The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, May 25, 1870, Image 3

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    Arrival nod Ile urlare of Stoge ll tz.
. .
. n: . . ,
' Ira titagc9 11111'141g over
-L. the different it:Weal : rem
i.. 14) ; f'- ..,_ _ ._'7_..7 t.: '. Wellehore , . will iieleirt , iiiht
tfv,:yEr-57,.. , •"4- 7-- t '•: Rtrivo• av ronlwm fr,im the
tilfasliiliECON! ‘ 1 " 4 1M. -: AVollaboro Pont Office:
_ . _..... -
WELLIIOOTIO L Ttunr --1101 RI t 6 & 1(1,11. M., at rlvo
and 7 o'clock p. tu„ -
_ •
Wollonono t Meospelp.—Doput t 8 only° FS p.
W ULU 8080 Si CoIIUEUSPOUT & TIM r. 2 p. m.
tarry° Meudny & Tlitaddity et n.m.
WeLt.tuwao Jnifiur Futut4.—Vepirt Moo. &,Th ur.
orrivo Tuesday k p.m
WELLeltoßo Srome FORK—Dtp. WO. & Friday 2 1 ,11
p. ru., arr, Wed. dr Friday at 12 al.
Local Items.
New Advertisements
Livery—Watkins & London.
Notice—Boro. d; School Taxes
Lost—B.' Sampson.
„Notice—J. Buckley.
—Joseph Graham, et al.
FIX Ur.—Som e la of the sidewalks in
this borough need atttintion. Do fix up.
• NEW PAPER.—The hee Is the HAMA
of a now penny paper, published in Philadelphia.
It is hadopendent in polities.
' CIRCUB.—The New York Cireue is
coming. It exhibits in this village on Friday,
27th inst. Sea advertisement.
the Wellsboro and Lawrenceville railroad was
ibegun on the 16th instant in earnest. A largo
cumber of men are at work.
NEWS.—We wiil be greatly obliged to
any of our patrons fortlearly'news of heal impor
tani.e. %Ve like to hear from every Part of the
cour4. Pens() bear in miti l ,d, - frionds t and write:
.Alico Arch& and Miss Jenny Danks are teaching
s 3 eleet school in this village. The echools are
rvet% attended.
ler, Carriage maker, on • Craton street, has on
hand•several nice buggies and carriages. Ile is
a first class workman, and is doing •a thriving
business. Stepping in the other day, we thought
Some of his buggies as fine specimens as wend
ever seen. The painting is very neatly dene,iin.
LocAL HISTORY ,—We see by the
.I.fradjord eporler o that a society has been form
ed in that e nnty, called " The 'Historical Soeie
ty of Brad ord Cocinty." The object is "the
elucidation f the hilstory of the Stale " A lalge
number of infincOial gentlf;ratm and ladies of
that county were present at the organiz4tien ;--
end the undertalcing gives in ogoiEe , or ElleVC:i;i
ACCIDENT.—A sou of A. J. Knowl
ton, of Richmond, was injured by 'the cars last
week. By some misstep he fell on the rail, and
had his arm run over. Ile - is:about eight years
LATER.—We have learned - that the-b u oy has
since died. This should be a warning to all boys
to keep away from thd cars. He was standing
beside the train while it was passing at full eed,
and reaching out to touch the cars, fell withhis
arms ander the wheels. Keep away from the
pars, hays:. °
Tffs, CONF. HousE.—This house is
inclosed,) and the insidc work is moving along
toward cmpletlon. There are two ministers em
ployed upon the building, and we understand in
vitations have been sent to the rest of the clergy
to " turn Sn" and do likewise: We can boast of
enterprising ministers, who can work and preach,
build homes for the pw>ple, and tench Tem how
to walk`etniight therein.
jsfil,lllEsTucct.----The animal exerek4es
of the. state Normal School, give promise of even
greater illtAresit than usual Cummeneerdent at
Mansfield has rieLonte a lixed yearly period in our
local hibtory, in tritioh tic 110110 and believe our
people will never eeaSo to take tin interest. We
need hot urge nor readers to hear in wind the ex
ercises. Everybody wi!l go; and the only Iron .
hic will he to lin \ rl room for theta
Ou'rilAilEous —Our Kuoxville ciorres
pendent. gives an ilecotlat of a most er 'WI offence,
committed in that place, In a single night, seine
porson cut four of 0. Wood's blooded colts in
tho mouth, so that they came nrtr bleang to
death • No doubt the inteuti4 was to kill them.
Such an offenee deserves the most severe punish.,
The day before, one of Isano Sutton's horses
was poisoned. .That part of the county Fcemq to
he infssted with lawless characters; and it would
seem that it is high time setnn means were' talen
to put a stop to their outrages, and meet out con
dign punishment to the perpetrators He must
inked be a heartless man, who can inflict such
cruelty upon a h•'iplces wander he
squght his opportunity under cover
TROY.—This flourishing tv.tvo hat:
more than recovered from the effects of her great
fire. A few enirprising men can do much for a
town, with a ocr t untry rtbout, which can ho mado
tributary. %shy of our readers; do their trading
thorn; end we ire satisfied that the letter.; of our
correspondent will be read with interest by all.—
They have a graded school' there, which is equiv
alent to a first chttni academy. Nothing does
more for a town tisi;n u good. ;Ono). They have
a course of lectures there the coming season.
