nom ! . c tivirow Xoriqtplependent. 43BWALRE- WINE; BOYS. ,BY:O. H. BANES. Mill Look not upon tbo wine, my boy, • Nor riear-Chts hirlok death-line come; ' .:4 - 6, - (44 -. 'ff,lmo 1 btiramed with joy, -That natine'i; 134 . 3 of its Sparkling fCam; • - for, though' the draught may stir the sOto, - trhlin yiiti-Orink delight the taste, lifos • that tOtich tho bowl ,• tanner life to waste! 111412wine-frionds weave their • wiles, my boy, ' Where the intainperate go,' Sitiusl4iin I berkare the fowl' decoy ! • Have courage then to anewcr,''•No !" And th . ,t , iugh this one staunch word' may bring ' , A storm of scoffing, taunting sneers, 'Tivill foil the "adder's" deadly sting,., And spare you many bitter 'team 1, Yon wretched wreck forloin, my boy, Slow . reeling from the Tempter's Was once a man ; - but the base alloy 111 Of wine has blighted manhood ther t k Once straight and strong, this noble form stood 'mongst its fellows liko'a king ! wow, shattered by the demon's storm, 'Tie but a wreck—a ruined thing ! • Once men were honored could they sit And gather wisdom frora his lips; Now the, poor outcast pawn's his wit • To buy the dram the 4runkardniips! Then Friendship dew, to grasp hilt hand, And 'toner pressed hiS palm with pride, But Wine, the Mocker, broke thr, hand That bound all true men to his side. And now, of friends forsaken, poor, Shunned by the fair ana ' poor of earth - - Joy lied forever from his door, No happy - Voices round his hearth; Purtnied by.bis tormentor, Thiist, • No peaeo,by day, nor rest by night Tho poor inebriate lives aceurey For Pity's eye_the saddest sight Oh, would you be a man, my,boY, Respected, honored, loved by al), Touch not the red wine! 'twill destroy Your hopes, and turn Life's sweet to gall But:firmly stand! resolved - aud pledged The wine oup and its woes to flee; Thus 'gainst intemperance triply pledged, Your life, will bo a victory, A: FuneralTsenurie The readers of the Drawer have, with in the past year or two, been edified with . the perusal of a sermon on "The harp of a thousand strings," :and the Farewell Discourse of Brother Wat kirks." The tone of those discourses might, in a general way, be called plea sing. .Not' so however the following - brief allusion from the 'pulpit to a young man of indifferent position in tbe",:o. cial circles of B , New Hampshire, who came to an early decease by a vig orous but absurdly unequal contest with aiparty of the.Otard The preacher who officiated at the final so. lemnities, improved the occasion by makitig the following remarks : 0 .T have been requested, not to say im portuned, to deliver a funeral diseour6e on this occasion, and I have reluctantily consented to do so.-- I never heerd any good of the deceased yit ; and if the friends have made up theirmaitids that 11. am about to begin sieb i s course now, they are very much Mistaken est mate, in fact, that this young man, now alayin' before you, was about the wust man ever permitted, in the onscrutabie wayS Of tbe.Divinepuz?puses, to locate in this vicinity. He was one who I alight say alters fell when he was temp ted; ti!nd he certingly appeared to me; rather than avoid, occasions for such temptation. T" Why, my feller Christians, he kep' bosses and run 'em ; he kep' cocks and fit 'em;_ and as to women, let his wid der (who I see a settin' in a front pew) testify." [Here the widow arose, as was the custom when the family of the deceased was alluded to, and, deerning it a complimentary remark, courtesied to the preacher.] "In - "Short, after a diligent inquiry into the particulars of his character and conduct while he has resided in this village, I have come to the Conclusion that about the only good thing that kin be said of him at all, is that he was au active member of the ingine',eompany, and occasionally good at fires., • " The pall-bearers will now proceed to bear put 'the corpse, while the choir will sing, as an appropriate hymn, the 33d hymn, 2d book, short meter, four verses, omitting, if you please, the 3d and sth stanzas : ~, '4A , ' Believing, we rejoice 1 To see the cues removed,' with the usual Doxology."—Har. Mag Earth not our Abiding Place— It cannot be that earth IS man's only abiding place; it cannot be that our life is a bubble cast up by the ocean of eternity to • float a moment upon the wave, andhen sink into darkness and nothingness; else why Is it, that the aspirations that leap like angels from the temple! of our hearts, are forever, wandering/ abroad unsatisfied.? Why is it that the rainbow and the clouds come over us with a beauty that is not of earth, then pass away. and leave ns to muse upon their faded, love liness? Why is it that the starA ttutt hold their festival around the midAight throne are placed so far above the grasp of our limited faculties, forever mock ing us with. their unapproachible glory ? - . I - And, finally, why is it that bright forms ,of human beauty are presented to our vision, then take from us'•av ing the thousand , currents of our, One , Wu .to sow. backre cold and torrents upon the eart ? -We are borne from a higher dtg*tiny than that of earth. There is a land where the rainbow never fades, where the stars rill be spread out before us like islands that slumber upon the ocean ; and where thb beautiful beings tliat pass here like visions, will stay , in our. presence foreve.