[1 • J; • • - Arrival and Departnro of Stages. MBE Stages iuinniug over 1 the different routes from _ 'Walther°. will•depart and arriso as follopls from the ""'!' 7l Wellthero Post pMce: iCtLIABORO & Ttooe.=—Depart & 10, a. to., arrive 114 und 7 o'clotk tl %rut•Ssoao & Afmrsrm.o.—Departta. M., arrive 6 p. m Wrttssoao & COUDEBSPORT.—Dep. ou.A. Thur. 2 p. m. arrivoldenday & Thursday at.l2m. • IrtI.I.SBOLLO &JERSEY Boom —Depart Moo. k Thur. ira to arrive Tuesday a Fri. 6 p.m WILL9BOIIO & STONY FORK—Dep; Wed. & Friday at 2 1 A p. in.; arr. Wed. & Friday at 12 in. TIOGii COUNTY AGITATOR. lao . al Items.„ WEDNESDAY, AY 18, 870. . •New Advertisements. ( Insurance—Smith do Merrick. New Goods—Wilson & Van Valkenburg New Grocery—A. 'Humphrey tt Co. Now Goods—J. A. Parsons lc Co,- , 17.60ng Bertrand--E. A. Fisk. 'S,tate Normal Sohool—C. 11. Verrill. , • BOROUGH LIMITS ENLAR?En. — iII another column, we publish the recent law, exten ding the limits of the borough of Welfshirn. SPEC 'LED TROUT.—Mr. H. CA3alley, ill pleaso,neeept oar thanks for a largo mess "of peekle4l.trout, from tho crystal, streams of Pot ter Co. 7 . TO CANDIDATES.—Persobs wishing their names announced• to ,this paper as midi dates ?Or office, Nsilt please remember that the money 'must accompany MO order, to insure in sertion. Price, $4. How Lorro?—We had hoped some steps would be taken before now to !remove the gl avevard near the Academy. Nothing has been done. Even i The imploring of.departed spirits seems not to be effectual. How long shall that " neglected spot" disgrace our village ? • , RELIGIOUS.—The Third Quarterly Meeting of the Tioga Baptist Association will be bold with the Cherry Flats Baptist Church, on Wednesday, May 25, at 103 o'clock A. M. Rev. A. B. Chase will preach the opening sermon.— Contributions for home missions. E. T. BENTLEY, Clerk. Tioga, May 16, 1870. CURRANT WORMS.—Mr. JAS. Locke, of this place, informs us that ho has tried the following recipe for preventing the ravages of the currant worm. It is very f simplc, and we have no doubt is effectual: Tak4 1 lb. copperas to ',5 gallons of water, dissolve, arid sprinkle with a sprinkler, whorr,the worms first t r ake their ap pearancd JOHN RUSSELL YOUNG, formerly of the .IGio York Tribune;lis the editor of a new daily published in New York, called The N. York Standard. It rteets with general favor, and no doubt deserves success: The Day says over 700 copies were sold in Philadelphia one day last ` week, when it was less than ( a week old. - ' 'GRAND AIUIY JOURNAL.—This is the name of a new • pnper, the first number of which is before us. It is published at Wa'hing ton, and is intended as an organ specially adap ted to the interests of the•soldier and le (3i - end Army of the Republic. It is well printed, and exhibits ability which will probably nitrite it a success. $2 a year. Address No. G2B, P htreet, Washington, D. C. LIFE INSURANCE.—Messrs. Smith (C: Merrick are doing a lively business just now in the life insurance.: They are constantly receiving applications from our citizens who have long neg lected this important matter on account of the high rates of insurance. The Travelers' Insur ance Company, of which they are agents, insure so low, that it is really an object for every man to secure a policy at once. Rend advertisement carefully in another column. DRAMATIC ! ASSOCIATION.—ReIiiRtp- Ler.the entertainments in the Court House, Thurs day end Friday evenings, 19th and 20th instants. We are 4nfident they will he' well worth going to see. i fr. M'Ca3. is Manager—every way cal culated t make them successful. The hid ies and gentletne who make up the characters, are capa ble. " Euly of Lyons," first night. " Meg's Di verson,)' the last. . NEW GOODS.—Messrs. Parsons & CO., of Corning, have a largo and fashionable stock of goods on hand, and are constantly receiving new additions to supply their customers. See their double column advertisement lin this paper, which gives only a small outline or the goods kept by them. We recommend our readers to this house, as liberal advertisers are always liberal dealers. A mat) came home late one night with a "brickip his bat," and feeling somewhat thirsty, drank a glass of water, and with it swallowed a small ball of silk, the end catching his teeth.— Feeling something, bo began pulling at the end, and thus completely unraveled himself by throw ing up the ball and ever-so-much bad wiiishy.— Look out for snakes next. THE INDEPENDENT.—This paper 49 an invaluable family journal, and should he,, - ken in every household in tho land. It 1k a seventy two column sheet, nicety printed, Oil - edited, and contains a large amount of readin matter of the choicest hind. Send $2,50, the sub!' scription price, to Henry C. Rowen, Box. 2787, New York, and get it, which is worth twice the subscription price to any one. • GOING TO — CIIURCIL—We give the following from tlie Household Advocate, Nalich fully explains the object of POMO church g i Oem. Read it. §ome go to church for a walk, Some go there to - laugh and talk ; Some go there their time to spend, Some go there to meet a friend ; Some go to learn the portion's name, — Some go there to wound this fame; Seine go there for speculation, Some go there for observation ; Some go there to sleep and nod, .But few 'go there to worship God. EQUITABLE.—It has been stated by pathos interested in other companies, that the Equitable does not pay an average dividend of 11 per cent. I have nothing to say of other COM panics, nor doubt they arc all good ones. I am ratisfied with the Equitable, as are all its policy holders. The following statement made by Mr. P. R. Villiams of this borough ought to satisfy any one about the dividends of the Equitable; if -it does not, call upon Mr. Williams, who says: "I was insured in the Equitable in 1866 for 51000, My first premium was $16,02: my first dividend declared in 1867, mainly(' to $l6; 2d $l9; 'ld .;% ) .1.:....ith (this }ear,) 29. i • • • P. It. ‘VILLIAMS. DtviOentlp applied tq the policy or to cancel the premium a4lbe policy holder dirc tN. Sec adv. May 1S W. A. Si' NE, Agent. 01 T gIiTERPRISES.—The Internal Heron le Department has decided that all who tell eandy; : or any other article, offering with said candy or other article, the gift or bestowal el any other article or articles, varying, or•liable to vary in value ;, or the gift or bestowal of ma ney, varying in amount id the different packa ges, RS an inducement to the purchase 1.1 candies or other objects offered for sale,are considered us proprietors of a gift enterprise, and subject to the special tax of WO. The small dealers in this vicinity can hardly afford to pay that amount, and Will therefore, most likely, discontinuo'Lliat branch of the trade. T HEOWEATHEK.—The hitter pat t. of April and the first week of May, the weather was most beautiful. It seemed out of season, and augured worse to come. The worse came on the VI, and continued throughout last week. livery day brought its showers, and some their long, drizzling, cold rains. The evenings were chilly, the mornings cold enough to require fires thio% out the forenood; and people feared the ftnit would suffer by the frost.l Between showers, the eon caine. out Warm and bright. The weather vras as changeable as a fickle girl, though she tueant\wiell while the sun shone. It is to be hoped i t at the larger fruits, at least, are not far ening& advanced to:be injured now. T E STATE FAIR.--The committee , of the State Agribnitural Society intrusted with the charge of selecting it piano for Wiling tho fair, rec ently . Scranton, ;tad after due eon rultation and delibpration, the papers t*,ere exe cuted assigning Scranton as the place for'holding theStaterTair for the next two years, 7-.Lutnitt'y. OSSIP.—WeII, now, I um fatigued, yet am I refreshed, sincee — our walk. And look We are but just l im in' time. Do you see those dark,,thiek clouds, rolling and elanabering over the tree tops on the hill? Ab, hot - 0 ( Majestically they glide along, and then how darkly they lower over those children returning not too soon to es cape the storm. And Fee how the mad wind writhes the trees, as if it were a demon of fury, and they its 'Torn enemies in its path. How wildly Magnificent I See! even the docile flocks are furious. And the horses, how they flee, as if the very dragons of the infernal pit were in pur suit. Just in time; my fine fellow, just in time. Tho rain, falling -so thickly na it seems to do, over there, must have driven him in demoralized, for he left hie coat, don't you see? That's a w i ry inferior place, as the world goes, hut it's all( a home to him. I should like to know,, if a smile and kind words greet him, I know it must be so ; for she is a generous, kind-hearted creature, where love must make him-happy. And now the storm is upon ni. Fearful, is it? Yes; but you know it does no good to indulge timidity. Oh, lam so glad you are hero! I don't know what I should have done had I been alone What vivid lightning and terrible thunder! It hail been years since I had such feelings. Don't go out.' Do shut the doors and close the window there; the currents of . air, you say, are conduct ors, and I believe we should use our knowledge of such things to make us secure. There, that is a good man. Do sit down bere,now, and do not look all so intently out, as,if to peorinto tlto soul, of God, and see what wo are not given to know. Why, dame, you aro in a fright. If harm is to come, we cannot escape it; . yet it is our duty, as you say, to observe all reasonable precaution. It would be a worse tempest than all this, if per chance the good - Tii - d - Ood_i_ihould take one of_us, but leave the other ! What a ruin indeed would then prevail ! No hope, no happy hours to drive away the weary life; no willing hands to do the little things that affection prompts; no other heart, to be made happy and light by all that a long life might lend opportunity to accomplish, in the lit *tie attentions by the way ! Ah, me ! what desola tion ! God save us, dear dame, from all this;— and if it be the time of ono to go, let both be taken; for'such a rending of heartstrings would make the remaining life a living death. To live, and yet not live ! To walk, and talk, and labor among-men, with the soul absent, wandering in search of the lost ! To be, and not to be! To 'make others believe you ere, when you are not; to net a false part in life, living only a spiritual, abstract life, and not the real, actual, tangible round of days and months, as wo see others live about us ; to long after the bidden mysteries, ever and ever, without ceasing; to feel old, so old that it all seems so mystical away back in the beginning, that one doubts his own existence; 1 1 and yet to know that the end may ho a long way off, ere that final deliverance come, which 1700 d indeed be a deliverance from such a fate! Deso lation ! Ruin ! Ali, imagine the scene ! Yet I would not have you. It is too, too soul-harrow ing. " Sufficient unto the day is the evil there of." The storm subsides. It has indeed been fear ful. I pity all who were out in it. And the poor cattle and horses! how they must suffer!