The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, May 25, 1870, Image 2
The Telegrilph of the 16th instant contans the (0110W1111;, Whie.ll if true preE•ents a strong arguUlent agaiio the reduction or' the turiff [ hn Iron : A diipateli from Columbia. anted on 1 2 at 4rday,, save that a meeting of iron • nittstet-it, h 614 thorn utiFriihy, " tho tipttnituodpjepii the production jet . pig itoni ilNiiclt esifi,ot inside at current Wee %Vitra icu•P'elinci ie, that within the hest alai) , 'dtsye. bearit , if not 1111, the furnaces in this vicinity will he idle " Nov which'is the beet for the work- Angman, anti, lit — fact for the general eotntounity, to have the tariff taken off from iron', coal, and the great products which, furnish work for many thou: sande; oranen, to . see _all the furnacee and wor,kshops closed, and the pauper labor of the old world , brought in t. 16 talte the place of our workng. people: or to leave a aullleicht tariff V c , at least Make up the ditnretice betiveen the price of labor here anti in those coun tries with 'which ,we s have to compete in, these [natters'? We think (Ito turned out; of employment by t 141.1 a policy, will,solve this question. A child I w 7 aci born , In this Itorough, one s day last week, who besides its pa rents and grand-patents, has a great grand-mother and a great-great-grand mother, still living, Five generations are represented by the hirth this child. Thu‘oldest person has ienehed nearly of hytalred years. The pareirts are temporarilly residing lii this Bor ough. The u graud-parents and greit grand-mother reside in Miltori, and the great•greabgrand-tnother resides In Barks county. What an interesting group these representatives of gene rations would Lurni- WM i , AN A ()ED WdmAs.-The Bui4en town (N. J.) Reghiter says: ' here in 41 1' i. a French „lady flying in Burlesgton,:a village in Burlington county, named Mrs. A. Paawened, who is in her 10:,ith year, anti attended the hall givon at Double Trquble.. Ocean county, about" two weeks td nee. .She look no ;part in the dancing, however, hilt at o her share gf the refreshments. She ty still in Llood health and proinkos In remain with us for an indefinite length of tune. ~_ Aft Lus TREES ~f the most singular sights growing out of the war is; a continuous lin e a of nearly tifty wiles in length, around Petersburg, and e.x . tending tnw a rtis Richmond. They , are p.roNv i foan the breastivork , 4 thrown up by the - reb el army, hurl die the only It-y.41%011ra by the rebelewho were on thtl advance, Having eaten or t fritir while on 'picket.duty, they east the seed and now they appear in (me ruutiuuous line of forty-tive miles of Ill:: oti fu I trees, which yielded tiffir alrutulat,t (lop the last year. National Revenue. mid Ei.pete.e.:,.. The following statement t.hows the receipts •,::t - IQ?:llCUltitures; 01 . the tiuv ernment-for the quartet. online 'March 31, 1870 : 1ME13803 rrcan custom, . . Irtyrnu.-1 r,vontly ... • ..... . Lamb. , ..... . From 1111$4:1:11.111eyllt ro tirC.L.s rroin TrensLi,v From typ•iirients by ,"bobiir,.i•,;, deers rethatte..(l t," t • 't37 13,thittct. ih Trrittqtrt 'cs .1. .; 16 EEO =I Ctvil und r -uleectlabotiii. , . War Dcpartiricnt Departmetn . ..... Ititlittus luteteFt on pubitv . . Ptlveivat.e 4,t t", ••f' lEEE Bai:r.ncin Tit a y •Tii, 711 A ilici n r, n ton township, informs ' WI that hu i. the owner of a heifer tali, when two and a halt houN old, weighed one hun dred and thirteen pounds:. Thn k a big calf, and we think will be hard to beat.—Muncy Leifzinary. The largestlarm in lilugltitid consists of 3,000 acres, and b‹loilAs to a man withlhe Yankee narne . of Stu nuel Jones. In its cultivation he follows' the "four course" system, the whole extent of the farm being divide s (' into fbu'r great crops -7r acres of wheat 7 750 of 4 1 c ,arley and oats, 750 to seeds, beaus, peas etc., and 750 to roots. His live stook Ls valued as follOws : Sheep, $35,000, horses, $15,000, bullocks, $12,000, pigs, The oil eke and corn purchased annually tfinouuts to ‘520,000, and artificial fer tilizers about $B,OOO. The entire cost of manure, in various forms !used, annu ally costs about $15,000.1 Sheep are claimed us the most profitable stock he keeps, from which are realized about $20;000 a yearis income lA - oin the whole farm is not stated. The late French eleethm termimned as-is already known, and as way to be anticipated, in, favor of the Emperor. In Paris, however, the vote how vhotvs an actual majority of 50,0(10 against tile Ministry.; and counting abstentions, (who were advised •by the Liberalists not to vote), shows a, nyority in that city of 130,000 againstkhe I;frupire. A similar result is, announced by the Trib tine correspondent in other eiliee, as fol lows : Yes Lyons ........".._,GOO 3C ihu Marseilles 13,00 J \ 31,00 u Bordeaux z , ,u00 t 19;000 The whole vote in the Empire i as follows : Yes ..... ' .... ...7,257,379 Abltont ice5...1,206,000 No 1,530,900 Not reported_ 70,000 Blank 109,900 When we consider the extent of the Emperor'spower, and thelnerciless in timidation which prevailed, in favor of • the Government, the result -shOws the existence of a persistent liberal party, which may yet accomplish much for liberty in Fran'ec. 'We append an ex tract from the '3pecial. Correspondence of the Tribunet-frorn. which some - idea ,of the system t ittie tyranny of the Rm.: - Fire may be gathered: -• The Government, during the whole plcbiscitary period, has . systematieally applied every meapa of silencing the Opposition and driving affir ra u.. tive voters to the polls. The Opposition press all over France has been prosecuted and seized. Journals not seized were refused transmission through the post office. Subscription to ,the funds of the Opposition committee was treated' as a crime. Printers were arrested for printing negative ballots ;:agents were 'arrested for distri buting them. The Opposition committee rooms were invaded by the police and searnhod, and the papers found there wore seized; Since the pub-. lication of the official report on the alleged, plot, no jOurnal has been allowed to publish evident 43 in disproof of it. The lioupd tens seized far printing a letter from Francois Ifugo proving Beactry to be a police spy. The .tf , , ,, eiilifise was seized fur publishing us u femileton the report of the Procureur General, Grandperrtt. The Re reit was seized for doubting the existence of any plot. The'Necte and L'Arcnir were seized for the same offence.— From lust Thiir , iny to hzun day (the day of the voting) there papers were seized every day. The provincial yiewspaper3 suffered the same fate. rive pro,o.,umon= wect instituted in one day against tho llari.c/ and-its editor was sentenced to s 410's impris , onment for printing at,rtby Victor Hugo. SO much- for freedom of the prtf.vf in France under a Liberal Ministry The system of:Official pn3gfure by the Proteet4. which Olilvier was pledged to abandon, was Inlvur wore energet ically or uniernputously enforced. The Prelects were summoned weeks ago to Paris, and promised complete immunity Ar all the efforts they should make in behalf of the plobiscitum. i Stu agitating, WEDNESDAY, MAX 2EI, 1870 A meeting of the Republican COllllty- COMMttee will be =held at Wellahoro TUESDAY afternoon, May 31, 1878, (first week in Court) to fix the time for holding the County Convention. and appoi t Vigilance Committees. A full atteu • dance is quested. A. L. ENSIVORTII, Vi r ellaborp - Pa., May 18, 1870. Chairman. Tide ' epublicaus of CamlYria county have held their County Convention.— Their resolutions olndorse the Adminls tiation of Gen. Grant, And recommend Hon. D. J. Morrell for a third term In Congress. The judicial election in New York re sulted in a heavy Democratic majority. Repeating was the order of the day in the City. Even the New York San ad mits the perpetration , of enormous and systematic frauds there. Is this govern ment'. by the people or usurpation by fraud s perjury, corruption and crime, New York City needs a little judicious reconstruction. It is the duty of the United Staips to guarantee the citizens of that rata te a Republican form of gov ernment; ate we hope something may be don+ purify the franchise so that votes shall not . be verridden by fraud and money. We coppy,from the AfaKcan Miner the following extract from a circular issued by pe:lnternal Revepne Coin missioner;,relating to the cancellation of revenue stamps,, and forbidding the use of the "ribbon u stamp :" "Owing to the extensive frauds committed upon the revenues by to washing, restoration, and re-use of such Internal Revenue adhesive stamps'as have been used and canceled by the machirie known as the "ribbon stamp," it is hereby rdered and prescribed, that on and after May 1 3 870, alt adhesive stamps used upon the instrum nts, documents, writings, and papers, mentio ed and described in Schedule (13) of the Interim Revenue Laws, shall be cancelled by the per on affixing the same , in ink, the initials of his n me, and the date, year, month, and day,) uponlehich the same is attached or used, or by cutting and cancelling; the same with the ma chine called "Wheeler's patent- Canceller," or such other machine or instrument as many here after be designated and prescribed by said CGIII - ; and that no other method of cancel ling such stamps. employed on or after that date, shall be recognized as legal and sufficient, tintil otherwise prescribed and ordered . May 12.—1 n the Senate, the Commit tee on Commerce reported the bill to grant 200,000 acres of land to the y Dela ware railroad, with.a negative recom mendation. The bill was placed on the calender, and some Western Senators I , "are said to favor it. The Array bill was taken up, when the section proposing to, educe the Army Was sustained on a vote, though the maximum number of Men was fixed at 30,000, instead of 25,- 000. The most TA' the day was spent in I; ,discus ing the propriety of allowing ar my o cers tO hold civil office, and at We:Ba le time retain their situations in the art y. Thet i ci is quite a number of officers in this ano.tualous position. The section was adopted, and if it become a law; will vacate the places of all army officers who accept civil appointment. On the section which fixes the pay of officers at a certain sum, instead of granting allowances, as at present, there was considerable debate. The Senate refused to pass this provision. `.5-1.7..100.; , 1 I 16 :;i" (It 1;79, ,, V 17 I :13 i'.2.24 ','A7 ?.1-2 93 21:; 97.; e:i 44 00 l 70 1 ' 1,1 t,, '.w0.11::1) 2,3 ug In LIT En. rr...itr bill IN I v ; .Idered in Committee of the Whole, and considerable progress made. Mr. Schenck insists upon the gnome passing the bill. The Senate is not disposed to consider it. May 13.-11 the Senate, Mr. Sumner introduced au :let to amein the Civil Rights bill. Mr. Saulsbury's bill to aid a Delaware railroad, passed without much opposition, having been so amen ded as to appropriate $225,000 from the Treasury, in addition to the land grant. Mr. Trumbull proposed to equalize the wages of female clerks _ with those of males performing the same duties. The resolution provoked no little discussion, but the Senate adjourned over till Mon day, without voting, upon it. In the House, little was done. The Tariff bill was again taken up, and some progress made. The duty on po tatoes was raised from 15 to 25 cents per bushel. The duty on malt waS left at 35 per cent., as reported by the Ways and Means Committee. t May 16.—The House had an interest ing session. Coen. Scalene' introduced a bill to reduce taxation :r.3,(500,0ti0. The Tariff bill was again taken 141; and it is hoped, disposed of for the present, by indefinite postponement. se' SIRS. RICHARDSON'S STATEMENT. The graphic and appalling account of this unfortunate woman, telling the lamentable story 'of her married' life, was published in the Tribune the day after McFarland's acquittal. It is intrinsic evidence of truth, - :Inc' f.s cor roborated by most of the evidence giv en on the trial. One rises from'a peru sal of this document, out of patience with a world in which such things are but too common, though not so often made public. That she was grossly de ceived and maltreated, almost from the beginning, is too patent to admit of de nial. That she bore, and suffered, and endured, tie only a true and - heroic wo man can, Is just as certain. That she bore it all long enough—perhaps too long—we confidently believe. Hence we have no sympathy with those pa pers which say, as says ttie Elmira Ad vertiser: " She had taken him for bet ter or worse, and she was bound by ev ery law, human and.divine, to cling to him till they were parted by death."