-:-George ghe Pittsburg C64tmeroia/ reporti the, dlicovery in York county, 'Penh.,'of large deposit of iron ore, which has the peculiar property of turning pig iron into good merchantable steel by simpl mixture with the pig iron in an ordins'i ry puddling furnace. Theere in its bed; is so soft that it can be *lined with a spade, but on exposure to the atmos phere it soon hardens. The discovery is making quite a stir among. the iron furnaces and rolling-mills of Pennsyl vania and Maryland. prpf.• Lesley es timates the contents •o) ore bed at 17,000,000 tuns. A young lady in I.Jansingburg having set her cap for a rather largiii specimen of thEi opposite sex, and having failed to Will him, was telling her sorrow to a couple of her contidents,': when one of them conafrouted her with these words " Never Taltid. MOLLIE ; there are as good fish in the sea as ever were caught." !`Mollie knows that," - replied her little brother, "but she"wauts a vrhale." Judge Elwell, of Columbia county, has decided that the busluella of a bar: ' her in shaving ou Sunday, Se a Worldly eniphayment, not excepted from the prohibition of the act of April 22, 1794. It is not a work of necessity or charity, but of mere convenience. Tioga County: Agitator. an office Is well stocked with Type, Presses, Ace., T and bas every advantage for doing JOB PRINTING in a superior manner, Platreor in Colors, from a wed ding card to a sheet poster. Any kind or style of work done at this office, as follows: , Law Books, Pamphlets, Cards,tlnvitatioh Card*, Hand Bills,Programmee, Checks, Pratte, Dubills; Bill 'fiends, Circulars, Orders, Shipping Cards, Business Cards, Envelopes, Tinted Piste Printing, Visiting Cards, Wedding tkc. Justice Blanks, • ; .. • And all othei blanks Constantly on hand e.nd for Wei Deeds, warrantee, i • , • Shool Contract :' " Deeds,quit-claint. ' ' Stunmo as, Subpoenas, Statement and Confession, Warrants, 'Executions, Amicable Action, Indemnifying Bonds, • - Bonds,Constable'e Sale, , Attachments, Judgment Collector's Sale, Notes, Petition and Bond Marriage Certificate, ,for App'inent of Guardian. And any other blanks not enumerated above will ba printed to order on abort notice. ' - 44-Persons sending orders for JOB WORK will get their Work promptly done and returned., We shall spare no pains to please our customers In this depart ment. Those sending work, please state the size of Joh, kind of Ink and paper desired. VAN GELDER & MITCHELL. Proprietor' Feb. 1570 gEED POTATOES FOR SALE.--Early Rose, Climax, and Breese Prolific. Early Rose; the merits of this celebrated va riety, are already well kiCown—planted side by side with the early Goodrich and Xorkpotatoes, they matured twelve days in advance. Climax potato: this variety speaks for its •self. Prom one pound of seed, the undersigned received a yield of 123 pounds. It is a potato of superior table quality. The Breese Prolific ;statures about two weeks later than the Early t lßose—is generally pro ductive; often exceeding a hundred fold, and will prove a most valuable variety for field culture: It is also a potato of excelent table quality. Early Boas, price per peok, • Climax. \ 6 - ' .pound, Breese Prollflo, ' • - 11. S. TOANSTON, Tioga, Ya. Bob. 28, '7O-tf. BEY - HIVE EXCHANGE. I Surrender, BUT AT DISCRETION! YOU see that half a column.of spaca wick halt an inch of reading matter, don't help me fitter all. What ci'ma do that fid• r" asked lass than a million of my customers, Then I appeared in blank. And, being tuckbred out with trying to explain why I did it, I am forced to do it in print: - • Therefore, Icdlow ye, all good puutde, that I am doing a Land Office business, WHOLESALE & RETAIL 111 SUGARS, '.ALL oRADEs, SYRUPS, MO LASSES, PORK, HAMS, SHOULDERS, MACKEREL, WHITE FISK, CISCOES, COD, HA.LI- BUT, ID BO FORTH, And lam selling cheap as I always do, and can save country dealers their expenses to the little city of Elmira, or the big city of New York.— But then, • THE TEA TRADE is one of my biggest, brightest, and best things. Yon cannot get better OOLONG OR GREEN TEAS, or cheaper, than I can sell you. You may pa tronize the Oreat American Tea Company, and, then I can do you good. I have enough ta.set Tioga County a TE ILE - ING for the next 26 years. Besides no man has a big ger or better lot of 110011% a ammo then I have, and am Belling them dt a bargain Everything in the Grocery Line, FANNED FRUITS, AND VEGETABLES, WOODEN WARE, CONFEC. TIONERY, . not zaixed as I mix them here, but in good order I bny all the BUTTER' AN? CIiEESE, that I can, and almost everything else but teasels Sign of the BULL. & BEE•HIVE. \ Weller, Deo. 15, 1889. WALL PAPER! 