Arrival and Departure or Slaps. Stage rtionlag over m , 144 1 the dlirer , ilt rontas crow iVeiblbOrti, will detatrt and naive as foliaws Crawl the " 111 Welleborn Peet Office: ' ,t, WELLSIIOIIO & TICIO k..4-4•Drptatio3ll . , a. pl.. HI TIPO A. 24, p. 1114 AVeu.snono & 31ANtirrin.z—Depart 8 a. n)., arrive 13 p. tn. trEctstiorto & Peru Curti —Depart TYree. & Fri. 2 p. n 3.1 arrive Tuesday & Fri. 1,2 tn. WELLBBORO S Jenseir SnoiLe..- 7 Depart Mon. k Thur. 9 n,nl orrireTneednya Fri. 6 p.m TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. Local Items. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 18, 1870 New Advertisements Norway Oats—Hiram Brooks. Norway Oats—D. B. Roberts. Dry Goods.—Thomns Harden. CARD.—Rev. A. Dodge returns his thanks to thoso Persona who eo generously gave at his donation in the (leo district, "Middlebury. DONATIONS.—The Donation for the benefit of Rev. S. M. Broakman, on Tuesday evening, Feb. 8, was postponed on acoount of the weather, to Tuesday evening, the Ifith lust. —The friends of Rev. 0: L. Gibson will givo him a donation at the residence of Amos Cool edge, in Delmar, on Friday evening, Feb. 18. All are cordially invited lo attend. 1-MlmA-to SOCIETY. — The next lec ture before the above society, will bo delivered by liugli Voting, Est. Subject :—" Chinese at Homo.' OYSTER SUPPER.—An Oyster supper will tie given at, the house of Mr. Gee. Close, in Westfield, Wednesday evening, March 2, .1870.—: Proceeds to he appropriated in purchasing fur= niture, and repairing the M. C. Church. Tickets, $2 a couple. Ample provisions will bo made by the committee to accommodate all !who attend. A cordial invitation is extended to all. PERSONAL.—Wat. B. Bowen and fam ily, foe several years residents of thil) place, &- parted on the 10th instant fokheir rrow home in the West. While their loss will ho greatlylro gretted hero, we commend them to any eommu city where their lot may be cast. —ion. J. B. Niles is upon the following com mittees of the House of Representatives: Judi ciary, Pcderlii Relations, Counties a t nd Town ships, and Chairman of Committee on, Printing. —Hon. Galusha A. Grow has relived to Phil adelphia, having become connected with a largo manufacturing establishment in that —Major W. A. Nichols, well known to many of our readers, is at Rogers' Mills, Neosho Co., Kansas. _Let•us hear from the West, Major. A SOCIAL SOCIABLE.—The Sociable 'of the Presbyterian Church Society, held at the residence of the pastor, J. F. Calkins, on Wednes day last, was a very pleasant occasion. The spa cious parlors at the parsonage were 'filled by a largo, genitil and congenial party, composed , of the membors'and patrons of the Church. If all church sociables ar s e as sociable as this one, their society would certainly be a loser without them. Them gatherings remir weekly, and are pleasant and profitable reunions. Those who have an oc canional s.pere hour, could do worse than to spend it at a social sociable. THE PINE CHEEK RAILEHAD.—We 11 , arn that the meeting at Willilimsport, on the Sth instant, was largely attended. About. one hkindred delegates from- the northern railroad companies of Pennsylvania and westertv , b:Tetv York, met in convention to devise ways and means fur building an .i . ndeptiadent and direct railroad from jersey Shoo to Buffalo. The meeting was enthusiastic; and there seem no doubt but that the Buffalo and Washington rail way will connect with the Pino Creek, Jersey Shore and Slate Lino road at Pert Allegheny.— A committee was appointed to carry out the de sign A: the convention. THE man who don't advertise has got his store hung a round with shingles and . pie. sea of barrel heads, inscribed with lamp blnok :-- " Irish Pertaters, Korn Meal, Flower, All kinds of Kintry Produce, kaikcs and Kandles for Sail Hens." He says, " there rtint no Sens In raise paper Ath-ertisin. soLong as A man is smart entill To Tend To bie own hisniz, and can stand At the Pore and holler the felers In." AN EXCELLENT COUNTRY PAPER.— The Montrose Rep t/Wenn - has added another col umn to itlamplo folds, making n nino column paper. V. has a largo circulation, and well de serves it. It contains more original ma ttor than is often found in country papers, Its selections aro ehaste,l t its typographical appearance unex celled, and withal is one of the Tory hest country papers we know of. It ,shows what a country paper may bo made, and its patrons, no less than Its proprietors, have grcat e reason to be proud of it. DRAMATlC.—Remember theDralEilitie Association of this plooe give theit tlest enter— t•ainment Wednesday evening, 16th inst., at the Court 110111'0, Drama: ".10,rel: E 1 Swom"— Faroe, " A Regular Fix." ihursday evening, same place, the drama "Mi ehnel Rele." with two athosing pieces, “A Ki.o. thn Dark" and " Roc tend Cur." '1 he character of the gentlemen at tho herad, of this enterprise, it a guarynty of its success ; and ue hope their efforts to make these amusements worth the while of our people, will nut go unappreciated. A GOOO CRov.—T. B. Mitchell, of Tings, raised 133 bushels of beets from lees than 21 and one-Imlf square rods of land, last sum mer. This is at the rate -of 989.7 bushels per sere. They were sown in drills, in a corn field, three feet eigbt inches' apart--the Fame distance apart les the ern was planted, ns 11. matter of cop)- _ ‘cuience. They covered the ground so touch, hom,cver, that an attempt to raise turnips between was fruitless, or randy so. Of conere the yield could have been them - teed, by plenting. them clo ser to K elber. No extra pains :were taken to lit lba ground ; it was the Caine us the hithlttee the field—loam soil, a lit tie sandy, previon'sly iu thoer three years, but cropped bcforo that for - twenty years in succession, to our knowledge. H ERN' A le ;40c3. ETY.—T he Court. House was filled on Friday evening last by 11, Compli mentary audience, who listened for amhaur to nu interesting and amusing lecture by our towns man, George W. Sears; snbjeet, " Life on the Ainaz9n."- fie passed rapidly from one scene, to anether, keeping nip the interest in his own pecu liar manner, with that of narrative which makes him always attractive in conversation.