11 CONNUBULITIES. sleyt, (]od fromh i rii took beam fad op in ioxeCil h • • a- ae it dike n eeratth:look; . And time created TfOrnall. fletoOklis hope not from hit pate, ,To show. her powdr more ample; Nor'itoni'hia feet, to designate That ho on her , might trample. liuOn'eattiliti arm, to eteitily.ihuw 110 always should protect he': • Aild ildiirlas heart, to let him know )Howmnelt,he should respect her. He took this bone, crooked enough, : Moat crooked of the human, To'ahOir 'him how much crooked stuff' 'l4'd always find in woman. - THE BARBER'S GHOST. A gentleman; • traveli4 - some ye l ars since in the Highlands, culled at a tavern and requested' entertai n wen t for the night. The landlord informed him it was out of his power to aeeoffitnodate bun as his house wai already full. He persisted • in stopping, al he, as ikelt as his horse, were almost exhausted with travel. After much solicitation, the landlord consented to his stopping, pro vided he won Id sleep in a ~ertain - room chat had not been oceupied tin a long time in consequenee of a belief that it was haunted by the ghost of a barber, who was reported to have been wurder edi in that room some years t-fore./ ' Very well, says the traveler , not afraid of ghosts.' After having refreshed himself, he inquired of the landlord how rand in what manner- the room in • which he was to lodge was haunt.* The landlord replied that shortly fter they retired to rest an unknown nice was heard, In a trembling and protracted accent, saying: ' Doyou Want to he sh-a-veal,?' ' Well,' replied the man, ' If he comes he may shave me.' He'then requested to he shown to the apartment, In going to which be was conducted through a large room, where were seated a . large number of per Sons at a gaming table. Feeling a curiosity Which almost every one possesses after having heard ghost storieS,- he cai.eftilly searched every corner of his rooni, but could discover nothing but the, usual furniture of the apartment . ' • He then laid down, but did not close his — iyes immediately, and in a few minute 4 he imagined he heard a voice saying— . • Po you w-a-nt to be sh-a-ved ?' _ . Be arose from the bed and searched every corner of the room, but could dis cover nothing. He again went to bed, but no sooner had he: beguh, to compose himself to sleep than the question was repeated. He again.arose and went to the window, the sound appearing to proceed from that quarter, and / stood awhile silent . After a few minutes of anxious suspense, he again heard the sound distinctly, and conceived it. was from without he opened the window, when the was repeated full In his ear, which startled Lim not a little. Upon a minutes'examination hoWever, 'he observed that the Hail) of a large oak tree,- which stood under his window, projected so near the house that every breath of wind, to a lively imagination, made a noise resembling the interroga tion,— Do,you w-aunt to be sh-a-ved.l . _ RaVing satisfied himself that his ghost was nothing•more or less than the limb of is tree coming in contact with the house, he again went to bed and at tempted to get :Asleep ; but he was now interrupted •by the peals of laughter and an occasional volley of oaths and curses where the gamblers were assem bled. Thinking he could turn the late discovery to his' 'advantage, he took a sheet from the bed and wranped it around him, and taking the•wash basin in Ms hand, and throwing a towel over his arm, proceeded to the room of the gamblers, and suddenly throwing open the door, walked in, exclaimed in a trem ulous voice— t ' D you w-a-nt to be sh-a-ved ?' Te !flied at the sudden appearance of th ghost, the gamblers were thrown into he greatest confusion. In attempt ing to escape it, some jumped through the windows, and others tumbling head over heels doWn stairs. Our ghost, tak ing advantage of a clear room, delibiir ately swept a large amount of 'money from the table into the basin and reti red unseen to his own room: The next morning he found the house in the uttnost confusion. He was mediately asked if he rested well, to which he replied in the affirmitive.- ' Well, no wonder,' said the landlord, for the ghost instead of going to his own room, made a mistake , aud came to ours, frightened us out of the room, and took away every shilling of our money.' The ghost, without being the least suspected, quietly ate his own break fast and - departed, many pounds richer by the adventure. DEATH FROM DRINK - I*k} WII ESK Y.