A Pew Words'to Dairymen! 7 74- 11 01.#0.i`W.OttlfirtOt , "*" .1Mi l b _ir , closed and tlkpropeethar pEt4. gei(eral :=thln'g,rtireirt Iltet riocketli: of ;our C lifiiitherSeitsiotilliYAo4ls l ;.iisSpahlisik; to begin tWer:lhe grOgiiti,SoilifrCittip for rffuture operat ; t his;• we must be ptc-it:Ciclicrleocp "slid: the : pr01ipe.4 . 0i0),% 4 14 'Hee ,011*hi oi4 ;;before RH.- - • • ' It' au,not . ti.uthfully he denied that the season just closed:has *en_ nn : ex ceedingly prosperous brie for all Who '.!made their milk hate 'cheese., It would 'he'll in for our Vairyineti to' llnd fault. .Net btllyhasthe yield been I,uitcom , OetPlY prices: have ruled higher than any one; at the . f.ening of tifi6,:fienagni;'• . eduld. taireTieilsonably ex pected. The n„yerage, price., per pound fOr,thetie*ion„catinot he Under. ,sixteen cents,' while many factories bare real 'ized'An'jtjterage of 'ieyeriteen cents, and -some . .of „even eighteen cents. Yet, at ‘._theieseelly high-prices,-our-.very-large ' - :, 113 a4e J- 1. 0 aczread7 z . !nntlfp.t and gene Info consuinption, leaving no lioa ve,stock to remain_ in the handsof hol -denirat the opening.of 'ilia nek_Vsbiasori.- results ere anonielous:: , An' unpre-, cedente,dly:,,large , ylelChas.; been cen suined at high prices,jeaving the future 'prospect clear and protnising..- ribris! shall we r aceonnt for- this -,miex ,pecteil irestilt ? • Our angrier to it is; that :We 'triadi; better'clieese l last; SeaSeu than ev . er . before, and goOd :elle‘e.ie not only sells tribre readily and for a better Price; but,g9es,..moro rupidlyk lutc!;efonsu!np tiOn; liebtiuSe more pniatUbli and nutri tious. This, we believe, is the true mor nl of last season's experience. It has. demonstrated that a good article, in in creased abundance, Will.readily go Into consumption, at a comparatively high • price—a fact n,ever before :.dernonstra ted, simply-because eireumstaneek bad - not been favorable-2161p1y be'e . ause. we, have nevel 6 before bad so much good cheeps to go,lnto:eoneumpt on, In any one season. And it is , our belief that, had opr che e se been unusually poor, in ,steadi of unusually good, the market would have been early glu,ttedi prices Would have gone down below 'a -rernu perative-point, and thi3_husinesifor:the comineyear would have been well-nigh ruined. There would now be on- hand a heavy stock 'of poorelieese; Whieqno bodY would - want to 'Cat at 'any / price, and which would go into consumption only because forced into consumption, by compelling cheese consumers to eat' it or eat none.. holders, with :a lot Of poor cheeSe on hand, would reluctantly lay in more stock before they had , got rid of the old ; and the low price and abundance of poor cheese would ke'ep back in first hands, and keep down pri ces, for good cheese, which would be still further depressed by a constant ac cumulation of stock. It 14 only by talc . ing. this view of what might have been, ' that American dairymen can Justly, ap . preciate the immense advanbigeS which they haVe derived fromothe imprOved quality of last year's heavy production of cheese. Another point in last year's, experi ence should be considered. The high - prices in the early part of the season Induced our dairymen to send forward their)cheese as fast as ready for market, instead of holding it for ft higher figure. The result was, that our cheese went immediately into cOnsumption; andiwas eaten up almost as fast as madi. I Thus the market was kept clear, an active de mand was kept up, •and thGre. was no accumulation of stock. Had our dairy men generally held back for higher pri ces, consumption) would have been re tarded—for cheese cannot be eaten be- fore it is sent to market ; stock would 'have accumulated) and this accumula tion would have defeated the verjr.end aimed at, by cant* a decline ins ead of a rise ,in prices;- and we should ow find ourselves with a heavy stock of cheese on our hands, (which we had re fiised to allow to go into consumption,) Ogees would be low, and the mspects fOr the corning year would be as dis couraging as they are now encouraging. The philosophy of holding - for higher prices any product abundant as cheese, is utterly false, and defeats its own ends by checking consumption aid causing a rapid' accumulation of stock. It hi only in articles of limited supply, which it is possible to. monopolize, that any thing can be made by a general 'policy of holding to force a rise.' The true policy is to supply the current demand, at current prices, and, by encouraging consumption, make a demand equal to or greater than the current supply.