— Among us he iA known as a lover of the great unt.iloors ; hut we' judge, he likes the cool shades 4 our innuntain valleys better Than he does the monotony of life upon Gm Amazon, as be pie tem.( The licettiror closed with an account or the pro. CB!II t. n hicb India Rubber is made, and an ex liMition of a machine which ho thinks will greatly ex polltu and cheapen the manufacture of rubber. no announced hie determination to vibit thht Notary again, with n view of introducing hie in vention. Dr. We i ph opened the, entertainment trith the z•''ng, "Jan o' the Smithy," midi eloped with " Thonah both of 14 bich were wrpen Mr. SomrA, and Pet to music by the Doeto They were both well sung, and received with 1 1 ,,y0r by the ay,tietlep. =111:131=1 TIER SEA. , SON.—.It is Common enough at all seasuus to bear remarks about the weather but the present season has been one of so unu sual character, that nearly every one we meet has say about it. The " oldest inhabi tant- pronounces it the mildest whiter within his rceotketion ; or, if he remembers anything like it, he lays it was o long ago that thereenlicetion like a oreatn. Up to this thee. we have !tad rd Oci.;iiing to speak of, and tl.o vont of it has already seriously interfered With, the business of the season, to snob an ex tont as t 0 render money more scarce than it has been for a long time; and consrquence, hard limes have come upon the poor for want of labor. The winter has been so open, that there sperm' , ti be a general apprehension that the freezing, And thawing have made a short crop of hay and wheat almost inevitable the coming, harvest. At Litt, however, Nyehave snow upon the ground, E.61)4 it is hoped that it Tilay preyept Stirth4r inn• 7. The protTeeteof thp lutpherip/n are bright,- . er; end if we shall t kw days' sleighing, they may yet be able to get their usual stooks to market. They should make baste, 'while : the snow lasts; for the season is too far aftaticed now, to expect the sleighing to edetinne In some portions of the 'West, there has been good sleighing for six weeks ling,. We have bad many clays as mild as th se in early spring, since the winter mouths, and the nights hare'been almost as mild as the dayS2. intervals the sun has shown out with almost the gen i a lity of summer; then the eleude have come, and the rain has been-heard to patter upon the roofs and the street walks, as in an April day; but at last the cold winds whistled about the cos tiers, and in a night the ground was -frozen hard, and the weather, all along so condescending, bad become as prndfsh as a maid of forty. • GOSSIP.—We are not all made, nor do we all see or think alike; and that is well. If we were all alike, a man couldn't tell his own wife from anOthor'a, we shouldn't know our own children, and should be compelled to put some mark that wouldn't rub off on the object of our affections, or mho can tell what blunders might be made! It has been said, " a wise child that knows his father," and if ve were all alike, tho wisest father wouldn't know hie own child.— As things are, of course ho dtes, But then it would be a happy sort of life, Wiween ; for, after all, every man would think the ono ho l should be lieve to be his wife, the perfection of heauty and all the graces ; and every woman who should cling to the arm of her supposed husband, would think him the prettiest, nicest and `most elegant gentleman of all thp world; for, doesn't every man and every woman think himself and herself, all things oonsidered- , --the handsome face, the perfe.ot form, the intelligent mind—the nearest perfect of all mankind ? (Here the old dame hunches toe, and puts iu : " No, they do not.") Stop a bit, my old lass, and let us see: In law, the husband and wife are ono; and as every hus band thinks his wife the prettiest, and rice verso, every husband and every wife must Think him.- self and herself the prettiest—every ono; for all the pm t&nre equal to the whole; therefore, the wife, heinZ'a,part of the husband, is equal to the husband, and, ll — equal, must coincide throughout all her dimensions; niidwhen you bring them so near each other as that, the ono must be the re flection of the other. Why not ? But never mind; if the argument is a little absurd, yet it will answer for gossip. Ab, it is well that all aro not alike; for in this so great diversity lies the infinity of the beauti ful in nature and in life . New faces, new scenes, new thoughts, fresh reflected from the myriad changes which we do or may see in life, open up an endless hook, which we 'can never rend thro', even throughout all i eternity No two days alike; no two momonis of all our life, if we but look about7us ; no two maident; no two men ; no two clouds; no two blades of grass, even ; and no two hearts, though kindred and united by the law of love! True, dear dame, you may find fault with my argument, but you cannot disbe lieve the fact. It is a part of n 1 1 nature, and goes far to prove the eternal life which lies before us all; for, if the variety of, all the things that be, is without limit, how can a finite soul ever travel the round of all creation ? and would the Author of all things, so lavish as are his gifts upon all sides, create such limitless worlds for a day upon this enith ? Oh, dame, this is but the stepping-stone before the portal of the infinite mansion—wherein the air is ever pure, the sky is ever clear, the Waters ever bright and sparkling in a golden'light which had no beginning, nor shall see an end 1 The grass therein is green, the trees mot flowers biliSolll and shed their perfume alike upon the beggar and the rich in earthly wares, paths lie through sweet valleys by the eternal streams, and all the re-united walk 'toge• ther there in holy converse, faithful to each other evermore 1 But we have traveled a long way, dame, and wandered off the subject, so I'll snuff the candle out, (efindles are ye i ( used by the good old-fash ioned Tolks,) and if you'll take the gossip up, while I catch a nap and dream of other days, no doubt 'twill suit_the Taney of our friends the bet tor, and do mo °mai t for they'll think I wrote it al! the while, and you'll not let the se oret out, I knew, LIBERTY.—This week I have gather.- ed the follorriog small crop of items"for your. paper. The hotel keepers of our town are quite jubilant over the success they Mire met ulith in obtaining licenses from the Judges of the (Minty court.