— Such law is barbarism Unadulterated. Had she not borne nine long years of constant, unmitigated suffering and hu miliation? Deceived and cheated into the marriage, in the first place—she 19, he 39 years old—was it her duty to en dure forever the life he made worse than death? It matters not how ill considered was her action in marrying a man whom she did pot know, but who turned out to be an Impostor froin the beginning. When,the sacred bar riers of married life are once brokeni down, it becomes a crime to longer abuse the - relationship by a long course of deception, cruel alike to the husband and the wife, and harmful to society, unless, indeed, such unhappiti s is the result of only temporary, unimportant difference, and not, as in this case, of a total unfitness of tllie parties for each other. Of course the relationship must be guarded by thelavv.; but human hap piness, which is the primal object and end of all law, or should be, is of more conseq,pence to the soul involved, than any me precept of man. I,:ten tionr 1" 000 x,OOO ck :Ft o , P"L.. CONGRESSIONAL. If, indeed, wo are mistaken in our be lief that she was a pure, good d true woman, wife and mother; if jeal ous madness, which undoubtedly made hint deVilish, if not insane, was the re sult of any improper action on her part; then' the matter of her justiflcatien be comes another thing entirely. Rail it does not affect the question of whether that should 'continue or be dissolved. But we have', seen nothing in the case to justify such a conclusion: / The one impropriety, whicinbothshe and Riehardson Confess, is the sudden growth of tender relations between them. Of course it appears, and was, premature; but why? Because, only, it affords reason for the belief that, be fore the time arrived, if it ever (and we are remarking upon the basis that itdid),'when it was Improper for them to longer - continue husband and wife, Mrs. Richardson lavished upon Riollardson the attentions or affection which she should have indulged toward her husband alone. Indeed, if she were a true wife, she never could have done so. Marriage is not alone a social, out ward relation : it is the blending of two souls in one,, and through thatlone, a union with the fountain of Truth. Before she listened to the story of his love, she had separated from McFar land, and lie had consented to it In pres ence of witnesses. That was the disso lution of this. marriage, which is far More effectual in the light of truth and the Divine law, than the divorce which wits after Ward obtained, merely to ( com plete the forms of human . enactments. Not to argue that 'husband and wife could, with safety to society, be permit ted to dissolve the marriage relation at will; but if society demands that this should not be so, neither can the force of human enactments dissolve such bonds, when, before the forms of law shall have been complied with, the higher law, which makes two souls one, shall not have sanctioned their separa tion, 'What are thesymbols of human law, to the essence of that Divine rule, ,:under and ;through kvhieli all human laws must receive their binding force? In view of the laws of the social world, it is not for us to defend this has ty love-making ; but we allege that it was the most natural thing in the world, and one evincing the_ highest type of manhood in Richardson, to offer hi s love and protection to this poor woman, a thousand times worse than alone in the world. ,Oh, but he might have wai ted till she had obtained a divorce, they say. Preposterous ! What efficacy in such subterfuge? That would have been forgery, a cheat, an attempt to de ceive the -world, and to draw a veil over the eyes of the Almighty ! It would have been more in conformity with the laws of a society which looks only at the propriety of actions; but if, as we believe, there was a poor woman whose very soul was fluttering for safety, and led by the unknoWn, which draws us whither we know not, to seek it where it chanced, as it may seem to us, and Rich ardson *ached out to help and assure her of safety, then the relation began ; and no power could undo what was an entity of two souls, drawn together in a manner unforeknown to them, and only known at all because it was. How blessed a thing it world have been, in deed, for Mrs. It to have met his manly oiler of protection and love, with g*A, to tell you - wuut answer.' i As t de crees of courts, or printed laws, had anything to do with spirits! You Might as well talk of hangin g a ghost. It is reported that the health of Chief Justice Chase is failing, and that he may be compelled to leave the bench. We are very sorry indeed to hear this, and hope it may be a mistaken conclu sion. • How many of our greatest men—the men who aspire to, and labor through life for, the bubble of success—are going the same way 1 The prospect is alarm ing. It shows the prevalence of a dis eased state of the popular mind as to what is the true object, and should be the end, of life. Too often itis the case that boys are taught to " set their mark high," and urged to bend every energy to its accbrnplislithent. They begin • young, labo long and arduously, reap . " success" i "i early fife, and die young, and much regretted. The truth is,'they are martyrs. "Success" is not adecinate compensation for all this. We live too fast ; we go too much by railroad speed. It were better to consider the matter, and see if a reasonable enjoyment and use of life cannot be realized, without indulging in this impetuous, headlong struggle to reach the topmost post of honor, in the shortest space of time, 1 , come what will. WA:SIMOTON CORRESPONDENCE. WASHINGTON, May 10, 1870 At last the Constitution of our coun try is in harmony with its declaration of principles. Color is no longer a cri terion Of rights. All the signs show that this is a fixed and accepted fact.— Before long the Democrats will brag of it as they bragged of putting down the rebellion. It is the logical result of tho position of the Republican party, assumed at the time of its organization : Opposition to slavery and the spirit of caste, by all constitutional means. It was an unsel fish position ; prcimising little besides the satisfaction of doing right. 'And it was this distinctive feature which caus ed all the reproach cast upon the party, in its infancy. It was an organization of political fanatics--so said its enemies; and so they believed ; for, the exodus from old parties had left one of them defunct, and the other without a con science ;—so that. it could not appreciate the force of moral motives in statesman ship, and shrerely regarded them as follies or shams. It is logically true that the Republi can party, on the day of its birth, obli gated itself to enfranchise the negro, whenever the opportunity came. The opportunity did cqme, and it was done. " Done in the interest of the party," say the Democrats: Done in the inter est of the nation, and of humanity, say we; and, therefore, also, in the interest of the Republican party. Done, from whatever motive: it is a thing to be proud of, considering our history, : and how true a representative of human kind, in general, was Pharaoh, King of Egypt. Do we folly comprehend the Fif teenth Amendment? In my view, it is pregnant with much that is not lite rally manifest. In its legitimate conse quence, lieasomething more than mere political results; and, for one thing, the suppression of that wicked and foolish prejudice, peculiar to Americans, which denies social, as well as political justice, on account of color; and, for another thing, some mitigation of that, tenden cy, more brutal in man than in any bonst of the field, to oppress and abuse those who cannot retaliate., A vote, to tie withheld from blackguards, high Or low, will give smite power _:of rep:0111.- 0011: Thank God". . When slavery was foundl to be abol ished, many seemed to think the work finished; and were disposed to leave it there. Now, the vote is secured to the 'negro, and there is a similar tendency toward repose. But "There is no rest for the. wicked." The spirit of caste, wherewith slavery poisoned all Ameri can society, is still dominant. We have plenty of evidence of this, even in quarters where it ought not to be ex pected. . The Congregational,chtirch, which is the most faithful among the great or thodox religious organizations, in bear ing testimony against all forms of op pression and injustice. is establishing " Whitenzen's" churches in the South. Their one church in the Federal city, built, in great part, by contributions from New England, became a " White man's" church, under, the lead of Its pastor, Dr. Boynton, backed by a strong party in the congregation. Through the moral Influence of another party in the congregation, led by Glen. Howard, this "Whiteman" element has been worked out; inniit is now a separate congregation, denying (or, at least, dis couraging) niembership to people of color. "If these things are done in the green tree, what will be done in the dry ?" I once supposed the medical profess ion to be more exempt from foolish an tipathies than the average of mankind. Yet the Medical Association which late ly held its annual session In Washing ton, excluded a whole delegation, be cause a part were of the proscribed— race. The majority' had the' grace to pietenct it was done on other grounds; evincing thereby some sense of shame; but there is not the least reason to doubt that the sole cause was colorphobia. THE CENSIISOF 1870. The ninth census of the - United States will be taken, under the provisions of the act of May 23d, 1850, on the first of June next. The assistants are paid as follows : Two cents for every name taken ; ten cents for every farm ; fifteen cents for every productive establishraent; two cents for every dead person ; and two per cent. of the gross amount of names enumerated, for social statistics; and ten cents per mile for travel. It will be seen by the foregoing, that the cpmpen satton allowed an assistant or enumera tor, provided the district allotted, to him shall not contain less than 20,000 per sons, will be $6OO or more. The United States Marshal is forbid den by law to accept any bribe or con sideration for an appointment of assist ants, and is liable to a fine of $l,OOO, should he be convicted of so doing. The law provides that each assistant, after qualifying, shall perform his du ties by a personal visit to each dwelling house, and to each family in his subdi vision, and shall ascertain by inquiries made of some member of each fatally, if any one can be found capable of giv ing the information—but if net, then of the agent of such family—the name of each member thereof, the age and place of birth of each, sex, color, etc., and_ shall visit personally the farms; shops, mills, mines, or other places respecting which information is required ; and 1:4 it in lildbitittlfs;'llteirhis'iant'or3.ii da shall be read to the person furnish ing the facts, for revision. . There is a penalty for refusing to furnish the re quired information to the assistant.— Every perion more than twenty years - of age, belonging to any family, in case of the absence of the heads, shall be an agent.—Jersey Shore Vidette. ha OTICE.—We hereby forbid any person true ' ting or harboring our father, Jacob Qra -, 'on our account, as we emit pay no debts of bis contracting after this date. i - JOSEPH GRAHAM, il lIENRY GRAHAM, lOHABOD GRAHAM. • ,• JaKson, May 27, 1870. 3m --...—,.. WALL PAPER AT COST, at P. R. WILLIAbIS & CO'S WWHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL and PAINTERS' MATERIALS O' ALL KINDS, for salo cheaper than at any other establishment in Tioga county. at P. It. WILLIAMS k CO'S. CALL AND SEE that large stock of wall pa per, selling off at cost, at P. R. WILLIAMS & CO'S. Wollaboro, May 25,1870. Livery Stable: NIVATICINI344 LOUDEN roe peetfully inform the pub ' 7 E4ithesilk.e le that they have established a Livery for 'lire, At their Stable on Pearl St., ipposite Wheeler's wagon shop. Single or doubb rigs furnished to order. They aim to keep god horses and wa gons, and intend' to please. Prices reasonable. WATICIIS ct, LOUDEN. Nov. 24, 1809—ly. Notice. NOTICE ie hereby given, at a meeting will be held at the Engine Heise Hall, Wells boro, Pa.; Friday afternoon Tune 10th, 1870, for the purpose of receiving applications for abatements of Borough and lohool Taxes for the current year, and that nt applications for such abatement will be considred thereafter. JNO. I. MITCHELL. V. A. STONE, Seo'y of School Board. Cl'k of Counoil. May 25, 1870-3 w. LOST. Myson, Archibald Sampan aged 18, left my home in Richmond, top to Mansfield, on We following Sunday Bth list., On Monday morning be was seen on hiaray home, within two miles, and has not sine° men seen or heard from. Any porson giving xe information re specting him, will confer a treat' favor. ROIRRT SAMPSON. Richinond, May2s. 1870-3. NOTICI. THE Supervisorsof Debar Township are 1. requested to meet at thiStony Pork Hotel, .on Thursday, Friday, and Sturday, May 20, 27, and 28, 1870, for the purpow of making out the road duplicates, and the tansaction i of other township business. All having duplicates artrequestedio bring them along, J , a . DUOIfLEY, May 25,1870, NEW SPRING iIILLINBRY AND FANCTIGOODS. Air RS. SOFIELD has reamed from, the City with an assortment °How Goods to which she invites the attention ofthe ladies of Wells hero and vicinity. Her st4k comprises a choice selection of STRAW GOODS, LA)ES, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, KID OPVES, BANDS KERCHIEF'S, COILARS, FANS, EMBROIDERIES and a vari ety of WITIT4 GOODS. Thankfligfor the gencips patronage of the past, she hopes to merit; continuance of the same. Bonnets & Hats retired to order. Allr• I ,tun also agent fothe Willeoz et Gibbs' Sewing Machine. ME A. J. SOFIELD. Wellsboro April 20, 1870 tf .71fr. A. i t t. Jansen, of Bloesbneg, announcee him self a condldate for the office of Sheriff. subjeot to tbe'llicielon of the Republican Convention. itir l Ajlen Daggett of Lawrencevilje,Lannouncear himself* Candidate for the office of Sheriff,sub ject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. Mr. T. L. Baldwin, of Tioga, announces himself a CLititlidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the dee!, alon of the Republican Convention. Mr. E. A. Fish, of Malusburg, announces himself a candidata for the of:Scoot' Sheriff, subject to the deci• ■ion of the Republican Convention. , r Mr. Joo fi.flagbfurt of Doerfleld, offers bfrosolf as a caudtdate for tbo office of Sheriff, subject to tbo doci, Won of tholtcpublicauCouveutton." '• ' ' - THE NEW YORK CIRCUS, International llippocomique. 150 MEN, WOMEN AND HORSES The veteran Manager of this Gigantio Console dation has spared neither paint, or expense in fitting up this Monster Exhibition, to make it a .First Claes Legitimate Entertainment/ Everything new and every Department full to repletion. NEW AND ELEGANTLY PAINTED WAGONS, SPLENDID HARNESS, UNSURPASSABLE WARD ROBE. The most Comfortable pests over soon in a Traveling Circus: and the RING PERFORMANCE IS UNAPPROACH • ABLE. The Artistes having been most carefully seleeted from the Creme de la Cream of the Equestrian POLARIS Profession. 150. Men„ Women, Children and RECOLLECT TUE DAN' AND DATE. Doors opea,at 1 and 7P. M. Performance at 2 and BP. MA Admission 50 Cents. Children under 10 years 25 Ceuta. Wait for thci Wagon, and do not confound this Mammoth Organization with the many peram bulating shows that are not worthy of the pat ronago sa generously begtowed upon amuse ments by the American people. Shows at Wellaboro, Friday May 27. Mansfield, Thursday May 26. Covington, Wednesday May 25. 0. E. RICHARDSON, Gen. Ag't. LIFE ASSURANCE. I --- 71 - S it wise to delay the payment of a more ph tanoe to some Life Insurance Company, when by doing so a handsome competence is secured to one's family in case of premature death? In making an insurance two things are necessary to be considered : First, The security of the Company. - Second, Cheapness of the rrance. The ratio of assets to liabilities in 11 companies some what known in this vicinity ulearly demonstrates which of the five is most secure: Ratio of 'Assets to Liabilities, Travelers,' ' 1 $182,00. Etna, .... 129,00. Homey 120,00. Equitable. 112,00. Washington, 112;00. . Tun TRAVELERS' Insurance Company has $53 Rolm to each $lOO of liabllit4 , to policy hol ders than any of the above companies. THE TRAvELERs' Insurance Co. charge from 25 to 35 per cent Luss for insuring than any of the above companies. Compare, the annual premiums charged by each for an insurance on .. , ^n•••• hie. I AigNafis Atinnsiprontluni Ton annual for life. payments. Travelers' $16,84 $33,21 /Etna, 22,73 42,80 Home, .... ..... 23,30 50,00 Equitable, 22,70 Dn 46,97 Washington, ...22,70 46,97' About the same ,difference ruing through all the different ages and plasm, of Insurance.— Tun TRAVELERS' is a stook Company. The other companies are mutual...- All the policies of THE TRAVELERS' are non forfeitable, and they contain in explicit terms the contract in full between the insured and the company. The Mutual compel:ilea charge in their policies a large premium, but make a verbel promise out aide of the policy to return in the future some of the over charged premiums which they call dividends. Upon this point: "lion, John E. Sanford, (acknowledged author ity,) Insurance Commissioner for the State of Massachusette, says : "The plan that secures the desired , amount of the smallest annual premium is the best. T ,e ineome.producing and Interest bearing, and savings bank plan, and a dozen more of the same puointarto sort are well enough for those wild Can afford to go into lifo insurance as a spec ulation, and throw away half their chances. " SMITH .t MERRICK, Agents for Travelers' Ins. Co. of Hartford, also May 18, 1870-tf. I. M. BODINE. The McFarland Trial Ended and so is the High Price of Goods at Wilson & Valkenburg's. Gold Down, Goods Down, and Spools Payment Resumed ! NEW GOODS of almost every quality, style and price, and an endless variety. Drop in and take a look through our new stock and be convinced. Ladies' Dress Goods, beautiful styles, large assortment and cheap. CLOTHS & CASSIMERES of every description, and clothing made to order in the very Bost style, and warranted. Also, CUTTING DONE in any style desired. BRADY MADE CLONING ..always on hand to fit a customer at once Wollsboro, May.lB, 1869 A.MEV & CO., OPPOSITE the the 'Hazlett House, TIOCIA, Pa., keep constantly on band a largo assort ment of Family Groceries and Provisions, FLOUR FEED, AND MEAL, PORK, BUTTER, LARD, CHEESE, &c.• "Aft" Prices down to the bottom figures. May 18, 1870.-3 m. A. HUMPHREY dr, CO. - YOUNG BERTRAND. • THIS well known STOCK HORSE will stand the ensuing season as follows At the stable of the subscriber in Mainsburg, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of each week, and at D. D. Holiday's, Wellsboro, the three first days of Court, ofeach week. Terms, $lO to ensure. Pasture furnished for mares from a distance. All accidents at the risk of owners. Owners dis posing of mares before foaling, will be held re sponsible for the insurance money. May 18, 1870-3 m. E A. FISH. ANNOUNCEMENTS. • And " Horses WILSON & VAN VALKENBURG. MILLINERY. , • ItS. E. E.' Kimball will be found hereafter in her now quarters, over Young and Co.'s bookstore." She haa jeer received lets of SPRING MILLINERY to which oho invites the attention of the ladies of Wolisboro and vicinity. MRS. E. E. KIMBALL April 13, 1870. ly A PPLIOATIONS FOR LICENSE.—Notiee is hereby given that the following named persons have made applications for Tavern Li censes and eating house Licenses, and that the same will be presented to the Court of Quarter Sessions the SOth day of May,inst., at two o'clock P. M., when all interested may attend if they think .proper, Hams. Daniel W. ifebbard, Rutland. 