YEasoNAL.—Mr. C. L. Ward, one of
the oldest'and most respected citizens of Towan
da, Pa., died . in, that place on •the 11th instant, of
paralysis. The Day sap. '; Air. Ward was one
of the mast. courteous and polished gentlemen of
the time. Ile was rather a literary loan than a
politician ; was at one time eonneeted with the
Harrisburg Patrio t and wrote ably and vigor
ously. He had collected ono of. the finest libra
rteS the haute of a private eitiren
anym.bere "
--ihmc. ISm. D '.,A. , field
will probably Le cent back to Ci..npec. We hope
I): for tLe Keystone State has no more able and
fgarice;: reproientatiles in Nrat.biugtori, and we
um) all the N -0 ictJuence that nu can
--t/EOltOE W. SE -tits, of this 'Alive,
left this borough last %seek, with the inteption or
goin g to.S..tith America, to efigago in th'e tuantt
fueture ..f rubber. - Ile it,i4 I:riven:id it inoebine,
*.' 111 4 4 think , : ndll elteniten and expedite the
viocet:l: of Li:thing ;u1,1,e to intii nn extent, a ,
to do away is It h the old plan t ntiret.i . Tilli.3 Ina,
.tune, he elalto4, ' will 1 , 0 to robber ii the
cotton uin i.. , I . e.di:o - lle La- 1,. va tot the
ground hefure. and haie faith in L.: ,judg
ment, lie espeets tt; tobpill a ro,.lity of, iii rob
her ovule upon his niltellinc:: and If it,
~ ......„44,,
....? he e4peets, BACCpuzi truly Ihi rcuft. - rest trom
the iohor of awl and harrunor, tont reg a l 'un.elf
in the; •' Parnavaiair' breeng Of " opper-4t." lii
We. wish him ~.uisue.:;, tuott lit:34o l V : :Ind a 'sure
return, .. whether or no " Au 0• 1 ' o' ‘iliPs . ) 'i;'
Saying.. in o i yeetn not generally puldi , li , il
"We Ale tit.i.evolving ateno from ti n initant ,f, or
1r6 , ,1044 0,, -i4:4 ! 1: 4 1;.;; :vitli it ir.ii.l kat, .itt, i a," 1 •,...
W.-. 11611 old iicavitatiwi tin's ...Wieland:ol
tile seductive attr.w.tioi....\ of the /11001/ Ill.d ill the
intriguing planets, nt leliq till Istiechu3 i$ home
sr•tr,l b..tilid, 8..1 ...ifely thin ....i.le of 1,1/e yquat , ir.
-, 11- :VOW. 1:1 STh!vrir,of N. ifirk, in
•:141:p...$ 1ii.3 , 1, for liorktz in .I,e iiii.c of e.-!.i.i.,0±,0
4s w.„ ~,,,;.,, i. s . th e 6/11(!wing .24,tr.t,:t trott) .1.11 ,
Tribw q • • 1
The eelehrattA trotting ware Lady Thoth,
ah, :nice the retirenomt of ii,!xitr,ll.,, been the
"e"gairad " ljucut ~1 thr. 'Rutting ad . ," ha:
ju:t eh ranged hand:. Her late oivnea.f, :110,:i J
1) Nl'Mena, ..t the- elty, ha:e. kola
-I)..,,eueiated al'oaner, anti
Nitlf that of Nora tr,tnl,lr and Wild),
1 ; t hove :iota Ip:r to idr , ..?eitth, the
Ftroet hanker, of the tirni
Martin 4, Co , for the large pricy of i 4 :ll),Miu, and
010 w )'estertltlY tiCliverml over to Dan ".lave.
Who will in futuro train and drife her in her• en
gagementi. The renowned old mare 1.5 luohTnA
Mr. Smith is a son of H. E. Smith, Esti , of
Tiega, and is among the wealthiest men of dew
tork. lie used to work at shoemaking, when a
boy ; but he said what his success verifies, when
bs remarked, f‘l was not cut out to drive pegs."
. .
cenPTATILE—W ebb & Hastings's
i zpatiA,t,het(!,autpßerlike day& anti tbe,:ien:„SirParo.-
n( Seifrp'e:" _ „
Pifociiti:.! l -0. B Lowell*,
tl i ieir tannery nt Niles Valley now fully in opera
tion. 'They have bi ilt , quite a number of tenant
bause4hetildea.: - .aiVttio`-fith * tir buildings usually
appurtenant to tannorleit';',iind the place really
°Aquinas an Mr .of business: Every such estab
lishment adds to the valtio. of, property round
SURPRISE pAnTy.—James Locke, of
this borough, was SO years old - an the 18th inst.
His five married daighters, with,they
surprised him that day with a visit. Itis wife is
77.' They have been;•married : - .7.years. Few in
deed have such a leash *of years.
fiI.XTEENTH AMENDitE,N o r. — When.nro
the ladies'of irplisboro going to . caii a 131 90 11 ? g,
to Annie the men into fencing or romoyink
, !Tne dotaitimivsirAnn ON Tn BILL?" 0
LIGHTNING:—Mr. 'EdWard IrVetatore's
house, near the brick kiln 'at the upper end of
the village was struck by lightning -Thursday
evening about 9 o'clock. The lightning entered
near the chimney, passed down ono of joist to the
second floor, slivering it to atoms, then down the
stove pipe, irate the earth: No one injured. '
We learn that there was tit house struck by
lightning in lifanstieldi last Thursday evening.
The fire ties ex l tinguished. A building was also
burned by lightning at Cherry . Flats the same
evening. A span of horses were *between
Covington and Mansfield. A ;barn was also
burned in
~ S ullivan during tile .same storm.
There was a very heavy shower in Sullivan that
evening, and the creek carried away the dam of
Mr. Dewey.. 'lt is reported also that two men
were killed by lightning near Morris Run.
THE FARMERS HOTEL. , --Persons at
tending Court will Snd this place a pleasant and
quiet place to stop; with good faro for both man
and beast
PA.—CALENDAR. Juno 13111 and - 14th—Final
examination of Senior class.
June 19, Sunday evening—Annual Sermon be
fore \ the students.
Jdne 21, Tuesday evening—Concert; vocal and
instrumental music.
June 22d, 'Wednesday evening—Oration and
Poem before the literary societies.
Orator—llos. B. B. S'rnm•rn i , '
Poet;—M. 1.1.. COBB, Eq.
June 23—Cgmmencementf'-.
Address before lain Alumni in the evening.
OnmAny.-4-Clarence A. Pierce, aeon
of the late Stephen Pierce, *eased, died at his
mother's 'house in this villadc, Thursday after.
noon, the 19th instant, of consumption. Ire }id
- tieenailing for months.
lie Was' yet young -quite young. We remem
ber hint only us a byy, 3(.,t hehad a manly beard
ing. which at once conim9nged • respect. Ho is
said to have met hia death cheerfully, having no
dread of the future. To such a spirit, death is
WALL. pAcEß.— . Rcild P. R. Will
iams C0.'161) advertisement of their mammoth
stock of.wit)l• paper, Of almost every quality,
kind and price. Lot those who have long been
keeping house, as well asihose who contemplate
the undertalting•taMm, step in and look through
this a. , ;.ortinettt. .;••
.oßikm.A.Tre.—As aimotweecl last ; week,
two et:lM inintuenk , SY 013 Rv,tfe:-14 , the WelishorO
Dramatic Asseeitttion; last Zittirdily and Friday
evenings •
Thursday evening, the:j.dai, The Lady of Ly
ons, by linliver, was perform 4 before a popular
audience. The evening lies very warm indeed
for the time of .3 eat. Ini th 9, midst of the play,
a thunder storm esitue4r; which somewhat inter
fered with the enjoy mck of ibo audience in the
distance, but not, at All with the acting. Tho
night was black, lied the sometime frequent and.
livid flashes of_lightning imparted grandeur to
the scene. The shower alie timely, for the air
was oppressive. •
I To say that this play was well done, speaking,
of course, frithi a rural standpoint, would, we
I. ,
utisillti, express the genetal opinion,' cletne parts
were veer well represented indeed. Widow Met
nette (Mrs. T. Li Illy den) was yeeeived with ap
plause, and makes n veryl) . naturtil elderly lady,
ou all occasions. tike has a• happy faculty of
a.taptind herself to this elnirtwter,l without per
inittilig horse f * to be seen `plough it. Pauline
(NI i,t Ai P, Uncriasey) did lit'Tself great ere lit.
She Las ii copious and MeSiefil voice, which is an
indispensable riqulsite to ;Aiecessfel acting. She
is graceful in attitude, apt in personation—and
withal exhibits talent of more then ordinary mer
it. She euto a heartily into the spirit of the mo
ment's sensation,:e-hence she is apt ral. Only
her occasional apparmet recolleetio that she was
not really what she seemed, and that tfe audi
ence knew it. marred her admirable adaptation
to the character... Miss Bryden appeared well ns
Afatlante Pesch/11)0,11es. She i' a modest moth
o-, mindful of her daughter's happiness—when
there is a Vrince in the foreground. Claude Mel
butte (J. E. M'Cne) is the - poor lidow's son, who
naturally enough is in loco with - Pauline. He
writes her poetry : it is returned, with insult.—
Ile appears before her the ,possessor of rank :
She is charmed With his kieenty, enraptured by
his eloquence, enamored with his liberality and
goodnefe. In short, elm loves him. Claud° was'
well done., It is a part which tlemand.S. D. star—
it appears easy enough, but it is not. Colonel
llamas showed himself a true soldier; Deansant
anclillatqs make up a gqed pair of " bush-whae
kers," who work well together, but are confoun—
ded at last, and conduct' a liniely retreat, when
Claude returns from the li'll.T to P.ho Pauline uni
ted to another, and marries ' her himself. Some
one in our sect on remarked that he was sure that
would lei the case, all through the play. To
have had it terminate other , wise, would have been
a gross libel upon the New York Ledger. We
set up a complimentary ;.tf Capt. DeriMis, who,
leitig on intimate terms with our Devil, and him
self a modest hero. stole it away, in the dead 9f,". ;
night, and talks of " calling out" the eili&ir, fort
his share is the eitTair.
Friday evening, n lull hou.s . e listened to the
popular dime, " Meg's Diversion." Jeremy
Ciow,, o Deronsliiie farmer, was well represented
bp -James M Di, 0 odl Frequent applau - se gree
tea Ids kid ierens , sa) in ge Tho conning atti- .
MAE, and easy mahout. , tel Jasper Pigeon , a vil- -
lage c•irpenter, (Mr ' L P Trutnam), won tho
aticnimis.n el afb Ile is well fitted to the part.
Ile i• Nleg's pith ular diversion. She makes
game ..t•Litn, and coquettishly lays embargo on
his makin: thArdrait is hich is, we laelieve,usually
iluil'do‘i by lover , - ettgaatti slut they you know,
it was only a twitter et diversion, with her.—
When, at last. she consented to indulge hiS long
ing for the In x iti3 . a Lich lie could no longer
forego, it was more it:it—more as such pings
happen on tieeition. bee:luso their familia relri-
Pops gave than more freedOtil than the false
modesty whieh might otherwisc'have prevailed,
had they no been bret la r :,hd Sistet, would per
mil. M e g did her part, as she bas on previous
ore,isioes, to the satire siitisfac . tien of all. All
wa; easy, natural, just enough playful and tan.
• taliziog hi wake it a itleaant pastime.
' t.iir .t .I,ley ill' C Kress) is a Mall of sense.
tie ta!:e. - -t a Prat:licit, i ytyw of tliings, awl is pot
:---. iltii.,;. 1,. wive over to despondency, when Cor
nell., 11 t..,:.. 14) den) cests away his hive, as . one
x,.. „.......
tuight (—I. ine the w,,ntJ a List year's bonnet.—
Ilut iht n lie makes up a lib the widd•ty of the
Oran. (MI,;7ls) in .due season, and she
at. apt- at hi-41t The skidoo adorns 'the Pee
c.o.] etitthdi of life, It, tier than (we would sup
l'"" 4 gill - i` ill her t, co-" ,eti Id. Just a little
cruel tbkili e sylp - ,.. t .t, is if 'O l ktlitips:-iu taking
time to etdeddet-- the( is, time to le•trn if really
Roland Piecien IA A 'Truman) marry the eon
: teat CIA nolla He d.,.', timid the widow cafe
~i ,s Iha 1 it, 5111 1.014),;36 rho does, Ito tjAa„y kopLi
lip tiola std , t-el,reet the re,•iht tenpe in isle far
neer'. gal dee. i;ttet: e'etter. , Out in the 'cold.
