M=M; f • #4. R _ G •-• v As bfiiiko stir the morning, , A iTtki t ie reigne,lkair; , Steeicpfittiqfi44esps above me, • ....,iiiilogeroqs4) Ind bare; •1 • 1/ • 160/1 0 1 4440111;tr , • • ,' A "..• 1 1rg' I:'l l7 43 l l l l , lo . **t*Pai/e r - k>. t, tatiqiiihei t P tit ; - ( tAtkiy' R ut tkeirinipie:is,ti;snOes .l` A s gtilbstiliellintrY,i . 164• 7 : . • , • I** tien tho_guilty aspen Hath noised her quivering; As though too, were waiting, Waiting for the Spring. • 97)11e,:,4 E ttrA l ß t ° t?rri ri'S If haply where I stand, Hut one ltrny, , ,notir of rentio • I % •_ c r. Ot.tliwAkriifir Why art thou mute, 0 blackbird ! • . 9igirut3l4l - 141Y; (lust not sing 1 t"' Ah! surely they are wailing, Waiting for the Spring. 1 . • ft heart ! thy days are, darksoine ! 0 IcAft.:,!.; P!:,0 5 -.1211:',.e•1Y.! 1 . 1 trlatOto:r sudihltiol •.- c Proclaim tho turning year, - Saone hattllio trees bp;lpp.fy t. s. '_ S P l l l 7rY , ( b lO)? / tIP ?.i $g 5, let . 'Waiiting. for tite'S'priisi. , The Rural .New 'Yorker gives the fel dpvilugSug,g,estiOns'ontaisink,:earlfArcg'r 114ables-43 - , I ;". A - 2 ; PEAS: Get a fevi!PlaP'e'rs - ict the N'elY, earlieif kind -say extra Early May. Selebt the ' 11) 71Vehrliiiry I Mitreik yoli eau, spade up as much ground in a r.. 13 /4qge4V4,SPqP., : f l4 : Yol4stiesire,-to plan :ssyn'south.Sidenf afene&lo plant Your peas thlcle, r ilite'efriblies'ditip,- cover with warm, dry ( leaf mould or Opp, manure on eilehekde : , of -the cernfax 0;0i Op, a foot t on each'elde'sci 'that they will' not , fall over on the row. Scatter straw , lightly over • the:row SO iii . i i r loy tO . 'fglly r • 1 .. •' rt qextincle e the 'stinligh . t.'lf 'i'et - jr, 1 ini:lo tan t weatiter,sets in,. ,wttici4.w.iiibq t, ogitse, ~, , r;.l. .1 , - r. .1 ; (. i , 1.1 • ...t r. ti ...' in all iirobability:,)coy e ifthe - fcitvEt vkith plank or boardeuntil tife r itingh it eatii ,erili over: - Remove when:the Eiu ri 'ihines warmly:- -In thia way--yetrtart- have a iIAW`-n4e,sse§" a mouth p so i, ONranee 'of those planted atllia The pea is.quite hardy, as I have had thein covered with." - snow when two inches high withcintfrijnry, when protected as. above diteot4,. - , • _•-•;--ri'gucm.,stugns. Early - h-;-'scrOcure some sods about eight inches square and four inches thick. -Turn them over and cut the soil so that the seed •can be stuck in an, ipcl3. or so, deep.. Plant only the ' 7 " - Early Bet - the sods in a pit or hot-bed, if you have them ; if not, - set ther on a shelr in a room where there is a fire; water with :warm water occasiOntilly:tis' the sods get dry; and when warmer weath er conga remove them to the garden and place small boxes a foot sqtiare, having neither bottorna,,tot tops . fiver ,I,herri.," At night,"natil - tbe,youn plants get:" hardened," place a pane of glass eTer them. Remoim the'boxes . -as• the : . ground and the air get warmed up; and you will have fine early cucumbers. LETTUCE. Make. a hot-bead in the usual way,' about four by eight feet: "Sow any early kind of seed you prefei• ; keep it covered with sash ; air and water every bright, pleasant day. Thin .out the - plants as youlise them. such a bed will,furpLak. an abundence, quite early, fora favtily Of a dozen or more. . • 7 • • TOMATOES. Sow in boxes of about two feet by one and a half, six inches deep in earth of the'. richest kind.• Cover tiler Seed half an inch deep. If you have• a hot-bed, place this.bOx in ft; if ,rint l -set it in a suimy,windoW.,!Water occasionally:— When the plAnts are an inch or two high thin them out to about an inch , ap rt. So soon as the weather is free of fro t,' transplant in moderateiy good gti den soil, not rich, as that would make fine vines, but poorirtat. FROZEN PLANTS.—Some still, clear night Jack• Frost will findlis way into the ladies parlor or, \chamber, where she keeps ,her hduse plants, , and, ah mel neat rnorping the sweet Pete; will be as rigid - as the artificial flowers on her bonnet. Now what shall be done? Don't hurry theiW into a warm room to thaw them by the side . f)f a stove as you would a frost-biten chicken. Let them remain where- they were, frozen ; close the winw shutters' dtop the cur tains, sous to make the room quite dark ; ,thela sprinkle the plants with - celd . twuter, i direct'froiU the cistern, and Wait. for the result. Do' not allOw the room to become warmer . than 45 deg. for t,wenty-fouihours. If a few drops of spirits_ of ,camphor are thrown ; into the dish of water before sprinkling, it will: be all .the better. Plants treated in this way, though frozen so' badly, 4 that _water will freeze In flreps'on l the leaves 'when :sprinkled; Yet by keeping the room dark and 'cool for an entire day, they will out unharmed. . , PnuNiNo.--Injnied trees, such as have teen breken , by iiiiiina or other vise, 'druid have the raggbd wound pared smooth.. Those slightly injured,! by mice and rabbits, will recover if ~ earth hi) drawn upto - CoverAlie,woliud. If the bark is completely One; the only way to save the treats to connect the bark below and_ above the ! wound by coins, inserted in the'bark ao as, to span over the injdred - part. , _ . before - Prat - ill:4 is lo be dee growth . begins. - In pruntnivnegjected ,trees; - the object should be to get an open and well bolaced 'head. ' • Take !care that a ball :Wolin I Is not made by the falling 4 1. of the 11 b when tartly sawed_ oft --rare-wounds smooth,- And cover them wipk,wax or pain hvbio. Tuay be tinted, to be less conspictione.—Anteri Can Ag riculturist. QREAT " YIELD OF OATS .— For theln.- fcirmatlon of my brother farmers In Sus . Oqunty, I' would Mention my stieleeeelastsiefti raisinktnits. About the last day:of, , April I sowed one acre of ground to 'eo‘mnionoats, the same as I have sowed for ten years past, and froth that acre I , raised 81 bushels, • '`weighing 37 lbs. per bushel, or 93 bush 'de and 21 tbs., weighing 321bs. per bushel. Bring on your IsTOrway bug,. and beat that if you can. J(39 ~ MCContrr.L.-- - Montroso Re -' jiiibnean. HarFord, Feb. 18, 1870. ArthurlLewis and Frank H Green two boys aged 15 years, of brooklyn, hayevbeen , arrested for , robbing their parents and employers of !Aimee thous and dollars, with which they attended a prize, tight at Mystic, then bought re-, volfrera and bowie knivea at New Lon- . •don; stole a boat there, -- were run - down by a Soinid et#o2o 'Arid picked up and ~ brought, back home where , they were - • - detected intndeavoring to pasSi aforged .%chdek. • They' made,ll; (Of, con,f6sion titter their arrest. ",PftiNeP4T-V l 4“=" • Tioaa oußty-: Agitator ftit'o. it. 4 1 44 • II; 4 -1 4 1 V i4 %q• lto offiet - is vreil Mocked with Typo, Presses; / 10 4 j .. an d t igu wiery avputege for-4dolng 131112 - a' ; • - •''s .. s.i .- I , Y. e ~ , iii is:l44llot Mana:l ;oi tlaince to ClilorS, tiara a red i • mg-eardett n-stme er: • iltly'lttntl or style at or. ,4061, 1 4-015 14 ,0310ilt*Tollo\itit..:u_ r.', i t ir. 0 . i 5 . ! t I . r -, k , o , :-.J.• -:-;; L . ; .." ,;.4-,Jli - , i t-::,.. ~.P i.. ~.•ff oolt i ",- %dT.9,, ~. .. n ' J •, ' ;' • 1. 11 t . Wand.llll tt; Togrinittl9,2 ( pieties, Darts; Curl/ I . Bill Itditdt, tilictildie; - - ' Oidai'al'ShigipineCaidei ' l ' ttnalotateiCdrdaiEnietdpesi Tinted it'Tatti Srlettlig, !'' 1 Y.titltitg PITO', Wedding - .`., , 1 .- -itc:, ,-4,- - el,; - ,,te-q; 1 .. .: • t t -,Lit. ,,, :r.: qi.i .. = -.. T.ustice " ' liflanks,_ - , (t om '( 10 1 -7,t, i• : :,:... t, ~ -.,- . i -autl Therblaa ncon§lantiy Onjowl - add for mitt: i Deeds, 'warrantee, ~,_ 'School ontract , Coeds, qntt-claloi." ' . Sammons, Subpoenas, Statement and Confession, Warrants, Executions,' Aro 44 . Voni'w - ., - t - ,, ,. re . ; Indeptnlfyiti# Bonds, , ...,, , 1 no .13Onmblelt Sala. 1 , ettaolivatinui, Judgment -' Co lector's Sale, Notesl Petition and rand_ MarrialfoCtrtipeilkn f ,„ I, ;I 11 ~ A ippulet? t i tTiittpl inn. - A —!. r *: ' '' l on ally J: wi l t • , tidally otknr blanks 'nut enu owed - . .pg printed to order on abort notice..; t ' .41 , 2 !.• 7• , : , rl . - . • 4 P„eteowl gendfng pder9 for .34..)8, ji4}t6" } tinsel tnerr , Wpriii ycrippQy Ogno_p.ti4 .TOttabskt:, Wre sbalf atiaiii no pains to please; our custoMersin this depart/ mont. TbatiooterMing work„pkoulo mato the sin) qt Job, land.eifink. Mid naftiflebtreati-' Feb! - 1870: Rose . , Climax, oililßiaoso Prolific. Early, Rctett.hc - xtie - rita of lbitr,_Cielebrated rioty, are already well knimn—planted eadeit t y , side with the early. Goodrich and York potatoe;, they matured 'twelve days in advance ; , , t aVeiAlc'tzi for, 8.C . .", ceed p ,thc underilgnilif received a yield 0f : 123 poandss - - It' is a putntd !nr;auVirlor table quality. The Breese Brolifie mature's about tsvett - w °aka later thari the Early hose—is generally pip-, ductive; often exceeding a hundred 'told ? and Will prove l a ni,UA:•voluable ,variety ,for field' culture, , .4-lc,al4e - a potato!, of. ono elfin t : table 3T4itYiv :3: 7 - Early Rose,--, Breebo-Profideij' price per peck, 1.91 00 • • ,1 Poglld, .00 ,5(1 IL S. JOHNSTON, Feb. 23, '7O-if. Tioge, ,• 1M aooE•s 'Wilson- tt Van Valkenburg's CHOICE WINTER GOODS, Purchased at the Bottom Market Prices, 1- MU NthlC CLOTHING of every description, and clothing made to order in tho very beet style, and warranted. t-13.C.0 RE)GUL A T,O ,I , Here We Are Again! , _ . rrifiA KFUL for the favors wo have thus far 1 received from the Wiople . of THE. TIOGA VALLEY, we wish to call their attention to the fact that we aro Just recefving a adapted to the - early 1111 Trade, cotaprieint Etv erythiug desirable, both in style andluality, and, shall be pleased to see our old customers and, all who may come from that *felony to CORNING bay GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, A LARGE DISCOUNT ON PRICES, we thumake it for their interest to.cone to us to make tiktir purchases, as.panny,popp a in that region will tqatify: We do not bailey° in Ion& advertisements, displaying long lists of prices, to , but will convince all who come that we can, and do fell call abd take aAook through our itnaonoo stook and satisfy your elves. , JOB MINTING 4,-Blryogg4,, • , ,(!roprketorat The way to Get Riell: L ja. i to buy your , I where you,c!” any them, ?HpAPESTI ,) . You can do that at A 'BPLENbID LINE or just received WILSON, & VAN VALKENDURG. CORNING. N. Y. New Stook of Goods DRY GOODS, HOOTS AND Sling, . CROCKERY, Ciqpe4s, so wo always give customers froM a distance GOODS OREAP, t hat thieStoreis, in reality THE REGULAT . .m.''°-- for Me [motion of oolintry. • .NaWnat Co osi optie e HOPI t . . - 31.; , 'Asi" usAs San StO ~t,,,'. i. iita;t -A Pi -MAR -IV nE! =I ; • ; - , ..a t idinyingfortnetLit partnership in the Tin, Stoic, .dgnrdrf.,are, trade r the ; undersigne4,l)tive the P!ea,sure_to Ann pone? ,ftnit they; hare,, a,grent outlay; added - to the uSital stockthe old stand on .1 MA[N STREET , WELLSBORO, oempletC:agsortotent of ,Shelf ' , Hardware, of which we enumerate the following: articles : RAILP, SPr i a*:'OttOWIIABS,, X cuT '.51 1 14 " o_, /tin 'BUCK SAWS, 1, • , BUTTS, - STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S !',l'OOL5, PUM,K - AXES, • BITTS, • , MIME - "qtcoitt , S,:iiaDgs,:494p3., WOO 'SC I REVV4S, PVT% ArRACSKEIIIVaSH - ERS•P • : PIPE BOXES, -, AXLE- , _ • - , TREES; ELLIP - "VIC :" • Ilii SPR!NGS, HOBSE'SHOEk HOOP, BAB, • it - BAND ' IRON; 'GRINDSTONE • lIANGINGS, - CORN ' • POPPEBS,. - SAUSAGE iItPDTERS AND STUFFERS VONMINED. Also, PISTOLS, • ;' PISTOL TCARTPIDGES, POWDPR, AND PAT BAR >~ObR HANIMIGS a new thing, and made for use. ,r Those are but a few alias many . - artiolie 'composing our stook of ifirdWaili. ••• • • • •:( - the,p,uhlio to ball and 'oiramirie for thomaelves. We aim to keep-the boat coplii, of goods In oar lino ; and • all work to order -done promptly and well. ' AGEN'i3 'OR THE , Itinikeye ylOwer & Reaper. SASH, DOORS. BLINDS. AT FACTORY PRICES, Always on hand , or furaiabed ,to prclorat BaRER.TS & -13AILErS Jitar4ware Store, Welleboro. • ,• , ItIiRATEA,_7I ATT . -LT R. C• BAILEY. Wellsboro,Jan• I,lB7o—tf. Ingham's Wooleii Mills ! . . DEERFIELD, PL T"sabieribers will pay Cash, Full-Cloth, 1:1 • assimeres, Flannels, &0., for Wool.— They also manufacture as usual— TO ORR% OR ON SHAM, to snit customers. L 11 work warranted as rep resented. They invite particular attention to their Water proof KIM CASSIMERES, which are warranted in, every ,reepoet. Partici ' attention'ilVol2 to ' i ROLL a CARDING CLOTII BRESBING. INGHAM'S large stook of Oaseimeree, itc.; per - cent leap than an y corape9tora, and warrant. ad an reprOented.' ' • INGRAM manufacture to order, and do all kinds of Roll-Carding and Cloth Dreaaini, and defy competition. INGifIAMS bavo as good an asaortme ni i - , I Fill Clothi, Oiiiiimeres, &c., and give more for Wool in exchange than any Other establishment. Try them and satisfy your :Area. INGRAMS wholesale and retail at the Cow• aneaque MillorgFdlos below Raoulllo. Oar Cloths are warranted, and Bold by the following persons: DELANO 4k, 00.. Wollabor°, Pa. • T; L. BALDWIN & CO., Tioga, Pa. J.-0.-BENNETT, Covington, Pa. 100,000 Pounds of Wool Wanted. nignms, at, 80Na. rimblii Jam i f 11114 i. Stoves Ali i t,` =II 011 F "r S =1 SEEI . ~, ,~- , AND Wholeill6 -iiid -iiittitair • t ii DRUG ,;, • - • ;1•(';`,, to "? 11;;; • Absto . p ) op ,tjnt‘4oupiF e . a p i times ;A. a fult-etocieof ;; • ;.; - • CAI • 1 REG s ,.. AND maingts s! •, .• , . PAINP3;' 4 6.I I Liii, Metilehtegi , si ava g onn: ,cr%:kf r47 01 e) Lamps, z4s, Dye ,TaitgWad) I, Lime antf.,Brushee, , '„Varnigh zinc/ Sash Btuehee, IRtitlnfitOides, 'ail ai es t reirks4 HO. 'pig. S LP. Mai' arid' TOoih° likethea, `tr.' folr'otOoki of 3 . 1 17 ` , g4ef.. 4144 , a. :compYte,cis-= -, ••. • •.-•i , - • • !•;.• y. ••,-- •-" • - and a:.fullitook of • •,_ Purn.infines and Liquors. , • Buyers a'r,e`fetititiitisd to call arid*tatalaii pti"- oes before puectaslig elsewhere. ' ' ' • • EMS Jan. 1, 1130.'!: ,i‘ P. • IF • • I , TOE/ WANT A . •• •• Coat 'or - Suit of Cloth& 1 . • ) .Call and see our Bleak of - 71 Clotho or, Vatishivereil; • and leave your measure; andyou can be supped on elkort notice, at . , , • • • • SMITE & WAITE'S, Oot. 27, 1869. Corning, N. T. • .• •_ Large . Stock of FOREIGN & DOMESTIC GOODS I 1:). • • Suitablo for the Fail and Winter trade • SMITH & Oct, 270868., .!, Corning, N. Y. REMOVAL. New Stock ! New Goods ! SEARS' so DERBY HATE taken Ate mew store i ns door above Wright'& Bailey, where thy are on hand with a new atook of , , . BOOTS, BitIcisIORALS, GAITERS, BOOTEES, 'BROGANS AND• GALLIGASKINS • .warranted to flt any foot from No. 0, to 13 In. olurive., The stook' - ha,' been' rolooted by one who has flak advantage of EXPERIENCE in the buolneee, and fe the leg radfuldes 0, the country,' 91:!u pt4c4c . ctf , ' • , PRENOiI PRENOII KIP, UP PER; SOLE,' OCIAISION. LININGS, BINDING, Md. • • •.vpIA ka kept up as heretofore. On•Plndfnge 9ie ehali-be' foind at home al ways, and me shall -endeavor to sell at pilots satisfactory to ,the Arad°. We won't be under sold. _CASH PAID FOR FfIDFS,:I3RINS, FURS & PEVA Alto tho,toi of the Market for WOOL* Bub our bastitold mill be on • CUSTOM WORK t •:..AD • - There's ootnfoft,ja ' a well made oustomloot, , Val OA hitt ifftAtitich out tosizunoh compressing: For every bey a shabhy foot !Cannot Itti:ipinptOttilled by;Oterdremaing. And one may Wear 'dean linen with a exit Of finest elothi•bttt their" ii no fineseing ;Will =this &imam:with ;shabbily dreamed foot, Look like a gentleman upon the street. r' Buy 'yotifboots of 1 ' • • • 158.14tfl DEADY ' , ,:Or Any other Man. [Prin i et's Devil.] • Wellsboto,-Jan. 1)1869-tt. .. ~ .; ~.. : ,., : : : ..i.:,• . k-1 17 . mai.. - ~ • : ~ . ~,... --,.. r AM Asti KinneyA Co., celebrated 4 .416. -if A piattoim gp;kog, Wagons, all ,etylesi alai) for thidiAlAt i garrlagea and Baggy Wagoni, all male, nigood.atyle, and from, ,J.oreey timber, ank.ivarranted,ln, every respect, equal to 'AO nas* - Oan>,fitroilid;i any of tbe, above at, the lowest Mannfaetur,ere price's. L. C. BENNET., Wellebora', .Talf. - 1, 1870-tf.. _.: ;:gotet,fkud Lot for Salo. ,• t - # 01CiBleifidloi, iinil vacant lot for a aii) cheap: lineation Welleboro, and desirekie, quire at the Apitator Office. •• • 1 i ' Jank 108704--tri:,+ ,t';(l'. iT,CIi• Ili TO ' :TH E, , FARMERS • 0 ' t l . ~ r-11 . 10431-A COUNTY. ; •:.: lABI now building at my mannfaciory,l n Lawrence ville.a superior ~ . . . FANNING- MILL, whichposilesses the collon:tgadvantageiover allotbOt. mils: . . . ; .. LIR separatesrye,oets, c r t•lftter.andfouleeeds,and c,heesand cockle,from wheat. • 2. It cleans flax seed, takesout yellow seed, and all other seed s,,perfectlp . , 3, It cleaUatimothy seed . 4. It does all otberseparatingroqufred of a mill . This mill Is built s ortba boat and moat durable Om* bor., in good etyle,und Ia add cheap for cash, or pro duce. • • . I, • .. , I will fit :a patent /eve, fob separating oat tiro?* Wheet,to otbermills,o reaeonebleterms. . .- . ' ' , Lawreacevifle,Jan.l,lB73-t f J. II MATHEIti . . =RI Per Sate. Ano' ilIROUtiAlt SAW- MILL, 35 Horse-prover Engirio, Shingle Mill, and appurtenanisoth. wnzna the Foster Mill, Middlebury. Inquire. of J. B. Potter,or of 8.8. no - Awe% Wellei#oi Pa. ,1 , ..:, •!: ; 1. , ,-; : Z.A., t VOV./7, /11014,41. 5 " STORE 4' w. = ---- .n.-. ,--__ o „,, UNION AC4I34C-r4 ,4 a I 'ICNOXVILLE. "TIOGA POiJNT,T, PitliN'Ar k ., ...! ',l t , ;: _ C.i.C. O. Wean, Pritictpat . Z - •:.: -:. it/3 t. i :,:l • "' ;., i Dire. ADS. W. IiORSON f r Preen ills a.f..!: Ul 1. 7 ::',1';• ; ..-",.' 9 0 f Alias MIRA lionvos,'Assietent. en; 0 r ( . ' , ;:v. , jr'‘ ) " - Paha 'hurl Ninvprt, Teacher of IllOke. . .. ir; r , As 7 Of .J L ine Pall Term will Commence Antopili ) l. Thoitinhir‘ Moire November 30, The Bpril3g Wer,MershA t • Nadi ITATITI to 06111,111110 IA 1111001111. v 0 oa{l r 1 ., 2 2 ) •-, 1 1 .: • ,- 1M1514234 PE T E IC ,(1. 13 _. epition, liolading relit owl woOsVa *rain' 41, 1 9 6 0. , . 1".1 0 71 1 Terag'...,l,llo. -ii -.! Spriti trer#l:,':•. .12,50. tiay Students. " ~ - - ' like /...../«P. Q, latrumental g'steoi(PlinOlOrgen or Stelodeoo4l - 12e: B o o ca o l t h i n us j o r ig i tyz.”l..lT•_4l--t",:q . 7 , ..0..f..... .i.r...1 Tirawlog and grniii...t.t/..... I r _,' . 8 •• . • — • a vt . J .r. 3 . Board per week ' 'l' ' ' Jan. 1,181 0 70. ' L,-1 11: , 'i .1 ~: • , i - .1 1 , 4 ...' ... .. ml* 51411 , , • ~ r‘J U 11... A. ca 6;. ,1 ': :,, ",' c - , mf.l.t till:- = f'- , "OBLMBRAVP. •• , „": 4 7. i , iz /lone alittzGattlirfAill!gii‘ 2 , ombsikOefkraul. ,lownd 6: bly, 4 r ;. - 4 , Icribwn, will tilloroollVentr, '3, I • broken down .• • a lowt. tilti._ ,p, and eanidlit W :I - • A Ilk i ino '6.,. 3t: ~ i : . e ll. ,ii - • es. i .14 '1'1 .... , _, - , , c, mt. g .1' ... ". ntive atoll disease*, • • • Imal, such as Li7p!li ,TViR4. 44 J111 6. - '4".tW • ~ .•iITATE_,II MAT •• •• ri; SPID/8. 6 f ,'' '., dam, ‘'- - i..TEIIREitt, PET •:• 8i I ram, 00 I : . 1 . f!t.. ASSA2f .. APP 4 .it ~. ;. „ , ArpAL 000 ,-,- . . v, 4"4"L*11,: • . • • -!+• el --, •• i the whid,.. 3. .I _ 3 ..1: ....,.. : b . • sita 4 I i gives &smooth tuill:' : A' • ' Ll • -" d t •' ' IMF ' transform AlT tr , Blom :4 2 :- : ,L..., .="_, ~.., :',,'• Anton ane•4oo • .. .. ~ • Iz. !. olutti -• 6 ' ' -'''', 0 % 1 11, 1,- , , yirmild "Ill!orkiikerkbi CirailhliE4447 • a .; 4,1101014411b194 ~ it ill IL sure ; , '1" 1 frt e 'vOir , , - L '' ' Ist '—'..eat. Ho o' "iO4 ',,:( 'k • -,.i .1 12gIves them an SIVOI v,s,hera thrive maca' - . Irk all &leaser ,the Laugh Lir , as a ammo. loaf a paper to's .t ; gwili the p above Ma , coated or eattlZ . .:r s .1: 1 time, a 'cure for the fAraf r DAVID Es;',FOITV *left,li 1 11 , ,,,r e ' ,XIALTI , 03S,WeIRI. OFIC.z. " timid i. F9r_ sale bypnligests, am; S _ kevpr thr9R4 , tae united 15M”?1ati Sonteric:a. , , •:Jan. 5,18704 m. , - Grocery-iand--froyision CORNING, N. Y. cY. AICTROLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in all Irlgide of . ' GROOMS, PROVISIONS, Wines, Liqtfor Cigars, ,1 • ; FOREIGN IL DOMESTIC,• GREEN & DRIED FRUITS, CANNE.D FRUIPS 'AND VEGETABLES, WOOD Sa ,VTILLOW WARE, GLASS lc quetcamiy wARB, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, CABS & - rEgArdilqx;NTORS; TOYS, /kb:, &b. A full and complete 'assortment of the above mentioned goods of; the best. quality always on hand. Partinlar attention paid to Pine Groceries Dealers and Consuntere,will find it to their in (erect to °zombie hisfiltock before buying. Corning, N. I'ORT-AN NOTICE 1=1:1 I CLOSING OUT SALE OF WINTER . GOODS The subscriber firers his entire Stook of Wi nter Goods at actual • • ;, - 001P2 1 TOM eikAne This will be found a rare opportnniti for Verohssers, us.the.Stock is large, and wellieletitua, consisting in pail of • PRESS G.Cpx4rLit of various stylis; and fabrics . adapted - to' ibe Beason: SHAWLS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, BLIFF4th. LAP • .. • ~ • c•- • 1 , GENTS 'OVERCOATS, AN D • A,' ~}~NSIi'IIT~ STACK .OF Wiiff.Eii CV) riiiiiml The iTblio'.ore invited to' oallhnd exalt4tie the Stook.. ;THOS. TIAADEti::. Wellaboro, .1 ; 14.1r,SITIOKLINf , ‘.) L - 777.7 • , t Oliiiiripaker" -, Turner - and A / . • , Flanit*o 4 ALE ROOM=WrittPAOTORY O r ktiositirDtirt , Wagon Shop '.-Street, Where be is ; pre. 'parede to furnish•• Cabinet Ware Oto any "hied to those in want. , it' • ' ( Orders promptly - Ailed and eatisfaltiongWarigte teed. Fanoilitrrning donitle ' ''' ; Weilsbore, Jan:1;1870: = JTSTIORLIpo, Variable:Far* for Sale, ' • • , A farm of three hundred' stores, with two A dred an d‘twinty-five mires ittrproVed. Sit uated two tallessiOrth of Tioga Village, on the Tioga River and Itailroad.:t Well watttered, un-. der a good slntooftoultivation, anci; gnodbalid , Inge. Also foufit audits andlota for Salo inTioga . L pALTIWIN. Tioga, Jan , 1870-4 f. Dr. H. R. Phillips, onlasmom INIMMOIL THE undersigned respectfully announces to the. citizens of‘Westheld iibd surrounding coun try that ho is permanently• located at this place. He is fully prepared to do• all kinds of . 10,JENTISTRY, , • in the higheA style of Op art. • iirtisfaetlen, gnarrante 'omen over SoOvill'a Drug . Stores Pine Photogiaphs can lie had ,gver'...lthe store. B. ParkupBi.. Weinfield,l%,,TunelBo,lBo9-Iy. "fiffittrlNGlT 01111 ' r ` •''" 3l =MAT MIKE .irkBLIC I RIO IA 14 , 1)g gr 'l4 „, I • ..45•111.:. 1- , tf,;,l) • 41-F-I ho• ap , .i.V1:1:74019104-;. I Foc'oq 111 • j7;l,^ • • „ • .i , 1; !r,S 3,1 , t L7!.4 itAY ci , t,:i ~.. ,•••••• Aiip' s tlpp4elNAp, P,lNa'B 1- • tECADIAtth'PAVIDS! :- pillgl i .; KEITH'S, 00110iNTRATE . CREDELL'S - -HTRAIt; 41 Ai • %)S ‘• •I #II,RNETT'S POCOAINE, ti!LAV:l34llcii EXTRACTS, KEROSENE' 1 LA.1013," PATENT .MEDICINEii' • , AND FLAiloinsid EkT,ltAg.ps, wATA; PAP 1i ; WINDOW GLASS, ~,,wurzuwA..sii tun & AND D,XF! COLORS, • " ' 4GEN'Xi:'E,OR, I ,.*ARY:iN.skee'S : RE- Bold at Buyeie are reqfieeted • oall antig i ef.inointions before going further Bait Cornirie, " . 1 'i5.,40,1 - 1 1, I'B 70:4 'WANTED, , - - . ATTHR.BILES VALLEY-STEAM . . - noußnief MILLS. ; ~ : , ,' " 10,000 Due. Corn, '" ' 10,000 '" Oats ,• and., any amount Of goodd wheat. ' 3:B.1)11120N & Co. ' Niles Valley, Jan. 1, 1870-tf. Patent • Roofing. ir HAVE bought the right to nite:i tbe; Paten' Elastic -Booting in. Tioga County, and am .now prepared to put on roofs.cheap and in good workmanlike i nuttinef'. , This roofing is fire and water proof. I refer to Messrs. Wright At Bai ley, Toles & Barker, and C. L. Willcox, where •samples can be seen and roofs in use. ; . • •••: HOBBS WINGATE. Wellsboro, Jan.l, 1870-tf.. . ; "Wensl4)*) Motel. JOD. litotiLti Proprietor , A Jorge and . commodious House , located the Immo :diate vicinity of. all the Conity buildings, with large and commodious barns attached. ' i fitilr•Jamea Hulett riots •as hostler, and Will always be found on hand, attentive to intents's. Jan. 4,1870.-Iy. , FOis Anything' • • . •• Yon want in the • c LINE, Go to P. it. Williams & Co. They keep the best stook and sell the Cheapest.' Feb. 2,2,. . CASH Paid FOR HIDES, by Ni. A. DIIRIP. Welloboro,Deo. 18, 1868.—tf MI ILlwry: • fiiituDlC Z SETH WATKINS respectfully informs the public) that he has established a Livery tor Hire, at the barn on the premises lately; owned by R. .Q. Simpson, Esq., located on Pearl and Crofton Streets, Wellsboro., He alms to keep good hor ns and wagons, and intends to 'please. Prices reasonable.—rNrof. 24,1889-Iy. DonNo am4pinglo,teame furnished . •1 5 t he , 00 R_,IM of tb finest' ground Cayuga , aster in Tloga Con -' 'be bad at the ittirifield--klatstei Mill. - 11verhag at the Manalteld-' Jan. 10,1810-3 m. 1:!=1 Furniture ! Furniture! B. T. VAN HORN, TrAVING completed hie neti► Cabinet Ware- Jlia. house on Main Street, Washer°, hasstoek ed it with a large and superior assorted stook of FURNITCRE. Ohambsr Suits, Walnut, Ash, Maple Etc., ho., act', I EU OMfrom $l5O , down,. and u cheap ee ,the _ game goods can be'go't 1n the cities, freight, added, ' Parlor Suits, , Wall:Ltd; Cherry, and Mahogany, Reps or Hair Cloth, from $125 down. Mao, SOFAS, LOUNGES, COUCHES, TETE • A-TETES, with-Upholstery to gait. , Center Tables, Walnut orttarble Tops Looking Glasses, Piraekets, Pa- . per Backs, Rocking , Chairs, all kinds, Wholesale and Retail. Xam manufacturing as tuatal; and intend to keep a full stock of ware, home and city made at all times. My Ware Rooms are epacions and neat, and now contain the /argot, twang and ben stook of I?Narnlture ever brought . Into the county. Mr Planing and Matching, SCROLL SAWING & MOULDING, done td order at the Factory. Jan. 1, 1889-tf. B. T. VAN HORN WALKER & LATEzoP.; DEALERS IN , r I . HARDWARE, IRON, STREL,, NAILS STOVES, TIN- WARE, BELTING; SOWS ; CETLERY ! WATER LIME, • AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Carriage and Ilainefut Trimminga, HARNESSES, SADDLES, ac. Corning, N. Y.; Jan. 2, 1870-17. ' C. F. & 0.. Moore, LIVERY AND EXCHANGE STABLES Wollsboro, Pa. Office and Stables on Water Street, in roar of Court House. They will fur nish horses, single or double, with Buggies, or Carriages, at ettor4 notice. Long experience in the business enabibs the proprietors to announce with confidence they can meet any reasonable de mandsin their line. Drivers furnished, if desired andpassongers carried to any part of lbooacitry. Thankful for past favors, they invite continuamce 'of custom. - Terms reasonable. Nov. 24, 1869.—1 y. • ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Lettere' of Adminiatiation having been granted to tho nndereigned upon the estate_•of John Howland.' -late of Deerfield twp., doled, all persona indebilbd to said decedent or claiming against the . same; must settlocrith B.‘I3OWEN, Adger. Marsh 16,1670.-60 [MEM FINEDOIL . Tpro3pLL & co. 0N and attar lIONDA ,i,Nevil ls tk,lllo9 , Trains ,lanitanar499/ 1 : 0 011efi1 4 0 49 1 10wInif Nears,v la ; _s 0011ift Wart 12135 a *?extzps Sundaye excepted, for I isaffuld, Dun irk' lind'Cleveland, connecting with trains for ithllVest:' - A sleeping Coach le attached to traluktitiihidt throngh td. , NIGHT EXPRESS, ' daily , 'for Ruch eater BD Mitch , l'ihinkirk, Clirieland and - • Clad a i aatlisnialtlag, dl.ll l o,f o 4 l lnectlea mitt) tritineor 'the ,_taan *Tank and ,Paltal4aoPainibrnY/11C }f urtalb. uuhfrr ,and 'Cleveland for all pointy Yeah and at ' Inc intiatrt Withlthl Ohlo and AllesiselP fend Lontw iv villoyBLoit iMielfeAlwaysfor • the South and fOtit LI; WtoSt. - P. 1, : ' • 1046 lc , nu; MAID iItAIN; Sundays, excepted, tor 42,05 1111 , EIG1111, Sundays excepted. . „ :2,45 eh, DALTIMORIC RXPRESS,Sundaysexcept-i ed, for ltochetiter and Buffalo, vie Avon. . Q,OOO. WO, 'ESIIGRANT TRAIN, daily; fur 'the Wesii; '7,38111n4; DAY RXPRESS, Sundays accepted, for ttochester, Buffalo, Dunkirk; Clevelaud, Chicle nett, .1 end ,the South . Slope at drincipal ; stations and con , I . IO C IB BlAnti 0 4 twain lice-- .„ NM .„ Nay end improved Drawing Itootn,Coa thee accompany tide,tkalu- tcoui,.afe}v• York, So Llairdle..aud'eleeplyg Coaepee attached at CorneltsVille; fuoida g through 'to Cleveland and Callon without change. • EASI4. . , . 4,45J4 M.,CINCINNATI ErPRESS, lionjays ex.- ;opted, : connecting at, re. fur Wllliarusport, .flarrisburiautl the,SOuth; s so at Elmira forth' flue "clalgOin tit Waierly - with'irain of Lehigh Ittlley Roil ' way ; Owego.for Ithate:; aillingliatutolu for Coo. Perstowntind Albany ; and st New York with steam , ' ars alid.Orterfloon Express tralps for Neiir England ; Lig,' Sloupips couches accompany thin train to Now 'York. , 11,45 . a. ~, EkTßEa,Sundays' . excepteo, connecting ut Jersey City z with Midnight express Mita of New Jersey Itailrotil tor Philadelphia. Alen 'shine tit principal Statsoni an d connecting points on . .vattin _ „ NOW and incprovott,Drp,Riug Room Coaches accompany taut ‘rftlßto Tiny Toth, wAy,pltELOKT.Suudays excepted. 12.20 P. In.;_-E141.1.11$ A ,31#1L, Sundays excepted. 4.42 p• in., NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE ,MAIL; 0 2 .0.0d4Y4' o 3 (FioPteo, le o 4 ll ePqx43 • at - •E!'uire for the 7,513 p.m., - LIGLITNINCE EXellESS,Dally,counect -,::laugst Jersey, city.witlx morning Express train ,ol, ' )pass airplay Bea ll:NA liaktiwore and AVaiiiingtoti; , at ,Now,'York.' with morning Express trulu for 'Boston and'NeW England - Oltiei: Ater etimaatall pfln• cipal stations and connecting points on mats, line. • Sleeping Coaches accompany tniktral; through tO New .Nork. is 1 : ' I. r •( - BAGGAGE CHECKED Tlll,lolaoll. gra'A'ier.fitii(and Complete , !Pocket Time Tab' e"o Passettger 'Xraiiton the lCrleltYUlway and , connecting Linea bee recently bean publlebett,,and CAA be procur. , etl on application: coats Ticket:Agent of the Company WM. . . : L. D ,113.1CKEltr • tiert'lfaee.e.gont. • - Gen'l pup!t. Tiro ga R. Et Tssinswilircin si follows nutiltarther notice: A.Coodimodatioil-=Leaves Blots burg at 7,60 a. m..lslana field $t 8;40 Tioga at 11,20. Lawrencovilk atlo arriviag at Coruthicat 1/,10 A.M. Mall,vLoavoal3l6 ll buFg, at 1,20 p. m.',ldaneflolo Tl9O tit 2,45 ; LarrencOvil le at ;3,o—arriving at Corning at 4.20 p. tn. • llial/.4.eaved Corning at 'B,OO a Lawn:moo:villa at 9,03, Tioga 9,95; 3.lanagold at 10,22—arriving at most-burg at ii,oan. m. Accommodation—, Letiveb Corning at 2,40 p. ro.,Lair• roncoville at 2,65 l'loga at 4.48, Maniliala at 6,80 atriirlagetillossbarg at o,lop . m . L .U.I3II4TTIICK,Snp' t Northors Central R.R. TILLINE FOR THE NORTH. Train a for Cauandagula leave Minima:A follow a : Accomodatiou at ' 7 05 p Eatirotta(laqtoat train on road . .... 12 20 auk ' R.. 1•) 00 p m way Hrelght,(passonger coach attached].........o 20 a m On and after Nor : . 15;1869, train wil arrive and depart from Troy, as follows; LEAVE NORTHWARD. 10 85 a. in.—Daily (excopt Bautlaya) for El raira,Butra— Canandaigua. Rochester, Soap .Brititto and the Ofnuadaa. • , 966 a. na.—Dally (except Sundays) for _Elmira and Buffato,Via Brio italtray from Bimira. LEAVE .SOUTHWARD. 723 A. m.—Datl7(except Sandals) for Baltimore, Washington,Phlladelphia S o . 966 P. m.—Daily (except Sundays) for Baltimore, Washington and Philadelphia. ALFRED R. FISKE ED. S YOUNG • Gen'aupt.llarsbiburg, Gen'l Pass. A g't Baltimore, old , eC-B-&-F-L-E T. L. BALDWIN & CO'S and see a nice atocta of Goods for the e FALL & WINTER. uonma Enutsz (zoom —all styles, colors and patterns= ALPACAS, P ',LINS„______QAMBRICKS, FRENCH JACONETS, OR e I • • PEQUAS, VERSAILES, BLACK ' AND COLORED' SILKS, • : • , &c., &o. BEAUTIFUL' - Winter SHAWLS, 4 and a large assortment to select from CLOAKS READY—MADE, AND CLOTH TO MAKE MORE, ALL KINDS OF LININGS, FRINGES, TASSELS • &os, - , TO. TRIM DRESSES OR SACQUES. - Y4:NKEE NOTIONS oan't be beat.- It keeps np with everything the Yanklea have thought of so far. HOOP SKIRTS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, CORSETS, &C, R--Oi-M---H~--N MOSCOMEN . too numerous to mention; but will say that you will seldom find so large an assortment to select from in a country store, and clear down to the BOTTOM FIGURK Wo also keeryt largo assortment of • REAPY-MNDE CLOTHING; in snits, and parts of suite. Should we fail to Suit and you with ready-made, wo have Caesimero A TAILOR TO CUT AND FIT. Boots and Shoes, HATS AND CAPS, .STRAW GOODS, AND GENTS' FURNISHING ''• GOODS,,'A COMPLETE 'LINE' OF -• CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, HARD WARE, SHELF HARD WARE, NAILS, IRON, Looks; Latches, Carpenters' Toole. IA GENERAL STOOK OF GrOCERIES 9 Fresh, TEAS aro lOwer than at any time since the war. Did not go to Cuba to buy sugar, and so have some cheap. We aro ngonts for the, • E. HOWE SEWING MACHINE. Farmers, If you wanttoole to work with drop le SALT, LIME, PLASTER, PORK, FLOUR • Lime, • Cayuga Plaster, &o. Buttertubs, Path. Plaine, and Albton Salt to flavor with.. All kinds of Farm Froth:leeward.. ed. Prices can't be beat. ' . Tg _ -A~- S T. L.;I3ALD'Oni it 00. nom Pa., Jan. 1,1810. COME TO TIOGA, PA such as —Our stock of— all styles and sizes. F2.--1.- , ----tlff-----X p,i(liji „ • r 1 ), FL G. ,iLtii:A:fii,yl ME 11pH_, pds,aqti a t tb • Pt, Wog ay o a, public tic 14 . 1 -they are propared to make or tarnish =1 SASH ANA -BLINDS 5.?1:15 4 7_l - 414 21` DOORS, SOOLI4,- SAw , ;7, /W.; 11,, Alm), dealers f 4 umber and Shingles. 'l4°o . 4llp' Xtekptll444l aitd glized 8 b y.:) —1• 1 1 021 cent.. • • 9 by 1 13. 8 by 14, 10 by 12, 18 cent„.. 10 by 14, 9 by 14, 16 cents. 10 bY.;10,k211 colitei 4 ( ' Our vrcick , l3, made 0019 beat. aeaioned lon4 l and in the best tontniir. C‘alt and ree tic .inn. 6, 289.0-iy. litisitrtince A.genci. WELLSBORO,' PA- Gash pipitaf.Mr,ex 1$20;000,1000 3, IFIRST-OLAES CO'S-110NE BETTER DATES. AS LOW t as z any- good Comeis4, will take, Policies ou dWellings aLd laN property wrltten'tit . and' deliveied poy et ed i t rim m. , • I Are You Insured It costs but little, particularly to inpuro tlio; Inge, farß,property,,,,and,,centents t i -Aetaakd dwellings and farm property,insured for 3 yiv i lot an e: Or l eentu in d - 'e xperise' policy, i c S F j A louse,' detached 104 more !neared E 81000 forAl:years;at an expense 0f.241,50. °tar; $8,83} a year ! _s w at_ tat—good thing in can I fire:; Furniture, provialOns, bedding to., at tit game rates.l: 'floral!' no excute, rt Ximilmde belnsured . If nc t with me, Smith ft Merrick will do it jnit as cheap, and just as well; (Gratis, gentlemen oho QM. be glad hensa.Vcritelbrfrfsnd enough ithid?:denfier te pay for advertising. ".INO. I. MITCHELL. Wallsboro, Jan. 1, 1870—tf. ,NOW _iticskkerk Them Things is Airiv!- EVERY thing is lovely, and the sneer bipi depends from a sublime attitude. You will Please: Observe, • that the lest natured man in, Town having u ticisil thetwants of the public, and haling ben. l i Orally su plied bimself ivith almost ererythiti which thi world 0• n afford to appetite the;, now bone olentli• proposes to open the wholek 'fore the people, and say to all, old itud )tnit; blaolt and white, rich and poor, COME , • You pay your Money and you take yfiLt choice. Don't stand out In the - cold 'exposed to thee! entente and to the Sting,of the neighbon btu bu! pull the latch strirg, it is always out in hi iness hours, &c. ENTERS The large hearted proprietor, or his urban good natured clerk will conduct lop, as it Tm through aI ' r.. GARDEN filled with_ ravishing delights. • 1 Ist. A GARDEN OF SPICES, in ' , bid every thing Spicy,from a nutmeg to cayennovq. per mar be seen and pit:Mare& • - ' 2d A GARDEN OF SWEETS, in which v• cry v ' ‘iariety of • Saceharine delights, both solidati liquid may be had by the stick, pound or galks and of such.flavor and complexion as wil; mote every aching sweet :tooth' in your head fate! jump with delight. Should you be poincleg; cally inclined, this humane individual will ea. duct you into a GARDEN OF FRUITS, in which tilmoit ery variety of luscious things to' - be found ,ginb ered from the fear *quarters of the globe, Rid shown to satisfy your largest lfingings: Clump from Cuba, Lemons from Flhrida, Prunes le: Turkey, Raisins from Malaga,Currants Irm al • Grecian Archipelago; Peach es dried and fiat. • od along with a great variety of Canned hull from the Jerseys; Dates from Syria, and lip from Asia *incr.; No end to the supply ofeu ape = UTS from 8 Continents. THE TEA GARDEN wi n t commel your attention; the warm decoct ion of the ChM leaf and the JaVri, bean have become almost ao vereal beverages, and if gat swallowed too hot cc to strong, the mild stinninntis .are esteemed . eminently promotiiie of comfort and noolnlily,- What compiny of elderly ladies could over fill in peace - without them? Now 'your friend tit GARDNER; will be most hp.Poy to show ycl all this. He Will 'ask you politely to look at Li Ten. You are welcome ,to try every chest s ri see if GUN POWDER; Soucbong GREEN, &o.,HYSON, _ which - Saver you like, but si the ot)her styles whose jaw cracking names wadi : be dahgerous to pronounce, COFFEES, in evep style, ditto, ditto, ditto. , Furthermore, The beneficent proprietor of th l ia mammoth of tablishment—ont of sheer good rill, and if )0 1 r:- will believe him for no•other niative than yoti _% interest and his, has at vast eipease establiabd ~ ;,';' at the iame_plaeo an immense depot of ProT11.1„,- - 1 - ' ions, consisting Cf ---- •., Flour, Pork, Lard; Codfish, WhitoFish.l - ' Sword Fish, &c., &c: Meal, Hams, Butter, Trout, Blue Fish, t - : I Halibut, &c., &c. .• All oi which ho intends to sell ut A ri l l'Ufit, ou Elt printiiple of "live and let live." Ile gocerall I proposes also to receive in exchange ail the prt• ducts of your farm and dairies and it is s t aid ccc• ffdoritiall4l to the public, that he neve' refuel • Cash. Tho' it irks hitu wretched] to keep it. Sol anxious is ho. - tbat , he dear poop e nothing whatever that money can buy of Millsboro, Jon. 1, 1870. HARNESS SHOP! INTAVLE, would say to, his friend! VI • that his Harness Skip isnilw in fullbh:t. and that ho is prepared to tarnish heavy or - 1-XistrilA3EoSe Sp on short notice, in a good and substantialmo ner, and at prices thatoan'tfail to suit. The, best workmen are employed, int] nonebel the best material used. Call and see. Dee. 9,1888-Iy. j i G. W. NAVLE. 33. IS X' 0 el MR. A. •,L. MONROE, Is the authorize d Agent for Tioga,. and Potter Countiez, to effect insurance, in the Wyoming Insurance OempanY. Royal, Capitol $5,0 0 1 0 " London, Liverpool & Globe, Capitol; $16,000, 00 He will canvass ;the county during the week ek ceps, Satuidaye, when, he will be found at de office of John. I. Mitchell, to. attend to all Irlo may give him a. call; A. L. MONROE , Sept. 220869-Bmo • .High gehool. Subscribor will' open et• School lc the village of Osceola, on Monday, March 76 , 1870, and continuo twelve weeks. BATES OE TUITION Pritilaiy; • ... .; . . ... „.. $3 0,0011130 ff s Englisb,..., .... 55,0°. $6 00. ..... ..,..,... ..... , Bab. 9,-0: 0. 0. WARD, Priaolpil. ~ i ' L. A. GARDNER. zll