— The landlords of our place are piensed that the Judges of the Court have seen tit to grant them a license, so thereon dispose of their liquors in a lawful nay, and can make hotel keeping a le agitimate husiness. From what. I can learn, our hotel kecepers intend to carry out the require merits of their license in the future, fur they say the general practice of harboring and giving li quor to habitual drunkards, hr gain in any re. speet, is a great mistake, and also the practice of dealing out drams to minors, is very wrong, and a direct violation of their license. Wo hope that the law and order citizens of our community will seo to it that the landlords, in dealing out liquors to their customers, live up to the requirements of thciir license to the letter; for, if that is done, we need not hare any fears of evil resulting from the gra} ting of licenses throughout the entire county . E-q , of our place, has put a new water wheel into his grist mill, which is very powerful, and ntlo mist) repaired the gearing, Mild) 11015 .1:4111.1.001 It is expeaeneed miller, Mr. Ni LIM una%v, to do first itlass work, slid with dispatch. Mr licaAle has been to a veryt I heavy expenee in lit ling tip his mill Mr the necominroda thin L id . hip custenierq iu Liberty, end therefore we hope his labor and expenses may be rewarded by it very liberal patronage. key. Thos. Morris, of the Evangel lent Church, is very active in'pushing ahead the erection of his parsonage house. If the weather continues as mild for a few weeks as it has in the past, the carpenters will have his,house ready to move into. J. it. Levergood and J. FL Atilt, having rented shop-room of Messrs. M. & F. M. Sheffer, are putting up a very handsome lot of the latest style of furniture.. They expect a very liberal patron age from till) people of our Village and Rev. R. W. Ridebaugh, junior preacher of the Evangelical Church, wail presented on Saturday evening, the sth instant, with a wish donation to the ailment of $3O, which be very thankfully re ceived fioin the young 1u , 01,1 0 of our vicinity. ----~'r--+- JACI suty. —I notice every week that. you lilVe news from Most of the townships in the county, but raVely froin Jackson. I think we have a place in loyal history, and will fur nish—yett*otne items from time to time. We havellud_dull times for want of sleighing, Large quantities of - intik and saw logs are wait • ing for scow, Upon It iiii3ll - I° put. them on the way to market. 0, Hamilton is getting quite a ;dock for the winter, and now that snow has come he will lush them in. E. Hamilton is doing a good business in his grocery. Frank Shlyes,i, l a l so 'doinx a good bind:tess in his store at Joh's Corners, } 1 hear they have started a Good Tern plar lodgh at that place. If they can do any good, we bid them God speed. flee. Mr. Enekwell is holding meetings at Alder Hun, with good fmccesA. Rev: Mr. Weeks has al,O etmtmenced a series of meetings, at Job's venters. I attende ' d a Sibbath school last Sun day at the Wells Pith honse, W. S.-M'intyre Sopetitttentlent, The e,weroices werft very inter i doubt if there is any pldee in the eoonty tvllore mere inierest is felt by old and yfiltng than in this school. The rehearsals-were tt•ty good , ni.d the songs by the little girls were very fine. Judge LlenOey was , i there, and ad— dres,ett the school , speaking in high praise of thtir exercise?, • ItrivQ,Crittnell and 134prinlso wide tmitable remarks. - They have It vet) , interesting debating Feliool at Daggett's Aline. Tho people turn out well. 1 Jaeb:q,n, Feb, 8, 1570 LAMB'S CREEK.—There has been a rarity of affairs happening recently, that tend to keep up the agitation of improvement. The first, though not the least. is the selection of D. suitable plaeu for a. ppblie cemetery; and we trust the day, is act far di`t:.nt, when we shall see a lot properly laid out and neatly enolosed, for that purpose. The building of a new post office boy is the next in order, as the old one is by far too small for the amount of mail matter reeeiked here. Tito new one is to contain some less than one hundred bokes and fifteen or twenty private dri wets, with leeks; and if it is gotten up as the draft represents, it would be an ornament to any office. A. F. Packard, of Sullivan, haq opened a 10iiek smith 411(y. C. J. 4tilloy has Bold hip bailee nnd lot, and ' purohased another;loiver downtown, of It %MN; Irbo.intends to go to farming )n Jackson, "just for a change." Perhaps it may interest , some to knowsome thing of the growth, as regards the popultdion, of our town. The future is so uncertain, that we cannot calculate very closely on what futurity may bring us. At present thorn are, of men, wo men and children, about 250; and should the "new arrivals" continuo in the same ratio they have for the past Low weeks, it will soon double. I would say of the "late arrivals,"- the feinales have a majority. .We regret that so littlo regard is paid to the Sabbath by ono of our merchants, who, judging from what we see on our way to and from meet ing Sunday evenings, doea a better trade in the line of cigars and tobacco, than on any. other day. Having great confidence in advertising, I here with enclose an advertisement : Wanted, immedintoly, ot Lamb's Creek, one foot of snow, to remain good sleighing for six weeks. Booz. COURT PROCEEDINOS.—There was a light attendance during the second week of court, .yet it continucd'in session ovary day, and qnito a large number of cases was disposed of. Morris Kelsey vs Wm. L. Reese, verdict $440, for plaintiff—Coates b Pratt vs A. Ittunsey.— This coca involves! a nice question under the Sunday law. The :plaintiff bought a yoke of cattle of defendent en Sunday, paid the money - down that day W 15,) but did not take possess ion of the cattle. Tho defendant kept the mon ey a id refused to deliver the cattle or return the inoniy. The Court directed the jury to return verdict for defendent, holding that in all oases the plaintiff has to give in evidence a hicaOt of the Sunday law to make out his case, lie cannot recover . ---that the plaintiff must come into court with clean hands, and that the law loaves the parties where it finds them. On a week day, subsequently to the transaction on Sunday, the defendent promised to refund the money if the plaintiff would, come up after it, (plaintiff lives in Lancaster) but the court hold that a subsequent promise, 4bundcd upon a transaction on Sunday, could not be enforced, where the plaintiff, as in this (1(1%14 compelled to put the breach of the law in evidence. The case was very interesting.