Beall) too bad; Jri he idight net " to imtrifled
eith " ,
Taken all together, ibote exhibitions titre ere.,
dit ble S.111)0 pan ,bow a want of, et udy, and
there u.ts too tuuzli occesion for prompting; but
the is !but eo neerly'approach
(.li!viee() iu a cutlet)) , village up so
gitUrt net're., %Yip rip? cortaititi gfeatly indebted
to the Dramatic Association hr Presenting our
kcal puttlie so acceptable amusement. slow
we'd; more chaste and healthful than all theso
trlveling nuisances! And then it is our own.—
We like it all the mere, though we have uo title
by which to deice it all. bct uic encourage them
efforts, whilst wo indulge the belief tbut all en
gaged in them aro too sensible to become infatia
atcdwitb'aiaything that might lead toward evil. o
HAIL Rronnt.—We are informed that
4 :otormAioltod' Alan afield Jut ThurodAi, Antinfr
'Ol ivbioh - weiomorO - 41i44
!*?;i.fgobee II:047034004141 . '8 akinibl'atif
,'finl/44i'sotde`NiStrt..f ' 0 tqi t: it. was Op idep i
fol." Such a storm would not ho a pleas'ant
thing to bo opt In, bareheaded.' One should bo
tprotootori by Itho «Iron Pot" of the black knight,
of the celebrated helmet of Mambrino, to bo pro: , *
perly mailed for such a shower. • •,
We wonder if "Regular" suffered any injury.
It has been so long since we heard from him,
that we think some accident must live befallen
him. o
• - FruE.--On Thursday ploruirm' of last
week, three buildings were eonsUmed by fire in
Lawrenceville. One belonged to Air, Cropsey,
one to 9eorge Harris, and the other; 'we believe,
to a Mr; Bean % We havo not learned definitely
of the anionneot" insurance, but it was much
lese than tlioloss.:. ' -
, out
Wheeler and on wore again burned
Out Of their wigon shop. Loss about , $5OO.
The lOsurance had expired a few days before
the firo occurred. Those fires should warn peo
ple to look to their policies. ' •
• , -
ded school is flourishing finely, and has over two
hundred scholars. ; Quito a commendable procee
ding in our school, is the formation of literary
and debating societies. Ono IS composed of
yonzig ladies, and is called' the " Clionian Socie
ty ;1' the other, composed of yoking gentlemen,
is milled the ' ,4 Lyaouni Band." - The Clionians
seeulto be in a. mare prosperous condition than
'the .yeeuisi Dodd, whose Members would rather
be engaged. in balling than in debating: • Both
societies issue a small manuscript paper, semi
monthly, for the benefit of the school. The Olio
is the name of ono, and the :Bachelor's Journal
the Came of tho other. The Clionians have the,
names of twenty-five members,on their roll; and
the offices for the present term are : Miss Ella
A. Casper, President; Miss 'Otte S. Dare, Vico
President; Miss Kate Adams, Secretary; Miss
Allie D. Wittier; Treasurer; Misses Kate Adams
and SaraltE, Ballard, pditresam The Clionian
eociety purpose giving ; an entertainment about
the last of Jqno. Every school of any size she'd
havo societies of some kind. May both societies
prosper and multiply. •
Our town, the past winter, hil.s bedn devoid of
intellectual amusements, notwithstanding a few
concerti given here; but I understand a plan is
on foot to have a course of lectures hero in the
fall, if not sooner. Among the lecturers will bo
" Mark Twain," " Brick" Pomeroy, S. M. Hew
lett, J. Ausburn Towner, of the Elmira Adverti
ses, and others. Winter befor4last, quite a stio-
ceisful course of lectures was carried on, and only
given up in consequenceof the fir'e, which burned
the hall.
It is surprising how rapidly anything will ho
done, if started with n will. Two weeks ego,
ohly a few of our stores had awnings put up;
now nearly over store in town'has them, and
more going up all tho time. •
Ground was broken week before last, on Can
ton street, for the erection of a:building by Delos
Rockwell, Eq., who is in need of more °ammo
dious quarters for the praptico °flaw.
Bowen & Vandine;tanners, aro: going to make
further improvements in their large tannery this
year, by putting in moro vats.
Mr. S. W. Pomeroy intends building a very
fine te'sidenee on Elmira street this summer, to
cost about $25,000.
Judge 11. W. Williams was in town 'Monday
night, Hai instant, on his way south to attend
Thorn is a good story told of tin' old Wino:,
who lived in L—, a few miles from thiSl, l lllago.
Ho limLnever seen the cars in all his lifetime.—
One day it was necessary that be should. take the
train too to Williamsport. He and kis 'son
veer° at ii O he depot in full time, and were out on
the platform waiting for the train to come along.
Presently it o camn round the curve, snorting and
puffing, and Teemed, to the unsophisticated eyes
of the old farmer; ns a huge and terrible monster,
" seeking whom it might devour." Trembling
in:every litnb, Jto clutched hia eon's arm, and
gasped out, " John, John—let's—go.:—borce, I
—I ain't going—to that—darnkfthing!"
And it was all his son could do to- get hint on
hoard and ~a lely started on his journey.
Liutimmv.—For sometime past, I have,
had nothing to coMmentaato-in 9 e, 1 ;. r . «
would Interest the readers of your. columns. - So
that will-account for my seeming negligence. At
the time, I Vioula state that the citizens
of Liberty, and .1 ark son Township, Lycoming CO.
are very touch nx i eited and exasperated ever the
diSeontinuanee of the Mail route from. Liberty to
Trout Itun, which has'been in suedes:fat opera
tion fur the past 6O r yaars. ,Tho „first intimation
wo had of the feetovasAr-14-4nformation our
Postmaster received :direct from"' tho Postmaster
General, at Washington City, stating that tho
discontinuance of the route, was done at-.tho in•
stance of a certain'P. M. not living a thousand
miles from Blossburg. had we known that such a
scheme was being concocted by that certain
functionary and others, working for the interest
of the stage route from Roaring Branch to Bless
bulgovo could have had a chance to head off
their di'abolical echenie. We havd' since the
Libery and Trout Run stage mail route has been
discontinued, ascertained from tho Postothee de
partment, who the main movers in the matter'
Were, and the only solution of the underhanded
SCIICIXIC that we can arrive at, is as follows : The
cutting off of ours (ago mail route ,from Trount
;Run to Liberty, was done for the purpose of
drawing the travel from said route, on. to, thol
Roaring branch Jr, Blossburg stage route, theieby
enriching the proprietor of . 'said route. Their
views, ns it may ho stated hereafter, of furnishing
Libery with better mail facilities than they for
merly enjoyed, ns the - reason for influencing the.
