The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, May 25, 1870, Image 1

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t 1 Jno. 1. Mitchell:
P. U. Van Gelder.
Subscription,(par your)
No. Wm... I 1 In. Sins I 4 Ins 1.3 Kos 41 Mos IYr
q ' 1$ "1$ '-' 1 $ i v t oo I $7,00 1 st 2
2. Bquares,.. I 2,00 I 3,00 4mo', 8,00 112,00 I_lB,oo
110(031 I 10,00 I - ,16,02 - ii 17,4:W1 722;0d — 30, 0 C! I_ 5,0.00
Ono Col I 16.00 I 25,00
fa?" Special Notices 15 cents por lino; Editorial or
Local 21) cents per lino.
Transient advestining MUST be paid for in advance.
4a..Juvtice Blanks, Constable Moults, 'Deeds, Judg
anent Notes, Marriage Certificates, 41c,, on band.
Van Gelder Sz
Book - r Plain and Fancy Job'Printers. , Altlivork
promptly and neatly exocuted.Jan. 1; 1870.
•Smith & Merricki
Mtornoys & Counselors at - Law. . Insurance,
Bounty and Pension Agency, Officol.un Main
&rent, Wollaboro Pa, opposite Union Block.
Jan 1. 1870. W. 11. SHIM
Seeley, Coates & Co.
BANKERS, Knoxville, Tiogn, County, Pu.- 1
Wooly() money on deposit, discount notes,
and, sell drafts on New York City. Collect
ions promptly made.—Doe. 15,1869-IyA
Ono. W. Adams,
Attorney and Cilunselor at Law, Mansfield, Tioga
county, Pa 4 Collections promptly attended
to. Jan. 1; 1870.
Jno. I. ?Etchell,
Attorney and Counselor at Law, Claim, and In
• suranee Agent. Clirie over Kress' Drug Store,
adjoining Agitator Office, Wellsbore, Pa.
Jan. 1, 18711
&, Niles,
- Atturnoys and Counselors at Law. Will attend
\promptly to business entrusted to their cure in
Odic counties of Tioga and Potter. Office on
the Avenue.. Jan. 1, 1.870„
S. F. Armies.] ;
• John W. 'Guernsey,
ttorney and Coutiselor at Law. All linsiness
entrusted to bit& will bolpromptly attended to.
Wilco 2d door south of littzlett's lintel, Tioga,
Tioga County, Pa.—Jan. 1, 1870.
Wm. B. Smith,
Pension, Bounty ihad Insurance Agent. Com
munications sent to the abovo address will re
ceive prompt attention. Terms moderate,
Knoxville, Pa.—Jnn. 1, 1870.
Seymour, & Horton,
Attorneys and Cpunso\ors at law, Tioga Pa.
All business entrusted to their care will receive
prOmpt attention
W. D. Terbpil .4.4 Co.,
Wholesale Druggists, and dealers in Wall Paper
' Kerosene Lamps, Window Mass; Perfumery
Paints, Oils, 6;e..—oo4ning, N. V. Jan. I '7O
D. Bacon, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon. Will attend promptly
to all calls. Office on Craton Street, in rear 4,f
the Meat Market, Wellsbrro.—Jan. I, 1870.
E. S. l'eykins, M. D.,
Respectfully announces to the citizens of Post
Charleston and vicinity, that ho would begrate.
ful for their patronage. Ain. 1, MO:
A. M. IngltaiN M. D.,
Ilowooopatbist,- Wilco at "his Residence on the
Avonuo.—Jan. 1, 1870.
(lialrge Wagner,
Shop first door north of Roberts .I*Bail
'oy's liatdwaro Store. Cutting, Fitting and lie
pairing done promptly and yTell.—.lan. 1, tc;tl
--- ------- -, , .
John Eimer,
ii'ailor and 'Cutter. Shup opposite Dortt S s Cor
day) Shop, Main St., where be is preparod to
t do work promptly and neat.—Jan. I, 387 U.
Montag Di. Bryden,
Surveyor and Draftsman. Orders lelt at his
room, Townsend House, Wellaboro,
with prompt attention.—Jan. 1, 1370.
.R. E. Onley,
lhalor iu Clocks and Jewelry, Silver and Plated
Ware, Spectacles, Violin Strinp, .tc. Watch
es and Jevielry neatly repaired. Engraving
done in plain English and tlerriktu.—Alarotickl,
Pa., Jan. 1,187 U.
Petroleum House,
•Vestfield, Fn., Gao. CLusc, Propriet.q. A now
Hotel conducted on tlo principle of live and
hit live, forthe accommodation of the public.
Jan. 1,1,87 W
HazleWs Hotel,
Tiogu, Tiogu County; Pa. Good etablidg attach
od, and an attentive hostler afways in attend
waft. Geo. W. Hazlett, Prop'r.—.fin. 1, 1870
Rote) )
Westfield Borough, Tiuga Co , Pa. 11. G. Hill,
Proprietor: A new and commodious building
with all the modern improvements. Within
easy drive of the best hunting 'and fishing
Grounds in Northern Penn's. Conveyances
furnished. Terms moderates—Jan. 1, 1970.
Snell It's Ittittll,
Tioga, PA, E. M. Smith, Proprietor. noun in
good condition to occominpdtto the traveling
public) in a auperior manner —Jan. 1, MI.
1 4C1V0814,
Dealer in Vermont and Marble, mania
Natural. of - Monuments l , Toinb- Stun cc, he , cor
ner Market and Cedar Sts.. 'Corning, N V. Al
orders promptly and neatly executed. An
drew Vun Dusen, , A,gent.—Jlo3. 1, Will.
Farmers' Hotel.
13. MONROE, Proprietor. ibis house, formerly
occupied by E. Fellows, is conducted on tem
perance, pripoiples. FiverY .acTottimodation
for man and beast.... Charges'rea so na ble. L.
March 30, 1870,2-tt.
_ Ilition Hotel.
,Win. B. Vai t Nom ProprieU7r, Wellsbarn. Pa.
This hoaao is pleasantly loonto , i, and lia•; all
ibo oonvoniences . for man and banFt, Charges
nioderate,—May 4, 1870-ly
WHERE delicious Ice Cream, French Con
fectionary, all kinds of fruits in their
season, a nice dish of Too, Coffee, or Chocolate.
and Oysters in their season—can be hail at all
hours, served in the host style. Neat door
low Roberts 4 Bailey's hardware Storo. Maio
Wellsboti, Jan. /, 1571).
Por she Relief and Cure of the Jrrfnrrut.f Unfortunate.
ott Principles of Cht istiArt Philanthropy.
ESSAYS ON TUE Eititoits'nv YouTii,hnd
lies of Age, In relation to mnr.;ti4c.,?.nr.,lSPClM.
Plith Sanitary aid for the n illcte 1. , rul flee, ir,
envelopes. Address, 110 WARD A SSOCI ATICN.
May 4, 1 . 370-1 y Dux 'IV Philadolphia,
Dy JUPITER Darn, Fanny F:h,,ttr, roake
tho season of 1870, for R. liatitod tiltrotor of
Mares, at the following places, vii:
14 It 11 41 If Osecor,.t.
The balance of Abe time al Wel!short), Pu.
31 : 1 1 ) 1THR - is a dark Bay, 152 hands high, of
great speed, beatity,l and dnequaled ponets
endurance. Thogreatpromise of his cults makr,
him a most desirable Stallion for those kisbitig
good stook. Mares from a distance furnished
with good keeping 4n4 well care!) for. A liv_tclz
dente at owner's risks.
Terms $4O to insure.
May 4, 1870-tf
4 t.
• „
g - o;oTi js;ticTj
[I. D. Nuts
J. O..IIonToN
- •
__' 1 1
Points of Excellence.
Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch.
Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery.
Using both threads directly froin the spools.
No fastening of seams by hand and no waste
of 'thread.
Wide range of application without chango"of
Tho seam retains its beauty and firmness af
ter washing and ironing.
Besides doing alt kinds of rtorkdono by other
Sewing Machines, these ➢iuohines 'execute' tiie
most beautiful and permanent Embroidiwy and
ornamental work.
in - Tho highest Premiums at 'all the fairs_
and exhibitions of the United States and
Europe, have been awarded the Urovor tt Baker
Stiwing Machines; and the work done by therci
wherever exhibited in competition. •
fAD-Thevery highest prize, TILE CROSS
OF TIIE'LEG lON OF 110 NOR, was conferred
on, the - representative of the Grover Jr. Baker
Sewing Machines, ut the Exposition Cuiversolle,
Paris, 1867, thus attesting their great superior.
14% over all other Sowing Machines
Jun. 1 , 1870-tf.
New Tobacco Store
rrum subscriber has fitted up the Store first
1 door east Thomas garden's dry goods store,
for the manufacture and sale of •
CIGARS, (all grades), Fancy aid COinmon
CHEWING, and all kinds of
PLUG TOBACCO, PIPES,:and the choi
cest Brand i2f CIGARS.
t•'• Call and see for yourselves.
.1011 N W. PURSEL.
Wollsboro, Jan. 1, -i37o—tr.
Nezb.' Tannery.
rpri Eundorsignod has fitted up tho old Form
dry building, near the Brewery, Wellsboro,
and is now prepared to turn out Fee calf, kip,
cowhide, and harness leather in the hest man
ner. Hides tanned on shares. Cash paid for
hides. ,M A !CNA L A. DURIF.
Wellsborn; Jan. 1, 1870..
Wellsboro Bakery.
J. BURGIN would say to the ciiizene ni
el I • Iv ellsboro and vicinity ihnt he 18 pre.
pnred to vupply them witii
of the hest finality. We, also terve meals to
those who wish', OYSTERS alivoye on hand,
for sale, and seri.ed if detiml. Call at the old
StevenH' st Btu]. J. J. ER,C4IN.
Fob. 9, 1970-13,'.
TIOGA . 11111_111 .STOIIE 1
13017. DEN koops constantly on
hand: Pura Drugs anti Mediehics,
I Anioals, Paints and Oils, Lamps,
• - Stationery, Yankee Notions &c.
11. 11, BORDEN
Tiogn, Jan. 1,1870.-1 y
Poll sABB. 1010•
'l'. IL SToNF,',
(formerly B. C. Wickham's Nursery)
60,000 Apple Trees,
.10,040 Vicar Trees.
A gc ud supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY
The Fruit trees are composed of the choicest
varieties, good, healthy, some of theta large and
in bearing. Auy ono wishing to get a supply
will do well to call and see my stock before pur
chasing elsewhere. mss'!' Delivered at the depot,
%Vellsboro, Mansfield. Lawrenceville and
burg, free olcharge. All orders promptly filled.
Addro's, T. li STONE,
`huge, Pa,
rioga, Dee. 8, 18fi9-ly4
For the Alillion, at
Dinrch 16.1870—d.
House and Lot for Sale.
C:t ()UPI' of Mansfield, Tioga county, Pa ,'with.
0 in easy walking distance of the churches,
Stnte N School, 4:o. House in good order,
good sine, and convenient. Excellent well and
cisiern water close to the door. Lot contains
about acne, and hac a number of rhoice fruit
tr ek! ,, ! , grape vines, <te. A pleasant and desirable
home, and will he :told at a low figure. Address
or inquire of J. N. BIXIiIr
Mangiold, March 22, MO. tf
Boas(' Lot for Sale.
A1390D House and baTn, on a lot of two
acres, wirlJin ton minutes walk of the
Cniirt is .oirt red for sale. In
gnieo of John I. Mitchell - Esq., Welliboro.
Jan. 25. 1870—tf.
For sale .by
!ore h Itt 1;570.4
111 'U.,' Excellency, .1 W. Geary, Governor of
I . l,:nnlvatun, lalmring under it fit of in
or A n lit of Anates; having vetoed the
,Shore, Pide Creel.; and Buffata
- • c Railroad 811
ri:sr,tettuil'y hacim the trovei:ng pub
p , ,ntinueti my the
Air Line Stages
to and from Wel'd'art) and 'flop, connecting
with all plAgenger
[laving purchased a number of first class her
6CE and carriage:4, we will continue to convey
passiorlert jo Ina PAI. AC%. COACH - BS, whioh,
for comfort mid conveniet cec:specd and safety,
u.e unsurpassfd on any tonic wet t of New York.
Tkro,utt4 ff O. Way stations in propor
tion. A Ovap halt when flagged. -
F. D. ItIiNNELI. . 1 .1. CO,
I ,Aptil 13,-1870. If
r 11111: t.uloseriber has for sale : •
I pure blooded Alderney Bull, 3 years old
1 grade Alderney Bull, 1 year old.
Ipureblooded Devon Bull, 3 years old.
Also Chester white pigs, prices reasonable.
Welloboro, May 11, 1870. 3t
n. AUURTROTIO: • ••^• :FaItURT. farm.
Armstrong & Linn ' ;
Aug. 4,1809-Iy.
With most other articles usually kept In such
estublisbment, which is sold low for
Repairing done neatly, and promptly, and on
January 5; 1870-Iy.
THE undersigned is now prepared to axe
cute ail orders for Tomb Stones and Monu
ments of either • -
of the latest style anyi approved workmanship
and with dispatch.
Ho keeps constantly on hand both kinds of
Marble and will bo able to snit all who may fa
vor him with their ordiirs, on as reasonable terms
ati can he obtained in the country
. -
Tioga,.Jan. 1,1870-4 f.
Over Wilson & Van Vallzenbary'a Store, in the
rooinlately occupied by Beni. Scdcy.
BOW'S ANL' SHOES of all kinds mado,to
°Her and in the best manner, - •
REPAlRlNGofrillklnnds donepromptlyand
good. Give us atoll . 4
NOTICE berebygiventbat the Administra
tors and Guardian named below have filed
their accounts in the Register's Office for Tiogn
county, Pa., and that the skid accounts will be
presented to the Orphans' Court for said county,
at a session of said Court to be held at Weiisbo--
re, on Monday, the 30th day of May nest, at 2
o'clock P. M., for confirmation and allowance:
Administration account of, the estate of Theo
kiorous Larrison,lato of Jackson township ,dee'd,
- tiled by John W. Guernsey andlienj. Wells, Ad
ministrators of 0. 13. Wells, deceased, who was
the Administrator ,of said estate;
Administration account of the estate of Mary..
etto A. Rose, late of Rutland trwnship, deceased,
filed by Daniel G. Stevens, Administrator of
Erra I. Stevens, deceased, who was the Admin
istrator of said estate.
Account of Daniel G. Stevens, Administrator.
of the estate of Ezra I. Stevens, late of Middle
bury township, deceased.
Account of Caleb S. Graves, Administrator of
the estate of Ira Graves, late of Covington town
ship, deceased.
Account:of John 13. Van Name, Guardian of
Grace Theo Aran Name, Roney M, Van Name
and Ilerbert C. Van Name, minor children of
Charles Van Name, late of Tioga, deceased.
D. L, DEANE, Register.
.4Vellsboro, May 4, 1870.
TION. Whereas, the Hon. Robert G. White
President Judge fur the 4tb •Judicial District,
of Pennsylvania, and E. T. Bently : and C. F.
Veil, Esq's, Associate Judges in Tioga County,
have issued their precept, bearing date the 9th
day of April. 1870, and to me directed, for the
holding of Orphan!ti Court, Court of Common
Pleas, General Quarter Sessions and Oyer and
Terminer, at Wellsboro, for the County of Tioga,
on the sth Monday of I%aq (being the 30th day,)
1870, and to continue two weeks.
Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coro
ner, Justices of the Peace, and Constables in and
for the county .of Tioga, to appear in their own
propar persons, with their records, Inquisitions.
examinations and remembrances, to do those
things which of their offices and in their )ohalf
appertain to be done, and all witnesses and oth
er persons,prosecuting in behalf of the Common.
wealth against any parson or persons, a f ro re—
quired to be then and there attending, and not
to depart at their peril. Jurors are requested to
ho punctual in their attendance at the appointed
time, agreeably to notice.
'Given under my band and seal at the Sheriff's
°Glee, in WeHeber°, the 4th day of Mny in
tho year of our Lord oue thousand °let hundeed
and seventy. , ff:l2 - .--PATTE It, Sheriff.,
May 4,1870. .
HARPER'S MnanziNE, One Year $4 00
HAnpRR'9 WEEKLY, One Year 4 00.
HARPER' BAZAR, One Year 4' 00
IlAnrEtt's BAZAR, to ono address, for one year,
$lO 00; or any two for $7 00.
An extra Copy of either • tho Magazine,
Weekly, or Bazar, will be supplied gratis for
every Club, of Five Subscribers at $1 00 each, in
one remittance; or, Six Copies for $2O 00, with
out extra copy. -
IlAnrun's MApAzINE contains nearly Double
the Ainount of Matter furnished h the Galaxy,
The Atlantic, Putnam, or LipPineoli, It exceeds
in about the same ratio any English Magazine
of the same general class.
A New Story, splendidly Illustrated, by Wilkie
Collins (Author of "The Woman in White,' "No
Name." "Armadale," and "The Moonstone"),
will be commenced in Ilarpor's Weekly in No
vember, 18G9,
C ,j: ES!-3
Persons desiring-to redoes their Subscriptions
to Harper's Periodicals will• much oblige the
Publishers by sending in their Names as early as
convenient before the Itaplration of their present
Subscriptions. This will obviate' the delay at
tendant upon' re-entering numbs and mailing
back Numbers. , ,
New Subscribers will be supplied with Dither
of tho above Periodicals from the present time to
the end of the pear 1870 fnr Four . B6llnrs,
Address HARPER& BROTHERS, New York.
New York, Oct. 15, 1809.
Tioga ftigh School.
Academic and Coininercial. Courses.
T •
RE third term willcommence April Bd, 1870.
Thorough instruction, Terms liberal. Phi
losophic apparatus.
Tuition a half term strictly in advance. For
full particulars call on or address
March 23,1870. tf ,Tioga, Pa.
rw THE suhsotibor offers for Bale his house
ir and lot on Main Street, opposite Dartt's
1 agon Shop. Enquire on the premises of
March 30,'70-6m. JOHN ETZTEIi..
who . •has long been
lished in the ! Ten . Inky husi
ness' in Wellsberiochas al
ways on sale, various
kinds and prices of
&c., &0,, &c
C A S H.
Tioga Marble Works.'
Register's ,Notice.
.Jlouse and Lot'tor Sale.
vats' gortm.
"lie giveth Hie beloved eleep."—Pealm ra-xi., 2.
Of all the thoughts of God that aro
Borne inward,unto souls afar,
Along the Psalmist's music deep, - • '
Now tell me if that anyfis
For gift or, greceaurpassing this— ' •
, rffe - giveth IBS beloved sleep.",
• :
}Y pet would we give to Our beloved
- horoe'S heart to be unmoved—
Tho poet's star-tuned harp to sweep—
The senate's shouts to patriot's vows—.
The monarch's crown to light.tbe brows ?
"He giveth Ills beloved sleep."
What do we give to our • beloved?
A tittle faith all undisproved— ,
A little dust to over weep— s•
And bitter memories to make
The whole mirth blasted for oar sake '
"No giveth :ilia beloved sleep."
0 earth so full of dreary noises,
0 men with wailing in your voices ?
0 delved gold, the wahiler's heap . !
0 strife, 0 curse that o'er it fall
God makes a silence through you all.
! ".11e . givoth Ilia beloved sleep."
Ms dew drops mutoly,on the
Hifi cloud abovolt salient still, •
Though on its slopes men toil and reap
More softly than the dow is shed,
Or cloud is floated overhead,
rfio giveth His beloved sleep?' •
Yen! men'may wonder while they scan
.• A thinking, feeling, living man,
- In such a rest his heart to keep;
`But angels saw—and through the word,
I green their blessedrmile is beard
"I . le giveth Iris beloevd sleep," •
For me, my heart that erst did go,
Most like a tired child at a - show,
That sees through tears the jugglers leap,
Would ;sow its wearied vision close;
Would, child-like, - on his love repose,
"Who giveth His beloved sleep."
And friends !—llearfriende i—lvitten shall it be
That thir low breath has gone from me,
Arid round my bier yo come to Weep,
Lot one, most loving of you all,
Say, 4 Not a 4 tmir must o'er her fall,"
"Ho gPieth ma beloved sleol."
• In 18— I was traveling from Ithiaato
Buffalo, in New . y.o . rk State, by stage,
intending to reach "my home in season
to partake of the annual Thanksgiving
dintier with fond and loving
,friends, at
the old homestead. It was:a bitter cold
morning when we set out, and the roads
were frozen hard, there having been
considerable mud only it few days be
The first night we put in at Danville,
and on the following morning When I
awoke, I:forind,that the earth was not
on lye covered wit r b snow, hut that the'
410 W After an *early'
breakfast we see Out again, on'wheelS,
-1),2144.4415Ad; 21.0x* AIOeAMP - SStr
ging up so that the wheeld Would' not'
run. When night came', we fOund our
selves Obliged to atop at a small village
only twenty miles from where we set
out in the morning.
A good supper was provided at the
inn;and the place had the appearance
of comfort. We had just set down to
supper, when the windl began to blow
furiously, and we could see by the dim
light without, that the snow was being
whirled mucdriven . about in - a furious
manner. • There was a fire in the small
sitting room, and thither we passen
gers, six of us,
adjourned. We sat there
and conversed until near nine o'clock.;
and then I went out Into the bar room,
to smoke a cigar preVious to retiring.
In the har , ropm I found a bright wood
fire burn and some dozen people
were sitting there, smoking and drink
ing. , (Thisiwas long before the intro
duction of the Maine laws.) Several of
the companyl judged to be teamsters;
a rough, hardy natured. set, who were
enjoying theniseives hugely over a mug
of flip! Then there were'several whom
I found to be villagers—Men who lived
near the inic—a set of village politicians
and newsmengers, who made the bar
room their place of social eveningmee
I had lighted my cigar and taken my
seat near the fire, when I noticed a buf
falo skin on one end of the settee, op
posite to where I sat,.and I was confi
dent there was a human being beneath
it. I supposed it might be a stable
hand, who had been at work hard, or
was expected to be up most of the night,
and was now getting a little sleep. I
was looking:gg at the buffalo, and thus
meditating, when I heard a low, deep,
death-like groan come np from beneath
it ; and in a few moments more the robe
was'thrown upon thefloor, and the man
who had reposed beneath came down
up:in the top of it, awl there•he lay for
some moments like ti, dead man. I bad
-- just_started up, 'when four of the villa
gers Itufsteyied to his assistance. They
lifted him toliis-feel L and after consid
erable effbrt he managed - toAt_and up.
My God ! what a thrill struCicAcony
heart when I saw that face. It was one
of noble features; a broW, high and am
ply developed, over which clustered a
mass of dark, glossy ringlets; the face
'beautifully proportioned; and each sep
arate feature most exquisitely chiseled.
But what, an expression rested there
The great dark eyes bad a vacant,idi
otic stare ; the face was agi pale as death,
and the lips looked dr and .parched,
and much discolored. is clothes were
torn and soiled, and one`of his bands
bloody. He was surely net more than
five and thirty,
, and his appearance
would at once indicate a man of more
than common abilities. But the dem
on had him, and bad made him now
something below the brute.
"Rowe do you feel now, George?"
asked one of the men who had, gone to
his assistance.
But lie only groaned in reply, and be
was soon persuaded to lie down again,
being told that he would soon feel bet
ter. As soon as he was on the settee
once more, and had the buffalo over
him, the men returned to their seats.
" Who is that chap?" asked one of
the teamsters, looking toward the villa
gers who had been assisting the unfor
tunate man.
" That's George Loekland k' returned
a stout, honest looking - man.
" Does he belong, here?"
" Yes. Didn't ye never hear of him?"
The teamster replied that be bad not.
" Well," resumed the fat man, " it's
too bad, I declare 'tie. Lockland might
be one of the first men in town, If he'd
mind to ; but you see be will drink ;
and the worst of it is, he makes a fool
'Of himself. He can't touch . it :without
doing Just as he's doing now. He star
ted here as a lawyer and and a smart one
ho is too: Why, he 'can argue old tip.
ton right out of his boots. But ye see
he's lost all of his best customers now.
They daren't trust him with business,*
'cause he ain't sure of ever doing It.—
Het's' got one of the beautlfulest little
wives you ever saw ; and one of the
handsomest Children; 'But, poor things!
I pity 'em. Then there's another thing
rum operates differently on him from
What it does *on most folks. It doesn't
show itself on the outside, as it does a'-
most . everybody else, but it seems to eat
him up inside. You see how pale he
looks—well; he's alWays so when
on one of these times. He don't ea
nothlri', and I don't suppose he'll put
bit of food into his stomach for a week,
"How long has he been so ?" asked
he teamster.
"How d'ye
" Why, how long both ways? How
longhe took' to drink, and how long
he's' been drunk'noW!"
"Well, he's took a drunk more or
less ever since he came from college ;
but Ws about a year that he's been hard
.Yo see folks began to find out
'bow slack he was in his business, and
they wouldn't give him any job of con
sequence to do. 'spose that sort 'o set
him agoin' in this faShion. And as for
this drunk, I should say he had been
on it a fortnight. He's got down now
as lbw as he can get and live, atd
guess he'll get sober in a day orl
" But where does he get hi: quor?"
asked the questioner.
" You must ask Mike Fingal that
queslion," was the other's answer.
All eyes were turned upon the land
lord,• who now stood behind the lar.—
He was evidently troubled at this turn,
and moved uneasily upon his high
"Mike Fingal," spoke the teamster
" do you sell that man rum ?"/
" - yes, 1 do," the fellow replied, with
an effort .-".Don't I sell you the same,
when you call for it?"
" But I ain't a poor drunkard, and
you know it. That is no excuse. Mike,
I shouldn't think you'd do it."
" But when he wants rum he's bound
to have it; and if I didn't let him have
it somebody else would," the host re
" Now that's odd," energetically pur
sued the teamster. "On the same plea,
you might-take a pistol and go out and
rob folks, because if you didn't some
body else would. But that isn't here or
there. The thing is, I don't see what
kind of
,as heart you can have to do it."
The conversation was here interrup
ted by a , sound from the street. The
wind was still howling madly, and the
snow was driving against the window,
but above,the voic i e of the storm came
the wailing of.,_:fie one in distress. It
was surely the cry of, a child for help.
and the lantertewas quickly lighted.=
My hat was already ou;my head, and
went out with the .rest. /MI went but
the landlord-and his wretched custom
er who occupied the - settee. It was
wile moments before I could see at all,
the snow came driving into my-face so;
but I soon managed to turn my bead
and then went on. The wind, as it
came sweeping out through the stable,
had piled up a huge bank of snow across
the street, and in this bank we found-a
female with a child in !her arms. She
seemed faint and frozen, but yet she
clung to her child. The man who car
ried the lantern held it up to her face.
The features were half covered with
snow, but the momentary glare of the
lantern was sufficient to reveal to me a
face of more than trdinary beauty.
" Heavens !" uttered the man, as he
lowered the lantern, and caught the w -
Man in his arms. " Kate Loekland, is
this you ?" But without waiting for a
replyj he turned to the rest of us and
"here, take the child, some of
yen, and I'll carry the mother."
The child was quickly taken, and ere
many minutes we were back in the bar
room with our burden. The two were
taken to the fire and the snow brushed
frnm them,
" Who's•them ',' asked the host.
;'Only Kate Lock land and her ghild,"
miswered the fat man. ,
' What d'ye bring 'em in here for ?"
tie host uttered, angrily. " Why didn't
yt take 'ein to your own . house, Jim
Eim - lie?" 1 • 1
i` Cause my 'own house is too far."
the host was coming around the bar,
and his.eyee were flashing with min
gltd shame and anger; but before he
7go, fairly out, the stout, burly teamster,
wio had said so much, started up.
" Mike Fingal," he uttered in tones
suth as only aMan confident of his own
ptysical power, can command, " don't
yeput a finger on that woman. Don't
yedo it; if ye do, I'll crush ye' as I
w l iuld a,pizen spider !"
. 1,1
ingal looked at the speaker in e
e , for a moment, and then, muttering
so ething about a man's having a right
toil° as he pleased in his own house, he
-stMk away behind his bar again. ~
Inowlurned my attention to the wo
mai and her former was
surly not yet thirty year - A — of-age, and
shewas truly a beautiful woman---Only
sblwas pale and wan, and .her eyes
wep swollen. She trembled fearfully,
audi could see her bosom heave, as she
trill to choke.the sobs that were burst
ing-orth. The child was a girl about
foutyears old. She clung cloSe to her
mober.„..and seemed frightened into a
for*tfulness of her cold fingers 4rid
" t :Cate Lockland, what in Heaven's
nani - are you doing out this night?"
askel Jim Drake.
" th, I was trying to find your own
1104 .fitn Drake, for I knew you'd
giveve a shelter. -But I got lost in the
suo I'Wouldn't have cried out in
fron of this place, but my-poor child
did. im Drake, have you fieOP George?
Oh, od, have mercy on . him ! Poor,
deao/eorge ! He don't know we are
freeibg and starving in our own home !
No fill—no food—no—no." "
Sh4stopped and burst into tears, and
in a!nornent more George.Lockland
leapdi to his feet.
" Vitro called me?" lie cried, gazing
Ka! sprang up instinctively, but ere
she r eked her husband she stopped.
The ittn saw her, and for a while stood
rivet to the spot. Soon he gazed
arou4 upon the scene about - him, and
graduSly a look of intelligence relieved
the Or blank of his hitherto pale and
inautli face.
"No fuel! no food !IP ho whispered,
gazing upon his wife. " Starving !
Clod, have mercy Who was Air said
those words • Where atu ?" • -
" George! George I" cried the wife,
now rushing forward, and flinging her
arms about her husband's neck, "Don't
you know rue?"
" :Kate ! no fire I—there's fire!"
" Aye, George. Locklarid," said Jim
Drake, now starting up; "this ain4
your own home. Don't you know where
you are?", • •
Again the poor man gazed about him',
and, as a fearful 'shudder convulsed his
frame, and his hands involuntarily
closed over his eyes, I knew that the
truth had burst upon him.
" No fuel!—no food I" be groaned.
" 0, sir, whispered tlip wife, catching
Drake convulsively_by the arm, " take
us away from here, do."
" But you're cold, Kate."
" No, no, no. I'ts only a little way to
your house. I shall die here
"Will you go home with me, George?
Jim asked of the husband.
" Anywhere!" gasped the poor man.
" 0, my God ! no fuel ! no food ! Kate
are you hurt ?"
But the wife could not speak, and as
soon as possible the fat old villager had
the lantern in readiness, and half a doz
en went to help him.
" Come," he s id. " Lead George,
one of you. You take Kate—you are
stouter than I—and I'll take the little
one. This last was spoken to the stout
teamster, and he took the wife in his
arms as thopgh she had been an infant.
" It's only a few steps," said Drake,
as lie started to go.
," ' . send your
lantern back, Mike Fingal."
And with this the party left the bar
room. I went to the window and saw
them wading off through the snow,
and' when they were out of sight I went
away. The host came out and began
to explain matters ; but I was sick en
ough already, and with an aching heart
I left the room.
On the following morning I came
down to breakfast later than usual, for
I slept very little through the night.—
About nine o'clock the driver came in
and told us the stage would be ready in
five minutes. I went to the bar room
for a cigar. Jim Drake had just come
in•to bring back the old cloak they had
wrapped around the child the nigl t be
" What'll you have
,this mort mg,
Jim ?" I heard the landlord ask, Lis he
• I
set out a tumbler.
" Nothi- " ,to.
,othing,- re urne, ne fat" Man,
emphatically. " I'm done, Dike Fin
gal, I'm done with the stuff. I'll drink
no more of it, -r wouldn't have come
now, only poor Lockland was up, and
his sweet little wife was hanging about
his neck. They were crying so that I
couldn't stand it, and I had to clear
out. 0, it's dreadful, Alike Fingal,—
You don't know what them poor things
have suffered. But they shan't have
my example auy more." .
" All ready," shouted_thedriver, and
The Vir(l ilarii.irgone down ; the air
was sharp and bracing, and slowly we
wallowed away from the village.
I reached Butlitlo two days later than
I had expected to when I started, and
having transacted my business there, I
went on to Mississippi, and so on down,
to New Orleans. Four years afterward
I had occasion to travel that same road
again, and stopped in that same village
to take dinner. The bar was still open,
but Michael Fingal had gone away. I
walked out after dinner, and soon came
across a neatly painted - office, 'over the
door of which I read : " George Lock
land, Attoriey and Counselor at Law."
In less than - five minutes afterward I
saw a fat, good natured looking man
coming toward me, whom I at once re
cognized as Jim. Drake. As ho came
up I said:
" Excuse me, sir, but I wish to ask
how Mr. Lockland is getting on now."
" Squire 'Lockland, you mean ?" he
answered, with a pr l oud look: You
know him, then ?,'—
" I (lid Once," said'l.
" Then you ought le - know him now.
He is the first m'Au in the county—the
first man in the county, sir. Fouryears
ago this month, that is coming, he was
just about as low as a man can be. bid
you ever know the 'Squire's wife?"
"I have seen her," I replied. I saw
Drake did not recognize me.
" But you should see her now. Ah,
'twas a great Change for her. That'is
their child?—that little girl coming this
way. Isn't.that a picture for you ?"
I . looked and saw a bright-eyed,,l sun
ny-haired girl of some eight summers,
coming laughing and tipping along
like a little fairy. She stopped as she
came up where we stood, a`nd put up her
arms to " Uncle Drake," ,has she called
the old man ; and while ho was kissing
her, and chatting with her, I moved on.
I looked back once more on that happy,
beauteous face, just to contrast it with
the pale, frightened features I had seen
on that night in the bar room.
Go Two.—"Youug man, do you be
lieve inn future state ?"
"In course I does; and, What's more,
I intend to enter it as soon as Betsey
gets her 'Wedding things ready."
" You mistake me; do you believe in
a future state of rewards and . punish
" Mosiissuretlly_L If I should cut
mugs with. a red-headednian,
should expect my hat indented 'ythe
first bromnstiek she could lay her hands
" Go to, young man, you are incorri
gible. Go to." ,
"Go two, If it wasn't for the law
agin bigamy, blessed if I wouldn't go a
dozed. But NVII 0 supposed, deacon,
that a man of your years would give
such advice to a person just starting oinl
This took the deacon down. •
A Yankee one day asked his lawyer
how an heiress• might be carried oft
' You cannot do it with safett) said the
counselor; but I'll tell you what you
may do. Let her mount a horse. and
hold the bridle rein ; do you then mount
behind her, and you are safe, for she
runs away with you.' •
The next day the law3er fOund that
it was his own daughter who had run
away with his client!
RICE BREAD.—Take six tablespoon
'this of boiled rice, one of butter; rub
together and pour. in hallo pint of milk ;
add two eggs and six tablespoonfuls of
wheat flour. Mix well and bake alight
brown. Goal warm, and just as good
Warmed over. Taken from the Excel
A great deal is Atiid and written now
a-days of the reasons why yoking men
are afraid to marry. The most frequent
of these is, that the girls of this gene
ration are too extravagant.
That we are extravagant, I admit.—
But who makes us so? Did it ever oc
cur to ;you that this-outlay iu dress is to
please' you ? Is not the girl makes
a fine show the most sought after? Of
course(there are exceptions—girls who
do not care most of all for dress
men who, in their admiration for
look for soniething beyond this.
after all, is it not the, most eorrirm
mark—" Is 'she na!at stylish? W'
flue appearance that girl makes."
so it pleases their vanity to be
cort of such attractive (hies.
For myself I dress rather pla
Perhaps I could better afford to
this style than many who assume it.—
But my taste does not so lead me; and
then, too, knowing the sins which the
love of dress will drive women to, I try
in an humble way to set a better c..ana.!,
Besides, I want my gentlemen friends
to feel that one girl, and, if they will
but see it, hundreds of others, do" not
care for dress for• themselves. Ambi-
tious parents desire it; and short sight
ed young men admire; and so often they
appear frivolous, .IV - hen really their
thought is far beyond. And let me tell•
you how I am , tried, sometimes. To
save the expense of a carriage for the
opera, I don my lace bonnet and walk
ing suit. Now my friend sits beside
me, and should be thinking: " This is
a sensible girl. She comes to hear the
music. I can afrord to bring her sev
eral times for what, a carriage would
cost once for these butterfly women."
Ah, no, he does not look so far as this;
but, whether he means the comparison
or not, calls my attention to the most
gaily attired ladies, saying, admiringly,
"How becomingly that,lady is dressed.
What an elegant costume Miss .
wears." I do not Bay to him what I
am telling you ; bizt I feel it all, and
am almost resolved the next time he hi
vites me—if he does it again—to go to
all this extravagance.
But so much show in a public place
does not suit niy taste; and then I do
not wish b be one to frighten my friends
from the boliest,and best of earthly re
lations, the married life.
One thing more. We often hear young
men say, " All that a girl wants is me
»ey ; if a man has not that, he may
pass on." Very true of some girls; but
is not the rM'erse as often true? These
Showy girls, wbose parch ts spend their
all,to marry them off; are taken ; while
the true, parents, who Wph their daugh
ters to he chosen for their real worth;
and conceal the possession of wealth,
find for them a poor market.
I feel this subjeckkeenly myself, for
I ha'.e lost a Valued friend. " Died ?”
No; ,That were not so hard. But he has
er c.n..3, 1 m- Ja,e, Zook I thitiNl
saw it ye9olve to bury the love wide e
dare,not speak. A few hinN thrown
- Otlt convinced one that he felt his busi
hess success would not warrant the lox;
nry of il wife. And so he will go on in
the loneliness of hotel life, while his
heart yearns for the comforts and joy
of home.
Oh ! if 1 could have told him that he
is more to nie than gold ; and that with
his love I' ,should he. happy, without
much th'at, a gjnerous lather now lav-
ishcs upon me. But he—he is proud;
his wife must not wwl:. She must be
a lady, dress and be p,ay ; and until he
can afford this, he will steel his heart
against love.
friends, brothers, will you not
think or this? Do not expect to cont
inence life as our fathers leave off. Only
choose a wife with tastes congenial to
your own ; a happy spirit; prudent for
the things,of this life, and yet with as
pirations beyond. Be wilting r a give
up your own extravagances, - -Mid be
proud of her, not for " the outward
adorning of putting on apparel, but for
the ornament of a meek and quiet spi
rit.". Be not ashamed to be called poor
Care not for the world's opinion, but
only for her whom your heart loves.—
And so the blessings of wifq -,atid chil
dren shall be yours; and in :,the atmos
phere of home, your own; character
-shall expand into all that is.' - good, and
pure, and noble.—.N. lndcpcndent.
THE .I.4 l .mor—Farming is a profession,
not to say a science. If any one doubts
this statement, let him leave his city
home-for no one bred in the country
will doubt it—aud undertake to cultiL'
vete even 'a garden cf half an acre for
the Summer'. He will then find that
knowledge is as essential ,to the right
use of the spade as the pen, and that
there is as great a difference 'between
the scientific farming of FAnders,
where literally not a weed is to be seen,
and that of our farmers, the wealth of
whese soil is about : equally civided be
tween fruits and weeds, as between the
trade of a commercial city rind the bar
ter of a backwoods' settlemnt .
It is true that agriculture has been
the last to receive the impetus of mozi
ern science. It is true that many agri
culturists are'content to 'go on in the
way of their fathers because exptyi
ments are costly. • But it is also t tie
that hey are unable to compete with
those'.who understand the use of new
instrumerd'a, methods and fertilizers.
Agriculture is also becoming in this
county a popular recreation. '; Many a
gentleman is content to spend on his
country seat., money which he Makes
in the counting room. The practical
farmer is thus able to get the benefit of
experiments without paying for them.
This change in agriculture, which has
converted it from a drudgery to an I.rt,
- has created a demand for a correspond
ing\ literature. "Fifty years ago, a ka
ble igrieultural.periodical did not elist
on the American Continent. New,
every considerable district hay one,
while almost every weekly paper, secu
lar or religious, has its agricultural de
partment ; and it will not be long be
fore something of a library will be part
of the furniture of every well ordered
farm. '
Wolin ," said a pious uncle to his
nephew who was paYing his first visit
to the city, "John, we're in the habit
of saying something before we eat."
"All right," said John. "Go ahead!
You can't turn my stomach !"
Josh Billings says "The mewl is a
larger bird than the guse or turkey. It
has two legs to walk with and two
more to kick with, and it wares its
Wrings on the side of the head,"
c h
The number of volumes added . the
library of the Boston Athemeu last
year was 2,733. Upward of oim on
sand pamphfets were ; also received.—
The librarian reports that the propor
tion of accessions 'of books published
within five years has usually been about
two to-one ; last year it was in the ratio
of eight to seven. The reason for this
1 is that fewer viorits of merit than usual
have been- publiehed in England or
America during the year, especially to
-ward its close. The cause of this, says
ian, is the increasing absorp
(43 best writers by periodical
3tott Public Library contains
ioks, with an aggregate cireu
-218,667 for the Past year, of
isiderably more than half was
to 9,130 books of English prose
' In extent ," says the super-
, "this library still maintains,
after the library of , Congres.s, the second
rank in the country, and our 153,000 vol
umes give us an average of sixty or sev
enty velumea to every hundred of our,
population.7—a . proportion considerably
more than double what pAvalls in
erpool and Manchester. Within a ra--
dius of five miles from the State House;
the number of volumes. in libraries, not
private, to every Mildred of the, popu
lation, must be greatly in excess of the
proportion in any similar area on this
continent. The increase in volumes
(8,685) during the past year, is larger
than for any year since the foundation,
except those in which the Bates books
and the Parker boots were received.—
Including those, the average increase
of seventeen yeers is 8,981; and with
out that exceptional increment, thenv
erage is 6,843. The two other most ef
fective libraries of the country are now
increasing regularly by about the same
number of volumes—the library of Con
gress:and the Mercantile Library of N.
York. The latter institution added, r
during the last year, over 12,000 vol
umes, (a large proportion duplicates),
and sold about 3,200 duplicates, leaving
their net gain about 8,300 volumesr-- .
The I?eabody Institute, of Baltimore,
added about the same number ; but it is -
still speuding its foundation fund.—
None but the great national libraries of
Europe are increasing to the same ex
tent. The British Museum adds from ;
2.5,000 to 30,000 printed volumes, a year;
but the principal of the English free li:
braries do not &ow faster than from
2,000 to 2,500 volumes a year. In Get--
many, the larest'of her libraries--that
of Munich—adds only 0,000 or 7,000 vol
umes a year ; while the second—lßerlin
—has the only annual increase imong
them larger than our own, 10,000,0 r 12,-
000 volumes. That of Hamburg iF grow
ing at the'rate of 5,000 volumes; but, as
a general thing, the grosVtli of the town
libraries' of Germany does not exceed
1,000 or 1,500 volumes a year, and some l
of 'considerable size add scarcelemore
than 200. Ghent, the largest library in
Belgium, (72,000 volumes) . increases by
'less than 700 volumes a vear."—,Even'
ING.—The following is from the French
of Lamartine : "0 Father, whom my
father adores!, Thou, whoM people
name'' only upon their knees;' thou
whose sweet but terrible voice causes
my mother to bow her heact. They say
that this bright sun is only a plaything
of thy poiver, that swings tinder thy
feet like a ruddy lamp. They say it is
thou who created the little birds of the
fields, and who givesto little children
a soul to know' thee. They say it is
thou who produced the flowers with
which tlie garden is adorned;. and that
without thee the orchard would produce
no fruit. All the universe are invited
to the gifts thy goodness measures; no
insect is forgotten in this feast of nature.
The-lamb feeds on the wild thyme; the
goat upon the cytisus; the fly clings to
the edge of the cup after the white
drops of my milk ; the lark is partial to
the bitter seed that, flies from the glean
er; the sparrow follows the winnower,
and•the child IS attached to its Mother.
And in order titobtain every gift that
thou each day k4iresentest, at noon, at
evening, or at
. Anorning, what must I
do? Pronouncethy name. 0 God, my
month lisps thy t !name, feared by an
gels; a child is gen heard in the choir
which glorifies thee! Ah, since he
hears from so far the vows that' our
mouths address to him, I wish to beg
incessantly for that of which others
have need. My God, give . waves to the
fountain'i feathers to the sparrows, wool
to the little lathbs, and shade and roses
to the plains. Give health to the sick,
to the beggar bread that he needs, a
home to tile orphans, and liberty to the
prisoners. Bestow . many blessings
upon the father who fears the Lord,
and give to me wisdom and goodness
that my mother may be happy.
The proprietor of a tanyard adjacent
t i o a certainlown in Virginia, concluded
1 ,,
o build a 'stand, or sort of store, on one
f the main streets, for the • Purpose of
sending his leather, hi c iying_raw hides,
and the like. After completing his
blinding, he began ;to consider what
sort of a sign it would be best to put up
for the purpose of attracting attention
to the new establishment; and for days
and weeks he was sorelypuzzled on this
subject. Several devices.were one after
the other adopted, and on further con
sideration • rejected. At last a happy
idea struck him. He bored an auger
hole through the door post, and stuck a
calf's tail into it, with the, bushy end
flaunting out. After awhile, be noticed
a grave looking personage standing
near the door, with his spectacles, gaz
ing intently on thecsikn. And there he
continued to stand, dumbly absorbed,
gdzing and gazing, until the curiosity
of the hide dealer was greatly excited
in turn. He stepped out and addressed
the individual : '
"Good morning."
" Morning," said the other, without
moving his eyes from the sign.
" You want to buy leatlfer?" said the
" Do you want, to sell hides?"
•... is T O2 )
" Perhaps you are a farmer?"
"A merchant, may be ?"
“ N 0.,,
"Are you a doctor?"
"What are you, then?" .
"-I'm a philosopher. I have been
standing here for au hour, jtrying to see
if I could ascertain how that calf got
through that auge'r hole!"