— This, and this alone; will put up the pride of an article as abundant as cheese. Tile moral of the past season's expe rience is, then, that we should make a _ prime article, which everybody will relish, at home and abroad, and - thereby encourage consumption and increase the demand, while we freely supply, that demand, at current prices, and thui - enlarge the market for the article which we have to sell. This liberal and ° enlightened policy is the only one that will pay. ' A narrower. and more selfish one, as recommended bysoms, will not Only deat the immediabfaith to force up pricla but retard \ the development of the dairying busipess, and dimintill its profits, by checking the growth 'of • the demand for dairy products. ' We must encourage consumption, by mak ing en - article so tempting that every body wilt eat it freely, and furnishing it in abundance at a - reasonable price. • Thus will we establish a market for cheese that will ;_always make cheese making profitable. , But, ask some are we not in danger of overdoing, cheese-making? We an swer, no—notiif we make an article good enough. i atany new factories are going up, it is urged, which will neces sarily greatly Increase the yield, and perhaps"tnake it exceed the demand.— Again, we say, if the quallty is all right, there is; as yet, np danger. Besides, though the' buildhlg of new rectories • 'they' somewhat' increase the - yiew, it will not increase it as much as lamy suppose--, l for while •it inere s the amount of factory cheese, it . wi ditnin /- ish the yield of private dairy cheese, which is usually poor and hangs on the hands of holders, clogging the market. The effect of erecting •new 'factories, therefore, will not be , so much to in crease the product of American cheese, as to Improve ita quality—a consumma tion at all times devoutly to be wished. Hence, we believe he improvement in the quality of our heese, by the exten-. sion of the factor system, will more than counterbalan the . efrect of the t i e contequentincrea in quathity. View ing the matter' in this - light, we believe that more factories will redound to our advantage; and we shall be.glad, when only factory cheeseof the best quility, or dairy cheese of, equal . quality, „is , _made.. When that time arrives, eveiy • body at home, will eat cheese, and 'the demand will have increased manifold. —Utica Herald.\ WHAT church do you attend, Mrs. Partington? Oh, any paradox church *here the , Gospel is dispensed with. - . C:1. _IE:3. \-133C4533ee5r 7 ..,- • ,- ; .;;;;I : ,?, : , ty AS' Ea vo d bts gouda to t h e NewlitOre In 13aIloy,?a,"; - Block; t spoond door east of senrsllaltion. i t "; • :•• • ; , • . r; Lot,'.Toff'',.p,w :09ods nal redeiVtid,:oettiprieiog every thing usually , kept In • a 'HU ,: 4,OIIIS:STORK I ME So it's over the way, The people Say— Kelley has gone with his goods; Consisting of everything, IncludingEotil women's hoods. Dry - Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, and an endless variety of t e•- f • • • • SO-FOR HS; Ent is 'usually fouid inu firat-elaso country . • • store. I • liIIIIIII=II Thanking my patrona for their very _liberal patronage heretofore, I propose to attend strictly tnbnelness in, tutu° anti sell all the goOde I poa. Ably can. So call in see - ' „ • Jan. 5, 1 70. KELI.EY." KIYSTUNE STORE Y. WELLSPORO, PA. Spring is Long a-coming! AND some people begin to lose faith in the promise of seedtime and harvest. In view of this feet , Bullard t Comp have concluded to harry up the season by stock ing their shelves:and counters with a wisely se lected and superior lot of SUMMER DRESS GOODS, comprising a variety of Silks, Linens, Hosiery, Gloves, Em broideries, Poplins, Lawns, Percales, l quas, &0., &0., together with a finelot of Domestios, Sheetings IShirtings i Sum mer Clothing, Lathes Shoes, &v. Wo shall sell as low as anybody, and Oleo you • Jun. 1, 1870 1. REGULATOR. CORNING. N. Y. Here We Are Again i - t ) IipHANKFUL for tho favo a WO have.thug far A. received from tho poop of THE TIOGA VALLEY, we wish to call th r attention to the fact that we aro just receiving a f . Nov Stock of Ooods • adapted l L the early Fall Trade, comprising ev erything desirable, botkin•style and quality, add shall be pleased to see our old customers and all who may come fom that vicinity to CORNING t_ to buy _ DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CROCKERY, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Carpets, Acc.,' - as WA always give ouatomere from a dietapee A ,LAILEIE DISCOUNT ON .PRICES, ''cof we thus make it for their interest to come to us to make their purchases, as many peop e in that region W i lli testity, We do not believe,- in let% advertisements, displaying long lists of prices, &o oonvinee all who come that we eon, and do Bell GOODS oHEAP, that thiaStore la, reality THE REGULATOR for this section of country. ' Call and take a look through our immense stock and satisfy yoursolyes. NEWELL It OWEN. Coming, Sept. 8, 1889. • Haying formed a partnership in the Tin, Stove and Hardware trade, the undersigned have the pleasure to announce that they have, at a great outlay, added to the usual stook of the old stand on ' • . a complete assortment of Shelf Ilardware of which we enumerate tho fallowing articles : ; • , NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS,. ' • '..'„ijiATTS,, , BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, BENCH-SCREWS, WOOD .SOREWS, CARRIAGE- BOLTS, BURRS; SKEINS, WASHERS,' • PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIP TIC SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, 110 tl P, BAR, & BAND IRON, GRINBSt nNE , HANGINGS, CORN , SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, • • -,POWDER:'•AND CAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS a new thing, and made for use. Those are but a few of the many articles composing our stook of Hardware. We invite the publle to call and examine for themshives. We aim to keep the best quality of goods In ourline ; and -all work to order done promptly and well. • AGENTS Fon THE Buckeye Moirer & Reaper. SASH, DOORS. BLINDS AT FACTORY PRICES, Always on hand or furnished to order, at #W i H 67? reR 191i181 Ng. - ROBERTS k BAILEY. W • . BOESETIS.