4 Libbeas Phillips, Fall Brook. a I Charles B. Goodrich, Nelson. a Saintly &Inman, Elkland: H I. 0. Pine, Covington. Peter keep, Lawrence. Thomas Graves, Covington. James Kelly, Blossburg. 0 William L. Thomas, Ward. Elijah Plumer, Blossburg. James Morgan, " a E. M. Smith, Vogt.. Geo. W. Hazlett," a M. Bullard, Wellaboro. C. C. Phillips, Knoxville. Milton G. Bowman, Woatilold. J. W. Odell, Deerfield. EATINQ nouns. Stephen Bowen, Bloasburg. Robert Hagar, if ft 'William Sage, " J. S. Mitchell; , IWILIA,IIng , EXPECT to have for sale, at the proper th!ee for planting, a choice lot of vegetable plants, consisting of cabbages, icauliflowaral, tomatoes, peppers, Ice. • . ; ,Also some of the finest annuals : climbers, ro ses, verbenas, lantaras, ace. I oan also furnish all kinds of bedding and bons!? plant., from one of the best Green Rouses tp the United States. All the above at reasona ble prices. Residence on State street. M. B. PRINCE. Wellaboro, May 4, 1870. tf Sheriff's Sales. BY VIRTUE OF sundry Writs of Fieri Fa etas; Levari Faciaa, and Venditioni Exponas, is sued out of the Court of Common Plena of Tl oga county, and to me directed, I will expose to public sale, to the highest and beet bidder, at the Court House in Wellsboro, on Monday, the 30th day of May, 1870, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following described property, viz : A lot of land in Chatham township ; bounded north by highway, east by George Wheeler, 'south by highway, and west by highway; con— taining 3:Th acres, more or less; all improved, with a log house, barn and apple orchard there on. To ho sold as the property of John W. Lew is, suit of Joseph F. Whitney for use of Thomas Allen. ALSO—A lot of land in Middlebury town ship; bounded'on the north by Horace Losey and George Hall,east by Wilson Dickinson, south by Jacob Briggs, and west by Anson Cuss ; con taining 168 acres, more or leas; about 100 acres improved, with.two frame houses, ono log house, frame barn, log stablo, and other outbuildings, and an apple orchard and other fruit trees there- on. To bo sold as the property of Hathaway Losey, suit of E. S. Parr. ALSO—A lot of land in Osceola township; beginning at the southeast corner of Robert Tubbs; thence in a northwesterly direction about 10 rods, to a stake; thence north 258 i: perches to a post, being the southwest corner of Benson Tubbs, deceased; thence east 31 rods to a post; thence north 160 perches to a post in the New York State line; thence east along tho State line 667 perohes; thence eolith 144 perches, along lands of J. Parkhurst, to a post; thence west 84i perches to a post: thence south 16 rods to a post ; thence west 12 rode to a post ' • thence south along land of J. Parkhurst, about 260 per ches, to the Cowanesque river ; thence along the several courses of the same,,in a westerly direc tion about 48 perches, to the place of beginning ; containing about 142 acres, be the same more or lees; about 120 acres improved, with two frame dwelling houses, one framo barn and other out buildings, two apple orchards and other fruit trees, thereon. To be sold as the property of E. A. Corey, snit of James Tubbs. ALSO—A lot Of land in Delmar township; bounded on the north by S. B. Dimmiek, east by Bola Borden, south by Delos Miller's estato and Foote. William and west by William R. Colas; copta nar kg 2 nf an ann., or loss . all Un proved, wire frame house, frame barn, lack smith shop, other outbuildings, and a few fruit trees, thereon. To be sold as the property of Elijah Dimmick, suit of Converse lc Osgood. ALSO—A lot of land in Charleston township; bounded on the north by Alfred Scheitrelin, east by Elmer Ingerrick, south by John Neal, and west by Charles Goodwin; containing about 40 acres, 25 acres improved; with one frame house. log barn and apple orchard thereon. To ho sold as the property of Francis Kelley, snit of Thos. Harditlg. _ _ ALSO—A lot of land in Charleston township ; bounded, on the north by Asa Moore , east by cemetery lot, and south and west by highway; containing half an acre, more or less; with a frame wagon house and a few fruit trees thereon. ALso.--another lot, situated as aforesaid; boun ded on the north by highway, east by Elias Tip ple, south by q Card, and west by Denton JerOw ; containing 6.4 acres, all improved; with a frame house, frame barn and an apple orchard thereon. To be sold as the property of M: O. Sutton, suit of Nelson Whitney for the use of Alonzo Whitney, and suit of Ross A Williams. ALSO—A lot of land in Chatham; beginning at tho southwest corner of lands late the estate of B. F. Spencer, deceased; thence north along highway, 25 rode, to a post • thence south, 25 rods, to the south lino of saidß. P. Spencer's es tate; thence west along said lino, 96 rods, to the place of beginning; containing 15 acres, all im proved; with a frame housername barn and ap ple orchard thereon. To bo sold as the property of B. F. Spencer and F. Spencer, suit of Henry Sherwood for use of John Benson. ALSO-NA piece or parcel of land in Elkland borough; bounded on the south by John a Ham mond, on the west by George Dorranco, north by the New York State line, and east by the old plank road; containing about 15 acres, all im proved; with frame dwelling house, milk house, frame barn and apple orchard thereon. To be Gold as the property of Cornelins Beagle, suit of J. J. Parkhurst for use of John Park hurst. ALSO-1-A lot of land in Deerfield township; 'bounded on the north by Billings estate, east by John Knox, south by highway and Ira Wagner, and west by Hiram Gilbert; contaihing sixty acres, more or less; with frame hoose, frame barn, a few fruit trees, and a trotting park, there on. To be sold as the property of Caleb Short and M. D. Cass, suit of J. B. Wakely for use of J. 4, J. Parkhurst: ALSO—A lot of land in Middlebury township; bounded on the north by highway, oast by Wel lington Newcomb, south by W. Jackson; and west by Merrill Staples; containing about one - acre, more or less. all improved. -To be sold as the property of Samuel E. Hall, suit of Elias Keeney. ALSO—A lot of land in Sullivan township; bounded north and west by Abram Westbrook, east by Cyrus Davenport, and south by high— way; containing ono-fourth of an acre, more or less; with a frame house, frame shop and fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of S. N. Davenport, suit of George A. Wood for use of W. S. Pitt. . ALSO—A lot of land in Sullivan township ; bounded on the north by Aaron Cleaveland and James Cleaveland, east by Nathan Whiting and Gilbert Welsh, south by H. H. Dent and S. S. Watkins, and on the west by S. Watkins; con taining 59 acres, more or less, thirty acres Im proved; with frame house, log barn, cooper shop and some fruit trees thereon; being the same piece el land contracted by H. H. Dont to Or well N. Mot:fit, by contract bearing date the first day of February, 1880. To be sold as the prop erty of Orwell N. Moffit, suit of H. H. Dent. ALSO—A lot of land In Liberty township; bounded north by A Sheffer,' east by highway, south by Ira Hart, and west by John Sheffer; containing two acres, all improved; one fratno house, frame wagon house, frame barn, other outbuildings v and a few fruit trees thereon. V be sold as the property of Jacob &berth), suit of Frederick Boger. ALSO—A lot of land in Nelson township; be], ginning at the northeast corner pf Elwood Ste.; vens's lot, contracted by James Ward to- Seeley, & Legg; thence south, along the road leading! to Farmington, to the south corner, of tavern house on said lot; thence a westerly direction, along the toad leading to Elkland, to a corner; thence north, within three and a half feet of the southeast corner of the shoe shop owned by See ley & Lugg, along the. ranee twenty-two feet east of the north end of the store house 11059 t 1 occupied by Lugg & Whited, to a fence post or corner; thence a westerly direction, along the line of said lot and storehouse lot, to ) Joseph Paul's lot; thence north , along the line of said lot and Joseph Paul's, to Elwood Stel vons's`lot, • formerly owned by James W rd thence east, along the line of said lot an El,- Stevens's lot; to the place of beginning; on tabling one-fourth acre, more or less; wi frame tavern house, frame barn, a few fruit trees, and other outbuildings thereon. To be sold as the property of IV. W. Richardson, suit of 0. W. Phelps. • ALSO—A lot of land in Rutland township; bOunded on the north by Johns Brothers, east by Johns Brothers; south by Kenyan, and west by Johns Brothers , containing 64 acres, more or less, about 30 acres improved ; with a frame house, frame barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Jacob H. Allen, mutt of John Benson. • JEROME E, ,POTTER, Sheriff. Wallroro, May 11,1870.- IV'evvir CA-c•c•cl.01 BO C. B. IME:=I WE HAVE just.received, lots of neer Goods which wo proposo to soli to our customers at living prices. Drop in and look MOHR TO STOCK, and we will try and convince you, that we not only have GOOD 0001)S, but tha6seere selling them clear down to the bottom cif the market. We have a complete as sortment of A LADIES' DRESS GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CROCKERY, GLASSAVARE, TEA, COEEEE, SPICES, ETC., ETC it" No charge for showing floods. Call and see us. SPECIAL NOTIOE.—On and after Monday May 9, I will soil Goods down at tho very lowest Cash Prices and for ready pay. May 11, 1870, Spring Millinery, 1870 ! MRS. SMITH . , on Main Street, has just opened a Very large assortment of MILLINHRY GOODS, such as HATS, BONNETS, STRAW GOODS, LACES, FLOWERS:RIBBONS, - COLLARS, Ii'DKERCIFFS, &C., &C., all of which will be sold much below former pri ces. All work done promptly, and to please. MRS. CAROLINE SMITH. Wellaboro, May 11, 1870-4 f. April 0,1870.-1 y THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIFTY OF THE UNITED STATES: Chartered under the Laws of New York. - Cash Assets 512,000,000. Annual Business .$52,000,000. DIVIDENDS applied to reduce 2d and all subsequent premiums, Or to increase the amount of the policy. Dividends are from 10 to 20 per cent the 2d year, and increase each year therefOre. The Equitable did business to the amount of $12,000,000 more last year (1369) than any other company—all cash. Purely mutual uuu non.tormitable. No other Company can show a better record, larger' dividends, or safer seen entities. All the profifs loss the actual expenses of the company are c r ivided among the policy holders as dividends each year Any ono detir ing of having lOU° insured,, if he will examine the figures of the Equitable, will become convinced that it is to his advantage to insure in this coin pany in preferene to any other. W. A. STONE, Agent Office with Wilson Sc Niles.] for Tinge Co April 13,1370-6 m SPBel PAYMENT! Edo not .ay specie in making 'change but we do soli goods from • 25 to 50 per Cent Les than any other store in this vicinity, which is better. We bay just received a Leamrges FOR THE SPRING TRADE and have bought them to sell in order to do this quickly, have marked them at small profits, wint. GOLD AT PAR AS A BASIS. Dr a y'r-' oods of all kinds aro cheaper than they have been in ten years especially. DRESS SILKS, FRENCH POPLINS, &c a full linoin stock, and at such low prices that every lady can afford a new dress. • IN PAISLEY SHAWLS, ,- we have a complete assortment and CREA.PER ' THAN EVER ar.ronn. OUT stock of Aomestic Goods,J,Fancy Dress, Goods, Woolen Cloths, Yankee Notions, &c., &c., is as usual very largo and varied, and WE-GUAR ANTEE PRICER to be as low tis can be found any where within 100 miles. Our GROCERY iBrARTMHNT 18 full of fresh Goods AT SI-ECIE. and every one eau now afford to have everything they eat made good. WE CORDIALLY IRYITE TEE PEOPL I E OP TIIOGA COUSIIYi to call, and examine our iSteekland pri oos—being anti - stied that it will pay theito come and buy their geode at The Regulator. We alwitys give customers froni a dietance the "Ittanz IitACK." NEWELL & OWEN. Corning, April 6, UM - of " e saPeake find Ohio lb ilrod Tho advantago and attractions of this or inVcattne!dt purposes, aro many sod )tri apt: It is based upon One of the Great TIIRoi4. LINES between the SEABOA 111.) 2. The SECURITY IS ALREADY Cli o TERED, the greater pail of the line Auccossfu) running operation. 3. Tho Local Traffic, from the unrivallet,A, ricultural regiolis 'and Iron and 'Coat dct adjacent, mast be largo and profitable, The enterprise rece.ives Important eq.,, stens and privileges from the Shama of Virtiz4 and ;Vest Virginia. b. It is under the management ofeffleiettit; woll•known Capitalists, whose name ale gti o ,, tees for its early completion and succe!oul4 • oration. 6. The bonds can be:had either in C. B. ICELLEY. form : they have thirty years to runt WE v, cipal and interest being payable in gull. bearing interest at the rate IA per Beat. payable May Ist and Islivetriber 184.: From our intimate acquaintance with thq. fairs and condition of the Company, we these securities to bo peculiarTY desirable,z, suitable for safe omplopment of surpia‘ and funding of Government - Bonds, by Inter-! Trustees of Estates, and others who pra t , solute security with reasonabld income. Holder• of United States Five-Teuee enabled to prOcure these Howl, heanr,g :lame rate of interest and having a I , no.r . [e.. ( to run, and to realize a large increat(..t, , , l in addition. 124ds and Steels dealt in at the Ste. , ih change"; received in exchange fur thii Let: the full market value,larid the Bends xt:- free of expiess charge. Price 90 iand accrued intere Pamphlets, Maps, and full inforicut;,t 6i...bed on application. , • 1L1A.,..,....,...„ S iiiG lt EAT A 3ILCAII : ALT II Itlf . lTlipuriitgtl bloodu rs Syphilis, Skin Diseased, Rheumatism, lasi., Women, and all Chronic affections of thee: Liver and Kidneys. .Recommmuled by ti .4 cal Faculty and . many thousaspis of "or 4 , :: S ze n - tol the testimony of Pity'sAl/Ds and;..,-: who have used lioaadalis; surd 'for our 14,5. i.. Outdo to Health Book, or Atkilahl4C for it •:. which ne publish for gratuityns distrde: : will give you much valable formation - Di. It. IV. Carr of Bultimo i, suss: ' I take pleasure in recommit - lading your Ilan is as a very powerful alterative. I Laic le: Tied iu two cases with happy results--. 0. ease of secondary syphilfs, - in . bid.' tl.e lc.. 11) pgonounced himself caked after basing Isl.:: liottlen 01 your medicine. The °nor e• h .'. 4tcrofula of lung standing, which 1 , rlp.:, : Proving under its nee, and the indiest,,c that the patient will won recto,ur , I Le , c fully exarnined the I.4thula by a Li, t; your Ruaadalia is made, and find it au 5 i.... compound of alterative ingredients Or. Sparks of Nicholasville, Ky , e.o. L used Rosadalia in cases of Scrofula and iu, :.i ry Syphilis with satisfactor,y results. .4.pcs L er of the blood I know no better remeo • . , Samuel 0, McFadden, Alurftershoro. Ter.c.c I have used seven bottled of liosadelF, a::: entirely cured of Rhentuatiem; trend me 1, A des, as I wish it for my brother, •eb, ba..=:- 1 icus sore oyes.' , Benjamin Bechtel, of Lima, Ohio. anto.lo• suffered for twenty years with an :eve , eruption over my whole body; a hlICI: MIL - - / purchased a bottle of Rosadalis and it ,f.-1 si a perfect cure. Rosodalis is sold by P.R. Williams d.C.,.c W. C. Kress, Wellsboro; Philo Tells:. T t M. L. Bacon, Blossburg,and Druggists c , t , : . .. Mbrch i 9, 1370.—1 y. - • I BUSINESS PERMANENT AND PROFIllEll• To act as Salesmen, and general Superiatts!..: of Sales in this County, also one to each ottLesy lug Counties, for Steel Plate Engravines,,m:-. the National Art Association, sold ,by 1.0)/4111.7 , superior in design and execution that their great during all seasons'and times. Men niter s. ) .Iness exclusively for us, not only receive; - orders, throughout portions of the County. lc' ploy and superintend the sales of a bunkerd. mon. A few who do not wish to assume the bility of a Superintendency will also be ac 4 -: merely act as salesmen. Sample Engramiizt 4 • ed In is Patent Roller Case. Frames are not Via-- used or sold by our Salesmen. To strangsr , o'r commissions on sales for thetirst sixty or when, from the business talent and energy 1,,,s an •-quitabie salary can he agreed upon, e 1.,. be preferred to slemuneration by conamistta Teachers, Pqrtners, Agents, Mechanics and c , 11:?; ness aud proieSsional men can engage with tr , ;;' If by letter, state age, previous and pre3era or kotedional pursuits, explicity stating C.-LL , ' Superintendency, or merely a situation as Sni-c - r• desired—what territory is preferred---th e the engagement could commence, and if f,,r41 - .: - ger terns tisussoue year, its exact or prehablc Tat , - Ac. It. 11. CLIMAX d Publishers, Main 6t. Water Sts., March 3018704 m WITH corrupt er tainted L1. , ..:1°. ' i Fie.) are sick all over. It telly lint us Pimples,,,.. s or Sores, or In svis tine disease, or it tnay inirely ol you listless; depressed and gi s , -; nothing, Hut you cannot hest health while your blood 1.0 mi.' , Ayer's Sarsaparilla purktcs oil its impurities; it expels disease and stimulates 11, io oil hfe into vigorous action. Hence it rapidly I' a variety of complaints which are eau,ed by 1 7 - of the blood, such as Scrofula, or King's Es 11,T Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Lien t; Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipilds, Teller , ,:l . ' t Rheum, Scald Head, Ring Worn,, Cancer or Cst.-0 Tumors, Sore Eyes, Female Diseases, such as Retetti.; Irregularity, Suppression, Whites. Sterilits. sl'••: philis or Veneral Diseases, Liver Complaints, and lis.. Diseases. Try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, 611(1 Sre fr "."-.. self the, surprising activity with which it ilesni , - blood and cures these disorders. During late years the public hate been , wee-. largo bottles pretending to give a quart of Sarsaparilla for ono dollar. dot of node 1,11.. , frauds upon the sick, for they not only tzoiftvigil'!: If any, Sarsaparilla, but often 110 011'ItiSe whatever. Hence, bitter disappointments the use of the various extracts of Sarsaystdn' flood the market, until the name itseit has L• synonymous with imposition and cheat. Silts; this compound, " `Sarsaparilla," and intend tone! such a remedy as shall rescue te name from of obloqay which rests npon It. We think ground for believing it has virtues width are irnri. , hlo by the class of diseases it i 4 iuteded W 0% , ', can assure the sick, that we offer them the hot. , tire «a It'llow Low to produce, and ae belie% e. it is by far the must ,ffectual yeraNr , blood yet discovered. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is so surpass every other medicine for the cube rf Colds, Itilluenza, lloarsenese, Croup. itreielow l : cip tent Consumption, And for the relief eit live Patients In advanced stages of the is useless here to recount the evidence of iff.r The world knows them. see Prepared by Dr. C. AYER , 1• 34. ' and sold by all Druggists and dealerS everywhere. slay, 1470--:1e, IN DIVORCE.—To Calvin Bunhacu notice, that Suaanuah Bonham. 1, 4 friend, Tit,eobold Zittel, has applied to C,; of Commdu Pleakof Tioga cuunty fora from the b t ionds ofimatrimony, end that sstdt ' t has appoi ted Mph' day May 30,187 u, at t6ei t' House, i Welishoro, tip time I:pti hearing the raid applicant IP aid ` which occasion you can attonti if you ton - per. JEROME 13. POTTER , April 20, 1870. Reel _ Coupon or Registered 7. They are ofdeneminationsof $lOOO, $5OO & OA m in Currency FISK 64,; HATO, 5 Nassau Street, New Yut May 4, 1.870-Bvi IN WANTED! Cleanse the Blood