—H. S. Keeney vs. 11. O. Byrnes. Action of slander. Verdict for plaintiff, $5O. THE NEW SouTrn—\ye have a letter from John's Island, South darolina, enelosing the subjoined account of a Christmas dinner—a charity the writer was enabled ,to extend, it seems, by the liberality 91 some of cur Tioga people: My Christmas (hiests " But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the blind." Yes, I'll have a New Tettatnent Christmas din— ner, said I to myself; for djd I nut know of ma-• ny that came under thehe l atifng of poor, maim ed and blind? But then, how much more than a dinner is needed? Some warm clothing would conic so good,—for . cold winds visit our "summer land" sometimes—but my means aro limited.— What : can I do? In this dilemma I sat ; down and confided my plans to Mrs. C. E. Willard, of Tioga. The response came in, the form of a well packed barrel, Mostly of warm• clothing. The unpacking ! Ilow shall I describe it, as article after article is laid out, all to make some hearts happy ? Dear hands folded them all `so nicely, and packed them with so much care. Sunday school papers, with the names on, every one to be read, over and over, by eager Chillren. And here is a large package of tenovith instructions to "give all the old mum 11M8 a good cup." Christmas morning came. sent word to all the old Aunties, for quite a instance around. Nine knew that any ene else 08 invited, nor did they know why they were asked to come to my hon Fe. Early in the morning a mule and cart came to toy dou r, awl slowly descended my first guest, a centenariah—for she is said to be over ono hun dred yearn old—with her failed calico dress flut tering in the wind, her howl tied with li, ballAilli na of bright colors+, nnal tisne lossrmcvny“.4 with a piece of black lawn ; for 6110 was in mourning for tier youngest daughter, Who was grandmother to a numerous progeny. After Malting inquiries about her health, he., she said, ‘; 4 :llless God, Mis sic. I live lung in die world—never 'spent. to see so many long, long . days, but I eposa the good Master will take me hvine one of dese morning. I lira to see all my church hroders and sisters gone home to glory. 1 hal; ho ping here, but great ',pectations, !Morals, great Bags to come! Dis tool ning MAsey said, " Mammy get ready tra kilo 1 go get de cart. to takeyou to Miss Sharp's house , her say she want yen to COMO dere to day. I don't know what in do name of God her wants of you, hut any how I take you." So Ps here Tunbec Jr, US .. By I his time num hor—a n octogenarian came, cane in hand. " Goodumr iling, Missi.. De children say you want mo to come to-day to . yeitir hour‘, to I took my cane soon dis morning and wablded along." Another and another •di ()plied in, nano under seventy-five year , of age. Then came the dinner; not of roasts, pier, puddings, and luxuries rare, such only as servo pampered appetites; but instead, a good boiled dinner, light brat& and butter, the inevitable Carolina dish of ,boiled- rice, and the "good cup of tea." They talked of the " days Of darkness," as they term slavery times, when but few masters gave them meat only nt Christmas, never forget ting to utter, "'Yankee derails, tankee," when they :poke of their freedom. Many a sad, sad story, could there old people relate, not only of ,tripes and erne! partings from kindred, but the climax ens reached in many of their lives, as in 10(105 „ 1 mothered agony and with a mournful own) ing of their body, they said, " But when d e s sob , my r hik, Minsk" Ali, there is where tho unutterable conies in! But all these things hate pasraed awhy, and my ymesto wre about de parting. Before going, the old cent merlon drew out or her bosom an old packet, says g, " Hero, Miseir, I brought deco here to see if you be so please to read dem for nte.'t On examining the contents of the little old pOoket, which preyed to be love-feast tickets, some dating back nearly fifty years ago, and having finished . reading them, the old pilgrim easefully replaced them, saying, "When I die, 1 want all deso put in do eoffin wit etc"--evidently ber all of earthly trea sure. Now came the artielem of clothing from the dear Tioga ft limas. Could they have seen those dusby fitees i t ieht en, and heard the hearty "tioil hreee de good 'limit's," that fell from the lips of the rceipients of their favors, they would have felt doubly paid. We titanic the friends hi the naine 4 Hun who said. "vtimeh ns ye have done it unto one it the least, of theme, tny breth ren, ye bare done it unto toll." They contribu-, bol toaaril n II A PPV (116:411MS fur many. ~rla IU HAM'filt'S MAGAZINE for Eehruary contains the Life of Fredrick the Great, Beast., Bird and Fh.h, and South Coast Saunterings in England, all richly illustrated. The Andes and tho Ama zon, illustrated, is an interesting sketch of travel in South America. A Brave Lady is continued, :mil a new story entitled, Antonio+, begun in the January number, premises to he interesting. There is a paper entitled Paraguay and Her Crimes, that will be found worth of perusal; also the ,ketch of the Life of Mary Russell Milford, The ditferent odtiorial dodartments are full of the usual interesting matter. Lord I,yaen's new Comedy in Rhyme, entitled "Wal pole, or Every Man . lots'his Price," is found in this number. A unmincementm of deaths, published free, rand all alum lay notices. mllll,e (lin] [YEA ut the tats of 111 contx rr ten wont 1 • , TiENEEDY.---In Delmar, on the 12th of Jan uary,lS7o, Rev. Avery Kennedy, aged 70 years, 'l . llns a useful man has passed away, Twenty eight years of his life has been faithfully devo ted Ito the ministry. lie leaves a large family and hosts of ft iendi to mourn his lops. GENUINE NORWAY OATS For Sale l►d P. ROBERTS. Seed got of Ramsdell, D • New York. February, 16 , I 470-tf. NORWAY AMS FOR SEED ! T 'HAVE Went -five hushcls of the gel-IMo° I Ramsdell Norway 4itts, being part of fifty rai;ed from one bushel cawing. The wilieh the above mai ware raised, was bull gbt ill New Yt , rlf . City from the sole ngonts of the gvhfiine Ramsdell Norway Oats.— Price. per bushel. ~Addros, PO, la. '7O-if GREAT. BARGAIN. - 11/ P IANO FOR SALE. New, Celebrated 11 kers. Mark of ro,tewonil ; carve./ legP, iron frame over.Arang, Y octavos. TO bo sold for ono third than cost. Guarantied for five -etire. Par cash, or on time, with good sorority. Con be seen at 0 . . B. Whitebead , c. Nelson, Toga county, Pa. fob 2'70 2we • MARI' A. `ILA HI DEATHS MR AM PROOICS, Wellsboto, Pa FRUIT AND . ORNAI.IENTAT. TREES.- • ''Mr. M:l3. Prince of this place, is taking orders for fruit and ornamental trees, shrubbery .to., for the "Catherine . Highland Nurserice,f' Sohnyler 41 Co., N. Y. These Nurseries have a highrepn a tion, and wo have no hesitation in commondi g Mr. Prince to all who desire anything in t in line., He will take orders during the what r, and see them filled by delivery in proper seas n. These trees are much better adapted to the 'ell reate,'llan those reared under a warmer sun, as they will not'be so likely to euffer—from ex posure during our winters,-4t. SPECIAL NOTICES. A COUGH, COLD OR SORE.THROAT iv/Vt:p Requires immediate attention, as nag ' 4 O AsO vv lect often results in an Incurable Lung RONCH IAI Disease n . Brow's Bronchial • Troches ? 0 \\( e moat invariably gisethstantrellef . FOR .I.IkuNOIIITiff, Affinct, OATAnnif, CONSU-?.TpS/VE and_ . TnROAT DISEADE9, they havo a soothing end. SINGERS and PUBLIC SPEAKERS use them to clear and strengthen the voice. Owing to the good reputation and populexity of the Troches, many worthless and cheap imitations are of. ferod, which are good for nothing. Bo sure to obtain the trek% Brown's Bronchial Tfoches, sou) nvunrwunne. [doe. 1.'69-Cm. The ConfessiOns'.of an Invalid, 'DUMMIED for the bennat of young man and others who mitered from Nervous Debility, eet.,supPlYing the means of self-cure. Written by one who cured himself; and sent free on receiving a post-paid directed envelope. Address, NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Brooklyn, N. Y " CLEANSING TUE BLooe," upon which charl atans have harped so much, is not a mere catch word and delusion. The microscope shows that sonio diseases exist like parasitlo growths upon the globules of the blood, and it is further known that some subtle substances destroy or expel thorn. These substances have been combined to make Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which does effectually expel the disorders that brood and .tanklo . in the blood to rot out as it wore the machinery of life. piercer ( Pa.) Whig. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nor. yens Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering hu manity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and directions fur making the simple remedy by which ho was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adver tiser's experience, can do so by addressing inperfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN. May 26,"69-Iy. ' No. 42 Cedar Street, Now York. TO CONSUMPTIVES. TUE Advortisor,lutving boon restored to health to a few weeks, by it vary simple remedy, after having suf fered several years with a severe lung affection, and that drepA disease, Consumption—is anxious to make known his fellow-sufferers the means Ofcuro. To all who desire it, ho will send a copy of the pro scription used (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a SURE CURE Yon CONSUMPTION, ASTED(A, DRONCtiITIB S etc. The object of the advertiser in sending the Prescrip tion Is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which ho conceives to be invaluable; and ho hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as It will cost thorn , nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription,.will please address Rev .EDWARD A. 'WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, N. Y. May 26, 1869-Iy, Guardian's Sale. I N pursuance of an order of the Court of Com mon Pleas, of Tioga county, dated the third day of February, 1870, C. W. Beech, Guardian of Horace Mattison, Cummings I, Mattison, El len Mattison, Ralph Mattison, Ruth Mattison, I. S. Mattison and Willis Mattison, will, on Wed nesday, the 2d day of March, 1870, expose to public sale, all of the interest of his said wards in all that lut of land situated in the borough of Knoxville, in Tioga: county, Pa.; bounded on the north by Cummings Mattison, on the eastby I. Goodspeed, I. Dearman, 'A. Dearman and F. Woodbury ; south by Main street, and west by L. Mattison; containing eighteen acres; with two frame houses, ono frame barn, and an apple orchard thereon. Also, ail that other lot of land situated in Deerfield tuwnshtp, Tioga county, Pa.; bounded on the north by the Bißings es ,tale, east and west by Cummings Mattison, and south by 11. Freeborn and estate of H. Seeloy, deceased; containing 25 acres, more or less.— Tertds. eash. C. W. BEECH, Gua'n. DAL 0, ...0•0 0_ Wellsboro Bakery. y J. BURGIN would say to the citizens of 0 • ,•IVellshoro and vicinity that he is pro pnVisit-to supply thorn with BREAD, PIES AND CAKES, of the host quality. We alss servo meals to those who wish. OYSTERS always on hand, (or sale, and served desired. Call at the old Stevens' mond. J. J. BF:RGIN. Feb. 9, I s7O-Iy. E. H. Harris' CELEBRATED BAKING POWDERS for sale by - • Feb. 2, 1370. P, R, WILLIAMS 5; CO, Kerosene Lamps, CHEAP AS' DIRT, AT roll. 2, 1570',. P. IL' WILLIAMS k CO THE MAU. TO• BUY KEROSENE OIL THE CHEAkEST AT Fob. 2, 1870. P. R. WILLIAMS .t CO For Anything You want in the DIM', LINE, Go to P. R. Williams it Co. They keep the beet .lock and Pell the Cheapest. Fel). 22, 1870 House i f Lot for Sale. ACWOD House and burn, on a lot of two acres, within ton minutes walk of the t House, Wellsboro, is offered for sale. In ryhiro of John I. Mitchell, Esq.,Wellsbore. Jan. 26, 18711-tf. PENNSYLVANTA STITH - NORMAL SCHOOL. THE next Torm (14 weeks) will commence Monday, March 21st, 1870. $6O pays for Board, Room, Wood, Oil, Wash ing, Uao of Text Books: Those designing to toadli, recoil.° State aid amounting to' $7,00 or sl4por Term.--Send for Circular. CHARLES. 11. VERBTLL, Fob 2, 1870. tf Principal. Planing SQ . Matching. FLOORING, CEILING, WAINSCOT ING, TONGUED & GROOVED; with rapidity and exaatnosn, with our now Ma chines. Try it and sco. D. T. VANIIORN. Weilsboro, Jan. 1, 1870. NOTICE—Is hereby given to tho citizens of Delmar school district, that the School Di rectors will meet at the school house near the Delmar cheese factory, on the 12th day of Feb., instant, for the purpose of letting the wood for the winter schools of 1870-71. ROBERT CAMPBELL, Seo'y • Delmar, 'eh 2, 1871. 2w Norway Oats. HAVE for sale forty bushels of the genuine Ratnsdell Norway Oats; being part of 77 , 1 bushels reisegl Iron 2S plans sown on of an acre. The seed from which the above oats were raised, was bought in , ..Now York city, from the sob; agents for the sale of the genuine Ramsdell Norway Oats. • 11. S. ARCHER. Witt'bort). Fel) 2, 13470. Pon EXECUTORS' NOTICE.—The undemignod, Executors of the estate of Elearcr S. See ly, deceased, late of Deerfield, request an those indebted to PRO e•tatoAo make immediate pay ment, and all those having claims against it to present. them flr yettlowent to • HANNAH SEELEY, E:'x. • JOHN ROWLAND, Ex'r. Devi. .f an. 25.` ADMINISTRAPAR'S NdiTlCE.—Letters of _ Administration hating been granted to the anc.erdytne3l upon the Estate of Wm. A. Af'poil, late of New Jer s ey, deeertsed, all persons owing soil estate, or claiming against the same, will settle with OH AS. STA NOURROUGH, Ilrookdeld, Feb. 9,10..6w. Admr. NEW EARLY SPRING. TRADE Tlie subscribers. are now 'receiving new goods almost daily, suited to the trade of this season of the year; and wo can and aro willing to make it on object - to all per sons who are prepared to buy such goods early, to buy of us : as we ibink we can claim Eafoly to save them on average of TWENTY-FIVE PER/ CENT. on the prices of any but new goods, and also ii saving of considerable more than interest on what t o prices will bo when business is active. OUR IJNEN STOCK IS ENTIRELY NEW, BROWN TABLE LINENS, iIALF BLEACHED TABLE LINENS. ' BLEACHED TABLE LINEN, NAPKINS, TEA DAYLAS, SCOTCH DIAPERS, SHIRTING LINENS, BROWN CRASHES, BLEACH- El) CRASHES, lIUCKABUCK TOWELING, BORDERED •. 'DOWELS, .FRINGED TOWELS, TABLE SPREADS, • LINEN BOSOMS; &C., Setl., is marked at full twenty-five per cent. less than tho prices at which wo sold our many good,. last season. Our ,wo aro now filling up with all the desirable wakes in BLEACHED SKIRTINGS, BROWN SHIRTING S, BROWN SHEETINGS, TIMINGS, DENIMS, STRIPES AND NEWEST STYLES IN PRINTS, NEWEST STYLES IN GINGHAMS, &C., Which we aro sodding at a small advance on the present low tilt° of prices in wholesale markets Boots and Shoes. We aro also adding largely to or stock of Boots and Shoes, putting in as fast as possible, newest styles in ' LADIES' SERGE roust' BOOTS. I LADIES' SERGE BUTTON BOOTS. LADIES' PEBBLE GOAT POLISII I LADIES' PEBBLE GOAT BUTTON BOOTS. And shall keep a still larger stock this season than last, and also sell them at a slight reduction in price), as we hare been enabled to got a off of several of our loading makes, and in all oases where we du so, we give our customers th benefit of it. We increased our sales in this department last year about 20 par cent. over e year before, and hope to do nip seine this year. I Come and see us, and we wi show you an attractive stock of NEW GOODS, AT LOW PRICES, and help you make your money buy more goods, per dollar, than for a good many years Corning, Feb. 9, 1870. • P:".-..r,,, . AYER'S ?..14 ... Cherry Pectoral. .•. _ . f..'- ,---- . . 1 -• —. IS a soothing expectorant, pro pared to meet t he urgent need illf4 - , : ; r..1;37111t - of a safe and reliable cure for • ' di eases of the throat and lungs. A. trial of ninny years hi s established the fact, is more ellicaclouli in pi imonary affections, than any other remedy. Its elffcacy has now become so gen erally known, that it isijustly regarded in many coun tries as a medicine of indispensable necessity. I n Great Britain. France, and Germany, where medical science has reached its highest perfection, it is prescribed in domestic practice, and constantly used in the armies in hospitals and other public institutions, where it to re garded by the attending physicians as the most speedy and agreeable remedy that can be employed. Scarcely any neighborhood can be found where well known cases of diseased lungs, which lied baffled the efforts of the most skillful and .experienced doctors have been completely cured by it. These results aro the most convincing proofs of the superior curative proverties of this preparation; and to them the authors point with peculiar satisfaction, While it Is most powerful against confirmed diseases, it is extremely gentle as a medicine In Infancy and youth, being quite harmless to oven the youngest, when administered Judiciously. This health restorer accomplishes even more by pre venlion than cure. If taken iu season, it heals all irri tations of Gm throat and lungs, whether arising from Colds or coughs, of from other causes, and thus pre vent that long train of painful and incurable diseases, which would arise from the neglect of them. (fence no family should bo without it. Influenza,Croup, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, Pleurisy, Incipient Con. numption. end other affections of the breathing organs, give way before the pre eminent combination of medi cal virtues. Prepared by Dr, J. C. AYER & Lowell, Mass., and sold by nil Druggists and desilers In medicines everywhere. Nov. 17,1864-2 m. 7 . TIOGA HIGH SCHOOL. 11. M. BEELES, Principal. it. T. MARKS, Assistant. Miss IIATTIK D. CLOSE, .... ....... Prim. Dop't. Od Term will open Deo. 20,1 and continuo 14 weeks. Tuition stricOy in advance.. No 11 bills made for loss than h f a term.' No deduc. tions made except in cases f protracted sickness. Rooms to' rent to those wh desire to board them selves. ' IL&TES OF TUITION Common English, Elementary Algebra, Pri mary Philottophy and Primary Physology c free;to all pupils of sohool ago residing in Tioga Boro. Common English $5,00 Higher " 7,00 Coultuercial course, time unlimited 5,00 German—extra 3,50 English Branches and flerman 8,50 " ComineVoial course... 