• MA BAILEY. Wlllsboro,Jan.l,lB7ov-tf. BULLARD & 00. ‘I _ 111 HE subscribers pay Cash, Full-Cloth, T Cassimeres, Flannels, &0., &0., for Wool.— Theyalso manufacturo as uattal-7 • TO ORDER, OR ON SURES to euitottatomere. All work'iwarranted e'en:p resented. * They invite partilinlar attention to . their Water Proof which aro warranted in every respect. Partin lay attention given to nannms wholosato and -rotaii at tho Cow anesque Mills, 2 miles bolow Knoxville. Oar Moths are warranted, anCaold by the following persona: ' 1 100,000 Pounds of Woo Stoves: Stoite,s:: ANV HA ItDW A. RE! MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, POPPERS, Ingham's Woolen Mills DEERFIELD, PA. CASSIMERES, ROLL - CARDING AND CLOTH L-k3IIESSING. INGHAM'S large stock of Cassimeres, As:, 25 per cent less than anycompetitors, and warrant. ed as represented. INGRAM manufacture to order, and do a 1 kinds of Roll-Carding and Cloth Drowning, and defy oompotltion. INGHAM !lava as good an assortment o Full Olotho, eassimeres, and give more for Wool in exchange than any other eatablishnaent. Try them and antisfy your. aelvea: DELANO do CO.. Wellaboro. Pa. T. L. BALDWIN A CO., Tioga, Pa. J. C. BENNETT, Covington, Pa. Wanted. JOSEPH INGHAM SONS. beartteld, Jan. 1, /87041. Wholesale and Retail SI I ORE I DRIGSINDMEDICINBS, Patent 'Medicines, .Flavpriny Extracts, Perfumery, Kerosene, Lamps, Wicks, Dye Colors, White 'Wash Limc and Brushes, Varnish and • Sash Brushes, Window Glass all sizes, Varnish of) all kinds, Fancy Soaps, • • - .Hair Oils, Hair and' Tooth Brushes, a fun stock of Yankee .11 1 :otfols also a , eoohplete as• sortinent of , , , :Trite Win gs i and Liquors. Buyers aro requested to call and examine pri cell Wore purchasing elsewhere. =I • • • -:•. 5 J.F YOU WANT. A • • Coat, or Suit of Clothes, _ • _ Call and see our stock of CllO/18, or : ,Cassimeres, and leave your measure, andyou can be suppliod On abort notice, at Cot. 27, 461 i. Cotaing, N. Y. • Large Stock of FOREIGN & DOMESTIC GOODS Suitable, for tho Fall and liiintortrado, at SMITH & WAITE'S, Oot. 27, 1869. Corning, N. Y. New Stock! New Goods SEARS & DERBY IDIFAVE taken the new store one door above JUL Wright & Bailoy, where they aro on band with a new stook of BOOTS, BALMORALS, GAITERS, BOOTEES, BROGANS AND GALLIGASKINS warranted to i t any foot from No. 0, to 13 in. elusive. The •stook has been selected by ono who his the advantage of in the business, and is tho best and fullest in the country, Our stook of • FRENCH' CALF, FRENCH KIP, UP PER, SOLE, COMMON CALF, LININGS, BINDING, MO ROCCO, &C., On Pindings.yve shall be found at boo al ways, and we shall endeavor to, sell at prim satisfactory to the trade. Wo won't be under sold. •- CASH PA-D FOR HIDES, SKINS, FURS & PELTS -There's comfort in a well made custom boot, phat fits the corns without too much compressing For everybody knows a shabby foot Oaanot be compromised by overdressing. Acid one may wear clean linen with a suit Of finest cloth, but - there is no phonin g Will make a man with shabbily ,dressed foot, •Look like a gentleman upon the•street, Monel : Buy your boots of SEARS .k DERBY, Or any other man. [Printer's Devil.] W'ellsboro, Jan. 1, 1869—tf. For Sale. T AM AGENT for Kinney & Co., celebrated ± platform Spring Wagons, all styles, also for their light Carriages and buggy Wagons, all made in good style, and from Jersoy timber, and warranted in every respect, equal to any made. Can furnish any of the above at the lowest Manufacturers prises.. L. C. BENNET. ~Welleboro, Jan. 1, 1870-tf. I , AM now building at my marmfactoryAn Lawranse• villa. a superior , FANNING .MILL which possesses tha foliowingifilvantagejmver another mills: 1..1t separates rye,o4s, rat litter.an dfoulseedii,and almond cockle, from wheat. • , 2. It cleans flax seeC . takes out yellow seed, and all other seeds, perfectly. ' 8, It cleans timothy seed. 4. It does all other eeperatingreqtared of a mill . . This mill Is built of the best and most durable tim ber, in good style. an d is sold cheap tor cash, or pro duct°. I will fit a patent sieve, for separating oats from Wheat ,to other mills,onreasonableterms. .11 MATUBR. Lawranceville e Tan.l,lB7o-t f TO THE man who warits a good grazing farm within two miles of Arnot, in Blom tw'p., aanoffer a bargain. My farm contains 100 acres, 00 Improved, with a plank house, frame' barn 801[40, and other outbuildings thereon. 'For, terms and particulars apply' on tho premises, or address at Oherry Platte.. J. E. HENRY. ' .Ne . r.lt i 1869-Bw. By W. C. KRESS.' : , E subscriber will keep on nand at all times a fall atoek of PAINTS, OILS, SPECTACLES,; - ` Homoeopathic Hedicincs, and a full 'flock of Jan. 1, 1870. REMOVAL. THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE will be keit 'up tie beretoforo. Also tho tog of tho Market for WOOL. But our best hold will bo on CUSTOM, WORE! As usual. House and Lot for Sale. OUSE .and Lot, and vacant lot for sale ■ cheap. Loriation Welleboro, and (lockable. nquire at the Agitator Office. Jan. 1, 1870—tf. O . THE FARRIERS OF TIOGA COUNTY. A Bargain I UNION ACADEMY, Kliwcyki f i A g. D. O. *Aar). Principal „ . ' Wet. Ana W. /10nTON, Preiapteeso. ' Wes Itlma,Uoaron. Malstant.' ' - 111 s s Ruwa Haulm's, Teacher of ?angle. The itall Ter in will boinmen re Aligns' 31. The:Winter Term Rovemkot3o:- Tke Spring Term Ifareh 3. Each Term 10 conllnia 12 weeks. • • , • •EXPRNBE.B P.R11,1%1111. • Taitlon,lncluding „ stmt. anj , wootl,l4ll n l t T er er T m e w:2ll: o st .. " • - " Spring Term... 1 2,60. Day Students ' • 7" lust ram on tollla ale, (Plano, Organ or lifelodeon).. 10,00. Vocal Music • ' ' i++++ , 2 l oo . , OBe of Instmnente 2,00. trawlngand Pending - 3,00. Board roe week 3,q0, Jan. 1, 1870-tr. • ~, TSB z ~._.~;i ME Horse mil Cattlo Mrs. • ' ",....r.- This preptantiM • 4loPg 414 Attrorablp i ' . \.;" l'' known will- therothahl ;to-itivlSorllto 1 •''''; i broken ' downeuiCkor *IPA horses, ' • s • itiM •bY strearbenini,! , •4 , I na. u m wil i tions ~ a itomneb undluteitill . -"'-',,,-,--,'- , ' 4l • - ,•. '''' - It I rs intro previa/4.0,0DM diseases :-' .7 " incident-to this animal; Sue lIP•e'LUNG FEVER -OLANDERk YELLOW ;,•. - „ . MAIM W Ei rEg i - COUODS DIS- - ' ei• ' -'• " 'TEMPER , Et) lIN,E R A - -• , 1 - . '' _ LO ES or' APPETITE A.lf 0,, VITAL ' , (;' , i, 7,7 4 - 'it," ENEEGIT, So, , , Its use Improves , , , 'I ' ''''. "-• ••• (' MI, ~Whi, 1 inoreintei tint "eppetite-•- • " , 10.: iii" , ,,... nett:Ward Elossy'skin-klnd - ' 1 1 • • . .. - tifo - Aniscratio skeleton, ...p.:f• •• ' ...,:, fn, • atlas-looking tuadspiritott horse. ‘ - •'- -7 '1..,-, - '''''' • , • ' To` ketiers'Of CowsAlds prepar; ' lion le invaluable. It Is a sure pre Yentive against Itlnderpest, Hollow •1. . Horn t etc. It has been proven by ?pima e*Perbinent to Increase the • Air . qutosiltY of intik and cream twenty - per cont.. and zeal% the, tenger Arm n „,, and meet. •In tettehltig 'rattle, It glfeitbootan.al ' petito looseni their hido, and makes tbern *Vila rl ri faste r. . • In ittl i Aledittei of Swine, such as Conglie, Vlcore in the rutty_ i 'Llverote. , this article acts ainipeoind. 137 putting (ruin one. ' ,454 W-i• half a paper to a paper In alarrel of ''f'.7t± swill the above Omens will be °refit. . owed 9esatirnly_prorented. given In tim e , a, certain proventlye and bnr4 for the ßog Oludeka. * ' W. 0. KRESS. , DAVID E. FOUTZ Proptictoi g DsiL,+r.l fait ' Md. For gale by Druggists and StoreitiepeiithrOughout the United:B Was, Vanasas and Boath"Atnerloa. Jan. 5, 1870-Im. , ' ' : • o t./5D DEAL ER GROCHRIBS, PROVISIONS, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC, GREEN & CANNED FRUITS AND WOOD & WILLOW WARE, GLASS & 1 1 1 11T,PP:wV.!9„ ( 1 ../!..PPY-41 1 .P5z. s• A full and complete -i nssortment of the above mentioned goods of the pest quality always on hand. • ,) Partly Artieular attention paid to Fine Groceries. Dealers and Consumers will flnd it to their in• toren to examine hisiStook before buying. Corning, N. Y., I.* 1,1870. For a few'months past we have advertised the above Watches at extremely lea prices, and the restilt has been most satisfactory. Our plan has been to sell the genuine WALTlipd WATCH, In Solid Gold or Silver Oases only, and at a very small profit; giving the purthaser every opportunity of examination and co parison, and with the understanding that if the Watch does not prove satisfactory, it can bo exchanged or money refunded. ti These, Watches aro, without exception, the 'mostperfeet spoolmens or fine mechanism ever produced in any country. Each and every part is made by machinery of tho Most delicate an. elaborate construction. Compared with foreign watehes, they possess many advantages, excelling not only in princi ple and finish, but still more in their reliability as timo-keepers. As au indication of the prices, wo submit the folloWipg: Silver 'Ranting Watches. $lB.OO. GOLD " WATC:MB, 18 karat 06130, 80,00. 4. . " ladies' eke, '70,00 We often receive orders direct from our adver tisethent, but prefer that every ono should Send first for our descriptive price list, which explains all the different kinds, tells the weight and qual ity of the cases, and gives prices of each. This we will forward to any ono on application, and it will be found very useful in makings solaction. Every Watch is warranted by special certificate from the Ameriean Watch Co.- Wo send theta by express to any address.