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THE TIOGA ,COUNTY-AGITATOR. 19 POBLISRED.RATRT WEDNESDAY MORNING RT . - ; VAN GELDER & P. C. Van Geldir. I TERMS OF SOBSCRIPIIOI INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE Subscription, Our yeur), RATES OE ADVERTISING. TEN LINES OP MINION OR LESS, MARE ONE SQUARE Np. Stfrs,... I'l In: I 3lns 41ns I3Ms t i Ms' I.lYr Square,... I $l,OO I $2OOl $2,60 I $5,00 I $7,00 14,12.0) 2 Squares,- J 2,00 I 3,00 I 4* I , 8,(X) 1,12,p0 113,00 thaf Col I 10,00 115,00 - 2,(3 - 0 I D6;01: 50,00 e - C - c - .1 - 71 -3.5 . 00 1-2-5-,WITVATISWI-Korr ca. Sped l Notices ,15,centfk per line; Editorial or Local 30 cents per line., Transient advesitiaing Ztrter be paid for In 'advance.' rprJostice Blanks, Constable Blanks, Deeds, Judg ment Notes, MarriageCertiticates, &c., on hand. BUSINESS CARDS- ,Van Gelder /St Mitchell ' J . Book, Plain and Fancy ob 'Printers. All linrit promptly and neatly e ecuted.—Jan.l, 10. t Smith & Merrick, yttorneys Counselors at Law. Insurance, Bounty and Pension Agency, Office on 'Main Street, We'labor° Ps, opposite Union Block. Jon. 1. 1870. W. 11. SMITH. GEO. W. MERRICK. . . . „ . Seelay, Coateg & CO. • - BANKERS, Knoxville, ,Tioga, County, Pa.— Receive money .on deposit, •iiiseount tiotes i and sell drafts on Nair York City. Colleet , ions promptly mado.—Deo. 16,1869-lye Id. , Jno. 'lir -Adams, ' 1- Attorney and Counselor at Law ,, Mansfield, ' Tim county, Pa. Colleotlons promptly ' Uttonol to. Jan. 1, 1870. ' ',, . . n Jno: L Mitchell) Attorney and Counselor at Law, Claim, and la wman Agent. Office over %ries' Drug Stem adjoining Agitator Office, Wellsboro, Pa. Jan. 1,1870. Wilson . ., Niles, Attorneys and Counselors at Law. Will attend. promptly to business entrusted to their care in the counties of Tioga and Potter. .Office on the Avenue. Jan. 1, 1870. S. F. Wn.som.], • John W. Guernsey, Ittornerand Counselor at' Le.' All elttess entrusted to him will be pro ptly amid ed to. Office 2d door south of naiades Hotel, Tiagri, Tioga County, Pa.—,Tan. 41870. Win. B. Smith, Pension, Bounty and Insurance Agent. Qom. munications sent to the above address will re calve • prompt attention. Terms moaerate, Knoxville, Pa.-4n,n. 1, 1870. Jolnt C. Horton, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Tioga, Pa.— ffree with C. It Seymour, Esq. Business at tended to with promptness.—Jan. 1. 1870. W. D. Teibell & co., Wholesale Druggists, and dealer» in Wall Paper, Kerosene Lampe, Window Glass, Porfumory, Pninte, Oils, &e., Ite.—Corning,N. Y. Jan.l '7O. Dr. C. K. Thompson, Ilsboro, Pa., will attend to Profiesional calls in the village of \Vellsboro, end elsewhere.— Office and Residence on. State St., 2d door to right going east.—Jan. I, 1570.• • D. Baoon, M. D., Physician and 6urgeou. Will attend piomptly ko all aAlls. Oman on Grafton Street, in rear .1 thc Nient Marlidt, Wellsbero.—Jan, 1, 1870. E. S. Perkins, M. D., Respectfully announces to the citizens of East Charleston and vicinity, that ho would ingrate ' lot for their pationago. JAIL 1,1870., A. 3.l.;lngitatn, M. D., Ilbruoeupatitiat, Orme et bi, ltebidetieu 4 n the Aveuuo.—Jan. 1, 1870. George Wagner, radon Shop Brat dour north of Roberts Bail are Storo. Cutting, Fitting mid Re pairing duuo promptly and 1870. John Etuer, Tailor and Cutter. bhop oppobito Darted, Car ' Tinge Shop, Main St., where ho is prepared to do work promptly an near. - --Jun. 1, 187 • Thomas B. Br} den, "urveyor and Draftsman, Orders left nt" his room, Townsend House,' Wellsboro, wilt meet with prompt attention.—Jan. I, 1870. _ . _ IL E. Onley, Dealer in CloOm and Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles, Violin Strings, ko. Watch es and Jewelry neatly repaired. Engraving done in plain English and German.