The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, June 08, 1870, Image 2

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C,oinumuleatloh from a Colored MM.
- tNrom Om Adrian 0110013apoiltorl
, • A DDIVON y Stetlben Co , c May:lo 2 - 1810,
EDITORS TIMES copy of the
Adrian Journal, _bearing date April.
15th, 1870, is before me, containing a
scurrilous article headed "The day we
Celebrate," an article hi tended to cast
a slur on the men who ,participated in
said celebration.' ' The authorship of
such an article would mantle with
shame the countenance of any man
deserving the proud title of an "Amer'
'learCeitizenunless it was one so long
steeped in the unholy vices - of DemOc- ,
i•ti . cy,' as to be utterly oblivous to all
Ifeelings i of decency. As a colored citi
zen or the United States ask leaf
through your columns to answer
slur said article attempts to put upon
my race. I see by reference to , the col;
umns of the Jonrnal, that J. Cross' is
the: proprietor and A. p., Miller the
local editor of the Jounerd. These
,dividuals'are doubtless DeMearats, dyed
lin the wool, but they are not men, pure
hearted,-noble minded, generous Inca,
capable of rising.for one moment above
the- petty considerations of party, or
they would not at a time when six
pillions of their countrymen were re
: joking over the 'final guarantee of their
•liberties, have per mit I oil such an article
to have appeared in their columns. It
seems strange the Demociatic
and editors, do not comprehilid the
fact, that both slavery and - Chief Jus
tice Taney are dead, and that bit{ck
men have ; rights which, even Demo
crats—however white the color of their
skin—are houtid to respeet. hat a
mighty revolution ten ',seals .have
wrought ! A revolution so gigantic, so
sudden, amtyet Ho complete, that - the
human mind (much less the Democrat
ic mind) falls to comprehend it. The
first gun that boomed over the waters of
Charleston harbor, meant something
more•than civil war.- For it said to the
black man "look up from thy Soil, and
'know thyself a mini.
'That shot tired by Democratic hands,
caused millions of whites to trembW
with anxiety and fear, but to the black
man, it was an anthem of joy s , herald
ing the dawn of the long looked for day
of deliverance. - And now while the
echo of that. gun is ringing in our eats,
the last vestige of human slavery is
swept away, and every A mei lean citi
zen is guaranteed full political rights,
without regard to color or previous con
dition. Yet Deinoeim cy, elitigiog to
tho carcass of the dead past, mourns
over this - tardy act of hie:tree. to our
• I use the expression "tardy act ofjus
ticeulifieause it is "simply this and
noihing fr imme." 1 men were'prom
hied this i•ecognitilio to . their lights
neiirly one 1111114114 A ago, W hen
- side by shin wil ls h heti, they tiggled
- through Mai vortex Or II 14. and blood,
the American Revolution, aml Hie
promise WIN renewed when liely yeais
later they fought side by side with
white men node'. Jackson at New Or
leans, mid still later during Our
war. • \V bile a million Deineeralie
tors-struck with deadly haired at the
life of the whit - ill ; not a black arm \l as
raised against the government, while
hundreds ,a thoti,omis, IIiOUS
were raised in delense r l
Sir, I thank God that, I have lived to
BCC this day, and I thailli lilw that He
gave me a noble son, who) though of
dusky skin, oossedsed : a great, Dottie,
generol Real L, with a moth
er's kiss and blessilig on his
broW, marched how ilotite and fliclidS,
and nobly dkd ant hit-it Ilse lush, the
roar, the ciusls, and the w itil exeite
"neut of the battle-field, the last act of
his young life to site-at Democratic,
slaveholding traitors, his last utterances
breathing defiance to all enemies of
his country. Thank God he nobly
died for his country and his race, while
individuals holding the sentiments of
this Miller and Cross were either siitilk
ing to avoid the draft or giving "aid
and comfort 2 ' to the enemies pr their
country, by writin4!triiitorious articles
against the government and its defen
ders. But I Inv*. alfeady Wearied your
patience, and will -Mose by saying -to
the black men of itiichigan : "If you
are true to yourselvek, your race, your
country, and ,your l Ood i you will, at
least for this genetca•ion, stand by that
noble party of men who have done so
much for you, and not sutler yourselves
to be degraded by fellowship or politi
cal affileation with those who ;when in
power-abused you and enslaved your
race.' ; Yours for the right,
They are making pncidiedßteel at Al-
lentown, which is said to be supe 7
rior to any other, in :Philadelphia. It
stood a stensile strain of 127,320 pounds
to the square inch. A piece of the keel
capped rail made by this process was
lately tested at-the Camden and A►uboy
company's shop at La►nbertville, New
Jersey. It stood five thousand - and five
hundred blows, and the weld still re
mained perfect; . thus demonstrating
that, it is peculiarly adapted to make
the perfect rail, it having the great ad-
vantage over the Bessemer steel rail
that this rail can be re-worked, whilst
the Befolemer rail cannot. This„steel,
at this experiment, stood five hundred
more blows than ,the hest Bessemer
steel rail stood at Um sa m
ley, of this city, met with the sad mis
fortune of `losing his right hand, on
Saturday evening last, while at the saw
mill of MrL Percy White, near the city
limits, for the purpose of collecting
taxes. • It seems that when he entered
the mill it was in rapid operation, and
while in the set of passing close by
a large circular saw, lie accidently
threw his right hand out froni his amide
into the teeth of the saw, severing it
nearly from the:wrist. Dr. Watson was
sent for and amputated the hand, 'and
reports to Mr. B. getting along well.—
Lock Reiten Republican.
- .,0n0 of the latest swindling dodgers
to catch "green es" is by means of a
circular letter announcing that the par
ty addressed has been awarded one hun
dred and sixty acres of land as heir to a
deceased soldier, and requesting ttrit
$3O be forwarded to the writer for ex
penseskf sale and transmission of the
proceeds. If the $3O is sent, the sender
bears from it again nevermore, but
though minus the money, is ahead just
that amount of experience.—Ex.
