Doparpre of Stages. Arriial and T HE Btama'-running over if • . the ilitrereht Wales Item ••- WellArure. will depart and - 4 1/44 . arrive as fellow - a from the \Venation, VVoTt Mee: crI.L.BI)ORO & TtooA =llepert 19, a, m., Maio 114 p.m IVELLHEIORO t MANB7l.l.l).—Depot t Ba. la., arrive 6 p. SS gLL9OOIIO d Counniarnat.— Dep. non. & noir. 2 p. m. arrive Monday &Thurpday at 12m. Visttatiotio &JERSEY 8110R.--4.)epart, Mo m n.& Tit nr. 9 a.nt \ a rri ve Tueaday Fri. sp. TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. Local Items. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1870, • Pew Advertisements. Millinor3 l —Mrs. Soflaid. Now Godds—Staith k Naito. paints 11.Dils—W. C. Kress. Notice totollektors—R. O. Cox. /Such is Life—R,D. Bunnel 2 Divorce Notices.—J. B. Pptter. Election Notice—S. B. Elliott. Mercantile Appraisomont—J. W. Bynum& Notice to Teaohers—R. Campbell. t.‘ REJECTED.--An lutreating ipiece of gossip from Fall Brook. Better keop Buell things out of print:- It is bad enough to havo them io a neighborhood. W. C. KRESS has just receivedva new of drugs, medicines and fancy goods, and also any quantity of paints, varnishes and brush es. Bed advertisement. WAlni.—On the 16th mercury rose to 80 degrees in the shado in this village. In a cool place in Mr. Foley's store it stood above 70 through the middle of the day. The Eipod Templare give ag.enter tainment, at Bailey's Hall, Mansfield, Friday mining, 22d instant. The exercises consist of orations, music, tableaux, pantomimes, dramas, .to:1 Such entertainments should be liberally patronised. A poetical writer, who has just seen Niagara relieves himself of his feelings as follows: The roar of the waters! sublime is the sound Which ever is heard from tno oataraot's stoop How grand and majestic ! how vast and profound I Like the snore of ct pig wheti he's buried in sleep ! EVERY SATURDAY.—The chief fea ture of this exoellt weekly at. the present time; it Mr. Dickens's a ory, "The Mystery of Edwin Drood." It opens ell, frtim the start exhibiting his wonderful art of setting words to nature.— Ne one oanlyead his stories without being educa ted to a big ter type r pf life. • PIVING GOODS.—Messrs. Smith & Waite, of Corning, N. Y., aim offering great,, to dnceme{tts in another column to people purchas ing goods at their house. We cheerfully endorse this firm as fair dealers and perfectly relible in all their business relations. IMPROVING.—Our people seem to be enthusiastic on the subject of building and unproring our village generally: old linildin l gs mimed on hack streets, new once taking - their places, dwellings going up in different localities, and the general fit of " cleaning up," EtEllth to be indulged in by all. Let the good work go on. FIFTEENTFI AKENDMENT.—rath, N. in York, ratities the. Fifteenth Aendine It, by the elution of a. colored man for Justice of the Peace. If the Hew Justice aucoceds in keeping " peace and order" in that place among the colored pop ulation: he should be amply sustained, es was " 01,1 Bitunn," years ago, who administered the kw admit:ably to the. unruly ones, with a black whip. Success to the new Justice. SunclicAin—Dr. Thad. S. Up De (4 rail ~1 this city, April 12th, amputated in a very euo cessful and satisfactory manner, a leg of Mr* John G. ll , Spfer, of Trout Ituu. The cause of the amputatAn was a disease. of the bpio, of thirty years strinding.—El. Adv. X stranger stopping at Welisboro the other day, inquired who the inimitable Runnel woe, the proprietor of the. Wellsboro h Tioga Air Line. - Why, says ho :—"The exeiteun nt is so groat along the Erie Railway, over this route, that Fielt i 'd: Gould are about prolirosing a con mlidetien between the two lines." Let the arntog6tnent ho consummated before Geary ex ereions the veto power. • CORRECTION.—We stated two weeks since that our young friend, W. P. Bigony had gone to peddling. lie writes us, that we were mistaken, as he has no desire to "carry a pack on his back," and is otherwise employed, acting as agent for D. L. Holden, wholesale grocer, El mira, N. Y. DEATH OF JOHN MITCHELL.—Mr. John Mitchell, one of the oldest citizens and first tatlerd i f Jacksrin, Tioga county, Pa., died at hit reeidettee' in that town on the It3th of March. Since 1535, Mr. Mithhell had been a resident of the vicinity whore : Ur died. He was one of the punters of that locality, and had encountered all the hardships and privations incident to settlers it wilderness. By honesty, industry and tru- Noy, he had acquired a competency, and at all Maca enjoyed the confidence, respect and esteem all who knew him. For many years lie with a consistent, zealoim christian, end died in the Faith.'—El. Adv. Much time is being consumed in the troll of McFarland in N. Y., in proving • him taut , . 4,is not probable that McFarland ..a.%ieted of murder for the killing of Richard :,u, m that any other man ever will be for killing nhuther person under similar eireumsbince!..— &lel' eases quite freqPently come heftire our - mutts, lung, tedious and expensive trials arc had, to' they int - 1U iaLly result as they begin. W 1,3 tot make murder punishable or jn,tifinble in ei.oh and thus avoid future repetition? Tliere is :... , it , ecrtainly a great *ur,A4- elfin ed, the por pwator of which, is aecoulitable under the law. We have only to say, such cases have he ...ilea. ; , a frequent, that t principle should be es , iablisl\ed in relation to theta. °"... LITTLE BITS.—M. H. Cobb, of b! / , Philadelphia, has Lad Lis pecn° inei eased :Lvi•ral is lately. 'Twas a buy. —The man who promised, "if he lived," to pay u. borrowed- money foui weeks ago last Sat tariac, failed tiri r it. lie must he dead, of eeurse —A et/hied ie suggested fur the Wellshoto do bating'olub, as Worts: " Whether a "Tooster's knowledge cf daybreak is the result of,olserva u,i, or instinct." —Pat ra)e to the Yankee, " Wye the willows In, due, anal where would xou he ?" "Why," rays the Yankee, " I'd be here all alone." rasiiloN.—FaOlion traiiBgreenes tale ikn. 6 of nature, and injures the physieditinil ruku tal constitution, more than the hardships of ituil„ poverty and neglect. - Tliki woman of toil will' live and grow old. and see two or three genera tions or the " women of fashion" pass away.— The kitchen girl is hearty, and strong, while ber rantresii hati to he nursed liken sick baby. Fash '.ll.pampered women ha''re but little force of cha racter, moral will or physical energy., They bloc nobody, set no rich examples, and the world 1 $ no better for their having lived. All our good tind great men sprung, from strong minded wo= men, who knew as little about fashion its the gos lip in the town where they lived. PORT ALLECIIIANY.—TI le following lean extract of a letter from Mr. Jas. Steele, who recently moved to the above place frein Delmar: "We live a half mile from tho village of Port Alleghany, a thriving little place with three 'dry roods stores, hardware store and tin shop, drag more, tavern, tannery, woolti &l i eu, wagon and thee shops, two blaeltsmilt %ID gun chops, eat shingle, lath and grist mills. At present our people are having a great time eatelthig pigeons. On Alonday tho 11th, about lee hundred dozen were brought into town and "Kid readily at 50 cents per dozen. • • Our people need 'a cheese factory here very irmeh, as live hundred cows ontild easily he pro_ cured to run one. A Baptist minister is much needed here lo organ., 110 a eliurch, as there are a umaiber of Baptists in this Vicinity, beside those of other denominations. 511 desiring a place of worship. The people are hot gospel-hardened, and' therefore a little tills lionary work would bo acceptable. We are al most starved for the Tenth. Send Immo , minister this way, LiECT SCITOOLS. Alice Archer will teach a Select School, the coming season, eouaiutfiteitig on Mendel thei6th of May. This leaves a vacation r of two weeks allot: the - close of the public schools. Wo are informed, also, that Mrs. Morgan Hart, and Miss Jennie Dunks, commence select schools in our,village beforo long. We hope to seo thee:, all well patronised. .1 RAILUOAIL—The contract to t i nd il the section of 12 miles of the Wollsboro and taw roncov illu railroad, from the lattel. place. to Hol laday's, was let to_James Ward, of Towanda, on the 15th instant, N. Y. Thegrading and mason work ouly were let. • Mi. Ward is said to be a. thoroughgoing man, and an experienced contractor. Work will be commenced soon, un donbtedly, as by the terms it must bo completed before cold weather sets in. We understand that the bridges are to be iron. It s is not likely that the rails will lie - put down this year, unless the Trustees conclude to complete the road Co Oita place the present season. Quito a large number of bids were put in.— Several of our citizens went down to the opening of proposals. PERSONAL.—CoI. T. M. Bayne, late of tke 136th. Pa: Volunteers, who is well known to many of our readers, is practising law at Pitts burg. We had the pleasure of meeting him there not long since. Ile is a rising young lawyer, and , well known as a prominent politician in the western part of the, State. Ilia father was for merly Sheriff of Allegheny county, and repeat edly a member of the Assembly. He was also member of the Coriatitutional Conventhin of 1837. —Dr. J. 11. Shearerr, of this place, has an ori ginal copy of the first photograph ever taken of Mr. Lincoln. The Doctor, as Mr• Lincoln ex pressed it on a characteristic card, intended for a pass across the Potomac, was "next door neigh bor' of the late President, in Illinois. ; The card is dated in September, 1801, and does not assume the authority to pass the bearer; but only says, "If any ono is allowed to go over,, the Doctor should he." Of coarse it parsed him; and was as authoritative as if it had been a peremptory command. THE WEATHER—HERE AND Tit I.IE. —Without Kane note of this thing inclispitse , hie, no current is complete . A local'Paq per should be a complete history of its locality : therefore of the IrMither. Two weeks ago And a little more, a steady drizzling rain dislodged the snow, whisk was very deep in the woods, and within a very low hours all the streams were full to the brim, and the people along the larger all cams began to liar a freshet which should he higher and do more da mage than any previously known. Lontherinen watched the weather signs with intense interellt. The fog went " up the hill a-hopping," 11111-us the good natured stage boy said tha.t. 4t Saturday morning would be the ease, the rain "came down the bill a-dropping." Crooked creek ran crazy ; the Tiogu was a little' more complacent ; hot to put them all together ut Corning, early in the day, it was said it wanted only live feet the highest pitch of the great flood of Inthi. Vet five feet on a stream so broad as that ho.ooes when it spreads over the bunks, is a deal of wa ter. And so it happened that the bellows liegde to blow from the north, while ne were at Mon it is that, day, and toward night men buttoned nit their coats under their chins, and flurries of snow ,;use down, that one might have said,oll tal l is picking her geese to-d. - Y:" -- -Aten gathered near the chew ful stove at the saloon, and tafki.d of er the prospects of water in, the city glycols, et le counted speculations involving thousands, as placidly as a Dutch farmer in Charleston, toe n ship would contemplate the profits of the next litter of pigs. We sat thinking, bearing the echoes'of the rambling billiard balls in the adja cent room, troubled about no thousands in par ticular, but intent upon the various kinds of iveather, and freshets, and storms., which come upon us human kind when they uhance, or Lot ter, perhaps, ohm lie lists! -Viten that day, II thunder-shad fell upon one;:in" - Ilint city, whoth we had known when An waS bright, and plot ty, and, let ng hope, good. That new Ate was !Mill .faiit, by the I:Lll4—for SOLIIO rash act they ,aid As hod -and we supp - oxo if wo hail gone to see 'her, the jailor would have turned us eft, ttiil i oot a word of advice or hope to her. The -let ins which inundate the soul, go not down as !Ito wa ters to the sea, but they rage or lower, till the heart, like a hydraulic rata under the flood, cot. ses to beat On the crooked road to Troy, we found the wa ter two or thteo feet deep in two or three places on the railroad. At Murrisburg, .that Sabbath morning, the sun shone out warm and bright ; and on walking away out over the road we had so often gone the year of war, in company with a friend, we found the roads dried off, and the grass, washed by the recent rains, looking quite green. Over the Alleghanies, Tuesday morniiig, we found a slight flurry of snow, knot P., deep however that we could not pass through it in slippers, fur a cup of 'coffee, served by , a bright eyed girl;yrith black hair, combed sensibly back from the forehead. It was the coffee we went after, for sre did not then know who wait in at tendance. We mention It to show bow little snow they had there, at the time that the deni zeus of this latitude were wading through a su gar rtiotr "of a foot in depth. As we I yeended the mountains tot ards Pitts burg, we raw the farmers plowing, and mar that place found the gardens made, (April 51h.) In that city, they have no weather ll U, all smoke and cinders. You may look a the sun on the brightctt (ley, without any ineonlenience to the e) CA. Tit hat is good place to be non a day of eclipse: one has no need of smoked glass.— On the 7th instant, in the morning, when, if wo could have seen it, the sky would hare appeared as clow es on any of the delightful days el the past week in this latitude, '(for it was a amid beautiful morning), one could not see it iniiii in that eity,looking straight down Fifth Menus, more than fatten rods! The smoke Was near the grout* and even that brilliant I kea ()unlit barely s truggle through it, no n low canttlot 41.1 - He> in a lantern with a smoke of many year , upon it. But they don't care for siiiiil.i• in Pills .l,usg. They are 'baking it all the while, and they don't notice it. alley aro too 'coy to lock about.. No (Inc is ,iiile there; and 110 OHO ( - all live without work ; 1 ' for coil nine: iremli ' still they do not pay'inneh attention to welshing, ei ther ; and as for getting clean, that is not possi ble, for the water itsell is smoky, and in its pu rest oate would make good root tea. It id a g ~, )(I place to tiring tip children, on account of the plenitude of this antidote for worms and all that, but tends to contusion of descents, fur ;sum can't tell one child from another. Indeedi - as scion as a then gets together enough property to, t0 . .t•0l eu heir, certainly, Lc moves over 10 All( Aliany, where, ne arc told, a parent, niith the aid sif Alio best appluinces of aft, is tilde to reelig,nivii hi , r own child, ill Tito of and dual Patton said well, when ho contpat eel a sight of Pittsburg from an toljaecnt hill to a lieis of " bell. te lib the lid ,dl'." For all this, we tile !garbing, and we like the people them Coming kick after an tebsence of a week we retina l the freshet bad dime hut little (I,iniii(..e, cud that the scow, CO lately tallen, eves all gene; while the roads woe better than they bail Lien the presfint spring. A week of belay weather l,no lonoweil, and our eliects are dusty in the middle of April. Mtn with garden? to make, are .niiiking them; carpenters aro making the streets all about the town relm . with the strokes of their bar) banmii:is n ; dm fainter once again &Iles Lis Item afield, and evokes ready fur the seed time ; young leer; and maidens enjoy moon light (or starlight) strolls; the romping bays goon Will " kill the finst snake, and break the first brake ;" the children make glad tile almost days, with their tender, happy voi ors ; and all who can, enjoy the lovely Spring, jtisi now more beautiful and revivifying than is tier accustomed habit. CANTON, BRADFORD Co.—Otiee, in a moment of rashness, you aphid mu to write to your paper from this point of tbo moral vine -3 ard, atpl although months have intervent It sinee then, I date been waiting until my nun lel pond mifiimently lull to um runt 11,e hoisting of the into gate, that 31,nr tafght get the hem lit 01 a "flow of sotil."- ilia t '1,14 shaZtild be a polished communication, und.t.tand up under the heaviest It hot ot el tit have Ii it devoting tome of illy lektuqt bouts to light literature, (i.e. reading nt wspa per: t, and 1 tied that all the eurrespondenk of I ti 4 ' IL oiesuia- journals eommenee their brilliant pro- 1 dilations by giving a description of their piirsie- War headquarters. First, I live - jive:into*. And now let me say, right here, that there ere two Cantons; one is located here, and thB other is not ; this is the first mentionediduce; but in or der that they may not be confounded I will dis tinguish further, by paying that one "Canton is on the upper, and the other on the under side of the earth—this one is on top. This village is situated on the Northern Cen tral railroad, abont forty miles from Elmira, and an equal distance from Williamsport. It was located. so on purposeao as not to interfere with the prosperity and givtli of those thriving little places. Canton, as near as I can find out, was discovered by a man by the name of John Smith, who, a great many years ago, or more, floated up the Lycoming oreek on a saw log. Arriving op. posito the site of this place, the log struck_ a rif fle, and rolling threw him off: into the jnlce and he immediately named the,lplace Cant:on—the meaning of which, I suppose, was thathe eould'pt keep on the log. I don't, bet anything on do above statement; but r gave a little boy with a bolo in the elbow of his breeches whore ho sits flown, a quarter r for the above little tale; and if it does'nreost your readers any more than that, they don't need to blow, whether they believe it or not. ' Tbo country about Canton is very picturesque; and to one-born and brought up on a dead level, would ho highly interesting and immensely 'en tertaining. The chief agricultural productions are butter, cheese, garden sauce, pine and hom- ; look lumber, coal and iron ore. Liko alUlarga places, we have our points of general interest.— Boston has its Bunker Hill; Philadelphia has its Cradle of Liberty, or Independence Hall, I have Canton which; " Romp had its Canute; and Canton hae its Alinnequa. Minnequa is an Indi an name, signifying a plaeo to get a drink.— (Most places have their minnequas.) Minnequa is quite a place, but is'nt 13alf as big as its name. , It is compesed - of a big hotel, "The Minncqua House," a big barn, "The Min nequa house Barn," and a big spring, "The Min nequa Spring." The population of Minneque comprises . the, proprietor of the, hotel, his wife, two horses, a couple of new-milk cows, and a flock of sheep;—the last named individualsq however, are only staying temporarily at the springs, and I understand that they intend to sell out to a Canton butcher this spring and go, to Muttonvillo. . . The big thing at Minnequa Is the 'Spring. It is composed of some forty ingredients, the name of any, one of which would give a man the blind staggers to look at for three consecutive minutes, and an attempt to pronounce it would bring on a compound fraoturo of the jaw. It is warranted to cure all diseases, and mere toe, which we faith fully believe; and if-a person will makoian ex clusive and a steady diet of it, ho will be a con founded foul if he dies in a hurry. The contents of this spring aro called "Mineral Water," and yield about forty per cent. of pure gold to the gallon ; gallon Is four quartz). The founder-of this celebrated place is a man traveling under the classical name of PETnu.— Now there have been several distinguished men by flint name, nut I don't want your readois to get them mixed. There was.,the set iptural Peter, who seems to have been celebrated for his nowt- Wu qualities, and - Petitthe (treat, and Peter the !lentil, and Petm• TUer, lute ph in Eater ;—but this 0110 is llllolV t ii itS•agtee the llordie. This toter isieitipliatioally agi eat man. .I will stale, for tho,inlorittation ul Ilio.r who have not haul an opportunity or ',ti e in g hin t , id in t, Le Is about eleN'tqt" feet high, and weighs about the e•tele LIS the Cerdit lii,wt. Ito it supposed to he wiiith t hough to pay till tint national dell, and his tnianoint operations are on hitch it, gigantic scale, that they throw dint Fisk, Jr., so tar into (lit, that it would take a t Ire:lk of• greitsed lightning arnolith to find 111113, traveling direct. The glory iil Mihneritin is associated with the glory of Peter, just es the glory of ancient 'tome is associated with the name of its founder, ltotn ulus. I don't know of any one who pretends to know ohms ar where Peter was born, ar whether lie was laolidt up by a will wolf, or by hand; n hut i the ages to come, when 1114)11(4 - oth shall lie tliu i.ripttal ui Milinerplaitoority ; when its glory shall have oivi.hadowed the int . . Lib hamlets in its salittrbs; when the rails- of commerce shall whi ten the elan to,',llllillg t 111.111 the elightY Ships pphell elan() Ole W jeUp the Tel - Miele. et eek; when She met., the holt, and tho Wind, shall come from all pails of the earth to be heal( J at this modern lletheidit,—tlaiii Shall Milinerfu.t parents take their children on 111c11 Laces, and tell them of hat xi Wilk' rill '111';111, Putt l' the llordte, who flour ished r.rnt iii liiifore, to 111.01/1 they are (wielded t o r alltho dwindles which their eyes behold, and for all the tilessi'ligs 'whieli they en joy. (The giviog birth to these lest l'ua hues, Mr. 13diu r, has completely exhausted 'me, anti it is thought. Ikel , t for um to ttike to my bed IL ! r a few days; but you 01111 :qty. to your read q s, that mother and child arc dying well 3" end when 1 get recuperated, you may bear from me again.— to the mean time, I remain just as OSCIOLA.—The rains have descended, and the spring floods have come down the•Cow ane•rioe. No lit/oboe! damage hoe Woo alistakti ed. A " i% e" lee,. of 15'118 ;41fir ir.1 la•i Friday from Troup's ereek; on the tray to Tiihtis mill. The rise hat hcdn so lam oilildo, that ninny of the logs hays+ already arrive/1 wtl hie the Loom. ltee. J. CA out um VISA; Thursday evening bud, at the lligb School cha pel. Ilia-friends ahusved a just appreciation of lii seiviees, by their liberal gifts. yet Lain eonvereations heard 111,011 the streets, it is quite likely that. tiorernor tieary is net quite as popular In this region as he was six mouths ago. 'rho text. the !' few remarks were fiiurideit uperi," was the veto' of 'the Pinci Creek ram-mut bill. It is a 14eneral practice to extend congratula tion:, It, the newly - married. This is variously managed—aparty and a reception, or sortie such occasion, is devised to give the much coveted op• pot tunity. But a townsman of onrs• (who may Mr called A. 8., in lieu of a more definite desig nation) neglected to summon dlis friends to his wedding feast, So they presented their congrat ulations at night, with music—not exactly a con cord of sweet sounds, but such as would delight an audience at a Chinese theater. Barnum tells its iu hislentobiographY, that his business mana ger in Belgium, Professor Pirate, accounted for every questionable practice there, by using the set phrase, It's the custom of the couutry."— ThAt is perhaps the most plutisiblu excuse that could be offered fur this ehurivari. ITEM. BROOK FI ELD .—.l. remember of read ing a-composition, a short time since, which in all probability - was pi:educed by the pen of a young writer. The title. was 'lSpring," and it ended with " beautiful Winter is with us again." Sitting tit my window and trying , to .analre the true state of the weather, the nearest I oonio to it is to compare it to that composition. Yester day beautiful Spring was with us ! She came with her usual quietness ever Om brow of the hill, and standing. (hero in all her grace and 6 ' 3 .' 1 0', wiled upon Ile.' Oh that smile 1 All the coldness and gloom was dispelled, and moun tain-and vale were bathed in the warm, glad sun shine. lint presently there came along the King of Vroet, (kings hare great power, you know), and following immediately in his train—Winter. We were disappointed at this now arrival ; for way down deep in our hearts was this sincere and Marty wish thot we hurl got rid of 'these cold hearted, bard..visagell visitors for the present.--. Spring was . ittartled, and , suddenly burst into te,irs—such gentle tears, falling a , :: softly as April showers. For a moment the group aoml upon the mountain, ntrining a beunlifkal inhlean. We were in great hopes that. Spring's tear.; would melt the liar.' heart- of her ovals, but they, were not , i, , nor( ,I. They watched m her triuphantly,,as shs t.ani.lll`,l, find (her rtspi pgly at the MU rolllcliflik It il IF., V, hiell itt a • 11 4 ,, '( time eauglkt the frozen senile of their king. I his s the tine slate of the weather at piesent, ltl t 7 : :now (hilts six feet :tell in some places, and in oilier' (elates NO :•110W at till; lint instead, the ground I rortin Ea hard that the hobs are pret ty 11111 r half a tout high. And how the wind is blowing I One can almost, imagine himself at the north pole ; and indeed we might as well be, as in a phiee where I her a ire only two or three spring and summer months; Alas( where tire the April /dolly( rs, and all those tiny bright spring (lowers? Bet thank turbine, Hope is still left tie. We can look beyond this dreariness et snow and ice, and sec the time alien, bursting into new beauty, the bills shall clad themselves in green; when the rills, breaking the icy band that binds thorn, Shall dance merrily along, tier( iu the - now 4 .dtiik woods the little llowerS shall lilt up their lowly tares to he kiF,cd by the warm sunlight that than:, through . the budding 114VH. ith„Sprj lig I We 1111%1) jilt& eel for thee long ; but when thou dolt crier:, we will cry thrice welcome ! R. C. NW SPRING MILLINIIIIY A NI) FANCY COOPS. SORIELD has tottirtiod from Cho City With no toiI:6EIIIMM of Now t7uods to sow iuriten the attention of tho !attics of Wolfs born nut vicinity. Iler stook compriece a choice selection of STRAW GOODS,. LACES, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, KID GLOVES ? HA.ND-• 'KERCHIEF'S, COLLARS,' 'TANS, 141111131:01DERIES, vari cty of WHITE 00017. 'plumliful for tho generous pair nage of the past, she 1101)Cti to merit a continuance of (ha Kn nlO, Bonnets & Ilats repaired t' order, Wellshoro April 20, 1870; if X - TOTICE, is hereby given to' School Teach- IN el., that the directors of Delmer School Dis trict, w It moot at tho - -sehool house near the Del mire cideee factory to hire teachers for summer the 20th of April- at 'TO o'clock A. M.- Teachers are requested to bring with them their Pertjticatee. - The directors stilt let the building of a now, school butrio to the 14West bidder the day. Said be tit be 20 by 21 feet and a wood bnuro and privy. 12 by 13 feet. By ol der of ibe Board of direclors.- It. CAMPBELL, • Secretary. April 2i, I ,7I) 2t • N Charles Bruce: Take no tiee, iln.t. Braise K Bruce, by !kir iioat Wend, A 1.4-o, hit, ni:plitl to I l ho "Coon of Qtiitution Neon I. f Tlagoreutaity for a divorce, from tho bonds t,f matrimony, nudsth t vaiti Court • has ap pointed Mobility,' May 311 870 , nt the Court Rouge. in %Vellrboro, au che-qinao and Place of bearing the said applicant i the premises, on which occasion you can ratan if you think prd pet. JEROME B. POTTER. April 20, 1870. Sheriff. THE THREE WAYS.,=—Throtigh a rough region of the Eastern world Adoniram, the pilgrim, pursued Ids twittery journey. Near the foot of a mountain he came to a place where three ways mot, and was at a loss to know how he ought to proceed. Weary and foot-sore, be seated himself in the ehado of the rook by the wayside to rest, and fain would have rested Prig, but the - lengthening shadows admonished that the day was far spent. Ile had started in the morning cheered by. the hope that this would be the last day of his pilgrimage. For his. eyes had been gladdened by the distant view of a city, which Was the object of his hopes. But he found the journey long and Moult. Often ho had lost his way, wandering into unfrequented paths: and again ho was misled by wrong direction's given by a stranger. lio at last began to fear least the night should add its gloom to tho darkness with in. Like as a pure limpid stream exposes to view ail the stones and pebbles which lie in its bed, so the honest 'face of the 'pilgrim showed plainly the deep troublo of the soul within—But no, cartons , strangers were . there to read his ;thchights., Thestillness of tho i ciesort Wad areund him. 'Tlitiso barren 'reeks were not 'habitations for men. While thus forlorn lindidejeeted,,ho was distiarbed in his musings by theNeititi'ef a hermit _calling him : " Pilgrim, dolt thou know that I am a friend to the wanderer ? I dwell in-a secret (lave 'that I may guide the pilgrim,on his way, and toll him of thoso who have ' gone before.— Wouldet thou know of those threemaYs ? Though each of ,them bath a different course,-you they all leattOthe smile city. The road that teacloth to ward the right. is smooth and- pleiti3arit to the traveler, gentle and easy in its - ascent, 'well befit ting such, as parry burdens; and that) Who aro -week. - T,lle one before thee is ehortor , than the flist,` tint:le-rough and-more difficult to travel.— That ono on.the left would' lead thee directly up the mountain, and is the shortest-of thorn all. It is a - rough and rugged way; nono,may try it ex cept he ho able to climb with the aotivity of youth and the courage and power ef: early, manhood.— Turn thou aside with me; and when then art re freshed andreetored frogthivteariness, and bast well considered the instruction I have:given tilde, surely succeett_milLrowaidihjr_latiors, and thou :shalt gain the object of thy-b,opes." • . A•late write gives the following- humorous in terpretio this.old t legend:- Ile affirms that the Vviso - of the hermit is the - teaching. or los eons • , oriance.- , The - Restore on. ,ti pilgrim le a person titilictedvithlrome painful malady, who has started-Merin:a journey to reek , mistakes and disappointments, from false guidee and false rem edies; lie at last 'gains the right way, ivhon ho has procured abottle of &hitt/en - which is nOw the groat outside remedy for MI painful disorders. The three branches of tho reid unloading to the same termination, are three l lillferent methods in which the remedy is applied. =These tiro explained by the experience ul those echo have used it as des cribed in OA directiond accompanying each bottle. We are mrstired that Saintlier is useful in ev6ry country home, and ought to he kept for sale by all druggists, It is a novelty—there is nothing else like it. Price tilty eents. 801.1 at V1110ic:111111 by .1. T. Beckwith d Co , No. •152 lin:011W ivii 1-t et.l, New York.--:Y. 1". Ovino. eras. Paris by Sunlight and Gaslight." A work deecriptire of lio., .llyeteriee, the Vintners, ('ices, Splendors, um/ Crimes of the Citli of Pude. By Jame 4 P. McCtilie, Jr. Rational Publiehiny Co; Ph iimic/ph M. We know of nu bOok that wo have read with . inure pleasure and profit to ourselvos than this. It abounds in sparkling description of the gay Metropolis by night and (MY, and the pie tures of celebrities in that wicked but fasoinatinecity tire porfiet. No wander amidst the time-hal lowed monuments of the past, are drizzlelN by the magnificent (.1 the present, (lino in the glit toing Oates of the Patois Royal, stroll with the metry crunvds along the Boulevards, and look on it tho Jardin 'gerbille, 'when rho original Can-Pau is nightly danced to the most .imltimpt ous ',)f strains. "Our author seems to have the Ilia, d ism i uti nation of an aotist, and (taints only those pietures for his readurs which till bo glad ly seized 11[11111 and appreciated. Them is, how ever, no point ot tiny interest that Ito slights, t and ono may read this book and easil imagine himself lieholding the v e 4 thing ho reads of. It, is a forcible illustration o, the old adage, truth is stiangor than fiction," for the author has given us pl.:Ulla:3 which, though Arue to the life, are no strange and stuningly. full of romance, that 0110 Call hardly holier() them real. But the book is far from being an exaggeration! Our readers will recognize Its fairness at once by the moderation of its statements, and the abseneo of superlatives from its pages, and all who peruse it will agree with us that no more remarkable and deeply interesting book has ever been etThred to mil public for many years. Bow Can it he otlierwiso, when it is a faithful picture ot tho most Whaling city iii.tho world ? It is very tihsbrhing, and wo urn sure no one who takes it tip will put it down unread. ft is illustrated with 151) lino engravings, by tito best artists of 1. 1 •4• vl Ae. v.-- flora. [ha tier. , l'havehr. el nod mhos..., and tho letter-press is perfoor. The volume, is 140111 only by subtMriptlou. - TIltonW . 41):1 RAVI: BEEN CIIANCIED by the use of the Peruvian Syrup (a ptotoxide et iron) from weuk, Hick ly, culturing creatures, to ctretig, healthy, and happy men and women, and invalids cannot rennonably heal. tutu to give it a trial. Fur I)3spepcia and debility ft Is a specific. MARRIA&ES. JOHNSON—GRAVES—In Covington, on the sth hist, by Elder Harris Greenlaw, Mr( Jacob Johnson, tq Miss Mukluk Graves,, all of the above place. i . SP. -4 QIALA. NOTICES. A COUGH, COLD OR SORE ROtt -!. • - . . - _ . .. a ‘,,,-, Requires immediate alie n n, fr uneg :ift...OYV/V t r leet often results in an hien able Lug tIRONGHIN 'Disease. t. ii, c... ) ' :' Brown's Bronchial 'r uches .1;t001 will must invariably give Instant relief FOR BitOACIIITts,'AhTEMA, CATAIIRII, CONSUMPTIVE and TBROAT DIEEAsru, they have a soothing offeot. gNalgit.S. nid PUISY.:IO fiII'EARNRS use them to clear rind strengthen the voice. Owing to the good reputation and popularity of the Trochea.many worthloao and cheap itaitationa aro of fored, which aro good for nothing. Ite•cure to obtain the true Broivnis Bronchial—Troches, _pow) wvrirwannr. The Confessions of an Invalid, 11110.911E6 for the benefit of young ?Mai and others P who suffered from Nervous Debillty,ect.,stimilylng the means of sellmure, Written by one wLu cured hi nisei f; and Hen t li et) on receiving a poht•palil directed envelope. AdollVtlN, NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Brook lyn, N, 'Y —Om. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A (1 b:NTLEMAN who suffered for years from Ner vous Debility. Pioniature ll:•cay, and all no youthful indlwclutiou, will, for the sake of suffering inanity, semi free to all wha need it, the receipt and dii ecoons for making the 'dimple reined) by witkli he %VIVI 111 , 4. :1111e1 by the adi or train 'slexpertenca, ran do so by addrecßing in perfect confidence • JOHN It. 01.11)EN. Ma N 0.42 Cedar Sti cot, New York. —••- , . TO CONSUMPTIVES, Tilt, Atlverilse'r,having been restored to health in a few weeltc,hy a very simple remedy, aster having suf f,n•od several years %%Mt a coveie lung affection, and that dread (Ikons°, Consuruption—ic ituxioua to wake known to hie fellow.sufterers the means ofcure, To all , who desire it, he will sond'a copy of the pro acription mud (11v43 of charge,) with the directions ter preparing and using the Lame, which they will find a MIME CURE. Pall O,Ciit9rITIPTIoN, AerilDll, 11110NellIT/11, Cite. told( et of the advertiser in sending the Proscrip tion Is to benefit the afflicted, and spited information which Ito conceives to he invaluable; and he hopes every sufferer will tiy lila remedy, us it will cost them) nothine„,aud may prove a hissing, PartieliNi Wittig the prescription, will &once 'Attract, Itee .EDWAI2.I) A. WILSON, Williamsburg, It into County, N. Y: May Absolute DiVOIV,CB legally obtained in New York, Indiana, Illinois and other States, for persons frnin any State or 'Country, legal every where; desertion, drunkenness, non-support, etc., sufficient cause; uo publicity; no charge until diverse obtained. Advice free. Business estab lished fifteen years.-3m. A titlreoo. M. HOUSE, Attorney, , Nu. 7ti Niumatt Street, Now• York City. Wall Paper, Window Paper& Cloth Shades. SPRINO STOCK ion 1870.—Hugh Young A: Co. have just, received their first installment of Wall 'Paper, Window Paper, and Cloth Shades, for Spring trade, which will ho sold cheaper than ever. llorders, Window Fixtures, Cords, Tarr! els, Gilt Cornices, Picture nails, and everything else that belongs to the trado. Come and price our goods, and examine them before purchasing elsewhere. Specimens and prices sent 'by mall to any part of the county. 'N. B. Our stock is the largest ever brought into the county, and wo 'don't intend to bounder sold.• YOUNG & Co. Wellstwiroi March fli 1870.-tf - . - CAMPAIGN OF 1870. , s a "Ct *Zr..A. I4 X•rX)"4. 4 . I p e rl - New Spring Goods AT TILE PEOPLES STOR_?, OUR STOCK IS NOW VERY COMPLETE 'in all Ito branches, and Prices down to the standard of Gold . at par. Oar STOCK OF CLOTHS is very large, and wo make Clothes to order when desired. Our CARPET STOCK is tho largest in this section of the State, and price_ 10 to 20 per cent lower than last year. Linen and Wilito Goods aro as low as before the war. We keep the Buff alo Brand Black Alpaqa, which Madam Lamer est, Frank Leslie and Barpers'. Barnar unite in pronouncing the best Alpaca in market; also the limier Brand pura , Moltuirs, a splendid ar ticle, and full atsortindnt. The UNITED STATES TEA COMPANY, ~I ~~ send ue with the last invoice just reatilved, the following TIC/- ties: "We propose after April Ist, 1870, to peek a cortiOicate for an elegant Silver Plated Tea Service, daily, in ono pound package. The certificate when found, will be forwarded to us through our agents, and they will deliver the service to the fortunate party." We ao the agants for the Company, and we can assure our cuatoiners t that their T E .A. IS are cheaper than i they_ can ho sold at retail, be aides the chance !of getting a „ Tea Sctt. 14n rolicit a,oall from all the citizens of Tinga oounty - and—vi.iinity, visiting Corning, and we assure them that they eh all be kindly and fair ly treated, and we will do them good. SMITH & WAITE Corning, April 20, 1870. ' • - .. Wholesale and Retail • DRUG STORE ! fly W. C. KRESS.. LOTS SPRING GOODS. pia subscriber will keep cal nand at all times a fall stock of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, Patent Medicines, Flavoring Extracts, Perfumery, Kerosene, Lamps, Wicks, Dye Colas, White Wash Lime and Brushes, - ' Varnish nd Sash Brushes, Vindow al all sizes, V rnish of all kin • ' lulu Soaps, Hair Oils, SPECTACLES, Ifai r and Tooth Brushes, a . full stock jof nnkee also a complete au ' sortment of lionsiroprithie ]Medicines, and a full stock of Pure Wines and Liquors. Buyers are roquasted to call and oxamine pri ces I.eforo purchasing elsowbore. Apr. 20, 1870 Notice rip lIP, COLI.VTOItS of the several townships iii Tiegit county, having duplicates in their bands which remain unsettled foryear 18119, with balance of tax duo the county are requested to settle the game before or during the next term of court, and for balances duo the county from de linquent collectors on duplicates for any pre vious year, if not settled within said time, ,00sts will be mode. The county, tld seen by the Auditors report is paying interest on a large amount of money, and derlying no benefit from a large sum which . must be collected. April 20ih, 1870-4 w. ROBT. C. COX: Treas. Tioga Co. Pa HARTER'S PERIODICALS. TERMS FOR 1870. HAMPER'S MAGAZINE, One Year $4 00 'HARPER'S WEEKLY, One Year 400 HARPER'S HAZAR, r One Year 400 HARPER'S MAGAZINE, HARPER'S WEEKLY, and HARPER'S BAZAR S to ono address, for one year, $lO 00; or any two for $7 00. An ,extra Copy of either' the Magazine, Weekly, or Bazar, will be sppplied gratis for every Club,•' of Five Subsoribera at $4 00 each;in one remittance ; or, Six Copies for $2O 00, with out- extra copy. • Ihrtezres MitaAzt Nz contains nearly Double the Amount of Matter furnished in the Galaxy, The Atlantic, Putnam, or Lippincot. It exceeds in about the same ratio any English Magazine of the same general class. A Net► Story. splendidly Illustrated, by WI/hia Collins (Author of "The Woman in White," "No Name." "Arm:Adele," and "The Moonstone"), will be,commeneed in Harper's Weekly in No vemher, Pertons desiring to renew their Subscriptions to Harper's Periodicals will much oblige the Publishers by sending in their Names as early as convenient before the Expiration of their present Sub'svriptions. This will obviate the delay at tetittint upon re-entering names and mailing back Numbers. r New Subscribers will be eupplied with either of tho above Periodicals from the•present time to tho end of the pear 1870 for Four DoHare. Address HARPER do BROTHERS, New York. Now York, Oot. 15,18811. s2s — lar TU F S emily LBC) 8 o ld w i l n id g Pri g j ih ki n D e T . wip h t e y.F e it ie le a del - met Glass Machine in the Market. Agents tvantetr a itt every Town. Liberal commiteion allotted. For terra' and circular, adhere, A. 8. iIkVILTON, Gen. Agent, No. 700 Oheetnnt 81., Philadeldhia. Fa. Clothing CLOTHING! , BOYS AND ODILDRELI THE subscriber is now receiving a full and complete stock of bought since the petal decline iti pricee, acid which he now offere on the moat liberal terms. Wellabor°, April 13, 1870 it if R. THOMAS HARDEN has a very choice in article of the Swedish Alsike Clover Seed. which ho is offering at very low figures. This is the hoseseed ofercd to the public, ,as our best farmers will testify. Call and see. April j 3, 1870. TIIOS. HARDEN. Sewil Machine Agents Wanted, W & WI LSON Sewhig Machines, 1 - 11 ' EiX counties iu Pennsylvania. Wagons fur nished, and the mast liberal terms to agents and purchasers. No capital required. Address or eat! on PETERSON d;CARPENTER, First National Bank, • April 13, '7O-tf • Williamsport, Pa. P;4;4 ; P ; P TO TUE WORKING CLASS.—Wo nro now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at home, the wnole of the time or for the spare moments. Business now, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from 60c. to $6 per evening. and a pro. portional sum by devoting t heir whole time' to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as.rnuch as men. That all who see this notice may send theiraddress, and test the business, we mako this unparalleled offer : To such as are not well satisfied, wo will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a vain able sample, which will do to commence work on, end a copy of The People's Literary Cbmpanfon—one.of the largest and best family newspapers published—all sent free by mail. Render, if you want permanent, profi table work, rddress E. C. ALLEN & CO., Augusta Maine. March 16, 1870.-8 m FOR SALE. , • A Finns.. and lot on Pearl Street,-2d house A South of district school house. Enquire on the premises. The subscribers are now receiving new goods almost daily, suited to the trade of this senaon of the year, and we can and are willing to make it an object to all per sons who are prepared to buy auoh - gooda early, to buy'of um: as we think we. can claim safely to save them an average of - 1 on the prices of any ow ut n go ode, and alto' a saving of contideraide more than interest on whet the prices will he when business is active.. BROWN TABLE S LINENS, ItALP BLEACHED TABLE` LINENS BLEACHED TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, TEA DA LA S; SCOTCH. DIAPERS, SHIRTING LINENS, BROWN CRASHES, LINEN . BOSOMS, &C., AC., is marked at fail twenty-rive per cunt. deed time the prices at which we sold our many goods la dt teason. • W. C. KRESS _ k \ • BLEACHED SHIRT I NOS, BROWN SII IRT INGS, BROWN SIIEt'TI NUS, • TIC KINGS, DENIMS, STRIPES AND NEWEST STY LES IN PRINTS, NEWEST S'LIYLES IN GINGH A MS, &C., Whioh wo aro selling at a Small advance on the present iow rate of prices in wholesale markets I ! ,i li . 1 1 4 . - Boots a d . - Shoes. ~._. y LADIES' SERGE POLISH BOOTS. LADIES SERGE BUTTON BOOTS. LADIES' PEBBLE GOAT POLISH I LADIES PEBBLE GOAT BUTTON BOOTS. BOOTS. And shell keep a still larger stock this season than last, and 'also cell theta at a slight reduction in prices, as we have been enabled to get a off of several of our leading makes, and in all cases where we do so, we give our customers the benefit of it. We increased otm sales in this department last year about 20 per cent. over the year before, and hope to do the same this year. NEW GOODS, AT LOW PRICES, and help you make your money buy more goods, per dollar, than for a good many years: ' 1 J. A. Parsons & Co. CLOTHING, THOMAS HARDEN Clover Seed. TO .SELL LEAILAI EARLY SibRING TRADE TWENTY-FIVE OUR LINEN STOCK IS ENTIRELY NEW, IME CRA SH ES, HUC K ABM( TOWELING, BOR DERED TOWELS, FRINGED TOWELS, TABLE' SPREADS, Our Domestic' Stock, we are new Jibing up with all the desirable makes in 1 We aro also adding largely to onr stock of Boots and Shoes, putting in as fast as possible, newest styles in gar - Come and see us, and we will show you an:attractive stock of Corning, Feb. 9, 1870. - • DISSOLUTION. T" . 'partnership :heretofore existing under the firm name of Lounabury dr, Kimball, was dissolved by mutual coneent, April 1,1870. The hooka are in the bootie of Mr.lounebury, and all persons owinertaid firm aro rot/pleated to call and settle immediately, at Dartt's shop on Main street. The undersigned has leased the smith shop of Mr. Dartt, on Main street, and will continue the blacksmithing backless at that place hereafter. All the old customers and now ones ore invited to call. R., LOUNBDDRY. April 6, 1870. 8t PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES For Ow Million, ai Maroh 16,1870-tf. W. 0. KRESS. • E. H. Harris? t CELEBRATED BAKING POWDERS ( for sale by Feb. 2, 1870. P: IL. WILLIAMS & CO, ADMINIETRATOR'S NOTICE,--Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Clarissa E. Bry an, Into ofJaakson township, deo .ased, all per sons indebted to said docedent or elaimingligninat the same, mint settle with M. K. RETAN, March 18, 1870.-81* . Adm'r. The Place to Buy Groceries, L. F. TRUMAN, MANG takoa tho Store formerly occupied by John R. Bowen fur dry gouds, and con verted it into a GROCERY & PROVISION everything fresh and good alto Lo fonnd hero, and at prices to'ploase. TEAS, COEFF,ES, SUGARS, MO LASSES, FTSTI, &0., &C., Call and see us, that we may at i mvirme you et the fact that our motto id, "Cheap, Quiok Sales, amid Small Profits." L. F. TRUMAN Mrollsboro, Feb. 23, 1870-t i. 1 j_ ltS. E. E. I(iiiibull kill be found hereafter in her new goal tors, over Young and Co.'s bookstore. She has just received lots of SPRIN I I MILLINERY, to to,ieh the invites the attention of the ladies of Wellsboro and vicinity. MRS. E EACIfiII3ALL. April 13, 1870. ly • FRESH GROUND PLASTEIi BY T. L. BALDWIN, & CO. s7',4l)*() pea• ton. !rwars r Oats. IHAVE for sale forty bushels of the genuine Ramsdell Norway Oats; being part of 77/I bushels raised from 23 quarts sown on of an acre. The seed from which the above oats were raised, was bought in Now York city, from the sole.agents far the sale of the genuine Ramsdell Norway Onts.• It. S. ARCHER. Washer°, Feb 2;1870.,' 3m GOODS FOR PER, and every article in it, enneb.ting cif SMALL DISCOUNT\ ESTABLISHMENT, to huit all MIIIMNERY. AT 'I7I.OGA, CENT OPFIOE-0P 'FIST. &BM i3ANJURS AND DEALERS IN GOV- ERNMENT SECURITIES,: •No, 5 - Nassan Streot, New York, FEBRUARY 15th, 1870. The• 1- :remarkable success which attended our,— negotiation of the loans of the Central Facific Railroad Company and the Western Pacific Rail,' road Company,• and the popularity and credit". • which those loans have, maintained in the maL l . kots; both in this country and Ezkrope, have ehown that the First Mortgage Benda of wisely located and honorably managed railroads are promptly recognized and readily taken as the most suitable, safe ancl advantageous form of investment, iolding a more liberal income than can hereafter be derived from governmeatboncie; and available to take their place; Assured that, in the selection and negotiation of superior railroad loane, we are meetin g a great public want, and rendering a valuable service— both to the holders of capital and to those 'great national works of internal improvement whoeo intrinsic merit and substantial character 'entitle them to the use of capital and the confidence of investors—we now offer with special confidence and satisfaction the FIRST MORTGAGE RONDS I laloll3 CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO R. R CO. Tho Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, connect- • ing the Atlantic coast and the magnificent lair bora of the Chesapeake bay with the Ohio river, ; at a point of reliable navigation, and thus, NV the entire railroad system and water tranaportae tion of the great West and Southwest, FORMEI THE ADDITIONAL EAST it WEST TRLITK LINE, so imperatively demanded for the accotn modation of the immense and rapidly growing transportation between the Atlantio seaboard and Europe on the ono hand, and the great pro ducing regions of tho Ohio and Mississippi val leys on the other. TIIE IMPORTANCE OF THIS ROAD AS A NEW OUTLET FROM THIWEST TO THE SEA, MAGNIFIES I INTO o. one of national consequence, and insnr4 to it an extensive through traffic from the day of its com pletion ; while, in the development of the ex tensive agricultural end mineral resources of Virginia and West Virginia, , it possesses, along its.:wholo the olemonts ?f a large and prof itable local business. Thus the great interests, both general and lo cal, which demand the completion of the Chesa peake and Ohio Railroad to the Ohio river, af— ford the surest guaranty of its success and value, 6 AND IT THE MOST IMPOR- TANT AND SUBO'ANTIAL RAIL ROAD ENTERPRISE NOW IN PRO GRESS IN THIS COUNTRY. , Its superiority as an East and West route, and the promise of an immense and profitable trade awaiting its completion, have drawn to it the at tention and cooperation of prominent capitalists and railroad men 9f this. city, of sound judg ment and known integrity, _whose connection with it, together with that of eminent citizens and business men of Virginia and West Virginia, INSURES AN ENERGETIC, HONORA BLE AND SUCCESSFUL MANAGE MENT. The roaci l is completed and in operation from Richmond -to the celebrated White Sulphur Springs of West Virginia, two hundred and twen ty-seven miles, and there remain but two hun dred miles; now partially constructed) to be corn plated, to carry it to the propoitel terminus - on the Ohio river, at or near the of the Big 'dandy river, ono hundred and fifty miles above Cincinnati, and three hundred and fifty miles be low Pittsburg. i Lines are now projected or in progress through Ohio and Kentucky to- this point, which will connect the - CHESAPEAKE ANDOHICJ WITH THE ENTIRE RAILROAD SYSTEMS OF THE WEST AND SOUTHWEST; AND THE PACIFIC RAIROAD. Its valuable franchises and superior advanta ges will place the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Company among the richest and most powerful and trustworthy corporations of the country ; AND THERE EXISTS A PRESENT VALUE, IN COMPLETED ROAD AND WORK DONE, EQUAL T 1) THE EN TIRE AMOUNT OF THE MORTGAGE. The details of the loan have been arranged with special reference to the wants of all classes of investors, and combine the various features of convenience, st 7, ant protection against loss or fraud. Tho bonds are in denominations of $lOOO, $5OO and $lOO. They will be issued ail Coupon Bonds, payable to bearer, and may be bid in that form; or The bond may be rekibtered in the name of tho owner, with the cunt - ons remaining pttable •to honrer attached, thei4sicipal being then trils forcible only - en the books of the company, un- Jose ro•assigned to borer.; or The coupons may be detached and cancelled, the bond made a peritittlient registered bond, trans fernble.only on the hovlts of the company, and the interest made payable onlj , to the registered owner or his attorn.,y. Tho throo olibo be Lninvn reqleetivoly " Coupon Pond pa,yable to bear- 2d. " .ficwistercd Bands with coupons attached." " lhgistE rtd Ii inds with coupons detached." • And should ho so d_signated by correspond— ents in specifying the elassof itionds desired. They have TIII.IITYI YFIAII.,S to run from January 15, MU. 16..1i - interest:at sil per cent. pur annum from November 1, 149. Principal and interest payable in gold in the eit it of .lVcw York. ' Th 0 interest is payable in MAY and NOVEM BER, that it may take the pkco of that of the elrlier issues of Fi,e-Twenties, and suit the con venience 61 our friends wto already hold Central and 'Western Pacific bonds, with 'interest paya— ble in January and July, and who may desire, in making additiorl investments, to have their interest receivable. at dsfferent seasons of the year. 31:1 The loan is secured by a mortgage upon the entiro lino of road'from 10 hmond to the Ohio river, with the equipment d all other property and appurtenances connect d therewith. A SINKING FUND OF $lOO,OOO PER AN NUM IS PRG - VIDED "FOR THE REDEMP— TION OF THE BONDS, TO TAKE EFFECT ONE YEAR AFTER THE COMPLETION OF THE ROAD. • Tho mortgage is for $15,000,0000, of which $2,000,000 will be reserved and held in trust for" the redemption of outstanding bonds of the Vir ginia Central Railroad Company, now merged in the Chesapeake and Ohio. Of the remaining $13,000,000$ a sufficient amount wilt be sold to complete the road to the y Ohio river, perfect and improve the portion now in operation, and thorougly equip the whole for ) a large and active tratlie. The present price is 90 and accrued interest A loan so amply secured, so carefully guarded, and so certain hereafter to command a b promi— nent place among the favorite secOitios in the markets, both of this country and Europe, will be at once appreciated and quickly absorbed. Very respectfully, FISK I & HATCH. ••• P. S.—We have issued pampble l ts containing full particulars, statistical details, maps, etc., which will-be furnished upon application. jWe buy and sell goiernment bonds, and receive the accounts of banks, bankers, corpora tions, and others, subject to check at sight, and allow interest on daily balances. mar 2 70 ME I= BANKERS EIN