- The Lockport papers of Saturday last notice the death of a roan named Irving, in Lockport,from drinking a• quart of whisky. The LoMkport Union says: "Irving had made a brag that lie could drink half a gallon of whisky in two hours. For the purpose of carrying out his brag,.he went with several compan ions into the saloon of "Dominick" McCormick, In Lower Town. The pro prietor of the saloon being out, It was in charge of his . brother, Michael McCormick. On entering the saloon, Irving mentioned his being on time, and readiness to . fulfill the brag; but said he would improve on It, and drink • 1 a uart of whisky in half an hour. The w i isky was sent for to Seeley's grocery, near by, and a pitcher was placed be fore him. Filling an ordinary beer glass full twice, Irving drank it down without intermission. Waiting a few i minutes he again drank the glass twice filled. After another pause 'he tilled the glass again, and drank that. This is said to have completed the quart of whisky, and all of It was drunk in much . less than the time agreed upon. After drlnkingthe whisky be Started for home and was. found lying under a railroad bridge. Irving drank the whisky on Wednesday night and lived until Fri day noon. When W I was ascertained that Irving was dead Michael:. McCor mick was arrested on a charge of man slaughter in giving the liquor to the de ceased. COULD NOT BE CHEATED.—A dealer advertised' eye glasses, by Vie aid of which a person, could read the finest print., A well dressed man called •at the counter one day, to be fitted to a pair of spectacles. As he remarked he had never worn any, some were handed him that magnified very little. He looked hard through them upon the book set before him, but declared he could make out nothin g . Another .pair, of stronger power, were saddled upon his nose, but as unsucces s f u lly , as before. Further trials were made until at, length the almost discouraged Idetiter passed .to him a pair which maguined more than all the rest in his stock The customer, quite as impatient as _the • merchant at having to try so many, put on thelastpairand glowered through them at the printed page with all his might. " Can - you read that printing now ?" inquired the er, pretty certain that he had hit it right this time, at any rate. "Sure, not a bit," was the reply. IL • ' Can you read at all?" asied Ole Merchant, unable to conceal his velka tlon any longer. " Rade ,at all, is it!" cried the custo mer ; " there's not a single word among thcrn that I can identify the features uv." " I say, do you know how to read?" exclaimed the dealer, impatiently. " Out wld ye!" shouted the Irishman, throwing down theapectacles in a huff. "If I could rade, what cud I be after buying a pair of\ spectacles for? Ye chafe the people mitt the idea that yer glasses 'ud help 'ern to rade print aisy hut it's a big lie, it is! All, ye. blao t _ guard, ye thought I'd buy 'ern without trylot 'era?" Tbo. 4,000 colored votes will froake Delaware an out and out Wspublieen bereattor. Tiogo, County Agitator. TIMS omco is well stocked with Type, Presses, &c , and has every advantage for doing JOB PRINTING in a at:pallor manner, Ploia'or in Col. A rt Irvin u wen• ding card to a etheotposter. Auy kind or sty lo ut work done at thltoffleo, as follows: Law Books, Pamphlets, Cards, lacltatlot•Carde, land Bills, Programmes, Checks, Drafts, Butane, Bill Heads, Circulars, Orders, Shipping Cards, Business Cards, Paislopes, Tinted Plato Piloting, Visiting Cards, Wedding . &c., &c., kc. Jtistice Blanks, And ell other blanks constantly on hand;nd for sale Deeds, warrantee, School Contract, Deeds, quit-claim. Summons, Subpoenas, Statement and Confession, Warrants, Executions, Amicable Action, Indemnifying Bonds, Bonds,Cobstable's Sale, Attachments, Jtidgment Collector's Sale, Notes Petition and Bond BlarrlagoCertlflcate, ( or App ' meut of Quattilan. lAitd any other blanks not enumerated abase will be printed to order on short notice. Jia"Persous sending orders Mr 3011 WORK will get ihelr Work promptly Juno and rotni lied. We shalt spare no pains to ploade our i custornern in thin depart. went. Those sending, wort 4, please state the size of Job, kind of ink and paper iltsired. • VAN 14.'LDER & IldlrOffELL. ProprietorM 1221EN1 SEED POTATOES FOR SALE.--Early Rosa, Climax, and Breeae Prolific. Early Rose: the merits of this celebrated va riety, are already well known—planted side by side with the early Goodrich and York potatoes, they matured twelve days in advance. Climax potato: this variety speaks for its self. From one pound of seed, the undersigind received a yield of 123 pounds. It is h pot i atJ of superior table quality. The 'Breese Prolific matures about two weeks later than the Early Rose—is •generally pro ductive; often .exceeding a bundled told, nud will prove a most valuabld variety for field culture. It is also a potato of excelent table quality. Early Rose, SI 00 MEI Climax, Breese Prolific, Feb. 23, '7O-tf. BEE - HIVE EXCHANGE. I Surrendefr, BUT AT DISCRETION! Y 0.113 L e that half a column of space veltli- half an inch of reading matter don't help me atter all. What d'ye do that for 1"- aaket less than a million of my customers, when I api6haYbd in blank: And, being tuckered out with trying tb explain why I did it, I am forced to do it in print: Therefore, Know-ye, all good people, that I am doing a Land Office Business, WHOLESALE & RETAIL SUGARS, ALL GRADES, SYRUPS, MO LASSES, PORK,.HAMS, gIIOULDER'4 MACKEREL, WHITE FISH, CISCOES, COD, HALI BUT, AND 80 FORTH, And I rim gelling cheap as I always do, and can save country dealers their expenses to the little city of Elmira, or the big city of New York.— But then, THE TEA TRADE is one of my biggest, bkigh test, nod best th., You cannot get better . , OOLONG OR GREEN YEAS, or choapor, than I can sell you. You may pa. trontro the great American Tea Company, and Then I can do you good. I have enough to Bet Tioga County a ) ' . TE - HE - ING for the next 25 years. Besides no man base big ger or better lot of D 80 0 ,2% (St A1E01.40 hen I have, and am Belling them at a bargain, Everything i) in the )Sirocery. Line, CANNED FRUITS, AND VEGETABLES, ' WOODEN WARE, CONFEC TIONERY, not mixed as I mix them here, but in good order I buy all tho BUTTER AND CHEESE, hat x can, and, almost everything also but teasels Sign of tl4 BULL & BEE-HIVE. Welleboro, Deo. 15, 1869 The way to Get Rich Is to buP'your GOODS where you oau buy thegi CIfEAPEST ITiaralkenburg's A c3PLENDID LINE OP CHOICE, WINTER GOODS, inrchasedik the Bottom Market Prices, HMV MDR CLOTHING of every description, and clothing tondo to order in the very hest Style, and warranted. WILSON A, VAN VALKENBURO Vall etioio,Dem.,l6, 186 g. * ' price per peck, ' pound, H. S. JOHNSTON, Tluga, Pa _ 44 irk -- limagv": . 1. 4 .14605' , ww, W. T. AfATIIERS You can do that at just received., Stoves.: Stexres.li . AND FE A - RD IV A IKEI llavingformed a partnership in the Tin, Stove and Hardware trade, the undersigned have the pleasure to announce that they have, dt a great outlay, added to the usual stock of the old stand On MtIN STREET, WELLSBORO, a complete assortment of Shelf liardware i of which we enumerate the following articles: NAILS, , SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, lIAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, • PUMPS, AXES, BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, BENCH-SCREWS, . WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE- „ TREES, ELLIP TIC SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP; BAR, • & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS ANIY STUFFERS COMDINED. Ale°, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER AND CAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS a new thing, and made for use. These are but a few of the many articles composing our stook of Hardware. We invite the public to call and examine for themselves. We aim to keep the best quality of goods in our line; and all work to order done promptly and well. AGENTS FOR TEE Buckeye Mower & Reaper. SASH - , DOORS. BLINDS. AT FACTORY PRICES, Always on hand or furnished to order, at ROBERTS & BAILEY'S .Hardware Store, Wellsboro. noBERTEI .V. BAILEY. Wu. ROBERTS. R. C. BAILEY. Wellabor° , Jan. 1,1870-tf. Ingham's Woolen Mills ! .DRERFIELD, TIM subscribers will pay Cash, Full-Cloth, Cassimeres, Flannels, &e., &0., for Wool.— They also manufacture as usual— TO ORDER, OR ON SHIRK to suit customers. AU work warranted as rep- resented. They invite particuldr attention to their Water Proof CASSIMERES, whiclibe-vrarrante4 in every respect. Partials tar attiorion given to ROLL J CARDING CLOTH IdESSING. INGHAM'S large steak of Caseimeree, Jzo., 25 per cent loss than any competitors, and warrant, oil as represented. INGHAM manufacture to order, And do all kind!, of . Roll-Carding and ClOth Droning, and day competition. INGHAM have as good an assortment o Full Cloths, Oassimeres, &c., and givo more for Wool in exchange than any other establishment. Try them and satisfy your selves.. , INGHAM wholesale and• retail at the Cow mosque Mills, 2 miles below Knoxville. Oar Cloths are warranted, and sold bye tho following persons: DELANO it CO.. We!Moro, T. L. BALDWIN CO., Tioga, Pa. J. C. BENNETT, Covington, Pa. J ~ . 100,006 .Pounds of Woo Wanted. JOSEPH INGRAM d SONS. /'.loerflold, Jan. 1, 1870i41. i.tt! AUGERS, BITTS, I= AND REMOVAL. New Stock! New Goods! SEARS & DERBY ET AVE taken the new !store one.door above UN Wright xt Bailey, !biro they are on hand with a new steels of BOOTS, BALMORALS, GAITERS, BOOTEES, BROGANS AND GALLIGASKINS warranted to fit any foot from No. 0, to 13 in clusive. The stock has boon seleoted by one who has the advantage of THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE . in the business, and is the best and fullest in the oountry, Our stock of FRENCH CALF, FRENCH KIP, UP PER, SOLE, COMMON CALF, LININGS, BINDING, MO • - ROOOO, will be kept up as heretofore. On Findings we shall bo found at home al ways, and we shall endeavor to sell at prices satisfactory to the trade. No won't be under sold. CASH PAID FOR HIDES, SKINS, AIRS & PELTS Also the top of the Market for WOOL. But our boat hold will be on O . 