The late Bev. Dr. Bethune once en
tered the crowded cabin of a Brooklyn
ferry boa4,.and while looking about for
a seat heard himself addressed by name.
Turning round he found a man stand
ing, who said:
44Doctdr, take:my seat; it is an honor
to give such a,roan a seat, Ever since
I heard of thathig eunrch in Newyork
trying to get you away by giving a eau
of $5OOO, and you. said you'd 'see 'ens
d--d first,"l have had great respect
for ybu, and Ithink it an honor to give
Iyou ix seat." - :
, The King of Sweden Intel:Welt° 7171 ,
a journey round the world.
%Itt atitatot
It is understood that Hon. Simon Ca
meron is to stand at:the head of the Ite
publican Con: Committee` during the
pending campaign. He knoWs how to
'conduct a political.siege,. and we should
be glad to have him take'the helm. _
And now this great farce or a"rabble
of men Torching up abreast against
the power Of an organized and power
ful goveinment, with a view " to libe
rate Ireland," is ended. The gallant
b r
Feniansi aving , ,spent all the ardor of
their latest hope in pitriful'endeavors to
drive .the ruling power out of the Do
minion of Canada, have returned to
their homes, leaving most of their lead
ers, in the !Muds of the United States
Marshals, who arrested them by author
ity of the proclamation of President
Grant, published last'week..
We have not taken the pains to read
the full details of, this foolish enterprise.
It is a good subject for ridicule; but
there are some ardent patriots engaged
in it ; and, for all the impracticability
of the project, we can but admire the,
exhibition of that patriotic spirit which
impels them to engage so earnestly in
such a futile undertaking.
Sometime since, we suggested the
propriety of their marching to the as
sistance of the Red River' insurrection
' lets. • Instead of acting open our ad
vice, they have made a-, general attack
along the Whole line, and have been'
driven back in confusion from the
bloody field. How numerous are the
killed and wounded, we are unable to
say. suffices that their army has
been spattered, and that the "'lrish Re
public}' is, for the time being, a relic of
the past. How soon a new election Will
be held to cut a new deal for the Spoils,
made up of the wages of servant girls
and superstitious men, we are unable
to say. Soon enough, no doubt. Would
it better now, for our adopted cit
izens to lay down the hatchet, beat their
swords into plowshares, and sit quietly
beneath the peaceful shade of the tree
of that liberty which is broad and deep
enough for all the nations of the world ?
We,publish on the first page, a char
, acteristie letter from Gerrit Smith to
Henry Wilson, on the subject of tem
perance. . Temperance is a great moral
'efortit. Intemperance is strongly en
treneled in the selfish interests of some,
and pie appetites and prejudices of oth
ers:l4Th° world will yet see the day
when drunkenness will be looked upon
as unsurpassed disgrace. The time will
be hastened by healthful agitation ;
and deplorable as is the history of the
downfall of slavery, the annals of thhi
struggle may yet relate far , greater de
struction of human happiness. 1
Yet, as the Abolitionists did not ac
complish the final - manurnissio n, nei
theris it likely they can beat ba k and
blot out this public wrong of
_The reasons are, that political
parties are a necessity in the land ; and
other great. interests, which more im
mediately touch the pockets of men,
must shape the course of parties. It
would not be well, at this time ; to give
way to the desire of many good men
'and women to make temperance the
the sacrifice of others, which, though
they may not be of so vital consequence
to the soup of rnen,,are yeL, in the order
of things, of more immediate impor
tance to the vital needs and essential
Wants of man. Men have physical,
moral, intellectual needs, individual
and often peculiar in their nature; in
volving their own " two and substantial
happiness." Ma nk iJI d , agreeing to li ve
in soeieMry relations, nliust , be content
with such supply of their - necessities as
may, be afforded by the common multi
ple of all which they may agree to share
in common.
At this time, men disagree among
themselves as to the best means of secu
ring their own happiness, in many, per
haps all things ; but they agree to enjoy
certain privileges in common, givta3g li
c' each other to a certain extent,
while they with •equal unanimity con
sent to abstain from many things which
the common judgnient condemns as
JOIIN 11f oLsoN
Evils are constantly growing up in
the moral world, and ever demanding
the efforts of good and virtuous—that is,
strong, earnest men anti women, to re
sist and suppress them.l i )To make laws
effectual in the suppression of evils,
they must be sanctioned by the consent
of the Masses,' compriSing the people
who are to obey them : To work re
form in morals, is to prepare mankind
in their hearts beforehand; and then it
Will not be necessary to.: advocate the
passagl of laws which 'their own feel
ings and judgment endorse. This, in
our view, is the great work `which lies
before the reformers and philanthro
pists of our time. Conquerin the heart,
and the conquest will he lasting. It is
a selfish principle, after all,' which con
trols all the nets of men.' Even the
clar4tian expects reward, while ho or
she may suffer and endure every hard
ship to gain it. ;We do good to others;
because, perhaps, we think it a duty;
and in all, our lives, we may not be able
to sacrifice too much for those we love
yet is there . an inward satisfaction in
it all, which moves the hidden smings
of action in our hearts. Virtue brings
her own reward in all things : crime
and wrong their infallible punishment.
Teach men this lesson, and they will
follow the precepts of the, perfect LaW
giver ; not driven on by compulsion,
but led on by charity, sustained by love,
and elated with hope. More than the
stern compulsion of law, is the divine
attraction of the rule of a perfect life ;-
and, while we may need, in our impet
uous moments, the restraint of a law
made by us in our tender and pure
hours, to keep us from the errors which
sometimes overtake the best and the
most faithful, no law of force will pro
duce so lasting reform as the gentle per
suasion which teaches men to do right,
becaule it is best for all.
Once for all, let it be understood that
the Aniwergn considers temperance
purely a moral, not a political, question.
