, s _..'„'.,g CASTLES IN. THE AIR. - i•-•-• ,ichcißkt - -fijardt ifirlit the 0, r, r `"l2l)ihteittiliti thy ty, ' *ilki* ,e0:- . What 0 .9 411.1 4 ”ilgt the 79ung drca:toisea. l.; 'flulididtaitleviti4llll.4t. • Httiitei .• 1 I 1 11 ,`, 0v,f1!4.! 7 1r 1 Y,P-ovr , s . /tom 1a zgbiag end nedoljpi To the dancing lower, brown his rosy oheoks" l stutiiy - 41 r, , olowpringstt - the imps , _ L : ; l ailjtift(itilknalles in .11tVitit::. ; ; , - ." Be sees muck]. castles , Towering to the moon He noes little Bottlers • :di)Cai I Worlds Witombling up and down, 131eesbagmi' a iiq rp, • ', - .Ekiel;h i ty,huloarif , tty, glimmertz tho_air. \ • , Por,a' sae sage he looks, W-hat calk the laddie ken ?. He's thinkiitirtipiurniething • Like mony mightier men ; wee: tbintanakes us _ A' ema'lliting makes us stare; There are Asir fcdk than him Building castles in. the air.. "t • 434 1 W nighi l in Winter • idaY well make - him cauld ; His ehin,upon his fully band • . ; ;Wiltiomi make him auld r flibi.hroW's bunt ;sae braid, 0, pray that daddy Care • Will lei' the wean alarm Wi' his castles in the air! •,11 2 11 glowCr at the iiro,", And he9lkeek at the Ugbt; But monyeparkling stars Aie swallowed up by night. , Anlder a',en than his • . , Are glamoured by,a glare;, Hearts atabroken, beads de. turned, Wl' castles in , the air i MIS IXSOWENNY43O7 % STOOP Nc lB9 ---" I be lieveiii wOinan would 'd4 a great. deal tor a dance," said Dr, , Growlin. ;irf ' I nti -reetiiber once in tny life; . I used • 'Olll4 iskiiii'onaWho was a - great favor,' e in a provincial town where I lived, 0 who eonlided tome thin she 'hid no i‘thok inKe to, appear in, andWitltput them her presence at the,ball was out of the ques tion." ' , 'aTliat was a hint for you to bti,y the otoakiings,!' '— ',!AT4):• y9tt're,out,'. said • Growling., " Ofirknfor thata:tvieraslaor LOpher self, but, though she could not rely on my purse, she had-every confidence In my taste and ,tudgmen t., ) , and consulted me on a plari.she' had'forined of going I v to thtz, pallAu ,tha , roper rig., Now what do''Ybu - tfilitit - sit as t't-'-' ' "Out again, sir ; yd. 'd neverguPas it; and only a wouran'cOuldliave hit upon the expedient. It was the ftishion those dayalerladies'in fUll dress to wear pink stockings, and she proposed painting her 4011'1T. - lc, k' I 1 "Iralti tini heclegs 1'" t hekall exclai m ed. Pact air, ' Sateifie Doctor, ",and slie relied on me to toll her if .the.obeat E!Ocies§fal." : TAnd was it?" asked Durfy. "Don't be in a hurry, Torn. I com plied -on one condition; natrielY : that I should by the painter." .. • Je :01:4:,?o, old rascal,',' Durfy. " 4:,eapital.bargain," said Tom. " But not a sap • covenant," said• the attorne:y. ' _ "Don't interrupt me gentlemen," geld the Doebir. "'I got some 'rose pink, accordingly, and I defy the hosiers - of Nottingham to make a tighter fit than did on .'Jenny ; and a more beautiful pair of stockings I never saw." ' - " Atid•she went to the ball?" asked " She did." • -• " • "And the trick auc eeded.?" he in quired again. "So completely," said the Doctor, "Abet several ladies asked her to recom mend her dyer, to them.. So you see what a woman will do to get to a dance s Vow.* little Jenny. She was a merry minx. By the by, she boxed my ears that night for joke that I made about the stockings. Jenny,' said I, 'for fear 'your stockings should fall down while you are dancing, hadn't you bet 'ter .let me paint a pair of tatters on them 2" '(For the Agitator.) , A recent liotir around the "triangle of Tloga county, of whit We'labor°, Ti oga, and Mansfield o eupy the three corners, has forced upopoly mind the unwelcome fa&, that,in ., athe important matter of care of live toektthe farm ers 'of our region are,* quarter of a century behind the times. The- almost entire absence - of shelter of any kind, for cattle, is a marked, and most un pleasant feature. Honorable excep-, tions, there are few ; but they may be told upon :the Angel* of ,two hands, certainly. The general rhle is, a bare, bleak yard, or- stack, in open field, where - the poor beasts droop shivering, , or cro tch beside the barn, (and not seldom, on the north side of that, even,: are they yarded,) or, the open . -fence, for the 'trifle of 'shelter these' afford.— How they love - to Crave this :warmth and shelter, is shown by their always, seeking the sunniest and Moat protec-: ted spot, aecessibin to 'them. Some sheds also; I noiiind, Wide open to the . " froen North," ,where .storms had, their 'fall emir:le t :and snoW.:drifts lay ! piled up. What possible gooduse these; are, it is hard to guess. Such . farMers are =Blind to their owh interests', as Well as to tire sufferings of the . poor brutes, dependent on them; for it la now well: ascertained, that the animal . heat, ! which is the life, is - sustained with much less food, which is the filetof the : system where the creature is 'sheltered' Irom the Geld and vet. • , do not, ,advedate stabling tattle;' usually I think they do better when 'allowed to move about at pleasure;' but eorafeitable; warm abeds, open to the , sunny South, and dry, clean yards,: they have a--right to ; and- he it, a poor farmer, to say thq least, who provides' his cattle tuiprotdotion from the pierc ing winds, and storms. of snow and: . - sleet, which ourmildest winters bring. , Of. eolirse, - these are "no book-farni who thus misuse. their stook. I !'rec ommend' them at oncot6 to,; beconle-. 