The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, March 30, 1870, Image 2

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- HAttittsßuire i ell/4 1. 0 11 23,'1810.
Agitator:—Balmy, spring!oncemore
dawns upon us, and thebrightimushine
and warm breath from the: south, calls
forth the parole of the early songsters,
• and all naturedrinks in the Utopian
keveregeWitleatanille of untningled
'll - hae - al waYs - seenied te'ine that ,
the netv year,eltonid date from the open
-frig 'df,' epring,,e.When every thing is
"bright and Joyous - around us, and when
the early, spring iloWers anti budding
- - trees put forth their petale to ,
theglad messenger of s a renewed exist
: ince. .How forcibly does it remind us
'of life's opening ;—and its close—how
- like the end of manhood I \The' merry
voices of children are heard upon' the
- street, as. they trundle the hoop or chase
. the gaudy butterfly ; and with them, no
Summer's heat, cr, drotith, or autumn's
*frosts, or winter's snowie•hefire marred
their young exlistenee. Happy, aye,
- thrice happy, Would be ourlot, Were it
• with us eternal youth and spring -time;
. —no: cares of life, heats• of summer,
and ,no winter blast's. Theis' we might
glory 1u life's elixir, and defiance
' to pith-visaged time and d rith's dark
• portals.' What a glorious vi tote! what
a paradise on earth! Atiii t lyet, while
we write , and speculate , an , hope, and
fear, fades, and the solemn
tolling of the bell warns us that ano
ther of life's mortals has returned to
earth'idust, from which it sprung, and
its.spring-time of life has been buried
'neath,the frosts and snows of winter.
And yet, cavil and speculate as Ave may,
• in the end thie is to be the lot of all
i ftnmortality ;—and bow truly has it ,
~.,been said, ' that the millions that move
- .upop earth's surface are but, units to
these who sleep beneath it." Ages up
'on 'ages have come and gone—how long,
we know not;—and in the - unknown
.future the drama shall be reiterated,
- tit the earth'shall become one vast char e
tiel-house,—and still a, vast eternity' be
.- yond.. Whatever our present views
may be, and however we may- regard
• the great•hereafter,:yet the terrible fact
' will' come up before use will lead us
to reflect and ponder about that some
thing after death, the realities of that
' dread bourne from whence no tray
' eler returns still puzzling the will," and
we wander on, in lingering dread, and
- fear, and doubt. , •
leave this to be solved by abler heads
than mine. ,
The bill that i:stiokeal»ut in my laet,
irtreltitlon to the State ilexchanging its
bonds of six.: millions, of dollars, has
pcissed both bianches of the • Legisla
ture, and now, awaits the s ignature of
the Governord-which will place tide
' eiiiiiteftinds at the disposal of the coin
. • pally •to :build • and equip the :Jersey
• •Shoreand Pine Creek railroad within
the timelpecided in the bill, i v is: three
- years, When completed. it will open
up the whole northern tier to an easy
coinneunication With Buffalo and the
great lakes, and make a ready market
• for all the yest bodies of timber lying
alone its entireroute: \Vhen it is nn
deretood that-eft our.great internal ini;
provemetite received t lie: lbstering 'care'
and material aid of the State, is it ask
•ing too much, ,that our-portion of the
State, hitherneunreerigniziet and noni
ded, should receive this small pittance,
, which will be returitel to the ;.•_;tate
more than fourfold it the way of t ()li
nage and taxation, beside receiving dol
lur of the principal arid inte
rest upon the bonds.
Mr. Strang: made one el' his best spec:
L cites upon the occasion, in favor or the
bill, which you will receive ie due time.
Mr. - Niles introduced a bill yesterday
• extending the limits and enlarging the
boundaries of Wellsboro ; but to %that
extent, a stn at present-Armitile to say,
it being local legislation; and subject to.
criticism only from his Inithediate con
stitueney who are interested tkerei it.
There has been a persistent ettOrt du
ring the entire session, upon the part of
the Democracy, to repeal the law for
holding township apd borough ejec
tions on the same day with, the general
election in October; but the probabili
ties are that the majority will give it
another year's trial beti)re concluding
to repeal it.
,The Legislature has finally fixed tip 7
on the 7th of A pill 'rot n nal tallaUt ll
went ; and now the great subjectof diS-
Cusslon and \ clisCoiti between the two
bodies, is the appropriation hill; each
branch, le., their way, undertaking to
make a record for themselves Upon the
question of retrenchment and reform;
but I take it that a majority of the mem
bers should reforin themselves, before
they undertake the measure in behalf
of the Commonwealth. The Senate
Finande Committee and the Senate
self,have wonderfully reduced' some Of
the appropriations and increased oth
ers?;. for instance, the House appropria
teds7so,o6o for Co'immon Schools, and'
the Senate reduced it s2oo;ooo—retren
ching, I think, in the wrong direction ;
for if-any one thing needs the fostering
care' and liberality of the State, it is our
Common School system. It is the pal
ladium of our liberties, the great bul
wark of republican institutions, and
the hope of the rising generations ;
and our beloved Commonwealth has
been the leading State in the Union,
lif-for,thedaet half century, in the means
of education and the freedissemination
oqgeneral intelligence; taking the lead
of all others, and setting an example
• 'worthy of imitation by every State ;
and recreant indeed would that legisla
tor be to his constituency, his State and
country, who should, by word or deed,
undertake to hamper or curtail any of
lite provisions. - Under our present eye
lira, every hamlet has its school house.
\every 'village its graded school, and ev
ery county its acadernieeand higher In-
Stitutions of learning; stnil added to all
thiti, areitbe State schools for the educa
tion of soldiers' orphans, supported and
educated by the State—a great elemosy
nary institution, at once the pride and
glory of otir people.
• No people or nation can ever go back
ward, or lose their liberties, when sup
ported and sustained by the intelligence
•of• the masses. " X-27."
soundings made in connection with the
laying of submarine cables shoo• th'e
average depth of the Atlantic Ocean to
be 12,000 feet. ,This ocean floor begins
about 150 miles from the Irish eoh4,
from which point the descent to deep
water is very rapid, reaching - 10,500 feet
In 50 miles, and making the declivity
greater than that, of the.ltaliao Al
The thettest part of the ocean lava the
American side near the New Found
land banks, where an immense basin
,exists, ranging east and west for nearly
1,000 whose depth is supposed to
exceed the height •of the Himalayan
range. .'
