Arrival and Departure Staes: . . Iran, stfige4 .running two': 0 - if't. • -- -- 2._., .1 the di ff erent routes from ,=---.--: .•-•:-.-1,..-",'',.,41..'..-,e‘ Wellsbore. will depart and -•••• : " L iii"` , ' - ' --- = ' -' ft•- .l ' . arrive as' follows from 'the ..i•Atf.S..i.l. lll t.t.ilf c is.'_ . 1 ....,--...-_... l5 ellsVoro '9;4 Qffige: WEl.Limunco & 1100t..-I.lepal - t1034, a. in., arrive - 1 1 A p. m• „ W ELL [M ao & lit Arisrat.o.—Dopart Ba. m., arrive Gp. M. ift . .t.t„ uono & Pyle CRPXR.—llt•ptirt Tues. & Fit. 2 p. m., . . ' arrive Tuesday &Fri. l 2 m. , p; Li own') & JIMSFS euoittc.—Depart Itism. iThur. 9 0.. m a rrlvo Tuesday & 141.5 p.m • - - ' " TIE COUNTY AGITATOR. Local items. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 9, 1870 TOW Advertisements. Look at tbie—J. Schreffelin, Jr. Highland Narscries—M. B. Prince, Union School—E. Horton. igh School—C. C. Ward. Wullsboro Bakery-L-J. J. Burgin. lulmr's. Notice—Q¢arles Stanburrough iluardian's sale—C. W. Beech. DONATIO* - Thp frien of the Rev. O. A. Stone, will give hiT a donation at the hens° . of V. W. Lewis, in liqddlebury, Wednesday evening, Fob. 16, 1870. All are cofdially invited to attend. Tru: " Universalist Conference," that was to be held in this plaoo next week, has been r oitponed. It will take place hereaftet,lof which duo notion will bo giyen. A GOOD ONE.-11Iram >treeborn, of Knoxville, killed a 'shoat hat fall, tta months weighing 318 pounds. c See advertisement in another column, of the- Tioga Hardware Store. Great inducements offered to purchasers, and a largo assortment to moloct from. TilE DANCES.—A Fisherman's Dance Will come off at the Westfield House, on Friday evening, the 18th instant. Mr. A. B. Grayee, the proprietor, will make ample .preparations to Accommodate all who come. :--Mr. Charlei Sandbach will"give a Masquer ade Ball, at Germania Ball, in Germania, on Fri day evening, Feb. 25, 1870. TEMPERANCE I , :fECTURE.—The lec ture of hi. Brosius, Esq., at the M. E. Church, on Tuesday evening of last week, was listened to by a large audience with much interest. Tho Com mon expression was that it was an able argu— ment, and in - this opinion we fully concur. lie is an earnest worker, and for his earnestness de- MTVCS credit in a high degree, as evincing an un abated interest in the welfare of the people. Ho is fertile in arguMent, and well informed ,in the statistics bearing upon the subject. From all parts of the county, we have heatd expressions in high praise of his efforts. This was his 'last ad dress id the county. . We learn he new goes to Bradford county to eantinun his labors. TIME CITANGED•—The time of bold ing the Qnarterly Convention "of I. 0. of 0. T., is riuMged from March 1 to . ll . latola 3, 1870. The Convention will meet at Wel'shorn on that ,la}', and continuo two days. lion. S.-B. Clinso; I. W. C. T., is expected on the last day, and to' locture in the evening. •All theledges in the county are earnestly re quested to send delegates. E. T. Ilnyett, Ti,,ga, Vol.. 2, 1870. .. W. C. T. tj REAM KIRI , : IN TOWA NDA .—For rvoßins which we cannot understand, our 'rowan vorrespondent has failed to forward us any no -o.ooit of the recent disastrous conflagration iti tlyit plarc. We only know that the block of “1 , 101 on the north sle of Main street, occupied by Joseph PowNll 0., Tracy Moore, H. W. Noble, and wo !Jolley° ono other merchant, took lire at an early hour on Saturday morning last / mia were burned to the ground. Report says that but few goods were saved. Loss, $250,000. Il DON'S WASHING MACHINE AND RINVEIt. - This Machine ileally n greet favor ite ladie& and only needs to he seen to he appreciated. Megsr;i. liendric t Carr, the Agents, are now canvalOng this county and ex hibiting the maehingt,' and nearly every family •csures uno. It wcshes the finest into or the heaviest Led-clothing without injury. It bas hem thorougl4 toste:d by the following persons, nh cheerfully recommend it to other: • Mrs. J. B. Wlttyrn, Mrs. P. C. VAN GEL:limn. A good story is told of a Tioga county m”rehant, who agreed to take a farmer's oats at forty cents a bushel, if the latter would let biro tramp the measures when filled. The farmer to it. Tho buyer paid fur minty bushels, :md next day went after them. The - farmer filled ihe half-bushel, and the • merchant got in and tramped th l em down. Whereupon the farmer pared the oats so compressed into the bag. The merchant protested, and demanded that the mea sure should ho filled up after tramping. The fur, met informed him that there was ro agreement of that sort, but that ho might tramp down time oats to his heart's content after they were mai,• ;ured.—Drad. - ite7p:: • led tortHERMA re SOCIETY.—TIie next led turp bopre this society will be delivered on Fri day evening next, by Mr. George W. Soars. The Subject—" The, Amazon." • While en tho subject oflectures, we call atten tion to a proposed course of lectures, two in nunr hrl to be delivered inlour town, by the Rev. Il Hartley, of Blossburg. Subject " The Manners, Customs, dc., of the Tribcsof Western Africa•" Mr. Hartley was for some years a Missionary in Africa. We undeistand that theso lectures have been delivered in MassaChu setts with marked success: The lectures will be illustrated by pictures taken from life. Mr. E. Smith, of Mainsburg•, who at tetwed suicide by hauging last summer, and was afterward sent to an insane asylutu at Phila dclphia, has escaped from the care of his keepers, it is supposed has r endod his nxistunee, as , usi a prolonged BearulCnothing has • been hoard from fie, Gin. Mitt YOUNG FpiaiS for February colt rmaq We tlirO, which ; grows interesting; Our Mrgagerin, Snow ; Burton-and the Baby, Mr. the Capital, A Clean Sweep, the Owl and thn I'moy Cat, Jaok's Victory, linw Rattles are roNght, MrFs•M'tiarret's Tea Party, the Evening Lamp, arid Our Letter Bog, make' up the con o There Itrtieles arc all illustrated, Envesthe !until, arid are-Jail interesting to young folks, tho' ‘, O Inro aeon better numbers than the present. HERMAIC SOCIETY.—I ettr last. We hrietly gave notice of n lecture to be delivered tviele thi+ society nt the M. Church in Ibis 111 111 . 