— ' Anna , the purchaser fo' open the package and 'examine the Watch before paying, and, if after- Wards it does riot proie satisfactory, it can be exchanged or the money will b cherfully refun ded. Please state that you saw this in the Tioga County Aorravon. Address, in full, HOWARD it CO., No. 619 Broadway, N. Y. Our establishment is well known to the resi dents of New York and vicinity, but• that those at 4 distance'may address ns with confidence, we invite attention to the following editorial notices : Brom the N.Y. Evangelist, Ilfay 28, 1888. Wo had occasion some time since to refer to these celebrated American Watches which are well known a. reliable timakeepers. We cannot do better now than to call the attention of our readers to the card of Ilow and & Co- by which it will bo leen that persons from a distance can order any grade of these Watchei by ex press, at greatly reduced prices. Brent the N. Y. Independent, June 16,1808. We invite special attention to tho advertisement of Messrs. Alloward .ft Co., who offer the celebrated Walt ham Watches not only at the lowest prices, but will send them to any part of the country by express, and give the purchaser the privilege to examine the Watch before paying for It. We have known , Poward-& Co. personally for years, and cheerfully command them to tire confidence of our friends throughout the country. no • J. STICTCLTN, - Ohairmaker, Turn% and / • Furniture Dealer. SALE ROOM and FACTORY opposite Dartee Wagon Shop Main Street, whore he le pro. pared to furnish Cabinet Ware of any kind to those ia want. .Ordere promptly filled and satlefaotionguarann• teed. Fancy Turning done to order. Welleboro, Jan. 1,1870. J. EiTcIOICLIN. gfarm of three hundred acres, with two hun dredd and twenty-five acres improved. Sit uated tvio miles north of Tioga Village, on the Tioga River and Railrocd. Well %tattered, un der a good state of cultivation, and good build ings. Also four houses and lots for sale in Tioga Village. 'T. L. BALDWIN. Timm, Jan. 1, 1870—tf. A eIROULAR BAW MILL, 35 Ilorgoliower 1-1 Engine, Shinto Mill, and appurtenanoes. Known as the roster Mill, Middlebury. Inquire of J. B. Potter, or of S. S. Rockwell, Wellsboro, Pa. N0v.17, 1868.-tt. THIS PLASTER having been thoroughly tested by the farmers, and pronounced by all, to bo a superior article, wo take pleasure in saying that wo can supply the masses, as we have auy, quantity on hand, ' Price per ton, 6 I. CHAMPNEY. Jan, 5, 1870-sm. FOU . TZ'S (YELEBRATED Giooin and - Piavision Store, CORNING, N. Y. Ci. D. ISIZAZA, DRIED FRUITS, VEGETABLES, OROOKERY WARE, PERAMBULATORS, TOYS, &a., Fax IifiLTHIM WITCHES! Valuable Farm for Sale. For Sale. Elk Run Plaster. WHOLESILE DREG STORB. CORNING; 'N.;. DRUGS .AND MEDIOINES PAINTS AND 01103, THADDEUSDAVIDS' ,KEITH'S CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, IREDELL'S FLUID, EX- • TRACTS, BURNETT'S COCOAINE, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, KEROSENE, LAMPS, PATENT' MEDICINES, Blow ESTER 141REUMERY1t AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, WIIITEWASII LIME & AND DYE COLORS,; AGENTS FOR MARVIN & CO'S RE FINED OIL Bold at Wholesale Prices. Buyers are refluested to call and 'get quotations before going further Emit W. D. TERBELL Re. CO doming, N.Y., Jan 1,18704 y NATIONAL LIFO INSURANCE COMPANY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, WASIIINGTOH, D, O. Chartered by Spectil Act ofOongrese APPROVED JULY 25, 1868. Cash Capital. $1,000,000 PAID" IN FULL. I BRANCH OFFICE: First National ank Building, PHILAD LPHIA, Where all Correspondent should be Addressed. • ' OFFICERS: CLARENCE: H. CLARK, President. JAY Coosa, Chairman Finance do ExeentiveCom Binnair D. Coosa, Vice-President. Emauson W. PEET, Bearetaryand Actuary. B. S. RIIIMLL, Manager. e.copniets, and full particulars giv. en on application to the Branch Office of the Company, or to R. O. SIMPSON, War,asaono, PA., by whom applications will be received and Poll ees procured for Tioga County. - Jan. 1, 1870--ly. AGENTS WANTED For Chaxnberlin's FOR BUSINESS MIHN. INVALUABLE TO ' Every. Merchant, Every Mechanic. Every Manufacturer, Every Farmer. Every Business Man, and Every Young Man. Worth ten times its price. Agents aro having groat success. For circulars and full Informa tion apply to 0. D. CAB+l & Co. Publishers, Hartford, Conn. [nov 3 18.89-3 ml W NTED, T THE NILES VALLEY STEAM 0 FLOURING MILLS. , • • 10,000 Bus. Corn, 10,000 " Oats, and any amount o good whoat. J. B. DI_MON do Co. Niles Valloy, Jan. 1, 1870-ff. tho Owners of Unpatentod Lando. SURVEYOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, . HARRISBURG, PA., May 25, )869. IN obedience to an Act of Assembly, approved the eighth day of April, ono thousand eight hundred and sixty nino, 3on are hereby notified that the « County Laud Lion Docket," contain. lug the list of unpatonted lands for Tioga Co., prepared under the Aot of Assembly of the twentieth of May, one thousand eight hundred and 'aiXty-four, and the supplement thereto, has this day been forwarded to the Prothonotary of the county, at whose office it may be examined. The liens can only be liquidated by the payment of the purchase Money, interest 'and fees, and receiving patents' through this Department.— Proceedings by the Attorney General have been stayed for ono year from' this date, in order that parties may obtain their patents without addi tional cost. JACOB M. CAMPBELL, Suryeyor General. Paient Roofing. RAVE bottiht tho right) to nse the Paten Elastio Ro flag in Tioga County, and am now preparad to put on roofs cheap and in good Workmanlike manner. This roofing i 8 fire and water proof. I refer to Messrs. Wright & Bal. ley, Toles it Barker, and C. L. Wilcox, ; whore samples can bo seen and roofs in use. MOSES WrNGATE. Wellsboro, Jan. I, 1870—tr. Wellsporo noteL 813. HOLLIDAY, Proprietor. A large nd • commodious House, located in the ita o diato vicinity of all the County buildings, *th large and commodious barns attached. . tiff" James Hallett acts as hostler, and ill always be found TA hand, attentive-to busing) a. Jan. 5,1870.—1 y ? 500 TONS of the finest ground Cayuga Plaster, ib Tioga County, to be had at the Mansfield Plas4r Mill. No charge for de livering at thablan%fiold Depot. Jan. 19, 1870-3 m. C. 11. OWENS. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters Tostamen taryluving been granted upon the last will and Testament of Joseph T. Streit, late of Mansfield, deo'd, all parser's ¶ indebted to, or claiming against said teetator, are requested to settle with, WIL LIAM J. BOOTH, Exr. or 0. v ELLIOTT, agent, Mansfield, Pa. I Dee. 22. 1869-6 tv.* CHOICE POTATRY.—.I have a few mere fowls of the Bramab and Black Spanish breeds for sale. Pure bred and very tine. lam also receiving orders for eggs for Betting, to be filled in rotation ns received as early next spring as the weather will permit. No orders noticed unless accompanied by the cash. Price St per dozen. M. B. PRINCE. Wellsboro, Pa., Dee. 20, 1800. T ETTERS 0 1 ?.ADMINISTRATION havingAA -been granted on the estate of Jamea:Seott, deeeased,late of Chatham, all those indebted to said estate are regueetrd to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims against it, to pre sent tbom for' settlement. MOSES LER, Chatham, Jan 12,1810. Adm OH TUE RAILWAY TIME TABLES' H, and atter AIONDAY,,, Nov. 1ath.1869. Trains Q wHI leavoCornlng, at tho folloWing honiotvit: • ~ Couto w ' 1235 'a S MAID, Sundas exceted, for Butfaio,- Dunkirk and Moreland,. connecting , with trains for the West. A sloping Coach is attached to this train running through to linittlo. 642' a. ru., NIOUT REDRESS, daily - for Jtocit t. ester Buffalo, Dunkirk, Cleveland. and Mein nail!, making direct commection \rid' trains Of filo Orand Trunk and Lako'Shore Railways at Bufalo. Dunkirk and Cleveland , for all points West, and at Cincinnati! with the Ohio and Missfselppt and Louis ville Short Lino Railways for the South and South -west. • 10,20 a . m-, MAIL TRAIN, Sundays excepted, for , Buffalo and Dunkirk. 12;00 P. WAY I!REIGIIT, Sunday a ex t eep , 1,45 S. m., BALTIMORE itxpitEss,smiday lie*cept et], for Itochedtor and Buffalo, via Avon. 6,00 p. in., EMIGRANT TRAIN, daily, fu the West. 730 p. tn.i DAY EXPRESS, Sundays oxceptod, for Mx:heater, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Cleveland, Cincinnati, and the South Stops ut drinclpal stations and con . Recto pointo on 4tu,lu line.* I New and improved Drawing Room Coaches accompany this train front 'Now York to Buffalo, aud Sleeping Cdaepesattached at Roruellsville, running through to Cleveland aud Callon aithoUt change, GOINO EAST 4,45 a. in., CINCINNATI EXPRESS, Mondays ex.• cupted, connecting at Elmira for "WlillanispOrtt • Harrisburg and tau South; also at Elmira fur Caftan ,daigua; at Waverly with train of Lehigh valley Rail. way ; ut Owego for Ithaca ; at Binghamton for Coo• perstimu and Albituy ; and at Now York with "Want• around afternoon Express trains for Now England cities. in'. Sleeping eoarlies aicompany . thls train to Niw York. 11,45 n. in , DAY EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, connecting ut Jersey ..City with midnight express train of Now Jersey Railroad lor Also stops at principal statsons antreon fleeting points on main lino.' New and improved Diniving Itoi.ni Coaches arcouipuu} this train to New Yolk. 1,10 p. m., WAY IPREIGHT,Sundays excepted. 12,20 ELMIRA MAIL, Bundayb excepted, 4.42 p.rn., NEW YORK AND BALTIMuIIE MAIL, strudays excepted, connecting at Elmira for the • Sioutli. • • 7,68 p. m., LIGHTNING EXPltusi.i, D.tily, caulker.- tug at Jersey City with moraing Exprobs train of New Jersey Railroad for Baltimore and Washing, , toui' and at Now York' with .morning: Express 'train for Boston and Now England Cities. alsr btOpd at all e prin cipal atuttons and con nesting paints on m a lt . lin. Sleeping Coaches accompany thistrtra through to New Nork.• BAGGAGE CIIECKED TIMOUGII 4ai" A reVised and complete "Peck 434 Time Table" of Passenger. Trains on the Uri° Railway, aud connecting Lines, tuts recently bpon published, and can lm procm ed on application to.the Ticket Agent of 016 Company WU. U. BARR, L. Y. , Gen'l Pass. Agent. Geu'l Dloosburg & Corning, & Tiogn 11. Trains will run as follows until further notice: Accommodation—Leaves Bloseburg at 7,15 rt. m., Mans field at 8,00 Tioga at 8,42, Lawrencoyilit at IPB2 arriving at Corning at 10,40a.m. Mail—Leaves Blossburg at 2,00 p. m ~Iltansfie id at 2,40, Tioga at 3,18, bawrencuvillo at 6,oo—arriving at Corning at 6 p. in. Mall—LeavesCorn in gat 8,00 a.m., La l wreacevillt at 0,03, Tioga at U,45, Mansfield at 10,22—arriving at Bloss•barg at 11,00 a. in. Accommodation--Loaves Corning at 2,40 p. renOeville at 8,62 Tloga at 4.46, Mai:Afield at arriving at Blossburg at 6,15 p. m. L.II.BIIATTUCKAIup't Northern - Central R. • TRAINS FOR THE NORTH. TralAtiforCanandagulalpave Elmira as follow a: AccomodatiOn at 7 05pm Napreas[fastest train on roltd] 12 20 am Mil 10 00 p m Way Freight,[paseenger c4cLattached] ...... ... 0 20 a m 012 and altar Nov. 15, 17, C train a will 'arrive and depart from Troy, as folio -a; LEAVE NORTHWARD. 10 86 a. w.—Daity (eicept Suudays) for Elmira,Suffits , 10, Conaudalgue6, Rochester Susp.Rridge and the Canadas. 968 a. m.—Dally (except Sundays) for Elnitra ana Buffalo,vta Erie Railway from LEAVE BOUTUWARD: I 723 A. ta.—Daily (except Sundays) for Baltimore, Wathington,Pbiladelphia,&c. 955 P m.--Daily (except Sundi63) for Baltimore, WaShington and Philadelphia. ALPIXBD It. BYBRE . ' ED. S. YOUNG Gen'llhipt.liarrishurg, Peng Pass. A g't Baltimore, Philadelphia & Erick R. R. On and niter Sept. 0, 1869 Trains on this Itond ran as follows : WESTWARD Atallrratu lemmas Plalidadolphlsk •• •• • • Williatuvort " " arr.at Erie ErleExpreasleavosPhlladolobia... 1, •• •• •• arr. at Erie ElmiraMalllearos 44 " Williamsport.— " I• arr. at Lock pavan EASTWARD. Mail Train leaves Nrio .. " " " arr. at Philadelphia.. Brio Express leaves Erie " " Williamsport.. " arr. at Philadolphia. Elmira Mall , leaves Look Haven I. It " Williamsport, 0,46 atu " 4( arr. at Philadelphia 7.16 ptu Buffalo Express, leaves Wifilitinsport 12.20 a m (4 4. arr. at Thlladelplala 9.25 a m 0 af Rarrlsburg 5.20 a in. Mall and Express counsel with Oil Creek and Alla gliony River Rail Road. Baggage ClieckedThrongb. ALFRED L. TYLFR,Gen'I Sup't Atlantic and Gre SALAMAN WETTWARD BOUND. EASTWARD Boinvn, Mall 5.30 Express 6.10 Accommodation 0,35 Mall 5.51. Express 1119 Accommodation, 11.45 Express 11.00 Express 0.10 At Cory there is a Junction with the Philydelphla 4r Erie ' and Cil Creek Bail Roads. Atitteadvllle with the Franklin and 'Oll city and Pithole Branch. ! / 4 q At Leavittsburgo the slahordny Branch 'Makes a di rect routo to Crovoland. At Ravenna corfnects with Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad. Tho Road passes through Akron, Ashland, °alio°, Marlon, Urbana and Dayton, intersecting various raft. roads,and terminates at Cincinnati. L. D, RUCICERJ Gen .Supt.,Meadvillo,Pa. ..... Read! geadL: THE CELEBRATED Mason c Hamlin Cabine PORTABLE ORGANS Together with the ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN and MELODEON'S, can be advantageously pur chased of ' Lg.WROIVIEML . TIOGA, PA.- HAVING obtained the agency from the man ufacturers of the above named instruments we have the facilities for furnishing them at pri ces to compare favorably with those , of dealers In either the same or other reed instruments. Tlieir reputation is such:that scarcely anything need be mild regarding their being desirable, having been awarded premiums and medals at the principal Fairs and Institutes, both in this and foreign countries. Many floe modern fin provements, which are so desirable in all good reed instruments, are owned and retained for their exclusive use by the manufacturers of those instruments. Hence it is, while they claim strength and durability, together with volume, and quality of toms equal to any, they exeol•all other rood Instruments, in the variety and com bination of tones which can ho produced.. INDIVIDUALS, SCHOOLS, CH URCI ES, SOCIET)ES, and other organizations, wishing to obtain a reed instrument, can be suited as regards size styles, prices, the., ac., ALL INSTRUMENTS WARRANTED , OrEr- Send for a circular. srEe Tioga, Jan. 1, '7O. v 4l, Dr. H. R Phillips, OVIRC43IOII NUZZ'29 E undersigned respectfully announces to the citizens of Westfield and surrounding coun try that lie is permanently located at this place. Ho is fully prepared to do all kinds of ' DENTISTRY, in the highest style of the art. Srtisfaction guarrantoed. Wilco over Soovill's Drug Store. Fine Photographs can be had over the Drug Store. - 4t. R. PHILLIPS.. Westfield, Pa., June 30,1860-Iy. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters of Adtninistration having boon grantod to the undersigned upon tho Estate of Wm. A. Wood, late of Now Jersey, deceased, till persona owing Raid estate, or claiming against the same, will outdo with OIIAS. STANBURROUGH, Brookfield, Feb. 9,19-- 4 3 w. , Admr. .. 0.20 p .740 a RI . 9.80 p m 11.80 nook . 9.(0 p .1.0.00 a m . 8.00 a in . 6.00 p . 7.45 p 8.16 a m 8.25 p ro Cnlo a In 8.20 p 330 EL ra 12.0 p m 0.60 a m at Westorn U. W , A STATION MEI T. A. WICIIIIAM THE Atlantic and Great Western - . - : - - - -;ANTS - : ''' ' - . -_, -ERI :ItA.ILWAYS, •-•'.,' tiuk 0.1 i:: TI-B4OADijiIIAGE ROUTE FOR It i l : st:i i i,Ei 4 A, I D, 'ES:fi;ED 0, OiIICAGO, ~. MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL, , _ OMAHA, - .: And tosil Points in the WEST and, Nonra-lvzo Dayton, Cincinnati, Ltouh,, r'! ' 'VILLE, ST. LOUIS, KANSAS -`;-:'..,.• ' , "CITY, MEMPHIS, NEW 'E'' ORLEANS, ',.. V,. --2 .• And all points in the South & Southwest, wi l l f,,; No ,Change of Coaches e---f i, , :i so CLEVELAND OR CINCINNATI, R';... g row any point on the Erie Railway. Ai l a d V,;; va n tage and convenience not offered by az , t.." - • • -• oilier route. j It? 3 T.....i. LlOn i f f i VA9 EXPRESS TIIAI4 • • tr, • Bitigage 0110443 d Tfrougli, and No anAmoi from ono ear to another, preventing lose or dam ago. • 'flakes via this popular l route ean bo procutvi 'offices on Ilia II of the Eric Railway, ' BEERS & ABBOTT, OPPOBIT DE➢ar ELSE,,, - When purchasing ask the Agent for via the ATLANTIO .4 GREAT .WESTERI: RAILWAY. ' AV. 13.S11AVIUC, , Gen. Ticket and Pass. Ag't, Cleveland, 0 14: L. 1). ItUCKER, tr' ,: :. Jan. 1,10. Oen.,Supt., Aloadvillo, Pa. 11 . t k- , ifusurane` Agencle t. WELLSBORO, PA. Cash Capital ovet V 2 9 1000,000 PIDIST.CLASS CO'S-NONE DIETTER 110 is RTES AS LOW as -any good Cornpae:ti;-' 1111. 1 will take. Poliefes on dwellings and km property written at this oTllee, and , delivered cs payment of premium. Are Von Insured It oosts but little, particularly to insure dvell lugs, farm property, and contents. Detaeldit dwellings and farm prope rty insured for 8 yen for one per eentum and expense of policy, AC, A house; detached 100 or more insured $lOOO for 3 years, at an expense of $11,50. O n - $3,833 a years Small las.—good Ming in eme 9 , ,t firr. Furniture, provisions, bedding &a., s t t 1.4: same rates. There is no excuse, , Everyone Should be Insured, I E ,11 If not with me, Smith dr. Merrick wil • do it jai as cheap, andjust as well . (Gratis, otiose, c I should be grad however to befrieo enough at: this manner tb pay for advertising. ,1 JNO. I. MITCHELL. ~ Wellshoro, Jan. 1, 1870—tf. i Nom W,l2.4eaa! Them Things . is ArriTl E VERY thing is lovely, and the tinier hit.' depends from a sublime attitude. You will "'lease Observe, that di° beat n'atured 'twin in Town .having I thea the wanks of the public, nod having bci- - till:illy supplied himself with almost everyiblz; w l i, ich this world oln afford to appease thin no benevolently proposes to open the wholets - fo the people, and say to all, old and yGtir4 bl ck and white, rich and poor, I I . CO 11.1. F. Z t. You pay your Money and you take yowl : choice. Don't stand out in the cold expored to the el omenta and to the Sting of the neighbors beu but pull tho latch string, It Is Ithvaye nut it I,u, f' turns hours, 4to. ENTER: ThO large hearted proprietor, or hie urbuc good natured clerk will oonduot llou, a, it, lel through a , GARDEN filled with ravighing delights Ist. A GARDEN DP SPICES, in whir every thing Spiey,from a nutmeg to cayenne Eiri per ma" be seen And procured, 2d, A GARDEN OF SWEETS', in tihicir ery variety of Saecharinectellghts, bob stdidani. liquid may be had by the stick, pound orgsllti and of such flavor end complexion as 'ail; the every aching sweet tooth 'in your heat) fa! jump with delight. Sheuld you bo pomolte - ()ally inclined, this humane individual will cit duet yon into a GARDEN OF FRUITS, in which almott tti - cry variety of luscious' things to be found pti; ored from the four quarters of the globe, , will shown to satisfy your largest Inngingr. Orstrf from Cuba, LemonsirOm Florida, Prunes r fut! Turkey, Raisins front Malaga, Currants from thl Grecian itrchipelaga; Poaches &Lod and tint . ed along with a great vtelety of Canned Etti 4 from the Jerseys; Daces from Syria, and Ftp from Asia Minor.' , No jurd to the supply dew!: species of NUTS frotu Continents. TUE TEA GARDEN will next comas:: your attention; the warm decoction of the Chl leaf and the Java bean have become almost tit-t versal beverages, and if not swallowed too hotel, to strong, the mild stimulants aro esteemed la, eminently promotive of comfort ..nd What comp my of elderly ladies could ever pr;' in peace without thorn? Now your friend Iltif: GARDNEItp will bo most:happy to show :14. ell this. Ile will ask you politely V look at ' Tea. You are welcome) to, try ever'y chest /tit', see if 'GUN POWDER, -Souchong GREW:: &c., which flavor you like, but of tho other styles whose jaw cracking names he clangorous to pronounce, COFFEES, in ertti style, ditto, ditto, ditto. Furthermore, The beneficent proprietor of this nn:ye, tablisbreent=out of sheer good will, raid f will believe him for no other motive iba f eet Interest and his, has at veal expense est:ail !1)! , 1 et the same place au immense depot et Prom. ions, consisting of Flour, Pork, Lard, Codfish, White Fish. Sword Fish, &,c., &c. Meal, Hams, Butter, Trout, Blue Fisb, Halibut, &c., &c. , All of which ho intends to sell at a profit, cti tht principle of "live and lot Him" flo gonuelil proposes also to rocei , o In exchange ail the prn , ducts of your farm and dttirimand it is said or , tldontially to the public, that he never rcfu,c, Cash. Tho' it'irks him wretchedly to keep it. So anxious is ho. that .he dear peo&o sh'Stild wail nothing whatever that money can buy at Wollsboro, Jan. 1, 1870. CASH Paid FOR HIDES, Wellaboro,Deo. 18 ' 68. 12; f 111. A. DURIF Livery Stable: SETA WATKINS ' respectiblly inform! a t public that ho has established a Livery for Hire, at the barn on the premises lately owned by E C. Simpson, Esq., located on Pe.arl nod Goa' Streets, Wellsboro. He alms to keep gvc 3 t ! .; se's and wagons, and infonsis to please. Pricl reasonable.—Nov. 24,18139-Iy. 'Double and single teams furnished . 1 . ADMINISTRATORT INPTlCB.—lfit tero• Administration haying been granted the undersigned upon tho ostato of Truman sr.3, Wealthy Harrington, late of •Unlon, der'd, persons indebted to said decedents or claimiff against the same, most settle with J. E. , O:LEVELAND , Addl. Noy. 24, 1881/—Aw. L. A. GARDNIa