6STOM WORK! AB usual There's comfort in a well made custom boot, That tits the corns without too much compressing For everybody knows a shabby foot Cannot be compromised by overdressing. And one may wear clean linen with's sal: Of finest cloth, but there is no finessing Will make a man with shabbily dressed. feet, Look like a gentleman upon the street.i Moir :. Buy your boots of I BEARS & DERBY, Or any other man. [Printer's Devil.] Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 11389—tf. For Sale. .I"GENT for. Kinney & Co., celebrated platform Spring Wagons, all styles, also for their light Carriages and Buggy Wagons, all made in . good style, and from Jersey timber, and • wartivnted in every respect, equal to any made. Can furnish any of the above at the lowest Manufacturers price's. L. C. BENNET. Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 1870—tf: ti' °use and Lot for Sale. iIEIO 'E and Let, andavacant lot for sale cheap. Location Wellsboto, and desirable. nqnire sit the Agitator Office. Jan.1,4870--a. • TO • THE FARRIERS OF TIOGA COUNTY. lAM now building at my manufactory,' n Lawranoe• ville.a superior ( FANNING MILL ) whiohpossessesthe followingadvantagesover allother mills: I.lt separates rye,eats,rat litter , andfoulleads,and ohessand cockle, from wheat. 2. It cleans flax eeed,taltesont yellow seed, and all other seeds, perfectly. 8, It cleanstimothy seed.. 4. It does all othereoparatingrequired of 4 mill . This mill is built of the best and most dprable Um heroin goodstyle,and is sold cheap for coeh, or pro duce. I will fit a patent sieve, for separating oatsfrom wheat,to othermills,onreasonabletorms. .11 MATHER. Lawrenoeville,Jan.l,/870-t I IRON WORKS! FOUNDRY &„ MACRIN,E SHOP 1 WELLSBORO, PA. SEARS & AVERY, PROPRIETORS. PLOWS, HORSE HOSES, OULTIVA TORt, FIELD ROLLERS, KET— TL S, ,ALL sizes, SAP PANS, . FIRMING UTENSILS, ALL KINDS, WOOD MACHINES /OR SAWING WOOD; Brick Machines, CHURN POWER ; ,THE TOMPKINS COUNTY, HORSE POWER- EIGHT AND TEN HORSE, CONSTANTLY ON RAND, And also, everything usually found in a drat class Shop. We call particular attention to our MA CHINE SHOP, which has been re-built with new, and Brat-class MACIII NII RY, L d TIIE Iron PLANER, DRILL, ito. We employ none but firat•olasa workmen, and are, therefore, pre pared to do our work in the boat Style, and at short notioe. We have recently added new MACHINERY, for Planing and Matohing boards. Call and see us. - Jan. 5, 1870-Iy. SEARS A AVERY. in H 0.111:1 lipt -W - 4 til rl, Po• -4 MI a O il '- g '4 CI P-Ij ei - 0 t 4 J N 4' r 0 . „, 0 . :: , R. :-.. 0 g o g t el o 0 V - , "Id pp .11Ak o• R E.-?• - ol?. OZO n o• '• i I ' l l I 0 NI 0 ,I w g !PI I 4 ,?I,' IQ ' " . ..4 , . , , g • ef m . . IJ, . Ni I I 1 1 , , o . „ I I : • - n Re, g` Slt In• , t•D Sa. S7l 0 1 ' ;"A itn '. 03 . D ' CM IA t• 2 0 ‘T—L en -4 cID ts. 7 ga. 41. vx O ....1.P54)?..:7'1522) O C.W . CO C.O Ct 7 C.C>: CO IND 00 c.O cr, C.Tit tsD ""•1 OD CM CAD tsk4P- 14. — ext C72‘ 8 4 4 . 4 • • . ,• • • • . UNION .ACADEMY, '- KNOXVILLE. T . 10021 00UNTY, PENN'A. . . 0.0. W4l n, Principal . • Mrs. Ar a? W. Ifontort, Precoptiese. Miss Mt Hams, Assistant. Allea Est lisaurtr. Teacher of Music. .' . The Pallierna will Commence August 81. The Winter Term November 30.• The Spring Term March 3. Each Term to coral nuel2 wean. . . . EXPENSES PEIt, TERM.. ' Tuition, Including rent and wood, Fall Term...... 511,60. • .14 , 441 " 6 Winter. Term,. 1.3,60. " ' " . Spring Term.... 12,60. Day Sttntents 7,00. Instrumental Music, (Plano, Organ or Melodeou).. 10,00. Vocal MUM° 21 Otie of Instruments -2, . Drawing and Paneling a, Board per week. .... ... a, Jan. 1. 1870-tf. 110118 Cattlo POWIIIII'S. . • , . . ~..r . . . This prepatation;leing and favorably • - ? ktmern, Intl itbarwastaisvizetimate f ---- . . tlenklAn dtavrtand law-spirited, tortes, Aft 1 bi..o.redstli jlt, 441 .?elits,ing th e -., priki - stoninhl4l4 Ihtestlltel. ' ' - . .._:.- , • ' ' `. - It is a Sure pteeetititelif all diseases • ----... •- G Incideat.to this mimed; abide Is LUNG .17 E #,GIARs, . ..,, q , . FI-• , . ' LOSSUP-AP VIAND ',VITAL:- - = •"' ' ,' Vliir.f.: deb ••*....101 I aseartmprotier. r ''' .. ' 4 2 ds 4 Incri*Vl ;Oltliffik. ttel. 4 1 1 y'.. '' I'.l vg gnta i th And lowa Appn o -Ap i t . . , ' i 4 io ? it. ," lin " . , - .. P.:"2 : ll4l 4t king 4i; - »+- 11141.41- tp- 4:6414 %.* t vAts- ''' : : l t - . 1•11:: • ' , :. 1. Ttailtstepteestf :Cows this broiuti. b115.144,V011n1t1c JI lika mg" yr. r..-4tr vowno ~., * frgt bisMil, , t gaper, I% by ." i• 1 -• ( Isati•U crittillto ' 'Um _ • Rir z." O... .111,gi :milk and. twitty Ow qult.ll;4l - zoOn tbs. butter dr& , ':•• - -,• "to lirg: l iar strig,cot ll it ni Witt . ' • "" ' • ' ' ' " '• •-•• ' .i.: L . .. ' ' ' I.' ' . ~ - "1. - 0 tr: Y. , ' ', 1 ' . In ali 111 "m' 'gamine; suclau I to , 4=r , ecolicAttl4 4l h4. gulelt halls ispet to a pogo ha „e 4 or, .• A : n►itlilscabovidisesies be tradli , Imalikireadrelemtet, atm, 4 ;,rgs . Lac-throe., . • --- ciau!Dar 4LS wpaigna. • AfIT r; - • - - DrAlLer IDI 0 IlSkr M d. Par sale by Droights and Stareteopers.througliont ttaXlittitat Rua, caradl44 styl South Atzeries. Tan. 5, 1870-Im. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in all kinds of TROeitRIES, PROVISIONS, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, CANNED FRUITS AND WOOD 4:t WILLOW WARE, GLASS & • CROCKERY WARE, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, CABS 4 PERAMBULATORS, TOYS, &c., &o. A fall and complete aesortment,of the above mentioned goods of the best quality always on hand. Particular attention paid to Pine Groceries Dealers apd Consumers will find it to their in tercet to exasninthisiStock before buying. Corning, N. Y., rit 1, 1870. The Biggest Thing Yet AND NO HUMBUG A 8 there is a certain "foul-play" practiced in 21. this community. the diselodure., , of which would stir up the people generally, We. therefore propose to tell no one except those who call at Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, and aich•like aro always needed in any oommu nity to preserve the health, and gladden the hearts of the mamas. . The expected time has come And the story must be tol d; We sell goods as cheap as anywhere, To avoid people being sold. KELLEY don't propose to enumerate the ar. tides In store, but simply say that ho has a way of dealing with his customers, Bo se to make little money buy a I am sure you we can please, With nice goods and Japanned Teas For all are offered very low, To keep the masses on the go. • E SALE ROOM and FACTORY opposite Dartt'a Wagon Shop Main Street, where he is pre- pared to furnish Cabinet Ware of any kind to those in want. • Orderepromptly filled and eatiefaotiongnaran• teed. Fancy Turning done to order. Wellsboro, Jan. 1,1870. J. STICI(LIN. ; Valuable. .Farm for Sale., 1 farm of three hundred sores, with two hun. drod and twenty-five acres improved. :M -att two miles north of Tioga Village, on the logs River and Railroad. Well watttered, un eak. der a good state of cultivation, and goottbuild tugs. Also four houses and lot si for sale in Tioga village. T. L . BALDW IN. _ Vega, Jan. 1, 11370-tf. ILI Gill FOUTZ'S OBLEBIL!ZED Grocery and Provision Store, CORNING, N. it. CI, FOREIGN do DOMESTIC, GREEN 4% DRIED FRUITS, VEGETABLES, C. B. KELLEY'S STORE BO I SAY, Come in you jolly farmers, I won't detain you long; Bit down awhile contentented, Until I reveal the wrong. . • EOM 011' SOCEDS 2 For a full explanation of the above statement, drop in and see KELLEY. STICKLIN, rmaker, Turner, and Furniture Dealer. March 30, 1870 Dr. 11A. R. Phllfps, 017.162i11014.11,31iftilalise Trimplumiersigned respectfally askackunoes to the citisous of Westdolkand-mcrountlint noun• try that he ie rinxisoantly,JuoOkd ill this place. He is fully iiropirod to-do. ill kind; of DEYTISTRY; in -the highest' style of the art. Srtlefaetion guarranteed. co over Seovill's Drug Store. Fine Fhotogra he can haled over the Drug Store. ' KLILLIPS. 4,Fsitteld, Ps,, June SO,. El i n 941 y. WHOLINALE DREG STORII. FtRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS AND OILS, iiiii THADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, KEITH'S CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, IREDELL'S FLUID, EX- BURNETT'S 0000AINE, FLAVORING EXTRA.OTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDICINES, ROCK ESTERIPERFUMERY AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL AGENTS FOR MARVIN & CO'S RE- Sold at Wholesale Prices. Buyers are requested to 0411 and get quotations before going further East Oorning,•N. Y., Jan. 1,1870-ly Nv . ANTED, AT THE NILES VALLEY STEAM FLOURING MILLS. 10,000 Bus. Ours, 10,000 " Oate, and any amount of good wheat. IJ. B. DIMON & Co. Niles Jan.l,l-1870-0. IHAVE bought the right to usoi the Paton Elastic Roofing In Tioga County, and am now prepared to put on roofs cheap add in good workmanliko manner. This roofing is fire and water proof. I refer to Maus. Wright A Bai ley, Toles & Barker, and C. L. Willcox, where eamplos can be seen and roofs in uso. MOSES WINGATE. IVellsboro, Jan .1, 1870-tf. B. HOLLIDAY, Proprietor. .A large and B, commodious House, located in tho immo diato vicinity of all the County buildings, with large and commodious barns attached, - 'James Hallett acts as hostler, and will always be found on hand, attentive to business. Jan. 5,1870.—1 y CASH Paid FOR HIDES, SETH WATKINS respectfully informs the public that he has established a at the barn on the premises lately owned by R. 0 Simi..., Ra g ., 1.7..t0d on, Pearl and Crafton greets Wellaboro. alias` Co keep good hor ses and wagons, and, intends to please. Prices reasonable.—Nov. 24,1869-Iy. Double and single,teams tarnished. HAVING completed hie new Cabinet Ware house on Main street, Wellsboro, has stock ed it with a large and superior assorted stock o Chamber Suits, Walnut, Ash, Maple from $l5O down, and as cheap as the same goods can be bp . ' in the cities, freight added. Ptirlor Suits, Walnut, Cherry, and Mahogany, Reps or Hair Cloth, from $125 down. Also, IA 1 SOFAS, LOUNGES, COUCHES, DETE- A-TETES, Center Tables, Walnut or Marble Tops Looking Glasses, Brackets Pa per Racks, Rocking Chairs, all kipqs, I am manufacturing ae usual, and intend to keep a lull stock of ware, h'omo and oily made at all times. My Ware Rooms are spacious and neat, and. now contain the largest, costliest and beet stook of Furniture ever brought into the County. WALKER & LATUROP, DEALERS IN • HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, 'S TO YES, TIN- WARE, BELTING, SAWS, CUTLERY, WATER LIME, AGRICULTiRAL IMPLEMENTS, Carriage and . Httrness Trimmings, HARNESSES, SADDLES, &o. Corning, N.Y., Jan. 2, 1870-Iy. C. F. & 0. Moore, LIVERY AND EXCHANGE STABLES I Wellsboro, Pa. Office and Stables on Water Street, in rear of Court House. They will fur nish horses, single or double, with Buggies, or Carrliges, at abort notice. jLong experience in the business enables the proprietors to announce with dot:Mance they can met any reasonable de mands in their line. Driverifurniabed, if desired and passengers carried to any part of thecountry. Thankful for past favors, they invite continuance of custom. Terms reasonable. Nov. 24,1869.-Iy. ADMIN;STRATOR'S NOTICE. - Letters of Administration having been granted to the underaigned upon the estate of John Howland, late of Deerfield twp., deed, all persona indebted to said decedent or claiming against the same, mast settle with B. BOWEN, Ader. March 16, 1870.-60 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters of Administration,having been granted on the estate of Ira Bullock, deceased, late of Middle-. bury, all those indebted to said estate are reques ted to make immediate payment, and those hav— ing claims against it to present them to GEORGE D. KEENEY, 'Middlebury, March 30, 1870. tit Adn3'r. NOTIOE.—Ran away from the subscriber, Edwin D. Bennett, an indentured appren tice, without any just cause or provocation; and I hereby forbid all persons harboring or trusting him on my account, as I will pay no debts of his contracting y MARTIN STEVENS. Middletnt , AgrllB,lB7o CORNING, N. Y. .i' TRACTS, PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, WHITEWASH LIME & AND WYE COLORS, ` FINED OIL W. D. TERBELL & CO Patent Roofing. Wellshoro Motel. by MARTIAL A. DURIF. Welleboro,Dec.'lB-,1868.—tf Livery Stable Livery for Hire, Furniture ! Furniture! B. T. VAN HORN, FURNITURE. &0., to., Jo., with Upholstery to suit. Wholesale and Retail. Planing and Matching, SOROLL SAWING A.MOULDING, done to ordor at the Factory Jan. 1, 1869-tf. B. T. VAN BO] N RAILWAY .TI ' TABLES. ERIE RAILWAY UN and alter MONDAY, Nov. 1ntb.1869, Trains will leave Corning, et tlie following hours, viz : • • 1101210 WEST. 12,35 is m EXPRESS.M.AIL, Sundays excepted, for nuttalo, Dunkirk und Cloveland, connecting with trains fur the West. A slurping Coach' is attached to this train running through to Butlaio. 6,42 a. In., Vela EXt'IIESS, daily for Um:h al/tar Itullale, Dunkirk, Cle'voland and Mein nattl, making direct eaten/action with trains Grand Wrunk. and Lake Shorn Railways at Duna m. Dunkirk and Cleveland for all points West, and at Ulnelnnattl with the Ohio and Mississippi and ',ollie. villa Short Liles Railways (or the South and South. • west. 10,20 a. m., MAIL TRAIN', Blind ys exceptc 7 d, for Bunalo and Dunkirk. 12,05 p. m•, WAY FEBIGII Orin tys excepted. L 45 P.m., 13A,LT1MO/tE R RES 'Suntiaysexcept ed, for Rocha6ter and Buffs c, via on. 6,00 p. in., EMIGRANT TRAIN, dal y, fur the West, 7,38 p. tn., DAY EXPRESS, litindays excepted, for Rochester, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Cleveland, Cincinnati, and the South Stops at drincipal etatlon9 mid con nects points on main lino. New and imptoved Drawing Room Coaches accompany Oda train trout New York to I.lllllalo.ltUd Bleeping Cottcpes attached ut ilornellivllle, running through to Cleveland and Galion without change. GOING EAST 4,45 a. in., CINCINNATI rx PRESS, Mondays ex.- Copted, connecting at Elmira for Williamsport, Itarrisburg and the South; also at Elmira for Cu Mal. daigua; at Waverly with train of Lehigh valley Rail way ; at Owego for Ithaca; at Binghamton for Coo. porstuwn and Albany ; and at Now York with steam era and afternoon Express trains for New England cities. Jar Sleeping coaches Accompany this train to New York. :• 11,4541. in. DAY EXPRESS, Suudaya excepted, connecting ut Jersey Xity with midnight express train of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia. Ah-o stops at printlipal statsons and connecting points ou main Due. New and improied Drawing Mom Conches accomi.any this train to New York. 1,10 P. in., WAY FILELOUT, Sundays excepted,. 12,20 Y. m., ia.MIKA MAIL, Sundays excepted. 4,42 t' . to., NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE MAIL, Sunday', excepted connecting at Elmira for the South. t f 7,58 p.m., LIeIIITNIND EXPRESS, Daily, connect ing ut Jersey City with morning Exo.a.al Datil of New Jersey Ituaroad tor Baltimore and %Vaunt ug tun; and at Now York with' morning Exprelie titan fur Boston ar New Engiuud; Myr atop* at cipal stir ions and con rAttitig points ou wail. line. %. kiloepluepoaches accumph . ny thir.traii through qa N:aw • BAGGAGE CILIWKIP TiIIWUGII Xlfir A ievieed and complete “Pocku t Time Table" o f Passenger Tralueuuthetirloßailway and carler:Hug Linea, tias recently beau published, and can bu proetir ed on application to„the Ticket Agent of the Company WAI. It. liAltit, L. L.IUCREIt, (long Agen t tien'l Bloosbnrg& Corning, & Tioga R. R Ttainswillrun as follows untitfurtlier notice Accounmodation—Leaved Blosaburg at 7,50 a. m.. Mans field at 8,40 Tioga at 9,20. Lau rouctiv II le iitlo arriviug at Corning ut 11,10 Mall—Loavesltiosuburg at 1,30 p. m.,slnuall I i at 2,15, Tioga at 2,45, Lawroncevillo at 3,:U—arriving at Coraing at 4.30 p. . , 3 all-,-LeaVebUtaning ut 8,00 LawroncoxLilt at 9,03, Tioga at 9,45, blantifiald at 10,22—al iving at )±.Blous-burg at 11,00 'Accommodation—Leaireu Corning at 2,4 U p. 9toncoville ht 3,65 Tioga ut 4.46, Manatialii at 5,20* Orriving at Illtnitiburg at 0,15 p. 11l L .11.811ATTUCK,Sup!t Northorn Central R.ll TRAINS FOR TILE NORTH. TraludforCanandaguia leavu Elmira ad follow b Accomodatiou at Exproga fastest train on road] 12 2u ain Mail 11 00 p Way Ft ulttlit,[paseongor coach attached] o 20 a m On and attot Nov. 15, 1809, train.* will arrive. and depart from Troy, as follow.; LEAVE NORT HWA R D 10 36 a. m.—Daily(oxcept Sundays) for Elmira ; Eutfa lo, Canandaigua, 11.ot:beater, Suep. Bridge aud tho Canada*. 958 a. m.—Daily (except Sundays) for Elmira and buffalo,via Erie Railway from Elmira. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 728 A. m.—Dally(except Sundays) fur BultlMOrO t Washington, rbiladelplinioic 955 P. m.—Daily (except Sundays) ,for ,for Baltimore* Was . tngton and Philadelphia. ALFR • • R. F/SKE ED.S.IYOU.NG Gen' kuptalarrlibur g , Deu'l Pass. Ag't - Daltimore,sld. C-C-B-&-F-L-E COME TO T. L. BALDWIN 81 CO'S TIOGA, PA and see a nice stock of Goods for the FALL & WINTER,. such as Zuki32lllZ 5,11311C0 000111; —all styles, colors and patterns— • ; ALPACAS, POPLINS, CAMI3 N RICAS FRENCH JACONEFS , ORGA DIES, PEQUAS, VERSAILES, BLACKI: , AND COLORED SILKS; &c., &o. BEAUTIFUL Winter ' SHAWLS and a large assortment to select from CLOAKS READY—MADE, AND CLOT! - TO MAKE MORE, ALL KINDS OF LININGS, FRINGES, TASSELS &0., TO TRIM DRESSES OR SACQUES. , —Our stook of— YANKEE NOTIONS oan't bo boat. It koopa up with oviwything the Yankees have thought of so far. 1100 P SKIRTS, BALMORAL SKIRTS CORSETS, &C, R-0-M-11-N ZOILUEZ22OO too numerous to mention; but will say that you will seldom find so largo an assortment to select from in a country store, and -clear down to tho BOTTOM FIGURE We also keep a largo assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, in suits, and part of suite. Should wo fail to suit you with roly-mado, wo havo Caesimoro and A TAILOR TO CUT AND FIT Boots and Shoes, all styles and sizes. HATS AND CAPS, STRAW GOODS; AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, A COMPLETKIINE OF CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, HARD WARE, SHELF HARD WARE, AILS, IRON, Locks, Latches, Carpenters' Tools. A GENIRAL STOCK 'OF GROCERIES, Fresh. TEAS aro lower than at, any time since the war. Did not go to Cuba to buy sugar, and so have some cheap. We are agents for Ithe E. HOWE SEWING MACHINE F-- , --I----W----X Farmers, if yon want tools to work with drop to .1 SALT, LIME, PLASTER, PORK, PLOLT,R Lime, Cayuga Plaster, &o . Bu,tter tubs, Pails. Firkins, and Ashton Salt to flavor with. All kinds of Farm Produce want ed. Prices can't bo beat. THkNK S • T. L. BALDWIN k 00. 'Bogs, Pa., Jan.l-1, 1r). • COVINGTON, Sin FACTORy D. S. 44 IL G. IRELAN, Propriotorg THE subscribers would Buy to the publietlat thy aro prepared to mako oq furnish SASH AND BLINDS, DOORS, PALING, SCROLL ING, &C., Lumber and Shingles Price list for SaiL primed and glazed per ligLt 8 by 10-12 i cents. 9 by 13. 8 by 10 by 12, 15 cents 10 by 14, 9 !by 14, 16 cents.• 10 by 16, 20 cents. Our work is made of tbe'bost seasoned luwitr and in the best manner. Call and sea us. Jan. 5, 167C-ly ln l surance Agency. I= WELLSBORO, PA. Ottel Capital over $20,000,000 FIRST-CLASS CO'B-NONE BETTER RATES AS LOW as any good Compaeiti will take. policies ou dwellings arid fats property written at this office, and dcliveteil 01 payment of premium. Are You Insured "f It costa but little, particularly to insure dirm, ings, farm property, and ; contenta.. : ; Dettahti dwellings and farm property inaured ;C ur )tar, for one per centunt and expense of 4mlic), A house, detached 100 or more insured Lr $lOOO or 3 years, ati an expense of $11,50. Oct, s3,B3iii year! AS'lnat/ tax—good thing in cuts cf fire. Furniture, provisions, bedding do., at a t same rates. There is no excuse, Everyone Should be Insured If i t of with me, Smith .t. 