• CLAMING CBAcks IN SToArts.--It may
be convenient to know a ready method of
closing up cracks, which are not u ileum_
mon, in east iron stoves; ndwt•iareassur
ed that the following recipe is a reliable
on 4 1: Good wood ashea are to be witted
through a fine sieve, to which is added
the same quantity of clay, finely pulver
ized, together 'with a little salt. The
mixture hi to be moistened with water
enough to make a paste, and the crack
of theati)ve filled with It. Tills cement
does not - peel at' or break away, and as
sumes an extreme degree of, hardness'
after being heated. The stove must be
cool when aplicatlon is made, The
same Substance may be used In setting
SA the slates of stoves, or in fitting stove
pipes, serving to render all the joints
perfectly tight.
Texas hasn't a single young wen's
Christian association.
Prince 'Bonaparte 'wan put upon trial
for the inurderoi Victor 14ofr in Paris
on the net inst.
lactated that the decision of the
late Supreme (jourt ou the bounty Tues
. Son, only applies to cases of those who
enlistod'between May 2, and July 22.
< .46431, •
Vitt alitatiral.
7 sy s rmil - t.333 , P4;__
NNEDNiNi s t? ARr, M kit( 11 8t) 181 ti
The Franking hill and Pontlitig bill
I still hang the illeongress.
The Act which_ passed both li i ouses
lest week felatifig to the Nue . Creek and
Ruth& Railroad will. appear hi our 'text
There was considerable excitement
Wit week in New York, over an alleged
defaleatiopbyCollector Bailey, amoun
ting to a very large sum. Gen. Pleas
anton pas been appointed L in his plage.
Congress has voted the sum of $6OOO,
to the widow of the late Ediom M. Stan
ton. This is but a slight recognition of
the 'services' of Mr. Sttulto6 yet 'it
shows the good will of the people's rep
President Grant sent u special mes
sage to Congress on the 28d instant, on
the decline of American commeree.—
He recommends . immediate action by
Congress, for the encouragement of this
great national interest.
It is reported from Washington that
the President is about to recommend
Universal Amnesty for all the late Reb
els.. Since the matter has gone so far:,
this may be good policy.; but we think
it is just as Well to "make baste slowly.".
Mr. Sumner has introduced a bill in
the U. S: withdraw the frac
tional currency from circulation. The
23•145une says:: •
We should, it is known, like to cut off the dOg
irtedeernab/e's Mil just behind his ears; hut, if
wd can't hit it there, let ins 14Lve a fow of the rear
multi inches of it any how. Burn the filthy
plasters, let us have silver change instead, and
soon We shall go marching on to an honest cur
rency altogether. We urge Mr. Sumner to move
his proposition as an amendment to some bill thnt
will have to pass, and call the Yeas and Nays.
The act intended to provide for the
Health and safety of coal 'wipers, has
been approved by clovernor Geary;, and
is now a law. The law is a lomestep in
the right direction, and 'does credit. to
the good intentions of the -Legislature.
The bill prescribers certain regulations
for'the safety turd health of thp work
fen,; prOvides for the appointment of
Board Of Examiners, who are to be
practical miners, and "whose duty it is
to inspect the mines, end see that the
terms of the law are complied with.—
If the mines are found not t 4 be in the
condition required by thelaw, the courts
have.the power to grant injunctions to
'suspe \ nd work until the law shalt be'
comp Fed with. In case of
Milling through the neglect of the own
er, &e., the miner, or, in the event of
death, his representatives are to lave
remedy by action for damages. We
hope the law may serve to, prevent the
recurrence of such . scenes as those of
the past year.
We announced last week, the passage
of a law to hasten the building and
completion of this road. At this wri
ting, we have. no information that
the bill has been signed by tha, f,.74a.vd.--
fitir - ; - lint there Seems to be general be
lief that it will be. The press is almost
unanimously in favor of the bill. The
enterprise seems to have' caught like
wild-fire; and he would be a - bold man
Who should now put himself against the
tide of popular.endorsernent of this bill.
It is but a few years since the Allegha
nies were looked upon as an insurmoun
table barrier to an easy and practicable
communication Vvith the Great West
through our State. , New York monop
olized the transportation of freight and
passengers upon her canals, and then
upon her rail roads, through the lakes to
the West, and through Now Jersey to
the South. Citizens of this eerier' of
our State scarcely ever thought of going
West or South through our own State
unless it were by rafts down the rivers,
or l by packet oh the canals. We are
totally and necessarily tributary to the
Empire State; not because we had any
greater admiration 'for her than our
own, but because nature had set obsta
cles in our way, which we had not then
the knowledge orability to overcome.
We went east and west through that
state, because the communication was
easier, cheaper, and more direct.
In the early history of our county,
the great majority of . our first settlers
cam i from New York and the east. The
moubtains , on our south-weit were an.
impediment to the settlement of this
enrity from the south. A few Penn
sVvanians struggled into
,the Block
house country ; but they formed a settle
ment by themselves, and were identi
fied in interest with Lycoming county.
The same laws have, until the bbilding
of the Northern Central rail road, shut
outthe people of this county' from the
metropolis of their own ptate ; and even
since that road was built, it . has been.
much 'easier for most of our ileople to go
north than south.
At' length the • Alleghanies 'were
entseed by the Pennsylvania Central,'
one of the best ' . construeted and best
managed rail .roads in any country,
and a work, which, but a short time
before, was thought impiacticable if not
impossible, by the best engineers of the
country. It was claimed that the road,
when bullt, would be of little use, as it
was thought it would be impossible to
tiansport he freight over it. The
result is the audition of many millions
dollars to the natural wealth of the
State, by developmebt of her iron, coal,
and manufacturing interests, and the
building. lip of a great city at' Pittsburg,
no w numbering, including the suburbs,
over 200,000 inhabitants, and in adding
Immensely to the, business, population
and wealth of Philadelphia.
Nevertheless, all the time this vast
development haft been going on, a large
portion of ithe northern and western
part of the state, has still renaained trib
utary, in good part, to the state of New
York ; and this only for want of com
munication. The proposed road will
at once afford such communication
n ,
riot only to , a large population in the
Northern tier of counties, but also to
the great West, via Buffalo and the
lakes. 'By this route,' Buffalo will be
eighty miles nearer Philadelphia than
it is to New York ; and it will also , be
nearer to New York by this route' than
apy other. -
The grad&of the road will be favor
able for the transportation of heavy
.freights; and with the vast resources
in minerals and timber along the line,
particularly the coal, both anthracite
and bituinhious, and 'the lumber, the
trains will go laden both ways, and the
1 permanent stleeeks of the road bo estab- .
liehed 'for all time. What nature has
dune for ta4,-eattnet be enmPeled with
by art. Out greak.,etpmition wealth, h's
9n the highway bet Wen the West . and
the elist. 'and sq long as the. .west
prodbee grain Jet shipthettt'te' tin; old
world, this, line,' if establialied, must
continue, not 'Only great' through
passenger '!iine;.*lnit, 's he a great and
- cheap Mieritie, for Carriage of freights.
enking of this project The' Dab
Pennsylvania to-day stands first among the
States in that enterprise which levels Mountains
and bridges valley: i wiso.obedienee to the laws
of trade; end by creating a Market in• the wil
derness makes it to blossom as the rose. No
State has so many miles of railroad, and none ear
cols it in excellence of construction and complete.:
noes of equipment; Take the map and you will
see bow literally the locomotive, like a mighty
shuttle, daily weaves its cities and hamlets, its
valleys and uplands, its mines and farms, into the
golden woof of prosperity of which the humblest
and highest shall be partakers. To achieve this,
private,enterpriso has done much, but not DIL—
L is nearly fifty years since this Commonwealth,,
under the lead of each men as Schultz, Sergeant,
Lehman, Laycock, Scott, Mallory , and others,
compeers of Clinton, and, imitating his example
in the face of still ore formidable obstacles than
those which confronted him, adopted that wise
and liberal policy to which we owe the finest sys
tem of internal communication and Commerce on
the contimunt, nature and extent of territory be
ing considered. By that policy, the, vast mineral
wealth of the State has been measurably devel
oped, and'int farthest bounds are I brought into
daily communication. Admit, as some have
oharged, that of the millions expended by the
State upon canals and railroads, little remains to
it in the nature of emoluments; for it is true
that its enterprises hair's passed into private b
•That when we refleot that in the appreciation of
real estate values, by reason of this system, the
Commonwealth is richer by tenfold the millions
It expended, the wisdom of the investment be
'l3.oDles apparent. • Under the beneficent influence
of these impro,vements, remote and isolated re
gions have become prosperous; labor has been
elevated, its rewards mado richer and' 'surer;
facilities for. religious and secular education have
been multiplied;; and in addition to, increased_
wealth and its benefits, the workingmen" of the
State' to-day occupy a position in the scale of
culture not even dreamed of as Feasible forty
. •
years ago.
We have alluded to the great enteprises favored
by this measure, as the'crowning work of a wise
liberality. The Pine Creek road and • the Clear
field extension especially deserve the appellation.
The territory they will traverse has been com
pletely isolated from the outside world, and the
interests of the population have been with New
York rather than with Pennsylvania. The old
public improvements,
at best, just touched its
boiders. This conlliet of interests has not been
desired. It was geographical. Capital, wisely
employed, could alone overcome the alienation.
Bat the appreciation of property in that region,
is, after all, bat an incident of the enterprise. It
will offer the shortest' line of transit from the
lakes to the seaboard by the way of this city,
and virtually control tlio trade which will flow
across the continent uninterruptedly, when the
North Pacifier Railroad shall be a fact.
The :Press Bays :
• The proposed route of the Jersey Shore, Nei'
Creek and Buffalo road, affords an outlet for at
least 300,000 acres of coal land, that would zither
wise be, and now is, wholly excluded from mar
ket, and the imp° may be said as to at least ono
aced of timber land. Yet, by the della
opmont this road will afford, the coal from those
lands may be transported by the shortest dis
tance, at favorable grades, to Buffalo on the
northwest, and to all the markets on the south
„ A pe, east.
- The quality of the coal is specially adapted for
dm:nestle purposes, the generation of steam, and
the manufacture of iron, Almost somi-hitumi
nouk on the east, as you advance west, you reach
the rich bituminous and cannel deals. Sixty
miles at least of the length of the lino of this
road pass through tliese coal fields, bordering it
on either, side.
The general policy of State development can
not be too warmly commended. While, by con
stitutional prohibition, *relations by the
State, and State and municipal or dit, cannot be
extended to such enterprises, and while Pennsyl
vania is thus placed at a disadvantage with her
great rival for the Western trade,
Now York, with
its lines of transportation, yet it is held by our
Supreme Court that the Legislature is the guar
dian of the securities deposited in the sinking
fund, and may change those securities in their
discretion, always provided the new ses t satiWg;
Tor the Ming fund was
created, viz: the payment of the State debt.
ft '
11 In this period of transition from an inflated
paper ourreucy to specie payments, it cannot but
be regarded as a great boon to all the interests of
this State that the, amount of money thus pro
posed to be extended in developing the resources I
of the State, shall bp thrown into our channels of
circulation, and thiik afford employment to thou
sands of our people, stimulate industry, particu
larly in our iron manufacturing departments, and
supply the loss by depreciation consequent upon
the change in the condition of the currency.
If this road be built, it will be built
soon ; and it is a most fortunate thing
for our people, that the great outlay of
money in constructing this and the
Wellaboro and Lawrenceville road,
comes at a time when there is likely to
be a stringency in money matters. The
building of these two roads willbe of
great benefit; not only to the sections
through' which they pass, but to the.
whole countyA They will increase the
assessed valuation of property in the
county to a large amount, and thereby
enable ua to meet the, ordinary expen
ses of the county, and pay the balance of
the county debt, with much greater ease
thhn we otherwise could. In view Of
all these considerations, it may well be
said that a new era has dawned upon
Tiogs. county.
WELLST4ORo SCHOOLS.—We have been
into the schools of this borough several times,
the past winter, and think they aro all doing .
well, 'What they need,-more than anything else;
Is a doe Attention and encouragement from pa
rents and others. It is a very strange thing,
considering the inclination of most people to look
to all matters which cost money, pretty closely,'
that our people do not pay more attention to
schools. This borough annually pays out from
$l2OO to $l5OO, to keep its common schools in
operation; and yet we venture to say [that not
ono out of ten of the parents over visit the
schools. They pay the taxes cheerfully, in most
cases; but they seem to think their duty ends ,
there; and they allow their children to go to
school, year after year, withont once going to see
how they got along. Ilow parents can suffer
.themselves to forego such a pleasure, saying no
thing of their duty, is difficult for us to under
stand. ,Yet we do understand, that they thein
selves are absorbed, froth • day to day, in their
own business and duties, and feel that they have
not the time to devote to such an object. The
only way to do, is to take the time; and when
any who do, return to their usual employments,
they feel that the time thus spent is nothing in
compaiison with the pleasure they have received. l
We are too apt to grow into a life of monotony )
and, absorbed therein, to 'deny ourselves the little
diversions which make up the better part of life,
after all,
But tiiiS,pleasure and:profit are not alone re.
ilex—they do not alone benefit the actors; they
have a bettor use—in arousing a spirit of emula
tion in school. Go into a juvenile school; see
how the eyes brighten, and the little souls speak
out a determination to excel, through their beam
ing faces ! All elated, with a secret resolu
tion to deserve commendation, and A wish to
compliment their teacher by an appearance of
good discipline and training, how their little
hearts throb, as they take their places in the
class! Here comes in the highest pleasure, per
haps, to the visitor. What inimitable graces do
soma of' the/kale charms put on! what romping
antics do some others half display, from a very
running over of the child! See them toe the
mark 'Some prim; .some dignified, not . know
1 ing it; some diffident and awkward, but not the
less deserving, it may be; some rough and Ill
mannered, from want of proper home-training.
How eagerly they catch a word ! ROW molls the
little bosom with cruel disappointment, when a
mistake is made, or opportunity for advancement
lost! Then hear them number off, and, when
dismissed, give vent to the smothered merriment
of 'the time, in many it laugh, and play, and
freak 6f childhood, which awaken echoes from
the past of every child at school.
Como good people, go to school it is never
too late, labile the school lasts. It will do you
more substantial good than the best sermon or
lecture; for it is a walk with nature, under a
guise you do not see every day. Go, and sea
what use is made of the heavy taxes you perfer
schools ; look shout, sad; make suggestions to the
Directors. I_DD :not put all the responsibility upon.
them 'do your 'putt. D!'net take the school is
a matter of course, like, the rising of thelmu,
that never needs attention., Encourage the tea
cherOnnke the pupils thirds that schools are of
some importance, and do not leave , them alone
and um:tared for, to lite as you are concerned,
while nt school. There are their characters and
destinies in life moulded and directed. , Ho, li
porteritAlienAhatile tendency ihotild be in the
right direction, and that the parent should see
that it is so !
The schools will oloto about the 'first of May.
They are very full. '
,Something will have to be
done to enlarge the aecomModations, very soon.
The Trustees of the Academy are.willing to trans
far that institution to the district, provided the
limits of the borough may bo to extended :as to
wake it needful. In this way, rt school May be
built up here in a few, years, equal "to an acade
my. It is a source of regret that it has not been
done, or that something has not been done to
build up a good school hero; before now. There
is no reason why parents should bo compelled to
rend their sons and daughters away, 3n their ten
der years, to fit them for the college and semi
nary. Wo have enough within our own limits,
who are thus sent away, to form the nucleus of a
good school; and by making provision for the
reception of pupils from title surrounding coun
try, it might be made a p,iormaneast success. The
bills introduced by Mr. Niles are intended to ac
complish this result. There is opposit'n ontho part
of those residing within the limits proposed to bo
added to the borough. Mtn think such opposition is
unwise; but of that they are the judges. They
need ts good school here as much as any of us e
and when they are brought within the borough,
their interests will be identical with ours. They
have property : In no way eon they do More to
enhance the value of their proporty,than by aiding
in the establishment of a good school hero. Be
shies this, in this era
° of progress in our tnidei ,
the borough will need•more room. It is not ne
cessary totake in large tracts of land, used- only
for farming purposes, perhaps; but the , settle
ments immediately about us should be included.
We once heard of a man who opposed the build
ing of a depot upon his farri ; for "don't you
see"! said a friend who wished to buy his farm
cheap, "if you do allow this i •the neat thing yon
know, they will be laying ont
,streets all over
your farm, and making city lots of hem. Then
what would your farm ho worth?"
Mr. Niles has introduced two bills of
considerable local importance: one
proposing to authorize the conveyance
of, the Wellsboro Academy property to
the school district of this borough ; the
othler extending the limits of the
horough so,as to take in Germantown
and other lands about the village. We
call attention to the matter so that our
people may take measures to get? the
matter fairly before our Representatives.
There is some opposition to the • Move
ment outside the borough.
Judge, Bradley of NeW jersw ,was
confirmed by the Senate, as Associate
Justice of the Supreme Court of the
United States, on the 21st. that. • The
Southern Senators opposed this confir
mation on the ground of locality, but
most of the Democrats came to the res
cue and be was confirmed, quite unex
pectedly to his friends. He is said to
be a fit man for the place, and we do
not look upon residence as any disqual
ification or reasonable objection.
Gulien 0. Verplank, a well known
authOr, his residence in N. Y.,
on the 18th. inst., in his 84th. year.
Lie was native of New York city,
and had lived there the moat of his
long life. He graduated at Columbia
College, end soon took high rank as an
author. He studied law, was' a pro
fessor in a Seminary, and in 1833 was;
but we think was never elected to any
political office, save the one mentioned.
He was a leading candidate of the
Whig party in the oily election of 1834,
but was defeated by a very small ma
jority. After`this, he betook himself
to private life ; and has since stood
among the foremost men of letters in
our country.
Senator Sherman's Funding bill, as
it passed the Senate, provides for issu
ing bonds in three series, each of, $4OO,
000,000 for the purpose of refunding the
public debt. The first series are 10-40 s
at 6 per cent. The second series are
15.40 s at per cent. And the third
series 20.40 s at 4 per cent. The bonds
to be of a not less denomination than
$5O, registered and coupon, exchanges-.
ble for the 0 per cents now in existence
at par values, and redeemable in coin .
within minimum and mexinium peri
ods which give name to the securities.'
The interest to be paid semi-annually.
The last series of four per cents may be,
increased beyond the $400,000,000 in the
discretion of the Secietary of the Treas
ury, provided that such increase does
not increase the aggregate indebted
The fourth section provides that
neither the, bonds .so issued, nor the
annual income therefrom, shall be tax
ed for any purpose whatever. The ef
' feet of this provissiowill be to cause
these securities to take preference of all
others as a permanent - investtnen ;
though the apparent inequality of tax
ation so contemplated Will constitute a
strong . objection against the section
when it reaches the House. The bonds
are to be negotiated at home and abroad
through agents appointed by the Secre
tary of the Treasury, the 7whole cost not
to exceed one-half of one per centum of
the entire amount, including prepar
ing plates and issuing. It is further
provided that the sum of $150,000,000
anually shall be appropriated to pay
ment of the interest and principal 'of
the debt ; and after October next regis
tered bonds not less than one thottsand
dollars, issued under this act, must be
isubstitutedtiy the national banks as de
posits for security of their circulating
notes, in lieu of bonds bearing higher
rates of interest. This provision will
be resisted by the national banks with
out doubt, but since theißenate could
not be brought to strike i t out, the Heine
is not likely to amend it in that partic
i ular. The last 'section provides thet
any banking association, under the Na
tional Currency act may deposit such
bonds and receive circulating notes to
the amount of 80 per cent. thereof,
without reference to the limitations of
that act touching the aggregate eircula-
Mph of national banks; provided, how
ever, that for all circulating notes so
issued,' an equal amount of United
States notes shall be destroyed.—The
" 0. C.'&'—At a recent meeting of
the above society, the following proimble and
resolutions wore unanimously adopted :
Whereas,,Ono of our number has been unex
pectedly called to leave us; and
Whereas, Said member was an R. R. It. D. B.
of high standing; therefore
Resolved, That we moat earnestly deplore our
loss, and tender our friend our sincerowlshes for
his future welfare and prosperity.
Resolved, That we make no effort to sapplY
his place, but at all future meetings preserve
,‘ one vacant chair." By order of Coutraittec. o
Examination of Teachers.
ring to teach during the summer, who have
not certificates, will be hold at ,
Lawrenceville, Monday, April 1 '.
Roseville, Wednesday, April 20.
Mansfield, (school bouso,) Friday, April 22.
llsboro, Tuesday, April 28:'
Liberty, (Block Ilouse,yThursday, April 28.
Union Itcaderay,Saturday, April •30.
Teachers will come with five shoats of fools
cap paper, pen and ink. Examinations will
commence at 91 A. M. •
School Directors are earnestly Invited to at
tend. E. HORTON, CO. Snp't.
March 30;1870, 4t
TiaiEz LADY'S FRIENTi.--Tho 'Aprll
rumbaed this popular magatine comes to us
with the freshness and life of spring. In the,
steel plate,." Ox Ovitun," the alert watchful/3W
of the dog contrasts finely with the repose of thi
sleeping boy. -The colored faabion plate Is gay
and grateful as mined ; and the profusion and va.
riety of illustrations of articles of feminineCuse
and adornment, give the ladies every opportunity ,
to know- low to dress well. Music, +Tapping
at the (radon Slate." The stories are very good.
Mrs. Moulton concludes the deeply, , interestinL
'V DU forget r s ' Was
carries on " The Canoannons' Aunt" in her naiad
lively style. Publishedby, Deacon A P e t e r s on, ,
319 Walnut street', Philadelphia, Prlce, SO 'a
year, (which also inoltidea a large ateel „engirt
ring). Four copies, $l3. Five 'copies, and one
gratis, $B. The Lady's Friend and the Saturday
Evening Peer (and ono engraving,)
THE ATLANTIC.—Thin monthly is AA
over wo/oomoi visitor. The April number sus
tains its high reputation as a literary magazine.
Bayard Taylor's etery • " Joieph and His Friend,"
grows more interesting, and bide fair to exceed
any he has hitherto written in teal. merit. "to.
year. Address Plaids, Osgood it Co. , 13"1";
To Soldiers.
Ba a recent decision of the tutted States Su..
promo Court, it is held that all soldiers
bonorably,diacharged during the first two years
of the war, no matter how short their term of
service, are entitled to one bandied . .:dollars
bounty. X am prepared to make applications
under this decision. GEO. W. MERRICK. '
Welleboro, March 80,'7Q. Zt o
Specie Payment Resumed.
Watches, Clocks, 3ewOry,'
Sliver and Silver Plated Ware.
Cots of New Goods:
• Savor COIN Pohl
Call and eoo tho now stook of Jewelry, die
March 80; 'lB7O.
The Biggest Thing Yet!
A 8 there is a certain "foul-plaq" praetioed in
this oomrounity. tho• disolostiro of which
maid stir op tbo - peopie stneraity, we therefore
propose to tell no one,cotoept thcise who °nil at!
Come In you jolly hunters,
I won't detain you long ;-
Sit down'awhile eontentented,
Until I reveal the 'wrong.
Dry Goods, Groceties, Crockery,
Hardware, Boots and Shoes,
aid aro always evaded In any ;Omelet
nit), to preserve the health, and gladden the
hearts of the waseoes.
The expected time has come,
And the story must be told;
. .We sell goods as cheap as anywhere,
To avoid people being sold.
KELLEY don't propose to enumerate the ar
ticles in store ' but simply say that ho has a way
of dealing with his customers, so as to snake a
little money buy a
I am sure you we eau please,
With nice goods and Japanned Teas;
For all are offered very low,
To keep the masses on the go.
Nor a sir•explinstion or uta'anovir storm:abut,
drop in and zoo
Marsh 80, 1870.
10,000 Agentri Wanted.
► ~liit, A"` 1
Mombor of the Philidelphla
Enlarged and thoroughly Revised,
Member of the Philadelphia Bar.
608 PP. 13 we. LAW STYLE. $2,00..
property, business, individual rights, and so
oial privileges of every one, and affords a Dead
of legal knowledge that to many will make it
worth its weight in gold. The simplicity of its
ingredient', the comprehensiveness of its sub
ject, the accuracy of its details, the facilities af
forded in its perfect arrangement, and the eon.'
Matinees and attractiveness of its style, as wallas'
its cheapness, make it the most desirable of the
legal hand-book. No effort or,expeneo bad been
spared in adapting it thoroughly to ttoi,times,
and affording fn it the most recent and useful
Constitution of the 'United States,
With Amendments;
General Bankrupt Laws,
With Amendments :
Pension Laws,
With Necessary Forms ;
Internal Revenue Laws,
. With Stamp Duties ;
Post Office Regulations,
With Postage Rates, dm, &c.
Laws, of all the States
Acknowledgments, Credits, Naturalization,
Administrators, Debts, • Notes. •
Affidavits. Deeds, Obligation s.
Divorce, Partiierships,
Dower, Patents,
Exchange. Penalties,
Executors, Petitions,
Exemption, 0 Powers,
auardiane, Pre•omptione,
Motels, . Receipts,
Landlords, Releases,
Libel. Rights.
Liens, Slander.
Limitations, Tenants.
Marriage, Vessele,,
`Masters, Words.
Minors, Wills.
Mortgages, &c,
Plain and Simple Instructions to Sverybody for
Transacting their Business According to •
Law; the legal forms required (or Draw
ing up the Various Necessary Papers;
and useful Information in Regard
to tbo Government of the Uni
ted States, and the various
State Governments,
ate., etc.
Agents Wanted.
LuipuL INDUCEMENTS are offered to
agents everywhere. This work is the moat corn;
pieta of its kind ever published, and presents ex.
celleneles that commend it to all engaged in the
affairs of everyday life. Every farmer. business
man. Tradesman,Laboring Man, Politician,
Property Llolderßankrupt, Professional Man,
and every one having a Family, will find it in;
ter:toting, Instructive, valuable, and full of haat.
nearly One Thousand standard and choice
works. Its character throughout is such as to
command the confidence of all experienced can
vassers, and the approval of the priblic.
SINGLE COPIES of _Everybody's Lawyer
sent to any address, postage paid, on receipt of
For terms to Agents, and other information,
John E, Potter & Co.,
614 and 617 Searsou khan*,
Mob 80, 1870.-Bm. PHILADELPHIA.
OPPIEB.,Of . . fa 4 Ma
ERNAEriT sEouitriits,
No, 6 Masao Street, New stoxit,
, 7 1
filje success which attended our
'negotiation of the loans of the Central Pacific
Railroad Company arid tho Weitiftti Weide Ram:
road Company, and the' popularity and credit.
Which these loans have maintained lo the mar.
bets, both in Ibis country and Europe, have
shown that the First blovtgage 'Bonds of wisely
located and hoaoreldy , 'managed railroad...are
promptly recognised and readily' taken as the
most suitable, safe , and advantageous form of
investment, yielding a more liberal income than
can hereafter be derived frontgovernment bonds,
and availnble to take their!place.
Assured that, in the selaiition and negotiation
of superior railroad loans, we are meeting a great
public want; and tendering 9 a valuable service—
both to the holders of capital and to thole great
national works of interns& improvement whose
intrinsic merit and substantial character entitle
them to the two of capital and the confidence of
investors—we now offer with special confidence
and satisfaction the
011ESAPRARE 'AND 01110 R. R CO.
The Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, connot
ing the Atlantic) coast;and - lhe magnificent har
bors of the Chesapeake.bay with the Ohio river,
at a point of reliable navigation, and thus, with
the entire railroad system and water transporta
tion of the great West and Southwest, FORMS
LINE, so imperatively demanded for the (mom
inodation of the immense and rapidly growing ,
transportation between the Atiantio seaboard
and Europe on the one hand, and the groat pre-:
during regions of the Ohio and Mississippi val
leys on the other.
one, of national consequence, and insures to it an
eiteaelve through traffic from the day of its com
plotion ; while, in the development of the ex
tensive agricultural and mineral resources of
Virginia and Wont Virginia, it possesses, along
its whole line, the elements of a large and.,prol
liable local business.
Thus tho areal interests, both general and lo
oal, which demand tho completion of the Chesa
peake and Ohio Railroad to the Ohio ,river, af
ford the 'Surest guaranty of its success and value,
Its superiority ai an itast and West route, and
the promise of en immense and profitable trade
awaiting its Completion, have drawn to it the at
tention and cooperation of prominent capitalists
and railroad men of this. city, of sound judg—
ment and known, integrity, whore connection
with it, together with that of eminent citizens
and business =m ai Virginia and West Virginia,
The road is completed and in operation from
Richmond to the celebrated White - Sulphur
Springs of West Virginia; two hundred and twen
ty-seven miles, and there remain but two hun—
dred miles (now partialliconstruebad) to be com
pleted, to carry it to the proposed terminne on
the Ohio river, at or near the mouth of the Big
Sandy river, one hundred and fifty miles abovo
Cincinnati, and three hundred and fifty miles be
low Pittsburg.
Lines are now projected or in progress through
' Ohio and Kentucky to - this point, which will
connect the
rinripp.h.rxwarszi ,eirria oft - Mr - vr Era 'run
Its valuable franchises and superior advanta
ges will place the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad
Company among the richest and most powerful
and trustworthy corporations of the country;—
The details of, the loan have been arranged
with special reference to the wants of all classes
of investors, and combine the various features of
convenience, safety, and protection against lose
or fraud. )
The bonds aro in denominations of
They will be issued as Coupon Bondi, pniyabio
to bearer, rind may be hold is that form; or
The bond may be reglatered - in the name of
the owner, w tar the coupons remaining payable
to bearer attached, the princlia/ being then trans •
ferable Only on the books of the company, un—
less re.tissigned to beraer oti
T i lio coupons may be detached and cancelled,
the bond made apermanent registered bond, trans
ferable only on.tho books of the company, and
the interest made payable only to the registered
owner or his attorney.
The three classes will be known respectively
as :
Ist. " Coupon Bonds payable to bear
td. "Begistered Bonds , with coupons
3d, " ‘ Registered Ronda with cdupons
And should' 'be no daignated by correspond—
ents i!1 specifying the class of bonds desired.
They, have THIRTY YES to run from
Januhry 1b,1870. with interest at nix per cents
per annum from November 41869.
Principal and interest payable in gold
in the city of New York.
The interest is payable in MAYAnd NOVEM
BER, that it may take the place of that of the
earlier issuis'of Five-Twenties, and suit the con
venience of our friends whb already hold.Oentral
and Western Pacific bonds, with interest paya
ble in January and July, and who may desire,
in making additional investments, to have their
interest receivable at dafferent seasons of the
The loan is secured- by a mortgage upon the
entire line of road from Richmond to the Ohio
river, with the equipment and all other propbriy
and appurtanances connected therewith.
The mortgage is for ;15,000,0000, of which
$2,000,000 will bo reserved and•beld in trust for'
the redemption of ontshinding bonds of the Vir
ginitv Central Railroad Company, now merged in
the Chesapeake and Ohio.
Of the remaining $13,000,000, a suftleient
amount will be sold to complete the road to tho
Ohio river, perfect and improve the portion now
in operation, and thorougly equip the whole for
a large and active tragic.
The present price is 90 and accrued interest.
A loan so amply secured, so carefully guarded,
and ao certain hereafter to' command a• promi—
nent place among the favorite securities in the
market), both of this country and Europe, will
be at once appreciated and quickly absorbed.
Very, respeotfully,
P. B,—Wo have issued pamphlets contataing
full particulars; .'statistical details, maps, eta,
which will he furnished upon application.
Ssfr - We buy and sell government Londe, and
reoeite the accounts of banks, bankers, corpora—
tions, and others, subjeat to obeok at eight, and
allots interest on daily below:tea; mar 270
FsanuanY 15th, 1870. st
$lOOO, $5OO and $lOO.
1.3 Tti net No Salesmen, and general, Ouporintendenie
of Bales In this County, also oult,inearit of the srajolu
ifts ctiuntles, for Steel Plate lingravhvgs, issued by
the Nailoual Art, Association, seW by sulaerVilun so
superior in design and exeCation.tbat Wes are
great durlog nil searooe and times. Mne must do hus
kiess exclusively for us, nut only reetilynig apd Ailing
otdatt, Ilifoliglinat "portions of the County, but em
ploy and superintend the salts of, a number of tales
man. A taw who do not wish loassurna the responsi
bility of a Superintendency wilt also he accepted to,
merely aet as salesmen. Sample EngraVlbge ars csrrb
ed In a Patent Roller Case. Frames are.not generally
used or sold by our Saltamen„. To strangers ire give
commissions on attestor the first sixty or ninety days,
when, trent the heatless (spoil and energy manifested,
p tquitableatiary can ho- 'looked upon, should melt'
.ba preferred to reruanesatiou -by comMieelon. trtiool
Isachess, Farmers, Agents, Mechanics and other bust
nese and protattional tato can engage with great profit..
14 letter, state age, previous and present butiosso,
de prolasional pursuits, expilcity stating whether a
Snperintendenoy,.or merely a situation as Soloman is
i ,desired--what territory is IgQiettftd—t e <Attica day
the engsgetotast•could Commence, and i (erten or lou
gor term than one year, Its exact or pro ble dnratioA,
ite., hc. R. Lien AN & CO.,
Publishers, Main k Water Ste., it ester, N. Y .
; Match BO lwr 0-8 m
0 4
i i t
It d
Farmers' Hotel.
B. MONROE, Proprietor. this house, formerly
occupied by B. Pe!lowa, ikoonduoted on tem
perance principles/. Frilry IiCCULCI au, dial o n
for Lunn and beast. Charges ronaenable.
March 30, 1570.--tt.
will be at my office iri Wellsboro, Tioga Co.,
Peon's, on Wednesday,. Thursday and Fri.
day, the 13t14 14th and nth days of April, 1870,
for the purpose of bearing apy appeals that may
be made from the action of tiro Aeolatitot Mau
ore relating to the Annual; Asiessinente. 'Ail
appeals must me made and submitted lu writing.
Assessor 18111 District.
Wellsbero, Pa., Maroh 21,11879-2 t.
OLDIERS who enlisted in 1881 at the call
1.. j of rreildent Lineoln and were honorably dis
charged before the expiration - of their term of
service; for disability and other eattbe, whether
they were in the service two years or not, by a
late dedisien of the finpronio Court, are, entitled
to $lOO Bounty. I am )prepared to collect all
snob claims aLthe lowest; rates. Bring your dis-.
charge papers,withyou.l)'
'Chia decision only app lies to those who were
mustered into service be tween the 4th "of May,
1861, and the 22d . of July, 1861, and who were
discharged before serving two years, and have
not received any bounty.
March 30, '7o—tr.
House and Lot for Sale.
us THE Subscriber offers for sale, his house
- -
,As and lot otiliain Street; oppesite Dartt's
ugon Shop, nnonire on the premises of •
Mardi - 30, . JOIIN ETIsIER.
Ffiß the next thirty days we will sell fur
CASH our entire stook of
800 - ess & shoos
Tin Ware and Stoves.
All sums over S 10,• three months time will bo
March 22, 1870..—tf
Ts an excellent article of granulated Virginia; wher
/ver introduced It is universally - admired. It is put
up in handsomo muslin bags, in which orders fur
Ateerschaum Pipes are daily packed.
Classed by all who consume is as the "finest of all;" it
is made of the choicest leaf grown; it is anti
in its proofs, as tho Nicotine has been extracted; It
leaves no disagreeable taste after smoking ; it is very
mild,ligbt enter and weight, bOTICO ODO pound will
last as long ash of ordinary tobacco. In this brand we
also pack orders every day for first quality Meerschaum
Pipes. Try it and convince yourselves it is ali it claims
to ho, "TITS FtNosr OF'ALL."
Ms brunt) of Cut Chewing Tobacco has no equallor
litirtartor anywhere. It is withont doubt the best chew
i ing tobacco in the country
Have now been in general use in the -United States
over 110 years, and' still acknowledged 'tthe bast"
wherever need.
If Your storekeeper does not have, these articles for
eale, ask him to get them; they are sold by, respectable
jobbers almost everywhere.
Circular and prices forwarded on application.
P. LORILLARD CO., New Yin k.
March 16, 1870-Sm
RC) M.EILEO.1 1 1.1-aa Ea.
11 Eit, purifies the Wood and cures Scrofula•
43 9Phins, 13kin Diseases, Rheumatism, Diseases of
Women, and all Chronic affections or the !AAA
Liver and Kidney's. Recommended by the Medi-
Cal Faculty and many thousands ot our best ti I.
Bead the testimony of Physicians and patients
who have used ftosadolls; WO fur our Rosadellos
Guide to Medal Book, or Almanac for this year,
which we publish for gratuitous distributtom it
will give you much voluble Information.
, Dr. R. W. Care of Baltimore, 8113-8
1 I takeplessare in recommending your ROBSDAL,
mas a very powerful alterative. I have aeon it
need in two cases with happy results—ono in a
case of secondary syphilis, inlwhich the patient
pronounced himself cured after having taken tire
bottles of your medicine. The other Is a case of
scrofula of R ing standing, which Israpidly Int
proving under its use, and Wei . ludthationa are
that the patient will anon recover. 'I have care•
fully examined the talnula by which your
your Resadalts is made, and and it an excellent
compound of alterative ingredients. ,
I Or. Sparks of Nicholasville, Ky., aaya ho hua
peed Rosadalls in cases of 'Scrofula and Seconda
ry Syphilis with satisfactory resultv. As a clean.
or of the blood t know no better remedy.
Samuel G, McFadden, Mnrftersboro, Tenn., sa)o
I have used seven bottles of Rosadalia, and are:
entirely , cured of Rbentnatt am ; send me four bot •
ties, as I wish It for my brother, who Inie scrofu
lous sera oyes.
Benjamin Bechtel, of Lima , Oblu, writes, I have
suffered for twenty years with an insetotote
eruption over my viliolo bolt; 4 bort time rine°
I purchased a bottle of Rosa ells and it effected
a perfect care.
Roushlis is sold by P. R.CovOs & Cu , out'
W.O. Kress, Wobisboro;lo Tuga ;
M. L. Ducon, Blossburg, suit Druggists gorrsrsily.
March 8,1874.-1 y:
Administration having boon granted on the
estate of Ira Bullock, deceased, late of Midilio
bury, all those Indebted to said estate aro reques
ted to make immediate payment, and those bay
ibg claims agairist it to present t 1 em to
Middlebury, Mara $O, 1870. tit • A dco'r.
(10.11MANDE A GOOD TRADE. and is situ=
t.,) ate on the principal Street of Williamsport.
Pa. moderate capital needed. Address at
one* `llc4r A7/0, Williamsport, Pa."
Mira 10,10704 w,
Office with Wilson & Niles,
Wellebore; Pa.
Also:our etock of • I
"EUREKA" Tobacco
LoKillard's SnuWel
Book Store f'or• Sale.
Tlllls WORIEINQ uir !MU' I.txpat,.%
to furnish' $ll classes wUh cot/steer
homeobj,yrsola of ti... time or for t lib 0 . 1,11 , 1{f•
Ltrodriesamow, light nod vroOthl.le. Perm
sax smile tern iron WC. to tt6 per eriotioy,. f..,1
portionarrnin 1 t• 413'11n/fig t rir
(h)y 01 and girls,earn n••..tlyas 1 / 1 1111i
Tbst ell wit., Ste this notice nosy studtbeiraddress,sti
test the business, wo make thin onparAlltle4 niter ...
To such as are not well stitlafted, we will send =1 to rr
Or the trout.% or writing. Pull particulars, It
ablo aauiDlo, which will do to commence work 0n,,,,,i
a Cob y - of /V Fevre& Af(ipirSCbmpanfourone of {1, 6
'rgent Sod bast amity kleWellpiparlynblished-7111 461
free by ntail. Reeder, if you went permanent, sl.6d
table work, rddress it. O. ALLEN g CO., Aup,, L ,
Milne. Merck 16, 1810.4 m . _
'ORALED PROPOSALS will be receiv e d ut, Io
j„, the
nt the office of the Fall /hook OM Centtiany, at
Coming, Y., for the ginaing,,,i(a eob ," and
fencing of 4 bout twelve miles of the
. •
Wellaboro and Lawre \
Commenting at tho west Walk of,,tha Ti ork .
river, Dear Lawrenceville, and terminatin g
station No. 765, (as now lootitedj about
miles soutb-or Tioga village. '
Tho lino is now - ready for examination. teen,;
ter stakes only are set and marked.
Maps, profiles and specifications will be ready
on tho 1 bib :day of March, at tho Fall Brook
Company's office in Corning.
The work wilt ho lot to the lowest responsibl e
bidder—but the right is, reserved to reject R oy
or all bide. Too remainder of,tbe line. (about
28 milee,) to Antrim, will be leflater in the sta.
dOl2. GEO. J. MAGER,
I Vice Proet W. et. L. R. R
Walaboro, Maich 9, 1870. 6t
Tioga Martilei Works,
'film undersigned le , XlOl repared ext.
„IL cute all orders for Tomb 8 ones and dims.
meats of either
of the latest style and approved workmanati;
and with dispatch. •
He keeps constaritty on , !Wed both: • kindi c
Igiarble.and will be able to salt nil who may L.
vet him with their orders, on an reasonable tem.
as can be obtained in the country. .
Tioga,Jan.l,lB7o—tf. •
ter Sale or ‘ exchatige fora house and lot in
Wollsboro, • -is situate abent
miles east of Ranamondsport, N. I's, and cat:
tains about two acres of. Grapes in full bearing,
and an orchard of ohoice fruit. 'The property is
a desirable one,"and pleeantly located. Address
this office, or,, JAS:, C. VAN GELDER,
Afar. 2, 1$(O.. Ifainmondaport, r.
l? TIC Pais
Rit tko most perfect pot t y
tiro we are able to prodce
;oath, thLuk, hos ever ,) et he tt
le by any body. Their erne
to tld community how teed
.ay excei ..iedicineein ueo. They are ofe
and pleasent to take, but powerful to cure. Their ler,
Orating properties etlmniate the vital settee of the
body, remove, the obstructions of its organs, pertly/Is
blood, end expel disease. They purge out the lonlhe•
morn whilch.bcotal and grow distemper, ,stimulate Fi ef ,
glib or disordered organs Into their natural aclione,, D i
impart tone and- strength to the \whole system.
only do they cure the every day complaints of e'er!.
-- f body, but formidable and Mtn.
gerou,s disease. While they produce powerful eel!,
they are at the same time, in diminished dotes, in
West and beet physio that can bo emproyed for chllditi.
B e in g ougur-ecated, they are pleasant lo take; eel,
being purely vegetable, aro entirely barmiest. CUM
have been made that would surpass belief, were thy
not substantiated by men of such exalted chsrectet,u
to forbid the suspicion •of untruth. Many ember;
clergymen and physicians certify to the public the re
liability of our remedies, while others hale tent vs
assurance o f their conviction that our 'Pieper:4a
contribute immensely to the relief t ,t our and. 4
fellow men.
The Agent below named is pleased to furnish ort
our American Almanac, containing directions forth(
use of these medicines and certificates of their cured
the following complaints;
Costive° ea e, Bilious Complaints, RheUrnAlim,prw),
Heartburn, Headache arising from foul stosaa,
Nau ea, IlidigeSt(ol), Morbid line (10 II of the Dowell ad
Pain arising therefrom, Flatulency, Lose of Appents,el
Memos which require an evacuant medicine. 11,q
also, by purifying the blood and stimulating thesyma,
cure many complaints which it would not be anpporl
they could reach, such,as Deafness, Partial Blindat4
Neuralgia and Nerrona Irritability, Derangstessud
1,,, Livor and Kid nay 8, Gout, and an other IMOD/
dlkorders arising from a low state of the body, ur u.
struction on its functions.
Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers, with oilar
pleparatlonson which they make more profit. Dome/
AYER'S and tako no Where; The sick want the beet 1.1
there is for them, and they abould have it.
Prepalred by Dr. J. 0, AYER di 00., Lowell, atilt
and sold by all Druggists and dealara 1, teedlcioi
everywhere., Jou, 19, 1870-2 m
Cash J. 870
Our Prices To-Day,
Best White Wheat Flour $7 pr bb1.1,75 pr. fact.
" Re'd witnter $6.50 " 1,62 "
"XX Spring Wheat, 6,00 " 1.50 "
Buckwheat Plcuri 1,00 per 1001bs,
Best Feed i 2,00 " '"
Bran and Shorts 1,50 " it
Meal 2,25 " "
Tllewprie” only ;FOR CASp.
All persons not haring eettle4 with or, cr.: -
not blame us now if they find their accounto
notes left with an attorney for collection. WI
giro due notice. W. rt.l3
BAO S.—We want all persons having any
with oar mark on them, to retarn tho same e;
once, as we shall take steps to secure them-
We have 500 bags scattered among the people.
- •
M i•-• 3 Wl:f 1 , )17.1 W - ri 0:1 t -, P>.
ui Pz 5 0 tr, o oo< 01
p. -4 4-.,.. L-4 0 p - ~,, c) •4.,
-4 ,(:), Z '6; v, •-i p. 9 v.
r" M .?. k rl
rtl '4
ae) • ,_ -.., V 4
e+ n 53 g
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,4 ::: ::' :.. 6 ::: *.-^••r c l 0
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nvoc)' - z,hco - dii`d
ft o • o c • ?• ?'•
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t " •V ;
0. " CZ CnQ can c) tv o
C.CS Whig. 1,0 otg. CT V ,
P •
Iti co 'co
pSo' c'D
. Wanted,
3 ( min CORDS hemlock bark, at the TioP
tannery, For good; nterchant 2l2
bark, four feot long, o,nd troll cured, 6' 03
do/P 0
per cord trill be paid. if delivered before NO'
Tloga, March 28, 1870. 6w •
3'ooo I
CODS hemlock bark wantea,::',
the AliddYebury ',
which $4 50 per cord will bo paidtanne ry ; ,
if delirtr o
LP Q.good condition and at aanio titne'aseb ot•
As ap ipcippefioppp to pad tiark, wo will
Tow buttdro thmpap,ll. foot 1;4 hemlock !°'
livered et oiir pcil4 at the piprko tin
9, Xx”r l t c ` i '
March 23,1870. Ow