We bave no authority to commit the
Republican party on this issue; nor
oh? We seek to do it. We believe the
-vv - rri - r..sjacaß.c• - •
maintenance of political parties essen-,
tial to the Nell-being of the country.—'
They are the only mediums through
which we are able to bring about re;
form ;'and to'lnake Ocala 'effectual, we
must take -no more advanced position
than the forces at our command enable
us to maintain. We may recruit, build
up and strengthen the army; and when
the forces are adequate to assure suc
cess, we maywell.attack ; but we sho'd
never hazard all in one battle, when de-,
feat would be destruction to vital prin
ciples. ,
The Washington correspondent of
the Philadelphia _Evening Star, gossip
ping of political matters puts in a word
for the Northern Tier, and mentions
Hon. Wm. H. Armstrong as a probable
candidate for Governor. The Star says:
One would think from the frequency of alto
shin -thereto, by prominent Pennsylvanians here,
that the election for Governor occurs this fall in
stead of next. A bunch of politicians, gathered
about a bar—you'll always find them there, Penn
sylvaniani, I mean—and the subject discussed hi
en!. next probable Governor. I have been to
some pains to gather the sentiments of the peo
ple from the whole State, and it seems to me the
choice will be made from the northern rer of
counties—the " black'district," as it is called.—
No Governor has been taken from tho northern
part of the State within the memory of man.—
David Wilmot was once nominated, but it was at
a time when there was no hope of success;
Now, when the Republicans are sure of elect
ing their candidate, the North demands that her
claims shall be recognized; and as she contrib•
utes more largely to the success of the Republi
can ticket than any other part, and gives a ma
jority that can be counted on every time, it is not
improbable that she will succeed. Sho will at all
events make a good fight for it: As to the can
didates, several aro named, but the strength seems
to bo centering on Wm. 11. Armstrong, the pros
, ant Congressman from tho Williamsport district.
He has taken a prominent position among the
strong men in CongreSs, and has for years stood
as a prominent lawyer in. nil the State courts,
and served several terms In the State Legislature!
with great credit..
Ile has all the elements of a popular Governor,
—wealth, social position, a powerful mind, large
experience, agreeable manners, and moral firm
ness and habits beyond suspicion. Ho is ono of
the most acSomplished gentlemen in Congress,
and is known' to bo one of the most intimate with
the government officials.
May 20.—1 n the House, the Northeyn
Pacific railroad bill was passed. The
bill for the revival of shipping intereits
was taken up, very fully discussed, but
no final vote was reached. ' Tfie procee
dings in the.Benate were of very little
May 27.-1 n the House, the bill to en
force the Fifteenth Amendment was
considered, and the report, of the Con
ference Committee was adopted. It
w goes to the President for his signa
tiire. The Legislative Appropriation
bill was passed by the Senate.
May 3l.—The President signed the
Fifteenth Amendment and the Pacific
railroad bills. In the House, the ship
ping bill waS discussed, and finally re
ferred back to the committee. The Tax
bill was discussed, Gen. Butler making
a powerful speech in favor of simplify
ing the whole system. --
June I.—ln the Senate, the bill to
change the judicial circuits was passed.
The House Committee on Appropria
tions began the consideration of the
Senate amendments to the Appropria
tion bill. There are 258 amendments
in I'll. It is thought those increasing
the salaries of United States Judges will
'not pass. It is claimed that the incressA
propo'sed would make an additional ex-'
pense of $300,000. It, is hoped also that
the appropriation of'. $1,000,000 fora new
State Department and to extend the
capitol grounds, will be disagreed to.
The income tax was discussed.
The bill to enforce the Fifteenth
.Amendment has become a law. It is
designed to secure to the newly enfran
chised blacks the right to exercise the
elective franchise, and provides penal
ties for certain acts, tending to hinder
them in such exercise, and also to main
tain the general purity of the ballot
box, by punishing the crime lately so
common in the large cities,
,known as
" repeating." Vagabond characters in
the low centers of great cities vote as
often in a day as they call get pay for
doing the corrupt work ; and they do it
liefiply. Fraudulent registration pre
pares the way. So common has this
practice become, that an election is a
mere farce, where the base practice pre
vails. The cheat saps the very founda
tion of our form of government. The
great prevalence of this system of frauds
in election, calls loudly fon' the estab
lishment of a moral qualification of suf
frage. No man, wanting in the first
principles of morality and manly vir
tue, is fit to exorcise so sacred a right.
Not merely so because suchmen are in
competent, by reason of their debased
nature, to exercise this privilege intel
ligently, but because their want of in
tegrity and moral principle puts them
in the market, to be bought with mo
ney, and thereby makes it possible that
the vote of the best citizen may be can
celled for a omall pecuniary considera
It remains to be ,seen whether any
such law as this can be enforced in the
localities where the practice most pre
vails. To make it less liable to be de
feated by foOe of the evil intended to
bo remedied,t-jurisdiction is given to the
United States Courts, in all such cases.
Yot there is so much of corruption and
intimidation in such - localities, that its
strict enforcement- will be a matter of
gceat difficulty.
The statement of the ; public debt,•
published this week, shows a reduction
in two months of more than THIRTY
ONE MILLIONS dollars. In the regular
and growing reduction of the debt, is
found a Sufficient argument for all who
wish the country well, to endorse the
economical administration of President
Grant. And still the Democratic pa
pers are bowling about . the taxes,' and
extravagance, and ali that. They can
d before the people in this
'he people want some policy
followed out which shall
general benefit of all class
es ; and a policy of fault-finding and
grumbling, such as has been that of the
Democratic party, these many years,
will never win their approval. Demo
cratic brethren, why not lay before youi
readers the fact that a Republican ad
ministration is paying off the national
debt faste• than was expected by the
most ardent, and at a rate which would
pay it all inlees than twenty years?
• • ,
"Who's that gentletnain, my little
man ?" was asked of an urchin.
one with the spike-taled coat " Yes,
was the reponse. "Wily, he's a brev
et uncle of mine." " now,s that ?"
was asked. "Cause, he's engaged to
my aunt Mary."
rirsuc DEBT. 1,
The statement Of the public debt for
the month of May exhibits the folio*-
ing llguyes: '
Debt bearing coin Internet
' " intereet in currency
Debt on which interest hrui ceased.....
Dvlot bearing no interval
InC'accumulato4 to JunoVIRO
Total debt and Inteest to dato $2,045,194,271 27
MOUNT 1.11 1 7/XititMY.. •. •
COlll.- $108,789,731 85
Currency 14.243,810 87
13InklugFund,IAls, *c. 117,528,00 77 . ' ,
Total in Treasury $x19,501,89999
Debt lea* ain't fn Trea'y June 1,1870, 42,406,502,871 78
May 1, 1870, 242084,884 85
Decrease during past month 514,801,962 67
6, since March 1.1870 , 04768,106 89
[For the Agibitorj
Having been appointed an Assistant
Marshal for taking the ninth census; in
the following districts, to wit : Elkland,
Knoxville and Westfield boroughs ;
Nels 4, Farmington, Chatham, Cly
mer, Osceola, Deerfield, Brookfield and
Westfield townships ; it may be well,
through our county papers, to explain
and define some of the dutieS of, not
f t
only the patty taking the cen' us, but
also of those who are to give nd fur
nish the information therefor'.
Ist. It is expeeted and required of the
Assistant Marshal, to be as correct and
diligent in the performance of.bis tin
ges, as the nature of the case will ad
mit of; so that the government may
have positive knowledge of the popula
tion of the country, and of its resources
and wealth, as compared with the last
decade. To a certain extent, the posi
tion is a delicate and unenviable one,
and many may deem the numerous
questions to ,be asked, as impertinent,
and as evincing an uncalled for disposi
tion to pry into their domestic affairs
and relations, which, if properly under
stood by them, would meet with a ready
response, and a disposition to render
the officer all the aid in their power.
2nd. When we take into considera
tion the many nationalities of which
our population is comprised, and, to a
certain extent, the envious feelings that
exist between the different classes, they
require to know beforehand the object
of the catechism, so,.they may answer
fully and intelligently to all the ques
tions to be propounded to them, The
law does not contemplate an investiga
tion into the pecuniary responsibility
or liability of any individual, but sim
ply to know the wealth of the country
and its reeourees, as well as to prepare
for a now division of Representative
districts in each of the States of the
Union. Also, whatever information is
obtained by the officer, is to be kept by
him, and at the proper time furnished
to the general government, for the ben
efit of all concerned. Knowing this, it
is hoped and expected that all good cit
izens will aid the Marshal to the best of
their ability, R. T. WOOD, A't Mg.
134 OSSIP. —There are a great many peo
plo in this world, and among them rill a great
many kinds of folk. It is said that it takes all
sorts to make up a world. Whence I think the
world is made up. But after all, they are all
alike in ono particular.: Every batman being
"carries weight in life." Some carry it upon
their hearts, some in their souls, some upon their
backs—all aro bent beneath it in BOMO way. We
'may look about us and see many who apparently
never know u oaro, or fool a pang of regret, or
sigh for anything longed for but never attained:
I have Seen many who one time seemed so much
at ease in the world, that the lookers on believed
them fully so in all things—contented the whole
way mug, Ansui reining in IV sweet number tnrougti
each night, a long life over. Activity, labor,
pastime, life, was repose. The waters round
about were placid. i No rude winds awaken, no
storms beset. Money, goods, lands, power, emi
nence, were all theirs, in unstinted measure.—
There was none to dispute title with them. By
'common consent, they held "eminent domain."
The life was lovely to look at, as we saw it—the
vision was enchanting.
Thus is it at a distance. But when we come
to look at close view, how all the glitter and ele
gance and ease fade away ! Every life has its
cares, its sorrows, and, it may be, regretb. Get
close enough to any heart•to look within the soul
—to look within the veil which hides from vulgar
view the inner life,—and many put on the goodly
mantle of seeming contentment and resignation,—
and you will feel it some time flutter with the
pangs of disappointment, of fallen hopes, of
some longing unrequited, or of some end in life
attained and lost. Itegrot buries up the sunshine
of the past; remorse expels the light of the pass
ing day, and a long, dark shadow is over all the
future, alouding all its hopes, it may be, in the
impenetrable darkness of despair I
Yet not every life, thank God, is crushed by
such a weight. Some there bo who, through the
clouds, see the golden sun shiiie, nor reckon any
moment lost, even though it have a sorrow. It
is because they 800 the life as it is—because they
know that man is fallen, and feel that only thro'
the one perfect Exemplar of human life,.can they
drive away the stains of sins accomplished, and
guard against the evils that wo fly to. Every
day caoh ono is tempted—some law is broken,
and then' the penalty falls as certainly as that
time is, in which it may come.
How vain seems all this struggle of a' life, if,
after all, we must Ho down in death, with all the
sears upon our spiritual bodies, not yet healed,
when the last great sacrifice is made, and still in
curable throughout all the future 1 No ; this eau
not be : if wo will, it must be otherwise. Nature
cures, heals, renovates; she sets a time when
good deeds may bury all the bad, so long regret
ted, if at all ;—and can there boa soul that never
regrets a wrong?
And the good dame rests ! Sweet be her sluni
bora, happy her dreams, and not regretted the
doming bf the morn. How sad and lone this so
liloquy ! How wanders the mind away back
through all the sighing winds, which seem fit
messengers of remembered happy moments, gone,
alas, to never be recalled ! And I wonder if her
dreams catch up the mournful fancies of my
brain to-night; and if oho reaches out toward
me, to learn if they indeed be real 7 If she knows
the way, or if she wanders, as I do so often and
so much, when the vacant hours come, in.which
there is no fast hold upon the world, and all seems
wreck, and desolation, and despair! • God save
her, and all, from such a lost condition, The
awakening seems so terrible ! And what a strange,
mysterious thing is this dream of life! All the
world are dreamers; and dreams of real and pos
sible things, which we know bow to comprehend
through the light of our life-experience,' are all
well enough ; but when we step beyond, into the
Mystic incomprehensible, and seek to find our
rookoning there, how is it I Is it not better to
stand by the tangible within tho normal sphere
9f our senses, and! not launch out upon the an.
known sea ? Those who can do so, will say this
is the better way, of course ; they atop when they
get out the length of their line, and turn their
hands to whatever they may find to do, that paps.
Thorn is no use of doing anything that does nipt
pay, according to their philosophy. They like
to ace the profits within reach. Thep see how
things nbout may be turned to account, and they
begin at once to make some , use of them. More
thought—a thing that cannot be seen or handled,
heard, smelt, nor tasted—is of no account, unless
it can be used in some way to turn some wheel in
the machinery of life. When you step beyond
this, there is nothing to stand upon—that is, no
thing that they know of—so they stop short, and
rest contented. They have never yet fitted out
for snob a voyage, By. and by comes the sudden
dawn of a new light. They see as they bad nev
er seen before. They speak and. understand 'a
new language. Nature has taught them a new
lesson, and set it so deeply in the heart that it
never can be forgotten. Bo after all it is not a
matter of volition. It
- comes upon us;—wherq
fore, we may not know, and - cannot tell. Then
we begin to struggle; to reach out; to eeek after
a perfect solution of a problem we may not solve
in time ;—and thus it is we find ourselves out
upon the open sea. , The sea expresses it. It is
the incomprehensible, the multiple of all things
beside. Vast,.measiirelesa, immense, engulfing
all I It takes all; gives took nothing, but to ,
swallow it all up again in its own overwhelming
but dreadful majesty. At lint it is dreadful,
then it garre sublime. We become acquainted;
and find the calm moods of this sea as doollo, as
gonti4 as the pure rippling streami.which make
$2,107,043,200 00
• 0,540,000 00
• 3,721,317 8 3
4 81,011, 018 39
• 42,908,675 53
it up. We learn to like it.. Every voyage makes
it more familiar. Its mild moods are childlike;
its storms aro grand! It ever keeps. Mt i3orripa
ny, and loads us on to' the infinite. OaP.lng back,
and looking Upon the listless, contented throng,
we would not retrace a step, now that the sea" is
about us ; far, does it not bear us on,' and still
jorevor on; to a yet more vast unin'own; with
which wo shall ono day bo good friends Y The
Omnipotent t shields us; the Omniscient guides
us; the Omnipresent keeps us company. Snob
is thought. such IS the longing of Jim mind of
tithe infinite. -In it, is life, not livelihood.—
Ou course here is a_struggle for the two; but we
aretoo apt to forget the former in our strivings
after the latter. Only when the soul is cut loose
from these bonds, either by the deliverance of
death, or by the attraction of kindred spirits
who have enttated • upon the,exploration of this
upkngwn sea before us, can we see and begin to
comprehend it.
lam glad she does not awaken,. I would not
east title shadow over her now. In good time
shall she see it, as all must._ AL I sighs the wind.
I wonder if it chides me for these mysterious
words, or if It beckons me on to a fuller compre
hension of all the future I It has a voice of sor
row, a wail of loneliness, a melancholy strain.—
Can it be it has a weaning.?
—lf any of our skirts break within six
Months, they wit/ be repaired free of charge
at Me hoop skirt manufactory of A. B.
Heine, Corning, N. Y.
—Queen Elizabeth Ruches and Ws in
nice patterns at the fancy store of A. B.
—The Celebrated Velocipede Skirt,for only
one dollar at .4. B. Haines, Corning, N. Y.
—A• nice assortm en t of new styles of la.
dies Bows and Ties v ry low at A. B. Haines
—Good twentyfiv sprihg skirts for 50
cents at the Hoop Skirt maniifactory.
—"Silk and Satins for trimmings in all
colors at the fancy store of A. B. Rains.
—Sumnier Underwear. Gauze Under
skirls, etc., etc:, for ladies and gents at A
B. Haines, Corning, N. Y.
—The best Hose in ?own for 10, 12, and
15 cents at A. B. Has e's, Corning, N. Y.
—Embroideries on Cambric and Swiss
Muslin, also Slippers and, Ottomans of ex
quisite designs at A. B. Maine's.
—*large line of those fashionable' green
and blue Kid Gloves, cheaper than ever, just
opened at A. B. Mine's, Corning, N. Y.
—The cheapest and most beautiful Para—
sols in
,town, at A. B. Heine's, Corning.
'—A nice colored Kid glove for only 75
cents at A. B. Heine's, Corning, N. Y.
—Sun Hata for ladies and children,
cheaper than at other stores at the fancy
store of A. B. Heine."
—'Pongee Parasols; in nice variety, good
silk sun umbrellas for only $1,25 at A. B.
Eeine'a, Corning, Y. Y.
—A full assortment of the celebrated Prin—
cess, Empress,.fouvin and Alexandre Kid
gloves iu all shades, color, and size, at A.
B. Heine's, Corning, N. Y.
—The largest stock of Kid gloves in town
at A. B. Heine's, Corning,. N. Y. 1 .
—Silk, Cotton, Linen, Ivory and San—
dallwood fans, also Palm Leafs, in great
variety, at the fancy store of A. B. Heine.
—Another new supply of those nice hair
Chignons, Braids an Switches, for which
our store is renotoued, just received at A. B.
Heine's, Corning, N. Y. '
—Button; Fringes, Gimps, Cotton
Fringes, and Marfeille Zimmingiin
.P;e4r.oPm, Cip 217: .17;
...The Eugenie and Saratoga Bussel, neat,
light elastic, durable and graceful, at the
favorite fancy store of A., B. Heine.
—American and Prenc 7 4 woven corsets,
also Madam Poy's Corset a td skirt supporter
at the corset store and hoop skirt Manufac—
tory of •d. B. Heine, Corning, N. r. 2
—.Our Hoop Skirts are all made
,by hand
of the best material, therefore wear out one—
half dozen of those bought at other stores.
Hoop skiitimantifactory of A. B. Heine.
—LadieS your attention is invited- to our
large and ,beautiful ,assortment of French
Jewelry of all kinds at low prices, at A. B.
Heine's, Corning, N . Y.
—Our Ribbon department is the most com—
plete in town. A. B. Heine, Corning, N. Y.
—Lace Collars and Handkerchiefs in
profusion al A. B. Heine's.
—Our new frames for the manufacture
of the Zeta style hoop skirts just received.
Ladies bring your orders to the hoop skirt
manufactory of A. B. Heine, Coming.
A large assortment of real point lace
Collars, at A. B. Heine's
• Old skirts altered and repaired, latest
styles made to order, at short notice; at the
hoop skirt .manufactory.
—Linen .Handkerchiefs and Towels for
only 10 cents.
Wellabor°, Juno, 8,1870-3 m.
INSURANCE COMPANY wants good mon
as agents in this County. . Tim Interest Bearing
Plan, exclusively used by this company, enables
agents to do large business and obtain insur
ance where no other plan will, on account of its
thoroughly equitable features; providing as it
does, income during life, and giving exact jus
tice to all, old or young. Agents can secure
unusually good contracts by addressing,
823 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
June 8,.1870-stt.
mR. M. D. RICE, of Charleston, Pa., has a
Ane blooded Alderney Bull, which he
keeps for service at the above place, or will trav
el two miles in any direction to accommodate
farmers. Service, $2 to insure.
Juno 8,1870-2w* M. D. ItIO •
Wool Carding
T HE UNDERSIGNED la now prepared to
Card Wooll
to order. Bring on your WOOL in good order,
and I will guarantee good work.
Jane 8,1878-4 w.
li3 ,
on Crooked Creek, and on the Railroad
no building, will be sold on favorable terniaby
une 4.18704 k Tioga, Pa.
• •
MERL BOFIBLD has _returned from the Oity
01. with an assortdiont of New Goode to which
she invites the attention of the ladies of %He
ber° and vicinity. Her stock comprises a choice
selection of
EMBROIDERIES, 'and a vari
Thankful for the generous patronage of the
past, she hopes to merit a continuance of the
same. Bonnets lk Hats repaired to order.
OP lam also agent for the Willeox Gibbs'
Bowing Machine. Mrs. A. J. SOPIELD.
Wellsbore April 20, 1870. tf
Farm and Jlllll Property
Tuß undersigned offers• for rale In Jackal:on
' township, on Ilammontre Creek, hie Steam
Saw Mill and Farm. Said farm contains 85
acres, threo dwelling houses, More, & good barn.
The Mill hal been built 2 years, contains a
85 boll() Power engine circular MID, Shingle
Machine, Lath Mill and Mdger. Mill 40 by 75
feet, besides boiler house, and in good condition.
Good power and plenty of stook for custom work.
The farm is under good cultivation, about 60
acres Improved, well watered, a good bearing
orchard, and desirable for dairy purposes. The
property should be seen to be appreciated. For
terms, de.. address 0. BA.MILTON,
. June 8,1890—U, • Box 888, Elmira, N.Y.
The Atlantic Cable!
1/1110IIGH transmittia ite freight with very
great rapidity, biddi g defiance to time, die
tame, Horse Power and Steam, Is nevertheless
decidedly a
and in that Line meet OROCNRIES are to be
found, (sooner or later.) The
will therefore take notice that
continues to received and transmit to his cue-
of every thing under the heavens, in the line of
with the most incredible dispatch. Wbat is the
need of mentioning articles when thci public is
assured that EVERYTHING that ever ought to
be kept in a
is kept bore and for sale. The only thing the
subsoriber promises to do as an attraction to
customers besides keeping the best assortment
of Goods in the town, is to try to give every
mr his money's worth.
June, 8, 1870. L. A. GARDINER.,
I s
tt:wito to delay the payment of a mere pit
tance to some Life Insurance Oompany,when
by doing so a handsome competence is secured
to ono's family in ease of premature death? In
making an insurance two things aro necessary
to bo considered:
First, The security of the Company.
Second, Cheapness of the insurance. The ratio
of assets to liabilities in five comaanios some
what knoyn in this vicinity clearly demonstrates
which of (ho five is most secure: •
Ratio of &mete tb
Travelers,' $182,00.
Home; 120,00.
Equitable. .... 112,00.
Washington, 112,00.
THE TRAVELERS' Insurance Company has $53
MORE to each $lOO of liability to, policy hol
ders than any of the above companies.
Tau TRAVELERS' Insurance Co. charge from
25 to 35 per cent LESS for insuring than any of
the above companies Compare the annual
premiums charged by each for an Insurance on
life at the ago of 30 years; payable at death:
Annual premium Ton annual
'for lifo. payments.
Travelers' ..... $16,84 $33,21
..Etna, 0 2,73 42,80
nonie, • ... ..... 23,30 50,00
Equitable, 22,70 46,97
Washington, —.22,70 46,97
About the same difference running through
all the different ages and plans of Insurance.—
Tun TRAVELERS' is a stock Company t The
other companies are mutual.
• All the petioles of Taa TRAYEvrats' are non
forfeitable, and they contaiq, in explicit tell= the
contract in full between the insured and the
The Mutual companies charge in their policies
a large premium, but make a verbel promise out
aide of the policy to return in the future some
of the over charged premiums which they colt
dividende. Upon this point:
"Hon. John E. Sanford, (acknowledged author
ity,) Insurance Commissioner for the State of
Massachusotte, says : "The plan that secures
the desired amount of Insurance at the srekllest
annual premium is the best.
The income-producing and interett bearing,
and savings bank plan, and a dozen more of the
same PROMISING) sort are l•well enough: for those
who can afford to go into life insuraneeas a spec
ulatiob, and throw away half their chances. "
Agents for Travelers' Ins. Co. of Hartford, also
May 18,1870-3 m. I. M. BODINE.
No. 156 Broadway.
New York, May 20, 1870.
M. V. Am:Maws, Esq., Weßeber°, Pa.,
Dear Sir:—Your favor of the 18th inst..,
has oome to band with policy N 0.21,227 Blanchard
which we have changed and forwarded to Mr. A.
Humphrey, Tioga, Pa,, as requested.
Although you say nothing of a slip about the
magnificent attractions of "the Travelers," we
thought you perhaps intended to elicit ourlcriti.
cisme, and we therefore offer them, hoping they
may be of some service to you.
Please turn to p. 120, of the 14th Mass. Re.
port, and you will see that the .Zdje Department
of the Travelers was Insolvent Deo. 81, 188.8.
Gross Assets, Life Dipt., $328,735 05.
Gross Liabilities " " 354,435 79.
But ill the Accident Department there was a
moderato surplus ($60,052 75) which more than
canceled (by $34,352 01) the deficiency in the
Life Department. You will observe that on p.
120 and p. 123 of above report, the capital
($600,000,) is included in the assets of the Acci
dent Department.. Where then is the "security
of the Co." to Life polio) , holders ? Suppose too
that the circumstances of the ease were changed,
and that the Accident Dept. was insolvent and
the Life Dept. had a surplus, would not the Co.
pounce on the fends of the Life Dept. to pay for
the broken loge and arms?
2d, They claim '.cheapness of the insurance."
May not a thing be too cheap ? Does not the in
solvency of their Life Dept. prove their insurance
too cheap ? How long can they stand cheap
rates? Should the insurant ever %orifice securi
ty to cheainess?
3d, They say "tbo Mutual Companies charge
in their policies a large premium, but make a
verbal promise outside of the policy to return in
the future some of the overcharged premiums
which they call! dividends." The Washington
has always stated in the policy that it insured a
certain sum "withparticipations iq pro fi ts."
The subject is not exhausted, but perhaps wo
are telling you only what you ,already know.
We mail a Mass. Report for feat you may not
have ono. . Yours Truly, .
M. V. ANDREWS, 'pedal Agent.
June 1,1870-4 t.
Cleanse the Blood.
111kWITH corrupt or tainted Blood you
are sick all over. It may burst out
in Pimples, or Sores, or in 'some ac
tive disease, or It may merely keep
you listless, depressed and good for
nothing, But you cannot have good
health while your blood is impure.—
Agee,' Sarsaparilla purges out these
impurities; it expels disease and stimulates the organs
on life Into vigorous action. Hence it rapidly cures
a variety of complaints which are caused by impurity
of tho blood, such as Scrofula, or icing's Evil, Tumors,
Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Boils, St.
Authany'a Fire, Rose or Erysipelaii, Totter or Salt
Rheum, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Cancer or Cancerous
Tamers, Sore Eyes, Fomale Diseases, such as Retention,
Irregularity; Suppression, Whites, Sterility, also Sy
philis or VeneraiDiseases, LiverComplainte, and Heart
Diseases. Try Ayer's' Sarsaparilla, and aeo for your
self the surprising activity with which it cleanses the
blood and °urea these disorders.
During late years the public, have been misled by
large bottles pretending to give a quart - of Extract of
Sarsaparilla for ono dollar. Most of these have been
frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little,.
if any, Sarsaparilla, but often no =Hive ingredient
whatever. Hence, bitter disappointments has followed
the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which
flood the market, until the name 'itself has become
synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call
this compound, " Sarsaparilla," arid intend to supply
such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load
of obloquy which rests upon it. We think we have
ground for believing It has virtues which are irresisti
ble by the class of diseases it is inteded to cure: We
can assure the sick, that we offer tem the best altera
tive we know bow to produce, and we have reason to
belielv, it is by far the most effectu al puri fi er of the
ll u
blood Yet discovered.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is so universally known to
surpass every other medicine for the cure of Coughs,
Colds, Influenza, 'Coarseness, Croup. Bronchittie,
clpiehtConsnmption,. and for therlief of Oonsump•
tive Patients in advanced stages of he disease, that it
is useless here to recount the evidence of its virtues.—
The world knows them:
Prepared by Dr. J. 0. ATER k 00., Lowell, Blase.,
and sold by all Drugghda and dealers in inedlolnes
eV erfwkero. May,18,1870-2m
WR do not pay epode in making change,
hat wo do Belt podia from
25 to 50 per 'Cent Less
than any other etere in this vicinity, which is
better. We hay just received a
Liarge ettcools..;
and have bought them to sell in order to do this
quickly, have marked them at small pronto,
Dry &oods
of all kinds are cheaper than they have been In
ten years especially.
a fall line in stock, and at such low prices that
every lady can afford a new dress •
we hive a complete aesortment and CHEAPER
THAN EVER BEFORE. Our atria of
Domestic Goods, Fancy Dress
Goods, Woolen Cloths,
Yankee Notions,
&c., &c., I
is as usual-very largo and varied and WE GUAR
ANTEE PRICES to be as low as ea bo found any
whore within 100 miles. Our
IS fall of frosh Goods AT SPECIE PRICES, and
every ono can now afford to have everything they
tali made good.
COUNTY to call and examine our Stock and pri
ces—being satisfied that it will pay them to come
and buy their goods at
The Regulator.
We always give customers from a dietance the
Corning, April 6, 1870.
New Grcrocleg!
C. 11. KELLY'S.
W E HAVE just received, lots of ew Goodswhich we propose to sell to our' customers
at living prices. Drop in and look
and we will try and convince you, that we not
only have . ,
but that we are selling them clear down to the
bottom of tho market. We have a complete as
sortment of
XI. •No charge for showing Goods. Call and
see us. .
SPECIAL NOTICE.—On and after Monday
May 9, I will sell Goods down at the very lowest
Cash Prices and for ready pay.
May 11, 1870.
Inghain's Woolen Mills !
T.lllO subsoribers will pay Cash, Full-Cloth,
Oassinmos, Flannels, &0., .to., for Wool.—
Theyabm manufacture as usual—
to suit customers. All work warranted as rep
resented. They invite particular attention to
their Water Proof
which are warranted in every respect. Particu
lar attention given to
INGHAM'S large stook of Caseimeres, Att., 26
per cent less than any competitors, and warrant.
ed as represented.
INGHAMS manufacture to order, and do all.
kinds of Roll-Carding and Cloth Dresaing,
defy competition.
INGHAM have as good an assortment of
Full Cloths, Oassimeres, Stc..
and give more for Wool in exchange than any
other establishment. Try them end satisfy your
INGRAM wholesale and retail at the. Cow
anesque Mille, 2 miles below Knoxville.
Our Cloths *are warranted, and sold by the
following persons:
C. B. KELLEY, Wellsboro, Pa.
T. L. BALDWIN dr, CO.; Tioga, Pa.
3. C. BENNETT, Covington, Pa.
100,000 Pounds of Wool
foot to the decision of the Republican County
Convention.. '
Deerfield, June 1, 1037Ortf.
of the
The advantage and - attractions of Ale Lou,
for investment purposes, are many and i njvit.
1. 11 is based upon one of the Great TIIROUZI
LINES botagett. the. SEABOARD raid th e
TERED, the greater part of the lire, heing is
suoceraiful running,, operation.
. 3. The Local.Traffie, from the'nnrivall e d
rieultural iregione land Iron and Coal depont,
adjacent, must be large and profitable.
4. The enterprlie rec ives Important Co llett.
eions aid privileges from tho,States of Virginit
5. p is undisr.the management of efficient sti
well-known Capitalists, whose name are gu arim
tees for its early completion and 'successful op.
6. The bonds can be)had either in
Coupon or Registered
form,; they have thirty years to: rim. both pie
eipal and inteteetbeing payable in gold.
7. Thoy are of dohominations of
$lOOO, $5 . 00 4:, $lOO,
,bearing interest at tbo rate six per cent. intuit',
payable May lerand November Ist.
From our intimate acquaintance with the al.
fairs and condition of the Company, we ken
these securities to bo peculiarly, desirable, ad
suitable - for safe omplopment of surplus Capital,
and funding of Government Bonds, by Inventors
Trustees of Estates, and others who prefer ab.
solute security with reasonable income.
'folders of United States Five-Tarntiea are
enabled, to prOcuro these Bonds, bearing the
same rate of interest and having a longer period
to run, and to realize a lar'ge increase of capital
In addition .
Bongs and Stocks dealt in at the Stock fir
change, Acidved in exchange for this Loan, az
thttfull tattilt?t value, and the Benda returned
free of expreis charges.
Brice 90 and accrued Interest
in Currency.
P tik i
mphlcts, Maps, and full inforalationiur
alai I on application.
• - fi Nassau Street, New Yorkz
May 4,1870-8 w
IIEiLhL 121A3LiiI S.
ER, purities tho blood -and cures Scrofula;
syphilis, shin Diseases, Rheumatism, Diseases of
Women, and all Chronic affections of the blood,
Liver and Kidneys. Recommended by the Mali.
cal Faculty and.many thousands of our beet citi
zens. 6
Read the testimony of Physicians and patient,
who have used Resedalis; send for our liesadalm
Guido to Health Book, or Almarme for this year.
which we publish for grathitous distribution; it
will give Sou much valuble information.
1 Dr. R. W. Carr of Itallhnoro, says:
I take pleasure in reconainanding your /10111 8 / 1 .
18 as a very powerful Alterative. I have sees it
need in two cases with happy results—one ins
Vise of secondary syphilis, in which the patient
pronounced himself cored after hiving taken foe
bottles of your medicine. The other is a case a
scrofula of long standing, which is rapidly in
proving under its use, and the indications are
that tato patient will soon recover. I hare care.
fully examined the f)rtuula by which your
your Ronadalis is made, and find it an excellent
compoudd pf alterative ingredients.
_Or. Sparks of Nicholasville, ICY., says he hie
used Rosadalis in cases of Scrufula and Seconds.
ry Syphilis wills satisfactory results. As a clean
or of the blood I know no better remedy.
Samuel 0, McFadden, Murftershore, Tenn., ash
I have used seven bottles of Itosadalis, and sal.
entirely cured of Ithenmatism ; send me fourbot
ties, as I wish it for my brother, who has scrota•
lens sore eyes.
Benjamin Bechtel, of Lima, Ohio, writes, I Late
suffered for twenty yeprs with un inveterate
or over my .whole body; a short t EilAt
I pOrchased a bottle of Res Walls and it effected
a perfect cure.
Rosodalls Is sold by P. R Wil(lnms S bo, and
W. O. Kress, Wollaboro; Trailer, Ticgs
M. L. Bacon, Blossburg, nn Druggists generally
March o, 187 o.—ly.
, To act as Salesmin, and general Superintendents
of 4sles in this County, also one in each of the adjoin.
ing Counties, fqr Steel Plato Engravings, Issued by
the National ArC Association, sold by subscrptiun se
superior in design and execution that their wiles are
great during alkseasons and times.. Men must do bus.
Irises exclusively for us, not only recelvng and fillings
orders, throughout portions of the County, but em
ploy and superintend the sales of a number of salves
men. A tow who do not wish to assume the responat'
Witty of a Superintendency will also bo accepted IS
merely act as salesmen.. Sample Engravings are Calli•
ed In a resent Roller Case. Frames aro not get:serail)
used or sold by our Salesmen' To strangers we girt
commissions on sales for thohiret sixty or ninety dsjs,
when, from the business talent and energy tuanife.stui
an equitnblesalary can ho agreed upon, should sorb
be preletzal to remuneration by commission. Sellout
Teachers, Armors, Agents, Mechanics and other,busi.
netts an professionahnoncan engage with galatprot.
If by le pr., state ago, previous and present % business,
or prof sional pursuits, oxplicity swag whether s
Superin ondeucy, or merely a situallon as Salesmen is
d. ' — ^d- Is .' • - 11
TIIE undersigned having secured the agency
for the Patent Metalie Whitt Wire for
Clothes Lines, which does net rust, and is cheap
er and more durable than any other invention,
and will be sold cheap.
d reasOrders loft at the Post Mee 011 reci:ire
prompt attention. L. P. HEATH.
We, the undersigned , cheerfully recommend
the above Patent Wire, having used it fora loPs
time and find it to be all it is represented:
• 8. 1 8. HOLIDAY,
I A. M. INGHAM, M. n•
~ Tone 1, 1870,tf.
been granted on the estate of Ruth Lincoln,
late of Lawrence township, deceased, all persona
indebted to said estate Lae Minified to Maks
immediate payment, and those having eigaq
against it to present p the same to
June 8, 1870.-60". -B. 0. MADISON,
• Adm're.