1 Btu.' dents of the " Practical- Farm of the Diddle States" 7 —the N.. Y. - "'A-gricul toolst,ll. or 'Bonie::iitlier reliable jour-, tint, which will soon bring them to a knowledge of what is right ;and beit for themselves, as well as their male"— This will Mee imProde the reputation' Of farming community whilst it will! add to the satisfaction the observant: ' - TTAVELLER. "Please accept a loci; .of my said an oliibaAelor to, a N'v d w, hands ing her a large curl. "Sir, your had better give One the Whole wig." " Mad ' ani,'Sred are very biting, indeed, - eon. Aideitug that your teeth are percelain.7 da" Boy, What le year father +Aug 'to.. ?" • Well, i s'poso h e's heard "him tell mother yesterday to go round to the shops and get trusted - all she could, and do it, right off too, Or he'd got everything ready' to fall'ceptint that.'" CY. . • x ry his st.c;de to the Nail Btoie l in AIX ai 0111W4 BlijoicAlmotfiid-.:doo? emit of Sesta! 6 ,„ r rt Lo 6 rof.'lioi,.(loods =BE ..• , , not reaaivail,;:porprii4B every thing ninally nitY::;!.:_,000 - 0S.i.::::.81 ; r.,01?,,1 I Bo We over the *n34. • The people_saY,— Kelley.lias gone wit h hie goods; QonstAting of everything, Inblndlng pld,Avomea's Dry GoOda, Grocer/es, Croelte*, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, that is usually foriad, irk a tint-class • country •••• sforo; Thanking my patrons for their very liberal patronage heretofore, I propose to attend strktly to business in future and sell all the goods 1 pos. stbly can.. 8o cell in, and sop J Jan. 6, 1.70. e KELLEY KEY§,TONE STORE! Spring is tong a-Coming _ , A_ Xlf)..aome ilea& begin to lose faith inthe prOmisesof needtime and hottest. in view Bullard & Coiy have . concluded tn.:blur:6. up. the season by stock ing their sholvealind.tiounterf With a wisely se lected and supOrter SUMMER pREss GOODS, Silks, Linens, Hosiery, Gloves, Em broideries, Poplins, Lawns, Percales, --11quaqrsdra., • Dornesties Sheetings, Shirtinge; Sum • mer Clothing,.Ladies Shoes, Ste. ' • Wo shell sell as Iriw as anybody, and aiyo von goo* Oacitte.• Jan. 1, 1870 REGULATOR. CORNING. N. Y. Here We Ave Again THANKFUL for the favors we have thus far received from the people of TILE TIOGA VALLEY, we wish to call their attention to the fact that we are Jut receiving a New Stock of Goods adapted to the early Fall Trade, comprising ev erything desirable, both in style and atialit and shall be pleased to see our old customers and • who may come from that vicinity to CORNING to buy ; BOOTS AND SHOES, • 4ROCERIES, PROVISIONS, as we always give customers fqrit distance d• LARGE DISCOUNT •ON ,RRIQES, . . - we thus make it for' their interest lo:come to us to make the Ir pirelmees, as many poop's in that region will testify. We do not believe .in long, advert!sements, displaying long lists of prices, 44'0 I but will convince an who come that we can, and do sell • THE REGULATOR Call and takenlook through our !mumps 'took and satisfy yourselves,• • imWlttaf * OWEN! congamgeo,eA.o9. and an endlisa variety of SQ-FORTFIS, WELT.4I3ORO, PA. oomprioing a,varlo!,y of together with a fine lot of BIJLLARD & 00. DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, Carpets, dice.; GOODS 01EAP, that thieStoreie, in reality for thisisiopon of country. Stoves! Stoires A ND HARDWARE - ! = Hkringforused a p artnership In the Tin, Stove and Hardware trade, the undersigned - have the pianism to announce that they have, at a great outlay, added,to, the usual stock of te old stand MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, a complete assortment of Shelf Hardware, of . whloh wo enumerate the follewlpg asttetep 2 NAILS, SPIKES; CROWBARS, X CUT MILL, HAND-AND BUCK SAWS, 1 BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, 'AUGERS, ' • BITTS, _ BITT-BTOOKB, i fIATOHETS, CHISELS, • 'SHOVELS,' SPADES, FORKS, BENCH-SCREWS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIP. TIO MO SPRINGS, Roil= Wogs, Hob?, B#R, BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE , HANGINGS, CORN' POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFS 1S COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER IND'f , ' CAPS. I= I - TF i n T T tM I now thing, and made for use. These are bitt - a fow of the many artioles composing our stook ofliarsdwarol ". 1 "1 - • ; IWe invite the publieto oall and examine for themselves. We aim to keep the beet _quality of good. in marline; and all work to order done promptly and well.' • • . AGENTS FOR THE Buckeye Mower. A-Reaper. aSX DOORS. BLII4DS AT FACTORY PRIORS, Always on band or furnished to ordor, ROB PP,T.S , A rr, P St ore,Tirdisboro. W. ROBERTS., _ R. Q• BAILEY. Wellebord,Jan. I,lB7o—tf. Ingham's Woolen hills ! DEERFIELD, PA. PPM inbaciibera will pay Caah, Full-Math, J. Caasimeroa, Marines, &0., so. , for Wool.