Mil - , -- - t • `,- , "-:-.,-•-:•,,-,•,, c---- - - ,, - -.7 - - - - - r• -,-• ,--,,.., -,•,.....,,,,,. :/f1r.4,4P.11 _.l9°T 1 ,C it YJyr . ..:: , _., ';-4 / 4 S ,1 4 1*.i ii --°# 2 : " T!-S I n ril *;' , i;:r - ::Ii` 'e.'.i . - ' M "fiql(ritiPtilt:#o l olt 6 -*F* a,04 -*l;; . _ C:P='' rc' t * .."' Pi*Whihi*ekt;lPrilig- hitino,p ;i . rlk,r - ... . , , , ~,, ~. titoWziilAilte aidltho op_en!a_g. itowerb,. ; . - 01tt3iLlipitiOlurit4ri' il bli'td;: ; ::-: s ' 4 '" •:-. 1 iiiiit f r abits.kiiii!,4'll44.daPy 2 - , bread, ... 1 vi 14 . 44' tio94);totei . !) ,, .•_,_ , , •;,.„,,, ii,tim. ~. , ,•.- , • ••_, • ~ J , 111,40w1 1 44'.ite eit44o6iie , - .::,:!. 1 t ).1 , , pent*AfftitA y ral* )r, ear s o ~ ,iz , - e 1 1- T., irntetkiktre4riViiCar by ono L z ., , 1 _.. '' ,Thxy iitaxinkivisfy,tOP exeii,tii, .itit;' , , , ~. 1 . 4 ,41)110 - ,YiljOi,krigRe Tegi4;::!:t '- i li It; ' Di NZ :f ''.iikii; 'i7,' '1414 . ;erica n•-- • • • . -t•- •> ;' <,-.; !kY,4I-0 2 1,,, •,- - , _., _ -1 - .- • : - •- •* 4criuziTpjaitilli bits restlesipain,..l • We:yea; of•thoiS ! i'L-• brooding steely' j Siteiderife t4itgiri iii4ke4Vn tja r., fr,ti lai t#: - . 1 , ) etroogoly-, near; fkneel.beneath the moonbeams 14i 4 b It •tifotito62y: tiiint;lod Icreitit; bEetia ion ei) 'of re •1. • • Praying, beloved, for-thee t , y,• _ . r•tqtxtertius'l4tmong the Spirit). . ' • - • The 'en tripanY then • the d ricilA kompier t to itliey axed . lit' it if there waa :4 .tfiyhody: ip the Speiiej, laii4kWlfieli4Would like (o co,IAYarP i,t 3 - 1 •! : I .sed: 11:-.T42410 4 4, wo was once in3,l \ partner lit the,tlioVy bizniss, was sober; •I'slietilitlikeqe'eari --varserwittehinra-few . t.ra ifililAil4Fe r i NN . Flitia , lietnpkinfil pretteit"l o) .. , 'Welie tiusa thirenit'i4l444Abla rtitt!ifl; ,t 1 Sez. , i.:.. . _ •;" h?w, - goes! -1 t/ - BWee4; ... 1 .4 16 k r y , •• "Pretty, rutf,:eld'hoss, - IA - replied. Thad *HS a pleiiseift WAY' We • liad et' addressituLesomn,4r w kph - jab - Was:l • • to-Air you itt the Show hizniss, liatify . . se .1: f •' Hosed he was. He `sett-hey "Jolla Htinyabwas iiavelln WI th-o`iiiiiffif,;3liiiilr, nneetion & C 0 . 49 Clic:up; Tie ppdp,l4l, 'bat (wean:: ing Mr. Butistitti),'sitqed'=ifp the anniii mules . 6& ground the organ while. he tended, door. ground . yan Sang a comic sog ; waS, t ils;000444.111.0, welt. . Billy ~qhakspfire 11 0*(4doilx grate bit with old - Robert -Itidleyi`•and.Benlotinston , : Wa delltin• trooli.. grate :ax of ;oaema>;zship , without saddul or ; :'They was rekersin Dixey'S Land & ex- ; petted_ it 'would knock the pePle. ' Fled "William, my luvly friend, , can you pay me that 13 dollars you i 'owel me?'" sed no wit4',One or the .most' tremerijis kbox I ever'experiunsed. Simla sed he had gone: • . gone; William ?" axed. • .:,",...."..Rayttier,": he rOplide, and l'knoWd it lamp nO:use to purkaf the subjeck •Tu r der. • _ itheu called for Lny,father. Roves, things, daddy'?' . ' 1. -4 ,9ktiddlin, my eon, middlin,” Ain't you proud of you ofurn i tioy ?" "Seareely." l • " Why not tny patient?" "Becawz you'havegone to writin for tiie.noorpapers; i y sou. Bi meby you'll lead all . your character for t trooth and vairaiserty. When I helpt ,yoir hnto the show. bizinese I told .you Lb tlignerfy Oat tliere• profeahnu.. Letterathor' is lOW' • He also stated that he was-dOin nild dlln well in the peanut bliss 'S.', liked it putty well though the Climate -was rather warm. Artemitg ',Ward; ilia The Rev. , Dr. Stone, of Salt Francisco lectured in Boston a Short- time since, on California. The r followingis an ex tract: "How about fleas ?'_' [Laugh ter.) Well, I must confess that in' our State we have to scratch for a living; [Laughter.) Sonic of our ladies are ac ousted:lied to parody in this way; The wicked flea, when no man purspe4h. l — atim ulifit! CO' activity. bot true that he Po-res pect ofierions.„ VisitOrs•TesVeci,itily if young d tender, are, preferred to old resideata;lLaughter.] He is rather an noying to those who like to nap in church. Preachers don't object to blin. He is especially fashionable with us.'— He is admitted to the.clOseattin ti thb best society, and if Oe 'lady .on whoth you' call manifests samaimeasi ness during your interview, and makes demonstrations to show-wli4t thfl char acter of . the uneasines is [laughter,3 it Is accepto as a part of good breeding." [Continued "laughter and applause.]- No woman should wear hergarter l be low tisk:4lo:l6e. ItitS ruinous to the slaps Of the calf. - More than this, it has se rious consequences of another kind.— The principal Vein of the leg runs just ,lieneatii the skin until it nearly reaches 'the. tines, when it sinks beneath the muscles. ,Now if this is constricted at its largest pait by a tight garter, the blood Is checked in its return , to the heart; the e fee are easily chilled, and more liable to disease, the other veins of; the leg are q.wollen intq hard, blue knot , becorac varicose, as it - is called, and often break, forming obstinate ul cers. This is tiTicture which a physi- elan sees evety day. With the garter - fastened above the knee,. all this pain and defortnityAtre avoided. I- 'There is : station on thePittburg i FOrt Wayne & Chicago Railroad Called Han na, in honor of a deceased citizen of Fort Wayne. A train stopped there the other day, and the brakeman after the mat4ner of his crass, thrust his head in ' side the door and called out " Hannah" loud and long. A youug lady, probably endowed with the poetic Appelatlon of Hannah, supposing he was addressing her, and shocked at his familiarity on so short an acquaintance, frowned like a thnnder cloud and retorted," shut your mouth F" He shut it. ntAUTIPLII; EXTRacT. —Do trees talk 9—Have they not leafy ltings—do they not at sunrise, when the -wind - is low, and the birds are caroling their songs, play-a 'sweet. Music?. Who tus over heard the soft Whispers of the green • leaves in spring time on a snarly morn ing, who did not feel as though rainbow gleams of, - gladness were running through his heart? i 'And -then; when the peach -blossoms bang •like rubies from the stem of the parent tree—when the merning r glary, like a bun before the Shrine of God,. unfolds her beautiful face, and the moss-roses open their crimson lips, sparkling with the nectar that fallal%m , heaven, who does not bless- e`hlaker ? When autumn comes=the season of : the "sere and yel low lesf'r-wben 'the wheat is •in its golden priMe,T.nd the ern waves its silken' tassels the air, how those who think, bow and, remember the reaper Death ! And then again in -winter, When the bosom or old mother Ettrth I cold,- and the white - snow like a shroud, is on her breast, and the naked trees . I _with leaves 'all fallen, stand quivering is the wind? OE ThaCWAbliatOT . • • . nrilllfl'oftide fs Ifeltetockeil: with' Type, Presses, 4c„, btu! eVeratlrtantage:tor doing' • 1. .411011; -- PRINTING in a superior nuiuhei, Ptitlifor in Colors, I rom a wed ding c ard to a slie4 poplar. , Aayltltalor ntyluiitly9 k: dorm at 011,510,N 7 - 3 ME • 1 Lasi Books, Paipplaete, : :• 0444, Invitation Cartis,i, • tra"-- B " , Al4;mtum.eif;t - chbcks; Drains, 'Darns?, 131111Isadsj Cycultirs; 7 ' --. Orderi,iiiipiting ',Cards i i t 13131140,14 vorailiKuTalope!, Tintedvt'llite Prititing,t • Viitting thirds, 'Wedding -. 4:-c..; AtC , s Ac-, 1 . 'Arid' all other plinks cOnitfin tty' en band Ant! rtiiltdo •Ig!otbi i ivairantee7 1. - - -: •,-. - !School -Contract,: "-- l, ,Desdit i quit«galtn._:,i ~ . SuMmons, Subpoctriae, Statement and Cuqt? . Rioi,' Warrantej, racecutlows. , - Asnittible Action, ~.. ; , ;; Indemnifying Bonds, •, Binds, Con stable'S Sate; Attachments,Jtidgmeuf• Collector's Sale, • , ?fetes: Petition and Bond Marriage Cer tificatei. ~. _:.... tor-App'num tof Guardian. ,-; :,.' t---, i••,• , :--.,-, ..' .4 . Anititurottilsr blaulia• !tie t jilt unterate &Maize =wilt he -printettlo-order on short notice: , --: - ,- - , -,; - t - 414irtRerlsona sanding orders for JOB ]YORK will get their work f.promptly-done And; reta,rned." , ,We - shall 41PaA14 AO WIWI to please ciuronstontera in:l his Idepart ,Ment.,,,...-7hose ',sailing _wort, please state the size 'of 'Job, hind, of inkand paper desired. - i t ~ ' IHE • a, Feb. 1f.170 • kiisEll# Olt g SEED POT • • E.--Early Rose, Climax, and Breese PrOific.- • _ Early Rose. the merits Of 'this celebrated vii "Hat*inrtiivl4rafavellside I%y sideitylth tbitriarli ClocUri‘linndlorlePotatoer, they matured twelve days in advance. Climax potato: this variety, speak el for W oolf. Frani one pottitiloesald ) the undersigned received a yield of 123 pounds. It is a potato or superior tablO A • - The Breese Prolific matures about two weeks later thanthe Early,Roser 7 i's .garkerally prd— duo tiie,pdaX;Aqing,di ti rail 'fold, and will proie a most valuable variety for field ellture.,-,.1t is also a potato , of : r4celeutllable quality. Early Rose, _ • Climax. • Breese Prolifie,' , • . . Fab ..23,'R4f.,- BEE . - HIVE EX6HANGE. , 1 , BUT AT DISCRETION! YOU see that half column of apace with half an inch of reading matter don't help ma atter all. What d',ye do that for f" asked less than a million of my customers, when I appeared In blank. And, being tuckered out with trying to explain why I did it, lam forced to do It in print: • Know ye, all good people, that i am doing a Land Office Bueinok, WHOLESALE & RETAIL SUGARS, ALL GRADES, SYRUPS, 'MO LASSES, PORK, HAMS, SHOULDERS, MACKEREL, WHITE CISCOES,. COD, HAM- J.\ BUT, AND SO -I • ' And lam selling cheap as I ulurays do, and can save country dealers their expenses to the little city of Elmiru, or the ,big city of New York.