—Mansfield, Pa., Jan. 1, 1870. Petroleum House, Westfield,:Pa., 4320. CLOSE, Propriebr. A new Hotel condueted on the principle of -livo and let live; for the accommodation of the Jan; 1, 1870. Hazlett's Hotel; Tioga,Tioga County, Pa. Good stabling attach ed, and an iitteutivo hostler always id attend woos. Geo. W. Hazlett, Prop'r.—.Jan. 1, 1870 Jim's Hotel, Westfield Borough, Tioga Co , Pa. E. G.l . Hill, Proprietor. A new and commodious Wilding with all the modern ii:nproveruCnts. • Within easy drivo of ilia best hunting and fishing Grounds iu Northern Penn'a. Conveyances Furnished. Terrors moderato.—Jan. 1,1870. Smith's Hotel, toga, Pa., E. M. Smith, Proprietor. Howe in good condition to acoominodate the traveling public in a supeTior manner.—Jan. 1, 1870. Keystone Hotel, Tiogn Co., Pa., .7. B. Bonn, Prop'r Good entertainment for man and beast. Con vsßient to the best fishing grounds. Phrtie aocomtuedated with eonveyances.—Juo. I, '7O John Mclntosh, Dealer in Verniont and 10 . 4 n Burble, mnnu facturer of Monuments, Tomb-Stones, , eor net Market and Ceder Ste.. Cerniu&N. Y. Al orders promptly and neatly executed. An drew Van Dusan, Agent.—Jan. 1, 1370. Union Hotel, Miner Watkins, Proprietor. The. traveling pab will tied this a comfortable end convonien house to stop at. Good stabling, and an at tentire hostler. Jan. 1, 1870. ¶PlXlfaramA'hLl M. M. SEARS, Pttopitte.Tori T Elt E delicious Ice Cream, Trench Con n' fectionhry, ail kinds of fruits in their !Emmen, a nice dish of Teti, Coffee, or Chocolate, and Oysters in their season—can be bad at all I ' llll , served in the hest style. Nest door 1. , 0. iow Roberts 4; Bailey's, Hardware :3,1.0re. Alain Street. Wencher°, Jan. 1, 187(1. ' , HARKNESS ' A: RILEY, BOOT AND SHOE M AKERS, & Ira Va Men hit r Bh:re. in the , eoouilitfrly occupied by Re o f, S ee l e y. W,JuTS AND SILO) ot all kinds intide to rdor and in the best manner. KIIPAIIUN'tIief all kind's iloneprenipti) and good. Giie uh.-; JOHN ILARS.I.CE6 ‘Vig. Ith'ILPS. Wel'shorn, Jan. 1,1870.-1.). E. R.. Kplb.A.I.L, GROCERY AND RESTAURANT, f On q door aboie the Meat Market, WELLSRORO; P.E.NN"A, ESPECTi'ULLY announces to! the tradin g publio that he has a desirable stock of ,Uro ceriss, comprisin g , Te e s, entrees, Spi c es, Stvgars, MAasses, Sy ru p s , and all that constitutes a first clads stock. Oysters in every style at all sea sonable hoursog • . • . wellsboroplan.l, 1870—tf.' &.. BAIR'S FIRST ' ' .; ' • 11 Milli UM SEWING MACHINES, Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch. . • Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery.. Using both threads directly Iffora the spools. NO fastening of seams by hand and no waste of. thread.-- . Wide range of application without change of adjustment.. 1 . , The seam retains its beauty and firmness af-,, Let washing-end ironing. Beisides doing all kinds of work don° by otbpr, Sewiiig Machines, those Machines execute, the most beautiful and permanent Embroidery and ornainental work. , pat`Tho , highest Premiums at,,, I the fairs and exhibitions of the 'United States ead Burop 0, have beau awarded the -Orem ; It Batter Sewing Machines, and the.work-donC by_thom, Wherever exhibited in,oompetition. The .very highest prise ' THE CROSS OF THE LEGION OF. HONOR, waa conferred on the represents - 01,n of the Grover , & Baker Sewing Machines; at the Exposition 'Universe PariS, 1807, thus attesting theirgroat superior ity over all•ether Sewing Machines . • Jan. 1, 1870-tf. . ; , CITY.. BOOK BINDERY AND : • •, BLANK BOOK` MANUFACTORi t ' 8 Baldwin Street, (SIGN OF THE BI(I ; BOOK, 21)'FLOOR,) ELIMIAA, OVR AC.OTri" GOOD AffTlIE BEST, 0.4,E4P As TIM CEIEAj'EST. [3. B. NILES -Of every description, in all s tyles of Binding, an'd.as low, for quality okStock, as any Bindery iry. the State. Volumes' Cif: every description iipu:rid In the best wanner and in .nny style' or der , d. I ALL KINDS OF GILT WORK. E clouted .in the heat in'aitne : t:.• Old BOOkere'.. bou • d and made good as new. Egigiiitiaarm mmtuoiltz rara prepared to furnish back numbers of all Revioirsor Alagazines published in tho.thaited States or tiroat Britain, at-a low price. BLANK BOOK & OTHER PAPER, 0 f all sizes and qualities,on hand, ruled or plain . BILL HEAD PAPER, Of any quality or size, on hand and out up ready for printing. Also, BILL PAPER, and CARD BOARD of all colors and quality, in boards or out to any sizolt , TATIONERY, Cap, Lette , Note Paper, Envelopes, - 1 etlB, an 3 solo agent. for Prof. STIEPAII,D'S NON-CORROSIVE STEEL PENS, OP VANIGUN SIZES, FOR LADLREI AND CINNTLUMEN, Mitch I will warrant equal to:Gold Pens: The best in use anti no mistake. The above stock I will sell at the Lowestßates at all times, at a small advance oil New York prices, and in quantities to suit purchasers. All work and stock warranted as represented. I respectfully solicit a share of puhlic pationl: age. Orders by mail promptly attended to.— Address, LOUIS KIES, Advertiser Building, Elmira, N. Y. J 30.1, 1870.-ly WALKER & LATHROP. DBALE:INS TN • lIARDW ARE, IRON, STE EL, NAILS, STO VES, TIN- WARE, BELTING,' SINS, CETLERY, WATER LIME, AGRICULTURAL _IMPLEMENTS, parriago and Harness Trimmings, HARNESSES, SADDLES, &c. Corning, N.Y., .Tan. 2,1870-Iy. New Tobacco Store TILE subscriber has fitted up the Store fait JL door east Thbmas Itarden's dry goods store, fur the manufacture and sale of , CIG AR S, (all grades), Fancy and Common SMOKING TUBA CC o,lltichigan Fine Ot . t • CHEWING, and . a// kinds of 'AUG TOBACCO, PIPES,•ancl the choi. cest Brand of CIyR.S. I,:gicf . - Call and seo for yours4es. JOHN'N. W. PURSEL. Itellsbo l ro, Jan. 1, 18'70—tf. grinE undersigned has fitted, up . the•old Fenn. -L dry building, nehr the BreWery,Wellsbore, and Is now prepared ,to turn out Sup'alf,* , kip, cowhide. and harness leather innikho best man. nor. Hides binned on shares. Cash paid for hides. M. A. DURIF. :Wencher(); Jan. 1, 187,9. • Great ImpreveT , - 'lmichased the exclu fick-i sive right of Dr. Folsom's Im , `lmmo proved patent Atmospheric Dental Plates for Vogel, County. I now take pleasure in offering it to the 'public as the greatest nis- COVERT yet tuade in By the use of which, we can overcome any any and all 4 - lifflettlties which have heretofore baffled the skill, of the most practical Dentist in the world. Plates'construeted upon this plan re main perfectly firm under all circumstances or condition of the mouth, as no air, or particles of foodeun possibly get under them. Those having old styles, Gold or Ruhber'Plates,, can, at half the cost, have the Improvement applied to them answering in every respect the•snmo purpose as ea a new sot. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed in' every case. 0. N. DARTT, Dentist. Wellsbore, Jan, 1, 1860. r This Is to certify t h at wo tiro now using the Itnprov ed Dental Plates with perfect satisfaction. flaring tilf.4l the eld styleotplntes for yearswith ail the troubles and inw - mvoniun C. 2 1 .1 known in the use of Finch plates, wo elwei fen) . teem:amend the inTrovetl,Pintcs as far superior in anything yet known. KIMBALL, era& WILLIAMS, Al New Store & Nrw Goods: (One door below Webb 41; llat•ting's Mug Stoic.) T WOULD STATE to th'oee whom it may coil ." cOru, that I, have just returned from the City—bought carefully and cl2se, ii full . assort ment of 1 • • GROCEIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR AND FEED, &C., &C. Before you Purchase. ' W. P. BIGONY. Welleboro, Jon. 418704 f. ELASTIC' STITfsT~ `: EAMILY 594 BROADWAY. NEW :YORK., Points of Exclience. I=ll BLANK BOOKS COMPLETE YOUR SETS! New Tannery 1116chanica4 Dentistry. , Til EMPORIUM. ---0--:-.., -0_ Come and price my TEAS, SUGARS AND SYRUPS, . ..- . , . , '' f ' -•'' 7 .. .iri. • , t:; , ,- , -.../..•71'..ff. A, s.t ' , , , , J,S . .. ' WELLSI3.OItOi , 1; TA.., WEDNESD - . . • .1 - !7•` , t"'"l LA; , . i , .1 l• , q ; ',.. 1... .- .. ~ • • "- ".•• "• Whf. -'•';',ll44lllYrlL'Enliti' ,i , so t•i' Vs. „ttiis. t . 7 Armstrong Sc• -Linni , = , r ; WIL II IAMSPORT, - TEITN'A:c i • 4 , r A:?-1; (I' , C Ang/.4, i869-11y. v,, ,c, „; -~,,_~ 1 t 1 , )•( t • ) 11') ) ) t )1i tTi.)t . ,`•", TIOGA ,'• ' • • „ rionti*N . kagpis con tautly on , Inlnd : PrOgti qn'a Painfd” 6'114'0112,i T.amtl," Sta!ionos,y, Yankib Pottiiiig „ ; „ P nosonivrzons rinivir,v 4 '130,n-rottnnzo. Tioga, Jan. 144870.-Iy. ~ . „• , 1870. 'Y FOR • SALE. 1870 4 . , . BY :- , - . ._ T. B. STONE, .. (formerly B. C. Wickham's Nursery) ~ -. T 'HIS 'NURSERY 'OP FRUIT AND OR-' It NAMENTAL TREES, IN TIOGA:— , (14) 9 'ooo 'Attipk4e''Tieeik t . .. _ • • . " 11 0;000 Pear Treeti.` ''. '' ' Akcod: supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY and ORNAMENTAL TREES d. SIIRIIIIBERY s„ Tho Fruit trees aro composed of the Cluileh i tt varleties c good, healthy, some of that large and in bearing. Any ono wishing to get a supply Will llomell to call and see ,my,stock before ptitt; trbasdng Oliewhoro. .„.....LiellyerOd AI 08 4444; Welsher°, Mansfield, Lawren'onville aid Blete bur„free Of charge. All orders promptly filled., ' ! , Address, ii , T,,8. 1;3TOilE; ” . i , ',' ' Tloga Pa,' ,Toga,, Dee. 8, 1880-Iy* •/ ' ' .?''' '' ' .. , - I= I " .'IIII4P ARE FOR WINTHRT • ~,;• • -• ZATi;,eti;e: A ND don't negleot• to secure stipme3:: 2 - 1:a first class , ~; • :' • EIJTTER OR SLEIGH.. • H. W. DARTT, has on beta z lbolatost'styles and will make to order and warrnnt-to snit. -, AII. kinds of REPAIRING done Itt the , shortest nee. Alao, • ; • 1( Wok and Horso-Shooing. • - • Please call and examine and ho copiinoed that better workmanchip or material is net Inr niihed elsewhere at more reasonttliio, prices: •. - Main Street, Wencher°, Pa: • , agov. 24, 1889.-tf. 11. W. DARTT.. Get the Best: Mrs. A. J. SOFIELD, is agant.kor, that sp.- petior SEWING MACHINE, the WILL COX. & Crißß which oterybotly likes who trios it. It is a beau tiful Machine, never gets out'Of order with fair usage, sews rapidly and strong stitch, and is pe:rteetly noiseless. Machines rented by the week. Nov. 17,18119-tf. Mrs. A. J. SOFIELD. JE W ELRY ORE: • Wiai-L....c...‘1,1;:t CI PA, ~. • ANDEEW FOLEY, :,, who has long been esta,b -; f.,.,AC \` s' ‘ !. *._:li'sbed in the Jewelry hued ' V ~' 1•;i:, ness in Well,bori , .,bno al ( INH ' 9 , ,,_ 1 . 1 ways on FRIO, various 4c 1 N;415 0 ;... ,.. :, 4 , :' kinds and prices et. S, ` AMERICAN WATCHES, GOLD OR SILVER 'CLOCKS, JEWEL RY,GOLD CHAINS, KEYS, RINGS, PINS, PENCILS, CASES, GOLD & ) STEEL PENS, THIMBLES, SPOONS, RAZOI : 1, .PLA: TED WATM SEW.INC MACHINES,, :With most other articles usually kept in such establishthent, which is sold low for i Repairing dono neatly, and promptly, and on short NOTICE. • A. 'OLEY. January 4,18,70-ly in. Densistrk =I WICKHAM & 'A R'S, WINET R DRESS, FANCY GOODS, rave n Food perce,ptqgo, as we • must . pako Jan. O s 18694 f. HEIM =MEI ;1I;'Ii. 1 1 I3URDyN, &c., &c„ &C, CASEL GREAT RENCION ip il .' Pilittbil:sl 081 Tioga, Pa. All tikosss wishing AND room tor Other- G 0 D S. • tt,so t Oorttert Otill, tlpi by day, Ivo pass along frld briny path of life, -; ,„ Add kistort to the mingled sounds' t ;14, 'aiid grief, and strifo, snnhiams give their radiant light, ''• The shadows near us stray, !, hinny hopes and ninny bares _1 , 'Go With us all tho way. 6 'ill() clouds which Iloat.along our sky , 'Are jomotlieba; tinted With gold, Ancl seAetinies Heavily theyTall-' ." ' • 'Tempestuous,d;Arlf and cold. ' With selfish aims andWilifel &arta 1. We treaded the great highway,i Grasping with earelasS hands the'll'uwers 11 % ',lylieh bloom for us each iAbiotbed„in all our shallow plans 4- - ,. Alas! how blind we are tTo faith hiihich speaks of beteer t To tho bright morning-stair_ , • To God, our ratherlGra6iers King; Make all our vieq.hs cease, l And guide our footritePs in tho'way c Whlehileads to endless peace ~ ~~: TJE COFEEE-STALL. AND -ITS KEEPER. In a screened and secluded cernek'd ono of the many railway -hrfdkes which spqn the street, of London, thee' Could be peen, a few years ago, froin :five o'clock:every morning until .half--past eight, a tidily set out coffee-stall, consist inq of ittrestle find board, upon' which stood twolarge tin' Cans;' With a small fire Of charcoal burning under 'each,: se as to keep the coffee boiling during .the ..eallYhours of the morning when the , work-pepple were thronging, into ~t4e cley; on their way to their daily toll. The coffee-stall was a favorite one,:for 'betides being under shelter, which was ofgreat tensequenee upon rainy meat= ingt, it was also in so • private a niche that - 111e Customers taking, theii' doer breakfast were not; too much posed to notice ,;• and moreover,. the Of fe4-stall , keeper was a qu.let,..man t , who. cared only to serve the busy ..workmen, without hindering them by any, gossip., .i-ro was a tall, , spare, elderly man';' , with singularly solemn fuse, and a' Manner which , weS'graVe - and' seeief.' - NohOd l y knew'e'ither his name 'dwellin g -' place;, unless it nligjit the police mau who strode, papt 419 CoffeeLstall every half-hour ; and nodded I:a,,tolliarly to;the solemn - man behindr it.,=,There w'fre very few who carecllto: , makeziiiy enquiries about but these . 'who did conktonlY discover that bS kept the furniture of his stall at a neighboring eeffee-house whither he wheeled his trestle and board and crockery every day, not later than half-past eight in the morning; atter which he was wont to glide away wAth a soft footslep, and a mysterious And ' fugitive air, with many backyard and sideiorig glances, as if 114 dreaded observation, until he t4ronged.the streets. No one had ever -10 the persevering , curiosity-lor - track him all - the way to hishouse; or to find' out his other means of gaining head ; but in general, his stall was sur rounded by eustomerS,Avliciin he served with silent seriousness, „and 'whO did net grudge to pay him his charge ,for the refreshing coffee, lie, supplied to :For several years the crowd • of work people had paused by the - coffee-stall' under the railway arch, when one morn ing, in a partial lull of his husiness','the oivner became suddenly aware of a pair of very dark bright eyes being fastened tipon.hitit 4m.1 the slices of bread and butter on his board, with agazeas bun• gry as that of n mouse which, has been, driven ley amino into a trap. - A thin , and meager facie belonged to the - eyes; which was half hidden by a maekof matted hair hanging.over the forehead and down the neck'; the only covering Ni . •hich the neck : or head had—fbr a 'tat tered frock, seareely faStened together with broken ikringti, was slippingilown over the FthiVering shoulders, o the lit tle girl. Stooping down ton basket be hind his stall;:he Caught sight of two bare little feet curling up from the dainp Pavement, as the child lifted_ up first one and then:the other., and :laid them one dyer anether to gain momentary feeling of warmth. '' , y(l4:9eyeithe'oliq Was, she did not speak ; only :at eyery steaming cupful' which' he poured efit of his can, her dark eyes gletiMed keithgri ly i and he could .hear, her sica4;,ber thin lips,qts if -in fancy , she was tasting' the warm and ringrant Coffee: • ",oh, come now!" he said 'at, last, vi-hen only one•boy was left taking. his :breakfast leisurely,aid he leitiati. ever. his stall to siititik.,.l4, tihte,'• " why•don/tydu-,go atvay, little girl ?, 1 , Come, cOnic tg . *is* longkyou „: ".1 1 111 justkohm answered, shrugging'itei• her; frock ,up her, heck ;-••• I only it's raining cats and dogs outside; and .mother's heetl'a*ily nli night, ahtt she took the 'key with her; and it's so nice to smell the coffee; and the police have left off worrying ine 'while I've been here.r'•° Ho thinks I'm. !V ens - tether taking my breakfast." 'And Pe*child laughed a shrill little laugh of mockery at herself and the policeman.. "You've had itO breali r fast," I 'Op- ; pose," said the, Coffee-stall keeper, iu the same low and confidential voice, dud leaning over his stall till his, face nearly touched the thiu,,sharp features of the child. , I'. . ' . NEM " No," she replier), coolly, ." and I shall want my dinner dreadful bad be fore I get it, I know. You don't often feel dreadful hungry, doyou, sir ? I'm not griped yet, you kriow ; butebefore I taste my dinner, it'll be pretty bad, I tell you. Ab very bad, indeed l"„ ' She turned away 'with. a knowing nod, as much as to say shahad dna ex perience in life to which he was quite a stranger; but before she had gone half a dozen steps; she heatd theAulet voice Tilling to her in rather lOuder and in an instant she was back• at-the "Slip in here," !laid the . Owner, in a cautious whisper; " heye's l ,a Mad cof fee leftiand a few,' crusts. There,' YOu must never come again i;-youiknow. neVer,give to beottirs ; aiid it'yoU had begg'e'd, I would have called the, police. There, put •our-poor, feet towards the fife. Now, aren't you c6mfortable ?," , ' ThU.child looked . lip with a facei3ftn-, tense satisfaction: She WRS Featediip?ri au empty basket, ;tvith her feet Ilene the pan 'of charcoal: and a eiip',of steaming coffee on her lap;' but her mouth •WaS too full for her to reply; 'Acing:by n ver,y lIM +.•,,4 WE PASS ALONG. 'taloallAir,tro YOUNG JESSICA. ' o ' I f tJt,fl „,) • ' 1 404NIN0r- • FEBRUARY 1.870 . • dee . * ,vr hick ,expreseed,urAPUPde4 , de4htj , ', The man vvas:busy,for pookittgi.ur3 , his:,erookery4-: , but, every •Uovir, auditheafhe stooped tQ look down., iipou hot, and tothake.hig head gravely,. " What's your ntimerfes he sulked,' at length; .there, never :mind! don , t, , - ;what it is. .1 What's , . your, 4claroelto.do witk,meir wonder2P "'lt's Jessica," said the girl'; " but mother and everybody-calls me Jess.— yotyd - belited , of being called Jess, if You wns the, , Jess belie, - and Jess thefe,`UndaverStddy wanting meto gO x . randra," 'And 'thes' think' nothing' of giving rne )4inackEi; L and hicks, and . .pin eheS. here'!" ' ' Whether her arms were black and blue from the, cold', or, fKoM. 11l itia4lke) ho Could not tall: but .he shook his head again seriouSly; and the child , felt en couraged:to gq,en. could stair here foreverdiud is a Wednesday, and there'll always be a cup of ,coffeefor. you.," She thouglit,he meant, that, he ; could not have hidden , the. yenny under hiss foot, and sheerit'awny,alittle,'eadden-. ,ed and subdued, notwithstanding her , grent delight in' the 'expectation of such a treat'eve,ry week while' Daniel, pon dering over the struggle that mus,thaVe ,pas,sedthr,ough her childish mind, went pn his Way, from time ttv time shaking 'his' head, and muttering to Ainiself, "I conldn't have done it• myself; I. never !could hemp - done it myself." . • ; • iN A NEW. DEESS. . . • Week after week, all through' the three . test months-of the- year,,. Jessica apPeaed,ever l y,ygednesday at the,cef- fee;:staltr'and;'' after ‘kaifing _ptittentlY , till the close of, the,,breakfa,stlng busi ness, received her pittance' from the charity ''of her new' friend. 'After - a while DatlieralloWed her to carry some of :his load to the coffee house, but he delver suffered_laerto follow him farther ; and he was alWaYs Particular . lbiwiitch her out of sight s before he turned off thOugh the',lntricate mazes of _streets in the direction of his own ; home.. Nei ther did ho encourage her to ask him anfr more questions ; 'and often but very few words passp4 between them-during Jessica's breakfailthime.:, • ,l• :,; As to Jessica's home, she made no se cret of it, and haniel ;rnight.ll#e fol lowed her any time he pleased. It was, a single room, which had once been •a hay loft ovei''ille stable Of ',Fin old inn, now in use for two or • three donkeys; thp property 'of costeririongere dwelling blithe court about it..--The mode-Of en-, trance was by a' ooden, ladder, whose. , • rounds Svere -crazy and. broken, „and. . which led up,through a trap deer in the neor of the loft. , The interior of the home .was as desolate and coml i fortless as that of the stable below, withDnly slit ter) of straw for the bedding, 'and a few bricks and boards for the furniture.— Everything that could be pawned had disappeared long ago, and Jessica's mo the.t often lamented that she could not thus dispose ofiher child. Yet: Jessica wits hardly a b 'irdeu to' her. ' It was a long tinle,siPgi she .had taken any care l mid the'girTh , a to earn -or beg l for her self the meat w ich kept a scanty life within her. Jess was the 'drudge and errand girl of the court;, and what with being cuffed and beaten by her xnothee, , , and over-worked and ill-titled by her' numerous employers,lierli fe was chard one:' "Eh now there was. alwaye: the WedneSday morning to count upon and ldok forward to; and by and by, a' sec ond scene of amazed delight opened up on her. :•l' . • -,.. - • • , 'Jessica had wandered far away from home in the pally . darkneSs''of a win ter's evening,-, after a violent outbreak of her drunken mother, and she was still sobbing now and then, with lorig drawn sobs of pain and weariness, when she saw, a little way before her, the tall, well knowtOlignre . of her friend, Mr. Daniel. He was dressed in a suit 'of black,'with a white neck cloth, and he was pacing with brisk, _yet measured steps, along the lighted streets. Jessica felt afraid of speaking to him, but she followed aoi little distance, until pres ently he 'stopped `before the iron gates of a large building, and unlocking them,' passed on to the arched doorway° and w i thra heavy key opened, the folding doors and entered in. The child stole after him , but.paused fora few minutes, trembling, upon the threShold, until the gleamof light lit 1.41 'within tempted her to venture a few steps-forward, and' to push a little way. open an inner door, ceveied,With crimson baize, only so far ae to enable her to peep through at the lusicie;,, Then, growing bolder by:de grees, she crept throughherself, draw ing the door to noiselessly behind her. The place was in partial gloom, but Daniel was kindling every gaslight, and each minute lit it up in More striking grandeur. She stood in a carpeted aisle, With high open pews on each side, al most as Wok . as ebony ; .. .A: gallery of the-saine'darit old 'oak' ran round the walls, resting upon massive pillars, be hind ono of which she was partly con ccaled,,gazlnglvith eager,eyes at Dan iel, as he mounted the pulpit steps and kindled the lights there, disclosing, to her curious delight, the glittering pipes of an organ behind it. Before long, the slow and soft-footed chapel keeper disappeared for a minute or two into a vestry ; and Jessica, Availing herself of his short absence, stole silently up tin der the shelter of the dark pews, until she ilettetied'the steps' of the organ loft,' with its golden show.' But sat this mo ment Mr. Daniel appeared again, array ed in a long gown of, black serge ; and as she stood spell-bound, gazing at the strange appearance of her patron, his eye fell upon her, and he also was struck speechles,s for a minute,, with an air Of amazement and disinay upon his grave face. "Come, now," he exclaimed, harshly, as soon as he could recover his presence of mind, "you must take yourself out of this. This isn't any place for such as you. It's for ladies and gentlemen ; so you must run away sharp beforeany body cones. How did you find your way here?" • He had come very close to her, and bent down to whisper in her ear, look ing nervously round-to the entrance all ate time. Jessica's' eager tongue was loosened. " Mother beat me," she said, " and turned me into the streets, and I see you ~there, run ailv"a3Ottlisthinufe, Mr. Daniel; but it's a nice place. What do the ladies and gentlemen do when they come here? Tell me, and I'll be off sharp." ."IThey come here to pray," , whisper ed Daniel; What is pray ?" asked Jessica. Bless the child !" cried Daniel, in perplexity. " Why, they kneel down. MEM those paws; most of them sit, the"; , and ,the minister, pp in, the Clod Wh4i, 1 -WY.Nvant'." : • 4.esSi4a gazvd, into his face With' such. an; ; alr;Of lieWild,eingat; 'that faint' crept over 'the sedata''reatiir6sttnt the pew-opener. • '• " Whist is• minister and ;God ?" she said ;:'" and do, ladies and gentlemen ;'Want anything? I thought they'd ()V -ery% thing they-wanted, Mr. Daniel," " 0," .cried Daniel, ,, " you must be off, yoult now, They'll be comingin a min ute,: and they'd be shocked to see a rag ged little heathen like you. This is the Pulpit, where the minister stands and' preaches to.'em ; , and there are the pews, where they.,sit to listen to, him, or to gq, ever, Just as lam I" she cried, "But, you're going away, I know;; . and I'ni never to coma again, or yotell set the Pollee mi me !" ' ";Yes," said- the coffee-stall keeper, very's'oftly, and looking round to see if there were any other ragged children 'within sight; "if you'll promise not to come again for a whole week, and not to tell anybOdy else, you May come once more. I'll, give you one other treat; but you must be off now." } '.l'm oft; sir," she said sharply; "if ypti've an errand I could goon, I'd do it .all right, I would. Let me carry some 'of your things." 4 • "No, no," cried the man; " you, inn .away, a : gOOd girl'; and mind! I'm :not to see y ou 'aidin for a whole week." ", "All right I" answered Jess, setting oirdor the rainy street at a quick run, a' if to show her willing agreement to ;the - bargain ; - while the coffee-stall 'keepekotith• many a cautious, glanee, around hiin, removed hisstock,in-trade to Ora coffee house ,near Aland, and Was seen no more for the rest of the day in the neighborhood of the railway , ' bridge._ . The bargain, on jeSsica's part, tins faithfully kept and though the.solemn and silent man under the dark shadoW of the bridge looked.out for her:every morning, as he served his customers; ho caught no glimpseaf her wan face and thin frame, But when the *appointed tithe was finished, she presentedherseif at the stall, with her hungry eyes fas tened again upon the of 'buns and bread Lind butter, whieh were fast dis= appearing before the ; demands; of the btiyrs4 .The business was at its height; and the famished child stood 'quietly on , one side watching for the throng to aiVay. But a9' soon' as the nearest chnreh''clock had chinied- eight,' she dreW a little nearer to the stall, and at a signal from its owner she slipped be tween the trestles of his stand, and took up her former position on . the empty basket. To his eyes she seemed even a little thinner, and certainly more rag ged, than before; and he laid a whole bun, a stale one which was left from yesterday's stock, 'ipon her lap, as she lifted the cup of ci flee to her lips with both her benumbet hands. " What's your name ?" she asked, uj) to him 'vith her keen eyes. • Iv n . "••• . •s• +, as if•he Was reluctant to tell So mnch of himself; "my christened name is'Dan •,i•- • \nd .-( Wbere do you live, Mr. Daniel?" she_engt iced, " oh ! Come now !" he exclaimed, "if you're going io•be imps dent, you'd bet ter-march Mt What usiness is it of yours where I• live? I don't want to know where you live, I can tell you." • "'I didn't mean no offence," said Jess, humbly; "only I thought I'd like to know where a good man like you lived. You're a very good man, aren't you, Mr. Daniel?" I . don't know," he answered, unea sily ; " I'm afraid I'm not." t - " Oh, but you are, you know," eon tinned Jess. " You make good coffee; prime ! and buns, too! And I've been watching you hundreds of times•befordf you saw me, and the police leaves