The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, April 20, 1870, Image 1

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I* Jno. !. Mitchell.
p. C. Van Gelder.
:,übscrlD tion, (per,year)
So. Stfre.••• I lin. 3ln 4 /DB I 3Mos ti,6loa 11Yr
,00841 I 4,00 I 8,00 12,00 I 18,00
S,FCTIIS,OO 117,001 22,00130,00) 5.0.00
\ OO la 00 1 pop 1 48,00c-ity:foii:ol)
ga- Special Notices 16 cents per lino; .Editorial or
Leval '2O cents per line.
Tiansieet advestising MUST be paid for in advance.
Ariusticci Maki!, Constable Blanks, Deeds, d udg
went-Notes, Marriage Certificates, &c., on hand.
- tan Gelder & Mitchell,
Book, Plain and Fanny Job Printers. -' All work
propaptly and neatly exeeu”d.—Jan. I, 1870
• •
Sulith:& . Merricki
Attorneys it Ociuoselore at Law. Insurance,
Bounty and Pension Agency, Office on Main
Street, Wollsboro Pa, opposite Union Block.
Jam 1. IVO. W. 11. Sirrry.
Sieley ) Coates & Co.
13ANKER,S, Knoxville, 'Tioga, County, Pa.—
Receive: money on dopOsit, discount notes,
and sell drafts on Nets York City. Pollect
ions promttly mado.--LDoo. 1889-Iyo
ii Juo. W. Adam's/ •
attorney and Counselor at Law, Mansfield, Tioga
county, Pa. Collections proniptly attended
to. Jan. 1, 1870.
duo. 1. Mitchell . ,
Attorney and Counselor at Law, Claim, and In-
Euraueo Agent. Office over Kress' Drug Store,
adjoining Agitator Office, Vollsboro, Pa.
Wilson 'Niles, Niles,
Attorneyji and Counselors nt Law. Will atrond
promptly to business entrusted to th4ir ear° in
the counties of Tioga and Potter. Office Cu
the Avenue, Jan. 1, 1870.
John W. Guernsey,
Attorney and Counselor at Law. All business
ontruatod to him will be promptly attended to.
Oleo 23 door south of II azlett's Hotel, 'nose,
Tiogn County, Pa.—Jan. I, 1810.
Wm. B. Sinai')
Pendell, Bounty and Insurance Agent. Com
munisations sent to the abOve address will re
ceive prompt attention. Terms moderate,
'Knoxville, Pa.—Jan. 1, 1870.
Seymour & Horton,
Attorneys and (Manselors la law, Tioga Pa.
All business entrusted to their care will receive
prompt attention
v. 11. Santora
W. D. Terbell & Co.,
Wholesale Druggists, and dealers in Wall Paper,
Kerosene Lamps, Window Ulass, Perfumery,
Paints, Oils, tto., ac.—Corning, N. Y. Jan. 1 '7O.
D. Bacon, M
Physician and surgeon. Will attend: promptly
to all calls. Office on Grafton Streot, in tear of
the Meat Market, Wellsbero.—Jan. 1, 1870.
E. S. Perkins, M. D., 1
Respectfully announeeu to tho ()Rialto •of Ehlgt
Charleston and vicinity, that ho would bo grate
ful fur their patronage. Jan. 1 1870. , '
'A. M. NgJul% BL. 8.,
Homoeopathist, Office at
.his Residence on the
Avenue.-Jan. 1, 1870. -
Geoygii - Wagner, `
Tailor. Shop firatflOor north of Robar6 44.. Bail
,oy's Hardware Store. Cutting, Fitting and Re
,pairing done promptly and ,well.—Jan. 1, 1870.
John Etuer,
Tailor and Cutter. Shop opposite Dartt'sl Car
riage Shop, Main_ St., whero he is prepared to
do work promptly and neat.—Jan. 1, 1871.
Thomas B. Brydap,
Surveyor and Draftsman; Orders left at his
room, Townsend /louse, Weilsboro, will meet
with prompt attention.—Jan. I, 1870.' •
E. (*ley,
Dealer in Olocks and. Jewelry, Silver and Plated'
Ware, Spectacles, Violin Strings, .Sr c. Watch
es and Jewelry neatly repaired. Engraving
done in plain English and German.—Mansfield,
Pa., Jan. 1, 1870. .
Petroleum House,
‘lreettleld, Pa., Alio. CLOSE, Proprietor. A new
Hotel conducted on the principle of live and
let live, for tho accommodation oftho public.
Jan. I, 1870.
Hazlett's Hotel,
'flop, Tioga County, Pa. Good atabling attach
ed, and an attentive hostler always in attona
•ance. Cleo. W. Hazlett, Prop'r.--San. I, 1670.
MIN Hotel,
Menneld Borough; Tioga co., Pa. E. bi.
Proprietor. A new and commodious blinding
with all tho modern improvements. Within
easy drive of the best hunting and fishing
Grounds in ;lord/era Perin'a. Conveyances
furnished.. Terms moderate —Jan. 1 1870.
Smith's Hotel,
Tiog.t, Pa., E. M. Smith, Pioprietor. Route in
good condition to aecoMmodate tho traveling
public in a superior mannor.--..-Jan. I, 1810.
Sohn Mclntosh,
beater in Vermont and Italian Marble, mann
facturer of Monutnents;Tomb-Stones, Ste., eta
nor Market and Cedar Sts.. Corning, N. Y. Al
orders promptly and neatly executed. An
, drew Van l Dueeu, Agent.—Jan. 1, IS7O.
Farmers' Hotel.
B. MONROE, Proprietor. This house, formerly
' occupied by E. Fellows, is conducted on tem
peraueo prineiplos. Every neorumodOon
for man and beast. Chargos roam) able.
Morel, 30, .11370.-0.
'l l l-1M G-31VE!
W.ll,,hltE delicious Ico Cream, French Con
fectionary, all kinds of fruits in their
teaon, a nice dish of Tea, Coffee, or Chocolate,
and Oysters in their season—can be had at all
hours, sowed, in the boat style. Next door be
low Roberts k i llailey's Hardware Store, Main
Wo'Moro, Jan / . 1, 1870
Oyer Wiiaon & Van Traikenburg's SlQre, in the
nnoinlatcly occupied by Benj. Seeley.
BOOTS AND SHOES of all kinds made to
order and in the best manner.
itSPAIRINGof all kinds done promptlyand
good. Give ds scan.
Wellbburu, Jun. 1, ft3To.—ly.
• •
' The Charleston School Directors will meet at
\be , Young's school hotire in Charleston, on the
;atb:day of April 1870, to hiro teachers nod con
tract for Wood. Contract\ for wood at, 10 unlock
4 ' 31 . !lire teachers at 1 ai'clock P. U.
Teachers are requested to bring their certifi
April 13, 1870-2 w. • Sec'y,
Nirhich can only be done by preourng good
genuine seed. I have a few bushels log
°f the genuine Ramsdell Norufy Oats, which I
will sell at $5 per Bushel. I also have for trile
the justly celebrated. Buckley, Soodling Potato,
Sceilling from the chili it $2 per bushel. ,
The. potatoes can be procured hors, and at my
in Pa.
April 13, 1870—tf. L, 0. 13ENNET --
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fEn. NILEd
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594 BR
s of Excellence.
Elasticity of Stitch., .
nd Simplicity of Machinery.
threads directly from the spoola.
i g of seams by band and no waste
Beauty au.'
Using both
No tastoni.
of thread.
of applicatiun without change of
Wide rang
The seam rkains its beauty and firmness of:
ter washing and ironing. ,
Besides doing all binds of work done by, other
Sewing Mac ines these Machines execute the
most beautifu 'and i permaeont Embroidery and
ornamental 'rk. _
.),,' 2 " . 'l`he highest Premiums at all the fairs
and exhibitions of the United States and
Europe, have been awarded the Grover:4 faker
Sowingg i Machin i es and the work done by:thent,
whereviir exhibited in competition.
Off-The very highest prize, THE CROSS
OF THE LEGION OF HONOR, was conferred
on the representative of the Urover & Baker
Sewing Itlaohinos, at the Exposition
Paris, 1867, thus attesting their groat euperlor-
Hy over all other Sowing blachinee•
Jan. 1, 1870-tf. •
New Tobacco Store I
THh subscriber has fitted up the Store first
duor,tlast Thomas Haitian's dry goods store,
far the intinufaoture end sale of
CIGARS, (all grades), Fancy and Common
SMOKING TO BA CO o,Michigan Fine Cut
CHEWING, and all kinds of
PLUG TOBACCO, PIPES, and the choi
cest Brand of CIGARS.
4- Call and eoo for youreolvee.
Wolleburo, Jan. 1, 1870—tf.-
New Tannery
rHE undersigned has fitted up the old Fouu
tdry buildin , near the Brewery, Wollsboro,
and is now prep ed to turn out tine calf, kip,
cowhide, and h floss loather in the best man
ner. Hides tanned on shares. Cabb paid for
hides. M. A. DIIIIIF.
Wollsboro, Jan. 1, 1670.
Wellsboro inakerv.
T J. BURG IN would say to the citizens of
tl . Wollsboro and vicinity that he
_is l,re•
pared•to supply thorn with
of'' the best quality. Wo also servo meals to
Ithbeq who wish. OYSTERS always on 'hand,
!lei sale, and served if desired. Call at the idd
.:Ste'veue' stand. J. J. ItElltilN.
I Fob. P, 1870-ly.
T HAVE twenty-live bushels of the genuine
Ramsdell Norway oats, being part of Mfty
bushels raised from one bushel sowing. The
seed from which the above oats were raised,
was bought in New York City from the sole
agents of the genuine Ramsdell Norway,Onts.—
Price. $5 per bushel. Address,
Feb. 16, '7o—t.f. Wcllsboro, Pa.
/ BORDEN koops oonstantly on
hand: Pure Drugs and Medicines,
• Chemicals, Paints and Oils, Lamps,
-, Stationery, Yankee Notions , feu.
11. 11. BORDEN
Tiogd, Jan. I, 1870.-1 y
FOR BALE. 870.
(formerly B. C. Wiokbam's Nursery)
60,000 Apple Trees,
10,000 Pear Tree§.
A gcod s — ulipLysid PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY
The Fruit trees are comr•sa-of the choicest
yarieties, good, healthy, some of them largo and
i.n bearing. Any ono wishing to get a supply
will do well to call and see my stock before ur
chasing- Delivered at tho tic ot,
ti l
elsewhere. Alir
Wellsboro, Mansfield, Lawrenceville and lil iss
burg, free of charge. All orders promptly IMO.
t. Address, T. B. STONE, •
Tioga, Pa,.
Tioga, Dec. 8, 1869-Iy*
Get the Best:
Mrs. A. J. SOFIELD, is agent for that su
which everybody likes who tries it. It is a beau
tiful Machine, never gets out of order with fair
Osage, sews rapidly Ind strong stitch, and is
perfectly noiseless. I
_X-gr Machines rented by the week.
Nov. 17,1809-a, Mrs. A J. SOFIIiI.D.
House and Lot for Sale
OUTII of Mansfield, Tioga county, Pa ,
in easy walking distance of the churches,
State Normal School, House in good order,
good size, and convenient. Excellent well and
cistern water close to the door., Lnt contains
about acre, and bats a number of choice fruit
trees, grape vines, fie. A,pleasant and .dosirablo
home, and a-ill he Sold at a low figure. Address
or inquire of J. N. I.IeXCV.
Mansfield, March 23, 1870. tf
House j. Lot for Sale.i
AG"E"House and barn, on a lot of two
acres, within ten minutes walk of the
Court House, Wellaboro. is offered for sale. In
quire of John I. Mitchell, Esq,,Wollsboro.
San. 25. 1870-tr.
For sale by
March 16, 1870-tf
Vi , ie—
It Rtnbraces I'dury YrAhs 11.FCOLLICTIONS nt hfflltiy
Iffe, as a Merchant ,Manager,-Ilanker, Lecturer and
Fhowman.arid glees accounts of ;his Imprisonment,
hls Failure, his Successful European Tour N. and Im
portant Historical arid Personal iniiren yes, re
plete with Humor Anecdotes and Entertaining Nlitra.
tyre. No book published so acceptable to all - classes.
Every one Wants it. Agents are selling from fdt to 100
a week. We offer extra terms. Our Illustrated Cate
lopre and terms to Agents sent friss.
.1 13. BMOC & CO., Publishers, Hartford, Conn.
have a quantity of early Rose which I, will
warrant genuine,. also, Clymax, Bresse's Po
hfie, ExCelsior and,several other varititibs which
will be sold at reasonable prines.
April 13, 1870—iit* ' Wm. HARRISON.
11. ,Art -
' Amstrong - )
4Two,.:ll4striYs. - AT,-'L'Aw, ••
Aiig. 1869-4 y. ,
',WE1.J.,80110, PA.
edir .
I, c'
GOLD pR XL ER proQKs,,
With most other articles usually koi)t in such
eetablidituent, which is cold low for
Repairing dune neatly, and promptly, and on
January 6,1870-Iy. , .
can save a good percentage, us we must ;nuke
,lari if, 1809-tf,
Watchmaker and Jeweler.
A huge assertmfnt of
Engraving done in a )t style.
Corning, Dec. 15, 1869. 1 , D. DUDLEY,
trio. 10, Market fit.
E i X EOUTORS' NOTloE.—Letters Tostawen
tary having been grantedpon the last will
and testaatent of John -Level ood, deceased,
late of Libotty, all persons indebted to or claim
ing against said estate, aro requested to Bottle
1. IL 11 7 1011.1 NE,
Liberty, March 23, 1870. llt Exoo'rs.
The Richardson Washer.
WE the undersigned do hereby say to all—
that we have tried this machine, and
think it far superior to any we ever sate. It
washos„complete, and, works with ,perfoot , ease—
only requlrirvaboot ofrm tent h7the. robo'r of com
mon washers. We think it cheap', simple and
durable. It does not wear the clothes, but sim—
ply cleanses from all dirt. And we cheerfully
recommend it to all; it poin g now canvassed for
with great success. March 2, 1870..8t
Mrs. Jerome Smith,
Mrs. William Mothers,
" Mary A Dewey; " George Parker,
" ChristinaWetkins,l" Nettie Watkins,
" Lewis Holmes, " P. C. Van Gelder.
Mr: M. O. Sutton is the only authprizeil . Agent
is this locality. Mar. 2-Pt.
THE undersigned is' nowprepared to axe
cute all orders for Tomb Stones and Montt
merits of either
of the latest style and approved workmanship
and with dispatch.
lie keef,s constahtly on hand both kinds of
Marble and will be able to suit all ;who :Enay fa
vor him with their orders, on as reasonable tepne
as can be obtained in the country. -
Tioga,Jan. 1, 1.870-tf.
.39000 CORDS hemlock bark; at the Tioga
tan eery. For good, tuereliantable
beta, four feet long, mid well cured; five ;dollars
per - cord will he pftid;if delivered before Nov. 1,
'Doge; Alareb 28, IS7O. &w , ,
3fi f in CORDS hemlock bark wanted at
l vkik./ . 'the Middlebury •t tnnery tr—Tur
which $4 40 poi cord will tie' . paid.,:if'deliveiid
in no ;plod condition .and nt same ti l metts above.
As arrintlueeinent tri petillinrk . ; - We 'will' buy a
few hundred thouotind.feet'nf betrilek ]o,#o, do
livered at our mill, nt‘ the market 1:, ce. '
0. - B. LO LI, & 00.
w i
Mitroh 28, 1870. Ow
r: , _ 4
ttlio bas "/onit bo?rt, fatal :
lisho4 in lhe; . ;ionAti bust
nefla tins :al
ways on sale, variottli
kinds and prices of
&c., &e„ tte
C A S H.
Tioga, Pa.
All those wishing
room for other
Tioga Marble Works.
oko, PA., WEDTESDA, MORNING, APRIL 20, 1870.
For SIAJ!,e= py" • •
.n, P. ROBERTS. RE4l3rl,
. Y o rk
February, 18,1876-tf.:
Vniciii Academy., ,
OE Spring Term: - Of strtitott' AcAnnitr will
,Oommenoo on Tunikdai , , garet 114,1370.
Tuition $5, to $7.
Room Rent and Wood ;.. $5,50.
Board per week, $3,00.
A Teacher's -Ohm will be orgapised at the
c°l3ll°°4°°°/ent of the Were .for the instruction
of those wishing to teaoh during the Summer.—
For further information, address
Deerfield, Feb. 9,16—54 •E. MORTON.
‘,.; •
7s T. e
.# 4ger• WELLSBORO, PA.
AB. EASTMAN'hits the largest stook of
e teeth ever kept in Tiogacounty, Alsoa
NEW imPnovaitittir i never. before offered_to the
public, With whicl.he can kivo more perfeet - sets
of .teeth than - oan Possibly be made on any other
plati yet known. [Soil testimonial at'the office.)
Nitrous mail° gas administered with.yemarita
ble effect; rendering tho extraction of teeth pain
less, and even pleasant. Two new and complete
gasometers lb operation, furnishing a full sup
ply of freak 'gas at all times..
Spacial atlontion paid to filling and preserve
tion of tho natural tooth. Prices to suit all.
Fob 2 '7O tf
Planing & Matching.
with rapidity and exactness, with our now Ma
chines. Try it '
see. B. T. VANHOWN.
Wollsboro, Jan.l, 1870.
IN the ostste of Frederick Welty, dcc'd. In
the Orphan's Court of Tiogo County, Vanua.
No. 14, November Term, 1869
To Mary Ann NV olty, widow of said decedent,
Philip Welty, Mary Jane Foulkrod, Lucy Ann
Wilkins. Hannah Hart, Sarah M. Shepherd,
Catherine Sheffer, Alfred Welty t William Wel
ty, and and Alvah 0 Wilkins, Guardian of
Amanda Welty, Amanda Kopp and Christiana
Kopp, heirs at !awe(' the said Frederick Welty
You. and each of you aro hereby notified that
by virtue of a Writ uf Partition, issued out of the
Orphan's Court fi,r the said County of Tioga, and
to me directed I Bhall on Wednesday the 4th
day of May 1670. at 10 o'clock a. m. on tho prom
ises tato th Estate of the said Fredorick Wel
ty dec'd.,JSituate in Liberty Township Tioga
County Penna., 'prliceed to the execution of the
said Writ of Partition at which time and t place
you Call attend if you see proper.—Sheriff's Of
fice Wellbosro Pa. March 16. 1870.
.1. B. POTTER, Sheri .
Al . " B. PRINCE, breeder of Light Bermah,
White faced Black Spanish, Ecabright
Bantam and Black Breasted lied Game Fowls.
Catharine Highland • Nui4
c .. apt!, the
1 Sower, • .
..,. - :„. :„.
• .M. B. PRINCE,
St. Wellsboro:Pit
, 15larch 16,1870,—tf.
he beet in We,
Residence. Stato
Elk Run Plaster.
TH IS PLASTER having been thoroughly
tatted by the farmers, and pronounced by
all, to bo a superior article, we take pleamure
in saying that we can supply the masses, as
we have any quantity on hand, Price per ton,
,5 dollars• I. OIIAMPNEY.
, Jan. 5, 1570-sm.*
for Sale or exebtrnge fora house and lotjin
Wellaboro. Said property is situate abont
miles oast of Ilatomondsport, N. Y., andcon
tains.about two acres 61 . .Orapes in fill bearing,
and an orchard of choice fruit. The property is
a desirable ono, and plesantly located. Address
this @lwo, or, JAS. C. VAN GELDER,-
Mar. 2,1810, liatronondsport, N. Y.
Ie an excellent article of granulated Virginia; wher
ever Introduced it in aniverisally admired. It le pat
up In handsomol muslin bags, in which ordure for
:Meerschaum Men are daily pitched.
Classed by all who consume is Rs tho "finest of all ;" it
Is made of the choicest leaf grown; ttis antt•nervous
in its effects, as the Nicotine has been extracted; it
leaves no disagreeable taste after smoking; It is very
mild, light In color and %weight, hence one pound UM
last us long as 3of ordinary tobacco, In this brand we
also pack orders every day for first quality Meerschaum
Pipes. Try it awl convince yourselves it is all it claims
to be, 411 E FINEAT Or. ALL."
This brand of Cut Chow ing Tobacco has no equal or
superior anywbero. It is without doubt the beet chew
ing tobacco in the country.
Have now been In general use in the 'United '''States
over 110 year .g, end milli acknowledged "the host"
tY lier eve r used.
If your storekeeper does not bays these articles for
sale, ask hint to get them; they aro mid by respectable
jobbers almost everywhere.
Oftenltr and prices forwarded on application.
P. LORILLARD & CO., New Yotk.
Marctol6, 1870-3 in
Our Prices To-Day.
Bost White Whoa t Flour $7 pr 131,1.1,75 pr. sack
" Rod ivituter $6.50 " 1,62 "
" XX Spring Wheat, 6,00 " 1.50 "
Buckwheat Flour, 3,00 per 100 ills.
Best Food 2,00 " "
Bran and Shorts 1,50 " "
Meal 2,25 " ."
Thoso prices only FOR CASE.
All persons not httxing settled with us, can
not blame us now if they find their accounts and
notes left with and attorney for collection. We
give due notice. W. k. B.
BAGS.—We want all persons having any bags
with our mark on them, to - return the samo at
as we shall take stepi' to secure them.—
We have 500 bags scattered:among the people.
Specie Payment Resumed.
Waiches, Clocks, Jc,welry,
Silver and Silver Plated Ware.
Lots of New Goods.
,• Silver COIN Paid in CIIANGE.
Call :and see the new stock of dowoliy, he
Maicii 30, 1870
All persona indebted to the'subscribei ip Ac
Counts Or Notos, arc requested to' call immedi
Maly and settle with A. LEE, Knoxville Pa
`Feb.`2 1870-2 m.
. M. M.
No. 18, Mem f3TEEET,
Special Notice.
"EUREKA" ob Smoking
Lorillard's Snuffs
Cash: IS7O !
Violet4iille is coming again;
0!) - 0 more laughing through the rain,
Spring with eqnny crown advances,
StMehine glittering on his lances.
Bopg live Spring !--the rainbow arch
Greets his coronation march
(item his banners freo and bravo, '
from each treetop rustling wavo.
Birds before hith fly in crowds ;
B l ast itione him float the clouds;
Swifter run rejoicing rivers;
Sunbeam darts aro in his quivers.
Where lie treads, primroses rise,
And the daises open their eyes ;
Black-birds sing in every boat],
Answering tho merry thrinli.
Swallows aro his heralds fleet
Fabter than the, pulses beat ;
Butterflies betwten the showers,
Tell the glad news to the flowers
Our old =March, Winter's dead ;
Ms crown is on another bead;
Sunbeams ohaso the envious rain;
Yielet-time is coming again.
T. S. Arthur tells a good story about
a loving couple in New Jersey, who be
long to the Methodist Church. .• A new
Presiding Elder, Mr. N., was expected
in that district, and as the 'ministers all
stopped with Brother W. and his wife,
every preparation was made to give
him a cordial reception. The honest
couple thought that religion in part
consisted in making some parade, and
therefore the parlor was put in order,
a nice fire was matte, and the kitchen
replenished with cake, chickens, and
every delicaty preparatory to cooking.
'While Mr. W. was out at his wood
pile, a plain looking, coarsely dressed,
but quiet-like pedestrian came along,
and inquired the distance to the next
town. He was told that it was three
miles. Being very cold, he asked per
mission to enter and warm hiniself.
Assent was given very grudgily, am
both into the kitchen. T ewi
looked daggers at-this untimebn intro
sion, for the stranger had on cowhid •
boots, an old hat, and a threadbare, but
neatly patched coat. At length' she
gave him a chair beside the Dutch oven
which was baking nice things,for the
Presiding Elder, who was momentarily
expected, as he was to preach the next
day at the church a mile or twO beyond.
The stranger, after warming himself,
prepared to leave, but the weather be
came inclement, and as his appetite
was roused by the viands about the
tire, ho asked for some little refresh
ment ere he set out for a cold walk to
the town. Mrs. W. was displeased, but
on consultation with her husband, some
cold bacon and bread were set out on an
old table, and ho was then somewhat
gruffly told to eat. It was growing•
dark., and hints were thrown out that
the stranger had better depart, as It was
three long miles to town. The wife
grew petulant, as, the new preacher did
not arrive, and the husband sat whist
ling the air of Auld Lang Syne,"
while he thought of dig, words of the
hymn, "'When can I read my title
clear," and felt as if be could order the
Ar • la. -
The homely meal: was at qas cone
tiedthe 'man thank etriti rre .for
the 'hospitality be had received, and
opened the door to go. But it was quite
dark,and the clouds denoting a storm
filled the heavens.
"You say it Is full three miles to D ?"
!` I do," said Mr. W., coldly ; " I said
so when you _first stopped, and you
ought to haN}e pushed'on, like a prudent
man. You could have reached there
before It was quite dark."
"But levas so cold and hungry, and
might bi e fainted on the way."
The Id nner of saying this touched
the farmer's feelings a little.
" You have warmed and fed me,. for
which I •am thankfuL Will you not
bestow another act of kindness upon
one in a strange place, and it he goes
out in the darkness may lose himself,
and perish in the cold?"
The particular form in which this re
quest was made, and the tone in which
it was uttered, put it out of the farmer
to say no.
"Uo in there and' sit down," ho an
swered, pointing to the, kitchen, " and
I will see my wife and hear what she
And Mr. W. went !Into the parlor,
where the supper table stood, covered
withisnow-whito cloth, and displaying
his wife's set of blue sprigged china,
that was only brought out on special
The tall mould candles were burning
thereon, and the hearth blazed a cheer
ful lire.
" Hasn't that old fellow gone yet?"
asked Mrs. W. : 1 3he heard his voice as
lie returned from the door.
" No, and what do you suppose! He
wants us to let him stay all night.
" Indeed, we'll do DO
We can't have ihe likes of him in the
house now. Where should he sleep ?"
"Not in the best room, even if Mr.
N. should not cOme."
"No, indeed !"
"But really; I don't see, Jane, how
we eau turn him out of doors. Ho does
not look like a ve6,7 strong man, and its"
dtirk and cold, and full three miles to
the town of D."
"it's too much; he ought to have
goneo on while he had daylight, and not
lingered here till it got dark."
"We can't turn him out of doors,
Jane, and it's no use to think of it.—
He'll have to stay; somehow."
'But what eau wo 10 with him ?' •
He seems like a decoct man, at
least, and doesn't look as if be had any
thing bad about him. We might make
him a bed o 4 the floor somewhere.'
' 1 wish hi; had been al Guinea. before
he eatne here!' said Mrs. W., fretfully.
The disappointment, the conviction
that Mr. N. would 'pot arrive occasion
ed her to feel, and the intrusion of so
unwelcome a visitor as the stranger,
completely unhinged her mind.
' Oh, well,' replied her husband, in a
soothing voice, ' never mind. We must
make the best of it. Ho came to us
tired and hungry, and ive warmed and
fed him. He now asks shelter for the
-night, and we must not refuse him, nor
grant his request in a complaining or
reluctant style. You know what the
Bible hays about entertaining' strangers
Angels P did you ever see In angel
look like him ?'
`Having never seen an angel,' said
the farmer. smilingg, ' I am unable to
speak as to their appearance.'
This had the effetit to call an answer
ing smile from Mrs. W. and a better
feeling at her heart. It was finally
agreed between them, that the man, as
he seemed like a'decent kind of person,
should be permitted to occupy the min
ister's room, if that individual did not
arrive,;an_ event to which they both
lookea with but' little expectancy. If
he did come, why the man would have
to put up with poor accommodations.
When Mr. W. returned to thq kitch
en, where the stranger had seated him
self before the fire, he informed him
1 1
that they had decided to let b rp. stay
all night. The man expresoed ii a few
words his grateful sense of the r kind
ness, and then became silent an,d tho't•
ful. Soon after, the farmer's wife, giv
ing up all hope of Mr. N.'s arrival, had
supper taken np, which consisted of
coffee, warm _ short-cake and - broiled
chickens. After all wadlion 'the table,
a short conference was held as to whe
ther it would not dO to invite the stran
ger to take supper. It was true that
they had given him as much bread and
bacon as ho could eat, but then; as long
as he was going to stay all night, it
looked too inhospitable to sit down :to
the table and not ask him to join them.
80, making a virtue of necessity, he was
kindly asked to come to supper--an in
vitation which he did not decline.—
Grace was said over the meal br Mr.
W., and the coffee poured out, the bread
helped, and the meat carved.
There was a tine little boy, six years
old, at the table, who, had been bright
ened up and dressed in his best, in order:
to grace the minister's reception. Char- ,
lie was full of talk, and the parents felt
a mutual pride in showing him off, oven
before their humble guest, who noticed
him particularly, though he had not
much to say.
' Come, Charley,' said Mr.• W., after
the meal was over, and he sat leaning
in his chair, can't you repeat the pret
ty hymn mamma learned you last Sun
Charley started off without further
invitation, and repeated very accurate
ly two or three verses of a new camp
meeting hymn, that was just then very
' Now let us hear you say the com
mandments, Charley,' spoke up the mo
ther, well pleased at her child's perfor
And Charley repeated thein with the
aid of a little prompting.
''ll - ow many commandments arc
there?' asked the father.
• The : ehild hesitated, and then, look
ing up, at the stranger, near whom he
sat„said - innoeently—
Fidw-many are there?'
The man thought for Rome moments,
and said,, as if-in ure
there not?'
Eleven!' ejaculated Mrs. W., in un
feigned surprise.
' Eleven !' said her husband, with
more rebuke than astonishment in his
voice. 'ls it possible, sir, that you do
not know how many commandments
there aro? How many are there, Char
ley ? Come, tell ine,--you know, of
' Ten,' replied the child.
' Righg my son,' returned Mr. W.,
looking .with a smile of approval on
the eh M. ' Right. There isn't a child
of his age in ten miles who can't tell
you there are ten commandments.
' Did you ever read the Bible, sir,' ad
d Fussing , t he stranger.
• When I was a little boy 1 . used to
read it sometimes. But. lam sure I
thought there were eleven cotiimand
ments. Aro you not mistaken about
there be ng only ten ?'
Sister CV. lifted her hands in utter
astonish nent, and exclaimed,
' Coul any one believe it?' such ig
norance ' f the Bible!'
Mr. \V. did not reply, but arose, an d
going to one corner of the room, where
the good book lay. upon the small stand,
he put it on the table before him, and
opened at that portion in which the
commandments are recorded.
' Ther4sl' he said, placing his fingers
upon the proof of the :granger's error.
'There!' look for yourself.'
The man came round from his side of
The table and looker over the stranger's
"There!' ten, d'ye see?'
Yes, it does BC4 replied the stranger,
and yet it seems , to me there are elev
en. I'm sure r alwa.iPs thought so.'
Doesn't it say ten, here?' with im
patience in his voice.
does, certainly.'
Well; what more do' yon want?—
Can't you believe the Bible?'
Oh yes, I believe the Bible ; and yet
it strikes me, somehow, that there must
-24 ^ 'Acamnrtnin man d men ts. t one
been added somewhere else • •
Now this was too much for brother
and sister W. tp bear. Such ignorance
of sacred matters they felt to be mnpar
donable. A long lecture followed, in
which the man was scolded, adrdonii3h
ed, and threatened with Divine indig
nation. At its closehe modestly asked
if he might not have the Bible to read
for an hour or two before retiring ;or
the night. This request was granted
with more pleasure than any of the
preceding ones.
Shortly after supper the man was
conduted to the little square room, ne
compdnled by the Bible. Before leav
ing him ulaue, Mr. W. found it to be
his duty to exhort him to things spirit
ual, and he did soz, most, earnestly for
the next fifteen minutes. But he could
not see,that his words made much im
pression, and he finally left his guest,
lamenting his obduracy and ignorance.
In the morning he came down, and
meeting Mr. \V., asked him if he would
he so kind as to lend' him a razor, that
ho might remove his beard, which did
not give his face n very attractive ap
pearance. His request was complied
' We will have prayers in about ten
minutes,' *aid Mr. W., as he handed
him the razor and shaving box.
The man appeared and
behaved with
due propriety at family worship. Alter
breakfast, he thanked the farmer and
his wife for their hospitality, and part
ing, went on his journey.
Ten o'rlook came, but Mr. N. had not
art ived. ;•_o Mr. and Mrs. W. started
fo'r tile meeting house, not doubting
that they would find him there. But
they were disappointed. A goodly
number of people were inside the meet
ing house, and a goodly number onside,
but the minister had nut ai rived.
' Where is Mr. N. '." imp:ALLA a dozen
voicel4, as a crowd gathered around the
'He hasn't com l e-yet. Something has
detained him. But I still look for him
—indeed,l fully 'xpected to find him
-The day was co d, and Mr. W., after
becoming thoroughly chilled, conclu
ded to keep a good lookout for the min
ister from the, window near which he
usually sat. Others, from the same
cause, followed his e'Rample, and the
little meeting house was soon filled, as
one after another came dropping !in.—
The flume ',who turned to the door each
time it wr ti opened, was a little sur
prised to s'?e his guest of the previous
night enter, and conic slowly down the
aisle, lookOg on either side as if sear
ching fora vacant seat, very few. of
which were now left. Still advancing,
he finally got within the little enclosed
altar, and ascending to the pulpit, took
off his old gray overcoat and sat down.
By this time Mr. W. was by his side,
and had his hand upon his arm.
You musn't sit here. Come down
and I will show you a seat,'•lie said, 'in
an excited tone.
Thank you,' replied the man, In a
composed voice. ` It's very comforta
ble here. And the man remained im
Mr. W. feeling embarrassed, went
down intending to get a brother ' offi
cial' to assist him in making a forcible
election of the man from the place he
was deseerati - Immediately upon
his doing so, however, the man iirose,
and standing up at the desk, opened
the hymn book. His voice thrilled to
the finger ends of brother \V., as in a
distinct and impressive manner he gave
out the hymn beginning—
" 'Hey us to help each other, Lord,
Each other's cross to Lear;
Let each hi" friendly aid afford,
And feel brother's care."
The congregation rose after the stran
ger had read the entire hymn, and bad
repeated the first two lines for them to
sing. Brother W. usually started the
tunes. He tried this time, but went oft'
with a long meter. tune. Discovering
his mistake at the second word, he balk-._
ed and tried it again ; hutnoW he stnm
bled on a short meter. A musical bro
ther came to his aid, and led oft with a
tune that suited the measure in which
the hymn was writ ten.
After singing, the congregation all
kneeled, and the minister—for no one
doubted .his real character—addressed
the Throne of Grace with much fervor
and eloquence. The, reading of a chap
ter in the Bible succeeded. Then there
was a deep 4 use throughout the ro om
in anticipation of the text s which the
preacher prepared to announce.
Brother W. looked pale, and his hand s
and knees trembled. Sister W.'s face
looked like crimson, and her heart was
_so loud that she wondered
whether - the sound was not heard by
the sister who sat teside her. There
was 'a breathless silence. The dropping
of a pin might have beep heard.' Then
the fine emphatic tonesnf the preacher
filled the crowded room':
A new commandment I giye unto
you, that ye love one another:'
- Brother W. had bent forward to lis
ten—but now he had sunk back in his
seat. This was the Eleventh Command
The sermon was deep, searching, yet
affectionate and impressive. The prea
cher uttered nothing that could in the
least wound the brother and sister' of
whose hospitality ho had pailaken, but
he said much that smote upon their
hearts, and made them pal fully con
scious that they had not she nas much
kindu4ss to;tlie stranger as he had been
entitled to receive on the broad princi
ples of humanity. But they suffered
most from mortification of feeling. To
think that they had treated the Presi
ding Elder,of the district after such a
fashion, was,deeply humiliating ; and
the idea of the whole affair getting
abroad interfered sadly with their devo:
tional feeling throughout the whole pe
riod of service:
At last the sermon was over, the or
'diiiance administered, and the benedic
tion pronounced. Brother W. did not
know what it was best for him to do.—
He never was more at aloss in his life.
When Mr. Zs.; . descended from the pul
pit, he did not step forward to meet
Ai - hil-fin- how could he do thA? Others
gathered - a - romuLand shook hands. with
him, but sell he — lingered and held
' Where is brother W.?' he at length
heard a';ked. It was the voice of the
m ulster.
' Here he is,' said ono or two, open
ing the way to where the farmer stood.
The predchet advanced, and catching
his hand, said :
` How do you do, brother W.? lam
glad to ~e n you. Anil where is sister
NV. I' 2
i4ister W. was brought forward, and
the preacher shook hands with her
heartily, while his face was lit up with
T believe I ani to find a home with
you,' lie said, as if it was settled.
Before the still embarrassed brother
and sister eniqd wake a reply, someone
asked :
• Flow came you to be detained so
late? You were expected last night.—
And where is.'brother B.?' .
' Brother R. is sick,' replied Mr. N.,
and li had to come alone. Five miles
from this my horse gave out, and I had
to come the rest of tile way on foot.—
But I became b o cold and Nveary, ,that - I
found it necessary to ask a farmer not
far from here to give me a night's lodg
ing, which be was kind enough to do.
I thought I was still three miles off,
but it happened that I was very much
nearer tuy joUrney's end than I sup
This explant i ition was satisfactory to
all parties ; 114 in due time the con
gregation disiArsed, and the Presiding
'Elder went holm with brother and sis
ter W. One thing is certain, however,
that the story never fit out for some
yeals alter the worthy rother and sis
ter had passed boat the
T abors, and it
was then related by - .Arrl N. himself,
who was rather eccentric in his charac
ter, and, like num bees o his ministerial
brethren, fond of a joke and much giv
en tr, - relating good stories,
One Thousand Miles over the Rocks
of Tioga County.
A,..c3TSTANT GEOlnalSt ON THE 01119 61;:,VT.7
" Love had ho found in huts where poor men lie;
Ilis daily teacher had been woods and rills,—
The silence that is in the starry sky,—
Thc• Orel . ) that among the lonely.bille."
\Ve now come to consider the great)
plant-bearing period of aneient
the Carboniferous. TUis Age surpasses
all others in its ituportaice to mankind; '
because it containsi,t - tse exhaustless
stores of fuel which ijnlllYen our winter
firesides and propel th machtnery of
the world. It is divided into three pe
rinds : the i• - ;nbearboniferous, the Car
boniferous, and the Permian.
• We will speak of the Suhearbonifer
ons- at present—reserving the Coal ', Veit'
:,11105 fOr tt futtn•e chapter. The rocks
of this let iod, On the Mississippi yalle,y,
are composed principally of limerit ones,
formed in h clear and transparent sea,
which swarmed With Crinoids, Corals,
and (?avoid Fishes ; hut the same peri
od in Pennsylvania is represented by a
vast deposit of shales and sandstones,
contain mg scarcely a vestige of life, ex
cept a few broken fragments of plants.
This lermation—known among renn
sylcaniii geologists as the Vespertine
and the (Tulin - al—is present in Tiog - a
county, iritlt a thickness of eleven bun
died toot. The first nine hundred feet
consist of gray s 1 all' sandstones, with
seine bands of red and local pittchesi
chentOimestone. Professor 'top:
named this group the Vespertine. llest
ing upon the 'Vespertine, arc two hun
dred feet, df red manly shales, with some
greenish gray sandstones. ThOse beds
he has called the P i on' series_
immediately overlie the Catskill group
—described in my' - last chapter—and
may be lounri in the Annetta moun
tains, extending nearly to the summit,
but dipping limier the Coal Measures
Illossburg and Wilson's Creek.—
These formations also coin pose the, prin
cipal part Id' the range which enters the..
eon y west of Vernt 's and crosses
the Tioga at Lamb's, Creek. I have,
passed many a pleasant day on this
range, whose pine woods wave green in
my memory. it was heLe, by the hum
of a thousand rills, that the writer first
brok e ground as a geologist; and per
haps I eould do do better than to give
an account of some of my explorations
on Painter Pun, which flows through a
deep cove in the mountains, five miles
I northeast of :Mansfield.
One morning in August, 1861, we
stprted out on a ramble of discovery,
with a gentleman from Blossburg asge
ologist. Near the mouth of Painter
Run we passed a limn tain of limpid wa
ter, where, at the suggestion of one of
our number, we drank to the memory
of Hugh Miller. Near by, on lands of
Mr. Brace, •we examined a small ou -
crop of coal, which proved to be only . t
local deposit, and more than a thousan,l
feet below the trim Coal Measures. We
Were previously informed that this ve o
wag nine inches in thickness, ny mew
Whom we had regarded as being respon
sible, b ut w e toil it less than that by
a t o m seven lushes. Half a mile up
P a inter Ron, we were gratified with
the sight eta lew boulders of conglom
erate in the creek, anti as we proceeded
they-increased in number and size, un
til, the creek •IVIVA literally choked up
with them. NVe then went up the moun
tain, nearly a thousand feet, on to lands
ot 'A, 8. Tuner; and when our geolo
gist said-we were above the millstone
grit, we made an excavation, but were
unable to reach the solid, on account of
loose masses of rock ; we however threw
out several hundred' minute fragments
of coal, and there is a vein here of some
thickness. Several small shafts above
revealed red, blue and green marls, and
whetstone slates—the latter a superior i
article. These strata all belong to the
U nilual, awl are • a hundred and fifty
feet below the millstone-grit. We then
went. up the hill a hundred feet farther,
and carried down a shaft with the fol
lowing result : First, two fret of soil;
second, two feet First,
Tire-Clay ;third, third, five
feet of argillaceous iron ore, in kidneys
—doubtless extensive and valuable;
fourth, four feet of red marl;, fifth, four • •
inches of cherty limestone; sixth, one
foot of green marl, with fossil' reptilian
hones seventh, five feet. of, red-marl,
in which the excavation terminated.
Fifty feet above that shaft we found,
the great conglomerate which lies at the
base of the true Coal Measures. This'
is a gritty rock, about thirty feet 03164.
white and very hard, and appears to be
about the last rock on the mountain.—
At the foot of this ledge we found slabs
of sandstone with beautiful impressions
of fossil plants—Lepldodendra and Cal;
amites ; and there seemedlo be indica- •
tions of the presence, of coal. In an'ex
cavation at this point, the following
strata were passed through: First, four
feet of alluvium—boulders of gritstone,
&c. ; second, four inches of black slate;
third, twelve feet or dark laminated
sandstone, with traces of coal; fourth,
four inches of, compact sandstone, white
and very bard : fifth, one foot of coal '
slate, with impressions of ferns and
trunks of trees; sixth, several thin
seams of cannel coal i seventh, six in
ches of sandstone, similar to pumber
four ; eighth, live feet of light colored
fire-clay; tenth, fire-clay, very whiter;
free from iron, and a superior article for
tire.aricks, pots for glass factories, &c.
Penetrated to the depth of ten teet with-.
out reaching the bottom.
But the best indications off coal are
on the north branch of Painter Run,
which is also on lands of A. S. Turner,
Esq., of Tioga. We found many large
pieces of coal in the bed of this stream,
and on the roots of pine trees which
had blown 'down. In an excavation, '
made at the junction of the Vespertine
- and the Umbra', the soil was filled with
fragments of semi-anthracite coal • but
a deep snow prevented us froni ilnding
their source, though we - were within a
few feet of it. This vein is two hun
dred feet below the coal at BlossbUrg ;
tins-itsis well known among geologists
that workable beds of coal occur in
these rocks at many places in Tenissyl
vania and Virginia.
Although ' our excavations ,costs us
some toil, yet we greatly enjoyed our
mode of living.. We made our quarters
in an old desertdd log house, which one
of our number has been pleased:to name
"Porcupine Cabin"—from the titet that
those animals not unfrequently dis
turbed our slumbers with their mid
night banquets. We had rolled a large
slab of sandstone into the center of the
room, upon which we kindled our fires;
and with what ple,astire—when the
darkness gathered over all the lonely
hills, and no sound broke the stillness,
save the low, sad musi-o of the wind in
the Norway pines—did we gather arou'd
a pile of blazing knots, and sing those
good old songs, the memory of which
can never die. I
HARRISBURG, April 7, 1870.
Agitator :—Every thing must have an '
end. Years begin and end, time cow.-
menced, and yet it shall have' an end; ,
ages yet unborn shall come and go; em-'
pires, dynasties and republic's rise and
fall ; men and principalities paps away;
and even the earth Itself (if we are Bib
licists) shall grow old, and from its in- -.
ternal fires, or some contact with a vast- •
er body, shall be wiped from heaven's .
constellated dome, anti we,. its inhabi
tants, be forgotten, or remembered-only
as the things that . were :—so with the
vast, great, lingo, Incorruptible, unter
rifled, : immaculate, august, profound,
spasmodic, belligerent and 'Sancho Pan
sic Legislature of the grand - old Com
monwealth of PenneylVania. ' It has
organied, legislated,-nand disbanded ;
12 o'clock, Id, of Thursday, April: 7th,
Anno Domini 1870, witnessed thq cul
mination of all its greatness—and the
Hectors and Achilles bid adieu tii all
- their glories, all their greatness, and
all their hatred, as the.S. - peakers' gavels
proclaimed the sesgion adjourned, sine '
die. 'To a Cisinterested spectator Sit,
tiug by during such a scene, it Is diffi
cult to form any correct conclusion,) or
even satisfy one's own mind, whether
this is a pantomime, or real spectacular
illusion, created for the benefit of spec!
tators, the lobbyists and their confreoi
or to add a halo of glory to their alreao
overburdened records of political loyal- ,
ty and preferment. Yet it does scent
that the hundred days are condensed.
into this one ; and here ail the animos-'
ities of the session, all the biekering3
and bandying of word sand 'sarcasms,
are forgotten, and made foreyer oblivi- -
oils upon memory's sacred page. The ;
Speaker receives the respects and com
pliments of both Republicans and Dom
oe'rats, in a testimonial valued_at one
thousand dollars, for the unprejudiced
man ter in which he has dealt out the
parli mentary roles; and the retiring%
gave - a symbol of office ' is presented
to hi a by his Honor, E. W. Davis, in
a her t and appropriate speech, In which
ho is charged to treasure it as a sacred
g ift from his con
- and transmit it
1 1 • .
as an heir loom n his family, to hil suc
ceeding generations.
' The clerks of the house receive their
various presents, ae testimonials of their
diligence and fidelity to their high po
sitiotp, and the manner in which they
bave. 4 recorded the profound say i ngs b.nd
doings of the House. To an outsider,
the twinkle of their eyes and the ready
.-'rasp of the articles presented, would
almost make a person uninitiated be
lieve that - it was the intrinsic value of
the articles, and not respect for the do
nors, that actuated their motives. - Far
be it from me to question their motives;
for, as Brutus said of .the great Ca mar's
murderers, " are they not all honorable
men" 7 ---- ---
Then foIIOWS tfie - prsentation of mew
mOrials upon the Democratic—side o
their chiefs and leaders; and ditto upon
the 'Republican side ; after which the
Speaker rises, and with bow profound,
eyes ready to drop huge tears, and a
voice that reaches the farthermost por
tion of the hall, On account of thestill
ness), says to all the members present,
(and they are all present., because it is
pay day)': " Friends, we. tyou and I) ,
are about to separate: we are ahputi to
leave these legislative halls, (not de c
ing halls), to retire to our respctive
homes and constituencies, (If ,e' have
any), t render to them an account of
our ste vafdship. (Sink yourselns back
into th '
nothings you were before you
came i ere," and answer the question
whethe you have carried out the wish
es o f yo ir respective constituencies.)—
[The last sentence is no quotation, but
original with the author.)
" Here you have made your record,
and by it you stand or fall ; and happy,
thrice happy is he who, when he re
turns to his quiet home, shall - receive
the plaudit of well done, good and
faithful servant.' Hero within these
legislative halls, we have together had
our trials and the vicissitudes conse
quentqb all public servants; and as we
\ separate this day, the question strikes
' us forcibly, how many of us shall ever
mingle our voices together again within
these consecrated halls, or in a .legisla
tive capacity *."' But space and time
fail me for a continuation of this de
lightful theme. and I turn from it•with
commingled feelings of.gladnes and
sorrow '
• gladness that the thing is end
ed, and sorrow that, search •the wide
world through, you ne'er shall sealer
likes again.
But let.tis - be serious. It has been My
privilege during the.past winter to make
jottings by the wayside and furnish fa
weekly stipend of them for the columns
"Of the Agitator,.; and whetherits read
ers have been he refitted thereby, is f 0
their future de ermination, and nbt
„mine; and yet t. - e writer clings to the
belief -that it has not been entirely mis
spent time, nor ,l read oast upOn the wa-
Iter which will not. return after many
days. So far as memory now carriesus
back, they have,rather been an epitotne
of our county interests, than a criticism
upon any legiSlative enactments qi•Alle
actors thereof ; and should auy, .upkind
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