-- They also manufacture as usual— To ORDER, i!lt ON SUMS to suit etzstoznera. All work warranted. as rop relented. They invite particular attention to their- Water Proof CASSIMERES, which are warranted In every respect. Partin ler attention given to - CARDING CLOTH DRESSING. . , MG . HAM'S largo stook of Cassimeres, &0., 25 per Gent less than any competitors, and warra4 ed ii represented. . • INGHAMS . manufacture to order, and do all kinds of ROI-Carding and Cloth Droning, and defy eompotition. INGKABIS ,have as-good an aosortment of Full Cloths, Classtineres, &chi an 4; give more for Wool In exchange than any other eatabliahment. Try them and satisfy your •. 1501V0a. INWIAbIS wholesale and retail at the Cow A"miles below Knexville. Oar 010th3 ate warranted; 'and sold by tho' following persons: ' , DELANO :t CO.. Wellsboro, Pa. T. L. BALTVIN CO., Tioga, Pa. .-D J. OENN TT, Covington; Pa. 100,000 Pounds of Woo JOSEPH INGHAM & 110N0. Doodah!, Jan, 1, 11V0.41, 111111 =I c ' EMI ll= ME MEE ' / `1 TT & 4w ~g_. ROBERTS & • BAILEY, El AND iiiiib Wttnted. 1 I d '1 esa e an eta' DR - ^l. l E 4 , A By, W. =C. KBES*. t~ FHB ealWoriber will koop on naafi at all times a fall stook of lillEGSAND11111)1C-IN118, Tri; fiAnnt3t.OlLEc- Patehit. 'LMolloUteig; Flawing .i .X#re,tos,,,,,Perfuniery; Kerosene, Lamps; birti 'Colors, White Wash lime'atift BruShes Varnish and Sash Brushes, Window Glass all axes, Varnish of au -kinds, .flincy Soaps, - s Her. =ill SPEC T4.Oi.J.P.$, Hair and Tooth Brushes, a full stock of . `Notions'; 414 d 'comidete as• 'aortment of 111 . 9ameopatbale Medicines, and a full stook of Pure iiirimeti 04 Liquors. =EI Isuyors aro requested to call and examine pr ?es before purehiudug elsewhere. Jan. 1, 1870. 'Pi YOll WANT 'A Coat, or Suit of Clothes, EMI ,COl/ "AO gee Olpf 8000.9f, , ,r Cloth! or ~ Vardmerev, . , and leave yoUr meTre, and you can be supplied l on eh rt notice, at Oct. 27,-1889. 1, ' , i CIE &urge Stock of FOREION..4 'DOMESTIC' GOODS,! Suitable for tho Fall and Whiter trade, at • • . SMITH & WAITE'S, Oct. fl, 1864. Oorniug , N. Y: 'RENtovAm. New Stock! New Goods SEARS & DERBY . , Tr&V/Ceakert ,the new store one door above .U, - Wrigbt fr,,Balley, where they are on hand with a new stook of • , . BOOTS; BALMORALS, GATERS, BOOTEES, BROGANS AND ' GALLIGA.SKINS warranted to fit any foot from' to 18 ()husk.. The stook has beenselected by one who hoe tho advantage of THIRTY YEARS'. EXPERIENCE in the butane's'', and la the beat and fullest in the ceuntry, Our stook of , FRENCH CALF,. FRENCH I ER, UP PER, SOLE, COMMON CALF, LININGS, BINDING, MO : 110000 &O will be kept up as heretofore. On Findings we shall bri- found , at home al• ways, and shall endeavor LC , soll at prices eatisfactorytko the trade. We won't be under sold. CASH PAID FOR 'HIDES, SKINS, FURS & PELTS Also the.top of the Market for WOOL. But our best hold will bb on CUSTOM WORK ! morel comfort In a well made custom boot, That fits the.corns witbont too mut& compressing For everybod knows, a shabby- foot „ .: • Cannot be co mpromised by overdreeslng. And 1/131), may 'rest clean, knew with a suit ; f finest cloth, hnt.there 14 .no,flnessing ; • 'ill make a man ivith shabbily dressed feei, i ook like alenticuum upon the 'treat. • .. • Mown : 'Bay , year boots 'of . ' • , ' SEARS' ,& DE RBY , Or any other man. [Printer's bevil.] Wollsboro, Jan.l 1869-if. Tor Sale. lAM AfietNtfor Kinney Co., celebrated platform, spring Wegoni, . styles, ; also for their light' CarrCarriagesas and Biggy ,Weigops; all made in good style,and- *m O Jersey timber, and warranted in every reepect, equal to RAY Made. Can furnieh, any,ot •the above at the lowest Manufacturer's Price's.'l4. O. BENNET. ' Welleboro, . „ „.. ,• • . - Ifous e - and Zot•fgr. 11101 - 011 Edi and :Lot, !and' vacant lot for sale • .1.1. cheap. , LocationWelleboro, and desirable. Inquite at the Agitateibffiee. • Jan. 1,,. /870-4 f- .„ - ? ; . • 7 ' _ TO THE FALICRICIERS TIOGEA. CIOUNTIr. , , AM now building at yl7 manulluitory,in L awrence. I*Mo.& eitptifor l ' PANN.T.ITG which patinae e the follottiogidiantegesoverallother mine: • I.lt *emirates rye, oa te,rat litter.andfouleeede,and cheseand 'cockle, from wheat. • . 2. It cleans flax seed, takes out yelic4 seed, and all tither seeds, perfectly. 8, It cleans timothy seed. • 4.,1t den all other separatingrequlred of a This mill built,ofthe beet and most durable Om bar, ingood style. and fir old cheap for cash, or rota duce. twill fit al patent Mere, for eeparaiing.'oate from wbeat,to otbermille,onreaeonableterme. . • LaWreutevllle,Jan.l,EB7o—t f E( *A 7 / 1 /91i. • Bargain.: ripo.lllE man who wants a good graslng farm , l within two miles of Arnot; in Blose tw'P., roan offer a bargain. My farm contains 100 acres, 50 improved, with a plank house, frame barn 80x40, and other outbuildings thereon. For 'terms and particulars apply on the premises, or addreis at Cherry Platte, E, HENRY., Nov4n 18094 w. • W. O. KRESS. SMITH a WAITE'S, Corntug, N. Y. Tr•• . ; j At 'mud. UNION ACADEMY; 11-I:IOXVIIALTTIOGA.I.:OOtIIin r ,,t.nPENW , P 0.0, Was i • s t ;.;,] Mn.s ASA' Wainarou, irecaptiesii. " alias MAYA iloaros, Assistant. • • • .P 1 411 141 ,44,4 14 1 1 P4,74.eacherpt 31'.'TholVinat Senn ifontinber„3o,. Bpdriegerth hirvltti Icon to. continua 12 nneks.. ,•• • 7 i • 44xPEN8ES 1411 t: J Tqittotinoltiitig rent and Nripl; rat . ..-/lima TO 1 004 SpritylMVAY".;4l.2,oo. , , ~ .. o'• , 11,00k InstiluntyntalAtAsia,(l'ltia9,o4lAior:Melo - detiti); 2 io,oo. vocal Mufflo ' • • Use orlinitrarnenti 'P " 2, ,00 00. Ihnistitil and ' Board per week. 300 . Jana pno-tr. . ••, . . *OUtZiS Homo autilarti Polders, ' . - ' 4 ' z '''''' - - ~ ' 1 Thlli t iriepitiatOit,l6itittild tii+oiibly ," ' s .-' A Itnorn, vitt . thoroughly yriretigo,rSto ,:tr, ,-; •,' k " bbOtert_dOWP,lndlOW 4 P/ 1 1 14 b 9rgrell . 1 4 Oki' by itreagthenJattiok oleax,yllngctlip A , 1 1 ~fstouxsotoxii intoliMesi- fah 4 , 44 . 0 - .....- .. - ~ zit, is a sciroproventive o -- r - *-;- ' ent t.o this animal; Mach of LUNG b' E. V PII.Sit 84pEGG A . YEI,LOS7 WATER -HP...i:VE s7sCOuktrikl, DI4- . /4 PI, TEMPEdillit-EREI SOUIT.VER i , ',• 5' ' _ dAPPETITA .4 1 9: 1 ' TAAL - ' • 4. / ..- .-. ::..-' k %it 4 : ,- ,14: 0 4 20 - I Divioi* ‘. .. ). ..F41 0 04 1 41 4 4. 1 tt 'tit - . mr 4 r . 1 44:It—. I ,!•P•KMIO4I4AP4OP.4 I .IiPr.ie7.:==-- - .. 7 ; „- . :. . :' ::*1 1 W, - :.(. latietiV• do tii,inifant „ , -• '/' .:'l.to, 'fits Inyaitutble. It to a sumo. Pp --illKokivopf vantwb - sgainst ItlndeiVest, Hollow .. • ~ Horn t etc.. lt,has...beta_ proven" bY . 4 2:1....; Actual pe,r,i,ottnt to Increase tho W : 1 - -i fiVil i t e iT.,9l"4 l6 :eotm - trentr ~. _ ._..... ii kuidco die butter firm " ~- ~'"dittoitt.Ati fattening cattloilt illits ttigninit'a - t o,!lootens;t!tetr hide, and toalorl month:o* mat e fast er : " r , - •• -- 1 - . - F".• . . In Ordileitreli)if 43r0Ae t sTO Ocraght,l7l , --• 04..A_LitertOilthil I ° w •'S acti 'fts+ s - -Br•vattiag from oar • ;e1: half 43)40 *0 s is a barrel of Irorintilletaxwireilisesseil °similar imltlieltlwrated. , if 'Wen' Si A ceruun.reviatire sod Vi f,41i . 49$ Chig" - ~• -.4 •;".. DAVID :Ll' J.t" , . Vitra i b • . the Vidlid. WO, 5;- Grocery and Provision Store, COINING , N..•Y. ~. t. . Cis WHOLijAPX - ANp ? rii*,TAlL DEALER ot ll= r, fi - ' ,r ;. .'~ Ml= GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, - WSPeliO,lLdigiO mild a Clear!is =EA 01 . 0 N & 121111 DR/F± F4inTS, CANNED - .F:itUITS' AND GET-A #ZL E " WOOD &: WILLOW. WARE, GLASS & OROOKERY WARE, firMlXT.kzymP !;.?!._ Pm; Titil 9-0-A3P-Sk PERAMBULATORS, TOYS, &0., &c. A full and . complete assortment of ,oho, above mentioned go ods of the beat quality alwaye on hand. Partialler attention paid to Fine Groceries, Dealers and Consumers will find it to their in: terest to examine histStook before buying. Corning; N. - Y.,r s 1, 1870. • WILTHIM WITCHES! For a,few months past we itsTo advertised the above Watches at extremity taw prices, and the result has,been moat satisfactory, Our plan has been to sell the genuine WALTfIA36I WATOII,' in Solid Gold or Silver Cases only, and at si very small profit; giving the purchaser every opportunity of examination and compariion,and with the understanding that,if, the Watob does not preys sitisfeetoiy, it s can be exchanged or money refunded. , • . . . These Watche aro, without exception, the most perfect spec mans of fine mechanism ever produced in any ountry. Each and every part is made by mach nery of the most delicate and elaborate construction. - Compared with foreign watches, they possess many advantages, excelling not only in princi ple and finish, but still more in their reliability as time-keepers. As en Indication of the prices, we submit the following Silver Hunting Watch. ....... $lB,OO. GOLD l " Wer4ams, 18 karat ease, 80,00. to 4 ' ladies' site, 70,00 We often receive orders direct from bur adver tisement, but prefer that every ono should send first for our descriptive price list, which explains all the different kinds, tells the weight and qual ity 'of the cases, and gives prices of each. This wo will forward to one on' application, and it will be found very useful in making a seleAlon. Every Waldo epeeint - certifiVa - te froth the American Watch Co. • • We fiend thei by express to any address.-- Allow tho purchaser to open the package and examine the Watoh before paying, and if after warde,it doge. not prove satmfootory, it can be exehanged or.the money will be cherfully refun ded.fleas° Mato that you saw this in the Tioga CouniyAerravon. Addresaiin fait, . •• • HOWARD A CO., to. 819 Broadway, N. T. Oar 'oitablAshinent is well knthen to. the reel• dente ,of brewirot)c and vicinity, but that those at a distance mar eddies' alwith,eonlidenee, we itiviteattentioa to the follotiing editorielnotlees: -• • pronithe N. YG Evangelist, May 28, 18W: .We had OccisiOn some time since to refer to these celebrated American Watches Which aro, well knOwn as reliable time-keepers, We cannot do better now than to call the attention or our readers to the card of How ard Co:. by which it will be seen thatporsone from a distance can order any grade of thee. Watches 'oyez,- pressi at greatly reduced , • „ Prom the N. Y. independent, Jane 10,1808. - ' We invite special attention to the advestisement of Messrs. Howard & Co., who offer the celebrated Walt. ham Watches not only, at the lowest prices, but will fiend them to any part rof the Country by expres s and give the purchiser the privilege to examine the Watch before paying for it.:Nie • have known Howard &Cid. personally for years, end'cheerfully commend them to the confidence of olr friends throughout the country.' STICKLIN, oist - •Ohnirmaker l Turner .- and -..Furniture Dealer. SADB liOtal and FACTORY opposite Dartt'a Wagon Shop Main Street, whore - he Is pre pared to (tarnish Cabinet Ware of any kind to those in want. • Orderapromptlyillied and itiktiefOtion guarani. teed. Fancy Turning done to order; Wellaboro, Jan. 1,1870. J. STU/JUIN. Valuable Farm for. Sale. . . , Afarm of th)r 'hundre d acres, with two bun- . drod and tw nty.Ave acres improved.: Sit , tutted two Einem n rth of Tioga Village, on the Tloga, River and allrood. Well watttered, nn: der a good etat °Cm:titivation and _good build ings. `Alio roar house's iku d 164 foieate in Tina village: T. la . BALDWIN. Tioga, Jan. 1, 11110—tf. di: nIROULAR SAW MILL, 351Iorse-powcr Engine, Shingle Mill, and appurtenpnces. T. own as the Foster Mill,Aliddlobury. Inquire of J.B. Potter, Or of S. S. Rockwell, Wellaboio, Pa. . N0v.17, 1809.-tf. • Elk Run Plaster. rpHIS PLASTER having been thoroughly I tested by the &rulers, and pronounced by all, to be a superior article, we take pleasure in saying that we can pipply the Lamm ae we have any qttantity on, baud, . Price per ton, 6 dollars. • ,I. OHAMPNEY. Jen.418104:10 UTZ tor id. Did. and Stiritttopeys Arca/hold ' and South ,Autfulat. •-• { I,fr . .fi =MEE For Sale. : ~~tlL~~Ab~='=~~D~Q~ S~'~.R~. '' ~.,.• ' t~. AM ' ROM 1•1111111 TARUG AND' , AIZAIOINFS VAINTS Altp: OILS, •( '• -! • THADDEUS DAVII/ 00NOENTRATEk*EDIOINES, . ,• „IREDtiVS, ' •'• •ER .-TRACTS; - • • BURNF4T'S COCOAINE,'FLAVOIIING EXTRACTS,..KEROSENE,LAMYS; P AtENT MEI)IOINES, - ESTER PERECISIERY . AND FLAVO:RINGLEkTRACTqi, WALL ,PAPER, GLASg,' WHITEWASH ,LIME 8c '..AND-DYE':C9LORS, AGENTS FOR "MARVIN ,at - 00'S RE FINED OIL Bold at Wholesale Prices. Buyers are requested to calland get quotations before going further Bast. W. D. TERBELL 'O. Corning, N.Y., Jan.-1,1870-1y NATIONAL Mil INSURANO COMPANY OV Ting ViITED STATES •OF .AMERIOA, 1. insaigoTopr i 71, °hartbred by Sp Aot ofoongreA ApPROVID - J171,,1t 25, 1868. ME Cash Capital. $l,OOOOOO, PAID FULL. REM I. •,. ' BRANCH MICR First; Natibnal Bank linilding; PHIIIADELPHIAy . , Whero all Correspondence obould be Addreind. =EI OFEIOERS: CLARENCE H.CLAMS ' President. .de: Coosa, Chairman Finance A Executive Cora. HENRY D. Oooms, Vice-President. EMERSON W. Parr, Seoretaryand Actuary. 'B. S. IttiasELL, Manager. r ' s ou Val" particulars girr einoli application to the Branch Office of the Company, or to. R. C. EAMON, Wantsaono , PA., _ by whom applioations will be received and Poll.' ales procured (Or Tioga County. Jan. 1,1870.1 y. ANTED • AT THE NILES VALLEY STEAM. FLOURING MILLS. 10,000 Duo. Corn, 10,000 " Oats, and any amount of good wheat. - J. B. DIMON & Co. Niles Ynlley, Jan . 1, 1870-tf. • Patent Rooting. I.IIAVA bought. tho Light to use the Pate l e HIRAI° - Rucofing in Tioga County; and a lb n o w, prtlparad tp ;put on roofs ohoap,and in good workmanlike man nor. This roofing is fire and water proof. I *lifer, to, Messrs Wright ll4tiJ ley, Toles Barker, and O. whgre samples can be seen and roofs in use., MOSES WIIsIGATD: Wellaboro, Jan .1, 1810—tf. Wensibioro Hotel. P D. lIOLLIDAY, Proprietor. , A large and • coramodions House, located in the imme diate vicinity of all the County buildings, with large and commodious barns attached. jarlames Hazlett aols as hostler, and will always be tonnd on hand, attentive to business. Jan. 5,1870.-ly 500 TONS of the finest ground ,loay uga Planter, in Tioga County, to be had at the Mansfield Planter MM. No charge for de livering at the Mansfield Depot. Jan, 10, 1870-3 th. 0. D. OWENS. CIIOI - 013-POITLTRY.-1 . I have a few more fowls of iliti --- BraMah and Black Spanisb bilea reeds for sale. Pure bied-and_wy fine. l am reCeiving orders for eggs for setting, to be filled In rotation as reeisived as early next-Spring is the weather will penit. No orders noticed unless accompanied br the cash. Price $1 per Loren. M. B. PRINCE. Wellsboro, Pa., Dee. 20, 1869. HARPER' PERIODICALS. TERMS FOR , MO. _ one Year 00 0110 Year ' 4 00; ' HARPER'S BAZAR, Ono Year 4 00' /liaran's MAX/ALINE, HARPER'S WEEKLY, and HARPER'S Beian, to one address, for one year, $lO 00; 'or any two for $7 00. An extra Copy of either the Magazine, Weekly, or Vassar, will be supplied gratis for every Glob; of- Five Subscribers at $4 00 each, in one remittance ; or, Six Copies for $2O 00, with out extra cop y, HABREICD MAGAZINE contains ncarly Double the Amount of Matter furnished in the Galaxy, The Atlantic, 'Putnam, or Lippincot. 'lt exceeds 'in about the same ratio any English Magazine of the same general clam A New Story. splendidly Illustrated, by Wilkie Collins (Author of "The Woman in White," "No Name." "Artnidate," and "The ) Moonstone"), will be commenced in Harper's Weekly in' No vember, 180. Persons ilesiting to renew their Subscriptions to Harper's Periodicals will much` , Olige the Publishers by sending In their Names as early se convenient before the Expiration of their present Subscriptions. This will obviate ;the delay at tendant upon re-entering names and mailing bat* Numbers. ' New Subscribers will be supplied with either of the above Periodicals from the pro►ent time to the end of the pear 1870 for Four Dollars. Address HARPER k BROTHERS, New York. New Itork , Oot. 15, 186 1 3. • , CASH Paid FOR:HIDES, • by M. A. DIIRIF. Wellaboro,Dec. 16,1868.-a Livery Stable STII WATKINS respectfully informs the public that he has established a Livery for liiire, at the barn on the premises lately owned by K. 0. Simpson, Beg', located on Pearl and Crafter' Streets, Wel'shore. Be aims to keep good bur ies and wagons, and intends to please. , Prisms rearonablo.—Nov. 24,1869-Iy. Doable and slue* teams furnished. , 'INKS, l Cc, t El Oarkfi eater,UONDAT I Nov, 2E413.184, Tratne wl Cottles; at the following henti,vlit '" '* ' florstriVll . l. - : • • iXPOSS 'Simla:Ts excepted. for • .Butfalo, Dunkirk and Cleveland. conne•Ctlng• with' trisinis for, thp Wait. A sleeping Coach is attached to' " this trotrirunning through to Dtiffelos - • t '1%,42 a.• 14101 IT• E`XP'EIiSB daily 'rot- Tivoli. ) - ester Chivelend - and Oinoin•• ttal, waking dtreet corral:motion with .tralna of the' ' Orand Trunk und ' , Lake , Shore Railways al Entrain. Dunkirk and Cleveland' for all pointsWesti and at Cincinnati! with the Ohio and Mississippi and Lento , vale Sheet the Railways for the' South and Son tts• 0;20 Sti p dais exeeptod i for' isUUaloand Drinklrk: • - ' , • 1%060. ixt.,WAY, Stindaysexceited: • aAIMBIOItE 11011.63$,Suidaysexceept , ed. for itechadterai3d'lluffalo,rela Avon. „ . ) . • , • . 4 00 lb uf:s iISI:IODANT,TiIp•i. daily, for the West; la. ? , DAY SiCYItESS, Sundays, irxesited, - .for Itoohielor, Lit Told, Dunkirk, Cleveland, Cincinnati. duct ti!' South `St i oils•ist drinciped stations and bon• waste points•on mate Hoc' . • • • flew Boil iruPioreti Orsiwing ttoom Coaches aecotoparoy this Sru (cont.:l4w, York to .1111ffelo, and Sleopipg • Coati:see attached atllloruellsville,•runrsing tis roresii to.Oleveland and 0411un without change. , ()mica EAST 445 a. in.; CINOI,NNATI EXPRESS, 31oridays ex cepted, connecting at Eililira ifOT' Williamsport, • • Harrisb urg and the South; also Eirnira for Oman dalgua; at Waverly with train of kLolligli Valley Rat" way ; at Owego for Ithaca; at Dinglintatonjor, Coo. porlddwn and : A.llmi* ; and at New York with steam , 'ore and afternoon. Express trains for New England cities. ' /61'''Sfeeplug coaches ,neeompany this train • to' New York • 11;45 to:, DAY EXPRESS; S u days -excepted, •conueutiug, , ar Jolley ~City) with midnight *avast train of Now Jersey Railroad tor Philadelplija. Also stops It principia statsons and connecting poi die on main line. " , New and'improved Drawing ltooru Coaches accompany this train to New York. 1,10 • WAX RILEKIIIT, Siindays excepted. 12,20 M., ELMIRA MAIL, Sundays or:rcpt.:id. 4,45 t p. m.-.NEW YORK AN D i. BALTIMORE MAIL, , 1 pted, connect g at• for the Iviatb. 7,80 LIOIITNIN G " MESA, Dally,sonuoct lug at Jarmo , City with tour lug Express train ul New Jersey Railroad fur Matt tours and Washington; and at Now York with' tuorning Exiauss train fur itostou and New England Cities. Aler stops at all prin cipal stations and'cou beating pi:U(4ton Lana. line. , Sleeping Conches accompany tals.trat, through to New Nork. , ' BAGGAGE Clitd.KLID TLIROUGII. AKir /tree/sod and complote"Yock ot Vino Table" of Paosongin .Tratue o Liao/Ale Railway and connecting Lines, boa remently boon pabllebed;autl can be precut. od on appllOation so,tho T/okot Agent ache Cowpony W It. It Alt, L. I). ItUCKEIt,: 004'1 kese. Agent - , , Get/t1 Sup' t glionbtirg & Corning, & Tioga It., II 'l'salasittllrtui aatollo WI tintlitrtlter °divas - Aoconimodation-I;savek IllosibUrg at. 1,20 6. gcLattlue Add at 8,4".) „Tloga at 9,20. Lawtencev Ilk . ot!lo oE— arrforlag at" Ototutuipit 11,10'449. •-" . Mitt-•Leaveattlassbarg at 1,30 p.af.,3lautilead at 2,14, Tlciga at 2,43, , bawrotiattlilo-at , .3, 10 : 44 . 121 vitm at Ganda it,at 4:20 pqa. , . : . , • • ~ Aatt::,teatioaaorigtill at : B,oo' ii.iri.,, Lawiensiv Slit- at ;08Nioga at 9,46, Itan etibitra t` 10,2:4 atilt' g" lit ,Bloss-burt at 11,00 a.ta . , lacommodatton—Leaves Clirniag at 240, 5 p . ta., La* i: il reacaville.at 3,66 ) 2t0ga at 4.46, Mai:439ld at ,80:: artlytug at Blosebttrolt 8,16 . in. • - ---' ",-.- ."- -' i.; •. L. .SILKTTIIOI,IIup't 1 . , . lEEE 00iitratn.le; ro4,Tgi i;6104. , 'Prising forOarisindeigi:da leaver:tiara as fOIIoW AUcothodation at • "' '4 • • • TOSP zo Expcsiss[fastess traiu on road] ars 16 00 p ra Way Breight,Epaiiiinger attaiihedj .... : . _ 20 a On dad after Nor; 15, 1869, train's wll l arrive and doss; ftom 'Proy, as follow.; • , LEAVE PI„.O.4T,RWA.RD. , • . , 1065 a. sae—Daily (essept Bur:days) for EtrairailluillS*. I q;thstiandalgua, lioebester, Saari Alridgo and tile Oartadas: „ 959 is. re (except Sundays) for. hafra, also Butra . lo,sia Brie Railway front Elmira . 723 A.: m.—bally(exeept Sundays) for Baltimorii, ;20, = - 955 P. nso—liailp(isseept Sundays) for /Ultimo" ,WaShirtsiort aud Philadelphia. ALTRIIEi ED .2 . YOUNG . • ' Sup t .11arrishu rg, Go WI Pass. Ale s Baltimore, Dad. • Philadelphia & R. °llona sifter gait. 0, 1880 Trains on this Road veil ttuiak follows: WESTWARD. . atattrratn t ebti.a..4,Lt......- .... , . ....., ..... .9.20 pin " "• • " ' Williambport.. ........... -...; : Tx() asa " " arr. .at Erie 9.80 p m EileExpreasloasoelthiladelpbla 11.60 min Ss. " -so Williamsport 9.00 p m L,' .-r err. at Aixfo 10.00 a m Elmira Matileav6,B Philadelphia . 8.00 a in -Williamsport. ' 0.00 pto S.!, so arr.at Lpck /Jaren 7.46 p m II4.IST.WARD. • • liallTrainloavds Erie.. ‘" ' Williamsport " arr. at Philadelphia Eri, E . /press loaves Erie • " • • 44 Williamsport " arr.at Philadelphia ra Mail, leaves Look Maven " 'Williamsport, 9:16 ato ,"' arr. at Philadelphia 1....- 7.16 p m Haifalo Iliprons, loaves Williamsport - 12.20 a m " arr. at Philadelphia 1 0.26 a m ii 01 . Harrisburg ' 6.20 a in. Hall and Express connect with Oil Creek and Alio. gheny River Rail Read. Baggage Chocked Th relish. ' ALFRED L. TYLER; Clen'l Sup't.• Atlantic and Ciro SALABIANO WETTWAUD BOUND. • • . BiBl7dED BOUND , t Mail 5.80 Express 5.10 Accommodation ' ' 8,35 Marl' - 5.51: littpreee 12.19 A4commodution, 11.45 Express 11.00 Fannie 0.19 At Cory there is a junction with the Philndelphia ' lt rrie and CH Crock RXII Roads. ~ AeMeadville with the Franklin and Oil City and Pitkole Brandi. At Leavitteburgo tbe Maboniny Branch makes a di rect route to Cleveland. At Raveling connects with Oleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad. The Road passes through Akron, Ashland, Callon, Marlon, Urbana and Dayton, intersecting varionsrail• roads,and terminates at Cincinnati. L. D. RUCKER, Oen .43upt.,Meaciellie,Pis Read Read : TOE CELEBRATED Mason It ,Hamlin Oabine SORTABLEf f ORGANS " • Together with the ESTRV - cozTAG ORGAN and MELODEONS, can bo advent %%sly pur ehised of ' W. 11.0 4 . 1 . E g TIOGA, PA. HAVING obtained the agency from the man ufacturers of the above named instruments we have the facilities for furnishing them atpri oes to compare favorably with those of dealers in, either the same or oiler reed instruments. Their reputation is such that scarcely anything need be said regarding their being desirable, having been awarded premiums and medals at the principal Fairs and Institutes, both in this and foreign countries. Many fine modern im provements, which aro so desirablein all good reed instruments, are, owned and retained for their excivalve use by the manufacturers of these instrements: Hence it is, while they claim iltrofigth and durability, together with volume, and - quality of tone equal to any, they excel all other, reed Instruments, In the variety and com bination of tones which can be produced.. INDIVIDUALS, SCHOOLS, CHURCH ES, SOCIETIES, - and other organizations, wishing to obtain a read instrument, oan bo suited as regards she styles, prices, &c., &c. ALL INSTRUMENTS WARRANTED 075- Bond for a cironlar. .4:cf Tloga; Jan. 1, '7O. e T: A. wmc HAM \ t . Dr. H. R. Phillips, N1E511021 ggi'g rE undersignedrespectfully nano • noes to the ttlione of Westfield and surronn.ing; oonn• try that he is perinanontly located at this place. Ho is fully prepared to do all kinds of DENTISTRY, • in the highest style of the art. Srtisfaetion guarranteed. Office over Scovill's Drug Store. Fine Photographs can be had ovor the Drug. Store. II; R. PHILLIPS. Wastfield;Pe., .Tone 30, 1869—1 y. A •DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlOE.—=Letters of A Administration having been granted to the undersigned upon the Estate of• Wm. A. Wood, late: of New Jerso, deceased, all persons owing said estate, or claiming against the same, will settle with OriAS. STAITBURROUGII, Brookfield, Feb.B, '70.4w. Admr :... 8.18 a m ..:. 9.2.5 p TO etio a m „., 8.20 p h p .... 8 80 a in .... 12.0 p .... 0.80 n. m at Western R W A STATION AND THE Atlaritie and Great Western EICLIM RAILWAYS ,I f filirdltß4T BROAD, 0,114.0 r ROUT)? Iron 1 • • CLEVELAND, TOLEDO. QMOAGO, MZ.LIVAUHgE, ST. , PAUL, - - OMAHAi " And to Of lio!oti,inthe nnd DionlnAtiatt 11Nyfeaky„ cinelputtati, Louis. VILI;E, ST. LOUIS, KANSAS ( • CITY, AIEAIkIIIS, I NEW 3 3 y. —•ORLEANB, - And all points in tte South & Southwest, No Change of . cpaebes - • TO OLEVELAND.OR CINCINNATI, Prom any, pelt:re t ort 'Op Brie Railway.. •An ad. vantage and cot:iyenteinee 'not offired by aq - —other 3 Tnnouou EXPRESE DAIX.X.- • t : Baggage, Clam;hcil Through ) end cacao, from one car to another, provotating lost. or dam age. Tioltetc thir,.populer routoean be procured at ull. offices on the lino Of thn .riellailway, and of • 43EE.F15.4.41380TT, _ OPPOISID:OEPOT ELMIRA. When Purahasingaak the Akent for Ttoket. -via the ATLANTIC & GIVEVI:'NVBI3TER.I , I RAILWAY. I. , - ", .•• W:B.ZIFATTUO, Gen. Ticketnnid Panel Clevetend. 0 :L. - D. RUGKEIt, (ion. Supt., Moadvllle, Pa Jan. '7O, insurance Agency. t WELLSBORO, PA Cash Capital over $20,000,0041 • RIR 131"-6,41138 .00'8--ti BBJ T T ftk. RATES AS LOW as any, good Oompanhl will takti. Policies ou dwellings and fine property-written at this dffianiand 'dolivared ppymeat of premium. . •' - • • 1. Are You-bilinired _ .z; It costa but little, particularly, to' 'allure deeli: lugs, far& property, and contents. Detached dwellings and fartn - pioperty4tiaured for 3 year; foronev per) consult' sad expente of policy, at, ,kbouso,„deta_obe.d.-100 or , , ttiore•. insured for $lOOO for 3 years, at aitexpenre,ot.sll,so. 014 14,86 a ye ar! Sasaki tax--good kitittg imams Furnittire4toileions,..ttedding dia., at at same Titer:- There te"rio exeitier- - ' • Everyone. Should-biz, husured. ripti dr, .15fe - rticilc tlo,ft. jun atililficapi- and pet as 'W zotletiab.) tale raawner.to pay: for-adtriirtiaing.' • I • /SI ITCIiELL, 'Wellabora 1, 1410 7 Y; .- • • „1174=0;;Kr' Tamezi. Them Things is /milt EVERYthing lile'velylaid - the anserbitti depon.la from a sublime altitude. -,• You win Pie - Use, Observe that the best natured man in• Torn having it deed the wants of the public s: and knyingl,ota• tifully supplied himself With Allows( Overythiti whichlhis world eln 'afford to appease then; now benevolently proposes to open the wbalebe fore the people, and say to all, old and pant black and white, rich end poor, C 0 ItIE You pay your Money and you take your - • • choice. Don't E . .tancl.out,ln the cold exposed lo the el• emente and to theliting of the n eighbor, beet, but pull the latch string - , alwa;i•ant ih bee. insist' hours, &o. ' • . EN TER The large hearted proprietor, or his whim good natured clerk will conduct you, as it iiett through a. j, . 'ARDEN filled with rit i iihing delights. Ist. A GARDEN OF. SPICES, io whit}, every thing Bpicy,from :t nutmeg to cayenne pet per ma , be seen and procured, 2d, A GARDEN OF SWEETS, inlwhieb er. ery variety of Saoeharine delights, both solid's(' r. s . liquid may ho bad by the stick, pound or galitt,C-:c, and of such tidvor and eoinplexion ae a it. wit every itching ,went - tooth in y'aut,head Pawl) With delight. Should f you be p'ntsologit , ys": sally inplined, duet t you into a this hathan o- iildiVidUltl will ect.t.' s : • GARDEN OE • FRUITB, In which almost et• s .. , ,..A. ery variety of luecietts things to be found gad. f;;;Pf. ere trout the four quarters of the &ht., will 14 il sh wn to satisfy your largest longiLgr. Orange i-",',-, fro i - Cuba, Lemons from Floritlit, Prune s fro 1 - .... Turkey,llinittins from Malaga?, Currants from tit r- - . ..-- :A= Grecian Archipelago; Peaches( dried and"catt. t, , r od along with a great variety of Canned Frniu i::- from the Jerseys; Dates from Syria, and Vigq,' from Aeia Minor. No end to the suppiy of oval 1 species of NUTS from 8 Continents. -: , 1. TILE TEA GARDEN will next , counami i- 4 ', your attention; the warm decoction of the Chin L A loaf and the Java bean have become almost aid. LI-0.4 venal P beverages and if not swallowed too tutu !T. - 0 to strong, the mild stimulants- are Aeinned ti P eminently prom- What comp tn. in peace tvittu GARDNIM, all this. Ike Ivo Tea. You ur eve if GUN BYSON, the other styli b 6 dangerous ti style, ditto, dli ~~~~: The benefint tablishinent—ol will belleve hi? intorpat and hi at the satae p 1 ions, aonsistio, Flour, Pork, Swl Meal, Ham All of which hi principle of "1 proposes also ducts of your fidentially. to -Tho' it Irks anxious Is ho. people nothing V 7 liataver that money eon buy of Wellatoro, Jan. 1, 1870. HARNESS SHOP • GI W. NAVLE, isouid say to his -frisch • that his Harness Shop is now in fullblast, and that ho is prepared to furnish hum.) , or lisbt ;n short notice, in a good and substantial PO er, and at prices tbat can't fail to suit: The boat workmen aro employed, and none but the best material rill:. Call and Dec. 9,1888 -Iy." ,•• 0. W. 1 irLoviretzt MR. A. L. MONROE; is the authorised Agent for Vega and Potter Counaei, elect insurance in the Wyoming Insurahce Oompany. •. • .•. Royal, Capitol 8.5.000,0 00 • London, Liverpool A: Globe, Capitol, p 6,000, 0 0/ He will canvass the county during the week es copt Saturdays, when ho will be found at the Office of John. L riliteheli, to attend to all who ma gliO him a eall. A. L. MONO& Sept. 2!, 11039-3m.a L. A. eiIiDNBR IDE et
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers