II . ,• ti • po r i i r• ti F•• 4 :3417,4 I ftti 84,31 k • r` • •'• • • ' n• • 7 1 , I': ` 1 1 . a te. - • • 4- • \ • • .4 4 i e, 45 f> ••• 0.5—; •• ' l6l -ft .5, t :1"51 raw, „ = t ; = .;• ;; , 4 , 4' ,•• _ t irt' - ,4,• 1 • • • •":7 (;"-' t` 4;4 th . - • MEI r~; . riii MI voLvmE xvn. THE Tin ,COUNTT - A ITATOR Ig PIIBI.IB I IED EVERT ITEDTtIitIAT MORNING DT --,,-_ . - ›, • . VAN GELDER &-Mil'OßtifL, I Jno. Manche% P. C. Tan fielder. TER OF SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. liubicrlption, (per year}..., RATES OE ADVERTISIN9. TEN Ltses OP AnNiat 0D.:14.5.9,AKE ONE SQUArE. No. I lin; I Sins 4 Ins I Shins I 6 Mos I 1 Yr flare, $1,00 , 15 2 . 00 I $ 2 1 50 I PAO I $7, 00 $12.00 2 Bqualea,.. 1_2,00 1. • 3,00 I .4,00 I B,O O 1 12,00 I 18,00 113. - If Col 110,001 15,00 I 17,00 122,Q0 130,00 I aopo dii-a-61-110r31 25,00 ---- . , eir. Special Notices 15 ceiatti 'pier' Hue; Editorial or Local. 2) cents per 1100. , . Transient advertising MUST be paid for irfludranco, trr Justice Blanks, Constable ..111a0lis, - Deeds,J:udg: rue ut Notes, Marrjago Cartltleates, &c., on band. ,: BUSINESS CARDS. Oran Gelder &Mitch 11 / • Book, Plin and Fancy Job Printers. All work proinptly and neatly executed.: 2 -Jan.l, 1870. Sniltit & Mdrrick, yttorneya & Counselora at Law. Insurance, Bounty and Pension Agency, Mee on Main Street, lyellsboro Pa, opposite Union Block. Jan. 1. 1870. W. H. SMITH, •- GAO. IV. MErentcx. Seeley, Coates & BANKERS, K,lilawille, Tioga, " County, Pa.— Receive montsr on deposit,, discount notes, and sell drafts On New. York City. Otilltint ions promptly made.—Dec.. Ib, 1869-IYO W. Adams, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Manetleld,.Tioga county, Pa. Collections promptly attended to. Jan. 1, 1870. Jno. I. Mellen Attorney and Counttelot. tit! Law, Clatq, and in turanco Agenti Cape Ogr Xress' Mug Store, adjointbg Agitatei Mob, rellaboro, Pa, , Jan.l, 1870: '• . .) Wilson & lilies, Attorneys and Counselors at Law. - Will attend promptlyto business entruged to their °are in the counties'. of Tioga arid P,otter. 2 Qtlice on the Avenue. Jan. 1, 1870. • 8. 1' .Wasir.t.3 [J. B. Num . John W.-Glpernsey . , , . Attorney and Coansaloritt Law:' All business entrusted to him will be:promptly attended to. Office 2d door south of Tiazlett's Hotel, Tioga, Tioga County, Pa.—Jan, 1, 1870. Win. B. Smith, Pension,. and Insurance Agent. Com munkations sent to the abovePdress will re• ceive prompt attention. Terms moderate, Knoxville, Pa.—Jan. 1, 1870. ! Sohn C. Hortmil Attorney ands oounselor at Law, Tiogeo 0 thee with C.H. Soymour,*q. Business at tended to with promptneee.:= 2 Jan. 1. 187.0. W. D. Terbell & Co., Wholesale Druggists, and dealers in Wall Paper, Kerosene Lamps, Window Glass, Perfumery, Paints, s c.—Corning, N. Y. Jan. 1 '7O. D. Baeon, lit. D., Physician and Surgeon.. Will attend promptly to all calls. Offsee ori Orafton Street, in rear of the Meat Market, Wellsbero.—Jan. 1, 1870. • E. .S. Perkins, .11, 1)., Respectfully announces to the citizens of East Charleston and vicinity, that he would be grate. cal for their patronage. Jan. 1, I'B7o. A. M. InFhani, M. D., Homoeopathist, Moe. at. his Residence I m the Avenuo.—Jan. 1, 100. George Wagner, Tailor. Shop first door north of RolierL.S; Bail ey's Hardware Storo. Cutting, Fitting and Ito pairing done promptly and well.—Jan. I; 1870. John Etner, Tailor and Cutter. Shop opposite Dartt'a Car riage Shop, Main .St., whore he is prepared to do work promptly and noat.Jan. 1, 1870: • Thomas B. Bilden, Surveyor and Draftsman. Orders left at room, Townsend House, Wellsboro, will moot with prompt attention.—Jan. I, 1870. _ • __ R. E. (Web , Dealer in Clocks and Jew'elry, Silver and Plated Ware', Spectacles, Violin Strings, &c. Watch ' es and Jewelry neatly repaired. Engraving done in plain English and German.—Mandeld, Pa., Jan. 1, 1870.. • Petroleum House, Westfield, Pa., GEO. CLOSE, Proprietor._ A new llotel,ftonducted on the principle of live and let lire, for the aceommodation of the public. Jan. 1870.- ' Ifadettto Hotel, Tioga, Tloga County, Pa. Good stabling attach od, and an attentive hostler always in attend ance. Geo. W. Hazlett, Prop'r.—Jan. 1, 1870. Hill's liotel, Westfield Borough, Tioga .00., Pa. E. G. Hill, Proprietor. A new and commodious building with all the modern improvements. Within easy drive of the best hunting and fishing Grounds in Northern Penn'a. Conveyances furnished. Terms moderatc.—San. 1, 1870.. I Smith's Hotel, Tioga, Pa., E. M. Smith, Proprietot. House in good condition to accommodate tho traveling public in a superior manner.--Jan. 1, 1870. Keystone Hotel, Sabinsvillu,Tioga Co , Pa., J. B. Bonn, Prop'r. Good ontelainment for man and boast. Con ' vqient to ho best fishing grounds.' Parties accommodated with conveyanops.—Jan. 1, '7O. John Mclntosh, !. Dealtir in Vermont and Italian Bitrble, manu facturer of Monuments, Tomb• Stones, so., oor ner Market and Cedar Ste.. Dorning, N. Y. All orders promptly, and neatly executed. An drew Van Dusen, Agent. Jan. 1, 1870. Farmers' Hotel. F. MONROE, Proprietor. This house, formerly occupied by E. Fellows, is conducted on tem perance principles. Every accommodation for man and beset. Charges re4sonahle. • •• March 30, 1870.—tf. • s THE -, ..r3MMLIC ! " - M. M. SEARS, PnoPnion. o IVIIERE delicious Ice Creatn,,Freneh Con rectionary, all kinds of fluits in their lesson, a nice dish of Tea, Coffee, or Chocolate, and Opt+ in their season—can be had at all hours, sorted in the best style. Next dour Ve lea 11 , 4 - ;heit9 Bailey's Hardware Store, Main Street. - r f r 13., Jan. 1,1870. ITAR,ICNESS & RILEY tt BOOT AND SHOE MAKER'S, orer ivirson a , Van Val!century's. Store, siV : he roonilutety odcupied Ly Pcnj. &des,. • BOOTS AND SHOES of all kinds made to order and in the best manner. REPAIRING of all kinds clone procifptly and good. Give us a call'. JOHN HAILKNES KELLEY. Wellsborit, Jan. 1,1870.—1 y. House \ and Lot for Sale. ,}7,1 1 THE subscriber offers for sale his house ZIA. and lot on Main Street, oppesite Dartt'B Wagon, Shop. Enquire on the premises of s March 30. '7o—fini. JOHN ETN E. W. KIMBALL, GROCERY AND RESTAURANT, Ono door above the Moat Market, WE.LLSI3OIIO ES PECTFULLY - antiounces to the trading It) public that he has ti desirable stock of 'Gro ceries, co mprising,Teas,_Coffees, Spices, Sugars, 114 a 4 ses, Syrups, and all that Constitutes a first- OAPs stook. - Oysters in ave 4 Atyle it all 'sea sonable hours, • Wi nilKlo,Jsn. 1, 1870-0. • Y_Y , i ~ ~ ...... ~'." . '-ii.~~ ?% - r:: r v;, ~; -5." ..._''3i~ Li .' ~}W~?`w~. '- ~~:;1 `as~V+ ° . ~+£-? ~t`ki';~9 ' i~~%:> , -`~3'h--..i~p'.uß~"i:i~~ ~i ,s~ ~.Y 4 2 , 00 EMI 30,00 45,00 I 00,00 I 1 GROVIIR & , ELASTIC' Srri'ilC3ll , EMILY .ISEININO MACHINES; 594 BROADWAY' NEW YORK. , Points of Excellence. Beauty, and Elaitloliy P ,;" Perfection and Shop VI Alaebibery. ' Using both threado'directly from the opoolo..• ' No fastenibg of setttne'by hated and 'flô waste of thread. • •• " 4 • —• 7 . ido range of appiieriobp lithOtit change of adjUstmota. The seam retains its beauty an'cl`firmness ter ;washing and'troning. ' ": Busbies doing all 'kiwis of Work done - by °their sewing Zfachines . those"MaChinea esecute•`tbe most beautiful and permanent Etabroiderry/iiid ornamental work. rTho highest Premiums at all ,the fairs - exhibitions' exhibition of the United Staten! and klaropo, have been awarded the Grover & Baker Sewing hittehines,And the work done by them, wherever exhibited iiihernpotition• • • Xir•Tho very highest prize, THE CROSS OF THE LEGION OF HONOR, was' conferred oii the representative' of the Grover 435 Baker Sewing Machines, at the Exposition 'Universelie, Paris; 1867, thus attesting their great superior-, ity over all other Sewing Maehines•. ' Jan. 1, 1137o—tf. • New Tobacco Store ! PRE subscriber has fitted up theY •Store first door enAt Thomas Harden's dry goods inure, for the manufacture and 'sale of CIGARS, (all grades), Fancy and Commln SMOKING TOBACCO,MichinFilte Cut CHEWING, and a4e kinds of . PLUG TOBACCO, PlPE:S,,an i 'cl the clisOir cest Brand of CIGARS. Call and see for yourselves. JOHN IV. PURSEL. ,IVollsboro, Jan. 1, 1870—tf. New Tannery.: , THE undersigned has fitted up the old Fouu dry building, 'near the Brewery, Wellsboro, and is now prepared to turn' out fine calf', kip, cowhide, and harness leather in. the best man wer. Hides tanned on shares. Cash paid for hides. M. A. DUMF. Wellsboro, Jan. 1,1870. . 'N,Vellsbo,Bakery. y J. BURGIN would say to the citizens of Wottstroro and vicinity that he is pre. pared to supply them with 'BREAD, PIES AND CAKES, - of the hest quality. NV 0 also servo meals to those who wish. OYSTERS always on hand, for sale, and served if desired. Call at the old Stevens' stand. , Feb. 1 9, 1 B'7o-17:. - . • • NORWAY OATS FOR - SEtD ! . • , , TLI . AVE twenty-five busliels of thei konttine Ramsdell Norway oats. being / part of fifty bushels raised from one, bushel sowing. The seed from 'which the ahoy() ' oats were rai:;ell, was bought in NeW Yor City from the 1, , 01e agents of the genuine Its sdell Norway •Chtis Prie . o. $5 per bushel. Address, II RAItI BROOKS, Pol).lll.'7o—tf. 1 Nellsbore; Pa. . I TIOGA :11:111116, -.. ST6 RE I BORDEN - keeps constantly on NV hand: Puro Drugs and Medicines, - Chemicals, Paints and ,oils, Lamps, 4 E: Stationery, Yankee. Notions , • PRFNCRI retoNs CARE£IILLY COMPOUNDIM . IL H, BORDEN. Tioga, Jam) 1,1870.—1 y 1870 1870 FOR SALE. • • ,BY T. B. STONE, • • (formerly B. C. Wickham's Nursery) . . , A T LEIS NURSEftY OF` FRUIT AND QR ,NAMENTVA TREES, IN TIOG'A:—. • •Co moo Apple Trees, 10,000 Pear Trees: - A gcod supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY and ORNAMENTAL TREES & SHRUBBERY, The 'Fruit trees are composed of the choicest varieties, good, healthy, some of them large and in ,bearing. Any one wishing to get a supply will do well to call and see my stock before pur chasing elsewhere. flar- Delivered at the depot, , Wellsboro, Mansfield, Lawrenceville and Bless burg, free of charge. All orders promptly filled. Address, ' T.ll, STONE, Tioga, Pa, Tioga,.Dee. 8, 1869- 1 1y* ' Get the nest! Mrs. A. J. SOFIELD, is agera for that su perior SEWING MACHINE, the WILLCOX. S G - -IBBS which everybodydikes who tries it. It is a beau-1 Wel Machine, never gets ont of order with rain usage, sews rapidly and strong stitch, and is perfectly noiseless. ' n .,130 - Iliacbines rented by 'the week. Nov. 17, 1889-tf. Mrs. A J. SOFIELD. House and Let fbr Sale. SOUTH of Mansfield, Tioga county, Pa , with in easy walking , distance of the churches, State N , ,rmal School, Ac. House in good order, good size, and convenient. Excellent, well and Cistern waiter Close to the door. Lot contains about 1/. acre, and has a number of choice fruit trees, grape vines, &e. A pleasant and desirable home, and will he sold 'at a low figure. Address Or inquire of J. N. 'BIXBY. Mansfield, March 23, 1870. tf House f p Lot for. Sale. A GOOD Donee' and .barn, on a lot of two, acres, within ten minutes wnlk of the Court House, WeHaltom, is offtred for sale. In quiro of John I. Mitchell, Esq., IVellsboro. Jan. 26, 1870-tf. House and Lot Yoe Saki. IN Dutch Settlement. Enquire of JOSEPH RID . F.IIO LE, Wel!shore, March 23, 1870. tf. MANSFIELD MINERAL For's3lo by March 16, 1870-tf. • PENNSYLVANIA StiTl-NORMAIL -- SCHOOL. MANSFIRMVTIOCIk . COUNTY. flpir Enext Term (14 •weeks) 4 4l.ll c . 69imence Monday, March 21st, 1870. TUITION : $6O pays fo&Board, - Room, , i'Vood, Off, Wash ing; Use of Text Books. ThOso` &signing to teach, receive State aid amounting, to- $7,00 or sl4per Tsrm.—Send for Circular. - • •;.? CHARLES H. 'VERRILL. Feb 2,1670. tf Principal. MIME =I REM ME W. c Kftc'ss. ,:!;7-47,11i d i`:;;I il 4 ejt, L ;so R Y• 4 • I. Lir* */I. * n ' 481 " 1:1R ",-. . 6 Armstrong . & Lanny ; • .••• •• .A.TTORNEYS-AT-LAW +Aiti.ELLOISPOAT, PENIVA.' - 1 - Aug. 4,1889-Iy. JEWELRY' STORE: WELLSBORO 4 - PA.; • 2; - _ AnnnEw roLusr, ."‘ \ l,llllisl:ied in tile Jelve!ry,lku!3l - ' NV 1) b P - 410 ni , , C flees e s n % e , ways, on, ? sale., :v,rlipa r , L • kinds it'tia p' - rieclS` -"•• : AlitigRICNN '''"WiArftif Et: , ~f,";10LI) OR SILVER CLOCKS, 4ENI7EL ii. i 'RY, GO' CHAINS, KEYS, itilil ,S,. PINS, I 7 ENCILI; J CASES,, 00Lp , STEEL - PENS; • THIMBLES, • ' sppoNp;_. ~,,,,tAz1 Q ,8,5,';'.,,p1,4- . ... z ::1 TED WARE, SEWING MACHINES, &c„ &c r: :•, With most other articles usually kept in such establishment, which is sold low for C Repairlug done neatly, and premptly,ftror :on 'abort NOTICE.' A., FOLEY. January 5, 11374L1y. GREAT REDUCION IN PRICIFIS, AT IJ WICKHAM & FARR'S, 1!1I ,Irjoga, Pa., ~ < „ EOM AU those wishing WINETR. DRESS, AND FANCY GOODS, can save a good percentage, as we must make room forlother G 0 Oi'M S. Jan. 5,186A-tf CORNING JEWELRY, - gIORE I li4-. t A. D. DUDLEY, ‘ ,;. ,i ~ ‘ Watchmaker ` e6l - 10631i . . . . . . ~. ~ _. . ... . .. _ . A largo as4ortment of i WATCHES, JEWELHIT, SitirEß I'PLITED WARE, CLOOE'S ND FANCY POOPS. a' Engraving don' o to any kyle. - Cotning„ Dec. 15, 15661• A. D. DUDLEY, ly. 1 No. 10, Market SL FEC,IJTORS' NOTICE. - -Lotters Teshitnen tary,having been granted on the estate of Mrs. Mary Meek, deceased, late of Delmar, all those indebted are requested to make payment; and those having claims to present them to ' IV:1G • , CIIS,,COPESTICK; , March 23; 1870. ,6w • Executors; Dissolution. F Firm Packard de Kinney this day diEsolv. ed by mutual conserit,..oll indebted to the firm by Note or Book account ere requested to settle the same and save costs. CoviVon March 19 MO. 3t. • STEPHEN. S. PACKARD. G EORGIL'A. KINNEY. E . XECUTORNOTICE.-LettersoE.Lettere ,Testamen tau haiingbeen , granted upon The last will and testament of John LOvergood,, deceased, late of Lilierty, all persons indebted to or claim ing against said estate, are requested to settle With S. N. LEVERGOOD, I. Ii,II(ERLINE, Liberty, ,I • Erkers. , - ,• SALE.--By 'virtue :of JI an order issuedlt ut of the Orpbate• thinit of Tioga county, the undersigned, Guardian, &C., of Lovina Collins, dill expose to public Sale, en' the premises, in Union township, on 'the3o.l4 day of March; A. D. Intl, nt 2 'O'clocle,t,.lll.;. 'an undivided ono fourth . part'of thfit, yer . Lain, lot or tract . of land I situate - in said tii4ti 7 ihip,,Tioga county, Pa., and bounded on the north by lands of Ira Soper, east by lands ofJo- . seri!' Collins and L. N. Griswold, South, by lands of Chatincey'Raebn, and West - by Janda 'ofGeO. G. Collins_; 4ontainiug about -fitty,"-five , (fifty deres'et ivhielf aro cleared,) • together with one frame frame barn, and 'E‘noll ' otelvtt . d thereon:- To ins, —0 ne-tliira cash, ontr-thiid In' ono)rimi: I. from the confirmation, and..one-third in, two years ' - CIIA I KLES STOCIOVELL;' March 2, IS?O, 4t - " Guardittif;'' The „Riphardsou ~Washer. WE the undersigned do hereby slip to v3l-=. that have think - it r,r suieritrr to, , any, weever saw. It waAtes complete, and Works - with 'perfect ease— only requiring about one tenth the laboi of corn— anon Washers:: I tbibk-qt ehettp, - Simple and , durable. It does not wear the clothes, but sim— ply cleanses from all .dirt." And ; we cheerfully, recotuni.ndit,ro alli ; it, being now canvassed for with great sticeess,,.,.. Marck; 1,479. 14. Mrs. JerclP o Mathcrs,, ; " Mary A,De.vrey, !‘. ,‘ -George Parker, "-) ChristinglYntkins, ,", „Nettie Watkins, t . Lewis Holmes, -" 0. Mr: M. 0. Sutton is the only authorised Agent is this locality. Mar. 2-Bt. 4 r I= =lllll OM •4 IMINII !I lIM =I • • AIL IV 13011 4 §Irikr:' ,, ':IttiltNING • ORM' IGENUINE NORWAY OATS "t role" late ` l( liy " ' ,•- - • P. ROB ERTS. Seed gctt of Ramsdell, X' • 4. - TPe• Rebruaryi ,;;r". IMPORTANT TO FARWERS irIIAVE about 200 bushel - 5 of genuine Norway jLi Oats, and will dispose of a part Of thorn at a res i sousblapriee4 owtutogad please,eall and OEOn7lllO. 1.1. - OrBENNETT' Wellsboro Jannary 3d, 1870-tf. cademy. TFIUE Spring Term of:7l:rmoN •Aoaniimr will JL commence on Tug, l , day, March Ist, 1870. • _tuition ......$5, to $7. 'Room Rent and1VR0dj...44......4.14..4. , , , - ss,bo. Board per welle,- '53,00. A Teacher's Class will be organized at, the cotemoncemeht Of'tha term fot:ttio; - instruction of those wishing to teach during the Summer.— Por i ;lather infprnititjon x a ddreiisi t 11; Deerfield, Feb. 9; ' E FIORTOIC 0,.7 14STXIEVI19. . ;1 TI, T.l res t erriaLlVottoe.. - 4 ; t. '; 41), 4 1 B. BAriTMAN has the largest stock of AL • teeth ever kept in Tioga county. Also a NEW IMPROVEMENT, never before o ff ered to the puhlic, with which he can givo adore perfect Sets of teeth than can possibly bo made on any other plan yet known. [See testimonial at the office.] Nitrous oxide gas administered with ronmlrka i • blo offect;''rendering the extraiition leetkpain-, less, and even pleasant. Two new and complete " gasbmeters in operation, furnishing a dull sup ply of fresh gas at all times. :opecial attention paid to filling and' preserva tion of the natural teeth. Prices to suit all. Fob 2 '7O tf MEI . Planing 31atching. FLOORING, CEILING, WAINSCOT TONGUED & GRO.CTI,ED, with rapidity and exactness, with sour new Ma chines. Try it and see. B. T. VANTIORN. Wellsboro, Jan. 1,1870. . , AGENTS . W.ANT.L . ,_::::::''::"...:';';,:,,;.. -- - - . .- St - T lIITE 'Men to BO in five Coontio in Penn] 1 - 4 I 83 , 1vailizl "i . 5 : -. 1 '' :? ' :7' -', ' -: WHEELER & WIt,SON Sewing- Wa',ons furnished; and the most libeial teems to Agents and Purohasors. I Address, or call on S PETERSON & CARPENTER, First National Bank, Ma • 9, 70-4 t. . Williamsport, Pa. i ` - IN ''PA - IN the estste of Frederick Welty, cicc'd. In the Orphan's Court of Tioga County, Penna. N0..14, November Term, IfiGil : To Mary Ann Welty, widow of said decedent, Philip Welty, Mary Jane Foulkrod; Lucy Ann , Wilkins. Hannah Hart, Sarah M. Shepherd, Catharine Sheffer, Alfred Welty, William Wel ty, and and Alvah G Wilkins, Guardian of Amanda Welty, Amanda,Ropp and Christiana Kopp, heirs at law of the said Frederick Welty deed., You and 'cal:ill-or. 'Yon' tug) beieby •notifieit thiit by Cirtue of n Writof Partition issued out of tho to too directed I sball on Wednesday t c ho 4th day,of Mnyl67o. at ,10 o'clock a. m. on the prom isesltte the litttate'of tho'snidj'redeilek Wel ty 'deed., Situate in • _Liberty- Torin*bip Volga , Couilty Penna., proceed to the execution of the said Writ of Partition at which time and place youi can attend if you see proper.—Shorin Of fice Wellbosro Pa. March 16. 1870. 1 • • 7 ; 4" : „l3.'Potripti Sheriff. ATTENTION FARMERS. B. PRINCE, breeder of Light Berumb, • White faced Black Sganish, Senbright Bantam and Black Breasted Rod flame Fonda. ALSO ,AQENT, FOR • Catharine Highland Nur- aeries, and the Champion Grain Drill and Seed Sower,, the best in use. M. B. PRINCV, Residence. State St. Wellsboro Pa. March 16, 1870.—tf. lksitun 3 TlasterTHlS ,„ PLASTER haying been thoroughly tested by the farmers, end pronounced 'by all, to, be a superior 'article,' we take pleasure saying that 'wo can supply the Yaasses;as we have any quantity on hand, Price per ton, s,dollars• I. CHAMPNEY. ' Jan. 5,1870-sm.* • H FOR SALE AMOUSE and FIVE ACRES 'OF LAND' for Sale or exchange fora house and lot in Weilsboro. Sale property is situate abont lh miles east of,,,llamongspor;, and,,Con tains abourtsio sores b 1 Grapes-in full bathing, and nn orchard of choice fruit. The property is a desirable one, and plesantly located. Address this 'offiCe; • S•AS.. C. VAN 'GELDER' , Mnr. 2,11570. ila mmond sport,' N. Y: Lori], lard's EUREKA"' Smoking ,Tobacoo. ti an excellent article of granulated Virginia; Wher ever Introduced it is nniversally admired. It_ is put np,lti bandsome muslin bags t .in which orders fir Xicercchaum Pipes are`dailT, packed. -' L0R162- . ! _ARp:s ,YACHT,CLUO•Y!;SNICKIOO TOBACCO ; Classed by alllrho conaumbianstheannest ofall;" ft lsmade of tho qholeest , tiler grovta t .18 anti-nervous in Its sffeets, as the Nicotine, has been extracted; it leaves no disagreeable taste after el:Oohing; it, to very mild, light in color Mid tic - eight; 'hence ono Pound will last as long as Bof ordinary tobaccb: In this brarid wt 9 ale° pack orders every.flay ter first quality Meerschaum Pipes. Try it and , convince.yourselvos it is till it claim to be, "TITS FINEST OP A 14. 7, , LORIL• 471,10 NTAIR, CHEWING LARD'S: 7-CAZA q-OBJNOCC Tlii4 brand of Cut, Cheating TobacCOhas no equal or Stiperior anywhere. , iloubtSbobtfet OlOyt Ing tO•nrco 10 the'coutitry. ilUar4[l's Snitirs • • • •• - • , , Have now Lieu In general use In tlio United- Stoics over 110 years,' and still nekttondedged "tho'bost" wjterever used. ' • y.sur storekeeper does not have these artfeles for sale, risk, hitn to get them ; . ,they aro sold by reipeetablo JobberA almost everywhere. — _ - tlireniar and prices (urwar'led, - • , • I'.-,I,OII,ILLARD d: CO., Neli,York. .. March 10,1M-2M -•• • • •• • ANOTILER TtillatE •• IS P 4 s / ) 1 1 : : ilC;it '2CA thti Our, Prices 'To4Day, Best White Whet,Blour SI Pr - lied 'Witnier 50.50 'XX Spring Wheat, 6,01) " LOP a ' Buckwheat Flour - 3,00 per 100 111.4. Best Pep.] ' 00 4 , , Won anti Shorts 1,50% " 4 , Meal ..... ... . . '2,25 it Those FOR t'AE3I7.; • ' WI-410.14T PAILEY:.* - ••.; 0. • =1 • All porsons itot , bwring softladWithAis,,can uot,blume•LlS now if th+y find their accounts and notes loft with,un:' Ottoiney , for , CollectiOn; , We g~v~ finis tiCtfce.• •"•I •'• •sv;&. -- , 33; ' • ' ' •" " _BALOB.-- 1 -We want lan torton having-nny with bag ou,r rhark'Ori citurnt tke 'same - at, Mice, as viViifiaii takb Melia" 'tp.:,ei,apaTe' WO have 500 bawl scattered among the.people. T. ' ;' 41, o .4 3, MAIN STREET, 2 - • : . WELLSBORO, PA. 121 Machines, s_J WRIGHT A BAILEY. 10 ISEM -.lM.W.T!, l lpoctoo,,TMOtAittiN . ,:' ' - fis4-- - 1. 4 "1--• :.*-..-t,t•-•-•-•:„.•,..,.._,-,..;4.4 ,,, -;-:"..:, , •:. A..„- - •-•,: 4.--;...1 -,:•-.. 1:s ! , 1:1-:. - !i 1? e BEA F: aritT:' , , ~, :::,,,:,; , • 1 ,4 ,,,!• ' r , r ,40 -i .A l ;_, S . 4 :lqi) 0, 14 \00 1 14;01 " "94 : Y. , ; Ifq_Ma ' 4 0 1-1 4311i50, .4 , 0-14-OritMtli.or.. - , TX A' . , - - 1 - PAIO I .Q.Win,D.•wAIL.OVER THETAS§AGE OF fi rkr-rrirTEEXT-it '.oll.4sTiATt.tiT : 'liY i ' ll P:!*, l4 iiicf*M.4" '''' ''.": '::-: o„ i i , t *; s ;it_, r ,., d I c:riw,r-}, ~,.,,_,, ~,„ _,..x.,a .--•. : .- .., ,•-• , _ u ary ,/8 0 ' • Til"..l)fisAige uy, the -.10.t1t- Amendment • by,,the Ohio Legislaeherlereated aliro-. found iiienStuitutti in Ahii - qiiiiriejlt .- 'OS-, lit. ' : ,7:l li ni,§ POhcrel,Lbhe'4,oontliiii of ter . noon; :..-0 t,s4t„. - 4y . 6iciiig,firlargeineetM wnz;l:feld..-in:•the,:•tback. room ; uv , ; any, gresery , T -to -,express , •Our , views -10w - the topic; the eleot:nvi thetiethoOlsy Div the; ward :beip' - ijye‘g E * . ; - : , 1• ;•*,•iii - , n y - , ;•0 31 4,4 : c a l lerd ,l b tßilV*Ar;f i a . ii,4; ~o)93 l Y,',Weik, .Parikk4; zWho,-..wuz-, iwunst ;a reporte4, till an Amterpowerin ,•fondniB ler >fikker ,preveniid hinf;froliii Aid obargiiilits diio.;-, 'tied, ati4 r *liig,' = linit„,l : n. : olte; be . 2Sit?l,3P . .1 11 44.4.0 , ,Mr4b r i 40 , 4 1 ,;'' k''.'491 1 704i....,PY) Dlyneliiiatk Meetins Au 't tilaie wardi , ywu4 Inade'fsekrettirv'i '-z" , .0 3 ''.." --,,,'' '''' Terimee'O'Gratii; :'Wlih` - is 11 . n : ; - iiiiderj; '' wat ter,' Itt i tlit,c,',Astbi - . ,PfBtvie',4 l erna . iked thislliP, sciliii*i? - ft., 1 4-*-44 'SvPq••:.:T..IiP PasHifie - i.PY the- -Araendment ,- ,by2/the: Oltin3Legisltieher settled)•the . • question uv; nigger • suffrake. °.'',-FroM -- ,thlif,tirtin forwaril'ainen* 'race ; ' duly fitted by nacher to de metilal,• r orices ~14 others ; would be placed on a ekality with him. -It wuz degradiit to the radOw freemen to wbeh • be , belonged, and:for one he wood ; • 'never, ,-no- ; never ; submit: :Mr. -. - O'Grath wood hey; ,continyood his re-, marks, he wuz-cut short by the entrance uv the head waiter, who cussed,-,h im viggerusly for bein a ay from hisplace, and ordered .him ,* sfantly to leave. "Who's brushin the 'entlemen's coats, and .. .Pullin' off - the boots; and sich, while yoorhere.blatherin?" indignantly ejackilated the head man, ez Mr. 0' Grath meekly ; l6f(the.rooku.,' Timmy Brannon, a drayman, remarkt he was entirely discouraged. , Only last week he lied bin arrestid and , fined for, 1- beatin-his•hos.s • over the head with a dray pin, and now kin nOthing be dun to check these outrages ? . ..... Tonirnas Patterson, Eaq., a gentleman knowci it pugilistic circles ez "Patty ,the Lifter," wantid ,'to, know whether }le , wuz to be compelled to go to the polls twenty , times st" day beside- Dig gers? "Blarst my byes," remarkt Mr. Patterson, vehemently, "I'll go. back tO hold Flingland first !'t ', , ' ' • Mr. Plieli'm Malloy remarkt : that so far' ez .1%74/ York wuz . conserned .he didn't knor) ez' tweed make any dif . _. ference. He' wuz entirely 'shOor that no nigger wood ever vote in the Sixth Ward, anyhow, ez we . don't allow only ,sich wite men:to vote ez we want to - vote. • 1-34—",: -- . • • •• - ' "I3ut apozu they'll all vote the Dimo erathie, - tiltket ?" 'gurg Out an Alder- EEM "That woodent dons any g00d,".. re torild Mr.'Mailoy. So Icnig as we' kin repatdei often cz needs be, and - tuff waiit,'wat OCCWO wantuv more , voters? \bit he :, \VUZ about, to say w,nz' that, .in N . QCO Vsirk, his sole , run out in pity towards the' Dimoerisy 'in the Ablishen distriekse who woo 1 ,be compelled to vote, with, niggers, cifot,pelled 'stan by helplis and see t e LQallot box thus degradid: At this pibt there wuz a gineral e*- prefshun iv joy, okkashund by the en trance uv Mr; 'John Sykes, who lied just arrived froth Sing Sing, , where he hed bin encarcerated two years for bur glaiy, which wuz compiatid With shoot in •the individjeoel . whose . house he wuz burglin. His bein convicted and sentenced wuz owin to the fact that he lied opposed the nominashen uv the Judge : afOre whoM he was tried. Sykes wuz uv couese indignant at the unfair treatment he hed' experienced, • but he wuz more profoundly atrectid at the politikle-aitooashen than he wuz at his firivit wrongs., "Thunderl To think," sed sich a mass uv ignorence, vishusriess and crime bein elewated up to us. t :Ef ztwant for some ,little mat ters connectid with dozen. house breakinsin - Lunnun I'd go back on the, next Steamer ez sails.". • ' • And Mr. Sykes actilly wept: Atthis pint an • unfortinit v difference occurred. Alderman 0 1 .14'allon wuz offerin a reslooshen protestlit agin the _assOshatin uv , free men with the lower and more vishu,s classes ez tendin to. corrupt the sanctity,uv the ballot, when Mr: Patsey Carney entered. "Pay me the money ye promised me for the ten votes I brote ye off the emigrant ship last fall, ye spalpeen !" ejacelated Car ney, "I've, paid it twiet, ye , blaggaid, and begorra there wuz , only nine uv em and one uv them wuz ft legal voter for which ye had no rite to ask pay for!" reportid O'Fallon. "To . the divil wid yez !" rgmarkt Cariryi.goin for . him. Uv course the entire meetin jined in the scrimage.— It'lastid twenty minits, resultin in the breakin uv every chair in the . room, a two-gallon jug.and„ twelve or fourteen 'heads. relic of Abolishun mistb6l, .the Metropolitan poleece; hum in and stopt the row„ takin away ten men, nine uv which I knoNvd bed money in their pockets, which, lied they stayed an hour, I shood hey got. It wuz exas- : peratin. - Two 'uy my stiddy customers who lied biu civercome early in the afternoon; and who lied jist got Up out uv the straw wick I 'keep in a room for the accommo ,dashen uv Rich insistid that they'd • .11 never consent to givin up politikle power to thedegraded wretches. They felt that the very proposishen was an outrage„ "Wat effect, _will the makin - uv sick an ary uv new voters hey on the„price uv votes ? g ‘ f ,they ' vote at all in this city they'll hey to vote with Us: Will they immejitly demand their Share OV the afilceS? lmaginemy bein arrestid for vagrancy by nigger poleece men And,the bare thought HO shoat him that he rusht out into the bar-room and took a whisky strate, fergettin, in his excitement, to pay Iteso'tonsil us were introdoosed .'and passed, den unsin the ackshen uv Ohio, and exhorti isNoo York to stand firm in her reseisin yy,the - ratige,aslieti,;..M; dishnel resolocsthens' wuz pdssed, de mandin uv the the Legislacher uv Noo York astriklyDemokyaticgoVernment. 'We inststid upon fiinimMej it ropeei 'uv the Excise law, , the Metropolitan ,Po 7 leeee 10vs,_the laWS,preyepthi , dreoelty " - t4idninialsy , the healthlaws; the dividin nv the skool OW among'. ttie - Catholic ',ehurches;and•allthelaws.wich tend to . kOp i Ablishnists in offis to tliejnjoory 'uv the s'loon keepers uv Noo York.— This last menahund clause wuz added Wa=i atnii i insfande: • EithePiiieeeeinen pia thia belit'wtliitil taken froth ''PLs''' isfif!' ions, ez they, will be when the change' finally qemes,_wat. 0. , good thing I ,wpod hey nv - 1 t ! t ' l roa 'Reno'. tivotify - or ` til I itst men, _all -on . good salaries, and - with! power, to, arrest and go through, jest sioh ez they pleeze, and all uv 'em spendid lialFor three.qbait'er, , uy. theft. time in my "bar=ioem ! , Majestic . pr4b4peelr.,r Governor 'ftoll'emni" wood insi upon g htirrYini-tip"thiS thin of he r alined how tfluOr NVOi"cvlio ' electid 11 in are lei:min '4 bisnon-ackehen. • “ 1 • • .• 'My bizitis is' tollahle only. My cus•l terriers are gettin into a habit uv'''rb- . - Markin tome `list mark it down," after iiikin a' kink, wich, sence I ,stand on, • . ,cite Ins! tk uy,A bar, I find to be Al most .disgustl thing.. , And then my .enstom le b. , ein divfded. Sluice the goimoeratic i: , letrs7,,in November makes a, change In •'the. control tiv the eitycertiti, five stores lathe iniinediate visinity tiVitnY place .hove bin'eltinged into s'loona, and each one diaivs off Suthitt from Me. But yet I make'no doubt I 'AEA git along. 'My landlord will be a candidate for Alder man next spring andlie - cant afford - to bother me very much for rent, and I am busy establfsbirk a credit at a .half ! dozen,wholesale likker stores. I shel worry along. . • , • „ THE .tt JEST M , EECH EVER DELIVERED IN THE UNITED STATES SENATE BY A NEdRO SENATOR : • Speech of &niter Revels. Mr. Presitent :rise at this partic-' ular juncture in the discussion of the Georgia bill, with feelings which, per haps, never. beforeentered into the ex perience - of any member of this body. I rise too with misgivings as to the pro priety of lifting my voice at this early period after my admission into the Sen ate. Perhaps it were wiser for me, so inexperienced in the'details of Senato rial duty, to remain a passive listener in the progress of this debate ; but when I remember that my term is short, and that the issues with which this bill is fraught are momentous in their present and future influence upon the well-be ing of my race, I would seem -Ili-differ exit to the importance of the hour t i and recreant to the high trust imposed upon me, if I hesitated, to lend my voice in behalf of the loyal peopleof the South. I therefore waive all thoughts 'as to the propriety of entering into this discus sion, breaking through a generally un -derstood etiquette of this body. , When questions arise :which bear upon the safety and protection of the loyal white and colored population of those States lately in rebellion, I cannot allow any thought as to the mere propriety to en ter,into my consideration of duty. The responsibilities, of being the exponent of such a constituency as I have the honor to 'represent, are fully appreciated by me. . I bear about me daily the keen est sense of their weight, and that feel ing prompts me now to lift my voice - for the first time in this council cham ber of the nation. And, Sir, I stand to-day, on this floor to appeal for protec tion from the strong arm of the Gov ernment for her loyal children, irre spectlyeof eolok and race, who ,are citi zens of the Southern States, and partic nlarly of the great State of Georgia.. ItLek. Racc 0 1 q icetiett ion . lam well aware,- Sir, that the ideals abroad that an antagonism' exists be tween the whitey and blacks;"tharthat - race which the nation raised, from the degradation Of slavery, and endowed with full and' unqualified rights and privileges Of citizenship, are intent up op power ,at whatever price it can be gained. It has been .the well-considered aim and purpose of a class, not confined to the South, to spread this charge ove the land ; and their efforts are as vigor ous-to-day to educate the people of thiS nation into that belief, as they were at the close of the war. It was not un „eommon to find this same class, even during the rebellion, prognosticating a servile wpr. It may have been that the wish was father to the thought; and, Sir; as th recognized representative of My downtrodden people, I deny the 1 charge, a d hurl it back into the teeth of those who make it, and who I be lieve have not a true and conscientious desire to further the interests of the whole South. Certainly, any one pos sessing a knowledge of °the colored pop ulation of my own or any other . State, need net be reminded of the noble con duct of that people, under the mosttry- ing circumstances m the history of I the late war, when they were beyond 'the protection of the Federal forces. While the Confederate arty pressed into its ranks every white , male eapable of bear ing arms, the mothers, wives, daugh ters and sisters of the Southern soldiers were left defenceless and in the power of the blacks, upon whom the chains of slavery were still riveted;—and to bind those chains the closer was the real is- Sue for which so much life and property were sacrificed. And now,Sir, I ask, How did that race act? -id they, in those days of Confederate weakness and impotence, evince the malignity 'of which we hear so much? Granting, for the sake of argument, that they were ignorant and besotted, which I do not believe, yet, with all their supposed ignorance and credulity, they, in their way, understood as fully as you or I, the 'awful import of the contest. They knew if the gallant corps of national soldiers were beaten back, and their flag trailed in the dust, that it was the presage of still heavier bondage. They longed; tno, ns their fathers 'did before them, for the aklvent of that epoch over which was flied the hallowed light of inspiration itself. !They desired, too, with their fathers, to freleotrie the feet of the strangers, slio 'with the Peaceful. preparation of good n vs. i Weary years of bondage had told t leis tale of sor row to the Court of coven. In the councils of the Great Father of All, they knew, the adjudication :of their case, albeit delayed for years, .in which patient suffering had nearly exhausted itself, would, in the end, bring 'them' the boon for wltich they sighed--God's most blessed gift to his creatures—the inestimable boon of liberty They wail ted, and they waited patiently. In the absence of . their masters, they protected the virtue and chastity, of defenceless women. , Think, Sir, for a moment, what the'condition of this land would be to-day, if the slave population had "'sell - in servile insurrection against those who, month bymon th, were figh t big to perpetuate that institutien which brought them all the evils of which they complained. Where would have' been the security for property, female chastity; and childhood's innocence i-r- The bloody counterpart of ,sueh a story of cruelty and wrong Would have, been paralleled only in those' ,Chapters of Jewish history as recorded hy Josephus, or in the stilt later atrocities of that 1 , reign of terror which Stint . thei'n n fortu n ate Louis XVI' and. Mary Antoinette to the scaffeld. - say, the deeds in that I drama of cold-blrioded butchery. would have out-Ileroded the most diabolical acts of Herod himself. . Me Interests of the Races Icientiical. ; . , .. Mr. President; I - fri intain that the past record of my race ha trUelndex of the feelings which to-d animatetheta4 They bear' toward'.theit tj m fortneasteri i l l?, ,REQ revengeful thoughts, nri - hiitied;'ll6 animosities. They aim 'not to elevate themselveS by eacrificing i one single iti -terest of their white fellow eitizensl 7 -- they ask but the rights Which are theirs by God's,uniVersat la*; and which are tbe natural outgrowth; the” lagidal se quence, of the condition in which the legislative - enactments of this nation ISE MVO PETROLEUM V. NASEY, wuz Postmaster.) ' ~' Ell lIMIE I= litave placedthem._ They appeal t o yo u 'and to me, to see that they receilze that roteCtionWhichalonb'Oirefiable,th ra to pursno•their daily avocations 'with success, and enjoy.the At4erties of cltiT zenship'on the same footing with their, wiliti3 - neittlibors acid Wends. Ido not desire simply' to defend -my 'own race' from ,unjust and itumeiited charges, but ruts° desire to place upon record an ex p6ssien of my full s and entire pont - 1- (101 p in the intekrity of purpose, - With which, I believe,i • the' - President, Con gress and the Republican- part l y' will meet these questions, so prolific of.yeal tn.! woe=notl only to my own people, but 4 to' the whole South. ''They 'have been, SO far as I can read the history , of the, tlineS, influenced by no spirit of petty' tyranny. - The poet has well said : "0, it io extelfont. • To have a giant's strength; but it is tyrannous -• u'o it liko a giant.". -• • • I And hciW. have they used that:power, lodged in' thern by the'people? In acts of cruelty'and oppression - toward those who sought to rend ha twain, this good ly' fabric of our fathers : -,the, priceless heritage of so much hardship and en durance in Revolutionary times? Let the reconstruction- enactments answer the interrogation. No -poor words of mine are,needed to defouitthowiseand beneficent legislation which has been extended alike to white and colored cit izens. The Republieari party is hot in= flamed, as ; some would _fain have the country believe, against the white pop ulation of the 'South South; its _borders are wide:enough for all truly loyal men to find within them peace and repose from the din and discord of angry faction.— And be that loyal man white or black, that great party of our republic will, if consistenOvith the record it has alrea dy made - for posterity, throw around him the same impartial security in his pursuit of liberty and happiness. if a certtdn class of the South, had accepted in good faith the benevolent overtures 'which Were offered - to them with no ,niggard hand, to-day would net find ,our land still harrasSed with feuds and contentions. • Congressional Protection Demanded. I remarked, 11 r. President, that I .1 1 rose to plead for Oteetion. for the de fenceless race wh now send their dele gation to the seat of \ government to sue for that which this Vongress alone can secure to them. And here let me say ftirtber that the people of the North owe to the colored race a deep obliga tion, whieh it is rio• easy matter to ful fil. When the Federal armies' were thinned by death and disaster, and som ber clouds overhung the length and breadth of the republic, and the very 'air Vas pregnant with the rumors of for eign !interference-7-in those dark days of defeat, whose !memories even yet haunt us as an ugly'dream—from what source did our nation, in its seeming . death-throes, gain additional and new found power? It was the sable sons of the South that valiantly ruAhed to the rescue, and but for th O r intrepidity and ardent daring, many i.,:t Northern fire sidC would miss to-rya Y paternal conn se!l;,or a brother's love. Sir, I repeat i,lle fact, that the cOlor3d race saved to the noble women of New England and the Middle States tire men on whom they lean to-day for security and safety. Many of my race, the representatives of these men on the field of battle, sleep in the Countless graves of the South.— If those quiet resting places of our hon ored dead could speak to-day, what, a mighty voice—like to " the rushing s of a mighty wiud"--:would come up - filim those sepulchral home's. Could we re sist the eloquent pleadings of their ap ed? Ah, Sir, I think that this clues- ' --IA:, r. ;...e. ta........ - .eliatn, • ams drt , ..., en 1 03 es ....pro-tor, - ti io u for the loyal people of Georgia would close its legal technicalities, and we ,would cease to hesitate in our provi sions for their instant relief. Again ' I regret this delay on other grounds. The tanht is frequently flung at its that a Nemesis more terrible than the Greek personation of the anger of the gods awaits her hour of direful retribution. 'We are told that at no distant day a great uprising of the American people will (demand that these reconstruction acts ilf Congre:ss be undonft and blotted fore‘ler from the annals ,!of legislative enactment. I inquire, Sir, if this de lay in afibrcling protection to the loyal ists of the Sate of, Georgia, does not lend an unconifortable significancy to this boasting'sneer With which we so often meet? Delay is perilous , , at best ; for it is as true in legislation as iu phy sic, that the longer We procrastinate to apply the proper r i emedies, the more chronic becomes the malady we seek to heal. The land wants such ' As dire with rigor execute the laws. 11cr festered members must be ]aided and tented. He's a had surgeon that fin4ity taares The part corrupted till the!gang2ene spread. And all the body perish. lie that's merciful Unto the bad is cruel to the' good. " . Treachery of the ex-Rebels li. Georgia. Mr. Revels then reviewed the history of athiirs in Georgia, stating that at the election in November, 1867, for mem bers to the State Convention, 30,000 white and 80,000 eolored votes were polled, and a number of colored dele gates elected. A Constitution r ives fra med and ratified, 'and a Legislature elected under it was convened. After all this, supposing they had passed be yond Congressional control, the Rebel element in the Legislature asserted it self, and many of those whose, disabili ties had been removed by the State Convention, which comprised a number of i i colored members, joined in the dee la ation which was made liy that Leg isl Lure, that a man having more than one-eighth of African blood in his veins was ineligible ,to office. These very men to whomthe Republican party ex tended all the rights and privileges of ciqzenship,'of which they had deprived themselves, denied political equality to a large.majority of their fellow citizens. Twenty-eight members were excailled On December 22, 1869. Au aet of Con gress was passed requiring the re-as sembling of the persons declared elect ed by the military commander, the res toration of the expelled members, and the rejection of others who were dis qualified. All the conditions ha now been complied with, andhavingr tined the Fourteenth and FiTteenthiCo stitu tional Amendments, Georgia pre ented herself for recognition.) The Bingham. amendment proposed to legalize the or ganization of 1868, and would legalize the actor the Legislature in appointing the Judge who had decided in favor of class , distinction in the State. As a means of future protection for loyal Georgians, he desired these terms should commence from the date of the present legislation. He asked this in the name of 100,000 white and colored citizens of the State, and reminded the Senate that "he who permitted oppression shared ! the crime." , Upon the conclusion of his remarks, Mr. Revels received thecougratulations of many Republican Senators and oth ers. .A_Ar ACT to facilitate and secure the! ' construction of an additional railway cptinection brtiocen . the watcrs of the - Suktittehanna anctthe great lakes, Can: .ada and the nfn - thwestern' States, bY extending the cy d a»d credit of certain corporations to the Jersey Shore, Pine . Greek and Buffalo Railway Companyj ( 1 ( TIKHEAs, It is a matter:of much public iMpa aneo to, the State at large, that a railway should he ,entapleted at an earfy flay< to form an additional connection between the ofilbracite and bitutninottf, coal fields of.Penngylvania and the great chain of lakes and States west, and thereby dorelop a valuablp portion of thoCoonnonwealth,, 'now tv ahem such a highway, and adl greatly to 'the taxable values fur tato and all ber putpo. nes; - t 1 Aud whereas, It is believed that these desira ble objects may bo accomplished by the provi sions of, the annexed bill,.and in order to grant sufficient authority for effective aid as aforesaid to atleure the elm° ;, therefore, , Sac. 1. Be it enacted, die., That the Jersey Shore,Pine Creek and Buffalo railway company be, and they are hereby authorised, to execute a r a t 323 sl . . ;;•• ' : . s•:ir , NUKBER .first mortgage to the . atnetint of six millions - d dhllare, in lien and substitution-of the loan Zealot' ' company havo• heretofore' been authorized- - tol Make. which shall cover all their Hue of-railway • to ho censtrneted frotraJersey Shore to oontoon • with . tlati Buffalo - and ~Washington ratin - iy, as set- I forth ititheir charter,,with its extonsionsixightli • equipment, *. angina houses. machine,, eve r,ia p p ro ur an ten n a g n e ta t t e e tk a t a n n tl a re o q p n a ti t t leo lo o r f tiie shops, tools, and - pioperty of every kind whiUsa. tonance, 33 r! k ol li di s together with the corporate right, and fratrehi-'• sea acquired and to- be acquired, to secure ih• payment of bonds as hereinafter provided ;• each bond bearing interest at five per centaurper*n• num, payable semi•annually, from and-afterps 'first day of April, Anno Domini ono thousand --- eight hundred and seventy ;,,which bonds shall bo payable to the Commonwealth' of Perourylva- Xtia, to bo deposited in the sinking fend of the Conamonweelth, with the interest thereon; for ! applickation only to the payment •of the public' debt; these bonds to be ' received by the Com. monwealth in lieu and substitution of . the Guist. ing dtibt of that amount of Ave per cent:bonds; that is contracted to be paid by the Tennsylva nia railroad (company,, and all lions and claims: arising in 'connection theieWitli; and the -said • six millions of dollars of bonds shall bereceived in fall satisfaction - f the said bonds of the Penn. eylvanitt railroad company, and of all liens And , elaimenrisingthereunder or therefOr. Ono hundred thousand dollars' of said bonds of the Jersey Shore, ' Pine 'Creek and Buffalo railway-company, shall bo payable each antra's.' cry year, beginning with tholiret day of April; Ono thousand eight hundred and aeventy-fivei and so continue annually ;thereafter until the first day of April, ono thousand eight hundred: . and ninety. „ Ou gio' first day of April, one thousand- eight hundred and ninety-one,' one million a dollars. On the first day of April, ono thousand eight hundred and ninety.two, one million of dollars. Oa the Aril day of April, ono thousand eight himired and ninety-three, one million of dollars. AMI all the remaining -balance of the entire debt, with the interest duo thereon, shall be fully paid and liquidated on the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ninety.fonr. Upon the delivery of thTs bonds and mortgages as horeinbefore provided, the commissioners of the sinking fund of this Commonwealth are hereby authorized, empowered and - directed to deliver to the Jersey Shore, Pine Creek and Buf falo railway company, -the obligations of the Pennsylvania -railroad company, now in the - sinking fund or in any way belonging to the Commonwealth, to the amount of six millions of dollars of five per centum bonds, and to cancel and fully satisfy all mortgages or claims of every nature and kind whatsoever, exisling therefor by legislative enactment, contract, or otherwise, in favor of the Commonwealth against said Tenn sylvdnia railroad company; and thorny:en the entire proceeds that may be realized frem the said bond and claims against the Pennsylvania railroad company, shall be applied from time to time by the Jersey Shore, Pine Creek and Buffa lo railway company, only to the immediate -con- . etruction and equipment of the said line of rail, way, between the points specified in the act in corporating the said company; and the said main lino of railway shall ,be constricted and opened for public use within three years from the passage of this act. , Provided, • however, that no delivery or exchaego of bonds shall be made under the provisions or authority of this act; by the commissioners of the sinking fund, uutll sr contract for the construction and equip. ment of the Jersey Shore, Pine Creek and Buf falo railway, with responsible parties, duly exe cuted, shall be delivered to ,said commissioners, and an absolute guaranty' for the - fulfillment thereof within the time and conditions of this act, by the Catawissa and Philadelphia and Rea ding railroad companies, or the Catawissa and 'Lehigh Valley railroad companies, or the Cata wissa and Lehigh and Susquehanna railroad! companies, or by the Philadelphia and Erie, Northern Centvl and Pennsylvania railroad companies; and also a guaranty in like manner, of the payment by said Jersey Shore, , Pine Creek and Buffalo railway company, of three' hundred thousand dollars interest per annum, as it accrues to the State on the said bonds-of the Jersey Shore, Pine Creek and Buffalo railway company, during the construction 'of said. line of railway and until it is opened for ti affix, as re quired by this act. And said compauicF ' or Eu oh of them as may join in said guaranty, for the purpose of provi ding additionalvecurity to.the State as aforesaid, are hereby fully authorized and empowered tet agrecailente and obligations under their corporate Beals, as may be needful to per- Net their said guaranty, as required by this 'act, and as further security to the Commonwealth for the execution of gitaranties as hereinbefore pro vided, the same shall ; be deemed and taken to be a lien upon the railways, their property and franchises that may enter into the same, and so continue until the conditions thereof are fully complied with. `SEC. 2: That the three and a half millions of five per Centum bonds now in the sinking fund, given by the Allo,l,any Valley railroad company to the Commontquith of Pennsylvania, together with all tlie guar nties connected therewith, be, and they are here y appropriated rot aiding in if , tho development of certain districts of this Cora monwealth; as hereinafter provided. First. To the Pittsburg, Virginia and Charles ton railway, company, one million six hundred thousand dollars. - y Second. To the Clearfield and Buffalo railway coinpany, one million four hundred thousand dol. lars. Third. re the Erie and Allegheny railway company, five hundred thousand dollars. - Fur ivhioli the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia shall receive their bonds respectively, bear ing the same interest, and maturing at the game time, as the bonds tho Commonivealth.now holds in pro rata proportion from each company; all of which shall be secured by a second mortgage upon those lines respectively, their - property, franchises and equipment; the said companies imiting their first mortgage to an amount not acceding sixteen thousand dollars' per mile, wring interest at seven per centem pertain= ; e proceeds thereof, and also the 'proceeds of 11 bonds received from the Commonwealth Lin er this net, to be used only for aiding in the construction and equipment of their roads; all of which bonds and mortgages they are hereby fully authorized and empowered to perfect, in the usual form; upon this being done, and the five per contum bonds of said companies delivered to them, the said commissioners of the sinking fund are hereby authorized, empowered and di rected to deliver to the companies named in this section of this act, their respective portions of the bonds of the Allegheny Valley railroad com:' pany now in the sinking fund, or in any way be-' longing to the Commonwealth, to the amount of three million five hundred thousand dollars of five per centom bonds, and to ' cancel and fully satisfy all mortgages and elairus of every nature and kind whatsoever existing therefor in favor of the Commonwealth against. said Alloghany Valley railroad company and the guarantors theroofy the consent of said guarantors to sold transfei first being filed with the commissioners of the sinking fund; and to relinquish and transfer all and every claim of. the Common wealth against the Allegheny Valley railroad company and the guarantors thereof, to the par ties receiving the bonds aforesaid. Arid the said lines_of railway shall be con structed and open for public use within three years from the passage of this act, a', l 3 follows: Tlie Pittsburg, Virginia and Chrlideston rail way, between such point in South Pittsburg, Al legheny county, and Greenshorougli, in Greene county, Pennsylvania, by such routo as the Pitts, burg, Virginia and Charleston. railway company may finally adopt. f - ~ ,o, The Clearfield and B l'uilile ' railway,ffetween such point on the lino of the Allegheny Valley railroad extension, in Clearfield county, or other -point in said county, and a point of connection with the Buffalo and Washington railway, in the jcounty of Ili'lionn, by . such route as .May: after careful survey be finally adopted by the Clearfield and Buffalo railway company. , I . The Erie and Allegheny railway, 'between such point on the Atlantic and Great Western - i n u t lay, ir. the counties Of Erie or Crawford and the city, of Erie, by such route as the Erie and Alfeghany railway company may filially adopt. Provided, however, That : no delivery Creitehange • ,of bonds shall be nlade under the provisions or ' authority of this act, by the comarissionere.et .the sinking fund; until a contract for the con- - struction and equipment of said lines, of railway respectively, with responsible partiee, of which the Pennsylvania railroad : shall be olto, duly ex-. rented, shall be delivt red to the- said commis sioners, and an absolute guaranty for, the fulfill ment thereof, within the time and conditions of this act, by a responsible' railway company or companies; and tihu 'a guaranty White manna, of the payment by th,: - .; said railway company. or companies, respectively, of all interest as it ac. crone to the Statiiion said bondi'i 'belonging to the Commonwealth,_ df said companies respectively,. during 'the eunstructioti of their lines of railway, and until they are open for , traffic, ,as required . by this act. And'said company or companies'' may join in s aid guaranty _for the nurpisseit= providing security for the said lines, are - hereby tally authorized and empowered to execute such agreements and obligations, under their rupee. tive seals, as may ,be needful• to perfect their guaranty for the fulQlhnent of their mintreet,sa required by the provisions of this act; and as - a farther security to the Commonwealth for the execution of the guariinties as hereinbefore pro vided, the same shall bed , eetried.and taken to be a lien on the railway or rUilways, their property and franchises that may enter into thesame; and so continue until the , conditions thereof are fully complied with; and theguakentles provided for in this bill shall be taken as an entirety, and no delivery of bonds made until all of the said guaranties are executed in due form for delivery to the Commonwealth. 111 Me lIE ,j 4.. IKES