4VALL PAPER 4 WALL 'PAPER LET it be distinctly understood to the inhab limits:and citizens of Wellsboro, that we im sell WALL PAPER, and abs other article in the 1:orlza i_mixie, cheaper than can be sold by any other firm in Vega County; further we do affirm that no man oan undersell us unless they receive goods by the AIR LINE. We have just received from N. Y,, 35,000 ROLLS of WALL PAPER bought:at the present Gold prices .$l,ll, whi h we will sell cheaper than'any other firm whet Of N. Y. Call and examine, and we are certain that we can please in Price and quality, and if not suited we ,will .pay you for your time in specie. P. R. WILLIAMS & CO. Wellsboro,APrlo3, 1870. - Havingformed a partnership in the Tin,)Stoye and Hardware trade, the undersigned haVe the pleabure to announce that they have, at a great outlay, added to the usual stook - of the old stand -on 'a complete assortment - of Shelf Hardware, of *hloh we enumerate the following articles NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, • PUMPS; AXES, AUGERS, • . BITTS, $1 00 • 50 50 BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, BENCH-SCREWS,- WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE•BOXES; AXLE TREES, ELLIP TIC SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, tic AND IRON, GRINDSTONE \HA.NGINGS, CORN • POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, . , PISTOL CARTRIDGE& POWDER AND •, OAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS a new thing, and made for use. These are but a few of the many articles composing our stook of "Hardware, We invite the public to call and examine for themselves. We aim to keep the beat quality of goods In our line; and all work. to order done promptly and well. ENTS POR THE Hu keye Mo ,er & Reaper. SASH, DOC/RS. BLINDS. ROBERTS' & BAILEY'S, Hardware Store, WoCLotiorol ROBERTS A BAILEY. WIC ROBERTS. i • R. 0• BAILEY. f Wollßboro,Jan. 1,1870-tf. TOE subscribers will pay Cash, Full-Cloth, crassimeres, Flannels, &0., &0., for Wool.— yalso manufacture as Usual— • • TO .ORDER, OR ON SAWS to snit onetomers. All workwarranted aerep resented. They invite particular attentiou to their Water Proof which aie warranted in every respect. Partials lar attention given to W. T. MATTIERS Stoves: Stoves : ! AND HA'RDWARIP! MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, AT FACTORY PRICES. Always on hand or furnished to order, at Ingham's Woolen Mills ! rikIERFrELP, PA. CASSIMERES, ROLL - CARDING AND CLOTH DRESSING,' INGHAM'S large stook of Oassimeres, do., 26 per cent lees than any competitors, and warrant. ed as represented, INGRAM manufacture to order, and do all kinds of 8011-Carding and Cloth Dreeslng, and defy ooretltlon. INGRAMB have as good an assortment o Full 01qths, Oassinieres, 3 aid give more for Wool in exchange than any other establishment. Try them and satisfy your telves. INGRAMS wholesale and retail at the Cow anesque Mills„2 miles below Knoxville. Oar Oloths are warranted, and sold by the following persons: DELANO & CO.. Welleboro, Pa. T. L. BALDWIN & CO., Tioga, Pa. J. C. BENNETT, Covington, Pa. 100,000 Pounds . of Woo Wanted. JOSEPH INGH&B1 * BONS. Deerfield, Jan. 1, 1810-If. REMOV:4L. New Stock! New Goods! , SEARS p. DERBY ET AVE taken the now store one door abovo JUL Wright .3; Bailey, where they are on hand with a now stock of ' BOOTS, BALMORALS, GAITERS, BOOTEES, BROGANS AND • GALLIGASKINS wattanted to Skop) , foot fronx 0 1 to 18 in cltisive: The stock has boon selected by one who has the advantage of THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE in the business, and is the beet and fullest in the country, Our stock of FRENCH CALF, FRENCH KIP, UP ,PER, SOLE, COMMON ':LININGS, BINDING,• ' ; ROCCO, will ba kept - up as heratoffre. On Findings we shall be found at home al-, ways, and we - shall endeavor to sell at pr,lact satisfactory to the trade. We won't be wider.' sold. • CASH PAID FOR HIDES, SKINS, FURS & PELirS. Also the top of the Market for r W . ' 0 0 L But our beet hold will be on CUSTOM WORK 1 Aa usual. There's comfort in a well made custom boot, Aat t corns without too much compressinw For cvcrybddy knows a shabby foot Daunt be compromised by overdresaing. Ahd one may wear clean linen with a suit Of finest cloth, but there is no finessing Will make a man with shabbily dressed feet, Look like a gentleman upon the street; kroner, : Buy yoUr boots of . . • SEARS & DERBY, Or any other mall. [Printer's Devil.] Welleboro, Jan. 1, 1869-tf. ..Por Sale. lAM AGENTilfor Kinney do Co., celebrated platform Spring Wagons, all styles,' also for their light Carriages and Buggy Wager's, all made in good style, and from Jersey timber, and warranted in every respect, equal to any made. Can furnish any of the above at the lowest Manufacturers price's. L. C. BENNET. Welleboro, Jan. 1, 1870—tf. . Howse and Lot for Sale. OUSE and Lot, and vacant lot for ' sale cheap. Location Wellsbpro, and desirable. nquire at the Agitator Oftioe.,l Jan. 1, 1870—tf. TO THE FARItERS OF .TIOGA lAM viol/building at my nuiliotory,i la Lawrence. villa . a superior FANNIN MILL, which possesses the fallowing advantagesoverjallother mills: separates rye,oats,rat Iliter.andfoulseedsoind chile e and cockle, from wheat. 2. It cleans flax seed,takee out yellow eeed, and all otber seeds, perfectly. 8, It cleanetimothy seed. 4. It does all othereeparatingrequired of a mill This mill is built ofthe beet and moat durable tim. ber, in good etyle.and la told cheap for cash, or pro duce. Twill tit a patent stove, for separating aatsfrom wheat,toottlermills,onressonableterms. J .H MATHER, Lawrenosvillejan.l,lB7o—tf IRON WORKS! FOUNDRY a MA(IHINH SHOP WEiJESBOiIO, PA. SEARS &• AVERY, P- ROPRIZTORS. PLOWS, HORSE HOSES, CULTIVA TORS, ' FIELD . ROLLERS, KET TLES, ALL was, SAP PANS, - FARMING UTENSILS, ALL KINDS, WOOD MACHINES WOE SAWING WOOD; Brick Machines, CHURN POWER; THE TOMPKINS COUNTY, HORSE POWER- EIGHT AND TEN HORSE, CONSTANTLY ON HAND, And also, everything usually found in a firs olive Shop. We call particular attention to our MA CHINE SHOP, which has been re-built with new, and firit-clata MACIIINERY I LITHO Iron PLANER, DRILL, do. We employ none but first-olasa workmen; and are, therefore, pre pared to do our work in the best style, and at short notice. We have recently wi l led new MACHINERY, for Planing and Matching boards. Call and ono no. Jan. 5, 1879-Iy.. SEARS & AVERY. el VriglPPP.oq -4 gEo4lvtgBv, m . 4 g, VQ6 ,_, g c) m ; .... '' ;ph .... 0 2z2Pn'";5 t ,';'ll J 4 ,: 4 • 1 1 "t1 1 o Ns I „ : 1 0 _ et . • , . • 0/ I " 'a s 1 8 -'' = : -- .... . ..... R. m 0 ' ow, P -1 .: - P.P.P"SASA V Pu § I D • • P I • Pliopilar to, KNOXVILLE. TIOGA. 00IINTY, I PENN'A: 0.0. ~Paau ` ~tincipit. Mrs:AIM AV: norron, ProiCePtresi bliss MIL WILTqr, Assistant. . MB■ Etna BALETLITT, Teachei of Hullo.. , The BallTerni will Commence Auguit 81. The Winter Turin November 80, The BpringTerva March 8. Baal Term to continue 12 week,. • -•- EXPENSES' PEIt TII.IOII. Tuition, including resit ariftwood, Term...... 511,60. " 1 • " .• • " • Winter Term.. 18,150. - ~; Eyries T•#n.— WO. Day Stneente 7100. Instrumental Music, (Piano, Organ Or 11010deon).. 10,00. Vocal Music - 2,00: .1110.04.1Petmlnilmte 4 2,00. Drawing and Pending 8,00. Board per week .... 8,00. Jan. 1,18704 f. • INVOL'ESALE• ANY, RETAIL DEALER Ill'altkitido of • • GROCBRIBS, PROVISIONS, Wines, Liquors and FOREIGN & DOMESTIC, GREEN & C..ANN:ED FRUITS AND WOOD & WILLOW WARE, GLASS & CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, CABS & A full and complete assortment of, the above mentioned goods of the beat quality always on . hand. I . Particular attention paid to P ine; Groceries. Dealers and Consumers will And it to their in terest to examine hirlStook before buying. ; Corning, N. Y., r 8 10810. ~ • . A. D. DUDLEY,, A.4. 1 * Watchmaker and Jeweler. - -Merge aseettaetit of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER PLATED WARE, CLOVES AND FANCY GOODS. , krairikylag done id any style. Oorni*Hee. 15, 1869. A.H. DUDLEY, ly. ••. - No. 10, Market St. EXEBUTOMP NOTlCE.—Letters Tostaman iarrhavaiglitan granted neon the kit will and testament. of John - .Lovagood, - &coiled, late d i -Liberty, all parsons indebted-to or Calm ing against said mate, are requested to •settle with S. A. LIWZBOOOD, L B. WERLINB, • Liberty, March 23, 1870: et Exeo're. WE the undersigned do hereby say to, all— that we have tried this machine, and O•4•Ar 441.1,••••va114n. ..••••• 24. washes complete, and works with perfect ease— only requiring about one tenth the Jabot of com— mon washers. We think it cheap, simple and durable. It does not wear the eV:Ahem, but sim— ply cleansei from all dirt. And we cheerfully recommend it to all; it being now canvassed for with great !amass. March 2, 1870. 8t Mrs. Jerome Smith, Mrs. William Mathers, " Mary A Dewey, " George Parker, " Christina Watkins, " Nettie Watkins, " Lewis Holmes, " P. C. Van Gelder. Mr. M. 0. Sutton is the only authorized Agent is this locality. Mar. 2-6 t. 47 J. STICKLIN, Ohairmaker, Turner, and • Furniture Dealer. SALE ROOM and FACTORY opposite Dartt's Wagon Shop Main Street, where he is pro. pared to fiarnish Cabinet Ware of any kind to those in want. Orders promptly fi lled and eatisfactiongnarau. toed. Fancy Turning done to order. • Wellsboro, Jan. 1,1870. J. STIOKLIN. A farm of three hundred norm with two bun• dred and •twenty-five acres improved. Sit uated two miles north of Tioga Village, pn the Tioga River and Railroad. Well watttered, un der a good state of cultivation, and good build loge. Also four houses and lots for sale iliTioga village., T. L BALDWIN. Tioga4an. 1,1870-tf. THE undersigned resp'eatfally announces to the citizens of Westfield and surrounding coon• try that he le permanently located at thig place. He is fully prepared to do all kinds of DE] TISWAY, in the highest style of the art. Eirtisfaotion guarranteed. Office over Soovillts Drug Store. -Pine Photographs can be bad over the Drug Store. • • 11. R.. PHILLIPS. Westfield, Pa., June 80,1889-Iy. LOTS SPRING GOODS: rrHE anbaorlber will keep on nand at all times .1. - a hall stock of DRIOSAIDIHDICINES, , , I • I tt i 1 0 I*l UNION ACADEMY, Grocery And Provision Store, ) CORNING, N. Y. CZ). 30,.. Cigars, DRIED FRUITS, VEGETABLES, CROCKERY WARE, PERAMBULATORS, TOYS, 8r.0., &o. CORNING JEWELRY STORE I The Richardson Washer. Valuable Farm for Sale. Dr. H. R. Phillips, VIIMSMON ZMINV110;0. Wholesale and Retail DRUG STORE !j By W. C. KRESS. PAINTS, OILS, Pitent.Medicines, Flavoring Extracts, Perf umery, "Kerosene, Lamps, Wicks, DO Co lors, White 'Trash Lime and Brushes,: Varnish and &oh Brushes, Window Mau &rem, Varnish of an kind*, Fancy amps, Hair Oils, SPECTACLES, Hair and ?both Brushes, a full stock of Yankee Notions; also . a complete as sortment of Homampathie Mediciaties, and a full stook of Pure Wines and Liquors. Buyers are requested to oall and examine pi- Coo before purohating elsewhere. Was: : Apr. 30, MO. WHOLBSILB DREU•STOBII. CORNING, N. Y. TAMS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS 1.1 , AND OILS, THADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, KEITH'S CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, . IREDELL'S FLUID, EX TRACTS, BURNETT'S COOOAINE, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDICINES, ROCH ESTER PERFUMERY AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, WHITEWASH LIME & . AND DYE COLORS, AGENTS FOR MARVIN & CO'S RE 1 - FINED OIL. Sold at Wholesale Prices. Buyers arerequested to oall and get quotations before going further, East 3 W. B. TERBELL it CO. .rnlng, N.Y.; Jan. 1,1870--ly ANTED, ' AT THE NILES VALLEY STEAM• FLOURING MILLS. 10,000 Bus. Corn, • 10,000 " Oats, and any amount of good wheat. J. B. DIMON & Co. , Niles Valley, Jan. I, 1870-tf. Patent Roofing. IHAVE bought the right to use! the Paten Blued* Roofing in Tioga County, and am now preparad, to put on roofs cheap and in good Workmanlike manner. This roofing is fire and water proof. I refer to Messrs. Wright A Bai ley, Toles A Barker, and 0. L. Willcox, *here samples can be seen and.roofs in use. MOSES WLNOATE. Wellaboro, Jan .1, 1870—tf. - Welisboro Hotel. I )3 B. HOLLIDAY, Proprietor. A large and • oommodioue House, located in the immo late vicinity of all the County buildings, with large and commodious barns attached. -Jaines Hazlett acts as hostler, , and wil always be found on hand, attentive to business. Jan. 6,1870.-ly Livery Stable: QETH WATKINS respectfully informs the 1 / 4 3 publio that he has established a Livery for Mire, at the barn on the premises lately owned by R. 0. Simpson, Esq., located on Pearl and Crofton Streets, We'labor°. He aims to keep good hor ses and wagons, and intends to please. Prices reasonable.—Nov. 24,1869-Iy. i Double and single teams furnished. Furniture 1 Furniture B. T. VAN HORN, HAVING completed his new Cabinet Ware house on Main street, Welleboro, has stook ed it with a large and superior assorted stock o FURNITURE. Ohamber Suits, Walnut, Ash, Waple do., do., do., • • from $l5O down, and as cheap as the same goods can be bo't in the cities, freight added. Parlor Suits, Walnut, Cherry, and Mahogany, Reps or Hair Cloth, frbm $125 down. Also, SOFAS, LOUNGES, COUCHES, TETE A-TETES, with Upholstery to snit. Center Tables, Walnut or Marble Tops • Looking Glasses, Brackets Pa per Racks, Rocking Chairs, } all kinds, Wholesale . and Retail. I am manufacturing as usual, and intend to keep a full stook of ware, home and city made at all times. My Ware Rooms are spacious and neat, and now contain the largest, costliest and bestbtockl of Furniture ever brought into the county. k Planing and Matching, SCROLL SAWING dr,,AEOULDING, done to order at the Factory • Jan. 1, 1869-tf. B. T. VAN HORN • WALKER & LATIM:IP, DICALZRB HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL; NAILS, STOTTE, TIN- WARE, BRUIN, Sin CUTLERY, WATER LIME, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Cariiage and alarm's Trimmings, I- HARNESSES; SADDLES, /to. Corning, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1820-Iy. C. F. & 0. Moore, lAIVERY AND EXCHANGE STABLES Welleboro, Pa. Office and Stables on Water treat, in rear of Court• House. They will fur nish horses, single or double, with Buggies, or Carriages, at short notice. Long experience in the business enables the proprietors to announce, with ocadidence they can meet any reasonable de mands in their line. Drivers furnished, if desired and paisengers carried to any part of the country. Thankful for past favors, they invite continuance of custom. : -Terms reasonable. • • N0v:4,1869.-Iy. Great Improvement in Densistry. - y. .HAVING- purchased the exam. 11 1 dive right of Dr. Folsom's Im• a ft ** proved patent Atmospherio Dental Plates for Tioga County. I now take pleasnre in offering it to the publio,as the greatest Die- COVERT yet made in Mechanical Dentistry. By the use ef.which, we can overcome any any and all difficulties which have heretofore baffled the skill of the most practical ,Dentist in the world. , Plates oonstracted upon this plan re main perfectly Sim under all eircathstances or condition of the month, as no air, or particles of foodoan possiblygetunderthem. Those having old styles, Gold or Rubber Plates, can, at half the coat, have the Improvement applied to them answering in every respect the same purpose as as a new set. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed in every ease. C. hI..DARTT, Dentist. Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 1869. Thiele to certify that we are now using the linPrey" ed Dental Plate's. with perfect satisfaction. Haying used tbe old style Opiates for years with anthem:whits .and inconcenioncleknown in the nsfs of inch plates, we oboe/fully recommend the Improved Mates as far impetiOr to anything yet known. E. R. KildVidliD. • ORAILIVILLIAD4S. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. ERIE R O N and altor MONDAY, May 2d, 1870, Trai ns will leaves:laming, at ;be following boure, vlz : Goitre WEST. 5,50 a. tn., NIGUT EXPRESS, daily fur Roch ester Buffalo Dunkirk, Cleveland and anon, mitt!, making ' direct cora/Action with trains of the Grand Trunk and Lake Shore Railways at Buffalo. Dunkirk and Cleveland for all points West, and at Oincitituatti with the Ohio and Mist:oBlpp! and Louis. villa Short Line Railways for the South and South west: 6,18 a lap D EXRESS MAIL, Sue a s exceted, fort, Buffalo, tinkir P k and Clevel and, t co y nnectin p g with trains for the West. A sleeping Coach is attached to this train running through to Buffalo. 4 10,22 a. m., MAIL TRAIN, Sundays excepted, for - Buffalo and Dunkirk, • L 45 P.m.', BALTIMORE ItXPßESS,Sundaysexcept ed, for Rochcater and Buffalo, via Aron. 7,39 p. m., DAY EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, for Rochester, Buffalo ' Dunkirk, Cleveland, Cincinnati, and the South Stops at drincipal stations and con. pacts points on main line. New and improved Dr i awing Room Coaches.accompany this train from New York to BOffalo, and Sleeping Coat:pee attached at ilornellsville, running through to Cleveland and Gallon without change. 11,25 p. 131., EXPPESS MAIL. Sundays excepted, -tor Buffalo, Clevela ad, connecting wltq trains for the West. 12,05 p. Iti.,,WAY FaElGHT,Sunclaysexcepted. 645 p• in, EMIGRANT TRAIN, daily, for the West. GOING EAST 11,48 p.m., 'MORT EXPRESS. Sunday's excepted, connecting at New York. with afternooultrains and Steamers for Boston and New England &Ries. Sleeping Coaches accompany this train to New York 4,35 a. m., CINCINNATI EXPRESS, Mondays es; canted, connecting at Elmira for Williamsport, Harrisburg and the South; also at Elmira for Canan daigua; at Waverly With train of Lehigh valley Rail way ; at Owego for Ithaca; at Binghamton for Coo perstown and Albany; and at New York with steam ers and afternoon Express trains for New England /1167. Sleeping coaches accompany this train to New York. 11,28 a. m., DAY EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, connecting at Jersey .City with midnight express train of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia. Also stopeat principal stetsons and connecting points on main line.. ; New and improved Drawing Roonaloaches accompany this train to New York. , 12.16 w.,. , ACCOMMODATIONITRAIN, daily for" Susqueha p. nna. 1 • i 2;20 •p. m., ELbIIRA. MAIL, suildaya excepted. 430 P.m.) NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE MAIL, Bandar, excepted, connecting at Elmira fur the south. 7,37 p.m., LIGHTNING EXPRESS, Bally, connect ing at Jersey City with morning Express train of New Jersey Railroad for Baltimore and Washington; and at Now York with morning Express train for Boston and New England Cities. Alsr stops at all prin cipal stations and connecting points on mats line. Bleeping Coaches accompany thistratt through to New Nork. 11,33 a. in., WAY BREMIIT, Sunday, excepted. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH, gar A revised and complete“ Pocket Time Tabled' Passenger Trains on that:He Railway and • connecting Lines,bas recently been published,and can be procur, ed on application w a ttle Ticket Agent oftbe Company Wll. BARR, L. D . RUCKER , M. \ ilen'l Pass. Agent'. [ Gen'l Sup't ~.,_ Bloosbarg& Corning, & '''lioga R. R Tiatnewillryin as follows untilfurther notice: Accommodation—Leaves Blessburg at 6,60 a. m..3ian e field at 7,40 Tloga at 8,22 Lawrenceville at 9 07— arrivingat Corning at 10,10 a.m. Matt—LeavesDloasburg at 2,30 p. m ~Mans field at 3,16, Tloga at 3,45, Lawrenceville at 4,29—arriving at Corning at r.. 30 51a11—LeavesCorning at 7,50 -a.m., Lawrenceville at 8,44, Voga at 023, Mansfield at 10,05—arriving at Illosslburg at 11,45 a. m . Accomntodation—Leaves Corning at 2,55 p. renceline at 4,04 Tioga at 4.55, Mansfield at 5,38 arriving at Blossburg a 03,20 p. m . L .SIIATTIICK t NOrthern Central R . R. TRAINS FOR TILE NORTH . TrainsforCanandagnialoave Elnilla as follows : Accomodation at 7 05 p m Express [fastest train oti road] ...... ...... 12 2U a m Mail - lo 00 p m Way Freight,[passenger coach attached].........5 20 a m On andafter Nov. 15, 1869, trlttin s will arrive and depart from Troy, al follows; LEAVE NORTHWARD. 108 b a. m.—Dally (except Sundays) for Elmira, Buffs. lo,Canandaigua, Rochester, Suo.Bridge and the 'Canada& 95a a. m.—Dally (except Sundays) for Elmira and Buffalo,v la Erie Railway from Elmira. • LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 7 ?..3 A. m.—Dally(except iundays) for Baltimore, Washington,Pbiladelphia,&c. 955 P. m.—Dally (except Sundays) for Baltimore, Washington and Philadelphia. ALPRE'D R. FISKE ED. S. YOUNG ' Gen'l Bap t .Harrliburg, Ci n'.l Pass. Ag' t Daltimore,Md. 10,000 Agents Wanted. EYERYBODY'S LAWYER AND BOOK OF FORMS, BY FRANK CROSBY, ESQ., Member of the Philidelphia Bar. • Enlarged and Troroughly Revised, Br S. J. VANDERSLOOT, ESQ., Member of the Philadelphia Bar. 608 pp. 12 Ito. Law STYLE. I $2,00. THIS UNEQUALLED BOOK concerns the property, business, individual rights, and so cial privileges of every one, and affords a fund of legal knowledge that to many will make it worth its weight In gold. The simplicity of its, instructions, the comprehensiveness of its Eub jeot, the accuracy of its details, Übe facilities af forded in its perfect arrangement,. and the con ciseness and attractiveness of . iti style, as well as its cheapness, make it the mo st desirable of tho legal hand-book. , No effort or expense had been spared in adapting it thoroughly to the times, and affording in it the most recent and useful information. IT CONTAINS Tti l Constitution of the nnited States, • : With Amendments ; General Bankrupt Laws, With Amendments : Pension Laws, With Necessary Forms ; Internal Revenue Laws, ' With Stamp Duties ; Post Office Regulations, With Postage Rates, &c., "&c. TOGETHEH WITH THE Laws of all the States IN REGARD TO Acknowledgments, , Credits, Naturalization Administrators, Debts, • Notes.' Affidavits. Neils, ' Obligations. Agents, Divorce, Partnerships, Agreements, Dower, Patents, Alimony, .thtchango, Penalties, Appeals, Executors, Petition,. Apprentices, Exemption, Foist's, Arbitrations, Guardians, Pre•empt lobs, Assignees, Hotels, Receipts, Assignments, , Landlords, ReleaseS, Awards, Libel. Rights. Bills,Liens, Slander. Boarding, Limitations, Tenants. Bonds, Marriage, Vessels, Carriers, ' ' Masters, Wards. Codicils, Minors, Wills, Opoyrights, Mortgagee, .1c , &c, • Plain and Simple Instructions to Everybpdy for Transacting their Business According! to Law; the legal forme required for DittW 7 tag up the Various Necessary Papers ' and useful Information in Regard— to the Government of tho Uni ted States, and tho various State Governments, ete., etc. _1 Agents Wanted. LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS are offered to agents everywhere. This work is.the moat com. plate of its kind ever published, and presents Ca cellencies that commend it to all engaged in the affairs of everyday life. Every farmer. business man, Tradesman, Laboring Men, Politician, Property Holder, Bankrupt, Mfessional Man, and every one having a Family, Will find it in teresting, instructive, valuable, and full of infor mation. SEND FOR OUR LARGE AND RAND SOME SIXTY-FOUR PAGE CATALOGUE of nearly One Thousand standard ,and choice works. Its character throughout is such as to command the confidence of all experienced can vassers, and the approval of the pitli,c. .SINGLE COPIES of Everybody's Lawyer stint to any address, postage paid, on receipt of price. For 'terms to Agents, and other infrmation, address, John E, Potter & Co., • PUBLISHERS, 614 end 617- Se om Sums? - Melt 30,1670.-Bm. PIIII,ADBLPII/A. ILWAY. WITH COVINGTON.,SISII .PACTORI • D. p.4*. 11. 0. IRSLAN, Proprietors . • . Tige;?abre.cprribe.pra.rzotuoldmeankyetoortbneirttic this SASH AND BLIIi% ) DOORS, PALING, SCROLL s ING, &C., Also, dealers in . 'Lumbei . and Shingles. Price list for Sash primed and glaze ii p er li ght 8 by 10-123 cents. 9 by 13. 8 by 14, 10 by 12, 15 Hats. 10 by 14, 9 by 14, 16 cents. 10 by 16, 20 ants. • Our work is made of the best seasoned lumt « and in the beat manner. Call and see us. Jan. 5, 187C-Iy. insurance Agency, WELLSBORO, PA. Cash Capital over 001000,000 FIRST-CLASS CO'S- 2 -/VME BETTER RATES AS LOW as any good Conipat, 4 will take. Policies on dwellings atd property written at this othco, and - dellvetti l payment of premium. Are You Insured. i It costs but little, particularly to insnre (11!1. Inge, farm property, and contents. Detmo dwellings and farm property insured_ for 3 y tt , for ipne per centum and. expense of policy, t t A' house, detached 100 or more insured $lOOO for 3 years, at an expense of $11,60. 0; 4 $3,83* a year! Small tam—good thing in call; fire., Furniture, provisions, bedding at:- ,at same rates. There 184:10 excuse, Everyone ShCould be Insured. if not with me, Smith & Merrick will do it jc as cheap, and just as well. (Gratis, gentlente. I should be glad however, to befriend enciugliz this manner to pay for advertising. • PRO. I. MITCHELL. Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 1870-tf. Now 'hen Them Things is AMY' F , il A VERY thing is lovely, and the a ser iq r . depends from a sublime altitude. i - You will Please Observe, .that the best natured man in Town baring fleet:l'th° wants of the public, and haringtto tifullyisupplied himself with almost trerytEl which'lhis world a r. afford to oppea:t. the: now btihevolently pv poses to open the whoitti fore the people, and say to all, old and yttl black ai.d white, rich and poor, [ Rngg C M E 9 • You pay your Money and you take Sr: choice. DOn't stand out in the cold expo;:cd - to dee ements and to the Sting of the neighbor, ttd but pull•tho latch string, it is always out iness hours, d-c. ENTER 1' Tho large hearted proprietor, or his esti good naturell clerk will conduct you, es it yr through a ,GARDEN filled with - raviz:hing delights ht. NJ / IiARDEN OP SPICES, in •Itl_ every thing Spicy,from a nutmeg to eaveneep per mit- tie aeon and procured. 2d, A GARDEN OF SWEETS, in which!' ery variety of Saceharine delights, both solidi' liquid may be had by the stick, pound orgill:. and of such flavor and complexion as will on every aching sweet tooth in your bead Jump with delight. Should you be point:4 tally inclined, this humane individual wit duct you into a GARDEN OF FRUITS, in YT il kb - b 119 lei t , ery variety of luscious things to be found giti ered from the four quarters of the globe, ad shown to aatiaiy your largest longings. Oru;s from Cuba, Lemons frdm Florida, Yount Ira Turkey, Raisins from Malaga, Curran ta Ina ii, Grecian Archipelago; 'Peaches dried . and ta> ed itlong with a great ariety of Canned Do from the Jerseys; Data from Syria, cud Fr from Asia Minor. No nd to the supply oferv; species o r N UTS from 3 Continents. THE TEA GARDEN will next enact:: your attention; the warm decoction of tie fin leaf and the Java bean have become along dr vernal beverages, and if not swallowed too It!t to strong, the mild stimulants are esteemed t eminently, , promotive of comfort and sociallt;- What compnny of elderly ladies could evert!' in peace without i them ? Now your fried a: GARDNER, will be most happy to shcx l. all this. Ho will ask you politely to look it b Tea. You are welcome to try' every cbe!t see if GUN POWDER, Snuchong GRill HTSON, &0., which flavor you like, bet clt the other styles wbose jaw cracking newel cv be dangerous to pronounce, COFFEES. in cde: style, ditto, ditto,liitto. Furthermoreg Tho beneficent proprietor of this matsuntit tablishMent—ont of sheer good will, and 0.1 will believe him for no other motive batty:: interest and his, has at vast expense estkilNit at the - same plaoo an immense depot of Nrs ions, consisting of Flour, Pork, Lard, Cod sit, White Fla .1 1 Sword Fish, c., &c. Meal, Hams, Butter, Til'aut,', Blue F5l Halibut, &11, (fro. ' ' All of which be intends to sell at a proatcu::! principle of "live and lot live." Ile gents; proposes also to receive in exchange ail tbeir• ducts of your farm and dairies,and it istsidt.e fidentially to the public, that he never iefo Cash. Tht , ' it itite bite wretchedly N keep It • anxious is ha. that :he dear people shoulder nothing whatever that money can buy of L. A. GARDNER Wellaboro, Jan. 1, 1870. 4 - I,ARNESS' .SHOP GNV. NAVLE, would say to his trict 3 . that his Harness Shop is now in fulliy• and that ho is prepared tofainish heavy orkil MCEilatilaBMiBoS, • on short notice, in' a good and substantial: li ner, and at prices that can't fail to suit. The best workmen are employed,and coo the best material used. Call and see. Deo. 9, 186? -Iy. G. W. NAVL! I Il li3Ll r a a. o M il Age A nt L iorT i ?o ll ga ll( fin E d PignZre Caoutitnhtterf;;: effect insurance in the • • , Wyoming Insurance Coin Pau l. Royal London, Liverpool k Globe, C - He will MILOS the - county dutiing thereel ll : cept Saturdaya, when ho will he found et office of John. 1. Mitchell, to attend to ell fo may give him a call. A. L. NOVO Sept. 22, 1869-3m.* High 'School. T"ESubccriber win open a School in t, l village gf Oaceo/d, oe Monday, March 1" . 1870, and continue twelvol Weeks. RATES OF TUITION : V Primary, ........... ~ Common Engßah, • .VP ........ ,a Higher, 4.''''tt PA 9,—tf; C. C. WARD, PrinolPi• I•