'Merrick will do it just as eap, and just as well. (Gratis, gentleiseh.. I a citild be glad however, to kfriond enough o, thi manner to pay for advertising. ... JNO. I. MITCHELL. 1 ellsboro, Jan: 1, 1870-tf. . Now Then . Them Things is Arm E VERY thing is lovely, and the Quer Liles depends from a sublime attitude. You will Please lObserve, 7 05 p tu that the beat luatured wan in Town haring t„ ticed the wants of the public, and having tßaa. tifully supplied himself with almost overyd,iri whieh this world c •rk afford to appease them noel I, l ,erievolontly prt poses to 0110t1 the te_ fore the people, and say to all, old and ycLtg, black and white, rich and pc.nr, COME: You pay your Money and you take youi choice. Don't stand out in the cold expoced to tbe el. ements and to the Sting of the neighbor, het but pullitho latch atrirg, it is, always out in but iooss boors, Cto. The large hearted proprietor, or his urbte good natured clerk will conduct you, as it live throug i ll a • GARDEN filled with raviAini lat. A OARDEN OF 4.10E5, in 'Ala every thing Spicy,froin 'Lunt g to'cayenne pep per ma , - be seen and procured', 2d, A GARDEN OF SWEETS, in which er• ery variety of Saccharine delights, both solid and liquid may bo had by tho stick, pound or gallop, and of such flavor and complexion as will make every aching sweet tooth in your head fairly jump with delight. Should you be pomologi• cally inclined, this humane individual will con. duct you into a GARDEN OF FRUITS, in 'which almost it• ery variety of luscious things to be found giet. ered from the four quarters of the globe, will It shown to satiety your largest longings. (Wage' from Cuba, Lemons from Florida, Prunes . iris Turkey, Raisins from Malaga, Currants from as Grecian Archipelago; ' ; Peaches dried and CALL. ed along with a groat variety of Canned FTUill from the Jerseys; Dates from Syria, and Di' from Asia Minor. No and to the supply i ? f every species of N UTS from 3 Continon ts. THE TEA GARDEN will next i commend your attention; tho warm decoction of the Chat loaf and the Java bean have become almost uci. versed beverages, and if not swallowed too hot et to strong, the mild stimulants aro esteemed it eminently promotive of comfort and sociality.— What company of elderly ladies could ever pert in peace without them? Now your friend the GARDNER, will be most happy to show all this. Ho will ask you politely to look at Llt Tea. You are welcome to try every chest hrJ see if GUN POWDER, •Scitiohong ORM HYSON, kc., which flavor you like, but or 111 the other styles whose jaw cracking names null! be dangerous to pronounce, COFFEES, in every style, ditto, ditto, ditto. Furthermore, The Lenqficent proprietor of tLis mammoth e: tablishruent r out of sheer good will, and if yr.: will Lelieverhitn for no other motive than your interest and hid, has at vfist expense establiebel at the same' place an immense depot of Pros's. ions, consisting of F 4 lour, Pork, Lard, Codfish, White Fish Sword Fish, &c., &c: Mel, Hams, Butter , Trout, Blue Fib. Halibut, &c.-, &c. I . , All cirbich he intends to gall at a profit, on the princ plo of '•live and let live ." lie gencraPl propopes also to receive in exchange nil tho pin, ducts of your farm and dairies,and it is said con fidentially to the public, that, ho never refute • • I .. Tho'-it irks him wret4edly to keep it. do anklet's is ho. that ;he ddar people should war laething whatever that money can buy of Wollsboro, Jan. 1, 1870 HARNESS 'SHOP T NAVLE, would },ay to his friend • that his Harness Shop is now in full blari and that he is prepared to furnish henry or ligb 1-letielleosiBs, on short notice, in a good and substantial Duo ner, and at prices that can't fail to suit. The beet workmen are employed, and none ba the best material used. Call and see Die. 9, lB6B—ly I ia as Ix ie Jai mi. c e ! MR. A. L. MONROE, is the authorized Agent for Tioga and Potter Counties , to effect insurance in the Wyciming Insuranoe CompanY. Royal London, Liverpool & Globe, C e ap a i P t i o t l ° , l SWOri' ' . o4 Ile will canvass the county during the week ex cept Saturdays, when ho will be found at the office of John. I. MitchellOo attend to rill ITV may give him a call. " i A. L. I'iIQ.NROE . Sept. 22, 1869-3m.* High School. THE Subscriber will open a School in . the village of Osceola, on Monday, March iib. 1870, and continue twelve weeks. RATES OF TUITION Primary Common Bogliab, ....-...... $5 00 . 00 . Higher, $6O. , Feb. 9,—tf. C. C. WARD, Principal. Also., dealers ENTERS Cash. L. A. GARDNER G. W. NAVLE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers