1 -. 7 - Tfu) ri r ke - 9 - raye l l tard on the .Hill; LtzLEGRAIt Tinan,AsD LAST. Allayor two ago, a few spirits among 4ose tastes While on earth, leaned to the beauil i ful in art as welt, as .the beautithl - hid 'nature, visited the new church, Which otve its existenee'to the energy, the piety and perseverane one I well knew while In the flesh. - The Church had, by u mysterionslink - which you on earth' cannot welt uhderstand, connOtel.itself "to tine dead; • and. Made its plirWs;fi*,for, the .spiri!4 of the 40- parted, as well as for the material press en co of thciiti WhO -. lse . aniong us. We love. the ,beautiful in , art; for art is'butan emanation of the lannate-. rial, eo,mystcrionslyeounectea with the - material.. ' As we hovered in front of the church, our attention-was drawn \ tothe beauti ful ;Windows on that side,-orA which - was painted in gorgeous colors the names of somewe well knew to be among us.— One was now' with us—gifted in life, the lover of all that was bean ti ful hi art and 'nature,' and' a; lover of. Him too whose.form we often see in a bright ha lo above us. • As he gazed en his name, and the inscriptions that surroundeo it,, in a tthigue"tinknown to almost all the, living who;cOrne, there to read, his head fell upon his breast, and there came 'up from his innermost spiritual nature a groan for ,the, .1!VI pp* Who would thus blazon his Dame, in' seeming ostenta tion, on church windows, and leave his gravennmarked, unadorned---li - solitary spot, where no spirit. but his own would love to come. .11itt the expression, which had a sbadi;t of the earthy, van ished, as'he tho4lit hOw the cares 'of life sometimes, and so Often, make the living forgettho dead, and a confidence sprung_up, that they would in the com ing. spring-time Jo lid him a Monument p also, and deck th flowers and ever greens 'his now, Mary grave, As' we stood saw, the chancel of the church, we saw, sitting in mid-air between the railing of the gallery and the Memorial windows, a ,spirit Which , .wenll recognized at once as the spiritof one whom some of us hatrwell known on earth, and whom the ',spirits pf the old, as well as We new cemeterY, had long called " Tip Solitary One." • She was reading her iame on a memorial window; and the shade upon her spi.i lit deepened, and we could see in her thoughts, which to us were transparent, the deep longing for sympathy, and a melancholy regret that, her body must still moulder unnoticed in the old grave. yard on the hill, and the marble, that was once designed as a monument to \ tt her memory, should be broken and scattered among 'the briers of her un sigh ly resting place; while here, in this magnificent church, her name should be written as a monument to perpetuate the skill with which Chur ches sometimes touch the chord of van ity to gain the means for beautifying the house of God. She knew not then, as she probably knows ,now, that in early spring -time her body is .to be re moved to the new cemetery, and depos ited beneath the beautiful evergreens, and a monument erected to her memo ry, that shall exceed in beauty the me morial windoW in the worsh \ iping place of the Cinireh on earth Mot in her life-time she so much loved. 4 Yesterday there was a gene/al gath ering, at the old graveyard, of the spi-, new rits of those who now dwell in the . It was proMpted by love and sym pan y for those of our fellow dead who are still doomed to lie in that melancholy and desolate place, with now so little hope of removal. ...." We met there many whose names the living may read on the marbles that were placed there by friends then liv ing,.but who now sleep there also; and _there were many too who had no stone to tell where they now sleep, and Whose resting place will . be wholly unknown to the living, when that " oracle of the old graveyard," who begins already to bend beneath the weight of years, shall have gone to his last resting place. A few years more, and dust with dust shall mingle in inextricable confusion, undistinguishable by those that live. - In the church where the living go to worship, we shall meet the spirits of those who neglect their dead ; itud as the warm prayer shall ascend to the In finite, we shall infuse into the soul of the worshiper, stealing over him like the long stifled voice of conscience, a thought of the once loved one, who has long slept in this ,physical desolation ; and his prayer shall grow cold, and the voice IoW, and the sight dim, as the tear comes unbidden at , the thought of a long forgotten lover, or friend, or child, or parent; and the worshiper will not dare again to look up to that Friend above, who nevercforgets ills children, =MI he has shown that he too remem bers the dead, and cares for their last resting place on earth. In the cool of the afternoon, in Spring time. and summer, as the family gathers beneath the shade of trailing vines and beautiful evergreens and flowers, we shall be there, too; and as the bright smile plays upon the cheek, and the happy voice comes like music to the ear, we shall casts shade over the smile, and infuse a sadness into the voice, as we wake in their inmost spirits a tho't of their neglected dead. Around the winter fireside, as the family are gatheied, the voice of mirth shall bubble joyously up, the melody of music shall melt into the soul, and song and chant shall ring out like angelic harmony ;—but we Shall infuse into their souls the memory of some un kindness while the dead were with them in life ; and, like an accusing angel, we shall point them to the old "graveyard on the hill; where their dead lie forgot ten ;--and the bubbling Joyousness shall cease, the melody shall gtow sad , and the song and•chant shall bect, rn e,a sol emn dirge for the dead. We shall be with them, too, itx the stillnesayof midnight dreams, and ebal up to their imSgination, ghosts of the departed hovering around their pillows and pointing them to the old grave yard, where they shall see tho reeking and festering bodies of their departed friends, beckoning them on to foul em brace and fetid kiss; and they shall wake up froin this dreaming horror, to sloop again, and dream again, till, re peating the same, night after night, we shall compel them, to do justice to our fellow dead who are sleeping in .that moral and physical desolation, The Old Graveyard 'on the Hill. . How To CURE EfAlMi.—Tó each green ham of eighteen pounds, one dessert spoonful of saltpeter; one fourth pound of brown sugar applied to the fleshy side of the ham and. about the bock. Cover the fleshy side with tine salt half( an inch thick, and pack le tubs ; to. `re main from three to Ri x weeks, accord ing to tha,size. Before smoking, rub off any salt that may remain on the ham, and coverwell with ground black pepper, particularly about the hole and hock. Hang up and dry for two days ; A smoke with greenwood- for eight weeks, or until the rind assumes a light chest ntft color. The pepper is an effectual preventive of the ily. 7 never hrg hams. "33LeAlezr; Hks removed his goods Ao the New Store in i Wright Block, second door east of SearslsSaloon. 'Lots of New Goods ust received, compristng. every thing usually kaptin a DRY GOODS STURE G=l , So it's over the way, • _ , . The people say— Kelley has gone with his goods; Consisting of everything, Including old woitten'S hoods. " ME Dry Goods, Groceries, Cropkery, Hardware, Boots andl nod an encileso varioty of • SO-FORTHS, hat is usually found in a first-class country Thanking my patrons for their very liberal patronage heretofore, I propose to attend strictly to builiness In future and sell all the goods I pos. stblyean. So call in and see Jail. 5, 1 70. -,„ KEYSTONE STOIRET WELLSBORO, PA.I Spring is Long a•Xoming! • A ND some people begin 'to lose faith in the A promise of seedtimo and harvest. In view of thib.faot Bullard $ Go., have concluded to hurry up the season by stock ing their Shelves and counters with a.wisely se lected and superior lot of SUMMER DRESS GOODS, comprising a variety of , Silks, Linens, Hosiery, Gloves, Em broideries, Poplins, Lawns, Percales, • Piquas, &e. ; ' together with a no lot of Domestics; Sheetings, Shlrtings, Stun 'tier Clothing, Ladies Shoes, Ste. We falai) ticall AO 1.. e et.,lippTo ytrit good Goode. J'ati. 1, 1870 REGULATOR. CORNING. N. Y. 0 Here We Are Again lIANKFUL for tho favors wo•have thus • far T reersiveci, from the people of THE TIOGA VALLEY, vole wish to call their attention to the fart that wo nro just receiving a New Stock of Goods adapted to the early Fall Trade, comprising ev erything desirable, both in style and quality, and shall be pleased to see our old customers and all who may come from that vicinity to CORNING to buy DRY GOODS, BOOT. AND ,SHOES, CROCKERY, GROIERIES, PRO/VISIONS, Carpets, &e., &c., as we always give customers from a distance A. LARGE DISCOUNT ON PRICES we thus make it for their interest to come to us to make their,purehaa es , as many peop.e in that region will testify. We do not believe in long advertisements, d* laying long lists of prices, &o , but will cony oe all who cerne'that we can, and do tell GOODS CHEAP, that this Stare* in roa‘ity THE REGULATOR 'for this sootiot3 of oototttry. Calland take alook through ourimmonao stook and satisfy innrAolveg,,, NEWALL & OWNN Corning, Sept. 8, 1889. Havingformed a partnership in the Tin, Stove and Hardware trado, the undersigned have the pleasure to announce that they have, at a great outlay, added to the usual stock of the old stand on a complete assortment of shelf Hardware, of whieh we enumerate the following articles: NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, •STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES,' • AUGERS, • BITTS, KELLEY.:: BIT -STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, , BENCH-SCREWS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, - PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLip ' TIO SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, it BAND IRON A GRINDSTONE' . HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER:AND CAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS a new thing, and made for use. These are but a few of the many articles composing our stook 'of Hardware. We invite the public to call and examine for themselves. We aim to keep the best quality, of goods in our line; and all work to order done promptly and well. AGENTS FOR THE Buckeye Mower & Reaper SASH, DOORS. BLI AT FACTORY PRICES. 21. 6.1 D .C.ci .1 0.3 I,r; warctware BULL4IRD dc CO TB subscribers will pay Casb, Full -01otb, Oassimeree, Flannels, &0., &0., for Wool.— Thoyalso manufacture as usual— TO', ORDER, 1011 ON WARES, Stoves: Stoyes 1 . Wholes.* and' Retail AND lIARDWAREI MAIN STREET, WELLSB2RO, Always on hand or furnished to order, at Store, Wellabor°. ROBERTS lc BAILEY. Wg. ROBERT& R. C' BAILEY. Wollaboro,Jan. I,lB7o—tf. fngham's Woolen Mills ! DEERFIELD, PA. to suit en+mera. All work warranted as rep resented. ,They invitetpartionlar attention to their Water Proof CASSIMERES, which al e Warranted in every respect. Partion lar attention given to ROLL - CARDING AND CLOTH DRESSIN G . INGHAM'S large stook of Cassimeres, &c., 25 per cent less than any competitors, end warrant. ed as represented. INGHAM manufacture to order, and do all kinds of Roll-Carding and Cloth Drafting, and defy competition. • '`l INGHAM have as good an assortment of -Full Cloths, Oassimeres, and give more for Wool in exchange than any other establishment. Try them and satisfy your. selves. INGHAMS wholosale and 'retail at the Cow enema* Mills, 2 miles below Knoxville. Our Cloths aro warranted, and sold by the following persons: 1 0 DELANO CO, Wollaboro, Pa. T. L. BALDWIN A 00., Tioga, Pa.; J. C. BENNETT, Covington, Pa. 'lOO,OOO Pounris of Woo Wanted. JOSBPH INGHAM tt SONS. Deerfield, Jim 1, 1870,it DRUG I STORE ! By W. C. KRI4SS. 1111-IE-aubseriber will koep aaml at all times I. a full stook of „, . PAINTS, OILS, Patent Medicines, Flavoring Extracts, -Perfumery, Kerosene, Lamps, Wicks, Dye Colors, White Wash Lime and Brushes, Varnish and Sash Brushes, Window Glass all sizes, Varnish of all - kinds, Fancy Soaps, Hair Oils, SPECTA,CL , ES, Hair and Tooth Brushes, a full stock of Yankee Notions; also a complete as sortment , of Homoeopathic Medicinew, and a full,stook of Pare : Wines and Liquors. Buyers are requested to call and examine pri ces before purchasing elsewhere. Jan. 1, 1870 IF YOU WANT A Coat, or Sui of dothes, Call and see our stock of. Cloths or Cassimeres, and leave your measure, andyou can be supplied on short notice, at Oot. 27, 1869. Large Stock of FOREIGN & DOMESTIC GOODS Suitable for the Falland Winter trade, at SMITH & WAITE'S, Oot. 2k 1869. Corning, N. Y. I REMOVAL. New Stock! New Goods SEARS & DERBY HAVB taken tho now store ono door above Wright k Bailey, where they are on band with a now stock of BOOTS, BALMORALS, GAITERS, BOOTEES, BRGGANS AND GALLIG.ASKINS warranted to flt any foot from No. 0, to 13 in. elusive. The stook has been selected by ono who has the advantage of THIRTY .YEARS'.EXPERIENOE in the business, and is the beet and fullest in tho country, Our, stock of FRENCH CALF, FRENCH KIP, UP PER, SOLE, COMMON CALF," LININGS, BINDING, • ROCCO, &C.,, " will'be kept up as heretofore On Findings we shall bo found at home al- Rays, and we Shall. endeavor to toll at prises satisfactory to the trade. We won't be under. told. CASH PAID FOR HIDES, SKINS, FURS & PELTS Also, the top of the Market for WOOL. But oar but hold will be on CUSTOM WORtIC.i As usual. There's comfort in 'a well made custom boot, 'abet fits the corns without too much compressing For everybody knows a shabby foot Cannot be compromised by overdressing. And one may wear clean linen with a snit Of fin cloth, but there is no finessing Will m itke a man with shabbily dressed foot, Look like a gentleman upon the street. Mount : Buy your boots of SEARS I DERBY, Or any other man. [Printer's Devil.] Welleboro, Jan. 1, 1860.tf. For Sate. T AM AGENT for Kintiey It Co., celebrated platform Spring Wagons, all styles, also for their light Carriages and Buggy Wagons, all made in good style, and from Jersey timber, and warranted in every reaped, equal to any made. Can furnish any of the above at the lowest Manufaoturers prise's. L. C. BENNET. Welloboro, Jan. 1, 1870-tf. House and Lot for Sale. la OUSE and Lot, and vacant lot for sale .1111. obeap. Location Wellaboia, and desirable. Inquire at the Agitator Office. Jan. 1, 1870—tf. • TO THE FARMERS 0 TIOCiA COUNTY. lAM now building at my manufactory,in Lawrence• villa. a superior FANNING MILL , which possesses the following advantagesover ailother mills : I.lt separates rye,oats,rat litter.audfoulseeds,and chess and cockle, from wheat. It cleans flax seed, takes ant yellow seed, and all other seeds, perfectly. 8, It cleans timothy seed. 4. It does all other separatingrequired of a mill . This mill is built of the beet and most durable tim ber, Wiped etyle,and is sold cheap lorcaeh, or pro duce. I will fit a patent sieve, for separating oats (Tom wheat ,to other taille,on reasonableterms. J.ll MATHER, L wren nevi lle, Jan. 1,1870—t f New Millinery AXISS R.A. KEENEY bogs loave to inform al. the citizens of Tioga and vicinity that she has taken rooms over Borden's Drug Store, op. polite the Post..oflice, where she will be happy to wait on all who will give her a oall. Particular attention paid to bleaching. Jatr.l,lBMtf. W. C. KRESS. SMITE /6 WAITE'S, s' Corning, N. Y. UNION - ACADEMY, • . • ( „. . KNOXVILLE, TIOGA' COUNTY, PENN'A. o:o.WAltn, Principal. Mrs. ADA W. 1191ITON, Precentress. Alltsidtua Mormon, Asslitant. Mies Mimi, BAUM; Teacher of Music. - , The Pali Torii wilt Oommenca August 31. The Winter TereNoSamber 30. The Opting Term March 8. Each Tprm to continue 12 weeks. EXPENSES PEA T-ERM. Tuition, including rent and wood,Fall Term...... 511,90. ,‘ , ,‘ 'l . Winter Terra. 13,80. a, " Spring Term... 12,50. Day Students ' i. 7,006 Just rum en tal Music, (Plano, Organ or Melodeon ).. 10,00., Vocal Music 2,00, , Dee of Instruments 2,00. Drawing and Paneling , 9,00. Boardpar week ' ? 3,00, „. Jan, 1,1870-tr. FOUTZ'S CELEBRATED NH Qll NM Miffs. This preparation, long ) and favorably , ' known, wl thorough re-Invigorate , baaken . down il and lowL spirited horses, by strengthening and cleansing the ' , stomach and Intestines. - It is a sure preventive of all diseases te , incident to this animal, such as LUNG FEVER, GLANDERS, YELLOW • WATER, REAVES, COUGH'S EIS- •iso TEIWM+' , FEVERS, FOUR tER; • LOSS OF 'APPETITE AND '1 ITAL f;;,- ; , ENERGY, t &e.lts - use improves , , • ;., the wind, intnialet the ttppetite— fp • , gives &smooth and glossy akin—and ' transforms the miserable skeleton • 1, - into a fins-looking and spirited horse. • . To keepers of Cows"thts prepay', • , • tion is invaluable. It h a Imre pro .r 4 , oN ... i ffr..'velattveagstiatt Rinderpeat, Hollow Horn etc. It has been proven by • l admit experiment to increase the quantity of milk and cream twenty --• ^_,_: percent, cent. and make the butter firm sweet. In fattening cattle It gives them an appetite, Imens their hide, and males therd thrive much faster. IA all diseases' of Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers in the Lungs, Liver, 5c0., this article acts _ ae a epeelSo. By puttlag from one- o kir••.,f . =S'''.•• half a paper to a paptr in a barrel of • the above diseases will be eradi. eaUM or entirely preVintad. If given • A $u time, 'a certain preventito and .. cure for the nos - Vhole_ns. „ DAIID FC4 —.. " - w_h_lor, BALTIMORE. For sale by Druggists and- Storekeepers throughout the 'United States, Calmat's and Sou& America. Jan. ,5, 1870-Ina. Grocery and Provision Store, CORNING, N. Y. G. 31:), WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in all kinde of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC, GREEN & DRIED FRUITS, '1 CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, WOOD & WILLOW WARE, GLASS & CROCKERY WARE, , uni.LAPlviNfra - VAJS PERAMBULATORS, TOYS &c., &o. A full and 'complete assortment of the above mentioned goods of the best quality always on hand., Partieniar attention paid to Fine Groceries Dealers and Consumers will find it to their in terest to examine hiertook beforo buying. Corning, N. Y., f. 2 1, 1870. WILTHIN WITCHES! For a few months past we have advertised the above Watches at extremely low price", and the result has been moat aatlafaotory.• Our plan 'hat boon to sell the genuine WALTHAM WATCH, in Solid Gold or Silver Cases drily, and at a 7 very small profit; giving the p 1 chaser every opportunity of examination and c mparison and with the understanding that if th Watch ' does not prov&'satisfactory, it can bo exeh'anged or money refunded. These Watches are, without exception, the most perfect specimens of fine mechanism ever produced in any country. Each and every part is made by machinery of the most delicate and elaborate construction. Compared with foreign watches, they possess many advantages, excelling not only in princi ple and finish, but Still more In their reliability as time-keepers. As an indication of the prices, we submit the following: Silver 'Hunting Watches. GOLD " WATCJIBS, 18 karat OEOO, 4. ff " ladies' also, We often receive orders direct from our adver tisement, but prefer that every ono should send first for our descriptive price list, which explains all the different kinds, tells the weight and qual ity of the oases,and gives prices of eaoh. This we will forwar d any one on application, and it will be found very useful in makings selec tion. Every Watch is warranted by special certificate from the American Watch Co. II We send them by express to any address.— Allow the purchaser to open the package and examine the Watch before paying, and if after wards it does not prove satisfactory, it can be exchanged or the money will be cherfully re an dad. Please state that you saw this lathe T oga County AGITATOR. Address, in fall, HOWARD & CO., - No. 619 Broadway, N. Our establishm / ent is well known to the cal dents of New York and viqinity, but that those at a distance may address is with confidence, we invite attention to,,tb Is Toilers editorial notices : Brom the N. Y. Evangel t. May 28,1868. We; had occasion some time since to refer to these celebrated American Watohes which are well known as reliable time-keepers. We cannot do better now than to call the attention of our readers to the card of Row and .4 Co,. by which it will be eoen that persons from a distance can order any grado of theso Watches by ex. press, at greatly reduced prices. From the N.Y. Independent, Juno 18,1868. We invite special attention to the edvestieement of Messrs. Howard a Co., who offer the celebrated Walt ham W 'itches not only at the lowest prices, but will send theta to any part of the country by express, nod give the purchaser the privilege to examine the Watch before paying for it. We have known Howard dc Co. personally for years, and cheerfully commend them to the confidence of our friends throughout the country. J. STICKLIN, ii.'•t --_- _ Ohairmaker, Turner, and 1 / i Furniture Dealer. ALE ROOM and FACTORY opposite Dartt'a 10 Wagon Shop Ma,in Street, where be is pre. pared to furnish Cabinet Ware of any kind to those in want. Orderapromptly filled and eatiafaotionguaran teed. Fancy Turning done to order. ' Welletioro, Jan. 1,1870. J. STIOICL/N. Valuable Farm for Sale. A farm of three hundred acres, with two hurt dredd and twenty-five acres improved. Bit. noted two miles north of Tioga Village, on the Tioga River and . Rallrocd. Well watttored, un der a good state of cultivation, and good build ings. Also four houses and lots for sale inTioga village. T. L. VALDWIN. Tiega, Jan. 1, 1870-tf. NOTICE.—Mr. J. Smith, of Lamb's Creek has purchased the right to put down the driving well in the tering of Tioga, Richmond and 'Oharleston. All persons are therefore for bid putting down wells on the above territory. Those desiring weild of this kind will please ad dress L. ShIlTll, Jan. 5, 1870. Lamb's Creek. For Sale. AownIRCULAR SAW MILL, 35 Horso-power Engine, Shingle Mill. and appurtenances. nas the Foster Mill, Middlebury. Inquire of J.B. Potter, or of S. S. Rockwell, Wellsboro, Pa. N0v.17, 1869,-tf. WELIISILIT'BRUG SfORB. CORNING, N. Y. I'DUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS Jur AND OILS, THADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, KEITH'S CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, IREDELL'S FLUID, EX- BURNETT'S COCOAINE, FLAVORING , EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDICINES, ROM ESTER PERFUMERY ' • AN3IFLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL TAPER, WINDOW GLASS, V/lITEWASH LIME & AND DYE COLORS, AGENTS FOR MARVIN & CO'S RE FINED OIL. ' • • Sold at Wholesale Prices: Buyers are requested to mill . and ge i t quotatiOns 3efore going further East Coining, pr. Y., Jan. 1,1670-1 y TI I ONAL LIFO INSIJRiNeII COMPANY UNITED STATES OF . AMERICA, WAIMINGTON, D. O. Chartered by Speoi'l Act of Congress APPROVED 'JULY 25, 1808. Cash Capital. $1,000,000, PAID llki .FITLL BRANCH OFFICE : First National Bank Building, Where all Correspondeitee should he Addressed. Cr..inarron , 11. Cr,Antr, president. JAY Coo xn, Chairman Finance & lixecutive Com HENRY D. COOKE, Vice-President. EuEnsos W. PEET, Seoretaryand Actuary. B. S. RITSRIZT.T, Mari mawy- Circulari. painphlots, and full particulars giv.. en on application to tho Branch Office of the Company, or to R. C. SIMPSON, WELLsnono, PA,, by whom applications will be received and Poll cies procured for Tioga County. Jap. 1, 1870-Iy. AGENTS WANTED For Chamberlin's . 1 0" 40 0,` \\ YOH BUSINESS min N. INVALUABLE TO 1 Every Merchant, Every Mechanic. Every Manufacturer, Every Farmer. Every Business Man, and Every Young Man. Worth ten times its price. Agents are having great lingoes& For circulars and full informa tion apply to 0. D. CASE dr, Co. Publishers, Hartford, Conn. [nov 8 1889-Bml WANTED, AT THE NILES VALLEY STEAM FLOURING MILLS. 10,000 Bus. Corn, 10,000 " :Oats, and any amount o good wheat.. J. B. DIMON & Co. Mica Valley, Jan. 1, 1870-tf. XlB.OO. 80,00. 70,00 To the Owners of Unpatontod Lanais. SURVEYOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, 1" HARRISBURG, PA., May 26, 1869. IN obedience to an Act of Assembly, approved the eighth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, yon aro hereby notified that the " County Land Lien Docket," contain ing the list of unpatented lands for Tioga Co., prepared under the Act of Assembly of :the twentieth of May, ono thousand •eight hundred and sixty-four, and the supplement thereto, has this day been forwarded to the Prothonotary of the county, at whose office it may be examined. The liens can only be liquidated by the payment of the purchase money, interest and fees, and receiving patents through this Department.— Proceedings by the Attorney General have been stayed for one year from this date, in order that parties may obtain their patents without addi tional cost. JACOB M. CAMPBELL, THE LARGEST STOCK OF SitriliCoNTMS; IN Tioga County , and the Cheapest place to buy in the world. Agent for L. BOLLES & CO'S HOSE, Binghamton, N. Y., and ELMIRA SAW FACTORY, Elmira, N. Y. STOVES SOLD ON TIME. Mansfield, Jan. 1, 1870-Iy. G. B. KIFF. ... -- Patent Rootini. IIIOE bought the right to use the Paten Eo r olagini iogaCouty an am now preparad to put on roofs cheap and in good workmanlike manner. This roofing is fire and water proof. I refer to Messrs. Wright Bai ley, Toles ct 'Barker, and C. L. Willcox, whore samples can be seen and roofs in u so. MOSES WINGATE. Wellshoro, Jan.], 1870-tf. To Farmers. I WILL sell a'foll-blood Devon Brtll, 2 years old, for cash, good paper, or exchange for stook. I have a mammoth Chester County White Boar, procured of Hugh Henry, of Philadelphia; and this boar I shall keep for service. To the general publio I would say that I 'am prepared to soil goods at auction, being, as I believe qualified by experience to make my eel:- vices profitable to employers. •Terms reasonable. F, D. BUNNEL. Wellisboro, Nov. 17, 1869.-3wo Administrator's Notice. TjETTERS of Administration having boon granted upon tho estate of Hiram B. nil bourn, deceased, all persone indebtod to, or claiming against said astato, will settle with SALLY ANN KILBOURNE, Delmar, Nov. IT, 1869-.6e.01 Admr'x. TRACTS, W. D. TE4BELL & CO. OF TUE PHILADELPHIA, OFFICERS: Saryeyor Genornl. RAILWAY. TIME TABLES. r,Rtt. RAILWAY ON and altar MONDAY, Nov. 16th.1869, Traina wlllloavo Corning, at tho following holm, viz : Gomo Wssr. 1235a10, in EXPRESS MAIL, Sundays excepted, for, ' Dunßuffukirk and Cleveland, connecting with trains for Um iVeat. A sleeping Coach fa attached to train through to Buffalo. 6,42 a. ni., BIGOT BXPRBSS, daily for Roch ester Buffale, Dunkirk, Clovehind and ()Main • natti, making direct coniniectiou with trains of (lie Grand 'Trunk and Lake Shore Railway* at Buffalo. Dunkirk .and Cleveland for all points West, and at ChM Onatti with the Ohio and Mississippi and Louis vale Short Line Railways for tho South and South. waist: 10,20 n. m., MAIL TRAIN, gundays excepted, for Buffalo and Dubkirk. 12,05 p, an., WAY FItEIDTIT, Sundays excepted. 1)45 P•m. BALTIMORE RXPRES,Sundaysexcept ed, for Rochentor and Buffalo, !la Aron. 6,00 P. in., EMIGRANT TRAIN, daily, foi• the West, 7 38 p. m., DAY EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, for Rochester, Buffalo, 'Dunkirk, Cleveland, Cincinnati, and the Swath Stove at driticipal stations and con• . _ netts pidEttm on main line.. New and Improved Drawing Room Coaches accompany thls train trout New York to 13unkle, nod Sleeplng Coaepea attached at Iloruellsville, running through to Cleveland and °allot) without change. GOING EAST 4,45 a. en., CINCINNATI EXPRESS, Mondays ex cepted, connecting at Elmira for Williamsport, Harrisburg and the South; also at Elmira for Cumin &igen; at Waverly with train of Lehigh valley Rail way ' • at Owego for Ithaca ; at Binghamton for Coo perstown and Albany; and at Now Yoilt with steam ers and afternoon Express trains for Note England cities. .Crir• Sleeping coaches accompany this train to N eW York. 11,45 a. DAY EXPRESS. Sundays excepted, connecting at Jersey ,Clty with midnight express train of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia. Also stops at principal statsons and connecting points on snafu line. New and improved Drawing Room Coachteuccompsmy this train to Now York. 1,10 p. tn., WAY FREIGHT, Sundays excepted . . 12,20 p• m., ELMIRA MAIL, Sundays oxcepLd. 4,42 p. in., NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE MAIL, Sundays excepted, connecting at Elmira for the South. 7,59 p. tn., Lie =NINO. EXPRESS, cclancet lug at Jersey City with 'morning Express train vi Now Jersey Railroad for Baltimore oud Washington; and at Flaw York with morning Express trulu fur Boston and New England Cities. Alsr stops' at all prin cipal stations and connecting points an Louis. lino. Bleeping Coaches accompany this . traTs through tv New Nork. • BAGGAGE CIiECEED TIIROUOII. Air A revised and complete "Pocket Time Table" of • aimenger Trains on the Erießailway and connecting Ines, has recently been published, and can be precut , ad on application to.tho Ticket Agent of the Company Wkt.. R. BAUR, L. D RUCICEIt , Gang Paee:A gen t. Gong Supt. Slosobtirg & Corning, & Tioga R. It Tsains will run as follows mall further notice: Aceommodation—Leaven Bloesbarg at 7,15 a. m.. Mans field at 1403 Tloga at 8,42, Lawrenceville at 9.84 arriving at Corning at 10,40a.m. Mali—Leaves Bios sbn rg at 2,00 p. m field at 2,45, Tloga at 3,18, Lawrenceville at 6,00 --arriving at Corning at 6 p. m. Mall—LeavesCorning at 8,00 n.m., Lawrenceville at 9,03, Tloga at 9,45, Mansfield at 10,22—,arriving at Woes-burg at 11,00 a. m. Accommodation—Leaves Corning at 2,40 p. m.,Lam renceville at 5,52 Tioga at 4.40, Mansfield at 5,80—. arriving at Blossbnrg at 6,15 p.m. . _ Northern Central R. R • iI: TRAINS FOR TILE NORTH. Trains for Canandiguialeave Elmira as follow iil Accomodation at 7 , 05ip w it:press [fastest train on road] 12 20 a m Mail 10 00 p ro Way Freight,[passonger coach attached] ...... ... 6 20 a ni On and after Nov. 16, 1889, trains will arrive an 4 depart from Troy, as follows; LEAVE NORTHWARD. 10 85 'a. in.—Dairy (except Sundays) for Elmira, Buffa.• 10, Canandaigua, Rochester, Slap. Bridgo and the Canadas. 958 a. wt.—Daily (except Sundays) for Elmira wail Bulfalo,yla Rea Railway from Elmira. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 723 A. m...—Dally (except Sundays) for Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia, Sc. 965 pi: m.—. Daily (oxcept. Suptlays) for Baltfmorp. Washington and Philadel Ala. ALFRED It. FISKE - BD. S. YOUNG Gong Sup EliarsiSbnrg, Ben'l Pass. A g't Baltimore, Sid. Philadelphia & Erie R. R. On and attor Sept. 6, MO Train. on rhij Read w run RR follows : W ASS 'X WA IL 11 DSallTrain leaves Philadelphia..... " " " Williamsport. .. " arr. at Erie ErleExproso leave sPhiladelphia— t. 6 ' 4 • " arr. at Erie B.lmira Mail leaves Philadelphia.. " 4, " arr. at Lock Haven EASTW.ARD. Mail,Train leavos Erie ;Williamsport— arr. at nlilladelphia.,.. Erie Express loaves Erie " Williamsport— " arr. at rialthialphia_ Elmira Mail, leaves Look Haven— " Williamsport, " arr. at Philadelphia 7.15 p m Buffalo Express, leaves Williamsport 12:20 a m •• arr. at Philadelphia 9.25 a in " Barrieburg 5.20 a in Mail and Exprosa connect with Oil Creek and Alle ghony River Rail Road. Baggage Checked Through. ALFRED L. TYLER, Geu'l Sup' Atlantic and Groat Western R• W SALAMANCA STATION. WETTWAIID BOUND. EdbiITARD BOUND, Mall 5.30 Express - 6.10 Accommodation 8,35 Mall 5.55. Bxpress 12.19 Accommodation, 11.46 Bxpross 11.00 1 I r press . 6.10 At Cory thorn is a Junction ith A. the Philndelphia Erie, and cil Creek Rail Roads At Meadville with the Fraaklin and Oil City and Pitholo Branch. At Leavittaburgo the Mahor toy Branch makes a di rect route to Cleveland. At Ravenna connects with Cleveland and Pittsbutgb Raiirdad. The Road passes through Akron, Ashland, Gallon, Marion, Urbana and Dayto , intersecting various rail roads , and terminates at Cincinnati. L. D. RUCKRR, Gen :Supt., 51eadville,Pa. Read: Read: TIM CELEBRATED Mason 'Hamlin ' Cabine PORITABL . I.- Together with the ESTEY . COTTAGE ORGAN and MELODEONS, can bo advantageously pur chased of vzr u. a zs, im 4 E 2 1 6) Liil ' TIOGA, PA. RAVING obtained the agency from the mlan• ufacturers ' f the above named instruments we have the facil ties for furnishing them at pri ces to compare f vorably with those of dealers in either the as e ,or other reed instruments. ,; Their repute ion is such that scarcely anything need be sal regarding their being desirable, having been awarded premiums and medals at the principal Fairs and, Institutes, both in this and foreign countries . ' Many tine modern im provements,,which, are so desirable in all good rood instruqiiints, are r_owned and retained for their excluTl'Vii-use -by the manufacturers of these instruments. Hence it is, while they claim strength and durability, together with volume, and quality of tone equal to any, they excel; all other red Instruments, in the variety and ,eopl.- blnatida of tones which can be produced. : $-; INDIVIDUALS, SCHOOLS, CHURCH ES, SOCIETIES, and other organizations, wishing to obtain n reed instrument, can be stilted as regards size styles, prices, &e., &e. ALL INSTRUMENTS WARRANTED _Se- Send for a circular. Tioga, Jan. 1, '7O. T. A. WICK RAM Dr. IC R. Phillips. MYWItaN MERTITSVg TilE undersigned respectfully announces to the citizens of Westfield and surrounding coun try that ho is permanently located at this He is fully prepared to do all kinds of DENTISTRY', in th 9 highest style of the art. Srtisfaction guarranteed. Office over Scovill's Drug Store. Fine Photographs can be had over the Drug Store. H. It. PHILLIPS. Westfield, Pa., June 30, 1869-Iy. To Sell ! A 000 D sized able team horses, 1 heavy lum- Lii bor wagon, 1 platform spring democrat wagon, and throe single sett, heavy harnesaes.:— To be sold low, and on time, if desired. Welleboro. Nov:3, '6O-3w. R. J. ROSS. L.ILSIIATTIICR,Sup't D. 20 p . 7.40 a ni .0.80 p 11.50 noon 9,00 Din 10.00 a in 8.00 a 11l 0.00 p 7.45 pin 6.15 um p m inl.o um 3.20 p m 330 n m 12.0 p 0.50 A In 9.45 a in AND ORGANS Tilt Atlantic and Great Western —AND,- ERIE RAILWAYS, THE GREAT BROAD GUAGE ROUTE !von. CLEVELAND,' TOLEDO, CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL, • OMAHA, Poill tS ID ttio WEST and NOR1LI:IV KlO And to n Cinchinati, Lotiim- LE, ST. LOUIS, KANS4S ITY, MEMPHIS, NEW . ORLEANS, Dayt vi And nll points in the/ South h Southwest, wit), -No Change of Coaches TO CLEVELAND OR CINCINNATI, From any point on ,the Erin linilway.,,An vantage and eonvenienee not offered by iny other route. 3 Tiinovoli LIgHTNI4NG EXpItERB firtAlNt n „ A;alggage. Ch.:eked Through, and Is 'o CIIANOF. from One ear t, u another, preventing loss or darn. age. ' - _ Tickets via this popular route can bo procured at all offices on the tine of the Brio Railway, and DEEDS & ABBOTT, • 1 OPPOSIT DEPOT ELMIRA. When purchasing ask the Agent for Tickets via the ATLANTIC Sc 'GII t EAT WBSTERN RAILWAY. ' SHATTCC, t Gon. Ticket and Pass. Agt,Cleveland, 0. • L. 1.). RUCKER,I ,Jan, 1, '7O. Gen. Supt.; Meadville, Pn. liksurance Agency WELLSBORO, PA Cash Capital over $20,000,000 I FIRST-CLASS CO'S—NONE BETTER. RATES AS LOW as any good Companies will take, Policies on dwellings and farm property writtoia at this offike, and delivere?) on paymgar,k)f pririntn. Are You Insured I It costs but little, particularly to insure dwell ings, farm property, and contents. Detached dwellings and farm property insured for 8 years for one per centum and expense of policy, A bone°, detached 100 or moro "insured for $lOOO for 3 years, at an expense of $11,50. Only s3,B3is a year! Small trtz—good thing in ease of fire. Furniture, provisions, bedding