— I wonder if they have presentiment of any dan ger? I know, Gossip, it seems foolish to you tnerywhen you see one of what you, in flattery, call " the fair acs," so frightened by anythidg in nature; but we cannot help it; arid I believe now, if you would tell the truth, you would ad mit as much for yourself. Now wasn't you just a little frightened ? Don't you know that misery loves company, and will you not any so, jtiA for company sake ? Oh, company sake! That is just like one of the " fair sex." I don't blame—l only preach the fact. But do you not see the storm is all past, the lightning has spent.all its smothered rage— .and why should I make such an unbecoming ad mission now% No, we do not "just a little." at the present time. Such confession would 'gave been more timely about fifteen minutes since Some must wear the guise of fearlessness, or all may become demoralized. Fearful? Only fear. ful as we are at all times. We know in Whose hands We are, and that tho.hour and day matter not. Still we are willing to sympathize. rot - or:- what, with such a weakness. ft is natural enough in a storm—for a woman, you must know. And then if I any the best and bravest of alien) some times slightly woman-like inclined—" just a lit tle—this may suit yotr. purpose. Set that down in the : corner of the slate; and if, by substitution of equals, you can make out a result to suit your fancy, I stand by it. 0 • Oh, you are a generous fellow. I shall proceed at the next such storm to inquire at the proper time, and ascertain tho unknown quantity with out substitution. Ido not like substitution. It teems with changeableness, like variegated tim ers. It argues, for instance, that another like me, might take-my place in your heart; and if so, what a delusion is this whole world of mdiec• tions. 4 One unknown quantity is all I colt) to deal with. Well, whatever I may admit in a storm, dame , I shall lo l); free to deny in fair weather. I plead duress. Storms unman men, many times when thefehottiknat. They close the doors on all sides. They ile - spect nothing, end no one. They override al)l; but thi.y , ltave hitherto subsided in good time, and the succeedircg--calm is good to look upon=in this respect, like woman. So it i • in nature. - She cures all in good time. She heals—she chastens only to renovate with larger humanity, more correct views of the true life.— If E. he wounds, does she nototninister tenderly to the wounded afterward ? If she levels all alike to the ground in. her impetuous mood, does she not restore abundantly in her plenteous after sunshine ! So at least in the outer norld—in the vastness of her illimitable variety. lier rav ages of the soul are more ours than hers. We make them co ; and if you ask why, I can only answer So it is—was to be. Wo cannot remove the indelible. We cannot take back time, nor save lost opportunities. Wo cannot blot nut the past : Can we preserve the future ? The past is hers, and its impress upon the soul must remain hidden or in plain view, throughout tho future, It is—it must remain. Or good or evil, matters not—it has teen. ' _ " HE REAM ONLY ON ONE SIDE.'!— Many men are partial—few impartial. We use the term in its generic sense. "cry few listen to both sides, or if they do, give due weiglit to both. By law, grand jurors_ are 'made partial to the COmmohwealth. No evidence is allowed before them in favor of the defendant. N. a late term of our Court, a well-known wit at the 'nova Bar, late a member of Congress, eatotjto the relief of a juryman who wished to be excused from serving, in a charaoterh,tie way. The juryman was deaf in :one rue. lie r,, , c up in the confusion Of a crowded house, 10 slate his reasons for excuse. The Court could not hear, and beckoned him up to the bench. "Is your family sick?" said the Judge. " .." Yes, I am, your honor, and have been many fears," sa,d the juryman, referring ti his deaf- 11 eS9. I don't understand you : speak louder," said the Judge. The EK.Congrestu An arose abruptly, and raid: " :11ay it please your Loner, this man is a grand au one Rifle !"_ I •Nti , lloymktnNi s.—A wall; about town the other Turning, in company with a friend passed in review a busy scene. On every side could he seen tbo evidences of busy bands, late, or then nt work—in ilic gardens, the liclds, the flower Leis, along the streets and reads out into the open country. NO houses, new fences, long lines of newly planted trees, new streets opened, new walks laid. Never i-ittee we have Leen in Wellsboro bare wo wituessed Eu many sign,: of progress. Not less than twenty new dwellings have been put up and completed, or nearly fin ished, since the first of January. Oil Covington ttrcet, Messrs. E. R. Kimball, C. Dime:lick, Simmons, and some ; one else, are building houses. Hugh Young has_ a new fence about his residence. Turning up Pearl, we no tice new houses, belonging to J. Johnson and D. 11. lieleher, and ono in progress belonging to 1) P. Roberts. D. D. Holliday has _completed his retty cottage, painted it, and built a neat fence .bout it t R. L. Van Horn has improved his lot, and F. K. Wright has added a long lino of small evergreens to his. Liming up the extension of Waln street, we follow it nearly to the obi Morris , . 4 1 V VA• iliannell, , passing the' 16,W of :H. t'oung, Major ti. W. Merrick; M.B. Elliott, W; H. Smith and J. 13. Potter, with neat, new board fences, and rows of maples on either aide, atul evergreens and fruittries lately planted in one of the lots. Over the green meadow, variegated with occasional dandeliOns and bundles of vio lets, to the Avenue, we find W. T. Mothers build ing a new fence; and looking , _ up past Andrew Sturrock's, observe David, earr's house complex, ted, and newly painted. Dr. A. M. Ingham has "a . new walk. Up past Mr. Simpson's, wherethe, birds filled the pines with music. We notice again th . enow and substantial 'front addition to Mr. Catroll's house, andthe really pretty cottage of Mr. J. F. _Robinson, well under way. Down to Pearl, wo pee that' J.. W. Bailey has painted his house, and notice other improvements up that way, in the shape of new fences at A. Truman's and Richard English's. Wm.linebo has removed the Wily old house, so long occupied by " - Aunt fatty," who now sleeps in too cemetery. C. B. Kelley is building a new house, across the creek from Main street, near the one in which_ ke Down Main street, we find Cone's Hotel ,itriprov ing in outward appearance, by the finishing and painting of the roof. „We now begin to see how it will look when completed., _On Water street, ; R.. 8. Wohlibas improved his &ins°, lately, bought of W. Ritter, and other improvements aro in pro gress. has ,pleased Pyovl dance, in the'disPensitiOn of Ms will, to remove from our society, by death, Mrs. W. Love, aged 62 yehra. The Christian's hope sustained her in her Last hours. her remains wore taken to Ca yuga county, N. V., for Interment. Our Sabbath Schools aro about beind-organ zed in the different districts. HlLLsfne. - PlinsoNAL T -Professor F. A. Allen is still on his mission to the South, giving attention to educational matters. From the N. 0. Reen6- tican, we learn ho was to deliver a lecture in that city oisitho flrat of May, on - tho subject: "Edu cation, its Poiver and Excellence." WO clip from the Republican the following notice of an Insti tute which was to be held. by Professor Allan. in that eity"on the oth instant: " Mr. F. A. Allen, long known as principal of the State Normal School of Pennsylvania, is on a visit to our city. His long experience in hold ing Teachers' Institutes in various Northern States, has prompted Superintendents 'Conway and Curter to request him to hold ono in this city while ho inhere, and, as, he has consented, the schools of the city will to closed on Friday of this week, in order to give the. teachers an op porttinity of attending:" d• —Mr. James White, u of this borimgb, was lato ly in Omaha, Nebraska. -Leroy Tabor,-Esq., left this Place, with his family, for" Norfolk, Va., oh Tuestlay, tho 10th instant. lie carries with him the good wishes of all onr best citizens, without distinction of party. Ho was deservedly a popular man; for there was nothing in ail the long years of his. residence, in Tiogn,.to itoPeach his integrity or good ()horse- tor. It is something worthy of emulation, when we sec so much to be admired in the practical every, day life of a man, as there is in that of Mr. Tabor. The more is this the case, behause these examples are fevi • in• our time. Frank, open hearted, true as tried steel to his friends, just. and liberal with his enemies, honest, earnest, patri otic, generous' to a faiilt,L-ho is such a,man and such a•oitieen, as no community can spare, with out a loss not easily made up. As Sheriff, Jury COMM igßinne'r, and Superintendent of the Poor of the county, ho won golden opinions from men of all parties ; and we know that there will be found, even among his most bitter opponents, many who sincelly T.Tret his departnrC. EXCURSION TICKETS TO SAN FRAN disco —We learn that the Eric Railway Com-' pang has completed arrangements for EXCursiond by rail to t h e Pacific Coast, enabling those who contemplate a trip to ! San Francisco, to effect a great saving in the expense of the journey, by organizing themselves in parties of twenty or more, as the following table will show : FROM CORNING TO SAN . FinANCISCO ANP 11.1:TrriN. 20 to 24 persons. $232,40 per ticket. 25 to 221 " 226,40 :in to l " 220,40 35 to 80 " 214.40 40 to 45 " 203,40 43 to 19 " - • 190,40 " .50 persons and over, 1:44,40 These tickets arc valid for passengers for sixty days, thus affording those who desire to do so, an opportunity to visit all the principal places of interest. on the route. Witil a little effort, wo think that a company inig:ht i rhe organized from this section. Who will ta:lce the initiative in the matter' The hooks iof enrollment are now opened.ai the De pot Ticket Office. A •CHOICE OF ROUTES To TUB NA TIONAL CAPITAL—A trip' to Baltimore or {Yosh ington from this section of tho country need no longer be limited to the sin Flo route hitherto in vogue, for the Eric Rai ay Company have recently perfected arrang ments for ,the • sale tickets to that and for oer Southern points, by t h e way of New York .City and tho New York and Washington lAir Line road, thus offering the traveler a ehoicolef routes, either by way of Elmi ra and the Northern Central Railway, or by the new route just mentioned. yossengers are thus enabled to vary their journey to the National Capital by a visit to the Metropolis, stopping over a few days, if they.desiro, and reaching their destination in eight hours from that city. OF:Nsug.-I,Ve are informed that the following persons have been appointed to take the Census in this County : , IL D. Deming, Wel'shorn; IL J. Wood, tlk land; F. W. Shaffer, I'dberty; and David Camer on, Tioga. Mr. Cameron has been Deputy Mar ythal for this - County for several yearq. PERSONAL.—Mr. James Forsyth has for ome time been confined to bis bed, and we are happy to state, is now slowly improving.' 1, IF A MAN WAIITrI A BOTTLE OP WHIIKY, let him buy it and mko itlionte liko a man,- and not sneak home with a bottle" of " Bitters" or " cordial," and pretend that it is medicine. If he wants u tonic that is something bet ter than a temporary stimulant, ho should get 's. bottle of Peruvian Syrup (an Iron Tonic,) that will vitalize the blood, and give durable strength to the system. MARRIAGES THOMPSON—BOWMAN—In Washout l on the 12th instant, by the bride's father, Mr.-A. Thompson Gilmer, of Fayetteville N. Y., and Miss Hattie R. Bowman, daughter Of the Renter. EVANS—JAMES—In Corning, on the 27th ultimo, by Rev. A. Niles, Mr. Clark Evans and Miss S. Alice James, both of Corning. , CASSLSOIIThSTER—At Hazlott's f ifotel, May 12th, 1870, by Rev. A. B. Chase, Mr. Lafayette Cads, to Miss Alice Schuster, all of Blosshnrg. DEATHS [Announcements of dcatbs published free, and all obituary notices will bo charged at the rate of 30 cents for, ten word ] PALMER—In Middlebury, on tho Gth inat , Mrs. Mary Jane Palmer, wife of David F. Palm- She died in great peace. " And I heard a voice from Heaven saying unto me, Write, blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from'.henceforth ; yea, saith the spirit, • that they may rest 'from, their labors; and their works do follow them." W: M. /I ASSELL. • NILES' VALLEY Steam Flurin i o Mill. WILL do custom work on Mondays, Thurs days and Sntnrdays ok-eaoh week, as it will UCCO 03 tnodato our busineek better. Highest market price paicrftir,Wkeut'and Oats. DIMON A: BBNNSTT. lile3Nolley May 18. 1870.-31. • CARPETS, • OIL CLOTHS AND MATTINGS,- . , just received at May 4, 1870. ' THOS.- lIARDE4. GOING SOUTH. L. WILCOX hereby gives notice to all per sons indcdted to biui, that immediate pay ment is required, as all accounts must be closed in ten days as ho is going South. Persons fill ing to come to time, must eland the•conscquen oes. • a. L. WILCOX, May 18, 1870-2 w, SPECIAL" NOTICES. A COUGH, COLD OR BORE THROAT Requires immediate attention, as nog _SO " 1 . loct often results in an incurable Lung " 4 •0 4RoNcHi A Moose.. c.. ) "." Brown's Bronchial Troches 1) ?000' wilt moat invar iably gtvo instant re li ef , 8011 CATARRIc, Constisirviva and THROAT Dissasus, they hive a soothing effect. 6114081t8 and BUBO:, BPEAKERS nee them toi clear and 'strengthen the voice. Owing to the good reputation and popularity of th Trochee 'many woliihless and cheap imitations are of, fared, w Ich are good for nothing. Be sure to obtain the truo Br wn's Bronchial Troches. B_l7l/2TWUZAN. [dm 11.'6 ERRORS OF YOUTH A GENTLEMAN, who pottered for years from Ner vous Debility , Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering manity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and directions for making the simple remedy by which be was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the miser. User's experience, can do so by addressing in perfect confidence, z , JOHN B. OGDEN. May 26,439-Iy. No. 42 Cedar Street, New York. TO CONSIIMPTIVES. . . . THE Advertiser, having been restored to health 111 a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after hisiing out• Cored several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread diseaso,Consumption—is anxious to make known to his fellow.aniTerera the means of cure. To all who desire It, he will send a copy of the pro aoription used (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they-will find a suss Conn Yon: Constusenott, .6.11T1111A; BIIONCEITIoy etc. Then i bject of the advertiaer n:Sending the Prescrip tion Is to ,benellt the afflicted, and spread information which ho conceives to be invaluable; end he hopes every sufferer wintry his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing, Parties wishing the proscription, will please address , .• - Rov ;EDWARD A. NV41.430N, • ' ' Williaixisburg, Ings County, N.Y. May 26,186971 y,, The Confessions of an Invalid, ÜBLISIIED for the benefit of young men and others P who suffered from Nervous Debility,ect., supplying the'meane of self-cum Written by one who cured himself; and sent free on receiving a pont.pald directed envelope. Address, NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Brooklyn, N, Y.-6m. he Ladies' Club, of Now York, re. contl changed their discus/11mm from woman's suffer• ago to Hair preparations and pimplo Banishers. They declared thaewere'nature had not endowed them with beauty, it was their right—yea their duty—to seek It where they could. So they all voted that Magnolia Balm ovorcamo Sallowness, Bough Skin and Ring• Marks. and gave to the completion a f Most. ctistingue (Sorosian) and ruarblerlike appearance (dangerous to men-no doubt) and that Lyon's Hathairon made the 'Hair grow thick, soft and awful pretty, and moreover prevented it from turning gray. If the proprietors of these articles did not send their sisters an invoice, they aro not smart.—lifo:y 4,1870-cm. Wall Paper, Window Paper& Cloth Shades. &MN° STOCK ion 1870.—Hugh Young d Co. have just received their first installment of Wall, Paper, Window Taper,. and; Cloth Shades, - for. Spring trade, which will be (sold cheaper than over. Borders, Window Fixtures, Cords, Wa ds, Gilt Cornices; Picture nails, and everything else that belongs'to tho trade. Come and price our goods; and examine them before purchasing elsewhere. Specimens and prices sent by mail to any part of the county. N. B. Our stock is the largest over brought into the county, and weldon't intend to be under sold num' YOUNG & CO. WeMbar°, March 6, 1870.—tf. NEW SPRING GOODS. EMS ANEW and desirable stook of Goods can agnin be found at WICKHAM &. FAR :'S, Tioga, Pa. IVe do not boast the largest, but a stock well and carefully 'elected, and bought strictly for Cash, saving all interest and discounts which purchasers will at once perceive they have in their favor. Most articles in tho 1:11=1: 4 52” GroCIT:3ISI Groceries, WOODEN WARE, AND CROCKERY LINE, can cc found at prices which always guarantee their sale. CALL do SEE FOR YOURSELVES May 4,1370-tf •Tioga fiigh School., Academic and Commercial Courses. THE third term will commence April Bd, 1870. Thorough instruction, Terms liberal.-Phi losophic apparatus. -- Tuition a half term strictly in advance. For full particulars call on or address H. M. DEELES, Prin'l. March 23.1870. tf Tioga, Pa. FOR .SAJLE. • nrIIE subsciiper has for 'salel: • 1 pure b of)ded Alderney Bull, 3 years old 1 grudo Al erney Bull, 1 year old. 1 pure blooded Devon Bull, 3 years old. Also Chester white pigs, prices reasonable. L. C. BENNET. Wellsboro, May 11, 1910. 3t PRIZE TROTTING - STALLION eirT_T.ig ib i r r l Ml : 76. • Ry JUPITER Dam, Fanny Essler,-will make , the season of 1870, for a limited number of Mares, at the folloWing places, viz :' ONE DAY EVERY TWO'WEEKS AT ELKLAND. ..• 41 41 " " " OSCEOLA. The balance of the time at Wellsboro, Pa. JUPITER is a dark Bay, l's.i hand's high, of great speed, beauty,l and unequaled powers of endurance; % Thesreat promise of his colts makes him ii most liesirabila Stallion forthose wishing ,i '' good stock. Mares rom a distancn furnished with good keeping a 4 well cared for. Alt acci dents at owner's risk . : Terms $4O to insure. -':- May 4, 1870—tf _L. C. BENNETT. • .• _ _ , In BaOrpptcy. District Court of the U. S. for the Wa tern District of Pennsylvania. IN the matter of Alonio Bullard and Walter Bullard, Bankrupts. Western District of Pennsylvania, Es: A warratlt.in Bankruptcy has been issued by said Court against the estateof Alonzo Bullard. of the coutity of Tioga, and Walter Bullard, of tho county of Bradford, State of Pennsylvania, in said distribt, who havobeen duly adjudged bankrupts, upon petition of their creditors.' Arid the payment 'of any debts, and the delivery of any property'bolonging to said bankrupts, to them or to their use, and the trans fer of any property by them, are forbidden by law. A meeting of the creditors of said bank rupts, to prove their debts and choose one or more ussigndes of their estate, will be hold at a Court of Bankruptcy to be holden at Tioga, in said district, on .the 4th day of Juno, A. D. 1870, at ten o'clock A. M., at the offibe of Frederick E. Smith, one of the Registers in Bankruptcy of said district. A. MURDOCH, D. S. Mar- May 11, 1870, 2t 841 for paid Diet. 94m. WICKHAM & FARR EIRMIN OF 1870. . EMS New Spring Goods AT THE PEOPLES' STORE OUR STOCK IS NOW VERY COMPLETE in all Ito brandies, and Prices down to the standard of gold at par._ Oui ' ' - STOCK O 1 CLOVIS is very large, end we make Clothes to order when desired. Our CARPET STOCK is the largest in this section of the State, and prices 10 to 20 per cent lower than last year. Linen and White Goods are as loWw before the war. Wo keep the Buff alo Brand Black Alpaca, which Madam Demur est, Frank Leslie and Harpers' Bazaar unite in pronouncing the best Alpaca in - mhrket ; also the Beaver Brand pure Mobairs, a splendid ar ticle, and full atsortment. Tho UNITED STATES TEA COMPANY, ---- send us with the last . invoice ..---, g__:_... _-.4. 4: 4 ?5zi,..: -- j just received, the following no (PIT:- I .1 tice. "We propose after April 4 1 1 vi j Ist, 1870, to pack a certificate . •`• I for an elegant Silver Plated - Tea Service,:daily, in one pound package. Tho certificate when found, will be forwarded to us through our agents, and they will deliver the service to the fortunate party": • We ao the agents for the Company, and we can assure our customers, that their, 91 30A ..A. OS are cheaper than they can be Bold at retail, be sides the chance of getting a Tea Sett. We sulicit'a call from all the citizens of Tioga County and vicinity, visiting Corning, and we assure them that they shall bo kindly and fair ly trontod, and wo will do them good. - SMITH & WAITE. Corning... April .20. 18Th, Lots of New Goods ! COME TO T. L. BALDWIN & CO'S TIOGA, PA and see a nice stock of Goode for the SPRING t SUMMER. such as mBmograaalso —all styles, colors and patterns— ALPACAS, POPLINS, CAMBRICKS, FRENCH JACONETS, ORGANDIES, PEQUAS, VERSAILES, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, tfT., &O. - BEAUTIFUL Summer SHAWLS and a largo assortment to snleotfrom CLOAKS READY-MADE, AND CLOTH TO MAKE MORE, ALL KINDS OF LININGS, FRINGES, TASSELS &c., TO TRIM DRESSES OR SACQUES. —Our stock of— YANKEE NOTIONS oan't be boat. It keeps up with everything the Yankees have thought of so far. HOOP SKIRTS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, CORSETS, &C, MOSUMilMait too numerous to mention; but will say that you will seldom find so largo an assortment to select from in a country store, and clear down to the BOTTOM FIGURE We also keep a large assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, in snits, and parts of snits. Should we fail to suit you'with ready-made, we have Cassimere and A TAILOR TO CUT AND FIT. Boots and Shoes, all styles and sizes. 1 HATS AND CAPS, STRAW GOODS, AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, A COMPLETE LINE OF CROCKERY, WOODEN . WARE, HARD WARE, SHELF HARD WARE, NAILS, IRON Locks, Latches, Carpenters' Tools. A GENERAL STOOK 'OF GROCERIES, Fresh. TEAS aro lower than at any time since the war. Did not go to Cuba to buy sugar, and sohavo some cheap. We are agents for the E. HOWE SEWING MACHINE Farmers, if you wonttoolo to work with drop in SALT, LIE, PLASTER, PORK, FLOUR Line, Cayuga Plaster, &c, Buttertubt, Pails. Firkins, and Ashton Balt to flavor with. All kinds of Farm Produce want ed. Pricoh can't bo bent. T. L. BALDWIN A CO. Tioga, Pa., Mai. 4,1870. NEW GOODS 0 A. No. 3, cosncert Block, Corning, N. Y. PAISLEY SHAWLS, if t I I Open Centres and !Small Centres, in Blacks and Sonnets AtABS, A. T. Stewart's & M. Landerbe_rgerOS Styles. Spring Shawls, DRESS (OOPS. In Groat Variety. PARASOLS from $l,OO to $5,00 each. SUN UMBRELLAS from $1,25 to $2,75 each. KID GLOVES—the Josephene Seamless, warranted equal to any in market. . Hoop 1131E.13rtm, From our regular manufacturer at still lower prices. CiiIRSETS in great variety from the Worcester Corset Co. at low prices. WHITE PEQUE, in groat variety from 31} to tl2le. PRINTS, GINGRAMS, MEETINGS, SIIIRTINGS, TRENTON PLAIDS for Children's Wear. The best cheap goods in 'market. Lest but not • least, we have an entire NEW STOCK of Serge and Pebble FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN, in utton Boots, Polish Boots, Conness Gaiters; . also Serge Goods foxed in Fine work. We keep -71; J. RICHARDSON'S Elmira, an endless variety, which is warranted by US as equal to any made and we will show you a lively store, and strong inducements to buy. § 25 -TEIE FOLSOM IMPROVEDTwenty•Frie dol. lar Family Sewing Machine. The cheapest F reit Class Machine in the Niarket. Agcnts wanted in every Town. Liberal commission allowed. 'For terms and circuler, athicess, A. S. HAMI TON, Gen. Agent, No. 700 Chestnut St., Philadoldhia. P,. Clothi!ng CLOTHING FOR-GENTS, BOYS-AND CHILDREN TIE subscriber is now receiving a full and complete stock of CLOTHING, bought since the great decline in pricei, and which ho notv offers on tho most liberal. terms. Wellsboro, April 13, 1870 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters of Administration having been granted on the estate of Hannah M. Osborn, late of • Wells boro, deceased, all those indebted to said estate aro requested to make immediate, payment, and those having claims against it to'presont them to DTN OSBORN. Adm'r. April 27, 1870. et Sewing Machine Agents Wanted, TO SELL WHEELER &_ WILSON • Selving Machines,- In is counties in Pennsylvania. Wagons fur nished, and the most liberal terms to agents and purchasers. No capital required. Address or call OD PETERSON & CARPENTER, First National Bank. April 13p.'70-ff Williamsport, Pa. ;; - ; TO THE WORKING CLASS.—Wo are now prepared to furnish nil classes with constant employment at home, the waold of the time Cr for the spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from 60e. to $5 pox evening, and a pro portional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as muck as mon. That all who see thin notice may send their address, and test the business, we make this unparalleled oiler : To such as are not well satisfied, we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing. _Bull particulars, a vale. aide sample, which will do to commence work on, and a copy of The People's Literary Campanion—one of the largest and best family newspapers published—all sent free by mail. Reader; if ,von want permanent, profi table work, rddress E. 0. - ALLEN A: CO., Augusta Maine. March 16, 1870.-3 m FOR SALE. A House and lot on Pearl Street, 2d house A 4nnth of district school house. Enquire on the premises, J. A. PARSONS & CO'S COLUMN. AT PARSONS & CO'S., PLAID, PLAIN and STRIPED THOMAS HARDEN t Y 5. Goat Work, 114'KE, \ J. A. PARSONS & CO, Nopee. mnE COLLECMISIof the several townships in Tioga county, baying duplicates in their bands which remain unsettled for year 1869, with balance of tax due the county are requested to settle the same before or during the next term of court, and for balances 'due the county from de linquent collectors on duplicates for any pre vious year, if not settled within said, time ) costs will be ?lade. The county, asseen by the Auditors report is paying interest on a large amount of money, and deriving no benefit from a l largo ELM which must be collected. April 20th,; 1870-4 w. ROBT. C. CO). Troas. Tioga Co. Pa I louse and Lot for Sale." , in u • nt 4111 h subscriber offers for sale his house . and lot on Main Street, opposite Dartt's Wagon Shop. Enquire on tho promises of March 30,'70-Bm. JOHN ETHER. ANOTHER EXPLOSION ! HIS Excellency, J. AV. Geary, Governor of Pennsylvania, laboring under a fit of in sanity, or a want of money, having vetoed the Jersey Spore, Pine Creek and Bu f falo Railroad Bill, we would respectfully inform the traveling'pub lie, that we will continue to run the ' Line Stages to and fromlWollsboro and Tioga, connecting with all, passenger trains. Having purchased a number of first class hor ses and carriages, wo will continuo to _convey passengers in our PALACE COACIIES, vrhioh, for comfort andconvenience, speed and safety, are unsurpassed on any, route west of New York. Througo;farmsl 50. Way stations in propor tion. Always halt when flagged. _ . F. Di BUNNELL tt CO 'April 13, 1970. tf W D nn in 00900 4 ,..""eace l Count l .Pin States, to rn man, and take orders by sample, for TEA, COFFEE, and SPICES. To suitable men wo will give a salary of MO to $l,OOO a year, above traveling and other expen ses, and a reasonable' commission on sales. Immediate applications are solicited from proper par ties. References exchanged. Apply to, or address. im mediately, J. PACKER & CO., "Continental Mills." Aptil 26, MO-It . 384-Bowery, New York. E. H. Harris' CELEBRATED BAKING POWDERS - for sale by Feb. 2, 1870. • P.R. WILIAMS ,15 CO. The Place to Buy Groceries. L. F.,TRUMAN, HAVING tako the4Store formerly occupied l ik by John R. .owen - for dry goods, and con verted it into a 1 44, * . GROCERY & PROVISION, ESTABLISHMENT, everything fresh and good can be fonnd bere t i . and at prices to please. -'PEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, AlO LASSES, FISH. &C., &C., to suit all. Call alatl see, us, that ern may convince you of- the fact that our motto is. "Cheap, Quick Sales, annd Small Profits." Wellebero, Feb. 23, 1;37,0—tf FRESIT GROUND PLAimm AT TIOGA, . BY T. L. BALDWIN, & CO. t 57,50 per ton, 8 0 7 474123114•147% 044139 P virtue of an order Issued out of the Court of Com Mon Pleas of Tioga oonnty,.the un dersigned, guardian of Bynns Rich, Mary Bich and Albert Rich, will expose to publio sale, on the premises, in Chatham township, on the 19ik day of May, 1870, at ten o'clock A. If., all that certain piece or - parcel of land situate in said township of Chatham, and desiribed as follows : Beginning at the northeast corner Vf a lot of land owned by Levi B. Costley; thence along the north line of said Costley , north 893 degrees, west 80.7 perches, to a post; thence along the east line of Robert Howland's land, north, 20} degrees west, 41.8 perches, to a post In the road; thence along the highway leading to William Clark's, north, 813 degrees east, 149.8 perches, to a post setting in the west line of lands owned by William Clark; thence along the west line of lands.owned by William Clark, south 42.7'per ches, to a post; thence along the north - line of laud olinid by William B. Rick south 784 de ' grecs, wet 54 perches, to a post; thence along the west ine of said Rich, south eight perches to the place of beginning ; containing 40.6 acres, more or lees. Terms: .$lOO at tho time of sale, and the bal ance in three equal—annual instalments thereaf ter. WM. B. RICH, Guardian. April 27, 1870. 3t you want to feel like a Morning Star, buy goods atthe Tioga hardware 'store. April 27, 18TO. It GENUINE NORWAY OATS 4 For Sale .by D ROBERTS. Seed got of Ramsdell, February, 16, 1870-tf THE Spring Term of I.TEION ACADEMY will commence on Tuesday, March let, 1870. Tuition - $5, to $7. Room Rent and Wood $5,50. Board per week,, $3,00. A Teacher's Class will be organised at the commencement of the Term for the instruction of those wishing to teach during the Summer.— For further information' address Deerfieldr - Felu 0,'70-3t..E. NORTON. DENTIST , I /1 . 11 11." B. EASTMAN has the largest stock of . teeth ever kept in Tioga county. Also a •w IMPROVEMENT ' never before offered to the public, with which he can give more perfect seta of teeth than can possibly be matie - on any other plan yet known. [See testimonial at the office.] Nitrous oxide gas administered with remarka ble areal rendering the extraction of teeth pain less, and even pleasant. Two new and complete gasometers in operation, furnishing a full sup ply of fresh gas at all times. Special attention paid to flUing and preserva tion of the natural teeth. Prices to suit all. Feb 2 '7O tf THIS PLASTER having lbeen thoroughly tested by the—farmers, and pronounced by all, to be a Superior article, we take pleasure in saying that we can supply the masses, as we have any quantity on hand, Price per ton, 5 dollars. I. CHAMPNEY. Jan. 5,1870-5 m., Loril lard's Is an excellent article of granulated Virginia; when introduced it is nniveraally admired. It is put up in handsome muslin bags, In which orders for Meerschaum Pipes lire daily packed. LORIL- YACHT CLUB -SMOKIOG LARD'S TOBACCO Clad - h y all who COUSE,IOOi3SS the "finest °fall:" it is made oldie choicest left: groWn ; it is anti-nervous in itssfrects. na the Nicotine Mr been extracted; It leaves no disagreeable tasto afte , smoking ; It is very mild, light in color and weight, ,dense one pound will last as long as 3of ordinary tobacco. In this brand we also pack orders every dayller first quality Meerschaum Pipes. Try it i - i,nd convincil yourselves it is all it Chill:Ili to be, "THE FINEST OP ALL." LORI CENTURY CHEWING LAR L- D 'S TOBACCO CALL and atie us This brand of Cot Chewing Tobacco has no eons' or superior anywhere. /t is without doubt the beet chew ing „cc° in the country. Have now been in general nse in the United States over 110 years, anti still acknowledged "the beet" wherever need. If your storekeeper does not have theie articles for sale, ask him to get them; they are sold by respectable Jobbers almost everywhere. Circular and prices forwarded on'application. P. LORILLARD A: CO., NRIV York. March 16, 187041 m ANOTHER TUMBLE! Our Prices To-pay. . , ......2 BestWhiteWheat Flotir $7 -pr hb1.1,76 pr. sack " Red witnter $6.50 ". 1,62 " " XX Spring Wheat; 6,00 . " 1.50 " Buckwheat Flour, 2,00. per 100 lbs: _ Bost Feed, 2,00 " " Bran.and Shorts-1 — 1,50 " Meal r 2,25 " " AU persons not ha - dug settled-w us, caul not blame us now if they tint! theif accounts and notes left with an attorney for collection. We give due notice. W. Sc. B. BAGS.—We want all persons having any bags with our mark on then), to r4tttril the same at once, as we shall take steps -to secure them.— We have 500 bags scattered among the people. TN DIVORCE.—To Charles Bruce : Take no tice, that Frances Bruce, by her next friend, A. Lee, his applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga county for a divorce from4he bonds of matrimony, and that said Court has ap pointed Monday, May 30, 1870, 'at the Court House. in Wollaboro,as the time and place of hearing the said applicant ‘ in the premises, on which occasion you can attend if you think, pro per. JEROME B. POTTER: , April 20, 1870. ' • Sheriff. The AIR LINE Coaches ! . ; 1870. -----.....,-.. --- 1870 ..„.. ...4,.e..,.., • :,-• 7 „;1.„,,-....,, , .., ANOTHER MAN OVERBOARD. AN attempt to confiscate the Air Line Comih cs, whieh proved to be too light for heavy business. This-Air Line is a paying business— it pays the triic-elers and proprietors. So we all say LET HEB RIP ! it The Air Lin stages leave Wellsboro at 5 a.m.,_ and 11 a.m., arriving at Tioga at 7i a.m. and l i , `, p.m. Leaves Tioga at It a.m. and 6 p.m:, arri ving at Welleboro at 1 p tn. and 8 p.m. .•:-?.? - 5.-The Air Line coaches connect with trains of -the Blossburg and Corning railroad, and the stages leaving Welisboro for Cedar Run, Jersey Shore; Pine Creek', Gaines and - Condersport. _, Xr.Orders left at Truman's express office, or the hotels, will be attended to. . 1 F. D. BUNNELL .b CO. May 11, 1870. tf 1 , Green Houses. /VHS season I offer the finest assortment of FLOWERS ever found outside t••he city, em bracing *-• Er►chsias, Geraniums, Aeliotropes, Verbenan, Roses and , °rumen tal Foliaged Plants, &c., which I offer at prices witbitt the reach of all the lovers of the beautiful; also • Vegetable' I'lants, in their season, and all the better. sorts of GRAPE VINES. All kinds oP for sale from tbo mbst reliable seed men at Mc- Cabe A; Mix's Nursery, New Block. Catalogues will be sent free on application. Orders from unknown correspondents, unless accompanied by thtp cash or satisfactory refer ence, will be sent by Express—C. 0. D. No charge for boxing and packing. , Boquets and Wreaths made to order. L. F. TRIJAIAN. Towanda, April 27,1870-3 m HARRY MIX. $2,000 A YEAR AND DXPENSES To Agents to sell the celebrated WILSON SEW ING MACHINES. Tho heel machine in the world. Stitch alike oil Loth Aim ONE MACHINE WITHOUT MONET: For further particulars, ad dress 28 N. 9th St., Philad'a, Pa. Apr, e-3m JR. SCHEIFFELIN Anion Academy. A.. B. EASTMAN, N 0.13, MAIN STRZET, WELLSBORO, PA. Special Notice. Elk Run Plaster. "EUREKA" smoking Tobacco. Lorillar:d's Snuff's Cash! 1570! SEE WHAT SELLING FOR CASH! These prices only FOR CASII. Ivnrani- k BAILEY WRIGHT ,k BAILEY GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS