II __ , 'eL--: j r . , r , StioiilllNV4l nfeettirmitrifiltilit'The ell, , tis t n4' 0 bitic,si f ickiiit:Tyilmoa4p.; , v4‘fMt`ii!st'Yl 6 ) , -tupoh )44.witYpty,, . 7 i.Qr pgbikpaarlybjpelings of seem, , 13115"gielli ti alry oats ? minus black ng, "liiilitriiWit' t 'lath w ide I I, i - ..., . .... s i . suip 0 r ta, wAkb.:ickyoixicwithneeklie both lacking, j•,: Ardithialronited.faeo puzzled and grim. •.404ptit4P a s ide 4be Pose' , • 4, TAnd.glance at,their dainty pinched feet, •' ' Alta -their dkopirt to the lassos ', i de T '.. 4 44 *t en to ee't in the street. UT 'S- ? A 13 ' - t•' OhViSithetffixn - the dust of the oily,' , r 1 1 1 "/41,,elingatte, and steeple, and dome: ' , fit - ,ll:iiptith',your scorn and yonr pity A . 1 linoYgsM 4 0 0 gO9d F4rater• Johie? hake. • • r i t'ai.friiieic train the' town's noise andbustle; ^ WheretueadAeilt* a al,i 04 are -'d , AcTeye, leaves on the apple boughs, matte, . . And comfort will pleasure abide-- ; • • erit , aitgo, with -beauty he teemtng, . - And prcintite large-produce to bring, A pleasant white farm=house hi gleamingi' --And farmer John reigns ns its king. t - - ' WeieOliangidiS bis face as be 'actos ili -- lot•otr'k, that. lit hieh he worn in the town, - -A broad BMIIO •b t reaks over and clears ft• ---Flops rizzie d -expression and frown. -- lifs ' i. 4 ;Pd Ale l l pfands ready titoi,e,'(blin With a•smile that thrillathrough his heart, And all ar& ao happy to mtiatAidk, ~7bough,only.a: bright d'ay apart . . „. • kit deep voice grows sweeter and low . 67 As baby , lips press his bierwn Cheek Richt happy; ho asks•for ler-mnral• ----• ,itrlo,Vtd,,wlbib.niero tett he Seek ? 77 11S`boyt tipd.his 013 are Bo atOiry.' Tho'iable so - fulland so white, • .f And all irso•happy and eheer7,. Ile'iinvies'acCrulei his might, :„ . O I ye with your proud ait3snotions, • ' more preefouif had sweet Thati'gracefill alhd elegitibmotietti • ,Ati z w,alisiag tbo'elose r diOti stteet.. And-farseet-Johnigreen-assyotreall him, - So arliirkdr,i9isC o- 04 110 ii clod; • -.. Has bad this great fortune befall him, And trif;while- j lifc is joyful and glad.l • • - - VVALUE' , ANp, R,ooTa:—.An 'acre of 106'40 retain ed expressly, for bay yielda.on the aver age not More than one half ton of :vegetable...food; an equal apace planted with.earrots, ruts bageS wit .yield final • ten 'to twenty talk • (say fteen,tons), 0600 2iy,no means a blgh.average; and han'oftell•been attained without any extrfibfill ark Cultivation. bit's been by "careful wiper' iment, that Ttliree working horses; fifteen and, one half hands high, consume hey : at:the 'rate of . two hundred pounds per week; or five tons . and one thousand and forty= eight pounds per annum. of the,stime experiment it. was found that an Unw - orked. horke consumes at tbir rate : of , fob; and, one quarter tons per auritnn. ' • T•,. he , prOduce„therefere, or'neiarly six otrland hittiecessary to support a Werking-horse for one year; but -half an acre of carrots (at six hundred bushels an acre) with the addition of ehepped straw, . while the season for them lasts, will do as well, if not better. These do" not admit,of doubt'; they have been the subject of exact trials, as some of our agricultural friends can testify. . has also been proved that, the value of one-bu Shel of corn, together with the fodder upon which It grew, will keep a horse in good working order fora week. An:acre planted with corn, , and Yiele. lag sixtyushels, will he ample to keep a gopd *pi] horse in working order for one ?rear; ,Let,the farmer, then consider wheth er it 'is better to maintain a horse lest the produce of half nit acre of ruts bilges or carrots, or upon the produce of an acre of corn, or on the. other hand, neon the hay and grain from six acres of good land to produce the necessary hay and grain as .above. The same reasoning might be made the of in the feeding of ent i tle and sheep.—,Stock. Journal. A BIG TANNERY.—EIk county, in tills State, has . the largest tannery in the world. It is known as the ",Wilcox Tannery," and was built three years ago. The proprietors own 22,000 acres of land on the Clarion river, all heavily covered with hemlock. The bark 'mills of the concern ard in a building 45 x 100 feet, two stories high, and capable of grinding seventy-five cords of lark per day. These mills are drivea by an eighty-horse power engine, and the only fuel used is spent tan ; The leach ing house is 38 x 210 feet, and .two sto ries high. It contains iwelve leaches of immense size. The " sweat pit" is 70 x9O feet, of stone. Seven hundred vats are now in use. ' The company makes nothing but sole leather, and of this the product is 120,- 000 sides per annum thOugh when the tanners shall be completed 200,000 sides will be turned out. The consumption of bark is 14,0 p, cords per year. Tbeconannybasereeted twenty-eight -tenant houses, and employs from' 150 to 300 men, Jit wages ranging from $2O to, $BO per month. The .capital invested ,foots up at about $5Q0,000,.. and nearly 16,000,000 feet of hemlock lumber is manufactured every year at . the Corn ,panyls mills. The hides used ace im ported from •South America. It will scarce credited that' fifty tons of hair are collected and sold. anually at this monster 'establishment. Among other "irlidentals" are the fleshings," and a hundred barrels of soap'greaseob -tained from them. IitroitpsFITIP2ISPOIEEN.—The follow ing article ':we'', l llrid in the Neoro York Times, and for Ini truthfulness, • tran s fer It to our ooldmns A coat that has thC mark of use upon it, is a recomtnenda tioti to people of sense, and a hat with tea much nap and Ito° high alustre is a derogatory circumstance. . 'The , best *coats its B.roadway are 4c.n the backs of penniless fops, broken Ow4rnerchants, clerks with pitiful Balarie, and 'men that do not pay up. The heaviest gold chains dangle from the fobs of gamblers, and gentlemen of very limited rileans costly ornamen . ts, on ladies indleato to the eyes that are well open't6 the fac a silly -lover or husband f - cramped, _ f or funds. And' Whin a potty ,woman goes by in a plain and neat apparel, it is the presumption that he can show a balance in his favor. For women are like books—too • much gilding makes men auspicious that the binding is tbe most important part.—inda. Repufi can. • ' CAPTURING SRA. TunirLEs.—A curious method of capturing sea turtle..4 l 'when aslecip ill-fie water is practiced in some , parts of the East by means of the suck ing -fish or remora, a well-known fish, about afoot long, having a sucker on ti ~the tow of its head, by whin it attach ea itself to bodleii in ,wate . the A 'lum bar of these - fish are kept al ie in cages ,in the water, and when a sleeping tnr , tle is seen at a distance, a string of suit ; -• • able length is tied to the narrow part of r the tail of hue of the fish, which is t .: Panted in tip direction of the floating ') animal.. Th v e fish instinctively makes for the - Utile and attaches itself, and .tbil string being carefully drawn in, .both animals are hauled within reach and secared.—Harper's Magazine. • .. •i ~,-. Tiogi County 'A tator , , • ~:• • . , raNllllB °Med is well stocked sstfili kuia hatlevery a4vafat.Ogefor doing ' •, JOB : PRINTING tirra.scipartor titan na- -kbilifor Irf Voldm, 'it-ow a wed ding card to sitsheot Poster:l/ln, kind Or idyl() of work Aotssat Skis SAM ea follows; , A , • _.„ „ itaw'Booki,Cartlijoiltalloweix, Read Mis t Prognimintif; Checks, Drafts; Thud% 1111111,sidN Vircubtri, Orders, Skipping Cards, t Wildness Mrda-, Envelopes, Tinted Plate Printing, Visiting (lards, 'Wedding , &C. de4 &C , - Justice Illanki; • 'And all : other blacks ceustantly on bawl and for,/Wei &ma', warrantee,. i • &boot Tontrabb, Detsis,vita.olaim. / 4 04f° 0 1 19, ButiPenitibt Stitemenfaidreonfession, %puerile Neoeutiane, Amicable - Action, Indqinnifhng Bonds Atulebnieriteßmignient Vollettoei Este, tint,s;• - retition an bond AlarriegoCortiricata, - for App'ment 'of Guardian 'And any, Other,bbitipa_not oritimerated atio:r o crtle. be 'Printed to otder orithort ' ~..Persono sending orders Tor JOB _von. will get 'their Work' promptly -done - awl returned. 'W6 sball spare no pains to - please our etfotoMors in tide depart ment.' Those sending work, please state the,sizo of, Job; *bid of ink and paperdeidford.r. _ VAN 0.11.DER4 MiTCHELt. Proprietors., Feb. 2870. SE.,-NV.9TAT°4.F 9 / 1 ,§,4/A*7 - P r Y:4° °° .! . 6iittiax; rand Breeett,:fr'ektficl, e -„ ..Early,E,osp:,t_ltplterite;C,C,444,tt,elebratedya ilety, are ttlrettdy,w4ll know n- 7 -plautOiOido by :tfitil4tiOriOn B . l v,..eaikYs,AP adiance• - ' -,!Otitatt--,potttto t . variety r Eiotn.cme,ponya ekeeed,„the . tinioreigied received it yield 0f,123.0pn,i1e, .4; a potato of euperiortatltduility: - Tlmßriese Prolific matures, dre abpttt tv,r,o'w,peke later than. the Eaily ltoso—:4,lctierailY pro--; will •,prove a most vidaible "for - Altild - ottitftreZ."lt ib Also a potato of - - -tticeletit' table 'Early price per peek, • z - -1011triax. 6 - pound, JEteeee - 6 ' • 4"- 2a;,'Fi;tf: •' 7 • - BEE tit E EXO*NGE4 .'•r; Suirender, BUT AT DiSCii,ErkICINI "ITOU see that half a column of space with half an inch of reading matter don't help me after all. What Wye do - that for 1" asked less than a million of my customers, when I appeared in Plank. And, being tuckered out with trying to explain why I did it, I.em forced to do it in print: Therefore, Know ye, all good people, that I am doing a Land Office Business, WHOLESALE & RETAIL SUGARS, ALL GRADES, SYRUPS, MO LASSES,. PORK, RAMS, SHOULDERS, MACKEREL, WHITE CISCOES, COD, HALL. BUT; 1.16 FOTtfir, • And I am selling cheap as I always do, and' can save country dealers their expenses to the little city of Elmira, or the big city of New Yorif.-=.1 7 But then, THE TEA TRADE is ono of my biggest, brightest, and best things, You cannot get better OOLONG OR GREEN TEAS, or choaper, than I can sell You. You may pa. tronitie the Great American Tea Company, and ihen.l can do you good. I havo enough to set Tioga County a • TE • *HE ING for the next 25 years. Besides no man has a big gor or better lot of MOVZSY 4 CROVAZD then I have, and am selling them at a bargain Everything in the Grocery Line, CANNED FRUITS, AN D VEGETABLES, WOODEN WARE, CONFEO 7 TIONtRY, not mixed ael mix them bo're;but in good ordei I buy all' tbe • - 7 BUTTER AND CHEESE, • t • that I can, and alcaostoverything also but teasels Sign of tho BULL . dc BEB-lIIVE. VirelleVoro Deo -16- 1869' The way to. Get Rich Is to buy your G- 0 0 where yon can buy them CHEAPEST! You Can do that at Wilson & YanValkenburg's A SPLENDID LINE OF CHOICE WINTER GOODS, Purcbased at the •Bottom Market Prices, just reoeivud. READY EN CLOTHING of everidosoription, and clothing made to order in the *erg best style, and warranted. • WILSON &VAN VAaCENBURG Welliboro,Deo 15 1809• - . • 9. a • IMI 00 50 40 H. S. JOHNSTON . ; Tioga, . , . MBE W. T. MATHETII3-: . . . HARDWARE! . . ,'t i; -; • HaTingformed a partnership in the Tin,Stort and Hardware trade, the undersigned have th pleasure to announce that they have, at a great oatlay, added to the usual stook of the old stand MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, • i 1.1: '` f CI N a complete assortment 'off . "14,tiOlthiffirdWitre, of which we enumerate the following articles: NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, ;MILL, HAND AND BMX SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, Tocitsi 'Ames; Axis: AUGERS, BITTS, ,;, I' ~~~ 81T74-STOOKS, HATCHETS, OHISELS,, . • SHOVXIA - §Pialga; FORKS; 13E1011-SOItEIVS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, ' • 'BURRS, -SKEINS, WASHERS, • BOXES,, A0 1 ,C 1 4-; - -TREES, ELLIP- , 119 . . • SPRINGS, iftitO,'PAO 0 5;10, 1 4 .1 t, 1 ICBA.ND IRON F ORINDSTONE • " •HANGING4S, CORN POPPERS, .SAUSAGE CIITTgRS AND STUPFERS ' ) POUBINED. Ale),, PISTOLS, PISTOL . CARTRIDGES, 6 TOTDPR AND' CAPS. - ' • PATENT BARNDOO,RPMGINGS a new thing,sand made for use. These anal) nt few of the many articles composing our • Mock of Hardware. • •Nejnylte the puhlle to cell and.exatialne for themselves. Wee aim to keep the best quality of goods in' ; and all work to order .done promptly and well. . AGENTS FOR THE , •,. „ Buckeye Bower & Reaper. SASH; DOORS. BLINDS. AT FACTORY PRIORS, Always on hand or furnished to order, at ROBERTA' & BAlLEl l l . 4'„,Efao!tii.pcpro 'Store, WetMoro._ " - • • ROBERTS. & BAILEY. ROBRItTS. It. C. BAILET: . Welleboro,.Tatt. I,lB7o—tf. • Ingham's Woolen Mills ! DEERFIELD, PA). ECS . . .. . THE subscribers will Caselmeros, Flannels, &c., &0., fah. Waal.— Theyalsa manufacture ae usual— V - .. . . T I AMER, OR ON SHARES, to auk cuetomere. All work warranted as rep- Tenanted. They invite• particular attention to their Water Proof CASSIMERES, which aromarranted in every rospeq. Portion ' tar attention diyan to • ROIL CARDING AND CLOTH ORESSING„ =I INGHAM'S largo stook of Classimeres, &0., 25 per cent less than any competitors . , and warrant, e 4 as represented. . INQHAMS manufacture to order, and do all kinds of Roil-Carding and Cloth Drawling, and defy competition. tNGHAMS have as good an assortment of Full Olotheitlaesimeres, &oil and give more for Wool in exohange than any other establishment. Try them and satisfy your selves. INGHAM wholesale and retail at the Cow sump° Mills, 2 miles below Rnoxville. Our Clotho are warranted, and sold by the following peraonot DELANO t CO.. Wellaboro, Pa. T. L. BALDWIN It 00., Tioga, Pa " ' J. 0. BENNETT, Covington, Pa. 100,000 Pounds of Wool Wanted. ' JOSEPHINGHAM at, SONi. DearSold / Jan. 1,,a New Stook! New Goods! EMARS DER:i3 tritirE taken- , tlio:siettiwtore 01111, door ;;above JUL-Wrigiii.kßallauwitiro ithiy Writ:Wit hand with a nowatook of - wi tcpuit s eikto alktraat.,ft . Onklith.oon as •Lo f ni who has the advantage of in the bush:l6'6,4'nd' the beet and fulictit in the country; gar stock of FRENCH CALF, ,FRENCH 'KIP, lIPr zT ' ' ' l :VEN:trigiaFo rI atOk, 0,441 TC, is j.421,1N05, B itiNit;„MOjot t al It j l ' willin kept up atsuoratotiore, • I -• `r . 1", 1 r ' i FOR Emu% stigsetußs,t4 =IEOII ~. MEE EEO . . . , ~ ' -, : - -,-,i0EXOVIII", i'.7 i t 1 . 34 P'Alil .t - '3:o'i' ; ': ‘, 5 .3 t'; '. . 45 -- -- ' , t t ; ' ‘ 6f._-,-'.-- . . „ BOOTS, BALSORALSi -GAITERS, BOOTEES -BROGANS AND GA.LLIGASKIN,B' THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE On Findings we shall be *Outfit at home at ways, and• we - shall - :endenvor—to selt at priosii satisfactory to the trade. We won't be tindq : - sold. Also the top of the Market for •• -But our beat hold will bo on 00:EISTO1%E-:WO*1141 As atinalii There's comfort in a well made custom boot,' , iltiatfitithe cortawithontporr 'appetising: Pox evaoOd Owe *414 Y dot'. Oannoibecom raised by-dvd Whit. And ono may wear clean Dnen with a suit Of finest cloth, but there is no finessing Will make oilman with shabbily dressed feet, Lotitlikelt OS:Allman " Mosel i `ling your bdots ' SEARS A DERBY, Or any other man. [Printer's Devil.] pir,ollshore, fax 4 1; 1889-g. 2 , 1;1 -f, For Sale. T AM AGENT.for ,11Inney, h , 00., celebrated platforitr/fitprlnge Wagons for. thelt4fibt Vatrlager and - tiiggY•VagonS,. all'tnadoin 'good , ityle,'.and: front Werseythnber, find! warranted lin (aviary risp'ebt,:el4llal to- any triads,/ Clan furnish any albs 'above' at 'the lowest Manufactirers price'sai.O. , BßlTNET. Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 1870-if. . • gopse.andsLot.f 9 r Sale. - i ~ ..,1 r, ,-,, Z 1 . , •i , .!, .., k. ' . pnqr.(JOE in'd t6t,'"and.iracaut . lot 'foe iiitie cheep. Location Wollaboro, and dealrable: uire at the Agitator °Moe. Jan. 14870—tf. ' ' ' • " '" • --- TO THE - 1PA11101141%8011 7 . . TIOCIA7',4OOOSTY."‘ • . ; Abt noWtruilding at toy mantglisotorY,in Itierrancs. villeot superior , , • 1 . . ' PA I ATIVINO Iii " . 1411/ whichpossesses the followiggadrantagettuver a llother milts:. , „ I.lt separattirmeati,rablit:er.andfoulseeds,and oboes and cookie, from wheat. • 4. It clean' flax seed, takes oil yellow seed, and all other seed., perfectly. 8, It cleenetimotby seed. . 4. It does ail otherseparatingrequired of a mill . This mill tilt h e'best and :most durable tint. ber, in good tyle. and is cold cheap tor omit% , or pro. duos. I will fit a patent sieve, for separating intern:lin wheat,to othermills,enreasonableterms., J.H MATII/111, Lawrenoesille o lan. 1, 18704 1 IRON WORKS! FOUNDRY I MAOHINH SHOP WELLSIIORO, PA. BEARS & AVERY, PROPRIETORS PLOWS, HORSE HOSES, C)ULTIVA TORS,• FIELD • ROLLERS, SET— • TLES, ALL snits, SAP PANS, FARMING UTENSILS, AV, KINDS, WOOD MACHINES FOR 'l' I SAWING WOOD;* Brick CAVAN POWER; THE TOMPICINS COUNTY, HORSE POWER- EIGHT AND TEN HORSE, CONSTANTLY l • • ON HAND, And else, everything tialiallY found in a first • class Shop. , . We call paittottlar attention to our MA CHINE SHOP, which has been ro-built with new, and first-blase IM ILICHINERY,LITHE, Iron, PLANER, DRILL, , to. We employ none big Brat-class' Workinoni, and are; tharefore4re. pared to do our work in ' the .boet style, and at , abort notice. We have recently adOed taw' MAOHINERX,_ far Planing and Matching boardt. and 20,nai 2• • Jan 5,1870-Iy. . BEARS AVERY. ;.1 2 .1, MEM glpreid?; I 11 li .0. ,-.., :.::::, ,tt • 5 ' 1 • ,x,..m ; ...,.. Ni 0 ..$) 4)..d NI zit 0 .... 0 -, E.. t... * . p .. .. sp ,1.-.4.- ..A , , ,- . ~.. i.,,,, 0 .: . g •I R -' s 5 s I g el 5 1 1 I • 8 t i 0 '-- 1 - V 'No tsv 14. cn V "I-4 7- , 4:117:5 ox t.o Olt "4 CO tso Wk. CD !th. C.. 71 SAP en101:0 ex, es) Go cr , 4 , 1 ot thv co p o w • „ P.P.P.0 4. :P.P.P.P.,64. O. 'cz czQ • 1-4 F-+ 00 - , 1 111 • • • • • • • . 4 N.. ficll , -VA PlitAl l *Py t*T7l.' A . ttiOXVILLEci . : T;44/1,40111 , 111'4,:: PENN* W.:lZotunijoreceptruma."/ . • . ; WAllthltsUoils"*Alebtant., ' ; • -, 1411,41Matipi!'1::,,T4sae,Mriii , r , T14,10 r ` *11;44 two litivembof titt Tits Sptitill l'fins Itaftt Term. to continuo 13.1(1,112:. ~ • * • BIPA I I I .Mt-,44 .; • • Tattion,trkeing irerl.,:a, • •••••.- -• Terus:l' 1 , ),... i; fit 71: 'Alpf#lll,Titla4.; Ws" 04 1 47; 1 .1 1 •_4 4 . ... ..trAtrtigento34 l 44l(P.SinihOtiMiormetsodeoii}.l OO . oat Music— .... .. *awing *a P•7olinit. • . 77• - •••."":' . 3 X loardper *WC-- • ' 11,00. JaP,.lclB7oll. 4 - • • • • DE g 8 1 1...4 v: ..x . r, cq IN m c~ ~ ~ m I 1 a ,11 4roC icy ; 4#l.ri.Provisfon Siore, - ,1 - ; ,, t'OBIIINO4.Oi f.Til. _ rte, ,if 1 , 114. 4 - 4 ..k,A 3 is, ie Nll-,• 7 • . s - s• • • -•'• Y' •r.::•, ANb RBTArri' DEA ~71•Tt Wi11 1 444, 0 g if ••,' • ri.ii!:,:rt uyr '•:-.1-:11 , ..,1 ri:: ,, f 7,, -:. , 3 , , -1 , -:er c r,..:,,,T• , 1.71 1-.•.1,-: t .....+',,,, , ,,, -.: 4 -- ...., 4 : ,--s, , 1 -....-... „ ~,, 1-..-:.: i , w ,::• fill' i Nl,i , :,.... , vgalitiif i s , ~z . ..W : P , t.r - : ,. .. T i' r i . .: j' 'Z'.' fr'•••[.:• , ').l fs c;', , ... f , . 0,17 • it ~ .;:1„:,.:oZ:.; , : :. ; t.. 7.. ~, 0• ; ..:',-. I „-` 4 •I;:1 Wiltes4ll44 ll lOrk 44 . F . li , 11041010kief i i47 .... 31 ; " • •, FOREIGN- Ir, DomEsTtec-diartg ~.PAIEDL PANTO; ME tra 4 IVRICO - 3 : 1 . :F1t UXTig :4WD, VATGATARLrr 1;i ;ES, 1 00 , 6 •VhUo*' *Os; 0z448 I" ()ROOKERY' WARE, oViatiREWS &C,, &O. A P11.41141_ Domplete, r nesprtment of .the aboie mentioned goods ot'the btist quality' altrayti On •:. _ • t -Partleular , attention' Valli to Pine Groceries. Dealerd dud Consumers will'flud it to theirAn tined toekamint bbißteck before buying.. • Corning, N. f• 1, 1870.- • CORNING Jiikiiii;ir, STORE! I;O,',DIIDLAY L - .4); Wattlitaakei and Je%ire*. • lillarge issortraeitt of •• WATCHES, 'JEWELRY; "SILVER PLATED WARE, CLOCKS AND FANCY GOODS. • - ,fislr• Engraving, done in any style. Corning, Deo. 16, 1869. A. D. DUDLEY, ly. No. 10, Market St. MXEOUTOItB'IIO2IO/I.—Letters Testaten 1U tarylaaving been granted upon a/01*Si will and testament of John Levergood, &ousel), late of Liberty, all persons indebted to or claim ing against said estate, are requested to settle with 13. N. LWEIBOOOD, ' ' I I. B. IfIiBLIND, !liberty, Marsh 28, 1810. at Breo'n. , The Richardson • Washer. WE the undersigned do herebY say to all— that we have tried this machine, and' .11*-A.ft_naexpeAlv2L- N- 4/47 _we. otter VII!. 46 waglies andmOrks with perfect ease— ,mil tOciniribg about one tenth the labor' of COM— mon washers. We 'think it cheap, "simple and durable. It does not wear the clothes, but sim— ply cleanses from all dirt. And we cheerfully_ recommend it to all; -it being now canvassed for with great success. March 2, 1870.. 8t Jerome Smith, Mrs. William Mathers,. Miry A Dewey, ' George Parker, " Christina Watkins, " Nettle Watkins, " Lewis Holmes, " P. 0. Van Geider r . Mr. M. 0. Sutton is the only authorised Agent is this locality. Mar. 2-6t.' la . J. STICKLIN, mot Diairinaker, Turner, and Furniture Dealer. • QALE ROOM and FACTORY oppoeita Dartt'e kaWagon. Shop Main &root, idiom ha le pre. pared to furnish Cabinet" Ware any king• to . Woes in. want: ,Orderspromptlyniled and 'aitinfactionguaran* toed. Farley Turning done to order. Walleboro, Jan. 1,1870. J. STIOIELIN.: VdtWtble:Parlit for.gale. A farm of three hundred acres, with two bun. A -dred and tweutz f Avaseres improved. Sit uated tiwo miles north of Tioga Village, on the Tioga River and Raihood. watttered, en. der a good state of cultivation, and good build ings. Also four house spud lote for sale in Tioga Village. T. L . BALDWIN. . , Tioga,Jan.l,lB7o—t t. Dr. H. R. Phillips, • VIBIGSMON MitrititaiN THE undersigned respectfully announces to Oa citizens of :ctestliold and surrounding coon. try thittlni is permanently located at this place. He is fully prepared to do all kinds of • style of "Ortiefaotlint gfterwateed. Oiticoov.er Soovill!D DrAgStere, Fine PhotO'graiiiieenn be hied ovoi .the „Drug fitch*.' i • ' Pligil4PS:: . Weatfleld, Pa., Juno 80 p A86841....'' Wholesale and Retail DRUG STORE ! VV i C. KICESS. I,IOTP,:IIWRING GOODS. - 11{ eabsoril?er will keep on naiad at all liars 111,1 full stock of 01111011ND11111,1M; PAINTS,' OILS, Paent Medicines, Partaneiy; Hirosene, Lamps,rlVisk,s,l),ltA.Oolors,,While Waih; Lime andltruiltes; Varnish and Sash Brushes, Window Waits - all sixes, Varnish of all kinels,.raky lit6aps, Hair Oils, . EN - SPE I r OTACLES, • Hair and 2both Brushes, a fun stock of Yankee Noiious also. a comigideas p - •., . , rinteng of . Nomfflopatlific Medichiesi an 4 a inll,Atook of . Pure Wines and_Liquess. Buyers are requested to eall and examine pri 7 oes before purebasintelsorrhere. • Apr. 20,1870, •• j',OA • ME • 6 -!' • ; NI NG Y. -40 OR N : EOM =I jr)1010$: rAND`I4EOIO.I;4Os. PAINTS "PM- PA!!;;;,: THADDEUS' , 6Awbki"INK6i KEITH'S CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, IR*DEINEC,FLUID , _ TRACTS, ' BUR,NETT I S 00u0AINE, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, poen JODicANES, R 631- ESTRIP!RECPINRY iiiii =1 AND FLAVORING}!WALL -;,, _ 'te , r ~ I'~a `FOR MARVIN &,;_44O'S irfre EMI Bold at Whales*la X'xices. Buyers ararequesod to Call and get quotations before gang further Bast. Corning, N.Y., Jan. 1,1870-ly ANTED , AT THE NILE 9 :VALLEY STEAM FLOURING' MILLS. ' • 10,000 Sae. Corn, 10,000 " Ostia and an:* amount of poilitheat. * "4:11; DIMON Niloe Ian:1000-K ' • I HATS bought .the riglit to use) the Paten a :Masao: Roofing in Tioga, County, and aui uow'preparad to put on roofs ohearand in good Workmanlike Ananniri. !This roofing is fire and water proof.-•I refer to Messrs. Wright &. Bat- Barker, and, C. L. Willeox; Where samples can be seen and roofs in use. • . - . 41 8108E13 WINGATE., •Wellsboro, Jan.l, 1870-tf. 88. HOLLIDAY,- Pro prietor. a large and i.cothinodiriturflouse,located in the imme ,diate'vieluity of all the County buildings, with large and coliimodions 'barns attached. ' " `lllO.-Jaineis Hitsbitt Rota as hostler, aiid will elftiye he Mind' cin"liand, attentive to'busineas. Jan.' 6,1870.-1 y •• • ' Q ETU WATKINS respectfully informs the publlo tliat'he has established a tilirory for Hire, aide barn on the premises lately oirned by. It. o`. Bronson. Esq., toasted on Pearl 414 Craton [Streets, Wellsboro. He alms to heat) good 'hos ed. and wagons, and intends .to please. Prices reasonable..l-Noy. 24,1889-Iy. Double and single teams furnished. "DIFAVING completed Ms new Cabinet Ware hones on Main street, Wellsboro, has stock ed it with a large and superior assorted stook of ShambUr Sults, Walnut, Ash, maple, itoin $l6O down, and ae cheap , the same goods can be bo'l in the olden. freed added. Parlor Suite, Walriut; Cherry, and lilahogany,Repa or Hair Cloth, J from $125 down. Also, SOFAS, LO i NGES, COUCHES, TETE- A-TETES, Center ,TAbles, Walnut or Marble Tops, Looking Glasses, Brackets Pa per Racks, Rocking Chairs, . 'all ' kinds, aril Inanufacturiog as usual, and • intend to keep 6 full stook of ware, home and city Wade 'et all Omni. Aty Ware Rooms are spacious and 'neat; rind ntiw contaiii‘the largest, costliest and best stock of Fainiture ever brought into the county. Ja!t, 1, 1869-tf. WALKER'-& DEALERS IA H4.RAWARE, -- IRON; STEEL, RAILS, SZ'O TIN -WARE, BiIIiTING . : SAWS . CUTLERY, • WATER LIME, • A4I4OITLTIIIyAL IMPLEMENTS; iisirkago and Milani Tiininaings, • • HARNESSES, SADDLES, do. • Canine, N.. 7., Jan. 2, 1870-17. ' . . . • ' C. F. & 0. .111.00rey . ; ptreelrifitY " AND Exontagat 'STABLES Nolisboro, Pa. Ofdoe and Stables on Water t;, in rear of Court House. They will far .nishlonas, single or double, with Buggies, or Carriager, at short notioe. , ong e perience in the buidnets enables the proprietors to announce with confidence they fmn meet any ronable de 'inande in their line... Drivers furnish ,if desired egi . and passengers- carried to any part of the country. , Thankful for past fevers, They invite continuance :Of cuetom." Tarim reasonable. Nov. 24,186V.-Iy. -Al Great Dniniiveinent in Densistry. HAVING' purchased-the smolt(- ' sive ' right of Dr. Folsom's Im- I a • proved patent Atmospheric Dental Plates for Tioga 'County: I" now' take' pleasure in offerlnglt) the publin as the greatest DIS. .covanv ,yet made in ity the use iff which, wo can overcome any any and all difficulties which have heretofore baffled the Skill of the. most practical Dentist in the 'wetld.'" elites conetrtioted upon this plan re. main perfectly arm under 'all oireumetanoes or Oondition'Of the Mouth; eine air, or petkicles of 'feed eau PosilblYgetun der th Om - Those haiing Old Milos; Gad of Rubber elates, can, 'When the eost, - have .the Improvement applied to them 'anewarin*ftfevatkrespeot the lame purpoie as as a new let. - 'Perfect satisfaction 'guaranteed lb everynfise. ' C. N. DARTT, Dentist. 'Wellsborp, jan."l * 1869. • .• . 111111 thle is tficertify that we are how using the Improv• 04 Dental lohltes with' perfect eatisfaction; Having used the old style ofplates for years wl th ail the troubles *rod !conveniences known in the use Drench plates ) 4111re.cheerfully recommend the improved, Plates as far titieilOr 01 anything /et 'known. E. KIMBALL. CHAS, WILLIAMS. • W. P. WOO. MEI =MI =9 PAPEit:,VINDOW:GLASS, WHITEWASH LIME & AND DYE COLORS, Pj*ED OIL. W. D. TERRELL CO.' Patent , Rooting. Wellsboro Hotel. Livery Stable: Furniture!. Furnitil B. T. VAN HORN, FURNITURE. to., &0., &0., !Ugh Upholstery to suit. Ilthoiesale and Retail. Planing and Matching, BOROI•L SAWING 81,MOULDING, done to order at the Factory. B. T. - VAN HOLN. /AM lid' afteir'MONDAV; Mat 2d; 1179, firalue 111111eayeporalag, stiho tol owing-houra,airtt l . ; :•• (lonia Wray/ . 'IMO .11. 'lO., NICIMT ExeitEss, : .dally for Hoch: !.,tister. Bun/a & Dunkirk, Cleveland and ()hada. tiatti; taahltig dived 'coin mectlou 'with' tread of the Grata , ,Trunk, and Lake Shore Ballwityo :Buffalo. Deal*, 04 , 01601410 endll points Meet, and it with the MO and Louts -•tillle'Short Moe Railivayafor • the , ;Moth and Sou tb- West. ,18 _a m Stiodays'oacepted, for Buffalo, , Dttukirk and Cleveland, connoting with I•aridtfa tbt-tbe WatiL' , alevidna 17040 fa attached to thin train rpontug through to Buffalo. , 10,213 A. in „MAID - TRAIN, Sundays excepted, tor' „buffalo and Dunkirk. -felOtiilAjit'ittigrieff,,ii B 2l, B o'4:4.(9-00 . %SO ibrni.i - DAV/IMPRESS, - Sri ndaya .excaptid; tor . -Rochester; Ennio, Dunkirk, Ole.v?land. Cincinnati, and the South" Stops at drincipal shittoroi and con- Ls traits points' On Main line. ' - • Netratiddinproied Dravrittglloom Coaches accompany , this trojEr rem ;New York to ti a Oa) cr, and Sleeptng .. Doluipes attaclied it ffornellsville ' running through , !:to Cleveland and OaliOnttithotat change: . ' ' • 1. 1 11145 .p4; nr„: EXPRESS MAIL. Sundays excepted, for asuffolo,, ' Cleveland, witq conuecting trains, for the, West. - ' . ~ .... 121;05P. in.,WAY ERBlGllT;SindaysexCePted. 459. m., EMIGRANT TRAlN;dally; for the West, - u, 4$, p; UT - EXPRESS.- excepted: - qontleo ling at Dea , ,Yotß:viitli afternoon trains , and Steameri for Boston and. Now - England &Mei. ' 'sleeping Coacheis accomPany,lhts train to New York 4,35 a. m., CINCINNATI EXPRESS,' Mondays. or • cepted t connecting at Elmira for Williamsport, Ilarrisborg and the South; also at Elmira for Cattail &tom ligyrayerly with train o,,Lehigh'lralliiy,Bal., vray,i at Owetr-tor Ithaas; at /31p4shaniton fey porstown'and Albany .1 'and af New York wakeless:o - and afternoon Explus Mini for: Now -England cities t t-ggr 8 1, 00 , Piell conchae, accossipany this gala tollelrYbrk. • • , . 1ir,420 m,., 1 DAV EXPREESVIIntidays - eicipled; contteetiug at Jersey tOily ;With :midnight etpreas train of New Jersey • Railroad for Philadelphia. Also siopi at prlneliial asidionneatlng points on main line. • , ; I New' and improved Drawing Room Coaches accompany this train to Nati York. • 12.15 p m., 'ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, daily for • tinseptenannts. - 2,20 P. In-; ELMIRA excepted. • . , • 440 p. m., NEW TORE. AND BALTIIIORN MAIL, bundaYs excep ted , cohnectitig at Elmirsqor the Smith. " • ' • • ' 7,61 p. nr., •LicIIITNING-EXPREBEl,Dally,connect lug at Jersey City with morning Express train of New Jersey Railroad for Baltimore and Washington; . and at Now York with morning Express train for Boston and NowEnglond Cities. Alsr stops at all prin. ciput stations eind'oon fleeting points on male. lino. Sleeping Coaches accompany thie ' rrall through to New ..Nork • , 11,33 a. m., WAY PBEIGIIT, Sundays excepted. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. , • . A revised and complote"Poc}tott Imo Table' , of Psureonger Trains On the Erie gallwity and connecting Lines, has recently boon DnbUched and can be precut , ed on application te;the Ticket Agent ofthe Company ROL( R. BARE,. , • L. D. B R O KER. i f Cien'lPass.Agent. Oen'i Sup'Y 810soburg& Corning, & Tioga IL . . Tsalitswillrun as follows Instil furtber notice: ' Accommodation—Leavoa ClOssintrg at 6,50 a. m.,Man s field it 7,40 'hosts at 8,22. Lawrencorille at 007— arriving at Corning at 10,10 am. Mail—Leaveaßlossburg at 2,80 p. in ~Manefield at 8,10, 'Dog& at 3;4s,'Lawronceville at 4,2 o—arriving at Corning at 8.30 p.m.., Maii•'-:LCavastlorning at 5,50 L awrenceville at 8,44,116ga at 023; - )Mansfield t - 10,0.5•—arriving at Illoss-bnig at 11,45 a.m. • Accommodation.-Leares Corning at 2,55 p. rencerille 'at4,o4TiOga at 4.55, Mansfield at 5,88-4 arriving a t Blousbnrg at 6,20 p m. • L.H. 831AT ... 1140H t Nortlionk,Oentral TRAINS POR THE NORTH. • Train s for Canandagula lease Elmira as follow s : • Actomodation at 7.05 p m Rspress[fristest train on road]. ..... ... ..... 12 20 a m Mgll " 10' 00 p m Way Preight,[passonger coach attached] 6 20 a cs On and after N0v.15, 1860, trains will irrive and depart from Troy, as follows; LEAVE NORTHWARD. 1086 a. m.—Dally(except S undays) for El m ira, Baia— lo, Canandaigua, Rochester, Snap. Bridge and the Oanadas 968 a. na.—Dally (except Sundays) for Elmira and Buffalo ,v la Erie Eal lway from Elmira. ;RAVE SOUTHWARD. 728 A. m.—Dally(except Sundays) for Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia 966 P. m. —Dally (except Sundays) for Baltimore, Washington and Philadelphia. ALFRED R. FISKE ED, 8. YOUNG Gen'lSitpt.Uarrhiburg, - • Geo '1 Pass. , . Baltimore, Mi. :lire 1 10,000 Agents Wanted. EYERYBODY'S LAWYER BOOK OF' FORMS, BY PRANK CROSBY, ESQ., Member; of thO Philidelphia Bar. Enlarged and Troroughlyqtrevised, BY S. J. VANDEBSLOOTeESQ., Member of the Philadelphia Bar.' 608 PP. •12 mo. LAW STLE. $2;00. THIS TJ 1411QuALLED 800 concerns the property, business, indiiidu l rights, and so cial privileges or every one, and affords a fund of legal knowledge that to many will make it worth its weight in gold. The simplicity of its instructions ? the comprehensiveness of its sub ject, the accuradY of its details, the facilities af fordcid ih its•perfect arrangement, and the cop siseness and attractiveness of its style, as well as its cheapness, make ,it the most desirable of the legal hand-book. ,blo effort or expense bad been spared is adapting it thoroughly to the times, and affording in it the most recent. and useful • information. • Constitution of the United States, With' Amendments; General Bankrupt.Lawa, Pension Laws, Internal Revenue Laws, With Stamp Duties ; Post Office RegulatiOns, With Postage Rates, &c., &c. TOMETIIER Vint TIIR Laws of all the States Aelmowledgments, Credit',' Nein talirati on, Administrators, 1. Debts, Notes. Affidavits. ~-, Deeds, Obligations. Agents, , ' Divorce, 4 Partnerships, , Agreements, Dower, .-Patents, Aliniony, Exchange, Penalties, Appeals, Eieentors, Petitions. Apprentices, . Exemption, Powers, • Arbitrations, . ' : Guardians, Preperoptionti, :Assignees, Hotels; Receipts, Assignments, • ", - Landlords, , Releases, ' Awards, . . 'Libel. I Rights. Bills, '' Liens. • Blander. Boarding, .Limitations, . Tenants. . Bonds, - Marriage, Vessels, - . Carriers, Masters, Wards. Codicils - Minors, Wills, Cpoyrigits, Mortgages, , Ac., Ac. WITH Plain and pimple Instructions' to Everybody for Transacting their Business According to Law; the legal forms required for Draw ing up the Various Necessary Papers; and useful Information in Regard to the Government of the DM ted States, and the various State Governments, etc., eta. Agents Wanted. LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS are offered to agents everywhere, This work is the most com plete orlts kind ever published, and presents ex cellencies that commend it to all engaged in the affairs of everyday life. Every farmer, business man,• Tradesman, Laboring 'Man, Politician, Property Holder, Bankrupt, Professional Man, and every one having a Family, will find it in teresting, instructive, valuable, and full of infor. SEND FOR OUR LARGE ,AND HAND SOME SIXTY-FOUR PAGE CATALOGUE of nearly One Thousand standard and choice works- Its character throughout is such as to command the cobfidencp of all experienced can vassers, and the approral'Uf the public.' . SINGLE COPIES of Everybody') Lawyer sent to any address, postage paid, on receipt of price. • For toms to Agents; and other inforthation, address, ' John. E; Potter.&,.Co.„ PUBLISHERS, • 614 and 611 - BARRER STREET, Malt 80,1870.-8 m; ' PHILADBLPHIA. mmmns= AND 1 IT CONTAINS Ins With Amendments : With Necessary Forms ; IN ABOARD TO ,0 r_imßy .:' , 2 VO. B, 'tio , W noprieto TUE tho, public thst they are prepared-to make or iambi' SASH. AND BLINDS, DOORS, 13004,. •s. ao„ - . Also, ,dsalors to A ' • , , • t• • • Lumber iand Shingles. Paley 110 tor Tipb prbped and gbisad I , er light Bby 10—L3* cents. • 9 by 13. 8 by 14,10' by 12, 1/r cents. 10 by 'l4;-9.: by •14; 16 cents: • 10 by 14, 20 mitt. Oar work is Amide of the be. and in the best manner.' Call Jan; 6, 187.0-Iy. illsuraAfee, AgeneV• WELIABbRO, PA. "eh Capital ever .$20,000,000, 7.m.5z"0,13, qcf/E,zip.,igz BETTER ATES AS LOW tui any iood'Oompenits XV will take: 'Pofloied on dwelling, and farm ` property, writtenthis - 401m delivera at payinnal Of premium:, .!.; • . „; ; • _ . ure d It costa but little, p i artictilarl, to- insure 'dwell ings,' farm 'property, 'conteidta. - Detached dWeilings and tidam"pi rid : aPeriiiinsu for 3 'ear l tor ono per tentua and' expense of policy, A e . mired for $ tor:3, pa at, an captain, $11,50. 0 11 4 $3,83* a year!, Small t . ooz-,-gqod. ai rg . in case of Are: Parnittdre, provisions, bedding &0., at the name , ratee.• - Thereiatio excuse, " r . Evezyoxie Should be. loured. if 'not with me, Stukth ,Jilierrick:Nrill do it jest u cheap, and jtistas well. (Oratle, gon lame.) I shonld beilad however,-to-befriend e ough in this Wanner to.pfey- fotadvertising. JNO.I..MITC ELL; Wilber°, Jan. 1, Is7o-tf. • Then Them Things is Arriv EVERY thing is lovely, and 'the anger liked depends - from a sublitoe altitude. YOU ..0111 . Please.. observe, that tbe best natured . rnan•ln Town baying no• good the wants of the7publfo, and basing bun Wally supplied ,hiptsolfwith almost ovary thins which this World - ion s - ,',affdrll 'to - app eato them; now hinovOlently proposes to opsn the wbolete fore the people, and say to all, old and ycling, black and wb ito, rich Anil poor, • z , COIIIE • • You pay your Money and you take you, choice. • Don't stand out in the cold exposed to the el• ements and to the Sting of the neighbors heat, but pull the latch string, !tie always out in bui. mess hours, &o. ENTER: The large 'hearted proprietor, or his tans good natured clerk will condaet - you, as it were through a , GARDEN filled with raviabing j i 1 . lat. A GARDEN L 'OP ls rn SPICE) " in wbie every thing Spiey,fro a nutmeg to penne pep. per mar be seen and 3rocured. •2d, A GARDEN - Or SWEETS, in which es. ery variety of Sac . eharine delights; both solid and liquid may be had by the atick, pound or gallon, and of such flavor and complexion as will . mein every aching sweet tooth in your head fairly jump with delight. Should yoq be pomelogi. daily inclined, this humane individual will en. duct you into a i 1, GARDEN OP FRUITS, in vthich alinet co. 8 ery variety of luscious tilingi to be found nth. ered from the four quarters of ,the globe, will it shown to satisfy your largest Idngings, 01-mu from,Cuba, Lemons from Florida, Prunes i tam Turkey, Raisins from Malaga, Currants from the Grecian Archipelago; Peaches dried unction. ad along with a great variety of Canned trlllll from the Jerseys ;• Dates from Syria, and fig' from Asia Minor. No end to the supply o'cm species of NUTS from 3 Continents. THE TEA GARDEN will next commend your attention; tho warm decootion of the Chia leaf and the Java bean have become almost uoi• versa) beverages, and if not swallowed lee hot if to strong, the mild stimulants are esteemed as eminently promotive orcomfort and sociality.— What company of elderly ladies could-ever put in peace ' without them? Now your friend the GARDNER, will be moat happy to show yv: all this. Be will ask you politely to look at ha Tea. You are welcome to try every cheat att see if GUN POWDER, Souobong GREEIs UYSON, &0., which flavor you like, but of II the other styles whose Jaw cracking names noel be dangerous to pronounce, COFFEES, in every style, ditto, ditto, ditto. Furthermore, Tho beneficent proprietor of this mammoth L' tablishment--ont of abeer good will; and ifjol will believe him for no other motive than yon' interest and his; has at vast expense establisbd at the same place an immense depot, of PrOTit• ions, oonsistfng of Flour, Pot i k, Lard, Codfish, White Fhb: Sword Fish, &c., &o. 4 . Meru, Hams, Butter, Trout, Blue FL5b, Halibut, &e.,- &e. Ail of whiCh he tntends to sell at a profit, es di principle of "live and let - live." He genersq proposee also to receive in exchange ail the prvi ducts of your farm and •dairier,and it is said cot flderdially to the public,- that he never refuut Cash. • Tho' it irks him wretchedly to heap it. FO anxious islha. that ho dear pooplo shouldwam nothing whdtover that money can buy of ' I 4allsba.re, Jan. 1, 1870. BAR - NESS SHOP! W. NAVLE, would say to his Mend! • that bis Harness Shop is now in labial. and that hole prepared to furnish beau or 110: • • , 3EXEitt u rielatigolg, on.short notice, in Ef good and substantial nisi ner, and at prices th stean't fail to stilt. • The best workmen are erupted, and none?gt the best material used. Call and see. Dec. 9, 1868.-Iy. Q. W. NAVLS• In' I.lL.Et,' ©e ' . • 4E, is MR. A. L. ikpIONROE, is Agent for Tioga and Pot' effect insurance in the Wyoming Insurance ClompanY. Royal, I n Capitol $5,0 00 P London, Liverpool dc Globo, Capitol, $16,00, 00 Ho will canvass the county during the Week es' cept Saturdays, when ho will be foundst office of John. f. Mitchell, to attend to may give him a call.. A. L. DIONE O • Sept. 22:18894m.* • , • High,School. MBE Sul fiber will open a Sehool village Osceola, on Monday, Mars 1870, and continue twelve weeke.* BATES OF TUITION : Primary, ................. .... Common Higher,— Hob, Ortf. 7 .. C.c. WARD, Pr 6 0 !reasoned lumber nd aee na. L. A. GARDNBE o h : c a g t ° i: t! a et OP s s . 5,11.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers