Arrival !and 1/epaqiltire i.l :stages. I, ll.llBtagee runiilog ii%i•r difiereut Iron, We/11.1101 . 0. wJI depart “rol arrive as to)l9we from lyw . taSieger.9l l3l . 1 .••• _ Wellebc Oftirr ILIALORO k Trocia.—Depart 10, a.m., Rich c ; if ruarmAto A AI itiarma.—De pa t t Ba. m.. at rive b p iu. WIIiSBOS. O & Courrra rokr.—Dep. Mon. k Tliur.4 p. m. arrive - Monday itcpursday at 12m. 1111.1980R0 312.15ZY ttnour4—Deport Mon.& Thur. 9 a.m , arrive Tuesday Vtl.s p.m Tioga High, Scliool. - Academie and Commercial Courses THE third torm will commence April 83,1870. Thorough instruction, Terms liberal. Phi losophic apparatus. Tuition a half term strictly in adeatice. Fur full particulars call on or address I 11. 111. BEELEB, Fria% March 23.1870. tf - Tioga, Pa. TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR Local Items. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1870- New Advertisements. Bark Wanted—Johnston dr. Lowell. Administrator's Notice—George D. Keeney. Executors' Notice—S. N. Levergood t Werline. Tailor Wanted—George Wagner. , House and Lot for sale—Joseph Riberole. House and Lot for sale—J. N. Bixby. House and Lot for sale—Chas. Fisher. DissolnHon—H. Varner d W. Bullard. Tioga High Sohool—H.•M. Beeles. Dissolution—S. S. Packard, G. A. Kinney,., Executors' Notice—C. Copestice, W. H. Skld'. Belling at Cost—Converse Osgood. CROWDED OUT.—Thprush of adver tising this. week has anaroidhb/y crowded out a large amount of reading matter. Wo will try and fetch up next week. EXCHANGE.—Wm. B. Van Horn has purchased the property lately ocenplud by Minor Watkins, and is now keeping hotel himself.— Mr. Van Horn deserves the patronage of the public. \ • OBITUARY.—CoI. Levi Chubbnek, a well known and highly respected citizen of Wells bero, died on Friday the ISth of March 1370, in the 06th, year of his age. He was buried in the Welleboro Cemetery Tuesday afternoon last. Services by Dr. J. D. Mitchell. Col. Chubbuck was a man admired by all who knew 'him, for his sterling integrity and unim peachable honor in all things. Yearn ago . , he was on of the most active business men of the place. Latterly his health has been poor. 'At last he sleeps from every ill and'eare - mode free. THE PRACTICAL FARMER.—We have the - March number of this excellent agricultural paper, and think it deserving the patronage of its farming community. Paschall Morris iA sillier and proprietor. , is published in the same form as the American Agriculturist, and bids fair to rival that paper as a medium of ag ricataral and other information useful to farmer:. $1.50 per year. Address: No. IS N. 13th street Philadelphia. FIERMAJC Sociorv.—The d iscussion of the abolition of polygamy by law, was before this Society last Friday evening. The debate was opened by Major Merrick, in committee of the whole, J. B. Potter in the chair. Ile was fol lowed by James Bosard, the newly elected Presi dent of the Society, on the negative. Messrs. Joseph Bailey, Hugh Youn4, Palphrymand, C. Bailey, and Bunnell, also took part in the de bate. The discussion sufficed to while away the evening. Some things amusing, some interest ing, were said. • The President announced that the Heustatc, will adopt some scheme to furnish a course et lectures to our people next winter. They intend .4:0 procure some of the first lecturers of the COULl iiry. The citizens of Wellsboru ate already greatly in' this Society for the— ment they have given us the past winter, from week to Week ; and tee have no doubt that an un dertaking of this character on their part; sill be liberally encouraged by our citizens. The Home Course h -