Postoflice department to curtail the route from
Trout Run to Liberty, will be too transparent a.
dodge for any, person that has any knowledge of
their secret designs to credit. And I would fur
ther state. in order to keep their foul plot
against the traveling interests of Liberty cons
cenled, and to do away all suspicion 'that the
-people of Liberty' ‘l . , Jackson Townships might
havo of their action's in the matter, the party con
cerned, sent a petition to Liberty, very nicely
gotten up, for the furtherance of their scheme,
wishing the citizens of Liberty and Jackson to
sign it, and return it to them again. Tlici sub.
stance of said petitien,rwaa, that they desired to
pray the i'ostmnster; Gen. to giant a daily moil
service between Roaring Braneb, Blossburg And
Libery, instead'of the tri weekly service that was
in operation, but was very careful net to state in
said petition, that by our signing it with them,
tbey intended, in order to 'make sure work
of the grtint, to instruct the Positnester Gen.
to'curtall the malt service from Trnut Run to
Liberty. We have ascertained Finco by good au
thority, that tho time They Rent the petitions to
sitm, it was only 'to keep us in the dark
us to their real intention,' for wo :have been" in
formed by The man tow hem i7o - returned the
petition that it wns not forwarded to the Post
office department.
The' curtailing of oar stage mail route 'from
Liberty to Trout Run, is nothing mere or less
than anunpardonalde.outrago againit the rights
of our citizens and the traveling community in
We ha l ve had an eariy and beautiful spring:
The filmier); are about through with seeding and
planting. Thevospeetsfor fruit Of All kinds, are
encouraging. Business is quite brisk,considering
the busy season of the year with farmers, which
prevents them from coming to our village to do
any business with store keepers and mechanics.
The copartnership existing between Messrs S.
Ffartman and D. Werline, -in the ; mercantile
business, has been dissolved_ by mutual consent.
Werline cotitinue to o business
at the old stand.
KNoXvitlit.r.—On the oth 1138t.\, one of
riqao Sutton's horses, wag poisoned. It
lived WO a short lime. lie believes some evil
disposed person administered it. • -
On the night of the 7th rust., four of 0. U .
I,Vood's, best blooded colts were eut in the mouth,
a ensh from the teeth back 6 inches. ' When
found in the morning, they had bled freely, but
the bleeding biul stopped on each, and thpy
Ivey() pot Inaleriully anjuSgd. Tim perpetrator
undoubtedly intended they should bleed to
death. •
Abomt tbo first, of this month,' Abijnh Seeley,
of Brookfield was bitten on the band by an en
inged• cat, he was trying to Writ and it has
proven quite a serious affair. lam glad .rn
Olathe it likely to•reeoyer witholit amputation
There are quite a number of dwellings in
process of erection; and it looks as though there
would boas much progress this year as there rag
last. •
- 4Thoitulizettit4thirAtitiWtoptasiqs over the rittraew
'tains in this Magazine,. No Magazine that comes
tb our table is ito-"weloOme or is carried to our
horns, with much satisfaoliert as this one. It
is aglow with literary gems, useful information,
an 4, a 414104 ; of fashion. It is universally ac
knowledged- the model parlor Magaiina .'for the
Subseripthin $3 or year, which includes .
a . eplendidparler, pieture hy 35 inches. Ad
dress Demorest's Magazine, New York.
Miller, German, of this place, was severely ;In"
Jured on Friday last' by a frightened horse,
which ho was attempting to restrain. We have
not learned the particulars, but are informed
that his faco:is vary much mutilated, and that
his recovery is considered doubtful. Mr. Miller
is an industrious man and- a good citizon. We
hope bp may recovcr.,r.
RICiEONIIIO.—The pigeons nest in
Potter county.' Vs no disgrace to pigeons to bo
born in Potter county. ThOy bellows in a retired
life, and in geometrical prOgreseiOn. For are ,
there not eleven months if the year in whioh
they keep their houses: warm and batch young
pigeona ? Aslll4 all fob* the slime domestic
habits, they have things allto themselves. The
yortng pigeons ", go and do , likovrtse," when they
aro old enough ;And catchi ng the spirit of the
times, they make no note of piers, and count
themselves old at an early ago.
Tho fathers fly away for an early breakfast,
leaving the mothers to nurse the nest, "to keep
it warm," Their absence. The "lords" of
thlit creation believe not onlyain female "suffer
age,' but female office-holding also. They vote
the office to the motl4ers at an early hour in the
day; and not desiring to bo greedy of office
themselves,; they never come , back' till they get
ready: , They , generally take up most of the day
. ,
to themselvds, as they giro aware that the otOr
sex aro timid, and face toward, thd connubial
castle at the approach of night. The maternal
instinct attracts them. They are fearful that
the obdurate fathers will desert the nurselings
in search ,of prey. Wo have not yet learned
hOW they manage through the night. Probably.
they set about, an hour each, and 'spend the in
tervals in' building yet other mlles. There is
nothing to disturb their repose, inthat region.—
In the afternoon, they make glad, and talk aloud
among themselves. That is "solitude sweeten
ed." They sweeten solitude every day, when
they have time; and they have time every day.
Theito are their picnics.
Up in the morning at four o'clock. On the
way to' the Marsh, 'with a doctor who was a stir : -
goon in the army. Two hours by the way, in a'
lowty morning, looking at the flocks of pigeons
on the other side. " Distance lends enchantment
to this view," say the pigeons. They don't lend
thedistance at all. They "keep a safe distance"
for themselves. The doctor, trained to the hard
ships of war, and the sufferings of pence, is mer
ciless, and shoots flvo on the wing, without dis
tine Lion o f sex. That is "impartial" "suferag,"
but it turns out not to be female suffering. iVe
Could not have the heart to kill any of the pretty
littlo erontures—not ono, althouglx they flew past
in clouds. Wo could not shoot them ! Who
could ?. No ono in that section, but a doctor.—
We have - heard it said that doctsrs will do almost
anything: they can. We used to think lawyers
would ; but we have now concluded that only
',criminal" lawyers can. They cap do anything
—they might be able to shoot pigeons. o
To COAIPETITORS.—Thei Morris Run
egg still ahead. A number of lien's eggs have
been receive at this office which aro
Really "monstrous;' in size.
to try again Brahmas,
The Morris Run hen still carries the prize.
—Just•before going to press, we releived a note
from Mr. L. Wetmore of Elk, saying "he has
the grand daughter of old ()tittles' hen, and that
she lays one egg every day; and last Sunday she
laid two." This hen has shown great ambition
in the contest, but we shouldjudgo her a little too
light—as Bunnell says—for "heavy" busine.4.
Tun ItApis.—We are requested to
announce that there will be a contested race on
the Welleboro Clonree, on Saturday next.
on Ire
14th instant, by Rev..l 4 T.`L. Reynolds, Mr. Fran
chi A. Birch and Miss Ruth B. Ilasted, both of
CULVER—DEWEY—In Sullivan, on the Bth
instant, by D, It. Bond, Esq., Mr. Lewis A:Cul
ver, of Wellsboro, and, Miss, Addis. Dewey, of
(AnnouncomontO of deaths publbalted free, and all
obituary noticed will bo charged at the rate °IIO cents
for ton word
PIERCE—In Wellaboro, May 19, Mr. Clarence
A. Pierce, aged about 21 years. • '
ALABAMA CLAIMS. We aro informed that the most per•
sistant and u ny elding of the private citizens who have
Claims vs. tie ttlitigli Government aro Dr.J. C. Ayer
& Co, of Lowell. Mass., the manufacturers of medi
cines. They will consent to nothing less than that
:their demand for medicines destroyed by the - British
pirates shall be paid in gold and in dollars to the last
cent - . They aro emboldened by the fact that the des
truction of their goods by tlio English in China and
elsewhere (for where are not the thoublesome nation
qrampling upon somebody?) have hitherto been paid in
full, and they now say that they shall be. They how
ever propose this compromise: -Give us Canada and we
will call it oven, because we can then send our reme
dies there without duty. [Washington News.
nay 18, 1870. • •
IT is Alt ESTABLIsIICDFAcT, that Consumption CAN be
Mired ; but it is far bettor to prevent the cruel disease
from fastening itself on the system, by the timely use
of a remedy like Dr. WISTAIL'S BALSAM or WILD CUMULI'.
This standard preparation will speedily curd a cough or
cold, and oven Consumption often yields to Its great
Ronalree immediate nttention, as neg
*.f.c ,vv /if i ls loct often results in an incurable Lung
0 ;i
RONCHIAL msen "'
BBrazon'S Bronchial Troches
17'06`" will mostjevarlably give instant relief.
THROAT DISEASES, Limy ha t o a soothing effect.
clear and strengthen 016 voice.
Owing to tho good reputation and popularity of the
Troche's, many worthless and cheap imitations aro of.
foxed, which are good for nothing. Do sure to obtain
the truo
Brown's Bronchial Troches,
SOLD EVEIRRIVRERF:. [deo. 1.'69-6m
The Confessions of an Invalid,
PUBLISITED for the benefit of young men and others
who suffered from Nervous Debility,eet.,supplying
the means of self-cure... Written by ono who cured
himself; and sent free on readying a poet-paid directed
envelope. Address, NATHANIEL MAYFAIR,
Erooklyn,N. Y —6ln.
QENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Ner
vous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of
youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake•of suffering hu
manity, send free to all who need it,. the receipt and
directions for making the simple remedy by which he
was Cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the wirer
tiserle experience, can do so by addressing in perfect
confidence, JOIIN D. OGDEN. -
May 20,'60-Iy. N 0.42 Cedar Street, New York.-
The Ladies' Sorosis Club, ofNew York,
,teeentlyehenged their drecuilsiOns from woman's suffer
ago io Hair preparations and Pimple Banishers - . They
declared that were nature had not endowed them with
,beauty, it was their right—yea their duty—to seek It
where they .
. could. So they all voted thlt Magnolia
lialm overcame Sallowness, ;Bon& Skin and Stitt.
marks. and gave to the complexion a most distingue
(Sorosian) and marble-like appearance (dangerous to
men uo doubt.); and that Lyon's Kitimiron made the
Hair grow thick, soft and awful pretty, and moreover
prevented it from-turning gray. If the proprietors of
these artleles did not send their sisters an invoice, they
are not smart.—May 4,1870-cm,
Wall raper, Window Paper& Cloth Shad es
S.p.stuct SvocitionlB7o.--41ugb Young Co.
havolust reCeived their first installment of Wall
Paper, Window Paper, and Cloth Shades, for
spring trade, which will bo sold 'cheaper than
over. , Borders, Window . Fixtures, Cords, Tass
els, Gilt Comities, Pictuie nails, and everything
else that bblongs to the trade: Come and price
our goods, and cOrnino them before purchasing
elsewhere. Specimens and prices sent by mall
to any part of the county. ,
B. l _t{rNooir , to the largest ever brought
into the county; rind'ive don't intend to bo under
sel.l. lIUGII VOTING It Co.
Wellsbor'n, arch 0, 1870.—tf. i -
TILE subscriber will sell at public vondue, on
Saturday, the 23th day of May, 1870, at 1
M., In Mansfield, three three year old
and'ene thice year Old mare Colt.
This Is the best lot of colts in the county. All
dark I),ay. 'mad well matched. Terms : Three
months, with approved notes.
Mansfield, May 25, 1870. D. O. IicoLDEN,
CIMPAIGN 0 1870.
New Spring Goods
in all Ito branobez, and Prices down to the
standard of Gold at par. Our
is' very largo, and we make Clothes to order
when desired. Our
is the largest in this sealing of the State, and
prices 10 to 20 per cent lower than last year.
Linen and White Goods
are as low as before the war. We keep the Buff.
alo Brand Black Alpaca, which Madam Demor.
eat, Frank Leslie and Ifarpors',Baznar unite in
pronouncing the best Alpaca 'in market; also
the Beaver Brand puro Mobairs, a splendid ar.
ticle, and full atsortment. The
send us with the last invoice
`-'-' br''Ogn just received, the following no-
I!° 0 lice. Hee "We ropose after April
1 Ist, 1870, to pack a certificate
I • 47 - 7 , 1 for an elegant Silver Plated
' - Tea Service,:daily, in one pound
package. The certificate when found, will be
forwarded to us through our agents, and they
will dolivor the service to the fortunate party."
We no the ngonts for the Company, and we
can assure our customers, that their
er E .A. Ei
are cheaper than they can be Bold at retail, be
aides the chance of getting a Tea Sett.
Wo solicit a call from all the citizens ,of Tioga
Oounty and vicinity, visiting cloning, and we
assure them that they shall be kindly and fair
ly treated,-and we will do'them good.
