;~~.: II Arrival and li6pitrti; re ; . • • . fritS ugt;tiol rtM : ltiog m t}lc tliffortmt routes - 170M . _ ICln will depart owl fierier - Re t . . , lluwa trout t ht. - . Wellshoro 'Fait 0111 cm wros#ono &¶ 1 GA.--Depart 10. a. nt,„,p.rrivo 1,k1", p. m tP elt.,Comio M.ittern.u.—Drpart SR. m, arrive C p ru. SVIA,InORO & CoruuumroFr.—Dep. Mum A: Thur. Arrive Mouduq WilsuradAyiut 12W. • . . WELL6BOtO & Mini" ROltto—Dopa rt Mon.*. ThnT. s tial orrl ro Tuesday k Pa 5 p.m TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR Local , Items. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1670. New advertisements. Y Administrator's Notice—M. N. Ratan. Administrator's Notice—lL H. Ingham Attention Parmers—M. P. Prince. Book Store for sale.. Paints and Oils—W. C. Kress. Administratin's Notico---E. Bowen. In Partition—J. B. Potter. Closing Out—L. Beebe. WANTED.—A second . land, open bog gy, in good condition. Apply at tills °Moo. HERMAIC SOOIETY.—T lie following Subject is before the above Society Friday Even- log March 13. Tho discussion is free to all.: "Resolved, that the laws of the United States 'Government ought to abolish and prohibit Polig amy". • • —The , Northern Tier Gazette, publish ed at Troy, Pa., makes its appearance this week in a readable condition. We are glad to note the improvement.—Ex. —ThaPeeo. The Gazette last week came to us with a (*km face, having thrown off the habili ment- of 4purning. Glad to recognize it again. PERSONAL.—Mr. Samual King, for merly a citizen of Wel'shore, and recently - from Nei/ark Valley, N. Y. is spending it few days in this village with his friends. We ,learn be and his family goes to seek a borne somewhere in "bleeding Kansas." Pu.nLlip • BALES.—Bullard's entire stock of goods, under the hammer. Richard Robinson offers for sale, Tuesday, March 29, at 11 o'clock, near' Mansfield, cows, yearlings, horse, wagons. &c. T. A. and I. Robinson, will sell on Wednes day, March 30, at 10 A. M., horses, wagons, har nesses, farming tools, lumber, barn frame, Se. CONCERT.—Prof. Towner and son gave two entertainments at the Court -House, in this village, last week. They drew respectable audiences each night, notwithstanding air peo ple have, of late, had more than their usual share of entertainments. The singing was good, not operatic, but none the less satisfactory, for all that. They present a variety sufficient to please all. The young man has quite a remarkable bass voice, under good cultivation. The Professor is too well known in this' region to need comMenda tion. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.—The ex trti - !nation of this school will take place on Thurs day, March IT, IS7O, nt S A. M., and continue two daye. The Board of Trustees will meet on Friday, the ISth, at 4 P. M. The senior and Junior eln9see will give an en tertainment in th e chapel, Friday evening, com mencing at. 8 o'c lock. The next term commenee3 Monday, March 21, IS7O. "BIGGER THAN ALL OUT DOOftS."-- Potter oounty, according to the Harrisburg cor respondent of The Day. We have heard a good deal of Potter county in our day. On a certain occasion a resident of that county, on being asked how he l)ked the country, replied : "ft, is-every think that could be desired, with ono exception : there are about three weeks in the heat ef the summer, when tee hare no ele;yhing—the bola* of the year, we manage to get along pretty well." We have supposed that this story was en ex. ageration but Tke Day correspongent, speaking et the Jersey Shore, Pino Creek-, and Dunk, R. R. snys, "This line will pass for about 150 miles throuo the undeveloped mineral regions of Potter county," and as we have great conli . donee in The Day, we arc disposed now to be ll that it it not an etagucatiou of the state o: (the limate in the extreme northern putt of that L l eroun y. HEItitfAIC EICCIETY.—CoI. A. \ E. Niles delivered n cry interebtiog keture rdziety last Friday pvening, at the Court Ilue , e, giving an account of his experience South, nod of the condition of thagsemore particularly in Nlis aissippi. The house utts full, and the audi‘ ace greatly amused and diverted by the discourse lie comes up squarely to the point, with the di rectness and intrepiditj , of a soldier, uses Vigor ous language to exprebs his views of things, and Llaas'a good reason for what be asserts. Ho says that reconstruction is premature—that the feeling in lfliFsissippi is inten,ely bitter against the North, and that it will continuo ro.— The rising generation are taught to hate Yan kees. ,In this situation, ho nseerts hie belief that reconstruction should have been delayed twenty ftve years, anther than that the destiny of the South should bo placed again iaa the Iquade. of there who sought to destroy the government. The Colonel told many amusing storier,among them one of a conversation he overheard, in which an ex-rebel soldier stoic(' as follows: "When I first went into the army, I thought I war a match for eight Yankees. After about two years, I thought I was enough for four; but be fore the war eqtsecl,, 1 got down to one, and I wanted him ••• . GOSSIP.—A strAn# Jingo is thip that some call gossip, I say, dame. A ghastlysort of business; thus to fill the night with boll oblins. ransacking tb - o chanters of the soul. wit i dark lanterns, now and then making fatitas.ti sbad ass dance about to hide thorn from Criel other, fkr fear the image shall expose some hideous de formity to the grim intelligence of evil spirits, playing hide and seek against such other. How these spirits ride a bobby; to be sure! There comes a fancy of the Old shoemaker, from " A gale of Two Cities," ire the weary, oh, so weary ! hands ply the thread, growing shorter and short er, till the last stitch is taken—and yet there come' no test fertile toiler. And little Nell and the ell curiosity roan, wandering about all thre' the dark night, anidst the glare of the furnaces, 'inking pandetnuitilum of uene-time solitude. of _Nature' • hew he fniters mid lool,s back, and - then totters' along, till his very cane trembles complaint of his unceasing wanderings! And still the little girl bolds , his hand and cheers him on his wey, like many another -ang,el in human forte, to he ever and nlway so eheerfu!, FO genial and happy, under a weight almost too great for tutnaia endurance, only at hist•to fide, and die, amid to laid away in a giviv-e, untimely' Al i ! • ale.' And all this is o(.4llkOre fad than is the led of mars, Nature seems unkind. ru: -' r is rmt She only touches to teach us. n),Ln W e nil! r,Qt 1. , 1 onset in any other stay. There era many \aim are weary, because the heart is sad ; many uln,i,e miles are but the, grim reflection of ,t failine, hie, l.ke the faint Mush of aut umn raUlf(t2 Set if, Pa!e,departing colors, by the early hosts. Tint . by and by come the isnows of winter, to crystal iz.! the soul in death and brirg re:it f at lost'— And 114 w kindly is this quiet slt:ep of nature, trout which' no sorrow can awake 'us! And more kind, 140 eternal re.zt of that init)oortal spring time, wherein are photographed it'll tire beauties of the soul in celestial images. And not all fictitious are ill( se guests of the mer a ,,, TY• Some are real, while so infinite are the plisse of hum an expegteneis, that none. can be Moro th , in red, Intinay rriu.t contain theta all. Some life reficets each fancy ; and when we enter the infinite, 1.61111 iie t.ut ice and cenipreliend them all? Theic is the great immeasurable to he explored; and why 6hould we hesitate or !tar - to inter its confines ? Ilc to t.e ['Jolt old, and alt thir,,,45 glow old to us, What m,hre eau we see that to hew in this life ? Ah I see can I Sic, if we ‘'h ll ; but whenwe are looking tho other why, "ti oeyoed, Ivo cannot. And yet, true it ir, that `' Lr i,) l "ging , . draw us away, suet teats us blind t , ° " (Ise. liew Can'ue he other thou ourselaes ? %, r cannot create, thotti, , ,h tie may wake d ft• r, ni ;Lit., of things in nature , . :kb, Low the IA inditigits, the stern, di ties 6 ,i.ilat the windows, the darkness covets 'ag, t•al ue alone! What a night I Aral ..!,et it is tz . artt; for there come the first gray streams of 11 .3n.ts and I itur,,tiot sorry, fur the bouts hive t p 4 -1 fit 4, ~ ,tf oragza n mtg. .491. stlr 0 rot 1. at .1 ago 4 1 .6. 11141).e:raw • - IVO ...nonot 41riva away them: crowds of .411 tumid, eaolt'4uouth, nod Ray. ;Mr. Taylor, every 211 nod mak° root:afar more ohecriul ,i'unelis;;;- For, i Sabbath. We also have a very interesting Sabbath boaiebstiv;' , Witini", these, ,tipelta:'t}re• 41 ; p'. iberi:'soffeo School' ,onder,tlie aupervlploti.of•Mr, and Mrs. 3. 1. ems 6) ray, '.!i 7 rUtt. tiro a ghost of $1: fellow— , you B. Wilson. All should attend. BOOZ. don't like -;" At Op; ; approsch of morn s night's swift dregons pultl.o,cloude full fast, and wandiring-bere and (bore, troop holtie4o ehuratt-yarda." Shakespeare, say you, dame ? Well, as you will; but' I credit it to • oountrolot WO% , ,-, • " Polly put the kettle - on;"tind well, all have tea" ' No, I thank yon—coffee., Tha&a my counselor—that is, y frow. 7 ..A way with 'yens jit Dutch ; it will spoil y breakfast. ak nited my ri, self to cake S ane union its story ;' and i,f;it . re not so late- 7 that is; sa early--I would give to you. SomehOw these ghosts will not, " troop home," at all. - i • There, goes the firs(4l-namer—the:water boils. - ',Now abate's the cod's° ? I'll gAud'it. I lik 01 ;Ii 3171 u" sio of the coffeo mill, - It bas a harmony ;of a:o i times about it. (Get away, ghosts-) Wh,y ., don't: you say, " There, now, you tub a good IMY."-'.4 , Ilere's your coffee, and if you make that . villain.; ous mixture they hero at the hotels, I'll apply for a divorce. Oh, you needn't get indignant.— I don't mean the hotels of this town. It's a pity, though, you hay° so many uncles and aunts keeping hotel; for I feel now as if a little spell of a square setting out. of these fellows—(beg your pardon—hold on Co thQ stove handle)— would sharpen my appetite for breakfast, 1 - '- . 1 ' . Oh, Mr. Gossip! forbear. Wo stre;giowing short in provisions. And after all this talk, talk, talk, throdghout the night, night, nighty as Sir. James Mount would say, them is no occasion for fay stimulus for your appetite, my dear. • , Now its my turn, madame I . Don't " my dear": me. ' Suppose some one should hearyou say such a thing aEr that ? • I hero a name, audit' it has a meaning i'n your fancy, cull [no that, I pray you. Now I am sure, sir, you an's in jest ; 'for no ono hears. And what if they should 1 i Well, now, what sort of conclusion would you have use draw from that insinuation? No breach of promise cases for me, madame. Ileeauie give you a compliment for Making coffee, in a very round-about way, indeed, don't aonolude that"l mean so much ni if I 'bad said, "Chops and tomato sauwa." I deny the implication, now awl here, once and forever Why don't you add, "Ono and inseparable,' Mr. Gossip? There is no presumption about it, • unless it were presuriiption in me to Join my fato to a man that goes wandering up and down all the region of created faactee, forever and evei.— Proeuinption! What 1, .d0‘ you call those little things there ? I mean those little shoes, and boots, and stockings! And that hat, that little bonnet, and_thateloak, and that thing lhe,re on rockers, with a . little pillow in one end, and a dainty blanket of many pieces; each with a his• iory ? And if this don't carry conviction, hoar those little feet, look nt those eyes peeping out from under that same, blanket. These, sir, are no presumptive evidence; They are positive proof. Oh well, let us have the coffee.. Never mind the other things. We can't live on gossip, alway. I aril in a:: hurry, dame—my business calls me away. There. Very good. Cream rather defec tive, but better than they have at the ho—. (load bye, dame, good bye. Very sorry to leave; but I'll be back to dinner in good time, and toll ybu the 1301VH. MAINSBURG.—Mr. E. C. Smith who escaped the Insane Asylum at Philadelphia, has returned home. After escaping the Asylum, IM obtained work in order to . get means 'to travel with. Ile °num home late at night, and went away again early the next morning, as he said, on important siness, not h:tting his friend: know where he was going fsrthcr than toi Cor ning. After visiting-Niagara, an 4 some ether places, he has come home again and apparently in as sound mind us ever On the evening) of the 4th inst. , the friends of Elder Rockwell gave hint a donation of $72 'fa the house of E. Dewey. ' Ice. Ice. Ice. Our people not being abiki to spend their summer months in the famous Alaska of our government, arc each building nn Alaska of their own. The largest number of logs that. were ever piled up in this locality at ore time, are now - in the mill yard of Messrs. Dour] Jr. Woodburn. Our debating -schools ate 'well attended stud the questions arc well debated. The quektion fur next Weduesday.evening is woman stiffrage.l: March 7th. REPEATER. TROY.— We have plenty of snow, and the merry jingling of sleighbolls is heard from "early morn till end of ,day"----and very often till iutl of night. The Old Fellow's lodge iu this placo Las beet' nicely fitted up, %%Mil new desks, handsomely trimmed for officers, &c. Thu Lodge is very prosperous and is constantly adding to its' num. Lens Mice and Sire. Verbeck have opened rooms on Multi et. formerly occupied by Miss Wall, milli incr, for drerstnaking, and plain rolelni;',. ' Another call has been tendered the Rev. 111 r. Camp, of Newark, N. Y. to accept tho pastorate .1 the Presbytertan Church in this placo. It is thought he will accept the call. There has been some talk }Are about a news paper being started at Conton ; but as Mr. Bert die failed to establish a new county, with Itlin uq4a us the county seat—it is not likely tat any one will be so foolish as to try to start one there now. 13utiners ie rathir dull with bur merchants and tradesmen, but 113 fold comes down and we re turn to sueele payinents, I trust ttmes will bo better; bitter than they have been fur A unifi er of years. March, 10, IS7O, TENNY. LlBEltrir.—l am unable to give any great variety of news this week. On Saturday the sth inst., the time, to give the villagers the bene fit of what they have been taught in the way of discoursing music. Wy k were astonished at the great advancement they have merle in the short space of one months instruction. Thu citizens of our place, feel proud of the band, and that the money they-have contributed to purchase instruments, urns a good investment, and will eventually result in great benefit to the village. —Benjamin Wieland Esq , from Orangeville Stephenson Co. stopping at our village' for a few weeks., teethe purpose of introducing to our citizens, Whealocks' patent process of tann ing, and finishing hides, in the space of 1(1 to 21) days, he also - linislies up Mink, Mnskrat, Raccoon, Wildcat, ayl Fox skirr,to make the various kinds of Itq goods out of. lleis prepared to sell tatniiy, township, and county rights, being the owner of the territory of Tiogn, and 15 other count ks, in the state of' Pennsylrania. I have bad the opportunity of examining his szmplCs of different kind of finished calfskin, kip, and fur and at , far as my judgtnent serves the I find them nell tanio..l, and finished up in a worktuanlike manntr. The above method of tanning, end finishing hides, and fur skins, is upor.or to proce:s, entirely new, and flu - z and also much cheaper. Prom what I have seen, and understand of the new method, I think •it wmtht the interest t.f file filirltr•TO thrOlighnlit the county to r ectirC a family right from the ;.!..tit; or hi: pp.„.kes through the different town 'l •hips, lam told that the agent will.be ready to the c6tity in the cunt-soot a few weeks . 1 4:1-co 81), 1S lt. s era 11E. LANI;'S CRICK.—MI. Ripley Lfitril, iesif (Dec C. J. licPcy that b..ti t zitt of W. Wells, 'Mr Chl Pit:ley h sold bis farm to C 1; , -Iley and ht.ogbt another of Chas. Ripley- 11. Cooper has nuic4•d uti Ids farm up Iminh'e =MI Ti.c z.i,tewalhe itre not H.uch in ate Fero at rodent, oa arcoutit of their not being kept clear f .•n. Our hearts , Nero made glad the ,oth,er day by the visit of the lion, Steve Wilson. • - - Ono 4ord to the gnaw playas who spend most Of their ti toe at the groceries, may n o t be nuth3a. To the :oung men we would recommend sehoul books: The OM men to etay at home with their fah,irics setting a Utter example. T o t h e r r , priett)r! : 'RUTH up "GUT 1:101111D0(;8. Our ailverthiment fur :110W 1h hien plou,ptl . answered ; nett the re jtilt i 3 the lutuberineti have iiuklruved their tiuie uundelfully. as the huge pile: Mugz nrutied the iniils St'CLII to Sptrl.ing of Inge rite inde us of one pone thut might 6c allied huge, it b it is niachtd , 1,1!73 it. The hal/lieu if the tree, if :19 good cc t!.r , ..HillLeak. , (2vr 3,000 ft. Thii large hel tut en 1:411 , ,16 01VIsCd by A. Seuuten. It a., pureiit::ed. by_ E. It. Haight, and Charks Cletnens. and Netson Cruttetideu, hauled it ever u.ikg IVe bad la beautiful illustration of immortality of Lim soot, by any. G. P. itiatroul on Bunday = WRITNEY'S MUSICAL GUEST, for March, is on our.tablo; and on a closo examina tion, we find it well worthy a prominent place in our editorial columns. Beth the reading and music is well selected, and just what is suitable for;the. WanlifOt ittneleal•public t& largo: Each number contains no leis than three songs —or two songs and ono instrumental piece—and those of tho tirs4lnes, and such ns is sold in Silcel form for ;9,„ 40 anti scl 9onts , each, and ,all this setiVricoirthlitit thaloiv 'price of Sl l ooinr annerii. 7 .l •l l.) , ' , ' In this number wo, and, the . : songs, 9 Sweeter than a • Pcaob," by Jordan," Johnny Dean's Courtship," by Suffern,' and a beautiful quartette, " River of Beauty," by Rosccrans, alsdi a very pretty romance called "Easter Eve." We ad 'vise 'Our residers to subscribe, by all' Means, 'or send ten cents for sample, copy and examine for yourselves. Address "Whitney's Palaeo of Mu sic," Toledo, Chid.- ; : • In its new forth, MERRY'S MUSEUM is not excelled by any of the magazines for the young; and the March number, handsomely, il lustrated, is fully up to tho mark. At $1 '5O a year, tbe -.llluseum is the' cheapest' of the first class illbstrt4ed magazines, but the publisher of fers to do itiltbetter.. For 25 cents ho will send as samples the first three numbers of the current volume. Address Horace B. Fuller, 14 Bromfield street, Boston. TIOGA . BAPTIST.. ASSOCIATION.--De- Unguents to the Building I'und:'—There are quite a large number in this cattily, who generously subscribed to the above fund, and as yet have not paid a dime. The subscription was duo in Au gust, 1860. Subscriptions of this kind should be just as promptly paid as made, and wo see -no Telikln why those payments should he ',max de layed. Let every ono indebted - apply this nailed personally, and send their arrearages along. I'. C. VAN GELDEr, Boor AatNcY.Mr. Belk'. Doane of Middlebury is agent for the sato of:" The - 4mer ca n Cyclopedia, or "lonic book ttscful Knowl edge?' in this Bounty. The book treats_ of a great'variety of subjects of interest try every fairdly, and contains a large amount of'ureful knOwledgo for the cultivation of home pleasure and duties. It is written in a popular style, easy of comprehension, in topieli briof enough Tor an eicrting'a koadirig. Indeed it is-of that class of books; not needed by thoSo who have access to sources of accurate informa tion upon the /objects touched, yet it is instruc tive and useful to that class of roaders who cr,nnot spare timo to go to the bottom of things. Such:a boOkIE purports to ho; and we have no doubt that litrmors, mechanics and working men will find it worth qll it Mt's ! It contains over 1000 pages, printed in large. clear typo, and treats of moro than 350 difforent: subjects. Among them we mention : Tho Family Wome, Kindness, To husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, children—a hint to Youth, To young; Ladies, To patent's and Teachers,Econoroy, Manners, Maxims, precepts and rules, wells, cis terns, painting, whitewashes, plowing draining, fertilizing, fencing, (lower gardens, the culture of fruits, management of horses and stock, sheep, hogs, bees, cooking, making bread .Ic., domestic dyes, housekeeping. sickness, health and a great variety of other subjects. . Wall Paper, "Wiadpiv Paper& Cloth Shades. SPSINO STI)CIeTOR 16770.—11 ugh Young S Co. have ju.t received their first installment of 'Wall Paper, Winthw Paper, and Cloth Shades, for leing trade, which will be sold cheaper than ever. l:orders, Window Fixtures, Cords, Tass ele, GM Cornices, Piettire naiis, and everything elte that belong.; to the trade. COtno artd price our/ I ocid4" and ciamine them before purchasing ' olden tern Specimens and priees'sent by instil to ;my port of the county. N. B. Our :Jock is the largest ever brought' into the county, and we don't intend to be under- Jobb IIUGH YOUNG , Co. wolsh,,ro, March ti,. 1870.-ff. Toe Newest, largest, best and cheapest as 9orluient of if'rames and home inateriaio ' " any where to he found," together with tew and beau tiful *led of pictures, at Spencer's Art March 9, ibT9-2w. ir TOF LETTERS remaining uncalled for in _LA the .Wellstioxo-I.'mtoffice for- month of. i'vorunrv. , - Charlie Dishope, El/sha Brown, Chas. Bailey, prlit 4,4 lier; ,C..A.ißoyd, Augustus' Bayles, 11. Adam:', ,Alary J. Butler, Agusta Radler, So phia Btinjittnin, - Ilds;3et.t; Alice. Butler, Alm: C,..dey, 'Forbes Cooley, Job W. SymodtlB, Mirs It. Cole, M. B. Cobb, Mrs. Y, hl. Climapney, Patrick Carley, Albert Campbell : Harrison Deck er, Will. Elliott, George Fineli, Lovina. Duriok, L. I. .Firk, Dottier Fellows, Ida Fenton, EstCi Gafford, R. L, J. IL henry. Bache fienry; Chester Ileminger; Nancy Henry, Mrs. A. C. Cole, L. B. White, 'J. Wingert; J. 11 Wellsl Caroline W Mut d, Abel Webster, Joseph Vutighen, Wra. Young, 0. P. Taylor, L. I. Sperry, D. :4tubl.n., James Illuiitgutnery, J. W. St , 'lttitt, James Shahs, Levi Steirart,-•Sarall: A. Sceloy, giving Sopet, Thus. J. Raymond, Jas. Richards, John Calvin Rey et!, Mossis Pritchard, W. J. Parkinson, Mrs. Fritt.l... Packard Latch Jane Munson, Jus,,ie liilbulett, F. N. E. Elisabeth Johnson, Sarah E. Johnson, Dydeajano Johnson, IL C. Johns, Dilyhi Jones. Man coiling for the above, please say adver geed. GEO. W. 3IE,RRICK, P. 31. SPECIAL, NOTICES: - A COUGH, COLD OR SORE THROAT Iteguliss immediate attoutei,n, ns net loct often ret,tilts inati.incuraLlo Lung Diseneo tRONONIAL • •, . Broton s Bronchial Troches 001 1 will moat in variabygire instant Fon buo.lonnts, AE,TIMA, CATAttlttl, CONBOIMINT, end Trtruwe DISRAdra, they bayou eobtbing effect. FING ERS and I'UttLIO SITAIMRS use • them to clear and strengthen the voice. 'Owing to tilt good renutetion,and popularity of the Trochrs. many 4wiirtirrlos and dicer. imitations 'eta of. fared, which • e goad for nothing. lie aura to obtain the true Brown s Bronchial Troches, scrt.rt [dm 1.'69—0m. The Coinfessiona' of an Invalid, Ty.7111,T5111:14 fur the benefit of young nun and others j_ who ..uff•ded from Nervoud ty, oct—supply ing itte Ineatt4 nt felt-cure. Writte by vne who cared 'timed I; and rent fru() orrecolvinF a poptimtid directed elicvlopt. Addr.24, NTAYFAIR, Brooktyn,N. Y Om. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A ti ENT itE3IA,I3, who gin Mired Tor years front Ner vous Lehi) l'imustore Decoy, and all the Mktg Of youthful itulneretion,mtil, fur the sake of suffering bn• free to all uho need it, the receipt and directions tor tanking tho simple remedy by which he ass cured. SulferPrs wishing to profit by the tivei , tiger 's ex Ingle...nee, can do ho by addrcs%ing in perfect confidence, JOHN 13. OGDEN. Mrt 3 26;68-Iy.. N 0.42 (witty Street, New York. TO. CONSUMPTIVES, 'CUE AdTerttscr. hat WA - been reitiwed to health In a few uer.l,l,l.ty a vs ry sitopic remedy, after hawing suf fers,l several l ' Oat b %%jai a severe lug affection, and that dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to make known to 1114 Id low erolfert rt the means °icor°. . To all who desirn lt, he will semi a copy of the pre sc. rim lull used (tree of charee,) with tiro directions for pmitari its turd using the same, tibial they will lind'a 'WILL CONSrMi'lloN,.AaTtielA, llroicgllia,etc. .The elp et of the lid vvrtlser In arnding the lirßscriiii t ion be to belle bbt the afflicted, and spread 11)(011[111003i which be conceives to he invaluable; and he hops every sufferer will try his remedy, as It nail coat thorn out t tog, awl nutY pt ova a blessing.', Pavia, wishing the prescription, will pleaße tiddri4 IteV .EDWA RD 'A. WILSON, Williamsburg, KlngtleArtinty. MMnyY6, 1369-Iy. Tiiif, EMPORILTAL _o_ A. New Store & New Goods. (One door 1-4 low Webb linfating's Drug Storo ) T SVOULI STATE to atom whom it may coca : , cern, that I have just returned from the carefully and clot.e, a fail osaort men t GROCEIF.S, PROVISIONS, FLOUR AND FEED, &.0 Comm, awl prico tuy TEAS, SWG,AII,6 . •AND• SYRUPS, Ilefort 3 uu l'icrehatx Weihnior o, Jan. 4, 1870-tr ilk Elie Plaster. Jr; %log betni. thorou g hly b„), thti Tutu,urr, feud pronounced )1 all, to he 4 supeth r article, we who pleusuri in pa) ipg tho xe can supply the_ rtins:•ea, as no h ave any quantity on ...Pfide par ton, 4loilar% ; S. cLIAMYNEY. , Jan. 5, 197'0-sm.* ' .... • . ME ANY 7 sO O .- AdeoOft,ilarjpg loft bome,.wlthout ITL , `any' oauso, persons aro hereby for, bid trusting him on my account, as I will pay no debts of his contracting:k , - ; Afirft,BP - 3,;;DOUCildiaS• Covington', Mat-01116;18TO* ADMUsIISTRATOWS NOTlCE.—Letters of Administration having Wen' gintited to tho undersigned upon the estate Of. John nowt:Lod, late of Deerfield twp.,'dee'd,,all , persons , indsbted to said decedent or claiming against tho same, mast eettie withA. Alaretrl6 1870.41.0 - B. BOWEN is.daer. CO 1t A GOOD TRADE, and is Ma ate on the principal Street of 'WilliamspOrt, Po,_A_lroslerate, capital. needed.--Address -at once, "Box 2710, Williatnaport, Pa." March 10, 1470,2 w,, •• • I I • NIANSFIELD • ;, • MINERAL - PAINT, • ealo .by ' • , - • . • . March 16 18.70tf. •Wi 0 NEBO'S. : 'PAINTS ' 1 HIS, For the Milliee;itt;, March 26;1870-4. - C. Elms A DMINISTRAT9WSnrE,—Lotters of been .granttur to the undorsigneii upon thoostnto of Claris'Bo Br-- ad:, Into bfJnoloon tow'riablpi deo need, all par-,F Andobtato snld . deeedent °Jain:ling isitu Ini the' dame; irrupt Bottle vrith Mn:oh 1.0., 1870.-60 • . ' > L Afyter. A DMINISTRAVOR'S 14orqp.--I lt t er s of lA_ ,A.ditinistratinin Jiiiiifiriglee irrialied lb the undersigned upon, th i;Wafts_ of seph Ingham. of Decal cid: to wnihip, !lecoased, ik .personkin debted to' said decedent or ilaiwiing • against, 'the sumo, must keitio with 11. 11. INGHAM, March 16. 1870.-6 t. ' , "Adm'r. AT,T.f2DI3.IOY FARMERS: iur B. .PRINCE, breeder of Light 'Bormab, IU. White faced Black Spanish, Bealwight Bantam and Black Breasted Red Game Fowls. .• . • :- A I LS'O'AiI'ENT ' F . Catharine Highland Nur* series, -•: . . and the Champion Grain Drill and Seed ' Sower, the best itt_use. M. Bt PRXNPT Reabilettee'. State St; Wellibpro Pa 7 ^ Marelt 16, 1870,-tf. c - J• fl ,;4 TO THE WORKING CLASS.—We 'are now prepared to furnish all classes With „Constant suriployinent at home, the wnolo of tho time or' forithe apace momenta. Business new, light and profitable. persons of either sex easily earn from 50c. to $5 per evening. and a pro portional sum 1,1 devoting t I eir whole time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who coo this notice may send their addrocis, and test the, business, we make this unparalleled Mike :-- To suchas are not well satisfied, we will send $1 to pay fur the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valu able sample, which will do to comutenqo work on, and a copy of The People's Littrary Conthanion—ono of the largest evil best family newspapers published—all sent free by lean. Reader, if yen want permanent, profb 'able work, rildress E. U. ALIEN Ane,usta Maine. Nerd% 16, 1870.-3m' 'IA " EUREKA " roilkinceff Is an •excellent article clgranulated Virg,lnta; 'wher ever introduced it is wavers:ols' admired. It is put up Su handsome riati.lin ',bags. In' *bid/ onion far jleerEcha urn Pipes aro daily tinted. Classed by all who con sunoils as the "finest of all;' It is wade of tho choicest lea: grown; it is anti nervous IP 4is tit:qt linz itrr, v 4, iv in:coltrfjancl welgltt , 'fence one poltnd wilt lust its long US 3 ' ol of dinar) tobaeco. It, this brand we 1080 pack orders evory clay for first quality 31errechaum Pipes. Try it and cony Ince youreolvos tt s ia all itcluicus to lto t "VIE FINt.bT OP LORIL- CENTURY CHEWING LARD'S TOBACCO • - This brand of Cot Chosving Tobacco has Wo equal or Flupei for ttoym hero. It Is without doubt the best chow- W E ; tobacco in tho couutry. anvo nwilabcan fu general use in the Untied States over 110 yenrs, ono still acknowledged '•tho Lest" Ntliertver used. If your storekeeper does net lutTo tilts° articles for sale, ask him to get then:it-they are sold by respectable jobbers almost every where. Circular and prices forwarded on application. I'. LORILLARD d: CO New York. March 10,1870-3 m, TN the estate of Frederick Welthy, deed. In the Orphan a Court of Tioga County, Penna. Isio. 14, Noynotber Term, 1869:: !' . To Mary Ann Welthy, widow of said decedent, Philip Welthy, Mary Jane FoullEl4 Lucy Ann Wilkins, Hannah Hart, Sarah M. Shepherd, Catharine Sheffer, Alfred Welthy,frWilliam Wel thy, and and Alvah G Wilkins, Guardian of A:manda Welthy, Amanda ICopp and Christiana ICopp, heirs at law of the &aid Frederick Wealthy dee'd., You and each of you are hereby notified that by virtue of,aWrithf Partition, issued put of the Orphan's Court for the said County of Tioga, and to ino,directed I shall on Wednesday tho 4th day of May 1870. at 10 o'clock a. In, on the prom ises late the , Estate of 'the said Frederick Situate in Liberty Torinship Tioga County Penna., proceed to the ezeouthin of tho said Writ of Partition at which time and place you can attend if you see proper.—Sheriff's Of fice Wellbosro Pa. March 16. 1870. ' AGENTS WANTED. LIVE Men to sell in five Counties in Penn. sylvania— WOTIELER & WILSON * , Seliing Machines. Wagons furnished; and the,inost Mend terms to Agents and Purchashrs.' 'Address, or call on PETERSON .t CARPENTER, First National Bank, . Mar. 9,'io•dt. Williamsport, Pa. TEE PLACE TO BUY KEROSENE I • OIL TUE CPIEAPEST AT Feb. 2,1870. , P. R. WILLIAMS .5: CO. RPHANS' COURT BALE.—By virtue of nn order, issued out of the Orphans' Court of Tioga county, the undersigned, Guardian o tc., of Lovina Collina, will expose to public sale; on tho premis.es ' in Union township, on tho: 36th day of Marell, A. D. 470, at 2 o'clock, P. M., undivided one-fours port of all that 'oortain lot o, tract.of laud situate in said Union town ship, Tioga countyi Pa., and bounded on the north by lands of Ira Soper, east by lands ofJo scph Collins and L. N. Griswold. south by lands of Chauncey Bacon, and west.hy' lands .of- Geo. G. Collins ; emitainitig about fifty-five acres, (fifty acres of which are cleared,) together with VW frame house, framo barn, and small orchard thereon. 'forum—One-third Cash, ono-third in one year from the confirmation, nod one-third in two years. • • ' CHARLES STOCK tVELL, litrch 2, 1870, 4t Guardian. The Richardson Washer. E the undersigned do hereby ray to all— that ,I we have tried! this Machine, and. think it far t.upetior 'to any we ever raw. It washes complete, and works with perfect ease-- only requiring uhoutorie tenth the labor of com— mon viashers. We think it cheap, simple and iltirable. It does not wear the eluther, 'but sim— ply cleanses from all dirt. Al4l we Cheerfully recommend it to all; it being now eativassed for with great irucce•is. March 2. 1870. St Mrs. Jerome Smith, , Mrs.. Willioin Mothers, " Mary A Dewey, -1" ftleorze - Parker, .4 chi istilorWal . ltins, " Nettie Watkins, " Loki:. lioluic.,, • !-P. C. Vau Gelder. - Mr. M U. Sutton is the only authorized Agent is this locality. • - ' • Itlar. 2-13 t, W., P. isICIONY For Sale. - rob., of Ifny, 100 buFhels of PotatoeF, I,now 1 Cool: Stove. Eaquire at the Wellshoo Dupery, :11areh 9,1870-2 t. Book Stare for , / LORIL- YACHT CLUB SIVIOKIOO LARD'S TOBAOCO L:orinard's SntiWt! IN PARTITION. .1". B. PorrEnr,Sherilt „ AI , ~.„t 5 .r; EARLY SPRINa TRADE is ' - • 4 subseribdts;ttre now Teboiving new goods almost dai l y,. sui ted to the trade of this season of the year, and we can and are willinto'make it an ,object to an tobuy'per sons who are preparedbuy such goods early, to of us tac WC think ire can claim safely to town them an average of 7 _.F TWENTY-FIVE • on the prices of any.bnt new goods, and also a saving of considerable' more than interest on what the prices wilt be when business is active. OUR LINEN STOCK IS ENTIRELY NEW, BROWN TABLE 'LINENS, HALF BLEACHED TABLE LINENS, BLEACHED TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, TEA DAYLAS. SCOTCH DIAPERS; -SHIRTING • LINENS, BROWN CRA SUES, BLEACH ED CRASHES, HUCICABUCK TOWELING, BORDERED . . , BOWELS, FRINGED TIELS, TABLE SPREADS, 1 . . ' . LINEN BOSOMS, &C., &C., is marked at full Monty-Qv° por cont. loss tirAn {ho prloos at wkdoh we sold our many goods last season. Our Domestic Stock, wo pro now tilling up with all tho desirable make' in radiAdirD . S11111:TINdS, BROWN SIIIItTINOS, BRO N SHEETING'S, TIOKINGS, DENIMS, STRIPES AND NEWEST STYLES IN PRINTS, NEWEST STYLES IN GIN.GRAMS, &0., Valell we aro selling at a small advance on the'present low rate of prices in trholesale markets. ,Boots and Shoes. Wo are also adding largely to onr stook of Boots and Shoes, putting in as fast as possible, noweststyles in a. I S LADIES' SERGE POLISH BOOTS. LADIES' SERGE BUTTON BOOTS. LADIES' PEBBLE GOAT POLISH - LADIES' PEBBLE GOAT BUTTON BOOTS And shall keep a still larger stook this season than last, and also sell them at a slight reduction in prices, as we have boon enabled to get a off of several of our loading makes, and in all crises where we d so, we give our customers the benefit of it. 'We increased our soles in this department lest year about 20 per cont. over the year before, and hope to do the some this your. terCoule and see us, and wo will show you an attractive stock of W tt - and help you make your money buy more goods, per dollar, Wan for n good many you're: Corning., Feb.' 9, 1810. TIOGA HIGH SOHOOL. 11. M. BELULB, . Principal. ,R. T. Mums I i Assistant. Miss llsmutii. CLesn,.... Prim. Dep't. • pd Term will open Dee. i2O, anti continuo 14 0.0 .weekm , Tuiion bills made for leis than halt a term. No deduc tions made except in cases of protracted Meknes's. haunts to rent to these who desire to board them beives. RATES , OE' TUITION • ) • 'Common Engli sh; Elementary Algebra,/ Pri mary Philcisophyand Primary Physoltogy.free to all pupils of .school ago residing in Tioga DI)ro. Common English $5,00 Higher " 7,00 Commercial course, tirao unlimited 5,00 German—extra...........• • ' 3,50 English Branches and German . 8,50 114 -c. omthercial course... 8.50 For information with regard to rooms or board call on, or address 11. M. BEELES, Principal, Dec./5,1869-a. Tioga, Pa. 4 FEET WOOD, FARM. PRODUCE RE calved in payment for ,Taition. AuditOt's bTotice. THEAndoreignedi ayirointed an Auditor in the 'natter of the uccount of J. Emery,lM ruinistrator of the estate of David IL Smith, de ceased, to settle E aid account and marshal the assets in the bands of said accountant for. dis tribution, will attend to the duties of his ap pointment, at his °JEN), in Vollaboroi Tioga co., Pa., on Wednesday, March 30,1870 ; when and persona ore required to present their claims, or be debarred Horn coining in for a share of said assets. • JOHN. I. MITCHELL, Feb 23, 1870. 4t Auditor. WATCH .. :14OST; BETWEEN . Bloisburg and WeUsher°, on the 3d inst, n Swia Watch, manufactured in itneva, Switzerland. The tinier mill bet euila bly rewarded by leaving's old watch at this office, or at the Railroad Depot, Blosibiar'g.- Feb. tf, 1870-2 W. • - S. T TILL. • , E. 1-1. Harris, CELEBRATED BAKING POWDERS for solo by Feb. 2, ISM R, .VILLIAMS Kerosene Lamps, CHEAP AS DIRT, Ar Feb. 2, 1870. P.R. WILLIAMS ci co. The Place to Buy Groceries. L. F. TRUMAN, rir AVING taken tho Store formerly 000npled by John R: l3owonior dry goods, and con., vetted it into a GROCERY & PROVISION E6TAI3LISIPMENT, avorything fresh and good can bo Nand Lem 'and at prices to Ocoee. TAS, corru i SUGARS, MO— LASSES, FISH, &C., &C., to suit. all. Call and seo as, that we may convince you cho fact that.oui motto is, "Cheap,• Quick `.;aloe, pond Swallitrolli.;." Wellaboro, Feb. 28,1870—tf. Thu regaining Dry Goode, of It: Bowen, Will be .9091 at this establishment nt very low figures. I L. F. TRUMAN. MU GOODS FOR +.` :---: EMI and - avail aiiiclo in it, consisting of SMALL DISCOVNT LT' LOW PRICES, AYER'S cATITAI?TIC PILLS. . - ItE the meet perfect purge /11, live WO are able to produce, and as we think . , has ever yet been . made by any body. Their effects have abundantly shown to the community how much they excel thu °flux medicines in use. They toe safe and ultasent to take, but powerful to cure. Theirpen. etratlug properties stimulate the vital action of the body, remove, the obstructions of its organs, purify the blood, and expel disette. They purge out the foul ho. morn which breed` awl grow distemper; stimulate slug. gleh or disordered organs into their - natural actions,and impart tone. and strength to the whole system. Not only do they curd the every day complaints of every body, but formidable and dan gerous disease. While they produce powerful effects, they are at the same Unto. In dliainikihed doses, the safest and hest physic that can be employed for children. Being sitgar.ccated. they are pleasant .to take; and, being purely vogiable. are entirety harmless. Cures. made have been hat would surpass belief, were they, not substantiated by men of such exalted character, as to forbid the au'hpicion of untruth. !away eminent clergymen' and phyitictitus certify to the public the re. liability of our remedies, Si hi le others have sent us the uaurauce of their conviction that our Preparations contribute Immensely to the relief of our afflicted fellow men. The Agent below named is pleased to furnish gratls our American Alumnae, containing ditectlons for the use of these nkedieines and certificates of their cure of the following couiplainte; Costivenes B. Bilious Complqlnts,l.llteitutstisni,Dropsy, Heartburn, headache tithing from foul stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Morbid hiactlon of the Bowels and ?ain arising therefrom, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, all Diseases which require an eiacuant medicine. They oleo, by purifying the bloodand stimulating thesystetn, cure many complaints which it would not bo supposed they could reach, such us Deafness, Partial Blindness, Neuralgia and isierclus Irrithbility, Derangements of the Liver and Kidneys, Gout, and all other kindred disorders arising from a low state of the body, or ob struction on Its functions. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers witbiother preparutionson which they make more profit. Demand Armes and take uo others. The sick want the hest add there is for them. and they should have it. • Prepaired by Dr. C, AYER f; CC., Lowell, Mass. and sold by all Druggists and dealers in medicines everywhere. Jan .19, 1870-2. m Boon AGENTS WANTED FOX STEAM OLERS,AND TRIUMPHS OF P. T. BARNUM. WRITTEN BY HIMSELF IN ONE LARGE OCTAVO VOLOSIE-.. NEARLY 800 PAOES-PRINTED IN ENGLISH AND $3 ELEGANT FULL PAGE ESGRAVINGS: It Embraces FoRTY Yrdlt4 RECOLLEcTIONB of his Buy Life, as a Merchant, Manager, Banker, Lecturer and SARK - man, and gives; accounts of his Imprisonment, his Failure, his buceesslul European Tours, and im portant Historical and Personal 11 .. toinilicences, re plete with Humor Anecdotes and EutertainingNarra tiro. No book published so acceptable to all Masses. Every outs wants it. Agents are selling from /5010 100 rt week, Wo oiler extra .terms. Our Illustrated Cata logos and I erns to Agents sent free, J. HAMM & CO., Publishers, Hartford, Conn. FRESH GROUND PLASTER AT TIOG A, BY T. L. BALDWIN, St, CO: T HAVE for sale forty bushels of the genuine 101 l Norway Oats; being part of 771 bushels raised from 23 quarts sown on of an acre. Thu seod frotri which the above oats worn raised, Iva; bought in few York city, from the sole agents for the sale of tho genuine Ramsdell Norway Oats. ' 4 - F. ARCHER. Wellsb)ro, Feb 2, -IS7O. 3m N pursuaneo of an order of the Court of Com l f ; mon Pleas, of Tioga county. dated the third.; day of February, 1870, C. W. Beach. Guardian' of Horace Mattison, Cantu)lugs J. Mattison, E 1• len NI tittison, Ralph Mattison, Ruth Mattison, J. S. 'Mattison and Willis Mattison, will, on Wed— nesday, the 2:13 day of March, 1370, at 10 A. M., on the premises. exposr to public sate. all of the interest 01 his said wards in all that lot of land situated in the borough of Knoxville, in ; Tioga county, Pa.; bounded on the north by Cummings Mattison, on tho east by 3. Goodspeed, J..Dearinart, A. Dearman and F. Woodbury ; routh by Main street, and west-by L . mm t i,,, n; eilntaining eighteen acres; With tz .„ f rame bea st s, one frame barn, and an apple orchard thereon. Met), all that other lot of land vittt.tted in Doerfltl.l' t:w•nshtp, Tioga county, pa. ; bounded on the north by the Billings es tato, cast and west by'Cuturuings 'Mattison, and spittli by 11. Freeborn and Map). of 11. Seeley, tlece,►sed; containing 2b aerefr,, wore or less.- -Terms. eush.' BRACH, Gua'n. Feb 23, 1870 3w h. L. F. TRUMAN. MEE PER CENT. BOOTS J. A. Parsons & Co. $7,50 per ton. NOriffilli Oats. Guardian's Salc*. IRON WORKS! FOUNDRY A MACHINE SHOP I WELLSBORO,,:PA. SEARS & AVERY, PRONUETOREI. • I. -""""--- PLOWS, HORSE HOSES, CULTI.V4- TORS, FIELD ROLLERS, BET . TLES, ALL SIZES, ' SAP PANS, - FA RMIN I 4 II UTENSILS, ALL •• - SIND B ,4WOODMACHINESsos . - SAWING WOOD; Brick Machines, CHURN POWER; THE TOMPKINS COUNTY, HORSE POWER- EIGHT AND TEN HORSE, CONSTANTLY ON HAND, And also, everything venally folnd in a flrdt class Shop. Wo call particular attention' to our lA CHINE - STIOP, which has been ro - -built . • 'ith new, and firist-elass MACHINERY, L ATIIE, Iron PLANER, DRILL, it.c. We employ none but first-class workmen, and' are, therefore, pre= pared to do our work in the boat style, tuub at short notice. Wo .have, rooontly added new MACHINERY, for Planing gild Matching boards. Call and see us. Jan. 5,1870-Iy. SEARS .4 AVERY. BEE - HIVE EXCHANGE. 4 i ze ::: • • kg J Surrender, BM) AT bISCRETIONI YOU see that half a. column of space with half an inch of reading matter don't help me atter all. What d'ye do that fur .!" asked less than a million of my customers, when I appeared in blank. And, being tuckered out with trying to explain why did it, lam forced to do it in print: lu , kerefore, Know ye, ail good peoplo, that I am doing a Lan - al/taco Buainoss, WHOLESALE) RFAIL SUGARS, Au. GRADES, SYRUPS, MO LASSES, PORK, HAMS, SHOULDERS, MACKEREL, WHITE FISH, CIVOES, COD, HALT BUT, AND 80 ror'ir, And I am selling cheap as I always do, and can save country dealerstheir expenses to the little city of Elmira, or iho big olty of New York.— But then, THE TEA TRADE is one of my biggest, brightest, and beet thing*, You cannot get better f OdLO ' Nd . OII, ' GREEN ' TEAS, or cheaper, than I eAn sell you. You may pa troniio the (fret« American Ten Ompang, and ihen can do you good. I have enough to BO Tioga County a TE la HE . INGI for tho next 25 yoars. Besidw no man Was a big. ger or better lot of hr 400 M a r.ig ©M D then I have, and am telling but i at a bargain. 1 vr Ev . erythivo . c, in tho Grocery Lino, CANNED FRIIIT - S, AND VEGETABLES, WOODEN WARE, CONFEC ,.- TIONERY, • • not mixed ne I mix them here, but in good order I buy all the BUT TER rAND CHEESE, that I can, and almost dverythingelso but teasels. Sign oft BULL k BEE - HIVE. r T, MATHERS , pee. 15,1E339. Welisbor HAVE. YOU SEEN TIIE 'lumen e Stock of, Carpets, AND 1:51L .CLOTIIS in the Uarpot Storo of Oct. 47, 1869 Catharine 1 HIGHLAND NITI SEDIES.I • °Aril ARINE, SCIIVYI.ER CO., 1.1. FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, GRAPE VINES,STRAW BERRIES, PLANTS, BEDDING PLANTS, ROSES, &C., &C. • OgO. TUNE ..tc SON, PROpRIEToRS. M. B. PRINCE, Agotit, Wollaborol ra-e-4 Bob. 9, 1970.—tf gal ti* .t WAITE'S, Corning. N. Y. C. F. & - ItloOret SIJ IVERY S, EXOANGE -tABLEI3 Wolisboro, Pa AND . Office i( and Stables l3 on Water Street, in rear of Court Nouse. They! will fur. nish horses, single or double, with Buggies, or Carriages, at short notice. - Long experience in the business enables the proprietors to 'wanes with confidence they can meet any reasonable de• mends in their line. Drivers furnished, if desired And passongeraparried to any part of the country. Thankful for r elearned t, favors, they invite continuum, of custom. Terms reasonable. Nov. 24, 18139.—1 y". Furniture ! Furniture ! 8.. T. VAN HORN, RAVING completed his new Cabinet' Ware • house on Main street, Wollsboro, has stock ed it with a large and tuperior assorted stock of FURMTURE. Chamber Snits ) Walnut ) Ashillaple k , • from 51 , 50 down, end of obeapt - *"‘" -2- ''" as the same goods cats be bo'tt •!-- in the cities, freight :lidded. Parlor Suits, Walnut, Cherry, , and Mahogany, Reps or Hair Cloth, from $125 down. 4150, SOFAS, LOUNGES; COUCHES, TEE- A-TETES, with Upholstery to suit Center Tables, Walnut or Marble Tops, •• Looking Glasses, Brackets, Pa per Racks, Rocking Chairs, all kinds, • Wholesale and Retail. lem manufacturing as usual, and Intend to keep a full stock of ware, home and city made at all times. My Ware Booms arc spacious and neat, and now contain the largest, costliest and best stock of Furniture ever brought into the county, Planing and Matching, SCROLL SAWING Sc MOULDING, dono to order at the Pnetory. Jan. 1, 1869-tl.. B. T. VAN HORN C-C-B-&-F-L-E, COME TO T. t. BALDWIN & CO'S TIOGA, PA. and see a nice stook of Goods for the FALL ct• WINTER. such as limmt wain aowas —all styles, colors and patterns— ALPACAS, POPLINS, O.UIBRICKS, FRENCH JACONETS, ORGANDIES, PEQUAS, VERSAILES, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, BEAUTIFUL Winter SHAWLS, and a large asfortment to select from. CLOAKS READY—MADE,.AND CLOTH ,TO MAKE MORE, ALL KINDS OF LININGS, FRINGES, TASSE] e S TO TRIM DRESSES " OR SACQUES. —Our Steel Of.. YANKEE NOTIONS can't bo beat. It keeps up with everything the Yankees have thought of so tar. LIOOP SKIRTS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, CORSETS, &O; R 0 maEmameto too numerous to mention; but will say that you will aeldum find so largo uu tut:munch! to select from in a country stole, and clear dorin to the BOTTOM FIGURE We also keep u lame a9Zortruen t of , • READY-MA:I)E G OTI-lING in tufts, nail parts i•f suits. Should we fail to suit you with ready-nia l, le, we hare bassirnoro arid A TAI•L011 To CUT AND FIT. Boots .utd Shoes, all •'t rieE anti slzos HATS AND CAPS, STRAW GOODS, AND GENTS' FURNISIIING GOODS. , A COMPLETE LINE OF CROCKERY, .WOODEN WARE, lIARD WARE, SHELF HARD . WARE', NAILS, 1R0N, , ;. Looks, Latches, Carpenters' Toole. A GENERAL STOCK OF R 0 C R. ES 9 F,ash:l TEAS aro lower than at. any time since the war. Did not go to Cuba to buy sugar, and so hare some cheep. We aro agents fo.-the E. HOWE SEWING MACHINE -~--_l-~t-~ Farmerr, if you want t0,,1E to work kith drop In SALT, LIME, PLASTER, PORK, FLOUR Lime, Cayuga Plaster, cs•e. Buttertnbs, Pails, Firkins, and! Ashton Salt to flavor with. All kinds of Farm Produce want ed. Prices can't bo beat. A- S 'T. L. BA LDIV.J.N a CO „_- Tlciga, Pa., Jan. 1, IE4O. Wellsboro Bak y J. BURGIN would say to the citizens of ttl? Wellz,boro and vicinity that ho is pre pared to supply them with BREAD, 'TIES AND CARES, of the best quality. We also serve meals to those who wish. OYSTER'S always on hand, :or sale, and server! if desiud. Call at the old Stevous' st,nd. J. J. BERGIN. Fob. 9,.1870-Iy. NORWAY OAIS FOR SEED lITANE twenty•fico i bushels of the genuine Ramsdell Norway oats. being part' of tlfty bushels raised (ruin übe butibei Somiirig. The seed 'from which the ahoNe' , oats, were raised, was bought in New Yi rjt 'city from the ;sole agents of the genuine Rains&ll Norway 0at . .",.-. Price. 5'5 ppr buttho. - Address, 11111A.M BROOKS. Feb. IC, '7o—tf. Wellsboro, Pa. i High: School. • pin Subscriber will open a School hi the , village of Osceola. an lionday, 31aroli 7th, 1870, and continuo ta Ore weeks. RATES OF TUITION: Prittpry, Common English Higher .... Eeb, 9,—tf. iy. $3 00 $5.00. 56,00. C. 0. WARD, Principal.