"yeate with a ifovbro lung offoition,:nnd that dread disoaso,Consumption—is anzioue to Make known to his follow•stifferera the MOSIO otcuro. To all who desire it, ho wilt send a Copy of the pre anrlation usod (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the eamo k • which they will and a suns Cone FQ4 OPNEIMPT/011, At3TAILI, Bitommitts, oto. The object of the advertiser in sanding, the Preserip-, Lion is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which lie conceives .to be invaluable: and he holm °Toni thifferor wintry his remedy, as ii Will dos! them nothing, and may, prove a blowing. '• " Parties wishing the prescription, will please address ilev ;EDWARD A. 'WILSON, • May 20,1060,1 y. Williamsburg, Kings County, N.Y. , ALADAyA Cral/08 • WO are info mad that tho most per slotting and unyielding of the private citizens who have claims vs. tho British government O. Ayer LOwel I • Mass., the manrifacturers of modl 'eines. They will consent to nothing loss than that their demand for medicines destroyed by tho British pirates shall bo paid in gold and In dollars to tho last cant. They are emboldened by the fact that tho des truction of their goods by„ tho English In' Oliina and elsoWluiro (for witoro aro not the thoublosome nation trampling upon soinebody t) have hitherto boon paid in full, and, they now toy, that thoy shall be. They how ev or propose this compromise ;-.tlivo nil Canada and we ' will call it even, becautio wo can thon sond our rome• dies there without duty. [Washington News. Maf• 18, 1870. IT IA AN I:STUMM= D FACT, that Consumption CAN be cured ; but It is far bettor to proront the cruol dim:lase from fastening lteolf .on thd eyitem; bY tho timely ueo or it remNly like Dr. WISTALL'S BALSAM OP WILD MERRY. Thle standard preparation will epoecilly cure a cough or cold, and oven Consumption often yields to its groat power. • A COUGH, COLD OR SORE THROAT - ' Requires immediate attention, as uog 'go v CIWfV. loct °Ron results in an incurablo Long e RONG H I A L D"°': • Brown's Bronchial Troches - A„ nu k, • uu will most invariably dive instant relief. Pon Bl4Ollgarna,,./tormI4 4 .OATA.II2II, CONBIMIPTIVE and Tniokr Dimon, they have a soothing effect. SINOERS and 'PUBLIO SPEAKERS nee them to clear and strengthort the voice. ' • Owing to tho 'good reputatlowand nropufarity of tho Troches, many vorthloss and clump imitations Oro of , forod, Which aro'good for nothing. >Be ' pure to obtain - thqtroo:, • , , • -• The Confessi ons of an Invalid, 1114IIBLIKERB for tho benefit of young min and others jE whirsuffered from Nervous Debility,oBt.,supplying the means of self.cure. Written by ono who _cured nod soot free on receiving a post•pald directed envelope. Address, NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Brooklyn, N. Y-4m. A,GENTLEBIAN who suffered for yearn from Nor. vows Debilily, rromatiaro Decay, and all tho effects of youthful indikrefion, will, for the salco;of suffering hu• manitypiend free td all who need. it,the receipt and directions for making the simple remedy by which ho :was cured. Sufferers wishing to profiti by the adver- Maces experience, can do so by addressing In perfect confidence JOEIN OUDFN. May 26,'6-Iy. No. 42 Cedar iitreet, New Yort-;. The Ladles' Swoosh, Club, of Now York, recently changed their discussions from woman's suffer , ago to flair preparations and Pimple Banishers. They, declared that were nature had not endowed them with beauty, it was their right—yea their duty—to seek it where they, could. So.they all voted that Magnolia Balm overcame Sallownetts, Rough Skin and Ring marks. and gave to the co taplaxion a- most clistingue (SoroSiati) and marble-like appearance (dangerous to men no doubt); and that Lyon's Kathairou ma'do the' Hair grow thick, 'soft and awful pretty, and. moreover prevented it from turning gray. IC the proprietors of these articles did not send their sisters an invoice, they re not smart.—May 4,1870-ren). MEI Soma Srocic lon. 1870.—Hugh Young dc Co. have just received their first installment of Wall Paper, Window Paper, and Cloth Shades, for Spring 'trodo,' which 'will ,hO sold cheaper than over: •' Borders, Window Fixtures, Cords, Tass els, Gilt Cornices, Picture n4ils, and everything else that belongs to the trade. Come • and prico our goods, and examine theM t beforis purchasing elsewhere. Specimens and prices sent by mail to any part of the county. N. B. Our stook is the largest over brought into the county, and we don't intend to bo under sold. . HUGH YOUNG & Co. IVollsboro, March 0, 1870.-tf. The McFarland Trial End& Gold Down, Goods Down, and Specie Payment Resuthed ! of ahnost every quality, style and price, and an endloSs variety. Drop in and take a lank through our now stook and ho convinced. CLOTHS & A,SSIMERES of ovary description, and clothing made to order in the very best etylo, and warranted. Also, SPEO.LAZ ,NOTICES. Brown's Bronchial ViOches. . , . soL nvErtlonEnß 7 ide0.1.'69-6m. ERRORS Or YOUIIII. all Paper, Window Paper & 'Cloth Shades. and so is tho High Peep of Goods at ~7i~te~r~ c'~C'~:ui~ia~ : iißj'uliii-~y~e. fiLE i.V. 1 GOODS Ladies' Dress Goods, boautiful ntylos, large assortment and cheap CUTTING 'DONE in any stylo l desirad lIIHDY MADE CLOTHING always on hand to lit a customer at once Nos. 16, 20; and 27, containing 400 yds. lOc. 30, 36, snd 40, " .000 yds.lse, " 50, GO, 70, and 90 " 700 yds. 25c. : i tV'e aro also Agents for tho celebrated 'HONE .4 CO'S Sowing Machines. . WILSON VAN VALKENBUI ji Wollsboro,, 1869.' . , . P . •,' . 11.1110PHREY & Co. OPPOSITE tie the Trazlett House, TIOGA, Pa., ••,•1 constantly en hand a largo assort inditt of F:r; ly Groceries and Provisions, FLOUR . i'EM), AND MEAL, PORK, BUTTER, I,ARD, CIiEESE, &c. , •:X1.91 Prices doln to the bottom figures, Mity 18; 1870.-3 rs. A..IIIIIVIPIIREY 16 00 • ITIVEIt, STATES Internal lleArenue Taxl, OTICE is beroly given, that the annual 1.11 list of taxes forilB7o aro now duo. All per ions owing tho United States for Taxes in Tioga County, aro request° to call at my offico over Writ. Adams' Store, i Mansfield, on or Wore the 10thAY OF J E next, and,,pay their ' indebtedness, or cost will be made. For •the 'convenience of Tax p crs, I will be at 4TlOGA,llazlott's I itol, Friday Juno 3, from 101 t, n. to 4 p. m. ''II"AWRENOEVILL day4uno 4; from 10 a. lILOSSBURO, Ooli JunO 0, from 10 a. m. ACADEMY CORN Wednesday June 8, fr '.W;FILLSIIOItQ, D, Eday Juno 9, from 10. a. All that send moue, throe cent postage stain at their own risk. ' • De by Col., Ti , June 1,1870-2 t. Ell L P tt, Daggett's Hotel, Saiur • . to 3 p. m. mith's Hotel, Monday 3 p. m. CS, Cowanosquo House, 10 a. m. to 4 p. tn., • Holiday's HOtel, Thurs. [.to 4 p.m. by Mail must onolosa a for return receipt, rind W. E. ADAMS, a Co, 18th Dist:, NEW q-OODS D A No. 3, Concert Block, Corning, N. Y. PAISLEY SHAWLS, Opon Centres and Small Centres, in Blacks and &allots ARABS, A. T. Stewart's & M. Landerbergen's Styles. Spring shawls, DRESS GOODS. In Great Variety. PARASOLS from $l,OO to $5,00 each. SUN 'UMBRELLAS from $1,25 t.o $2,75 each. RID GLOVES—the Josephene Seafuless, warran tett. equal to any in market. \ \! • - t .I • - . . .. • - , . 3-1 - CoCkl, .oE3l3.l"rtis, . _ From our regular manufacturer at still lower prices. CORSETS in great variety from the Worcester C(yset Co. at low prices.: WHITE PEQUE in great variety from 311 to 621 e. PRINTS, GINGRAMS, SIIEETINCS, SIIIRTINGS, TRENTON PLAIDS for Children's Woar. Tho best cheap lgoods in market least, we have an entire NEW STOCK of Serge and Pebble Goat FOR LADIES, MISSES AND OHILDREN, in Button Boots, Polish Boots, Congress Gaiters, also Berge Goods foxed in Fine work. We keep J. RICHARDSON'S MAKE, Elmira, an endless variety, which is warranted by us as equal to any made. CALL and see US o lively star°, and iittong itiaucarnents to buy. /S 2 r .- THE FOLSOM IMPROVED Twonty-Frio dot , tar Family Sowing Machine. Tho cheupeilt 1' mit Olivia Machine in the Market. Agents wanted in c re 'ry ?Mon. Litioral commission allowed. For terms and cirenlor, ailtleoss,-A. S. ITAXLILTON, lion. Ageut,No. 700 Chestnut St., Philadoldhia. Pa. The Subscriber WOULD respectfully call the attention of closo purchasers to his now and extenssive stock of MERCHANDISE, ; just received, such as DRY Goons, SHAWLS , DOMESTICS, or ALL UNDS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, COT TON MATTINOS, PLAIN AND . COLORED, TABLE LINEN, BED—SPREADS, ' • Window Drapery, and : an endless variety of GLOVES, RIBBONS, PAR ASOLS OF ALL STYLE AND PRICES. The Clothing Department will ho found - full and complete, including =any new stylos of fine Goods, made up, and in tho piece. All aro invited to call examine. Also an endless variety of SHOES, very cheap at THOMAS HARDEN'S WeWhore, Juno 1, 1870. • NOW - SPRING IIILLINORY AND FANCY GOODS. MRS. SOFIELD has returned from tho City with an assortment of Now Goods to which rho invites the attention of the ladies of Wells boro and vicinity. Her stock comprises a choice selection Of' STRAW GOODS, LACES, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, KID GLOVES,, HAND ' • KERCif.IEPS, COLLARS, FANS ; EMBROIDERIES, and a vari ety of WHITE GOODS. Thankfid foro thm generous patronage of the past, shb 'hope's merit a continuance of the same, Bonnets & Hata' repaired to order. Tom- I am also agont for the Willoox Sowing Mociiino. Mrs. A. J. SOFIELD. Wellsboro April 20, 1870. tf 100,006* PONDS WOOL WANTED. ' A LSO, $10,060 DOLLARS WORTH OF Goods, To ho 891(1 at tho lowest break down prices, at • - ACADEMY CORNERS, PA. • Juno, 6, '7O-tf. PURPLE 4t, DEMEAUX MILLS & WATER POWER FOR SALR. TRE GRIST AND GANG SAW MILLS on Crooked Creek, and on tbo Railroad now building, will be sold on favorable terms by E. BAYER, , June 1,18704 t. ' Tioga, J. 4.-PARBONS COLUMN'.` AT PARSONS & PLAID, PLAIN and STRIPED S , J. A. PARSONS & CO. $9Oll "'WANTED an uctivo man, in ."Aitcli County in tho States, to travel and take orders :by sample, for ThA, COFFEE, and SPICES. To sulthhle men we will give a salary of $9OO to $l,OOO a yetW, above traveling and other expel), nes, and A reasonable commission on solea. linmediatoapplicationsare solicital from proper par ties. References exchanged. Apply to, or natives,' im eaediatcl3', J. PACICEIit & CO., "Continental Mills." 384 Bowery, New York. dlu•il •2G, IS7O-4t E. H. Harris' I CELEBRATED. BAKING POWDERS for solo by' Fob. 2, 1810. P. R. WILLIAMS 'itz CO. •The Place to Buy Gioceries. , L. F. TRUMAN. A b V y I J. N o L t taken ßo t w h e e nfor Store dry f g o r Bode,erly aortToiend H . I + vorted it into a • , i GROCERY 8/ PROVISION ~. t, ESTABLIsHmEN .i-' everything fresh and goOd can fonnd here,. and at prices Co please.' i TEAS, COFFEES, SUO RS, MO LASSES, FISH, &C., Sqc., • , t ' •to suit all- ! ' Call and see us, that we may erinvince you of the fact that our motto is, " Cheap, Quick Sales, annd Stn6ll Profits." ~ -• . L. F. TRUMAN. Wollsboro, Feb. 23,1870-tf. ; P'; is ; P . ; ; ; TO THE WORKINO OLASS.—Wo aro now prepared to furnish n.ll classes with constant employment at home, the week+ of the time or for the spare momenta. Business new, Belt and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from 60c. to $6 per evening. and a pro portional sum. by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. Tbnt all who see this notice may send their address, and test the business, we motto this unparalleled offer : To sash as aro not well satisfied, wo will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valu able sample, which will do to commonco work on, and a copy of The People's Literary Lbmpanfon—orie of the largest and best family newspapers published—rill sent free by mail. Reader, if ,you want permanent, profi table work, rddross E. iJ.• ALLEN $t CO:, Augusta Maine. March 10, 1870.-0 m lOWA LAND AGENCY. THE subscriber would inform tho publio. that . he has tho agency of a quantity of 'IOWA LANDS,. whiOt ho will sell for cash, or exchange for real or personal property, on reasonable terms. GREAT BARGAINS' OFFERED. He would say that be has examined the prop erty and titles for himself, and believes he can melee it for the intoroet of persons going West, to'give him a call heftwo purchasing elsewhere. For particulars, inquire of t 3. D. GOODELL, May I '7O ly Sabinavillo, Tioga Co., Pa. MINE lIARTk'ORD LIFE AND ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY wants good mon as agents in this County. Tho Interest Bearing Plan, exclusively used by this company; enables agents to do ) a large business and obtain insur ance where no other plan will, on account of its thoroughly onuitable features; providing as it duos, income during life, and giving exact itts7 tico to all, old or young. Agents can secure unusually good contracts by addressing, KINGSBURY cf.: KELLOGG, Gon'l Agte.,l 03 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Juno 8,1870-4 t. TO STOCK GROWERS. MR M . M. D. RIM , of Charleston, Pa: has a fine hloculed Alderney Bull, which ho keeps fur service at tlio aboverilaco, or will trav el two miles in nny direction to accommodate farmers. Saryico, 42 to insure.. Juno 8,1870-20+ • ' M. D. RICE. NEW SPRING ANEW and desirable stock of Goods Can again be found at 'ICKHAM ir FARR'S, Wo do not bout the largest, but a stook well and carefully selected, and bought atriotly for Cash, saving all interest and discounts - which purchasers will at once perceive they have in their favor. Most articles in the mazt:w ,R.c.•ox:Piet WOODEN WARE, AND CROCKERY can co found at prices which always guarantee their pale. CALL A. SEE FOR YOURSELVES May 4, 1870-tf. - DENTIST, o. 10, MAIN TBEET, 1 1 :4VP I S CI VELLSBORO, PA. AB. EASTMAN has the largest stook of • teeth over kept in Tioga county. Also a saw INPROVEUENT, never before offered to the public, with which ho can give more perfect sets of tooth than can possibly be made on any other plan yet known. [See testimonial at the office.] Nitrous oxide gas administered with remarka ble effect.; rendering the extraction of teeth pain less, and oven pleasant. Two new and complete gasometers in, operation, furnishing a full sup ply of fresh gas at all timps. Special attention paid to filling and preserva tion of the natural teeth. Prices to suit all. Feb 2 '7O tf L"" - "EUREKA." Smoking lard's ' Tobacco. I. au excellent article of granulat d Virginia; wher ever introduced it le nniversally addddMired. It is put . up in handsome muslirnbags, in which orders for 'Meerschaum Pipes aro daily packed. L L .01 1 4 YACHT- CLUB SMOKIOG TOBACCp Classed by all who consume is as tho "finest ofall;" it is mado, of the choicest leaf grown; it is anti:nervotts. in its offeots, as the Nicotine has been extracted; it: loaves no disagreeablo tasto after smoking ; It is very • mild, light in color and weight, honco one pound will last as long as 3of ordinary tobacco. In this brand wo also pack orders every day for first quality Meerschaum Pipes. 'Pry it and convince yourselvos it is all it claims to be, "File MUST OF ALL." Last but not Lom, CENTURY f""'" LARD'S °SACCO This brand of Out Chewing Tobacco has no equal or superior anywhere. It_ - is Without doubt the best chew ing tobacco in the countryi Have now been in general neo in the 'United States over 110 years, and still acknowledged "the 'beet"; wherever need. If your storekeeper does not have these articles for - - sale, askilim to get them; they are sold by respectablet jobbers almost everywhere. Circular and prices forwarded on application. I' LORILLARD & CO., New York. March 16,1870-3 ANOill SEE WHAT SELLING FOR CASH! Our Prices To-Day. 4 • Best White Wheat Flour ST pr bb1.1,75 pr. sack " Redwitnter 56,50 " 1,42 " "f XX. Siring Wheat, 6,00 " 1.50 Buckwheat Flour, 3,00 per 100 lbs. Best Feed, 2,00 " . " ' it Bran and Shorts 1,50 " 1 " Meal 2,25 " -" Those prices only FOR CASH. WRIGHT 6: BAILEY All persons not baring settled with us, can not blame us now if they find their accounts and notes loft with an attorney for collection. We give duo notice. W 4. t: B. BAGS.—Wo want all persons having any bags with our mark on them, to return the same at once, as we shall tako steps to socure them.- 7 , Wohavo 500 bags scattered among the people. I" WRIGIIT A. BAILEY. The AIR, LINE CoachesA 1870 'ILI 1870• • La. vs ANOTHER MAN OVERBOARD. AN attempt to confiscate the Air Line Coach es, which proved to ho too light for heavy business. The Air trine is a paying business— it pays the travelers and proprietors. So we all say LET HER RIP ! The Air Line stages leave Wollsboro at 5 a.m. and 11 a.m., arriving at Tiogn at 7/ a.m. and 1i -p.m. Loaves Tioga at 11 a.m. and fi pm , arri ving at Wcllaboro at 1 p.m. and S in" - Tho Air Line coaches alrinect with trains of the Blossburg and Corning railroad, and the stages leaving Wollsbore for Cedar Run, ,lersay Shore, Pine Creak, Gaines and Coudersport. ._77-Orders left at Trunian's express_office, or the hollle, will be attendod to. •i F. D. BUNNELL th CO. May 11,1870, tf THIS Burson I offer the finest assortment of FLOWERS ever found outside the city, em bracing Fnelksias, Geraniums, Aellotropes, Verbenan, Roses and Ornamen- ° tal Foliaged Plants, &c., which I offer at prices within the reach of all the lovers of the beautiful; also Vegetable Plants, in their. season, and all, the bettor sorts of GRAPE VINES. All kinds of GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS for sale, from tho most reliable seed men at Mc- Cabe & Mix's Nursery, Now Block. Cstalogues will be sent free on 'application. Ordora from unknown correspondents, unless accompanied by the cash or, satisfactory refer onco, will be sent by Express—C. 0. D. No charge for boxing and packing. Boquets and Wreaths mado to order. Towanda, April 27,1810-3 m HARRY MIX. 82,000 A TEAR AND DXPENSES To Agents to sell the celebrated WILSON SEW ING} MACHINES: Tho host machine in the world. Stitch alike on Loth' aide,. ONE Mecum, WITHOUT MoNov. For- further particulars, ad dress 26 N. 9th St., Philad'u, Pa. Air. f--3m OTICE.—Wo hereby forbid anyperson true -1,11 ting or harboring our father, Jacob Gra ham, on our account, as we shall pay no debts of his contracting after this date. • JOSEPH GRAHAM, HENRY GRAHAM, ICHABOD GRAHAM. Jackson, May 27, 1870. 3m WH LEAD, LINSKRD OIL, and PAINTERS' MATERIALS or ALL KINDS, for sale cheaper than at any other establishment in Tioga county. at °P. It. WILLIAMS & CO'S. Tioga, Pa. Groceries, I LINE, WIOICHAId lc FARR., sA. B. EASTMAN, Special Notice. Lotillard's Snuffs it TUMBLE! Cash 1870 ;1_ Green ' Houses. OODS, =I