Corning, April 200870.
Lots of New Goods !
and sop a nico stock of Goods for the
such as
24/121111% IZEMZO 0001192,
stylos, colors and patterns—
- &c., &a.
and a large assortment to select from
—Our stock of—
can't be boat. It keeps up with everything the
Yankees havo thought of
. .Ito fay.
too numerous to mentio but will /lay that you
will seldoin find ao larie an assortment to select
from in a 'country store, and clear down to the
We also keep a largo assortmont of
in snits, and parts of suits. Should we fall to
suit you with ready-made, we have Cassitnere
Boots and Shoes,
all styles and sizes.
Locks, Latches, Carpenters' Tools.
Fresh. TEAS are lower than at any time since
the war. Did not go to Cuba to buy sugar, and
so have some cheap. 11e are agents for the
Farmers, if you want tools to work with drop in
• Lime, CaOga Plaster, &c.
13uttor tubs, Pails. Firkins, and 'Ashton Salt to
flavor With. All kinds of Farm Produce want
ed. Prices can't be beat.
Tioga, Pa., May. 4,1870. '
N ,
No. 3, Concert Nock, Corning, N. .1..
Open Contras and Small Centres, in Blacks and Starlets
ARABS, A. T. Stewart's & M. Landerbergen's Styles
Spring Shawls,
In Groat Variety.' PARASOLS.from $l,OO to ss,oo . each. SUN UMBRELLAS from $1,25 to
52,75 each. KID GLOVES—the Josephene Seamless, warranted equal to any in market,
From our regular manufacturer at still lowerprices. CORSETS in great 'variety from the
Worcester Corset Co. at low prices. WHITE PEQUE in great variety from 314 to 621 c.
TP.ENTON PLAIDS for Children's Wear. The best cheap goods in market. Last but not
least, we have an entire NEW STOCK of
Serge and Pebble Goat Work,
FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN, in Button Boots, Polish Boots, Congress Gaiters,
also Serge Goods foxed in Fine work. We keep
Elmira, an endless variety, which is warranted by us as equal to any made. CALL and see us
and we will show you a lively store, and strong inducements to buy.
Vr'o —TIM FOLSOM IMPROVED Twenty-Fvlo dol•
I Li ei lar Family Sowing Machine. The cheapest
F atthass Machine in the Market. Agents wanted in
every Town. Liberal commission allowed. For terms
and droller, nddeoss, A. S. ntatlLT" Gen. Agent, No.
700 Chestnut St., Philadeldbia. IM.
Cloth - i,'lng;
THE subscriber is now receiving a full and
complete stock of
bought sineo the great deolino in prices, and
which ho now offers on the most liberal terms.
Viollsboro, April 13, 1870
Administration 'having boon granted ont
the estate of Hannah M. Osborn, late of Wells
boro, deceased, all those indebted to 'said estate
are requested to make immediate payment, and
lose having claims against it to - present them te'
April 27, 1870. 6t
THE subscriber would inform the public that
ho has tho agency of a quantity of
which ho will sell for cash, or exchange for real
or personal property, on reasonable terms.
Ho would say that ho has examined the-prop
erty and titles for himself, and believes be can
make it for the interest of persons going West,
to give him a cad before purchasing elsewhere:
For particulars, inquire of S. B. GOODELL,
May 11,'70 ly Sabineville, Tioga Co., Pa.
Applications for Charters.
ATOTICE is hereby given that the following
IN applications for charters of incorporation
have been filed in my office, and will be present
ed to the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga coun
ty, Monday, May 30, 1870 :
Application of Ilirain Freeborn, John Good
speed, E. Ilorton, et. al., under the name of the
First Angelical Congregational Church of Knox
• , :
Applicatio*of Frederick Kepler, David Erd
ly, Bhnjamin Brion, et. al., under the name of
'tho Evangelical Lutheran Church of Liberty.
Application of M. P. Marsh, D. A. Smith, C.
M. Robbins; et. el., under the name of the Gaines
Free Wilt Baptist Church.
Wellsboro, May 11, 1870. Protiey.
S'9 OO.x —WANTED nti abtivo Man, in
each County in tho States, to travel
and take orders by sample, for TEA, COFFEE, and
SPICES. To suitablo men too will give a salary of
$OOO to $l,OOO a year, abovo traveling and other aspen
bt7B, and a reasonable commission on sales.
Iminedlato applications aro solicited from proper par
ties References exchanged. Apply to, or address lm
aiediately, 1 .T. ['AMER 8• CO.,
384 bowery, Now York.
April '241, IS,I 0-14
.E. H. Harrio
for sale by
Feb. 2, 1810. P. It, WILLIAMS at. CO.
The Place to Buy Groceries.
iAlTlNG,ttaken the Store formerly occupied
by John R. Bowen for dry goods, and con
certed it into•
everything fresh and good eanlbe fonnd here,
and at piiees to phase.'
to suit all.
Call and see us, that we may eobvince you
of the fact that our motto is. "Cheap, Quick
Sales. amid Small Profits."
Wellsboro, Feb. 23, 1870—tf. •
r 4 4'4
TO TILE WORKING CLASS—We are now prepared
to furnish all classes with constant employment at
home, the waole of the time or for the spare moments.
1111/21110FA new, light-and profitable. Persons of either
sex easily earn from 50e. to $5 per evening. and a pro
portional sum by thlvoting t heir whole time to the
business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men.
That all who see this notice may sand thole address, and
test the business, wo make this unparalleled offer :
To such as are not well satisfletilwe will send pay
for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valu
able sannple.,which will do to commence Work on, and
a copy of The People's Literary Companion—one of the
largest and best family newspapers published—all sent
free by Mail. Reader, if Top want permanent, profi
table work, radross E. C. •ALLEN d CO., Augusta
Maine. March 16, .1870.-3 m
CL. WILCOX hereby gives notico to all per
sons indodted to him, that immediate pay
ment is required, as all accounts must be closed
in ten.days as ho is going South. Persons fail
ing to cot o to time, must stand the consequen
ces. C. L. WILCOX.
May 18, 1870-2 w.
MBE EXAM/PATIO; of the graduating
Class will commence Monday, Juno 13, at
9 'o'clock A. M., and continuo two days. The
boird of examiners will consist of Principals
Cooper, Carver, and Verrill, the :hate Sup't
Wickersham, and the County Sup'ts of the sth
Normal School District. The public ore invited.
All 9rnduates who have taught two full annual
Terms in the State, aro entitled to the sboond
degree--the papers properly signed should be
sent in on or before June 14th.
slay 18 ,1870-It. _ C. IL VERIi,ILL.
Steam Fluring Mill
WILL do custom work:An Mondaysj,'• Thurs.
days and Saturday) of each week, as it
will accommodate our business better.
II igbest market price paid for Wheat and Oats.
Niles Valley May 18.1870.—5 t.
31:) , .....
can co found at prices which always guarantee
their Bale.
May 4, 1870-th •
- Union Academiy.
THE Spring Term of Irma Acenzstr will
commence on Tuesday, March let, 1870.
Tuition $5, to $7.
Room Rent and Wood
....... $5,60.
Board per week, $3,00.
A Teacher's Class will be organiked at the
commencement of the Term for the Instruction,'
of those wishing to teach during the Summon--;
For further information, address
Deerfield, Feb. 9,'70-3t. E. HORTON. -
Special Notice.
A B. EASTMAN has the largesrstock of
e teeth ever'kept in Tioga county. Also a
NEW tarnoviatratr, never before offered to the
publio, with which he can give more perfect seta
of teeth than can possibly be made on any other
plan yet known. [See testimonial at the office.]
Nitrous oxide gas administered with remarka
ble effect; rendering the extraction of teeth pain
less, and even pleasant. Two pow and complete
gasometers in operation, furn. skiing a fall sup
ply of fresh, gas at all times.
Special attention paid to fillit k and preserva
tion of the natural teeth. Pric as to suit all. •
Feb 2 '7o,tf
Loril- • "EUREKA" Bawkl .
' lard's Tobaso
Is an excellent article of granulated Virginia; wh y ' :
ever introduced ,it is universally admired. It is pnit
up in handsome muslin bags, in which orders frir,,,
Meerschaum Pipes are daily packed.
Classed by all who consume is as the "finest of all;" it
is made of the choicest leaf grown ; 'it is anti nervous
in its snots, as tho Nicotine has been extracted; it
leaves no disagreeable taste after smoking; it is very
mild,light In eolot and weight, hence one pound will
last as long as 3of ordinary tobacco. In this brand we
also pact: orders every day for first quality Meerschaum
Pipes. Try it and convince yourselvos it is all it claims
to be, "TIM FED OF ALL."
This krand of Cut Chewing Tobacco has no equal or
superior Anywhere. It is without doubt the beet chew
ing toTiteo in the country.
. •
Lorillakd's Snuffs
'rave now been In general use in the United Btetes
over 110 years, and still acknowledged "the host"
wherever used. 4
If your storekeeper does not have these articles for
sale, ask Lim to get them; they aro sold by respectable
jobbers almost everywhere.
Circular and prices forwarded on application.
P. LORILLARD & CO., New York,
March 16,1870-Em
• ""
Cash: 1870
Our Prices To-Day.
Best White Wheat Flour S 7 pr bb1.1,75 pr. sack
" Red witnter $6.50 " 1,62 - 'L, "
"XX Spring Wheat, 6,00 - : " 1.50. 1 "
Buckwheat Flour, 3,00 per 100 lbs.
Best Feed - • 2,00 " " -
Bran and;Shorts 1,50 " "
Meal - - 2,25 " "
These prices only FOR CASH.
All persons not haring settled with us, can
not blame us now if they tind their 6.0 - Counts and
notes let with an attorney for collection. We
give duo notice. W. &. B.
BAGS.We want all persona having any bags
with our mark on them, to returp the same at
once, as we shall take steps to secure them.—
We have 500 bags scattered among the people.
IN DIVORCE.—To Charles Bruce: Takene.
Hoe, that Frances Bruce, by her next friend,
A. Leo, has applied to the Court off Common
Pleas of Tioga county for a divorce from the
bonds of matrimony, and that said Court has ap
pointed Monday, May 30, 1870, at the Court
House, in Wellsboro as the time and'place of
bearing the said applicant in 'the premises, on
which occasion you can attend if you think pro-
April 20, 1870. . Sheriff.
The AIR LINE CoachOs
1870. • - X.: 4 - 1870.
attempt to confiscate the Air Line Couch;
cs, which proved to be too light for heavy
busi ess. The Air Line is a paying business—
it pas l the travelers and proprietors. So we all
- say ET RER RIP!
The Air Line singes leave Welleboro at 5 a.m.
and 11 a.m., arriving at Tioga at 7 a.m. and 1 /
p.m. Loaves Tioga at 11 a.m. and 6 p.rrc, arri.
ving at Wollaboro at 1 p.m. an 4 8 p.m.
,tv2 - --Tho Air Line coaches connect with trains
of the Blossbnrg and Corning railroad, and the
stages leaving Wellsboro for Ced'ar, Run, Jersey
Shore, Pine Creek, Gaines and Coudersport.
1a5 6 -Orders left at Trnman's express office, or
the hotels, will be attended to.
' P. D. BUNNELL - *.t - CO.
May 11, 1870. tf
Green Houses.
PSIS season I offer the finest assortment of
FLOWERS ever found outside the city, em
Fuelniiias, Geraniums, Aeliotropes,
Verbenan,.Roses and Ornamen
tal Foliaged• Plants, 4ke.,
which I offer at prices within the reach of all the
lovers of tho beautiful; also..
Vegetable Plants,
in their season, and all the better sorts of
GRAPE VINES. r All kinds of ;
for sale from the most reliable seed a men at Mc-
Cabe 43; Mix.'s Nursery, New Block.. Catalogues
will be sent free on application. •
Orders from unknown correspondents, unless
accompanied by the cash or satisfactory refer
ence, will be sent by Express—C. 0. D.
No charge for boxing and packing. Boquets
and Wreaths made to order.
Towanda, April 27,1570-3 m lIARRY MIX.
To Agents to ell tbo celebrated WILSON SEW
ING MACHINES. Tho best machine in the
world. Stitch - alike on both sides. ONE MACHINE
WITHOUT MONEY. For further paiticalars. ad
dress 28 N. 9th St., Philad'a, Pa. Apr. C.-Sra
- -•