4 e, by J. Adams Smith. nu officer on hoard the Kertroirge, during all her cruises in the late The notice was handed us after \our forms ` 111 "1 1 and we were 110 t able to give our readers elea of the Opportunity afforded them. e moot speak too highly of the lecture. It Mtensel.y interesting throughout, and ens 1. livered in exceedingly good taste. It was a 1, 1 :Want narrative of the cruises of the hearsarge, n•iug vividly before his hearers not only the %id,taqes of life upon' the ocean, but glimpses of 6,reign lands an the state of public opin h,n ahruad, sol9l and Warned while we were all agrosyel in the great war. Many n pas•Mges "'re eheinent end inspiring; but when he came at OA last to the sinking of the Alabama, he i',"v to that grandeUr of descrißtion; and t hat : , 1.1j,5iy of action in speech whikh only presence '•i • 1 ptrheipation in tho actual scene can give to any 'sun. There wan the sublimity of acting ;.a 1 , wt in history, out upon the sen, yet the observed "r all• Such history! Such tittles! Such a • , tans! It falls to the lot of few Men to toll the tttlry of such a fame from their own lives. - Ma!ny there be who paint imagined truth, but few in ,i,el do net it out In fatt. In action and the actual do those who to t and take a part, rise above the misty fog of imagination, and nee a : , treal t of nature na ahe,ia. Mr. Smith bus seen '"any—he reflecta them all. A picture of health nll , l lonely vigor, his presence adds intensity to his expression, and commands respect ler a :widens fearlessuesa, which tho ocean may have inoroaeed but did 4ot create, DtAmAirici.- 2 -Atke ybung mob l i") I 11116 place have organized a Dramatic Association. We !lope the enterprise 111 ho encouraged,. They have gone to consider ble expense bilke r curing Scenery and Permanent, fixtuietvand .eptt pect ta furnish Goeasional ontortainmenta for the ;omit public. The firet will he g isCal at the Court house, 151ednesday evening, Fob lb, including the drama ''lliac): Bycd!Susen," and the Woe, "A ,fiegtaar Ad m !salon 25 conts—roioived,sonts 6U pints. , Gossrn.—The old dame wears a' blu'e, check-apron, snob 'as the girls usod to have on at school, long ago, when we sat down liPsideAkem . those long summer days;'to get a lesion out' of a book which had not so many !envoi; gone as ours; (for you know the mistress wouldn't allow the boys to sit , with tho girls without 'a' reason, and if the lesson wasn't out, thero was no, rearon) - ; -and all the while getting the lesssn, looking rip into those beautiful oyes, like me n y' a chndte 'l l f ° eloquent and loving, the meantime ranning a largo pin through the ample hem, as if the game depended upon it. No, not such exactly, for the old lady's wailong and full enough in which - to carry a basket of chips, to snake a fire. beforo the BUD struck the noon-mark, so the table should be abroad and the dinner bell should ring at early twelve; while the girls' xvCio of that dainty pin afore pattern, trimmed _ up in fron t"so ,bowitoh ingly, so prettily, in our eyes, that they never looked so charmingly • in any, other, all through the long years ahead. Oh atop, says the dame; none of your love-making over the mere dreams of a crazy boyhood. Many a man'. head's been turned by the light of such fancies t and I could tell you of some, but I- will not only warn you in time. The dear old soul I She had been taken to do about something she had merely mentioned, she Said, and they called it tattling; and she had made, up her mind she would hold her tongue—she said those Very words; —Or tear of ifOring the feelings other neighborj... And the poor old lady really shed tears, talking the matter over; for she said she didn't mean any harm at all, but only mentioned it, as a mat= ter of news. Oh well, good dame, never mind— Id will be all right in the end; and now I will tell you how it was about that girl, furl know yoti will keep my secret. If you toll it to any body, just tell it. to the moon—she never reveals anything out of the family. 'Mold on, broke in the dame; that's . moonshine. .Oh no; she was' real flesh and blood—blithe r gay;pure, fresh as a' rose, arid as sweet 'to look ripen as a May morn ing. Whether she was sweet or not, I'll say I never knew; for, hoiv should I? Would you waste the last honey-suckle for n bouquet of_ an hour? Ab, creel, cruel bearis; that - shalr ; piek' the flowers of earth `only to let 'them die, and, none be left, to love;' but to' mourn 1 - The tall trees crush them ; the mail little ones, bent, on mischief, hide the sun's rays to banish 16Volfr noes; the stealthy vines creep about to entwine within their folds the souls of ail,who come with in reach, and banish all the fragrance and tinge of life by the foul odor of slanderand detraction. But the certain sum of all the accumulated strokes intended for others, is self demolition and do sttuotion, by which all tho charms of lift) aro moulded into visions of regret and disappoint mont. Then the flower is crushed and Withers— f is•fragrance is no more destroyed, than when it fades and dies the death of nature : somewhero it is blooming evermore ! Wii.LlAmspoßT.—A young man, aged about seventeen, committed suicide et the City .111 tel ou tho mornimt •of the -28th ultimo, by shooting himself through the head with a pistol. 1 1le was a native of Philadelphia, whore his pa rents rcside. Financial embarrassment is sup posed to he the cause of this rash deed; ho hav ing lived very fast for some time previous to his death. - 'Moro is much talk again alft,..„. ,a,railroad up Pine creek, and so through tho Jenesce valley to Roche ter. A meeting baS been Ailed for the Bth of February, at the Herdic House, in this city; ,and from the well known financial ability of those who sign the call, it may be expected that some .thing will rasult from it. It is stated,upon good authority that the Pennsylvania Central has of fered to make connections with it on the south— thus making the shortest routo to Buffalo by about forty-eight miles. The advantages of this road to tho western portion of Tinges county, can not bo overestimated, for it would, develop the min eral resources of that Sectioh, and would be the highway over which the vast amount of coal which her mountains contain woof(' find an out let to market. Why would it not be well for Ti oga county to fend some of her public spirited citizens down here on the Bth instant, to aid in the good work from which she must' derive so much profit. Au item has been making the rounds of the press, that Peter hurdle was about breaking up in businet-s. This is a piece of news which has home received with soniefsurprise by Itir. Herdic's many friends in this eitj); fur it is well known that lie has paid out about eighty thousand dol lars the last,„eek for city orders, thereby raising thelli from abiiiir's-ixty-five cents on the .dollar to pAr. It is rather .strange i that a man who should he able to restore the credit of ii city, should be unable, to pay his own debts. I see, through the columns of the Agitator, that you are much opposed to the formation of a now oounty. If you don't want a new county, you ought to instruct your Representatives to vote against the project of making Troy a half shire town ; for, just as sure as that is accomplished, it won't ibo lout a few years before the eastern townships of Tioga county' will petition to be annexed to Bradford and form a new county, for that is the natural market of all those townships. -It is only a flank movement to accomplish the same object. The ice-gatherers are in despair, and • Amid. this mild weather continuo much longer, we shall have to do wiihout that delicious article nest Bummer. A company has been formed to commence the erection of a large building, as soon as spring opens, for the manufacture of railroad bare. The Circuit Couft has been in session for the post week, and the amount of criminal business is lighter than it has been for many years. H. . COURT PROCEEDINOS.—Very little Of importune° took pine° in Conrt last. week. There was a full attendance of jurors, but very few par ties and witnesses. Oily some five or six in: dietnnents wore.prosento . d, and but, two or:throe tried. el , lllllloTlWerlith vg. Cleoro Bu lOn. inttiet tnent, rana—conviel ed. and fentonced three years and nine months in itilatdern Penitentiary. Same vs. Satne—Larceny. Convicted,., and senteneed two ycara and three iuonthe.' Comtnenwealth vt+. AMOR Farnattt et. al.-- 1 'aequitted on an old indiettneni for larceny. A bill wag found against 31111100 Clork for false prolenees. Continued. Commonwealth VA. Charles Kimball—indict,- iment for assault and battery. Ignorei—proso entor to pay costs.• CommonNealth vs. Aaron Searle and Ellen Searle. Motion in arrest of judgment argued. Tho judgment was arrested because the jury did 'net find and return a verdict on defendants' plea of former conviction. • Wednesday afternoon the applications for li cense Icor° (liken up. There was eonsideralife eNcitement and interest manifested. The Court held that they have no discretion in cares where the exprest44l of 101 l b 1;.! sentimentl.f/f( 0 ,10 111 COI im clearly for or again: t. Liectites nets granted l.ilt,rty, Delmar, .1a ITN Ann, 1110 ~ .1110 otl,or places—refu,ed in Covinid.on and Osceola. The oases from Wellslioro remain open till' May Sessions. OLD GRA.VEYAM) ON TILE last telegram front this departed spirit app(o on the fourt4 pngo• We hope another spi log will not be suffered 'to pm. 4 witbont roinothing being done to remove tho d ;elation of I hot " Perhaps in this mt.:talcs' spot is laid Some heart mien flagrant with colestisi ft ra; __ Ifantis, the roll of empire might lisrs 5w..3 (Jr waked to OeAtav the 'icing lyre." Let us give them boner company than the bri era and strolling herds. —We cheerfully give place to the fol lowing reeolution, and recommend that oil schools should bo governed by the toio»o.oliriadian spirit: At a meeting of the Delmar Board of School Directors, on the 29th of January, it was Resolved, That the Holy Bible be used in our schools:and that the school teachers retitle chap ter, or some verses in the Bible, every morning when they call their school to order. RODEAT Cman4t,i 9 Sco'y. 1 „ Dpl44)#l-1111411 Oat tittiql!V ovary 45 ilter 7 Orin sit i p `fti tho nountlr sionally got items of their progress, but novo, anything from Delmar; and I have boon fearful that your readers would comp tG thh"Ooisdlusiols iliat:W.o are all asleep. It is true that for a year past we have labored undor groat disadvantage, 'from: the want of certain aid, which it was in the poivor of certain authorities to confer, and which (as has been proved) they would have done for the asking. A drug store was started last sea son, the proprietor- of ,whilli . (st is Bald) did all tliat ho'dtired do for the anielitirtitiori of 'the eon 'Aition of the people of Delmar; but still they suffered. At last it Was put on FOOT to make ap plication to the Court of Quarter Sessions for a licensep s dq • ?Into -the •people, of,l)clurar,„nnd more especially the denizens of the little village of Stony Fork,' - as io' the' appliCant Might 'soma (and also to the . Court) most „condaeive to their prosperity. And after mature deliberation, the 'Cottrt, came to the conclusion that 'they could in no bettor way contributo to the necessities of the aforesaid people, than by granting a license to sell liquors to trai , elers, and :forthwith granted such licensei Ant} now, Mr. Editor, do you not feel like rejoicing with the people' of Delmar Henceforth, t'least for the space , ef a. year, we need not go hungry, nor naked ; and it must bo that the little village of Stony Fthk will piosper beyond all precedent., I do not, know but it will be able to draw some of the trade frinn ro'; I ?ear, at any rate, thki some' of the " trav elers" will commeneo their. your place Pnirn. [We can only say to'" - Vritio" that the Court should not bo censured for granting this license, as the expression of sentiment Was overwhelming in its favor. The law does not givo the Judges dictatorial, but Only n legal discretion. The " number and eha l racter" of tho remonstrators and petitioners shonid be taken into considera tion, and a fair expression, oneither side, should control the discretion of tho Court. As Ito trav eling from this place to Stony Fork, wo think there is po pecasion.—.En.] -. • LIBERTY.-Since my last conamilnl c'ation, I havo gathered the following items: The new county which it is said peter Herdic, Esq., is using nil his effort to forin lout)of parts of Tiogn, Bradford, Sullivan . and Hycoming court ties,iis causing quite a sensation among the citi. zens of our township. 'lt is feared, that with all the remonstrances:that i s are, been circulated and signed, Herdic, Backed' by tho'k. C'.'refilio'ad corn pub.*, will succeed in his efforts. It is pretty generajly-believ { ed,by the people, ilk pectiong, that' i pr Hy Of 'interest 1,120, Prdinitfi #er4te to take such strong action in the formation of a new.county. As we understand it, he wisher to have the county seat near the locality of his 'Mineral. Spriug ,woulflno doul gica:tly enhance tho value of his property. Irt,a)ority of the citizens of our township are not ,afrxiotis to become 'inhabitants of the 'proposed county, from the fact that it would most assuredly 'increase their county taxes fifty per cent. above *hat they, now-arc,, and would cousequentlycon7, Clime vary high lien butubei of Year's, the expenses of putting up the now county buildings were paid oft'. All wo'ask ia our township, is to have a chance to vote for or against the division of our county ; and I think Peter would find his finely concocted scheme so awfully defeated, as far as otiritownellip aA et:IC A- corned, iri tbtrinathir, that his . pfetiSant dreams of heing dictator in his proposed now county, ,t would soon vanish from his over anxious mind. ' Mr. George Artley has sold his dwelling house and lot, on Water street, to Mr. W. G. Werline, who'new occupios the prenlises. -Mr. Artley pur eliaied, and now occupies the property on Main street ,Mr.l?,dwaid Mr. ,quinnet Hartman, inks , Fold 103 store and throning house on Cho' north sido of Main strut, to Mr.. Davi d, Monier. , Mr. Hartman has pur chased from Mr. James likelier, on Water streot, n. dwelling Imnse and !M, which ho intends to on copy next hiu iu Mr, James Sheffer and family intend leaving I , IIV cillagp tho [irk. of next May, to find a now liooso ;tiny iiroPperily go with them. ftm•. Thoinm; Alert is, pastor of the Ey angeli cal A~sorintinn, 11113 111111/11Se(1 of Theodora tilier f.r.. 01 oar village. a buigialg,lo4. situated, DTI Water street, for the purpose of meeting a par sonage honge thereon, whiehlte intetnha to hare finished by the first of next May. 801111311. LA w RENenvitax.—We find the fel towing in hio Corning Journal Quite au excitement was produced on Wed - nctav night, on account (If thu burning of the spoke Mid hub fielory in thin town. : It appeals that Lawrenceville is destined to have yearly Gres. It is very certain that it was the incendi ary's work, 118 the factory had not been in opera- , lion during thedny: Very early in the morning there had been 'a small the tulip. in the engine., but the building seems to!haVe been fired in the oppeqite side from the "engine. It broke out about eleven o'clock, and people were at the tq:Clle of fhb tire in a short time. The 'academy building stood near it, :it'd the efforts of quite a number of our eitifr.ll,llB, ciitit water; , Wtre needed to save it. The side of the building Wiis seine what blackened, the window blinds were warped, and the books; tables and chairs were carried across the street. The wood house caught once, but was speedily extinguished.- Had there •been any wind, the school building, with many others, must have been burned: The factory was 'in sured, but the insurance will net cover the loss. It was owned 14 Millspaugh, Turner, Charles, and others, each having an insurance upon the pioperty destroyed. AT A 111 7 ,ETING of I .V WO Awake lodge, No. 666, of I. 0. of G'. T., at, the lodge room, in . . Knoxvilley Dec. 27, 1869, the following preamble and reFolutions were Adopted : • W4iereas. t', The messenger 'of death has , again entered our circle, and taken from our midst our late W. V. T., sister Marian)), Love, therefore, Resoli , ed, That while we Mourn' the loss arid cherish theemery of the loved one, we bow in humble suh issiou to this afflicting dispensation, recognizing therein the hand of Him who, in the exercise of is justice and His nier . by doth giva ,? 1, - 1 . .. and alsota 'th away. ' Resolved &bat in the death' of sister tow), thus cut off in the early.years of'hor usefulness, we have loot en active and faithful friend of our cause, the Sabbath School an earnest unddevoted teacher, the Church' to vrla t ch,,Sba . ,'belonged 'and the connunity, in which ,sho'lived, a member whose Werth afill worthinesti.we'shall long cher:. IA in fond awl, faithful memory. }'. " nowived,, that we tender to our _ 1 weave.i i, I'o7 tdier 1,4 e? Alio sympathy of.every 15tto'•and faith- Tel hearup our,eircle, and, with hint we drop the silent tear.of:mourning Over his early, 'separation from the companion of his youthful years.. Resolved, Thai:toiler family and friends wo our heartfelt sympathy, and say—point 'ing to ber.lirm reliance upon her Redeemer du ring her long and patient ,suffering from diseak'ot and liar' glorious tritttnph of christian faith in the h o " r • o f deal h moan ) not as those without hope, for tho andahledaughter, the affectionMe . and be loved sister, has laid down the 'crags; taken up the crown, and gained " sweet rest in He * amen." Itcqolvc, , il, That our charter frame and regalia he al•hpell in mourning. for the ensuing quarter. Resolved, That ono copy of the's° resolutions be furnishod brother Loco, ono-to tho parents, of tho deceased, and one to Ai) Agitrtior`ferimbri cation. j. EvntterT,. R. TrAt.t„ Committee. V. CAST, VICTOIt nA4I:, MA RI tTAG ES CLAP F . ...-11LISS.—At the M. E. Parsonage in Wollsboto, Feb. 7th inst., by tho Rev. 0. L. ib son. :kir. liingeno L. Chnni, to Miss Mary E. IMPS, only clanglorr of John Bliss E,lry., nil of Charles ton. a It ENE', I,—OLOSE—In Midillebbry, by Thom as Keeney 1•lsq , Mr. Edgar W. rend' of Pits field to Mrs, A rutena Close of Middlebury. PRUTSAIAN—M!CLURE—Ih - Honey Brook on the tlth. of January at the residence of the bride mother 1y ,Bev. W. A. Forguson, Mr. Gen. M. Prutstnan of Tioga, to Mist. Lizzio M. McClure. PUBLIC VENDUE WRI, he ...rid at pnlili*vondtio, on the old Evan of the su bse ri tier, in Middlebury, on Tuesday. the 15th instant, the following prop. 4.rty : 4 4ne pair five )Por (.1 , 1 tie revs, one double, bar. ' , cf .', two three yo.,r old cults, seven cows, eight cahos, tale tkilo year old bull, four hogs, one side hill plough, ono dog churn, 0710 bond churn, ono dritg, one eheei. , o press,tsixty-fiyo milk pans, and ether things too numerous to mention. I Also 1, tons of bay. All souls under the dollars, cash. All over fly u dollars, sic mouths' credit given, for good paper. Snip to commence at ten o'clock, A. M. Felt, 2, 147(1. 1a• .10SERII A , • DM IN. [STK ATO ICS .NO'f ICE.—tetters of A thnittiArittion having been granted to the undersigned upon the liAate of Wlll. A. Wood, late of New Jerrey, dace:awl, oil persona owing said (.90.te, or claiming, o i ga i n , t , t h, same , w ill ettlo with OLLAS. S'PANISURItOUG if , Brookfield, Feb. 9, Adui. IAPLUIT4 a OPNAMESTALVEO."- 3l,l4,,pr i inee , ,cf this • place r is taking ord i ere, for fruit and 'Ornarnentiil trees, f ehiubbery'&6:, for the "Catherine highland Nurseries," Schuyler Co., N. Y. These Nurseries have;a; high'- reputa tion, and we have no 'hesitation in 'commending Mr. Prince to nil 'who desire anything .in -this lino.. Ilet will talc° orders (hiring the" winter, and soo them filled by delivery in prOpor season. Those trees aro molt better adapted. to the cli mate, MI6 these re' F od tinder a warmer sun, es they will not be so likely to, suffer from ex. ioirtro dur l ing our winterg,--4t; •" • SPV.CIAL NOTIdES. O 11, COLD - OR SORE THROAT fteoutrealnltnedleteattantiOn; as nog 5 , .. 0 • 4 / 4 /j1 lect often resultsfn an Incurable Lung cr4 B RO NC H IAL Dispose.. c 3, s Trochee i;?Ue fl 054,/ W/It most invariably give Inefant relief: BOA. Buottonins, Airtnts, .GATannt, Consinarrtva and - Tnaokr btruaine,they have asoothlng effect. ' SINGER'S PUBLIC "EIriEARERS 'U6O them ti: t , clear eind strengthen the 1 . 0100 - .. ; • Owing to the good repu!ption and popularity of the Trochee, ninny worthless and cheap Imitaileite are 91-, lured, which aro good for nothing. lie cure) to obtain , the true ~".. Broiwn's Bronchial Troches.: SOLD EvgnywnEnr. Tha,Donfessionatof an Invalid, ÜBLISHED for the benefit of young men aud,,others P who suffered from Nervous Debility,oet.,suppTing the Means of self-cure, Written by one , who cured himself; and sent free on receiving a post-paid directed envelope. ••Address r • NATILANINL , ' Brooklyn, • CLEANSI2I6 THE Ilmsdn," upon which' charl atans have harped so much, is not a Mere catch word and delusion. The microsoope ahem -that some diseases .exist like parasitic growths upon the globules of tho blood, and it is farther known that sotne,-aubtle substances destroy or expel thorn. These Substances hovel:mon oombineti to make AYer's Sarsaparilla, which- does effeotually expel the disorders that breed and rankle -in the blood to rot out as'it were the machinery otlifq. [Mercer (Pa:),Whig; - , ERRORS OF VOUTR: ' A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nor , roue Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion,will, for the sake of suffering hu manity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and directions for matting the simple remedy by which he was cured'. 13ufferers wishing tot prod' by the 'sayer- - User's experience, can do so by addressing in perfect confidence, JOAN B. OGDEN. ,Mity 20,'09-Iy. No. 42 Cedar Street, New York. TO CONSUMPTIVES. TILE Advertiser, baring been restored to health in a few weeks, by a-rery simple remedy, after !laving sew feted several yetiie with a'sovero lung 'affeetionf and' that dread disease,Consumption—is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferors the moans ofcuro. To all who desire it, ho will send a copy of the pre scriptionTiedd (free of chargo;) with the _directions for preparing and using the same, which tiffly; wlltllnd a SURE CURB FOR CONSUMPTION, ASTIIUA, BUONCIIITIs, etc. The object of the advertiser In sending the ProecriP• tlon is to benefit the afflicted, and spread Information Which he coucdlven to be invaluable; and he hopes every sufferer wintry his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties Rish Ong the prescription, will please address , Rev ,EDWARD WILSONI • Williamsburg, Kings Coaint*, N.Y. May 26, 1869-Iy. Guardian's Sal©. TN pursunime of are order oft Court of Com ]. mon Pleas, of Tioga,oounty,ylated the third day of February, 1870, 0. W: , Belfeh,' Guardian of Romeo Mattison, Cummings I. Mattison, El len Mattison, Ralph Mattison, Ruth Mattison, I. S. Mattison and Willis Mattison, will„ o, Wed nesday, the 2d day of Morel], 1g70,' expose to public anlo, all of tho Interest of his said wards in all that lot of land .situated in the borough of linc;xville, in Tiogn county, Pa.; bounded on the north by Cummings Mattison, on tho oaatby I. Goodspeed, I. I)ottrinan, A. Dearman and F. Woodbury; south•by Main ascot, and west by L. Mattison; containing eighteen acres; with two frnmo houses, one frame barn, and an apple orchard thereon. Also, all that other lot of land sinus ted in Deerfield township, Tioga county, pa.; bounded on the north by the Billings es tate, east rind west by Cummings Mattison, and south by If. Freeborn and estate of IL Seeloy, deceased; containing 25 acres, more or less.— Terms. gash. C. W. BEECH, Gua'n. Feb 9, 1871) 3w elitsDoro flattery. BURGIN ;would hay to the citizens of . Wolisburo and vicinity that ho is pre, pared to supply thilin with BREAD, PIES AND CAKES, of the Legit quality. We also servo meals to those who u ioh. UYSTERS always on hand, for sale, and nerved if desired. (Jail at the old Steven,' ntond. .1. J. BEItGIN. Feb. 9, 1870-Iy. 'EG 11. Harris' CELEBRATED BAKING POWDERS OT sale by Feb. 2, 1570: P. R. WILLIAMS ct CO. Kerosene Lamps, CHEAP AS DIRT, AT Fob. 2, 1870. P. R. WILLIAMS .k. CO THE PL&CE TO BUY KEROSENE OIL THE CHEAPEST AT Feb. 2, 1870. P..R. WILLIAMS k CO . Foie Anything . . You want in the - • • IMUC . LINE, Go to P,. R. & Co: They keep the beet, stoek and Eel!. the Cheapest. , Feb.• 22, 1870. - House Lot for Sale.. ALGOOD liduse 'and tarn, on a lot of two nitres, within ten minutes walk of the Gourt Hon's°, Wellsboro, Is offered for sale. In quire of John I. Mitchell. Evq.,Wellaboro. Jan. 25,110111—U. . • PENNSYLVANTA STITH - NORMAL :SCHOOL III; T second half=year (21 Weeks) of flits iiist(- • lotion commenced January 31, 1870. The ad Aorta (14 weeks) will commence March 21st, 1876. Send for a circular. • • Cll/11,1LE14 H. VERRILL, Feb 2, 1870. , tf ,Principal. Planing & latching. FL OOR ING, CEILING, WAIN C OT IN 0, TONGUED & GROO J with rapidity and einotriess, with our t 1 w Ma chinos. Try it and see. l;: T. VAMP. RN. Millsboro, Jan.,1,1870. • GREAT BARGAIN. PIANO FOR SALE. Now. Celebrated ma— kers. Mado of ,rosewood ; carved logs, iron frame; over-strung hags; 7 octaves. To be sold for one-third less than cost. (lunrantiedfor five years. For cash, or on time, with good security. Can bo seen at C. B. Whitehead's, Nelson, Tioga county, Pa. feb 2'70 20' NTOTICE—Is hereby given to the citizens of 1,1 Delmar school district, that the School Di rectors will meet at the school house near the Delmar elme:o) factory, on the 12th day'Of rob., inrtnut„for the purpose of letting tho •wood for the winter schools of 1870-71. 8.0 BERT CAMPBELL, See'y Delmar, Feb 2, 1871. 2w Norway Oats, IHAVE for snlo forty bushels of the gonuino Itam.sdell Norway Oats; being part of in bivilleh; raised from 23 quarts sown on / of an ncro.ll The sced from which the above oats wore raiscit, was bought in Now York city, from the sole agents for the sale of the genuine Ramsdell Norway Oats. 11. S. ARCHER. Ili.boro, Feb 2, 1870. 3m TX EC UTORS' NOTICE.—The undersigned, Executors orthe estate of Eleuzer S. See ly, deceased, bite of Deerfield, 'request all those indebted to said estate to make immediate pay utelut, and•all those having claims against it' to present 010 1 )11 o. settlement to HANNAH SEELEY, Ex's. JOHN HOWLAND, .I.37c'r. Deerfield, Jan.2s, 1870.-80 ;l j ~j~. t t: t. EARLY 'SPRING TRADE ~.., The sqbsc i tihers are_ now receiving now goods almost daily, spited te am tr deofithiS peas:On:oi bti,iroari and we wan and aro willing to mako ft nn object to all•per sone • bo'itrolirepircid to buy snob goods early , to buy of us: as two think we can claim safely to ell thorn nn average of • 1., .. i • • , , - TWENTY-FIVE RER CENT. on the prince of any, but new 4Oods,And also a saying of eousiderablo moro than interest on what the priocs will ho when htisiness is active. OUR LINEN STUCK is ENTIRELY NEW, . . BROWN TABLE LINENS,' HALF BLEACHED TABLE LINENS _. BLEACHED, TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, TEA .DAYLAS, SCOTCH DIAPERS, SHIRTING LINENS, BROWN CRASHES, BLEACH , ED CRASHES, HUCKABUCK TOWELING, BORDERED " 1 ''TOWELS; FRINGED . ;TOWELS, TABLE SPREADS, LINEN;BOSOMS, &C., &C., le Murkba - at full tw tnty-five per cent. less than the prices at which, Ova sol 4 our many goods last season: 1' ' 1 Our Domestic Stock, • - ; we aro now filling up with all the desireta alieis in • * BLEACHED •SHIRTINGS, BROWN SHIRTIN as• liow N SH ETINGS, TIOKOTGS; , DENIMS, STRIPES AND NEW IST STYLES IN PRINTS, NEWEST STYLES IN GINGHAMS, . , ;: Which wo are soiling at a small advance on the present low rato of Prices markets Roots and Shoes. • ,! - j, (! t ii i `•;•*, • • • :3 • • ,Wu aro also adding,largely to oar stook of . 13, .o titp,Skue , .;, putting in as fast as possible, • newest styles ' - I LAT)IES' SERGE POLISH BcoOTS. LADIES' PEBBLE GOAT POLISH BOOTS% And shall keep a still largor stock this season than last', and also sell thorn at a slight reduction in prices, as wo have been onahlod tcusot a - . off of several of out leading m . alt6g; andiri lalt i eases whoro wo,do so, wo give our oustomero the benefit of it. We increased our sales in this department, last year about 20 per cent. over the year before, and hope to do the same this year. Ai-lb - Conic and see us, and we will show you an attractive - stuck of N W cootie, A.9,':.LOW Ch it IP. an' help you make your money buy more goods, Per dollar, than ear a good many years Corning, Feb. 9,. 1870. -.-..... pp, AYER'S 1, Pe..., 5'.47 0 , r• Cherry • Pectoral. .. 4.1 !--, , L . ~,L., IS n i - i t:t t l 1 i ni nt expectorant, ett.o r t p r ti , i F &i:7, -,',...4k.1 o 1 P a sale to meet reliable ge c u ure ne f e o r fr Mamma of the throat anti lungs. A trial of many years has established the feet, thatlt is umre efficacious in pulmonary affections, than any other remedy. Its efficacy has now become so gen erally known, that it Is justly regurded In many coun tries as a medicine of indispensable necessity. In Great Dritain. Franco, and Germany, where medical science has reached its highest perfection,' it is prescribed in domestic practice, and constantly used in the armies In hospitals and other public Institutions, where it is Re garded by the attending physicians as the most speedy and agreeable remedy that can bo employed. Scarcely any neighborhood can be found where; well known cases of diseased lungs, which had baffled' the efforts of the most skillful and experienced doctors have been completely cured by it. These results are the most convincing proofs of the superior curative proverties of this preparation ; and to theta the authors point with pecilliar entiefaction. Whileit is most pow‘rful against confirmed diseases, it is extremely gentle use a medicine In infancy and youth, being quite harmless to even the youngest, when administered judiciously. This health restorer accomplishes oven more by pre vention than cure. If taken in season, itheals all irri fattens of the throat anti lungs, whether arising. from Colds or Coughs, or frost other calms, and thus pre vent that long train of painful and Incurable diseases, which would arise from the neglect of them. Hence no family should be without it. Influenza Croup, lioarseness,Whooping Cough, Pleurisy, Incipient Con sumption. and other affections of the breathing organs, give way before the pre Affluent combldatien of •medi cal virtues. • Prepared by Dr. .1. 0. AYER d: CO., Lowell, Masa., and sold by all Druggists and, dealers lo raedjelnes everywhere. N0v.11,11.869-2m. , TIOGE 'MGR SOROOL, 11. M. ' Principal. R. T. MARKS, Assistant. Miss HATTIE D. CLOSE, Prim. Dep't. d Term will opeUDeo. 20, and ,_continue 14 .00 weeks. Tuition strictly la advance. No bills made for less than half a term. No deduc tions made except in oases of protracted sickness. Rooms to rent to those who desire to board them selves. RATItI4 OF TUITION Common Englieb, Elementary Algebra, Pri mary Philosophy and Prinniiry rhylsologyirreelto all 'pupils of sohoolagefesiding in Tiogn •Boro. COlOlllOll English' $6,00 Iligitor • " 7,00 COmmoreitil emirs°, tilde unlimited— • ' 6,00 German—extra 8,60 English Branobes and German ' - 8,50 II - " Comuiereitileotarse... 8.60 For infortnationosi tit regard' to rooms or board call on, or addross l, R. M. BEELES, Principal, 1:M0.15,18BD-t[. " ' Tiogn, Pa. A FEET WOOD, .4 FARM PRODUCE' RE -9 calved in payment for Tuition. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters of A Admintstration having boon granted to thu undersigned upon the estate" of John 11. Rico, Into of Wi 4 .Altiborb, dee'd, all portions in debted to said decedents or claiming against the game, mat settle with ESTHER It. RICE, - Jan. 19, 1870-6 w. ' Admt'x. A. B. EASTMAN, DENTIST, r STREET, mss ; 18, MAINOTTIEHT, 14 ...110* WELLSBORO, PA. Special Notice. A B. EASTMAN has the largest stock of /A.,• teeth ever kept in Tioga county. Also a Iif:NrIMPTIOVEMF:NT, never before offered to the public, with which ho can give more perfect sots' of tooth than can possibly be made on any ether plan yet known. [Soo testimonial at the office.] Nitrous oxide gas administered with remarka ble effect; rendering the extraction of teeth pain less, and even pleasant. Two now and complete gasometers in operation, furnishing a full sup ply Of fresh gas at all times. special attention paid to filling and preserva lion of tho natural teeth. Prices to suit all. Fob 2 '7ll tf T ETTE4I2S OF AtIMINISTEATION having I_,/ been granted on the estate of James - Scott, deceased, Into of :Chatham, all those indebted to said estlito aro requestrd to 'make immediate pay ment, niut those having claims against it; to Pr0 .,813»t .,813»t them for settlement. MOSES LEE, Chatham, Jun 12,1870. • Adm'r. - NOTE LOST..—AII persons aro hereby forbid purchasing a note of twenty-live dollars. against Joseph J. Shumway, drawn in favor' of Uriah Dunks, and now tho,propertylof ' Feb 2, 1870. 3w W. D. BOWEN. 1,, \lO 0 a ' -4 1 4 0R anft every article in it, consisting of 1= LADIES' SERGE BUTTON BOOTS. LADIES' PEBBLE GOAT IgITTON SMALL DISCOVNT HARPR'SPERIODICALS. TERMS FOR 1870. HARPER'S MAGAZINE, Ono Year $4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY, One Year' 400 HARPERS I.lAz.ka, One Year 4 00 HARPERS MAGAZINE, HARPER'S WEEKLY, and HARPER'S BAZAR, to one address, for one year, $lO 00; 'or any two for $7 00. 'An extra Copy of either the Magazine, Weekly, or Bazar, will be supplied gratis for every Club, of Five Subscribers at $4 00 each, ►n ono remittance ; or, Six Copies for $2O 00, with out extra copy. lianPun's MAGAZINE contains nogrly Double the Amount of Matter furnished in the Galaxy, , The Atlantic, Putnam, or Lippincot. exceeds In about the same ratio any Englisi Magazine of the same general clUsa. A Now Story. splendidly Illustrated, byrWilkie! Collins (Author 01 - "mho Woman in White'," "No Name." "Aimadale," and , 'The Moonstone"), will-bocommenced in Harper's Weekly in No vember, 1869. Persons desiring to renew their Subscriptions to Harper's Periodicals will much oblige the Publishers by sending in their Names as early as convenient before the Expiration of their present Subscriptions. This will obviate the delay at tendant upon re-entering names and mailing back Numbers. Now Subscribers will be supplied' with either of the above Periodicals from the present time to tho end of the pour IS7II for Four Dollars. .Addrogs HARPER .3; BROTHERS, Now York. Now York, Oct. 15, 1869. BOOK AGENTS WANTED FOR STRUG GLERS AND TRIUMPHS OF E-1-BARNUM. WRITTEN Ey HIMSELF IN ONE LARGE OdTAVO VoLUILIE— NEARLY 81)0P MIES—PRINTED IN ENCILLAI AND CI ErtmArr- 93 ELEGANT Full. PAOLI ENGRAVINGS : It Embraces FORTS' Ykane ltscautecrioas of Lis Busy t Life, as a IVlerchant ,Bl} eager, Bunker, Lecturer and Shayman, and gives accounts of his Imprisonment, bls 'Failure, his Success nil European Tours, and im portant Bistoticai , end Personal } Reminiscences, re plete with humor Anecdotes and Butertaining Nefra tivu, No book published so acceptable to lull elapses. Bvery ono wants it. Agents are selling frOm 50 to 100 a wek. We offer extra terms. Our Illuvtratid Cala. leguo and T errns to Agents sent free. , , .i. LUCRE .4 CO., Publishers, Hartford, Conn: 0T101.1.-We pay Cash for ASH, CHERRY IA and CHESTNUT LOGS, delivered at our Mill. 1 Ash Logs cut 12 and 1.1 feet. Cherry and Chestnut 12, 1.1 and 16 foot long. We saw nothing short of 12 feet in•lengtb.l TRUMAN Jr, BOWEN. Dee. 8, 18(19.—tf. FRESH-I. ROUND PLASTER BY T. L. BALDWIN, & CO. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Lottors Teitatnen. tnry having been granted upon the last will and Tostanieut of Joseph T. Streit, late of Mansfield, deo'd, all perssns indebted to, or claiming against said testator, are requested to settle with, WIL LIAM .T. BOOTH, Ext... or 0. 17 ELLIOTT, agent, Mansfield, Pa. Dec. 22. 1869-8 w? CHOIOE POULTRY.—I have a few more fowls I. l f the Bramah and Black Spanish breedg for,sale. Pure bred and very fine. I atn elso receiving orders for eggs for setting, to ho tilled in rotation as reeeiv'ed as earlynext, spring as the weather will 'permit. No orders .noticed unless accompanied by the oils!). Prico $1 per dozen. M. B. PRINCE. Wellsbnre, Pa.. Doe. 20, tsn9. rSTRAY.—Came to' my enclosure, inNilos Valley, Dee. 19, 1869, nine white sheep,— The owner can have the same. by proving prop. city, paying charges, and taking them away. .inn.: , 18119-3 w. ERASTUS NILES. T"" PLASTER,.having been thoroughly te.tcd by the farmers, and pronounced by all, to lir a Foperior article, We take pleasure in saying that we can supply the masses, as we hare any quantity on hand, Price per ton, 5 dollars- 1. CHAMPNEY. Jan. 5,1870-5m.6 BM BOOTS J. A. Parsons &. Co. AT TIOGA, $7,50 per ton. Elk Rini Nster. IRONS. WORKS! FOUNDRY A; MACHINE.. SHOP ! WELLSB ORO, PA. SEARS ,41; AVERY, PROPRIETORS PLOWS, HORSE HOSES, CULTIVA TORS, FIELD ROLLERS, KET TLES, ALL SIZES, SAP PANS, FARMING UTENSILS, ,1 ALL • KINDS, WOOD MACHINES FOR SAWING. WOOD ; : Brick Machines, CHURN POWER ; THE TOMPKINS COUNTY, HORSE POWER= EIGHT AND TEN, HORSE, CONSTANTLY ON HAND, And also, everything usually found in a fast class Shop. Wo call particular attention to our MA CHINE SHOP, which has been re•bnilt with now, and first-class lACKI NE.ItY, L A TIIB, Iron PLANER, DRILLA.c. We employ none but first-class workinen, and are, therefore, pre pared to do our work in 2 -the beet style, and at short notice. Wo have recently added new MACHINERY, for Planing and Matching boards; Call and see us. Jan. 5, 1870-Iy. SEARS &,,AVERY. BEE - HIVE :EXCHANGE. il aloTte 0 .. Ags, - ,- , ~ :,,,, i . N. -. ~.t; Surreder, BUT AT 0.t9.98,ET10N! Ysee that half a column of sptico with half an inch of reading matter don't help me attes till. It'liftt d'Ne do Mot - for ?'•!. ;asked loss than a million (f my customers, whoa I appeared in blank. And, being tuekiirell out with trying to explain why I did it, I dm torcedtto do It In print: Therefore, , inow ye, all good people, that I am doing a Alin(' MUCCI BliSinege, WHOLESALE & Ityi. AIL in SUGARS, ALL GRADES,' SYRUP S MO LASSES, 'PORK, HAMS, SHOU LDERS, MACKEREL, WHITE FISH, CISCOES, COD, HALT BUT, AND an FORTH, And I am selling cheap n' ralways d , and can save country dealers their expenses t the little city of Elmira. or\ the big city of Ne York.— But then, THE TEA TRADE is one of my biggest, brightest, and best things You cannot got better OOLONG OR GREEN TEAS, 9 9. I or cheaper, than I can'soll you. You may pa tronize the Great Americati Tea Company, and ihon I can do you goo'd. I : have enough to pet Tioga County a • TE - HE - ING for the next 25 years. Ileside§no than bag n blg ger or better lot of MCDCMA RSZ T *MAD then I have, and am soiling them' at a bargain Everythfint g in Om I: rncory Lino, PANNED FRUITS, AND V al EVABLR: WOODEN WARE, CONFEC TIONERY, not' mixed as i mix them hero, hut in good, order I buy 'nil tho BUTTER AND CHEESE, that I earl, nod almost everything ele(lmt teasel Sign of the BULI, A: BEE•IIIVF W. T. M A'rll PAIS We1181)7 1 o,' Doc. 15, ISM: . .. . _ - rIAVE YOU 41EN' THE Immealse Stock of Qa,rpets, ANT) OIL CLOTHS, in the Carpet Stem of Oct. 27, 18439. S MITTI •A; WAITE'S, doming, NAY. Wellsboro Hotel. B. HOLLIDAY, Proprietor. A large and B cotnmodioua House, looated in tho inunc dilto vicinity of all the County buildings, with large and commodious barns. attached. .tßaY•James Hazlett nets ha hostler, and will always ho tound on hand, business. inn. si, IS7o.—ly 1500Isrs Al the finest ground Cayuga Plaster, in Tioga , Conn ty, to be bad at the Man , fleld Plaster No charge roc de livering nt; the Mansfield Depot. Jan. 19, 18711-3 m. C. H. OWENS. C.F.& 'O. Moore, IIERY - -AND -EXOICA-NGE STABLES Wellsboro, Pa. Office and Stables onoWatw Street, in roar of Court House. They will SW nish horses, single or double, with BuggieS, et Carriages, at short notice. Long experience la the business enables the proprietors to =attunes" with confidence they oan meet any regionable mantis in their lino. Drivers thruisbed, if dashed and passengers carried to any past of the countify. Thankful for past favors, they invite pontistuance of custom. Terms reasonable. - Nov. 24, 1869.—1 y. • .-lIARNESS Sll6l l GW. NAVLE, would aay to bti Molds . that his Harness Shop is now in ruilblast, ,and that ho prepared to furnish bony? or ligb t Macisixorie•mise.E., on short notice, in a good and substantial man ner, and at prices that can't fail to suit. The best workmen are employo l d, and none but tho best material *nod. Call and soo. Deo. 9,1808-Iy. G. W. NAVLE. 13i. et Ira. is et rk. 43 a •_ R. A. L. MONROE, be tho authorized Agent for Tioga and Potter Conntiea, to effect insurance in the Wyoming Insurance Company. Royal, Capitol $5,000,000 London, Liverpool /t Globe, Capitol, $16,000,000 , Ile will canvass the county during the week ex cept Saturdays, when ho•will be found at the office of John. I. Mitchell, to attend to.all who may give him a call. A. L. MOIiROR. Sept. 22, 1869-3m.0 Furniture ! Furniture ! B. T. VAN HORN, MrAXING completed his new Cabinet %ra house on Main street, Wellsboro, bas stock ed it with a large and superior assorted stook of FURNITURE. Chambei \Suits, Walnut, a sh, aple, &o.; f from $l5O down, and ea Cheap as the same. goods Dan kip bo't in the cities, freight added. • • Parlor Suits, Walnut, Cherry, and Mahogany, Reps or Hair Cloth, from $135 down. Al2O, SOFAS, LOUNGES, COUCHES, TETE- A-TETES, with Upholstery to suit. Center Tables, Walnut or Marble Topa, Looking Glasses, Brackets, Pa per Racks, Rocking Chairs, all kinds, Wholesale and Retail. I am manufaoturing as usual, and Intend to keep a full stook of ware, home and oily 4nado at all times. My Ware Rooms aro *admit fn.:l heat, and now contain the largest, costliest fond best stook of Furniture over brought tntn•the county. Plaiting and Matching, SCROLL SAWING .t, MOULDING, dono to order at the Factory. Jan. 1, 1811c1-111 D. T. VAN HORN ' -L-E COME TO T. L. BALDWIN gt CO'S) TIOGA, PA. and seo a nice stock of Goods for the FALL et WINTER. such ne lAMHU MEM 0041E4 --alll3tyles, colors and patterns -7 ALPACAS, POPLINS, CAMI3RICKS, FRENCH JACONETS, ORGANDIES, PEQUAS, VERSAILES, BLACK . AND COLORED SILKS, BEAUTIFUL Winter SHAWLS, end a large assortment to select from CLOAE.S READY-MADE, AND CLOTH TO li i. AKE MORE, ALL„ KINDS OF LI INGS, FRINGES, TASSELS c„ TO TRIM DRESSES OR SACQUES —Our stock of— YANKEE NOTIONS can't be beat. It leope up with everything the Yankees have thought of so fur HOOP SKIRTS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, CORSETS, &C, R-O-M-11-N DONCIEMIIeg too numerous to mention; but will say that you will seldom find Ho largo an assortment to select from in a country store, and clear down to the BOTTOM FIGURE Wo also keep a largo assortment' of READY-MADE CLOTHING, in suits, and parts of suits. Should we fall to suit you with ready-made, we have Cashmere and A TAILOR TO CUT AND FIT Boots and Shoes, nll stylPs anti sizoN HATS AND CAPS, STRAW GOODS, AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, A COMPLETE LINE OF - CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, ' HARD WARE, SHELF HARD - WARE, NAILS, IRON, - , Looks, Latches, Carpenters' Tools. A GENERAL STOOK OF . GROCERIE , Fresh. TEAS aro lower than nt any dm since the war. ' Did not go to Cuba, to buy sug , and so have Homo cheap. Wo aro agents for txe . B.' HOWF; SEWING MACHI E. I ( F_ I W X Farmers, if you Wart tool& to work with drop in. SALT, LIME, PLASTER, PORK, FLOUR Lime, Cayuga Plaster, ibe. Buttertubs, PislB. Firkins, and Ashton Salt to flavor with., All kinds of Farm Produce want ed. Priem] can't bo bent. I -S T. L. BALDWIN & DO. Tioga, Pa., - Jan. 1, 1670. A illargain , TO THE min - wbo wants a good grazing farm • within two iniles of Arhot, in Blass tw'p., Icon offer a bargain. My farm contains 100 acres, 50 improved, with a plank house, frame ban 30x40, and other outbuildings thereon. For terms and particulars apply on the premises, or address at Cherry Matte. J. E. HENRY. Nov. FT, 1669-Siv.