ME ENS iV••;• e • r • THE.Ilat li-; - COUNTI-.AGITATOII 7*Dirtonsq,lfstrtrzas VAN . GEDYER ,&- MITCHELL. Van • o. I.‘ mutual. - _ 01 SOSCRIPTION INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE, sgbserlption, (por • RATcB , OE ,ADVERtIBINp, til i ircrox 0;0,1,4, 11A4 614, _ No..scers.... i 1n.,1 Blna 14 lee 1881os I 8 Mos 11,Yr 1 Square;... I $l,OO $2.00 I $2,50 I - .., 00 I $7,00 I $l2 2 Squarek,.. j I 2,00 ' - 'O,OO 4;00 I_o,oo (12,00 18,00 110,t10 - 11i035 ritssol2,ooTao,oiiCao. oo 1 , 00 1T001:7F30,WW,60 lcio7oo , Ono Col EQ - Special Notices 15 cents, ,par line; Editorial or Local 75) cents Per line, • Transient advestising 144:18S, bo psid tor in advane. Nlustkle Blanks, Constable Blanks, Deeds, Judi , aunt Notßa,, Alaeslagalcettiticatea,. 4c., on, hand. 11IISMEgW - ISM Van i, Gel'ler, & ? Mae% ~ ~' Bo , Plittn ittia lra mptly and cl tioy . .Jobriliitili,a: 'AA tror r it clic p o ay exectattdeLhiti. 1, 1870. - Smith et Merrick vt.torneys 14 Counsolora at LOM. insurance„ Bounty and Poneion 4g9noy, .1;:i8'ioo on Main &root, Wolloboro Yap opposite,Nnion J; 1 1 21 . 187 1 - • ,:-4W.• r ,; 1 4 . 14 0 1';‘, 1 Ng e1114 9)" , • Seeley CoSss k‘o• • BAND EJIS, Tloga, County, Pa.— Receive; motley) pn deposit., discount notes, and tieW.dratte;rSn'tNeW Yo* ;city. icbil?ot ... -ions pioniptly mido.—Doo. le, 1889-Iye' Askuns t Attorney and Couosetor ut Law, Manetleld, Tinge county, Pa. Collo - Otiona l proraptly attended to. Jen, 1, 1870.1 • J:no. ,Mitchel, - Attorney and oounaelox at 4.aweelailia, and Zr: ; auranco Agept,. Affoli,over Kreati./Yrug adjoining Agitator Office, Wellabbro, Pa. dan.1,1870. iy,ilson & Niles, Attorneys and Counselors at Law. ' Wtfl MAMA promptly to basilicas entrusted to their care in the counties of Tioga and Potter. Office on the Avenue. Jan. 1, 1870. 8. Y. Y7u.sor.) Jobi W. Clui3ititel, Attorney and Counselor at Law. All business entrustod to him will bo promptly attended to. ©lBe° 2d doOr south of Hazlett's Hotel, Tbiga, Tioga County, 1,• 1870. • • smith, Pension, Bounty and Insurance Agent. Com munications sent to the above address will re ceive prompt attention. Terms moderate, /, WO+ • John C. Horton, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Tioga, Pa.-:- 001oe with C. H. Seymour, Esq. Business at tended,to,with ponap,tness : or7l,uh. 1, 19 0 . : 4 :1 itr. D.' Teibelf& Co., Wholesale Druggists ' and dealers in Wall Paper, Kerosene Lamps, Window Ulass, Perfumery, Paints, Oils, As., dr.o.-Oording, N.Y. Jan. 1 '7O. • • Dr. C.- K. 'Thompson, - Wellsboro, Pa., will attend to Protessional calls in tho 'village eViliellsboro, and eleottliere.— Moe and itosidenco on State St., 2d door to right going east.—Jan. L, 1870. D. Bacon, Ar. D., Physioian and Surgeon. Will attend promptly to all oaths. thaw:ion Craftkb.:}xeolyin-rear of the Moat Market, W,.0. --., • .—iii:drctOgaite:i• E. S. Pil iuly M. Dy Respectfully uunouttaffiti o kit - a it' of Charloston and vicinity, that he would be grate. fal for thcir pats nage. Jan. 1087.0. 46 N. Ingham, AL HomoOdpitiAt.t, aGtlietslteknionce , on tho Avenuo.--Juu.; 1: 1870. Otorge Waoor, Tailor. Shop first door north ofillobertz ,fc Bail ey's liaidware Store. Cuttingontting and lie pairing done promptly and 1870 • John Etner. Tailor and Cutter. Shop opposite Dartt's Car. riago Shop, Main St: ..wheN hods, prepared to ,do work promptly nud ntiat.'--Jan. 1,70. Thomas B. Dryden, • Survoyor and Draftsman. Orders ,Ikft at, h 6 room, Townseud. House, Wolishoro, wilt mtot with proropeOtontion.—Jan.-J, 11;" E. Web lloaler In °IMO itnalewelry, Sllvi)i and Plated Ware, Spectacles, Violin btsings, ,te. Watch es and Jewelry neatly repaired. • Engraving done in plan English and German . —Mandiel, Pa., Jan. 14,1570. etroloitui Ilotise, Westfield, Pa., Gat). CLour, Proprietor. A now Hotel conducted on the principle of live and let livo, fcatll t he accommodation of the publio. Jan. 1, 1871)::.T. ilazlett's Hotel, Tloga, Tioga Cotinty, Pa.. Good•ettthlingatidch ed, and an attentive hostler ulwaya in•attend. ante. Geo. W. Hazlett, ProVi.—Jau.l, 1870. hill's Hotel, Westfield Borough, Tioga Co., Pa. IL. U. 11111, • Proprietor. A new and commodious bUilding ' with all the ntodern iruproveinents. ' Within easy drive; of -The best huntiul; and fishing Grounds Xorthorn Penu'a. Conveynne s ea furnished. J _Terms modorate.—Jan. 1, 1870. Smlt,h 4 # Hotel, 'nom_ Pe., A ..l4..Mnitb, Proprietor. House iu good condittOti to accommodate the travoliug public in ti enliorior mannor.,—Jan. 1, 1870. KeyOone 1144e1 1 Sablnaville, Tloga CO'?, :Y. - IL Bonn, lirop!r. Clog entertainmont for:titan and , bettat.=, Con vqient to tho•bost fishincgrounds.: Parties stoommodated with eOnyeyanoo.—:-Ja`n,,i,'-79. John Mclntosh, Dealer to Vermgnt and Italian Ilarble, menu inettitor of Monuments, Tomb-litones, ,te ; cor ner Market aria Cedar Bus.. Corning, N. Y. All rder- •td A r g P 'mill find this a comfortable and canvenient house to stop "at. Good stabling, arid nn at tantive,hostlen 1, Ma: • PIII GSM! At. M. ,SEARS, pnornizTon. WHERE, delicious Ice Cream, French C. feetionaryi -all ,kinds of fruits in their Reason, a nice dish of Tea, Coffee, or Chocolate, and Oysters in their season—Can be I had a t all ;hours, Served' in the best style. 'Next door be_ don' Roberts Bailey's .11ardwitre Store. Alan. -Street. Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 1870. ' HARKNESS & RILEY, BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Ova* if'Hoon if; Van Valkesiblirg'. Siure, in the .• rogiltatay (tccuPied by llevij. BOOTS AND SHOES ofall k hide toady to order end in.the bob( nuk.uney. itIiPAIRENG of kinds 4tine prUmpl IS and good, pivo us acult. JOHN HA It.HINES WM. REILBY. Wellsboto, Jmn.i:l, 1870.-1). E. IL. ,KIMBALL, \N GROCERY AND RESTAURAT, • one door ablyie the Meat Market, L 33 OR O . N • RESPEOTP uLL . g. atanounees to trading publiethat he has n desirable stock of Grr ceriee, eotnprisitig, - Tens, Coffees, Spices; , Sugans, Melones, Syrups, and all that constitutes a first class stook. Oysters in every style at all sea sonable hours,- -" • Wsltsbore,Jan: 1870.0., , . . . . . . , . ' . ' . ' • - ',.. , . •,,• ~: , . - _. ~ . . - , • ...'" - -,'....".... , "7:". - A1z..(;•,;...,, ,- ... -.%,.. ' ... •.. '-' ' - ' • • • '" • • . '.' ' _ • - . , .; . . , '. ' • . . . . . _., • , . , . . . . , . . , . . '-. , • ", , ..., , . . , . . . .... ~ , . _ . . - .." -- .F .- 4.• ••:',".•:t. , :::.r.,-••• •• • , . . . .... . k, 1 , . , . , . . "1.,'.' ,. ...T.... 7 .:•;, .'....f7: -..F.;5- • - •%•2! . .. :... 7,. ?:,.. , ....?r, ,, :.1%?eit r ,::CT.'47 ,. ~.1.47. .."...P.V.ti.!? ~,..,3.1',..::: . Vi.,' 417 , %.;.i':"' )........... „ - :-.1 , ..,,.,,,,- -'' , f ..... , .,4.: „ .,,, : ~3‘i,.tr. , 4,1',..:-. 7 1 .??.7 , :: „ ••: : • !, •- ;:it . ,1..=Lt..21‘,.. , 2,":1, , ...t , , ....' , '.',.:: ,, ' , . ,- ; - ••,;.„ , ....t.f ?.174 , 12*:213• L X. , .. ...42',...1:••••. , , , .,... , , r :,,, NT ..., • .. _.. .. , .. . . „_.... ... . ~. „ ~, , f,, I. 1 ,2 1 , „ ''f'...l-g.. 'i iAI 7 -j-::,5 ,- ,, , ,-?. .. , ..;•,.,--2; 14 r' i' . . r.' ''. '•••' -2- i'•••'''.f.;;;Fltii::t;',,..a6 1,";..5;Y ' A;D:1 ;',`, •- . 4. C .1 V. .4 . t. - I•-.••I 'I ', . ..:t. i. „I , .'„•-...., I s :: „..,- ,•,- :., '' • . .. • 1 , _ "I. ',,,. :'t -,•,•. , I ..', - .1z., , ; -I'• I . ••-"' ~ . . • ' • - ' I . '.. tt t., 1. • .11 - ..... fil ' 'l , :I.i 7• • • ' PI. ;'''' 1 1 • :LI, . 1 '••••;:-, t.' ~ _ , ~ , • 1 0, , , , '....., • ~ ."....2 \' , ' ~ I',.''. ~.. ~ • . _- . • ', i t i t). ?, ` ,411.1 A, '-• ,r,' , 4, ,, , ,N5.5.`,.. 4 ,:-. • ••••• ) ••,`, -' '' I ~ c ., s , ~'',-;,,";., ....... - : ''', ''' ' ' " ..,,, •:, ••• .: , - '''' ' ' '' • 4. l V4.4:0. ••' ' Ay,••••.. it - , - ..1i'...4. • !, I • -•-•..' ;..-' , ' --,,.),.; .f- ~,,,!,...„ • ,1. .t , .. ~;t• % ,- ~.. 4, -:-?•;..... i-. ~1 , . „...., `- ' ''' '''' - 4 •.•': • ' .. 4, ' - t-i#• .- ~,,, ~,t4v .t.' ;,., %)tii.i , lq - c.:A..-• ......,,...:, . . ... ' ' • • 14 (-:'.-: ' ',' ...: i. •; r , I ) e • - • .I .• ',•,.-... '' ' i t,:`.: • ' 1 1 -.-:,.,,,,'....' 4 . ; •,•,,,,.• 4 4;p",,.. ,1v ....'..i, I t •'V3. ; / A t 3 , . •I'.. l./.4./ ',. . Al, i.,.. , ,, ,, .., , ,, _ ,..,... , ; ?..,. .! }6.. 4f!111, i , ~,, ~p 1,1 ~...)1- f ,..., ~, „,, ,),) , ,1, 3 . ~ ( 2 , , ~ , ...... , 0 - . . . ... .. .. .. • •:.:.7•• , : ...., ...... - '', - •‘.. ' ‘. - •.. , 4 „... . , _, , . , ~.,„, .i . ~ ~,,, .. ~. ... ~, , ‘ , .„ , . IMIII .$2,00. CARDS. IllEil (J. B. NiLts IMM 4 - , , :,“'1 .. i , ,,f._z.:t.%.•,^:;:i i'2, . . . ... , _ . it z.„, & , , ,1 ,Glo`lll , ,' e, - - BAIR IFS i . ~......... ,—.. ....., .. • " ...• , ~:,„:„.„...,.,.. - •,,,,--,, t “•> i' f 7 111:1111=11111= :1. FIRST:= , PREMIUM • 0' ,\tr it • 4 ELASTIC =lll FAMILY :SEWING,,MACHINES; 594 BROADWAY NEW YORK. t Points of jElccellenee. Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch. Perfectionand Simplicity ot Machinery. Ue_iug holli,dtrenda.direutly ',Rote the spools: 5 • No tastenink of cams by hand and no waste of thread. . Wide rangapf application without change) of I — • --1 = t-- '' -.., , ThebtOluz retains its beanty and firmness af ter washing.and ironing,: • „,,.-, - - ~ .Besides doing all kinds;:;j:worit-done by.ether. !Sewing Machintai r these achines execute. ,the li lumst beautiful and pertuan citilinihroldery..and fornataeutal work. -..---. :‘ • • --,.. ijasrt ha highest ,l'remiuma at all , . the !fairs and ; , of. the,, United:Atkatem - and. Iliuropodiave t been awarded the Alrover 4./3p)ter !Sewing Machinesand the woric,done , I.q. them, ;wherever exh Who ' d hi competition. Air,The i l very 4401,05 t/ prise THE OfttlES i..vatoN og, uoisOi;,ivaii:i)Opferred 'Oa Atia'railrelietiTat\lie , theoGrOver - dr. - idakOr :Sesvittg Alaohittestitt t.his,l4:tposittottXtilvertielle, , Marie, 1867, thus attesting theii"great up ri or ty over all other §owing Aluohlues , ; , 1. • • ' ' • - . . i BLANK . BOOK • 8 Bald*rin Street, 1 (§X(74 Q9l p) • N - -; • • GOOD AS TUE BEST, CAI:AP As TA! CIIZAPEPT. B.LANS ' 3'Oth S ` " destiriPtion, and as low, for quality' of;Stoekias• ally Pindery. in the State. Volumei of every description Bound In the best manner and In any style or- ALIA ,KLIOS . OE' , ' GILT WORK • Exeedied'iti the best manner: "Old Beeksre bound and made goOd as new. ' ;1014131111: 4/141;LETE 40 . 11 £ T. T6I' ' aak prepared toffi l ri3l4ll-l;a8k "I:4lolertt of ull Reviews Or Magazines' the• United Fitates or Oroat Ilritain, at a low price. • / • ' BLANK 8p0K.,&, OTHII, PAPER, Of all§izes and Coalities';on hand, r;rplaln. „ • • HEAD PAPER, , Of any quality dr size, on• band and out up ready, for printing. Also,• BILL PAPER, and CARD PARD of all dolors and quality, in boards or Out to any also. • STATIO.NERY, cap, .Letter,. Note Paper, . Envelopes, .Pens, Panel_lo,..L.sco4 - I am sole agent for Rrof. SHEPARD'S NON-CORROSIVE STEEL PENS, OF VATtIOUR 911E8, FOR LADI R 9 . r - ; j` ANR - • Which I r. ill warrant : equal tq old z kens. The best in use "I` ' '• • ••• . _ The aboviistock I will hell a - t-ilto al, all times, at a ISmall• 9(AKl:lue,e •on Now York pFloes, and in quantities to suit purctiasers. - All work and stock warranted as represented. I cameo tfully solicit • a share ol public). patron age. Orders by mail .poniptly attended,t9.— Address, LOUIS ICIEB, ' Advertiser Elmira, N . Y. Jan. 1,1870.-1 y - W ; 4124i Ff, 1642-140 P, .• peALTIII3. IN , ; EIAIMWARE,IIII.OII, ,STEEL; NAILS, STO VES, TITIV- WARE, ,MIRLOUW.CURAL , IMPLEMENTS; ,Carriago - and I:Uranus Trimmings, HARNESSES, SALLEE', Ac. . Clorniug, New Tobacco Store 1 9011E1 `subsciibor hue fitted up the Store firs) deur eaot Themaallatdeu'a dry geode store', fur the manufacture and Filo of ' ' . , CIGAI s ?B, (all grades), Fancy and Contnion SMOKING TUBA CC o,ll.lichigan Fine Cut dHEWING, and all 'kinds of ' • PLUG' TOBACCO, PIPES, and the choi ce.o Brand of C. 104.17.. Call and son for yonraelven. JOHN N. PURSEL. Wollsboro, Jan. 1, 1870—tf. ". New '''fcinnev. TilE undersigned has fitted up the old Fou:a., dry building, near the - -Biewery,•Wellebore, and is now prepared to turn out fine calf, , kip, cowhide, and harness leather in the beet man ner. Hides tanned on shares. Cash paid for hides. ' M. A. DUILIF. Wellsbore, Jan. 1,1870. • • , Great Illiprovamenl,-.,irk;..Deiketry, .•- • RAVING pnrdhlised -- the ixelul sive- right of %Dr.' golsorde I tn• sites& proved patent,AtmospherioDental •Plaies for Tioga County. I now take pleasure in offering it'to the public as 'the greatest pia, oevEnY yet made in • " ecluinicall (Dentistry.. D'y the Use of which, We can overoom s o itny,any, difficulties which hard heretofore bellied the skill 'dr the Most prictleal Dentist in the, 'world: 'Plates constructed upon this plan re. main perfectly firm under all circumetanoes . .er 'kontlition of the mouth, as no pnrticleg of rdod'crin possiblygetun thirthetb: Thoselmiing 'old styles 'Gold or Rubber'Platep; can, at half the Cost, (lave the Tioprolrethtmeappliedldßietn ailsWering in_every respect'the same purpose 'as as a, now set. Perfect entiFfnelloY l - guaranteed' in every case. • DARTT Dentist. •NV eilslinro; 'Jay. I , This is to certify-Um now using the horror. ea Tfrocw plates with .t satisfaction. -flaying used the old style of platesforyearowitat all thetroubles toconvenionies buown in the use ()ranch plates, tv.) elicerfally t ccotantood the finproveti Plates as for inwertor to anything yet kdown." }LB. K JB MIAS: WILLIAMS: THE EMPORIUM • I A. No* Store Ttirevv cone doerbelow_Webb ilaatin g , B D rug c I ,A.ore".• • . • • '_ i 1 - WOULD STATE to those wiled:nit 'may' coil'. cern, tbat I have just returned from the dty r --bought carefully and close, a full assert ;item of - t 1 • A3I.IIOCEIES, ;PROVISIONS, FLOUR AND GEED, &C., &C. Come and price my . • .TEAS, SUGARS` .Befke yen Purchaeo. ' W. P. BIGONY. WellebOro, Jas. 4, ISTO•tr. , • ' ~.; . ~ r::.. ( ..5i..).1,t , ..-; + ;i.,—;;... - . - 0 3,J4 . -...:1t , 1, r, I aniternoxitf. !1.1.10 ' , ' Armstrpng , • ATTO,IINPAYSiAT-LA** IVITALIAMSPORI',.PENN'A.. I '= • • r K 1 1 1 , MI FM - . tx-0. : 0.AH.:#11,6 . ',., STOUR':.ji .. , , -••.• • 1- ; , &T0w:197. an band 1 Purf3 - Praga, arid • liladioinaß: f 'Citianioala, Paints anti 011s ' StaticiiieTyOrankink Notianaaza. P4R - SdRI#TIONI3 CAREFUL:LT' Mil Tloge, Jan. 1,1870.—1 y 1870L' • .1870 • , DY i7r • . - T. R. STONE, -, . -„- „,• ; •-• (formerly B. C. Wlckham'e Nerseryy ' • • lIIS NURSERY OF FRUIT AND - NA:ritEtTA„L TILEES;'IN . . .. 60' 009 Itrtes, • 0,000 rear Treeq. A ii3isd supply,ol ORERRY 1 tit:4 O.IIN;ABIENTAL TREES ¢s SIIRUBEERY ThVpiolt (kiwi' tire .9 , epposeitcholoekt derleCtoo,,gpi A serea or thcAii,lerge uod ,to, got, euppl7 will - do (Q call titt.C.o9o' .113 Y, 8 titok beforever dhastAgeliopihere. the depot, Wellebo'ie;lslp-tietielo - , lOvieecov.lll6 end ofoligrge. AO, or dere Ad4reee,. T. STONE, '' t PPBa, - 110,04i6o; 8, 18tiitym : • ?RETIRETOR"AVINTERT • ,;•,. AND don't