— But then, - is ono of- ray biggest, brightest, and bast things. You cannot get bettor •r OOLONG OR GREEN TEAS, ;11— or obeaper, than I can colt y t ou. You may pa tronize the Great American Tea Company, and Ilion I can do you god. I Lava enough to set Tioga County a t for the next 25 years. 'Besides no man has a big ger or better lot of MOM MEOZZO then I have, and am !Jelling theta at a bargain CANNED FRUITS, AND VEGETABLES, WOODEN WARE, CONFXC TIONERY, ' not mixed u I mix Ahem here, but in good order I buy all the 4that I can, and almost everything else but terelv Sign of the BULL Je. BER•HIVE rellsboro, Deo. 15, 1869. The way to Get Rich GOO DS Wilson c~ Van Valkenburg's CHOICE WINTER GOODS, ; EN ly MOB CLOTHIR of every description, and clothing made to order in the very beet style, and warranted. Wellsbero,, 1889. 4 VAN HELDER:A' MITCHELL: proprlecore. prig() per pock, pound., H. S. JOHNSTON., „ _ Pa. BEE MI I Surrender, Therefore, THE TEA. TRADE TE - HE - ING Everything in tho Grooery Line; BUTTER AND, CHEESE, W. T. MATIIERS Is to buy your where you can buy them, OHEAPESTI You can do that at A SPLENDID LINE. OF 8 Parehaeod at the Bottom Market Prlcee,, just received. WILSON A VAN VALKENBUitO , • •-•-•---: ' - ' 46 ` - '"`•" - -' 9- ' ,14 ' ,,, ..zio: 7 : -. AW :.*lSitglreirtiblete44÷'4K:'44FlNl,VAli, ,- - a• 1 , ' i ,: zy , t•• t , •,•,„ , ', ,- , A• q• i,-- , ~- - , i 1 - ,- -4' ~•,, I . , ,- ; = 7 ~r+,4-".R,- - i t Now Stook! , Nei G' , Dods HARDWARE! ;'Havititforined a pahtiehhlp lathe Tin; Stove, and Hardware trade, the undersigned have the?, announce that they have, at • a great' outlay, added to the usual stook of the old stand On • - MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, I a cempletec assortment , 431 a Shelf ItkriWain ? of which we enumerate lhafolloviint'artiolise NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X OUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP BINGES, CARPE •T NTER'S TOOLS, tiI ' AXE, (ARS, BITTS, s 1 00 BITT-STOCKS,-iIATOHETS, CHISELS, SifOVELS,RADEp, FORKS, • • :.; Itr,OtgescßEWs WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, • ' ' PIPE BOXES, AXLE ' TREES, ELLIP . . TIC pttiids ; gotstsgopkgQoP,l3o, ' A RAI , I - PATKA ciAttawroN2 HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS,.' • SAUSAGE "oUTTERS' 6UPPERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER AND CAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS a new thing; and made for nee. These are )pnt a few of the many artiolee oompoelng our steak of Hardware. 'We Invite at; palls, to call aneiexamine for themselves.' We aim to keep the letitqtudity of goods in ' ogi line ; And, all work to order done promptly and well. .!I.IIENTEI vprt i, :piE Bacl/eye Mower' &,,Re4per. SASH, DOORS.' BIANDS. AT FACTORY PRICES, Always on hand or furniehed to order, nt ROBERTS & BAILEYS Hardware Store, Woueboro. - ROBERTS do BAILEY, Wm. ROBERTS.-- • - It. C. BAILRY. , Ingham's. Woolen Mills ! P. • THE - subscribers -will pay Cash, Full-Cloth, Cassimores, Flannels, &0., &0., for Wool.— ' Thoyalso manufacture as usual— IEII TO ORDBR, \ OR ON SHIRES to ' snit custoniere. ' All work • Warranted as rep resented. They invite partioular attention to their Water Proof , , gAgsaititit: whioh are warranted in every respect. Partici: lar attention given to ROLL CAuDING CLOTH DRESSING. INGHAM'S large stock of Cassimeros, &0., 25 per cent less than any competitors, and warrant, ad as represented. INGHAM manufacture to order, and do all kinds of Roll-Carding and Cloth Dresaing, and defy competition. INGHAMS have as good an assortment o Full Olathe, Ousaimeres, 10,1 and give more for Wool in - exchange thap any other establishment. 4 Try them and satisfy your selves. INGHAM wholesale and retail at the Cow anesque Millß, 2 miles below Knoxville. Oar Clothe are warranted, and sold by the folloiring persons: DELANO & 00.. Wellaboro T. L. BALDWIN & CO., Tloga, Pa. . O:BENNETT, Cayington, pa. 100,000 Pounds of Woo Wanted. JOSEPH INGHAM A SONS. D 6611144, Jan. 1, 1870-tf. . MIMI AND MEI SEARS- 83 DERBY -11A.V8 thif into 'door above _LC, Wright ,L'iliiitaiivrbeve ttley use An bai4. a'peiwaCoek of - • 1 BOOTS, BAPIORALS, GAITERS , . '... : BOOTEES, BROGANS AND i.` 1 .1 • . " , - — ciALLIGASKINS ' . nr, , warranted 0 tit any foot from No. 0, to la is'', A ''' F1 8 10`(.t. 'Ma etcoit, haa been, seAo si to..4 .) , ° k ik , Wittikititiivediiiitagettii L - s, q's , ~‘ 3,i ... ; THIRTY YEARSr"EXPERIENOg n t_ "• rl • in the b usiness, and Is* best and fullest ill e country', , Our stitch - of . . ,',Af t e FRENCH CALF, FRENCH KW, U) PER, SOLE, 'COMMON OALF,, TT -, r i , w Gs, iiimpiriql , ticci t >4 1 ; Roc9tvo&q. 1 ,1 1 n it: "nufitt4 kept (111,iLrotifso 14" , , x .„.. J... On Findings we shall bp' found at home ways, and we shall endeavor to soli at prig satisfactory 'to- the:traile'; - 19e, won't be mid , sold. • CASH •PAID .•z•-•-•,•• ;T•,/ .F 9 R BIDES; SRI ANIS', -itLiT 'Also the top of the Market for l ° I .l3dt;ilur beat told Willie \ Oil : CUSTOM WOR.K. I Ae anal. 't`O. : . There's comfort in a wall made custom boot, That fits the cores without too much oompressi For eveubody.knows ashabb.7 4 lo o? . Cannot be isoi4pidmisedgWvilressing. , And initaday wear oloadolblany tli atilt Of Anent cloth, but there Is no iluarelng Will make a man With shabbily dressed feet,, Look like a gentletnius u p on the Street. '.l 1 - Pa 01 4 1 ,.-"P 4 7 Pur. • BEARS & DERBY, Or any other man. [Printer's Devil.] Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 1.868-tf. BM 0,7; r 1 . y /Lk AGENT for Kinney it Co., it alablatod platform Spring Wagons, all stylesOklio for *Mr =light Olirriages'llitid 3 BAW NysganS, itylektord"frOal,'J . stiey,tiiiber, and I varraistit:ln.4tivary reOpeisVagensi' to any ,madeil•Can'Any at , the lOW hianafaelnioil If: C. BBBINET. Wellsboro, 1,-1870kt 1 ' • • House and Lot for Sate. 112 1 4AtitiV i entt ' toWilltpUtt l e: nquir at the Agitator Office. • Jan: 1, 1870—tf. TO 'THUM ' , FAR - .TIOGAPCO "- , 3 II lAM now building inlay miintesOtpryiiial X 1 2d4. 11004 k superior • whloikpossamsthe followingadvantagesoier allotbos • I,lt separates rys,oats, rat-litter. andfoulseeds,and Oltesiend cockle, trolls wheat. • SI. It clean' flax seed,takes out yellow seed, and all other seeds, perfectly. 8, It cleans timothy seed. • 4. It doss all otherseparatlugrequired of a mlll Thls Isbuilt ofthe lieekaud-: roost durable Ow ber, in iroodirtYle.slidle sold •cheap for cash, or pro duce. zwlit at ti patent sieve,"for separating °stetson: wheat,tootbermills,onreasonableterms. 3.11 DIATIIEIt. Lswrtmooville,Jati. 1,18744 f IRON WORKS! FOUND Y : MACHINE SHOP ! WELLSBORO, PA. EIFIARS PLOWS, HORSE HOSES, 'CULTIVA TORS, FIELD • ROLLERS, HET ', TLES, ALL ,iintas; , SAP , PANS, ARMING 'UTENSILS, - ALL KINDS, WOOD MACHINES nu SAWING .WOOD; ric Machhies, MOM , POWER; THE, TOMPKINS COUNTY;L!SOKSE PONsrg.t: EIGHT AND TEN SC' CONSTANTLY - 1' ON And also, everything usually found in a first elan Shop. ' We,call!particiilar _attention to our MA CHINE SHOP, which has been re-built with new, and first-class LICHINERY,LITHE Irod Ac..Wti 'employ none but first-class workmen, and are, therefore, pre pared to do our work in ..the 'beet style, and , at short notice. We have recently added 'new MACHINERY, for Planing and Matching boardi. OWOII4 OS us. , • Jan. 5,1874-Iy. - SEARS it AVERY. ~.. .... ~.... 0 P- 2 N l ' si P t -g". :. t :,1 ' r, : a a 'R'.' - 1 4 ..,,. m 2 : :.... : .... ... 4 .- it .1 Inkn tl -r4 et ge..2f ° o 6?s 4?* i )-4 i .g . .. •° I Q I 1 ell 1 1 1. i 7 Nil I i 1 i 4 ; I • )1:1 0 I. i •-• • *;• 1:!1 11 , ~ di• v. , • , ivi 0 ,.. , , 1 91 1 Ar 45.1- r-4 Uzi - ;-- t =Cs - 3 - m Cri csD . ;-4 CA 4 `l GC tS2 YP to .PP. 74 "PP 4 : -I S• C)' CD CC) CO CP tN2 CZ to C. 0 )4= , SA ts,D Q C k 24_ P .ND I'D 14 1 4 c* IA go ,1 o• • • •CD .* OCA Ca 114. 1-4 •-• • • • IMIS n'-'-'III4IOWA. -xtiotvitrim -110 . 42121‘ COUNTY, r;'PENN' , 4:,:,' . ' t - • '- . k•'• l ltre.noe• Wateirert,-Preeiptree.."'s ; ' t- • l•will ComMiecp.,Aumej.n.Z.,Tift.WlEwor Terra November 30. Tbe s: z; lSxch r 4! to , o?lstiP?,m! igireekiho•Z i s • - 7~i~l~luA;loeltf~lng J ientent~lßood~Pslll ' j; ':.11,60, .• . - EximsoV4, pg,n. • ' ; whoomerte..:l3,so. 1••• ,, •,. 2 • t1•1 4 : 7 fpal.esTerm-4112A0V * lostrahlistal 11 usk, (pteup, eitol" - !D! 01. shoodale. - 10, VocalAwde v. afelkStrUlailatl. - 4 - - 14646 * .... ..... .lherlolll l o P0.440401,1...r,r ;irk . , ," n vatia per week' - ,co. • "Jeti.-I, 1870-tf.-' • ' - • • . .••• , uf , jF.. , .o.2trigke l e •t•s , • In all &seises of Salm, su• ; as ;.. :. - 111'4114 oleor' .; •v: lir torr ..,..:. ,;•,,.4 ,„' . ,: ... ,... t i . -,... - k : --,.• i 7i b:ri E... val o gittplO - Visatirsosalla --•.- ,- 1 t...:C • - , 'la 431 , ! .$ "DAP a i , r.# 't , ,, ''' 7"--.•' - ' 4 4- ' ..79'; , '.' , Pr aI ; `''"DAPTIVEVPOUTZ, ,Proprietor, __ _____........... 1344,74TX*0RE...111dp, a aialiWQ iiiiiiitsitiivatbidefliaviWiiihilui 4 ors TiAtiltlftittiMiSFl fo , ° l l .ih. .ui , r- , •; . . : , :atuu.bp.-1810:-lta.::: .',, •; ' --: 1 , (0i): It ' . l fl I; I:_f , • I , ' • • ;1••• - • • ''GrOtirir aid 'PrOliistoit. Store, itin itiatat DEALS in sil E , irrrijoidsh z de 00- 41110CERIES; MINIONS, ,1 Wiipm, t l 4 l4llors anti veigars, C7A.NN4 ;: ii AND WOOD 6 WILLOW 'WAItEi-OLiga i lac OIIIX:0/2-1pPRI . 43 . _ r i s.ons", CIADO ,LS PERAMBULAiRS, TOYS, &0., &o. ' , A full and °owlet° assortment of the above mentioned voila of the hest quality always on hand. Particular attentlen paid to Fine Groceries. Dealers and Contruincriwill find it to their in terest to examine hisiStook before buying. , Corning, IT. • 1, /870. • The Migest Thing .Ye AND ' NO irinustio: 0 there is a certain "foul-play" practiced in 1-1' this community. the disclosure of which would etir up the people generally, we therefore propose to tell no one except those who oall at Dry ,Goods, :,Grooeries,l Crockery, Hardware, Boats arid. Show, z • and sloh.likeure alraya needed in any commu nity to preserve the health, and gladden the hearts of the masses& KELLEY don't propose to ennmorate the ar tiolgs in store, bpt MIPPATIV:tbat , ho has a, way "Of dealing wit c h his oustomore,• so as to Make a little money buy a razi:sure4o4Y4 4 .4 l /Lpiewir With ; Ate", gooda Ana Japanned Teas; For all are offered *ery To keep the rhaimea on the go. For a full explanation of the above statement, drtip in and see KELLEY. • SAVE ROOM and FACTORY opposite Dartt's Wagon Shop, Main street; where he is pre. paroglio farnieh'Oabinet Vara of any ktad to' those in. want. Orderaprorpptly filled and eatlefaotionguaran, teed. FanorTurning done to order. _ ~ W epeboroijao. 1,1870. J. STIORLIN. I . i 1,1 n If poimrNo ? „ N. Y. 011.1114 0 . , r • 2,, 114111.41 *. -.• Foßgrcip.i .. *, 14;0:gall ,oimpl , • fAuPrs, VEG.E 'A'BLES, eROOKERY WARE, C. B. OLLEY'S STOW. SO I SATs Come in you jolly, farmers,. . - I won't detain you long; Sit down awhile coutentented, Until I reveal the wrong. The expected time has come, • = A the' story meet be told; We sell goods as cheap as anywhere, To - avoid 'pebide being sold. , . Main 07,, WO= Miiioh-80, 100. J. i STICKLIN, Ohalrmaker, Turner, and —7" Furniture Dealer. ratetak* for Scite.. A farm of three hundred acres, with two bun. „ask. dred and twentiliencres improved. Sit uated two miles north of Tloga Village, on the Tioga River and Rallrood. Well watttered, un der a good state of cultivation, and, good build ings., Also four h °uses and Ide for sale in Tioga village. T. L .11ALDWIN. Tiogre,Jan.l,lB7o-tf. Dr. H.R. Phillips, OVYIII k; MON UM EVE CV rpHE undersigned respectfully announces to the I. citizens of Westfield and surrounding coun try that ho is permanently located ai this place. $e is fully prepared to d 6 all kinds of DENTISTRY . , • • in the highest style of the art. Brtisfaotioi. gnarranteed. Office over SeovilYs Drug Store. Fine Photographs can be bad over the Drug Store, , • B. B. PIfILLLPS. -Wedlield, Pa., June ac, ;8694y. r.µA.`t` ._.J J ~'~'+kw"i~w.3 i 2, ...{=jerk L}' ,~~~~~T~~~~~O~~~~ 1:011,0s. A ',llllltite!NF,B‘,.Pki r ;l l 'S ;AND Otte 11111 TRADDEUS-PAVIDS! INKS, KEITIyS "00140ENTRAItED )SiEDICINES; BURNE'riigbbdo - AIE, FLA VORII4O AND, FLAVORING ~ gXTRACTEL: WALL' IWENT3'',~'OR''MARV I N:& Cd'S RE Bold at Wholesale' Pricei. Buyer e - Oe reqaestO to mill and eat gliotatfona before going further East. MEM WANTED,_ i AT TH.D.NIIa VALLEY STEAM . .11:01310111 roma. i 10,000 Dos. dom. • . • • 19,000 " Oats, •and• any itewoOk o: good wheat. • • 3.11. DIMON & Co. .• Niles Valley, Jan. 1* 1870-tt • ; lIEI Ell 'CORNING . , N. It . iftFtrokreTil#'4, F 14,111), 'TRA-OTS,' tiTRAOTS,,KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT. .MEMOiOS, licto- i ESTER:PARPtigurtv „, • i4P841,; WINDOW GLASS; WHITEWAS? LIME & AND DYE COLORS, ~ FINED ,OIL MEI MI I)2, I I I iEDELL & •00. Corning, 'Tan. 1,1870-ly atetit'' Booing. t HAVltionghi tho 'iaten j Elastic - Hoofing „ in 'Xiogn County, sad am no* primed to put ataxia& cheap sad its good workmatiliko , xonottor. Tl 4 ipoilug is Are and water proof: - rtifoita” Messrs. Wright & Toler* , and` , 6; L.Villeoz; *here samples can bit seentid roofs nos; MOSES WINGATE. Welleboro, Jan . I, 1870-4 f. WeHeber° Rotel. • D. HOLLIDA Y ,' Pioprietor. A large and • Oommodlino Hods., located In the Immo-• diets vicinity Of all the County building., with large and commodious Um attached. JOSl,Jatnei Hazlett acts a - hostler, and will always be tobud on hand, attentive to baldness. Jan.; 5, 11110.—ly CASH Paid FOR HIDES, by MARTIAL A. DITRIF. Wellsboro,Deo. 16,1868.-0 . Livery 'Stable: Eli WATKINS respectfully Informs the prthlio that he has established a Livery for Hire, at ilia:barn on the poplins lately ownod by B. 40 .-ohapnott, roc, dented on Pearl and Craton Streets, Wellaboio. He aims to keep good hor. so and wagons, and intends to please. Prices reasonable.—Nov. 24,1809—1 y. Doable and single teams furnished. Furniture ! Furniture! B. T. VAN HORN, HAVING completed his new Cabinet Ware house on Main street, Wellsboro, has stook od it with a large and superior assorted stook o FURNITURE. ,hamber Suits, Walnut, Ash, maple, &0., &0., &o.) from $l5O down, and as cheap as the same 'goods can be bo't In the olden, freight added. Parlor Suits, Walnut, Cherry, .and Mahogany, Reps or Hair Cloth, . from ;125 down. Also, i SOFAS; LOUNGES,.COUCHES, 'FETE A-TETES, witNllpholotery to wait. Center.Tablee,Walnut or Marble Tops Looking Glitssee,:Braekete per Raoke Backing Chaim, 'ail kinds, • 'Wholesale and Retail. I am manufacturing ae usual, and intend to keep a full stook of ware, home and city made at all times. My Ware /looms are spacious and neat, and now'contiin the' largest, costliest and best stook 'of goniture ever brought into the county. 1 1 , • Planing and Matching, BCROI,L9AWING 41 ,MOULDING, done tO(. ardor at the Factory. Jan. 1, 1869-tf. WALSER & LATHROP, • • : .DEALNR9 IN ITARDWARE, nu*. STEEL, NAILS, ffTOVBS, TIN-WA.RE,. BELTING,SAWS CUTLERY, WATER LIME, AdItIOULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Carriage and , Harness Trimmings, HAREEMS, SADDLES, ho. Corning, N. Y., Jan. 2,1.870-1.7. _ _ . ~ ... . Ce'F. & - 0. Moores IVERY AND EXCHANGE STABLES We'labor°, Pa. Office and Stables on Water treat, In rear of Court HOMO. They will fur nish horses, single or deuble, with Buggies; or Carriages, at short notice. Long experience, in the business enables the proprietors to announce with Oortildence they can meet any reasonable de mands in ttieir line. Drivers furnished, If desired and passengers carried to any part of the country. Thankful for past`favors, they ',mite continuance of custom. Terms reasonable. Nov. 24,1889.-Iy. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters of Administration having been granted to the tandersigned.upen the estate of John Howland, late of Deerfield twp., deo'd, all persons indebted to said decedent or claiming against tho same, must settle with R. BOWEN, Adtn'r. .filarchl6,lB7o:-6t* ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Lottery of Administration having 'been granted•on the estate of Ira Bullock, deceased, lato of. Middle bury, all those indebted to said estate are rums. ted to make' immediate payment, and those hay ing claims against it to present them to GEORGE D. KEENEY, Middlebury, March 30, WO. 8t Admlr. NOTICE.—Ran away from the subscriber, Edwin D. Bennett, an indentured appren tice, without any just cause or provocation; and I hereby foibid all persons harboring or trusting him on my account, as I will pay no„ debts of his contracting. MARTIN STEVENS. April 0, 1870 St. • ICAILWAY TIME TABLES,' IMII „ - 4 - 0 a nd'After MONJDAY, Noir. 15tit:1800; Trains .willleaveCordng t at the following houts,vls: • , 1:" GOING. Ivor. i- „ ,12g36 AAA, .104'101$8 . 11AIlo fftvide.)• o excepted, for Mural*, Dunkirk and Cleveland, connecting with trains fair this Weet.. A-11),eepittg' Coach is attnched to tilts train ttiapingthrough to Butlalo.„ - 0,112 : a.: A1a0f,..144141888, daily -for 'loch eater Buffalo :.Dunkirk,. Cleveland and Mein.: itettl; Xeeklug''direet Commection with trainee( the Grand Trunk and Lake litibre Hallways at Buffalo, ..Dunkirk, and Cleveland for all points West, and at ' - Cinclunatfwith the Ohioan/ Mlssimipni and Louis ,. vllle abort Line RailwaYe for the -South and South -10,21$ TRAIN„ Sundays excepted, for !Atrial:l4ld Dunkirk: ,- - • • 13;06y, za,, WAY ffRBIOUT, Butidaysiticepted. .145 BALTLWOBE - lapltBBBAnudeysexceo , tt, for. lioche6tmt and Duffel o, via .4von.• . , . .4009. plpikltpq Ti h AlN,dally, for the Week, ,36 p.,03., DAY P.:XPREB§,lfftindaYs excepted, for Iturkfrk; Olefelantl, 'Cinch) nazi/ Jo ltuAl,tu4 - gooth. fit'ops at drincipal at,ytWu. and con• . nacm,pointa on main line. . ileW and iMpiovid DrawluißoOm Coaches accompany. • this trOld from New "York to 13u ffalo, and Bleeping • • , Poe•CPonattactiosl at Itornellatillo, running through to Cleveland and Wilms without change. • . , .. . 4,45 a. m. ,, ,OINOINNATI EXPRESS', 'Mondays ex.- , - cepted, 'Connecting at Elmira for' Williamsport, ilarristiorg and the South; also at Elmira Tor Conan• dalgua; at Waverly with train of Lehigh vane:) , Ball way; a; Owego for Ithaca ;,at Binghamton for Coot Perstuwn and Albany l an:if at New York with /dam-, ere and afternoon Entrees trains for New England' otttes.. Imo` Sleeping coaches accompany this train to New York: , •,- - ' • •," . - • I 11 4 45. a., m., DAY ;EXPRESS, Sundays elccepted, --...c.---• le 4.41k0 . - cooueutlng at Jersey Sity with ruithiightlk,xiress tratirOf New'Jursey: Ditilroad foi-4'biladelpb a. Alto sto.P!.4, priuelpal statsous and conuecting p Jut' on ulalu Una. New glust itoprirsed Drawing Room Coaches ac triminy tip to New York. „ lapy. tn.,. WAX WPC4IIIT, Sundays excep 12,20 p. ro., MIKA ?JAIL, Sundays excepted. 4,42 NEW "AND DALTLAIOREMAIL, - Sundays excepted, connecting at Elmira; fore. the South.. , ay Ea., LICIDTNIrie Ipt.P.llEBd,DallY, connect- Lag et Jersey,trity with suurulrkig Isx.prn.s trutu •ut New 'Jersey Panned for' initialer. add WasbiugtOni and nt l'iutr York. witp lauru s iukg prelates : fur Inniton and New B ugland - .alar atop stall pritr cipal atAtione and connecting pante mi . :nail: line. • Sleeping °emetics accompany emiktrap through to fitiw Nurlt. ,lIILGOLUE;4I.4O/ILD T/111,9114 air A sorbed end complete"Pockot Tltti;i Table Vpf Passenger,s Trains on the Prleltalleray pad connecting Linea, hierecentii been published, rind tan lawny ed OA application ce,,the Ticket Agent of the COMPaiIY "WAn • rt. IfAltit., .L. D. RUMEN , . tien'lPass.Agent „ Bup't : =I ■ Titan awilltun as follows until faith or notice: ' Acommaadation—Lesta b Blassliarg at. , 7,50 a. ta., Man • .014 at 8,0 Tioss•at 9,20. Lawrencerlllv ail() OP— artivltig at Corking at 11,10 Mr,all-4.4avaaßlossbzurg at 1,30 paaa.,ktanstleld at 2,14 Vega Lawrentottlla ,4;49-fturtivt no at 'Ooraftis at 4.80 p. tit blail—Leavas Conking At -9,00 aan., Laiftentevlll eat 9,03, 'nog* at 9,48, tdamitleld at 10,22—artiv lag At atll,o Le o m . " Aaccmuiiadatton--aves Ootattig 'at 2,40 p. m.,Lato top:walla at 3,63 '11093 at .- 4 4 0 , 3149430141 at. 6,80^. attlYlug at Bloa4bure at 0,16 p. m. ' L.ll.l3llATtlloll,3np' t B. T. Vex BORN. :ERIE RAILWAY. •QotNo Eats. Slassburg & 134, 'Vows R. xt, . ~ • Northam Central Et IL , TRAINS FOR THE NORTH. • Trainefor Catiandagulaleave Elmira as follows : Accomodation at 705 pro . . Expressifastest train on roadr 12 20 um Mall - 10 00pm Way Yrelght,[passenger coach attached]. ..... ... 0 20 a m On and after N0v.:15, 1809, trains will arrive end dopey t from Troy, as follows; LEAVE IitORTIIWARD. 1088 a. ra,—Dally (except Sundays) for Elm ira,Bu ffa— l o,oanandaigna, Rochester, Susp.llrldge and the Oanadas. • . 9as a. ca.—Deily(escopt ' Sundays) for Elmira and Buffalo,ria Erie Railway from Elmira. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 723 A. va.—Dally(except Sundays) for Baltimore, Washin,gton,P4lladelphia,&c. 855 P. m.—Dally (except Sundays) -fur Baltimore, Washington tend Rbiladelphia. " LIMED -• ED. S. YOUNG Gong Sup t.flarrisburgp Goa') l'ass.Ag't Baltimore, Rid. C-C-B-&.F-L-E, COME TO T, L. BALDWIN & MPS TIOGA, PA. and see a nice stook of Good , for the FALL r& WINTER. such as ILAZIEBIZ VIZIES3 00024 —all styles, colors and patterns— ALPACAS, POPLINS; CAMBRICX.S; FRENCH JACONETS, ORGANDIES, PEQUAS, VERSAILES, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, , &c., &o. BEAUTIFUL Winter SHAWLS, and a large assortment to select from CLOAKS READY—MADE, AND CLOTH ' TO MAKE MORE, ALL KINDS OF LININGS, FRINGES, TASSELS 4t0., TO TRIM DRESSES • OR SACQUES. otock of— YANKEE .NOTIONS can't be beat: It keeps tip with everything the Yankeekbave thought 'of so far. HOOP SKIRTS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, CORSETS, R-O-M-11---N 1110ZUMUUM ' too numerous to mention; but will es i y, that you will seldotii find Bo largo en assortmeht to select from la a country store, and , Blear 'down to the BOTTOM FIGURE.' -D-JO 'We also keep a large assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING., in Butts, and parts of sails. Should wo fail .. to snit yon with ready-mado, we have Casslniere and A. TAILOR TO CUT AND FIT. ' 'Boots and Shoes, all styles and sizes. HATS AND CAPS, STRAW GOODS, AND GENTS' • FURNISHING GOODS, A COMPLETE LINE OF CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, • HARD WARE,,SHELF HARD WARE, NAILS, IRON, • • Locks, Latches, Caipenters' Tools. • A GENERAL STOCK OF GROCERIES, F,resh. TEAS are lower than at any tithe since the war. Did not go to Cuba to buy sugar, and so have some cheap. We are agents for the E. HOWE SEWING MACHINE. F --I-N-X Farmers, if you want tools to work with drop in. SALT,LIME, PLASTER, PORK, FLOUR Lime, Cayuga Plaster, &a. Butter tubs, Pails. Firkins, and Ashton Salt to flavor with, All kinds of Farm Prodneewant ed. Prices can't be beat. T---11--=---A N: ` K-8 • T. L. BALDWIR la 00. Tics, ' Pa.,Jan.1,1870. OVINGTON4 M ' ORI El. do 8. 14. -- 11P1Liitto Ifir . oirl6 . t 6re ?TIRE sutiortbers would asy , to Thep i o tint thoy,aro prepared to make or turner SASIIk AND BLINDS, 'Dpousy PALING, - sour!. 'SAW, • , • - INE t r _ dealer. 10 Lunibei and* Shingles. Price liptfcr pari!wrigied and &tad per light 8 bY:10-- " 9 by IS. 8 by 14,10 by 12, 15 cents. 10 , by 14, 9 by 14, 10 cents. 10 by 18, 20 cents: , -5 ' Our work ie . made.' o' fthe inet., , sea soned luret tr . and in the Vest manner. ; Call and see us. Jau,b; lE?C=~q: insurance . 1 - Agency. ,wEasnono, • Clash o,apital .over: $20,000 1 000. ERTTER. - • I ATES:Aid LOW its an 7" "g ood Campania lAA , will ak e. • Policies on. dwellings and tank praperiy wri.ttea at.. this olden, and delivered oa paympytq, premintn., Are Yon' It costa but little, •pattiettlatly haute Inge, farm wopertyrunr4, , ioptytenta. _ pataenti der-011140 fiortievidlittlilbarirent - for 3 yea r ion, onp ,per ..centuur and: expense of policy, de . , , A house, detnebodL 4,00 ,or amts :, %anted tier 611)00" for 3 qeetri, at, 41ne*ponse of, 411 1 30. Only 53,8-I }' a l tax—goo — a:thing in c ast? &c., at the name-ratio. Theri brat . Vierjono S izld be , lustre/ ' If riot with nie; Saab ib Morrie& will do it .js i t as cheap; and joat as (Gratis, gentlemen,) I should be glad howeyter, tu.deiriend enougb 1 5 this manner to pay _for.advertising. ,•. , •,, ...; . _ .INO4 1., MurdiELL, %%Inshore' lan. I 1870-1 f ivovutr' Them Things 1. is Arriv I EVERY thing is )ovely, and= the aneer biped depends from a_sublime attitude. You will Please Observe, that the best natured man in .Tower having so -tined tho wants of the public, and having bon. loreltif lir suppliedlimself with altnost everythir. w Joh this world c-n a ff ord to appease then; n w benevolently proposes to open the - whole)* the people, and say to all, old and pug, lack and white, rich and poor, ' i " COME-: You pay your Money and you take your choice: Don't stand out in the cold exposed to the el• emebth and to the Sting of the neighbors bet!, but pull the latch string, it is always out in W ines/hours, act. ENTER The large hearted proprietor, or hie urban good natured,olerk will conduct you, as it ueu through a GARDEN filled with ravishing delights Ist. A GARDEN OF SPICES, in which every thing Spicy,from a nutmeg to cayenne pep. per mar be'seon and procured,' 2d, A GARDEN OF SWEETS, in which en cry - variety of Saccharine delights, both solid and liquid may be had by the stick, pound or gallon, and of such flavor and complexion as will mete every , aching sweet tooth in your bead fairly jump with delight.. -Should you be pomologi. Dally inclined, this humane individnal will con. duet you into a • GARDEN OF FRUITS, in which almost sr ery variety of lusoious•things to, be found gob. orod from the four quaff; tern of the globe, will be shown to eatiary . your laigest longings. Orange) from Cuba, Lemons from Florida, Prunes fun -T,uvicey, Raisins from Malaga, Currants from lie Grecian Archipelago; Poaches dried and cam. id along with a groat varlet:) , of Canned Proiti from the Jaisbys; Dates from Syria, and Figs• froth Asia Minor. No end to the supply of every species of NUTS from 3 Continents. THE TEA GARDEN will next command your attention; the warm decoction of the Cb4a leaf and the Java beau have become almoit usi vetsal beverages and if not swallowed too bot tr to strong, the mild stithulants are esteemed II eminently promotive of comfort and sociality.- What company of elderly) ladies could ever psil, 4 peace without them? Now your friend de ; GARDNER, will be most happy te show you all shis. Ho will ask you politely to look at MI Ten.. You are welcome to try ()Very cbept and see if GUN POWDER, Souctiong GREEN, BYRON, Ac., whioli4Ovor you like, but of all the other styles whose jaw cracking names would be dangerous to pronounce, COFFEES, in otty style, ditto, ditto, ditto. FurihermOre, The beneficent proprietor of this mammoth G• tablishment—out of sheer good will, and if 3 . ,q 1 will believe him for' no other motive than pot interest and his, hits at vast expense established at the slime_ pined an immense depot df,Proi ions, consisting of Flour, Pork, Lard, Codfish, White Fish, Sword Fish, &0., &o. , Meal, Hams, Butter, Trout, Blue FM, Halibut, &c., &o. All of which he intends to sell at a profit, on the principle of "live and let live.". He generally proposes also to receive in exchange ail there. ducte of your farm and dairies,rued it ie said eon• fidentially to the public, that he never refute; Cash. Tho' it irks him wretchedly to keep it. So anxious is he. that he dear people should aim nothing whateti•er that money can buy of We'labor°, Jai). 1, 1870 hARNESS SHOP T GW. NAVI.q"., would say to his frisedt . that his Harness Shop is now in fullblut, and that be is prepared to furnish heavy erligh! Mileianaleginiffeey on short notioe, in a good and substantial mull , ner, and at prices that can't fail to snit. The best workmen are eMployed,and none bat the best material used. Call and see. Dee. 9, 1888-1 y. G. W. NAVLE. • *• I 11. IS 11 xi , "Ala 0 0 MR. A. L. MONROE, is the authorize Agent ? for Tioga and Potter °mintier, t° effect insurance in the Wyoming Insurance OompanY , Royal. Capitol $5,00,,, ° London, Liverpool Globe, Capitol, sl6.o oo l°' He will canvassl the county during the week es' ccpt Saturdays, when ho will be found et at' office of John. I. Mitchell, to attend to all may give bim a, call. A. L. MONROE . ' Sept. 22,1862-3m.* High School. . TH E Subscriber will open a School iti tb . village of Osceola. on Monday, March 7tl, 1870, and continuo twelvet•calls. RATES OR T ITION : •' - Primary, •• • gs 00 MO . 'Common English„,..; ...... ... $6.00. Highor, • Bob. 9,-ti. C. 41.: WARDS Prlnolo' In L. A. GARDNER