8.50 For information with regard to rooms or board call on, or address IL M. BERLE% Principal,. Dec. 15, 1889-tf. Tioga, Pa. 4 FEET WOOD, dc FARM PRODUCE RE coived in payment for Tnititin. , ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters of Administration having been granted 'to the undersigned upon the estate 'of John H. Rico, late of Wellsboro, deo'd, all persons in debted to said decedents or_elabning against the same, must settle with EST • . t R. RICE, Jan. 19, 1870-9 w. A. B. EA.STIIIAN, ~,",.. -.0,;:t1 e , 0 ,„DENTIST, Aro, s sop ~.. •"; , - i - .s-::,5: - . i f: . :,.. . \:qtAiio.l44l.* WELLSBORO, PA Special Notice, AB. EASTMAN has the largest stock of • teeth over kept in Tioga comity. Also a Nt.:w tifcnovnurtnr, never before offered to the public. with which be Can give more perfect sots of teeth than ean!possihly be Made on any other, plan yet known. Poe testimonial at the office.] Nitrous oxide gas administered with remarka ble effect; rendering the extraction of teeth pain less, and even pleasant. Two new and complete gasometers in operation, furnishing rt - falLan - ply of fresh gay at all times. Special attention paid to filling and preserva tion of the natural teeth; Prices to suit all. Feb 2 '7ll Ll' T VTTERS OF ADMINISTRATION having heen granted on the estate of James Scott, dece.tsed, Into of Chnthatn. nit thp.o indebted to said e‘talb arc requostrd to melte immediate pay ment. and thwo having claims against it, to pre. sent them for settlement. MOSES LEE, Chatham, Jnn 12,1870. Meer. AOTIt LOST —All persons aro hereby forbid purchasing a note of twenty-five dollars, against Joseph J. Sbumway, drawn in favor of Uriatt Danks, and now the property of, Feb 2, 1870. 8w W. B..DOWEN. FOR and aVoryarticlo in it, consisting of 'Domestic Stock, SMALL DISCOUNT I= No. 13, MAIN STREET, GOODS BOOTS J. A. Parsons & CO. i A RPER'S PERIODICALS. TERMS FOR 1870.. II AR P AT AO A ziNE, One Year 51 00 A lIPER'S WEEKLY, One Year 100 HARPER'S BAZAR, One Year 4 00 111.tnA74NR, TlA.nurat's 'WEEKLY, and Tlnß PER'S BA ZA R, to one addresg,. for one year, $lO 0U ; or any two for $7 00. An extra Copy •ot either the Magazine, Weekly, or• Bazar, will be supplied krotis for every Club, of Five Subscribers at $4 eo each, In one romittanCe ; or, Six Copies for $2O 00, with out extra copy, Ihrryttn's Maaitztax'contains noarly Double , tbo Amount of Matter furnished in,the Galaxy, The Atlantic, Putnam, or Lippincot. It exceeds in about tho same ratio any English Magazine of the same goncral clasa. A New Story, splendidly Illustrated, by Wilkie Collins (Author of "The Woman in White," "No Niktllo." "A ruiridale," and "The Moonstone"), will be commenced in Harper's Weekly in No. Yomber, 1869. Persons desiring to renew their Subscriptions to llarper's Periodicals will much 'oblige the Publishers by sending in their Names as early as cOnvonient before the Expiration of their present Subscriptions. This will obviate the delay at tendant upon reentering names and mailing back Numbers. Now Subscribers wilt be supplied with either of the above Periodicals from the protent time to the end of the pear 1870 for Four Dollars. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. New York, Oct. 15, 1869. BOOK AGENTS WANTED FOR STRUG GIeERS AND TRIUMPHS OF P. . BARNUM - . WRITTEN IIY Ills ELP IN ONE LllttlE OCTAYO VOLUME— NEARLY 800 Pear —PRINTED TN ENOLIBEI AND GERMAN -3d ELLO NT FULL PAGE lisortAvlNGß: It Embraces F an , YEARS ItECOLLFCTIoNB of his Busy Lifo, as a Merch, ht , Manager, Banker, Lecturer and ,Sliewinan, and g yes accounts of his Imprisonment, his Failure, Ids Successful European Tours, and im portant Historical rind Personal Reminiscences, re plete with Humor Anecdotes and Entertaining Nam. tire, Eci book published so acceptable to nil classes. Every one wants it. Agents ace selling from 50 to 100 a week. We offer extra terms.' Our Illustrated Cata logue and Terms to Agents sent free. J. B.BURR & CO., Publishers, Hartford, Conn. NOTICE.—Wo pay Cdsh for ASH, CHERRY and CHESTNUT LOGS, delivered at our Mill. Ash Logs cut 12 and 14 feet; Cherry and Chestnut 12, 14 and 16 feet long., - We saw nothing short of 12 feet in length)) TRUMAN A DOWEL Dee. 8,1869.—1 f. FRESH GROUND PLASTER AT TIOGA, BY T. L. BALDWIN, &. CO. $ er ton. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters Testamen. tarp Fuming been granted upon the last will and Testament of Joseph T. Streit, late of Mansfield, deed, all perssns indebted to, or claiming against said testator, are requested to settle with. WIL LIAM J; BOOTH, Exr. or O. V ELLIOTT, agent, Mansfield, Pa. nee. 22. 1869-6 ta.o CIIOICE POTJLTRY.--T i h;tve a low more fewlq of the Bramah and Black Spnnieh breeds for silo. Pero bred and very fino. lam elan rreeliving orders for , eggs for Rotting, to ho tilled in 'rotat,ion as received as early next Bring as the weather will w3rinit. No orders nooeod tinlesß neconinanied . by the cash. Price SP, per •iozen.M. B. PRINCE. woilsborn,‘;Pn„ Dee. 20, 1R69: ESTRAV.--r' Come to my enclosure, in Mee , 'v a ll ey , 1),,,,, 19, 1869, nine whito sheep.— :Cho owner can have the same. by proving prop erty, paying olinrge4, and taking them away. jun. f., Ist39-3w. ' ERASTUS N/LES. Elk Run Plaster. • IfSP,LASTER having been thoroughly t,”' If tho fartnerg, and pronounced by he supc , rior article, no take pleasure in sa.3ing: that we can supply the musses, as we have any quantity on hand, Price . per ton, 5 dollarl3. • CHAMPNEY. Jou. 5,1870-5 m.• IRON WORKS! FOILS ' 1 EY A MACHINE SHOP ! 1 WEJ•4SBORO, PA. SEARS & AVERY, PROPRIETOR& PLOWS, HORSE HOSES, CULTIVA TORS, FIELD ROLLERS, KET TLES, Au. my:3, SAP PANS, FARMING UTENSILS, ALL iNDS, WOOD MACHINES FOR SAWING WOOD ; Brick Machines, CHURN POWER; THE TOMPKINS COUNTY, HORSE POWER- EIGHT AND TEN lIORSEt CONSTANTLY ON lIA D, And also, everything usually found in a first- class Shop. We call particular attention to our MA CHINE SHOP, which has been re-built with now, and first-class MICIIINERY,LATiIII, Iron PLANER, DRILL, &c. We employ none but first-class workmen, and are, therefore, pro patod to do our work in the best style, end at Alert notice.' We have recently added new MACHINERY, for Planing and Matching boards. Call and see us. ! • Jan. 5, 1870-Iy. SEARS ti AVERY. BEE -'HIVE EXCHANGE. 1 4 evr - . *;--;" :; • 7 , 4 7 , 1-7 I Sarrender, 3 t- BUT AT I:3ISCRETIO'II. YOU see that half a column of sphee with half an inch of reading mattor don't help me otter all. What Wye 'do that for iv asked lase than a million of my customers, when I appeared in blank. And, being tuckered out with trying to explain why I did it, , I am forced to -=to it in print: Therefore, Know ye, all good people, that I am doing a Land Office ilipinesd W 10 LESALE & RETAIL SUGARS, ALL GRADES, SYRUPS, MO LASSES, T'ORK, HAMS, SHOULDERS, MACKEREL.. ! FISH, CISCOES, 'COD, HAM- BUT, AND And I am Felling (-heap as I always do, and can save - country dealer,: their 'expenses to the little city of Elmira, or the big city of New York.— But then, THE TEA fRADE is one of my biggest, brightest, anti best things. You cannot get better OOLONG OR GREEN TEAS, z • 1 or cheaper, than I each ell you. You may pa. tronizo the Great Arne *an' Tea. Company, and then I can do ' you gob( , I have enough to set tioga CountyS i o ~.. HE .. ING T.I, 1- for the next 25 years. Besides nn man has a big ger or better lot of, ,„ :113CDOVA gEOrlgo thon I have, and am Felling them nt n bargain Everythio in the Grocery Line, CANNED FRUITS, AND VEGETABLES, WOODEN WARE, CONFEC TIONERY, not — n3l. - ved as I mix them here, but in good order I buy all the BUTTER AND CHEESE, that I can. and almost everything oleo but teasels Sign of the BULL C BEE-HIVE Wellsboro, Dec. 15, 18A9 HAVE YOU SEEN THE Immense Stock of. i arpets. AND OIL CLOTHS, is the Carpet Store of .Oct. 1899. SMITH & WAITE'S, Corninv. N. Y "VVllisbor i o P If OLIADAY, Pbprietor. A largo and . commodious House; located in the limme dialo vicinity of all the County building p, with largo 31111 commodious barns attached, 11;17.1ett :leis• as hostler, and will always ho tonnd on hand, attentiva to hosizeFo, "3,1 n fi, 1`v706-11, 500 TONS of the finest ground clayuga Plastlr, in Tinga County, to be had at the Mansfield Plaster Mill. No charge for de livering at the Mansfield Depot. Jan. 19,1970-3 m. -O. 11. OWENS. C. F. & 0. Moore, L 'R Wel fY ' AND EXCHANGE STABLES lsboro, Pa. Office and Stables on Wite Street, in rear, of Court House. They will fur nish horses, single or double, with Buggies, o Carriages, at short notice. Long experience in the business enables the proprietors to announce with confidence they can meet any reasonable de mands in their line. Drivers furnished, if desired and passengers carried teeny part of the country. Thankful for past favors, they invite continuance of custom. Terms reasonable. - Nov. 24, 1869.-iy. =1 HARNESS SHOP I . W; NAVLE, would gay to hie ft - lends . that his Harness Shop is now in full blast, and that he is prepared to furnish, berry or light li.aatnaesstemita‘ on short notise; in a good and substantial man tier, and at prices that can't fail to snit. The best workmen are employed, and none but the bestimaterlal tired.. Call and see. Der*9, 1880 y. G. W. NAVLE. X leVu. 1- get 3. 43 MR. A. L. MONROE, le the authorized Agent for Tioga and Potter Countiez, to effect insurance in the - Wyoming Insurance Company. , Royal, Capitol $5,000,000 London, Liverpool'k Globo, Capitol, $16,000,000 Ile will canvass tho county during the week ei ()opt Saturday when he will be found at the office of John . I. Mitchell, to attend to all Who may give him a call. 4 A. L. MONROE. Sept. 22, 1809-3 m .a Lir APING completed his new Cabinet Ware house on Main street, Wencher°, has stock ed it with a largo and superior assiirted atock•of Chamber Suits, Walnut, Ash, maple, Parlor Suits, s, Walnut, Cherry, :and MahoganyAeps or Hair Cloth, froiznl2s clown. Also, SOFAS, LOUNGES, COUCHES, TEI Center Tables, Walnut or Marble Tops, Looking Glasses, Brackets, Pa , per Racks, Rocking Chairs, all kinds, Inm manufacturing as usual, and Intend to keep a full stock of ware, home and city made at all times. 31y Ware Rooms arc ipacions and neat, and now contain the largest, costliest and best stock of Furniture ever brought Into the county. .? Jan. 1, 1 1569-tf. B. T. VAN HORN "Li T I E . If4&Z.).ll`Mg ME1.1.; 2 A &-OOMO ALPACAS, POPLINS, CAMBRICKS, FRENCII JACONETS,`ORGANDIES, PEQUAS, VERSAILES, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS., tf-e. BEAUTIPUL Winter SHAWLS, and a large assortment to select from. CLOAKS READY—MADE, AND CLOTH TO MAKE MORE, ALL KINDS OF LININGS,TRINGES, TASSELS &el TO TRIM' DRESSES OR SACQUES. YAL1 --Our clock of— REE NOTIONS can't be beat. It keeps up with everything the Yankees have thought of so far. w. T. MATHERS Furniture Furniture ! B. T: VAN HORN, FURNITURE. &0., from $l5O down, and as cheap me the eame goods can be bo't • in the cities, freight added. A-TETES, with Upholstery to suit Wholesale- aid Retail. Planing and Matching, SCROLL SAWING ,4 MOULDING, doni; to order nt the Factory. COME TO T. L. BALDWIN If. 130'S TIOCiA, PA and see it nice stock of Goods for the FALL WINTER. such as styles, colors aria petterns— HOOP SKIRTS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, CORSETS, &C, R-0-M-11-N maxamatrzeig too numerous to mention; but will Bay that you will seldom find so largo an assortment to select from in a country store, and clear down to the BOTTOM FIGURE We also keep a large assortment of READY-MAT)I4 COTHIIq, in suits, and parts of suite. t'Should we fail to suit you with ready-made, we . have Cassimere and A TAILOR TO CUT AND FIT , Boots and Shoes, 1 all styles and sizes. HATS AND CAPS, STRAW GODS, AND GENTS' ;FURNISHING "GOODS, A COMPLETE LINE OF CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, HARD WARE, SHE F HARD WARE, NAILS, IRON, Locke, Latches, Carpe tors' Tools. A GENERAL ST OK OF GROCE. TES" Fresh. TEAS are lower than at any time since the war. Did not go to Cohn to buy sugar, and so have some cheap. We ar4 agents for the . , E HOWE SEWING MACHINE F...--I--N--X Farmers, if you want tools to work with drop in SALT, LIME, PLASTER, PORK, FLOUR Lime, Cayuga Plaster, &c. iluttor tubs, Prink. Firkins,:ond Ashton Solt to flavor with. All kinds of Farm Produce want ed. Prices can't be beat. 1, T-11-.4----N-K-S T. L. 11AL toWEN .4 CO. Tioga, Pa., Jan. 1, 1870. A. Barv,rain TO THE man who wants a good grazing farm within two miles of Arnot, in Eloss tw'p., I can offer a bargain. My farm contains 100 acres, 50 improved, with „a plank house, frame barn 30x40, apd other outbuildings thereon. For terms and particulars apply on the premises, or addriss at Cherry Flatts. J. E. HENRY. Nov. 17, 1860-3 w. A U